diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/ar/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/ar/archive.json
index 5d0ddbceff..bd56b1bd20 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/ar/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/ar/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, مرحباً {displayName},
\n \n لقد تم تفعيل حسابك في موقع قهوة الرسامين.
\n \n الرجاء الضغط هنا لتسجيل الدخول:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n أطيب التحيات
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, مرحباً {displayName},
\n \nيؤسفنا إبلاغك ان طلبك للعضوية تم رفضه من قبل إدارة الموقع.
\n \nنتمنى لك يوماً طيباً
\n {AdminName}
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يمكنك البدء بنفسك و كتابة شيء ما..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["هذا الحساب يخلو من المحتويات."],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["هذه الباحة تخلو من المحتويات!
يمكنك البدء و كتابة شيء ما..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["سطح المكتب لديك فارغ!
يمكنك كتابة شيء في صفحتك الشخصية ليظهر هنا, أو الإنضمام لأي من الباحات في الدليل."],"Your profile stream is still empty
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\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
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\n \n لقد تم تفعيل حسابك في موقع قهوة الرسامين.
\n \n الرجاء الضغط هنا لتسجيل الدخول:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n أطيب التحيات
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, مرحباً {displayName},
\n \nيؤسفنا إبلاغك ان طلبك للعضوية تم رفضه من قبل إدارة الموقع.
\n \nنتمنى لك يوماً طيباً
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Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["سطح المكتب لديك فارغ!
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Publica alguna cosa en el teu perfil o uneix-te a algun espai!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Encara no hi ha activitat en el teu perfil
Comença publicant alguna cosa..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["No s'ha trobat res que coincideixi amb aquests filtres!"],"Show all":["Mostra totes"],"Back to stream":["Torna a l'activitat","Torna al fil social"],"Content with attached files":["Continguts amb arxius adjunts"],"Created by me":["Creat per mi"],"Creation time":["Data de creació"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Inclou publicacions arxivades"],"Last update":["Data d'actualització"],"Only private posts":["Només publicacions privades"],"Only public posts":["Només publicacions públiques"],"Posts only":["Només publicacions"],"Posts with links":["Publicacions amb enllaços"],"Sorting":["Ordena"],"Where I´m involved":["On estic involucrat"],"No public contents to display found!":["No hi ha contingut públic per mostrar!"],"Directory":["Directori"],"Member Group Directory":["Directori de Grups i membres"],"show all members":["mostra tots els membres"],"Directory menu":["Menú del directori"],"Members":["Membres"],"User profile posts":["Publicacions"],"Member directory":["Directori de membres"],"Follow":["Segueix"],"No members found!":["No s'ha trobat cap membre!"],"Unfollow":["No segueixis"],"search for members":["cerca membres"],"Space directory":["Directori d'espais"],"No spaces found!":["No s'ha trobat cap espai!"],"You are a member of this space":["Ets un membre d'aquest espai"],"search for spaces":["cerca per espais"],"Group stats":["Estadístiques de grups"],"Average members":["Promig de membres"],"Top Group":["Top grups"],"Total groups":["Grups totals"],"Member stats":["Estadístiques de membres"],"New people":["Nous membres"],"Follows somebody":["Segueixen a alguna persona"],"Online right now":["En línia ara"],"Total users":["Membres totals"],"New spaces":["Nous espais"],"Space stats":["Estadístiques d'espais"],"Most members":["Amb més membres"],"Private spaces":["Espais privats"],"Total spaces":["Espais totals"],"Could not find requested file!":["No es pot accedir a l'arxiu sol·licitat!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["No tens suficients privilegis!"],"Created By":["Creat per"],"Created at":["Creat el"],"File name":["Nom de l'arxiu"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Size":["Mida"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Aquest tipus d'arxiu no està permès!"],"Updated at":["Actualitzat el"],"Updated by":["Actualitzat per"],"Upload error":["Error de pujada"],"Could not upload File:":["No es pot pujar aquest arxiu:"],"Upload files":["Puja un arxiu"],"Create Admin Account":["Crear compte d'administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nom de la teva xarxa"],"Hostname":["Nom del amfitrió"],"Name of Database":["Nom de la base de dates"],"Admin Account":["Compte Admin"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Ja casi estas. En l'últim pas has de omplir el formulari per crear un compte d'administrador. Amb aquest compte podràs administrar tota la xarxa."],"Next":["Següent"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Es clas que sí, la teva nova xarxa social necessita un nom. Siusplau cambia el nom per defecte per un que t'agradi més. (Per exemple el nom de la teva companyia, organització o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Xarxa social Nom"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Felicitats. Has acabat."],"Setup Complete":["Instal·lació completa"],"Sign in":["Entra","Inicia sessió"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["La instal·lació s'ha completat correctament! Diverteix-te amb la teva nova xarxa social."],"Could not find target class!":["No s'ha trobat la classe de destí!"],"Could not find target record!":["No s'ha trobat el registre de destí!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe invàlida!"],"Users who like this":["Membres que els hi agrada això"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} li agrada {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% li agrada %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" li agrada."],"You like this.":["A tu t'agrada."],"You
"],"Like":["M'agrada"],"Unlike":["Ja no m'agrada"],"and {count} more like this.":["i {count} més els hi agrada això."],"New":["Nou"],"Mark all as seen":["Marca'ls tots com a llegits."],"There are no notifications yet.":["No tens cap avís."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha creat una nova publicació."],"Edit your post...":["Edita la teva publicació..."],"Read full post...":["Llegeix la publicació sencera..."],"Send & decline":["Envia i rebutja"],"Visible for all":["Visible per tothom"]," Invite and request":["Invitació i sol·licitud"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["No pots eliminar membres que siguin administradors! Nom de l'espai: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Tothom hi pot entrar"],"Invite and request":["Invitació i sol·licitud"],"Only by invite":["Només per invitació"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Invisible)"],"Public (Visible)":["Públic (visible)"],"Space is invisible!":["L'espai és invisible!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Com a propietari no pots revocar la teva pertinença!"],"Could not request membership!":["No s'ha pogut crear la sol·licitud de pertinença!"],"There is no pending invite!":["No hi ha invitacions pendents!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Aquesta acció només és vàlida per membres de l'espai!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["No tens permís per unir-te a aquest espai!"],"Your password":["La teva contrasenya"],"Invites":["Convida"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nou membre per correu electrònic (separat per comes)"],"User is already member!":["Aquest membre ja forma part de l'espai!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} ja està registrat!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} no vàlid!"],"Application message":["Missatge d'invitació"],"Scope":["Abast"],"Strength":["Força"],"Created At":["Creat el"],"Join Policy":["Políticia d'admissió "],"Name":["Nom"],"Owner":["Propietari"],"Status":["Estat"],"Tags":["Etiquetes"],"Updated At":["Actualitzat el"],"Visibility":["Visibilitat"],"Website URL (optional)":["Lloc web (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["No pots crear espais privats!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["No pots crear espais públics!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecciona l'àrea de la imatge que vols desar com a avatar i fes clic a Desa strong>."],"Modify space image":["Modifica la imatge de l'espai"],"Delete space":["Suprimeix l'espai"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Estàs segur que vols suprimir aquest espai? S'esborraran totes les publicacions!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Si us plau introdueix la teva contrasenya per continuar!"],"Space Modules":["Mòduls de l'espai"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Estàs segur? *ALL* s'eliminaran totes les dades dels mòduls d'aquest espai!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Actualment no hi ha disponible cap mòdul per aquest espai!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Millora aquest espai amb mòduls."],"Create new space":["Crea un nou espai"],"Advanced access settings":["Configuració avançada"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["També no membres poden veure aquest
espai, però no poden tenir accés"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tothom pot entrar a l'espai
sense la teva aprovació"],"For everyone":["Per tothom"],"How you want to name your space?":["Quin nom li vols posar a l'espai?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Si us plau, escriu una descripció per als membre."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Aquest espai s'amagarà
per a tots els no membres"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Els membres només poden demanar
pertànyer a aquest espai"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Els membres només poden ser afegits
per invitació"],"space description":["descripció de l'espai"],"space name":["nom de l'espai"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha sol·licitat unir-se a l'espai {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha aprovat la teva sol·licitud d'unió a l'espai {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} no ha declinat la teva sol·lictitud d'unió a l'espai {spaceName}"],"Become member":["Unir-me"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancel·la totes les sol·licituds d'unió pendents"],"Request membership":["Sol·licita unir-te"],"Send":["Envia"],"Ok":["D'acord"],"Space menu":["Menú de l'espai"],"Stream":["Activitat"],"Change image":["Canvia la imatge"],"Current space image":["Imatge de l'espai actual"],"Invite":["Convida"],"Something went wrong":["Alguna cosa ha anat malament"],"Followers":["Seguidors"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Si us plau, presentat breument als administradors de l'espai."],"Request workspace membership":["Sol·licita unir-te"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La teva sol·licitud d'unió s'ha enviat correctament als administradors de l'espai."],"Create new space":["Crea un nou espai"],"My spaces":["Els meus espais"],"Space info":["Informació de l'espai"],"Accept invite":["Acepta la invitació"],"Deny invite":["Rebutja l'invitació"],"Leave space":["Deixa l'espai"],"New member request":["Nova sol·licitud d'unió"],"Space members":["Membres de l'espai"],"End guide":["Finalitza la guia"],"Next »":["Següent »"],"« Prev":["« Anterior"],"Administration":["Administració"],"Profile menu":["Menú del perfil"],"Current password":["Contrasenya actual"],"E-Mail change":["Modificació del correu electrònic"],"New E-Mail address":["Nou correu electrònic"],"Send activities?":["Vols rebre l'activitat?"],"Send notifications?":["Vols rebre els avisos?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Contrsenya o correu electrònic incorrecte."],"New password":["Nova contrasenya"],"New password confirm":["Confirmació de la nova contrasenya"],"Remember me next time":["Recorda la pròxima vegada"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Els administradors encara no han activat el teu compte."],"Your account is suspended.":["El teu compte ha estat suspès."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["La recuperació de la contrasenya no està disponible pel teu tipus de compte!"],"E-Mail":["Correu electrònic"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperació de la contrasenya"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" no s'ha trobat!"],"Invalid language!":["Llengua invàlida!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Amaga el panell a l'inici"],"Change E-mail":["Canvia el correu electrònic"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["El nou correu electrònic associat és {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabem d'enviar un correu electrònic de confirmació a la teva nova adreça.
Si us plau, segueix les instruccions."],"Change password":["Canvia la contrasenya"],"Password changed":["Contrasenya modificada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La teva constrasenya s'ha modificat correctament!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica la imatge del teu perfil"],"Delete account":["Elimina el compte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Segur que vols eliminar el teu compte?
S'eliminarà tot el contingut publicat!"],"Delete account":["Elimina el compte"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Ho sentim, com a propietari d'un espai no pots eliminar el seu compte!
Si us plau, assigna l'espai a un altre propietari o elimina'l."],"User details":["Detalls del membre"],"User modules":["Mòduls del membre"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Estàs segur realment? *ALL* les dades del mòdul del teu perfil s'eliminaran!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Millora el teu perfil utilitzant mòduls."],"User settings":["Configuració del membre"],"Getting Started":["Començant"],"Email Notifications":["Avisos per correu electrònic"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Rep un correu electrònic per cada activitat d'altres membres que segueixes o comparteixes
espais de treball."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Rep un correu electrònic quan altres membres comenten o els agrada els teus missatges."],"Account registration":["Registre d'un compte"],"back to home":["Torna a l'inici"],"Please sign in":["Si us plau inicia sessió"],"Sign up":["Registrar-me"],"Create a new one.":["Crea un de nou."],"Forgot your password?":["No recordes la contrasenya?"],"Register":["Registre"],"email":["correu electrònic"],"password":["contrasenya"],"username or email":["usuari o correu "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} t'ha mencionat a {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["Informació sobre aquest membre"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica el títol de la teva imatge"],"Account settings":["Configuració del compte"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Edita el compte"],"Following":["Seguint"],"Following user":["Seguint"],"User followers":["Seguidors"],"Member in these spaces":["Col·labora en aquests espais"],"User tags":["Etiquetes"],"Back to modules":["Torna al mòduls"],"Active":["Actiu"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca com a no llegit per a tots els membres"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuració de les Notícies d'Última Hora"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: pots utilitzar la sintaxi markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data i hora final"],"Recur":["Recurrència"],"Recur End":["Final de la recurrència"],"Recur Interval":["Interval de la recurrència"],"Recur Type":["Tipus de recurrència"],"Select participants":["Selecciona participants"],"Start Date and Time":["Data i hora d'inici"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["No tens permisos per accedir a aquest esdeveniment!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["No tens permisos per crear esdeveniments!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Afegeix un calendari per esdeveniments públics o privats al teu perfil i al menú principal"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Afegeix un calendari a aquest espai."],"All Day":["Tot el dia"],"Attending users":["Membres que hi assistiran"],"Calendar":["Calendari"],"Declining users":["Membres que no hi assistiran"],"End Date":["Data final"],"End time must be after start time!":["L'hora final ha de ser després de l'hora d'inici!"],"Event":["Esdeveniment"],"Event not found!":["No s'ha trobat l'esdeveniment!"],"Maybe attending users":["Membres que potser hi assistiran"],"Participation Mode":["Mode de participaió"],"Start Date":["Data d'inici"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["No tens permisos per eliminar aquest esdeveniment!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["No tens permisos per editar aquest esdeveniment!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creat un nou %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% potser assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% no assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Inici Data/Hora"],"Create event":["Crea un event"],"Edit event":["Edita l'event"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Per crear l'event d'un espai obre el calendari en el espai desitjat."],"End Date/Time":["Final Data/Hora"],"Everybody can participate":["Tothom pot participar"],"No participants":["No participants"],"Participants":["Participants"],"Created by:":["Creat per:"],"Edit this event":["Edita aquest esdeveniment"],"I´m attending":["Hi aniré"],"I´m maybe attending":["Potser hi assistiré"],"I´m not attending":["No hi assistiré"],"Attend":["Hi assistiré"],"Maybe":["Potser"],"Filter events":["Filtra esdeveniments"],"Select calendars":["seleccinoa calendaris"],"Already responded":["Ja has respost"],"Followed spaces":["Espais on participes"],"Followed users":["Membres a qui segueixes"],"My events":["Els meus esdeveniments"],"Not responded yet":["No has respòs encara"],"Upcoming events ":["Pròxims esdeveniments "],":count attending":[":count hi aniran\n",":count hi aniran\r\n"],":count declined":[":count no hi aniran"],":count maybe":[":count potser hi 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permeten múltiples respostes!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["No tens suficients privilegis per realitzar aquesta acció!"],"Answers":["Respostes"],"Multiple answers per user":["Es permeten múltiples respostes"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Si us plau especifica com a mínim {min} respostes!"],"Question":["Pregunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votat {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creat una nova {question}."],"User who vote this":["Membres que han votat això"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creat una nova enquesta i te l'ha assignada."],"Ask":["Pregunta"],"Reset my vote":["Restableix el meu vot"],"Vote":["Vot"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["i {count} més han votat això."],"votes":["vots"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Vols permetre múltiples respostes?"],"Ask something...":["Pregunta alguna cosa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Respostes (una per línia)"],"Display all":["Veure tot"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["No s'han trobat enquestes que coincideixin amb aquests criteris!"],"Asked by me":["Preguntat per mi"],"No answered yet":["No contestat"],"Only private polls":["Només enquestes privades"],"Only public polls":["Només enquestes públiques"],"Tasks":["Tasques"],"Could not access task!":["No s'ha pogut accedir a la tasca!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} ha sigut assignat a la tasca {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} ha creat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} ha finalitzat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} t'ha assignat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} ha creat la nova tasca {task}."],"This task is already done":["Ha aquesta tasca ja està acabada"],"You're not assigned to this task":["No estàs assignat a aquesta tasca."],"Click, to finish this task":["Fes clic, per finalitzar la tasca"],"This task is already done. 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Be the first and create one...":["Encara no hi ha tasques!
Sigues el primer en crear-ne una..."],"Assigned to me":["Assignat a mi"],"Nobody assigned":["Cap persona assignada"],"State is finished":["Finalitzades"],"State is open":["Obertes"],"What to do?":["Què s'ha de fer?"],"comment":["el comentari"],"post":["la publicació"],"Pinned":["Fixat","Fixa a dalt"],"Unpinned":["Desfixa"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["No s'ha pogut trobar el mòdul sol·licitat!"],"Invalid request.":["Petició invàlida."],"Keyword:":["Etiqueta:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["No s'ha trobat res en la teva entrada."],"Results":["Resultats"],"Show more results":["Mostra més resultats"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Ho sentim, no s'ha trobat res!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Benvingut/da a %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Últimes actualitzacions"],"Account settings":["Configuració del compte"],"Administration":["Administració"],"Back":["Enrere"],"Back to dashboard":["Torna a la portada"],"Choose language:":["Escull un idioma:"],"Collapse":["Redueix"],"Error":["Error"],"Expand":["Amplia"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permisos insuficients per crear contingut!"],"Language":["Llengua"],"Latest news":["Últimes notícies"],"Login":["Inici de sessió"],"Logout":["Sortir"],"Menu":["Menú"],"My profile":["El meu perfil"],"New profile image":["Nova imatge de perfil"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Cerca"],"Search for users and spaces":["Cerca per membres i espais"],"Space not found!":["No s'ha trobat l'espai!"],"User Approvals":["Aprovacions de membres"],"User not found!":["Membre no trobat!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["No pots crear contingut públic visible!"],"Your daily summary":["El teu resum diari"],"Login required":["Inici de sessió requerit"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["S'ha netejat la cadena {global} utilitzant el mètode {method}."],"Add image/file":["Afegeix una imatge/arxiu"],"Add link":["Afegeix un enllaç"],"Bold":["Negreta"],"Close":["Tanca"],"Code":["Codi"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Entra un enllaç (ex, http://exemple.cat)"],"Heading":["Títol"],"Image":["Imatge"],"Image/File":["Imatge/Arxiu"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Inserir Hipervincle"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Inserir Hipervincle d'imatge"],"Italic":["Cursiva"],"List":["Llista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Si us plau, espereu mentre es carreguen les dades ..."],"Preview":["Previsualització"],"Quote":["Cita"],"Target":["Objectiu"],"Title":["Títol"],"Title of your link":["Títol del teu enllaç"],"URL/Link":["URL/Enllaç"],"code text here":["text del codi aquí"],"emphasized text":["text subratllat"],"enter image description here":["entra la descripció de l'imatge aquí"],"enter image title here":["entra el títol de l'imatge aquí"],"enter link description here":["entra la descripció de l'enllaç aquí"],"heading text":["text del títol"],"list text here":["text de la llista aquí"],"quote here":["escriu la cita aquí"],"strong text":["text en negreta"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["No s'ha pogut crear activitat per aquest objecte!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha creat el nou espai %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% ha creat aquest espai."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% s'ha unit a l'espai %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% s'ha unit a aquest espai."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha deixat l'espai %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% ha deixat aquest espai."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} ara segueix a {user2}"],"see online":["veure en línia"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Activitat recent"],"There are no activities yet.":["Encara no hi ha activitat"],"Group not found!":["No s'ha trobat cap grup!"],"Could not uninstall module first! 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Està protegit."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["La ruta %path% del mòdul no té permís d'escriptura!"],"Saved":["Desat"],"Database":["Base de dades"],"No theme":["Sense tema"],"APC":["APC"],"File":["Arxiu"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Sense memòria cau (Només proves!)"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Desat i caché eliminat"],"Delete":["Suprimeix"],"Save":["Desa"],"Could not load category.":["No es pot carregar la categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Tan sols pots eliminar categories buides!"],"Group":["Grup"],"Message":["Missatge"],"Subject":["Assumpte"],"Login Filter":["Filtre d'inici de sessió"],"Password":["Contrasenya"],"Port":["Port"],"Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Llengua per defecte"],"Default space":["Espai per defecte"],"Invalid space":["Espai no vàlid"],"Name of the application":["Nom de l'aplicació"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostra la guia d'inici pels nous membres"],"Cache Backend":["Cache del servidor"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Temps d'expiració per defecte (en segons)"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Paginació per defecte (Número de publicacions per pàgina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Nom a mostrar (format)"],"Dropdown space order":["Ordre del desplegable d'espais"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Default Join Policy":["Política d'admissió per defecte"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilitat per defecte"],"Activated":["Activat"],"Decline":["No hi assistiré"],"Cancel":["Cancel·la"],"Description":["Descripció"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Configure":["Configura"],"Disable":["Inhabilita"],"Enable":["Habilita"],"Spaces":["Espais"],"Never":["Mai"],"Dashboard":["Inici"],"Activities":["Activitats"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Resum diari"],"Notifications":["Avisos"],"When I´m offline":["Quan no estic en línia"],"Settings":["Configuració"],"Admin":["Administrador"],"About":["Informació"],"Groups":["Grups"],"Modules":["Mòduls"],"Could not delete comment!":["No s'ha pogut eliminar el comentari!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe de destí invàlida!"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Són necessaris els paràmetres Model i Id!"],"Target not found!":["No s'ha trobat el destinatari!"],"Access denied!":["Accés denegat!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["No tens suficients privilegis!"],"Comment":["Comenta"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% ha comentat "],"Comments":["Comentaris"],"Edit your comment...":["Edita el teu comentari..."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha comentat %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostra tots els {total} comentaris."],"Post":["la publicació"],"Write a new comment...":["Escriu un nou comentari..."],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirma que vols esborrar el comentari"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Segur que vols esborrar aquest comentari?"],"Updated :timeago":["Actualitzat :timeago"],"Could not load requested object!":["Nie można wczytać żądanego obiektu! "],"in":["a"],"Submit":["Publica"],"Move to archive":["Arxiva-la"],"Unarchive":["Treu-la de l'arxiu"],"Public":["Públic"],"What's on your mind?":["Què et passa pel cap?"],"Archived":["Arxivat"],"Sticked":["Fixat"],"Stick":["Fixa a dalt"],"Unstick":["Desfixa"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ningú ha publicat res encara.
Sigues el primer i publica alguna cosa..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Encara no hi ha activitat en aquest perfil"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Aquest espai encara està buit!
Comença publicant alguna cosa..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["El teu inici està buit!
Publica alguna cosa en el teu perfil o uneix-te a algun espai!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Encara no hi ha activitat en el teu perfil
Comença publicant alguna cosa..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["No s'ha trobat res que coincideixi amb aquests filtres!"],"Show all":["Mostra totes"],"Back to stream":["Torna a l'activitat","Torna al fil social"],"Content with attached files":["Continguts amb arxius adjunts"],"Created by me":["Creat per mi"],"Creation time":["Data de creació"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Inclou publicacions arxivades"],"Last update":["Data d'actualització"],"Only private posts":["Només publicacions privades"],"Only public posts":["Només publicacions públiques"],"Posts only":["Només publicacions"],"Posts with links":["Publicacions amb enllaços"],"Sorting":["Ordena"],"Where I´m involved":["On estic involucrat"],"No public contents to display found!":["No hi ha contingut públic per mostrar!"],"Directory":["Directori"],"Member Group Directory":["Directori de Grups i membres"],"show all members":["mostra tots els membres"],"Directory menu":["Menú del directori"],"Members":["Membres"],"User profile posts":["Publicacions"],"Member directory":["Directori de membres"],"Follow":["Segueix"],"No members found!":["No s'ha trobat cap membre!"],"Unfollow":["No segueixis"],"search for members":["cerca membres"],"Space directory":["Directori d'espais"],"No spaces found!":["No s'ha trobat cap espai!"],"You are a member of this space":["Ets un membre d'aquest espai"],"search for spaces":["cerca per espais"],"Group stats":["Estadístiques de grups"],"Average members":["Promig de membres"],"Top Group":["Top grups"],"Total groups":["Grups totals"],"Member stats":["Estadístiques de membres"],"New people":["Nous membres"],"Follows somebody":["Segueixen a alguna persona"],"Online right now":["En línia ara"],"Total users":["Membres totals"],"New spaces":["Nous espais"],"Space stats":["Estadístiques d'espais"],"Most members":["Amb més membres"],"Private spaces":["Espais privats"],"Total spaces":["Espais totals"],"Could not find requested file!":["No es pot accedir a l'arxiu sol·licitat!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["No tens suficients privilegis!"],"Created By":["Creat per"],"Created at":["Creat el"],"File name":["Nom de l'arxiu"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Size":["Mida"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Aquest tipus d'arxiu no està permès!"],"Updated at":["Actualitzat el"],"Updated by":["Actualitzat per"],"Upload error":["Error de pujada"],"Could not upload File:":["No es pot pujar aquest arxiu:"],"Upload files":["Puja un arxiu"],"Create Admin Account":["Crear compte d'administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nom de la teva xarxa"],"Hostname":["Nom del amfitrió"],"Name of Database":["Nom de la base de dates"],"Admin Account":["Compte Admin"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Ja casi estas. En l'últim pas has de omplir el formulari per crear un compte d'administrador. Amb aquest compte podràs administrar tota la xarxa."],"Next":["Següent"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Es clas que sí, la teva nova xarxa social necessita un nom. Siusplau cambia el nom per defecte per un que t'agradi més. (Per exemple el nom de la teva companyia, organització o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Xarxa social Nom"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Felicitats. Has acabat."],"Setup Complete":["Instal·lació completa"],"Sign in":["Entra","Inicia sessió"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["La instal·lació s'ha completat correctament! Diverteix-te amb la teva nova xarxa social."],"Could not find target class!":["No s'ha trobat la classe de destí!"],"Could not find target record!":["No s'ha trobat el registre de destí!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe invàlida!"],"Users who like this":["Membres que els hi agrada això"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} li agrada {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% li agrada %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" li agrada."],"You like this.":["A tu t'agrada."],"You
"],"Like":["M'agrada"],"Unlike":["Ja no m'agrada"],"and {count} more like this.":["i {count} més els hi agrada això."],"New":["Nou"],"Mark all as seen":["Marca'ls tots com a llegits."],"There are no notifications yet.":["No tens cap avís."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha creat una nova publicació."],"Edit your post...":["Edita la teva publicació..."],"Read full post...":["Llegeix la publicació sencera..."],"Send & decline":["Envia i rebutja"],"Visible for all":["Visible per tothom"]," Invite and request":["Invitació i sol·licitud"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["No pots eliminar membres que siguin administradors! Nom de l'espai: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Tothom hi pot entrar"],"Invite and request":["Invitació i sol·licitud"],"Only by invite":["Només per invitació"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Invisible)"],"Public (Visible)":["Públic (visible)"],"Space is invisible!":["L'espai és invisible!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Com a propietari no pots revocar la teva pertinença!"],"Could not request membership!":["No s'ha pogut crear la sol·licitud de pertinença!"],"There is no pending invite!":["No hi ha invitacions pendents!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Aquesta acció només és vàlida per membres de l'espai!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["No tens permís per unir-te a aquest espai!"],"Your password":["La teva contrasenya"],"Invites":["Convida"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nou membre per correu electrònic (separat per comes)"],"User is already member!":["Aquest membre ja forma part de l'espai!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} ja està registrat!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} no vàlid!"],"Application message":["Missatge d'invitació"],"Scope":["Abast"],"Strength":["Força"],"Created At":["Creat el"],"Join Policy":["Políticia d'admissió "],"Name":["Nom"],"Owner":["Propietari"],"Status":["Estat"],"Tags":["Etiquetes"],"Updated At":["Actualitzat el"],"Visibility":["Visibilitat"],"Website URL (optional)":["Lloc web (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["No pots crear espais privats!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["No pots crear espais públics!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecciona l'àrea de la imatge que vols desar com a avatar i fes clic a Desa strong>."],"Modify space image":["Modifica la imatge de l'espai"],"Delete space":["Suprimeix l'espai"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Estàs segur que vols suprimir aquest espai? S'esborraran totes les publicacions!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Si us plau introdueix la teva contrasenya per continuar!"],"Space Modules":["Mòduls de l'espai"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Estàs segur? *ALL* s'eliminaran totes les dades dels mòduls d'aquest espai!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Actualment no hi ha disponible cap mòdul per aquest espai!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Millora aquest espai amb mòduls."],"Create new space":["Crea un nou espai"],"Advanced access settings":["Configuració avançada"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["També no membres poden veure aquest
espai, però no poden tenir accés"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tothom pot entrar a l'espai
sense la teva aprovació"],"For everyone":["Per tothom"],"How you want to name your space?":["Quin nom li vols posar a l'espai?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Si us plau, escriu una descripció per als membre."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Aquest espai s'amagarà
per a tots els no membres"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Els membres només poden demanar
pertànyer a aquest espai"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Els membres només poden ser afegits
per invitació"],"space description":["descripció de l'espai"],"space name":["nom de l'espai"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha sol·licitat unir-se a l'espai {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha aprovat la teva sol·licitud d'unió a l'espai {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} no ha declinat la teva sol·lictitud d'unió a l'espai {spaceName}"],"Become member":["Unir-me"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancel·la totes les sol·licituds d'unió pendents"],"Request membership":["Sol·licita unir-te"],"Send":["Envia"],"Ok":["D'acord"],"Space menu":["Menú de l'espai"],"Stream":["Activitat"],"Change image":["Canvia la imatge"],"Current space image":["Imatge de l'espai actual"],"Invite":["Convida"],"Something went wrong":["Alguna cosa ha anat malament"],"Followers":["Seguidors"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Si us plau, presentat breument als administradors de l'espai."],"Request workspace membership":["Sol·licita unir-te"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La teva sol·licitud d'unió s'ha enviat correctament als administradors de l'espai."],"Create new space":["Crea un nou espai"],"My spaces":["Els meus espais"],"Space info":["Informació de l'espai"],"Accept invite":["Acepta la invitació"],"Deny invite":["Rebutja l'invitació"],"Leave space":["Deixa l'espai"],"New member request":["Nova sol·licitud d'unió"],"Space members":["Membres de l'espai"],"End guide":["Finalitza la guia"],"Next »":["Següent »"],"« Prev":["« Anterior"],"Administration":["Administració"],"Profile menu":["Menú del perfil"],"Current password":["Contrasenya actual"],"E-Mail change":["Modificació del correu electrònic"],"New E-Mail address":["Nou correu electrònic"],"Send activities?":["Vols rebre l'activitat?"],"Send notifications?":["Vols rebre els avisos?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Contrsenya o correu electrònic incorrecte."],"New password":["Nova contrasenya"],"New password confirm":["Confirmació de la nova contrasenya"],"Remember me next time":["Recorda la pròxima vegada"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Els administradors encara no han activat el teu compte."],"Your account is suspended.":["El teu compte ha estat suspès."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["La recuperació de la contrasenya no està disponible pel teu tipus de compte!"],"E-Mail":["Correu electrònic"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperació de la contrasenya"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" no s'ha trobat!"],"Invalid language!":["Llengua invàlida!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Amaga el panell a l'inici"],"Change E-mail":["Canvia el correu electrònic"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["El nou correu electrònic associat és {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabem d'enviar un correu electrònic de confirmació a la teva nova adreça.
Si us plau, segueix les instruccions."],"Change password":["Canvia la contrasenya"],"Password changed":["Contrasenya modificada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La teva constrasenya s'ha modificat correctament!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica la imatge del teu perfil"],"Delete account":["Elimina el compte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Segur que vols eliminar el teu compte?
S'eliminarà tot el contingut publicat!"],"Delete account":["Elimina el compte"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Ho sentim, com a propietari d'un espai no pots eliminar el seu compte!
Si us plau, assigna l'espai a un altre propietari o elimina'l."],"User details":["Detalls del membre"],"User modules":["Mòduls del membre"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Estàs segur realment? *ALL* les dades del mòdul del teu perfil s'eliminaran!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Millora el teu perfil utilitzant mòduls."],"User settings":["Configuració del membre"],"Getting Started":["Començant"],"Email Notifications":["Avisos per correu electrònic"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Rep un correu electrònic per cada activitat d'altres membres que segueixes o comparteixes
espais de treball."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Rep un correu electrònic quan altres membres comenten o els agrada els teus missatges."],"Account registration":["Registre d'un compte"],"back to home":["Torna a l'inici"],"Please sign in":["Si us plau inicia sessió"],"Sign up":["Registrar-me"],"Create a new one.":["Crea un de nou."],"Forgot your password?":["No recordes la contrasenya?"],"Register":["Registre"],"email":["correu electrònic"],"password":["contrasenya"],"username or email":["usuari o correu "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} t'ha mencionat a {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["Informació sobre aquest membre"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica el títol de la teva imatge"],"Account settings":["Configuració del compte"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Edita el compte"],"Following":["Seguint"],"Following user":["Seguint"],"User followers":["Seguidors"],"Member in these spaces":["Col·labora en aquests espais"],"User tags":["Etiquetes"],"Back to modules":["Torna al mòduls"],"Active":["Actiu"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca com a no llegit per a tots els membres"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuració de les Notícies d'Última Hora"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: pots utilitzar la sintaxi markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data i hora final"],"Recur":["Recurrència"],"Recur End":["Final de la recurrència"],"Recur Interval":["Interval de la recurrència"],"Recur Type":["Tipus de recurrència"],"Select participants":["Selecciona participants"],"Start Date and Time":["Data i hora d'inici"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["No tens permisos per accedir a aquest esdeveniment!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["No tens permisos per crear esdeveniments!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Afegeix un calendari per esdeveniments públics o privats al teu perfil i al menú principal"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Afegeix un calendari a aquest espai."],"All Day":["Tot el dia"],"Attending users":["Membres que hi assistiran"],"Calendar":["Calendari"],"Declining users":["Membres que no hi assistiran"],"End Date":["Data final"],"End time must be after start time!":["L'hora final ha de ser després de l'hora d'inici!"],"Event":["Esdeveniment"],"Event not found!":["No s'ha trobat l'esdeveniment!"],"Maybe attending users":["Membres que potser hi assistiran"],"Participation Mode":["Mode de participaió"],"Start Date":["Data d'inici"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["No tens permisos per eliminar aquest esdeveniment!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["No tens permisos per editar aquest esdeveniment!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creat un nou %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% potser assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% no assistirà a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Inici Data/Hora"],"Create event":["Crea un event"],"Edit event":["Edita l'event"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Per crear l'event d'un espai obre el calendari en el espai desitjat."],"End Date/Time":["Final Data/Hora"],"Everybody can participate":["Tothom pot participar"],"No participants":["No participants"],"Participants":["Participants"],"Created by:":["Creat per:"],"Edit this event":["Edita aquest esdeveniment"],"I´m attending":["Hi aniré"],"I´m maybe attending":["Potser hi assistiré"],"I´m not attending":["No hi assistiré"],"Attend":["Hi assistiré"],"Maybe":["Potser"],"Filter events":["Filtra esdeveniments"],"Select calendars":["seleccinoa calendaris"],"Already responded":["Ja has respost"],"Followed spaces":["Espais on participes"],"Followed users":["Membres a qui segueixes"],"My events":["Els meus esdeveniments"],"Not responded yet":["No has respòs encara"],"Upcoming events ":["Pròxims esdeveniments "],":count attending":[":count hi aniran\n"],":count declined":[":count no hi aniran"],":count maybe":[":count potser hi aniran"],"Participants:":["Participants:"],"Create new Page":["Crea una 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%displayName%"],"New message":["Nou missatge"],"Reply now":["Respon ara"],"sent you a new message:":["t'ha enviat un nou missatge:"],"sent you a new message in":["t'ha envia un nou missatge a"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Afegeix més participants a la conversa..."],"Add user...":["Afegeix membres..."],"New message":["Nou missatge"],"Inbox":["Safata d'entrada"],"There are no messages yet.":["No tens cap missatge."],"Write new message":["Escriu un nou missatge"],"Add user":["Afegeix membres"],"Leave discussion":["Deixa la conversa"],"User Posts":["Publicacions de membres"],"Sign up now":["Dona't d'alta ara"],"Show all messages":["Mostra tots els missatges"],"Polls":["Enquestes"],"Could not load poll!":["No s'ha pogut carregar l'enquesta!"],"Invalid answer!":["Resposta incorrecta!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Membres que han votat: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["No es permeten múltiples respostes!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["No tens suficients privilegis per realitzar aquesta acció!"],"Answers":["Respostes"],"Multiple answers per user":["Es permeten múltiples respostes"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Si us plau especifica com a mínim {min} respostes!"],"Question":["Pregunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votat {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creat una nova {question}."],"User who vote this":["Membres que han votat això"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creat una nova enquesta i te l'ha assignada."],"Ask":["Pregunta"],"Reset my vote":["Restableix el meu vot"],"Vote":["Vot"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["i {count} més han votat això."],"votes":["vots"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Vols permetre múltiples respostes?"],"Ask something...":["Pregunta alguna cosa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Respostes (una per línia)"],"Display all":["Veure tot"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["No s'han trobat enquestes que coincideixin amb aquests criteris!"],"Asked by me":["Preguntat per mi"],"No answered yet":["No contestat"],"Only private polls":["Només enquestes privades"],"Only public polls":["Només enquestes públiques"],"Tasks":["Tasques"],"Could not access task!":["No s'ha pogut accedir a la tasca!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} ha sigut assignat a la tasca {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} ha creat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} ha finalitzat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} t'ha assignat la tasca {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} ha creat la nova tasca {task}."],"This task is already done":["Ha aquesta tasca ja està acabada"],"You're not assigned to this task":["No estàs assignat a aquesta tasca."],"Click, to finish this task":["Fes clic, per finalitzar la tasca"],"This task is already done. 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Be the first and create one...":["Encara no hi ha tasques!
Sigues el primer en crear-ne una..."],"Assigned to me":["Assignat a mi"],"Nobody assigned":["Cap persona assignada"],"State is finished":["Finalitzades"],"State is open":["Obertes"],"What to do?":["Què s'ha de fer?"],"comment":["el comentari"],"post":["la publicació"],"Pinned":["Fixat","Fixa a dalt"],"Unpinned":["Desfixa"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/cs/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/cs/archive.json
index 30b4fc44e3..7f57b7674f 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/cs/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/cs/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["Požadovaný modul nebyl nalezen!"],"Invalid request.":["Neplatný požadavek."],"Keyword:":["Klíčové slovo:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Dle zadaných parametrů nebylo nic nalezeno."],"Results":["Výsledky"],"Show more results":["Zobrazit další výsledky"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Je nám líto, nebylo nic nalezeno!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Vítejte v síti %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Poslední události"],"Account settings":["Nastavení účtu"],"Administration":["Administrace"],"Back":["Zpět"],"Back to dashboard":["Zpět na nástěnku"],"Choose language:":["Vyberte jazyk:"],"Collapse":["Sbalit"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon musí být buď instancí objektu HActiveRecordContent nebo HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Obsah nenalezen!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Nebylo možné nalézt obsah dolpňku!"],"Error":["Chyba"],"Expand":["Rozbalit"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Nedostatečná práva pro vytvoření obsahu!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Zdá se, že jste někde špatně odbočili."],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Latest news":["Poslední události"],"Login":["Přihlásit se"],"Logout":["Odhlásit"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modul nebyl nalezen nebo je vypnut!"],"My profile":["Můj profil"],"New profile image":["Nový profilový obrázek"],"Oooops...":["Jejda..."],"Search":["Hledat"],"Search for users and spaces":["Hledat mezi uživateli a prostory"],"Space not found!":["Prostor nebyl nalezen!"],"User Approvals":["Uživatelská oprávnění"],"User not found!":["Uživatel nebyl nalezen!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Nemůžete vytvářet veřejně viditelný obsah!"],"Your daily summary":["Vaše denní shrnutí"],"Login required":["Je nutné být přihlášen(a)"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globální pole {global} bylo vyčištěno pomocí metody {method}."],"Add image/file":["Přidat obrázek/soubor"],"Add link":["Přidat odkaz"],"Bold":["Tučně"],"Close":["Zavřít"],"Code":["Kód"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Zadejte URL adresu (např. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Nadpis"],"Image":["Obrázek"],"Image/File":["Obrázek/soubor"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Vložit odkaz"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Vložit odkaz na obrázek"],"Italic":["Kurzíva"],"List":["Seznam"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Prosím počkejte chvíli, nahrávám soubor..."],"Preview":["Náhled"],"Quote":["Citace"],"Target":["Cíl odkazu"],"Title":["Nadpis"],"Title of your link":["Napište titulek odkazu"],"URL/Link":["URL adresa/odkaz"],"code text here":["zde je místo pro kód"],"emphasized text":["text kurzívou"],"enter image description here":["zde je místo pro popis obrázku"],"enter image title here":["zde je místo pro titulek obrázku"],"enter link description here":["zde je místo pro popis odkazu"],"heading text":["text nadpisu"],"list text here":["odrážka"],"quote here":["zde je místo pro citaci"],"strong text":["tučný text"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Pro objekt tohoto typu nelze vytvořit aktivitu!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% vytvořil(a) nový prostor \"%spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["Tento prostor vytvořil(a) %displayName%."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% vstoupil(a) do prostoru %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% vstoupil(a) do tohoto prostoru."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opustil(a) prostor %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% opustil(a) tento prostor."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} nyní sleduje uživatele {user2}."],"see online":["Otevřít v prohlížeči"],"via":["prostřednictvím"],"Latest activities":["Poslední aktivita"],"There are no activities yet.":["Zatím zde není žádná aktivita."],"Group not found!":["Skupina nebyla nalezena!"],"Could not uninstall module first! 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(%error%)":["Nebylo možné vypsat seznam modulů! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Nebylo možné získat informace o modulu! (%error%₎"],"Download of module failed!":["Nebylo možné stáhnout modul!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Adresář pro ukládání modulů %modulePath% není zapisovatelný!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Nebylo možné stáhnout modul! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Nebyla nalezena žádná kompatibilní verze modulu!","Nebyl nalezen žádný kompatibilní modul!"],"Activated":["Aktivováno"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Zatím žádné naistalované moduly. Nainstalujte některé k rozšíření funkcionality!"],"Version:":["Verze:"],"Installed":["Nainstalováno","Nainstalované"],"No modules found!":["Žádné moduly nenalezeny!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Všechny moduly jsou aktuální!"],"About HumHub":["O projektu HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Nainstalovaná verze: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licence"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Je dostupná aktualizace! (Poslední verze: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Nainstalovaná verze HumHubu je aktuální!"],"Accept":["Přijmout"],"Decline":["Nechci se zúčastnit"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Přijmout uživatele: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Zrušit"],"Send & save":["Poslat a uložit"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Zamítnout a smazat uživatele: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Hledat e-mail","Hledat e-mailovou adresu"],"Search for username":["Hledat uživatelské jméno"],"Pending user approvals":["Uživatelé čekající na schválení"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Zde je seznam zaregistrovaných uživatelů, kteří čekají na schválení."],"Delete group":["Smazat skupinu"],"Delete group":["Smazat skupinu"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Abyste mohli smazat skupinu \"{group}\", musíte stávajícím uživatelům přidělit náhradní skupinu:"],"Create new group":["Vytvořit novou skupinu"],"Edit group":["Upravit skupinu"],"Description":["Popis"],"Group name":["Název skupiny"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN","Viditelnost"],"Search for description":["Hledat v popisu"],"Search for group name":["Hledat v názvu"],"Manage groups":["Správa skupin"],"Create new group":["Vytvořit novou skupinu"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Uživatele můžete rozdělit do skupin (pro týmy, oddělení apod.) a nastavit jim výchozí prostory a správce."],"Flush entries":["Smazat položky"],"Error logging":["Záznam chyb"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Zobrazeno {count} záznamů na stránku."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Celkem nalezeno {count} záznamů."],"Available updates":["Dostupné aktualizace"],"Browse online":["Procházet online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduly rozšiřují funkce HumHubu. Zde můžete instalovat a spravovat moduly ze stránek HumHubu."],"Module details":["Podrobnosti o modulu"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Tento modul neposkytuje další informace."],"Processing...":["Provádím..."],"Modules directory":["Seznam modulů"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento modul? *Veškerá* data modulu budou smazána!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento modul? *Veškerá* data a soubory modulu budou smazány."],"Configure":["Nastavit"],"Disable":["Vypnout"],"Enable":["Zapnout"],"More info":["Více informací"],"Set as default":["Nastavit jako výchozí"],"Uninstall":["Odinstalovat"],"Install":["Nainstalovat"],"Latest compatible version:":["Poslední kompatibilní verze:"],"Latest version:":["Poslední verze:"],"Installed version:":["Nainstalovaná verze:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Poslední kompatibilní verze:"],"Update":["Aktualizovat"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% – Nastavit jako výchozí modul"],"Always activated":["Vždy zapnuto"],"Deactivated":["Vypnuto"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Zde můžete vybrat, zda se má modul pro prostory či profily uživatelů automaticky zapnout. Pokud ano, vyberte \"vždy zapnuto\"."],"Spaces":["Prostory"],"User Profiles":["Profily uživatelů"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Je dostupná nová verze HumHubu (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Ověřování – Základní"],"Basic":["Základní"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Nejmenší možná hodnota je 20 sekund. Není-li nastaveno, sezení vyprší po 1400 sekundách (24 minut; výchozí expirace sezení)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Použije se jen pokud je omezen přístup neautentizovaným uživatelům. Dotkne se pouze nově registrovaných uživatelů."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Ověřování – LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["V produkčním prostředí je silně doporučeno používat TLS/SSL šifrování, aby hesla nebyla přenášena jako čistý text."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nastavení filtrů, které se mají aplikovat při pokusu o přihlášení. %uid nahrazuje uživatelské jméno. Např.: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" nebo "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP atribut pro uživatelské jméno. Např. "uid" nebo "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Omezit přístup na základě daných kritérií. Např.: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" nebo "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Stav: chyba! (Odpověď: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Stav: OK! ({userCount} uživatelů)"],"Cache Settings":["Nastavení cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Uložit a vyčistit cache"],"CronJob settings":["Nastavení úloh CRON"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab uživatele: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Poslední spuštění (daily):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Poslední spuštění (hourly):"],"Never":["Nikdy"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Nebo crontab uživatele root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ujistěte se prosím, že jsou nainstalované následující úlohy CRON:"],"Design settings":["Nastavení vzhledu"],"Alphabetical":["Podle abecedy"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Jméno Příjmení (např. Jan Novák)"],"Last visit":["Poslední návštěva"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Uživatelské jméno (např. jannovak)"],"File settings":["Nastavení souborů"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Jednotlivé přípony oddělte čárkou. Pro povolení všech přípon nechejte prázdné."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Jednotlivé položky oddělte čárkou. 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Můžete nějaké nahrát."],"Mailing defaults":["Nastavení zasílání e-mailů"],"Activities":["Události"],"Always":["Vždy"],"Daily summary":["Denní souhrn","Denní shrnutí"],"Defaults":["Výchozí"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Výchozí nastavení pro zasílání oznámení nebo nových událostí. 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(např. ttp://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Nastavení proxy"],"Security settings and roles":["Nastavení zabezpečení a oprávnění"],"Self test":["Vnitřní diagnostika"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Zjištěná nastavení prerekvizit aplikace HumHub"],"Re-Run tests":["Provést test znovu"],"Statistic settings":["Nastavení statistik"],"All":["Vše"],"Delete space":["Smazat prostor"],"Edit space":["Upravit prostor"],"Search for space name":["Hledat prostor"],"Search for space owner":["Hledat vlastníka prostoru"],"Space name":["Název prostoru"],"Space owner":["Vlastník","Vlastník místa"],"View space":["Zobrazit prostor"],"Manage spaces":["Správa prostorů"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Zde nastavíte výchozí nastavení pro nové prostory."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["V tomto přehledu naleznete a můžete spravovat libovolný prostor."],"Overview":["Přehled"],"Settings":["Nastavení"],"Space Settings":["Nastavení prostorů"],"Add user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky.
Napište první..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek."],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky.
Napište první..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek.
Napište něco na váš profil nebo se připojte k nějakému prostoru."],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek.
Můžete něco napsat..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný příspěvek, který by odpovídal filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"Show all":["Zobrazit vše"],"Back to stream":["Zpět na příspěvky"],"Content with attached files":["Příspěvky s přílohou"],"Created by me":["Vytvořil(a) jsem"],"Creation time":["Vytvořeno"],"Filter":["Filtr"],"Include archived posts":["Včetně archivovaných příspěvků"],"Last update":["Změněno"],"Only private posts":["Pouze neveřejné příspěvky"],"Only public posts":["Pouze veřejné příspěvky"],"Posts only":["Jen příspěvky"],"Posts with links":["Příspěvky s odkazem"],"Sorting":["Řazení"],"Where I´m involved":["Jsem zmíněn(a)"],"Directory":["Adresář"],"Member Group Directory":["Adresář členů skupin"],"show all members":["zobrazit všechny členy"],"Directory menu":["Menu adresáře"],"Members":["Členové"],"User profile posts":["Příspěvky uživatelů"],"Member directory":["Adresář členů"],"Follow":["Sledovat"],"No members found!":["Žádný člen nebyl nalezen!"],"Unfollow":["Přestat sledovat"],"search for members":["Hledat členy"],"Space directory":["Adresář prostorů"],"No spaces found!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný prostor!"],"You are a member of this space":["Jste členem tohoto prostoru"],"search for spaces":["Hledat prostor"],"Group stats":["Statistiky skupin"],"Average members":["Průměrně členů"],"Top Group":["Top skupina"],"Total groups":["Skupin celkem"],"Member stats":["Statistiky členů"],"New people":["Noví lidé"],"Follows somebody":["Sleduje někoho"],"Online right now":["Právě online"],"Total users":["Uživatelů celkem"],"New spaces":["Nové prostory"],"Space stats":["Statistiky prostorů"],"Most members":["Nejvíce členů"],"Private spaces":["Soukromé prostory"],"Total spaces":["Prostorů celkem"],"Could not find requested file!":["Požadovaný soubor nebyl nalezen!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Nedostatečná oprávnění!"],"Created By":["Vytvořil(a)"],"Created at":["Vytvořeno"],"File name":["Název souboru"],"Guid":["Globální ID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Neplatný Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Byl překročen povolený limit maximální velikosti souboru {maxFileSize}!"],"Mime Type":["Mime typ"],"Size":["Velikost"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Tento typ souboru není povolen!"],"Updated at":["Vytvořeno","Aktualizováno"],"Updated by":["Aktualizoval(a)","Vytvořil(a)","Aktualizováno od"],"Upload error":["Chyba při nahrávání"],"Could not upload File:":["Nebylo možné nahrát soubor:"],"Upload files":["Nahrát soubory"],"Create Admin Account":["Vytvořit účet administrátora"],"Name of your network":["Název vaší sítě"],"Name of Database":["Databáze"],"Admin Account":["Účet administrátora"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Už je to skoro hotové. Teď zbývá jen vytvořit účet administrátora, pomocí kterého máte možnost celou síť spravovat. Pro vytvoření prosím vyplňte následující formulář."],"Next":["Další"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Nyní můžete vaší síti zvolit název. Výchozí název lze přepsat na jiný, např. název vaší firmy, organizaci či spolku."],"Social Network Name":["Název sítě"],"Setup Complete":["Dokončení nastavení"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Výborně, jste hotovi."],"Sign in":["Přihlásit se"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Instalace byla úspěšná! Přejeme, ať vám síť dobře slouží."],"Setup Wizard":["Průvodce nastavením"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Vítejte v síti HumHub"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Tento průvodce vám pomůže nainstalovat a nastavit síť HumHub.
Chcete-li pokračovat, klikněte na tlačítko Další."],"Database Configuration":["Nastavení databáze"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Níže prosím zadejte vaše údaje pro připojení k databázi. Jestliže si jimi nejste jisti, obraťte se na správce vašeho serveru."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname vašeho MySQL serveru (např. localhost, běží-li MySQL na stejném serveru)"],"Initializing database...":["Naplňuji databázi..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Jejda, něco se porouchalo..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Jméno databáze, do které chcete HumHub nainstalovat."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Jupí, připojení k databázi funguje!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Heslo pro přístup k databázi"],"Your MySQL username":["Uživatelské jméno pro přístup k databázi"],"System Check":["Kontrola systému"],"Check again":["Zkontrolovat znovu"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Výborně, vše funguje, jak má, a je nachystáno k instalaci!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Tento přehled ukazuje všechny požadavky HumHubu."],"Could not find target class!":["Nebylo možné najít cílovou třídu!"],"Could not find target record!":["Nebylo možné najít cílový záznam!"],"Invalid class given!":["Byla zadána neplatná třída!"],"Users who like this":["Uživatelé, kterým se to líbí"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["Uživateli {userDisplayName} se líbí {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["Uživateli %displayName% se líbí %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" se to líbí."],"You like this.":["Vám se to líbí."],"You
"],"Like":["Líbí se mi"],"Unlike":["Už se mi nelíbí"],"and {count} more like this.":["a dalším {count} lidem se to líbí."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nebylo možné předvídat adresu pro přesměrování k tomuto typu zdroji objektu!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nebylo možné načíst zdrojový objekt notifikací pro přesměrování!"],"New":["Novinky","Nová"],"Mark all as seen":["Označit vše jako přečtené"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Zatím zde nejsou žádná upozornění."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% napsal(a) nový příspěvek."],"Edit your post...":["Upravte svůj příspěvek..."],"Read full post...":["Zobrazit celý příspěvek..."],"Search results":["Výsledky hledání"],"Content":["Příspěvky","Obsah"],"Send & decline":["Odmítnout"],"Visible for all":["Viditelné pro všechny"]," Invite and request":["Pozváním nebo požádáním"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Nelze smazat uživatele, který je vlastníkem prostoru! Prostor: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Každý se může přidat"],"Invite and request":["Pozváním nebo požádáním"],"Only by invite":["Jen pozváním"],"Private (Invisible)":["Neveřejné (skryté)"],"Public (Visible)":["Veřejné (viditelné)"],"Space is invisible!":["Tento prostor je skrytý!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Nemůžete si zrušit členství tomto prostoru, protože jste jeho vlastník!"],"Could not request membership!":["Není možné požádat o členství!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Momentálně zde není žádná pozvánka čekající na přijetí!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Tato akce je možná pouze pro členy prostoru!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Není možné se připojit k tomuto prostoru!"],"Your password":["Vaše heslo"],"Invites":["Pozvánky"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Pozvání uživatele pomocí e-mailu (adresy oddělte čárkou)"],"User is already member!":["Uživatel je již členem tohoto prostoru!"],"{email} is already registered!":["E-mailová adresa {email} již v databázi existuje!"],"{email} is not valid!":["E-mailová adresa {email} není platná!"],"Application message":["Zpráva aplikace"],"Created At":["Vytvořeno"],"Join Policy":["Jak se lze stát členem?"],"Name":["Název"],"Owner":["Vlastník"],"Status":["Stav"],"Tags":["Štítky"],"Updated At":["Aktualizováno"],"Visibility":["Viditelnost"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL související webové stránky (volitelné)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet neveřejné prostory!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet veřejné prostory!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Vyberte oblast, kterou chcete uložit jako profilový obrázek a klikněte na Uložit."],"Modify space image":["Upravit obrázek prostoru"],"Delete space":["Smazat prostor"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento prostor? Veškerý jeho obsah bude smazán!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Pro dokončení smazání prosím zadejte vaše heslo."],"General space settings":["Obecná nastavení prostoru"],"Archive":["Archivovat"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Vyberte, jak se lze stát členem prostoru."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Vyberte, jakou má mít prostor viditelnost."],"Manage your space members":["Správa členů prostoru"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Nevyřízené odeslané pozvánky"],"Outstanding user requests":["Nevyřízené žádosti uživatelů"],"Remove member":["Odstranit člena"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Povolit tomuto uživateli
zvát další uživatele"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Povolit tomuto uživateli
publikovat veřejně viditelný obsah"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Opravdu chcete tohoto uživatele odstranit z tohoto prostoru?"],"Can invite":["Může zvát"],"Can share":["Může sdílet"],"Change space owner":["Změnit správce prostoru"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externí uživatelé, kteří byli pozváni e-mailem, zde nebudou uvedeni."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Níže můžete vidět všechny aktivní uživatele tohoto prostoru. Můžete upravovat jejich oprávnění nebo je z prostoru odebrat."],"Is admin":["Je správcem"],"Make this user an admin":["Přidělit tomuto uživateli
správcovská oprávnění k tomuto prostoru"],"No, cancel":["Ne, zrušit"],"Remove":["Odstranit"],"Request message":["Zpráva k žádosti"],"Revoke invitation":["Zrušit pozvání"],"Search members":["Hledat členy"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Následující uživatelé čekají na schválení pro vstup do tohoto prostoru. Udělejte si prosím chvíli, ať nemusí čekat dlouho."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Následující uživatelé jsou již pozváni do tohoto prostoru, ale dosud se pozvánkou nezabývali."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Vlastník prostoru je nejvyšší administrátor prostoru se všemi právy, obvykle jde i o toho, kdo prostor vytvořil. Zde můžete předat tuto roli jinému uživateli."],"Yes, remove":["Ano, odstranit"],"Space Modules":["Moduly prostoru"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Jste si opravdu jistí? *VŠECHNA* data modulu k tomuto prostoru budou smazána!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Momentálně zde nejsou žádné dostupné moduly pro tento prostor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Zde můžete rozšířit tento prostor moduly."],"Create new space":["Vytvořit nový prostor"],"Advanced access settings":["Pokročilá nastavení přístupu a viditelnosti"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Také uživatelé, kteří nejsou členové,
mohou vidět tento prostor, ale nemají k němu přístup"],"Create":["Vytvořit"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Všichni uživatelé mohou vstoupit do tohoto prostoru
bez vašeho schválení"],"For everyone":["Pro každého"],"How you want to name your space?":["Jak chcete váš prostor pojmenovat?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Prosím napište krátký popis pro ostatní uživatele."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Tento prostor bude ukryt
přede všemi, kteří nejsou jeho členy"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Uživatelé také mohou požádat
o členství v tomto prostoru"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Uživatelé mohou být přidáni
pouze na základě pozvání"],"space description":["Popis prostoru"],"space name":["Název prostoru"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} žádá o členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} schválil(a) vaše členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zamítl(a) vaše členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vás pozval(a) do prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} přijal(a) vaši pozvánku do prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odmítl(a) vaši pozvánku do prostoru {spaceName}"],"Accept Invite":["Přijmout pozvánku"],"Become member":["Stát se členem"],"Cancel membership":["Zrušit členství"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Zrušit čekající žádost o členství"],"Deny Invite":["Odmítnout pozvánku"],"Request membership":["Požádat o členství"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Jste vlastníkem tohoto prostoru."],"created by":["vytvořil(a)"],"Invite members":["Pozvat členy"],"Add an user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Email addresses":["E-mailové adresy"],"Invite by email":["Pozvat e-mailem"],"Pick users":["Vybrat uživatele"],"Send":["Poslat","Odeslat"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Pokud chcete pozvat do tohoto prostoru další uživatele, začněte psát jejich jména a poté je vyberte ze seznamu."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Můžete také pozvat externí uživatele, kteří zatím nejsou zaregistrovaní. Stačit napsat jejich e-mailové adresy (oddělené čárkou)."],"Request space membership":["Žádost o členství v prostoru"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Stručně se prosím představte, aby bylo možné schválit vaše členství v tomto prostoru."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Váše žádost byla uspěšně předána správci prostoru."],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["Zpět do prostoru"],"Space preferences":["Nastavení prostoru"],"General":["Obecné"],"Space directory":["Adresář prostoru"],"Space menu":["Menu prostoru"],"Stream":["Příspěvky"],"Change image":["Změnit obrázek"],"Current space image":["Současný obrázek prostoru"],"Invite":["Pozvat"],"Something went wrong":["Něco se pokazilo"],"Followers":["sleduje mě"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Stručně se prosím představte, aby bylo možné schválit vaše členství v tomto prostoru."],"Request workspace membership":["Žádost o členství v prostoru"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Váše žádost byla uspěšně předána správci prostoru."],"Create new space":["Vytvořit nový prostor"],"My spaces":["Mé prostory","Moje prostory"],"Space info":["Informace o prostoru"],"Accept invite":["Přijmout pozvání"],"Deny invite":["Odmítnout pozvánku"],"Leave space":["Opustit prostor"],"New member request":["Nová žádost o členství"],"Space members":["Členové prostoru"],"End guide":["Ukončit průvodce"],"Next »":["Další »"],"« Prev":["« Předchozí"],"Administration":["Administrace"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurá! To je pro tuto chvíli vše."],"Modules":["Moduly"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Odtud můžete jako správce systému řídit celou síť.
Nyní zmíníme jen sekci Moduly, jinak v každé sekci najdete krátký popis toho, co se v ní dá nastavovat."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Toto je menu administace. Můžete tudy vstoupit např. k online obchodu HumHubu, ze kterého můžete instalovat nové moduly.
Jak jsme již zmínili, moduly rozšiřují možnou funkcionalitu v prostorech."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Nyní jste se naučil(a) vše o nejdůležitějších vlastnostech a nastaveních. Výchozí nastavení umožňuje HumHub začít používat okamžitě, směle tedy do toho.
Doufáme, že se vám i dalším uživatelům bude HumHub líbit a rádi uvítáme podněty všeho druhu – ty nám pomohou HumHub vylepšit. Rádi budeme i za vaši podporu. Nebojte se nás proto kontaktovat prostřednictvím našich stránek www.humhub.org.
Děkujeme za vaše rozhodnutí pro HumHub!"],"Dashboard":["Nástěnka"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Toto je vaše nástěnka.
Na ní naleznete výpis nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších aktivit a příspěvků z prostorů, kterých jste členem, a od ostatních uživatelů."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrace (Moduly)"],"Edit account":["Upravit účet"],"Hurray! The End.":["A je to!"],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurá! Máte hotovo!"],"Profile menu":["Menu profilu"],"Profile photo":["Profilová fotografie"],"Profile stream":["Vaše příspěvky"],"User profile":["Můj profil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Kliknutím na toto tlačítko můžete upravit svůj profil (např. přidat více informací o sobě) a také změnit nastavení svého účtu."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Každý profil má svou vlastní nástěnku. Vaše příspěvky se objeví také na nástěnkách těch uživatelů, kteří sledují váš profil."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Stejně jako prostory, i uživatelské profily mohou být přizpůsobeny pomocí různých modulů.
V sekci Moduly v nastavení vašeho účtu se můžete podívat na dostupné moduly pro váš profil."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Toto je váš veřejný profil, který může vidět každý registrovaný uživatel."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Nahrát novou profilovou fotografii můžete jednoduše kliknutím zde nebo pomocí drag & drop. Stejným způsobem můžete přidat také úvodní fotku."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Dokončili jste průvodce uživatelským profilem!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Dokončili jste průvodce uživatelským profilem!
Pokud chcete, můžete pokračovat průvodcem administrace kliknutím zde:"],"Most recent activities":["Poslední aktivita"],"Posts":["Příspěvky"],"Profile Guide":["Průvodce profilem"],"Space":["Prostor"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu prostoru"],"Writing posts":["Psaní příspěvků"],"Yay! You're done.":["A je to!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Zde uvidíte všechny uživatele, kteří jsou členy tohoto prostoru.
Přidat či pozvat nového uživatele může každý, kdo k tomu dostal práva od správce prostoru."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Tímto uživatelům krátce představíte, čeho se prostor týká. Můžete zde uvést základní informace.
Přidat nebo změnit obrázek prostoru může pouze správce prostoru – buď kliknutím na obrázek nebo pomocí drag & drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nové příspěvky můžete psát zde."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Jakmile vstoupíte do prostoru nebo vytvoříte nový, můžete v něm pracovat na projektech, diskutovat o různých tématech nebo jen sdílet s dalšími členy prostoru zajímavé informace.
Je zde také mnoho modulů, kterými můžete prostor přizpůsobit – doplnit takové funkce, které potřebujete."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["To by byl průvodce prostorem.
Pokud chcete pokračovat na průvodce uživatelským profilem, klikněte zde: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Pomocí tohoto menu se pohybujete uvnitř prostoru. Jednotlivé sekce prostoru mohou být tvořené moduly, které jsou aktivní právě pro ten konkrétní prostor, ve kterém se nacházíte – např. ankety, úkoly nebo poznámky.
Spravovat tyto moduly může pouze správce prostoru."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Toto menu je viditelné pouze pro správce prostoru. Zde můžete měnit nastavení prostoru, přidávat/odebírat členy a zapínat/vypínat moduly pro tento prostor."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Abyste byl(a) stále v obraze, uvidíte zde poslední aktivitu uživatelů tohoto prostoru."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Zde se budou objevovat vaše příspěvky i příspěvky ostatních uživatelů.
Ty se dají následně následně komentovat a označovat tlačítkem Líbí se mi."],"Account Menu":["Možnosti účtu"],"Notifications":["Oznámení"],"Space Menu":["Vaše prostory"],"Start space guide":["Zahájit průvodce prostory"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Neztratíte přehled.
Tato ikona vás bude informovat o nových aktivitách a příspěvcích, které se vás týkají."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Skrze možnosti účtu se dostanete k vašemu soukromému nastavení a ke správě vašeho veřejného profilu."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Toto je to nejdůležitější menu, které budete pravděpodobně využívat nejčastěji.
Pomocí se něj se dostanete do prostorů, jichž jste členem a také můžete vytvářet nové prostory.
