diff --git a/templates/cache/2a/6e/4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4.php b/templates/cache/2a/6e/4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 906cd49e..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/2a/6e/4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-blocks = array(
- '__internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_1' => array($this, 'block___internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_1'),
- '__internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_2' => array($this, 'block___internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_2'),
- );
- }
- protected function doGetParent(array $context)
- {
- return false;
- }
- protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- $context = array_merge($this->env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo twig_remove_whitespace_filter((string) $this->renderBlock("__internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_1", $context, $blocks));
- // line 96
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- echo truncate($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "body", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array(), "any", false));
- } else {
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "body", array(), "any", false);
- }
- echo twig_remove_whitespace_filter((string) $this->renderBlock("__internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_2", $context, $blocks));
- }
- // line 1
- public function block___internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_1($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 3
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" itemprop=\"comment\" itemscope itemid=\"/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/UserComments\"
- // line 4
- if ((!$this->getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- echo " itemref=\"/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thread", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\"";
- }
- echo ">
getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- echo " id=\"";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\"";
- }
- echo ">
-\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" id=\"delete_";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 34
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "poster_ids", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 35
- echo "\t\t ID: ";
- echo poster_id($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "ip", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thread", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- }
- // line 37
- echo "\t getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- echo "onclick=\"highlightReply(";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo ")\" ";
- }
- echo "href=\"";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">No.
-\tgetContext($context, 'index'))) {
- // line 40
- echo "\t\t\t onclick=\"citeReply(";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo ");\"
- }
- // line 42
- echo "\t\t href=\"";
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- // line 43
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array("q", ), "method", false);
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 45
- echo "\t\t\tjavascript:void(0);
- }
- // line 46
- echo "\">
- // line 47
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 50
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "embed", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 51
- echo "\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "embed", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false) == "deleted")) {
- // line 53
- echo "\t\t

getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "image_deleted", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" alt=\"\" />
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false) && $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 55
- echo "\t\t
File: getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_img", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 57
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "spoiler")) {
- // line 58
- echo "\t\t\t\tSpoiler Image,
- }
- // line 60
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo format_bytes($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filesize", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- // line 61
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filex", array(), "any", false) && $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filey", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 62
- echo "\t\t\t\t, ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filex", array(), "any", false);
- echo "x";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filey", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 63
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "show_ratio", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 64
- echo "\t\t\t\t\t, ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "ratio", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 66
- echo "\t\t\t";
- }
- // line 67
- echo "\t\t\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "show_filename", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 68
- echo "\t\t\t\t,
- // line 69
- if ((twig_length_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)) > $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "max_filename_display", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 70
- echo "\t\t\t\t\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">";
- echo twig_truncate_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "max_filename_display", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 72
- echo "\t\t\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 74
- echo "\t\t\t";
- }
- // line 75
- echo "\t\t)
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_img", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" target=\"_blank\"";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "file")) {
- echo " class=\"file\"";
- }
- echo ">
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "file")) {
- // line 81
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "root", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 82
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), twig_extension_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)), array(), "array", false)) {
- // line 83
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- echo sprintf($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_thumb", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), twig_extension_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)), array(), "array", false));
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 85
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- echo sprintf($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_thumb", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), "default", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- }
- // line 87
- echo "\t\t";
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "spoiler")) {
- // line 88
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "root", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "spoiler_image", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 90
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_thumb", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 91
- echo "\" style=\"width:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumbx", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px;height:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumby", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px\" alt=\"\" />
- }
- // line 94
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "postControls", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 96
- public function block___internal_2a6e4309b9f7dc4a632ee8b3f6f3b2e4_2($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 97
- echo "\t
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "post_reply.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/2c/7b/bba93327ba78b74a61cb7bb6a56b.php b/templates/cache/2c/7b/bba93327ba78b74a61cb7bb6a56b.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c7da99e4..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/2c/7b/bba93327ba78b74a61cb7bb6a56b.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo "
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "post_form.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/2d/97/4182d37fe12d97825850a1268803.php b/templates/cache/2d/97/4182d37fe12d97825850a1268803.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 818aafa3..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/2d/97/4182d37fe12d97825850a1268803.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo "
-\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_stylesheet", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 5
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />";
- }
- // line 6
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "url", array(), "any", false);
- echo " - ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "name", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 9
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "meta_keywords", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "meta_keywords", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />";
- }
- // line 10
- echo "\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_stylesheets", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "default_stylesheet", array(), "any", false), 1, array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 11
- if ((!$this->getContext($context, 'nojavascript'))) {
- echo "";
- }
- // line 12
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "recaptcha", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "";
- }
- // line 27
- echo "
- // line 29
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'boardlist'), "top", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 30
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'pm')) {
- echo "You have
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">an unread PM";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false) > 0)) {
- echo ", plus ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false);
- echo " more waiting";
- }
- echo ".
