2023-01-15 18:39:43 +01:00

65 lines
2.9 KiB

namespace Deployer;
set('db_type', function () {
$supportedDbTypes = [
return askChoice(' What DB to install? ', $supportedDbTypes, 0);
set('db_name', function () {
return ask(' DB name: ');
set('db_user', function () {
return ask(' DB user: ', 'deployer');
set('db_password', function () {
return askHiddenResponse(' DB password: ');
desc('Provision databases');
task('provision:databases', function () {
$dbType = get('db_type');
if ($dbType === 'none') {
invoke('provision:' . $dbType);
desc('Provision MySQL');
task('provision:mysql', function () {
run('apt-get install -y mysql-server', ['env' => ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'], 'timeout' => 900]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{db_user}}'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '%secret%';\"", ['secret' => get('db_password')]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{db_user}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '%secret%';\"", ['secret' => get('db_password')]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '{{db_user}}'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '{{db_user}}'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {{db_name}} character set UTF8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;\"");
desc('Provision MariaDB');
task('provision:mariadb', function () {
run('apt-get install -y mariadb-server', ['env' => ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'], 'timeout' => 900]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{db_user}}'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '%secret%';\"", ['secret' => get('db_password')]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{db_user}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '%secret%';\"", ['secret' => get('db_password')]);
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '{{db_user}}'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '{{db_user}}'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\"");
run("mysql --user=\"root\" -e \"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {{db_name}} character set UTF8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;\"");
desc('Provision PostgreSQL');
task('provision:postgresql', function () {
run('apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib', ['env' => ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'], 'timeout' => 900]);
run("sudo -u postgres psql <<< $'CREATE DATABASE {{db_name}};'");
run("sudo -u postgres psql <<< $'CREATE USER {{db_user}} WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD \'%secret%\';'", ['secret' => get('db_password')]);
run("sudo -u postgres psql <<< $'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE {{db_name}} TO {{db_user}};'");