# Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x 1. Servers to Hosts * `server($name, $hostname)` to `host($hostname)` * `localServer($name)` to `localhost()` * `cluster($name, $nodes, $port)` to `hosts(...$hodes)` * `serverList($file)` to `inventory($file)` 2. Configuration options * Rename `{{server.name}}` to `{{hostname}}` 3. DotArray syntax In v5 access to nested arrays in config via dot notation was removed. If you was using it, consider to move to plain config options. Refactor this: ```php set('a', ['b' => 1]); // ... get('a.b'); ``` To: ```php set('a_b', 1); // ... get('a_b'); ``` 4. Credentials Best practice in new v5 is to omit credentials for connection in `deploy.php` and write them in `~/.ssh/config` instead. * `identityFile($publicKeyFile,, $privateKeyFile, $passPhrase)` to `identityFile($privateKeyFile)` * `pemFile($pemFile)` to `identityFile($pemFile)` * `forwardAgent()` to `forwardAgent(true)` 5. Tasks constraints * `onlyOn` to `onHosts` * `onlyOnStage` to `onStage` # Upgrade from 3.x to 4.x 1. Namespace for functions Add to beginning of *deploy.php* next line: ```php use function Deployer\{server, task, run, set, get, add, before, after}; ``` If you are using PHP version less than 5.6, you can use this: ```php namespace Deployer; ``` 2. `env()` to `set()`/`get()` Rename all calls `env($name, $value)` to `set($name, $value)`. Rename all rvalue `env($name)` to `get($name)`. Rename all `server(...)->env(...)` to `server(...)->set(...)`. 3. Moved *NonFatalException* Rename `Deployer\Task\NonFatalException` to `Deployer\Exception\NonFatalException`. 4. Prior release cleanup Due to changes in release management, the new cleanup task will ignore any prior releases deployed with 3.x. These will need to be manually removed after migrating to and successfully releasing via 4.x. # Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x 1. ### `->path('...')` Replace your server paths configuration: ```php server(...) ->path(...); ``` to: ```php server(...) ->env('deploy_path', '...'); ```