Další průvodce vám ukáže jak:"]," Remove panel":["Odstranit panel"],"Getting Started":["Začínáme"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Průvodce: Administrace (Moduly)"],"Guide: Overview":["Průvodce: Přehled"],"Guide: Spaces":["Průvodce: Prostory"],"Guide: User profile":["Průvodce: Uživatelský profil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Následující průvodce vám může pomoci se lépe zorientovat v této síti a tak vám usnadní začátky práce s ní. Vyberte si, co vás zajímá:"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Vaše heslo je nesprávné!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Zde není možné měnit vaše heslo."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Neplatný odkaz! Prosím, ujistěte se, že jste zadal(a) celou URL adresu."],"Save profile":["Uložit profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Zadaná e-mailová adresa je již používána jiným uživatelem."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Zde není možné měnit vaši e-mailovou adresu."],"Account":["Účet"],"Create account":["Vytvořit účet"],"Current password":["Současné heslo"],"E-Mail change":["Změna e-mailové adresy"],"New E-Mail address":["Nová e-mailová adresa"],"Send activities?":["Posílat nové aktivity?"],"Send notifications?":["Posílat upozornění?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nesprávné uživatelské jméno/e-mail nebo heslo."],"New password":["Nové heslo"],"New password confirm":["Nové heslo znovu"],"Remember me next time":["Zapamatovat přihlášení"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Váš účet nebyl dosud aktivován pověřeným správcem."],"Your account is suspended.":["Váš účet je pozastaven."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Pro váš typ účtu není obnova hesla možná!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Obnovení hesla"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nebyl nalezen!"],"Invalid language!":["Neplatný jazyk!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Skrýt panel na Nástěnce"],"Default Space":["Výchozí prostor"],"Group Administrators":["Správci skupiny"],"LDAP DN":["Rozlišovací jméno LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Členové mohou vytvářet neveřejné prostory"],"Members can create public spaces":["Členové mohou vytvářet veřejné prostory"],"Birthday":["Datum narození"],"City":["Město"],"Country":["Kraj"],"Custom":["Vlastní"],"Facebook URL":["Adresa profilu Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Žena"],"Firstname":["Křestní jméno"],"Flickr URL":["Adresa profilu Flickr"],"Gender":["Pohlaví"],"Google+ URL":["Adresa profilu Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Skrýt rok narození v profilu"],"Lastname":["Příjmení"],"LinkedIn URL":["Adresa profilu LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Muž"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["Adresa profilu MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Soukromý telefon"],"Phone Work":["Pracovní telefon"],"Skype Nickname":["Přezdívka na Skype"],"State":["Stát"],"Street":["Ulice"],"Twitter URL":["Adresa profilu Twitter"],"Url":["Webová stránka"],"Vimeo URL":["Adresa profilu Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresa"],"Xing URL":["Adresa profilu Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Adresa profilu Youtube"],"Zip":["PSČ"],"Created by":["Vytvořil(a)"],"Editable":["Možno upravovat"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Typ pole nemůže být změněn!"],"Fieldtype":["Typ pole"],"Internal Name":["Interní název"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interní název je již použit!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interní název nemůže být změněn!"],"Invalid field type!":["Špatný typ pole!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP vlastnost"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Povolené jsou pouze alfanumerické znaky!"],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorie v profilu"],"Required":["Povinné"],"Show at registration":["Zobrazit při registraci"],"Sort order":["Řazení","Pořadí"],"Translation Category ID":["Překlad ID kategorie"],"Type Config":["Nastavení typu"],"Visible":["Viditelné"],"Communication":["Komunikace"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociální sítě"],"Datetime":["Datum/čas"],"Number":["Číslo"],"Select List":["Seznam možností"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Textové pole"],"%y Years":["%y let"],"Birthday field options":["Nastavení pole Datum narození"],"Show date/time picker":["Zobrazit nástroj pro výběr data/času"],"Date(-time) field options":["Nastavení pole Datum/čas"],"Maximum value":["Maximální hodnota"],"Minimum value":["Minimální hodnota"],"Number field options":["Nastavení pole Číslo"],"Possible values":["Povolené hodnoty"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Jedna možnost na řádek. Ve tvaru: Klíč=>Hodnota (např. ano=>Ano)"],"Please select:":["Prosím vyberte:"],"Select field options":["Nastavení pole Seznam možností"],"Default value":["Výchozí text"],"Maximum length":["Maximální délka"],"Minimum length":["Minimální délka"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regulární výraz: chybová zpráva"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regulární výraz: šablona formátu"],"Validator":["Formát má odpovídat šabloně"],"Text Field Options":["Nastavení pole Text"],"Text area field options":["Nastavení pole Textové pole"],"Authentication mode":["Způsob ověření"],"New user needs approval":["Nový uživatel potřebuje schválení"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Uživatelské jméno může obsahovat pouze písmena, čísla, mezery a speciální znaky (+-._)"],"Wall":["Nástěnka"],"Change E-mail":["Změna e-mailové adresy"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Vaše e-mailová adresa byla úspěšně změněna na: {email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Právě jsme vám poslali potvrzovací e-mail na vaši novou adresu.
Postupujte prosím podle intrukcí uvnitř e-mailu."],"Change password":["Změna hesla"],"Password changed":["Heslo bylo změněno"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně změněno!"],"Modify your profile image":["Úprava profilového obrázku"],"Delete account":["Smazat účet"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Jste si opravdu jistí, že chcete smazat svůj účet?
Všechny vaše příspěvky budou tímto smazány!"],"Delete account":["Smazat účet"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Je nám líto, ale jelikož jste vlastníkem alespoň jednoho prostoru, nemůžete nyní smazat svůj účet.
Předejte nejprve vlastnictví prostoru jinému uživateli, nebo prostor smažte."],"User details":["Informace o uživateli"],"User modules":["Moduly uživatele"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Jste si opravdu jistí? *VŠECHNA* data modulu vázaná k vašemu profilu budou smazána!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Rozšiřte svůj profil moduly."],"User settings":["Nastavení uživatele"],"Getting Started":["Začínáme"],"Email Notifications":["Upozornění e-mailem"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Nechte si zaslat upozornění e-mailem na novou aktivitu uživatelů, které sledujete nebo se kterými spolupracujete."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Nechte si zaslat upozornění e-mailem, když ostatní uživatelé komentují váš příspěvek nebo jej označí jako Líbí se mi."],"Account registration":["Registrace účtu"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Váš účet byl úspěšně vytvořen!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Po aktivaci vašeho účtu správcem obdržíte upozornění e-mailem."],"Go to login page":["Přejít na stránku přihlášení"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Pro přihlášení do vašeho nového účtu klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"back to home":["Zpět na hlavní stránku"],"Please sign in":["Přihlášení"],"Sign up":["Registrace"],"Create a new one.":["Vytvořit nové"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Nemáte ještě účet? Připojte se k sítí zadáním vaší e-mailové adresy"],"Forgot your password?":["Zapomněl(a) jste heslo?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Pokud jste již členem, přihlaste se prosím svým uživatelským jménem/e-mailem a heslem."],"Register":["Registrovat"],"email":["E-mailová adresa"],"password":["Heslo"],"username or email":["Uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Obnovení hesla","Obnova hesla"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Stačí zadat vaši e-mailovou adresu, na ni vám zašleme instrukce k obnovení hesla."],"Reset password":["Obnovit heslo"],"enter security code above":["Zadejte zabezpečovací kód"],"your email":["Vaše e-mailová adresa"],"Password recovery!":["Obnovení hesla"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Poslali jsme vám email obsahující odkaz, který vám umožní obnovit vaše heslo."],"Registration successful!":["Registrace byla úspěšná!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Prosím zkontrolujte e-mail a následujte instrukce, které vám přišly."],"Password reset":["Obnovení hesla"],"Change your password":["Změna hesla"],"Change password":["Změnit heslo"],"Password changed!":["Heslo bylo změněno!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Potvrzení nové emailové adresy"],"Confirm":["Potvrdit"],"Hello":["Dobrý den"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Požádal(a) jste o změnu vaší e-mailové adresy.
Vaše nová e-mailová adresa je: {newemail}
Pro potvrzení této změny prosím klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"Hello {displayName}":["Dobrý den {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Funkčnost tohoto odkazu vyprší, jestliže na něj do 24 hodin nekliknete."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Pro obnovu vašeho hesla prosím použijte následující odkaz."],"Reset Password":["Obnovit heslo"],"Sign up":["Dokončit registraci"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Vítejte v síti %appName%. Pro dokončení registrace prosím klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Abyste se mohl(a) do prostoru připojit, je třeba se nejdříve zaregistrovat."],"You got a space invite":["Byl(a) jste pozván(a) do prostoru"],"invited you to the space:":["vás pozval(a) do prostoru:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} vás zmínil(a) v {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["Informace o tomto uživateli"],"Modify your title image":["Úprava úvodní fotky"],"Account settings":["Nastavení účtu"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Upravit účet"],"Following":["sleduji"],"Following user":["Koho sleduji"],"User followers":["Kdo mě sleduje"],"Member in these spaces":["Členem prostorů"],"User tags":["Štítky uživatele"],"No birthday.":["Žádné narozeniny."],"Back to modules":["Zpět na přehled modulů"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Narozeniny"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Počet dnů v budoucnosti, ve kterých se budou zobrazovat narozeniny."],"Tomorrow":["Zítra"],"Upcoming":["Nadcházející"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Můžete nastavit počet dnů před narozeninami, kdy na ně bude upozorněno."],"becomes":["bude"],"birthdays":["narozeniny"],"days":["dnů"],"today":["dnes"],"years old.":["let."],"Active":["Aktivovat"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Označit jako nepřečtené pro všechny uživatele"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Horká novinka"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Poznámka: můžete využít syntaxe markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Datum a čas konce"],"Recur":["Opakování"],"Recur End":["Konec opakování"],"Recur Interval":["Interval opakování"],"Recur Type":["Typ opakování"],"Select participants":["Vybrat účastníky"],"Start Date and Time":["Datum a čas začátku"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Pro přístup k této události nemáte oprávnění!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvořit událost!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Přidá kalendář s vašimi soukromými nebo veřejnými událostmi na váš profil a do hlavního menu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Přidá kalendář do tohoto prostoru."],"All Day":["Celý den"],"Attending users":["Zúčastní se"],"Calendar":["Kalendář"],"Declining users":["Nezúčastní se "],"End Date":["Datum konce"],"End time must be after start time!":["Datum konce události musí následovat po začátku!"],"Event":["Událost"],"Event not found!":["Událost nebyla nenalezena!"],"Maybe attending users":["Možná se zúčastní"],"Participation Mode":["Kdo se může zúčasnit?"],"Start Date":["Datum začátku"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Nemáte oprávnění smazat tuto událost!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Nemáte oprávnění upravit tuto událost!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vytvořil(a) novou událost %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se zúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se možná zúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se nezúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Datum a čas začátku"],"Create event":["Vytvořit událost"],"Edit event":["Upravit událost"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Poznámka: Tato událost bude vytvořena ve vašem profilu. Pokud chcete vytvořit událost v některém prostoru, otevřete kalendář v něm."],"End Date/Time":["Datum a čas konce"],"Everybody can participate":["Každý se může zúčastnit"],"No participants":["Nikdo se nemůže zúčastnit"],"Participants":["Účastníci"],"Created by:":["Vytvořeno:"],"Edit this event":["Upravit tuto událost"],"I´m attending":["Zúčastním se"],"I´m maybe attending":["Možná se zúčastním"],"I´m not attending":["Nezůčastním se"],"Attend":["Chci se zúčastnit"],"Maybe":["Možná"],"Filter events":["Filtrovat události"],"Select calendars":["Vybrat kalendáře"],"Already responded":["Již jste odpověl(a)"],"Followed spaces":["Sledované prostory"],"Followed users":["Sledovaní uživatelé"],"My events":["Moje události"],"Not responded yet":["Zatím jste neodpověl(a)"],"Upcoming events ":["Nadcházející události"],":count attending":[":count lidí se zúčastní"],":count declined":[":count lidí se nezúčastní"],":count maybe":[":count lidí se možná zúčastní"],"Participants:":["Účastníci:"],"Create new Page":["Vytvořit novou stránku"],"Custom Pages":["Vlastní stránky"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Odkaz"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigace"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Zatím nebyla vytvořena žádná vlastní stránka."],"Sort Order":["Řazení"],"Top Navigation":["Hlavní navigace"],"Type":["Typ"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Uživatelské menu (nastavení)"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Pořadí položek bylo úspěšně změněno."],"Toggle view mode":["Přepnout zobrazení"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro změnu řazení kategorií!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Potvrzení smazání kategorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Potvrzení smazání odkazu"],"Delete category":["Smazat kategorii"],"Delete link":["Smazat odkaz"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto kategorii? Veškeré odkazy, které obsahuje, budou smazány!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento odkaz?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Ověřit platnost odkazu pokusem o načtení stránky."],"Linklist":["Odkazy"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Odkazy"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Požadovaná kategorie nebyla nalezena."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Požadovaný odkaz nebyl nalezen."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Zobrazit odkazy jako widget v pravém bočním menu."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorie, do které chcete přidat odkaz, nebyla nalezena."],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Do tohoto prostoru nebyly přidány ještě žádné kategorie ani odkazy."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Zde můžete nastavit rozšířené možnosti ověření odkazu."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro přidávání/upravování odkazů!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání této kategorie!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání tohoto odkazu!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro úpravu této kategorie!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro úpravu tohoto odkazu!"],"Messages":["Zprávy"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Nelze poslat zprávu sám(a) sobě!"],"Recipient":["Příjemce"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nová zpráva od uživatele {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["a dalších {counter} uživatelů"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nová zpráva v konverzaci od uživatele %displayName%"],"New message":["Nová zpráva"],"Reply now":["Odpovědět"],"sent you a new message:":["vám posílá zprávu:"],"sent you a new message in":["vám poslal novou zprávu v konverzaci"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Přidejte do této konverzace více lidí..."],"Add user...":["Přidat uživatele..."],"New message":["Nová zpráva"],"Messagebox":["Zprávy"],"Inbox":["Příchozí"],"There are no messages yet.":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné zprávy."],"Write new message":["Napsat novou zprávu"],"Add user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Leave discussion":["Opustit konverzaci"],"Write an answer...":["Napsat odpověď..."],"User Posts":["Příspěvky uživatelů"],"Sign up now":["Zaregistrovat se"],"Show all messages":["Zobrazit všechny zprávy"],"Notes":["Poznámky"],"Etherpad API Key":["API klíč pro Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL k Etherpadu"],"Could not get note content!":["Nebylo možné získat obsah poznámky!"],"Could not get note users!":["Nebylo možné získat seznam uživatelů poznámky!"],"Note":["Poznámka"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} napsal(a) novou poznámku {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} provedl(a) změnu v poznámce {noteName}."],"API 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nalezena žádná poznámka, která odpovídá vašemu vyhledávání."],"There are no notes yet!":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné poznámky!"],"Polls":["Ankety"],"Could not load poll!":["Nebylo možné načíst anketu!"],"Invalid answer!":["Neplatná odpověď!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Uživatelé, kteří hlasovali pro odpověď: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Není možné hlasovat pro více odpovědí!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Pro tuto operaci nemáte dostatečná oprávnění!"],"Answers":["\"Odpovědi\""],"Multiple answers per user":["Více odpovědí na jednoho uživatele"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Minimální počet možných odpovědí je {min}."],"Question":["\"Otázka\""],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} hlasoval(a) v anketě {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} položil(a) otázku {question}."],"User who vote this":["Uživatelé, kteří pro to hlasovali"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) novou anketu a přiřadil(a) vám ji."],"Ask":["Položit otázku"],"Reset my vote":["Zrušit mé hlasování"],"Vote":["Hlasovat"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["a dalších {count} lidí pro to hlasovalo."],"votes":["hlasů"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Povolit více odpovědí od jednoho uživatele?"],"Ask something...":["Položte otázku..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Možné odpovědi (oddělte novým řádkem)"],"Display all":["Zobrazit vše"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyla nalezena žádná anketa, která by odpovídala filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné ankety.
Vytvořte první..."],"Asked by me":["Vytvořil(a) jsem"],"No answered yet":["Bez odpovědí"],"Only private polls":["Jen neveřejné ankety"],"Only public polls":["Jen veřejné ankety"],"Tasks":["Úkoly"],"Could not access task!":["Nelze získat přístup k úkolu!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["Uživateli {userName} byl přiřazen úkol {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) úkol {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} dokončil(a) úkol {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} vás přiřadil(a) k úkolu {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) nový úkol {task}."],"This task is already done":["Tento úkol je již dokončen"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Nejste přiřazen(a) k tomuto úkolu"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klikněte pro dokončení úkolu"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Tento úkol je již dokončen. Klikněte pro znovuotevření úkolu."],"My tasks":["Moje úkoly"],"From space: ":["Z prostoru:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný úkol, který by odpovídal filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné úkoly.
Vytvořte první..."],"Assigned to me":["Přiřazených mně"],"Nobody assigned":["Nepřiřazen nikomu"],"State is finished":["Dokončené"],"State is open":["Otevřené"],"Assign users to this task":["Přiřadit úkol uživateli (nepovinné)"],"Deadline for this task?":["Termín dokončení úkolu?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Přidělení úkolu uživateli/uživatelům."],"What to do?":["Co je potřeba udělat?"],"Search":["Hledat"],"Allow":["Povolit"],"Default":["Výchozí"],"Deny":["Odmítnout"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Napište prosím alespoň 3 znaky"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Na serveru se vyskytla chyba."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["K této akci nemáte dostatečná oprávnění."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Žádost uživatele '{displayName}' byla přijata."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Žádost uživatele '{displayName}' byla zamítnuta."],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Povolit omezený přístup nepřihlášeným uživatelům (hostům)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Výchozí viditelnost uživatelského profilu"],"Logo upload":["Logo"],"Server Timezone":["Časové pásmo serveru"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Zobrazit na Nástěnce panel sdílení"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Zobrazit na Nástěnce formulář pro odeslání nového příspěvku"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Výchozí viditelnost příspěvků"],"Security":["Zabezpečení"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nebyly nalezeny žádné zakoupené moduly."],"search for available modules online":["vyhledat dostupné moduly online"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub je momentálně ve vývojářském režimu (debug mode). Pokud jde o produkční prostředí, nezapomeňte jej vypnout!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Pro více informací se podívejte do dokumentace na webu aplikace HumHub."],"Purchases":["Zakoupené"],"Enable module...":["Zapnout modul..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koupit (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Instaluji modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Licenční klíč:"],"Updating module...":["Aktualizuji modul..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Zobrazit dalších %count% komentářů"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Podle zadaných kritérií nebyla nalezena žádná shoda!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ještě zde nic není!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nebyly nalezeny žádné veřejné příspěvky!"],"Share your opinion with others":["Sdílení"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Sdílet na Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Sdílet na Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Sdílet na LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Sdílet na Twitter"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky."],"See all":["Zobrazit všechny"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Stahuji a instaluji modul(y)..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Mně se hodně líbilo to přirovnání, že je Bůh jako náš otec. Myslím, že kdo má děti, dokáže si dobře představit, co to znamená."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Asi nejvíc vývojová psychologie dítěte. Měl dobré postřehy."],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Kdo jste dneska byli na tom semináři v aule - co vás nejvíc zaujalo?"],"Welcome Space":["Uvítací prostor"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Jupí, právě jsme nainstalovali HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Toto je první prostor, ve kterém vítáme nové uživatele."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Vytvořit pár příspěvků na ukázku"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Povolit přístup nepřihlášeným uživatelům k veřejným příspěvkům"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Povolit registraci novým uživatelům (bude se zobrazovat formulář registrace)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Noví uživatelé musí být nejdříve schválení administrátorem"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrovaní uživatelé mohou zvát další"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Chci používat HumHub pro:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Už jsme skoro na konci, ještě vytvoříme účet administátora. S tímto účtem můžete spravovat celou síť."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub je možné rozšířit mnoha moduly podle toho, jaké funkce zrovna potřebujete. Následující moduly jsme pro vás vybrali na základě předchozí volby použití, další moduly si ale můžete kdykoliv sami přidat nebo odebrat v Administraci."],"Recommended Modules":["Doporučené moduly"],"Example contents":["Ukázkové příspěvky"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Pokud chcete, můžeme vám po instalaci vytvořit pár ukázkových příspěvků, abyste viděli, jak to vypadá. Tyto příspěvky pak můžete kdykoliv smazat."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Zde se můžete rozhodnout, co všechno mohou dělat neregistrovaní uživatelé."],"Security Settings":["Nastavení soukromí"],"Configuration":["Přednastavení"],"My club":["Klub"],"My community":["Skupina"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Společnost/firma"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Vzdělávací instituce (škola, univerzita)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Přeskočit, nastavím si vše později"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Nachystali jsme pár základních přednastavení pro určitá použití. Pokud chcete, můžete si jedno zvolit, nebo vše nastavit později manuálně."],"You":["Vy"],"You like this.":["Vám se to líbí."],"Confirm new password":["Potvrďte nové heslo"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Tento účet ještě není aktivován!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Abyste mohli prohlížet tento profil, je potřeba se nejdříve přihlásit."],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Tato e-mailová adresa je již používána. Pokud si nepamatujete heslo ke svému účtu, přejděte na formulář pro obnovení hesla."],"Profile visibility":["Viditelnost profilu"],"TimeZone":["Časové pásmo"],"Current E-mail address":["Stávající e-mailová adresa"],"Enter your password to continue":["Nejdříve zadejte heslo"],"Registered users only":["Pouze registrovaným uživatelům"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Viditelné všem (i neregistrovaným)"],"Registration Link":["Odkaz pro aktivaci"],"Space Invite":["Pozvánka do prostoru"],"End Time":["Čas konce"],"Start Time":["Čas začátku"],"Edit event":["Změnit událost"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Nepřidávat do navigace (přímý odkaz)"],"Create page":["Vytvořit stránku"],"Edit page":["Změnit stránku","Změna stránky"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Výchozí schéma řazení: 100, 200, 300..."],"Page title":["Titulek stránky"],"URL":["Adresa odkazu"],"Add Dropbox files":["Přidat soubory"],"Invalid file":["Neplatný soubor"],"Dropbox API Key":["API klíč k Dropboxu"],"Show warning on posting":["Zobrazit varování při odesílání"],"Dropbox post":["Příspěvek do Dropboxu"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Modul Dropbox vyžaduje přístup k Dropboxu! Přejděte prosím do nastavení Dropboxu, vyberte \"Drop-ins app\", zadejte jméno aplikace a potvrďte. Tak obdržítě API klíč."],"Dropbox settings":["Nastavení Dropboxu"],"Describe your files":["Popište své soubory"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Omlouváme se, ale ještě není nastaven. Napište prosím administrátorovi."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Modul Dropbox ještě není nastavení. Prosím, nastavte jej zde."],"Select files from dropbox":["Vyberte soubory z Dropboxu"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Upozornění! Chystáte se sdílet soukromé soubory"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Nechci toto upozornění už znovu zobrazovat"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Soubory, které se chystáte sdílet, jsou označeny jako soukromé. Odteď je však budou moci číst všichni, kdo obdrží odkaz k těmto souborům. Chcete tyto soubory opravdu sdílet?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ano, opravdu jsem si jist(a)"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Byl přidán nový odkaz %link% do kategorie \"%category%\"."],"No description available.":["Není k dispozici žádný popis."],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Nemůžete poslat zprávu sami sobě."],"Add recipients":["Přidat příjemce"],"Edit message entry":["Změnit obsah zprávy"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Smazání konverzace"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Opuštění konverzace"],"Confirm message deletion":["Smazání zprávy"],"Delete conversation":["Smazat konverzaci"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto konverzaci?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto zprávu?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Opravdu chcete opustit tuto konverzaci?"],"Leave":["Opustit"],"Leave conversation":["Opustit konverzaci"],"Send message":["Poslat zprávu"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vytvořil(a): {contentTitle}"],"Desktop Notifications":["Upozornění prohlížeče"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ihned mě upozornit, když se objeví něco nového a nebudu na stránce"],"Create Account":["Vytvořit účet"],"Password recovery":["Obnovení hesla"],"Registration successful":["Registrace byla úspěšná!"],"Password reset":["Změna hesla"],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} nyní sleduje vaše příspěvky."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat logo?"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat svůj úvodní obrázek?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat svůj profilový obrázek?"],"Translations":["Překladač"],"Translation Editor":["Překladač"],"Remember me":["Zapamatovat přihlášení"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Abyste se mohl(a) do prostoru připojit, je třeba se nejdříve zaregistrovat."],"Confirm page deleting":["Potvrďte smazání stránky"],"Confirm page reverting":["Potvrďte obnovu stránky"],"Overview of all pages":["Přehled všech stránek"],"Page history":["Historie úprav stránky"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki stránky"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Přidá wiki stránku do prostoru."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Přidá wiki stránku do vašeho profilu."],"Back to page":["Zpět na stránku"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto stránku?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Opravdu chcete obnovit tuto stránku?"],"Edit page":["Změnit stránku"],"Edited at":["Změněno"],"Go back":["Zpět"],"Invalid character in page title!":["V titulku stránky se nachází nepovolený znak."],"Let's go!":["Vytvořit"],"Main page":["Hlavní stránka"],"New page":["Nová stránka"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Zatím nebyla vytvořena žádná stránka."],"Page History":["Historie úprav stránky"],"Page title already in use!":["Tento titulek již používá jiná stránka."],"Revert":["Obnovit"],"Revert this":["Obnovit"],"View":["Zobrazit"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["uživatelem"],"Wiki page":["Wiki stránka"],"Create new page":["Vytvoření nové stránky"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Zadejte název wiki stránky nebo URL odkaz (např.: http://priklad.cz)"],"New page title":["Titulek stránky"],"Page content":["Obsah stránky"],"Open wiki page...":["Otevřít wiki stránku..."],"Add directory":["Přidat složku"],"Add file(s)":["Přidat soubor(y)"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Přidá modul Soubory do vašeho profilu."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Nebylo možné uložit soubor %title%."],"Download":["Stáhnout"],"Edit directory":["Upravit složku"],"Folder":["Složka"],"Folder options":["Možnosti složky"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["K provedení této akce nemáte dostatečná oprávnění."],"Invalid parameter.":["Neplatný parametr."],"Move":["Přesunout"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Nelze přesouvat do stejné složky. Vyberte jiný cíl pro přesun %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Nebyly zvoleny žádné soubory či složky pro přesun."],"Open":["Otevřít"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Nelze otevřít archív (chyba: %code%)."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Vyberte prosím cílovou složku pro %title%."],"Selected items...":["Možnost akce s vybranými položkami..."],"Show":["Zobrazit"],"Show Post":["Zobrazit příspěvek"],"The archive could not be created.":["Nebylo možné vytvořit archív."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Složka s názvem %filename% již existuje, obsah byl přepsán."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Složka s id %id% neexistuje."],"This folder is empty.":["Tato složka je prázdná."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Bohužel nemáte oprávnění nahrávat či měnit soubory."],"Updated":["Aktualizováno"],"Upload":["Nahrát"],"root":["hlavní složka"],"comment":["Komentář"],"post":["Příspěvek"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modul nebyl nalezen nebo je vypnut!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nastavení filtrů, které se mají aplikovat při pokusu o přihlášení. %s nahrazuje uživatelské jméno. Např.: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" nebo "(uid=%s)""],"Confirm post deletion":["Potvrzení smazání příspěvku"],"Pinned":["Připnuto","Připnout"],"Unpinned":["Odepnout"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Povolit registraci novým uživatelům (bude se zobrazovat formulář registrace)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["Požadovaný modul nebyl nalezen!"],"Invalid request.":["Neplatný požadavek."],"Keyword:":["Klíčové slovo:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Dle zadaných parametrů nebylo nic nalezeno."],"Results":["Výsledky"],"Show more results":["Zobrazit další výsledky"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Je nám líto, nebylo nic nalezeno!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Vítejte v síti %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Poslední události"],"Account settings":["Nastavení účtu"],"Administration":["Administrace"],"Back":["Zpět"],"Back to dashboard":["Zpět na nástěnku"],"Choose language:":["Vyberte jazyk:"],"Collapse":["Sbalit"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon musí být buď instancí objektu HActiveRecordContent nebo HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Obsah nenalezen!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Nebylo možné nalézt obsah dolpňku!"],"Error":["Chyba"],"Expand":["Rozbalit"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Nedostatečná práva pro vytvoření obsahu!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Zdá se, že jste někde špatně odbočili."],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Latest news":["Poslední události"],"Login":["Přihlásit se"],"Logout":["Odhlásit"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modul nebyl nalezen nebo je vypnut!"],"My profile":["Můj profil"],"New profile image":["Nový profilový obrázek"],"Oooops...":["Jejda..."],"Search":["Hledat"],"Search for users and spaces":["Hledat mezi uživateli a prostory"],"Space not found!":["Prostor nebyl nalezen!"],"User Approvals":["Uživatelská oprávnění"],"User not found!":["Uživatel nebyl nalezen!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Nemůžete vytvářet veřejně viditelný obsah!"],"Your daily summary":["Vaše denní shrnutí"],"Login required":["Je nutné být přihlášen(a)"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globální pole {global} bylo vyčištěno pomocí metody {method}."],"Add image/file":["Přidat obrázek/soubor"],"Add link":["Přidat odkaz"],"Bold":["Tučně"],"Close":["Zavřít"],"Code":["Kód"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Zadejte URL adresu (např. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Nadpis"],"Image":["Obrázek"],"Image/File":["Obrázek/soubor"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Vložit odkaz"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Vložit odkaz na obrázek"],"Italic":["Kurzíva"],"List":["Seznam"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Prosím počkejte chvíli, nahrávám soubor..."],"Preview":["Náhled"],"Quote":["Citace"],"Target":["Cíl odkazu"],"Title":["Nadpis"],"Title of your link":["Napište titulek odkazu"],"URL/Link":["URL adresa/odkaz"],"code text here":["zde je místo pro kód"],"emphasized text":["text kurzívou"],"enter image description here":["zde je místo pro popis obrázku"],"enter image title here":["zde je místo pro titulek obrázku"],"enter link description here":["zde je místo pro popis odkazu"],"heading text":["text nadpisu"],"list text here":["odrážka"],"quote here":["zde je místo pro citaci"],"strong text":["tučný text"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Pro objekt tohoto typu nelze vytvořit aktivitu!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% vytvořil(a) nový prostor \"%spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["Tento prostor vytvořil(a) %displayName%."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% vstoupil(a) do prostoru %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% vstoupil(a) do tohoto prostoru."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opustil(a) prostor %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% opustil(a) tento prostor."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} nyní sleduje uživatele {user2}."],"see online":["Otevřít v prohlížeči"],"via":["prostřednictvím"],"Latest activities":["Poslední aktivita"],"There are no activities yet.":["Zatím zde není žádná aktivita."],"Group not found!":["Skupina nebyla nalezena!"],"Could not uninstall module first! 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Nainstalujte některé k rozšíření funkcionality!"],"Version:":["Verze:"],"Installed":["Nainstalováno","Nainstalované"],"No modules found!":["Žádné moduly nenalezeny!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Všechny moduly jsou aktuální!"],"About HumHub":["O projektu HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Nainstalovaná verze: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licence"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Je dostupná aktualizace! (Poslední verze: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Nainstalovaná verze HumHubu je aktuální!"],"Accept":["Přijmout"],"Decline":["Nechci se zúčastnit"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Přijmout uživatele: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Zrušit"],"Send & save":["Poslat a uložit"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Zamítnout a smazat uživatele: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Hledat e-mail","Hledat e-mailovou adresu"],"Search for username":["Hledat uživatelské jméno"],"Pending user approvals":["Uživatelé čekající na schválení"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Zde je seznam zaregistrovaných uživatelů, kteří čekají na schválení."],"Delete group":["Smazat skupinu"],"Delete group":["Smazat skupinu"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Abyste mohli smazat skupinu \"{group}\", musíte stávajícím uživatelům přidělit náhradní skupinu:"],"Create new group":["Vytvořit novou skupinu"],"Edit group":["Upravit skupinu"],"Description":["Popis"],"Group name":["Název skupiny"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN","Viditelnost"],"Search for description":["Hledat v popisu"],"Search for group name":["Hledat v názvu"],"Manage groups":["Správa skupin"],"Create new group":["Vytvořit novou skupinu"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Uživatele můžete rozdělit do skupin (pro týmy, oddělení apod.) a nastavit jim výchozí prostory a správce."],"Flush entries":["Smazat položky"],"Error logging":["Záznam chyb"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Zobrazeno {count} záznamů na stránku."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Celkem nalezeno {count} záznamů."],"Available updates":["Dostupné aktualizace"],"Browse online":["Procházet online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduly rozšiřují funkce HumHubu. Zde můžete instalovat a spravovat moduly ze stránek HumHubu."],"Module details":["Podrobnosti o modulu"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Tento modul neposkytuje další informace."],"Processing...":["Provádím..."],"Modules directory":["Seznam modulů"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento modul? *Veškerá* data modulu budou smazána!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento modul? *Veškerá* data a soubory modulu budou smazány."],"Configure":["Nastavit"],"Disable":["Vypnout"],"Enable":["Zapnout"],"More info":["Více informací"],"Set as default":["Nastavit jako výchozí"],"Uninstall":["Odinstalovat"],"Install":["Nainstalovat"],"Latest compatible version:":["Poslední kompatibilní verze:"],"Latest version:":["Poslední verze:"],"Installed version:":["Nainstalovaná verze:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Poslední kompatibilní verze:"],"Update":["Aktualizovat"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% – Nastavit jako výchozí modul"],"Always activated":["Vždy zapnuto"],"Deactivated":["Vypnuto"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Zde můžete vybrat, zda se má modul pro prostory či profily uživatelů automaticky zapnout. Pokud ano, vyberte \"vždy zapnuto\"."],"Spaces":["Prostory"],"User Profiles":["Profily uživatelů"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Je dostupná nová verze HumHubu (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Ověřování – Základní"],"Basic":["Základní"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Nejmenší možná hodnota je 20 sekund. Není-li nastaveno, sezení vyprší po 1400 sekundách (24 minut; výchozí expirace sezení)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Použije se jen pokud je omezen přístup neautentizovaným uživatelům. Dotkne se pouze nově registrovaných uživatelů."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Ověřování – LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["V produkčním prostředí je silně doporučeno používat TLS/SSL šifrování, aby hesla nebyla přenášena jako čistý text."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nastavení filtrů, které se mají aplikovat při pokusu o přihlášení. %uid nahrazuje uživatelské jméno. Např.: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" nebo "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP atribut pro uživatelské jméno. Např. "uid" nebo "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Omezit přístup na základě daných kritérií. Např.: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" nebo "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Stav: chyba! (Odpověď: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Stav: OK! ({userCount} uživatelů)"],"Cache Settings":["Nastavení cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Uložit a vyčistit cache"],"CronJob settings":["Nastavení úloh CRON"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab uživatele: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Poslední spuštění (daily):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Poslední spuštění (hourly):"],"Never":["Nikdy"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Nebo crontab uživatele root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ujistěte se prosím, že jsou nainstalované následující úlohy CRON:"],"Design settings":["Nastavení vzhledu"],"Alphabetical":["Podle abecedy"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Jméno Příjmení (např. 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Pro povolení všech položek nechejte prázdné."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Používaná knihovna pro zpracování obrázků: {currentImageLibrary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Není-li nastaveno, použije se výchozí výška 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Není-li nastaveno, použije se výchozí šířka 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["Nastavení maximální velikosti souboru v PHP: {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Základní nastavení"],"Confirm image deleting":["Potvrďte smazání obrázku"],"Dashboard":["Nástěnka"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Např. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Do těchto prostorů budou automaticky přidání noví uživatelé."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["V tuto chvíli se nezobrazuje žádné logo. Můžete nějaké nahrát."],"Mailing defaults":["Nastavení zasílání e-mailů"],"Activities":["Události"],"Always":["Vždy"],"Daily summary":["Denní shrnutí"],"Defaults":["Výchozí"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Výchozí nastavení pro zasílání oznámení nebo nových událostí. Toto nastavení může být přepsáno uživatelem v nastavení účtu."],"Notifications":["Upozornění"],"Server Settings":["Nastavení serveru"],"When I´m offline":["Pouze pokud jsem offline"],"Mailing settings":["Nastavení posílání e-mailů"],"SMTP Options":["Možnosti SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed ověřování"],"Add new provider":["Přidat nového ověřovatele"],"Currently active providers:":["Aktivní ověřovatelé"],"Currently no provider active!":["Momentálně není aktivní žádný ověřovatel!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Přidat OEmbed ověřovatele"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Změnit OEmbed ověřovatele"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url prefix bez http:// nebo https:// (např. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Pro URL použijte proměnnou %url%. Formát dat musí být JSON. (např. ttp://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Nastavení proxy"],"Security settings and roles":["Nastavení zabezpečení a oprávnění"],"Self test":["Vnitřní diagnostika"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Zjištěná nastavení prerekvizit aplikace HumHub"],"Re-Run tests":["Provést test znovu"],"Statistic settings":["Nastavení statistik"],"All":["Vše"],"Delete space":["Smazat prostor"],"Edit space":["Upravit prostor"],"Search for space name":["Hledat prostor"],"Search for space owner":["Hledat vlastníka prostoru"],"Space name":["Název prostoru"],"Space owner":["Vlastník"],"View space":["Zobrazit prostor"],"Manage spaces":["Správa prostorů"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Zde nastavíte výchozí nastavení pro nové prostory."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["V tomto přehledu naleznete a můžete spravovat libovolný prostor."],"Overview":["Přehled"],"Settings":["Nastavení"],"Space Settings":["Nastavení prostorů"],"Add user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Opravdu chcete smazat tohoto uživatele? 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky.
Napište první..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek."],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky.
Napište první..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek.
Napište něco na váš profil nebo se připojte k nějakému prostoru."],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek.
Můžete něco napsat..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný příspěvek, který by odpovídal filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"Show all":["Zobrazit vše"],"Back to stream":["Zpět na příspěvky"],"Content with attached files":["Příspěvky s přílohou"],"Created by me":["Vytvořil(a) jsem"],"Creation time":["Vytvořeno"],"Filter":["Filtr"],"Include archived posts":["Včetně archivovaných příspěvků"],"Last update":["Změněno"],"Only private posts":["Pouze neveřejné příspěvky"],"Only public posts":["Pouze veřejné příspěvky"],"Posts only":["Jen příspěvky"],"Posts with links":["Příspěvky s odkazem"],"Sorting":["Řazení"],"Where I´m involved":["Jsem zmíněn(a)"],"Directory":["Adresář"],"Member Group Directory":["Adresář členů skupin"],"show all members":["zobrazit všechny členy"],"Directory menu":["Menu adresáře"],"Members":["Členové"],"User profile posts":["Příspěvky uživatelů"],"Member directory":["Adresář členů"],"Follow":["Sledovat"],"No members found!":["Žádný člen nebyl nalezen!"],"Unfollow":["Přestat sledovat"],"search for members":["Hledat členy"],"Space directory":["Adresář prostorů"],"No spaces found!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný prostor!"],"You are a member of this space":["Jste členem tohoto prostoru"],"search for spaces":["Hledat prostor"],"Group stats":["Statistiky skupin"],"Average members":["Průměrně členů"],"Top Group":["Top skupina"],"Total groups":["Skupin celkem"],"Member stats":["Statistiky členů"],"New people":["Noví lidé"],"Follows somebody":["Sleduje někoho"],"Online right now":["Právě online"],"Total users":["Uživatelů celkem"],"New spaces":["Nové prostory"],"Space stats":["Statistiky prostorů"],"Most members":["Nejvíce členů"],"Private spaces":["Soukromé prostory"],"Total spaces":["Prostorů celkem"],"Could not find requested file!":["Požadovaný soubor nebyl nalezen!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Nedostatečná oprávnění!"],"Created By":["Vytvořil(a)"],"Created at":["Vytvořeno"],"File name":["Název souboru"],"Guid":["Globální ID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Neplatný Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Byl překročen povolený limit maximální velikosti souboru {maxFileSize}!"],"Mime Type":["Mime typ"],"Size":["Velikost"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Tento typ souboru není povolen!"],"Updated at":["Vytvořeno"],"Updated by":["Vytvořil(a)"],"Upload error":["Chyba při nahrávání"],"Could not upload File:":["Nebylo možné nahrát soubor:"],"Upload files":["Nahrát soubory"],"Create Admin Account":["Vytvořit účet administrátora"],"Name of your network":["Název vaší sítě"],"Name of Database":["Databáze"],"Admin Account":["Účet administrátora"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Už je to skoro hotové. Teď zbývá jen vytvořit účet administrátora, pomocí kterého máte možnost celou síť spravovat. Pro vytvoření prosím vyplňte následující formulář."],"Next":["Další"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Nyní můžete vaší síti zvolit název. Výchozí název lze přepsat na jiný, např. název vaší firmy, organizaci či spolku."],"Social Network Name":["Název sítě"],"Setup Complete":["Dokončení nastavení"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Výborně, jste hotovi."],"Sign in":["Přihlásit se"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Instalace byla úspěšná! Přejeme, ať vám síť dobře slouží."],"Setup Wizard":["Průvodce nastavením"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Vítejte v síti HumHub"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Tento průvodce vám pomůže nainstalovat a nastavit síť HumHub.
Chcete-li pokračovat, klikněte na tlačítko Další."],"Database Configuration":["Nastavení databáze"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Níže prosím zadejte vaše údaje pro připojení k databázi. Jestliže si jimi nejste jisti, obraťte se na správce vašeho serveru."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname vašeho MySQL serveru (např. localhost, běží-li MySQL na stejném serveru)"],"Initializing database...":["Naplňuji databázi..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Jejda, něco se porouchalo..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Jméno databáze, do které chcete HumHub nainstalovat."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Jupí, připojení k databázi funguje!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Heslo pro přístup k databázi"],"Your MySQL username":["Uživatelské jméno pro přístup k databázi"],"System Check":["Kontrola systému"],"Check again":["Zkontrolovat znovu"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Výborně, vše funguje, jak má, a je nachystáno k instalaci!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Tento přehled ukazuje všechny požadavky HumHubu."],"Could not find target class!":["Nebylo možné najít cílovou třídu!"],"Could not find target record!":["Nebylo možné najít cílový záznam!"],"Invalid class given!":["Byla zadána neplatná třída!"],"Users who like this":["Uživatelé, kterým se to líbí"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["Uživateli {userDisplayName} se líbí {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["Uživateli %displayName% se líbí %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" se to líbí."],"You like this.":["Vám se to líbí."],"You
"],"Like":["Líbí se mi"],"Unlike":["Už se mi nelíbí"],"and {count} more like this.":["a dalším {count} lidem se to líbí."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nebylo možné předvídat adresu pro přesměrování k tomuto typu zdroji objektu!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nebylo možné načíst zdrojový objekt notifikací pro přesměrování!"],"New":["Novinky","Nová"],"Mark all as seen":["Označit vše jako přečtené"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Zatím zde nejsou žádná upozornění."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% napsal(a) nový příspěvek."],"Edit your post...":["Upravte svůj příspěvek..."],"Read full post...":["Zobrazit celý příspěvek..."],"Search results":["Výsledky hledání"],"Content":["Příspěvky"],"Send & decline":["Odmítnout"],"Visible for all":["Viditelné pro všechny"]," Invite and request":["Pozváním nebo požádáním"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Nelze smazat uživatele, který je vlastníkem prostoru! Prostor: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Každý se může přidat"],"Invite and request":["Pozváním nebo požádáním"],"Only by invite":["Jen pozváním"],"Private (Invisible)":["Neveřejné (skryté)"],"Public (Visible)":["Veřejné (viditelné)"],"Space is invisible!":["Tento prostor je skrytý!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Nemůžete si zrušit členství tomto prostoru, protože jste jeho vlastník!"],"Could not request membership!":["Není možné požádat o členství!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Momentálně zde není žádná pozvánka čekající na přijetí!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Tato akce je možná pouze pro členy prostoru!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Není možné se připojit k tomuto prostoru!"],"Your password":["Vaše heslo"],"Invites":["Pozvánky"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Pozvání uživatele pomocí e-mailu (adresy oddělte čárkou)"],"User is already member!":["Uživatel je již členem tohoto prostoru!"],"{email} is already registered!":["E-mailová adresa {email} již v databázi existuje!"],"{email} is not valid!":["E-mailová adresa {email} není platná!"],"Application message":["Zpráva aplikace"],"Created At":["Vytvořeno"],"Join Policy":["Jak se lze stát členem?"],"Name":["Jméno skupiny","Název"],"Owner":["Vlastník"],"Status":["Stav"],"Tags":["Štítky"],"Updated At":["Aktualizováno"],"Visibility":["Viditelnost"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL související webové stránky (volitelné)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet neveřejné prostory!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvářet veřejné prostory!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Vyberte oblast, kterou chcete uložit jako profilový obrázek a klikněte na Uložit."],"Modify space image":["Upravit obrázek prostoru"],"Delete space":["Smazat prostor"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento prostor? Veškerý jeho obsah bude smazán!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Pro dokončení smazání prosím zadejte vaše heslo."],"General space settings":["Obecná nastavení prostoru"],"Archive":["Archivovat"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Vyberte, jak se lze stát členem prostoru."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Vyberte, jakou má mít prostor viditelnost."],"Manage your space members":["Správa členů prostoru"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Nevyřízené odeslané pozvánky"],"Outstanding user requests":["Nevyřízené žádosti uživatelů"],"Remove member":["Odstranit člena"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Povolit tomuto uživateli
zvát další uživatele"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Povolit tomuto uživateli
publikovat veřejně viditelný obsah"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Opravdu chcete tohoto uživatele odstranit z tohoto prostoru?"],"Can invite":["Může zvát"],"Can share":["Může sdílet"],"Change space owner":["Změnit správce prostoru"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externí uživatelé, kteří byli pozváni e-mailem, zde nebudou uvedeni."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Níže můžete vidět všechny aktivní uživatele tohoto prostoru. Můžete upravovat jejich oprávnění nebo je z prostoru odebrat."],"Is admin":["Je správcem"],"Make this user an admin":["Přidělit tomuto uživateli
správcovská oprávnění k tomuto prostoru"],"No, cancel":["Ne, zrušit"],"Remove":["Odstranit"],"Request message":["Zpráva k žádosti"],"Revoke invitation":["Zrušit pozvání"],"Search members":["Hledat členy"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Následující uživatelé čekají na schválení pro vstup do tohoto prostoru. Udělejte si prosím chvíli, ať nemusí čekat dlouho."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Následující uživatelé jsou již pozváni do tohoto prostoru, ale dosud se pozvánkou nezabývali."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Vlastník prostoru je nejvyšší administrátor prostoru se všemi právy, obvykle jde i o toho, kdo prostor vytvořil. Zde můžete předat tuto roli jinému uživateli."],"Yes, remove":["Ano, odstranit"],"Space Modules":["Moduly prostoru"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Jste si opravdu jistí? *VŠECHNA* data modulu k tomuto prostoru budou smazána!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Momentálně zde nejsou žádné dostupné moduly pro tento prostor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Zde můžete rozšířit tento prostor moduly."],"Create new space":["Vytvořit nový prostor"],"Advanced access settings":["Pokročilá nastavení přístupu a viditelnosti"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Také uživatelé, kteří nejsou členové,
mohou vidět tento prostor, ale nemají k němu přístup"],"Create":["Vytvořit"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Všichni uživatelé mohou vstoupit do tohoto prostoru
bez vašeho schválení"],"For everyone":["Pro každého"],"How you want to name your space?":["Jak chcete váš prostor pojmenovat?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Prosím napište krátký popis pro ostatní uživatele."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Tento prostor bude ukryt
přede všemi, kteří nejsou jeho členy"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Uživatelé také mohou požádat
o členství v tomto prostoru"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Uživatelé mohou být přidáni
pouze na základě pozvání"],"space description":["Popis prostoru"],"space name":["Název prostoru"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} žádá o členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} schválil(a) vaše členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zamítl(a) vaše členství v prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vás pozval(a) do prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} přijal(a) vaši pozvánku do prostoru {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odmítl(a) vaši pozvánku do prostoru {spaceName}"],"Accept Invite":["Přijmout pozvánku"],"Become member":["Stát se členem"],"Cancel membership":["Zrušit členství"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Zrušit čekající žádost o členství"],"Deny Invite":["Odmítnout pozvánku"],"Request membership":["Požádat o členství"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Jste vlastníkem tohoto prostoru."],"created by":["vytvořil(a)"],"Invite members":["Pozvat členy"],"Add an user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Email addresses":["E-mailové adresy"],"Invite by email":["Pozvat e-mailem"],"Pick users":["Vybrat uživatele"],"Send":["Poslat","Odeslat"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Pokud chcete pozvat do tohoto prostoru další uživatele, začněte psát jejich jména a poté je vyberte ze seznamu."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Můžete také pozvat externí uživatele, kteří zatím nejsou zaregistrovaní. Stačit napsat jejich e-mailové adresy (oddělené čárkou)."],"Request space membership":["Žádost o členství v prostoru"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Stručně se prosím představte, aby bylo možné schválit vaše členství v tomto prostoru."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Váše žádost byla uspěšně předána správci prostoru."],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["Zpět do prostoru"],"Space preferences":["Nastavení prostoru"],"General":["Obecné"],"Space directory":["Adresář prostoru"],"Space menu":["Menu prostoru"],"Stream":["Příspěvky"],"Change image":["Změnit obrázek"],"Current space image":["Současný obrázek prostoru"],"Invite":["Pozvat"],"Something went wrong":["Něco se pokazilo"],"Followers":["sleduje mě"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Stručně se prosím představte, aby bylo možné schválit vaše členství v tomto prostoru."],"Request workspace membership":["Žádost o členství v prostoru"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Váše žádost byla uspěšně předána správci prostoru."],"Create new space":["Vytvořit nový prostor"],"My spaces":["Mé prostory","Moje prostory"],"Space info":["Informace o prostoru"],"Accept invite":["Přijmout pozvání"],"Deny invite":["Odmítnout pozvánku"],"Leave space":["Opustit prostor"],"New member request":["Nová žádost o členství"],"Space members":["Členové prostoru"],"End guide":["Ukončit průvodce"],"Next »":["Další »"],"« Prev":["« Předchozí"],"Administration":["Administrace"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurá! To je pro tuto chvíli vše."],"Modules":["Moduly"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Odtud můžete jako správce systému řídit celou síť.
Nyní zmíníme jen sekci Moduly, jinak v každé sekci najdete krátký popis toho, co se v ní dá nastavovat."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Toto je menu administace. Můžete tudy vstoupit např. k online obchodu HumHubu, ze kterého můžete instalovat nové moduly.
Jak jsme již zmínili, moduly rozšiřují možnou funkcionalitu v prostorech."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Nyní jste se naučil(a) vše o nejdůležitějších vlastnostech a nastaveních. Výchozí nastavení umožňuje HumHub začít používat okamžitě, směle tedy do toho.
Doufáme, že se vám i dalším uživatelům bude HumHub líbit a rádi uvítáme podněty všeho druhu – ty nám pomohou HumHub vylepšit. Rádi budeme i za vaši podporu. Nebojte se nás proto kontaktovat prostřednictvím našich stránek www.humhub.org.
Děkujeme za vaše rozhodnutí pro HumHub!"],"Dashboard":["Nástěnka"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Toto je vaše nástěnka.
Na ní naleznete výpis nejnovějších a nejzajímavějších aktivit a příspěvků z prostorů, kterých jste členem, a od ostatních uživatelů."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrace (Moduly)"],"Edit account":["Upravit účet"],"Hurray! The End.":["A je to!"],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurá! Máte hotovo!"],"Profile menu":["Menu profilu"],"Profile photo":["Profilová fotografie"],"Profile stream":["Vaše příspěvky"],"User profile":["Můj profil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Kliknutím na toto tlačítko můžete upravit svůj profil (např. přidat více informací o sobě) a také změnit nastavení svého účtu."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Každý profil má svou vlastní nástěnku. Vaše příspěvky se objeví také na nástěnkách těch uživatelů, kteří sledují váš profil."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Stejně jako prostory, i uživatelské profily mohou být přizpůsobeny pomocí různých modulů.
V sekci Moduly v nastavení vašeho účtu se můžete podívat na dostupné moduly pro váš profil."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Toto je váš veřejný profil, který může vidět každý registrovaný uživatel."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Nahrát novou profilovou fotografii můžete jednoduše kliknutím zde nebo pomocí drag & drop. Stejným způsobem můžete přidat také úvodní fotku."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Dokončili jste průvodce uživatelským profilem!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Dokončili jste průvodce uživatelským profilem!
Pokud chcete, můžete pokračovat průvodcem administrace kliknutím zde:"],"Most recent activities":["Poslední aktivita"],"Posts":["Příspěvky"],"Profile Guide":["Průvodce profilem"],"Space":["Prostor"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu prostoru"],"Writing posts":["Psaní příspěvků"],"Yay! You're done.":["A je to!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Zde uvidíte všechny uživatele, kteří jsou členy tohoto prostoru.
Přidat či pozvat nového uživatele může každý, kdo k tomu dostal práva od správce prostoru."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Tímto uživatelům krátce představíte, čeho se prostor týká. Můžete zde uvést základní informace.
Přidat nebo změnit obrázek prostoru může pouze správce prostoru – buď kliknutím na obrázek nebo pomocí drag & drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nové příspěvky můžete psát zde."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Jakmile vstoupíte do prostoru nebo vytvoříte nový, můžete v něm pracovat na projektech, diskutovat o různých tématech nebo jen sdílet s dalšími členy prostoru zajímavé informace.
Je zde také mnoho modulů, kterými můžete prostor přizpůsobit – doplnit takové funkce, které potřebujete."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["To by byl průvodce prostorem.
Pokud chcete pokračovat na průvodce uživatelským profilem, klikněte zde: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Pomocí tohoto menu se pohybujete uvnitř prostoru. Jednotlivé sekce prostoru mohou být tvořené moduly, které jsou aktivní právě pro ten konkrétní prostor, ve kterém se nacházíte – např. ankety, úkoly nebo poznámky.
Spravovat tyto moduly může pouze správce prostoru."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Toto menu je viditelné pouze pro správce prostoru. Zde můžete měnit nastavení prostoru, přidávat/odebírat členy a zapínat/vypínat moduly pro tento prostor."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Abyste byl(a) stále v obraze, uvidíte zde poslední aktivitu uživatelů tohoto prostoru."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Zde se budou objevovat vaše příspěvky i příspěvky ostatních uživatelů.
Ty se dají následně následně komentovat a označovat tlačítkem Líbí se mi."],"Account Menu":["Možnosti účtu"],"Notifications":["Oznámení"],"Space Menu":["Vaše prostory"],"Start space guide":["Zahájit průvodce prostory"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Neztratíte přehled.
Tato ikona vás bude informovat o nových aktivitách a příspěvcích, které se vás týkají."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Skrze možnosti účtu se dostanete k vašemu soukromému nastavení a ke správě vašeho veřejného profilu."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Toto je to nejdůležitější menu, které budete pravděpodobně využívat nejčastěji.
Pomocí se něj se dostanete do prostorů, jichž jste členem a také můžete vytvářet nové prostory.
Další průvodce vám ukáže jak:"]," Remove panel":["Odstranit panel"],"Getting Started":["Začínáme"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Průvodce: Administrace (Moduly)"],"Guide: Overview":["Průvodce: Přehled"],"Guide: Spaces":["Průvodce: Prostory"],"Guide: User profile":["Průvodce: Uživatelský profil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Následující průvodce vám může pomoci se lépe zorientovat v této síti a tak vám usnadní začátky práce s ní. Vyberte si, co vás zajímá:"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Vaše heslo je nesprávné!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Zde není možné měnit vaše heslo."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Neplatný odkaz! Prosím, ujistěte se, že jste zadal(a) celou URL adresu."],"Save profile":["Uložit profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Zadaná e-mailová adresa je již používána jiným uživatelem."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Zde není možné měnit vaši e-mailovou adresu."],"Account":["Účet"],"Create account":["Vytvořit účet"],"Current password":["Současné heslo"],"E-Mail change":["Změna e-mailové adresy"],"New E-Mail address":["Nová e-mailová adresa"],"Send activities?":["Posílat nové aktivity?"],"Send notifications?":["Posílat upozornění?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nesprávné uživatelské jméno/e-mail nebo heslo."],"New password":["Nové heslo"],"New password confirm":["Nové heslo znovu"],"Remember me next time":["Zapamatovat přihlášení"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Váš účet nebyl dosud aktivován pověřeným správcem."],"Your account is suspended.":["Váš účet je pozastaven."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Pro váš typ účtu není obnova hesla možná!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Obnovení hesla"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nebyl nalezen!"],"Invalid language!":["Neplatný jazyk!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Skrýt panel na Nástěnce"],"Default Space":["Výchozí prostor"],"Group Administrators":["Správci skupiny"],"LDAP DN":["Rozlišovací jméno LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Členové mohou vytvářet neveřejné prostory"],"Members can create public spaces":["Členové mohou vytvářet veřejné prostory"],"Birthday":["Datum narození"],"City":["Město"],"Country":["Kraj"],"Custom":["Vlastní"],"Facebook URL":["Adresa profilu Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Žena"],"Firstname":["Křestní jméno"],"Flickr URL":["Adresa profilu Flickr"],"Gender":["Pohlaví"],"Google+ URL":["Adresa profilu Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Skrýt rok narození v profilu"],"Lastname":["Příjmení"],"LinkedIn URL":["Adresa profilu LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Muž"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["Adresa profilu MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Soukromý telefon"],"Phone Work":["Pracovní telefon"],"Skype Nickname":["Přezdívka na Skype"],"State":["Stát"],"Street":["Ulice"],"Twitter URL":["Adresa profilu Twitter"],"Url":["Webová stránka"],"Vimeo URL":["Adresa profilu Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresa"],"Xing URL":["Adresa profilu Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Adresa profilu Youtube"],"Zip":["PSČ"],"Created by":["Vytvořil(a)"],"Editable":["Možno upravovat"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Typ pole nemůže být změněn!"],"Fieldtype":["Typ pole"],"Internal Name":["Interní název"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interní název je již použit!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interní název nemůže být změněn!"],"Invalid field type!":["Špatný typ pole!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP vlastnost"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Povolené jsou pouze alfanumerické znaky!"],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorie v profilu"],"Required":["Povinné"],"Show at registration":["Zobrazit při registraci"],"Sort order":["Řazení"],"Translation Category ID":["Překlad ID kategorie"],"Type Config":["Nastavení typu"],"Visible":["Viditelné"],"Communication":["Komunikace"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociální sítě"],"Datetime":["Datum/čas"],"Number":["Číslo"],"Select List":["Seznam možností"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Textové pole"],"%y Years":["%y let"],"Birthday field options":["Nastavení pole Datum narození"],"Show date/time picker":["Zobrazit nástroj pro výběr data/času"],"Date(-time) field options":["Nastavení pole Datum/čas"],"Maximum value":["Maximální hodnota"],"Minimum value":["Minimální hodnota"],"Number field options":["Nastavení pole Číslo"],"Possible values":["Povolené hodnoty"],"One option per line. 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Ve tvaru: Klíč=>Hodnota (např. ano=>Ano)"],"Please select:":["Prosím vyberte:"],"Select field options":["Nastavení pole Seznam možností"],"Default value":["Výchozí text"],"Maximum length":["Maximální délka"],"Minimum length":["Minimální délka"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regulární výraz: chybová zpráva"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regulární výraz: šablona formátu"],"Validator":["Formát má odpovídat šabloně"],"Text Field Options":["Nastavení pole Text"],"Text area field options":["Nastavení pole Textové pole"],"Authentication mode":["Způsob ověření"],"New user needs approval":["Nový uživatel potřebuje schválení"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Uživatelské jméno může obsahovat pouze písmena, čísla, mezery a speciální znaky (+-._)"],"Wall":["Nástěnka"],"Change E-mail":["Změna e-mailové adresy"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Vaše e-mailová adresa byla úspěšně změněna na: {email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Právě jsme vám poslali potvrzovací e-mail na vaši novou adresu.
Postupujte prosím podle intrukcí uvnitř e-mailu."],"Change password":["Změna hesla"],"Password changed":["Heslo bylo změněno"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně změněno!"],"Modify your profile image":["Úprava profilového obrázku"],"Delete account":["Smazat účet"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Jste si opravdu jistí, že chcete smazat svůj účet?
Všechny vaše příspěvky budou tímto smazány!"],"Delete account":["Smazat účet"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Je nám líto, ale jelikož jste vlastníkem alespoň jednoho prostoru, nemůžete nyní smazat svůj účet.
Předejte nejprve vlastnictví prostoru jinému uživateli, nebo prostor smažte."],"User details":["Informace o uživateli"],"User modules":["Moduly uživatele"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Jste si opravdu jistí? *VŠECHNA* data modulu vázaná k vašemu profilu budou smazána!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Rozšiřte svůj profil moduly."],"User settings":["Nastavení uživatele"],"Getting Started":["Začínáme"],"Email Notifications":["Upozornění e-mailem"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Nechte si zaslat upozornění e-mailem na novou aktivitu uživatelů, které sledujete nebo se kterými spolupracujete."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Nechte si zaslat upozornění e-mailem, když ostatní uživatelé komentují váš příspěvek nebo jej označí jako Líbí se mi."],"Account registration":["Registrace účtu"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Váš účet byl úspěšně vytvořen!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Po aktivaci vašeho účtu správcem obdržíte upozornění e-mailem."],"Go to login page":["Přejít na stránku přihlášení"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Pro přihlášení do vašeho nového účtu klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"back to home":["Zpět na hlavní stránku"],"Please sign in":["Přihlášení"],"Sign up":["Registrace"],"Create a new one.":["Vytvořit nové"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Nemáte ještě účet? Připojte se k sítí zadáním vaší e-mailové adresy"],"Forgot your password?":["Zapomněl(a) jste heslo?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Pokud jste již členem, přihlaste se prosím svým uživatelským jménem/e-mailem a heslem."],"Register":["Registrovat"],"email":["E-mailová adresa"],"password":["Heslo"],"username or email":["Uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Obnovení hesla","Obnova hesla"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Stačí zadat vaši e-mailovou adresu, na ni vám zašleme instrukce k obnovení hesla."],"Reset password":["Obnovit heslo"],"enter security code above":["Zadejte zabezpečovací kód"],"your email":["Vaše e-mailová adresa"],"Password recovery!":["Obnovení hesla"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Poslali jsme vám email obsahující odkaz, který vám umožní obnovit vaše heslo."],"Registration successful!":["Registrace byla úspěšná!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Prosím zkontrolujte e-mail a následujte instrukce, které vám přišly."],"Password reset":["Obnovení hesla"],"Change your password":["Změna hesla"],"Change password":["Změnit heslo"],"Password changed!":["Heslo bylo změněno!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Potvrzení nové emailové adresy"],"Confirm":["Potvrdit"],"Hello":["Dobrý den"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Požádal(a) jste o změnu vaší e-mailové adresy.
Vaše nová e-mailová adresa je: {newemail}
Pro potvrzení této změny prosím klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"Hello {displayName}":["Dobrý den {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Funkčnost tohoto odkazu vyprší, jestliže na něj do 24 hodin nekliknete."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Pro obnovu vašeho hesla prosím použijte následující odkaz."],"Reset Password":["Obnovit heslo"],"Sign up":["Dokončit registraci"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Vítejte v síti %appName%. Pro dokončení registrace prosím klikněte na tlačítko níže."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Abyste se mohl(a) do prostoru připojit, je třeba se nejdříve zaregistrovat."],"You got a space invite":["Byl(a) jste pozván(a) do prostoru"],"invited you to the space:":["vás pozval(a) do prostoru:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} vás zmínil(a) v {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["Informace o tomto uživateli"],"Modify your title image":["Úprava úvodní fotky"],"Account settings":["Nastavení účtu"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Upravit účet"],"Following":["sleduji"],"Following user":["Koho sleduji"],"User followers":["Kdo mě sleduje"],"Member in these spaces":["Členem prostorů"],"User tags":["Štítky uživatele"],"No birthday.":["Žádné narozeniny."],"Back to modules":["Zpět na přehled modulů"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Narozeniny"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Počet dnů v budoucnosti, ve kterých se budou zobrazovat narozeniny."],"Tomorrow":["Zítra"],"Upcoming":["Nadcházející"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Můžete nastavit počet dnů před narozeninami, kdy na ně bude upozorněno."],"becomes":["bude"],"birthdays":["narozeniny"],"days":["dnů"],"today":["dnes"],"years old.":["let."],"Active":["Aktivovat"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Označit jako nepřečtené pro všechny uživatele"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Horká novinka"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Poznámka: můžete využít syntaxe markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Datum a čas konce"],"Recur":["Opakování"],"Recur End":["Konec opakování"],"Recur Interval":["Interval opakování"],"Recur Type":["Typ opakování"],"Select participants":["Vybrat účastníky"],"Start Date and Time":["Datum a čas začátku"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Pro přístup k této události nemáte oprávnění!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Nemáte oprávnění vytvořit událost!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Přidá kalendář s vašimi soukromými nebo veřejnými událostmi na váš profil a do hlavního menu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Přidá kalendář do tohoto prostoru."],"All Day":["Celý den"],"Attending users":["Zúčastní se"],"Calendar":["Kalendář"],"Declining users":["Nezúčastní se "],"End Date":["Datum konce"],"End time must be after start time!":["Datum konce události musí následovat po začátku!"],"Event":["Událost"],"Event not found!":["Událost nebyla nenalezena!"],"Maybe attending users":["Možná se zúčastní"],"Participation Mode":["Kdo se může zúčasnit?"],"Start Date":["Datum začátku"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Nemáte oprávnění smazat tuto událost!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Nemáte oprávnění upravit tuto událost!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vytvořil(a) novou událost %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se zúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se možná zúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% se nezúčastní události %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Datum a čas začátku"],"Create event":["Vytvořit událost"],"Edit event":["Upravit událost"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Poznámka: Tato událost bude vytvořena ve vašem profilu. Pokud chcete vytvořit událost v některém prostoru, otevřete kalendář v něm."],"End Date/Time":["Datum a čas konce"],"Everybody can participate":["Každý se může zúčastnit"],"No participants":["Nikdo se nemůže zúčastnit"],"Participants":["Účastníci"],"Created by:":["Vytvořeno:"],"Edit this event":["Upravit tuto událost"],"I´m attending":["Zúčastním se"],"I´m maybe attending":["Možná se zúčastním"],"I´m not attending":["Nezůčastním se"],"Attend":["Chci se zúčastnit"],"Maybe":["Možná"],"Filter events":["Filtrovat události"],"Select calendars":["Vybrat kalendáře"],"Already responded":["Již jste odpověl(a)"],"Followed spaces":["Sledované prostory"],"Followed users":["Sledovaní uživatelé"],"My events":["Moje události"],"Not responded yet":["Zatím jste neodpověl(a)"],"Upcoming events ":["Nadcházející události"],":count attending":[":count lidí se zúčastní"],":count declined":[":count lidí se nezúčastní"],":count maybe":[":count lidí se možná zúčastní"],"Participants:":["Účastníci:"],"Create new Page":["Vytvořit novou stránku"],"Custom Pages":["Vlastní stránky"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Odkaz"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigace"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Zatím nebyla vytvořena žádná vlastní stránka."],"Sort Order":["Řazení"],"Top Navigation":["Hlavní navigace"],"Type":["Typ"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Uživatelské menu (nastavení)"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Pořadí položek bylo úspěšně změněno."],"Toggle view mode":["Přepnout zobrazení"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro změnu řazení kategorií!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Potvrzení smazání kategorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Potvrzení smazání odkazu"],"Delete category":["Smazat kategorii"],"Delete link":["Smazat odkaz"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto kategorii? Veškeré odkazy, které obsahuje, budou smazány!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tento odkaz?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Ověřit platnost odkazu pokusem o načtení stránky."],"Linklist":["Odkazy"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Odkazy"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Požadovaná kategorie nebyla nalezena."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Požadovaný odkaz nebyl nalezen."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Zobrazit odkazy jako widget v pravém bočním menu."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorie, do které chcete přidat odkaz, nebyla nalezena."],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Do tohoto prostoru nebyly přidány ještě žádné kategorie ani odkazy."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Zde můžete nastavit rozšířené možnosti ověření odkazu."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro přidávání/upravování odkazů!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání této kategorie!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání tohoto odkazu!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro úpravu této kategorie!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Nemáte oprávnění pro úpravu tohoto odkazu!"],"Messages":["Zprávy"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Nelze poslat zprávu sám(a) sobě!"],"Recipient":["Příjemce"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nová zpráva od uživatele {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["a dalších {counter} uživatelů"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nová zpráva v konverzaci od uživatele %displayName%"],"New message":["Nová zpráva"],"Reply now":["Odpovědět"],"sent you a new message:":["vám posílá zprávu:"],"sent you a new message in":["vám poslal novou zprávu v konverzaci"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Přidejte do této konverzace více lidí..."],"Add user...":["Přidat uživatele..."],"New message":["Nová zpráva"],"Messagebox":["Zprávy"],"Inbox":["Příchozí"],"There are no messages yet.":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné zprávy."],"Write new message":["Napsat novou zprávu"],"Add user":["Přidat uživatele"],"Leave discussion":["Opustit konverzaci"],"Write an answer...":["Napsat odpověď..."],"User Posts":["Příspěvky uživatelů"],"Sign up now":["Zaregistrovat se"],"Show all messages":["Zobrazit všechny zprávy"],"Notes":["Poznámky"],"Etherpad API Key":["API klíč pro Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL k Etherpadu"],"Could not get note content!":["Nebylo možné získat obsah poznámky!"],"Could not get note users!":["Nebylo možné získat seznam uživatelů poznámky!"],"Note":["Poznámka"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} napsal(a) novou poznámku {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} provedl(a) změnu v poznámce {noteName}."],"API 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nalezena žádná poznámka, která odpovídá vašemu vyhledávání."],"There are no notes yet!":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné poznámky!"],"Polls":["Ankety"],"Could not load poll!":["Nebylo možné načíst anketu!"],"Invalid answer!":["Neplatná odpověď!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Uživatelé, kteří hlasovali pro odpověď: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Není možné hlasovat pro více odpovědí!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Pro tuto operaci nemáte dostatečná oprávnění!"],"Answers":["\"Odpovědi\""],"Multiple answers per user":["Více odpovědí na jednoho uživatele"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Minimální počet možných odpovědí je {min}."],"Question":["\"Otázka\""],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} hlasoval(a) v anketě {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} položil(a) otázku {question}."],"User who vote this":["Uživatelé, kteří pro to hlasovali"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) novou anketu a přiřadil(a) vám ji."],"Ask":["Položit otázku"],"Reset my vote":["Zrušit mé hlasování"],"Vote":["Hlasovat"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["a dalších {count} lidí pro to hlasovalo."],"votes":["hlasů"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Povolit více odpovědí od jednoho uživatele?"],"Ask something...":["Položte otázku..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Možné odpovědi (oddělte novým řádkem)"],"Display all":["Zobrazit vše"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyla nalezena žádná anketa, která by odpovídala filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné ankety.