- }
- // line 31
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_banner", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_banner", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" ";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false) || $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_height", array(), "any", false))) {
- echo "style=\"";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "width:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px";
- }
- echo ";";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "height:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_height", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px";
- }
- echo "\" ";
- }
- echo "alt=\"\" />";
- }
- // line 32
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "url", array(), "any", false);
- echo " - ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "name", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 33
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "title", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "title", array(), "any", false);
- }
- echo "
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'mod')) {
- echo "";
- echo gettext("Return to dashboard"); echo "";
- }
- echo "
- // line 35
- $this->env->loadTemplate("post_form.html")->display($context);
- // line 36
- echo "\t
- // line 37
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "blotter", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "blotter", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 38
- echo "\t
- // line 55
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'btn'), "prev", array(), "any", false);
- echo " ";
- $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
- $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getContext($context, 'pages'));
- $context['loop'] = array(
- 'parent' => $context['_parent'],
- 'index0' => 0,
- 'index' => 1,
- 'first' => true,
- );
- if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof Countable)) {
- $length = count($context['_seq']);
- $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
- $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['length'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
- }
- foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context['_key'] => $context['page']) {
- // line 56
- echo "\t\t [
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'page'), "selected", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "class=\"selected\"";
- }
- if ((!$this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'page'), "selected", array(), "any", false))) {
- echo "href=\"";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'page'), "link", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\"";
- }
- echo ">";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'page'), "num", array(), "any", false);
- echo "]";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'loop'), "last", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo " ";
- }
- // line 57
- echo "\t";
- ++$context['loop']['index0'];
- ++$context['loop']['index'];
- $context['loop']['first'] = false;
- if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) {
- --$context['loop']['revindex0'];
- --$context['loop']['revindex'];
- $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
- }
- }
- $_parent = $context['_parent'];
- unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['page'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
- $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
- echo " ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'btn'), "next", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 58
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'boardlist'), "bottom", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
-\tPowered by Tinyboard ";
- // line 59
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "version", array(), "any", false);
- echo " | Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2011 Tinyboard Development Group
-\tAll trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by or are the responsibility of their respective parties.
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "index.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/2f/f3/d8c5835c9a421f76b4dec5f4cb41.php b/templates/cache/2f/f3/d8c5835c9a421f76b4dec5f4cb41.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 80114fef..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/2f/f3/d8c5835c9a421f76b4dec5f4cb41.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo "
-\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_stylesheet", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 5
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />";
- }
- // line 6
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "url", array(), "any", false);
- echo " - ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "name", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 9
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "meta_keywords", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "meta_keywords", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />";
- }
- // line 10
- echo "\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_stylesheets", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "default_stylesheet", array(), "any", false), 1, array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 11
- if ((!$this->getContext($context, 'nojavascript'))) {
- echo "";
- }
- // line 12
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "recaptcha", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "";
- }
- // line 27
- echo "
- // line 29
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'boardlist'), "top", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 30
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'pm')) {
- echo "You have
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">an unread PM";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false) > 0)) {
- echo ", plus ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false);
- echo " more waiting";
- }
- echo ".
