czaks 4636f5b6ef fix watch.js on nonstandard paths; fixes vichan-devel#38
this commit also adds a modRoot js variable that makes proper
modlinks. also fixed in watch.js
2014-01-29 22:53:31 +01:00

422 lines
13 KiB

* watch.js - board watch, thread watch and board pinning
* https://github.com/vichan-devel/Tinyboard/blob/master/js/watch.js
* Released under the MIT license
* Copyright (c) 2014 Marcin Łabanowski <marcin@6irc.net>
* Usage:
* $config['api']['enabled'] = true;
* $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
* $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/mobile-style.js';
* //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/titlebar-notifications.js';
* //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/auto-reload.js';
* //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/hide-threads.js';
* //$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/compact-boardlist.js';
* $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/watch.js';
// migrate from old name
if (typeof localStorage.watch == "string") {
localStorage.watch_js = localStorage.watch;
delete localStorage.watch;
var window_active = true;
$(window).focus(function() {
window_active = true;
$(window).blur(function() {
window_active = false;
var status = {};
time_loaded = Date.now();
var updating_suspended = false;
var storage = function() {
var storage = JSON.parse(localStorage.watch_js !== undefined ? localStorage.watch_js : "{}");
delete storage.undefined; // fix for some bug
return storage;
var storage_save = function(s) {
localStorage.watch_js = JSON.stringify(s);
var osize = function(o) {
var size = 0;
for (var key in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
var is_pinned = function(boardconfig) {
return boardconfig.pinned || boardconfig.watched || (boardconfig.threads ? osize(boardconfig.threads) : false);
var is_boardwatched = function(boardconfig) {
return boardconfig.watched;
var is_threadwatched = function(boardconfig, thread) {
return boardconfig && boardconfig.threads && boardconfig.threads[thread];
var toggle_pinned = function(board) {
var st = storage();
var bc = st[board] || {};
if (is_pinned(bc)) {
bc.pinned = false;
bc.watched = false;
bc.threads = {};
else {
bc.pinned = true;
st[board] = bc;
return bc.pinned;
var toggle_boardwatched = function(board) {
var st = storage();
var bc = st[board] || {};
bc.watched = !is_boardwatched(bc) && Date.now();
st[board] = bc;
return bc.watched;
var toggle_threadwatched = function(board, thread) {
var st = storage();
var bc = st[board] || {};
if (is_threadwatched(bc, thread)) {
delete bc.threads[thread];
else {
bc.threads = bc.threads || {};
bc.threads[thread] = Date.now();
st[board] = bc;
return is_threadwatched(bc, thread);
var construct_watchlist_for = function(board, variant) {
var list = $("<div class='boardlist top cb-menu watch-menu'></div>");
list.attr("data-board", board);
for (var tid in storage()[board].threads) {
var newposts = "(0)";
if (status && status[board] && status[board].threads && status[board].threads[tid]) {
if (status[board].threads[tid] == -404) {
newposts = "<i class='fa fa-ban-circle'></i>";
else {
newposts = "("+status[board].threads[tid]+")";
var tag;
if (variant == 'desktop') {
tag = $("<a href='"+modRoot+board+"/res/"+tid+".html'><span>#"+tid+"</span><span class='cb-uri watch-remove'>"+newposts+"</span>");
tag.find(".watch-remove").mouseenter(function() {
this.oldval = $(this).html();
$(this).css("min-width", $(this).width());
$(this).html("<i class='fa fa-minus'></i>");
.mouseleave(function() {
else if (variant == 'mobile') {
tag = $("<a href='"+modRoot+board+"/res/"+tid+".html'><span>#"+tid+"</span><span class='cb-uri'>"+newposts+"</span>"
+"<span class='cb-uri watch-remove'><i class='fa fa-minus'></i></span>");
tag.attr('data-thread', tid)
.click(function() {
var b = $(this).parent().parent().attr("data-board");
var t = $(this).parent().attr("data-thread");
toggle_threadwatched(b, t);
return false;
return list;
var update_pinned = function() {
if (typeof update_title != "undefined") update_title();
var bl = $('.boardlist').first();
$('#watch-pinned, .watch-menu').remove();
var pinned = $('<div id="watch-pinned"></div>').appendTo(bl);
var st = storage();
for (var i in st) {
if (is_pinned(st[i])) {
var link;
if (bl.find('[href*="'+modRoot+i+'/index.html"]:not(.cb-menuitem)').length) link = bl.find('[href*="'+modRoot+i+'/"]').first();
else link = $('<a href="'+modRoot+i+'/" class="cb-item cb-cat">/'+i+'/</a>').appendTo(pinned);
if (link[0].origtitle === undefined) {
link[0].origtitle = link.html();
else {
if (st[i].watched) {
link.css("font-weight", "bold");
if (status && status[i] && status[i].new_threads) {
link.html(link.html() + " (" + status[i].new_threads + ")");
else if (st[i].threads && osize(st[i].threads)) {
link.css("font-style", "italic");
link.attr("data-board", i);
if (status && status[i] && status[i].threads) {
var new_posts = 0;
for (var tid in status[i].threads) {
if (status[i].threads[tid] > 0) {
new_posts += status[i].threads[tid];
if (new_posts > 0) {
link.html(link.html() + " (" + new_posts + ")");
if (device_type == "desktop")
link.off().mouseenter(function() {
updating_suspended = true;
var board = $(this).attr("data-board");
var wl = construct_watchlist_for(board, "desktop").appendTo($(this))
.css("top", $(this).position().top
+ ($(this).css('padding-top').replace('px', '')|0)
+ ($(this).css('padding-bottom').replace('px', '')|0)
