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Copyright (c) 2013 Jason Morriss
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
* This file is part of the Lifo\IP PHP Library.
* (c) Jason Morriss <lifo2013@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Lifo\IP;
* BCMath helper class.
* Provides a handful of BCMath routines that are not included in the native
* PHP library.
* Note: The Bitwise functions operate on fixed byte boundaries. For example,
* comparing the following numbers uses X number of bits:
* 0xFFFF and 0xFF will result in comparison of 16 bits.
* 0xFFFFFFFF and 0xF will result in comparison of 32 bits.
* etc...
abstract class BC
// Some common (maybe useless) constants
const MAX_INT_32 = '2147483647'; // 7FFFFFFF
const MAX_UINT_32 = '4294967295'; // FFFFFFFF
const MAX_INT_64 = '9223372036854775807'; // 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
const MAX_UINT_64 = '18446744073709551615'; // FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
const MAX_INT_96 = '39614081257132168796771975167'; // 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
const MAX_UINT_96 = '79228162514264337593543950335'; // FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
const MAX_INT_128 = '170141183460469231731687303715884105727'; // 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
const MAX_UINT_128 = '340282366920938463463374607431768211455'; // FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
* BC Math function to convert a HEX string into a DECIMAL
public static function bchexdec($hex)
if (strlen($hex) == 1) {
return hexdec($hex);
$remain = substr($hex, 0, -1);
$last = substr($hex, -1);
return bcadd(bcmul(16, self::bchexdec($remain), 0), hexdec($last), 0);
* BC Math function to convert a DECIMAL string into a BINARY string
public static function bcdecbin($dec, $pad = null)
$bin = '';
while ($dec) {
$m = bcmod($dec, 2);
$dec = bcdiv($dec, 2, 0);
$bin = abs($m) . $bin;
return $pad ? sprintf("%0{$pad}s", $bin) : $bin;
* BC Math function to convert a BINARY string into a DECIMAL string
public static function bcbindec($bin)
$dec = '0';
for ($i=0, $j=strlen($bin); $i<$j; $i++) {
$dec = bcmul($dec, '2', 0);
$dec = bcadd($dec, $bin[$i], 0);
return $dec;
* BC Math function to convert a BINARY string into a HEX string
public static function bcbinhex($bin, $pad = 0)
return self::bcdechex(self::bcbindec($bin));
* BC Math function to convert a DECIMAL into a HEX string
public static function bcdechex($dec)
$last = bcmod($dec, 16);
$remain = bcdiv(bcsub($dec, $last, 0), 16, 0);
return $remain == 0 ? dechex($last) : self::bcdechex($remain) . dechex($last);
* Bitwise AND two arbitrarily large numbers together.
public static function bcand($left, $right)
$len = self::_bitwise($left, $right);
$value = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
$value .= (($left{$i} + 0) & ($right{$i} + 0)) ? '1' : '0';
return self::bcbindec($value != '' ? $value : '0');
* Bitwise OR two arbitrarily large numbers together.
public static function bcor($left, $right)
$len = self::_bitwise($left, $right);
$value = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
$value .= (($left{$i} + 0) | ($right{$i} + 0)) ? '1' : '0';
return self::bcbindec($value != '' ? $value : '0');
* Bitwise XOR two arbitrarily large numbers together.
public static function bcxor($left, $right)
$len = self::_bitwise($left, $right);
$value = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
$value .= (($left{$i} + 0) ^ ($right{$i} + 0)) ? '1' : '0';
return self::bcbindec($value != '' ? $value : '0');
* Bitwise NOT two arbitrarily large numbers together.
public static function bcnot($left, $bits = null)
$right = 0;
$len = self::_bitwise($left, $right, $bits);
$value = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
$value .= $left{$i} == '1' ? '0' : '1';
return self::bcbindec($value);
* Shift number to the left
* @param integer $bits Total bits to shift
public static function bcleft($num, $bits) {
return bcmul($num, bcpow('2', $bits));
* Shift number to the right
* @param integer $bits Total bits to shift
public static function bcright($num, $bits) {
return bcdiv($num, bcpow('2', $bits));
* Determine how many bits are needed to store the number rounded to the
* nearest bit boundary.
public static function bits_needed($num, $boundary = 4)
$bits = 0;
while ($num > 0) {
$num = bcdiv($num, '2', 0);
// round to nearest boundrary
return $boundary ? ceil($bits / $boundary) * $boundary : $bits;
* BC Math function to return an arbitrarily large random number.
public static function bcrand($min, $max = null)
if ($max === null) {
$max = $min;
$min = 0;
// swap values if $min > $max
if (bccomp($min, $max) == 1) {
list($min,$max) = array($max,$min);
return bcadd(
mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax()),
bcadd($max, '1'),
* Computes the natural logarithm using a series.