- }
- // line 31
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_banner", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_banner", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" ";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false) || $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_height", array(), "any", false))) {
- echo "style=\"";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "width:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px";
- }
- echo ";";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_width", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "height:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "banner_height", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px";
- }
- echo "\" ";
- }
- echo "alt=\"\" />";
- }
- // line 32
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "url", array(), "any", false);
- echo " - ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "name", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 33
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "title", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "title", array(), "any", false);
- }
- echo "
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'mod')) {
- echo "";
- echo gettext("Return to dashboard"); echo "";
- }
- echo "
- // line 37
- $this->env->loadTemplate("post_form.html")->display($context);
- // line 38
- echo "\t
- // line 39
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "blotter", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "blotter", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 40
- echo "\t
-\tgetContext($context, 'return');
- echo "\">[";
- echo gettext("Return"); echo "]
- // line 59
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'boardlist'), "bottom", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
-\tPowered by Tinyboard ";
- // line 60
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "version", array(), "any", false);
- echo " | Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2011 Tinyboard Development Group
-\tAll trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by or are the responsibility of their respective parties.
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "thread.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/7a/a7/6e93140dd14e656757e295334806.php b/templates/cache/7a/a7/6e93140dd14e656757e295334806.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d4c250..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/7a/a7/6e93140dd14e656757e295334806.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-blocks = array(
- '__internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_1' => array($this, 'block___internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_1'),
- '__internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_2' => array($this, 'block___internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_2'),
- );
- }
- protected function doGetParent(array $context)
- {
- return false;
- }
- protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- $context = array_merge($this->env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo twig_remove_whitespace_filter((string) $this->renderBlock("__internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_1", $context, $blocks));
- // line 108
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- echo truncate($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "body", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array(), "any", false));
- } else {
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "body", array(), "any", false);
- }
- echo twig_remove_whitespace_filter((string) $this->renderBlock("__internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_2", $context, $blocks));
- // line 136
- $context['hr'] = $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "hr", array(), "any", false);
- // line 137
- $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
- $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "posts", array(), "any", false));
- $context['loop'] = array(
- 'parent' => $context['_parent'],
- 'index0' => 0,
- 'index' => 1,
- 'first' => true,
- );
- if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof Countable)) {
- $length = count($context['_seq']);
- $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
- $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['length'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
- }
- foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context['_key'] => $context['post']) {
- // line 138
- echo "\t";
- $this->env->loadTemplate("post_reply.html")->display($context);
- ++$context['loop']['index0'];
- ++$context['loop']['index'];
- $context['loop']['first'] = false;
- if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) {
- --$context['loop']['revindex0'];
- --$context['loop']['revindex'];
- $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
- }
- }
- $_parent = $context['_parent'];
- unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['post'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
- $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
- // line 140
- echo "
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'hr')) {
- echo "
- }
- // line 141
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- // line 142
- echo "\t
- }
- }
- // line 1
- public function block___internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_1($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 3
- echo "
- // line 4
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- // line 5
- echo "\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" itemscope itemid=\"/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/CreativeWork\">
- }
- // line 7
- echo "
- // line 8
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "embed", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 9
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "embed", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false) == "deleted")) {
- // line 11
- echo "\t

getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "image_deleted", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" alt=\"\" />
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false) && $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 13
- echo "\t
File: getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_img", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 15
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "spoiler")) {
- // line 16
- echo "\t\t\tSpoiler Image,
- }
- // line 18
- echo "\t\t";
- echo format_bytes($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filesize", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- // line 19
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filex", array(), "any", false) && $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filey", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 20
- echo "\t\t\t, ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filex", array(), "any", false);
- echo "x";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filey", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 21
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "show_ratio", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 22
- echo "\t\t\t\t, ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "ratio", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 24
- echo "\t\t";
- }
- // line 25
- echo "\t\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "show_filename", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 26
- echo "\t\t\t,
- // line 27
- if ((twig_length_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)) > $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "max_filename_display", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 28
- echo "\t\t\t\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">";
- echo twig_truncate_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "max_filename_display", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 30
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 32
- echo "\t\t";
- }
- // line 33
- echo "\t)
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_img", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "file", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" target=\"_blank\"";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "file")) {
- echo " class=\"file\"";
- }
- echo ">
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "file")) {
- // line 38
- echo "\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "root", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 39
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), twig_extension_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)), array(), "array", false)) {
- // line 40
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo sprintf($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_thumb", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), twig_extension_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "filename", array(), "any", false)), array(), "array", false));
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 42
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo sprintf($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_thumb", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_icons", array(), "any", false), "default", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- }
- // line 44
- echo "\t";
- } elseif (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false) == "spoiler")) {
- // line 45
- echo "\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "root", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "spoiler_image", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 47
- echo "\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_thumb", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumb", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 48
- echo "\" style=\"width:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumbx", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px;height:";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "thumby", array(), "any", false);
- echo "px\" alt=\"\" />
- }
- // line 50
- echo "
getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- echo " itemscope itemid=\"/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "/";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/Article\"";
- }
- echo ">
getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- echo " id=\"";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\"";
- }
- echo ">
-\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" id=\"delete_";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 78
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "poster_ids", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 79
- echo "\t\t ID: ";
- echo poster_id($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "ip", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false));
- echo "
- }
- // line 81
- echo "\t getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">No.
