mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 19:02:26 +01:00
Magic constant names have been added after the PHP 7 release. We do not support and likely will not support __halt_compiler here due to lexer limitations.
380 lines
10 KiB
380 lines
10 KiB
Valid usages of reserved keywords as identifiers
class Test {
function array() {}
function public() {}
static function list() {}
static function protected() {}
public $class;
public $private;
const TRAIT = 3, FINAL = 4;
const __CLASS__ = 1, __TRAIT__ = 2, __FUNCTION__ = 3, __METHOD__ = 4, __LINE__ = 5,
__FILE__ = 6, __DIR__ = 7, __NAMESPACE__ = 8;
// __halt_compiler does not work
$t = new Test;
class Foo {
use TraitA, TraitB {
TraitA::catch insteadof namespace\TraitB;
TraitA::list as foreach;
TraitB::throw as protected public;
TraitB::self as protected;
exit as die;
\TraitC::exit as bye;
namespace\TraitC::exit as byebye;
/** doc comment */
catch /* comment */
// comment
# comment
insteadof TraitB;
0: Stmt_Class(
type: 0
name: Test
extends: null
implements: array(
stmts: array(
0: Stmt_ClassMethod(
type: 0
byRef: false
name: array
params: array(
returnType: null
stmts: array(
1: Stmt_ClassMethod(
type: 0
byRef: false
name: public
params: array(
returnType: null
stmts: array(
2: Stmt_ClassMethod(
type: 8
byRef: false
name: list
params: array(
returnType: null
stmts: array(
3: Stmt_ClassMethod(
type: 8
byRef: false
name: protected
params: array(
returnType: null
stmts: array(
4: Stmt_Property(
type: 1
props: array(
0: Stmt_PropertyProperty(
name: class
default: null
5: Stmt_Property(
type: 1
props: array(
0: Stmt_PropertyProperty(
name: private
default: null
6: Stmt_ClassConst(
consts: array(
0: Const(
name: TRAIT
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 3
1: Const(
name: FINAL
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 4
7: Stmt_ClassConst(
consts: array(
0: Const(
name: __CLASS__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 1
1: Const(
name: __TRAIT__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 2
2: Const(
name: __FUNCTION__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 3
3: Const(
name: __METHOD__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 4
4: Const(
name: __LINE__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 5
5: Const(
name: __FILE__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 6
6: Const(
name: __DIR__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 7
7: Const(
name: __NAMESPACE__
value: Scalar_LNumber(
value: 8
1: Expr_Assign(
var: Expr_Variable(
name: t
expr: Expr_New(
class: Name(
parts: array(
0: Test
args: array(
2: Expr_MethodCall(
var: Expr_Variable(
name: t
name: array
args: array(
3: Expr_MethodCall(
var: Expr_Variable(
name: t
name: public
args: array(
4: Expr_StaticCall(
class: Name(
parts: array(
0: Test
name: list
args: array(
5: Expr_StaticCall(
class: Name(
parts: array(
0: Test
name: protected
args: array(
6: Expr_PropertyFetch(
var: Expr_Variable(
name: t
name: class
7: Expr_PropertyFetch(
var: Expr_Variable(
name: t
name: private
8: Expr_ClassConstFetch(
class: Name(
parts: array(
0: Test
name: TRAIT
9: Expr_ClassConstFetch(
class: Name(
parts: array(
0: Test
name: FINAL
10: Stmt_Class(
type: 0
name: Foo
extends: null
implements: array(
stmts: array(
0: Stmt_TraitUse(
traits: array(
0: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitA
1: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitB
adaptations: array(
0: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Precedence(
trait: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitA
method: catch
insteadof: array(
0: Name_Relative(
parts: array(
0: TraitB
1: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitA
method: list
newModifier: null
newName: foreach
2: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitB
method: throw
newModifier: 2
newName: public
3: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitB
method: self
newModifier: 2
newName: null
4: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: null
method: exit
newModifier: null
newName: die
5: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: Name_FullyQualified(
parts: array(
0: TraitC
method: exit
newModifier: null
newName: bye
6: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(
trait: Name_Relative(
parts: array(
0: TraitC
method: exit
newModifier: null
newName: byebye
7: Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Precedence(
trait: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitA
method: catch
insteadof: array(
0: Name(
parts: array(
0: TraitB
) |