lcfirst() isn't defined on PHP 5.2, so I added a fallback function, which
is defined in the bootstrap.php. Not sure whether that's the right place
to put it.
* codeGeneration:
Add docs for templates
Add a filesystem template loader.
Add simple templating support.
Add usage example for builders to docs
Add function builder
Add ability to specify arrays as default values
Add property builder
Add parameter builder
Add method builder
Add class builder
The subNodes array was not initialized, so for empty nodes it would just
be null. Due to the addition of attributes for nodes those have to be
initialized too.
The template loaders loads templates from a base directory (and can
optionally use a suffix). For example
$templateLoader = new PHPParser_TemplateLoader(
$parser, './templates', '.php'
// loads ./templates/TestTemplate.php
Again the implementation is not optimal. The loader probably shouldn't
intantiate the Template itself, but instead should accept a
TemplateFactory. This seemed like overkill to me, so I left it out.
Templates use __name__ placeholders. A variant of the placeholder with a
capitalized first latter can be accessed using __Name__ (this is useful
for camel case identifiers, e.g. get__Name__).
Currently the implemention is not particularly clean, because the Template
instantiates a Lexer itself. Fixing this requires a major refactoring of
the lexer/parser interface.
If a NodeVisitor returns an array of nodes to merge these will no longer be traversed by all other visitors. That "feature" turned out to be a real pain in the ass on some occasions ;)
The parser didn't account for the additional newline after the content of doc strings, which is left there by the tokenizer for some reason. Additoinally esacape sequences were parsed in nowdoc strings.
Additionally this contains some minor changes to the grammar: Some _list nonterminals were refactored to have the possible single elements in a reparate rule and only assemble those single elements. (This reduces duplication and gives better assignment of line number context.)
a) ->traverseNode() now operates on a clone of the node, otherwise the original node will be modified too
b) before nodes were passed to the following visitor unchanged, even though they were already changed in the tree
(new A)->b(), (new A)->b, (new A)[0]. The feature is not implemented fully compliant (implemented as a `variable`, not `expr_without_variable`: Awaiting input on that on internals@.