Filters are run after type validation.
Adding a functional test to ensure some of the JSON example service
description use cases will work.
Instead of the slew of boolean options the validateConfig() method
required, I added a initConfig() method to add default and static values
to a collection, and removed all validation and idempotent specific args
from validateConfig(). When a commmand is instantiated, default and
static values are added as appropriate. When a command is being
prepared, defaults and statics are again added, but parameters are also
validated (assuming type validation was not globally disabled on the
Allowing cloned commands that have previously been sent to be sent again.
Redesigning the ResourceIterator class so that it accepts a command and iterates over the command until the sendRequest() method returns an empty array.
Adding the name of the parameter that received a type validation error to Inpector error messages
[Http] cache.* parameters should be prefixed with 'params.' now.
Adding the ability to set arbitrary curl options that don't map to constants (disable_wire, progress, etc)
Added a check to the CurlMulti object that prevents sending a request when the curl multi resource has been destroyed. This could possibly happen when issuing requests from a destructor.
Adding the ability to disable type validation of configuration options
Adding a cache for all requests owned by a curl multi object
Creating the polling event external to the main CurlMulti loop
Hardening the CurlMulti class so that curl handles that are finished sending are removed from the multi handle. Adding validation test
[Common] BC: Simplifying Guzzle\Common\Collection so that it is more performant.
[Service] Adding the ability to disable validation on the Inpector class. Disabling validation on first instantiating commands so that defaults are added but nothing is check until attempting to execute a command.
Using class properties instead of a Collection for ApiCommand
BC: Using a custom validation system that allows a flyweight
implementation for much faster validation. No longer using Symfony2
Validation component.
1. Adopting a marker interface for Guzzle exceptions.
A. All exceptions emitted from Guzzle are now wrapped with a Guzzle namespaced exception.
B. Guzzle\Common\GuzzleExceptionInterface was renamed to Guzzle\Common\GuzzleException
C. Guzzle\Common\ExceptionCollection was renamed to Guzzle\Common\Exception\ExceptionCollection
2. Using Header objects for Request and Response objects
A. When you call $request->getHeader('X'), you will get back a Guzzle\Http\Message\Header object that contains all of the headers that case insensitively match. This object can be cast to a string or iterated like an array. You can pass true in the second argument to retrieve the header as a string.
B. Removing the old Guzzle\Common\Collection based searching arguments from most of the request and response header methods. All retrievals are case-insensitive and return Header objects.
3. Changing the two headers added by the cache plugin to just one header with key and ttl.
4. Changing Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::factory() to fromMessage().
5. Removing the NullObject return value from ServiceDescriptions and instead simply returning null
New Features / enhancements:
1. Adding Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage::addHeaders()
2. Making it simpler to create service descriptions using a unified factory method that delegates to other factories.
3. Better handling of ports and hosts in Guzzle\Http\Url
Note: This is a noisy diff because I'm removing trailing whitespace and adding a new line at the end of each source file.
Adopting composer for dependency management
Updating LICENSE, travis build file, making better use of git ignores, and remove unused build target
Removing @author tags. Use the commit history for a changelog.
Moving files from build folder to /
Adding min build target to product a Guzzle only phar with no autoloader
[Common] Accepting ZF1 or ZF2 cache in ZendCacheAdapter
[Common] Optimizing Stream wrapper and EntityBody abstractions.
[Common] [Http] Migrating from Guzzle event system to the Symfony2 event dispatcher
[Common] Moved Inflector and Inspector to Service namespace
[Http] Simplifying Guzzle\Guzzle curl detection
[Http] Removing Guzzle\Http\Pool and now using Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlMulti
[Http] The helper methods from Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory have been removed to prevent confusion and encourage developers to use Guzzle\Http\Client to create requests.
[Http] Clients can now send one or more requests in an array using the send() method, so the batch() method was removed.
[Http] Updating curl multi to allow blocking calls while sending other transfers
[Http] Making the Request::hasHeader method more intuitive. Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage::hasHeader() now returns true if the header is found using exact matching. If the header is found using a regex or case-insensitive match, then it will return the name of the found header.
[Http] Removing content-type guessing from EntityBody based on file extension and solely using finfo.
[Http] Adding basic auth plugin
[Http] Cleaning up CookieJar and CurlMulti
[Http] Removing custom rawurlencode from QueryString because PHP 5.3 now properly deals with tilde characters.
[Http] Minor optimization to parsing messages in RequestFactory
[Http] Adding Guzzle\Http\Client for developers that don't need commands or service descriptions
[Http] Making it easier to set a global User-Agent header for a Guzzle\Http\Client
[Http] Fixing the discrepancies between the ClientInterface and Guzzle\Http\Client
[Http] Adding the ability to set and retrieve tokenized headers from Requests and Responses
[Service] Ditching NIH filters and using the Symfony2 validator
[Service] Moving most service building logic to the ServiceBuilder::factory method so that it is easier to build custom config readers.
[Service] Allowing deep nested command inheritance.
[Service] Cleaning up Inflector caching.
[Service] Getting rid of concept of can_batch because everything is now sent in parallel.
[Service] Adding a JSON description builder.
[Service] Cleaning up ResourceIteratorApplyBatched.
[Service] Removing caching stuff from ServiceBuilder because the data being cached is extremely fast to generate.
[Service] Added a method to serialize the ServiceDescription in case a ServiceDescription needs to be cached in an application.
[Service] Making description builders use static methods.
[Service] Adding support to include other description files for XML and JSON description builders.
[Service] Adding support for filters to ApiCommands
[Service] Using {{}} instead of $. to reference other services as a dependency for another service