Vytvořte první..."],"Asked by me":["Vytvořil(a) jsem"],"No answered yet":["Bez odpovědí"],"Only private polls":["Jen neveřejné ankety"],"Only public polls":["Jen veřejné ankety"],"Tasks":["Úkoly"],"Could not access task!":["Nelze získat přístup k úkolu!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["Uživateli {userName} byl přiřazen úkol {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) úkol {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} dokončil(a) úkol {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} vás přiřadil(a) k úkolu {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} vytvořil(a) nový úkol {task}."],"This task is already done":["Tento úkol je již dokončen"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Nejste přiřazen(a) k tomuto úkolu"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klikněte pro dokončení úkolu"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Tento úkol je již dokončen. Klikněte pro znovuotevření úkolu."],"My tasks":["Moje úkoly"],"From space: ":["Z prostoru:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nebyl nalezen žádný úkol, který by odpovídal filtrům, které jste zvolil(a)."],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné úkoly.
Vytvořte první..."],"Assigned to me":["Přiřazených mně"],"Nobody assigned":["Nepřiřazen nikomu"],"State is finished":["Dokončené"],"State is open":["Otevřené"],"Assign users to this task":["Přiřadit úkol uživateli (nepovinné)"],"Deadline for this task?":["Termín dokončení úkolu?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Přidělení úkolu uživateli/uživatelům."],"What to do?":["Co je potřeba udělat?"],"Search":["Hledat"],"Allow":["Povolit"],"Default":["Výchozí"],"Deny":["Odmítnout"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Napište prosím alespoň 3 znaky"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Na serveru se vyskytla chyba."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["K této akci nemáte dostatečná oprávnění."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Žádost uživatele '{displayName}' byla přijata."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Žádost uživatele '{displayName}' byla zamítnuta."],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Povolit omezený přístup nepřihlášeným uživatelům (hostům)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Výchozí viditelnost uživatelského profilu"],"Logo upload":["Logo"],"Server Timezone":["Časové pásmo serveru"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Zobrazit na Nástěnce panel sdílení"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Zobrazit na Nástěnce formulář pro odeslání nového příspěvku"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Výchozí viditelnost příspěvků"],"Security":["Zabezpečení"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nebyly nalezeny žádné zakoupené moduly."],"search for available modules online":["vyhledat dostupné moduly online"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub je momentálně ve vývojářském režimu (debug mode). Pokud jde o produkční prostředí, nezapomeňte jej vypnout!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Pro více informací se podívejte do dokumentace na webu aplikace HumHub."],"Purchases":["Zakoupené"],"Enable module...":["Zapnout modul..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koupit (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Instaluji modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Licenční klíč:"],"Updating module...":["Aktualizuji modul..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Zobrazit dalších %count% komentářů"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Podle zadaných kritérií nebyla nalezena žádná shoda!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ještě zde nic není!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nebyly nalezeny žádné veřejné příspěvky!"],"Share your opinion with others":["Sdílení"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Sdílet na Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Sdílet na Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Sdílet na LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Sdílet na Twitter"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Zatím zde nejsou žádné příspěvky."],"See all":["Zobrazit všechny"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Stahuji a instaluji modul(y)..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Mně se hodně líbilo to přirovnání, že je Bůh jako náš otec. Myslím, že kdo má děti, dokáže si dobře představit, co to znamená."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Asi nejvíc vývojová psychologie dítěte. Měl dobré postřehy."],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Kdo jste dneska byli na tom semináři v aule - co vás nejvíc zaujalo?"],"Welcome Space":["Uvítací prostor"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Jupí, právě jsme nainstalovali HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Toto je první prostor, ve kterém vítáme nové uživatele."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Vytvořit pár příspěvků na ukázku"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Povolit přístup nepřihlášeným uživatelům k veřejným příspěvkům"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Povolit registraci novým uživatelům (bude se zobrazovat formulář registrace)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Noví uživatelé musí být nejdříve schválení administrátorem"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrovaní uživatelé mohou zvát další"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Chci používat HumHub pro:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Už jsme skoro na konci, ještě vytvoříme účet administátora. S tímto účtem můžete spravovat celou síť."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub je možné rozšířit mnoha moduly podle toho, jaké funkce zrovna potřebujete. Následující moduly jsme pro vás vybrali na základě předchozí volby použití, další moduly si ale můžete kdykoliv sami přidat nebo odebrat v Administraci."],"Recommended Modules":["Doporučené moduly"],"Example contents":["Ukázkové příspěvky"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Pokud chcete, můžeme vám po instalaci vytvořit pár ukázkových příspěvků, abyste viděli, jak to vypadá. Tyto příspěvky pak můžete kdykoliv smazat."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Zde se můžete rozhodnout, co všechno mohou dělat neregistrovaní uživatelé."],"Security Settings":["Nastavení soukromí"],"Configuration":["Přednastavení"],"My club":["Klub"],"My community":["Skupina"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Společnost/firma"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Vzdělávací instituce (škola, univerzita)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Přeskočit, nastavím si vše později"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Nachystali jsme pár základních přednastavení pro určitá použití. Pokud chcete, můžete si jedno zvolit, nebo vše nastavit později manuálně."],"You":["Vy"],"You like this.":["Vám se to líbí."],"Confirm new password":["Potvrďte nové heslo"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Tento účet ještě není aktivován!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Abyste mohli prohlížet tento profil, je potřeba se nejdříve přihlásit."],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Tato e-mailová adresa je již používána. Pokud si nepamatujete heslo ke svému účtu, přejděte na formulář pro obnovení hesla."],"Profile visibility":["Viditelnost profilu"],"TimeZone":["Časové pásmo"],"Current E-mail address":["Stávající e-mailová adresa"],"Enter your password to continue":["Nejdříve zadejte heslo"],"Registered users only":["Pouze registrovaným uživatelům"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Viditelné všem (i neregistrovaným)"],"Registration Link":["Odkaz pro aktivaci"],"Space Invite":["Pozvánka do prostoru"],"End Time":["Čas konce"],"Start Time":["Čas začátku"],"Edit event":["Změnit událost"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Nepřidávat do navigace (přímý odkaz)"],"Create page":["Vytvořit stránku"],"Edit page":["Změna stránky"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Výchozí schéma řazení: 100, 200, 300..."],"Page title":["Titulek stránky"],"URL":["Adresa odkazu"],"Add Dropbox files":["Přidat soubory"],"Invalid file":["Neplatný soubor"],"Dropbox API Key":["API klíč k Dropboxu"],"Show warning on posting":["Zobrazit varování při odesílání"],"Dropbox post":["Příspěvek do Dropboxu"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Nastavení modulu Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Modul Dropbox vyžaduje přístup k Dropboxu! Přejděte prosím do nastavení Dropboxu, vyberte \"Drop-ins app\", zadejte jméno aplikace a potvrďte. Tak obdržítě API klíč."],"Dropbox settings":["Nastavení Dropboxu"],"Describe your files":["Popište své soubory"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Omlouváme se, ale ještě není nastaven. Napište prosím administrátorovi."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Modul Dropbox ještě není nastavení. Prosím, nastavte jej zde."],"Select files from dropbox":["Vyberte soubory z Dropboxu"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Upozornění! Chystáte se sdílet soukromé soubory"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Nechci toto upozornění už znovu zobrazovat"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Soubory, které se chystáte sdílet, jsou označeny jako soukromé. Odteď je však budou moci číst všichni, kdo obdrží odkaz k těmto souborům. Chcete tyto soubory opravdu sdílet?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ano, opravdu jsem si jist(a)"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Byl přidán nový odkaz %link% do kategorie \"%category%\"."],"No description available.":["Není k dispozici žádný popis."],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Nemůžete poslat zprávu sami sobě."],"Add recipients":["Přidat příjemce"],"Edit message entry":["Změnit obsah zprávy"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Smazání konverzace"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Opuštění konverzace"],"Confirm message deletion":["Smazání zprávy"],"Delete conversation":["Smazat konverzaci"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto konverzaci?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto zprávu?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Opravdu chcete opustit tuto konverzaci?"],"Leave":["Opustit"],"Leave conversation":["Opustit konverzaci"],"Send message":["Poslat zprávu"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vytvořil(a): {contentTitle}"],"Desktop Notifications":["Upozornění prohlížeče"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ihned mě upozornit, když se objeví něco nového a nebudu na stránce"],"Create Account":["Vytvořit účet"],"Password recovery":["Obnovení hesla"],"Registration successful":["Registrace byla úspěšná!"],"Password reset":["Změna hesla"],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} nyní sleduje vaše příspěvky."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Zatím zde není žádný příspěvek."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat logo?"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat svůj úvodní obrázek?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Opravdu chcete smazat svůj profilový obrázek?"],"Translations":["Překladač"],"Translation Editor":["Překladač"],"Remember me":["Zapamatovat přihlášení"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Abyste se mohl(a) do prostoru připojit, je třeba se nejdříve zaregistrovat."],"Confirm page deleting":["Potvrďte smazání stránky"],"Confirm page reverting":["Potvrďte obnovu stránky"],"Overview of all pages":["Přehled všech stránek"],"Page history":["Historie úprav stránky"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki stránky"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Přidá wiki stránku do prostoru."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Přidá wiki stránku do vašeho profilu."],"Back to page":["Zpět na stránku"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Opravdu chcete smazat tuto stránku?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Opravdu chcete obnovit tuto stránku?"],"Edit page":["Změnit stránku"],"Edited at":["Změněno"],"Go back":["Zpět"],"Invalid character in page title!":["V titulku stránky se nachází nepovolený znak."],"Let's go!":["Vytvořit"],"Main page":["Hlavní stránka"],"New page":["Nová stránka"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Zatím nebyla vytvořena žádná stránka."],"Page History":["Historie úprav stránky"],"Page title already in use!":["Tento titulek již používá jiná stránka."],"Revert":["Obnovit"],"Revert this":["Obnovit"],"View":["Zobrazit"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["uživatelem"],"Wiki page":["Wiki stránka"],"Create new page":["Vytvoření nové stránky"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Zadejte název wiki stránky nebo URL odkaz (např.: http://priklad.cz)"],"New page title":["Titulek stránky"],"Page content":["Obsah stránky"],"Open wiki page...":["Otevřít wiki stránku..."],"Add directory":["Přidat složku"],"Add file(s)":["Přidat soubor(y)"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Přidá modul Soubory do vašeho profilu."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Nebylo možné uložit soubor %title%."],"Download":["Stáhnout"],"Edit directory":["Upravit složku"],"Folder":["Složka"],"Folder options":["Možnosti složky"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["K provedení této akce nemáte dostatečná oprávnění."],"Invalid parameter.":["Neplatný parametr."],"Move":["Přesunout"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Nelze přesouvat do stejné složky. Vyberte jiný cíl pro přesun %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Nebyly zvoleny žádné soubory či složky pro přesun."],"Open":["Otevřít"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Nelze otevřít archív (chyba: %code%)."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Vyberte prosím cílovou složku pro %title%."],"Selected items...":["Možnost akce s vybranými položkami..."],"Show":["Zobrazit"],"Show Post":["Zobrazit příspěvek"],"The archive could not be created.":["Nebylo možné vytvořit archív."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Složka s názvem %filename% již existuje, obsah byl přepsán."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Složka s id %id% neexistuje."],"This folder is empty.":["Tato složka je prázdná."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Bohužel nemáte oprávnění nahrávat či měnit soubory."],"Updated":["Aktualizováno"],"Upload":["Nahrát"],"root":["hlavní složka"],"comment":["Komentář"],"post":["Příspěvek"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modul nebyl nalezen nebo je vypnut!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nastavení filtrů, které se mají aplikovat při pokusu o přihlášení. %s nahrazuje uživatelské jméno. Např.: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" nebo "(uid=%s)""],"Confirm post deletion":["Potvrzení smazání příspěvku"],"Pinned":["Připnuto","Připnout"],"Unpinned":["Odepnout"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Povolit registraci novým uživatelům (bude se zobrazovat formulář registrace)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/da/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/da/archive.json
index f0cbb49fe9..5e5593b690 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/da/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/da/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["Kunne ikke finde det ønskede modul!"],"Invalid request.":["Ugyldig anmodning."],"Keyword:":["Søgeord:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Ingenting fundet med din skrivelse."],"Results":["Resultater"],"Show more results":["Vis flere resultater"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Beklager, intet fundet!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Velkommen til %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Nyeste strong> opdateringer"],"Account settings":["Kontoindstillinger"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Tilbage"],"Back to dashboard":["Tilbage til dashboard"],"Choose language:":["Vælg sprog:"],"Collapse":["Kollaps"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Indholdskilde addon skal være del en af HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kunne ikke fastslå indholdscontainer!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kunne ikke finde addonindhold!"],"Error":["Fejl"],"Expand":["Udvid"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Utilstrækkelige tilladelser til at skabe indhold!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ud som du måske har taget den forkerte drejning."],"Language":["Sprog"],"Latest news":["Sidste nyt"],"Login":["Log ind"],"Logout":["Log ud"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulet er ikke aktiveret i denne indholdscontainer!"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nyt profilbillede"],"Oooops...":["Hovsa..."],"Search":["Søg"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søg efter brugere eller sider"],"Space not found!":["Side ikke fundet!"],"User Approvals":["Bruger godkendelser"],"User not found!":["Bruger ikke fundet!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke oprette offentlig synligt indhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Dit daglige resumé"],"Login required":["Log ind kræves"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Global {global} array er rengjort ved brug af {method} metode."],"Add image/file":["Tilføj billede/fil"],"Add link":["Tilføj link"],"Bold":["Fed"],"Close":["Luk"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Indtast en url (e.g. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Overskrift"],"Image":["Billede"],"Image/File":["Billede/fil"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Indsæt Hyperlink"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Indsæt Billede Hyperlink"],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vent venligst, uploader..."],"Preview":["Forhåndsvisning"],"Quote":["Citat"],"Target":["Mål"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Titel til dit link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["kode tekst her"],"emphasized text":["understreget tekst"],"enter image description here":["skriv billede beskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["skriv billede titel her"],"enter link description here":["skriv link beskrivelse her"],"heading text":["overskrifts tekst"],"list text here":["liste tekst her"],"quote here":["citat her"],"strong text":["fed tekst"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Kunne ikke oprette aktivitet for denne objekt type!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% har oprettet den nye side %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% oprettede denne side."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% blev medlem på siden %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% blev medlem af denne side."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% har forladt siden %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% har forladt denne side."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nu {user2}."],"see online":["se online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Seneste aktiviteter"],"There are no activities yet.":["Der er ingen aktiviteter endnu."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n \n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\n \n Klik her for at logge ind:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Venlig hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n \n Din kontooprettelse er blevet afslået.
\n \n Venlig hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Kontooprettelse for '{displayName}' er blevet godkendt."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Kontooprettelse for '{displayName}' er blevet afslået."],"Group not found!":["Gruppe ikke fundet!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kunne ikke afinstallere modulet! Modulet er beskyttet."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modul mappen %path% er ikke skrivbar!"],"Saved":["Gemt"],"Database":["Database"],"No theme":["Ingen tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kunne ikke indlæse LDAP! - Check PHP Udvidelse"],"File":["Fil"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Ingen cache (Kun test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ingen - viser dropdown i bruger-registrering"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Gemt og renset cache"],"Become this user":["Bliv denne bruger"],"Delete":["Slet"],"Disabled":["Deaktiveret"],"Enabled":["Aktiveret"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokal"],"Save":["Gem"],"Unapproved":["Ikke-godkendt"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette dig selv!"],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke indlæse kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Message":["Besked"],"Subject":["Emne"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiver LDAP Support"],"Encryption":["Kryptering"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Hent/Opdater Brugere Automatisk"],"Hostname":["Vært"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Adgangskode"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Bruger Filer"],"Username":["Brugernavn"],"Username Attribute":["Brugernavn Attribut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Tillad begrænset adgang for ikke-autentificeret brugere (gæster)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme brugere kan oprette"],"Default user group for new users":["Standard brugergruppe for nye brugere"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standard bruger uden aktivitet, auto-logud (i sekunder, valgfrit)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard brugerprofil synlighed"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Medlemmer kan invitere eksterne brugere via email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kræv gruppeadmins godkendelse efter registrering"],"Base URL":["Base URL"],"Default language":["Standard sprog"],"Default space":["Standard side"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig side"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Navnet på stedet"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduktion tur for nye brugere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis brugerprofils opslagsform på dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standard udløbstid (i sekunder)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Udvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgængelig!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Udvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgængelig!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standard paginering størrelse (Indslag pr side)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Brugernavn (Format)"],"Dropdown space order":["Dropdown side sortering"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Tilladte filtyper"],"Convert command not found!":["Konverteringskommando ikke fundet!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Fik ugyldig billede magick responsoe! - Korrekt kommando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Skjul fil info (navn, størrelse) for billede på væggen"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Skjul fil liste widget fra at vise filer for disse objektet på væggen"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Billede Magick konvertering kommando (valgfrit)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Max højde i forhåndsvisning på billede (i pixels, valgfrit)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Max bredde i forhåndsvisning på billede (i pixels, valgfrit)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Max størrelse på filupload (i MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Brug X-Sendfile for fil Downloads"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Tillad selvsignerede certifikater?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-Mail afsender adresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-Mail afsender navn"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail Transport Type"],"Port number":["Port nummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Url"],"Url Prefix":["Url Præfiks"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Ingen Proxy Værter"],"Server":["Vært"],"User":["Bruger"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins kan slette hinandens objekter"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard Deltagelsespolitik"],"Default Visibility":["Standard Synlighed"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML tracking kode"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulmappe for modulet %moduleId% eksisterer allerede!"],"Could not extract module!":["Kunne ikke udpakke modulet!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Kunne ikke indlæse online modul liste! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Kunne ikke indlæse online modul info! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Nedlastning af modulet mislykket!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modulmappe %modulePath% er ikke skrivbar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Nedlastning af modulet mislykket!"],"No compatible module version found!":["Ingen kompatible modul versioner fundet!","Ingen kompatible modulversion er fundet!"],"Activated":["Aktiveret"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Ingen moduler er installeret endnu. Installer nogen for at udvide funktionaliteh!"],"Version:":["Version:"],"Installed":["Installeret"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler fundet!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle moduler er opdateret!"],"About HumHub":["Om HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Nuværende installerede version: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licenser"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Der er en ny opdatering tilgængelig! (Seneste version: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Denne HumHub installation er opdateret!"],"Accept":["Accepter"],"Decline":["Afslå"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepter bruger: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Afbryd"],"Send & save":["Send & gem"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afslå og slet bruger: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Søg efter email","Søg efter e-mail"],"Search for username":["Søg efter brugernavn"],"Pending user approvals":["Ventende bruger godkendelser"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Her ser du alle brugere som har registreret sig og stadig venter på godkendelse."],"Delete group":["Slet gruppe"],"Delete group":["Slet gruppe"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["For at slette denne gruppe \"{group}\" så er du nødt til at sætte en alternativ gruppe for eksisterende brugere:"],"Create new group":["Opret ny gruppe"],"Edit group":["Rediger gruppe"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Group name":["Gruppe navn"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Search for description":["Søg efter beskrivelse"],"Search for group name":["Søg efter gruppe navn"],"Manage groups":["Administrer grupper"],"Create new group":["Opret ny gruppe"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Du kan fordele brugere ind i forskellige grupper (hold, afdelinger etc.) og definere standard sider og admins for dem."],"Error logging":["Fejl logs"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Viser {count} opslag pr side."],"Flush entries":["Fjern alle opslag"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total {count} opslag fundet."],"Available updates":["Tilgængelige opdateringer"],"Browse online":["Gennemse online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduler udvider funktionaliteten af HumHub. Her kan du installere og administrere moduler fra HumHub Markedsplads."],"Module details":["Modul detaljer"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Dette modul har ikke yderligere informationer."],"Processing...":["Behandler..."],"Modules directory":["Modul mapper"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data vil gå tabt!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul relaterede data og filer vil gå tabt!"],"Configure":["Konfigurer"],"Disable":["Deaktiver"],"Enable":["Aktiver"],"More info":["Mere info"],"Set as default":["Set som standard"],"Uninstall":["Afinstaller"],"Install":["Installer"],"Latest compatible version:":["Seneste kompatible version:"],"Latest version:":["Seneste version:"],"Installed version:":["Installeret version:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Seneste kompatible version:"],"Update":["Opdater"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Set som standard modul"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiveret"],"Deactivated":["Deaktiveret"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Her kan du vælge om modulet skal være automatisk aktiveret på en side eller brugerprofil. Hvis modulet skal være aktiveret, vælg \"altid aktiveret\"."],"Spaces":["Sider"],"User Profiles":["Bruger profiler"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Der er en ny HumHub version (%version%) tilgængelig."],"Authentication - Basic":["Godkendelse - Grundlæggende"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum værdi er 20 sekunder. Hvis den ikke er sat, vil sessioner udløbe efter 1400 sekunder (24 minutter) uanset aktivitet (standard session-udløb)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kun tilgængelig ved begrænset adgang for ikke-autentificeret brugere hvis aktiveret. Påvirker kun nye brugere."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Godkendelse - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["En TLS/SSL er kraftig foretrukket i produktionsmiljøer for at modvirke adgangskoder fra at blive sendt i ren tekst."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definerer filteret for at anvende, når der er forsøgt på at logge ind. %uid udskrifter brugernavnet ved login. Eksempel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribut for Brugernavn. Eksempel: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Begræns adgangen for brugere, der opfylder disse kriterier. Eksempel: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Fejl! (Besked: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Brugere)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Standard basen som DN bruger for at søge efter kontier"],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Standard legitimationsoplysning i adgangskode (bruges kun med brugernavn ovenfor)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Standardindstillingerne legitimationsoplysninger brugernavn . Nogle servere kræver , at dette skal være i DN form. Dette skal angives i DN formularen, hvis LDAP-serveren kræver en DN at forbinde til og forbindendelse bør være muligt ved simple brugernavne ."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Indstillinger"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Gem og rens caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob indstillinger"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab med bruger: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Seneste kørsel (Daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Seneste kørsel (time):"],"Never":["Aldrig"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab med root bruger"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg venligst for at følgende cronjobs er installeret:"],"Design settings":["Design indstillinger"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Fornavn Efternavn (E.G. John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Seneste besøg"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brugernavn (e.g. john)"],"File settings":["Fil indstillinger"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separeret liste. Lad den være tom for at tillade alle."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Komma separeret liste. Lad den være tom for at vise filliste for alle objekter på væggen."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Nuværende billede bibliotek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Hvis det ikke er sat, så er standardhøjden 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Hvis det ikke er sat, så er standardbredden 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP reporterer et maximum af {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis indstillinger"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekræft billede sletning"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["E.g. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nye brugere vil automatisk blive tilføjet til denne/disse side(r)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruger i øjeblikket ikke et logo. Upload dit logo nu."],"Mailing defaults":["Mail standarder"],"Activities":["Aktiviteter"],"Always":["Altid"],"Daily summary":["Dagligt resumé","Daglig Resumé"],"Defaults":["Standarder"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definer standarder når en bruger modtager e-mails omkring notifikationer eller nye aktiviteter. Disse indstillinger kan blive overskrevet af brugere i kontoindstillinger."],"Notifications":["Notifikationer"],"Server Settings":["Server Indstillinger"],"When I´m offline":["Når jeg er offline"],"Mailing settings":["Mail indstillinger"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP valg"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Provider"],"Add new provider":["Tilføj ny provider"],"Currently active providers:":["Nuværende aktive providers:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Ingen aktive udbydere på nuværende tidspunkt!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Tilføj OEmbed Provier"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Rediger OEmbed Provier"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefix uden http:// eller https:// (e.g. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Brug %url% som placeholder for URL. Formatet er nødt til at være JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy indstillinger"],"Security settings and roles":["Sikkerheds indstillinger og roller"],"Self test":["Selv test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Checker HumHub software forudsætninger."],"Re-Run tests":["Kør tests igen"],"Statistic settings":["Statistik indstillinger"],"All":["Alle"],"Delete space":["Slet side"],"Edit space":["Rediger side"],"Search for space name":["Søg efter side navn"],"Search for space owner":["Søg efter side ejer"],"Space name":["Side navn"],"Space owner":["Side ejer"],"View space":["Se side"],"Manage spaces":["Administrer sider"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definer standard indstillinger for nye sider"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["I denne oversigt kan du finde alle sider og administrere dem."],"Overview":["Oversigt"],"Settings":["Indstillinger"],"Space Settings":["Side indstillinger"],"Add user":["Tilføj bruger"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne bruger? Hvis denne bruger er ejer af nogen side(r), vil du blive ejer af disse."],"Delete user":["Slet bruger"],"Delete user: {username}":["Slet bruger: {username}"],"Edit user":["Rediger bruger"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Slet brugerkonto"],"Edit user account":["Rediger brugerkonto"],"No":["Nej"],"View user profile":["Se bruger profil"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Manage users":["Administrer brugere"],"Add new user":["Tilføj ny bruger"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["I denne oversigt kan du finde alle registrerede brugere og redigere dem."],"Create new profile category":["Opret ny profil kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger profil kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Opret nyt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Manage profiles fields":["Administrer profil felter"],"Add new category":["Tilføj ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Tilføj nyt felt"],"Security & Roles":["Sikkerhed & Roller"],"Administration menu":["Administration menu"],"About":["Om"],"Authentication":["Godkendelse"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cron jobs":["Cron jobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mailing"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Provider"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Selv test & opdater"],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"User approval":["Bruger godkendelse"],"User profiles":["Bruger profiler"],"Users":["Brugere"],"Click here to review":["Klik her for at gennemse"],"New approval requests":["Ny brugeranmodning"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere bruger(e) mangler godkendelse som gruppe admin."],"Could not delete comment!":["Kunne ikke slette kommentar!"],"Invalid target class given":["Ugyldig class givet"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id parametre kræves!"],"Target not found!":["Mål ikke fundet!"],"Access denied!":["Adgang nægtet!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende adgang"],"Comment":["Kommentar"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommenterede %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Post":["Opslag"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% yderligere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekræft kommentar sletning"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne kommentar?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Opdateret :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimalt antal sticked emner er nået!\n\nDu kan kun stick to emner af gangen.\nMen for at stick dette emne, så af-stick et andet først!"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke indlæse ønsket objekt!"],"Invalid model given!":["Ugyldig model givet!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finde ønskede indhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finde ønskede permalink!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} oprettede en ny {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Indsend"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen findes med dit valgte filter!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingenting her endnu!"],"Move to archive":["Flyt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["U-arkivér"],"Add a member to notify":["Tilføjet et medlem til notifikation"],"Make private":["Gør privat"],"Make public":["Gør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Notificer medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hvad har du på hjerte?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekræft opslag sletning"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vil du virkelig slette dette opslag? Alle syntes godt om og kommentarer vil gå tabt!","Vil du virkelig slette dette opslag? All syntes godt om og kommentarer bliver tabt."],"Archived":["Arkiveret"],"Sticked":["Sticked"],"Turn off notifications":["Slå notifikationer fra"],"Turn on notifications":["Slå notifikationer til"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink til dette opslag"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Stick"],"Unstick":["Af-stick"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noget endnu.
Vær den første og skriv noget..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Denne profil er stadig tom"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne side er stadig tom!
Start med at lave et opslag..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Dit dashboard er tomt!
Skriv noget på din profilvæg eller tilslut nogen sider!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Din profil stream er stadig tom
Kom i gang og post noget..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingenting fundet der matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"Back to stream":["Tilbage til stream"],"Content with attached files":["Indhold med vedhæftede filer"],"Created by me":["Oprettet af mig"],"Creation time":["Oprettelses tidspunkt"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverede opslag"],"Last update":["Seneste opdatering"],"Only private posts":["Kun private opslag"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige opslag"],"Posts only":["Kun opslag"],"Posts with links":["Opslag med links"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involveret"],"No public contents to display found!":["Intet offentligt indhold er fundet!"],"Directory":["Bibliotek"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlems Gruppe Bibliotek"],"show all members":["vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Bibliotek menu"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"User profile posts":["Bruger profil opslag"],"Member directory":["Medlems bibliotek"],"Follow":["Følg"],"No members found!":["Ingen medlemmer fundet!"],"Unfollow":["Følg ikke længere"],"search for members":["søg efter medlemmer"],"Space directory":["Side bibliotek"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen sider fundet!"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem af denne side"],"search for spaces":["Søg efter sider"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Der er ingen profilopslag endnu!"],"Group stats":["Gruppe statistik"],"Average members":["Gennemsnitlige medlemmer"],"Top Group":["Top Gruppe"],"Total groups":["Total grupper"],"Member stats":["Medlem statistik"],"New people":["Ny person"],"Follows somebody":["Følger nogen"],"Online right now":["Online lige nu"],"Total users":["Total brugere"],"See all":["Se alle"],"New spaces":["Nye sider"],"Space stats":["Side statistik"],"Most members":["Mest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private sider"],"Total spaces":["Total sider"],"Could not find requested file!":["Kunne ikke finde den ønskede fil!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Utilstrækkelige tilladelser!"],"Created By":["Oprettet af"],"Created at":["Oprettet den"],"File name":["Fil navn"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ugyldig Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum fil størrelse ({maxFileSize}) er overskredet!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Størrelse"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Denne filtype er ikke tilladt!"],"Updated at":["Opdateret den"],"Updated by":["Opdateret af"],"Upload error":["Upload fejl"],"Could not upload File:":["Kunne ikke uploade fil:"],"Upload files":["Upload filer"],"Create Admin Account":["Opret Admin Konto"],"Name of your network":["Navnet på dit netværk"],"Name of Database":["Navn på Database"],"Admin Account":["Admin Konto"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er næsten færdig. I det sidste trin skal du udfylde felterne for at oprette en admin kontro. Med denne konto kan du administrere hele netværket."],"Next":["Næste"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Selvfølgelig, dit nye sociale netværk skal bruge et navn. Venligst skift dette standard navn med noget du syntes om. (For eksempel navnet på dit firma, organisation eller klub)"],"Social Network Name":["Social Netværks Navn"],"Setup Complete":["Opsætning Udført"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tillykke. Du er færdig."],"Sign in":["Log ind"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Installationen blev udført med succes! God fornøjelse med dit nye sociale netværk."],"Setup Wizard":["Installations Guide"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Velkommen til HumHub
Dit Sociale Netværks værtøjskasse"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Denne installationsguide vil installere og konfigurere din egen HumHub.
Tryk næste for at fortsætte."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Yes, der er forbindelse til databasen!"],"Database Configuration":["Database Konfiguration"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Nedenunder skal du indtaste oplysningerne for at forbinde til din database. Hvis du ikke er sikker på dette, så kontakt din system administrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Værtsnavn til din MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost hvis MySQL er kørende på den samme maskine)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, der gik noget galt!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Navnet på databasen som du vil have HumHum til at køre i."],"Your MySQL password.":["Dit MySQL kodeord."],"Your MySQL username":["Dit MySQL brugernavn"],"System Check":["System Check"],"Check again":["Check igen"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tillykke! Alt ser ud til at være ok og klar til at starte forfra!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Denne oversigt viser alle systemkrav til HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Kunne ikke finde target class!"],"Could not find target record!":["Kunne ikke finde target record!"],"Invalid class given!":["Ugyldig class givet!"],"Users who like this":["Brugere som syntes godt om dette"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} syntes godt om {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% syntes godt om %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["Syntes godt om dette."],"You like this.":["Du syntes godt om dette."],"You
"],"Like":["Syntes godt om"],"Unlike":["Fjern syntes godt om"],"and {count} more like this.":["og {count} yderligere som disse."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kunne ikke fastslå omdirigerings url for denne type kilde objekt!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kunne ikke indlæse notifikation kilde objekt at omdirigere til!"],"New":["Ny"],"Mark all as seen":["Markér alle som set"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Der er ingen notifikationer endnu."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% oprettede et nyt opslag."],"Edit your post...":["Rediger dit opslag..."],"Read full post...":["Læs det fulde opslag..."],"Send & decline":["Send & afslå"],"Visible for all":["Synlig for alle"]," Invite and request":["Inviter og anmod"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Kunne ikke slette bruger som er en side-ejer! Navnet på siden: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan komme ind"],"Invite and request":["Inviter og anmod"],"Only by invite":["Kun ved invitation"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Usynlig)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gæster)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerede brugere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gæster)"],"Space is invisible!":["Siden er usynlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du skal logge ind for at se inholdet af denne side!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som ejer kan du ikke tilbagekalde din medlemskab!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kunne ikke anmode om medlemskab!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Der er ingen ventende invitation!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handling er kun tilgængelig for workspace medlemmer!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilladelse til at deltage på denne side!"],"Your password":["Din adgangskode"],"Invites":["Invitationer"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruger ved e-mail (komma separeret)"],"User is already member!":["Bruger er allerede medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registreret!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ugyldig!"],"Application message":["Applikations besked"],"Scope":["Område"],"Strength":["Styrke"],"Created At":["Oprettet den"],"Join Policy":["Deltagelses Politik"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Ejer"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Opdateret den"],"Visibility":["Synlighed"],"Website URL (optional)":["Hjemmeside URL (valgfrit)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke oprette private synlige sider!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke oprette offentlige synlige sider!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Vælg det område på dit billede som du vil gemme som bruger avatar og tryk Gem."],"Modify space image":["Rediger side billede"],"Delete space":["Slet side"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne side? Alt data og indhold vil blive fjernet!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Venligst skriv din adgangskode for at fortsætte!"],"General space settings":["Generelle side indstillinger"],"Archive":["Arkiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Vælg den type af medlemskab som du vil give til dette workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Vælg sikkerhedsgraden for dette workspace for at definere synlighed."],"Manage your space members":["Administrer dine side medlemmer"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Udestående sendte invitationer"],"Outstanding user requests":["Udestående sendte anmodninger"],"Remove member":["Fjern medlem"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Tillad denne bruger til
invitere andre brugere"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Tillad denne bruger til
at lade offentlig indhold"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne dette medlem fra denne side?"],"Can invite":["Kan invitere"],"Can share":["Kan dele"],"Change space owner":["Skift side ejer"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Eksterne brugere som er inviteret med email, vil ikke blive vist her."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["I området nedenunder, kan du se alle aktive medlemmer på denne side. Du kan redigere deres privilegier eller fjerne disse fra denne side."],"Is admin":["Er admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Gør denne bruger til admin"],"No, cancel":["Nej, afbryd"],"Remove":["Fjern"],"Request message":["Anmod om besked"],"Revoke invitation":["Tilbagekald invitation"],"Search members":["Søg medlemmer"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De følgende brugere venter på godkendelse for at deltage på denne side. Venligst gør noget ved det nu."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De følgende brugere er allerede blevet inviteret til denne side, men har ikke accepteret den endnu."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Side-ejeren er super admin en side, med alle privilegier og normalt opretteren af siden. Her kan du ændre denne rolle til en anden bruger."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, fjern"],"Space Modules":["Side Moduler"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data for denne side vil blive slettet!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen tilgængelige moduler til denne side!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Udvid denne side med moduler."],"Create new space":["Opret ny side"],"Advanced access settings":["Avancerede adgangsindstillinger"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Tillad ikke-medlemmer til at se denne
side, men ikke have adgang"],"Create":["Opret"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Enhver bruger kan tilgå din side
uden din accept"],"For everyone":["For alle"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hvad skal navnet på siden være?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Venligst skriv en lille beskrivelse til andre brugere."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Denne side vil være usynlig
for alle ikke-medlemmer"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Brugere kan også anmode om
medlemskab til denne side"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Brugere kan kun blive tilføjet
ved invitation"],"space description":["side beskrivelse"],"space name":["side navn"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} anmoder om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} har accepteret din anmodning om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} har afslået din anmodning om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} inviterede dig til siden {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} accepterede din invitation til siden {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} afslog din invitation til siden {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne side er stadig tom!"],"Accept Invite":["Accepter invitation"],"Become member":["Bliv medlem"],"Cancel membership":["Annuller medlemskab"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annuller medlemskab applikation"],"Deny Invite":["Nægt invitation"],"Request membership":["Anmod om medlemskab"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Du er nu ejer af dette workspace."],"created by":["Oprettet af"],"Invite members":["Inviter medlemmer"],"Add an user":["Tilføjet en bruger"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter via e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruger?"],"Pick users":["Vælg brugere"],"Send":["Send"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["For at invitere brugere til denne side, så venligst skriv deres navne nedenunder og vælg."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brugere, som ikke er registreret. Bare tilføj deres e-mail adresser separeret med komma."],"Request space membership":["Anmod side medlemsskab","Anmod side medlemskab"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Venligst introducer dig selv, for at blive et anerkendt medlem af denne side."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Din anmodning er med succes sendt til vores side administratorer."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Brugere er blevet medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruger er blevet inviteret."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruger er ikke blevet inviteret."],"Back to workspace":["Tilbage til workspace"],"Space preferences":["Side præferencer"],"General":["Generelt"],"My Space List":["Min side Liste"],"My space summary":["Min side resumé"],"Space directory":["Side bibliotek"],"Space menu":["Side menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Skift billede"],"Current space image":["Nuværende side billede"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vil du virkelig slette din billede titel?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vil du virkelige slette dit profil billede?","Vil du virkelig slette dit profil billede?"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Something went wrong":["Noget gik galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Opslag"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Venligst kort introducer dig selv, for at blive et anerkendt medlem af dette workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Anmod om workspace medlemskab"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Din anmodning blev med succes afsendt til workspace administratorerne."],"Create new space":["Tilføj ny side"],"My spaces":["Mine sider","Mine Sider"],"Space info":["Side info"],"more":["mere"],"Accept invite":["Accepter invitation"],"Deny invite":["Afvis invitation"],"Leave space":["Forlad side"],"New member request":["Ny medlems anmodning"],"Space members":["Side medlemmer"],"End guide":["Afslut guide"],"Next »":["Næste »"],"« Prev":["« Forrige"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Det var alt lige nu."],"Modules":["Moduler"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Som admin, kan du administrere hele platformen herfra.
Bortset fra moduler, vi vil ikke gå ind i dybdegående detajler her. Som enhver har de sin egen korte beskrivelse andetsted."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du er lige nu i værktøjs menuer. Herfra kan du gå ind i HumHum markedsplads, hvor du kan installer et voksende nummer af værktøjer on-the-fly.
Som allerede nævnt, værktøjene udvider funktionerne og features tilgængelig på dine sider."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Du har nu lært omkring all af de mest vigtige features og indstillinger og er helt klar til at starte med at bruge platformen.
Vi håber du og alle fremtidige brugere vil nyde denne side. We ser frem til enhvert forslag og opbakning til vores projekt. Du er velkommen til at kontakte os via www.humbub.com
Stay tuned. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dette er dit dashboard.
Alle nylige aktiviteter eller opslag som måske interesserer dig vil fremgå her."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Moduler)"],"Edit account":["Rediger brugerkonto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! The End."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurry! Du er færdig!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menu"],"Profile photo":["Profil billede"],"Profile stream":["Profil stream"],"User profile":["Bruger Profil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klik på denne knap for at opdatere din profil og kontoindstillinger. Du kan også tilføje mere information til din profil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Hver profil har sin egen væg. Dine opslag vil også fremgå på de brugers dashboards som har valgt at følge dig."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Ligesom inde på en side, kan brugerprofilen blive personlig ved forskellige moduler.
Du kan se hvilke moduler der er tilgængelig til din profil ved at kigge i \"Moduler\" under kontoindstillinger menuen."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dette er din offentlige bruger profil, som kan blive set af enhver registreret bruger."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Upload et ny profil billede nemt ved at klikke her eller drag&drop. Gør det samme for at opdatere dit cover billede."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du har fuldført bruger profil guiden!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Du har fuldført bruger profil guiden!
For at fortsætte til administrations guiden, så tryk her:
"],"Most recent activities":["Seneste aktiviteter"],"Posts":["Opslag"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Guide"],"Space":["Side"],"Space navigation menu":["Side navigations menu"],"Writing posts":["Skrive opslag"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Du er færdig."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Alle bruger som er medlem af denne side vil blive vist her.
Nye medlemmer kan blive tilføjet af dem der har fået adgangstilladelse fra sidens admin."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Giv andre brugere en kort ide om hvad siden handler om. Du kan tilføje de generelle informationer her.
Sidens admin kan indsætte og skifte siden's cover billede ved enten at trykke på det eller ved drag&drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nye opslag kan blive skrevet og sendt her."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Når du først har tilsluttet dig eller tilføjet en ny side hvor du kan arbejde, diskuter hovedpunkter eller del information med andre brugere.
Der er forskellige værktøjer til at personliggøre en side, hvorefter du laver arbejdsprocessen mere produktiv."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Det var det for denne gang med side guiden.
For at fortsætte til brugerprofil guiden, tryk her:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Dette er hvor du kan navigere siden - Hvor du kan finde hvilke moduler er aktive eller tilgængelige for en bestemt side du er i. Dette kan for eksempel være afstemninger, opgaver eller noter.
Kun sidens admin kan administrere sidens moduler."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Denne menu er kun synlig for sidens admins. Her kan du administrere din side, tilføje/blokere brugere og aktivere/deaktivere værtøjer for denne side."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["For at du er opdateret, vil andre brugeres aktiviteter på denne side vil blive vist her."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Din, og andre brugeres opslag vil blive vist her.
Disse kan også blive syntes godt om eller kommenteret på."],"Account Menu":["Konto Menu"],"Notifications":["Notifikationer"],"Space Menu":["Side Menu"],"Start space guide":["Start side guide"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ikke gå glip af ting!
Dette ikon vil holde op informeret om aktiviteter og opslap som vedrører dig direkte ."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Konto menuen giver dig adgang til dine privat indstillinger og tillader dig at administrere din offentlige profil."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Dette er den mest vigtige menu, og vil sikkert være den du bruger oftest
Tilgå alle sider du har tilsluttet dig til og opret nye sider her.
Den næste guide vil vise dig hvordan:"]," Remove panel":[" Fjern panel"],"Getting Started":["Kom godt Igang"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guide: Administration (Moduler)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guide: Oversigt"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guide: Sider"],"Guide: User profile":["Guide: Bruger profil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Bliv bekendt med hvordan du finder rundt på siden mest vigtige features med de følgende guides:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Denne bruger konto er ikke godkendt endnu!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Du er nødt til at logge ind for at se denne bruger profil!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Din adgangskode er forkert!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Du kan ikke skifte din adgangskode her."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ugyldigt link! Vær sikker på at du har indtastet den fulde url."],"Save profile":["Gem profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["The indtastede e-mail adresse er allerede i brug af en anden bruger."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Du kan ikke ændre din e-mail adresse her."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Opret konto"],"Current password":["Nuværende adgangskode"],"E-Mail change":["Ændre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send notifikationer?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ugyldig brugernavn/email eller adgangskode"],"New password":["Ny adgangskode"],"New password confirm":["Bekræft ny adgangskode"],"Remember me next time":["Husk mig næste gang"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Din konto er ikke blevet aktiveret af vores staff endnu."],"Your account is suspended.":["Din konto er blevet suspenderet."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Nulstilling af adgangskode er ikke mulig for denne konto type!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Nulstilling af adgangskode"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" blev ikke fundet!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailen er allerede i brug!- Prøv glemt adgangskode."],"Invalid language!":["Ugyldigt sprog!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Skjul panelet på dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighed"],"Default Space":["Standard side"],"Group Administrators":["Gruppe Administratorer"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Medlemmer kan oprette private sider"],"Members can create public spaces":["Medlemmer kan oprette offentlige sider"],"Birthday":["Birthday"],"City":["By"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Tilpasset"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Kvinde"],"Firstname":["Fornavn"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Køn"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Skjul alder i profil"],"Lastname":["Efternavn"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mand"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon Privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon Arbejde"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Stat"],"Street":["Vejnavn"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Adresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postnummer"],"Created by":["Oprettet af"],"Editable":["Redigér-bar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Felt Type kan ikke ændres!"],"Fieldtype":["Felt-type"],"Internal Name":["Internt Navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i brug!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internet navn kunne ikke ændres!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felt type!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribut"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun alfanumeriske tegn er tilladt!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil felt kategori"],"Required":["Kræves"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sorteringrækkefølge","Sorteringsrækkefølge"],"Translation Category ID":["Oversættelses Kategori ID","Oversættelse Kategori ID"],"Type Config":["Type Config"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Communication":["Kommunikation"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bogmærker"],"Datetime":["Datetime"],"Number":["Number"],"Select List":["Select List"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Text Area"],"%y Years":["%y År"],"Birthday field options":["Fødselsdags felt muligheder"],"Date(-time) field options":["Dato(-tid) felt muligheder"],"Show date/time picker":["Vis dato/tid vælger"],"Maximum value":["Maksimal værdi"],"Minimum value":["Minimum værdi"],"Number field options":["Nummer felt muligheder"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Et valg pr linje. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Vælg venligst:"],"Possible values":["Mulige værdier"],"Select field options":["Vælg venligst felt muligheder"],"Default value":["Standard værdi"],"Maximum length":["Maksimal længde"],"Minimum length":["Minimum længde"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regulært udtryk: Fejl-meddelelse"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regulært udtryk: Validering"],"Text Field Options":["Tekst felt muligheder"],"Validator":["Validering"],"Text area field options":["Text area felt muligheder"],"Authentication mode":["Godkendelses tilstand"],"New user needs approval":["Ny bruger skal bruge godkendelse"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Brugernavn kan kun indeholder bogstaver, tal, mellemrum og specialtegn (+-._)"],"Wall":["Væg"],"Change E-mail":["Skift E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Nuværende E-mail adresse"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Din e-mail adresse blev ændret med succes til {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Vi har lige sendt dig en bekræftelses e-mail til din nye adresse.
Venligst følg instruktioner i den."],"Change password":["Skift adgangskode"],"Password changed":["Adgangskode ændret"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Din adgangskode blev ændret med succes!","Din adgangskode blev succesfuldt ændret!"],"Modify your profile image":["Rediger Dit profil billede"],"Delete account":["Slet konto"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Er du sikker på, at du vil slette din konto?
Alle dine udgivede indhold vil blive fjernet!"],"Delete account":["Slet konto"],"Enter your password to continue":["Indtast din adgangskode for at fortsætte"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Beklager, som en ejer af et workspace er det ikke muligt for dig at slette kontoen!
Venligst tildel en anden som ejer eller slet dem."],"User details":["Bruger detaljer"],"User modules":["Bruger moduler"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Er du helt sikker? *ALLE* modul data vedrørende din profil vil blive slettet!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Udvid din profil med moduler."],"User settings":["Bruger indstillinger"],"Getting Started":["Kom godt i gang"],"Registered users only":["Kun registrerede brugere"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Synlig for alle (Også ikke-registrerede brugere)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Desktop Notifikationer"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notifikationer"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Få en desktop notifikation når du er online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Få en e-mail, ved hver aktivitet af andre brugere der følger dig eller arbejder
sammen med dig i et workspace."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Få en e-mail, når andre brugere kommenterer eller syntes godt om dine opslag."],"Account registration":["Konto registration"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Din konto er blevet oprettet succesfuldt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Efter aktivering af din konto, af en administrator, vil du modtage en notifikation via e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Gå til log ind side"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["For at logge ind med din nye konto, tryk på knappen nedenunder."],"back to home":["tilbage til hjem"],"Please sign in":["Venligst log ind"],"Sign up":["Registrér dig"],"Create a new one.":["Opret en ny."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Har du ikke en konto? Tilslut dig netværket ved at indtaste din e-mail adresse."],"Forgot your password?":["Glemt din adgangskode?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Hvis du allerede er medlem, venligst log ind med brugernavn/e-mail og adgangskode."],"Register":["Registrér"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["adgangskode"],"username or email":["brugernavn eller e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Bare indtast din e-mail adresse. Vi sender dig nulstillings instruktioner!"],"Reset password":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"enter security code above":["indtast sikkerheds kode ovenover"],"your email":["din e-mail"],"Password recovery!":["Nulstil adgangskode!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Vi har sendt dig en e-mail som indeholder et link der tillader dig at nulstille din adgangskode."],"Registration successful!":["Registrering successfuld!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Venligst check din e-mail og følg instruktionerne!"],"Password reset":["Nulstille adgangskode"],"Change your password":["Skift din adgangskode"],"Change password":["Skift adgangskode"],"Password changed!":["Adgangskode skiftet!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bekræft din nye e-mail adresse"],"Confirm":["Bekræft"],"Hello":["Hej"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du har anmodet om ændring af din e-mail adresse.
Din e-mail adresse er {newemail}
For at bekræfte din nye e-mail adresse venligst tryk på knappen nedenunder."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hej {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Hvis du ikke bruger dette link inden 24 timer, så udløber det."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Venligst brug følgende link inden næste dag for at ændre din adgangskode."],"Reset Password":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"Registration Link":["Registrerings Link"],"Sign up":["Opret"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Velkommen til %appName%. Venligst tryk på knappen nedenunder for at fortsætte din registrering."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Et socialt netværk for at udvide din kommunikation og teamwork.
Registrer dig nu for at tilstutte dig denne side."],"Space Invite":["Side invitation"],"You got a space invite":["Du har fået en side invitation"],"invited you to the space:":["Inviterede dig til siden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} nævnte dig i {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} følger dig nu."],"About this user":["Om denne bruger"],"Modify your title image":["Rediger din billede titel"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Denne profil stream er stadig tom!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vil du virkelig slette dit logo billede?"],"Account settings":["Konto indstillinger"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Rediger konto"],"Following":["Følger"],"Following user":["Følger bruger"],"User followers":["Bruger følgere"],"Member in these spaces":["Medlemmer på denne side"],"User tags":["Bruger tags"],"No birthday.":["Ingen fødselsdag."],"Back to modules":["Tilbage til moduler"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Fødselsdag Modul konfiguration"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Antallet af dage fremtidige fødselsdage vil blive vist."],"Tomorrow":["Imorgen"],"Upcoming":["Kommende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kan indstille, antallet af dage som vises i kommende fødselsdage."],"becomes":["bliver"],"birthdays":["fødselsdage"],"days":["dage"],"today":["i dag"],"years old.":["år gammel."],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markér som uset for alle brugere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking News Konfiguration"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Bemærk: Du kan bruge markdown syntaks."],"End Date and Time":["Slut Dato og Tid"],"Recur":["Gentage sig"],"Recur End":["Gentage sig slut"],"Recur Interval":["Gentage sig Interval"],"Recur Type":["Gentage sig type"],"Select participants":["Vælg deltagere"],"Start Date and Time":["Start Dato og Tid"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at tilgå dette event!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Du har ikke adgang til at oprette events!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Tilføjer en kalender for private eller offentlige events til din profil og mainmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Tilføjer en event kalender til denne side"],"All Day":["Hele dagen"],"Attending users":["Deltagende brugere"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Ikke-deltagende brugere"],"End Date":["Slut Dato"],"End time must be after start time!":["Slut tidspunkt skal være efter start tidspunkt!"],"Event":["Event"],"Event not found!":["Event ikke fundet!"],"Maybe attending users":["Måske deltagende brugere"],"Participation Mode":["Deltagelses tilstand"],"Start Date":["Start Dato"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at slette dette event!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at redigere dette event!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% oprettede et nyt %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager til %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager måske til %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager ikke til %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Start Dato/Tid"],"Create event":["Opret event"],"Edit event":["Rediger event"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Bemærk: Dette event vil blive oprettet på din profil. For at oprette en side event skal du åbne kalenderen på den ønskede side."],"End Date/Time":["Slut Dato/Tid"],"Everybody can participate":["Alle kan deltage"],"No participants":["Ingen deltagere"],"Participants":["Deltagere"],"Created by:":["Oprettet af:"],"Edit this event":["Rediger dette event"],"I´m attending":["Jeg deltager"],"I´m maybe attending":["Jeg deltager måske"],"I´m not attending":["Jeg deltager ikke"],"Attend":["Deltag"],"Maybe":["Måske"],"Filter events":["Filter events"],"Select calendars":["Vælg Kalendere"],"Already responded":["Allerede svaret"],"Followed spaces":["Fulgte sider"],"Followed users":["Fulgte brugere"],"My events":["Mine events"],"Not responded yet":["Ikke svaret endnu"],"Upcoming events ":["Kommende events"],":count attending":[":count deltager"],":count declined":[":count afslået"],":count maybe":[":count måske"],"Participants:":["Deltagere:"],"Create new Page":["Opret ny Side"],"Custom Pages":["Tilpassede Sider"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigation"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen tilpassede sider er oprettet endnu!"],"Sort Order":["Sorteringsrækkefølge"],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigation"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruger Profil menu (Indstillinger)"],"Create page":["Opret side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Content":["Indhold"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorteringsrækkefølge: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Element rækkefølgen blev succesfuldt ændret."],"Toggle view mode":["Toggle visningstilstand"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at omarrangere kategorier!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekræft kategori sletning"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekræft link sletning"],"Delete category":["Slet kategori"],"Delete link":["Slet link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Vil du virkelig slette denne kategori? Alle tilsluttede links vil gå tabt!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Udvid link valideringen med en test af forbindelsen."],"Linklist":["Linkliste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Linkliste Modul Konfiguration"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Ønsket kategori kunne ikke findes."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Ønsket link kunne ikke findes."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis links som en widget til højre."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien som du vil oprette dit link i, kunne ikke blive fundet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Der er ikke blevet oprettet nogen links eller kategorier til denne side endnu."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere den udvidede validering af links for en side eller bruger."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettigheder til tilføj/rediger links!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettigheder til tilføj/rediger kategorier!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at slette dette link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at slette denne kategori!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at redigere dette link!"],"Messages":["Beskeder"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en besked til dig selv!"],"Recipient":["Modtager"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny besked fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brugere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny besked i samtalen med %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny besked"],"Reply now":["Svar nu"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte dig en ny besked:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte dig en ny besked i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Tilføj flere deltagere til din samtale..."],"Add user...":["Tilføj bruger..."],"New message":["Ny besked"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger besked"],"Messagebox":["Meddelelsesboks"],"Inbox":["Indbakke"],"There are no messages yet.":["Der er ingen beskeder endnu."],"Write new message":["Skriv ny besked"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekræft sletning af samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekræft afslutning af samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekræft sletning af besked"],"Add user":["Tilføj bruger"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Vil du virkelig gerne slette denne samtale?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Vil du virkelig gerne slette denne besked?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Vil du virkelig gerne forlade denne samtale"],"Leave":["Forlad"],"Leave discussion":["Forlad diskussion"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv et svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruger Opslag"],"Sign up now":["Opret nu"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle beskeder"],"Send message":["Send besked"],"No users.":["Ingen brugere"],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Antallen af brugere må ikke være større end 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Antallet af brugere må ikke være negativt."],"Most active people":["Mest aktive personer"],"Get a list":["Få en liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Mest Aktive Brugere Modul konfiguration"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Antallet af mest aktive brugere som vil blive vist."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du må gerne konfigurere antal brugere som skal vises."],"Comments created":["Kommentarer oprettet"],"Likes given":["Syntes godt om givet"],"Posts created":["Opslag oprettet"],"Notes":["Noter"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Nøgle"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL til Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Kunne ikke indhente note indhold!"],"Could not get note users!":["Kunne ikke indhente note brugere!"],"Note":["Note"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} Oprettede et nyt notat {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} har arbejdet på notatet {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["API Forbindelse udført!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Kunne ikke forbinde til API!"],"Current Status:":["Nuværende Status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notes Modul Konfiguration"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Venligst læs modul dokumentationen i /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for yderligere detaljer!"],"Save & Test":["Gem & Test"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Note modulet skal bruge etherpad server kørende!"],"Save and close":["Gem og luk"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} tilføjede en ny note og har tilføjet dig."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} har arbejdet på notatet {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Åbn note"],"Title of your new note":["Titelen på din nye note"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen noter blev fundet med dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Der er ingen notater endnu!"],"Polls":["Afstemninger"],"Could not load poll!":["Kunne ikke indlæse afstemning!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ugyldigt svar!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Brugere stemte på: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Afstemning for flere svar er deaktiveret!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Du har utilstrækkelig adgang til at udføre denne opgave!"],"Answers":["Svar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Flere svar pr bruger"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Venligst specificer mindst {min} svar!"],"Question":["Spørgsmål"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} stemte på {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} oprettede et nyt {question}."],"User who vote this":["Bruger som stemte dette"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} oprettede en ny afstemning og tilføjede dig."],"Ask":["Spørg"],"Reset my vote":["Nulstil min stemme"],"Vote":["Stemme"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["og {count} yderligere stemmer for dette."],"votes":["stemmer"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Tillad flere stemmer pr bruger!"],"Ask something...":["Spørg om noget..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mulige svar (et pr linje)"],"Display all":["Vis alle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen aftemning fundet som matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Der er ingen afstemninger endnu!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Der er ingen afstemninger endnu!
Vær den første og opret en..."],"Asked by me":["Tilføjet af mig"],"No answered yet":["Ingen svar endnu"],"Only private polls":["Kun private afstemninger"],"Only public polls":["Kun offentlige afstemninger"],"Manage reported posts":["Administrer anmeldte opslag"],"Reported posts":["Anmeldte opslag"],"by :displayName":["af :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hører ikke til på siden"],"Offensive":["Angribende"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Her kan du administrere anmeldte bruger opslag."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag som angribende."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag som spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag fordi det ikke hører til på siden."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% som angribende."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% som spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% fordi det ikke hører til på siden."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Her kan du administrere anmeldte opslag for denne side."],"Appropriate":["Passende"],"Delete post":["Slet opslag"],"Reason":["Grundlag"],"Reporter":["Anmelder"],"Tasks":["Opgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke få adgang til opgave!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilføjet til opgaven {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} oprettede opgaven {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} afsluttede opgaven {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tilføjede dig til opgaven {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} oprettede en ny opgave {task}."],"This task is already done":["Denne opgave er allerede lavet"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Du er ikke tilføjet til denne opgave"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klik for at afslutte denne opgave"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Denne opgave er allerede lavet. Tryk for at genåbne"],"My tasks":["Mine opgaver"],"From space: ":["Fra side:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen opgaver fundet som matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Der er ingen opgaver endnu!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Der er ingen opgaver endnu!
Vær den første og opret en..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildelt til mig"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilføjet"],"State is finished":["Status er færdig"],"State is open":["Status er åben"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilføj brugere til denne opgave"],"Deadline for this task?":["Deadline for denne opgave?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Prætildel bruger(e) til denne opgave"],"What to do?":["Hvad skal gøres?"],"Translation Manager":["Oversættelses Manager"],"Translations":["Oversættelser"],"Translation Editor":["Oversættelses Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekræft side sletning"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bekræft side nulstilling"],"Overview of all pages":["Oversigt over alle sider"],"Page history":["Side historik"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Tilføjet et wiki til denne side"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Tilføjet et wiki til din profil"],"Back to page":["Tilbage til side"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne side?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vil du virkelig nulstille denne side?"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Edited at":["Redigeret den"],"Go back":["Gå tilbage"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ugyldigt tegn i sidetitel!"],"Let's go!":["Let's go!"],"Main page":["Forside"],"New page":["Ny side"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Ingen oprettede sider endnu. So det er op til dig.
opret en først."],"Page History":["Side historik"],"Page title already in use!":["Side titel er allerede i brug!"],"Revert":["Nulstil"],"Revert this":["Nulstil denne"],"View":["Se"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["af"],"Wiki page":["Wiki side"],"Create new page":["Opret ny side"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Indtast en wiki side navn eller url (e.g. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Ny side titel"],"Page content":["Side indhold"],"Search":["Søg"],"Allow":["Tillad"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Afslå"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Venligst indtast mindst 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Der opstod en intern server fejl."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke tilladelse til at udføre denne handling."],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Tilføj købt modul med licens nøgle"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n\n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\n\n Klik her for at logge ind:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Venligste hilsener
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n\n Din konto oprettelse er blevet afslået.
\n\n Venligste hilsener
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-Mail Adresse Attribut"],"Server Timezone":["Server Tidszone"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Vis delings panel på dashboard"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard Indholds Visning"],"Security":["Sikkerhed"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen købe moduler er fundet!"],"search for available modules online":["Søg efter tilgængelige moduler online"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub er på nuværende tidspunkt i fejlsøgnings tilstand. Deaktiver dette når du skal køre normalt."],"See installation manual for more details.":["Se installations manualen for flere detaljer."],"Purchases":["Købte"],"Enable module...":["Aktiver modul..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Køb (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installerer modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Licens Nøgle:"],"Updating module...":["Opdaterer modul"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Attribut for E-Mail adresse. Standard: "mail""],"Last login":["Seneste login"],"never":["Aldrig","aldrig"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oprettede et nyt {contentTitle}."],"Share your opinion with others":["Del din mening med andre"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Slå en besked op på Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Del på Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Del med folk på LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweet omkring HumHub"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Downloader og installerer moduler..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Vi leder efter fede nye slogans til nye kendte mærker. Måske du kan komme med nogle idéer?"],"Welcome Space":["Velkomst Side"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Du har lige installeret HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Din første prøve side til at udforske platformen."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Lav et eksempel indhold (Anbefalet)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Tillad adgang for ikke-registrerede bruger til offentligt indhold (gæste adgang)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Ekstern bruger kan registrere sig (Registreringen formularen vil blive vist på login siden)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nylig registrerede brugere skal aktiveres af en admin først"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrerede brugere kan invitere nye brugere via email"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Jeg vil bruge Humhub til:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er næsten færdig. I denne skridt skal du udfylde formularen for at oprette en admin konto. Med denne konto kan du administrere hele netværket."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub er meget fleksibelt og kan blive justeret og/eller udvidet til diverse applikationer takke være de forskellige moduler. De følgende moduler er kun et par eksempler og de vi syntes der er mest vigtig for din valgte applikation.
