printf"${CW}This script assumes you are using the standard Docker setup for Linkace. It is only save to use if you did not modify any Docker-related files.\nPlease make a backup of your database before you continue.\n"
# Confirm that the user wants to update now
printf"\n${CR}Do you want to upgrade LinkAce now? [y/n]${CW}"
read -n 1 -r
if[[ ! $REPLY=~ ^[Yy]$ ]];then exit;
# Check if Docker and docker-compose are installed
command -v docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1||{
printf"\n${CR}Docker and docker-compose must be installed for this script to work. Aborting.${CW}\n";
exit 1;
printf"\n> Deleting the application container volume...\n"
docker-compose down
printf"\n> Deleting the application container volume...\n"
docker volume rm linkace_linkace_app
printf"\n> Pulling latest LinkAce image from the Docker Hub...\n"
docker pull linkace/linkace
printf"\n> Restarting the application...\n"
docker-compose up -d
printf"\n${CG}The LinkAce image was successfully updated.${CW}\n"
# Confirm that the user wants to update now
printf"\n${CY}You should upgrade the database now. Should the script take care of it? [y/n]${CW}"
read -n 1 -r
if[[ ! $REPLY=~ ^[Yy]$ ]];then
printf"\nYou can manually update the database by running"
printf"\n$ docker-compose run php php artisan migrate\n"
printf"\n> Migrating database...\n"
docker-compose run php php artisan migrate --force
printf"\n${CG}LinkAce was upgraded successfully!\n"