* @author Thomas Oldbury.
* @license Public domain.
public static function bclog($num, $iter = 10, $scale = 100)
$log = "0.0";
for($i = 0; $i < $iter; $i++) {
$pow = 1 + (2 * $i);
$mul = bcdiv("1.0", $pow, $scale);
$fraction = bcmul($mul, bcpow(bcsub($num, "1.0", $scale) / bcadd($num, "1.0", $scale), $pow, $scale), $scale);
$log = bcadd($fraction, $log, $scale);
return bcmul("2.0", $log, $scale);
* Computes the base2 log using baseN log.
public static function bclog2($num, $iter = 10, $scale = 100)
return bcdiv(self::bclog($num, $iter, $scale), self::bclog("2", $iter, $scale), $scale);
public static function bcfloor($num)
if (substr($num, 0, 1) == '-') {
return bcsub($num, 1, 0);
return bcadd($num, 0, 0);
public static function bcceil($num)
if (substr($num, 0, 1) == '-') {
return bcsub($num, 0, 0);
return bcadd($num, 1, 0);
* Compare two numbers and return -1, 0, 1 depending if the LEFT number is
* < = > the RIGHT.
* @param string|integer $left Left side operand
* @param string|integer $right Right side operand
* @return integer Return -1,0,1 for <=> comparison
public static function cmp($left, $right)
// @todo could an optimization be done to determine if a normal 32bit
// comparison could be done instead of using bccomp? But would
// the number verification cause too much overhead to be useful?
return bccomp($left, $right, 0);
* Internal function to prepare for bitwise operations
private static function _bitwise(&$left, &$right, $bits = null)
if ($bits === null) {
$bits = max(self::bits_needed($left), self::bits_needed($right));
$left = self::bcdecbin($left);
$right = self::bcdecbin($right);
$len = max(strlen($left), strlen($right), (int)$bits);
$left = sprintf("%0{$len}s", $left);
$right = sprintf("%0{$len}s", $right);
return $len;
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@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
* This file is part of the Lifo\IP PHP Library.
* (c) Jason Morriss <lifo2013@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Lifo\IP;
* CIDR Block helper class.
* Most routines can be used statically or by instantiating an object and
* calling its methods.
* Provides routines to do various calculations on IP addresses and ranges.
* Convert to/from CIDR to ranges, etc.
class CIDR
const INTERSECT_NO = 0;
const INTERSECT_YES = 1;
const INTERSECT_LOW = 2;
protected $start;
protected $end;
protected $prefix;
protected $version;
protected $istart;
protected $iend;
private $cache;
* Create a new CIDR object.
* The IP range can be arbitrary and does not have to fall on a valid CIDR
* range. Some methods will return different values depending if you ignore
* the prefix or not. By default all prefix sensitive methods will assume
* the prefix is used.
* @param string $cidr An IP address (, CIDR block (,
* or range ""
* @param string $end Ending IP in range if no cidr/prefix is given
public function __construct($cidr, $end = null)
if ($end !== null) {
$this->setRange($cidr, $end);
} else {
* Returns the string representation of the CIDR block.
public function __toString()
// do not include the prefix if its a single IP
try {
if ($this->isTrueCidr() && (
($this->version == 4 and $this->prefix != 32) ||
($this->version == 6 and $this->prefix != 128)
) {
return $this->start . '/' . $this->prefix;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// isTrueCidr() calls getRange which can throw an exception
if (strcmp($this->start, $this->end) == 0) {
return $this->start;
return $this->start . ' - ' . $this->end;
public function __clone()
// do not clone the cache. No real reason why. I just want to keep the
// memory foot print as low as possible, even though this is trivial.
$this->cache = array();
* Set an arbitrary IP range.
* The closest matching prefix will be calculated but the actual range
* stored in the object can be arbitrary.
* @param string $start Starting IP or combination "start-end" string.