Du kan altid installere eller fjerne moduler senere. Du kan finde flere tilgængelige moduler efter installationen i admin området."],"Recommended Modules":["Anbefalede Modules"],"Example contents":["Eksempel indhold"],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Du syntes godt om dette."],"Search results":["Søge resultater"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanceret søge indstillinger"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søg efter bruger, sider og indhold"],"Private":["Privat"],"Members":["BrugereChange Owner":["Skift Ejer"],"General settings":["Generelle Indstillinger"],"Security settings":["Sikkerheds indstillinger"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som ejer af denne side så kan du overføre rettighederne til en anden administrator på denne side."],"Color":["Farve"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør ejerskab"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Vælg om nyt indhold som standard skal være offentlig eller privat"],"Manage members":["Administrer brugere"],"Manage permissions":["Administrer tilladelser"],"Pending approvals":["Afventende godkendelser"],"Pending invitations":["Afventende invitationer"],"Add Modules":["TilføjModuler"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem af denne side og der er ikke noget offentlig indhold, endnu!"],"Done":["Færdig"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Afbryd Medlemsskab"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul opslag på dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis opslag på dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valg vil skjule nyt indhold fra denne side på dit dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valg vil vise nyt indhold fra denne side på dit dashboard"],"Get complete members list":["Få komplet brugerliste"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Træk et billede hertil eller klik for at gennemgå dine filer"],"Hide my year of birth":["Skul mit fødselsår"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Hejsa %firstname%, Tak for at du bruger HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Du er den første bruger.... Yehaaa! Vær et skinnende eksempel og udfør din profil,
så at kommende brugere ved hvem der er den øverste herinde og hvem de kan komme til med spørgsmål."],"Your firstname":["Dit fornavn"],"Your lastname":["Dit efternavn"],"Your mobild phone number":["Dit mobilnummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Dit arbejdsnummer"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Dine færdigheder, kendskab og erfaring (komma sepereret)"],"Your title or position":["Din titel eller position"],"Confirm new password":["Bekræft ny adgangskode"],"TimeZone":["Tidszone"],"Create Account":["Opret profil"],"Password recovery":["Genoprettelse af adgangskode"],"Registration successful":["Registrering successfuld!"],"Password reset":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"End Time":["Slut tidspunkt"],"Start Time":["Start Tidspunkt"],"Edit event":["Rediger event"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Uden at tilføje til navigation (Direkte link)"],"Add Dropbox files":["Tilføjet Dropbox filer"],"Invalid file":["Ugyldig fil"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API nøgle"],"Show warning on posting":["Vis advarsel i opslag"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox opslag"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox Modul Konfiguration"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Dropbox modulet skal bruge en aktiv dropbox konto. Venligst gå til denne side, vælg \"Drop-ins app\" og giv et app navn for at få din API nøgle."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox indstillinger"],"Describe your files":["Beskriv dine filer"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Beklager, Dropbox modulet er ikke konfigureret endnu! Venligst kontakt administratoren."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Dropbox modulet er ikke konfigureret endnu! Venligst konfigurer det her."],"Select files from dropbox":["Vælg filer fra dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Advarsel! Du deler private filer"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Vis ikke denne advarsel fremover"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Filer som du vil dele er private. For at dele filerne på din side så har har vi lavet et delt link. Alle med dette link kan se filen.
Er du sikker på du vil dele?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, jeg er sikker"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ugyldig Enterprise Edition Licens"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registrer Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Afmeld Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Venligst udfyld din HumHub - Enterprise Edition licens nøgle herunder. Hvis du ikke har en licens endnu, kan du få en her %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Venligst registrer din HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Venligst opdater din HumHub - Enterprise Edition licens!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrering udført med succes!"],"Validating...":["Validerer..."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Licens"],"Licence Serial Code":["Licens Serie nøgle"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below.":["Venligst specificer din Enterprise Edition Licens nøgle herunder."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Skift type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Opret ny %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Opret ny side type"],"Delete space type":["Slet side type"],"Edit space type":["Rediger side type"],"Manage space types":["Håndtér side type"],"Create new type":["Opret ny type"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["For at slette side typen \"{type}\" så er du nødt til at angive en alternativ type for eksisterende side."],"Types":["Typer"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Tilføjet et ny link %link% til kategorien \"%category%\""],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgængelig"],"list":["Liste"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en mail til dig selv!","Du kan ikke sende en besked til dig selv!"],"Add recipients":["Tilføjet modtagere"],"Delete conversation":["Slet samtale"],"Leave conversation":["Forlad samtale"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Igen? ;Weary;"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} besvarede {question}."],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Hvorfor vil du anmelde dette opslag?"],"created by :displayName":["Lavet af :displayName"],"Confirm post deletion":["Bekræft sletning af opslag"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bekræft sletning af anmeldelse"],"Delete report":["Slet anmeldelse"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne anmeldelse?"],"There are no reported posts.":["Der er ingen rapporterede opslag"],"Does not belong to this space":["Hører ikke til på denne side"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Hjælp os med at forstå hvad der sker"],"It's offensive":["Det er irriterende eller uinteressant"],"It's spam":["Det er spam"],"Report post":["Anmeld opslag"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tildelt(e) bruger(e)"],"Deadline":["Deadline"],"Task":["Opgave"],"Create new task":["Opret ny opgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger opgave"],"Assign users":["Tildel bruger(e)"],"What is to do?":["Hvad skal laves?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekræft sletning"],"Add Task":["Tilføj opgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne opgave?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åbne opgaver..."],"completed tasks":["udførte opgaver"],"Open wiki page...":["Åbn wiki side..."],"comment":["Kommentar"],"post":["Opslag"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulet er ikke aktiveret i denne indholdscontainer!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definerer filteret for at anvende, når der er forsøgt på at logge ind. %s udskrifter brugernavnet ved login. Eksempel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Hører ikke til på denne side"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\r\n\r\n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\r\n\r\n Klik her for at logge ind:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Venligste hilsener
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Din konto oprettelse er blevet afslået.
\r\n\r\n Venligste hilsener
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Pinned":["Pinned"],"Unpinned":["Af-stick"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Ekstern bruger kan registrere sig (Registreringen formularen vil blive vist på login siden)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["Kunne ikke finde det ønskede modul!"],"Invalid request.":["Ugyldig anmodning."],"Keyword:":["Søgeord:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Ingenting fundet med din skrivelse."],"Results":["Resultater"],"Show more results":["Vis flere resultater"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Beklager, intet fundet!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Velkommen til %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Nyeste strong> opdateringer"],"Account settings":["Kontoindstillinger"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Tilbage"],"Back to dashboard":["Tilbage til dashboard"],"Choose language:":["Vælg sprog:"],"Collapse":["Kollaps"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Indholdskilde addon skal være del en af HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kunne ikke fastslå indholdscontainer!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kunne ikke finde addonindhold!"],"Error":["Fejl"],"Expand":["Udvid"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Utilstrækkelige tilladelser til at skabe indhold!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ud som du måske har taget den forkerte drejning."],"Language":["Sprog"],"Latest news":["Sidste nyt"],"Login":["Log ind"],"Logout":["Log ud"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulet er ikke aktiveret i denne indholdscontainer!"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nyt profilbillede"],"Oooops...":["Hovsa..."],"Search":["Søg"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søg efter brugere eller sider"],"Space not found!":["Side ikke fundet!"],"User Approvals":["Bruger godkendelser"],"User not found!":["Bruger ikke fundet!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke oprette offentlig synligt indhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Dit daglige resumé"],"Login required":["Log ind kræves"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Global {global} array er rengjort ved brug af {method} metode."],"Add image/file":["Tilføj billede/fil"],"Add link":["Tilføj link"],"Bold":["Fed"],"Close":["Luk"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Indtast en url (e.g. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Overskrift"],"Image":["Billede"],"Image/File":["Billede/fil"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Indsæt Hyperlink"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Indsæt Billede Hyperlink"],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vent venligst, uploader..."],"Preview":["Forhåndsvisning"],"Quote":["Citat"],"Target":["Mål"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Titel til dit link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["kode tekst her"],"emphasized text":["understreget tekst"],"enter image description here":["skriv billede beskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["skriv billede titel her"],"enter link description here":["skriv link beskrivelse her"],"heading text":["overskrifts tekst"],"list text here":["liste tekst her"],"quote here":["citat her"],"strong text":["fed tekst"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Kunne ikke oprette aktivitet for denne objekt type!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% har oprettet den nye side %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% oprettede denne side."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% blev medlem på siden %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% blev medlem af denne side."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% har forladt siden %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% har forladt denne side."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nu {user2}."],"see online":["se online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Seneste aktiviteter"],"There are no activities yet.":["Der er ingen aktiviteter endnu."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n \n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\n \n Klik her for at logge ind:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Venlig hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n \n Din kontooprettelse er blevet afslået.
\n \n Venlig hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Kontooprettelse for '{displayName}' er blevet godkendt."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Kontooprettelse for '{displayName}' er blevet afslået."],"Group not found!":["Gruppe ikke fundet!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kunne ikke afinstallere modulet! Modulet er beskyttet."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modul mappen %path% er ikke skrivbar!"],"Saved":["Gemt"],"Database":["Database"],"No theme":["Ingen tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kunne ikke indlæse LDAP! - Check PHP Udvidelse"],"File":["Fil"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Ingen cache (Kun test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ingen - viser dropdown i bruger-registrering"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Gemt og renset cache"],"Become this user":["Bliv denne bruger"],"Delete":["Slet"],"Disabled":["Deaktiveret"],"Enabled":["Aktiveret"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokal"],"Save":["Gem"],"Unapproved":["Ikke-godkendt"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette dig selv!"],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke indlæse kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Message":["Besked"],"Subject":["Emne"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiver LDAP Support"],"Encryption":["Kryptering"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Hent/Opdater Brugere Automatisk"],"Hostname":["Vært"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Adgangskode"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Bruger Filer"],"Username":["Brugernavn"],"Username Attribute":["Brugernavn Attribut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Tillad begrænset adgang for ikke-autentificeret brugere (gæster)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme brugere kan oprette"],"Default user group for new users":["Standard brugergruppe for nye brugere"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standard bruger uden aktivitet, auto-logud (i sekunder, valgfrit)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard brugerprofil synlighed"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Medlemmer kan invitere eksterne brugere via email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kræv gruppeadmins godkendelse efter registrering"],"Base URL":["Base URL"],"Default language":["Standard sprog"],"Default space":["Standard side"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig side"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Navnet på stedet"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduktion tur for nye brugere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis brugerprofils opslagsform på dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standard udløbstid (i sekunder)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Udvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgængelig!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Udvidelse mangler - Type ikke tilgængelig!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standard paginering størrelse (Indslag pr side)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Brugernavn (Format)"],"Dropdown space order":["Dropdown side sortering"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Tilladte filtyper"],"Convert command not found!":["Konverteringskommando ikke fundet!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Fik ugyldig billede magick responsoe! - Korrekt kommando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Skjul fil info (navn, størrelse) for billede på væggen"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Skjul fil liste widget fra at vise filer for disse objektet på væggen"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Billede Magick konvertering kommando (valgfrit)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Max højde i forhåndsvisning på billede (i pixels, valgfrit)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Max bredde i forhåndsvisning på billede (i pixels, valgfrit)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Max størrelse på filupload (i MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Brug X-Sendfile for fil Downloads"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Tillad selvsignerede certifikater?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-Mail afsender adresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-Mail afsender navn"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail Transport Type"],"Port number":["Port nummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Url"],"Url Prefix":["Url Præfiks"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Ingen Proxy Værter"],"Server":["Vært"],"User":["Bruger"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins kan slette hinandens objekter"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard Deltagelsespolitik"],"Default Visibility":["Standard Synlighed"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML tracking kode"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulmappe for modulet %moduleId% eksisterer allerede!"],"Could not extract module!":["Kunne ikke udpakke modulet!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Kunne ikke indlæse online modul liste! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Kunne ikke indlæse online modul info! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Nedlastning af modulet mislykket!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modulmappe %modulePath% er ikke skrivbar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Nedlastning af modulet mislykket!"],"No compatible module version found!":["Ingen kompatible modul versioner fundet!","Ingen kompatible modulversion er fundet!"],"Activated":["Aktiveret"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Ingen moduler er installeret endnu. Installer nogen for at udvide funktionaliteh!"],"Version:":["Version:"],"Installed":["Installeret"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler fundet!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle moduler er opdateret!"],"About HumHub":["Om HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Nuværende installerede version: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licenser"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Der er en ny opdatering tilgængelig! (Seneste version: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Denne HumHub installation er opdateret!"],"Accept":["Accepter"],"Decline":["Afslå"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepter bruger: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Afbryd"],"Send & save":["Send & gem"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afslå og slet bruger: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Søg efter email","Søg efter e-mail"],"Search for username":["Søg efter brugernavn"],"Pending user approvals":["Ventende bruger godkendelser"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Her ser du alle brugere som har registreret sig og stadig venter på godkendelse."],"Delete group":["Slet gruppe"],"Delete group":["Slet gruppe"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["For at slette denne gruppe \"{group}\" så er du nødt til at sætte en alternativ gruppe for eksisterende brugere:"],"Create new group":["Opret ny gruppe"],"Edit group":["Rediger gruppe"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Group name":["Gruppe navn"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Search for description":["Søg efter beskrivelse"],"Search for group name":["Søg efter gruppe navn"],"Manage groups":["Administrer grupper"],"Create new group":["Opret ny gruppe"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Du kan fordele brugere ind i forskellige grupper (hold, afdelinger etc.) og definere standard sider og admins for dem."],"Error logging":["Fejl logs"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Viser {count} opslag pr side."],"Flush entries":["Fjern alle opslag"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total {count} opslag fundet."],"Available updates":["Tilgængelige opdateringer"],"Browse online":["Gennemse online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduler udvider funktionaliteten af HumHub. Her kan du installere og administrere moduler fra HumHub Markedsplads."],"Module details":["Modul detaljer"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Dette modul har ikke yderligere informationer."],"Processing...":["Behandler..."],"Modules directory":["Modul mapper"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data vil gå tabt!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul relaterede data og filer vil gå tabt!"],"Configure":["Konfigurer"],"Disable":["Deaktiver"],"Enable":["Aktiver"],"More info":["Mere info"],"Set as default":["Set som standard"],"Uninstall":["Afinstaller"],"Install":["Installer"],"Latest compatible version:":["Seneste kompatible version:"],"Latest version:":["Seneste version:"],"Installed version:":["Installeret version:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Seneste kompatible version:"],"Update":["Opdater"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Set som standard modul"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiveret"],"Deactivated":["Deaktiveret"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Her kan du vælge om modulet skal være automatisk aktiveret på en side eller brugerprofil. Hvis modulet skal være aktiveret, vælg \"altid aktiveret\"."],"Spaces":["Sider"],"User Profiles":["Bruger profiler"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Der er en ny HumHub version (%version%) tilgængelig."],"Authentication - Basic":["Godkendelse - Grundlæggende"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum værdi er 20 sekunder. Hvis den ikke er sat, vil sessioner udløbe efter 1400 sekunder (24 minutter) uanset aktivitet (standard session-udløb)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kun tilgængelig ved begrænset adgang for ikke-autentificeret brugere hvis aktiveret. Påvirker kun nye brugere."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Godkendelse - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["En TLS/SSL er kraftig foretrukket i produktionsmiljøer for at modvirke adgangskoder fra at blive sendt i ren tekst."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definerer filteret for at anvende, når der er forsøgt på at logge ind. %uid udskrifter brugernavnet ved login. Eksempel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribut for Brugernavn. Eksempel: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Begræns adgangen for brugere, der opfylder disse kriterier. Eksempel: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Fejl! (Besked: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Brugere)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Standard basen som DN bruger for at søge efter kontier"],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Standard legitimationsoplysning i adgangskode (bruges kun med brugernavn ovenfor)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Standardindstillingerne legitimationsoplysninger brugernavn . Nogle servere kræver , at dette skal være i DN form. Dette skal angives i DN formularen, hvis LDAP-serveren kræver en DN at forbinde til og forbindendelse bør være muligt ved simple brugernavne ."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Indstillinger"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Gem og rens caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob indstillinger"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab med bruger: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Seneste kørsel (Daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Seneste kørsel (time):"],"Never":["Aldrig"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab med root bruger"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg venligst for at følgende cronjobs er installeret:"],"Design settings":["Design indstillinger"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Fornavn Efternavn (E.G. John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Seneste besøg"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brugernavn (e.g. john)"],"File settings":["Fil indstillinger"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separeret liste. Lad den være tom for at tillade alle."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Komma separeret liste. Lad den være tom for at vise filliste for alle objekter på væggen."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Nuværende billede bibliotek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Hvis det ikke er sat, så er standardhøjden 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Hvis det ikke er sat, så er standardbredden 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP reporterer et maximum af {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis indstillinger"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekræft billede sletning"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["E.g. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nye brugere vil automatisk blive tilføjet til denne/disse side(r)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruger i øjeblikket ikke et logo. Upload dit logo nu."],"Mailing defaults":["Mail standarder"],"Activities":["Aktiviteter"],"Always":["Altid"],"Daily summary":["Daglig Resumé"],"Defaults":["Standarder"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definer standarder når en bruger modtager e-mails omkring notifikationer eller nye aktiviteter. Disse indstillinger kan blive overskrevet af brugere i kontoindstillinger."],"Notifications":["Notifikationer"],"Server Settings":["Server Indstillinger"],"When I´m offline":["Når jeg er offline"],"Mailing settings":["Mail indstillinger"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP valg"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Provider"],"Add new provider":["Tilføj ny provider"],"Currently active providers:":["Nuværende aktive providers:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Ingen aktive udbydere på nuværende tidspunkt!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Tilføj OEmbed Provier"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Rediger OEmbed Provier"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefix uden http:// eller https:// (e.g. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Brug %url% som placeholder for URL. Formatet er nødt til at være JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy indstillinger"],"Security settings and roles":["Sikkerheds indstillinger og roller"],"Self test":["Selv test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Checker HumHub software forudsætninger."],"Re-Run tests":["Kør tests igen"],"Statistic settings":["Statistik indstillinger"],"All":["Alle"],"Delete space":["Slet side"],"Edit space":["Rediger side"],"Search for space name":["Søg efter side navn"],"Search for space owner":["Søg efter side ejer"],"Space name":["Side navn"],"Space owner":["Side ejer"],"View space":["Se side"],"Manage spaces":["Administrer sider"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definer standard indstillinger for nye sider"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["I denne oversigt kan du finde alle sider og administrere dem."],"Overview":["Oversigt"],"Settings":["Indstillinger"],"Space Settings":["Side indstillinger"],"Add user":["Tilføj bruger"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne bruger? Hvis denne bruger er ejer af nogen side(r), vil du blive ejer af disse."],"Delete user":["Slet bruger"],"Delete user: {username}":["Slet bruger: {username}"],"Edit user":["Rediger bruger"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Slet brugerkonto"],"Edit user account":["Rediger brugerkonto"],"No":["Nej"],"View user profile":["Se bruger profil"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Manage users":["Administrer brugere"],"Add new user":["Tilføj ny bruger"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["I denne oversigt kan du finde alle registrerede brugere og redigere dem."],"Create new profile category":["Opret ny profil kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger profil kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Opret nyt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Manage profiles fields":["Administrer profil felter"],"Add new category":["Tilføj ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Tilføj nyt felt"],"Security & Roles":["Sikkerhed & Roller"],"Administration menu":["Administration menu"],"About":["Om"],"Authentication":["Godkendelse"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cron jobs":["Cron jobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mailing"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Provider"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Selv test & opdater"],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"User approval":["Bruger godkendelse"],"User profiles":["Bruger profiler"],"Users":["Brugere"],"Click here to review":["Klik her for at gennemse"],"New approval requests":["Ny brugeranmodning"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere bruger(e) mangler godkendelse som gruppe admin."],"Could not delete comment!":["Kunne ikke slette kommentar!"],"Invalid target class given":["Ugyldig class givet"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id parametre kræves!"],"Target not found!":["Mål ikke fundet!"],"Access denied!":["Adgang nægtet!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende adgang"],"Comment":["Kommentar"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommenterede %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Post":["Opslag"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% yderligere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekræft kommentar sletning"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne kommentar?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Opdateret :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimalt antal sticked emner er nået!\n\nDu kan kun stick to emner af gangen.\nMen for at stick dette emne, så af-stick et andet først!"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke indlæse ønsket objekt!"],"Invalid model given!":["Ugyldig model givet!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finde ønskede indhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finde ønskede permalink!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} oprettede en ny {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Indsend"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen findes med dit valgte filter!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingenting her endnu!"],"Move to archive":["Flyt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["U-arkivér"],"Add a member to notify":["Tilføjet et medlem til notifikation"],"Make private":["Gør privat"],"Make public":["Gør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Notificer medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hvad har du på hjerte?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekræft opslag sletning"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vil du virkelig slette dette opslag? Alle syntes godt om og kommentarer vil gå tabt!","Vil du virkelig slette dette opslag? All syntes godt om og kommentarer bliver tabt."],"Archived":["Arkiveret"],"Sticked":["Sticked"],"Turn off notifications":["Slå notifikationer fra"],"Turn on notifications":["Slå notifikationer til"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink til dette opslag"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Stick"],"Unstick":["Af-stick"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noget endnu.
Vær den første og skriv noget..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Denne profil er stadig tom"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne side er stadig tom!
Start med at lave et opslag..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Dit dashboard er tomt!
Skriv noget på din profilvæg eller tilslut nogen sider!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Din profil stream er stadig tom
Kom i gang og post noget..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingenting fundet der matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"Back to stream":["Tilbage til stream"],"Content with attached files":["Indhold med vedhæftede filer"],"Created by me":["Oprettet af mig"],"Creation time":["Oprettelses tidspunkt"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverede opslag"],"Last update":["Seneste opdatering"],"Only private posts":["Kun private opslag"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige opslag"],"Posts only":["Kun opslag"],"Posts with links":["Opslag med links"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involveret"],"No public contents to display found!":["Intet offentligt indhold er fundet!"],"Directory":["Bibliotek"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlems Gruppe Bibliotek"],"show all members":["vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Bibliotek menu"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"User profile posts":["Bruger profil opslag"],"Member directory":["Medlems bibliotek"],"Follow":["Følg"],"No members found!":["Ingen medlemmer fundet!"],"Unfollow":["Følg ikke længere"],"search for members":["søg efter medlemmer"],"Space directory":["Side bibliotek"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen sider fundet!"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem af denne side"],"search for spaces":["Søg efter sider"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Der er ingen profilopslag endnu!"],"Group stats":["Gruppe statistik"],"Average members":["Gennemsnitlige medlemmer"],"Top Group":["Top Gruppe"],"Total groups":["Total grupper"],"Member stats":["Medlem statistik"],"New people":["Ny person"],"Follows somebody":["Følger nogen"],"Online right now":["Online lige nu"],"Total users":["Total brugere"],"See all":["Se alle"],"New spaces":["Nye sider"],"Space stats":["Side statistik"],"Most members":["Mest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private sider"],"Total spaces":["Total sider"],"Could not find requested file!":["Kunne ikke finde den ønskede fil!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Utilstrækkelige tilladelser!"],"Created By":["Oprettet af"],"Created at":["Oprettet den"],"File name":["Fil navn"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ugyldig Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum fil størrelse ({maxFileSize}) er overskredet!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Størrelse"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Denne filtype er ikke tilladt!"],"Updated at":["Opdateret den"],"Updated by":["Opdateret af"],"Upload error":["Upload fejl"],"Could not upload File:":["Kunne ikke uploade fil:"],"Upload files":["Upload filer"],"Create Admin Account":["Opret Admin Konto"],"Name of your network":["Navnet på dit netværk"],"Name of Database":["Navn på Database"],"Admin Account":["Admin Konto"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er næsten færdig. I det sidste trin skal du udfylde felterne for at oprette en admin kontro. Med denne konto kan du administrere hele netværket."],"Next":["Næste"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Selvfølgelig, dit nye sociale netværk skal bruge et navn. Venligst skift dette standard navn med noget du syntes om. (For eksempel navnet på dit firma, organisation eller klub)"],"Social Network Name":["Social Netværks Navn"],"Setup Complete":["Opsætning Udført"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tillykke. Du er færdig."],"Sign in":["Log ind"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Installationen blev udført med succes! God fornøjelse med dit nye sociale netværk."],"Setup Wizard":["Installations Guide"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Velkommen til HumHub
Dit Sociale Netværks værtøjskasse"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Denne installationsguide vil installere og konfigurere din egen HumHub.
Tryk næste for at fortsætte."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Yes, der er forbindelse til databasen!"],"Database Configuration":["Database Konfiguration"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Nedenunder skal du indtaste oplysningerne for at forbinde til din database. Hvis du ikke er sikker på dette, så kontakt din system administrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Værtsnavn til din MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost hvis MySQL er kørende på den samme maskine)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, der gik noget galt!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Navnet på databasen som du vil have HumHum til at køre i."],"Your MySQL password.":["Dit MySQL kodeord."],"Your MySQL username":["Dit MySQL brugernavn"],"System Check":["System Check"],"Check again":["Check igen"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tillykke! Alt ser ud til at være ok og klar til at starte forfra!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Denne oversigt viser alle systemkrav til HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Kunne ikke finde target class!"],"Could not find target record!":["Kunne ikke finde target record!"],"Invalid class given!":["Ugyldig class givet!"],"Users who like this":["Brugere som syntes godt om dette"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} syntes godt om {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% syntes godt om %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["Syntes godt om dette."],"You like this.":["Du syntes godt om dette."],"You
"],"Like":["Syntes godt om"],"Unlike":["Fjern syntes godt om"],"and {count} more like this.":["og {count} yderligere som disse."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kunne ikke fastslå omdirigerings url for denne type kilde objekt!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kunne ikke indlæse notifikation kilde objekt at omdirigere til!"],"New":["Ny"],"Mark all as seen":["Markér alle som set"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Der er ingen notifikationer endnu."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% oprettede et nyt opslag."],"Edit your post...":["Rediger dit opslag..."],"Read full post...":["Læs det fulde opslag..."],"Send & decline":["Send & afslå"],"Visible for all":["Synlig for alle"]," Invite and request":["Inviter og anmod"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Kunne ikke slette bruger som er en side-ejer! Navnet på siden: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan komme ind"],"Invite and request":["Inviter og anmod"],"Only by invite":["Kun ved invitation"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Usynlig)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gæster)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerede brugere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gæster)"],"Space is invisible!":["Siden er usynlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du skal logge ind for at se inholdet af denne side!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som ejer kan du ikke tilbagekalde din medlemskab!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kunne ikke anmode om medlemskab!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Der er ingen ventende invitation!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handling er kun tilgængelig for workspace medlemmer!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilladelse til at deltage på denne side!"],"Your password":["Din adgangskode"],"Invites":["Invitationer"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruger ved e-mail (komma separeret)"],"User is already member!":["Bruger er allerede medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registreret!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ugyldig!"],"Application message":["Applikations besked"],"Scope":["Område"],"Strength":["Styrke"],"Created At":["Oprettet den"],"Join Policy":["Deltagelses Politik"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Ejer"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Opdateret den"],"Visibility":["Synlighed"],"Website URL (optional)":["Hjemmeside URL (valgfrit)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke oprette private synlige sider!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke oprette offentlige synlige sider!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Vælg det område på dit billede som du vil gemme som bruger avatar og tryk Gem."],"Modify space image":["Rediger side billede"],"Delete space":["Slet side"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne side? Alt data og indhold vil blive fjernet!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Venligst skriv din adgangskode for at fortsætte!"],"General space settings":["Generelle side indstillinger"],"Archive":["Arkiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Vælg den type af medlemskab som du vil give til dette workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Vælg sikkerhedsgraden for dette workspace for at definere synlighed."],"Manage your space members":["Administrer dine side medlemmer"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Udestående sendte invitationer"],"Outstanding user requests":["Udestående sendte anmodninger"],"Remove member":["Fjern medlem"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Tillad denne bruger til
invitere andre brugere"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Tillad denne bruger til
at lade offentlig indhold"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne dette medlem fra denne side?"],"Can invite":["Kan invitere"],"Can share":["Kan dele"],"Change space owner":["Skift side ejer"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Eksterne brugere som er inviteret med email, vil ikke blive vist her."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["I området nedenunder, kan du se alle aktive medlemmer på denne side. Du kan redigere deres privilegier eller fjerne disse fra denne side."],"Is admin":["Er admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Gør denne bruger til admin"],"No, cancel":["Nej, afbryd"],"Remove":["Fjern"],"Request message":["Anmod om besked"],"Revoke invitation":["Tilbagekald invitation"],"Search members":["Søg medlemmer"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De følgende brugere venter på godkendelse for at deltage på denne side. Venligst gør noget ved det nu."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De følgende brugere er allerede blevet inviteret til denne side, men har ikke accepteret den endnu."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Side-ejeren er super admin en side, med alle privilegier og normalt opretteren af siden. Her kan du ændre denne rolle til en anden bruger."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, fjern"],"Space Modules":["Side Moduler"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Er du sikker? *ALLE* modul data for denne side vil blive slettet!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen tilgængelige moduler til denne side!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Udvid denne side med moduler."],"Create new space":["Opret ny side"],"Advanced access settings":["Avancerede adgangsindstillinger"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Tillad ikke-medlemmer til at se denne
side, men ikke have adgang"],"Create":["Opret"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Enhver bruger kan tilgå din side
uden din accept"],"For everyone":["For alle"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hvad skal navnet på siden være?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Venligst skriv en lille beskrivelse til andre brugere."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Denne side vil være usynlig
for alle ikke-medlemmer"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Brugere kan også anmode om
medlemskab til denne side"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Brugere kan kun blive tilføjet
ved invitation"],"space description":["side beskrivelse"],"space name":["side navn"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} anmoder om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} har accepteret din anmodning om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} har afslået din anmodning om medlemskab til denne side {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} inviterede dig til siden {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} accepterede din invitation til siden {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} afslog din invitation til siden {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne side er stadig tom!"],"Accept Invite":["Accepter invitation"],"Become member":["Bliv medlem"],"Cancel membership":["Annuller medlemskab"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annuller medlemskab applikation"],"Deny Invite":["Nægt invitation"],"Request membership":["Anmod om medlemskab"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Du er nu ejer af dette workspace."],"created by":["Oprettet af"],"Invite members":["Inviter medlemmer"],"Add an user":["Tilføjet en bruger"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter via e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruger?"],"Pick users":["Vælg brugere"],"Send":["Send"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["For at invitere brugere til denne side, så venligst skriv deres navne nedenunder og vælg."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brugere, som ikke er registreret. Bare tilføj deres e-mail adresser separeret med komma."],"Request space membership":["Anmod side medlemsskab","Anmod side medlemskab"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Venligst introducer dig selv, for at blive et anerkendt medlem af denne side."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Din anmodning er med succes sendt til vores side administratorer."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Brugere er blevet medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruger er blevet inviteret."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruger er ikke blevet inviteret."],"Back to workspace":["Tilbage til workspace"],"Space preferences":["Side præferencer"],"General":["Generelt"],"My Space List":["Min side Liste"],"My space summary":["Min side resumé"],"Space directory":["Side bibliotek"],"Space menu":["Side menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Skift billede"],"Current space image":["Nuværende side billede"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vil du virkelig slette din billede titel?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vil du virkelige slette dit profil billede?","Vil du virkelig slette dit profil billede?"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Something went wrong":["Noget gik galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Opslag"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Venligst kort introducer dig selv, for at blive et anerkendt medlem af dette workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Anmod om workspace medlemskab"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Din anmodning blev med succes afsendt til workspace administratorerne."],"Create new space":["Tilføj ny side"],"My spaces":["Mine sider","Mine Sider"],"Space info":["Side info"],"more":["mere"],"Accept invite":["Accepter invitation"],"Deny invite":["Afvis invitation"],"Leave space":["Forlad side"],"New member request":["Ny medlems anmodning"],"Space members":["Side medlemmer"],"End guide":["Afslut guide"],"Next »":["Næste »"],"« Prev":["« Forrige"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Det var alt lige nu."],"Modules":["Moduler"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Som admin, kan du administrere hele platformen herfra.
Bortset fra moduler, vi vil ikke gå ind i dybdegående detajler her. Som enhver har de sin egen korte beskrivelse andetsted."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du er lige nu i værktøjs menuer. Herfra kan du gå ind i HumHum markedsplads, hvor du kan installer et voksende nummer af værktøjer on-the-fly.
Som allerede nævnt, værktøjene udvider funktionerne og features tilgængelig på dine sider."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Du har nu lært omkring all af de mest vigtige features og indstillinger og er helt klar til at starte med at bruge platformen.
Vi håber du og alle fremtidige brugere vil nyde denne side. We ser frem til enhvert forslag og opbakning til vores projekt. Du er velkommen til at kontakte os via www.humbub.com
Stay tuned. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dette er dit dashboard.
Alle nylige aktiviteter eller opslag som måske interesserer dig vil fremgå her."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Moduler)"],"Edit account":["Rediger brugerkonto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! The End."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurry! Du er færdig!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menu"],"Profile photo":["Profil billede"],"Profile stream":["Profil stream"],"User profile":["Bruger Profil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klik på denne knap for at opdatere din profil og kontoindstillinger. Du kan også tilføje mere information til din profil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Hver profil har sin egen væg. Dine opslag vil også fremgå på de brugers dashboards som har valgt at følge dig."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Ligesom inde på en side, kan brugerprofilen blive personlig ved forskellige moduler.
Du kan se hvilke moduler der er tilgængelig til din profil ved at kigge i \"Moduler\" under kontoindstillinger menuen."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Dette er din offentlige bruger profil, som kan blive set af enhver registreret bruger."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Upload et ny profil billede nemt ved at klikke her eller drag&drop. Gør det samme for at opdatere dit cover billede."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du har fuldført bruger profil guiden!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Du har fuldført bruger profil guiden!
For at fortsætte til administrations guiden, så tryk her:
"],"Most recent activities":["Seneste aktiviteter"],"Posts":["Opslag"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Guide"],"Space":["Side"],"Space navigation menu":["Side navigations menu"],"Writing posts":["Skrive opslag"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Du er færdig."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Alle bruger som er medlem af denne side vil blive vist her.
Nye medlemmer kan blive tilføjet af dem der har fået adgangstilladelse fra sidens admin."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Giv andre brugere en kort ide om hvad siden handler om. Du kan tilføje de generelle informationer her.
Sidens admin kan indsætte og skifte siden's cover billede ved enten at trykke på det eller ved drag&drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nye opslag kan blive skrevet og sendt her."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Når du først har tilsluttet dig eller tilføjet en ny side hvor du kan arbejde, diskuter hovedpunkter eller del information med andre brugere.
Der er forskellige værktøjer til at personliggøre en side, hvorefter du laver arbejdsprocessen mere produktiv."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Det var det for denne gang med side guiden.
For at fortsætte til brugerprofil guiden, tryk her:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Dette er hvor du kan navigere siden - Hvor du kan finde hvilke moduler er aktive eller tilgængelige for en bestemt side du er i. Dette kan for eksempel være afstemninger, opgaver eller noter.
Kun sidens admin kan administrere sidens moduler."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Denne menu er kun synlig for sidens admins. Her kan du administrere din side, tilføje/blokere brugere og aktivere/deaktivere værtøjer for denne side."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["For at du er opdateret, vil andre brugeres aktiviteter på denne side vil blive vist her."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Din, og andre brugeres opslag vil blive vist her.
Disse kan også blive syntes godt om eller kommenteret på."],"Account Menu":["Konto Menu"],"Notifications":["Notifikationer"],"Space Menu":["Side Menu"],"Start space guide":["Start side guide"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ikke gå glip af ting!
Dette ikon vil holde op informeret om aktiviteter og opslap som vedrører dig direkte ."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Konto menuen giver dig adgang til dine privat indstillinger og tillader dig at administrere din offentlige profil."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Dette er den mest vigtige menu, og vil sikkert være den du bruger oftest
Tilgå alle sider du har tilsluttet dig til og opret nye sider her.
Den næste guide vil vise dig hvordan:"]," Remove panel":[" Fjern panel"],"Getting Started":["Kom godt Igang"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guide: Administration (Moduler)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guide: Oversigt"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guide: Sider"],"Guide: User profile":["Guide: Bruger profil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Bliv bekendt med hvordan du finder rundt på siden mest vigtige features med de følgende guides:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Denne bruger konto er ikke godkendt endnu!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Du er nødt til at logge ind for at se denne bruger profil!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Din adgangskode er forkert!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Du kan ikke skifte din adgangskode her."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ugyldigt link! Vær sikker på at du har indtastet den fulde url."],"Save profile":["Gem profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["The indtastede e-mail adresse er allerede i brug af en anden bruger."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Du kan ikke ændre din e-mail adresse her."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Opret konto"],"Current password":["Nuværende adgangskode"],"E-Mail change":["Ændre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send notifikationer?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ugyldig brugernavn/email eller adgangskode"],"New password":["Ny adgangskode"],"New password confirm":["Bekræft ny adgangskode"],"Remember me next time":["Husk mig næste gang"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Din konto er ikke blevet aktiveret af vores staff endnu."],"Your account is suspended.":["Din konto er blevet suspenderet."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Nulstilling af adgangskode er ikke mulig for denne konto type!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Nulstilling af adgangskode"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" blev ikke fundet!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailen er allerede i brug!- Prøv glemt adgangskode."],"Invalid language!":["Ugyldigt sprog!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Skjul panelet på dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighed"],"Default Space":["Standard side"],"Group Administrators":["Gruppe Administratorer"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Medlemmer kan oprette private sider"],"Members can create public spaces":["Medlemmer kan oprette offentlige sider"],"Birthday":["Birthday"],"City":["By"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Tilpasset"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Kvinde"],"Firstname":["Fornavn"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Køn"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Skjul alder i profil"],"Lastname":["Efternavn"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mand"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon Privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon Arbejde"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Stat"],"Street":["Vejnavn"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Adresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postnummer"],"Created by":["Oprettet af"],"Editable":["Redigér-bar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Felt Type kan ikke ændres!"],"Fieldtype":["Felt-type"],"Internal Name":["Internt Navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i brug!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internet navn kunne ikke ændres!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felt type!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribut"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun alfanumeriske tegn er tilladt!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil felt kategori"],"Required":["Kræves"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sorteringrækkefølge"],"Translation Category ID":["Oversættelses Kategori ID"],"Type Config":["Type Config"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Communication":["Kommunikation"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bogmærker"],"Datetime":["Datetime"],"Number":["Number"],"Select List":["Select List"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Text Area"],"%y Years":["%y År"],"Birthday field options":["Fødselsdags felt muligheder"],"Date(-time) field options":["Dato(-tid) felt muligheder"],"Show date/time picker":["Vis dato/tid vælger"],"Maximum value":["Maksimal værdi"],"Minimum value":["Minimum værdi"],"Number field options":["Nummer felt muligheder"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Et valg pr linje. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Vælg venligst:"],"Possible values":["Mulige værdier"],"Select field options":["Vælg venligst felt muligheder"],"Default value":["Standard værdi"],"Maximum length":["Maksimal længde"],"Minimum length":["Minimum længde"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regulært udtryk: Fejl-meddelelse"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regulært udtryk: Validering"],"Text Field Options":["Tekst felt muligheder"],"Validator":["Validering"],"Text area field options":["Text area felt muligheder"],"Authentication mode":["Godkendelses tilstand"],"New user needs approval":["Ny bruger skal bruge godkendelse"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Brugernavn kan kun indeholder bogstaver, tal, mellemrum og specialtegn (+-._)"],"Wall":["Væg"],"Change E-mail":["Skift E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Nuværende E-mail adresse"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Din e-mail adresse blev ændret med succes til {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Vi har lige sendt dig en bekræftelses e-mail til din nye adresse.
Venligst følg instruktioner i den."],"Change password":["Skift adgangskode"],"Password changed":["Adgangskode ændret"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Din adgangskode blev ændret med succes!","Din adgangskode blev succesfuldt ændret!"],"Modify your profile image":["Rediger Dit profil billede"],"Delete account":["Slet konto"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Er du sikker på, at du vil slette din konto?
Alle dine udgivede indhold vil blive fjernet!"],"Delete account":["Slet konto"],"Enter your password to continue":["Indtast din adgangskode for at fortsætte"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Beklager, som en ejer af et workspace er det ikke muligt for dig at slette kontoen!
Venligst tildel en anden som ejer eller slet dem."],"User details":["Bruger detaljer"],"User modules":["Bruger moduler"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Er du helt sikker? *ALLE* modul data vedrørende din profil vil blive slettet!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Udvid din profil med moduler."],"User settings":["Bruger indstillinger"],"Getting Started":["Kom godt i gang"],"Registered users only":["Kun registrerede brugere"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Synlig for alle (Også ikke-registrerede brugere)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Desktop Notifikationer"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notifikationer"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Få en desktop notifikation når du er online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Få en e-mail, ved hver aktivitet af andre brugere der følger dig eller arbejder
sammen med dig i et workspace."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Få en e-mail, når andre brugere kommenterer eller syntes godt om dine opslag."],"Account registration":["Konto registration"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Din konto er blevet oprettet succesfuldt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Efter aktivering af din konto, af en administrator, vil du modtage en notifikation via e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Gå til log ind side"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["For at logge ind med din nye konto, tryk på knappen nedenunder."],"back to home":["tilbage til hjem"],"Please sign in":["Venligst log ind"],"Sign up":["Registrér dig"],"Create a new one.":["Opret en ny."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Har du ikke en konto? Tilslut dig netværket ved at indtaste din e-mail adresse."],"Forgot your password?":["Glemt din adgangskode?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Hvis du allerede er medlem, venligst log ind med brugernavn/e-mail og adgangskode."],"Register":["Registrér"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["adgangskode"],"username or email":["brugernavn eller e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Bare indtast din e-mail adresse. Vi sender dig nulstillings instruktioner!"],"Reset password":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"enter security code above":["indtast sikkerheds kode ovenover"],"your email":["din e-mail"],"Password recovery!":["Nulstil adgangskode!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Vi har sendt dig en e-mail som indeholder et link der tillader dig at nulstille din adgangskode."],"Registration successful!":["Registrering successfuld!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Venligst check din e-mail og følg instruktionerne!"],"Password reset":["Nulstille adgangskode"],"Change your password":["Skift din adgangskode"],"Change password":["Skift adgangskode"],"Password changed!":["Adgangskode skiftet!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bekræft din nye e-mail adresse"],"Confirm":["Bekræft"],"Hello":["Hej"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du har anmodet om ændring af din e-mail adresse.
Din e-mail adresse er {newemail}
For at bekræfte din nye e-mail adresse venligst tryk på knappen nedenunder."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hej {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Hvis du ikke bruger dette link inden 24 timer, så udløber det."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Venligst brug følgende link inden næste dag for at ændre din adgangskode."],"Reset Password":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"Registration Link":["Registrerings Link"],"Sign up":["Opret"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Velkommen til %appName%. Venligst tryk på knappen nedenunder for at fortsætte din registrering."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Et socialt netværk for at udvide din kommunikation og teamwork.
Registrer dig nu for at tilstutte dig denne side."],"Space Invite":["Side invitation"],"You got a space invite":["Du har fået en side invitation"],"invited you to the space:":["Inviterede dig til siden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} nævnte dig i {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} følger dig nu."],"About this user":["Om denne bruger"],"Modify your title image":["Rediger din billede titel"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Denne profil stream er stadig tom!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vil du virkelig slette dit logo billede?"],"Account settings":["Konto indstillinger"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Rediger konto"],"Following":["Følger"],"Following user":["Følger bruger"],"User followers":["Bruger følgere"],"Member in these spaces":["Medlemmer på denne side"],"User tags":["Bruger tags"],"No birthday.":["Ingen fødselsdag."],"Back to modules":["Tilbage til moduler"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Fødselsdag Modul konfiguration"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Antallet af dage fremtidige fødselsdage vil blive vist."],"Tomorrow":["Imorgen"],"Upcoming":["Kommende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kan indstille, antallet af dage som vises i kommende fødselsdage."],"becomes":["bliver"],"birthdays":["fødselsdage"],"days":["dage"],"today":["i dag"],"years old.":["år gammel."],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markér som uset for alle brugere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking News Konfiguration"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Bemærk: Du kan bruge markdown syntaks."],"End Date and Time":["Slut Dato og Tid"],"Recur":["Gentage sig"],"Recur End":["Gentage sig slut"],"Recur Interval":["Gentage sig Interval"],"Recur Type":["Gentage sig type"],"Select participants":["Vælg deltagere"],"Start Date and Time":["Start Dato og Tid"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at tilgå dette event!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Du har ikke adgang til at oprette events!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Tilføjer en kalender for private eller offentlige events til din profil og mainmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Tilføjer en event kalender til denne side"],"All Day":["Hele dagen"],"Attending users":["Deltagende brugere"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Ikke-deltagende brugere"],"End Date":["Slut Dato"],"End time must be after start time!":["Slut tidspunkt skal være efter start tidspunkt!"],"Event":["Event"],"Event not found!":["Event ikke fundet!"],"Maybe attending users":["Måske deltagende brugere"],"Participation Mode":["Deltagelses tilstand"],"Start Date":["Start Dato"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at slette dette event!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Du har ikke adgang til at redigere dette event!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% oprettede et nyt %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager til %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager måske til %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% deltager ikke til %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Start Dato/Tid"],"Create event":["Opret event"],"Edit event":["Rediger event"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Bemærk: Dette event vil blive oprettet på din profil. For at oprette en side event skal du åbne kalenderen på den ønskede side."],"End Date/Time":["Slut Dato/Tid"],"Everybody can participate":["Alle kan deltage"],"No participants":["Ingen deltagere"],"Participants":["Deltagere"],"Created by:":["Oprettet af:"],"Edit this event":["Rediger dette event"],"I´m attending":["Jeg deltager"],"I´m maybe attending":["Jeg deltager måske"],"I´m not attending":["Jeg deltager ikke"],"Attend":["Deltag"],"Maybe":["Måske"],"Filter events":["Filter events"],"Select calendars":["Vælg Kalendere"],"Already responded":["Allerede svaret"],"Followed spaces":["Fulgte sider"],"Followed users":["Fulgte brugere"],"My events":["Mine events"],"Not responded yet":["Ikke svaret endnu"],"Upcoming events ":["Kommende events"],":count attending":[":count deltager"],":count declined":[":count afslået"],":count maybe":[":count måske"],"Participants:":["Deltagere:"],"Create new Page":["Opret ny Side"],"Custom Pages":["Tilpassede Sider"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigation"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen tilpassede sider er oprettet endnu!"],"Sort Order":["Sorteringsrækkefølge"],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigation"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruger Profil menu (Indstillinger)"],"Create page":["Opret side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Content":["Indhold"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorteringsrækkefølge: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Element rækkefølgen blev succesfuldt ændret."],"Toggle view mode":["Toggle visningstilstand"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at omarrangere kategorier!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekræft kategori sletning"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekræft link sletning"],"Delete category":["Slet kategori"],"Delete link":["Slet link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Vil du virkelig slette denne kategori? Alle tilsluttede links vil gå tabt!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Vil du virkelig slette dette link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Udvid link valideringen med en test af forbindelsen."],"Linklist":["Linkliste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Linkliste Modul Konfiguration"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Ønsket kategori kunne ikke findes."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Ønsket link kunne ikke findes."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis links som en widget til højre."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien som du vil oprette dit link i, kunne ikke blive fundet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Der er ikke blevet oprettet nogen links eller kategorier til denne side endnu."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere den udvidede validering af links for en side eller bruger."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettigheder til tilføj/rediger links!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettigheder til tilføj/rediger kategorier!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at slette dette link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at slette denne kategori!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettigheder for at redigere dette link!"],"Messages":["Beskeder"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en besked til dig selv!"],"Recipient":["Modtager"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny besked fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brugere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny besked i samtalen med %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny besked"],"Reply now":["Svar nu"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte dig en ny besked:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte dig en ny besked i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Tilføj flere deltagere til din samtale..."],"Add user...":["Tilføj bruger..."],"New message":["Ny besked"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger besked"],"Messagebox":["Meddelelsesboks"],"Inbox":["Indbakke"],"There are no messages yet.":["Der er ingen beskeder endnu."],"Write new message":["Skriv ny besked"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekræft sletning af samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekræft afslutning af samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekræft sletning af besked"],"Add user":["Tilføj bruger"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Vil du virkelig gerne slette denne samtale?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Vil du virkelig gerne slette denne besked?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Vil du virkelig gerne forlade denne samtale"],"Leave":["Forlad"],"Leave discussion":["Forlad diskussion"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv et svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruger Opslag"],"Sign up now":["Opret nu"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle beskeder"],"Send message":["Send besked"],"No users.":["Ingen brugere"],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Antallen af brugere må ikke være større end 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Antallet af brugere må ikke være negativt."],"Most active people":["Mest aktive personer"],"Get a list":["Få en liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Mest Aktive Brugere Modul konfiguration"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Antallet af mest aktive brugere som vil blive vist."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du må gerne konfigurere antal brugere som skal vises."],"Comments created":["Kommentarer oprettet"],"Likes given":["Syntes godt om givet"],"Posts created":["Opslag oprettet"],"Notes":["Noter"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Nøgle"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL til Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Kunne ikke indhente note indhold!"],"Could not get note users!":["Kunne ikke indhente note brugere!"],"Note":["Note"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} Oprettede et nyt notat {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} har arbejdet på notatet {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["API Forbindelse udført!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Kunne ikke forbinde til API!"],"Current Status:":["Nuværende Status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notes Modul Konfiguration"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Venligst læs modul dokumentationen i /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for yderligere detaljer!"],"Save & Test":["Gem & Test"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Note modulet skal bruge etherpad server kørende!"],"Save and close":["Gem og luk"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} tilføjede en ny note og har tilføjet dig."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} har arbejdet på notatet {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Åbn note"],"Title of your new note":["Titelen på din nye note"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen noter blev fundet med dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Der er ingen notater endnu!"],"Polls":["Afstemninger"],"Could not load poll!":["Kunne ikke indlæse afstemning!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ugyldigt svar!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Brugere stemte på: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Afstemning for flere svar er deaktiveret!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Du har utilstrækkelig adgang til at udføre denne opgave!"],"Answers":["Svar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Flere svar pr bruger"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Venligst specificer mindst {min} svar!"],"Question":["Spørgsmål"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} stemte på {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} oprettede et nyt {question}."],"User who vote this":["Bruger som stemte dette"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} oprettede en ny afstemning og tilføjede dig."],"Ask":["Spørg"],"Reset my vote":["Nulstil min stemme"],"Vote":["Stemme"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["og {count} yderligere stemmer for dette."],"votes":["stemmer"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Tillad flere stemmer pr bruger!"],"Ask something...":["Spørg om noget..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mulige svar (et pr linje)"],"Display all":["Vis alle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen aftemning fundet som matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Der er ingen afstemninger endnu!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Der er ingen afstemninger endnu!
Vær den første og opret en..."],"Asked by me":["Tilføjet af mig"],"No answered yet":["Ingen svar endnu"],"Only private polls":["Kun private afstemninger"],"Only public polls":["Kun offentlige afstemninger"],"Manage reported posts":["Administrer anmeldte opslag"],"Reported posts":["Anmeldte opslag"],"by :displayName":["af :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hører ikke til på siden"],"Offensive":["Angribende"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Her kan du administrere anmeldte bruger opslag."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag som angribende."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag som spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["En bruger har anmeldt dit opslag fordi det ikke hører til på siden."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% som angribende."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% som spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% har anmeldt %contentTitle% fordi det ikke hører til på siden."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Her kan du administrere anmeldte opslag for denne side."],"Appropriate":["Passende"],"Delete post":["Slet opslag"],"Reason":["Grundlag"],"Reporter":["Anmelder"],"Tasks":["Opgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke få adgang til opgave!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilføjet til opgaven {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} oprettede opgaven {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} afsluttede opgaven {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tilføjede dig til opgaven {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} oprettede en ny opgave {task}."],"This task is already done":["Denne opgave er allerede lavet"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Du er ikke tilføjet til denne opgave"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klik for at afslutte denne opgave"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Denne opgave er allerede lavet. Tryk for at genåbne"],"My tasks":["Mine opgaver"],"From space: ":["Fra side:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen opgaver fundet som matcher dit nuværende filter!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Der er ingen opgaver endnu!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Der er ingen opgaver endnu!
Vær den første og opret en..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildelt til mig"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilføjet"],"State is finished":["Status er færdig"],"State is open":["Status er åben"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilføj brugere til denne opgave"],"Deadline for this task?":["Deadline for denne opgave?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Prætildel bruger(e) til denne opgave"],"What to do?":["Hvad skal gøres?"],"Translation Manager":["Oversættelses Manager"],"Translations":["Oversættelser"],"Translation Editor":["Oversættelses Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekræft side sletning"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bekræft side nulstilling"],"Overview of all pages":["Oversigt over alle sider"],"Page history":["Side historik"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Tilføjet et wiki til denne side"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Tilføjet et wiki til din profil"],"Back to page":["Tilbage til side"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne side?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vil du virkelig nulstille denne side?"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Edited at":["Redigeret den"],"Go back":["Gå tilbage"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ugyldigt tegn i sidetitel!"],"Let's go!":["Let's go!"],"Main page":["Forside"],"New page":["Ny side"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Ingen oprettede sider endnu. So det er op til dig.
opret en først."],"Page History":["Side historik"],"Page title already in use!":["Side titel er allerede i brug!"],"Revert":["Nulstil"],"Revert this":["Nulstil denne"],"View":["Se"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["af"],"Wiki page":["Wiki side"],"Create new page":["Opret ny side"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Indtast en wiki side navn eller url (e.g. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Ny side titel"],"Page content":["Side indhold"],"Search":["Søg"],"Allow":["Tillad"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Afslå"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Venligst indtast mindst 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Der opstod en intern server fejl."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke tilladelse til at udføre denne handling."],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Tilføj købt modul med licens nøgle"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n\n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\n\n Klik her for at logge ind:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Venligste hilsener
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\n\n Din konto oprettelse er blevet afslået.
\n\n Venligste hilsener
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-Mail Adresse Attribut"],"Server Timezone":["Server Tidszone"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Vis delings panel på dashboard"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard Indholds Visning"],"Security":["Sikkerhed"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen købe moduler er fundet!"],"search for available modules online":["Søg efter tilgængelige moduler online"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub er på nuværende tidspunkt i fejlsøgnings tilstand. Deaktiver dette når du skal køre normalt."],"See installation manual for more details.":["Se installations manualen for flere detaljer."],"Purchases":["Købte"],"Enable module...":["Aktiver modul..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Køb (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installerer modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Licens Nøgle:"],"Updating module...":["Opdaterer modul"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Attribut for E-Mail adresse. Standard: "mail""],"Last login":["Seneste login"],"never":["aldrig"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oprettede et nyt {contentTitle}."],"Share your opinion with others":["Del din mening med andre"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Slå en besked op på Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Del på Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Del med folk på LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweet omkring HumHub"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Downloader og installerer moduler..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Vi leder efter fede nye slogans til nye kendte mærker. Måske du kan komme med nogle idéer?"],"Welcome Space":["Velkomst Side"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Du har lige installeret HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Din første prøve side til at udforske platformen."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Lav et eksempel indhold (Anbefalet)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Tillad adgang for ikke-registrerede bruger til offentligt indhold (gæste adgang)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Ekstern bruger kan registrere sig (Registreringen formularen vil blive vist på login siden)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nylig registrerede brugere skal aktiveres af en admin først"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrerede brugere kan invitere nye brugere via email"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Jeg vil bruge Humhub til:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du er næsten færdig. I denne skridt skal du udfylde formularen for at oprette en admin konto. Med denne konto kan du administrere hele netværket."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub er meget fleksibelt og kan blive justeret og/eller udvidet til diverse applikationer takke være de forskellige moduler. De følgende moduler er kun et par eksempler og de vi syntes der er mest vigtig for din valgte applikation.
Du kan altid installere eller fjerne moduler senere. Du kan finde flere tilgængelige moduler efter installationen i admin området."],"Recommended Modules":["Anbefalede Modules"],"Example contents":["Eksempel indhold"],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Du syntes godt om dette."],"Search results":["Søge resultater"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanceret søge indstillinger"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søg efter bruger, sider og indhold"],"Private":["Privat"],"Members":["BrugereChange Owner":["Skift Ejer"],"General settings":["Generelle Indstillinger"],"Security settings":["Sikkerheds indstillinger"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som ejer af denne side så kan du overføre rettighederne til en anden administrator på denne side."],"Color":["Farve"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør ejerskab"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Vælg om nyt indhold som standard skal være offentlig eller privat"],"Manage members":["Administrer brugere"],"Manage permissions":["Administrer tilladelser"],"Pending approvals":["Afventende godkendelser"],"Pending invitations":["Afventende invitationer"],"Add Modules":["TilføjModuler"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem af denne side og der er ikke noget offentlig indhold, endnu!"],"Done":["Færdig"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Afbryd Medlemsskab"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul opslag på dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis opslag på dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valg vil skjule nyt indhold fra denne side på dit dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valg vil vise nyt indhold fra denne side på dit dashboard"],"Get complete members list":["Få komplet brugerliste"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Træk et billede hertil eller klik for at gennemgå dine filer"],"Hide my year of birth":["Skul mit fødselsår"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Hejsa %firstname%, Tak for at du bruger HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Du er den første bruger.... Yehaaa! Vær et skinnende eksempel og udfør din profil,
så at kommende brugere ved hvem der er den øverste herinde og hvem de kan komme til med spørgsmål."],"Your firstname":["Dit fornavn"],"Your lastname":["Dit efternavn"],"Your mobild phone number":["Dit mobilnummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Dit arbejdsnummer"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Dine færdigheder, kendskab og erfaring (komma sepereret)"],"Your title or position":["Din titel eller position"],"Confirm new password":["Bekræft ny adgangskode"],"TimeZone":["Tidszone"],"Create Account":["Opret profil"],"Password recovery":["Genoprettelse af adgangskode"],"Registration successful":["Registrering successfuld!"],"Password reset":["Nulstil adgangskode"],"End Time":["Slut tidspunkt"],"Start Time":["Start Tidspunkt"],"Edit event":["Rediger event"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Uden at tilføje til navigation (Direkte link)"],"Add Dropbox files":["Tilføjet Dropbox filer"],"Invalid file":["Ugyldig fil"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API nøgle"],"Show warning on posting":["Vis advarsel i opslag"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox opslag"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox Modul Konfiguration"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Dropbox modulet skal bruge en aktiv dropbox konto. Venligst gå til denne side, vælg \"Drop-ins app\" og giv et app navn for at få din API nøgle."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox indstillinger"],"Describe your files":["Beskriv dine filer"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Beklager, Dropbox modulet er ikke konfigureret endnu! Venligst kontakt administratoren."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Dropbox modulet er ikke konfigureret endnu! Venligst konfigurer det her."],"Select files from dropbox":["Vælg filer fra dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Advarsel! Du deler private filer"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Vis ikke denne advarsel fremover"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Filer som du vil dele er private. For at dele filerne på din side så har har vi lavet et delt link. Alle med dette link kan se filen.
Er du sikker på du vil dele?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, jeg er sikker"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ugyldig Enterprise Edition Licens"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registrer Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Afmeld Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Venligst udfyld din HumHub - Enterprise Edition licens nøgle herunder. Hvis du ikke har en licens endnu, kan du få en her %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Venligst registrer din HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Venligst opdater din HumHub - Enterprise Edition licens!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrering udført med succes!"],"Validating...":["Validerer..."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Licens"],"Licence Serial Code":["Licens Serie nøgle"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below.":["Venligst specificer din Enterprise Edition Licens nøgle herunder."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Skift type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Opret ny %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Opret ny side type"],"Delete space type":["Slet side type"],"Edit space type":["Rediger side type"],"Manage space types":["Håndtér side type"],"Create new type":["Opret ny type"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["For at slette side typen \"{type}\" så er du nødt til at angive en alternativ type for eksisterende side."],"Types":["Typer"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Tilføjet et ny link %link% til kategorien \"%category%\""],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgængelig"],"list":["Liste"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en mail til dig selv!","Du kan ikke sende en besked til dig selv!"],"Add recipients":["Tilføjet modtagere"],"Delete conversation":["Slet samtale"],"Leave conversation":["Forlad samtale"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Igen? ;Weary;"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} besvarede {question}."],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Hvorfor vil du anmelde dette opslag?"],"created by :displayName":["Lavet af :displayName"],"Confirm post deletion":["Bekræft sletning af opslag"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bekræft sletning af anmeldelse"],"Delete report":["Slet anmeldelse"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne anmeldelse?"],"There are no reported posts.":["Der er ingen rapporterede opslag"],"Does not belong to this space":["Hører ikke til på denne side"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Hjælp os med at forstå hvad der sker"],"It's offensive":["Det er irriterende eller uinteressant"],"It's spam":["Det er spam"],"Report post":["Anmeld opslag"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tildelt(e) bruger(e)"],"Deadline":["Deadline"],"Task":["Opgave"],"Create new task":["Opret ny opgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger opgave"],"Assign users":["Tildel bruger(e)"],"What is to do?":["Hvad skal laves?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekræft sletning"],"Add Task":["Tilføj opgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vil du virkelig slette denne opgave?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åbne opgaver..."],"completed tasks":["udførte opgaver"],"Open wiki page...":["Åbn wiki side..."],"comment":["Kommentar"],"post":["Opslag"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulet er ikke aktiveret i denne indholdscontainer!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definerer filteret for at anvende, når der er forsøgt på at logge ind. %s udskrifter brugernavnet ved login. Eksempel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Hører ikke til på denne side"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\r\n\r\n din konto er blevet aktiveret.
\r\n\r\n Klik her for at logge ind:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Venligste hilsener
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hej {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Din konto oprettelse er blevet afslået.
