Nikita Popov ba851243f4 Replace startLexing() with tokenize()
For now Lexer::getTokens() still exists, but should probably be
2023-08-13 16:06:10 +02:00

214 lines
9.1 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace PhpParser;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
abstract class ParserTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
/** @returns Parser */
abstract protected function getParser(Lexer $lexer);
public function testParserThrowsSyntaxError() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Syntax error, unexpected EOF on line 1');
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer());
$parser->parse('<?php foo');
public function testParserThrowsSpecialError() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot use foo as self because \'self\' is a special class name on line 1');
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer());
$parser->parse('<?php use foo as self;');
public function testParserThrowsLexerError() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unterminated comment on line 1');
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer());
$parser->parse('<?php /*');
public function testAttributeAssignment() {
$lexer = new Lexer();
$code = <<<'EOC'
/** Doc comment */
function test($a) {
// Line
// Comments
echo $a;
$code = canonicalize($code);
$parser = $this->getParser($lexer);
$stmts = $parser->parse($code);
/** @var Stmt\Function_ $fn */
$fn = $stmts[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf(Stmt\Function_::class, $fn);
'comments' => [
new Comment\Doc('/** Doc comment */',
2, 6, 1, 2, 23, 1),
'startLine' => 3,
'endLine' => 7,
'startTokenPos' => 3,
'endTokenPos' => 21,
'startFilePos' => 25,
'endFilePos' => 86,
], $fn->getAttributes());
$param = $fn->params[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf(Node\Param::class, $param);
'startLine' => 3,
'endLine' => 3,
'startTokenPos' => 7,
'endTokenPos' => 7,
'startFilePos' => 39,
'endFilePos' => 40,
], $param->getAttributes());
/** @var Stmt\Echo_ $echo */
$echo = $fn->stmts[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf(Stmt\Echo_::class, $echo);
'comments' => [
new Comment("// Line",
4, 49, 12, 4, 55, 12),
new Comment("// Comments",
5, 61, 14, 5, 71, 14),
'startLine' => 6,
'endLine' => 6,
'startTokenPos' => 16,
'endTokenPos' => 19,
'startFilePos' => 77,
'endFilePos' => 84,
], $echo->getAttributes());
/** @var \PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable $var */
$var = $echo->exprs[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf(Expr\Variable::class, $var);
'startLine' => 6,
'endLine' => 6,
'startTokenPos' => 18,
'endTokenPos' => 18,
'startFilePos' => 82,
'endFilePos' => 83,
], $var->getAttributes());
public function testInvalidToken() {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The lexer returned an invalid token (id=999, value=foobar)');
$lexer = new InvalidTokenLexer();
$parser = $this->getParser($lexer);
* @dataProvider provideTestExtraAttributes
public function testExtraAttributes($code, $expectedAttributes) {
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer\Emulative());
$stmts = $parser->parse("<?php $code;");
$node = $stmts[0] instanceof Stmt\Expression ? $stmts[0]->expr : $stmts[0];
$attributes = $node->getAttributes();
foreach ($expectedAttributes as $name => $value) {
$this->assertSame($value, $attributes[$name]);
public function provideTestExtraAttributes() {
return [
['0', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_DEC]],
['9', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_DEC]],
['07', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_OCT]],
['0xf', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_HEX]],
['0XF', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_HEX]],
['0b1', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_BIN]],
['0B1', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_BIN]],
['0o7', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_OCT]],
['0O7', ['kind' => Scalar\Int_::KIND_OCT]],
['[]', ['kind' => Expr\Array_::KIND_SHORT]],
['array()', ['kind' => Expr\Array_::KIND_LONG]],
["'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]],
["b'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]],
["B'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]],
['"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
['b"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
['B"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
['"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
['b"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
['B"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]],
["<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<<STR\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<<\"STR\"\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["b<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["B<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<< \t 'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<<'\xff'\n\xff\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => "\xff", 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["b<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["B<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<< \t \"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => '']],
["<<<STR\n STR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => ' ']],
["<<<STR\n\tSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => "\t"]],
["<<<'STR'\n Foo\n STR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR', 'docIndentation' => ' ']],
["die", ['kind' => Expr\Exit_::KIND_DIE]],
["die('done')", ['kind' => Expr\Exit_::KIND_DIE]],
["exit", ['kind' => Expr\Exit_::KIND_EXIT]],
["exit(1)", ['kind' => Expr\Exit_::KIND_EXIT]],
["?>Foo", ['hasLeadingNewline' => false]],
["?>\nFoo", ['hasLeadingNewline' => true]],
["namespace Foo;", ['kind' => Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_SEMICOLON]],
["namespace Foo {}", ['kind' => Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_BRACED]],
["namespace {}", ['kind' => Stmt\Namespace_::KIND_BRACED]],
["(float) 5.0", ['kind' => Expr\Cast\Double::KIND_FLOAT]],
["(double) 5.0", ['kind' => Expr\Cast\Double::KIND_DOUBLE]],
["(real) 5.0", ['kind' => Expr\Cast\Double::KIND_REAL]],
[" ( REAL ) 5.0", ['kind' => Expr\Cast\Double::KIND_REAL]],
public function testListKindAttribute() {
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer\Emulative());
$stmts = $parser->parse('<?php list(list($x)) = $y; [[$x]] = $y;');
$this->assertSame($stmts[0]->expr->var->getAttribute('kind'), Expr\List_::KIND_LIST);
$this->assertSame($stmts[0]->expr->var->items[0]->value->getAttribute('kind'), Expr\List_::KIND_LIST);
$this->assertSame($stmts[1]->expr->var->getAttribute('kind'), Expr\List_::KIND_ARRAY);
$this->assertSame($stmts[1]->expr->var->items[0]->value->getAttribute('kind'), Expr\List_::KIND_ARRAY);
public function testGetTokens() {
$lexer = new Lexer();
$parser = $this->getParser($lexer);
$parser->parse('<?php echo "Foo";');
new Token(\T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php ', 1, 0),
new Token(\T_ECHO, 'echo', 1, 6),
new Token(\T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 10),
new Token(\T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, '"Foo"', 1, 11),
new Token(ord(';'), ';', 1, 16),
new Token(0, "\0", 1, 17),
], $parser->getTokens());
class InvalidTokenLexer extends Lexer {
public function tokenize(string $code, ?ErrorHandler $errorHandler = null): array {
return [
new Token(999, 'foobar', 42),