* @param string $end Ending IP or null.
public function setRange($ip, $end = null)
if (strpos($ip, '-') !== false) {
list($ip, $end) = array_map('trim', explode('-', $ip, 2));
if (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ||
false === filter_var($end, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IP range \"$ip-$end\"");
// determine version (4 or 6)
$this->version = (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) ? 6 : 4;
$this->istart = IP::inet_ptod($ip);
$this->iend = IP::inet_ptod($end);
// fix order
if (bccomp($this->istart, $this->iend) == 1) {
list($this->istart, $this->iend) = array($this->iend, $this->istart);
list($ip, $end) = array($end, $ip);
$this->start = $ip;
$this->end = $end;
// calculate real prefix
$len = $this->version == 4 ? 32 : 128;
$this->prefix = $len - strlen(BC::bcdecbin(BC::bcxor($this->istart, $this->iend)));
* Returns true if the current IP is a true cidr block
public function isTrueCidr()
return $this->start == $this->getNetwork() && $this->end == $this->getBroadcast();
* Set the CIDR block.
* The prefix length is optional and will default to 32 ot 128 depending on
* the version detected.
* @param string $cidr CIDR block string, eg: "" or "2001::1/64"
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the CIDR block is invalid
public function setCidr($cidr)
if (strpos($cidr, '-') !== false) {
return $this->setRange($cidr);
list($ip, $bits) = array_pad(array_map('trim', explode('/', $cidr, 2)), 2, null);
if (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IP address \"$cidr\"");
// determine version (4 or 6)
$this->version = (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) ? 6 : 4;
$this->start = $ip;
$this->istart = IP::inet_ptod($ip);
if ($bits !== null and $bits !== '') {
$this->prefix = $bits;
} else {
$this->prefix = $this->version == 4 ? 32 : 128;
if (($this->prefix < 0)
|| ($this->prefix > 32 and $this->version == 4)
|| ($this->prefix > 128 and $this->version == 6)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IP address \"$cidr\"");
$this->end = $this->getBroadcast();
$this->iend = IP::inet_ptod($this->end);
$this->cache = array();
* Get the IP version. 4 or 6.
* @return integer
public function getVersion()
return $this->version;
* Get the prefix.
* Always returns the "proper" prefix, even if the IP range is arbitrary.
* @return integer
public function getPrefix()
return $this->prefix;
* Return the starting presentational IP or Decimal value.
* Ignores prefix
public function getStart($decimal = false)
return $decimal ? $this->istart : $this->start;
* Return the ending presentational IP or Decimal value.
* Ignores prefix
public function getEnd($decimal = false)
return $decimal ? $this->iend : $this->end;
* Return the next presentational IP or Decimal value (following the
* broadcast address of the current CIDR block).
public function getNext($decimal = false)
$next = bcadd($this->getEnd(true), '1');
return $decimal ? $next : new self(IP::inet_dtop($next));
* Returns true if the IP is an IPv4
* @return boolean
public function isIPv4()
return $this->version == 4;
* Returns true if the IP is an IPv6
* @return boolean
public function isIPv6()
return $this->version == 6;
* Get the cidr notation for the subnet block.
* This is useful for when you want a string representation of the IP/prefix
* and the starting IP is not on a valid network boundrary (eg: Displaying
* an IP from an interface).
* @return string IP in CIDR notation "ipaddr/prefix"
public function getCidr()
return $this->start . '/' . $this->prefix;
* Get the [low,high] range of the CIDR block
* Prefix sensitive.
* @param boolean $ignorePrefix If true the arbitrary start-end range is
* returned. default=false.
public function getRange($ignorePrefix = false)
$range = $ignorePrefix
? array($this->start, $this->end)
: self::cidr_to_range($this->start, $this->prefix);
// watch out for IP '0' being converted to IPv6 '::'
if ($range[0] == '::' and strpos($range[1], ':') == false) {
$range[0] = '';
return $range;
* Return the IP in its fully expanded form.
* For example: 2001::1 == 2007:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
* @see IP::inet_expand
public function getExpanded()
return IP::inet_expand($this->start);
* Get network IP of the CIDR block
* Prefix sensitive.
