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synced 2025-03-14 20:19:47 +01:00
Fix emoji in sample content (#4937)
Co-authored-by: Lucas Bartholemy <lucas@bartholemy.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ HumHub Changelog
- Fix #4931: Fix highlight parent navigations for sub section "Profile Permissions" (and LDAP)
- Fix #4936: Fix emoji in sample content
1.8.0 (March 1, 2021)
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class ConfigController extends Controller
$comment = new \humhub\modules\comment\models\Comment();
$comment->message = Yii::t("InstallerModule.base", "Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;");
$comment->message = Yii::t("InstallerModule.base", "Nike – Just buy it. :wink:");
$comment->object_model = $post->className();
$comment->object_id = $post->getPrimaryKey();
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ class ConfigController extends Controller
// Add Some Post to the Space
$post = new \humhub\modules\post\models\Post();
$post->message = Yii::t("InstallerModule.base", "Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;");
$post->message = Yii::t("InstallerModule.base", "Yay! I've just installed HumHub :sunglasses:");
$post->content->container = $space;
$post->content->visibility = \humhub\modules\content\models\Content::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'ቀጥሎ',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'የይለፍ ቃል',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'የመጠቃሚያ ስም',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Siguient',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Clau',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'اسم شبكتك',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'يجب تنشيط المستخدمين المسجلين حديثًا من قبل المسؤول أولاً',
'Next' => 'التالي',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'نايكي - فقط اشتريها. ؛غمزة؛',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'نايكي - فقط اشتريها. ؛غمزة؛',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'بالطبع ، تحتاج شبكتك الاجتماعية الجديدة إلى اسم. يرجى تغيير الاسم الافتراضي بالاسم الذي تريده. (على سبيل المثال ، اسم شركتك أو مؤسستك أو ناديك)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'أوه ، حدث خطأ!',
'Password' => 'كلمة السر',
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'اسم المستخدم',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'نحن نبحث عن شعارات كبيرة للعلامات التجارية الشهيرة. ربما يمكنك الخروج ببعض العينات؟',
'Welcome Space' => 'مرحبا بكم الفضاء',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'ياي! لقد قمت للتو بتثبيت HumHub ؛ رائع ؛',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'ياي! لقد قمت للتو بتثبيت HumHub ؛ رائع ؛',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'أنت على وشك الإنتهاء. في هذه الخطوة يجب عليك ملء النموذج لإنشاء حساب مسؤول. باستخدام هذا الحساب ، يمكنك إدارة الشبكة بالكامل.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'كلمة السر الخاصة بك MySQL.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'اسم مستخدم MySQL الخاص بك',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Име на вашата мрежа',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Новорегистрираните потребители първо трябва да бъдат активирани от администратор',
'Next' => 'Следващ',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike - Просто го купи. ; Намигване;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike - Просто го купи. ; Намигване;',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Разбира се, новата ви социална мрежа се нуждае от име. Моля, променете името по подразбиране с такова, което ви харесва. (Например името на вашата компания, организация или клуб)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'О, нещо се обърка!',
'Password' => 'Парола',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Потребителско име',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Търсим страхотни лозунги на известни марки. Може би можете да дадете някакви идеи?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Раздел Добре Дошли',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Еха! Току-що инсталирах HumHub; Страхотно;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Еха! Току-що инсталирах HumHub; Страхотно;',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Почти сте готови. В тази стъпка трябва да попълните формуляра, за да създадете администраторски акаунт. С този акаунт можете да управлявате цялата мрежа.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Вашата парола за MySQL.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Вашето потребителско име за MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nom de la teva xarxa',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Següent',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Es clas que sí, la teva nova xarxa social necessita un nom. Siusplau cambia el nom per defecte per un que t\'agradi més. (Per exemple el nom de la teva companyia, organització o club)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Contrasenya',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nom d\'usuari',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Název vaší sítě',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Noví uživatelé musí být nejdříve schválení administrátorem',
'Next' => 'Další',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Asi nejvíc vývojová psychologie dítěte. Měl dobré postřehy.',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Asi nejvíc vývojová psychologie dítěte. Měl dobré postřehy.',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Nyní můžete vaší síti zvolit název. Výchozí název lze přepsat na jiný, např. název vaší firmy, organizaci či spolku.',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Jejda, něco se porouchalo...',
'Password' => 'Heslo',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Uživatelské jméno',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Kdo jste dneska byli na tom semináři v aule - co vás nejvíc zaujalo?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Uvítací prostor',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Jupí, právě jsme nainstalovali HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Jupí, právě jsme nainstalovali HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Už jsme skoro na konci, ještě vytvoříme účet administátora. S tímto účtem můžete spravovat celou síť.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Heslo pro přístup k databázi',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Uživatelské jméno pro přístup k databázi',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Navnet på dit netværk',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Nylig registrerede brugere skal aktiveres af en admin først',
