".-", "B" => "-...", "C" => "-.-.", "D" => "-..", "E" => ".", "F" => "..-.", "G" => "--.", "H" => "....", "I" => "..", "J" => ".---", "K" => "-.-", "L" => ".-..", "M" => "--", "N" => "-.", "O" => "---", "P" => ".--.", "Q" => "--.-", "R" => ".-.", "S" => "...", "T" => "-", "U" => "..-", "V" => "...-", "W" => ".--", "X" => "-..-", "Y" => "-.--", "Z" => "--..", "1" => ".----", "2" => "..---", "3" => "...--", "4" => "....-", "5" => ".....", "6" => "-....", "7" => "--...", "8" => "---..", "9" => "----.", "0" => "-----", " " => "/" ); $encodedText = ""; // Stores the encoded text foreach (str_split($text) as $c) { // Going through each character if (array_key_exists($c, $MORSE_CODE)) { // Checks if it is a valid character $encodedText .= $MORSE_CODE[$c] . " "; // Appends the correct character } else { throw new \Exception("Invalid character: $c"); } } substr_replace($encodedText ,"", -1); // Removes trailing space return $encodedText; } /** * Decode Morse Code to text. * @param string text to decode */ function decode(string $text): string { $MORSE_CODE = array( // An array containing morse code to text translations ".-" => "A", "-..." => "B", "-.-." => "C", "-.." => "D", "." => "E", "..-." => "F", "--." => "G", "...." => "H", ".." => "I", ".---" => "J", "-.-" => "K", ".-.." => "L", "--" => "M", "-." => "N", "---" => "O", ".--." => "P", "--.-" => "Q", ".-." => "R", "..." => "S", "-" => "T", "..-" => "U", "...-" => "V", ".--" => "W", "-..-" => "X", "-.--" => "Y", "--.." => "Z", ".----" => "1", "..---" => "2", "...--" => "3", "....-" => "4", "....." => "5", "-...." => "6", "--..." => "7", "---.." => "8", "----." => "9", "-----" => "0", "/" => " " ); $decodedText = ""; // Stores the decoded text foreach (explode(" ", $text) as $c) { // Going through each group if (array_key_exists($c, $MORSE_CODE)) { // Checks if it is a valid character $decodedText .= $MORSE_CODE[$c]; // Appends the correct character } else { if ($c) { // Makes sure that the string is not empty to prevent trailing spaces or extra spaces from breaking this throw new \Exception("Invalid character: $c"); } } } return $decodedText; }