* @param boolean $ignorePrefix If true the arbitrary start-end range is
* returned. default=false.
public function getNetwork($ignorePrefix = false)
// micro-optimization to prevent calling getRange repeatedly
$k = $ignorePrefix ? 1 : 0;
if (!isset($this->cache['range'][$k])) {
$this->cache['range'][$k] = $this->getRange($ignorePrefix);
return $this->cache['range'][$k][0];
* Get broadcast IP of the CIDR block
* Prefix sensitive.
* @param boolean $ignorePrefix If true the arbitrary start-end range is
* returned. default=false.
public function getBroadcast($ignorePrefix = false)
// micro-optimization to prevent calling getRange repeatedly
$k = $ignorePrefix ? 1 : 0;
if (!isset($this->cache['range'][$k])) {
$this->cache['range'][$k] = $this->getRange($ignorePrefix);
return $this->cache['range'][$k][1];
* Get the network mask based on the prefix.
public function getMask()
return self::prefix_to_mask($this->prefix, $this->version);
* Get total hosts within CIDR range
* Prefix sensitive.
* @param boolean $ignorePrefix If true the arbitrary start-end range is
* returned. default=false.
public function getTotal($ignorePrefix = false)
// micro-optimization to prevent calling getRange repeatedly
$k = $ignorePrefix ? 1 : 0;
if (!isset($this->cache['range'][$k])) {
$this->cache['range'][$k] = $this->getRange($ignorePrefix);
return bcadd(bcsub(IP::inet_ptod($this->cache['range'][$k][1]),
IP::inet_ptod($this->cache['range'][$k][0])), '1');
public function intersects($cidr)
return self::cidr_intersect((string)$this, $cidr);
* Determines the intersection between an IP (with optional prefix) and a
* CIDR block.
* The IP will be checked against the CIDR block given and will either be
* inside or outside the CIDR completely, or partially.
* NOTE: The caller should explicitly check against the INTERSECT_*
* constants because this method will return a value > 1 even for partial
* matches.
* @param mixed $ip The IP/cidr to match
* @param mixed $cidr The CIDR block to match within
* @return integer Returns an INTERSECT_* constant
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if either $ip or $cidr is invalid
public static function cidr_intersect($ip, $cidr)
// use fixed length HEX strings so we can easily do STRING comparisons
// instead of using slower bccomp() math.
list($lo,$hi) = array_map(function($v){ return sprintf("%032s", IP::inet_ptoh($v)); }, CIDR::cidr_to_range($ip));
list($min,$max) = array_map(function($v){ return sprintf("%032s", IP::inet_ptoh($v)); }, CIDR::cidr_to_range($cidr));
/** visualization of logic used below
lo-hi = $ip to check
min-max = $cidr block being checked against
--- --- --- lo --- --- hi --- --- --- --- --- IP/prefix to check
--- min --- --- max --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Partial "LOW" match
--- --- --- --- --- min --- --- max --- --- --- Partial "HIGH" match
--- --- --- --- min max --- --- --- --- --- --- No match "NO"
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- min --- max --- No match "NO"
min --- max --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- No match "NO"
--- --- min --- --- --- --- max --- --- --- --- Full match "YES"
// IP is exact match or completely inside the CIDR block
if ($lo >= $min and $hi <= $max) {
return self::INTERSECT_YES;
// IP is completely outside the CIDR block
if ($max < $lo or $min > $hi) {
return self::INTERSECT_NO;
// @todo is it useful to return LOW/HIGH partial matches?
// IP matches the lower end
if ($max <= $hi and $min <= $lo) {
return self::INTERSECT_LOW;
// IP matches the higher end
if ($min >= $lo and $max >= $hi) {
return self::INTERSECT_HIGH;
return self::INTERSECT_NO;
* Converts an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block into its range.
* @todo May not be the fastest way to do this.
* @static
* @param string $cidr CIDR block or IP address string.
* @param integer|null $bits If /bits is not specified on string they can be
* passed via this parameter instead.
* @return array A 2 element array with the low, high range
public static function cidr_to_range($cidr, $bits = null)
if (strpos($cidr, '/') !== false) {
list($ip, $_bits) = array_pad(explode('/', $cidr, 2), 2, null);
} else {
$ip = $cidr;
$_bits = $bits;
if (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("IP address \"$cidr\" is invalid");
// force bit length to 32 or 128 depending on type of IP
$bitlen = (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) ? 128 : 32;
if ($bits === null) {
// if no prefix is given use the length of the binary string which
// will give us 32 or 128 and result in a single IP being returned.