\r\n\r\n Venligste hilsener
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Pinned":["Pinned"],"Unpinned":["Af-stick"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Ekstern bruger kan registrere sig (Registreringen formularen vil blive vist på login siden)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/de/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/de/archive.json
index 1b0e77b9ea..9b52326041 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/de/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/de/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Letzte Aktualisierungen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Account settings":["Kontoeinstellungen"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Zurück"],"Back to dashboard":["Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Choose language:":["Sprache wählen:"],"Collapse":["Einklappen","Verbergen","Zusammenklappen"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Die Quelle des Addons muss eine Instanz von HActiveRecordContent oder HActiveRecordContentAddon sein!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kann Content Container nicht finden."],"Could not find content of addon!":["Der Inhalt des Addons konnte nicht gefunden werden!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Kann gesuchtes Modul nicht finden!"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Expand":["Erweitern"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen um Inhalte zu erstellen!"],"Invalid request.":["Ungültige Anfrage."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Du hast womöglich den falschen Weg eingeschlagen."],"Keyword:":["Suchbegriff:"],"Language":["Sprache"],"Latest news":["Neuigkeiten"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Ausloggen"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Dieses Modul ist in diesem Content Container nicht aktiviert!"],"My profile":["Mein Profil","Aus meinem Profil"],"New profile image":["Neues Profilbild"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nichts gefunden!"],"Oooops...":["Uuuups..."],"Results":["Ergebnisse"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Search for users and spaces":["Suche nach Benutzern und Spaces"],"Show more results":["Mehr Ergebnisse anzeigen"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Entschuldige, nichts gefunden!"],"Space not found!":["Space nicht gefunden!"],"User Approvals":["Benutzerfreigaben"],"User not found!":["Benutzer nicht gefunden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Willkommen bei %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du hast nicht genügend Rechte um öffentlich sichtbaren Inhalt zu erstellen!"],"Your daily summary":["Deine tägliche Übersicht"],"Login required":["Anmelden erforderlich"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du hast keine Berechtigung für diesen Vorgang."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Das globale {global} Array wurde mit der {method} Methode bereinigt."],"Upload error":["Upload Fehler"],"Close":["Schließen","Schliessen"],"Add image/file":["Bild/Datei einfügen "],"Add link":["Link einfügen"],"Bold":["Fett"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Trage eine URL ein (z.B. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Überschrift"],"Image":["Bild"],"Image/File":["Bild/Datei"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Hyperlink einfügen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Hyperlink Bild einfügen "],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Wird hochgeladen..."],"Preview":["Vorschau"],"Quote":["Zitat"],"Target":["Ziel"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Link Name"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Code hier einfügen"],"emphasized text":["Hervorgehobener Text"],"enter image description here":["Gib hier eine Bildbeschreibung ein"],"enter image title here":["Gib hier einen Bildtitel ein"],"enter link description here":["Gib hier eine Linkbeschreibung ein "],"heading text":["Überschrift"],"list text here":["Listen-Element "],"quote here":["Zitiere hier"],"strong text":["Fetter Text"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Es konnnte keine Aktivität für diesen Objekttyp erstellt werden!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% erstellte einen neuen Space »%spaceName%«."],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% hat diesen Space erstellt."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ist dem Space »%spaceName%« beigetreten"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ist diesem Space beigetreten."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% hat den Space »%spaceName%« verlassen"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% hat diesen Space verlassen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} folgt nun {user2}."],"see online":["online anzeigen","online ansehen"],"via":["über","via"],"Latest activities":["Letzte Aktivitäten"],"There are no activities yet.":["Noch keine Aktivitäten."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Zugang für '{displayName}' wurde genehmigt."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Zugang für '{displayName}' wurde abgelehnt."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\n\n Hier klicken um Dich einzuloggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Mit freundlichem Gruß
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\n \n Klicke hier um dich anzumelden:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Gruppe nicht gefunden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kann das Modul nicht deinstallieren! Modul ist geschützt!"],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modul Verzeichnis %path% ist nicht beschreibbar!"],"Saved":["Gespeichert"],"Database":["Datenbank"],"No theme":["Kein Thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Konnte LDAP nicht laden! - Prüfe bitte die PHP Extension"],"File":["Datei"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Kein Caching (Nur zu Testzwecken!)","Kein Caching (nur für Testzwecke!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Keine - bei der Registrierung Drop-Down Auswahl zeigen"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Gespeichert und Cache bereinigt"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokal"],"Become this user":["Als dieser Benutzer anmelden"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Disabled":["Deaktivieren"],"Enabled":["Aktivieren"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Unapproved":["Nicht genehmigt"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Administratoren können sich nicht selbst löschen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kann Kategorie nicht laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kannst nur leere Kategorien löschen!"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Message":["Nachricht"],"Subject":["Betreff","Beschreibung"],"Base DN":["Basis DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Eigenschaften der E-Mail-Adresse"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiviere LDAP Unterstützung"],"Encryption":["Verschlüsselung"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["automatische Aktualisierung der Benutzer"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Passwort"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Benutzer Filter"],"Username":["Benutzername"],"Username Attribute":["Benutzer Attribute"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Erlaube eingeschränkten Zugriff für Gäste"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme Benutzer können sich registrieren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standardgruppe für neue Benutzer"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard Profilsichtbarkeit"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Benutzer können neue Nutzer per E-Mail einladen"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Benötige Freigabe eines Gruppenadministrators nach Registrierung"],"Base URL":["Basis URL"],"Default language":["Standardsprache"],"Default space":["Standardspace"],"Invalid space":["Ungültiger Space"],"Logo upload":["Logo hochladen"],"Name of the application":["Name der Anwendung"],"Server Timezone":["Zeitzone des Servers"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Zeige Einführungstour für neue Benutzer"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standardablaufzeit (in Sekunden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Erweiterung fehlt - Typ nicht verfügbar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Erweiterung fehlt - Typ nicht verfügbar!"],"Dropdown space order":["Space-Sortierung"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standardanzahl der Einträge pro Seite"],"Display Name (Format)":["Anzeigename (Format)"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Erlaubte Dateierweiterungen"],"Convert command not found!":["Befehl zum Konvertieren nicht gefunden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Ungültige Image Magick Antwort - Korrektes Kommando?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick Convert Kommando (Optional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maximale Datei Upload Größe (in MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Benutze X-Sendfile für Datei Downloads"],"Administrator users":["Administratoren"],"Description":["Beschreibung"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Name":["Name"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-Mail Absenderadresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-Mail Absendername"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail Transport Typ"],"Port number":["Portnummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Ziel Url"],"Url Prefix":["Url Prefix"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Kein Proxy Host"],"Server":["Server"],"User":["Benutzer"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins können jeden Inhalt löschen"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard Beitrittseinstellung"],"Default Visibility":["Standard Sichtbarkeit"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML Tracking Code"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modul Verzeichnis für Modul %moduleId% existiert bereits!"],"Could not extract module!":["Konnte Modul nicht entpacken!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Konnte Modul Liste online nicht abrufen! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Konnte Modul Info online nicht abrufen! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Herunterladen des Moduls fehlgeschlagen!!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modul Verzeichnis %modulePath% nicht beschreibbar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modul Download fehlgeschlagen! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Keine kompatible Version gefunden!"],"Activated":["Aktiviert"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aktuell sind keine Module installiert. Installiere welche und erweitere so die Funktionen von HumHub!"],"Version:":["Version:"],"Installed":["Installiert"],"No modules found!":["Keine Module gefunden!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle Module sind auf dem neusten Stand!"],"About HumHub":["Über HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Aktuell installierte Version: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lizenzen"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Es ist ein Update verfügbar! (Version: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Diese HumHub-Installation ist auf dem aktuellen Stand!"],"Accept":["Freigeben"],"Decline":["Absagen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Benutzer: {displayName} akzeptieren"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Send & save":["Senden & Speichern"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Ablehnen & Löschen des Benutzers: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-Mail","E-Mail Adresse"],"Search for email":["Suche nach E-Mail"],"Search for username":["Suche nach Benutzername"],"Pending user approvals":["Ausstehende Benutzerfreigaben"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier siehst du eine Liste aller registrierten Benutzer die noch auf eine Freigabe warten."],"Delete group":["Lösche Gruppe"],"Delete group":["Gruppe löschen"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Um die Gruppe »{group}« zu löschen, musst du die vorhandenen Benutzer einer anderen Gruppe zuordnen:"],"Create new group":["Erstelle neue Gruppe"],"Edit group":["Gruppe bearbeiten"],"Group name":["Gruppen Name"],"Manage groups":["Gruppen verwalten"],"Search for description":["Suche nach Beschreibung"],"Search for group name":["Suche nach Gruppen Name"],"Create new group":["Neue Gruppe erstellen"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Du kannst Benutzer in verschiedene Gruppen aufteilen (z.B. Teams, Abteilungen, usw.) und ihnen einen Standard-Space und Administratoren zuweisen."],"Error logging":["Fehler Protokollierung"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Zeige {count} Einträge pro Seite."],"Flush entries":["Lösche Einträge"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Insgesamt {count} Einträge gefunden."],"Available updates":["Verfügbare Aktualisierungen"],"Browse online":["Online durchsuchen"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Module erweitern die Funktionen von HumHub. Hier kannst du Module aus dem Marktplatz installieren und verwalten."],"Module details":["Modul Informationen "],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Dieses Modul stellt keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügung."],"Processing...":["Verarbeite..."],"Modules directory":["Modul Verzeichnis"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Bist Du sicher? *ALLE* Modul Daten gehen verloren!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Bist Du sicher? *ALLE* Modul abhängigen Daten und Dateien gehen verloren!"],"Configure":["Konfigurieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"More info":["Mehr Informationen","Weitere Informationen"],"Set as default":["Als Standard festlegen"],"Uninstall":["Deinstallieren"],"Install":["Installieren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Letzte kompatible Version:"],"Latest version:":["Letzte Version:"],"Installed version:":["Installierte Version:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Letzte kompatible Version:"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Als Standard festlegen"],"Always activated":["Immer aktiviert"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivieren"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kannst du entscheiden ob ein Modul automatisch innerhalb eines Space oder in einem Benutzerprofil aktiviert sein soll oder nicht. Soll das Modul immer aktiviert sein, wähle \"Immer aktiviert\"."],"Spaces":["Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Benutzerprofile"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Eine neue HumHub Version (%version%) ist erhältlich."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authentifizierung - Grundeinstellung"],"Basic":["Allgemein"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authentifizierung - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL wird in Produktivumgebungen favorisiert, da dies die Übertragung von Passwörtern in Klartext verhindert."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Filter der angewendet wird, sobald sich ein Benutzer anmeldet. %uid ersetzt den Benutzername während der Anmeldung. Beispiel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribute für Benutzernamen. Beispiel: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Zugriff auf Benutzer beschränken die diese Kriterien erfüllen. Beispiel: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Fehler! (Meldung: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Benutzer)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Die Standard Basis DN zum Suchen der Benutzeraccounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Das Standard Passwort."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Der Standard Benutzername. Einige Server benötigen den Benutzername in DN Form."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Einstellungen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Speichern & Cache leeren"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Einstellungen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab des Benutzers: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Letze Ausführung (täglich):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Letzte Ausführung (stündlich):"],"Never":["Nie"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oder Crontab des root Benutzers"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Bitte stelle sicher, dass folgende Cronjobs eingerichtet sind:"],"Alphabetical":["Alphabetisch"],"Last visit":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Design settings":["Design Einstellungen"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Vorname Nachname (e.g. Max Mustermann)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Benutzername (e.g. max)"],"File settings":["Datei Einstellungen"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separierte Liste (CSV). Leer lassen um alle zu erlauben."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Derzeitige Bild Bibliothek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ist dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, wird die Standard-Bildhöhe von 200px genutzt."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ist dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, wird die Standard-Bildbreite von 200px genutzt."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meldet ein Maximum von {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Standard Einstellungen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bestätige das Löschen des Bildes"],"Dashboard":["Übersicht"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["z.B. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Neue Benutzer werden automatisch diesen Space(s) hinzugefügt."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du benutzt momentan kein eigenes Logo. Lade dein eigenes Logo hoch."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing Einstellungen"],"Activities":["Aktivitäten"],"Always":["Immer","Sofort"],"Daily summary":["Tägliche Zusammenfassung"],"Defaults":["Standardeinstellungen"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Lege die Standardeinstellung fest, zu wann ein Benutzer per E-Mail über Benachrichtungen oder neuen Aktivitäten informiert wird. Diese Einstellung kann vom Benutzer in den Konto Einstellungen überschrieben werden.","Lege die Standardeinstellung fest, zu wann ein Benutzer per E-Mail über Benachrichtigungen oder neue Aktivitäten informiert wird. Diese Einstellung kann vom Benutzer in den Konto Einstellungen überschrieben werden."],"Notifications":["Mitteilungen"],"Server Settings":["Server Einstellungen"],"When I´m offline":["Wenn ich offline bin"],"Mailing settings":["Mailing Einstellungen"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Optionen"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Anbieter"],"Add new provider":["Neuen Anbieter hinzufügen"],"Currently active providers:":["Derzeit eingerichtete Anbieter:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Aktuell sind keine Anbieter eingerichtet!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Hinzufügen eines OEmbed Anbieters (Infos unter: http://oembed.com/)"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Bearbeite OEmbed Anbieter"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefix OHNE http:// or https:// (Bsp.: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Benutze %url% als Platzhalter für die URL. Als Format muss JSON zurückgegeben werden. (Bsp.: http://www.youtube.de/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy Einstellungen"],"Security settings and roles":["Sicherheits- Einstellungen und Regeln"],"Self test":["Selbst- Test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Prüfe HumHub Software Voraussetzungen"],"Re-Run tests":["Tests neu starten"],"Statistic settings":["Statistik Einstellungen"],"All":["Global"],"Delete space":["Space löschen"],"Edit space":["Space bearbeiten"],"Search for space name":["Suche nach Space Name"],"Search for space owner":["Suche nach Space Besitzer"],"Space name":["Space Name"],"Space owner":["Space Besitzer"],"View space":["Space anzeigen"],"Manage spaces":["Verwalten der Spaces"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Stelle hier die allgemeinen Vorgaben für neue Spaces ein."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In dieser Übersicht kannst Du jeden Space finden und verwalten."],"Overview":["Übersicht"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Space Settings":["Space Einstellungen"],"Add user":["Benuzter hinzufügen"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Willst du diesen Benutzer wirklich löschen? Wenn dieser Benutzer Besitzer eines Space ist, wirst du neuer Besitzer."],"Delete user":["Benutzer löschen"],"Delete user: {username}":["Benutzer löschen: {username}"],"Edit user":["Benutzer bearbeiten"],"never":["Nie"],"Admin":["Administrator"],"Delete user account":["Lösche Benutzer"],"Edit user account":["Bearbeite Benutzeraccount"],"No":["Nein"],"View user profile":["Benutzer Profil anzeigen"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Manage users":["Benutzer verwalten"],"Add new user":["Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In dieser Übersicht kannst du jeden registrierten Benutzer finden und verwalten."],"Create new profile category":["Erstelle neue Profilkategorie"],"Edit profile category":["Bearbeite Profilkategorie"],"Create new profile field":["Erstelle Profilfeld"],"Edit profile field":["Bearbeite Profilfeld"],"Manage profiles fields":["Profilfelder vewalten"],"Add new category":["Neue Kategorie hinzufügen"],"Add new field":["Neues Feld hinzufügen"],"Security & Roles":["Sicherheit & Rollen"],"Administration menu":["Administrations-Menü"],"About":["Benutzerdetails"],"Authentication":["Authentifizierung"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cron jobs":["Cron Jobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Dateien"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Logging":["Protokollierung"],"Mailing":["E-Mails"],"Modules":["Module"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Anbieter"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Selbsttest & Aktualisierung"],"Statistics":["Statistiken"],"User approval":["Benutzerfreigaben"],"User profiles":["Benutzer Profile"],"Users":["Benutzer"],"Click here to review":["Klicke hier, um zu überprüfen"],"New approval requests":["Neue Benutzer Freigaben"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Ein oder mehrere Benutzer benötigen deine Freigabe als Gruppen Administrator."],"Could not delete comment!":["Kann Kommentar nicht löschen!"],"Invalid target class given":["Ungültige Zielklasse"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Mode & ID Parameter erforderlich!"],"Target not found!":["Ziel nicht gefunden!"],"Access denied!":["Zugriff verweigert!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen!"],"Comment":["Kommentieren"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schrieb einen neuen Kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Edit your comment...":["Bearbeite deinen Kommentar ..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommentierte auch dein »%contentTitle%«."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommentierte »%contentTitle%«."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Zeige alle {total} Kommentare."],"Write a new comment...":["Schreibe einen neuen Kommentar..."],"Post":["Beitrag"],"Show %count% more comments":["Zeige %count% weitere Kommentare"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bestätige die Löschung des Kommentars"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Möchtest Du diesen Kommentar wirklich löschen?"],"Updated :timeago":["Aktualisiert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat {contentTitle} erstellt."],"Back to stream":["Zurück zum Stream","Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortierung"],"Could not load requested object!":["Konnte das angeforderte Objekt nicht laden!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unbekannte Content Klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Konnte den angeforderten Inhalt nicht finden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Konnte den angeforderten Permalink nicht finden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} erstellte neuen Inhalt: »{contentTitle}«."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Absenden"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Die ausgewählten Filterkriterien ergaben keine Übereinstimmung!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Derzeit keine Inhalte!"],"Move to archive":["Ins Archiv"],"Unarchive":["Aus dem Archiv"],"Make private":["Ändern in geschlossene Gruppe"],"Make public":["Ändern in öffentliche Gruppe"],"Notify members":["Informiere Mitglieder"],"Public":["Öffentlich"],"What's on your mind?":["Was machst du gerade?","Was machst Du gerade?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bestätige Beitragslöschung"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich löschen? Alle damit verbundenen \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben und Kommentare sind dann nicht mehr verfügbar!","Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich löschen? Alle Likes und Kommentare werden unwiederbringlich entfernt."],"Archived":["Archiviert"],"Sticked":["Angeheftet"],"Turn off notifications":["Benachrichtigungen abschalten"],"Turn on notifications":["Benachrichtigungen aktivieren"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink zu diesem Beitrag"],"Permalink":["Permalink","dauerhafter Link"],"Stick":["Anheften"],"Unstick":["Nicht mehr anheften"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Bisher hat niemand etwas geschrieben.
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Dieser Stream ist noch leer"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Dieser Space ist noch leer!
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Deine Übersicht ist leer!
Schreibe etwas in deinem Profil oder trete Spaces bei!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Dein Stream ist noch leer!
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"Content with attached files":["Inhalt mit angehängten Dateien"],"Created by me":["Von mir erstellt"],"Creation time":["Erstellungsdatum"],"Include archived posts":["Archivierte Beiträge einbeziehen"],"Last update":["Letzte Aktualisierung"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nichts gefunden, was den aktuellen Filtern entspricht!"],"Only private posts":["Nur private Beiträge"],"Only public posts":["Nur öffentliche Beiträge"],"Posts only":["Nur Beiträge"],"Posts with links":["Beiträge mit Links"],"Show all":["Alle anzeigen"],"Where I´m involved":["Wo ich involviert bin"],"No public contents to display found!":["Keine öffentlichen Inhalte gefunden!"],"Directory":["Verzeichnis"],"Member Group Directory":["Mitgliedergruppen-Verzeichnis"],"show all members":["zeige alle Mitglieder"],"Directory menu":["Verzeichnis-Menü"],"Members":["Mitglieder"],"User profile posts":["Profilbeiträge"],"Member directory":["Mitglieder-Verzeichnis"],"Follow":["Folgen"],"No members found!":["Keine Mitglieder gefunden!"],"Unfollow":["Nicht mehr folgen"],"search for members":["Suche nach Mitgliedern"],"Space directory":["Space-Verzeichnis"],"No spaces found!":["Keine Spaces gefunden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Du bist Mitglied dieses Space"],"search for spaces":["Suche nach Spaces"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Bisher existieren keine Profil-Beiträge!"],"Group stats":["Gruppen-Statistiken"],"Average members":["Durchschnittliche Mitgliederanzahl"],"Top Group":["Top Gruppen"],"Total groups":["Gruppen insgesamt"],"Member stats":["Mitglieder Statistiken"],"New people":["Neue Leute"],"Follows somebody":["Folgt jemandem"],"Online right now":["Gerade online"],"Total users":["Benutzer insgesamt"],"See all":["Zeige alle"],"New spaces":["Neue Spaces"],"Space stats":["Space Statistiken"],"Most members":["Die meisten Mitglieder"],"Private spaces":["Private Spaces"],"Total spaces":["Spaces insgesamt"],"Could not find requested file!":["Konnte Datei nicht finden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Unzureichende Rechte!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximale Dateigröße von {maxFileSize} überschritten!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dieser Dateityp ist nicht zugelassen!"],"Created By":["Erstellt von","Erstellt durch"],"Created at":["Erstellt am"],"File name":["Dateiname"],"Guid":["GUID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ungültiger Mime-Typ"],"Mime Type":["Mime-Typ"],"Size":["Größe"],"Updated at":["Aktualisiert am","Zuletzt geändert am"],"Updated by":["Aktualisiert durch","Zuletzt geändert durch"],"Could not upload File:":["Konnte Datei nicht hochladen:"],"Upload files":["Dateien hochladen"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Liste von bereits hochgeladenen Dateien:"],"Create Admin Account":["Erstelle Administrator-Konto"],"Name of your network":["Name deines Netzwerks"],"Name of Database":["Name der Datenbank"],"Admin Account":["Admin Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du bist fast fertig! Der letzte Schritt hilft dir einen Administrator Account zu erstellen, von dem du das ganze Netzwerk steuerst."],"Next":["Weiter","Nächste"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Dein neues Netzwerk benötigt einen Namen. Ändere den Standardnamen in einen Namen der dir gefällt. (z.B. der Name deiner Firma, Organisation oder Klub.)"],"Social Network Name":["Netzwerk Name"],"Setup Complete":["Einrichtung Abgeschlossen "],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Glückwunsch. Du hast die Installation abgeschlossen."],"Sign in":["Einloggen"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Die Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Viel Spaß mit deinem neuen Netzwerk."],"Setup Wizard":["Einrichtungs Assistent"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Willkommen bei HumHub.
\nDeinem Sozialem Netzwerk.","Willkommen bei HumHub.
\r\nDeinem Sozialem Netzwerk."],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Dieser Assistent wird dir helfen dein neues Netzwerk zu konfigurieren.
Klicke auf \"Weiter\" um fortzufahren."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Datenbankverbindung klappt!"],"Database Configuration":["Datenbank Einstellungen"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hier musst du die Datenbank Verbindungsdaten eintragen. Wenn du diese nicht weißt, kontaktiere deinen Systemadministrator "],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname von deinem MySQL-Datenbankserver, (z.B. localhost wenn der MySQL-Server auf dem System läuft.)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ooops! Irgendwas lief schief."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Name der Datenbank die von HumHub genutzt werden soll."],"Your MySQL password.":["Dein MySQL Passwort."],"Your MySQL username":["Dein MySQL Benutzername."],"System Check":["System Check"],"Check again":["Prüfe erneut"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Glückwunsch! Alles ist in Ordnung und bereit zur Installation!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Diese Liste zeigt alle Systemvoraussetzungen von HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Zielklasse kann nicht gefunden werden!"],"Could not find target record!":["Zieleintrag kann nicht gefunden werden!"],"Invalid class given!":["Ungültige Klasse angegeben!"],"Users who like this":["Benutzer, denen das gefällt"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} gefällt {contentTitle}"],"User who vote this":["Nutzer, die hierfür abstimmten"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% gefällt %contentTitle% ebenfalls."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% gefällt %contentTitle%."],"Like":["Gefällt mir"],"Unlike":["Gefällt mir nicht mehr"]," likes this.":[" gefällt das."],"You like this.":["Dir gefällt das."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["und {count} anderen gefällt das."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Konnte die URL-Weiterleitung für dieses Quellobjekt nicht bestimmen!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Das Quellobjekt der Benachrichtigung, auf das umgeleitet werden soll, konnte nicht geladen werden!"],"New":["Neu"],"Mark all as seen":["Alle als gelesen markieren"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Es sind keine Mitteilungen vorhanden."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% erstellte einen neuen Beitrag."],"Edit your post...":["Bearbeite deinen Beitrag ..."],"Read full post...":["Den ganzen Beitrag lesen..."],"Search results":["Suchergebnisse"],"Content":["Inhalt"],"Send & decline":["Senden und ablehnen"]," Invite and request":["Einladung und Anfrage"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Space-Besitzer kann nicht gelöscht werden! Name des Space: »{spaceName}«"],"Everyone can enter":["Frei zugänglich"],"Invite and request":["Einladung und Anfrage"],"Only by invite":["Nur mit einer Einladung"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (unsichtbar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Öffentlich (Mitglieder & Gäste)"],"Public (Members only)":["Öffentlich (Nur Mitglieder)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Öffentlich (Nur registrierte User)"],"Public (Visible)":["Öffentlich (sichtbar)"],"Visible for all":["Sichtbar für alle"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Offen für alle (Mitglieder & Gäste)"],"Space is invisible!":["Space ist unsichtbar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du musst Dich einloggen, um die Inhalte dieses Space sehen zu können!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als Besitzer kannst du deine Mitgliedschaft nicht rückgängig machen!"],"Could not request membership!":["Mitgliedschaft konnte nicht beantragt werden!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Es gibt keine offenen Einladungen!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Diese Aktion ist nur für Space-Mitglieder verfügbar!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du darfst diesem Space nicht betreten!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Space-Name ist bereits in Benutzung!"],"Type":["Typ","Spacetyp"],"Your password":["Dein Passwort"],"Invites":["Einladungen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Neue Benutzer per E-Mail (getrennt durch Kommas)"],"User is already member!":["Der Benutzer ist bereits Mitglied!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} ist bereits registriert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} ist ungültig!"],"Application message":["Anwendungsnachricht"],"Scope":["Umfang"],"Strength":["Stärke"],"Created At":["Erstellt am"],"Join Policy":["Zugriffsmöglichkeiten"],"Owner":["Besitzer"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Aktualisiert am","Geändert am","Zuletzt aktualisiert am"],"Visibility":["Sichtbarkeit"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kannst keine privaten Spaces erstellen!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kannst keine öffentlichen Spaces erstellen!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Wähle den Bereich deines Bildes aus, den du als Benutzerbild verwenden möchtest, und klicke auf Speichern."],"Modify space image":["Space-Bild ändern"],"Delete space":["Space löschen"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Bist Du sicher, dass du diesen Space löschen möchtest? Alle veröffentlichten Inhalte werden entfernt!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Bitte gib dein Passwort ein, um fortzufahren!"],"General space settings":["Allgemeine Space-Einstellungen"],"Archive":["Archivieren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Wähle den Typ der Mitgliedschaft, den du für diesen Space zur Verfügung stellen möchtest."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Wähle die Sicherheitsstufe für diesen Space, um die Sichtbarkeit zu bestimmen."],"Manage your space members":["Space-Mitglieder verwalten"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Ausstehende versendete Einladungen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Ausstehende Benutzeranfragen"],"Remove member":["Entfernen von Mitgliedern"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Diesem Benutzer erlauben,
andere Benutzer einzuladen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Diesem Benutzer erlauben,
Inhalte zu veröffentlichen"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Mitglied aus diesem Space entfernen möchtest?"],"Can invite":["Kann einladen"],"Can share":["Kann teilen"],"Change space owner":["Space-Besitzer ändern"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe Benutzer, die per E-Mail eingeladen wurden, werden hier nicht aufgeführt."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Im unteren Bereich siehst du alle aktiven Mitglieder dieses Spaces. Du kannst Ihre Berechtigungen bearbeiten oder sie aus diesem Space entfernen."],"Is admin":["Ist Administrator"],"Make this user an admin":["Diesen Benutzer zum Administrator machen"],"No, cancel":["Nein, abbrechen"],"Remove":["Entfernen"],"Request message":["Anfrage-Nachricht"],"Revoke invitation":["Einladung zurückziehen"],"Search members":["Suche nach Mitgliedern"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Die folgenden Benutzer warten auf Freischaltung, diesen Space zu betreten."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Die folgenden Benutzer wurden bereits in diesen Space eingeladen, sind der Einladung bisher aber nicht gefolgt."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Der Space-Besitzer ist der Super-Administrator eines Spaces mit allen Rechten und üblicherweise der Ersteller des Spaces. Hier kannst du diese Rolle einem anderen Benutzer übertragen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, entfernen"],"Space Modules":["Space Module"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Bist du sicher? Alle Daten dieses Space werden gelöscht!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Aktuell sind keine Module für diesen Space verfügbar"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Diesen Space mit Modulen erweitern."],"Create new space":["Neuen Space erstellen"],"Advanced access settings":["Erweiterte Rechteeinstellungen"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Auch Nichtmitglieder können diesen
Space sehen, haben aber keinen Zugang."],"Create":["Erstellen"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Jeder Benutzer kann deinen Space
ohne deine Genehmigung betreten."],"For everyone":["Für jeden"],"How you want to name your space?":["Wie möchtest du deinen Space benennen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Bitte schreibe eine kurze Beschreibung für andere Benutzer."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Dieser Space wird für
alle Nichtmitglieder versteckt sein"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Benutzer können die Mitgliedschaft
für diesen Space beantragen"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Benutzer können nur durch
Einladung hinzugefügt werden"],"space description":["Space-Beschreibung"],"space name":["Space-Name"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} beantragt die Mitgliedschaft für den Space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Mitgliedschaftsanfrage für den Space »{spaceName}« angenommen"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Mitgliedschaftsanfrage für den Space »{spaceName}« abgelehnt"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat dich in den Space »{spaceName}« eingeladen"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Einladung für den Space »{spaceName}« angenommen"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Einladung für den Space »{spaceName}« abgelehnt"],"This space is still empty!":["Dieser Space ist noch leer!"],"Accept Invite":["Einladung annehmen"],"Become member":["Mitglied werden"],"Cancel membership":["Mitgliedschaft beenden"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Offenen Mitgliedsantrag zurückziehen"],"Deny Invite":["Einladung ablehnen"],"Request membership":["Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Du bist Besitzer dieses Space."],"created by":["erstellt durch"],"Invite members":["Mitglieder einladen"],"Add an user":["Benutzer hinzufügen"],"Email addresses":["E-Mail-Adressen"],"Invite by email":["Per E-Mail einladen"],"New user?":["Neuer User?"],"Pick users":["Benutzer auswählen"],"Send":["Senden"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Um Benutzer in diesen Space einzuladen, gib deren Name unten ein, um sie zu suchen und auszuwählen."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kannst auch externe Benutzer einladen, die noch nicht registriert sind. Gib einfach ihre E-Mail-Adressen, durch Kommas getrennt, ein."],"Request space membership":["Space-Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Um bestätigtes Mitglied dieses Spaces zu werden, stelle dich bitte kurz vor."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Dein Antrag wurde die Space-Administration übermittelt."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Der Benutzer ist jetzt Mitglied."],"User has been invited.":["Der Benutzer wurde eingeladen."],"User has not been invited.":["Der Benutzer wurde nicht eingeladen."],"Back to workspace":["Zurück zum Space"],"Space preferences":["Einstellungen des Space"],"General":["Allgemein"],"My Space List":["Meine Spaces"],"My space summary":["Meine Space-Zusammenfassung"],"Space directory":["Space-Verzeichnis"],"Space menu":["Space-Menü"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Bild ändern"],"Current space image":["Aktuelles Space-Bild"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Willst Du das Titelbild wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Willst Du wirklich Dein Profilbild löschen?"],"Invite":["Einladen"],"Something went wrong":["Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"],"Followers":["Follower"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Um bestätigtes Mitglied dieses Spaces zu werden, stelle dich bitte kurz vor."],"Request workspace membership":["Space-Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Dein Antrag wurde die Space-Administration übermittelt."],"Create new space":["Neuen Space erstellen"],"My spaces":["Meine Spaces","Aus meinen Spaces"],"more":["mehr"],"less":["weniger"],"Space info":["Space info"],"Accept invite":["Einladung annehmen"],"Deny invite":["Einladung verweigern"],"Leave space":["Space verlassen"],"New member request":["Neuer Mitgliedsantrag"],"Space members":["Mitglieder des Space"],"End guide":["Tour beenden"],"Next »":["Weiter »"],"« Prev":["« Zurück"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Das wäre es für den Moment."],"Modules":["Module"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Als Admin kannst du die gesamte Plattform von hier aus verwalten.
Außer den Modulen werden wir nicht jeden Punkt bis ins Detail erläutern, da jeder seine eigene kurze Beschreibung besitzt."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du befindest dich im Menü Werkzeuge. Von hier aus kannst du auf den HumHub Online-Marktplatz zugreifen, wo du eine immer größer werdende Anzahl von Werkzeugen, on-the- fly installieren kannst.
Wie bereits erwähnt, erweitern die Werkzeuge die für Ihren Space verfügbaren Funktionen ."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Du hast nun alle wichtigen Funktionen und Einstellungen kennengelernt und kannst beginnen, die Plattform zu nutzen.
Wir hoffen, dass du und alle zukünftigen Nutzer die Nutzung dieser Plattform genießen werdet. Wir freuen uns auf Anregungen oder Unterstützung, die du für unser Projekt anbieten möchtest. Kontaktiere uns über www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned . :-)"],"Dashboard":["Übersicht"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dies ist deine Übersicht.
Alle neuen Aktivitäten oder Beiträge, die dich interessieren könnten, werden hier angezeigt ."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Module)"],"Edit account":["Einstellungen bearbeiten"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! Fertig."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurra! Du hast es geschafft!"],"Profile menu":["Profil-Menü"],"Profile photo":["Profilfoto"],"Profile stream":["Profil-Stream"],"User profile":["Benutzerprofil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klicke auf diese Schaltfläche, um dein Profil und deine Kontoeinstellungen zu aktualisieren. Du kannst auch weitere Informationen zu deinem Profil hinzufügen ."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Jedes Profil hat seine eigene Pinnwand. Deine Beiträge werden auch auf den Übersichten der Benutzer, die dir folgen, angezeigt."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Genau wie in den Spaces, kann das Benutzerprofil mit verschiedenen Modulen personalisiert werden.
Du kannst sehen welche Module für dein Profil zur Verfügung stehen, indem du das Menü \"Module\" in deinen Kontoeinstellungen aufrufst."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Das ist dein öffentliches Benutzerprofil, das von jedem registrierten Benutzer gesehen werden kann."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Lade ein neues Profilfoto hoch, indem du hier klickst oder es per Drag&Drop hier hin ziehst. Genauso kannst du dein Titelfoto ändern."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du hast die Einführung zur Profilbearbeitung abgeschlossen!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Du hast die Einführung zur Profilbearbeitung abgeschlossen!
Um mit dem der Beschreibung der Administrationsoberfläche fortzufahren klicke hier:
"],"Most recent activities":["Letzte Aktivitäten"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Profile Guide":["Profil-Anleitung"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Navigationsmenü des Space"],"Writing posts":["Beiträge schreiben"],"Yay! You're done.":["Geschafft!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Hier werden alle Mitglieder dieses Space dargestellt.
Neue Mitglieder können von jedem hinzugefügt werden, der vom Administrator die notwendigen Rechte erhalten hat."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Gib anderen Benutzern einen kurzen Überblick, worum es in diesem Space geht.
Der Space-Administrator kann das Coverfoto des Spaces ändern, entweder durch darauf Klicken oder durch Drag&Drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Neue Beiträge können hier geschrieben und veröffentlicht werden."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Sobald du beigetreten bist oder einen neuen Space erstellt hast, kannst du an Projekten arbeiten, Themen diskutieren oder einfach Informationen mit anderen Benutzern teilen.
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, den Space zu personalisieren, um den Arbeitsprozess produktiver zu gestalten."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Das war es mit der Space-Anleitung.
Um mit dem Benutzerprofil fortzufahren, klicke hier: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Hier kannst Du durch den Space navigieren - du siehst, welche Module für den Space, in dem du gerade bist, aktiv oder verfügbar sind. Das können zum Beispiel Umfragen, Aufgaben oder Notizen sein.
Nur der Space-Administrator kann die Module des Spaces verwalten."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Dieses Menü ist nur für Space-Administratoren sichtbar. Hier kannst du die Space-Einstellungen verwalten, Mitglieder hinzufügen/blockieren und Werkzeuge für diesen Space aktivieren/deaktivieren."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Um dich auf dem Laufenden zu halten, werden hier die letzten Aktivitäten anderer Benutzer dieses Space dargestellt."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Hier werden deine und die Beiträge anderer Benutzer erscheinen.
Diese können dann bewertet oder kommentiert werden."],"Account Menu":["Account Menü"],"Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen"],"Space Menu":["Space Menü"],"Start space guide":["Starte den Space Guide"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Behalte alles im Auge!
Dieses Icon informiert dich über Aktivitäten und neue Beiträge, die dich direkt betreffen."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Das Account Menü gibt dir die Möglichkeit deine privaten Einstellungen zu ändern und dein öffentliches Profil zu verwalten."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Dies ist das wichtigste Menü und du wirst es sehr oft benutzen!
Betrete alle deine Spaces und erstelle neue.
Die folgende Anleitung wird dir zeigen wie:"]," Remove panel":["Panel löschen"],"Getting Started":["Hilfe beim Start"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Anleitung: Administration (Module)"],"Guide: Overview":["Anleitung: Überblick"],"Guide: Spaces":["Anleitung: Spaces"],"Guide: User profile":["Anleitung: Benutzerprofil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Erhalte mit Hilfe der folgenden Anleitungen einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionen der Seite:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Dieser Account wurde noch nicht freigeschaltet!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Sie müssen sich anmelden um das Profil zu sehen!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Dein Passwort ist falsch!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Du kannst dein Passwort hier nicht ändern."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ungültiger Link! Bitte vergewissere dich, dass die vollständige URL eingegeben wurde."],"Save profile":["Profil speichern"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Die eingetragene E-Mail Adresse wird bereits von einem anderen Benutzer verwendet."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Du kannst deine E-Mail Adresse hier nicht ändern."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Current password":["Aktuelles Passwort"],"E-Mail change":["E-Mail Addresse ändern"],"New E-Mail address":["Neue E-Mail Adresse"],"Send activities?":["Aktivitäten senden?"],"Send notifications?":["Benachrichtigungen senden?"],"New password":["Neues Passwort"],"New password confirm":["Neues Passwort bestätigen"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ungültiger Benutzername/E-Mail oder Passwort."],"Remember me next time":["Beim nächsten Mal wiedererkennen"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Dein Konto wurde noch nicht von einem Administrator freigeschaltet."],"Your account is suspended.":["Dein Konto ist gesperrt."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung ist für deinen Kontotyp nicht möglich!"],"E-Mail":["E-Mail"],"Password Recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nicht gefunden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Diese E-Mail Adresse ist bereits in Benutzung! - Versuche dein Passwort wiederherzustellen."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Panel in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Invalid language!":["Ungültige Sprache!"],"Profile visibility":["Sichtbarkeit des Profils"],"TimeZone":["Zeitzone"],"Default Space":["Standard-Space"],"Group Administrators":["Gruppen-Administratoren"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Mitglieder können private Spaces erstellen"],"Members can create public spaces":["Mitglieder können öffentliche Spaces erstellen"],"Birthday":["Geburtstag"],"Custom":["Unbestimmt"],"Female":["Weiblich"],"Gender":["Geschlecht"],"Hide year in profile":["Jahrgang/Alter verbergen"],"Male":["Männlich"],"City":["Ort"],"Country":["Land"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook-URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Vorname"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr-URL"],"Google+ URL":["Google+-URL"],"Lastname":["Nachname"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn-URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace-URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon beruflich"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype-Name"],"State":["Bundesland/Kanton"],"Street":["Straße"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter-URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo-URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber-Addresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing-URL"],"Youtube URL":["YouTube-URL"],"Zip":["PLZ"],"Created by":["Erstellt durch"],"Editable":["Bearbeitbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Der Feldtyp konnte nicht geändert werden!"],"Fieldtype":["Feldtyp"],"Internal Name":["Interner Name"],"Internal name already in use!":["Der interne Name wird bereits verwendet!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Der interne Name konnte nicht geändert werden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ungültiger Feldtyp!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP-Attribut"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Nur alphanumerische Zeichen erlaubt!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profilfeld-Kategorie"],"Required":["Pflichtfeld"],"Show at registration":["Bei der Registrierung anzeigen"],"Sort order":["Sortierung"],"Translation Category ID":["Übersetzungs-Kategorie-ID"],"Type Config":["Typ-Konfiguration"],"Visible":["Sichtbar"],"Communication":["Kommunikation"],"Social bookmarks":["Soziale Lesezeichen"],"Datetime":["Datum/Uhrzeit"],"Number":["Zahl"],"Select List":["Auswahlliste"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Textbereich"],"%y Years":["%y Jahre"],"Birthday field options":["Geburtstagsfeld-Optionen"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datums(-Uhrzeit)feld-Optionen"],"Show date/time picker":["Zeige Datums/Zeit Picker"],"Maximum value":["Maximum"],"Minimum value":["Minimum"],"Number field options":["Zahlenfeld-Optionen"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Eine Option pro Zeile. Schlüssel=>Wert-Format (z.B. yes=>Ja)"],"Please select:":["Bitte wähle:"],"Possible values":["Erlaubte Werte"],"Select field options":["Auswahlfeld-Optionen"],"Default value":["Standardwert"],"Maximum length":["Maximal Länge"],"Minimum length":["Minimal Länge"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regular Expression: Fehlermeldung"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regular Expression: Validator"],"Text Field Options":["Textfeld-Optionen"],"Validator":["Validator"],"Text area field options":["Textbereichsfeld-Optionen"],"Authentication mode":["Authentifikations-Modus"],"New user needs approval":["Neuer Benutzer benötigt Freischaltung"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Dein Benutzername darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und die Sonderzeichen (+-._) enthalten."],"Wall":["Wand"],"Change E-mail":["E-Mail Adresse ändern"],"Current E-mail address":["Aktuelle E-mail Adresse"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Deine E-Mail Adresse wurde erfolgreich in {email} geändert."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Wir haben soeben eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail an deine neue Adresse geschickt.
Bitte folge den darin enthaltenen Anweisungen."],"Change password":["Passwort ändern"],"Password changed":["Passwort geändert"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Dein Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profilbild bearbeiten"],"Delete account":["Konto löschen"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Bist du sicher, dass du dein Konto löschen möchtest?
Alle deine veröffentlichten Beiträge werden entfernt."],"Delete account":["Konto löschen"],"Enter your password to continue":["Gib dein Passwort ein um fortzufahren"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Entschuldigung, als Besitzer eines Space kannst du dein Konto nicht löschen!
Bitte ordne dem Space einen anderen Benutzer zu oder lösche deine Spaces."],"User details":["Benutzer-Details"],"User modules":["Benutzer-Module"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Bist du wirklich sicher? Alle Daten zu den Modulen Deines Kontos werden gelöscht!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Erweitere dein Profil durch Module."],"User settings":["Benutzer Einstellungen"],"Getting Started":["Einführungstour"],"Registered users only":["Nur Registrierte Benutzer"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Sichtbar für alle (auch unangemeldete Benutzer)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Desktop-Benachrichtigungen"],"Email Notifications":["E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Erhalte Desktop Benachrichtigungen, wenn du online bist."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Erhalte eine E-Mail bei jeder Aktivität anderer Benutzer, denen du folgst oder mit denen du in Spaces zusammenarbeitest."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Erhalte eine E-Mail, wenn andere Benutzer deine Beiträge kommentieren oder anderen Benutzer deine Beiträge gefallen."],"Account registration":["Konto-Registrierung"],"Create Account":["ein Konto anlegen"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nach der Aktivierung deines Kontos durch einen Administrator erhälst du eine Benachrichtigung per E-Mail."],"Go to login page":["Zur Loginseite"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Um sich mit Ihrem neuen Konto einzuloggen, klicke unten auf den Button."],"back to home":["zurück zur Startseite"],"Please sign in":["Einloggen"],"Sign up":["Registrieren"],"Create a new one.":["Ein neues erstellen."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Noch kein Benutzerkonto? Werde Mitglied, indem du deine E-Mail Adresse eingibst."],"Forgot your password?":["Passwort vergessen?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Wenn du bereits Mitglied bist, logge dich bitte mit Benutzername/E-Mail und Passwort ein."],"Register":["Registrieren"],"email":["E-Mail"],"password":["Passwort"],"username or email":["Benutzername oder E-Mail"],"Password recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung!","Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Gib einfach deine E-Mail Adresse ein, und wir senden dir eine Mail um dein Passwort neu zu setzen."],"Password recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"Reset password":["Passwort neu setzen"],"enter security code above":["Bitte gib den Sicherheitscode ein"],"your email":["Deine E-Mail"],"Password recovery!":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Wir haben dir eine E-Mail zugeschickt, mit der du dein Passwort neu setzen kannst."],"Registration successful!":["Registrierung erfolgreich!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Bitte prüfe dein E-Mail-Postfach und folge den Anweisungen!"],"Registration successful":["Registrierung erfolgreich"],"Change your password":["Ändere dein Passwort"],"Password reset":["Passwort zurücksetzen"],"Change password":["Passwort ändern"],"Password reset":["Psswort zurücksetzen","Passwort zurücksetzen"],"Password changed!":["Passwort geändert!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bestätige deine neue E-Mail Adresse"],"Confirm":["Bestätigen"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du hast die Änderung deiner E-Mail Adresse beantragt.
Deine neue E-Mail Adresse ist {newemail}.
Um die neue E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen, klicke bitte auf den Button unten."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Wenn du diesen Link nicht innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden nutzt, wird er ungültig."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Nutze den folgenden Link innerhalb des nächsten Tages um dein Passwort neu zu setzen."],"Reset Password":["Passwort neu setzten"],"Registration Link":["Link zur Registrierung"],"Sign up":["Registrieren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Willkommen bei %appName%. Bitte klicke auf den Button unten, um mit der Registrierung fortzufahren."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Ein soziales Netzwerk, um Kommunikation und Teamwork zu verbessern.
Registriere dich jetzt, um diesem Space beizutreten."],"Sign up now":["Registriere dich jetzt"],"Space Invite":["Space-Einladung"],"You got a space invite":["Du hast eine Space-Einladung"],"invited you to the space:":["hat dich eingeladen in den Space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} hat dich in »{contentTitle}« erwähnt."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} folgt dir nun."],"About this user":["Über diesen Nutzer"],"Modify your title image":["Titelbild bearbeiten"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dieser Profilstream ist noch leer!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Willst Du das Logo wirklich entfernen?"],"Account settings":["Konto-Verwaltung"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Benutzerkonto bearbeiten"],"Following":["Folgend"],"Following user":["Der Nutzer folgt"],"User followers":["Dem Nutzer folgen"],"Member in these spaces":["Mitglied in diesen Spaces"],"User tags":["Benutzer-Tags"],"No birthday.":["Kein Geburtstag."],"Back to modules":["Zurück zu den Modulen"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Geburtstagsmodul"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Anzahl an Tagen, an denen zukünftige Geburtstage vorab angezeigt werden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Demnächst"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kannst die Anzahl an Tagen einstellen, an denen zukünftige Geburstage vorab angezeigt werden."],"becomes":["wird"],"birthdays":["Geburtstage"],"days":["Tagen"],"today":["heute"],"years old.":["Jahre alt."],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Für alle Nutzer als ungelesen markieren"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Konfiguration Eilmeldungen"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Hinweis: Du kannst die Markdown Sytax verwenden.\n(Weitere Infos unter http://www.markdown.de)","Hinweis: Du kannst die Markdown Sytax verwenden.\r\n(Weitere Infos unter http://www.markdown.de)"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Fügt deinem Profil und Hauptmenü einen Kalender für private und öffentliche Termine hinzu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Fügt diesem Space einen Kalender hinzu."],"All Day":["ganztägig"],"Attending users":["Zusagen"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Absagen"],"End Date":["Enddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Enddatum/Endzeit"],"End Time":["Ende"],"End time must be after start time!":["Die Startzeit kann nicht nach dem Ende liegen!"],"Event":["Termin"],"Event not found!":["Termin nicht gefunden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Vielleicht"],"Participation Mode":["Teilnahmemodus"],"Recur":["Wiederkehrend"],"Recur End":["Wiederkehrend mit Ende"],"Recur Interval":["Wiederkehrender Intervall"],"Recur Type":["Wiederkehrender Typ"],"Select participants":["Teilnehmer auswählen"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum/Startzeit"],"Start Time":["Startzeit"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin anzusehen!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu erstellen!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu löschen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu ändern!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% hat einen neuen Termin »%contentTitle%« erstellt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt vielleicht an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt nicht an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"Start Date/Time":["Start-Datum/Zeit"],"Create event":["Termin erstellen"],"Edit event":["Termin bearbeiten"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Beachte: Dieser Termin wird in deinem Profil erstellt. Um einen Termin in einem Space zu erstellen, öffne den Kalender im gewünschten Space."],"End Date/Time":["Enddatum/Endzeit"],"Everybody can participate":["Jeder darf teilnehmen"],"No participants":["Keine Teilnehmer"],"Participants":["Teilnehmer"],"Attend":["Teilnehmen"],"Created by:":["Erstellt durch:"],"Edit event":["geänderter Termin"],"Edit this event":["Diesen Termin ändern"],"I´m attending":["Ich nehme teil"],"I´m maybe attending":["Ich nehme vielleicht teil"],"I´m not attending":["Ich nehme nicht teil"],"Maybe":["Vielleicht"],"Filter events":["Termine filtern"],"Select calendars":["Kalender auswählen"],"Already responded":["Beantwortet"],"Followed spaces":["Beobachtete Spaces"],"Followed users":["Beobachtete Benutzer"],"My events":["Meine Termine"],"Not responded yet":["Noch nicht beantwortet"],"Loading...":["lädt..."],"Upcoming events ":["Nächste Termine "],":count attending":[":count Zusagen"],":count declined":[":count Absagen"],":count maybe":[":count Vielleicht"],"Participants:":["Teilnehmer:"],"Create new Page":["Neue Seite erstellen"],"Custom Pages":["Eigene Seiten"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["iFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigation"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Bisher wurde noch keine eigene Seite erstellt!"],"Sort Order":["Sortierung"],"Top Navigation":["Obere Navigationsleiste"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Benutzerprofilmenü (Einstellungen)"],"Create page":["Seite erstellen"],"Edit page":["Seite bearbeiten","Bearbeite eine Seite"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard-Sortierschema: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Seitentitel"],"URL":["URL"],"Confirm category deleting":["Löschen der Kategorie bestätigen"],"Confirm link deleting":["Löschen des Links bestätigen"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Neuer Link %link% zur Kategorie \"%category%\" hinzugefügt."],"Delete category":["Kategorie löschen"],"Delete link":["Link löschen"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Möchtest du diese Kategorie wirklich löschen? Alle verknüpften Links gehen verloren."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Möchtest du diesen Link wirklich löschen?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Erweiterte Linküberprüfung durch einen Verbindungstest."],"Linklist":["Linkliste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Linklist Modul"],"No description available.":["Keine Beschreibung verfügbar."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Die gewünschte Kategorie konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Der gewünschte Link konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Zeige die Links als ein Widget am rechten Rand."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Die Kategorie, in der du den Link erstellen möchtest, konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Die Reihenfolge der Einträge wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Zu diesem Space wurden noch keine Links oder Kategorien hinzugefügt."],"Toggle view mode":["Ansicht umschalten"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kannst die erweiterte Überprüfung von Links für einen Space oder einen Benutzer aktivieren."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um Links hinzuzufügen/zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diese Kategorie zu löschen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diesen Link zu löschen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diese Kategorie zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diesen Link zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um Kategorie umzusortieren."],"list":["Liste"],"Messages":["Nachrichten"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Du kannst dir selbst keine Nachricht senden!"],"Recipient":["Empfänger"],"New message from {senderName}":["Neue Nachricht von {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["und {counter} weiteren Nutzern"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Neue Nachricht in der Diskussion von %displayName%"],"New message":["Neue Nachricht"],"Reply now":["Antworte jetzt"],"sent you a new message:":["sendete dir eine neue Nachricht:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendete dir eine neue Nachricht in"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Füge der Konversation weitere Empfänger hinzu..."],"Add user...":["Füge Empfänger hinzu..."],"New message":["Neue Nachricht"],"Edit message entry":["Nachricht bearbeiten"],"Messagebox":["Nachrichten"],"Inbox":["Postfach"],"There are no messages yet.":["Es sind keine Nachrichten vorhanden.","Derzeit keine Nachrichten vorhanden."],"Write new message":["Schreibe eine neue Nachricht"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bestätige Löschung der Konversation"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bestätige Verlassen der Konversation"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bestätige Löschung der Nachricht "],"Add user":["Füge Empfänger hinzu"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Willst du diese Konversation wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Willst du diese Nachricht wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Willst du die Unterhaltung wirklich verlassen?"],"Leave":["Verlassen"],"Leave discussion":["Verlasse die Diskussion"],"Write an answer...":["Schreibe eine Antwort ..."],"User Posts":["Benutzerbeiträge"],"Show all messages":["Zeige alle Nachrichten"],"Send message":["Nachricht senden"],"Most active people":["Die aktivsten User","Die aktivsten Benutzer"],"Get a list":["Liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Modul Einstellungen "],"No users.":["Keine Benutzer."],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer"],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Die Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer darf 7 nicht überschreiten"],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Die Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer darf nicht negativ sein"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer konfigurieren"],"Comments created":["Erstellte Kommentare"],"Likes given":["Gegebene Likes"],"Posts created":["Erstellte Posts"],"Notes":["Notizen"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Key"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL zur Etherpad Installation"],"Could not get note content!":["Konnte den Inhalt der Notiz nicht laden!"],"Could not get note users!":["Konnte die Nutzer der Notiz nicht laden!"],"Note":["Notiz"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz »{noteName}« erstellt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz »{noteName}« bearbeitet."],"API Connection successful!":["API Verbindung erfolgreich!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Konnte nicht mit der API verbinden!"],"Current Status:":["Aktueller Status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Notizmodul"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Bitte für weitere Details die Moduldokumentation unter /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt lesen!"],"Save & Test":["Speichern & Testen"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Das Notizmodul benötigt einen intallierten und laufenden Etherpad Server!"],"Save and close":["Speichern und schließen"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} hat eine neue Notiz erzeugt und dich hinzugefügt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz im Space {spaceName} bearbeitet."],"Open note":["Öffne Notiz"],"Title of your new note":["Titel der Notiz"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine Notiz zu den Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Keine Notizen vorhanden!"],"Polls":["Umfragen"],"Could not load poll!":["Konnte Umfrage nicht laden!"],"Invalid answer!":["Unzulässige Antwort!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Benutzer stimmten für: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Mehrfachantworten sind nicht zugelassen!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Es fehlen die nötigen Rechte, um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten!"],"Answers":["Antworten"],"Multiple answers per user":["Mehrfachantworten pro Nutzer"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Bitte gib mindestens {min} Antworten an!"],"Question":["Frage"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} stimmte für die Umfrage »{question}« ab."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":[" {userName} hat die Umfrage »{question}« erstellt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} hat eine Umfrage erstellt und dich zugeordnet."],"Ask":["Frage stellen"],"Reset my vote":["Meine Abstimmung zurücksetzen"],"Vote":["Abstimmen"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["und {count} mehr stimmten hierfür ab."],"votes":["Abstimmungen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Sind Mehrfachantworten zugelassen?"],"Ask something...":["Stelle eine Frage..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mögliche Antworten (Eine pro Zeile)"],"Display all":["Zeige alle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine passende Umfrage zu den Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Es gibt noch keine Umfragen!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Es gibt noch keine Umfragen!
Erstelle die erste ..."],"Asked by me":["Von mir erstellt"],"No answered yet":["Bisher nicht beantwortet"],"Only private polls":["Nur private Umfragen"],"Only public polls":["Nur öffentliche Umfragen"],"Manage reported posts":["Bearbeite gemeldete Beiträge"],"Reported posts":["Melde den Beitrag"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Warum möchtest Du den Beitrag melden?"],"by :displayName":["von :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["erstellt von :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Gehört nicht zum Space"],"Offensive":["beleidigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kannst Du gemeldete Benutzer-Beiträge verwalten."],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Erlaubt Mitteilungen über 160 Zeichen (Standard: nicht erlaubt -> aktuell nicht unterstützt, da in der Anzeige die Zeichenanzahl limitiert ist)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."],"Body too long.":["Nachricht zu lang."],"Body too too short.":["Nachricht zu kurz."],"Characters left:":["noch übrige Zeichen:"],"Choose Provider":["Wähle Provider aus"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Konnte keine Verbindung zum SMS-Provider herstellen. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren."],"Gateway Number":["Nummer des Gateways"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Der Gateway ist für dieses Netzwerk nicht verfügbar."],"Insufficent credits.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben."],"Invalid IP address.":["Ungültige IP-Adresse."],"Invalid destination.":["Ungültiges Ziel."],"Invalid sender.":["Ungültiger Absender."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ungültiger Benutzer und/oder Passwort. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben für den Haupt-Account verfügbar."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben für den Unter-Account verfügbar."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Der Povider ist nicht initialisiert. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Ungültiger Empfänger."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Der Empfänger ist nicht korrekt formatiert. Bitte das internationale Formit mit 00[...], oder +[...] benutzen."],"SMS Module Configuration":["SMS-Modul Konfiguration"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["Die SMS wurde abgelehnt / konnte nicht zugestellt werden."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["Die SMS wurde erfolgreich versendet."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Die SMS konnte nicht an die Premium-Nummer (kostenpflichtig) zugestellt werden."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["Es wurde versucht, eine SMS mit identischem Inhalt zu oft innerhalb der letzten 180 Sekunden zu versenden."],"Save Configuration":["Konfiguration speichern"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Sicherheits-Fehler. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Bitte die Verbindung auswählen (Standard: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Sende SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Sende eine SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Sende SMS an"],"Sender is invalid.":["Absender ist ungültig."],"Technical error.":["Technischer Fehler."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Test-Betrieb. SMS wird nicht zugestellt, die Server werden auf Rückmeldung getestet."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Um eine SMS an einen Kontakt zu versenden zu können, muss das Feld \"Mobil-Nummer\" im entsprechenden Profil ausgefüllt sein."],"Unknown route.":["Unbekannte Route."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["In der Konfiguration kann zwischen verschiedenene SMS-Providern gewählt werden um diese dann zu konfigurieren. Der eigene Account muss korrekt angelegt sein um die SMS-Funktionalität nutzen zu können."],"Tasks":["Aufgaben"],"Could not access task!":["Konnte auf die Aufgabe nicht zugreifen!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} wurde Aufgabe »{task}« zugeordnet."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« angelegt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« abgeschlossen.","{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« abgschlossen."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} hat dich der Aufgabe »{task}« zugeordnet."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":[" {userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« erstellt."],"This task is already done":["Diese Aufgabe ist bereits abgeschlossen"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Diese Aufgabe ist dir nicht zugeordnet"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klicke, um die Aufgabe zu beenden."],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Diese Aufgabe ist bereits abgeschlossen. Klicke um sie wieder zu aktivieren."],"My tasks":["Meine Aufgaben"],"From space: ":["Aus Space: "],"There are no tasks yet!":["Es existieren noch keine Aufgaben!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Aktuell liegen keine Aufgaben vor!
Erstelle eine..."],"Assigned to me":["Mir zugeordnet"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine Aufgaben zu den gewählten Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand zugeordnet"],"State is finished":["Status: abgeschlossen"],"State is open":["Status: offen"],"Assign users to this task":["Dieser Aufgabe Benutzer zuordnen"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist zur Erledigung der Aufgabe?","Frist für die Erledigung dieser Aufgabe?"],"What to do?":["Was ist zu tun?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Willst Du diese Aufgabe übernehmen?"],"I do it!":["Ich mach es!"],"Translation Manager":["Übersetzungsmanager"],"Translations":["Übersetzungen"],"Translation Editor":["Übersetzungseditor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bestätigen Seite löschen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bestätigen Seite wiederherstellen "],"Overview of all pages":["Übersicht aller Seiten"],"Page history":["Seitenhistorie"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Estelle ein Wiki in deinem Space."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Estelle ein Wiki in deinem Profil."],"Back to page":["Zurück zur Seite"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Willst du diese Seite wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Willst du diese Seite wirklich wiederherstellen?"],"Edit page":["Seite bearbeiten"],"Edited at":["Erstellt von"],"Go back":["Gehe zurück"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ungültige Zeichen im Seitentitel!"],"Let's go!":["Starten"],"Main page":["Hauptseite"],"New page":["Neue Seite"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Noch keine Seiten erstellt. Es liegt an Dir die erste Seite zu
erstellen!"],"Page History":["Seitenhistorie"],"Page title already in use!":["Seitentitel bereits vorhanden!"],"Revert":["Zurückkehren"],"Revert this":["Zurückkehren zu"],"View":["Vorschau"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["von"],"Wiki page":["Wiki Seite"],"New page title":["Neuer Seitentitel"],"Page content":["Seiteninhalt"],"Allow":["Erlauben"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Ablehnen"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Bitte wengistens 3 Zeichen eingeben"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Erworbene Module per Linzenschlüssel hinzufügen"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Zeitspanne, nach der ein Benutzer bei Untätigkeit automatisch abgemeldet wird (in Sekunden, optional)"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Zeige Auswahlfeld für Soziale Netzwerke in der Übersicht"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Zeige Eingabeformular für die Benutzeraktivitäten in der Übersicht"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Datei-Informationen (Name, Größe) für Bilder in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Dateilisten-Widget für diese Dateien in der Übersicht ausblenden."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maximalhöhe der Vorschaubilder (in Pixel, optional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maximalweite der Vorschaubilder (in Pixel, optional)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Selbst-signierte Zertifikate erlauben?"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard Sichtbarkeit von Inhalten"],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"No purchased modules found!":["Keine gekauften Module gefunden!"],"search for available modules online":["verfügbare Module online suchen"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub läuft derzeit im Testmodus. Auf Produktivsystemen deaktivieren!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Weitere Details in der Installationsanleitung"],"Purchases":["Käufe"],"Enable module...":["Modul aktivieren..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Kaufen (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installiere Modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Lizenzschlüssel"],"Updating module...":["Aktualisiere Module..."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimalwert 20 Sekunden. Wenn nicht gesetzt, läuft die Sitzung nach 1400 Sekunden (24 Minuten) ab, sofern keine Aktion durch geführt wird (Standardwert für den Ablauf der Sitzung)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Nur anwendbar, wenn der eingeschränkte Zugriff für nicht bestätigte Benutzer aktiviert wurde. Hat nur Auswirkungen auf neue Benutzer."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Attribut für die E-Mail-Adresse. Standard: "mail""],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Komma separierte Liste. Leer lassen, um bei der Dateiliste in der Übersicht alle Objekte anzuzeigen."],"Last login":["Letzter Login"],"Add a member to notify":["Mitglied zur Benachrichtigung hinzufügen"],"Share your opinion with others":["Teile deine Meinung mit Anderen"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Nachricht auf Facebook schreiben"],"Share on Google+":["Teilen auf Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Mit Personen auf auf LinkedIn teilen"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Über HumHub twittern"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Lade Module herunter und installiere..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Zwischen Liebe und Wahnsinn liegt Obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike - Einfach kaufen ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Wir suchen großartige Slogans bekannter Marken. Kannst Du uns vielleicht einige Beispiele nennen?"],"Welcome Space":["Willkommens-Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Ich habe gerade HumHub installiert ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Dein erstes Beispiel, um die Plattform zu entdecken"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Beispielsinhalte einrichten (empfohlen)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Erlaube Zugriff auf öffentliche Inhalte für nicht registrierte Benutzer (Gastzugriff)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Externe Benutzer können sich registrieren (Das Registrierungsformular wird auf der Login-Seite angezeigt)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Neu registrierte Benutzer müssen durch den Administrator freigeschaltet werden"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrierte Benutzer können neue Benutzer per E-Mail einladen"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Ich möchte HumHub benutzen für:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Fast geschafft! Fülle in diesem Schritt das Eingabeformular aus, um das Administrator-Konto zu erstellen. Mit diesem Konto kannst du das ganze Netzwerk verwalten."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub ist sehr flexibel und kann durch verschiedene Module für unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke eingerichtet und/oder erweitert werden. Die folgenden Module sind lediglich Beispiele, die aus unserer Sicht für deinen Einsatzzweck wichtig sein könnten.
Du kannst später jederzeit module hinzufügen oder entfernen. Verfügbare Module findest du nach der Installation über das Administrations-Menü."],"Recommended Modules":["Empfohlene Module"],"Example contents":["Beispielsinhalte "],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Um nach der ersten Anmeldung keine leere Übersicht vorzufinden, kann HumHub für dich Beispielsinhalte anlegen. Diese bieten einen guten Überblick über die Funktionsweise von HumHub und können jederzeit wieder gelöscht werden."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Hier kannst Du entscheiden, wie nicht registrierte Benutzer auf HumHub zugreifen können."],"Security Settings":["Sicherheits-Einstellungen"],"Configuration":["Konfiguration"],"My club":["Mein Verein"],"My community":["Meine Verwandtschaft"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Meine Firma (Social Intranet / Projektmanagement)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Meine Bildungseinrichtung (Schule, Universität)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Diesen Schritt überspringen. Ich möchte alles manuell einrichten"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Zur Vereinfachung der Konfiguration liegen für die häufigsten Einsatzzwecke vordefinierte Profile mit unterschiedlichen Optionen für Module und Einstellungen vor. Während der nächsten Schritte kannst du diese Einstellungen anpassen."],"Initializing database...":["Initialisiere Datenbank..."],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Dir gefällt das."],"Advanced search settings":["Erweiterte Sucheinstellungen"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Nach Benutzern, Spaces und Inhalten suchen"],"Private":["Privat"],"Members":["Mitglieder"],"Change Owner":["Besitzer ändern"],"General settings":["Allgemeine Einstellungen"],"Security settings":["Sicherheitseinstellungen"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Du kannst die Rolle des Space-Besitzers auf einen anderen Administrator im Space übertragen."],"Color":["Farbe"],"Transfer ownership":["Besitzrechte übertragen"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Wählen, ob neue Inhalte standardmäßig als öffentlich oder privat gekennzeichnet werden"],"Manage members":["Mitglieder verwalten"],"Manage permissions":["Berechtigungen verwalten"],"Pending approvals":["Ausstehende Freigaben"],"Pending invitations":["Ausstehende Einladungen"],"Add Modules":["Module hinzufügen"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du bist kein Miglied dieses Space. Derzeit liegen keinen öffentlichen Inhalte vor!"],"Done":["Abgeschlossen","Versendet"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Mitgliedschaft beenden"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Beiträge in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Beiträge in der Übersicht anzeigen"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Mit dieser Option werden neue Inhalte in der Übersicht dieses Space nicht angezeigt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Mit dieser Option werden neue Inhalte in der Übersicht dieses Space angezeigt"],"Get complete members list":["Liste aller Mitglieder"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Ziehe hierher ein Foto oder klicke, um deine Dateien zu durchsuchen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verstecke mein Geburtsjahr"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Howdy %firstname%, vielen Dank für die Benutzung von HumHub"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Du bist hier der erste Benutzer... Yehaaa! Sei ein gutes Vorbild und vervollständige dein Profil,
so dass künftige Benutzer wissen, wer die Verantwortung trägt und an wen er sich wenden kann, wenn er fragen hat."],"Your firstname":["Dein Vorname"],"Your lastname":["Dein Nachname"],"Your mobild phone number":["Deine Mobilfunknummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Deine Telefonnummer bei der Arbeit"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Deine Kompetenzen, dein Wissen und deine Erfahrungen (kommasepariert)"],"Your title or position":["Dein Titel oder deine Position"],"Confirm new password":["Neues Passwort bestätigen"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Ohne Berücksichtigung in der Navigation (Direkter Link)"],"Add Dropbox files":["Dropbox-Dateien hinzufügen"],"Invalid file":["Unzulässige Datei"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API Schlüssel"],"Show warning on posting":["Beim Absenden Warnung zeigen"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox-Post"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox-Modul Konfiguration"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Das Dropbox-Modul benötigt ein aktives Dropbox-Konto! Bitte gehe zu Seite, wähle \"Drop-ins app\" und vergebe einen Applikationsnamen, um deinen API-Schlüssel zu erhalten."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox Einstellungen"],"Describe your files":["Beschreibe deine Dateien"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Entschuldigung, das Dropbox-Modul ist derzeit nicht konfiguriert! Bitte trete mit dem Administrator in Verbindung."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Das Dropbox-Modul ist derzeit nicht konfiguriert! bitte konfiguriere es hier."],"Select files from dropbox":["Wähle Dateien aus der Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Vorsicht! Du teilst private Dateien"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Die Warnung künftig nicht mehr anzeigen"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Du möchtest private Dateien teilen. Zur Anzeige der Dateien in deinem space wird ein Link auf die privaten Dateien generiert. Jedermann, der diesen Link sehen kann, wir auf diene privaten Dateien Zugriff haben
Bist du sicher, dass du diese Dateien teilen möchstest?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, ich bin sicher"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ungültige Enterprise Lizenz"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Registrierung"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Unregistrierte Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Bitte gebe hier deinen Lizenzschlüssel ein. Solltest du noch keinen Lizenzschlüssel besitzen, kannst du unter %link% einen erwerben."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Bitte registriere deine HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Bitte aktualisiere deine HumHub - Enterprise Edition Lizenz!"],"Registration successful!":["Die Registrierung war erfolgreich!"],"Validating...":["Überprüfe..."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Lizenz"],"Licence Serial Code":["Lizenzschlüssel"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below.":["Bitte gebe im folgenden Feld den Lizenzschlüssel für deine Enterprise Edition ein."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Spacetyp änderen"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Neuen %typeTitle% erstellen"],"Create new space type":["Erstelle neuen Spacetyp"],"Delete space type":["Spacetyp löschen"],"Edit space type":["Spacetyp bearbeiten"],"Manage space types":["Spacetyp verwalten"],"Create new type":["Erstelle einen neuen Spacetyp"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Um den Spacetyp \"{type}\" löschen zu können, muss für vorhandene Spaces ein ander Spacetyp ausgewählt werden:"],"Types":["Spacetypen"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Entschuldigung! Die Höchstzahl der Benutzer ist erreicht."],"Delete instance":["Instanz löschen"],"Export data":["Daten exportieren"],"Hosting":["Hosting"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Weil die Höchstzahl der zulässigen Benutzer erreicht ist, sind in dieser Instanz derzeit keine weiteren Benutzerregistrierungen möglich!"],"Your plan":["Dein Vorhaben"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kannst dir selber keine Mail senden!"],"Add recipients":["Empfänger hinzufügen"],"Delete conversation":["Konversation löschen"],"Leave conversation":["Konversation verlassen"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Dieses Modul diesen Space um die Möglichkeit, Besprechungen zu erstellen und zu verwalten."],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Format muss HH:MM entsprechen"],"Meeting":["Besprechung"],"Meetings":["Besprechungen"],"Begin":["Beginn"],"Date":["Datum"],"End":["Ende"],"Location":["Ort"],"Room":["Raum"],"Minutes":["Protokoll"],"End must be after begin":["Das Ende muss nach dem Beginn liegen"],"No valid time":["Die Zeitangabe ist ungültig"],"Back to overview":["Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Create new task":["Neue Aufgabe erstellen","Neue Aufgabe erstellen"],"Assign users":["Benutzer zuordnen","Zugewiesene Benutzer"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Für diese Aufgabe vorausgewählte Benutzer.","Benutzer für diese Aufgabe vorauswählen"],"Task description":["Beschreibung der Aufgabe"],"What is to do?":["Was ist zu tun?"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Löschvorgang bestätigen"],"Create new meeting":["Neue Besprechung erstellen"],"Edit meeting":["Besprechung bearbeiten"],"Add Participants":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Externe Teilnehmer hinzufügen (Freitext)"],"Add participant":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Add participants":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Möchtest du diese Besprechung wirklich löschen?"],"External participants":["Externe Teilnehmer"],"Title of your meeting":["Titel der Besprechung"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"mm/dd/yyyy":["mm/dd/yyyy"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Löschvorgang bestätigen"],"Create new entry":["Neuen Tagesordnungspunkt erstellen"],"Edit entry":["Tagesordnungspunkt bearbeiten"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Externe Moderatoren hinzufügen (Freitext)"],"Add moderator":["Moderator hinzufügen"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Möchtest du den Tagesordnungspunkt wirklich löschen?"],"External moderators":["Externe Moderatoren"],"Moderators":["Moderatoren"],"Title of this entry":["Titel des Tagesordnungspunktes"],"Clear":["Leeren"],"Edit Note":["Protokoll bearbeiten"],"Note content":["Protokoll"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Weitere Informationen zur Besprechung: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Anstehende Besprechungen"],"Past meetings":["Vergangene Besprechungen"],"Add a protocol":["Protokoll hinzufügen"],"Add a task":["Aufgabe hinzufügen"],"Add this meeting to your calender and invite all participants by email":["Importiere das Meeting in deinen Kalender und lade alle Teilnehmer per Email ein "],"Add to your calender":["In deinem Kalender speichern"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Erstelle den ersten Tagesordnungspunkt, indem du auf den folgenden Button klickst."],"Moderator":["Moderator"],"New agenda entry":["Neuer Tagesordnungspunkt"],"New meeting":["Neue Besprechung"],"Print agenda":["Tagesordnung drucken"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Share meeting":["Besprechung teilen"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Erstelle jetzt deine erste Besprechnung!"],"Today":["Heute"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Leider wurde bis jetzt noch keine Besprechung erstellt."],"Share meeting":["Besprechung teilen"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Zum Kalender hinzufügen und Teilnehmer einladen"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Zum persönlichen Kalender hinzufügen"],"Export ICS":["Exportiere ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Benachrichtigungen an alle Teilnehmer senden"],"Send now":["Jetzt senden"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Sendet interne Benachrichtigungen an alle Teilnehmer."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Erstellt eine ICS-Datei, welche diese Besprechung ausschließlich zu deinem persönlichen Kalender hinzufügt."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Erstellt eine ICS-Datei, welche diese Besprechung zu deinem persönlichen Kalender hinzufügt, alle anderen Teilnehmer automatisch per Email einladet und dessen Zusagen/Absagen einfordert."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} hat dich zur {meeting} eingeladen."],"This task is related to %link%":["Dies Aufgabe ist mit %link% verknüpft"],"Get details...":["Details..."],"Again? ;Weary;":["Noch einmal? ;Weary;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Wir sind gerade in den Planungen für unser nächstes Treffen. Wo möchtet ihr gerne hingehen?"],"To Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini\n":["Zu Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Warum gehen wir nicht zu Bemelmans Bar?"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} hat die Frage {question} beantwortet."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Ein Benutzer hat deinen Beitrag als beleidigend gemeldet."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Ein Benutzer hat deinen Beitrag als Spam gemeldet."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Ein Benutzer hat Deinen Beitrag gemeldet, weil er nicht in diesen Space gehört."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% als beleidigend gemeldet."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% als Spam gemeldet."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% gemeldet, weil er nicht in diesen Space gehört."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kannst du gemeldete Beiträge des Space verwalten."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bestätigung der Löschung des Beitrages"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bestätigung der Löschung der Meldung"],"Delete post":["Beitrag löschen"],"Delete report":["Meldung löschen"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Möchtest du die Meldung wirklich löschen?"],"Reason":["Grund"],"Reporter":["Melder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Keine gemeldeten Beiträge."],"Does not belong to this space":["Gehört nicht in diesen Space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Helf uns zu verstehen, was vorgegangen ist"],"It's offensive":["Ist beleidigend"],"It's spam":["Ist Spam"],"Report post":["Beitrag melden"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Verweis-Tag zum Erstellen eines Filters in den Statistiken"],"Route access violation.":["Verletzung der Zugriffsroute."],"Assigned user(s)":["Zugewiesene Benutzer"],"Task":["Aufgabe"],"Edit task":["Aufgabe bearbeiten"],"Confirm deleting":["Löschen bestätigen"],"Add Task":["Aufgabe erstellen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Möchtest Du diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?"],"No open tasks...":["Keine offenen Aufgaben..."],"completed tasks":["abgeschlossene Aufgaben"],"Create new page":["Erstelle eine neue Seite"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Gebe einen Wiki-Namen oder eine URL (z.B. http://example.com) ein"],"Open wiki page...":["Wiki-Seite öffnen..."],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Nur in diesen Spaces suchen:"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["{n,plural,=1{Space} other{Spaces}} hinzufügen"],"Remember me":["Angemeldet bleiben"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppen Mitglieder - {group}"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Ein Soziales Netzwerk zur Förderung der Kommunikation und der Teamarbeit.