+ $(this).height())
.css("left", $(this).position().left)
.css("right", "auto")
.css("font-style", "normal");
if (typeof init_hover != "undefined")
}).mouseleave(function() {
updating_suspended = false;
$('.boardlist .cb-menu').remove();
if (device_type == "mobile" && (active_page == 'thread' || active_page == 'index')) {
var board = $('form[name="post"] input[name="board"]').val();
var where = $('div[style="text-align:right"]').first();
construct_watchlist_for(board, "mobile").css("float", "left").insertBefore(where);
var fetch_jsons = function() {
if (updating_suspended) return;
if (window_active) check_scroll();
var st = storage();
for (var i in st) {
if (st[i].watched) {
var r = $.getJSON(configRoot+i+"/threads.json", function(j, x, r) {
handle_board_json(r.board, j);
r.board = i;
else if (st[i].threads) {
for (var j in st[i].threads) {
var r = $.getJSON(configRoot+i+"/res/"+j+".json", function(k, x, r) {
handle_thread_json(r.board, r.thread, k);
}).error(function(r) {
if(r.status == 404) handle_thread_404(r.board, r.thread);
r.board = i;
r.thread = j;
var handle_board_json = function(board, json) {
var last_thread;
var new_threads = 0;
var hidden_data = {};
if (localStorage.hiddenthreads) {
hidden_data = JSON.parse(localStorage.hiddenthreads);
for (var i in json) {
for (var j in json[i].threads) {
var thread = json[i].threads[j];
if (hidden_data[board]) { // hide threads integration
var cont = false;
for (var k in hidden_data[board]) {
if (parseInt(k) == thread.no) {
cont = true;
if (cont) continue;
if (thread.last_modified > storage()[board].watched / 1000) {
last_thread = thread.no;
status = status || {};
status[board] = status[board] || {};
status[board].last_thread = last_thread;
status[board].new_threads = new_threads;
var handle_thread_json = function(board, threadid, json) {
for (var i in json.posts) {
var post = json.posts[i];
var new_posts = 0;
if (post.time > storage()[board].threads[threadid] / 1000) {
status = status || {};
status[board] = status[board] || {};
status[board].threads = status[board].threads || {};
status[board].threads[threadid] = new_posts;
var handle_thread_404 = function(board, threadid) {
status = status || {};
status[board] = status[board] || {};
status[board].threads = status[board].threads || {};
status[board].threads[threadid] = -404; //notify 404
if (active_page == "thread") {
var board = $('form[name="post"] input[name="board"]').val();
var thread = $('form[name="post"] input[name="thread"]').val();
var boardconfig = storage()[board] || {};
$('hr:first').before('<div id="watch-thread" style="text-align:right"><a class="unimportant" href="javascript:void(0)">-</a></div>');
$('#watch-thread a').html(is_threadwatched(boardconfig, thread) ? _("Stop watching this thread") : _("Watch this thread")).click(function() {
$(this).html(toggle_threadwatched(board, thread) ? _("Stop watching this thread") : _("Watch this thread"));
if (active_page == "index") {
var board = $('form[name="post"] input[name="board"]').val();
var boardconfig = storage()[board] || {};
$('hr:first').before('<div id="watch-pin" style="text-align:right"><a class="unimportant" href="javascript:void(0)">-</a></div>');
$('#watch-pin a').html(is_pinned(boardconfig) ? _("Unpin this board") : _("Pin this board")).click(function() {
$(this).html(toggle_pinned(board) ? _("Unpin this board") : _("Pin this board"));
$('#watch-board a').html(is_boardwatched(boardconfig) ? _("Stop watching this board") : _("Watch this board"));
$('hr:first').before('<div id="watch-board" style="text-align:right"><a class="unimportant" href="javascript:void(0)">-</a></div>');
$('#watch-board a').html(is_boardwatched(boardconfig) ? _("Stop watching this board") : _("Watch this board")).click(function() {
$(this).html(toggle_boardwatched(board) ? _("Stop watching this board") : _("Watch this board"));
$('#watch-pin a').html(is_pinned(boardconfig) ? _("Unpin this board") : _("Pin this board"));
var check_post = function(frame, post) {
return post.length && $(frame).scrollTop() + $(frame).height() >=
post.position().top + post.height();
var check_scroll = function() {
if (!status) return;
var refresh = false;
for(var bid in status) {
if (((status[bid].new_threads && (active_page == "ukko" || active_page == "index")) || status[bid].new_threads == 1)
&& check_post(this, $('[data-board="'+bid+'"]#thread_'+status[bid].last_thread))) {
var st = storage()
st[bid].watched = time_loaded;
refresh = true;
if (!status[bid].threads) continue;
for (var tid in status[bid].threads) {
if(status[bid].threads[tid] && check_post(this, $('[data-board="'+bid+'"]#thread_'+tid))) {
var st = storage();
st[bid].threads[tid] = time_loaded;
refresh = true;
return refresh;
$(window).scroll(function() {
var refresh = check_scroll();
if (refresh) {
refresh = false;
if (typeof add_title_collector != "undefined")
add_title_collector(function() {
if (!status) return 0;
var sum = 0;
for (var bid in status) {
if (status[bid].new_threads) {
sum += status[bid].new_threads;
if (!status[bid].threads) continue;
for (var tid in status[bid].threads) {
if (status[bid].threads[tid] > 0) {
if (auto_reload_enabled && active_page == "thread") {
var board = $('form[name="post"] input[name="board"]').val();
var thread = $('form[name="post"] input[name="thread"]').val();
if (board == bid && thread == tid) continue;
sum += status[bid].threads[tid];
return sum;
setInterval(fetch_jsons, 10000);