$bits = $_bits !== null ? $_bits : $bitlen;
if ($bits > $bitlen) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("IP address \"$cidr\" is invalid");
$ipdec = IP::inet_ptod($ip);
$ipbin = BC::bcdecbin($ipdec, $bitlen);
// calculate network
$netmask = BC::bcbindec(str_pad(str_repeat('1',$bits), $bitlen, '0'));
$ip1 = BC::bcand($ipdec, $netmask);
// calculate "broadcast" (not technically a broadcast in IPv6)
$ip2 = BC::bcor($ip1, BC::bcnot($netmask));
return array(IP::inet_dtop($ip1), IP::inet_dtop($ip2));
* Return the CIDR string from the range given
public static function range_to_cidr($start, $end)
$cidr = new CIDR($start, $end);
return (string)$cidr;
* Return the maximum prefix length that would fit the IP address given.
* This is useful to determine how my bit would be needed to store the IP
* address when you don't already have a prefix for the IP.
* @example would return 27
* @param string $ip IP address without prefix
* @param integer $bits Maximum bits to check; defaults to 32 for IPv4 and 128 for IPv6
public static function max_prefix($ip, $bits = null)
static $mask = array();
$ver = (false === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) ? 6 : 4;
$max = $ver == 6 ? 128 : 32;
if ($bits === null) {
$bits = $max;
$int = IP::inet_ptod($ip);
while ($bits > 0) {
// micro-optimization; calculate mask once ...
if (!isset($mask[$ver][$bits-1])) {
// 2^$max - 2^($max - $bits);
if ($ver == 4) {
$mask[$ver][$bits-1] = pow(2, $max) - pow(2, $max - ($bits-1));
} else {
$mask[$ver][$bits-1] = bcsub(bcpow(2, $max), bcpow(2, $max - ($bits-1)));
$m = $mask[$ver][$bits-1];
//printf("%s/%d: %s & %s == %s\n", $ip, $bits-1, BC::bcdecbin($m, 32), BC::bcdecbin($int, 32), BC::bcdecbin(BC::bcand($int, $m)));
//echo "$ip/", $bits-1, ": ", IP::inet_dtop($m), " ($m) & $int == ", BC::bcand($int, $m), "\n";
if (bccomp(BC::bcand($int, $m), $int) != 0) {
return $bits;
return $bits;
* Return a contiguous list of true CIDR blocks that span the range given.
* Note: It's not a good idea to call this with IPv6 addresses. While it may
* work for certain ranges this can be very slow. Also an IPv6 list won't be
* as accurate as an IPv4 list.
* @example
* range_to_cidrlist(, ==
* range_to_cidrlist(, ==
public static function range_to_cidrlist($start, $end)
$ver = (false === filter_var($start, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) ? 6 : 4;
$start = IP::inet_ptod($start);
$end = IP::inet_ptod($end);
$len = $ver == 4 ? 32 : 128;
$log2 = $ver == 4 ? log(2) : BC::bclog(2);
$list = array();
while (BC::cmp($end, $start) >= 0) { // $end >= $start
$prefix = self::max_prefix(IP::inet_dtop($start), $len);
if ($ver == 4) {
$diff = $len - floor( log($end - $start + 1) / $log2 );
} else {
// this is not as accurate due to the bclog function
$diff = bcsub($len, BC::bcfloor(bcdiv(BC::bclog(bcadd(bcsub($end, $start), '1')), $log2)));
if ($prefix < $diff) {
$prefix = $diff;
$list[] = IP::inet_dtop($start) . "/" . $prefix;
if ($ver == 4) {
$start += pow(2, $len - $prefix);
} else {
$start = bcadd($start, bcpow(2, $len - $prefix));
return $list;
* Return an list of optimized CIDR blocks by collapsing adjacent CIDR
* blocks into larger blocks.
