Pattern Lab Standard Edition for Twig [BETA]
The Standard Edition for Twig gives developers and designers a clean base from which to develop Twig-based patterns.
Installing the Standard Edition for Twig
1. Install Composer
Pattern Lab uses Composer to manage project dependencies. To install Composer type the following two lines in the command line:
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Then close and re-open your command line terminal.
2. Install the Standard Edition
Use Composer's create-project
feature to install the Standard Edition into a location of your choosing. Type:
cd install/location/
composer create-project pattern-lab/edition-twig-standard your-project-name && cd $_
This will create a directory called your-project-name
3. Install a StarterKit
To install a near-empty StarterKit project as a starting point you can run:
php core/console --starterkit --init
4. Generate Pattern Lab
To generate Pattern Lab for the first time and make sure everything was installed correctly type:
php core/console --generate
To list all available commands type:
php core/console --help
5. Start the server to see your Pattern Lab web site
You can use PHP's built-in web server to review your Pattern Lab project in a browser. In a new terminal window type:
php core/console --server
And then visit http://localhost:8080