-\tgetContext($context, 'index'))) {
- // line 84
- echo "\t\t\t onclick=\"citeReply(";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo ");\"
- }
- // line 86
- echo "\t\t href=\"";
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- // line 87
- echo "\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "link", array("q", ), "method", false);
- echo "
- } else {
- // line 89
- echo "\t\t\tjavascript:void(0);
- }
- // line 90
- echo "\">
- // line 91
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- // line 93
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "sticky", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 94
- echo "\t\t
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "image_sticky", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" alt=\"Sticky\" />
- }
- // line 96
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "locked", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 97
- echo "\t\t
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "image_locked", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" alt=\"Locked\" />
- }
- // line 99
- echo "\t";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "bumplocked", array(), "any", false) && (($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "mod", array(), "any", false), "view_bumplock", array(), "any", false) < 0) || ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "mod", array(), "any", false) && twig_hasPermission_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "mod", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "mod", array(), "any", false), "view_bumplock", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false)))))) {
- // line 100
- echo "\t\t
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "image_bumplocked", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" alt=\"Locked\" />
- }
- // line 102
- echo "\t";
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'index')) {
- // line 103
- echo "\t\tgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "root", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "dir", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "dir", array(), "any", false), "res", array(), "any", false);
- echo sprintf($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "file_page", array(), "any", false), $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "id", array(), "any", false));
- echo "\">[";
- echo gettext("Reply"); echo "]
- }
- // line 105
- echo "\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "postControls", array(), "any", false);
- echo "
- }
- // line 108
- public function block___internal_7aa76e93140dd14e656757e295334806_2($context, array $blocks = array())
- {
- // line 109
- echo "\t
- // line 110
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted", array(), "any", false) || $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted_images", array(), "any", false))) {
- // line 111
- echo "\t\t
- // line 112
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 113
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted", array(), "any", false);
- echo " post
- // line 114
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted", array(), "any", false) != 1)) {
- // line 115
- echo "\t\t\t\t\ts
- }
- // line 117
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted_images", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 118
- echo "\t\t\t\t\t and
- }
- // line 120
- echo "\t\t\t";
- }
- // line 121
- echo "\t\t\t";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted_images", array(), "any", false)) {
- // line 122
- echo "\t\t\t\t";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted_images", array(), "any", false);
- echo " image repl
- // line 123
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "omitted_images", array(), "any", false) == 1)) {
- // line 124
- echo "\t\t\t\t\ty
- } else {
- // line 126
- echo "\t\t\t\t\ties
- }
- // line 128
- echo "\t\t\t";
- }
- echo " omitted. Click reply to view.