* @param array $cidrs List of CIDR block strings or objects
* @param integer $maxPrefix Maximum prefix to allow
* @return array Optimized list of CIDR objects
public static function optimize_cidrlist($cidrs, $maxPrefix = 32)
// all indexes must be a CIDR object
$cidrs = array_map(function($o){ return $o instanceof CIDR ? $o : new CIDR($o); }, $cidrs);
// sort CIDR blocks in proper order so we can easily loop over them
$cidrs = self::cidr_sort($cidrs);
$list = array();
while ($cidrs) {
$c = array_shift($cidrs);
$start = $c->getStart();
$max = bcadd($c->getStart(true), $c->getTotal());
// loop through each cidr block until its ending range is more than
// the current maximum.
while (!empty($cidrs) and $cidrs[0]->getStart(true) <= $max) {
$b = array_shift($cidrs);
$newmax = bcadd($b->getStart(true), $b->getTotal());
if ($newmax > $max) {
$max = $newmax;
// add the new cidr range to the optimized list
$list = array_merge($list, self::range_to_cidrlist($start, IP::inet_dtop(bcsub($max, '1'))));
return $list;
* Sort the list of CIDR blocks, optionally with a custom callback function.
* @param array $cidrs A list of CIDR blocks (strings or objects)
* @param Closure $callback Optional callback to perform the sorting.
* See PHP usort documentation for more details.
public static function cidr_sort($cidrs, $callback = null)
// all indexes must be a CIDR object
$cidrs = array_map(function($o){ return $o instanceof CIDR ? $o : new CIDR($o); }, $cidrs);
if ($callback === null) {
$callback = function($a, $b) {
if (0 != ($o = BC::cmp($a->getStart(true), $b->getStart(true)))) {
return $o; // < or >
if ($a->getPrefix() == $b->getPrefix()) {
return 0;
return $a->getPrefix() < $b->getPrefix() ? -1 : 1;
} elseif (!($callback instanceof \Closure) or !is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid callback in CIDR::cidr_sort, expected Closure, got " . gettype($callback));
usort($cidrs, $callback);
return $cidrs;
* Return the Prefix bits from the IPv4 mask given.
* This is only valid for IPv4 addresses since IPv6 addressing does not
* have a concept of network masks.
* Example: == 24
* @param string $mask IPv4 network mask.
public static function mask_to_prefix($mask)
if (false === filter_var($mask, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IP netmask \"$mask\"");
return strrpos(IP::inet_ptob($mask, 32), '1') + 1;
* Return the network mask for the prefix given.
* Normally this is only useful for IPv4 addresses but you can generate a
* mask for IPv6 addresses as well, only because its mathematically
* possible.
* @param integer $prefix CIDR prefix bits (0-128)
* @param integer $version IP version. If null the version will be detected
* based on the prefix length given.
public static function prefix_to_mask($prefix, $version = null)
if ($version === null) {
$version = $prefix > 32 ? 6 : 4;
if ($prefix < 0 or $prefix > 128) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid prefix length \"$prefix\"");
if ($version != 4 and $version != 6) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid version \"$version\". Must be 4 or 6");
if ($version == 4) {
return long2ip($prefix == 0 ? 0 : (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - $prefix)) << (32 - $prefix));
} else {
return IP::inet_dtop($prefix == 0 ? 0 : BC::bcleft(BC::bcright(BC::MAX_UINT_128, 128-$prefix), 128-$prefix));
* Return true if the $ip given is a true CIDR block.
* A true CIDR block is one where the $ip given is the actual Network
* address and broadcast matches the prefix appropriately.
public static function cidr_is_true($ip)
$ip = new CIDR($ip);
return $ip->isTrueCidr();
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
* This file is part of the Lifo\IP PHP Library.
* (c) Jason Morriss <lifo2013@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Lifo\IP;
* IP Address helper class.
* Provides routines to translate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between human readable
* strings, decimal, hexidecimal and binary.
* Requires BCmath extension and IPv6 PHP support
abstract class IP
* Convert a human readable (presentational) IP address string into a decimal string.
public static function inet_ptod($ip)
// shortcut for IPv4 addresses
if (strpos($ip, ':') === false && strpos($ip, '.') !== false) {
return sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip));
// remove any cidr block notation
if (($o = strpos($ip, '/')) !== false) {
$ip = substr($ip, 0, $o);
// unpack into 4 32bit integers
$parts = unpack('N*', inet_pton($ip));
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
if ($part < 0) {
// convert signed int into unsigned
$part = sprintf('%u', $part);
//$part = bcadd($part, '4294967296');
// add each 32bit integer to the proper bit location in our big decimal
$decimal = $parts[4]; // << 0
$decimal = bcadd($decimal, bcmul($parts[3], '4294967296')); // << 32
$decimal = bcadd($decimal, bcmul($parts[2], '18446744073709551616')); // << 64
$decimal = bcadd($decimal, bcmul($parts[1], '79228162514264337593543950336')); // << 96
return $decimal;
* Convert a decimal string into a human readable IP address.
