2015-01-03 00:07:58 +03:00

170 lines
3.9 KiB

/* (c) Anton Medvedev <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/common.php';
* Create cache dir
task('deploy:create_cache_dir', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
// Set cache dir
env()->set('cache_dir', $cacheDir = "$releasePath/app/cache");
// Remove cache dir if it exist
run("if [ -d \"$cacheDir\" ]; then rm -rf $cacheDir; fi");
// Create cache dir
run("mkdir -p $cacheDir");
})->desc('Creating cache dir');
after('deploy:update_code', 'deploy:create_cache_dir');
* Set right permissions
task('deploy:permissions:setfacl', function () {
$user = config()->getUser();
$wwwUser = config()->getWwwUser();
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
$dirs = (array)get('writeable_dirs', ['app/cache', 'app/logs']);
$run = run("if which setfacl; then echo \"ok\"; fi");
if (empty($run)) {
writeln('<comment>Enable ACL support and install "setfacl"</comment>');
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
run("setfacl -R -m u:$wwwUser:rwX -m u:$user:rwX $dir");
run("setfacl -dR -m u:$wwwUser:rwX -m u:$user:rwX $dir");
})->desc('Setting permissions');
* Normalize asset timestamps
task('deploy:assets', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
$assets = get('assets', ['web/css', 'web/images', 'web/js']);
$assets = array_map(function ($asset) use ($releasePath) {
return "$releasePath/$asset";
}, $assets);
$assets = implode(' ', $assets);
$time = date('Ymdhi.s');
run("find $assets -exec touch -t $time {} ';' &> /dev/null || true");
})->desc('Normalizing asset timestamps');
* Dump all assets to the filesystem
task('deploy:assetic:dump', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
$prod = get('env', 'prod');
run("php $releasePath/app/console assetic:dump --env=$prod --no-debug");
})->desc('Dumping assets');
* Warm up cache
task('deploy:cache:warmup', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
$cacheDir = env()->get('cache_dir', "$releasePath/app/cache");
$prod = get('env', 'prod');
run("php $releasePath/app/console cache:warmup --env=$prod --no-debug");
run("chmod -R g+w $cacheDir");
})->desc('Warming up cache');
* Migrate database
task('database:migrate', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
$prod = get('env', 'prod');
$serverName = config()->getName();
$run = get('auto_migrate', false);
if (output()->isVerbose()) {
$run = askConfirmation("Run migrations on $serverName server?", $run);
if ($run) {
run("php $releasePath/app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=$prod --no-debug --no-interaction");
})->desc('Migrating database');
* Remove app_dev.php files
task('deploy:clear_controllers', function () {
$releasePath = env()->getReleasePath();
run("rm -f $releasePath/web/app_*.php");
after('deploy:update_code', 'deploy:clear_controllers');
// Symfony shared dirs
set('shared_dirs', ['app/logs']);
// Symfony shared files
set('shared_files', ['app/config/parameters.yml']);
// Symfony writeable dirs
set('writeable_dirs', ['app/cache', 'app/logs']);
* Main task
task('deploy', [
])->desc('Deploy your project');
* Success message
after('deploy', function () {
$host = config()->getHost();
writeln("<info>Successfully deployed on</info> <fg=cyan>$host</fg=cyan>");