'Next' => 'Næste',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Selvfølgelig, dit nye sociale netværk skal bruge et navn. Venligst skift dette standard navn med noget du syntes om. (For eksempel navnet på dit firma, organisation eller klub)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ohh, der gik noget galt!',
'Password' => 'Adgangskode',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Brugernavn',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Vi leder efter fede nye slogans til nye kendte mærker. Måske du kan komme med nogle idéer?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Velkomst Side',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yay! Du har lige installeret HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yay! Du har lige installeret HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Du er næsten færdig. I denne skridt skal du udfylde formularen for at oprette en admin konto. Med denne konto kan du administrere hele netværket.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Dit MySQL kodeord.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Dit MySQL brugernavn',
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Deinem Sozialen Netzwerk.',
'Name of your network' => 'Name deines Netzwerks',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Neu registrierte Benutzer müssen zuerst durch den Administrator freigeschaltet werden',
'Next' => 'Weiter',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike - Just buy it ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike - Just buy it :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Dein neues Netzwerk benötigt natürlich einen Namen. Ändere den Standardnamen in einen Namen, der dir gefällt. (z. B. der Name deiner Firma, Organisation oder deines Vereines.)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ooops! Irgendwas lief schief.',
'Password' => 'Passwort',
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Deinem Sozialen Netzwerk.',
'Username' => 'Benutzername',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Wir suchen nach tollen Slogans bekannter Marken. Vielleicht kannst du dir ein paar Beispiele einfallen lassen?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Willkommens-Space',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yay! Ich habe gerade HumHub installiert ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yay! Ich habe gerade HumHub installiert :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Fast geschafft! Fülle in diesem Schritt das Eingabeformular aus, um das Administrator-Konto zu erstellen. Mit diesem Konto kannst du das ganze Netzwerk verwalten.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Dein MySQL Passwort',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Dein MySQL Benutzername',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Επόμενο',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Κωδικός',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Όνομα χρήστη',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nombre de tu red social',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Los nuevos usuarios deben ser antes activados por el administrador',
'Next' => 'Siguiente',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike: solo cómpralo. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike: solo cómpralo. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Como ya sabrás, tu nueva red social necesita un nombre. Por favor, cambia el nombre por defecto por el que tú quieras. (Por ejemplo, el nombre de tu compañía, organización o club)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '¡Algo fue mal!',
'Password' => 'Contraseña',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nombre de usuario',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Estamos buscando grandes eslóganes de marcas famosas. ¿Puedes darnos algún ejemplo?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Espacio de Bienvenida',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '¡Yuju! Acabo de instalar HumHub; ¡Mola!',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '¡Yuju! Acabo de instalar HumHub; ¡Mola!',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Casi has terminado. En este paso tienes que rellenar el formulario para crear una cuenta de administrador. Con esta cuenta podrás gestionar todo el sistema.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Tu contraseña MySQL',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Tu nombre de usuario MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'نام شبکهی شما',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'اعضاي جديد بايد توسط مدير تاييد شوند',
'Next' => 'بعدی',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'شبکهی اجتماعی جدید شما به یک نام نیاز دارد. لطفا نام پیشفرض را به نامی که خود دوست دارید تغییر دهید. (برای مثال نام شرکت، سازمان و یا کلوب خود)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'یک مشکل به وجود آمد!',
'Password' => 'گذرواژه',
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'نام کاربری',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?',
'Welcome Space' => 'انجمن خوشامدگويي',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'بالاخره مهيا نصب شد! هورا',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'بالاخره مهيا نصب شد! هورا',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'تقريبا به اتمام رسيد.....ايجاد كاربري ادمين',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'گذرواژهی MySQL شما.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'نام کاربری MySQL شما.',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Sivuston nimi',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Ylläpitäjän on hyväksyttävä rekisteröityneet käyttäjät',
'Next' => 'Seuraava',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike - Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike - Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Sivustosi tarvitsee nimen. Voit valita sen täällä. (Esimerkiksi yrityksen, organisaation tai klubin nimi)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ohh, jokin meni pieleen!',
'Password' => 'Salasana',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Käyttäjätunnus',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Etsimme hyviä sloguneja tunnetuista tuotemerkeistä. Ehkä voitte antaa joitakin näytteitä?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Etusivu',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Jee! Olen juuri asentanut HumHubin ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Jee! Olen juuri asentanut HumHubin :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Melkein valmista. Sinun on vielä luotava ylläpitäjälle tili. Sillä voit hallita koko sivustoasi.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'MySQL salasana.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'MySQL käyttäjätunnuksesi',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nom de votre réseau',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Les nouveaux utilisateurs inscrits doivent être préalablement activés par un administrateur',