- }
- // line 131
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'board'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "/\" />
- // line 132
- if ((!$this->getContext($context, 'index'))) {
- // line 133
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'post'), "posts", array(), "any", false));
- echo "\" />
- }
- // line 135
- echo "
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "post_thread.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/8b/b1/6dea6df49df571827b55c09e4e19.php b/templates/cache/8b/b1/6dea6df49df571827b55c09e4e19.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d9624fc4..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/8b/b1/6dea6df49df571827b55c09e4e19.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_stylesheet", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 5
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "url_favicon", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />";
- }
- // line 6
- echo "\t
- echo $this->getContext($context, 'title');
- echo "
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "uri_stylesheets", array(), "any", false);
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "default_stylesheet", array(), "any", false), 1, array(), "any", false);
- echo "\" />
- // line 10
- if ((!$this->getContext($context, 'nojavascript'))) {
- echo "";
- }
- // line 11
- echo "
- // line 13
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'pm')) {
- echo "
You have
getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "id", array(), "any", false);
- echo "\">an unread PM";
- if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false) > 0)) {
- echo ", plus ";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'pm'), "waiting", array(), "any", false);
- echo " more waiting";
- }
- echo ".
- }
- // line 14
- echo "\t
- echo $this->getContext($context, 'title');
- echo "
- // line 15
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'subtitle')) {
- echo $this->getContext($context, 'subtitle');
- }
- echo "
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'mod')) {
- echo "";
- echo gettext("Return to dashboard"); echo "";
- }
- echo "
- // line 16
- echo $this->getContext($context, 'body');
- echo "
Powered by Tinyboard ";
- // line 18
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "version", array(), "any", false);
- echo " | Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2011 Tinyboard Development Group
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "page.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/a2/b1/d87edb1668da86fbefbbc4febe18.php b/templates/cache/a2/b1/d87edb1668da86fbefbbc4febe18.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 81fee9c8..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/a2/b1/d87edb1668da86fbefbbc4febe18.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- echo "function get_cookie(cookie_name)
-\tvar results = document.cookie.match ( '(^|;) ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|\$)');
-\t\treturn (unescape(results[2]));
-\t\treturn null;
-function highlightReply(id)
-\tif(window.event !== undefined && event.which == 2) {
-\t\t// don't highlight on middle click
-\t\treturn true;
-\tvar divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
-\tfor (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
-\t\tif (divs[i].className.indexOf('post') != -1)
-\t\t\tdivs[i].className = divs[i].className.replace(/highlighted/, '');
-\tif (id) {
-\t\tpost = document.getElementById('reply_'+id);
-\t\t\tpost.className += ' highlighted';
-function focusId(id)
-function generatePassword() {
-\tpass = '';
-\tchars = '";
- // line 37
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "genpassword_chars", array(), "any", false);
- echo "';
-\tfor(i=0;i<8;i++) {
-\t\trnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
-\t\tpass += chars.substring(rnd,rnd + 1);
-\treturn pass;
-function dopost(form) {
-\tlocalStorage.name = form.name.value.replace(/ ##.+\$/, '');
-\tif(form.email.value != 'sage')
-\t\tlocalStorage.email = form.email.value;
-\tsaved[document.location] = form.body.value;
-\tsessionStorage.body = JSON.stringify(saved);
-\treturn form.body.value != \"\" || form.file.value != \"\";
-function citeReply(id) {
-\tbody = document.getElementById('body');
-\tif (document.selection) {
-\t\t// IE
-\t\tsel = document.selection.createRange();
-\t\tsel.text = '>>' + id + '\\n';
-\t} else if (body.selectionStart || body.selectionStart == '0') {
-\t\t// Mozilla
-\t\tstart = body.selectionStart;
-\t\tend = body.selectionEnd;
-\t\tbody.value = body.value.substring(0, start) + '>>' + id + '\\n' + body.value.substring(end, body.value.length);
-\t} else {
-\t\t// ???