Jetzt registrieren, um diesem Space beizutreten."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition Testzeitraum"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Noch {daysLeft} Tage bis zum Ablauf des Testzeitraums."],"e.g. Project":["z.B. Projekt"],"e.g. Projects":["z.B. Projekte"],"Administrative Contact":["Kontakt zur Administration"],"Advanced Options":["Erweiterte Optionen"],"Custom Domain":["Spezifische Domain"],"Datacenter":["Datencenter"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Unterstützung / Hilfe erhalten"],"Agenda Entry":["Tagesordnungspunkt eintragen"],"Could not get note users! ":["Konnte Benutzer nicht laden!"],"Date input format":["Datumsformat"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Automatische Formatierung basierend auf der Benutzersprache - Beispiel: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Festgelegtes Format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Beispiel {example}"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Das Verzeichnis %filename% konnte nicht gespeichert werden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% hat eine unerlaubte Dateieendung und wurde übersprungen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% wurde durch eine neuere Version ersetzt."],"/ (root)":["/ (Stammverzeichnis)"],"Confirm delete file":["Löschen der Datei bestätigen"],"Create folder":["Ordner erstellen"],"Edit folder":["Ordner bearbeiten"],"Move files":["Dateien verschieben"],"A folder with this name already exists":["Ein Ordner mit diesem Namen existiert bereits"],"Add directory":["Neuer Ordner"],"Add file(s)":["Dateien hochladen"],"Adds an file module to this space.":["Fügt diesem Space eine Datei-Verwaltung hinzu"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Erweitert dein Profil um ein Datei-Ablage-Modul"],"All posted files":["Alle Dateien aus dem Stream"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Archiv %filename% konnte nicht entpackt werden."],"Archive folder":["Archivordner"],"Archive selected":["Archiv ausgewählt"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Die Datei %title% konnte nicht gespeichert werden","Die Datei %title% konnte nicht gespeichert werden."],"Creator":["Ersteller"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) wit all subcontent?":["Möchtest du wirklich %number% Elemente einschließlich aller Unterlemente löschen?"],"Download":["Herunterladen"],"Download .zip":["Zip-Archiv herunterladen"],"Download zip":["Zip-Archiv herunterladen"],"Edit directory":["Ordner bearbeiten"],"Enable Zip Support":["Zip-Archiv-Unterstützung aktivieren"],"Files Module Configuration":["Datei-Modul-Konfiguration"],"Folder":["Ordner"],"Folder options":["Ordner Optionen"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Keine ausreichenden Rechte um diese Aktion auszuführen."],"Invalid parameter.":["Unzulässiger Parameter."],"Move":["Verschieben"],"Move file":["Datei verschieben"],"Move folder":["Ordner verschieben"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Verschieben in das selbe Verzeichnis nicht möglich. Bitte ein übergeordnetes Verzeichnis für %title% auswählen."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Keine gültigen Elemente zum Verschieben ausgewählt."],"Open":["Öffnen"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Öffnen des Archivs mit Fehlercode %code% fehlgeschlagen."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Bitte ein gültiges Zielverzeichnis für %title% auswählen."],"Selected items...":["Ausgewählte Elemente..."],"Should not start or end with blank space.":["Sollte nicht mit einem Leerzeichen beginnen oder enden."],"Show":["Anzeigen"],"Show Image":["Bild anzeigen"],"Show Post":["Eintrag anzeigen"],"The archive could not be created.":["Das Archiv konnte nicht erstellt werden"],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Das Verzeichnis %filename% ist bereits vorhaden. Der Inhalt wurde überschrieben."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Das Verzeichnis mit der ID %id% ist nicht vorhanden."],"This folder is empty.":["Dieser Ordner ist leer."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Du hast keine Erlaubnis zum hochladen oder bearbeiten von Dateien."],"Updated":["Aktualisiert"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Upload .zip":["Zip-Archiv hochladen"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Mit den obigen Schaltflächen Dateien hochladen oder Unterordner erstellen."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Dateien in Stream hochladen, um diesen Ordner zu füllen."],"Zip support is not enabled.":["Zip-Archiv-Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert."],"root":["Stammverzeichnis"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Gebe unten deinen Enterpise-Lizenzschlüssel ein. Wenn Du keinen Lizenzschlüssel hinterlegst, beginnt eine 14-tägige Testphase."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Neue LDAP-Zuordnung erstellen"],"Edit ldap mapping":["LDAP-Zuordnung bearbeiten"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP Mitglieder Zuordnung"],"Create new mapping":["Neue Zuordnung erstellen"],"Space ID":["Space ID"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Vorschaubild auswählen"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonyme Umfrage!"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhaus"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"To Daniel":["Zu Daniel"],"Anonymous":["Anonym"],"Closed":["Beendet"],"Add answer...":["Antwort hinzufügen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anonyme Abstimmung?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antworten in zufälliger Reihenfolge anzeigen?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwort bearbeiten (leere Antworten werden entfernt)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Frage bearbeiten"],"Update HumHub":["HumHub aktualisieren"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub BETA aktualisieren"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Vor dem Fortfahren eine Sicherheitskopie aller Dateien und der Datenbank erstellen"],"Check for next update":["Auf nächstes Update prüfen"],"Could not extract update package!":["Konnte das Updatepaket nicht entpacken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Konnte keine Updateinformationen beziehen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Ergebnisse der Datenbankmigration:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Diese Modul nicht in Kombination mit Git- oder Composer-Installationen benutzen!"],"Downloading update package...":["Lade Updatepaket herunter..."],"Error!":["Fehler!"],"Installing update package...":["Installiere Updatepaket..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Stelle sicher, dass alle Dateien durch die Anwendung überschrieben werden können"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Stelle sicher, dass individuelle Module und Themes mit der Version %version% kompatibel sind"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Stelle sicher, dass folgende Dateien durch die Anwendung überschrieben werden können:"],"Please note:":["Bitte beachten:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Bitte installierte Module vor und nach dem Update aktualisieren"],"Proceed Installation":["Installation fortsetzten"],"Release Notes:":["Release Notes:"],"Show database migration results":["Ergebnisse der Datenbankmigration anzeigen"],"Start Installation":["Installation beginnen"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Die folgenden Dateien scheinen nicht zur Originalsinstallation (%version%) zu gehören und werden während des Aktualisierungsvorgangs überschrieben oder gelöscht."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Ein Update auf %version% ist verfügbar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Es kein HumHub-Update verfügbar!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Aktualiserung HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Updatepaket ungültig!"],"Warning!":["Warnung!"],"Warnings:":["Warnungen:"],"successfully installed!":["erfolgreich installiert!"],"version update":["Versionsupdate"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Herunterladen des Updates fehlgeschlagen! (%error%)"],"Actions":["Aktionen"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Dem Benutzer erlauben, Kommentare zu erstellen"],"Create comment":["Kommentar erstellen"],"Last Visit":["Letzter Besuch"],"Updated By":["Aktualisiert von","Zuletzt aktualisiert durch"],"Value":["Wert"],"Create private space":["Privaten Space anlegen"],"Create public content":["Öffentlichen Inhalt erstellen"],"Create public space":["Öffentlichen Space anlegen"],"Invite users":["Benutzer einladen"],"Current Group:":["Aktuelle Gruppe:"],"Permissions":["Berechtigungen"],"Hide age per default":["Standardmäßig Alter verstecken"],"Space followers":["Space Follower"],"No spaces found.":["Keine Spaces gefunden."],"Originator User ID":["Ersteller User ID"],"Request Message":["Anfrage Nachricht"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Benutzern erlauben öffentliche Inhalte zu erstellen"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Benutzern erlauben andere Benutzer einzuladen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Erstellen von nicht-öffentliche Spaces."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Erstellen von öffentliche Spaces. (Im Verzeichnis gelistet)"],"Pending Approvals":["Ausstehende Freigaben"],"Pending Invites":["Ausstehende Einladungen"],"No users found.":["Keine Benutzer gefunden."],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Geburtstage in den nächsten {days} Tagen"],"In {days} days":["In {days} Tagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wird {years} Jahre alt."],"Files module configuration":["Dateimodul Konfiguration"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Ein Ordner mit diesem namen ist bereits vorhanden."],"Adds files module to this space.":["Erweitert den Space um ein Datei-Ablage-Modul"],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Komprimierung (ZIP) ist nicht aktiviert."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Komprmierung (ZIP) deaktivieren"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Möchtes du wirklich %number% Element(e) einschließlich ihrer Unterlemente löschen?"],"Download ZIP":["Download ZIP"],"Files from the stream":["Dateien vom Stream"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Die Bezeichnung des Ordners darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen beginnen oder enden."],"Upload ZIP":["Hochladen ZIP"],"ZIP all":["Alle komprimieren"],"ZIP selected":["Ausgewählte komprimieren"],"changed:":["geändert:"],"created:":["erstellt:"],"Conversations":["Unterhaltungen"],"Folder ID":["Ordner ID"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID des übergeordneten Ordners"],"Category":["Kategorie"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommentierten {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommentierte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Neuer Kommentar"],"Space":["Space"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Self test":["Selbsttest"],"User posts":["Benutzerbeiträge"],"Userprofiles":["Benutzerprofile"],"Default stream content order":["Standardsortierung des Streams"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktivieren des Freundschaftssystem unter Benutzern"],"Sort by creation date":["Nach Erstelldatum sortieren"],"Sort by update date":["Nach letzter Aktualisierung sortieren"],"Advanced":["Erweitert"],"General Settings":["Allgemeine Einstellungen"],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du grundlegende Einstellungen deines sozialen Netzwerks konfigurieren."],"Add new space":["Neuen Space hinzufügen"],"User administration":["Benutzer Administration"],"Friendship":["Freundschaft"],"Appearance":["Darstellung"],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"Information":["Informationen"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"comment":["Kommentar"],"My friends":["Meine Freunde"],"post":["Beitrag"],"Your profile":["Dein Profil"],"Change Email":["E-Mail ändern"],"Change Password":["Passwort ändern"],"Manage groups":["Gruppenverwaltung"],"Add":["Hinzufügen"],"Add new members...":["Mitglieder hinzufügen..."],"Remove from group":["Aus Gruppe entfernen"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Space settings":["Space-Einstellungen"],"Approval":["Bestätigung"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed-Provider"],"Group user not found!":["Benutzer in Gruppe nicht gefunden! "],"No value found!":["Wert nicht gefunden!"],"Administrative group":["Administrations Gruppe"],"About HumHub":["Über HumHub"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Voraussetzungen"],"Third-party":["Third-party"],"Third-party disclaimer":["Haftungsausschluss von Drittanbietern"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Es ist eine neue HumHub Version ({version}) verfügbar."],"Advanced Settings":["Erweiterte Einstellungen"],"Appearance Settings":["Anzeige Einstellungen"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-Mail Einstellungen"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du das E-Mail Verhalten und die Mail-Server Einstellungen deines Sozialen Netzwerkes verwalten."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Diese Einstellungen betreffen fortgeschrittene Themen deines sozialen Netzwerkes."],"User Settings":["Benutzer Einstellungen"],"Information":["Information"],"Settings and Configuration":["Einstellungen "],"Add new group":["Neue Gruppe erstellen"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gruppe verwalten: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Ausstehende Bestätigungen"],"Profiles":["Profile"],"Pending user approvals":["Ausstehende Benutzerbestätigungen."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Die folgende Liste beinhaltet alle registrierten Benutzer mit einer ausstehenden Bestätigung."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Benutzer können verschiedenen Gruppen hinzugefügt werden (z.B. Teams, Abteilungen etc.) mit jeweils spezifischen Standard-Spaces, Benutzer-mangern und Rechten."],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Neue Benutzer werden automatisch zu diesen Space(s) hinzugefügt. "],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Aktivierte OEmbed Anbieter"],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed Anbieter hinzufügen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed Anbieter bearbeiten"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Hier können die allgemeinen Einstellungen für neue Spaces festlegen. Diese Einstellungen können für jeden einzelnen Space überschrieben werden. "],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Diese Übersicht enthält eine Liste mit allen Spaces mit der Möglichkeit sie an zu zeigen, zu editieren oder zu löschen"],"Edit user: {name}":["Benutzer editieren: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Gruppen Manager"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Diese Übersicht enthält eine Liste mit allen Benutzern mit der Möglichkeit sie anzuzeigen, zu editieren oder zu löschen"],"Create new profile category":["Erstelle eine neue Profil-Kategorie"],"Edit profile category":["Bearbeite die Profil-Kategorie"],"Create new profile field":["Erstelle ein neues Profil-Feld"],"Edit profile field":["Bearbeite das Profil-Feld"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Hier kannst du neue Profil-Kategorien und Felder erstellen oder bearbeiten."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil-Attribute verwalten"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximale Anzahl an festgesetzten Inhalte erreicht!\n\nDu kannst nur zwei Inhalte auf einmal festsetzen. Bevor du diesen Inhalt festsetzen kannst, musst du ein anderes freigeben."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat {contentTitle} erstellt."],"Send invite":["Einladung senden","Einladung/en versenden"],"Pending friend requests":["Ausstehende Freundschaftsanfragen"],"Sent friend requests":["Ausstehende Freundschaftsanfragen"],"Accept Friend Request":["Freundschaftsanfrage akzeptieren"],"Add Friend":["Freund hinzufügen"],"Cancel friend request":["Freundschaftsanfrage zurücknehmen"],"Deny friend request":["Freundschaftsanfrage ablehnen"],"Friends":["Freunde"],"Requests":["Anfrage"],"Sent requests":["Anfrage senden"],"Show all friends":["Zeige alle Freunde"],"Unfriend":["Freundschaft aufheben"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} hat deine Freundschaftsanfrage akzeptiert."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} hat deine Freundschaftsanfrage abgelehnt."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} hat dir Freundschaftsanfrage gesendet."],"Friendship Request":["Freundschaftsanfrage"],"Friendship Approved":["Freundschaftsanfrage Bestätigt"],"New Like":["Neues gefällt mir"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} mögen {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} mag {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} und {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} und {number} weitere"],"Other":["Weitere"],"Module Filter":["Filter Modul"],"No notifications found!":["Keine Benachrichtigungen gefunden!"],"Notification Overview":["Benachrichtigungen Übersicht"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Deine Suche ergab keine Treffer."],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standard)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, aber du kannst diesen Space nicht verlassen."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Die URL beinhaltet nicht erlaubte Zeichen !"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["z. B. example für {baseUrl}/s/example"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Einladung für den {spaceName} akzeptiert"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Mitgliedschaft für den {spaceName} bestätigt"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Einladung für den {spaceName} abgelehnt"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Mitgliedschafts-Anfrage für den {spaceName} abgelehnt"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat dich zu dem Space {spaceName} eingeladen"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} bittet um Mitgliedschaft in dem Space {spaceName}"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Basic Settings":["Grundlegende Einstellungen"],"Connect account":["Account verbinden"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbundene Accounts "],"Connected accounts":["Verbundene Accounts "],"Currently in use":["Zurzeit in Benutzung"],"Delete Account":["Account löschen"],"Disconnect account":["Account trennen"],"My Account":["Mein Account"],"or":["oder"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Verstecke das Einführungstour Panel auf dem Dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Benutzer-Einladung"],"Email address(es)":["E-Mail Adresse/n"],"Invitation to join":["Einladung zum beitreten"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Trage hier die E-Mail Adressen von neuen Benutzern ein, die du einladen willst."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Trenne E-Mail Adressen mit Komma"],"Click here to create an account:":["Klicke hier um einen Account zu erstellen:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":[" {username} hat dich eingeladen \"{space}\" auf {name} beizutreten."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} hat dich zu {name} eingeladen."],"Searchable":["Suchbar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma getrennte Ländercodes, z. B. DE,EN,AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Unterstützte ISO3166 Länder Codes"],"Mentioned":["Erwähnt"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} folgt dir jetzt."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat dich in {contentTitle} erwähnt."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Deine aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse ist {email}. Du kannst sie sie hier ändern."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Dein aktuelles Passwort kann hier geändert werden."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kannst du deine allgemeinen Profil Daten ändern, die in deinem Profil sichtbar sind."],"Is homepage":["Als Startseite"],"Protected":["Geschützte Seite"],"Administrators":["Administratoren"],"Default content visibility":["Standard Sichtbarkeit der Inhalte"],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du Einstellungen zur Registrierung sowie Benutzereinstellungen deines Sozialen Netzwerks verwalten."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Diese Einstellungen beziehen sich auf die Darstellung deines Sozialen Netzwerks."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Du kannst HTML Code für Statistiken hinzufügen, der zu allen generierten Seiten hinzugefügt wird."],"Allows the user to create posts":["Erlaubt dem Benutzer das Erstellen von Beiträgen"],"Create post":["Beitrag erstellen"],"Load more":["Mehr laden"],"File dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Die Dateigröße überschreitet die Speicherbegrenzung des Servers!"],"Allow friendships between members":["Freundschaften zwischen Mitgliedern erlauben"],"Notification Overview":["Übersicht über Mitteilungen"],"Show all notifications":["Alle Mitteilungen anzeigen"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Der Benutzer '{username}' ist bereits Mitglied des Spaces!"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier können externe Service-Anbieter angebunden werden, zum Beispiel für Single Sign On Authentifizierung."],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Es existiert ein Benutzer mit derselben E-Mail Adresse, der jedoch nicht mit deinem Konto verbunden ist. Melde dich zunächst an, dann verbinde die Konten."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Das neue Passwort muss sich vom aktuellen Passwort unterscheiden!"],"Auth Mode":["Authentifizierungs-Verfahren"],"Last Login":["Zuletzt angemeldet am"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Im Verzeichnis anzeigen"],"Show At Registration":["Bei Registrierung anzeigen"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Desktop-Benachrichtigungen empfangen, wenn du online bist."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Einladung zum Space {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Jetzt registieren und teilnehmen!"],"You got an invite":["Du wurdest eingeladen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["hat dich eingeladen zu {name}","hat dich zu {name} eingeladen"],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["hat dich eingeladen zu {name} in {space}","hat dich auf {name} eingeladen {space} beizutreten"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Ermöglicht das Anlegen eigener Seiten in der Navigation."],"Custom pages":["Eigene Seiten"],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["Diese E-Mail Whitelist definiert Regeln zu E-Mail Adressen für Einladungen und Registrierungen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["Diese E-Mail Whiltelist definiert Regeln zu E-Mail Adressen, die nach der Registrierung ohne weitere Freigabe aktiviert werden."],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Die folgenden E-Mail Adressen entsprechen nicht den Whitelist-Regeln: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["Die angegebene E-Mail Adresse kann nicht registiert werden!"],"Whitelist":["Whitelist"],"Is Originator":["Ist Ersteller"],"Last Viewed":["Zuletzt betrachtet"],"Allows to start polls.":["Ermöglicht Umfragen zu starten."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Dieses Modul ist in diesem Content Container nicht aktiviert!"],"Visible for members only":["Für Mitglieder sichbar"],"Visible for members+guests":["Für Mitglieder und Gäste sichtbar"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Filter der angewendet wird, sobald sich ein Benutzer anmeldet. %s ersetzt den Benutzername während der Anmeldung. Beispiel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kann beliebige Inhalte verwalten (z.B. archivieren, anheften oder löschen)"],"Manage content":["Inhalte verwalten"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Der Benutzer '{username}' hat bereits die Mitgliedschaft in diesem Space beantragt!"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Berechtigungen sind mit unterschiedlichen Benutzerollen verknüpft. Um eine Berechtigung zu bearbeiten, wähle die betreffende Benutzerrolle und ordne über das Dropdown-Feld eine andere Berechtigung zu."],"Last Activity Email":["Letzte Aktivität (Email)"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Erhalte eine Email über jede Aktivität der Benutzer denen du folgst oder mit denen du in einem Space zusammenarbeitest."],"Add new page":["Neue Seite erstellen"],"Open page...":["Seite öffnen..."],"Does not belong here":["Gehört nicht in diesen Space"],"Reopen Poll":["Umfrage wieder öffnen"],"Complete Poll":["Umfrage beenden"],"Show more":["Mehr anzeigen"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datum muss in der Vergangenheit liegen."],"Unsubscribe":["Abbestellen"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Bilder auf Mobilgeräten horizontal scrollen"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Die HumHub-Entwickler bieten keine Unterstützung für Module von Drittanbietern und geben keinerlei Garantie für die Eignung, Funktionalität oder Sicherheit dieses Moduls."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Aktivitäten bieten einen Überblick über Aktionen im Rahmen eines Spaces oder anderer Benutzer. (Z. B. eine neue Nachricht wurde geschrieben oder ein neues Mitglied trat dem Space bei)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Definieren Sie das Standardverhalten für das Versenden von Benutzer-E-Mails. Diese Einstellungen können von Benutzern in ihren Kontoeinstellungen überschrieben werden."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Benachrichtigungen sind benutzerbezogene Informationen (z. B. neue Kommentare zu eigenen Beiträgen oder einen neuen Nachfolger). Benachrichtigungen werden auch erstellt, wenn eine Benutzeraktion erforderlich ist (z. B. Freundschaftsanforderung)."],"Space Settings":["Space Einstellungen"],"Edit file":["Datei bearbeiten"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Der Ordner mit der ID %id% konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Konnte den Standardordner nicht laden, der alle gesendeten Dateien enthielt, Datenbank nicht richtig initialisiert."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Root-Ordner konnte nicht geladen werden, Datenbank wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß initialisiert."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["EIne nicht vorhandene Datei kann nicht editiert werden."],"Created at:":["Erstellt um:"],"Edit the file description...":["Dateibeschreibung editieren..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Ordnerbeschreibung editieren..."],"Filesize:":["Daetigröße:"],"Last edited at:":["Geändert am:"],"Last edited by:":["Geändert durch:"],"Likes/Comments":["Gefällt mir / Kommentare"],"Open directory!":["Verzeichnis offen!"],"Open parent directory!":["Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis offen!"],"Schließen":["Schließen"],"Show all files":["Alle Dateien zeigen"],"Show complete file preview":["Komplette Dateivorschau zeigen"],"Show on Wall":["An der Wand anzeigen"],"This folder is still empty.":["Dieser Ordner ist noch leer."],"Description for the wall entry.":["Beschreibung der Wandeingabe."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Eine Regel kann entweder in der Form @example.com sein, um jede E-Mail des angegebenen Hosts oder eine vollständige Adresse als user@example.com zuzulassen"],"E-Mail Mapping":["E-Mail Mapping"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Mit dem E-Mail-Mapping können Sie E-Mail-Regeln für Benutzer festlegen, die dieser Gruppe nach der Registrierung automatisch zugewiesen werden."],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Wenn die E-Mail-Whitelist-Funktion ebenfalls aktiviert ist (mindestens eine Regel), werden die angegebenen Regeln ebenfalls der Whitelist hinzugefügt."],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP-Zuordnung"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Hier können Sie Ihre Spacetypen verwalten, mit denen Sie Ihre Spaces kategorisieren können."],"Space Types":["Spacetypen"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Eine Whitelist-Regel kann entweder mit der Form @example.com jede E-Mail des angegebenen Hosts, oder mittels user@example.com nur eine vollständige Adresse zulassen"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Mehrere Regeln durch eine neue Zeile trennen."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Mehrere Whitelist-Regeln durch eine neue Zeile trennen."],"Wall entry layout":["Layout der Pinwand"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Die Bildabmessungen sind zu groß. Aufgrund der für den Server eingestellten Speichergrenze kann nicht fortgefahren werden."],"the default start page of this space for members":["Die Standard-Startseite für Mitglieder dieses Space"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["Die Standard-Startseite für Gästes dieses Space"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Gäste)"],"You're not registered.":["Du bist nicht registriert."],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["z.B. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Bitte begründe, aus welchem Grund Du diesen Beitrag meldest."],"Approve":["Genehmigen"],"Approve post":["Beitrag genehmigen"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich genehmigen?"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Aktualisierung auf HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Abbrechen"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Änderungen am HumHub-Kernsystem werden durch die Aktualisierung überschrieben!"],"Cleanup update files":["Bereinigen der Aktualisierungsdateien"],"Downloading update package":["Herunterladen des Aktualisierungspakets"],"Extracting package files":["Entpacken der Aktualisierungsdateien"],"Installing files":["Dateien installieren"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Stelle sicher, dass alle Dateien überschreibbar sind! ("],"Migrating database":["Migration der Datenbank"],"New updater version available!":["Eine neue Version des Updates ist verfügbar!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Keiner Fehlermeldung verfügbar. Bitte überprüfe die Protokolldateien!"],"Preparing system":["System vorbereiten"],"Start":["Start"],"Start update":["Aktualisierung starten"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Nach der Aktualisierung zum Standard-Theme wechseln"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Die Aktualisierung wurde erfolgreich installiert!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Eine neue Version des Update-Moduls ist verfügbar. Bitte vor dem Fortfahren aktualisieren."],"Update HumHub":["Humhub aktualisieren"],"Update successful":["Aktualisierung erfolgreich"],"Validating package":["Paket überprüfen"],"Page creation disabled!":["Erstellung von Seiten deaktiviert!"],"Page not editable!":["Seite kann nicht bearbeitet werden!"],"Page not found.":["Seite nicht gefunden."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Zugriff verweigert. Du hast keine Administrationsrechte."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Zugriff verweigert. Du hast keine Rechte, die Historie einzusehen."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Rückkehr nicht möglich. Dies ist bereits die letzte Revision!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Um auf diese Wiki-Seite zugreifen zu können, musst Du Mitglied des Space \"%space_name%\" sein!"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\r\n\r\n Hier klicken um Dich einzuloggen:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Mit freundlichem Gruß
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n \r\n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\r\n \r\n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximale Anzahl an festgesetzten Inhalte erreicht!\r\n\r\nDu kannst nur zwei Inhalte auf einmal festsetzen. Bevor du diesen Inhalt festsetzen kannst, musst du ein anderes freigeben."],"Pinned":["Angeheftet","Anheften"],"Unpinned":["Nicht mehr anheften"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Externe Benutzer können sich registrieren (Das Registrierungsformular wird auf der Login-Seite angezeigt)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Latest updates":["Letzte Aktualisierungen"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Account settings":["Kontoeinstellungen"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Zurück"],"Back to dashboard":["Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Choose language:":["Sprache wählen:"],"Collapse":["Einklappen","Verbergen","Zusammenklappen"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Die Quelle des Addons muss eine Instanz von HActiveRecordContent oder HActiveRecordContentAddon sein!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kann Content Container nicht finden."],"Could not find content of addon!":["Der Inhalt des Addons konnte nicht gefunden werden!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Kann gesuchtes Modul nicht finden!"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Expand":["Erweitern"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen um Inhalte zu erstellen!"],"Invalid request.":["Ungültige Anfrage."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Du hast womöglich den falschen Weg eingeschlagen."],"Keyword:":["Suchbegriff:"],"Language":["Sprache"],"Latest news":["Neuigkeiten"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Ausloggen"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Dieses Modul ist in diesem Content Container nicht aktiviert!"],"My profile":["Mein Profil","Aus meinem Profil"],"New profile image":["Neues Profilbild"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nichts gefunden!"],"Oooops...":["Uuuups..."],"Results":["Ergebnisse"],"Search":["Suchen"],"Search for users and spaces":["Suche nach Benutzern und Spaces"],"Show more results":["Mehr Ergebnisse anzeigen"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Entschuldige, nichts gefunden!"],"Space not found!":["Space nicht gefunden!"],"User Approvals":["Benutzerfreigaben"],"User not found!":["Benutzer nicht gefunden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Willkommen bei %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du hast nicht genügend Rechte um öffentlich sichtbaren Inhalt zu erstellen!"],"Your daily summary":["Deine tägliche Übersicht"],"Login required":["Anmelden erforderlich"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du hast keine Berechtigung für diesen Vorgang."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Das globale {global} Array wurde mit der {method} Methode bereinigt."],"Upload error":["Upload Fehler"],"Close":["Schließen","Schliessen"],"Add image/file":["Bild/Datei einfügen "],"Add link":["Link einfügen"],"Bold":["Fett"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Trage eine URL ein (z.B. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Überschrift"],"Image":["Bild"],"Image/File":["Bild/Datei"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Hyperlink einfügen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Hyperlink Bild einfügen "],"Italic":["Kursiv"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Wird hochgeladen..."],"Preview":["Vorschau"],"Quote":["Zitat"],"Target":["Ziel"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Link Name"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Code hier einfügen"],"emphasized text":["Hervorgehobener Text"],"enter image description here":["Gib hier eine Bildbeschreibung ein"],"enter image title here":["Gib hier einen Bildtitel ein"],"enter link description here":["Gib hier eine Linkbeschreibung ein "],"heading text":["Überschrift"],"list text here":["Listen-Element "],"quote here":["Zitiere hier"],"strong text":["Fetter Text"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Es konnnte keine Aktivität für diesen Objekttyp erstellt werden!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% erstellte einen neuen Space »%spaceName%«."],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% hat diesen Space erstellt."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ist dem Space »%spaceName%« beigetreten"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ist diesem Space beigetreten."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% hat den Space »%spaceName%« verlassen"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% hat diesen Space verlassen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} folgt nun {user2}."],"see online":["online anzeigen","online ansehen"],"via":["über","via"],"Latest activities":["Letzte Aktivitäten"],"There are no activities yet.":["Noch keine Aktivitäten."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Zugang für '{displayName}' wurde genehmigt."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Zugang für '{displayName}' wurde abgelehnt."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\n\n Hier klicken um Dich einzuloggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Mit freundlichem Gruß
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\n \n Klicke hier um dich anzumelden:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\n \n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Gruppe nicht gefunden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kann das Modul nicht deinstallieren! Modul ist geschützt!"],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modul Verzeichnis %path% ist nicht beschreibbar!"],"Saved":["Gespeichert"],"Database":["Datenbank"],"No theme":["Kein Thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Konnte LDAP nicht laden! - Prüfe bitte die PHP Extension"],"File":["Datei"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Kein Caching (Nur zu Testzwecken!)","Kein Caching (nur für Testzwecke!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Keine - bei der Registrierung Drop-Down Auswahl zeigen"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Gespeichert und Cache bereinigt"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokal"],"Become this user":["Als dieser Benutzer anmelden"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Disabled":["Deaktivieren"],"Enabled":["Aktivieren"],"Save":["Speichern"],"Unapproved":["Nicht genehmigt"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Administratoren können sich nicht selbst löschen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kann Kategorie nicht laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kannst nur leere Kategorien löschen!"],"Group":["Gruppe"],"Message":["Nachricht"],"Subject":["Betreff","Beschreibung"],"Base DN":["Basis DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Eigenschaften der E-Mail-Adresse"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Aktiviere LDAP Unterstützung"],"Encryption":["Verschlüsselung"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["automatische Aktualisierung der Benutzer"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Passwort"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Benutzer Filter"],"Username":["Benutzername"],"Username Attribute":["Benutzer Attribute"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Erlaube eingeschränkten Zugriff für Gäste"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonyme Benutzer können sich registrieren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standardgruppe für neue Benutzer"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standard Profilsichtbarkeit"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Benutzer können neue Nutzer per E-Mail einladen"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Benötige Freigabe eines Gruppenadministrators nach Registrierung"],"Base URL":["Basis URL"],"Default language":["Standardsprache"],"Default space":["Standardspace"],"Invalid space":["Ungültiger Space"],"Logo upload":["Logo hochladen"],"Name of the application":["Name der Anwendung"],"Server Timezone":["Zeitzone des Servers"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Zeige Einführungstour für neue Benutzer"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standardablaufzeit (in Sekunden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Erweiterung fehlt - Typ nicht verfügbar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Erweiterung fehlt - Typ nicht verfügbar!"],"Dropdown space order":["Space-Sortierung"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standardanzahl der Einträge pro Seite"],"Display Name (Format)":["Anzeigename (Format)"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Erlaubte Dateierweiterungen"],"Convert command not found!":["Befehl zum Konvertieren nicht gefunden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Ungültige Image Magick Antwort - Korrektes Kommando?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick Convert Kommando (Optional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maximale Datei Upload Größe (in MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Benutze X-Sendfile für Datei Downloads"],"Administrator users":["Administratoren"],"Description":["Beschreibung"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Name":["Name"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-Mail Absenderadresse"],"E-Mail sender name":["E-Mail Absendername"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail Transport Typ"],"Port number":["Portnummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Ziel Url"],"Url Prefix":["Url Prefix"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Kein Proxy Host"],"Server":["Server"],"User":["Benutzer"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins können jeden Inhalt löschen"],"Default Join Policy":["Standard Beitrittseinstellung"],"Default Visibility":["Standard Sichtbarkeit"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML Tracking Code"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modul Verzeichnis für Modul %moduleId% existiert bereits!"],"Could not extract module!":["Konnte Modul nicht entpacken!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Konnte Modul Liste online nicht abrufen! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Konnte Modul Info online nicht abrufen! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Herunterladen des Moduls fehlgeschlagen!!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modul Verzeichnis %modulePath% nicht beschreibbar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modul Download fehlgeschlagen! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Keine kompatible Version gefunden!"],"Activated":["Aktiviert"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aktuell sind keine Module installiert. Installiere welche und erweitere so die Funktionen von HumHub!"],"Version:":["Version:"],"Installed":["Installiert"],"No modules found!":["Keine Module gefunden!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle Module sind auf dem neusten Stand!"],"About HumHub":["Über HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Aktuell installierte Version: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lizenzen"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Es ist ein Update verfügbar! (Version: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Diese HumHub-Installation ist auf dem aktuellen Stand!"],"Accept":["Freigeben"],"Decline":["Absagen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Benutzer: {displayName} akzeptieren"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Send & save":["Senden & Speichern"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Ablehnen & Löschen des Benutzers: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-Mail Adresse"],"Search for email":["Suche nach E-Mail"],"Search for username":["Suche nach Benutzername"],"Pending user approvals":["Ausstehende Benutzerfreigaben"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier siehst du eine Liste aller registrierten Benutzer die noch auf eine Freigabe warten."],"Delete group":["Lösche Gruppe"],"Delete group":["Gruppe löschen"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Um die Gruppe »{group}« zu löschen, musst du die vorhandenen Benutzer einer anderen Gruppe zuordnen:"],"Create new group":["Erstelle neue Gruppe"],"Edit group":["Gruppe bearbeiten"],"Group name":["Gruppen Name"],"Manage groups":["Gruppen verwalten"],"Search for description":["Suche nach Beschreibung"],"Search for group name":["Suche nach Gruppen Name"],"Create new group":["Neue Gruppe erstellen"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Du kannst Benutzer in verschiedene Gruppen aufteilen (z.B. Teams, Abteilungen, usw.) und ihnen einen Standard-Space und Administratoren zuweisen."],"Error logging":["Fehler Protokollierung"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Zeige {count} Einträge pro Seite."],"Flush entries":["Lösche Einträge"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Insgesamt {count} Einträge gefunden."],"Available updates":["Verfügbare Aktualisierungen"],"Browse online":["Online durchsuchen"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Module erweitern die Funktionen von HumHub. Hier kannst du Module aus dem Marktplatz installieren und verwalten."],"Module details":["Modul Informationen "],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Dieses Modul stellt keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügung."],"Processing...":["Verarbeite..."],"Modules directory":["Modul Verzeichnis"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Bist Du sicher? *ALLE* Modul Daten gehen verloren!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Bist Du sicher? *ALLE* Modul abhängigen Daten und Dateien gehen verloren!"],"Configure":["Konfigurieren"],"Disable":["Deaktivieren"],"Enable":["Aktivieren"],"More info":["Mehr Informationen","Weitere Informationen"],"Set as default":["Als Standard festlegen"],"Uninstall":["Deinstallieren"],"Install":["Installieren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Letzte kompatible Version:"],"Latest version:":["Letzte Version:"],"Installed version:":["Installierte Version:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Letzte kompatible Version:"],"Update":["Aktualisieren"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Als Standard festlegen"],"Always activated":["Immer aktiviert"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivieren"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kannst du entscheiden ob ein Modul automatisch innerhalb eines Space oder in einem Benutzerprofil aktiviert sein soll oder nicht. Soll das Modul immer aktiviert sein, wähle \"Immer aktiviert\"."],"Spaces":["Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Benutzerprofile"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Eine neue HumHub Version (%version%) ist erhältlich."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authentifizierung - Grundeinstellung"],"Basic":["Allgemein"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authentifizierung - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL wird in Produktivumgebungen favorisiert, da dies die Übertragung von Passwörtern in Klartext verhindert."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Filter der angewendet wird, sobald sich ein Benutzer anmeldet. %uid ersetzt den Benutzername während der Anmeldung. Beispiel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribute für Benutzernamen. Beispiel: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Zugriff auf Benutzer beschränken die diese Kriterien erfüllen. Beispiel: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Fehler! (Meldung: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Benutzer)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Die Standard Basis DN zum Suchen der Benutzeraccounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Das Standard Passwort."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Der Standard Benutzername. Einige Server benötigen den Benutzername in DN Form."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Einstellungen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Speichern & Cache leeren"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Einstellungen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab des Benutzers: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Letze Ausführung (täglich):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Letzte Ausführung (stündlich):"],"Never":["Nie"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oder Crontab des root Benutzers"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Bitte stelle sicher, dass folgende Cronjobs eingerichtet sind:"],"Alphabetical":["Alphabetisch"],"Last visit":["Letzter Zugriff"],"Design settings":["Design Einstellungen"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Vorname Nachname (e.g. Max Mustermann)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Benutzername (e.g. max)"],"File settings":["Datei Einstellungen"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Komma separierte Liste (CSV). Leer lassen um alle zu erlauben."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Derzeitige Bild Bibliothek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ist dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, wird die Standard-Bildhöhe von 200px genutzt."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ist dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, wird die Standard-Bildbreite von 200px genutzt."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meldet ein Maximum von {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Standard Einstellungen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bestätige das Löschen des Bildes"],"Dashboard":["Übersicht"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["z.B. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Neue Benutzer werden automatisch diesen Space(s) hinzugefügt."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du benutzt momentan kein eigenes Logo. Lade dein eigenes Logo hoch."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing Einstellungen"],"Activities":["Aktivitäten"],"Always":["Sofort"],"Daily summary":["Tägliche Zusammenfassung"],"Defaults":["Standardeinstellungen"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Lege die Standardeinstellung fest, zu wann ein Benutzer per E-Mail über Benachrichtungen oder neuen Aktivitäten informiert wird. Diese Einstellung kann vom Benutzer in den Konto Einstellungen überschrieben werden.","Lege die Standardeinstellung fest, zu wann ein Benutzer per E-Mail über Benachrichtigungen oder neue Aktivitäten informiert wird. Diese Einstellung kann vom Benutzer in den Konto Einstellungen überschrieben werden."],"Notifications":["Mitteilungen"],"Server Settings":["Server Einstellungen"],"When I´m offline":["Wenn ich offline bin"],"Mailing settings":["Mailing Einstellungen"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Optionen"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Anbieter"],"Add new provider":["Neuen Anbieter hinzufügen"],"Currently active providers:":["Derzeit eingerichtete Anbieter:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Aktuell sind keine Anbieter eingerichtet!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Hinzufügen eines OEmbed Anbieters (Infos unter: http://oembed.com/)"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Bearbeite OEmbed Anbieter"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefix OHNE http:// or https:// (Bsp.: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Benutze %url% als Platzhalter für die URL. Als Format muss JSON zurückgegeben werden. (Bsp.: http://www.youtube.de/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy Einstellungen"],"Security settings and roles":["Sicherheits- Einstellungen und Regeln"],"Self test":["Selbst- Test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Prüfe HumHub Software Voraussetzungen"],"Re-Run tests":["Tests neu starten"],"Statistic settings":["Statistik Einstellungen"],"All":["Global"],"Delete space":["Space löschen"],"Edit space":["Space bearbeiten"],"Search for space name":["Suche nach Space Name"],"Search for space owner":["Suche nach Space Besitzer"],"Space name":["Space Name"],"Space owner":["Space Besitzer"],"View space":["Space anzeigen"],"Manage spaces":["Verwalten der Spaces"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Stelle hier die allgemeinen Vorgaben für neue Spaces ein."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In dieser Übersicht kannst Du jeden Space finden und verwalten."],"Overview":["Übersicht"],"Settings":["Einstellungen"],"Space Settings":["Space Einstellungen"],"Add user":["Benuzter hinzufügen"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Willst du diesen Benutzer wirklich löschen? Wenn dieser Benutzer Besitzer eines Space ist, wirst du neuer Besitzer."],"Delete user":["Benutzer löschen"],"Delete user: {username}":["Benutzer löschen: {username}"],"Edit user":["Benutzer bearbeiten"],"never":["Nie"],"Admin":["Administrator"],"Delete user account":["Lösche Benutzer"],"Edit user account":["Bearbeite Benutzeraccount"],"No":["Nein"],"View user profile":["Benutzer Profil anzeigen"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Manage users":["Benutzer verwalten"],"Add new user":["Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In dieser Übersicht kannst du jeden registrierten Benutzer finden und verwalten."],"Create new profile category":["Erstelle neue Profilkategorie"],"Edit profile category":["Bearbeite Profilkategorie"],"Create new profile field":["Erstelle Profilfeld"],"Edit profile field":["Bearbeite Profilfeld"],"Manage profiles fields":["Profilfelder vewalten"],"Add new category":["Neue Kategorie hinzufügen"],"Add new field":["Neues Feld hinzufügen"],"Security & Roles":["Sicherheit & Rollen"],"Administration menu":["Administrations-Menü"],"About":["Benutzerdetails"],"Authentication":["Authentifizierung"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cron jobs":["Cron Jobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Dateien"],"Groups":["Gruppen"],"Logging":["Protokollierung"],"Mailing":["E-Mails"],"Modules":["Module"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Anbieter"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Selbsttest & Aktualisierung"],"Statistics":["Statistiken"],"User approval":["Benutzerfreigaben"],"User profiles":["Benutzer Profile"],"Users":["Benutzer"],"Click here to review":["Klicke hier, um zu überprüfen"],"New approval requests":["Neue Benutzer Freigaben"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Ein oder mehrere Benutzer benötigen deine Freigabe als Gruppen Administrator."],"Could not delete comment!":["Kann Kommentar nicht löschen!"],"Invalid target class given":["Ungültige Zielklasse"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Mode & ID Parameter erforderlich!"],"Target not found!":["Ziel nicht gefunden!"],"Access denied!":["Zugriff verweigert!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen!"],"Comment":["Kommentieren"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schrieb einen neuen Kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Edit your comment...":["Bearbeite deinen Kommentar ..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommentierte auch dein »%contentTitle%«."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% kommentierte »%contentTitle%«."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Zeige alle {total} Kommentare."],"Write a new comment...":["Schreibe einen neuen Kommentar..."],"Post":["Beitrag"],"Show %count% more comments":["Zeige %count% weitere Kommentare"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bestätige die Löschung des Kommentars"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Möchtest Du diesen Kommentar wirklich löschen?"],"Updated :timeago":["Aktualisiert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat {contentTitle} erstellt."],"Back to stream":["Zurück zum Stream","Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortierung"],"Could not load requested object!":["Konnte das angeforderte Objekt nicht laden!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unbekannte Content Klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Konnte den angeforderten Inhalt nicht finden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Konnte den angeforderten Permalink nicht finden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} erstellte neuen Inhalt: »{contentTitle}«."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Absenden"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Die ausgewählten Filterkriterien ergaben keine Übereinstimmung!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Derzeit keine Inhalte!"],"Move to archive":["Ins Archiv"],"Unarchive":["Aus dem Archiv"],"Make private":["Ändern in geschlossene Gruppe"],"Make public":["Ändern in öffentliche Gruppe"],"Notify members":["Informiere Mitglieder"],"Public":["Öffentlich"],"What's on your mind?":["Was machst Du gerade?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bestätige Beitragslöschung"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich löschen? Alle damit verbundenen \"Gefällt mir\"-Angaben und Kommentare sind dann nicht mehr verfügbar!","Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich löschen? Alle Likes und Kommentare werden unwiederbringlich entfernt."],"Archived":["Archiviert"],"Sticked":["Angeheftet"],"Turn off notifications":["Benachrichtigungen abschalten"],"Turn on notifications":["Benachrichtigungen aktivieren"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink zu diesem Beitrag"],"Permalink":["Permalink","dauerhafter Link"],"Stick":["Anheften"],"Unstick":["Nicht mehr anheften"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Bisher hat niemand etwas geschrieben.
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Dieser Stream ist noch leer"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Dieser Space ist noch leer!
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Deine Übersicht ist leer!
Schreibe etwas in deinem Profil oder trete Spaces bei!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Dein Stream ist noch leer!
Mache den Anfang und schreibe etwas..."],"Content with attached files":["Inhalt mit angehängten Dateien"],"Created by me":["Von mir erstellt"],"Creation time":["Erstellungsdatum"],"Include archived posts":["Archivierte Beiträge einbeziehen"],"Last update":["Letzte Aktualisierung"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nichts gefunden, was den aktuellen Filtern entspricht!"],"Only private posts":["Nur private Beiträge"],"Only public posts":["Nur öffentliche Beiträge"],"Posts only":["Nur Beiträge"],"Posts with links":["Beiträge mit Links"],"Show all":["Alle anzeigen"],"Where I´m involved":["Wo ich involviert bin"],"No public contents to display found!":["Keine öffentlichen Inhalte gefunden!"],"Directory":["Verzeichnis"],"Member Group Directory":["Mitgliedergruppen-Verzeichnis"],"show all members":["zeige alle Mitglieder"],"Directory menu":["Verzeichnis-Menü"],"Members":["Mitglieder"],"User profile posts":["Profilbeiträge"],"Member directory":["Mitglieder-Verzeichnis"],"Follow":["Folgen"],"No members found!":["Keine Mitglieder gefunden!"],"Unfollow":["Nicht mehr folgen"],"search for members":["Suche nach Mitgliedern"],"Space directory":["Space-Verzeichnis"],"No spaces found!":["Keine Spaces gefunden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Du bist Mitglied dieses Space"],"search for spaces":["Suche nach Spaces"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Bisher existieren keine Profil-Beiträge!"],"Group stats":["Gruppen-Statistiken"],"Average members":["Durchschnittliche Mitgliederanzahl"],"Top Group":["Top Gruppen"],"Total groups":["Gruppen insgesamt"],"Member stats":["Mitglieder Statistiken"],"New people":["Neue Leute"],"Follows somebody":["Folgt jemandem"],"Online right now":["Gerade online"],"Total users":["Benutzer insgesamt"],"See all":["Zeige alle"],"New spaces":["Neue Spaces"],"Space stats":["Space Statistiken"],"Most members":["Die meisten Mitglieder"],"Private spaces":["Private Spaces"],"Total spaces":["Spaces insgesamt"],"Could not find requested file!":["Konnte Datei nicht finden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Unzureichende Rechte!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximale Dateigröße von {maxFileSize} überschritten!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dieser Dateityp ist nicht zugelassen!"],"Created By":["Erstellt von","Erstellt durch"],"Created at":["Erstellt am"],"File name":["Dateiname"],"Guid":["GUID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ungültiger Mime-Typ"],"Mime Type":["Mime-Typ"],"Size":["Größe"],"Updated at":["Aktualisiert am","Zuletzt geändert am"],"Updated by":["Aktualisiert durch","Zuletzt geändert durch"],"Could not upload File:":["Konnte Datei nicht hochladen:"],"Upload files":["Dateien hochladen"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Liste von bereits hochgeladenen Dateien:"],"Create Admin Account":["Erstelle Administrator-Konto"],"Name of your network":["Name deines Netzwerks"],"Name of Database":["Name der Datenbank"],"Admin Account":["Admin Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Du bist fast fertig! Der letzte Schritt hilft dir einen Administrator Account zu erstellen, von dem du das ganze Netzwerk steuerst."],"Next":["Weiter"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Dein neues Netzwerk benötigt einen Namen. Ändere den Standardnamen in einen Namen der dir gefällt. (z.B. der Name deiner Firma, Organisation oder Klub.)"],"Social Network Name":["Netzwerk Name"],"Setup Complete":["Einrichtung Abgeschlossen "],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Glückwunsch. Du hast die Installation abgeschlossen."],"Sign in":["Einloggen"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Die Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Viel Spaß mit deinem neuen Netzwerk."],"Setup Wizard":["Einrichtungs Assistent"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Willkommen bei HumHub.
\nDeinem Sozialem Netzwerk."],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Dieser Assistent wird dir helfen dein neues Netzwerk zu konfigurieren.
Klicke auf \"Weiter\" um fortzufahren."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Datenbankverbindung klappt!"],"Database Configuration":["Datenbank Einstellungen"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hier musst du die Datenbank Verbindungsdaten eintragen. Wenn du diese nicht weißt, kontaktiere deinen Systemadministrator "],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname von deinem MySQL-Datenbankserver, (z.B. localhost wenn der MySQL-Server auf dem System läuft.)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ooops! Irgendwas lief schief."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Name der Datenbank die von HumHub genutzt werden soll."],"Your MySQL password.":["Dein MySQL Passwort."],"Your MySQL username":["Dein MySQL Benutzername."],"System Check":["System Check"],"Check again":["Prüfe erneut"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Glückwunsch! Alles ist in Ordnung und bereit zur Installation!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Diese Liste zeigt alle Systemvoraussetzungen von HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Zielklasse kann nicht gefunden werden!"],"Could not find target record!":["Zieleintrag kann nicht gefunden werden!"],"Invalid class given!":["Ungültige Klasse angegeben!"],"Users who like this":["Benutzer, denen das gefällt"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} gefällt {contentTitle}"],"User who vote this":["Nutzer, die hierfür abstimmten"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% gefällt %contentTitle% ebenfalls."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% gefällt %contentTitle%."],"Like":["Gefällt mir"],"Unlike":["Gefällt mir nicht mehr"]," likes this.":[" gefällt das."],"You like this.":["Dir gefällt das."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["und {count} anderen gefällt das."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Konnte die URL-Weiterleitung für dieses Quellobjekt nicht bestimmen!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Das Quellobjekt der Benachrichtigung, auf das umgeleitet werden soll, konnte nicht geladen werden!"],"New":["Neu"],"Mark all as seen":["Alle als gelesen markieren"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Es sind keine Mitteilungen vorhanden."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% erstellte einen neuen Beitrag."],"Edit your post...":["Bearbeite deinen Beitrag ..."],"Read full post...":["Den ganzen Beitrag lesen..."],"Search results":["Suchergebnisse"],"Content":["Inhalte","Inhalt"],"Send & decline":["Senden und ablehnen"]," Invite and request":["Einladung und Anfrage"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Space-Besitzer kann nicht gelöscht werden! Name des Space: »{spaceName}«"],"Everyone can enter":["Frei zugänglich"],"Invite and request":["Einladung und Anfrage"],"Only by invite":["Nur mit einer Einladung"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (unsichtbar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Öffentlich (Mitglieder & Gäste)"],"Public (Members only)":["Öffentlich (Nur Mitglieder)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Öffentlich (Nur registrierte User)"],"Public (Visible)":["Öffentlich (sichtbar)"],"Visible for all":["Sichtbar für alle"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Offen für alle (Mitglieder & Gäste)"],"Space is invisible!":["Space ist unsichtbar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du musst Dich einloggen, um die Inhalte dieses Space sehen zu können!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als Besitzer kannst du deine Mitgliedschaft nicht rückgängig machen!"],"Could not request membership!":["Mitgliedschaft konnte nicht beantragt werden!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Es gibt keine offenen Einladungen!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Diese Aktion ist nur für Space-Mitglieder verfügbar!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du darfst diesem Space nicht betreten!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Space-Name ist bereits in Benutzung!"],"Type":["Spacetyp"],"Your password":["Dein Passwort"],"Invites":["Einladungen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Neue Benutzer per E-Mail (getrennt durch Kommas)"],"User is already member!":["Der Benutzer ist bereits Mitglied!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} ist bereits registriert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} ist ungültig!"],"Application message":["Anwendungsnachricht"],"Scope":["Umfang"],"Strength":["Stärke"],"Created At":["Erstellt am"],"Join Policy":["Zugriffsmöglichkeiten"],"Owner":["Besitzer"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Aktualisiert am","Geändert am","Zuletzt aktualisiert am"],"Visibility":["Sichtbarkeit"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kannst keine privaten Spaces erstellen!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kannst keine öffentlichen Spaces erstellen!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Wähle den Bereich deines Bildes aus, den du als Benutzerbild verwenden möchtest, und klicke auf Speichern."],"Modify space image":["Space-Bild ändern"],"Delete space":["Space löschen"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Bist Du sicher, dass du diesen Space löschen möchtest? Alle veröffentlichten Inhalte werden entfernt!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Bitte gib dein Passwort ein, um fortzufahren!"],"General space settings":["Allgemeine Space-Einstellungen"],"Archive":["Archivieren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Wähle den Typ der Mitgliedschaft, den du für diesen Space zur Verfügung stellen möchtest."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Wähle die Sicherheitsstufe für diesen Space, um die Sichtbarkeit zu bestimmen."],"Manage your space members":["Space-Mitglieder verwalten"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Ausstehende versendete Einladungen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Ausstehende Benutzeranfragen"],"Remove member":["Entfernen von Mitgliedern"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Diesem Benutzer erlauben,
andere Benutzer einzuladen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Diesem Benutzer erlauben,
Inhalte zu veröffentlichen"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Mitglied aus diesem Space entfernen möchtest?"],"Can invite":["Kann einladen"],"Can share":["Kann teilen"],"Change space owner":["Space-Besitzer ändern"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe Benutzer, die per E-Mail eingeladen wurden, werden hier nicht aufgeführt."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Im unteren Bereich siehst du alle aktiven Mitglieder dieses Spaces. Du kannst Ihre Berechtigungen bearbeiten oder sie aus diesem Space entfernen."],"Is admin":["Ist Administrator"],"Make this user an admin":["Diesen Benutzer zum Administrator machen"],"No, cancel":["Nein, abbrechen"],"Remove":["Entfernen"],"Request message":["Anfrage-Nachricht"],"Revoke invitation":["Einladung zurückziehen"],"Search members":["Suche nach Mitgliedern"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Die folgenden Benutzer warten auf Freischaltung, diesen Space zu betreten."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Die folgenden Benutzer wurden bereits in diesen Space eingeladen, sind der Einladung bisher aber nicht gefolgt."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Der Space-Besitzer ist der Super-Administrator eines Spaces mit allen Rechten und üblicherweise der Ersteller des Spaces. Hier kannst du diese Rolle einem anderen Benutzer übertragen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, entfernen"],"Space Modules":["Space Module"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Bist du sicher? Alle Daten dieses Space werden gelöscht!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Aktuell sind keine Module für diesen Space verfügbar"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Diesen Space mit Modulen erweitern."],"Create new space":["Neuen Space erstellen"],"Advanced access settings":["Erweiterte Rechteeinstellungen"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Auch Nichtmitglieder können diesen
Space sehen, haben aber keinen Zugang."],"Create":["Erstellen"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Jeder Benutzer kann deinen Space
ohne deine Genehmigung betreten."],"For everyone":["Für jeden"],"How you want to name your space?":["Wie möchtest du deinen Space benennen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Bitte schreibe eine kurze Beschreibung für andere Benutzer."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Dieser Space wird für
alle Nichtmitglieder versteckt sein"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Benutzer können die Mitgliedschaft
für diesen Space beantragen"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Benutzer können nur durch
Einladung hinzugefügt werden"],"space description":["Space-Beschreibung"],"space name":["Space-Name"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} beantragt die Mitgliedschaft für den Space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Mitgliedschaftsanfrage für den Space »{spaceName}« angenommen"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Mitgliedschaftsanfrage für den Space »{spaceName}« abgelehnt"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat dich in den Space »{spaceName}« eingeladen"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Einladung für den Space »{spaceName}« angenommen"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} hat deine Einladung für den Space »{spaceName}« abgelehnt"],"This space is still empty!":["Dieser Space ist noch leer!"],"Accept Invite":["Einladung annehmen"],"Become member":["Mitglied werden"],"Cancel membership":["Mitgliedschaft beenden"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Offenen Mitgliedsantrag zurückziehen"],"Deny Invite":["Einladung ablehnen"],"Request membership":["Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Du bist Besitzer dieses Space."],"created by":["erstellt durch"],"Invite members":["Mitglieder einladen"],"Add an user":["Benutzer hinzufügen"],"Email addresses":["E-Mail-Adressen"],"Invite by email":["Per E-Mail einladen"],"New user?":["Neuer User?"],"Pick users":["Benutzer auswählen"],"Send":["Senden"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Um Benutzer in diesen Space einzuladen, gib deren Name unten ein, um sie zu suchen und auszuwählen."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kannst auch externe Benutzer einladen, die noch nicht registriert sind. Gib einfach ihre E-Mail-Adressen, durch Kommas getrennt, ein."],"Request space membership":["Space-Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Um bestätigtes Mitglied dieses Spaces zu werden, stelle dich bitte kurz vor."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Dein Antrag wurde die Space-Administration übermittelt."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Der Benutzer ist jetzt Mitglied."],"User has been invited.":["Der Benutzer wurde eingeladen."],"User has not been invited.":["Der Benutzer wurde nicht eingeladen."],"Back to workspace":["Zurück zum Space"],"Space preferences":["Einstellungen des Space"],"General":["Allgemein"],"My Space List":["Meine Spaces"],"My space summary":["Meine Space-Zusammenfassung"],"Space directory":["Space-Verzeichnis"],"Space menu":["Space-Menü"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Bild ändern"],"Current space image":["Aktuelles Space-Bild"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Willst Du das Titelbild wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Willst Du wirklich Dein Profilbild löschen?"],"Invite":["Einladen"],"Something went wrong":["Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten"],"Followers":["Follower"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Um bestätigtes Mitglied dieses Spaces zu werden, stelle dich bitte kurz vor."],"Request workspace membership":["Space-Mitgliedschaft beantragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Dein Antrag wurde die Space-Administration übermittelt."],"Create new space":["Neuen Space erstellen"],"My spaces":["Meine Spaces","Aus meinen Spaces"],"more":["mehr"],"less":["weniger"],"Space info":["Space info"],"Accept invite":["Einladung annehmen"],"Deny invite":["Einladung verweigern"],"Leave space":["Space verlassen"],"New member request":["Neuer Mitgliedsantrag"],"Space members":["Mitglieder des Space"],"End guide":["Tour beenden"],"Next »":["Weiter »"],"« Prev":["« Zurück"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurra! Das wäre es für den Moment."],"Modules":["Module"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Als Admin kannst du die gesamte Plattform von hier aus verwalten.
Außer den Modulen werden wir nicht jeden Punkt bis ins Detail erläutern, da jeder seine eigene kurze Beschreibung besitzt."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Du befindest dich im Menü Werkzeuge. Von hier aus kannst du auf den HumHub Online-Marktplatz zugreifen, wo du eine immer größer werdende Anzahl von Werkzeugen, on-the- fly installieren kannst.
Wie bereits erwähnt, erweitern die Werkzeuge die für Ihren Space verfügbaren Funktionen ."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Du hast nun alle wichtigen Funktionen und Einstellungen kennengelernt und kannst beginnen, die Plattform zu nutzen.
Wir hoffen, dass du und alle zukünftigen Nutzer die Nutzung dieser Plattform genießen werdet. Wir freuen uns auf Anregungen oder Unterstützung, die du für unser Projekt anbieten möchtest. Kontaktiere uns über www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned . :-)"],"Dashboard":["Übersicht"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Dies ist deine Übersicht.
Alle neuen Aktivitäten oder Beiträge, die dich interessieren könnten, werden hier angezeigt ."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Module)"],"Edit account":["Einstellungen bearbeiten"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurra! Fertig."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurra! Du hast es geschafft!"],"Profile menu":["Profil-Menü"],"Profile photo":["Profilfoto"],"Profile stream":["Profil-Stream"],"User profile":["Benutzerprofil"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Klicke auf diese Schaltfläche, um dein Profil und deine Kontoeinstellungen zu aktualisieren. Du kannst auch weitere Informationen zu deinem Profil hinzufügen ."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Jedes Profil hat seine eigene Pinnwand. Deine Beiträge werden auch auf den Übersichten der Benutzer, die dir folgen, angezeigt."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Genau wie in den Spaces, kann das Benutzerprofil mit verschiedenen Modulen personalisiert werden.
Du kannst sehen welche Module für dein Profil zur Verfügung stehen, indem du das Menü \"Module\" in deinen Kontoeinstellungen aufrufst."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Das ist dein öffentliches Benutzerprofil, das von jedem registrierten Benutzer gesehen werden kann."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Lade ein neues Profilfoto hoch, indem du hier klickst oder es per Drag&Drop hier hin ziehst. Genauso kannst du dein Titelfoto ändern."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Du hast die Einführung zur Profilbearbeitung abgeschlossen!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Du hast die Einführung zur Profilbearbeitung abgeschlossen!
Um mit dem der Beschreibung der Administrationsoberfläche fortzufahren klicke hier:
"],"Most recent activities":["Letzte Aktivitäten"],"Posts":["Beiträge"],"Profile Guide":["Profil-Anleitung"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Navigationsmenü des Space"],"Writing posts":["Beiträge schreiben"],"Yay! You're done.":["Geschafft!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Hier werden alle Mitglieder dieses Space dargestellt.