'Next' => 'Suivant',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike - Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike - Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Bien sûr, votre nouveau réseau social a besoin d\'un nom. Merci de modifier le nom par défaut avec celui que vous voulez (par exemple le nom de votre société, de votre organisation ou de votre club).',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Oh, quelque chose n\'a pas fonctionné !',
'Password' => 'Mot de passe',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Nous cherchons des slogans formidables de marques connues. Peut-être pouvez-vous apporter des exemples ?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Espace de bienvenue',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yay ! Je viens d\'installer HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yay ! Je viens d\'installer HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Vous avez presque fini. Lors de cette étape, vous devez remplir le formulaire pour créer le compte administrateur. Avec ce compte, vous pouvez gérer la totalité du réseau.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Votre mot de passe MySQL',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Votre nom d\'utilisateur MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'הבא',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'שם משתמש',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => 'ברוכים הבאים לאזור',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Naziv vaše mreže',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Novo registrirani korisnici moraju biti aktivirani od strane administratora',
'Next' => 'Dalje',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Naravno, vaša nova društvena mreža treba ime. Promijenite zadani naziv s onim koji vam se sviđa. (Na primjer, ime vaše tvrtke, organizacije ili kluba)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Uh, nešto je pošlo po krivu!',
'Password' => 'Lozinka',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Korisničko ime',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Tražimo super slogane poznatih brendova. Možda se možete sjetti nekih primjera.',
'Welcome Space' => 'Prostor dobrodošlice',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Jupi! Upravo instaliran HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Jupi! Upravo instaliran HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Skoro si gotov. U ovom koraku morate ispuniti obrazac za izradu računa administratora. Pomoću ovog računa možete upravljati cijelom mrežom.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Vaša MySQL lozinka.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Vaše MySQL korisničko ime',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Apre',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Közösséged neve',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Az újonnan regisztrált felhasználókat először egy adminisztrátornak kell engedélyeznie',
'Next' => 'Következő',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Csak vedd meg. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Csak vedd meg. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'A közösségednek természetesen szüksége van egy névre. Kérlek, hogy változtasd meg az alapértelmezett nevet egy általad preferált névre. (Például: céged, szervezeted vagy klubod neve)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Jaj, valami nem sikerült!',
'Password' => 'Jelszó',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Felhasználónév',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Remek szlogeneket keresünk híres márkák számára. Esetleg te is meg tudnál velünk osztani néhány ötletet?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Bemutató közösség',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Hurrá! Most telepítettem a HumHub-ot ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Hurrá! Most telepítettem a HumHub-ot :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Már majdnem kész vagy. Ebben a lépésben ki kell töltened az adminisztrátori fiók létrehozásához szükséges űrlapot. A létrejött fiókkal az egész közösséget kezelheted.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'MySQL jelszó',
'Your MySQL username' => 'MySQL felhasználónév',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Selanjutnya',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nome della tua rete',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'I nuovi utenti devono essere attivati prima dall\'amministratore.',
'Next' => 'Avanti',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Preferisco il latte al cioccolato.',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Preferisco il latte al cioccolato.',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Naturalmente, il tuo social network necessita di un nome. Cambia il nome predefinito con uno che preferisci. (per esempio il nome della tua societa, organizzazione o club)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ops, qualcosa è andato storto!',
'Password' => 'Password',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Username',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Quale è il tuo cibo preferito?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Spazio di benvenuto',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Humhub è installato ed operativo! ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Humhub è installato ed operativo! :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Tutto è quasi pronto. in questo passaggio compila il modulo per creare un account amministratore. questo account permette di gestire tutta la rete',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'La tua passowrd MySQL.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Il tuo username MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'あなたのネットワークの名前',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'ユーザー登録してもユーザーはアクセスできず、管理者の承認を待つ',
'Next' => '次',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'ナイキ – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'ナイキ – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'あなたのSNSには名前が必要です。好きな名前をつけてください。(たとえばあなたの会社名や組織名、クラブ名などです)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '設定に誤りがあります。',
'Password' => 'パスワード',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'ユーザー名',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '私たちは有名ブランドのすばらしいスローガンを探しています。 たぶんあなたはいくつかのサンプルを考え出すことができますか?',
