Nikita Popov 4b497045e0 Move attribute handling into parser
The Lexer now only provides the tokens to the parser, while the
parser is responsible for determining which attributes are placed
on notes. This only needs to be done when the attributes are
actually needed, rather than for all tokens.

This removes the usedAttributes lexer option (and lexer options
entirely). The attributes are now enabled unconditionally. They
have less overhead now, and the need to explicitly enable them for
some use cases (e.g. formatting-preserving printing) doesn't seem
like a good tradeoff anymore.

There are some additional changes to the Lexer interface that
should be done after this, and the docs / upgrading guide haven't
been adjusted yet.
2023-08-13 10:40:21 +02:00

304 lines
13 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace PhpParser;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Float_;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\InterpolatedString;
use PhpParser\Node\InterpolatedStringPart;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Int_;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpParser\Parser\Php7;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
class PrettyPrinterTest extends CodeTestAbstract {
protected function doTestPrettyPrintMethod($method, $name, $code, $expected, $modeLine) {
$lexer = new Lexer\Emulative();
$parser = new Parser\Php7($lexer);
$options = $this->parseModeLine($modeLine);
$version = isset($options['version']) ? PhpVersion::fromString($options['version']) : null;
$prettyPrinter = new Standard(['phpVersion' => $version]);
$output = canonicalize($prettyPrinter->$method($parser->parse($code)));
$this->assertSame($expected, $output, $name);
* @dataProvider provideTestPrettyPrint
* @covers \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard<extended>
public function testPrettyPrint($name, $code, $expected, $mode) {
$this->doTestPrettyPrintMethod('prettyPrint', $name, $code, $expected, $mode);
* @dataProvider provideTestPrettyPrintFile
* @covers \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard<extended>
public function testPrettyPrintFile($name, $code, $expected, $mode) {
$this->doTestPrettyPrintMethod('prettyPrintFile', $name, $code, $expected, $mode);
public function provideTestPrettyPrint() {
return $this->getTests(__DIR__ . '/../code/prettyPrinter', 'test');
public function provideTestPrettyPrintFile() {
return $this->getTests(__DIR__ . '/../code/prettyPrinter', 'file-test');
public function testPrettyPrintExpr() {
$prettyPrinter = new Standard();
$expr = new Expr\BinaryOp\Mul(
new Expr\BinaryOp\Plus(new Expr\Variable('a'), new Expr\Variable('b')),
new Expr\Variable('c')
$this->assertEquals('($a + $b) * $c', $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($expr));
$expr = new Expr\Closure([
'stmts' => [new Stmt\Return_(new String_("a\nb"))]
$this->assertEquals("function () {\n return 'a\nb';\n}", $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($expr));
public function testCommentBeforeInlineHTML() {
$prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
$comment = new Comment\Doc("/**\n * This is a comment\n */");
$stmts = [new Stmt\InlineHTML('Hello World!', ['comments' => [$comment]])];
$expected = "<?php\n\n/**\n * This is a comment\n */\n?>\nHello World!";
$this->assertSame($expected, $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintFile($stmts));
public function testArraySyntaxDefault() {
$prettyPrinter = new Standard(['shortArraySyntax' => true]);
$expr = new Expr\Array_([
new Node\ArrayItem(new String_('val'), new String_('key'))
$expected = "['key' => 'val']";
$this->assertSame($expected, $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($expr));
* @dataProvider provideTestKindAttributes
public function testKindAttributes($node, $expected) {
$prttyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
$result = $prttyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($node);
$this->assertSame($expected, $result);
public function provideTestKindAttributes() {
$nowdoc = ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR'];
$heredoc = ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR'];
return [
// Defaults to single quoted
[new String_('foo'), "'foo'"],
// Explicit single/double quoted
[new String_('foo', ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]), "'foo'"],
[new String_('foo', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]), '"foo"'],
// Fallback from doc string if no label
[new String_('foo', ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC]), "'foo'"],
[new String_('foo', ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC]), '"foo"'],
// Fallback if string contains label
[new String_("A\nB\nC", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'A']), "'A\nB\nC'"],
[new String_("A\nB\nC", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'B']), "'A\nB\nC'"],
[new String_("A\nB\nC", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'C']), "'A\nB\nC'"],
[new String_("STR;", $nowdoc), "'STR;'"],
[new String_("STR,", $nowdoc), "'STR,'"],
[new String_(" STR", $nowdoc), "' STR'"],
[new String_("\tSTR", $nowdoc), "'\tSTR'"],
[new String_("STR\x80", $heredoc), '"STR\x80"'],
// Doc string if label not contained (or not in ending position)
[new String_("foo", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nfoo\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("foo", $heredoc), "<<<STR\nfoo\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("STRx", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nSTRx\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("xSTR", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nxSTR\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("STRä", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nSTRä\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("STR\x80", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nSTR\x80\nSTR\n"],
// Empty doc string variations (encapsed variant does not occur naturally)