public static function inet_dtop($decimal, $expand = false)
$parts = array();
$parts[1] = bcdiv($decimal, '79228162514264337593543950336', 0); // >> 96
$decimal = bcsub($decimal, bcmul($parts[1], '79228162514264337593543950336'));
$parts[2] = bcdiv($decimal, '18446744073709551616', 0); // >> 64
$decimal = bcsub($decimal, bcmul($parts[2], '18446744073709551616'));
$parts[3] = bcdiv($decimal, '4294967296', 0); // >> 32
$decimal = bcsub($decimal, bcmul($parts[3], '4294967296'));
$parts[4] = $decimal; // >> 0
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
if (bccomp($part, '2147483647') == 1) {
$part = bcsub($part, '4294967296');
$part = (int) $part;
// if the first 96bits is all zeros then we can safely assume we
// actually have an IPv4 address. Even though it's technically possible
// you're not really ever going to see an IPv6 address in the range:
// ::0 - ::ffff
// It's feasible to see an IPv6 address of "::", in which case the
// caller is going to have to account for that on their own.
if (($parts[1] | $parts[2] | $parts[3]) == 0) {
$ip = long2ip($parts[4]);
} else {
$packed = pack('N4', $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[3], $parts[4]);
$ip = inet_ntop($packed);
// Turn IPv6 to IPv4 if it's IPv4
if (preg_match('/^::\d+\./', $ip)) {
return substr($ip, 2);
return $expand ? self::inet_expand($ip) : $ip;
* Convert a human readable (presentational) IP address into a HEX string.
public static function inet_ptoh($ip)
return bin2hex(inet_pton($ip));
//return BC::bcdechex(self::inet_ptod($ip));
* Convert a human readable (presentational) IP address into a BINARY string.
public static function inet_ptob($ip, $bits = 128)
return BC::bcdecbin(self::inet_ptod($ip), $bits);
* Convert a binary string into an IP address (presentational) string.
public static function inet_btop($bin)
return self::inet_dtop(BC::bcbindec($bin));
* Convert a HEX string into a human readable (presentational) IP address
public static function inet_htop($hex)
return self::inet_dtop(BC::bchexdec($hex));
* Expand an IP address. IPv4 addresses are returned as-is.
* Example:
* 2001::1 expands to 2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
* :: expands to 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7f00:0001
* expands to
public static function inet_expand($ip)
// strip possible cidr notation off
if (($pos = strpos($ip, '/')) !== false) {
$ip = substr($ip, 0, $pos);
$bytes = unpack('n*', inet_pton($ip));
if (count($bytes) > 2) {
return implode(':', array_map(function ($b) {
return sprintf("%04x", $b);
}, $bytes));
return $ip;
* Convert an IPv4 address into an IPv6 address.
* One use-case for this is IP 6to4 tunnels used in networking.
* @example
* to_ipv4("") == a0a:a0a
* @param string $ip IPv4 address.
* @param boolean $mapped If true a Full IPv6 address is returned within the
* official ipv4to6 mapped space "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:x:x"
public static function to_ipv6($ip, $mapped = false)
if (!self::isIPv4($ip)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid IPv4 address \"$ip\"");
$num = IP::inet_ptod($ip);
$o1 = dechex($num >> 16);
$o2 = dechex($num & 0x0000FFFF);
return $mapped ? "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:$o1:$o2" : "$o1:$o2";
* Returns true if the IP address is a valid IPv4 address
public static function isIPv4($ip)
return $ip === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4);
* Returns true if the IP address is a valid IPv6 address
public static function isIPv6($ip)
return $ip === filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6);
* Compare two IP's (v4 or v6) and return -1, 0, 1 if the first is < = >
* the second.
* @param string $ip1 IP address
* @param string $ip2 IP address to compare against
* @return integer Return -1,0,1 depending if $ip1 is <=> $ip2
public static function cmp($ip1, $ip2)
return bccomp(self::inet_ptod($ip1), self::inet_ptod($ip2), 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user