'Welcome Space' => 'スペースにようこそ',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'HumHubをインストールしたぞ!',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'HumHubをインストールしたぞ!',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'これで最後です。管理者アカウントを作ってください。このアカウントがSNSを管理します。',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'MySQLのパスワードを入力してください。',
'Your MySQL username' => 'MySQLのユーザー名を入力してください。',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Jūsų tinklo pavadinimas',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Kitas',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Be abejo, Jūsų naujam socialiniam tinklui reikia pavadinimo. Prašome pakeisti numatytąjį pavadinimą Jums patinkančiu. (Pavyzdžiui, Jūsų įmonės, organizacijos ar klubo pavadinimas)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Oi, kažkas ne taip!',
'Password' => 'Slaptažodis',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Vartotojo vardas',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Jūsų MySQL slaptažodis.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Jūsų MySQ vartotojo vardas',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Nākamais',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Parole',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Lietotāja vārds',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Mēs meklējam lieliskus saukļus slaveniem brendiem. Varbūt tu vari izdomāt dažus paraugus?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Laipni Lūdzu',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Jēē! Es tikko uzinstalēju HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Jēē! Es tikko uzinstalēju HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nettverksnavn',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Nylig registrerte brukere må aktiveres av en admin før de kan logge inn',
'Next' => 'Neste',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Ditt sosiale nettverk trenger åpenbart et navn. Fyll inn navnet du ønsker på ditt sosiale nettverk (for eksempel firmanavn, organisasjon eller klubb)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Oj, noe gikk galt!',
'Password' => 'Passord',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Brukernavn',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Welcome Space',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Du er nesten ferdig. Her må du fylle ut feltene for å opprette en administrator-konto som kan administrere hele nettverket.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Ditt MySQL passord',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Ditt MySQL brukernavn',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Naam van je netwerk',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Nieuw geregistreerde gebruikers moet eerst worden geactiveerd door een beheerder.',
'Next' => 'Volgende',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Wijzig de naam van je nieuwe sociale netwerk. Je kan bijvoorbeeld de naam van je bedrijf, organisatie of club gebruiken.',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Oei, er is iets misgelopen!',
'Password' => 'Wachtwoord',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Gebruikersnaam',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'We zoeken briljante leuzen van bekende merken. Kunt u enkele voorbeelden bedenken?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Welkom Ruimte',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Gaaf;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Gaaf;',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'U bent bijna klaar. In deze stap moet u het formulier invullen om een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met dit account kunt u het hele netwerk te beheren.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Je MySQL wachtwoord.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Je MySQL gebruikersnaam.',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nazwa Twojej sieci',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Nowo zarejestrowani użytkownicy muszą zostać aktywowani przez administratora',
'Next' => 'Dalej',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Oczywiście Twoja nowa sieć potrzebuje nazwy. Zamień domyślną nazwę na własną. (na przykład nazwę firmy, organizacji czy klubu)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Upss, coś poszło nie tak!',
'Password' => 'Hasło',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nazwa użytkownika',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Poszukujemy wspaniałych sloganów znanych marek. Może Ty coś wymyślisz?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Strefa Powitalna',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Hurra! Właśnie zainstalowałem HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Hurra! Właśnie zainstalowałem HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Prawie gotowe. Wypełnij formularz dla utworzenia konta Administratora. Tym kontem można zarządzać całą siecią.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Hasło MySQL',
'Your MySQL username' => 'użytkownik MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nome de sua rede',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Usuários recém-registrados precisam ser ativados por um administrador primeiro',
'Next' => 'Avançar',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Apenas compre. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Apenas compre. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Naturalmente a sua nova rede social precisa de um nome. Por favor, altere o nome padrão por um que você gosta (Por exemplo, o nome da sua empresa, organização ou clube).',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ops, algo deu errado!',
'Password' => 'Senha',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nome do usuário',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Estamos à procura de grandes slogans de marcas famosas. Talvez você possa apresentar algumas amostras?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Espaço de Boas Vindas',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yay! Acabei de instalar o HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yay! Acabei de instalar o HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Você está quase pronto. Nesta etapa, você deve preencher o formulário para criar uma conta de administrador. Com esta conta você pode gerenciar toda a rede.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Senha do usuário do MySQL.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Usuário do MySQL criado para utilização pelo sistema.',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Nome da tua rede',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'O registo de novos utilizadores tem de ser activado pela administração',