Neue Mitglieder können von jedem hinzugefügt werden, der vom Administrator die notwendigen Rechte erhalten hat."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Gib anderen Benutzern einen kurzen Überblick, worum es in diesem Space geht.
Der Space-Administrator kann das Coverfoto des Spaces ändern, entweder durch darauf Klicken oder durch Drag&Drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Neue Beiträge können hier geschrieben und veröffentlicht werden."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Sobald du beigetreten bist oder einen neuen Space erstellt hast, kannst du an Projekten arbeiten, Themen diskutieren oder einfach Informationen mit anderen Benutzern teilen.
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, den Space zu personalisieren, um den Arbeitsprozess produktiver zu gestalten."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Das war es mit der Space-Anleitung.
Um mit dem Benutzerprofil fortzufahren, klicke hier: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Hier kannst Du durch den Space navigieren - du siehst, welche Module für den Space, in dem du gerade bist, aktiv oder verfügbar sind. Das können zum Beispiel Umfragen, Aufgaben oder Notizen sein.
Nur der Space-Administrator kann die Module des Spaces verwalten."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Dieses Menü ist nur für Space-Administratoren sichtbar. Hier kannst du die Space-Einstellungen verwalten, Mitglieder hinzufügen/blockieren und Werkzeuge für diesen Space aktivieren/deaktivieren."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Um dich auf dem Laufenden zu halten, werden hier die letzten Aktivitäten anderer Benutzer dieses Space dargestellt."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Hier werden deine und die Beiträge anderer Benutzer erscheinen.
Diese können dann bewertet oder kommentiert werden."],"Account Menu":["Account Menü"],"Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen"],"Space Menu":["Space Menü"],"Start space guide":["Starte den Space Guide"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Behalte alles im Auge!
Dieses Icon informiert dich über Aktivitäten und neue Beiträge, die dich direkt betreffen."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Das Account Menü gibt dir die Möglichkeit deine privaten Einstellungen zu ändern und dein öffentliches Profil zu verwalten."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Dies ist das wichtigste Menü und du wirst es sehr oft benutzen!
Betrete alle deine Spaces und erstelle neue.
Die folgende Anleitung wird dir zeigen wie:"]," Remove panel":["Panel löschen"],"Getting Started":["Hilfe beim Start"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Anleitung: Administration (Module)"],"Guide: Overview":["Anleitung: Überblick"],"Guide: Spaces":["Anleitung: Spaces"],"Guide: User profile":["Anleitung: Benutzerprofil"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Erhalte mit Hilfe der folgenden Anleitungen einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionen der Seite:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Dieser Account wurde noch nicht freigeschaltet!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Sie müssen sich anmelden um das Profil zu sehen!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Dein Passwort ist falsch!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Du kannst dein Passwort hier nicht ändern."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ungültiger Link! Bitte vergewissere dich, dass die vollständige URL eingegeben wurde."],"Save profile":["Profil speichern"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Die eingetragene E-Mail Adresse wird bereits von einem anderen Benutzer verwendet."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Du kannst deine E-Mail Adresse hier nicht ändern."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Konto erstellen"],"Current password":["Aktuelles Passwort"],"E-Mail change":["E-Mail Addresse ändern"],"New E-Mail address":["Neue E-Mail Adresse"],"Send activities?":["Aktivitäten senden?"],"Send notifications?":["Benachrichtigungen senden?"],"New password":["Neues Passwort"],"New password confirm":["Neues Passwort bestätigen"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ungültiger Benutzername/E-Mail oder Passwort."],"Remember me next time":["Beim nächsten Mal wiedererkennen"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Dein Konto wurde noch nicht von einem Administrator freigeschaltet."],"Your account is suspended.":["Dein Konto ist gesperrt."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung ist für deinen Kontotyp nicht möglich!"],"E-Mail":["E-Mail"],"Password Recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nicht gefunden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Diese E-Mail Adresse ist bereits in Benutzung! - Versuche dein Passwort wiederherzustellen."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Panel in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Invalid language!":["Ungültige Sprache!"],"Profile visibility":["Sichtbarkeit des Profils"],"TimeZone":["Zeitzone"],"Default Space":["Standard-Space"],"Group Administrators":["Gruppen-Administratoren"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Mitglieder können private Spaces erstellen"],"Members can create public spaces":["Mitglieder können öffentliche Spaces erstellen"],"Birthday":["Geburtstag"],"Custom":["Unbestimmt"],"Female":["Weiblich"],"Gender":["Geschlecht"],"Hide year in profile":["Jahrgang/Alter verbergen"],"Male":["Männlich"],"City":["Ort"],"Country":["Land"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook-URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Vorname"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr-URL"],"Google+ URL":["Google+-URL"],"Lastname":["Nachname"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn-URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace-URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefon privat"],"Phone Work":["Telefon beruflich"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype-Name"],"State":["Bundesland/Kanton"],"Street":["Straße"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter-URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo-URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber-Addresse"],"Xing URL":["Xing-URL"],"Youtube URL":["YouTube-URL"],"Zip":["PLZ"],"Created by":["Erstellt durch"],"Editable":["Bearbeitbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Der Feldtyp konnte nicht geändert werden!"],"Fieldtype":["Feldtyp"],"Internal Name":["Interner Name"],"Internal name already in use!":["Der interne Name wird bereits verwendet!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Der interne Name konnte nicht geändert werden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ungültiger Feldtyp!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP-Attribut"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Nur alphanumerische Zeichen erlaubt!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profilfeld-Kategorie"],"Required":["Pflichtfeld"],"Show at registration":["Bei der Registrierung anzeigen"],"Sort order":["Sortierung"],"Translation Category ID":["Übersetzungs-Kategorie-ID"],"Type Config":["Typ-Konfiguration"],"Visible":["Sichtbar"],"Communication":["Kommunikation"],"Social bookmarks":["Soziale Lesezeichen"],"Datetime":["Datum/Uhrzeit"],"Number":["Zahl"],"Select List":["Auswahlliste"],"Text":["Text"],"Text Area":["Textbereich"],"%y Years":["%y Jahre"],"Birthday field options":["Geburtstagsfeld-Optionen"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datums(-Uhrzeit)feld-Optionen"],"Show date/time picker":["Zeige Datums/Zeit Picker"],"Maximum value":["Maximum"],"Minimum value":["Minimum"],"Number field options":["Zahlenfeld-Optionen"],"One option per line. 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Schlüssel=>Wert-Format (z.B. yes=>Ja)"],"Please select:":["Bitte wähle:"],"Possible values":["Erlaubte Werte"],"Select field options":["Auswahlfeld-Optionen"],"Default value":["Standardwert"],"Maximum length":["Maximal Länge"],"Minimum length":["Minimal Länge"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Regular Expression: Fehlermeldung"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Regular Expression: Validator"],"Text Field Options":["Textfeld-Optionen"],"Validator":["Validator"],"Text area field options":["Textbereichsfeld-Optionen"],"Authentication mode":["Authentifikations-Modus"],"New user needs approval":["Neuer Benutzer benötigt Freischaltung"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Dein Benutzername darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und die Sonderzeichen (+-._) enthalten."],"Wall":["Wand"],"Change E-mail":["E-Mail Adresse ändern"],"Current E-mail address":["Aktuelle E-mail Adresse"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Deine E-Mail Adresse wurde erfolgreich in {email} geändert."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Wir haben soeben eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail an deine neue Adresse geschickt.
Bitte folge den darin enthaltenen Anweisungen."],"Change password":["Passwort ändern"],"Password changed":["Passwort geändert"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Dein Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profilbild bearbeiten"],"Delete account":["Konto löschen"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Bist du sicher, dass du dein Konto löschen möchtest?
Alle deine veröffentlichten Beiträge werden entfernt."],"Delete account":["Konto löschen"],"Enter your password to continue":["Gib dein Passwort ein um fortzufahren"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Entschuldigung, als Besitzer eines Space kannst du dein Konto nicht löschen!
Bitte ordne dem Space einen anderen Benutzer zu oder lösche deine Spaces."],"User details":["Benutzer-Details"],"User modules":["Benutzer-Module"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Bist du wirklich sicher? Alle Daten zu den Modulen Deines Kontos werden gelöscht!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Erweitere dein Profil durch Module."],"User settings":["Benutzer Einstellungen"],"Getting Started":["Einführungstour"],"Registered users only":["Nur Registrierte Benutzer"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Sichtbar für alle (auch unangemeldete Benutzer)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Desktop-Benachrichtigungen"],"Email Notifications":["E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Erhalte Desktop Benachrichtigungen, wenn du online bist."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Erhalte eine E-Mail bei jeder Aktivität anderer Benutzer, denen du folgst oder mit denen du in Spaces zusammenarbeitest."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Erhalte eine E-Mail, wenn andere Benutzer deine Beiträge kommentieren oder anderen Benutzer deine Beiträge gefallen."],"Account registration":["Konto-Registrierung"],"Create Account":["ein Konto anlegen"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Dein Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nach der Aktivierung deines Kontos durch einen Administrator erhälst du eine Benachrichtigung per E-Mail."],"Go to login page":["Zur Loginseite"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Um sich mit Ihrem neuen Konto einzuloggen, klicke unten auf den Button."],"back to home":["zurück zur Startseite"],"Please sign in":["Einloggen"],"Sign up":["Registrieren"],"Create a new one.":["Ein neues erstellen."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Noch kein Benutzerkonto? Werde Mitglied, indem du deine E-Mail Adresse eingibst."],"Forgot your password?":["Passwort vergessen?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Wenn du bereits Mitglied bist, logge dich bitte mit Benutzername/E-Mail und Passwort ein."],"Register":["Registrieren"],"email":["E-Mail"],"password":["Passwort"],"username or email":["Benutzername oder E-Mail"],"Password recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung!","Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Gib einfach deine E-Mail Adresse ein, und wir senden dir eine Mail um dein Passwort neu zu setzen."],"Password recovery":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung"],"Reset password":["Passwort neu setzen"],"enter security code above":["Bitte gib den Sicherheitscode ein"],"your email":["Deine E-Mail"],"Password recovery!":["Passwort-Wiederherstellung!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Wir haben dir eine E-Mail zugeschickt, mit der du dein Passwort neu setzen kannst."],"Registration successful!":["Registrierung erfolgreich!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Bitte prüfe dein E-Mail-Postfach und folge den Anweisungen!"],"Registration successful":["Registrierung erfolgreich"],"Change your password":["Ändere dein Passwort"],"Password reset":["Passwort zurücksetzen"],"Change password":["Passwort ändern"],"Password reset":["Passwort zurücksetzen"],"Password changed!":["Passwort geändert!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bestätige deine neue E-Mail Adresse"],"Confirm":["Bestätigen"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Du hast die Änderung deiner E-Mail Adresse beantragt.
Deine neue E-Mail Adresse ist {newemail}.
Um die neue E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen, klicke bitte auf den Button unten."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Wenn du diesen Link nicht innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden nutzt, wird er ungültig."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Nutze den folgenden Link innerhalb des nächsten Tages um dein Passwort neu zu setzen."],"Reset Password":["Passwort neu setzten"],"Registration Link":["Link zur Registrierung"],"Sign up":["Registrieren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Willkommen bei %appName%. Bitte klicke auf den Button unten, um mit der Registrierung fortzufahren."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Ein soziales Netzwerk, um Kommunikation und Teamwork zu verbessern.
Registriere dich jetzt, um diesem Space beizutreten."],"Sign up now":["Registriere dich jetzt"],"Space Invite":["Space-Einladung"],"You got a space invite":["Du hast eine Space-Einladung"],"invited you to the space:":["hat dich eingeladen in den Space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} hat dich in »{contentTitle}« erwähnt."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} folgt dir nun."],"About this user":["Über diesen Nutzer"],"Modify your title image":["Titelbild bearbeiten"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dieser Profilstream ist noch leer!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Willst Du das Logo wirklich entfernen?"],"Account settings":["Konto-Verwaltung"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Benutzerkonto bearbeiten"],"Following":["Folgend"],"Following user":["Der Nutzer folgt"],"User followers":["Dem Nutzer folgen"],"Member in these spaces":["Mitglied in diesen Spaces"],"User tags":["Benutzer-Tags"],"No birthday.":["Kein Geburtstag."],"Back to modules":["Zurück zu den Modulen"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Geburtstagsmodul"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Anzahl an Tagen, an denen zukünftige Geburtstage vorab angezeigt werden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Demnächst"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Du kannst die Anzahl an Tagen einstellen, an denen zukünftige Geburstage vorab angezeigt werden."],"becomes":["wird"],"birthdays":["Geburtstage"],"days":["Tagen"],"today":["heute"],"years old.":["Jahre alt."],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Für alle Nutzer als ungelesen markieren"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Konfiguration Eilmeldungen"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Hinweis: Du kannst die Markdown Sytax verwenden.\n(Weitere Infos unter http://www.markdown.de)"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Fügt deinem Profil und Hauptmenü einen Kalender für private und öffentliche Termine hinzu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Fügt diesem Space einen Kalender hinzu."],"All Day":["ganztägig"],"Attending users":["Zusagen"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Absagen"],"End Date":["Enddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Enddatum/Endzeit"],"End Time":["Ende"],"End time must be after start time!":["Die Startzeit kann nicht nach dem Ende liegen!"],"Event":["Termin"],"Event not found!":["Termin nicht gefunden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Vielleicht"],"Participation Mode":["Teilnahmemodus"],"Recur":["Wiederkehrend"],"Recur End":["Wiederkehrend mit Ende"],"Recur Interval":["Wiederkehrender Intervall"],"Recur Type":["Wiederkehrender Typ"],"Select participants":["Teilnehmer auswählen"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum/Startzeit"],"Start Time":["Startzeit"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin anzusehen!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu erstellen!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu löschen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Unzureichende Berechtigungen, diesen Termin zu ändern!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% hat einen neuen Termin »%contentTitle%« erstellt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt vielleicht an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nimmt nicht an »%contentTitle%« teil."],"Start Date/Time":["Start-Datum/Zeit"],"Create event":["Termin erstellen"],"Edit event":["Termin bearbeiten"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Beachte: Dieser Termin wird in deinem Profil erstellt. Um einen Termin in einem Space zu erstellen, öffne den Kalender im gewünschten Space."],"End Date/Time":["Enddatum/Endzeit"],"Everybody can participate":["Jeder darf teilnehmen"],"No participants":["Keine Teilnehmer"],"Participants":["Teilnehmer"],"Attend":["Teilnehmen"],"Created by:":["Erstellt durch:"],"Edit event":["geänderter Termin"],"Edit this event":["Diesen Termin ändern"],"I´m attending":["Ich nehme teil"],"I´m maybe attending":["Ich nehme vielleicht teil"],"I´m not attending":["Ich nehme nicht teil"],"Maybe":["Vielleicht"],"Filter events":["Termine filtern"],"Select calendars":["Kalender auswählen"],"Already responded":["Beantwortet"],"Followed spaces":["Beobachtete Spaces"],"Followed users":["Beobachtete Benutzer"],"My events":["Meine Termine"],"Not responded yet":["Noch nicht beantwortet"],"Loading...":["lädt..."],"Upcoming events ":["Nächste Termine "],":count attending":[":count Zusagen"],":count declined":[":count Absagen"],":count maybe":[":count Vielleicht"],"Participants:":["Teilnehmer:"],"Create new Page":["Neue Seite erstellen"],"Custom Pages":["Eigene Seiten"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["iFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navigation"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Bisher wurde noch keine eigene Seite erstellt!"],"Sort Order":["Sortierungs Position"],"Top Navigation":["Obere Navigationsleiste"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Benutzerprofilmenü (Einstellungen)"],"Create page":["Seite erstellen"],"Edit page":["Bearbeite eine Seite"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard-Sortierschema: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Seitentitel"],"URL":["URL"],"Confirm category deleting":["Löschen der Kategorie bestätigen"],"Confirm link deleting":["Löschen des Links bestätigen"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Neuer Link %link% zur Kategorie \"%category%\" hinzugefügt."],"Delete category":["Kategorie löschen"],"Delete link":["Link löschen"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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Alle verknüpften Links gehen verloren."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Möchtest du diesen Link wirklich löschen?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Erweiterte Linküberprüfung durch einen Verbindungstest."],"Linklist":["Linkliste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Linklist Modul"],"No description available.":["Keine Beschreibung verfügbar."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Die gewünschte Kategorie konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Der gewünschte Link konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Zeige die Links als ein Widget am rechten Rand."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Die Kategorie, in der du den Link erstellen möchtest, konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Die Reihenfolge der Einträge wurde erfolgreich geändert."],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Zu diesem Space wurden noch keine Links oder Kategorien hinzugefügt."],"Toggle view mode":["Ansicht umschalten"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kannst die erweiterte Überprüfung von Links für einen Space oder einen Benutzer aktivieren."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um Links hinzuzufügen/zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diese Kategorie zu löschen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diesen Link zu löschen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diese Kategorie zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um diesen Link zu bearbeiten!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Du besitzt nicht die Berechtigung, um Kategorie umzusortieren."],"list":["Liste"],"Messages":["Nachrichten"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Du kannst dir selbst keine Nachricht senden!"],"Recipient":["Empfänger"],"New message from {senderName}":["Neue Nachricht von {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["und {counter} weiteren Nutzern"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Neue Nachricht in der Diskussion von %displayName%"],"New message":["Neue Nachricht"],"Reply now":["Antworte jetzt"],"sent you a new message:":["sendete dir eine neue Nachricht:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendete dir eine neue Nachricht in"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Füge der Konversation weitere Empfänger hinzu..."],"Add user...":["Füge Empfänger hinzu..."],"New message":["Neue Nachricht"],"Edit message entry":["Nachricht bearbeiten"],"Messagebox":["Nachrichten"],"Inbox":["Postfach"],"There are no messages yet.":["Es sind keine Nachrichten vorhanden.","Derzeit keine Nachrichten vorhanden."],"Write new message":["Schreibe eine neue Nachricht"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bestätige Löschung der Konversation"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bestätige Verlassen der Konversation"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bestätige Löschung der Nachricht "],"Add user":["Füge Empfänger hinzu"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Willst du diese Konversation wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Willst du diese Nachricht wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Willst du die Unterhaltung wirklich verlassen?"],"Leave":["Verlassen"],"Leave discussion":["Verlasse die Diskussion"],"Write an answer...":["Schreibe eine Antwort ..."],"User Posts":["Benutzerbeiträge"],"Show all messages":["Zeige alle Nachrichten"],"Send message":["Nachricht senden"],"Most active people":["Die aktivsten User","Die aktivsten Benutzer"],"Get a list":["Liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Modul Einstellungen "],"No users.":["Keine Benutzer."],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer"],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Die Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer darf 7 nicht überschreiten"],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Die Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer darf nicht negativ sein"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Anzahl der aktivsten Benutzer konfigurieren"],"Comments created":["Erstellte Kommentare"],"Likes given":["Gegebene Likes"],"Posts created":["Erstellte Posts"],"Notes":["Notizen"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API Key"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL zur Etherpad Installation"],"Could not get note content!":["Konnte den Inhalt der Notiz nicht laden!"],"Could not get note users!":["Konnte die Nutzer der Notiz nicht laden!"],"Note":["Notiz"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz »{noteName}« erstellt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz »{noteName}« bearbeitet."],"API Connection successful!":["API Verbindung erfolgreich!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Konnte nicht mit der API verbinden!"],"Current Status:":["Aktueller Status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Konfiguration Notizmodul"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Bitte für weitere Details die Moduldokumentation unter /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt lesen!"],"Save & Test":["Speichern & Testen"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Das Notizmodul benötigt einen intallierten und laufenden Etherpad Server!"],"Save and close":["Speichern und schließen"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} hat eine neue Notiz erzeugt und dich hinzugefügt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} hat die Notiz im Space {spaceName} bearbeitet."],"Open note":["Öffne Notiz"],"Title of your new note":["Titel der Notiz"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine Notiz zu den Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Keine Notizen vorhanden!"],"Polls":["Umfragen"],"Could not load poll!":["Konnte Umfrage nicht laden!"],"Invalid answer!":["Unzulässige Antwort!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Benutzer stimmten für: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Mehrfachantworten sind nicht zugelassen!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Es fehlen die nötigen Rechte, um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten!"],"Answers":["Antworten"],"Multiple answers per user":["Mehrfachantworten pro Nutzer"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Bitte gib mindestens {min} Antworten an!"],"Question":["Frage"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} stimmte für die Umfrage »{question}« ab."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":[" {userName} hat die Umfrage »{question}« erstellt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} hat eine Umfrage erstellt und dich zugeordnet."],"Ask":["Frage stellen"],"Reset my vote":["Meine Abstimmung zurücksetzen"],"Vote":["Abstimmen"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["und {count} mehr stimmten hierfür ab."],"votes":["Abstimmungen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Sind Mehrfachantworten zugelassen?"],"Ask something...":["Stelle eine Frage..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mögliche Antworten (Eine pro Zeile)"],"Display all":["Zeige alle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine passende Umfrage zu den Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Es gibt noch keine Umfragen!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Es gibt noch keine Umfragen!
Erstelle die erste ..."],"Asked by me":["Von mir erstellt"],"No answered yet":["Bisher nicht beantwortet"],"Only private polls":["Nur private Umfragen"],"Only public polls":["Nur öffentliche Umfragen"],"Manage reported posts":["Bearbeite gemeldete Beiträge"],"Reported posts":["Melde den Beitrag","Gemeldete Beiträge"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Warum möchtest Du den Beitrag melden?"],"by :displayName":["von :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["erstellt von :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Gehört nicht zum Space","Gehört nicht hierher"],"Offensive":["beleidigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kannst Du gemeldete Benutzer-Beiträge verwalten."],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Erlaubt Mitteilungen über 160 Zeichen (Standard: nicht erlaubt -> aktuell nicht unterstützt, da in der Anzeige die Zeichenanzahl limitiert ist)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten."],"Body too long.":["Nachricht zu lang."],"Body too too short.":["Nachricht zu kurz."],"Characters left:":["noch übrige Zeichen:"],"Choose Provider":["Wähle Provider aus"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Konnte keine Verbindung zum SMS-Provider herstellen. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren."],"Gateway Number":["Nummer des Gateways"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Der Gateway ist für dieses Netzwerk nicht verfügbar."],"Insufficent credits.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben."],"Invalid IP address.":["Ungültige IP-Adresse."],"Invalid destination.":["Ungültiges Ziel."],"Invalid sender.":["Ungültiger Absender."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ungültiger Benutzer und/oder Passwort. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben für den Haupt-Account verfügbar."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Kein ausreichendes Guthaben für den Unter-Account verfügbar."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Der Povider ist nicht initialisiert. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Ungültiger Empfänger."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Der Empfänger ist nicht korrekt formatiert. Bitte das internationale Formit mit 00[...], oder +[...] benutzen."],"SMS Module Configuration":["SMS-Modul Konfiguration"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["Die SMS wurde abgelehnt / konnte nicht zugestellt werden."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["Die SMS wurde erfolgreich versendet."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Die SMS konnte nicht an die Premium-Nummer (kostenpflichtig) zugestellt werden."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["Es wurde versucht, eine SMS mit identischem Inhalt zu oft innerhalb der letzten 180 Sekunden zu versenden."],"Save Configuration":["Konfiguration speichern"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Sicherheits-Fehler. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren um die Modul-Konfiguration zu korrigieren."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Bitte die Verbindung auswählen (Standard: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Sende SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Sende eine SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Sende SMS an"],"Sender is invalid.":["Absender ist ungültig."],"Technical error.":["Technischer Fehler."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Test-Betrieb. SMS wird nicht zugestellt, die Server werden auf Rückmeldung getestet."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Um eine SMS an einen Kontakt zu versenden zu können, muss das Feld \"Mobil-Nummer\" im entsprechenden Profil ausgefüllt sein."],"Unknown route.":["Unbekannte Route."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["In der Konfiguration kann zwischen verschiedenene SMS-Providern gewählt werden um diese dann zu konfigurieren. Der eigene Account muss korrekt angelegt sein um die SMS-Funktionalität nutzen zu können."],"Tasks":["Aufgaben"],"Could not access task!":["Konnte auf die Aufgabe nicht zugreifen!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} wurde Aufgabe »{task}« zugeordnet."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« angelegt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« abgeschlossen.","{userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« abgschlossen."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} hat dich der Aufgabe »{task}« zugeordnet."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":[" {userName} hat die Aufgabe »{task}« erstellt."],"This task is already done":["Diese Aufgabe ist bereits abgeschlossen"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Diese Aufgabe ist dir nicht zugeordnet"],"Click, to finish this task":["Klicke, um die Aufgabe zu beenden."],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Diese Aufgabe ist bereits abgeschlossen. Klicke um sie wieder zu aktivieren."],"My tasks":["Meine Aufgaben"],"From space: ":["Aus Space: "],"There are no tasks yet!":["Es existieren noch keine Aufgaben!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Aktuell liegen keine Aufgaben vor!
Erstelle eine..."],"Assigned to me":["Mir zugeordnet"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Keine Aufgaben zu den gewählten Filtereinstellungen gefunden!"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand zugeordnet"],"State is finished":["Status: abgeschlossen"],"State is open":["Status: offen"],"Assign users to this task":["Dieser Aufgabe Benutzer zuordnen"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist zur Erledigung der Aufgabe?","Frist für die Erledigung dieser Aufgabe?"],"What to do?":["Was ist zu tun?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Willst Du diese Aufgabe übernehmen?"],"I do it!":["Ich mach es!"],"Translation Manager":["Übersetzungsmanager"],"Translations":["Übersetzungen"],"Translation Editor":["Übersetzungseditor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bestätigen Seite löschen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bestätigen Seite wiederherstellen "],"Overview of all pages":["Übersicht aller Seiten"],"Page history":["Seitenhistorie"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modul"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Estelle ein Wiki in deinem Space."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Estelle ein Wiki in deinem Profil."],"Back to page":["Zurück zur Seite"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Willst du diese Seite wirklich löschen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Willst du diese Seite wirklich wiederherstellen?"],"Edit page":["Seite bearbeiten"],"Edited at":["Erstellt von"],"Go back":["Gehe zurück"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ungültige Zeichen im Seitentitel!"],"Let's go!":["Starten"],"Main page":["Hauptseite"],"New page":["Neue Seite"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Noch keine Seiten erstellt. Es liegt an Dir die erste Seite zu
erstellen!"],"Page History":["Seitenhistorie"],"Page title already in use!":["Seitentitel bereits vorhanden!"],"Revert":["Zurückkehren"],"Revert this":["Zurückkehren zu"],"View":["Vorschau"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["von"],"Wiki page":["Wiki Seite"],"New page title":["Neuer Seitentitel"],"Page content":["Seiteninhalt"],"Allow":["Erlauben"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Ablehnen"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Bitte wengistens 3 Zeichen eingeben"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Erworbene Module per Linzenschlüssel hinzufügen"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Zeitspanne, nach der ein Benutzer bei Untätigkeit automatisch abgemeldet wird (in Sekunden, optional)"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Zeige Auswahlfeld für Soziale Netzwerke in der Übersicht"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Zeige Eingabeformular für die Benutzeraktivitäten in der Übersicht"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Datei-Informationen (Name, Größe) für Bilder in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Dateilisten-Widget für diese Dateien in der Übersicht ausblenden."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maximalhöhe der Vorschaubilder (in Pixel, optional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maximalweite der Vorschaubilder (in Pixel, optional)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Selbst-signierte Zertifikate erlauben?"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standard Sichtbarkeit von Inhalten"],"Security":["Sicherheit"],"No purchased modules found!":["Keine gekauften Module gefunden!"],"search for available modules online":["verfügbare Module online suchen"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub läuft derzeit im Testmodus. Auf Produktivsystemen deaktivieren!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Weitere Details in der Installationsanleitung"],"Purchases":["Käufe"],"Enable module...":["Modul aktivieren..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Kaufen (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installiere Modul..."],"Licence Key:":["Lizenzschlüssel"],"Updating module...":["Aktualisiere Module..."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimalwert 20 Sekunden. Wenn nicht gesetzt, läuft die Sitzung nach 1400 Sekunden (24 Minuten) ab, sofern keine Aktion durch geführt wird (Standardwert für den Ablauf der Sitzung)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Nur anwendbar, wenn der eingeschränkte Zugriff für nicht bestätigte Benutzer aktiviert wurde. Hat nur Auswirkungen auf neue Benutzer."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Attribut für die E-Mail-Adresse. Standard: "mail""],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Komma separierte Liste. Leer lassen, um bei der Dateiliste in der Übersicht alle Objekte anzuzeigen."],"Last login":["Letzter Login"],"Add a member to notify":["Mitglied zur Benachrichtigung hinzufügen"],"Share your opinion with others":["Teile deine Meinung mit Anderen"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Nachricht auf Facebook schreiben"],"Share on Google+":["Teilen auf Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Mit Personen auf auf LinkedIn teilen"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Über HumHub twittern"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Lade Module herunter und installiere..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Zwischen Liebe und Wahnsinn liegt Obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike - Einfach kaufen ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Wir suchen großartige Slogans bekannter Marken. Kannst Du uns vielleicht einige Beispiele nennen?"],"Welcome Space":["Willkommens-Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Ich habe gerade HumHub installiert ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Dein erstes Beispiel, um die Plattform zu entdecken"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Beispielsinhalte einrichten (empfohlen)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Erlaube Zugriff auf öffentliche Inhalte für nicht registrierte Benutzer (Gastzugriff)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Externe Benutzer können sich registrieren (Das Registrierungsformular wird auf der Login-Seite angezeigt)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Neu registrierte Benutzer müssen durch den Administrator freigeschaltet werden"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Registrierte Benutzer können neue Benutzer per E-Mail einladen"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Ich möchte HumHub benutzen für:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Fast geschafft! Fülle in diesem Schritt das Eingabeformular aus, um das Administrator-Konto zu erstellen. Mit diesem Konto kannst du das ganze Netzwerk verwalten."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub ist sehr flexibel und kann durch verschiedene Module für unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke eingerichtet und/oder erweitert werden. Die folgenden Module sind lediglich Beispiele, die aus unserer Sicht für deinen Einsatzzweck wichtig sein könnten.
Du kannst später jederzeit module hinzufügen oder entfernen. Verfügbare Module findest du nach der Installation über das Administrations-Menü."],"Recommended Modules":["Empfohlene Module"],"Example contents":["Beispielsinhalte "],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Um nach der ersten Anmeldung keine leere Übersicht vorzufinden, kann HumHub für dich Beispielsinhalte anlegen. Diese bieten einen guten Überblick über die Funktionsweise von HumHub und können jederzeit wieder gelöscht werden."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Hier kannst Du entscheiden, wie nicht registrierte Benutzer auf HumHub zugreifen können."],"Security Settings":["Sicherheits-Einstellungen"],"Configuration":["Konfiguration"],"My club":["Mein Verein"],"My community":["Meine Verwandtschaft"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Meine Firma (Social Intranet / Projektmanagement)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Meine Bildungseinrichtung (Schule, Universität)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Diesen Schritt überspringen. Ich möchte alles manuell einrichten"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Zur Vereinfachung der Konfiguration liegen für die häufigsten Einsatzzwecke vordefinierte Profile mit unterschiedlichen Optionen für Module und Einstellungen vor. Während der nächsten Schritte kannst du diese Einstellungen anpassen."],"Initializing database...":["Initialisiere Datenbank..."],"You":["Du"],"You like this.":["Dir gefällt das."],"Advanced search settings":["Erweiterte Sucheinstellungen"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Nach Benutzern, Spaces und Inhalten suchen"],"Private":["Privat"],"Members":["Mitglieder"],"Change Owner":["Besitzer ändern"],"General settings":["Allgemeine Einstellungen"],"Security settings":["Sicherheits-Einstellungen"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Du kannst die Rolle des Space-Besitzers auf einen anderen Administrator im Space übertragen."],"Color":["Farbe"],"Transfer ownership":["Besitzrechte übertragen"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Wählen, ob neue Inhalte standardmäßig als öffentlich oder privat gekennzeichnet werden"],"Manage members":["Mitglieder verwalten"],"Manage permissions":["Berechtigungen verwalten"],"Pending approvals":["Ausstehende Freigaben"],"Pending invitations":["Ausstehende Einladungen"],"Add Modules":["Module hinzufügen"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du bist kein Miglied dieses Space. Derzeit liegen keinen öffentlichen Inhalte vor!"],"Done":["Abgeschlossen","Versendet"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Mitgliedschaft beenden"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Beiträge in der Übersicht ausblenden"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Beiträge in der Übersicht anzeigen"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Mit dieser Option werden neue Inhalte in der Übersicht dieses Space nicht angezeigt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Mit dieser Option werden neue Inhalte in der Übersicht dieses Space angezeigt"],"Get complete members list":["Liste aller Mitglieder"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Ziehe hierher ein Foto oder klicke, um deine Dateien zu durchsuchen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verstecke mein Geburtsjahr"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Howdy %firstname%, vielen Dank für die Benutzung von HumHub"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Du bist hier der erste Benutzer... Yehaaa! Sei ein gutes Vorbild und vervollständige dein Profil,
so dass künftige Benutzer wissen, wer die Verantwortung trägt und an wen er sich wenden kann, wenn er fragen hat."],"Your firstname":["Dein Vorname"],"Your lastname":["Dein Nachname"],"Your mobild phone number":["Deine Mobilfunknummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Deine Telefonnummer bei der Arbeit"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Deine Kompetenzen, dein Wissen und deine Erfahrungen (kommasepariert)"],"Your title or position":["Dein Titel oder deine Position"],"Confirm new password":["Neues Passwort bestätigen"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Ohne Berücksichtigung in der Navigation (Direkter Link)"],"Add Dropbox files":["Dropbox-Dateien hinzufügen"],"Invalid file":["Unzulässige Datei"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API Schlüssel"],"Show warning on posting":["Beim Absenden Warnung zeigen"],"Dropbox post":["Dropbox-Post"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Dropbox-Modul Konfiguration"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Das Dropbox-Modul benötigt ein aktives Dropbox-Konto! Bitte gehe zu Seite, wähle \"Drop-ins app\" und vergebe einen Applikationsnamen, um deinen API-Schlüssel zu erhalten."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox Einstellungen"],"Describe your files":["Beschreibe deine Dateien"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Entschuldigung, das Dropbox-Modul ist derzeit nicht konfiguriert! Bitte trete mit dem Administrator in Verbindung."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Das Dropbox-Modul ist derzeit nicht konfiguriert! bitte konfiguriere es hier."],"Select files from dropbox":["Wähle Dateien aus der Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Vorsicht! Du teilst private Dateien"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Die Warnung künftig nicht mehr anzeigen"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Du möchtest private Dateien teilen. Zur Anzeige der Dateien in deinem space wird ein Link auf die privaten Dateien generiert. Jedermann, der diesen Link sehen kann, wir auf diene privaten Dateien Zugriff haben
Bist du sicher, dass du diese Dateien teilen möchstest?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Ja, ich bin sicher"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Ungültige Enterprise Lizenz"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Registrierung"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Unregistrierte Enterprise Edition"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Bitte gebe hier deinen Lizenzschlüssel ein. Solltest du noch keinen Lizenzschlüssel besitzen, kannst du unter %link% einen erwerben."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Bitte registriere deine HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Bitte aktualisiere deine HumHub - Enterprise Edition Lizenz!"],"Registration successful!":["Die Registrierung war erfolgreich!"],"Validating...":["Überprüfe..."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Edition Lizenz"],"Licence Serial Code":["Lizenzschlüssel"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below.":["Bitte gebe im folgenden Feld den Lizenzschlüssel für deine Enterprise Edition ein."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Spacetyp änderen"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Neuen %typeTitle% erstellen"],"Create new space type":["Erstelle neuen Spacetyp"],"Delete space type":["Spacetyp löschen"],"Edit space type":["Spacetyp bearbeiten"],"Manage space types":["Spacetyp verwalten"],"Create new type":["Erstelle einen neuen Spacetyp"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Um den Spacetyp \"{type}\" löschen zu können, muss für vorhandene Spaces ein ander Spacetyp ausgewählt werden:"],"Types":["Spacetypen"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Entschuldigung! Die Höchstzahl der Benutzer ist erreicht."],"Delete instance":["Instanz löschen"],"Export data":["Daten exportieren"],"Hosting":["Hosting"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Weil die Höchstzahl der zulässigen Benutzer erreicht ist, sind in dieser Instanz derzeit keine weiteren Benutzerregistrierungen möglich!"],"Your plan":["Dein Vorhaben"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kannst dir selber keine Mail senden!"],"Add recipients":["Empfänger hinzufügen"],"Delete conversation":["Konversation löschen"],"Leave conversation":["Konversation verlassen"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Dieses Modul diesen Space um die Möglichkeit, Besprechungen zu erstellen und zu verwalten."],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Format muss HH:MM entsprechen"],"Meeting":["Besprechung"],"Meetings":["Besprechungen"],"Begin":["Beginn"],"Date":["Datum"],"End":["Ende"],"Location":["Ort"],"Room":["Raum"],"Minutes":["Protokoll"],"End must be after begin":["Das Ende muss nach dem Beginn liegen"],"No valid time":["Die Zeitangabe ist ungültig"],"Back to overview":["Zurück zur Übersicht"],"Create new task":["Neue Aufgabe erstellen","Neue Aufgabe erstellen"],"Assign users":["Benutzer zuordnen","Zugewiesene Benutzer"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Für diese Aufgabe vorausgewählte Benutzer.","Benutzer für diese Aufgabe vorauswählen"],"Task description":["Beschreibung der Aufgabe"],"What is to do?":["Was ist zu tun?"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Löschvorgang bestätigen"],"Create new meeting":["Neue Besprechung erstellen"],"Edit meeting":["Besprechung bearbeiten"],"Add Participants":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Externe Teilnehmer hinzufügen (Freitext)"],"Add participant":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Add participants":["Teilnehmer hinzufügen"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Möchtest du diese Besprechung wirklich löschen?"],"External participants":["Externe Teilnehmer"],"Title of your meeting":["Titel der Besprechung"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"mm/dd/yyyy":["mm/dd/yyyy"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Löschvorgang bestätigen"],"Create new entry":["Neuen Tagesordnungspunkt erstellen"],"Edit entry":["Tagesordnungspunkt bearbeiten"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Externe Moderatoren hinzufügen (Freitext)"],"Add moderator":["Moderator hinzufügen"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Möchtest du den Tagesordnungspunkt wirklich löschen?"],"External moderators":["Externe Moderatoren"],"Moderators":["Moderatoren"],"Title of this entry":["Titel des Tagesordnungspunktes"],"Clear":["Leeren"],"Edit Note":["Protokoll bearbeiten"],"Note content":["Protokoll"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Weitere Informationen zur Besprechung: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Anstehende Besprechungen"],"Past meetings":["Vergangene Besprechungen"],"Add a protocol":["Protokoll hinzufügen"],"Add a task":["Aufgabe hinzufügen"],"Add this meeting to your calender and invite all participants by email":["Importiere das Meeting in deinen Kalender und lade alle Teilnehmer per Email ein "],"Add to your calender":["In deinem Kalender speichern"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Erstelle den ersten Tagesordnungspunkt, indem du auf den folgenden Button klickst."],"Moderator":["Moderator"],"New agenda entry":["Neuer Tagesordnungspunkt"],"New meeting":["Neue Besprechung"],"Print agenda":["Tagesordnung drucken"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Share meeting":["Besprechung teilen"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Erstelle jetzt deine erste Besprechnung!"],"Today":["Heute"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Leider wurde bis jetzt noch keine Besprechung erstellt."],"Share meeting":["Besprechung teilen"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Zum Kalender hinzufügen und Teilnehmer einladen"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Zum persönlichen Kalender hinzufügen"],"Export ICS":["Exportiere ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Benachrichtigungen an alle Teilnehmer senden"],"Send now":["Jetzt senden"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Sendet interne Benachrichtigungen an alle Teilnehmer."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Erstellt eine ICS-Datei, welche diese Besprechung ausschließlich zu deinem persönlichen Kalender hinzufügt."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Erstellt eine ICS-Datei, welche diese Besprechung zu deinem persönlichen Kalender hinzufügt, alle anderen Teilnehmer automatisch per Email einladet und dessen Zusagen/Absagen einfordert."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} hat dich zur {meeting} eingeladen."],"This task is related to %link%":["Dies Aufgabe ist mit %link% verknüpft"],"Get details...":["Details..."],"Again? ;Weary;":["Noch einmal? ;Weary;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Wir sind gerade in den Planungen für unser nächstes Treffen. Wo möchtet ihr gerne hingehen?"],"To Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini\n":["Zu Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Warum gehen wir nicht zu Bemelmans Bar?"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} hat die Frage {question} beantwortet."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Ein Benutzer hat deinen Beitrag als beleidigend gemeldet."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Ein Benutzer hat deinen Beitrag als Spam gemeldet."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Ein Benutzer hat Deinen Beitrag gemeldet, weil er nicht in diesen Space gehört."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% als beleidigend gemeldet."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% als Spam gemeldet."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% hat den Beitrag %contentTitle% gemeldet, weil er nicht in diesen Space gehört."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kannst du gemeldete Beiträge des Space verwalten."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bestätigung der Löschung des Beitrages"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bestätigung der Löschung der Meldung"],"Delete post":["Beitrag löschen"],"Delete report":["Meldung löschen"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Möchtest du die Meldung wirklich löschen?"],"Reason":["Grund"],"Reporter":["Melder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Keine gemeldeten Beiträge."],"Does not belong to this space":["Gehört nicht in diesen Space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Helf uns zu verstehen, was vorgegangen ist"],"It's offensive":["Ist beleidigend"],"It's spam":["Ist Spam"],"Report post":["Beitrag melden"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Verweis-Tag zum Erstellen eines Filters in den Statistiken"],"Route access violation.":["Verletzung der Zugriffsroute."],"Assigned user(s)":["Zugewiesene Benutzer"],"Task":["Aufgabe"],"Edit task":["Aufgabe bearbeiten"],"Confirm deleting":["Löschen bestätigen"],"Add Task":["Aufgabe erstellen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Möchtest Du diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?"],"No open tasks...":["Keine offenen Aufgaben..."],"completed tasks":["abgeschlossene Aufgaben"],"Create new page":["Erstelle eine neue Seite"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Gebe einen Wiki-Namen oder eine URL (z.B. http://example.com) ein"],"Open wiki page...":["Wiki-Seite öffnen..."],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Nur in diesen Spaces suchen:"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["{n,plural,=1{Space} other{Spaces}} hinzufügen"],"Remember me":["Angemeldet bleiben"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppen Mitglieder - {group}"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Ein Soziales Netzwerk zur Förderung der Kommunikation und der Teamarbeit.
Jetzt registrieren, um diesem Space beizutreten."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Enterprise Edition Testzeitraum"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Noch {daysLeft} Tage bis zum Ablauf des Testzeitraums."],"e.g. Project":["z.B. Projekt"],"e.g. Projects":["z.B. Projekte"],"Administrative Contact":["Kontakt zur Administration"],"Advanced Options":["Erweiterte Optionen"],"Custom Domain":["Spezifische Domain"],"Datacenter":["Datencenter"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Unterstützung / Hilfe erhalten"],"Agenda Entry":["Tagesordnungspunkt eintragen"],"Could not get note users! ":["Konnte Benutzer nicht laden!"],"Date input format":["Datumsformat"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Automatische Formatierung basierend auf der Benutzersprache - Beispiel: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Festgelegtes Format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Beispiel {example}"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Das Verzeichnis %filename% konnte nicht gespeichert werden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% hat eine unerlaubte Dateieendung und wurde übersprungen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% wurde durch eine neuere Version ersetzt."],"/ (root)":["/ (Stammverzeichnis)"],"Confirm delete file":["Löschen der Datei bestätigen"],"Create folder":["Ordner erstellen"],"Edit folder":["Ordner bearbeiten"],"Move files":["Dateien verschieben"],"A folder with this name already exists":["Ein Ordner mit diesem Namen existiert bereits"],"Add directory":["Neuer Ordner"],"Add file(s)":["Dateien hochladen"],"Adds an file module to this space.":["Fügt diesem Space eine Datei-Verwaltung hinzu"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Erweitert dein Profil um ein Datei-Ablage-Modul"],"All posted files":["Alle Dateien aus dem Stream"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Archiv %filename% konnte nicht entpackt werden."],"Archive folder":["Archivordner"],"Archive selected":["Archiv ausgewählt"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Die Datei %title% konnte nicht gespeichert werden","Die Datei %title% konnte nicht gespeichert werden."],"Creator":["Ersteller"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) wit all subcontent?":["Möchtest du wirklich %number% Elemente einschließlich aller Unterlemente löschen?"],"Download":["Herunterladen"],"Download .zip":["Zip-Archiv herunterladen"],"Download zip":["Zip-Archiv herunterladen"],"Edit directory":["Ordner bearbeiten"],"Enable Zip Support":["Zip-Archiv-Unterstützung aktivieren"],"Files Module Configuration":["Datei-Modul-Konfiguration"],"Folder":["Ordner"],"Folder options":["Ordner Optionen"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Keine ausreichenden Rechte um diese Aktion auszuführen."],"Invalid parameter.":["Unzulässiger Parameter."],"Move":["Verschieben"],"Move file":["Datei verschieben"],"Move folder":["Ordner verschieben"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. 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Der Inhalt wurde überschrieben."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Das Verzeichnis mit der ID %id% ist nicht vorhanden."],"This folder is empty.":["Dieser Ordner ist leer."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Du hast keine Erlaubnis zum hochladen oder bearbeiten von Dateien."],"Updated":["Aktualisiert"],"Upload":["Hochladen"],"Upload .zip":["Zip-Archiv hochladen"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Mit den obigen Schaltflächen Dateien hochladen oder Unterordner erstellen."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Dateien in Stream hochladen, um diesen Ordner zu füllen."],"Zip support is not enabled.":["Zip-Archiv-Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert."],"root":["Stammverzeichnis"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Gebe unten deinen Enterpise-Lizenzschlüssel ein. Wenn Du keinen Lizenzschlüssel hinterlegst, beginnt eine 14-tägige Testphase."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Neue LDAP-Zuordnung erstellen"],"Edit ldap mapping":["LDAP-Zuordnung bearbeiten"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP Mitglieder Zuordnung"],"Create new mapping":["Neue Zuordnung erstellen"],"Space ID":["Space ID"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Vorschaubild auswählen"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonyme Umfrage!"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhaus"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"To Daniel":["Zu Daniel"],"Anonymous":["Anonym"],"Closed":["Beendet"],"Add answer...":["Antwort hinzufügen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anonyme Abstimmung?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antworten in zufälliger Reihenfolge anzeigen?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwort bearbeiten (leere Antworten werden entfernt)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Frage bearbeiten"],"Update HumHub":["HumHub aktualisieren"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub BETA aktualisieren"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Vor dem Fortfahren eine Sicherheitskopie aller Dateien und der Datenbank erstellen"],"Check for next update":["Auf nächstes Update prüfen"],"Could not extract update package!":["Konnte das Updatepaket nicht entpacken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Konnte keine Updateinformationen beziehen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Ergebnisse der Datenbankmigration:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Diese Modul nicht in Kombination mit Git- oder Composer-Installationen benutzen!"],"Downloading update package...":["Lade Updatepaket herunter..."],"Error!":["Fehler!"],"Installing update package...":["Installiere Updatepaket..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Stelle sicher, dass alle Dateien durch die Anwendung überschrieben werden können"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Stelle sicher, dass individuelle Module und Themes mit der Version %version% kompatibel sind"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Stelle sicher, dass folgende Dateien durch die Anwendung überschrieben werden können:"],"Please note:":["Bitte beachten:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Bitte installierte Module vor und nach dem Update aktualisieren"],"Proceed Installation":["Installation fortsetzten"],"Release Notes:":["Release Notes:"],"Show database migration results":["Ergebnisse der Datenbankmigration anzeigen"],"Start Installation":["Installation beginnen"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Die folgenden Dateien scheinen nicht zur Originalsinstallation (%version%) zu gehören und werden während des Aktualisierungsvorgangs überschrieben oder gelöscht."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Ein Update auf %version% ist verfügbar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Es kein HumHub-Update verfügbar!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Aktualiserung HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Updatepaket ungültig!"],"Warning!":["Warnung!"],"Warnings:":["Warnungen:"],"successfully installed!":["erfolgreich installiert!"],"version update":["Versionsupdate"],"Update download failed! 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(%error%)"],"Actions":["Aktionen"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Dem Benutzer erlauben, Kommentare zu erstellen"],"Create comment":["Kommentar erstellen"],"Last Visit":["Letzter Besuch"],"Updated By":["Aktualisiert von","Zuletzt aktualisiert durch"],"Value":["Wert"],"Create private space":["Privaten Space anlegen"],"Create public content":["Öffentlichen Inhalt erstellen"],"Create public space":["Öffentlichen Space anlegen"],"Invite users":["Benutzer einladen"],"Current Group:":["Aktuelle Gruppe:"],"Permissions":["Berechtigungen"],"Hide age per default":["Standardmäßig Alter verstecken"],"Space followers":["Space Follower"],"No spaces found.":["Keine Spaces gefunden."],"Originator User ID":["Ersteller User ID"],"Request Message":["Anfrage Nachricht"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Benutzern erlauben öffentliche Inhalte zu erstellen"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Benutzern erlauben andere Benutzer einzuladen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Erstellen von nicht-öffentliche Spaces."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Erstellen von öffentliche Spaces. (Im Verzeichnis gelistet)"],"Pending Approvals":["Ausstehende Freigaben"],"Pending Invites":["Ausstehende Einladungen"],"No users found.":["Keine Benutzer gefunden."],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Geburtstage in den nächsten {days} Tagen"],"In {days} days":["In {days} Tagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wird {years} Jahre alt."],"Files module configuration":["Dateimodul Konfiguration"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Ein Ordner mit diesem namen ist bereits vorhanden."],"Adds files module to this space.":["Erweitert den Space um ein Datei-Ablage-Modul"],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Komprimierung (ZIP) ist nicht aktiviert."],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Komprmierung (ZIP) deaktivieren"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Möchtes du wirklich %number% Element(e) einschließlich ihrer Unterlemente löschen?"],"Download ZIP":["Download ZIP"],"Files from the stream":["Dateien vom Stream"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Die Bezeichnung des Ordners darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen beginnen oder enden."],"Upload ZIP":["Hochladen ZIP"],"ZIP all":["Alle komprimieren"],"ZIP selected":["Ausgewählte komprimieren"],"changed:":["geändert:"],"created:":["erstellt:"],"Conversations":["Unterhaltungen"],"Folder ID":["Ordner ID"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID des übergeordneten Ordners"],"Category":["Kategorie"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommentierten {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommentierte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Neuer Kommentar"],"Space":["Space"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Self test":["Selbsttest"],"User posts":["Benutzerbeiträge"],"Userprofiles":["Benutzerprofile"],"Default stream content order":["Standardsortierung des Streams"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktivieren des Freundschaftssystem unter Benutzern"],"Sort by creation date":["Nach Erstelldatum sortieren"],"Sort by update date":["Nach letzter Aktualisierung sortieren"],"Advanced":["Erweitert"],"General Settings":["Allgemeine Einstellungen"],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du grundlegende Einstellungen deines sozialen Netzwerks konfigurieren."],"Add new space":["Neuen Space hinzufügen"],"User administration":["Benutzer Administration"],"Friendship":["Freundschaft"],"Appearance":["Darstellung"],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"Information":["Informationen"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"comment":["Kommentar"],"My friends":["Meine Freunde"],"post":["Beitrag"],"Your profile":["Dein Profil"],"Change Email":["E-Mail ändern"],"Change Password":["Passwort ändern"],"Manage groups":["Gruppenverwaltung"],"Add":["Hinzufügen"],"Add new members...":["Mitglieder hinzufügen..."],"Remove from group":["Aus Gruppe entfernen"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Space settings":["Space-Einstellungen"],"Approval":["Bestätigung"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed-Provider"],"Group user not found!":["Benutzer in Gruppe nicht gefunden! "],"No value found!":["Wert nicht gefunden!"],"Administrative group":["Administrations Gruppe"],"About HumHub":["Über HumHub"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Voraussetzungen"],"Third-party":["Third-party"],"Third-party disclaimer":["Haftungsausschluss von Drittanbietern"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Es ist eine neue HumHub Version ({version}) verfügbar."],"Advanced Settings":["Erweiterte Einstellungen"],"Appearance Settings":["Anzeige Einstellungen"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-Mail Einstellungen"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du das E-Mail Verhalten und die Mail-Server Einstellungen deines Sozialen Netzwerkes verwalten."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Diese Einstellungen betreffen fortgeschrittene Themen deines sozialen Netzwerkes."],"User Settings":["Benutzer Einstellungen"],"Information":["Information"],"Settings and Configuration":["Einstellungen "],"Add new group":["Neue Gruppe erstellen"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gruppe verwalten: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Ausstehende Bestätigungen"],"Profiles":["Profile"],"Pending user approvals":["Ausstehende Benutzerbestätigungen."],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Die folgende Liste beinhaltet alle registrierten Benutzer mit einer ausstehenden Bestätigung."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Benutzer können verschiedenen Gruppen hinzugefügt werden (z.B. Teams, Abteilungen etc.) mit jeweils spezifischen Standard-Spaces, Benutzer-mangern und Rechten."],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Neue Benutzer werden automatisch zu diesen Space(s) hinzugefügt. "],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Aktivierte OEmbed Anbieter"],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed Anbieter hinzufügen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed Anbieter bearbeiten"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Hier können die allgemeinen Einstellungen für neue Spaces festlegen. Diese Einstellungen können für jeden einzelnen Space überschrieben werden. "],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Diese Übersicht enthält eine Liste mit allen Spaces mit der Möglichkeit sie an zu zeigen, zu editieren oder zu löschen"],"Edit user: {name}":["Benutzer editieren: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Gruppen Manager"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Diese Übersicht enthält eine Liste mit allen Benutzern mit der Möglichkeit sie anzuzeigen, zu editieren oder zu löschen"],"Create new profile category":["Erstelle eine neue Profil-Kategorie"],"Edit profile category":["Bearbeite die Profil-Kategorie"],"Create new profile field":["Erstelle ein neues Profil-Feld"],"Edit profile field":["Bearbeite das Profil-Feld"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Hier kannst du neue Profil-Kategorien und Felder erstellen oder bearbeiten."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil-Attribute verwalten"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximale Anzahl an festgesetzten Inhalte erreicht!\n\nDu kannst nur zwei Inhalte auf einmal festsetzen. Bevor du diesen Inhalt festsetzen kannst, musst du ein anderes freigeben."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat {contentTitle} erstellt."],"Send invite":["Einladung/en versenden"],"Pending friend requests":["Ausstehende Freundschaftsanfragen"],"Sent friend requests":["Ausstehende Freundschaftsanfragen"],"Accept Friend Request":["Freundschaftsanfrage akzeptieren"],"Add Friend":["Freund hinzufügen"],"Cancel friend request":["Freundschaftsanfrage zurücknehmen"],"Deny friend request":["Freundschaftsanfrage ablehnen"],"Friends":["Freunde"],"Requests":["Anfrage"],"Sent requests":["Anfrage senden"],"Show all friends":["Zeige alle Freunde"],"Unfriend":["Freundschaft aufheben"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} hat deine Freundschaftsanfrage akzeptiert."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} hat deine Freundschaftsanfrage abgelehnt."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} hat dir Freundschaftsanfrage gesendet."],"Friendship Request":["Freundschaftsanfrage"],"Friendship Approved":["Freundschaftsanfrage Bestätigt"],"New Like":["Neues gefällt mir"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} mögen {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} mag {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} und {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} und {number} weitere"],"Other":["Weitere"],"Module Filter":["Filter Modul"],"No notifications found!":["Keine Benachrichtigungen gefunden!"],"Notification Overview":["Benachrichtigungen Übersicht"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Deine Suche ergab keine Treffer."],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standard)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, aber du kannst diesen Space nicht verlassen."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Die URL beinhaltet nicht erlaubte Zeichen !"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["z. B. example für {baseUrl}/s/example"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Einladung für den {spaceName} akzeptiert"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Mitgliedschaft für den {spaceName} bestätigt"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Einladung für den {spaceName} abgelehnt"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat deine Mitgliedschafts-Anfrage für den {spaceName} abgelehnt"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} hat dich zu dem Space {spaceName} eingeladen"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} bittet um Mitgliedschaft in dem Space {spaceName}"],"Role":["Rolle"],"Basic Settings":["Grundlegende Einstellungen"],"Connect account":["Account verbinden"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbundene Accounts "],"Connected accounts":["Verbundene Accounts "],"Currently in use":["Zurzeit in Benutzung"],"Delete Account":["Account löschen"],"Disconnect account":["Account trennen"],"My Account":["Mein Account"],"or":["oder"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Verstecke das Einführungstour Panel auf dem Dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Benutzer-Einladung"],"Email address(es)":["E-Mail Adresse/n"],"Invitation to join":["Einladung zum beitreten"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Trage hier die E-Mail Adressen von neuen Benutzern ein, die du einladen willst."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Trenne E-Mail Adressen mit Komma"],"Click here to create an account:":["Klicke hier um einen Account zu erstellen:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":[" {username} hat dich eingeladen \"{space}\" auf {name} beizutreten."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} hat dich zu {name} eingeladen."],"Searchable":["Suchbar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma getrennte Ländercodes, z. B. DE,EN,AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Unterstützte ISO3166 Länder Codes"],"Mentioned":["Erwähnt"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} folgt dir jetzt."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} hat dich in {contentTitle} erwähnt."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Deine aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse ist {email}. Du kannst sie sie hier ändern."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Dein aktuelles Passwort kann hier geändert werden."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kannst du deine allgemeinen Profil Daten ändern, die in deinem Profil sichtbar sind."],"Is homepage":["Als Startseite"],"Protected":["Geschützte Seite"],"Administrators":["Administratoren"],"Default content visibility":["Standard Sichtbarkeit der Inhalte"],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Hier kannst du Einstellungen zur Registrierung sowie Benutzereinstellungen deines Sozialen Netzwerks verwalten."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Diese Einstellungen beziehen sich auf die Darstellung deines Sozialen Netzwerks."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Du kannst HTML Code für Statistiken hinzufügen, der zu allen generierten Seiten hinzugefügt wird."],"Allows the user to create posts":["Erlaubt dem Benutzer das Erstellen von Beiträgen"],"Create post":["Beitrag erstellen"],"Load more":["Mehr laden"],"File dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Die Dateigröße überschreitet die Speicherbegrenzung des Servers!"],"Allow friendships between members":["Freundschaften zwischen Mitgliedern erlauben"],"Notification Overview":["Übersicht über Mitteilungen"],"Show all notifications":["Alle Mitteilungen anzeigen"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Der Benutzer '{username}' ist bereits Mitglied des Spaces!"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier können externe Service-Anbieter angebunden werden, zum Beispiel für Single Sign On Authentifizierung."],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Es existiert ein Benutzer mit derselben E-Mail Adresse, der jedoch nicht mit deinem Konto verbunden ist. Melde dich zunächst an, dann verbinde die Konten."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Das neue Passwort muss sich vom aktuellen Passwort unterscheiden!"],"Auth Mode":["Authentifizierungs-Verfahren"],"Last Login":["Zuletzt angemeldet am"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Im Verzeichnis anzeigen"],"Show At Registration":["Bei Registrierung anzeigen"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Desktop-Benachrichtigungen empfangen, wenn du online bist."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Einladung zum Space {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Jetzt registieren und teilnehmen!"],"You got an invite":["Du wurdest eingeladen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["hat dich zu {name} eingeladen"],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["hat dich auf {name} eingeladen {space} beizutreten"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Ermöglicht das Anlegen eigener Seiten in der Navigation."],"Custom pages":["Eigene Seiten"],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["Diese E-Mail Whitelist definiert Regeln zu E-Mail Adressen für Einladungen und Registrierungen."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["Diese E-Mail Whiltelist definiert Regeln zu E-Mail Adressen, die nach der Registrierung ohne weitere Freigabe aktiviert werden."],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Die folgenden E-Mail Adressen entsprechen nicht den Whitelist-Regeln: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["Die angegebene E-Mail Adresse kann nicht registiert werden!"],"Whitelist":["Whitelist"],"Is Originator":["Ist Ersteller"],"Last Viewed":["Zuletzt betrachtet"],"Allows to start polls.":["Ermöglicht Umfragen zu starten."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Dieses Modul ist in diesem Content Container nicht aktiviert!"],"Visible for members only":["Für Mitglieder sichbar"],"Visible for members+guests":["Für Mitglieder und Gäste sichtbar"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Filter der angewendet wird, sobald sich ein Benutzer anmeldet. %s ersetzt den Benutzername während der Anmeldung. Beispiel: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kann beliebige Inhalte verwalten (z.B. archivieren, anheften oder löschen)"],"Manage content":["Inhalte verwalten"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Der Benutzer '{username}' hat bereits die Mitgliedschaft in diesem Space beantragt!"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Berechtigungen sind mit unterschiedlichen Benutzerollen verknüpft. Um eine Berechtigung zu bearbeiten, wähle die betreffende Benutzerrolle und ordne über das Dropdown-Feld eine andere Berechtigung zu."],"Last Activity Email":["Letzte Aktivität (Email)"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Erhalte eine Email über jede Aktivität der Benutzer denen du folgst oder mit denen du in einem Space zusammenarbeitest."],"Add new page":["Neue Seite erstellen"],"Open page...":["Seite öffnen..."],"Does not belong here":["Gehört nicht in diesen Space","Gehört nicht hierher"],"Reopen Poll":["Umfrage wieder öffnen"],"Complete Poll":["Umfrage beenden"],"Show more":["Mehr anzeigen"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datum muss in der Vergangenheit liegen."],"Unsubscribe":["Abbestellen"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Bilder auf Mobilgeräten horizontal scrollen"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Die HumHub-Entwickler bieten keine Unterstützung für Module von Drittanbietern und geben keinerlei Garantie für die Eignung, Funktionalität oder Sicherheit dieses Moduls."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Aktivitäten bieten einen Überblick über Aktionen im Rahmen eines Spaces oder anderer Benutzer. (Z. B. eine neue Nachricht wurde geschrieben oder ein neues Mitglied trat dem Space bei)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Definieren Sie das Standardverhalten für das Versenden von Benutzer-E-Mails. Diese Einstellungen können von Benutzern in ihren Kontoeinstellungen überschrieben werden."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Benachrichtigungen sind benutzerbezogene Informationen (z. B. neue Kommentare zu eigenen Beiträgen oder einen neuen Nachfolger). Benachrichtigungen werden auch erstellt, wenn eine Benutzeraktion erforderlich ist (z. B. Freundschaftsanforderung)."],"Space Settings":["Space Einstellungen"],"Edit file":["Datei bearbeiten"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Der Ordner mit der ID %id% konnte nicht gefunden werden."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Konnte den Standardordner nicht laden, der alle gesendeten Dateien enthielt, Datenbank nicht richtig initialisiert."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. Root-Ordner konnte nicht geladen werden, Datenbank wurde nicht ordnungsgemäß initialisiert."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["EIne nicht vorhandene Datei kann nicht editiert werden."],"Created at:":["Erstellt um:"],"Edit the file description...":["Dateibeschreibung editieren..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Ordnerbeschreibung editieren..."],"Filesize:":["Daetigröße:"],"Last edited at:":["Geändert am:"],"Last edited by:":["Geändert durch:"],"Likes/Comments":["Gefällt mir / Kommentare"],"Open directory!":["Verzeichnis offen!"],"Open parent directory!":["Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis offen!"],"Schließen":["Schließen"],"Show all files":["Alle Dateien zeigen"],"Show complete file preview":["Komplette Dateivorschau zeigen"],"Show on Wall":["An der Wand anzeigen"],"This folder is still empty.":["Dieser Ordner ist noch leer."],"Description for the wall entry.":["Beschreibung der Wandeingabe."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Eine Regel kann entweder in der Form @example.com sein, um jede E-Mail des angegebenen Hosts oder eine vollständige Adresse als user@example.com zuzulassen"],"E-Mail Mapping":["E-Mail Mapping"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["Mit dem E-Mail-Mapping können Sie E-Mail-Regeln für Benutzer festlegen, die dieser Gruppe nach der Registrierung automatisch zugewiesen werden."],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Wenn die E-Mail-Whitelist-Funktion ebenfalls aktiviert ist (mindestens eine Regel), werden die angegebenen Regeln ebenfalls der Whitelist hinzugefügt."],"LDAP Mapping":["LDAP-Zuordnung"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Hier können Sie Ihre Spacetypen verwalten, mit denen Sie Ihre Spaces kategorisieren können."],"Space Types":["Spacetypen"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Eine Whitelist-Regel kann entweder mit der Form @example.com jede E-Mail des angegebenen Hosts, oder mittels user@example.com nur eine vollständige Adresse zulassen"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Mehrere Regeln durch eine neue Zeile trennen."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Mehrere Whitelist-Regeln durch eine neue Zeile trennen."],"Wall entry layout":["Layout der Pinwand"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Die Bildabmessungen sind zu groß. Aufgrund der für den Server eingestellten Speichergrenze kann nicht fortgefahren werden."],"the default start page of this space for members":["Die Standard-Startseite für Mitglieder dieses Space"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["Die Standard-Startseite für Gästes dieses Space"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Gäste)"],"You're not registered.":["Du bist nicht registriert."],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["z.B. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Bitte begründe, aus welchem Grund Du diesen Beitrag meldest."],"Approve":["Genehmigen"],"Approve post":["Beitrag genehmigen"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Möchtest du diesen Beitrag wirklich genehmigen?"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Aktualisierung auf HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Abbrechen"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Änderungen am HumHub-Kernsystem werden durch die Aktualisierung überschrieben!"],"Cleanup update files":["Bereinigen der Aktualisierungsdateien"],"Downloading update package":["Herunterladen des Aktualisierungspakets"],"Extracting package files":["Entpacken der Aktualisierungsdateien"],"Installing files":["Dateien installieren"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Stelle sicher, dass alle Dateien überschreibbar sind! ("],"Migrating database":["Migration der Datenbank"],"New updater version available!":["Eine neue Version des Updates ist verfügbar!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Keiner Fehlermeldung verfügbar. Bitte überprüfe die Protokolldateien!"],"Preparing system":["System vorbereiten"],"Start":["Start"],"Start update":["Aktualisierung starten"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Nach der Aktualisierung zum Standard-Theme wechseln"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Die Aktualisierung wurde erfolgreich installiert!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Eine neue Version des Update-Moduls ist verfügbar. Bitte vor dem Fortfahren aktualisieren."],"Update HumHub":["Humhub aktualisieren"],"Update successful":["Aktualisierung erfolgreich"],"Validating package":["Paket überprüfen"],"Page creation disabled!":["Erstellung von Seiten deaktiviert!"],"Page not editable!":["Seite kann nicht bearbeitet werden!"],"Page not found.":["Seite nicht gefunden."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Zugriff verweigert. Du hast keine Administrationsrechte."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Zugriff verweigert. Du hast keine Rechte, die Historie einzusehen."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Rückkehr nicht möglich. Dies ist bereits die letzte Revision!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Um auf diese Wiki-Seite zugreifen zu können, musst Du Mitglied des Space \"%space_name%\" sein!"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n dein Zugang wurde aktiviert.
