# hangouts [Source](/contrib/hangouts.php) Require the Google Hangouts Chat recipe in your `deploy.php` file: ```php require 'contrib/chat.php'; ``` Add hook on deploy: ```php before('deploy', 'chat:notify'); ``` ## Configuration - `chat_webhook` – chat incoming webhook url, **required** - `chat_title` – the title of your notification card, default `{{application}}` - `chat_subtitle` – the subtitle of your card, default `{{hostname}}` - `chat_favicon` – an image for the header of your card, default `http://{{hostname}}/favicon.png` - `chat_line1` – first line of the text in your card, default: `{{branch}}` - `chat_line2` – second line of the text in your card, default: `{{stage}}` ## Usage If you want to notify only about beginning of deployment add this line only: ```php before('deploy', 'chat:notify'); ``` If you want to notify about successful end of deployment add this too: ```php after('deploy:success', 'chat:notify:success'); ``` If you want to notify about failed deployment add this too: ```php after('deploy:failed', 'chat:notify:failure'); ``` ## Configuration ### chat_title [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L50) Title of project ### chat_subtitle [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L54) ```php title="Default value" get('hostname') ``` ### favicon [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L57) If 'favicon' is set Google Hangouts Chat will decorate your card with an image. ```php title="Default value" 'http://{{hostname}}/favicon.png' ``` ### chat_line1 [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L60) Deploy messages ```php title="Default value" '{{branch}}' ``` ### chat_line2 [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L61) ```php title="Default value" '{{stage}}' ``` ## Tasks ### chat:notify [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L64) Notifies Google Hangouts Chat. ### chat:notify:success [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L106) Notifies Google Hangouts Chat about deploy finish. ### chat:notify:failure [Source](https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/contrib/hangouts.php#L148) Notifies Google Hangouts Chat about deploy failure.