'Next' => 'Seguinte',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike - Compre; Pisque o olho',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike - Compre; Pisque o olho',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Óbviamente a tua nova rede social precisa de um nome. Por favor, troca o nome pré-definido por um do teu agrado. (Por exemplo, o nome da tua empresa, organização ou clube)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ohh! algo correu mal.',
'Password' => 'Palavra-passe',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Nome de utilizador',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Procuramos grandes slogans de marcas famosas. Podes dar-nos alguns exemplos?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Espaço de Boas-vindas',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Olé! Acabei de instalar o HumHub ;Boa!;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Olé! Acabei de instalar o HumHub ;Boa!;',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Estás quase a acabar. Neste passo tens de preencher o formulário para criares uma conta de administração. Com esta conta podes gerir toda a rede.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'A tua palavra-passe MySQL.',
'Your MySQL username' => 'O teu nome de utilizador MySQL.',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Inainte',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '패스워드',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '유저네임',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Название Вашей социальной сети',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Новые пользователи должны быть сначала проверены администратором',
'Next' => 'Далее',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Просто купите это. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Просто купите это. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Конечно, Ваша новая социальная сеть нуждается в названии. Пожалуйста, измените название по умолчанию на то, которое Вам нравится. (Например, название Вашей компании, организации или клуба)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ой, что-то пошло не так!',
'Password' => 'Пароль',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Имя пользователя',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Мы ищем слоганы для известных брендов. Может быть, Вы можете придумать свои примеры?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Добро пожаловать в сообщество',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Ура! Я только что установил HumHub ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Ура! Я только что установил HumHub :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Вы почти закончили. На этом этапе Вы должны заполнить форму, чтобы создать учётную запись администратора. С этого аккаунта Вы будете управлять всем сайтом.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'Пароль MySQL',
'Your MySQL username' => 'Имя пользователя MySQL',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ return [
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ return [
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Nästa',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Lösenord',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Användarnamn',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'ถัดไป',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => 'Sosyal Ağınızın Adı',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => 'Yeni kayıtlı kullanıcılar önce bir yönetici tarafından aktif hale getirilmelidir',
'Next' => 'İleri',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => 'Nike – Sadece al. ;Wink;',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => 'Nike – Sadece al. :wink:',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => 'Yeni sosyal ağınızın bir ismi olmalı. Lütfen varsayılan adı istediğiniz gibi değiştiriniz. (ör: şirket, kuruluş veya kulüp adı)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => 'Ohh, bir şeyler yanlış gitti!',
'Password' => 'Şifre',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Kullanıcı adı',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => 'Ünlü markaların harika sloganlarını arıyoruz. Belki bazı örnekler ile gelebilirsin?',
'Welcome Space' => 'Karşılama Mekanı',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => 'Yuppi! Az önce HumHub\'ı kurdum ;Cool;',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => 'Yuppi! Az önce HumHub\'ı kurdum :sunglasses:',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => 'Neredeyse bitti. Bu adımda bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmak için formu doldurmanız gerekmektedir. Bu hesapla tüm sosyal ağı yönetebilirsiniz.',
'Your MySQL password.' => 'MySQL şifre',
'Your MySQL username' => 'MySQL kullanıcı adı',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => 'Tiếp theo',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => 'Mật khẩu',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => 'Tên truy cập',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '你的网络名称',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '新注册的用户必须由管理员激活',
'Next' => '下一步',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '耐克 - 夹斯特杜伊特。',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '耐克 - 夹斯特杜伊特。',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '当然,你的新的社交平台需要一个名字。请将默认名称更改为您喜欢的。(例如,你的公司,组织或俱乐部的名称)',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '糟糕, 出错了!',
'Password' => '密码',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '用户名',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '我们正在寻找伟大的口号。你能拿出一些样品吗?',
'Welcome Space' => '欢迎空间',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '太棒了,我刚刚安装了HumHub',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '太棒了,我刚刚安装了HumHub',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '你几乎完成了安装。在这一步中,您必须填写表单,以创建一个管理帐户。有了这个帐户,你可以管理整个平台。',
'Your MySQL password.' => '数据库存密码。',
'Your MySQL username' => '数据库用户名',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return array (
'Name of your network' => '',
'Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;' => '',
'Nike – Just buy it. :wink:' => '',
'Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)' => '',
'Ohh, something went wrong!' => '',
'Password' => '',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return array (
'Username' => '',
'We\'re looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?' => '',
'Welcome Space' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub ;Cool;' => '',
'Yay! I\'ve just installed HumHub :sunglasses:' => '',
'You\'re almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.' => '',
'Your MySQL password.' => '',
'Your MySQL username' => '',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user