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synced 2025-03-27 18:02:32 +01:00
110 lines
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110 lines
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return [
'defaults' => [
'url' => config('app.url'),
'subject' => 'sharing.subject',
'sharetext' => 'sharing.sharetext',
| Sharing Services
| These services can be enabled to place a simple sharing button on every
| link to easily share the link.
| Available placeholders:
| #URL# Plain URL of the link
| #E-URL# Encoded URL of the link
| #SHARETEXT# Longer text for sharing that includes the URL
| #E-SHARETEXT# Longer encoded text for sharing that includes the URL
| #SUBJECT# Short title or description for the link without URL
| #E-SUBJECT# Encoded short title or description for the link without URL
'services' => [
'email' => [
'action' => 'mailto:?subject=#E-SUBJECT#&body=#E-SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.envelope',
'facebook' => [
'action' => 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=#URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.facebook',
'twitter' => [
'action' => 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=#SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.twitter',
'reddit' => [
'action' => 'http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=#URL#&title=#SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.reddit',
'pinterest' => [
'action' => 'http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=#URL#&description=#SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.pinterest',
'whatsapp' => [
'action' => 'whatsapp://send?text=#SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.whatsapp',
'telegram' => [
'action' => 'tg://msg?text==#SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.telegram',
'wechat' => [
'action' => 'https://www.addtoany.com/ext/wechat/share/#url=#URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.weixin',
'sms' => [
'action' => 'sms:?&body=#SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.sms',
'skype' => [
'action' => 'https://web.skype.com/share?url=#E-URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.skype',
'hackernews' => [
'action' => 'https://news.ycombinator.com/submitlink?u=#URL#&t=#SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.hacker-news',
'mastodon' => [
'action' => 'web+mastodon://share?text=#E-SHARETEXT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.mastodon',
'pocket' => [
'action' => 'https://getpocket.com/save?url=#URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.get-pocket',
'flipboard' => [
'action' => 'https://share.flipboard.com/bookmarklet/popout?v=#SUBJECT#&url=#E-URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.flipboard',
'evernote' => [
'action' => 'https://www.evernote.com/clip.action?url=#E-URL#&title=#SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.evernote',
'trello' => [
'action' => 'https://trello.com/add-card?mode=popup&url=#E-URL#&name=#E-SUBJECT#&desc=',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.trello',
'buffer' => [
'action' => 'https://buffer.com/add?url=#E-URL#&text=#E-SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.buffer',
'tumblr' => [
'action' => 'http://tumblr.com/share/link?url=#URL#&name=#SUBJECT#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.tumblr',
'xing' => [
'action' => 'https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new?url=#URL#',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.xing',
'linkedin' => [
'action' => 'https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=#E-URL#&title=#E-SUBJECT#&summary=&source=AddToAny',
'icon' => 'icon.brand.linkedin',