mirror of https://github.com/Kovah/LinkAce.git synced 2025-01-17 21:28:30 +01:00

222 lines
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use App\Helper\Sharing;
use App\Helper\WaybackMachine;
use App\Models\Link;
use App\Models\Setting;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
* Check if the setup was completed.
* @return bool
function setupCompleted()
try {
return systemsettings('system_setup_completed');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
return false;
* Shorthand for the current user settings
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
function usersettings(string $key = '')
if (!auth()->user()) {
return null;
if (!empty($key)) {
return auth()->user()->settings()->get($key);
return auth()->user()->settings();
* Retrieve system settings
* @param string $key
* @return null|Collection|string
function systemsettings(string $key = '')
$settings = Cache::rememberForever('systemsettings', function () {
return Setting::systemOnly()->get()->pluck('value', 'key');
if ($key === '') {
return $settings;
return $settings[$key] ?? null;
* Output a correctly formatted date with the correct timezone
* @param Carbon $date
* @param bool $use_relational
* @return string
function formatDateTime(Carbon $date, bool $use_relational = false): string
$timezone = config('app.timezone');
if ($use_relational) {
return $date->setTimezone($timezone)->diffForHumans();
$format = config('linkace.default.date_format');
$format .= ' ' . config('linkace.default.time_format');
$user_date_format = usersettings('date_format');
$user_time_format = usersettings('time_format');
if ($user_date_format && $user_time_format) {
$format = $user_date_format . ' ' . $user_time_format;
return $date->setTimezone($timezone)->format($format);
* Get the correct pagination limit
* @return mixed
function getPaginationLimit()
if (request()->has('per_page') && (int)request()->get('per_page') >= 0) {
return (int)request()->get('per_page') > 0 ? (int)request()->get('per_page') : 999999999;
$default = config('linkace.default.pagination');
if (request()->is('guest/*')) {
return systemsettings('guest_listitem_count') ?: $default;
return usersettings('listitem_count') ?: $default;
* Generate all share links for a link, but for enabled services only
* @param Link $link
* @return string
function getShareLinks(Link $link): string
$cacheKey = 'sharelinks_link_' . $link->id . (auth()->guest() ? '_guest' : '');
$cacheDuration = config('linkace.default.cache_duration');
return Cache::remember($cacheKey, $cacheDuration, function () use ($link) {
$services = config('sharing.services');
$links = '';
foreach ($services as $service => $details) {
if (request()->is('guest/*')) {
if (systemsettings('guest_share_' . $service)) {
$links .= Sharing::getShareLink($service, $link);
} elseif (usersettings('share_' . $service)) {
$links .= Sharing::getShareLink($service, $link);
return $links;
* Build sorting links for a table column
function tableSorter(string $label, string $route, string $type, string $orderBy, string $orderDir): string
$orderUrl = $route . '?orderBy=' . $type . '&orderDir=';
$orderIcon = 'icon.sort';
if ($type === $orderBy) {
if ($orderDir === 'asc') {
$orderUrl .= 'desc';
$orderIcon = 'icon.sort-up';
} else {
$orderUrl .= 'asc';
$orderIcon = 'icon.sort-down';
} else {
$orderUrl .= 'asc';
return view('partials.table-sorter', [
'label' => $label,
'url' => $orderUrl,
'icon' => $orderIcon,
* Get the Wayback Machine link for an URL
* @param string|Link $link
* @return null|string
function waybackLink($link): ?string
$link = $link->url ?? $link;
return WaybackMachine::getArchiveLink($link);
* Return proper link attributes based on the links_new_tab user setting
* @return string
function linkTarget(): string
$newTab = 'target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"';
if (request()->is('guest/*')) {
return systemsettings('guest_links_new_tab') ? $newTab : '';
return usersettings('links_new_tab') ? $newTab : '';
* Properly escape symbols used in search queries.
* @param string $query
* @return string
function escapeSearchQuery(string $query): string
return str_replace(
['\\', '%', '_', '*'],
['\\\\', '\\%', '\\_', '\\*'],
* Get a list of all routes that are accessible by guests.
* @return string[]
function guestRoutes(): array
return ['guest/*', 'login', 'forgot-password', 'reset-password/*', 'two-factor-challenge', 'email/verify'];