2019-07-02 08:05:15 +03:00
# API Reference
### host
* `host(string ...$hostname): Host`
Define a host or group of hosts. Read more at [hosts ](hosts.md ).
### localhost
* `localhost(string ...$alias = 'localhost'): Host`
Define a localhost.
### inventory
* `inventory(string $file): Host[]`
Load a list of hosts from a file.
### desc
* `desc(string $description)`
Set a task description.
### task
* `task(string $name, string $script)`
* `task(string $name, callable $callable)`
* `task(string $name): Task`
Define a task or get a task. More at [tasks ](tasks.md ).
### before
* `before(string $when, string $that)`
Call before `$when` task, `$that` task.
### after
* `after(string $when, string $that)`
Call after `$when` task, `$that` task.
### fail
* `fail(string $what, string $that)`
If task `$what` fails, run `$that` task.
### argument
* `argument($name, $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)`
Add user's cli arguments.
### option
* `option($name, $shortcut=null, $mode=null, $description='', $default=null)`
Add user's cli options.
### cd
* `cd(string $path)`
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Sets the working path for the following `run` functions.
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Every task restores the working path to the base working path at the beginning of the task.
run('npm run build');
### within
* `within(string $path, callable $callback)`
Run `$callback` within `$path` .
within('{{release_path}}', function () {
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
run('npm run build');
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### workingPath
* `workingPath(): string`
Return the current working path.
workingPath() == '/var/www/app/releases/1';
### run
* `run(string $command, $options = []): string`
Run a command on remote host. Available options:
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* `timeout` — Sets the process timeout (max. runtime).
To disable the timeout, set this value to null.
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The timeout in seconds (default: 300 sec)
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For example, if your private key contains a passphrase, enable tty and you'll see git prompt for a password.
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run('git clone ...', ['timeout' => null, 'tty' => true]);
`run` function returns the output of the command as a string:
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2019-07-02 08:05:15 +03:00
$path = run('readlink {{deploy_path}}/current');
run("echo $path");
### runLocally
* `runLocally($command, $options = []): string`
Run a command on localhost. Available options:
* `timeout` — The timeout in seconds (default: 300 sec)
* `tty` — The TTY mode (default: false)
### test
* `test(string $command): bool`
Run a test command.
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2019-07-02 08:05:15 +03:00
if (test('[ -d {{release_path}} ]')) {
### testLocally
* `testLocally(string $command): bool`
Run a test command locally.
### on
* `on(Host $host, callable $callback)`
* `on(Host[] $host, callable $callback)`
Execute a `$callback` on the specified hosts.
on(host('domain.com'), function ($host) {
on(roles('app'), function ($host) {
on(Deployer::get()->hosts, function ($host) {
### roles
* `roles(string ...$role): Host[]`
Return a list of hosts by roles.
### invoke
* `invoke(string $task)`
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
Run a task on the current host.
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task('deploy', function () {
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
2019-07-02 08:05:15 +03:00
> **Note** this is experimental functionality.
### upload
* `upload(string $source, string $destination, $config = [])`
Upload files from `$source` to `$destination` on the remote host.
upload('build/', '{{release_path}}/public');
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
> You may have noticed that there is a trailing slash (/) at the end of the first argument in the above command,
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> this is necessary to mean "the contents of `build`".
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
> The alternative, without the trailing slash, would place `build`, including the directory, within `public`.
2019-07-02 08:05:15 +03:00
> This would create a hierarchy that looks like: `{{release_path}}/public/build`
Available options:
* `timeout` — The timeout in seconds (default: null)
* `options` — `rsync` options.
### download
* `download(string $source, string $destination, $config = [])`
Download files from the remote host `$source` to `$destination` on the local machine.
Available options:
* `timeout` — The timeout in seconds (default: null)
* `options` — `rsync` options.
### write
2020-04-25 23:00:08 +03:00
Write a message in the output.
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You can format the message with the tags `<info>...</info>` , `<comment></comment>` or `<error></error>` (see [Symfony Console ](http://symfony.com/doc/current/console/coloring.html )).
### writeln
Same as the `write` function, but also writes a new line.
### set
* `set(string $name, string|int|bool|array $value)`
* `set(string $name, callable $value)`
Setup a global configuration parameter. If callable is passed as `$value` it will be triggered on the first get of this config.
More at [configuration ](configuration.md ).
### add
* `add(string $name, array $values)`
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Add values to already existing config.
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More at [configuration ](configuration.md ).
### get
* `get(string $name, $default = null): string|int|bool|array`
Get a configuration value.
More at [configuration ](configuration.md ).
### has
* `has(string $name): bool`
Check if a config option exists.
More at [configuration ](configuration.md ).
### ask
* `ask(string $message, $default = null, $suggestedChoices = null)`
Ask the user for input.
### askChoice
* `askChoice(string $message, array $availableChoices, $default = null, $multiselect = false)`
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Ask the user to select from multiple key/value options and return an array.
Multiselect enables selection of multiple comma separated choices.
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The default value will be used in quiet mode, otherwise the first available choice will be accepted.
### askConfirmation
* `askConfirmation(string $message, bool $default = false)`
Ask the user a yes or no question.
### askHiddenResponse
* `askHiddenResponse(string $message)`
Ask the user for a password.
### input
* `input(): Input`
Get the current console input.
### output
* `output(): Output`
Get the current console output.
### isQuiet
* `isQuiet(): bool`
Check if th `dep` command was started with the `-q` option.
### isVerbose
* `isVerbose(): bool`
Check if the `dep` command was started with the `-v` option.
### isVeryVerbose
* `isVeryVerbose(): bool`
Check if th `dep` command was started with the `-vv` option.
### isDebug
* `isDebug(): bool`
Check if the `dep` command was started with the `-vvv` option.
### commandExist
* `commandExist(string $command): bool`
Check if a command exists.
if (commandExist('composer')) {
### parse
* `parse(string $line): string`
Parse config occurrence `{{` `}}` in `$line` .