Adding PATCH method
Fixing docblock for PUT method
Updating request message parsing to allow for custom verbs
Adding a Content-Length: 0 header when sending an entity enclosing request with no body or post fields. Closes#34
[Http] UriTemplate syntax supports {} or {{}} for backwards compatibility.
[Http] Guzzle::inject() now allows {} or {{}} injection for consistency.
[Http] BC: removing Guzzle\Http\Client::inject and now using Guzzle\Http\Client::expandTemplate.
[Http] Can use a custom syntax for URI templates (this might be useful for something like Solr because Solr actually uses {}).
[Http] Adding the ability to inject a custom UriTemplate into clients or just use the default UriTemplate
[Http] You can now use an array when creating a request via a client to specify a URI template and additional template variables.
[Service] Adding support for URI templates to service descriptions.
[Service] [BC] removing Guzzle\Service\Description\ApiCommand::getPath() and replacing it with getUri().
[Service] Use "uri" instead of "path" when creating service descriptions. However, there is still backwards compatibility with the "path" attribute.
Adding more coverage to CurlHandle so that the actual HTTP requests being sent are being checked.
Fixing EntityEnclosingRequests so that the Content-Type is not removed when setting the body of a request.
This allows a custom Content-Type to be specified in a factory method.
Removing special handling of ClosureCommand
Throwing an exception when required parameters are missing from a dynamic command
Pass ApiCommand objects to a ClosureCommand in the second argument of the constructor, not in the api_command parameter key
Adding Guzzle\Service\Command\DynamicCommand that will prepare HTTP requests based on an API command. Extend this class for advanced response processing for API commands.
Making DynamicCommand the default command for ApiCommands
Removing the old DynamicCommandFactory and replacing with a simpler ApiCommandFactory
Adding fix so that when a revalidation response returns a 200 response and the response is cacheable, the cached data uses the maximum age of the new response (not the default ttl) \
Adding fix so that when a revalidation response contains updated caching headers, the cached response data is updated \
Added fix so that when a revalidation response is a 404, the cached data is deleted and the 404 exception is thrown \
Renaming the ``cache.revalidate`` options that can be set in the params of a request from "accept" => "never" and "decline" => "always"