## LINKACE CONFIGURATION ## Basic app configuration # The application name is used internally and may not be changed APP_NAME=LinkAce COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=linkace # The URL should be set if you notice issues with URLs generated by Laravel, which might be an issue with # nginx configuration or the proxy you use. APP_URL=http://localhost # The environment is usually 'production' but may be changed to 'local' for development APP_ENV=local # The app key is generated later, please leave it blank APP_KEY= # Enable the debug more if you are running into issues or while developing APP_DEBUG=true # Set to true, if you are using a proxy that terminates SSL. Required to get the correct URLs for LinkAce FORCE_HTTPS=false # Indicates that the setup was completed and the app can be used now SETUP_COMPLETED=false # Set the time after a session expires automatically, in minutes. Default is 7 days. SESSION_LIFETIME=10080 ## Backup configuration # Enable backups here BACKUP_ENABLED=false # Choose the destination of the backup. If you set up AWS S3 credentials below you may choose 's3' which is used # as a synonym for AWS. Leave blank or set to 'local' if you want to store backups within /storage/app/backups. BACKUP_DISK=s3 # Set to false if you do not want to be notified about successful or broken backups BACKUP_NOTIFICATIONS=true # The notification email may be used to get backup notifications BACKUP_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=your@email.com # Maximum size of all backups in megabytes BACKUP_MAX_SIZE=512 ## Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 configuration # Define the key ID, the access key, the region and your bucket name here if you want to use AWS S3 for backups AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= ## Mail configuration MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=your@email.com MAIL_FROM_NAME=LinkAce # Set the driver used for sending email here, default is `smtp` MAIL_DRIVER=smtp # Set the SMTP host and its port here MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 # Set the username used to connect to the SMTP server here MAIL_USERNAME=null # Set the password used to connect to the SMTP server here MAIL_PASSWORD=null # If your SMTP server uses encrypted connections, enable it here by setting the variable to `tls` MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null ## Configuration of the database connection ## If you are using the standard configuration provided by LinkAce, you can leave all values except the password as ## they are. Docker will automatically create a linkace database and a corresponding user. DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=linkace # Even if you use the standard configuration, please set a secure password here. DB_USERNAME=linkace DB_PASSWORD=changeThisPassword ## Redis cache configuration # Set the Redis connection here if you want to use it REDIS_HOST=redis REDIS_PASSWORD=changeThisPassword REDIS_PORT=6379 ## You probably do not want to change any values blow. Only continue if you know what you are doing. # Configure various driver SESSION_DRIVER=redis LOG_CHANNEL=stack BROADCAST_DRIVER=log CACHE_DRIVER=redis QUEUE_DRIVER=database ## Using Redis sockets # If you want to use Redis via a Unix socket, you can remove the hash before the following lines, but remove one before # the "CACHE_DRIVER" line above. Also, set a proper path to your Redis socket. #CACHE_DRIVER=redis-socket #SESSION_CONNECTION=redis-socket #REDIS_SCHEME=unix #REDIS_PATH=/path/to/redis.sock