[new String_("", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("", $heredoc), "<<<STR\nSTR\n"],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart('')], $heredoc), "<<<STR\nSTR\n"],
// Isolated \r in doc string
[new String_("\r", $heredoc), "<<<STR\n\\r\nSTR\n"],
[new String_("\r", $nowdoc), "'\r'"],
[new String_("\rx", $nowdoc), "<<<'STR'\n\rx\nSTR\n"],
// Encapsed doc string variations
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart('foo')], $heredoc), "<<<STR\nfoo\nSTR\n"],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart('foo'), new Expr\Variable('y')], $heredoc), "<<<STR\nfoo{\$y}\nSTR\n"],
[new InterpolatedString([new Expr\Variable('y'), new InterpolatedStringPart("STR\n")], $heredoc), "<<<STR\n{\$y}STR\n\nSTR\n"],
// Encapsed doc string fallback
[new InterpolatedString([new Expr\Variable('y'), new InterpolatedStringPart("\nSTR")], $heredoc), '"{$y}\\nSTR"'],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart("STR\n"), new Expr\Variable('y')], $heredoc), '"STR\\n{$y}"'],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart("STR")], $heredoc), '"STR"'],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart("\nSTR"), new Expr\Variable('y')], $heredoc), '"\nSTR{$y}"'],
[new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart("STR\x80"), new Expr\Variable('y')], $heredoc), '"STR\x80{$y}"'],
/** @dataProvider provideTestUnnaturalLiterals */
public function testUnnaturalLiterals($node, $expected) {
$prttyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
$result = $prttyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($node);
$this->assertSame($expected, $result);
public function provideTestUnnaturalLiterals() {
return [
[new Int_(-1), '-1'],
[new Int_(-PHP_INT_MAX - 1), '(-' . PHP_INT_MAX . '-1)'],
[new Int_(-1, ['kind' => Int_::KIND_BIN]), '-0b1'],
[new Int_(-1, ['kind' => Int_::KIND_OCT]), '-01'],
[new Int_(-1, ['kind' => Int_::KIND_HEX]), '-0x1'],
[new Float_(\INF), '1.0E+1000'],
[new Float_(-\INF), '-1.0E+1000'],
[new Float_(-\NAN), '\NAN'],
public function testPrettyPrintWithError() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot pretty-print AST with Error nodes');
$stmts = [new Stmt\Expression(
new Expr\PropertyFetch(new Expr\Variable('a'), new Expr\Error())
$prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
public function testPrettyPrintWithErrorInClassConstFetch() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot pretty-print AST with Error nodes');
$stmts = [new Stmt\Expression(
new Expr\ClassConstFetch(new Name('Foo'), new Expr\Error())
$prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
* @dataProvider provideTestFormatPreservingPrint
* @covers \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard<extended>
public function testFormatPreservingPrint($name, $code, $modification, $expected, $modeLine) {
$lexer = new Lexer\Emulative();
$parser = new Parser\Php7($lexer);
$traverser = new NodeTraverser(new NodeVisitor\CloningVisitor());
$printer = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
$oldStmts = $parser->parse($code);
$oldTokens = $lexer->getTokens();
$newStmts = $traverser->traverse($oldStmts);
/** @var callable $fn */
use PhpParser\Comment;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpParser\Modifiers;
\$fn = function(&\$stmts) { $modification };
$newCode = $printer->printFormatPreserving($newStmts, $oldStmts, $oldTokens);
$this->assertSame(canonicalize($expected), canonicalize($newCode), $name);
public function provideTestFormatPreservingPrint() {
return $this->getTests(__DIR__ . '/../code/formatPreservation', 'test', 3);
* @dataProvider provideTestRoundTripPrint
* @covers \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard<extended>
public function testRoundTripPrint($name, $code, $expected, $modeLine) {
* This test makes sure that the format-preserving pretty printer round-trips for all
* the pretty printer tests (i.e. returns the input if no changes occurred).
$lexer = new Lexer\Emulative();
$parser = new Php7($lexer);
$traverser = new NodeTraverser(new NodeVisitor\CloningVisitor());
$printer = new PrettyPrinter\Standard();
try {
$oldStmts = $parser->parse($code);
} catch (Error $e) {
// Can't do a format-preserving print on a file with errors
$oldTokens = $lexer->getTokens();
$newStmts = $traverser->traverse($oldStmts);
$newCode = $printer->printFormatPreserving($newStmts, $oldStmts, $oldTokens);
$this->assertSame(canonicalize($code), canonicalize($newCode), $name);
public function provideTestRoundTripPrint() {
return array_merge(
$this->getTests(__DIR__ . '/../code/prettyPrinter', 'test'),
$this->getTests(__DIR__ . '/../code/parser', 'test')
public function testWindowsNewline() {
$prettyPrinter = new Standard(['newline' => "\r\n"]);
$stmts = [
new Stmt\If_(new Int_(1), [
'stmts' => [
new Stmt\Echo_([new String_('Hello')]),
new Stmt\Echo_([new String_('World')]),
$code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
$this->assertSame("if (1) {\r\n echo 'Hello';\r\n echo 'World';\r\n}", $code);
$code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintFile($stmts);
$this->assertSame("<?php\r\n\r\nif (1) {\r\n echo 'Hello';\r\n echo 'World';\r\n}", $code);
$stmts = [new Stmt\InlineHTML('Hello world')];
$code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintFile($stmts);
$this->assertSame("Hello world", $code);
$stmts = [
new Stmt\Expression(new String_('Test', [
'kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC,
'docLabel' => 'STR'
new Stmt\Expression(new String_('Test 2', [
'kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC,
'docLabel' => 'STR'
new Stmt\Expression(new InterpolatedString([new InterpolatedStringPart('Test 3')], [
'kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC,
'docLabel' => 'STR'
$code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
"<<<'STR'\r\nTest\r\nSTR;\r\n<<<STR\r\nTest 2\r\nSTR;\r\n<<<STR\r\nTest 3\r\nSTR\r\n;",
public function testInvalidNewline() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Option "newline" must be one of "\n" or "\r\n"');
new PrettyPrinter\Standard(['newline' => 'foo']);