-\t\tbody.value += '>>' + id + '\\n';
-var selectedstyle = '";
- // line 74
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "default_stylesheet", array(), "any", false), 0, array(), "any", false);
- echo "';
-var styles = [
- // line 76
- $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
- $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getContext($context, 'stylesheets'));
- $context['loop'] = array(
- 'parent' => $context['_parent'],
- 'index0' => 0,
- 'index' => 1,
- 'first' => true,
- );
- if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof Countable)) {
- $length = count($context['_seq']);
- $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1;
- $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['length'] = $length;
- $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length;
- }
- foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context['_key'] => $context['stylesheet']) {
- echo "['";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'stylesheet'), "name", array(), "any", false);
- echo "', '";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'stylesheet'), "uri", array(), "any", false);
- echo "']";
- if ((!$this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'loop'), "last", array(), "any", false))) {
- echo ",
- }
- ++$context['loop']['index0'];
- ++$context['loop']['index'];
- $context['loop']['first'] = false;
- if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) {
- --$context['loop']['revindex0'];
- --$context['loop']['revindex'];
- $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0'];
- }
- }
- $_parent = $context['_parent'];
- unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['stylesheet'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
- $context = array_merge($_parent, array_intersect_key($context, $_parent));
- // line 77
- echo "
-var saved = {};
-function changeStyle(x) {
-\tlocalStorage.stylesheet = styles[x][1];
-\tdocument.getElementById('stylesheet').href = styles[x][1];
-\tselectedstyle = styles[x][0];
-if(localStorage.stylesheet) {
getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "cookies", array(), "any", false), "js", array(), "any", false);
- echo "')) {
-\t\t\t\t// Remove successful posts
-\t\t\t\tsuccessful = JSON.parse(get_cookie('";
- // line 114
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "cookies", array(), "any", false), "js", array(), "any", false);
- echo "'));
-\t\t\t\tfor (var url in successful) {
-\t\t\t\t\tsaved[url] = null;
-\t\t\t\tsessionStorage.body = JSON.stringify(saved);
-\t\t\t\tdocument.cookie = '";
- // line 120
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "cookies", array(), "any", false), "js", array(), "any", false);
- echo "={};expires=0;path=/;';
-\t\t\tif(saved[document.location]) {
-\t\t\t\tdocument.forms.post.body.value = saved[document.location];
-\t\tif(localStorage.body) {
-\t\t\tdocument.forms.post.body.value = localStorage.body;
-\t\t\tlocalStorage.body = '';
-function init_expanding() {
-\tlink = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
-\tfor ( i in link ) {
-\t\tif(typeof link[i] == \"object\" && link[i].childNodes[0].src && link[i].className != 'file') {
-\t\t\tlink[i].onclick = function(e) {
-\t\t\t\tif(e.which == 2) {
-\t\t\t\t\treturn true;
-\t\t\t\tif(!this.tag) {
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.tag = this.childNodes[0].src;
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].src = this.href;
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.width = 'auto';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.height = 'auto';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.opacity = '0.4';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=40)';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].onload = function() {
-\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.style.opacity = '1';
-\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.style.filter = '';
-\t\t\t\t} else {
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].src = this.tag;
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.width = 'auto';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.childNodes[0].style.height = 'auto';
-\t\t\t\t\tthis.tag = '';
-\t\t\t\treturn false;
-function init()
-\tnewElement = document.createElement('div');
-\tnewElement.className = 'styles';
-\tfor(x=0;xgetAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "inline_expanding", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "init_expanding();";
- }
- echo "
-var RecaptchaOptions = {
-\ttheme : 'clean'
-window.onload = init;
- // line 197
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "google_analytics", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "
-var _gaq = _gaq || [];_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '";
- // line 199
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "google_analytics", array(), "any", false);
- echo "']);";
- if ($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "google_analytics_domain", array(), "any", false)) {
- echo "_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '";
- echo $this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "google_analytics_domain", array(), "any", false);
- echo "'])";
- }
- if ((!$this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'config'), "google_analytics_domain", array(), "any", false))) {
- echo "_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'none'])";
- }
- echo ";_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);(function() {var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);})();";
- }
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "main.js";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/templates/cache/bc/b3/57b53ee83d351b20be234a5b0972.php b/templates/cache/bc/b3/57b53ee83d351b20be234a5b0972.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bf2ef3..00000000
--- a/templates/cache/bc/b3/57b53ee83d351b20be234a5b0972.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-env->getGlobals(), $context);
- // line 1
- if ($this->getContext($context, 'error')) {
- echo "";
- echo $this->getContext($context, 'error');
- echo "
- }
- // line 2
- echo "
- }
- public function getTemplateName()
- {
- return "login.html";
- }
- public function isTraitable()
- {
- return false;
- }