Midhun Monachan 5edee95105
Hotfix/v7.4.0: Fixes caddyfile and realpath errors in provision:website (#3837)
* Hotfix: Fixed file read error in website.php

Moved the directory creation and ownership setting code before the file read operation to prevent the file read error.

* Hotfix: Adjusted Caddyfile path and ensured its inclusion in build

* Regenerate docs using php bin/docgen
2024-05-21 10:23:09 +02:00

96 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
/* (c) Anton Medvedev <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
if (ini_get('phar.readonly') === '1') {
throw new \Exception('Writing to phar files is disabled. Change your `php.ini` or append `-d phar.readonly=false` to the shebang, if supported by your `env` executable.');
define('__ROOT__', realpath(__DIR__ . '/..'));
$opt = getopt('v:', ['nozip']);
$version = $opt['v'] ?? null;
if (empty($version)) {
echo "Please, specify version as \"-v7.0.0-beta.42\".\n";
if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\-\w+(\.\d+)?)?$/', $version)) {
echo "Version must be \"7.0.0-beta.42\". Got \"$version\".\n";
`composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader`;
$pharName = "deployer.phar";
$pharFile = __ROOT__ . '/' . $pharName;
if (file_exists($pharFile)) {
$ignore = [
$phar = new \Phar($pharFile, 0, $pharName);
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__ROOT__, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$iterator = new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($iterator, function (SplFileInfo $fileInfo) use ($ignore) {
return !in_array($fileInfo->getBasename(), $ignore, true);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator);
$iterator = new CallbackFilterIterator($iterator, function (SplFileInfo $fileInfo) {
//'bash', 'fish', 'zsh' is a completion templates
return in_array($fileInfo->getExtension(), ['php', 'exe', 'bash', 'fish', 'zsh'], true);
foreach ($iterator as $fileInfo) {
$file = str_replace(__ROOT__, '', $fileInfo->getRealPath());
echo "Add file: " . $file . "\n";
$phar->addFile($fileInfo->getRealPath(), $file);
if (!array_key_exists('nozip', $opt)) {
if (!$phar[$file]->isCompressed()) {
echo "Could not compress File: $file\n";
// Add schema.json
echo "Add file: /src/schema.json\n";
$phar->addFile(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../src/schema.json'), '/src/schema.json');
// Add Caddyfile
echo "Add file: /Caddyfile\n";
$phar->addFile(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../recipe/provision/Caddyfile'), '/recipe/provision/Caddyfile');
// Add bin/dep file
echo "Add file: /bin/dep\n";
$depContent = file_get_contents(__ROOT__ . '/bin/dep');
$depContent = str_replace("#!/usr/bin/env php\n", '', $depContent);
$depContent = str_replace('__FILE__', 'str_replace("phar://", "", Phar::running())', $depContent);
$depContent = preg_replace("/run\('.+?'/", "run('$version'", $depContent);
$phar->addFromString('bin/dep', $depContent);
#!/usr/bin/env php
require 'phar://{$pharName}/bin/dep';
echo "$pharName was created successfully.\n";