\r\n\r\n Hier klicken um Dich einzuloggen:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Mit freundlichem Gruß
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n \r\n deine Zugangsanfrage wurde abgelehnt.
\r\n \r\n mit freundlichen Grüßen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximale Anzahl an festgesetzten Inhalte erreicht!\r\n\r\nDu kannst nur zwei Inhalte auf einmal festsetzen. Bevor du diesen Inhalt festsetzen kannst, musst du ein anderes freigeben."],"Pinned":["Angeheftet","Anheften"],"Unpinned":["Nicht mehr anheften"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Externe Benutzer können sich registrieren (Das Registrierungsformular wird auf der Login-Seite angezeigt)"],"Specify space":["Space wählen"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/es/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/es/archive.json
index 68620d099d..2ac638b01e 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/es/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/es/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el módulo solicitado!"],"Invalid request.":["Solicitud no válida."],"Keyword:":["Palabra clave:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["No se encontraron resultados"],"Results":["Resultados"],"Show more results":["Mostrar más resultados"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["¡Lo sentimos, no se ha encontrado nada!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bienvenido a %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Últimas actualizaciones"],"Account settings":["Configuración de la cuenta"],"Administration":["Administración"],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to dashboard":["Volver al Panel de Control"],"Choose language:":["Escoge idioma:"],"Collapse":["Cerrar"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["¡La fuente de Contenido del Complemento debe ser una instancia de HActiveRecordContent ó HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["¡No se pudo determinar el contenedor de contenido!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el contenido del complemento!"],"Error":["Error"],"Expand":["Ampliar"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["¡Permisos insuficientes para crear contenido!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Parece que puede haber tomado el camino equivocado."],"Language":["Idioma"],"Latest news":["Últimas noticias"],"Login":["Iniciar sesión"],"Logout":["Salir"],"Menu":["Menú"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["El módulo no está habilitado en este contenedor de contenido!"],"My profile":["Mi perfil"],"New profile image":["Nueva imagen de perfil"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Buscar"],"Search for users and spaces":["Buscar usuarios y espacios"],"Space not found!":["¡Espacio no encontrado!"],"User Approvals":["Aprobaciones de Usuario"],"User not found!":["¡Usuario no encontrado!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["¡No puede crear contenido público visible!"],"Your daily summary":["Su resumen diario"],"Login required":["Es necesario iniciar sesión"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Se ha limpiado el array {global} usando el método {method}"],"Upload error":["Error al subir"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Add image/file":["Añadir imagen/archivo"],"Add link":["Añadir enlace"],"Bold":["Negrita"],"Code":["Código"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Añade un enlace (ej. http://ejemplo.com)"],"Heading":["Título"],"Image":["Imagen"],"Image/File":["Imagen/Archivo"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Insertar hipervínculo"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Insertar imagen"],"Italic":["Cursiva"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Por favor, espera mientras se sube..."],"Preview":["Previsualizar"],"Quote":["Cita"],"Target":["Target"],"Title":["Titulo"],"Title of your link":["Título de tu enlace"],"URL/Link":["URL/Enlace"],"code text here":["Texto con código aquí"],"emphasized text":["Texto subrayado"],"enter image description here":["Escribe la descripción de la imagen aquí"],"enter image title here":["Escribe el título de la imagen aquí"],"enter link description here":["Escribe la descripción del enlace aquí"],"heading text":["Texto de cabecera"],"list text here":["Lista de texto aquí"],"quote here":["Citar aquí"],"strong text":["Texto en negrita"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["¡No se puede crear una actividad para este tipo de objeto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% creó un nuevo espacio: %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% creó este espacio."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% se unió al espacio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% se unió a este espacio."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% dejó el espacio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% dejó este espacio."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} ahora sigue a {user2}."],"see online":["Ver online","ver en línea"],"via":["en"],"Latest activities":["Últimas actividades"],"There are no activities yet.":["No hay actividades todavia."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hola {displayName},
\n \n tu cuenta ha sido activada.
\n \n Haz click aquí para iniciar sesión:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Saludos cordiales
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hola {displayName},
\n \n tu cuenta ha sido denegada.
\n \n Saludos cordiales
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La solicitud de cuenta para '{displayName}' ha sido aprobada."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La solicitud de cuenta para '{displayName}' ha sido denegada."],"Group not found!":["¡Grupo no encontrado!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["¡No se pudo desinstalar el módulo primero! El módulo está protegido."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["¡La ruta del módulo %path% no se puede escribir!"],"Saved":["Guardado"],"Database":["Base de datos"],"No theme":["Sin tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["¡No se pudo cargar LDAP! - Compruebe la extensión de PHP"],"File":["Archivo"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Sin caché (Solo pruebas!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ninguno - muestra el desplegable en el registro de usuario"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Guardado y vaciada la caché"],"Become this user":["Convertirse en este usuario"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Disabled":["Deshabilitado"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Unapproved":["Desaprobado"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["¡No te puedes borrar a tí mismo!"],"Could not load category.":["No se pudo cargar la categoría."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["¡Sólo puedes borrar categorías vacias!"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Subject":["Asunto"],"Base DN":["DN de base"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Activar soporte LDAP"],"Encryption":["Cifrado"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Cargar/actualizar usuarios automáticamente"],"Hostname":["Nombre de servidor"],"Login Filter":["Filtro de inicio de sesión"],"Password":["Contraseña"],"Port":["Puerto"],"User Filer":["Filtro de usuario"],"Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Username Attribute":["Atributo del nombre de usuario"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Permitir acceso limitado para usuarios no autentificados (invitados)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Los usuarios anónimos pueden registrarse"],"Default user group for new users":["Grupo por defecto para nuevos usuarios"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tiempo de inactividad antes de cerrar sesión (en segundos, opcional)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilidad del perfil de usuario por defecto"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Los miembros pueden invitar a usuarios externos por correo electrónico"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Requerir aprobación del administrador del grupo después de registrarse"],"Base URL":["URL Base"],"Default language":["Idioma por defecto"],"Default space":["Espacio por defecto"],"Invalid space":["Espacio no válido"],"Logo upload":["Subir logo"],"Name of the application":["Nombre de la aplicación"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostrar guía de introducción a los nuevos usuarios"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Mostrar el formulario para escribir entradas en Inicio"],"Cache Backend":["Modo de caché"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tiempo de expiración por defecto (en segundos)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["¡Falta la extensión PHP APC - El tipo no está disponible!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["¡Falta la extensión PHP SQLite3 - El tipo no está disponible!"],"Dropdown space order":["Orden de los desplegables"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Tamaño de paginación por defecto (Entradas por página)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Mostrar nombre (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Extensiones de archivos permitidas"],"Convert command not found!":["¡Comando convertir no encontrado!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["¡Respuesta inválida de image magick! - ¿Comando correcto?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Esconder la información (nombre, tamaño) para las imágenes en el muro"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Esconder el widget de la lista de archivos para estos objetos en el muro."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando convertir de Image Magick (opcional)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Altura máxima de previsualización de imagen (en píxeles, opcional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Ancho máximo de previsualización de imagen (en píxeles, opcional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Tamaño máximo de archivo para subir (en MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usar X-Sendfile para las descargas de archivos"],"Administrator users":["Usuarios administradores"],"Description":["Descripción"],"Ldap DN":["DN de LDAP"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["¿Permitir cerfificados autofirmados?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Dirección del remitente del correo electrónico"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nombre del remitente del correo electrónico"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo de transporte de correo"],"Port number":["Número de puerto"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefijo URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Sin Proxy"],"Server":["Servidor"],"User":["Usuario"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Los superadministradores pueden borrar cada objeto contenido"],"Default Join Policy":["Política de unión por defecto"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilidad por defecto"],"HTML tracking code":["Código de seguimiento HTML"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["¡El directorio del módulo para el módulo %moduleId% ya existe!"],"Could not extract module!":["¡No se pudo extraer el módulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["¡No se pudo obtener la lista de módulos en línea! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["¡No se pudo obtener la información del módulo en línea! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["¡Falló la descarga del módulo!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["¡El directorio del módulo %modulePath% no es escribible!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["¡Falló la descarga del módulo! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["¡No se encontró una versión compatible del módulo!","¡No se encontró un versión compatible del módulo!"],"Activated":["Activado"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aún no hay instalados módulos. ¡Añade alguno para extender las funcionalidades!"],"Version:":["Versión:"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"No modules found!":["¡¡No se han encontrado módulos!"],"All modules are up to date!":["¡Todos los módulos están la versión más reciente!"],"About HumHub":["Acerca de HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versión instalada actualmente: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licencias"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["¡Hay una nueva versión disponible! (Última versión: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["¡Esta instalación de HumHub ya está actualizada!"],"Accept":["Aceptar"],"Decline":["No asistir"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aceptar usuario: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Send & save":["Enviar y guardar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Declinar y borrar usuario: {displayName}"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Search for email":["Buscar por correo electrónico"],"Search for username":["Buscar por usuario"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprobaciones de usuario pendientes"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Aquí ves todos los usuarios que se han registrado y están esperando aprobación."],"Delete group":["Borrar grupo"],"Delete group":["Borrar grupo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Para borrar el grupo \"{group}\" tienes que establecer un grupo alternativo activo para los usuarios existentes:"],"Create new group":["Crear nuevo grupo"],"Edit group":["Editar grupo"],"Group name":["Nombre del grupo"],"Search for description":["Buscar por descripción"],"Search for group name":["Buscar por nombre de grupo"],"Manage groups":["Administrar grupos"],"Create new group":["Crear nuevo grupo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Puedes separar usuarios en diferentes grupos (para equipos, departamentos, etc.) y definir espacios estándar y administradores para ellos."],"Flush entries":["Limpiar entradas"],"Error logging":["Registro de errores"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Mostrar {count} entradas por página."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total {count} entradas encontradas."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Los módulos permiten extender las funcionalidades de HumHub. Aquí puedes instalar y configurar módulos de la HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Actualizaciones disponibles"],"Browse online":["Explorar en línea"],"Module details":["Detalles del módulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Este módulo no proporciona información adicional."],"Processing...":["Procesando..."],"Modules directory":["Directorio de módulos "],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo se perderán!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los archivos y datos relacionados con el módulo se perderán!"],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Disable":["Deshabilitar"],"Enable":["Habilitar"],"More info":["Más información"],"Set as default":["Establecer como predeterminado"],"Uninstall":["Desinstalar"],"Install":["Instalar"],"Latest compatible version:":["Última versión compatible:"],"Latest version:":["Última versión:"],"Installed version:":["Versión instalada:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Última versión compatible:"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Establecer como módulo predeterminado"],"Always activated":["Siempre activado"],"Deactivated":["Desactivado"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Aquí puedes elegir si un módulo debería estar activado automática en un espacio o perfil del usuario o no. Si el módulo debería estar activado, elige \"Siempre activado\"."],"Spaces":["Espacios"],"User Profiles":["Perfiles de usuarios"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Hay una nueva versión de HumHub (%version%) disponible."],"Authentication - Basic":["Autenticación - Básica"],"Basic":["Básica"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["El valor mínimo son 20 segundos. Si la casilla está vacía, la sesión se terminará automáticamente después de 1400 segundos (24 minutos) si no hay actividad."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Sólo aplicable cuando hay acceso limitado activado para los usuarios no autentificados. Sólo afecta a los usuarios nuevos."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Autenticación - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["Una conexión TLS/SSL es altamente recomendada en entornos de producción para evitar que las contraseñas se transmitan en texto claro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define el filtro que aplicar cuando se intenta iniciar sesión. %uid reemplaza el nombre de usuario en la acción de iniciar sesión. Ejemplo: quot;(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atributo LDAP para el nombre de usuario. Ejemplo: "uid" o "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limita el acceso a usuarios que cumplan estos criterios. Ejemplo: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" o "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Estado: ¡Error! (Mensaje: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Estado: ¡Correcto! ({userCount} usuarios)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["El DN base por defecto usado para buscar cuentas."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["La contraseña de las credenciales por defecto (usada sólo con el nombre de usuario de arriba)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["El nombre de usuario de las credenciales por defecto. Algunos servidores requieren que este esté en formato DN. Este tiene que estar en formato DN si el servidor LDAP requiere un DN para unirse y la unión debería ser posible con nombres de usuario simples."],"Cache Settings":["Ajustes de la caché"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Guardar y vaciar cachés"],"CronJob settings":["Ajustes de CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab de usuario: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Última ejecución (diaria):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Última ejecución (por horas):"],"Never":["Nunca"],"Or Crontab of root user":["O Crontab de usuario root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Por favor, asegúrate de los siguientes cronjobs están instalados:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabético"],"Last visit":["Última visita"],"Design settings":["Ajustes de diseño"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nombre y Apellido (p.ej. John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Usuario (p.ej. john)"],"File settings":["Ajustes de archivos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista separada por comas. Deja en blanco para permitir todos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista separada por comas. Deja vacío para mostrar una lista de archivos para todos los objetos en el muro."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Librería de imagenes actual: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Si no se ajusta, la altura por defecto será de 200 píxeles."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Si no se ajusta, el ancho por defecto será de 200 píxeles."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP reportó un máximo de {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Ajustes básicos"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación de la imagen"],"Dashboard":["Inicio"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["P.ej. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Los nuevos usuarios serán automáticamente añadidos a estos espacios."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["No estás usando un logo ahora. Sube tu logo ahora."],"Mailing defaults":["Predeterminados de correo"],"Activities":["Actividades"],"Always":["Siempre"],"Daily summary":["Resumen diario"],"Defaults":["Predeterminados"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Define los valores predeterminados para cuando un usuario recibe correos electrónicos sobre notificaciones o nuevas actividades. Estos ajustes pueden ser sobrescritos por los usuarios en los ajustes de la cuenta."],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Server Settings":["Ajustes del servidor"],"When I´m offline":["Cuando no estoy en línea","Cuando estoy fuera de línea"],"Mailing settings":["Ajustes de correo"],"SMTP Options":["Opciones SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Proveedor OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Añadir nuevo proveedor"],"Currently active providers:":["Proveedores activos:"],"Currently no provider active!":["¡No hay ningún proveedor activo!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Añadir proveedor OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Editar proveedor OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefijo URL sin http:// o https:// (p.ej. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Usa %url% como marcador para la URL. El formato necesario es JSON. (p.ej. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json) "],"Proxy settings":["Ajustes del Proxy"],"Security settings and roles":["Roles y ajustes de seguridad"],"Self test":["Auto test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Comprobando prerequisitos software de HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Re-ejecutar tests"],"Statistic settings":["Ajustes de estadísticas"],"All":["Todos"],"Delete space":["Eliminar espacio"],"Edit space":["Editar espacio"],"Search for space name":["Buscar por nombre de espacio"],"Search for space owner":["Buscar por dueño del espacio"],"Space name":["Nombre del Espacio"],"Space owner":["Dueño del espacio"],"View space":["Ver espacio"],"Manage spaces":["Gestionar espacios"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Define aquí la configuració por defecto para los nuevos espacios."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["En esta vista puedes ver cada espacio y gestionarlo."],"Overview":["Resúmen","Resumen"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"Space Settings":["Ajustes de Espacio"],"Add user":["Añadir usuario"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["¿Estás seguro de que desea eliminar este usuario? Si este usuario es dueño de algún espacio, tú serás el nuevo dueño de estos espacios."],"Delete user":["Eliminar usuario"],"Delete user: {username}":["Eliminar usuario: {username}"],"Edit user":["Editar usuario"],"Admin":["Administrador"],"Delete user account":["Eliminar cuenta de usuario"],"Edit user account":["Editar cuenta de usuario"],"No":["No"],"View user profile":["Ver perfiles de usuario"],"Yes":["Sí"],"Manage users":["Gestionar usuarios"],"Add new user":["Añadir nuevo usuario"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["En esta vista podrás encontrar cada usuario registrado y gestionarlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crear nueva categoría de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Editar categoría de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Crear nuevo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Editar campo de perfil"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestionar campos del perfil"],"Add new category":["Añadir nueva categoría"],"Add new field":["Añadir nuevo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Seguridad y roles"],"Administration menu":["Menú de administración"],"About":["Acerca de"],"Authentication":["Autenticación"],"Caching":["Caché"],"Cron jobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Diseño"],"Files":["Archivos"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Logging":["Registro"],"Mailing":["Correos"],"Modules":["Módulos"],"OEmbed Provider":["Proveedor OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Auto test y actualización"],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"User approval":["Aprobación de usuarios"],"User profiles":["Perfiles de usuarios"],"Users":["Usuarios"],"Click here to review":["Haz clic aqui para revisar"],"New approval requests":["Nuevas peticiones de aprobación"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o más usuarios necesita tu aprobación como administrador del grupo."],"Could not delete comment!":["¡No se puedo borrar el comentario!"],"Invalid target class given":["Clase de objetivo no válida"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["¡Los parámetros Model e ID son requeridos!"],"Target not found!":["¡Objetivo no encontrado!"],"Access denied!":["¡Acceso denegado!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["¡Permisos insuficientes!"],"Comment":["Comentario"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% escribió un nuevo comentario "],"Comments":["Comentarios"],"Edit your comment...":["Edita tu comentario..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% también comentó tu %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% comentó %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Ver los {total} comentarios."],"Post":["Entrada"],"Write a new comment...":["Escribe un nuevo comentario..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostrar %count% comentarios más"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación del comentario"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["¿Seguro que quieres borrar este comentario?"],"Updated :timeago":["Actualizado :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Número máximo de artículos pegados alcanzados!\n\nUsted puede pegar solamente dos artículos a la vez.\n¡Sin embargo pegar este artículo, despega otros antes!"],"Could not load requested object!":["¡No se pudo cargar el objeto solicitado!"],"Invalid model given!":["¡Modelo inválido!"],"Unknown content class!":["¡Clase de contenido desconocida!"],"Could not find requested content!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el contenido solicitado!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el permalink solicitado!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} creó un nuevo {contentTitle}."],"in":["en"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["¡No se han encontrado resultados con los filtros seleccionados!"],"Nothing here yet!":["¡No hay nada aquí todavía!"],"Move to archive":["Mover a archivo"],"Unarchive":["Desarchivar"],"Add a member to notify":["Añadir un miembro a notificar"],"Make private":["Hacer Privado"],"Make public":["Hacer Público"],"Notify members":["Notificar Miembros"],"Public":["Público"],"What's on your mind?":["¿Que estas pensando?","¿Qué tienes en mente?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirma el borrado de la entrada"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["¿Realmente deseas borrar esta entrada? ¡Todos los \"Me gusta\" y los comentarios se perderán!"],"Archived":["Archivado"],"Sticked":["Fijado"],"Turn off notifications":["Desactivar notificaciones"],"Turn on notifications":["Activar Notificaciones"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink a esta entrada"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Fijar"],"Unstick":["Desfijar"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nadie ha escrito nada aún.
Marca un comienzo y escribe algo..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["La actividad de este perfil aún está vacia"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["¡Este espacio está aun vacio!
Empieza por escribir algo aqui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["¡Tu Inicio está vacio!
¡Escribe algo en tu perfil o únete a algún espacio!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["La actividad de tu perfil aún está vacia
Comienza escribiendo algo..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se ha encontrado nada que coincida con tu filtro!"],"Show all":["Mostrar todos"],"Back to stream":["Volver a Actividad"],"Content with attached files":["Contenido con adjuntos"],"Created by me":["Creado por mi","Creada por mí"],"Creation time":["Fecha de creación"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Incluir entradas archivadas"],"Last update":["Última actualización"],"Only private posts":["Solo entradas privadas"],"Only public posts":["Solo entradas públicas"],"Posts only":["Solo entradas"],"Posts with links":["Entradas con enlaces"],"Sorting":["Ordenación"],"Where I´m involved":["En los que estoy involucrado"],"No public contents to display found!":["¡No se han encontrado contenidos públicos para mostrar!"],"Directory":["Directorio"],"Member Group Directory":["Directorio de miembros de grupos"],"show all members":["mostrar todos los miembros"],"Directory menu":["Menú del directorio"],"Members":["Miembros"],"User profile posts":["Entradas de perfil de usuario"],"Member directory":["Directorio de miembros"],"Follow":["Seguir"],"No members found!":["¡No se encontraron miembros!"],"Unfollow":["Dejar de seguir"],"search for members":["buscar miembros"],"Space directory":["Directorio de espacios"],"No spaces found!":["¡No se encontraron espacios!"],"You are a member of this space":["Eres miembro de este espacio"],"search for spaces":["buscar espacios"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["¡No hay entradas en el perfil de usuario todavía!"],"Group stats":["Estadísticas de grupos"],"Average members":["Miembros promedio"],"Top Group":["Grupo en cabeza"],"Total groups":["Grupos en total"],"Member stats":["Estadísticas de miembros"],"New people":["Nueva gente"],"Follows somebody":["Siguen a alguien"],"Online right now":["En línea ahora mismo"],"Total users":["Usuarios en total"],"See all":["Ver todos"],"New spaces":["Nuevos espacios"],"Space stats":["Estadísticas de espacios"],"Most members":["Mas miembros"],"Private spaces":["Espacios privados"],"Total spaces":["Espacios en total"],"Could not find requested file!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el archivo solicitado!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["¡Permisos insuficientes!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["¡El límite del tamaño de archivo que es de un valor de {maxFileSize} ha sido alcanzado!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["¡Este tipo de archivo no está permitido!"],"Created By":["Creado por"],"Created at":["Creado el"],"File name":["Nombre de archivo"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Tipo Mime no válido"],"Mime Type":["Tipo Mime"],"Size":["Tamaño"],"Updated at":["Actualizado el"],"Updated by":["Actualizado por"],"Could not upload File:":["No se puede subir el archivo:"],"Upload files":["Subir archivos"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista de archivos ya subidos:"],"Create Admin Account":["Crear cuenta de administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nombre de tu red social"],"Name of Database":["Nombre de la base de datos"],"Admin Account":["Cuenta de administrador"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["¡Ya casi has acabado! En el último paso necesitarás rellenar un formulario para crear una cuenta de administrador. Con esta cuenta podrás administrar la red entera."],"Next":["Siguiente"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Como ya sabrás, tu nueva red social necesita un nombre. Por favor, cambia el nombre por defecto por el que tú quieras. (Por ejemplo, el nombre de tu compañía, organización o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Nombre de la red social"],"Setup Complete":["Instalación completada"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["¡Felicidades!. Ya has acabado."],"Sign in":["Iniciar sesión"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["¡La instalación se ha completado correctamente!. Diviértete con tu nueva red social."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bienvenido a HumHub
"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Este asistente instalará y configurará HumHub.
Para continuar, haz click en Siguiente."],"Yes, database connection works!":["¡Si, la conexión con la base de datos funciona!"],"Database Configuration":["Configuración de la base de datos"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Debajo tendrás que escribir la configuración de la base de datos. Si no estás seguro de ello, por favor, contacta con el administrador del sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Servidor de la base de datos (ej. localhost si MySQL está corriendo en la misma máquina)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["¡Algo fue mal!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["El nombre de la base de datos donde quieres que funcione HumHub."],"Your MySQL password.":["Tu contraseña MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Tu nombre de usuario MySQL"],"System Check":["Comprobar sistema"],"Check again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["¡Felicidades! ¡Todo está correcto y listo para empezar!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Este resumen te mostrará todos los requisitos del sistema para que funcione HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["¡No se pudo encontrar la clase objetivo!"],"Could not find target record!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el registro objetivo!"],"Invalid class given!":["¡Clase no válida!"],"Users who like this":["Usuarios que les gusta esto"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} le gusta {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% también le gusta %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% le gusta %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["le gusta."],"You like this.":["Te gusta."],"You
"],"Like":["Me gusta"],"Unlike":["Ya no me gusta"],"and {count} more like this.":["y a {count} más les gusta esto."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["¡No se pudo determinar la url de redirección para este tipo de objeto fuente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["¡No se pudo cargar el objeto fuente de la notificación para redireccionar a él!"],"New":["Nuevo"],"Mark all as seen":["Marcar todas como vistas"],"There are no notifications yet.":["No hay notificaciones aún."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% creó una nueva entrada."],"Edit your post...":["Edita tu entrada..."],"Read full post...":["Leer más..."],"Send & decline":["Enviar y declinar"],"Visible for all":["Visible para todos"]," Invite and request":["Invitar y enviar una solicitud"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["¡No puedo borrar un usuario que es dueño de un espacio! Nombre del espacio: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Todo el mundo puede entrar"],"Invite and request":["Invitar y enviar una solicitud"],"Only by invite":["Sólo por invitación"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privado (Invisible)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Público (Miembros y visitantes)"],"Public (Members only)":["Público (sólo miembros)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Público (sólo usuarios registrados)"],"Public (Visible)":["Público (Visible)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visible para todos (miembros y visitantes)"],"Space is invisible!":["¡El espacio es invisible!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["¡Necesitas iniciar sesión para ver los contenidos de este espacio!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["¡Como propietario no puedes revocar tu suscripción!"],"Could not request membership!":["¡No se puedo solicitar la suscripción!"],"There is no pending invite!":["¡No hay invitaciones pendientes!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["¡Esta acción solo está disponible para miembros del espacio!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["¡No puedes unirte a este espacio!"],"Space title is already in use!":["¡El Titulo de espacio ya está en uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["Tu contraseña"],"Invites":["Invitaciones"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuevo usuario por correo electrónico (separado por comas)"],"User is already member!":["¡El usuario ya es miembro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["¡{email} ya está registrado!"],"{email} is not valid!":["¡{email} no es válido!"],"Application message":["Mensaje de la aplicación"],"Scope":["Ámbito"],"Strength":["Fuerza"],"Created At":["Creado hace","Creado en"],"Join Policy":["Política de acceso"],"Owner":["Propietario"],"Status":["Estado"],"Tags":["Etiquetas"],"Updated At":["Actualizado hace","Actualizado en"],"Visibility":["Visibilidad"],"Website URL (optional)":["Dirección del sitio web (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["¡No puedes crear espacios privados visibles!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["¡No puedes crear espacios públicos visibles!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Elige el área de tu imagen que quieres guardar como avatar y haz clic en Guardar."],"Modify space image":["Cambiar imagen del espacio"],"Delete space":["Eliminar espacio"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este espacio? ¡Todo el contenido publicado sera borrado!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["¡Por favor, escribe tu contraseña para continuar!"],"General space settings":["Ajustes generales del espacio"],"Archive":["Archivo"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Elige el tipo de suscripción que quieres dar a este espacio."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Elige el nivel de seguridad para este espacio para definir la visibilidad."],"Search members":["Buscar miembros"],"Manage your space members":["Gestiona tus miembros del espacio"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Invitaciones enviadas pendientes"],"Outstanding user requests":["Solicitudes de usuarios pendientes"],"Remove member":["Eliminar usuario"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Permitir a este usuario
invitar a otros usuarios"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Permitir a este usuario
hacer contenidos públicos"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este miembro de este espacio?"],"Can invite":["Puede invitar"],"Can share":["Puede compartir"],"Change space owner":["Cambiar dueño del espacio"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Los usuarios externos invitados por email no serán listados aquí."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["En el área debajo, están todos los miembros activos de este espacio. Puedes editar sus privilegios o borrarlos de este espacio."],"Is admin":["Es administrador"],"Make this user an admin":["Hacer este usuario administrador"],"No, cancel":["No, cancelar"],"Remove":["Borrar"],"Request message":["Mensaje de solicitud"],"Revoke invitation":["Revocar invitación"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Los siguientes usuarios están esperando aprobación para entrar en este espacio. Por favor, haz algo al respecto."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Los siguientes usuarios han sido invitados a este espacio, pero no han seguido la invitación todavia."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["El dueño del espacio es el super administrador de un espacio con todos los privilegios y normalmente es el creador del espacio. Aqui puedes cambiar este rol a otro usuario."],"Yes, remove":["Si, borrar"],"Space Modules":["Módulos del espacio"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo de este espacio seran borrados!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["¡Actualmente no hay módulos disponibles para este espacio!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Mejora este espacio con módulos."],"Create new space":["Crear nuevo espacio"],"Advanced access settings":["Ajustes avanzados de acceso"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Los no miembros pueden ver este
\nespacio, pero no tienen acceso"],"Create":["Crear"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Todos los usuarios pueden entrar en este
\nespacio sin necesitar aprobación"],"For everyone":["Para todo el mundo"],"How you want to name your space?":["¿Cómo quieres llamar a tu espacio?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Por favor, escribe una pequeña descripción para otros usuarios."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Este espacio estará oculto
para los no miembros."],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Los usuarios tambien puede pedir una
solicitud para este espacio"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Los usuarios solo se pueden añadir
por invitación"],"space description":["descripción del espacio"],"space name":["nombre del espacio"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} solicita su suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha aprobado tu suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} denegó tu solicitud de suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} te ha invitado al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} aceptó tu invitación al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} declinó tu invitación al espacio {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["¡Este espacio todavía está vacío!"],"Accept Invite":["Aceptar invitación"],"Become member":["Convertirse en miembro"],"Cancel membership":["Cancelar suscripción"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancelar solicitud de suscripcion pendiente"],"Deny Invite":["Rechazar invitación"],"Request membership":["Solicitar suscripción"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Eres el propietario de esta área de trabajo."],"created by":["creado por"],"Invite members":["Invitar miembros"],"Add an user":["Añadir un usuario"],"Email addresses":["Direcciones de correo electrónico"],"Invite by email":["Invitar por correo electrónico"],"New user?":["¿Nuevo usuario?"],"Pick users":["Selecciona usuarios"],"Send":["Enviar"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Para invitar usuarios a este espacio, por favor escribe sus nombres debajo para encontrarlos y escogerlos."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Tambien puedes invitar usuarios externos, que no estén registrados aún. Simplemente añade sus direcciones de correo electrónico separadas por comas."],"Request space membership":["Solicitar suscripción al espacio"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Por favor, preséntate brevemente, para ser un miembro aprobado de este espacio."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Tu solicitud ha sido enviada correctamente a los administradores del espacio."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["El usuario se ha convertido en miembro."],"User has been invited.":["El usuario ha sido invitado."],"User has not been invited.":["El usuario no ha sido invitado."],"Back to workspace":["Volver al espacio"],"Space preferences":["Preferencias del espacio"],"General":["General"],"My Space List":["Mi lista de espacios"],"My space summary":["Mi resumen del espacio"],"Space directory":["Directorio de espacios"],"Space menu":["Menú espacio"],"Stream":["Actividad"],"Change image":["Cambiar imagen"],"Current space image":["Imagen actual del espacio"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar tu imagen de cabecera?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar tu foto de perfil?"],"Invite":["Invitar"],"Something went wrong":["Algo fue mal"],"Followers":["Seguidores"],"Posts":["Entradas"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Por favor, preséntate brevemente, para ser un miembro aprobado de este espacio."],"Request workspace membership":["Solicitar suscripción al espacio","Solicitar suscripción a espacio"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Tu solicitud ha sido enviada con éxito a los administradores del espacio."],"Create new space":["Crear nuevo espacio"],"My spaces":["Mis espacios"],"Space info":["Información del espacio"],"more":["más"],"Accept invite":["Aceptar invitación"],"Deny invite":["Rechazar invitación"],"Leave space":["Dejar espacio"],"New member request":["Nuevas solicitudes de miembros"],"Space members":["Miembros del espacio"],"End guide":["Terminar"],"Next »":["Siguiente >>"],"« Prev":["<< Anterior"],"Administration":["Administración"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["¡Enhorabuena! Esto es todo por ahora."],"Modules":["Módulos"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Como administrador, puedes gestionar la plataforma desde aquí.
Además de los módulos, no vamos a entrar en detalle aquí, ya que cada módulo muestra su propia descripción."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ahora te encuentras en el menú de herramientas. Desde aquí puedes acceder al Marketplace de HumHub, donde puedes instalar una cantidad cada vez mayor de módulos al instante.
Como ya se ha mencionado, los módulos incrementan las características de tu sitio."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Ahora ya has aprendido las características y los ajustes más importantes y ya estñas preparado para utilizar la plataforma.
Esperamos que tú y todos los futuros usuarios disfruten del sitio. Estamos siempre mejorando y siempre puedes enviarnos sugerencias o te podemos ofrecer soporte para tu proyecto. Siéntete libre de contactar con nosotros vía www.humhub.org.
Mantente en contacto :-)"],"Dashboard":["Inicio"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Esta es la pantalla de inicio.
Todas las nuevas actividades o posts que sean de tu interés se mostrarán aquí."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administración (Módulos)"],"Edit account":["Editar cuenta"],"Hurray! The End.":["¡Hurra! El final."],"Hurray! You're done!":["¡Hurra! ¡Lo has terminado!"],"Profile menu":["Menú del perfil","Menú de perfil"],"Profile photo":["Fotos del perfil"],"Profile stream":["Estados del perfil"],"User profile":["Perfil de usuario"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Haz click en este botón para actualizar los ajustes de tu perfil y de tu cuenta. También puedes añadir más información a tu perfil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Cada perfil tiene también sus posts. Tus posts también aparecerán en las pantallas de inicio de aquellos usuarios que te sigan."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Igual que en el espacio, el perfil de usuario también puede ser personalizado con varios módulos.
Puedes ver qué módulos están disponibles para tu perfil en la sección \"Módulos\" en el menú de ajustes de tu cuenta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Este es tu perfil de usuario público, que puede ser visto por cualquier usuario registrado."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Sube una nueva foto de perfil simplemente haciendo click aquí o arrastrándola. Haz lo mismo para actualizar tu foto de portada."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["¡Has completado la guía del perfil de usuario!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["¡Has completado la guía del perfil de usuario!
Para seguir con la guía de administración, haz click aquí:
"],"Most recent activities":["Actividades más recientes"],"Posts":["Mensajes"],"Profile Guide":["Guía de perfil"],"Space":["Espacio"],"Space navigation menu":["Menú de navegación del espacio"],"Writing posts":["Mensajes escritos"],"Yay! You're done.":["¡Bien! ¡Has terminado!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Todos los usuarios que sean miembros de este espacio se mostrarán aquí.
Cualquier persona que tenga accesos por el administrador podrá añadir nuevos miembros."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Da a otros usuarios una breve idea sobre este espacio. Puedes añadir información básica aquí.
El administrador del espacio puede insertar y cambiar la foto de portada haciendo click en ella o arrastrando una nueva."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Los nuevos mensajes se podrán escribir aquí."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una vez que te hayas unido o creado un nuevo espacio puedes trabajar en proyectos, discutir sobre un tema o simplemente compartir información con otros usuarios.
Aquí hay varias herramientas para personalizar un espacio, que hará el trabajo más productivo."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Esto es todo para la guía de los espacios.
Para seguir con la guía de perfiles de usuario, haz click aquí:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Aquí es donde podrás navegar en el espacio - donde encontrarás qué módulos están activos o disponibles para el espacio particular en el que te encuentras. Estos pueden ser preguntas, tareas o notas, por ejemplo.
Sólo el administrador del espacio puede gestionar los módulos del espacio."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Este menú es solo visible para los miembros del espacio. Aquí puedes gestionar los ajustes del espacio, añadir/bloquear miembros y activar/desactivar herramientas para este espacio."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Para estar al día, las actividades recientes de otros usuarios en este espacio se mostrarán aquí."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Tus posts y los de otros usuarios aparecerán aquí.
Éstos pueden ser comentados o les pueden haber dado al \"Me Gusta\"."],"Account Menu":["Menú de la cuenta"],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Space Menu":["Menú del espacio"],"Start space guide":["Empezar la guía de los espacios"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["¡No te pierdas nada!
Este icono te mantendrá informado de actividades y mensajes que te afectan directamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["El menú de la cuenta te proporciona acceso a tus ajustes privados y te permite gestionar tu perfil público."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["¡Este es el menú más importante y que probablemente será el que más utilices!
Accede a los espacios a los que te hayas unido y crea nuevos espacios aquí.
La siguiente guía te mostrará cómo:"]," Remove panel":["Eliminar panel"],"Getting Started":["Empezando"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guía: Administración (Módulos)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guía: Vista general"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guía: Espacios"],"Guide: User profile":["Guía Perfil de usuario"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Entérate de todo lo que puedes hacer en esta red social con las siguientes guías:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["¡Esta cuenta de usuario no está aprobada todavía!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["¡Necesitas iniciar sesión para ver este perfil de usuario!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["¡Tu contraseña no es correcta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["No puedes cambiar tu contraseña aquí."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["¡Enlace no válido! Por favor, asegurate de que has introducir la url completa."],"Save profile":["Guardar perfil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["El correo electrónico introducido ya está en uso por otro usuario."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["No puedes cambiar tu dirección de correo electrónico aquí."],"Account":["Cuenta"],"Create account":["Crear cuenta"],"Current password":["Contraseña actual"],"E-Mail change":["Cambiar correo electrónico"],"New E-Mail address":["Nueva dirección de correo electrónico"],"Send activities?":["¿Enviar actividades?"],"Send notifications?":["¿Enviar notificaciones?"],"New password":["Nueva contraseña"],"New password confirm":["Nueva contraseña (confirmación)"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Usuario/correo electrónico o contraseña incorrectos."],"Remember me next time":["Recordarme la siguiente vez"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Tu cuenta no ha sido activada por nuestro personal aún."],"Your account is suspended.":["Tu cuenta está suspendida."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["¡No es posible recuperar la contraseña con tu tipo de cuenta!"],"E-Mail":["Correo electrónico"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperar contraseña"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["¡{attribute} \"{value}\" no ha sido encontrado!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["¡Este correo electrónico ya está en uso! - Prueba a restablecer tu contraseña. "],"Invalid language!":["¡Idioma no válido!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Esconder panel en Inicio"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilidad del perfil"],"Default Space":["Espacio predeterminado"],"Group Administrators":["Grupo Administradores"],"LDAP DN":["DN de LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Los miembros pueden crear espacios privados"],"Members can create public spaces":["Los miembros pueden crear espacios públicos"],"Birthday":["Cumpleaños"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Female":["Mujer"],"Gender":["Sexo"],"Hide year in profile":["Ocultar el año en el perfil"],"Male":["Hombre"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Country":["País"],"Facebook URL":["Enlace de Facebook "],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Nombre"],"Flickr URL":["Enlace de Flickr"],"Google+ URL":["Enlace de Google+"],"Lastname":["Apellido"],"LinkedIn URL":["Enlace de LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"MySpace URL":["Enlace de MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Teléfono privado"],"Phone Work":["Teléfono del trabajo"],"Skype Nickname":["Nombre de Skype"],"State":["Estado"],"Street":["Calle"],"Twitter URL":["Enlace de Twitter"],"Url":["Web"],"Vimeo URL":["Enlace de Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Direccción Jabber XMPP"],"Xing URL":["Enlace de Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Enlace de Youtube"],"Zip":["Código postal"],"Created by":["Creado por"],"Editable":["Editable"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["¡El tipo de campo no se puede cambiar!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo de campo"],"Internal Name":["Nombre interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["¡El nombre interno ya está en uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["¡El nombre interno no se puede cambiar!"],"Invalid field type!":["¡Tipo de campo no válido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Atributo LDAP"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["¡Solo se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoría del campo de perfil"],"Required":["Requerido"],"Show at registration":["Mostrar en el registro"],"Sort order":["Orden"],"Translation Category ID":["ID de la categoría de traducción"],"Type Config":["Configuración de tipo"],"Visible":["Visible"],"Communication":["Comunicación"],"Social bookmarks":["Marcadores sociales"],"Datetime":["Fecha y hora"],"Number":["Número"],"Select List":["Lista de selección"],"Text":["Texto"],"Text Area":["Área de texto"],"%y Years":["%y Años"],"Birthday field options":["Opciones del campo Cumpleaños"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opciones del campo Fecha (y hora)"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostrar un selector de fecha/hora"],"Maximum value":["Valor máximo"],"Minimum value":["Valor mínimo"],"Number field options":["Opciones del campo Número"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opción por línea. Formato Clave=>Valor (p.ej. si=Sí)"],"Please select:":["Por favor, elige:"],"Possible values":["Valores posibles"],"Select field options":["Opciones del campo Lista de selección"],"Default value":["Valor por defecto"],"Maximum length":["Longitud máxima"],"Minimum length":["Longitud mínima"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expresión regular: Mensaje de error"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expresión regular: Validar"],"Text Field Options":["Opciones del campo Texto"],"Validator":["Validar"],"Text area field options":["Opciones del campo Área de texto"],"Authentication mode":["Modo de autenticación"],"New user needs approval":["Nuevos usuarios necesitan aprobación"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["El nombre de usuario sólo puede contener letras, números, espacios y caracteres especiales (+-._)"],"Wall":["Muro"],"Current E-mail address":["Dirección de correo electrónico actual"],"Change E-mail":["Cambiar correo electrónico"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico ha sido cambiada con éxito a {email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico de confirmación a tu nueva dirección.
Por favor, sigue las instrucciones que contiene."],"Change password":["Cambiar contraseña"],"Password changed":["Contraseña cambiada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["¡Tu contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito!","¡Tu contraseña se ha cambiado satisfactoriamente!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modificar tu imagen de perfil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Introduce tu contraseña para continuar"],"Delete account":["Eliminar cuenta"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["¿Estas seguro de que quieres eliminar tu cuenta?
¡Todo tu contenido publicado será borrado!"],"Delete account":["Eliminar cuenta"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Lo siento, como dueño de un espacio no puedes borrar tu cuenta.
Por favor, asignale otro dueño o borralo."],"User details":["Detalles del usuario"],"User modules":["Módulos del usuario"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo en tu perfil serán borrados!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Mejora tu perfil con módulos."],"User settings":["Ajustes del usuario"],"Getting Started":["Empezando"],"Registered users only":["Sólo usuarios registrados"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visible para todos (también usuarios no registrados)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notificaciones de escritorio"],"Email Notifications":["Notificaciones por correo electrónico"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Activar notificaciones de escritorio cuando estás en línea."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Recibe un email por cada actividad de otros usuarios que sigas
o que compartais espacio."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Recibe un email cuando otros usuariso comentan o marcan \"Me gusta\" en tus entradas."],"Account registration":["Registro de cuenta"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["¡Tu cuenta ha sido creada con éxito!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Después de que el administrador active tu cuenta, recibirás una notificación por correo electrónico"],"Go to login page":["Ir a la página de iniciar sesión"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Para iniciar sesión con tu nueva cuenta, haz clic en el botón de abajo."],"back to home":["Volver a Inicio"],"Please sign in":["Por favor, inicia sesión"],"Sign up":["Darse de alta"],"Create a new one.":["Crear una nueva."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["¿No tienes una cuenta? Únete a la red introduciendo tu dirección de correo electrónico"],"Forgot your password?":["¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Si ya eres miembro, por favor, inicia sesión con tu usuario o correo electrónico y tu contraseña."],"Register":["Registrarse"],"email":["correo electrónico"],"password":["contraseña"],"username or email":["Usuario o correo electrónico"],"Password recovery":["Recuperar contraseña"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Escribe tu dirección de correo electrónico. ¡Ahí te enviaremos las instrucciones de recuperación!"],"Reset password":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"enter security code above":["introduce el código de seguridad de arriba"],"your email":["tu correo electrónico"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Te hemos enviado un correo electrónico que contiene un enlace que te permitirá reiniciar tu contraseña."],"Password recovery!":["¡Recuperar contraseña!"],"Registration successful!":["¡Registrado con éxito!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Por favor, comprueba tu correo electrónico y sigue las instrucciones."],"Password reset":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"Change your password":["Cambia tu contraseña"],"Change password":["Cambiar contraseña"],"Password changed!":["¡Contraseña cambiada!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirma tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico"],"Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Hello":["Hola"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Has solicitado cambiar tu dirección de correo electrónico.
Tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico es {newemail}.
Para confirmar tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico, por favor, haz clic en el botón de abajo."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hola {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Este enlace caducará a las 24 horas."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Por favor, utiliza el siguiente enlace en las próximas 24 horas para reiniciar tu contraseña."],"Reset Password":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"Registration Link":["Enlace de registro"],"Sign up":["Registrarse"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bienvenido a %appName%.Por favor, haz clic en el botón de abajo para proceder a registrarte."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un nuevo concepto de red social.
Registrate ahora para unirte a este espacio."],"Space Invite":["Invitaciones de espacio"],"You got a space invite":["Tienes una invitación a un espacio"],"invited you to the space:":["te invitó al espacio: "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} te mencionó en {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} te está siguiendo ahora."],"About this user":["Sobre este usuario"],"Modify your title image":["Modificar tu imagen de cabecera"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["¡La actividad de este perfil está aún vacía!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar el logo?"],"Account settings":["Ajustes de cuenta"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Editar cuenta"],"Following":["Siguiendo"],"Following user":["Siguiendo a usuario"],"User followers":["Seguidores de usuario"],"Member in these spaces":["Miembros en estos espacios"],"User tags":["Etiquetas de usuario"],"No birthday.":["Sin cumpleaños."],"Back to modules":["Volver a módulos"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo Cumpleaños"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Número de días para mostrar los siguientes cumpleaños."],"Tomorrow":["Mañana"],"Upcoming":["Próximo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Debes configurar el número de días para mostrar los cumpleaños."],"becomes":["cumple"],"birthdays":["cumpleaños"],"days":["días"],"today":["hoy"],"years old.":["años"],"Active":["Activa"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marcar como no vista para todos los usuarios"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuración de noticias de última hora"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puedes usar sintaxis markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Fecha y hora de fin"],"Recur":["Recurrente"],"Recur End":["Fin de recurrencia"],"Recur Interval":["Intervalo de recurrencia"],"Recur Type":["Tipo de recurrencia"],"Select participants":["Elige participantes"],"Start Date and Time":["Fecha y hora de inicio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["¡No tienes permiso para acceder a este evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["¡No tienes permiso para crear eventos!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Añade un calendario para eventos privados o publicos a tu perfil y menu principal."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Añade un calendario de eventos a este espacio."],"All Day":["Todo el día"],"Attending users":["Usuarios que asistirán"],"Calendar":["Calendario"],"Declining users":["Usuarios que no asistirán"],"End Date":["Fecha de fin"],"End time must be after start time!":["¡La fecha de fin tiene que ser después de la fecha de inicio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["¡Evento no encontrado!"],"Maybe attending users":["Usuarios que tal vez asistan"],"Participation Mode":["Modo de participación"],"Start Date":["Fecha de inicio"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["¡No tienes permisos para borrar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar este evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creado un nuevo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% asistirá a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% tal vez asista a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% no asistirá a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Fecha/hora de inicio"],"Create event":["Crear evento"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Nota: Este evento se creará en tu perfil. Para crear un evento en un espacio abre el calendario en el espacio deseado."],"End Date/Time":["Fecha/hora de fin"],"Everybody can participate":["Todo el mundo puede participar"],"No participants":["Sin participantes"],"Participants":["Participantes"],"Created by:":["Creado por:"],"Edit this event":["Editar este evento"],"I´m attending":["Asistiré"],"I´m maybe attending":["Tal vez asista"],"I´m not attending":["No asistiré"],"Attend":["Asistir"],"Maybe":["Tal vez"],"Filter events":["Filtrar eventos"],"Select calendars":["Elegir calendario"],"Already responded":["Ya respondido"],"Followed spaces":["Espacios seguidos"],"Followed users":["Usuarios seguidos"],"My events":["Mis eventos"],"Not responded yet":["No respondido aún"],"Upcoming events ":["Eventos próximos"],":count attending":[":count asistirán"],":count declined":[":count no asistirán"],":count maybe":[":count tal vez"],"Participants:":["Participantes: "],"Create new Page":["Crear nueva página"],"Custom Pages":["Páginas personalizadas"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navegación"],"No custom pages created yet!":["¡No se han creado páginas personalizadas todavía!"],"Sort Order":["Orden de clasificación"],"Top Navigation":["Navegación superior"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menú de cuenta de usuario (ajustes)"],"Create page":["Crear página"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Content":["Contenido"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Esquema de organización: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Título de página"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Orden del elemento modificado correctamente"],"Toggle view mode":["Cambiar a modo vista"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["¡No tienes permisos para reordenar categorías!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmar borrado de la categoría"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmar borrado del enlace"],"Delete category":["Borrar categoría"],"Delete link":["Borrar enlace"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la categoría? Todos los enlaces serán eliminados"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar el enlace?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Probar el enlace"],"Linklist":["Lista de enlaces"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo de enlaces"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Categoría no encontrada"],"Requested link could not be found.":["Enlace no encontrado"],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Mostrar enlaces como bloque en la derecha"],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["¡No se encuentra la categoría asociada al enlace!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Aún no existen enlaces o categorias en el espacio."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Puede activar la validación extendida de enlaces para un espacio o usuario."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["¡No tienes permisos para añadir/editar enlaces!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["¡No tienes permisos para eliminar la categoría!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["¡No tienes permisos para eliminar el enlace!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar la categoría!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar el enlace!"],"Messages":["Mensajes"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["¡No te puedes enviar un correo electrónico a tí mismo!"],"Recipient":["Destinatario","Receptor"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nuevo mensaje de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["y otros {counter} usuarios"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nueva respuesta en la conversación de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nuevo mensaje"],"Reply now":["Responder ahora"],"sent you a new message:":["te ha enviado un nuevo mensaje: "],"sent you a new message in":["te ha enviado un nuevo mensaje en"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Añadir mas participantes a tu conversación..."],"Add user...":["Añadir usuario..."],"New message":["Nuevo mensaje"],"Edit message entry":["Editar mensaje"],"Messagebox":["Bandeja de mensajes"],"Inbox":["Bandeja de entrada"],"There are no messages yet.":["No hay mensajes aún."],"Write new message":["Escribir nuevo mensaje"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmar eliminación de la conversación"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmar salida de la conversación"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmar eliminación del mensaje"],"Add user":["Añadir usuario"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta conversación?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este mensaje?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["¿Seguro que quieres abandonar esta conversación?"],"Leave":["Abandonar"],"Leave discussion":["Dejar discusión"],"Write an answer...":["Escribe una respuesta..."],"User Posts":["Entradas de usuario"],"Sign up now":["Registrarse ahora"],"Show all messages":["Mostrar todos los mensajes"],"Send message":["Enviar mensaje"],"No users.":["Sin usuarios."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["El número de usuarios no debe ser mayor a 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["El número de usuarios no debe ser negativo."],"Most active people":["Usuarios más activos"],"Get a list":["Abrir lista"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo Usuarios más activos"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["El número de los usuarios más activos que se mostrará."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Puedes configurar el número de usuarios para mostrar."],"Comments created":["Comentarios creados"],"Likes given":["\"Me gusta\" dados"],"Posts created":["Entradas creadas"],"Notes":["Notas"],"Etherpad API Key":["Clave de API de Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["¡No se pudo obtener el contenido de la nota!"],"Could not get note users!":["¡No se pudo obtener los usuarios de la nota!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} creó una nueva nota {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} actualizó la nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["¡Conexión con éxito con la API!"],"Could not connect to API!":["¡No se puedo conectar con la API!"],"Current Status:":["Estado actual:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo de notas"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Por favor, lee la documentación del módulo en /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt para mas detalles."],"Save & Test":["Guardar y probar"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["¡Este módulo de notas necesita un servidor Etherpad listo y funcionando!"],"Save and close":["Guardar y cerrar"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} creó una nota y la asignó a ti."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} actualizó la nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Abrir nota"],"Title of your new note":["Título de tu nueva nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se encontraron notas que coincidan con tu filtro actual!"],"There are no notes yet!":["¡No hay notas todavía!"],"Polls":["Votaciones"],"Could not load poll!":["¡No se pudo cargar la votación!"],"Invalid answer!":["¡Respuesta no válida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Los usuarios votaron por: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["¡Votar múltiples respuestas esta deshabilitado!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["¡No tienes suficientes permisos para hacer esa operación!"],"Answers":["Respuestas"],"Multiple answers per user":["Multiples respuestas por usuario"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["¡Por favor, especifica al menos {min} respuestas!"],"Question":["Pregunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} votó {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} creó una nueva {question}."],"User who vote this":["Usuarios que votaron esto"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} creó una nueva votación y la asignó a ti."],"Ask":["Preguntar"],"Reset my vote":["Reiniciar mi voto"],"Vote":["Votar"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["y {count} mas votaron por esto."],"votes":["votos"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["¿Permitir multiples respuestas por usuario?"],"Ask something...":["Pregunta algo..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Posibles respuestas (una por línea)"],"Display all":["Mostrar todas"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se han encontrado votaciones que coincidan con tu filtro actual!"],"There are no polls yet!":["¡No hay votaciones todavía!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["¡No hay votaciones todavía!
Sé el primero y crea una..."],"Asked by me":["Preguntado por mí"],"No answered yet":["No respondida aún"],"Only private polls":["Sólo votaciones privadas"],"Only public polls":["Sólo votaciones públicas"],"Manage reported posts":["Administrar entradas reportadas"],"Reported posts":["Entradas reportadas"],"by :displayName":["por :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["No pertenece a este espacio"],"Offensive":["Ofensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Aquí puedes administrar las entradas de usuario reportadas."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada como ofensiva."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada como spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada por no pertenecer al espacio."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% como ofensiva."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% como spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% por no pertenecer al espacio."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Aquí puedes administrar las entradas reportadas para este espacio."],"Appropriate":["Apropiado"],"Delete post":["Eliminar entrada"],"Reason":["Razón"],"Reporter":["Reportador"],"Tasks":["Tareas"],"Could not access task!":["¡No se pudo acceder a la tarea!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} asignado a tarea {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} creó la tarea {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} completó la tarea {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} te asignó a la tarea {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} creó una nueva tarea {task}."],"This task is already done":["Esta tarea ya está completada"],"You're not assigned to this task":["No estas asignado a esta tarea"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clic para completar esta tarea"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Esta tarea ya está completada. Clic para reabrir."],"My tasks":["Mis tareas"],"From space: ":["Del espacio:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se han encontrado tareas que coincidan con tu filtro!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["¡No hay tareas todavía!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["¡No hay tareas todavía!
Se el primero en crear una..."],"Assigned to me":["Asignadas a mí"],"Nobody assigned":["Nadie asignado"],"State is finished":["El estado es completada"],"State is open":["El estado es abierta"],"Assign users to this task":["Asignar usuarios a esta tarea"],"Deadline for this task?":["¿La fecha límite para esta tarea?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Asignar usuario(s) a esta tarea"],"What to do?":["¿Que hacer?"],"Translation Manager":["Gestor de traducciones"],"Translations":["Traducciones"],"Translation Editor":["Editor de traducciones"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación de la página"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirmar reversión de la página"],"Overview of all pages":["Resumen de todas las páginas"],"Page history":["Historial de la página"],"Wiki Module":["Módulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Añade una wiki a este espacio."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Añade una wiki a tu perfil."],"Back to page":["Volver a la página"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta página?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["¿Seguro que quieres revertir los cambios de esta página?"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Edited at":["Editado a"],"Go back":["Ir atrás"],"Invalid character in page title!":["¡Caracter inválido en el título de la página!"],"Let's go!":["¡Vamos allá!"],"Main page":["Página principal"],"New page":["Nueva página"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["No hay páginas creadas todavía.
Crea la primera página ahora"],"Page History":["Historial de la página"],"Page title already in use!":["¡Título de la página ya en uso!"],"Revert":["Revertir"],"Revert this":["Revertir esto"],"View":["Ver"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["por"],"Wiki page":["Página de la wiki"],"Create new page":["Crear nueva página"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Escribe el nombre de la wiki o la dirección (ej. http://ejemplo.com)"],"New page title":["Nuevo título de la página"],"Page content":["Contenido de la página"],"comment":["Comentar"],"post":["Entrada"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["El módulo no está habilitado en este contenedor de contenido!"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Un error interno ha ocurrido"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Usted no tiene permisos para ejecutar esta acción"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define el filtro que aplicar cuando se intenta iniciar sesión. %s reemplaza el nombre de usuario en la acción de iniciar sesión. Ejemplo: quot;(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"Allow":["Permitir"],"Default":["Por Defecto","Por defecto"],"Deny":["Denegar"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Por favor escriba al menos 3 caracteres"],"Show more":["Mostrar más"],"The date has to be in the past.":["La fecha tiene que ser en el pasado."],"Unsubscribe":["Anular la suscripción"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} comentaron en {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} comentó en {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Nuevo Comentario"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Permitir al usuario añadir comentarios"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Permitir al usuario crear publicaciones"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Puede administrar (por ejemplo, archivar, pegar o eliminar) contenido arbitrario"],"Create comment":["Crear comentario"],"Create post":["Crear publicación"],"Manage content":["Administrar contenido"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creado un nuevo {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creado {contentTitle}."],"Load more":["Cargar Más"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Las dimensiones de la imagen son muy grandes para ser procesadas con el límite de la memoria actual del servidor!"],"Search results":["Resultados de la Búsqueda"],"Advanced search settings":["Ajustes de la Búsqueda Avanzada"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Buscar por usuario, espacio y contenido"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Buscar únicamente en ciertos espacios:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Tu búsqueda no obtuvo resultados."],"Space followers":["Seguidores del Espacio"],"No spaces found.":["No se encontraron Espacios"],"Private":["Privado"],"Space":["Espacio"],"Stream (Default)":["Flujo (predeterminado)"],"Members":["Miembros"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Lo sentimos, no tienes permitido dejar este espacio!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["El usuario '{username}' ya es miembro de este espacio!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["El usuario'{username}' ya es un solicitante de este espacio!"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Selecciona si el nuevo contenido debe ser público o privado por defecto"],"Add Modules":["Añadir Modulos"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["No eres miembro de este espacio y no hay contenido público aún!"],"Done":["Hecho"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Cancelar Membresía"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Ocultar publicaciones en el panel de contol"],"Security":["Seguridad"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Mostrar publicaciones en el panel de control"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opción oculta nuevos contenidos de este espacio en el panel de control"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opción muestra nuevos contenidos de este espacio en el panel de control"],"Pending Approvals":["Aprobaciones Pendientes"],"Pending Invites":["Invitaciones Pendientes"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Cumpleaños dentro de los siguientes {days} días"],"In {days} days":["En {days} días"],"becomes {years} years old.":["cumplirá {years} años de edad."],"End Time":["Hora Final"],"Start Time":["Hora de Inicio"],"Edit event":["Editar Evento"],"Add Dropbox files":["Añadir archivos de Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Archivo inválido"],"Dropbox API Key":["Dropbox API Key"],"Show warning on posting":["Mostrar advertencia en la publicación"],"Dropbox settings":["Configuración de Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Describe tus archivos"],"Select files from dropbox":["Selecciona archivos de Dropbox"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Se ha agregado un nuevo enlace %link% a la categoría \"%category%\"."],"No description available.":["No hay descripción disponible"],"list":["lista"],"Category":["Categoría"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Selecciona una miniatura de la imágen"],"Is Originator":["Es Originario"],"Last Viewed":["Visto por última vez"],"Updated By":["Actualizado por"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["No te puedes enviar mensajes tu mismo!"],"Add recipients":["Agregar destinatarios"],"Conversations":["Conversaciones"],"Delete conversation":["Eliminar Conversación"],"Leave conversation":["Dejar Conversación"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Agrega un gestor de reuniones a este espacio."],"Agenda Entry":["Entrada a la agenda"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["El formato debe ser HORA : MINUTO"],"Meeting":["Reunión"],"Meetings":["Reuniones"],"Begin":["Inicio"],"Date":["Fecha"],"End":["Fin"],"Location":["Lugar"],"Room":["Cuarto"],"Minutes":["Minutos"],"End must be after begin":["El fin debe ser después del inicio"],"No valid time":["Tiempo no válido"],"Back to overview":["Regresar a la vista previa"],"Create new task":["Crear nueva tarea"],"Assign users":["Asignar Usuarios"],"Deadline":["Fecha Límite"],"Task description":["Descripción de la tarea"],"What is to do?":["¿Qué hacer?"],"Allows to start polls.":["Permite iniciar encuestas."],"Anonymous poll!":["Encuesta anónima!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["¿De nuevo? ;Cansado;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Restaurante especializado en cortes de carne"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Ahora mismo, estamos en las etapas de planificación para nuestra próxima reunión y nos gustaría saber de usted, a dónde te gustaría ir?"],"To Daniel":["A Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["¿Por qué no vamos al Bar Bemelmans?"],"Anonymous":["Anónimos"],"Closed":["Cerrado"],"Add answer...":["Añadir respuesta..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["¿Votos Anónimos?"],"Display answers in random order?":["¿Mostrar respuestas en orden aleatorio?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Editar respuesta (las respuestas vacías se eliminarán) ..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Editar la pregunta de la encuesta ..."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Número máximo de artículos pegados alcanzados!\r\n\r\nUsted puede pegar solamente dos artículos a la vez.\r\n¡Sin embargo pegar este artículo, despega otros antes!"],"Confirm post deletion":["Confirma el borrado de la entrada"],"Pinned":["Fijado","Fijar"],"Unpinned":["Desfijar"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el módulo solicitado!"],"Invalid request.":["Solicitud no válida."],"Keyword:":["Palabra clave:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["No se encontraron resultados"],"Results":["Resultados"],"Show more results":["Mostrar más resultados"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["¡Lo sentimos, no se ha encontrado nada!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bienvenido a %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Últimas actualizaciones"],"Account settings":["Configuración de la cuenta"],"Administration":["Administración"],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to dashboard":["Volver al Panel de Control"],"Choose language:":["Escoge idioma:"],"Collapse":["Cerrar"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["¡La fuente de Contenido del Complemento debe ser una instancia de HActiveRecordContent ó HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["¡No se pudo determinar el contenedor de contenido!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el contenido del complemento!"],"Error":["Error"],"Expand":["Ampliar"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["¡Permisos insuficientes para crear contenido!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Parece que puede haber tomado el camino equivocado."],"Language":["Idioma"],"Latest news":["Últimas noticias"],"Login":["Iniciar sesión"],"Logout":["Salir"],"Menu":["Menú"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["El módulo no está habilitado en este contenedor de contenido!"],"My profile":["Mi perfil"],"New profile image":["Nueva imagen de perfil"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Buscar"],"Search for users and spaces":["Buscar usuarios y espacios"],"Space not found!":["¡Espacio no encontrado!"],"User Approvals":["Aprobaciones de Usuario"],"User not found!":["¡Usuario no encontrado!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["¡No puede crear contenido público visible!"],"Your daily summary":["Su resumen diario"],"Login required":["Es necesario iniciar sesión"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Se ha limpiado el array {global} usando el método {method}"],"Upload error":["Error al subir"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Add image/file":["Añadir imagen/archivo"],"Add link":["Añadir enlace"],"Bold":["Negrita"],"Code":["Código"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Añade un enlace (ej. http://ejemplo.com)"],"Heading":["Título"],"Image":["Imagen"],"Image/File":["Imagen/Archivo"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Insertar hipervínculo"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Insertar imagen"],"Italic":["Cursiva"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Por favor, espera mientras se sube..."],"Preview":["Previsualizar"],"Quote":["Cita"],"Target":["Target"],"Title":["Titulo"],"Title of your link":["Título de tu enlace"],"URL/Link":["URL/Enlace"],"code text here":["Texto con código aquí"],"emphasized text":["Texto subrayado"],"enter image description here":["Escribe la descripción de la imagen aquí"],"enter image title here":["Escribe el título de la imagen aquí"],"enter link description here":["Escribe la descripción del enlace aquí"],"heading text":["Texto de cabecera"],"list text here":["Lista de texto aquí"],"quote here":["Citar aquí"],"strong text":["Texto en negrita"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["¡No se puede crear una actividad para este tipo de objeto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% creó un nuevo espacio: %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% creó este espacio."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% se unió al espacio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% se unió a este espacio."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% dejó el espacio %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% dejó este espacio."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} ahora sigue a {user2}."],"see online":["Ver online","ver en línea"],"via":["en"],"Latest activities":["Últimas actividades"],"There are no activities yet.":["No hay actividades todavia."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hola {displayName},
\n \n tu cuenta ha sido activada.
\n \n Haz click aquí para iniciar sesión:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Saludos cordiales
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hola {displayName},
\n \n tu cuenta ha sido denegada.
\n \n Saludos cordiales
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La solicitud de cuenta para '{displayName}' ha sido aprobada."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La solicitud de cuenta para '{displayName}' ha sido denegada."],"Group not found!":["¡Grupo no encontrado!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["¡No se pudo desinstalar el módulo primero! El módulo está protegido."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["¡La ruta del módulo %path% no se puede escribir!"],"Saved":["Guardado"],"Database":["Base de datos"],"No theme":["Sin tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["¡No se pudo cargar LDAP! - Compruebe la extensión de PHP"],"File":["Archivo"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Sin caché (Solo pruebas!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Ninguno - muestra el desplegable en el registro de usuario"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Guardado y vaciada la caché"],"Become this user":["Convertirse en este usuario"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Disabled":["Deshabilitado"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Unapproved":["Desaprobado"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["¡No te puedes borrar a tí mismo!"],"Could not load category.":["No se pudo cargar la categoría."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["¡Sólo puedes borrar categorías vacias!"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Subject":["Asunto"],"Base DN":["DN de base"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Activar soporte LDAP"],"Encryption":["Cifrado"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Cargar/actualizar usuarios automáticamente"],"Hostname":["Nombre de servidor"],"Login Filter":["Filtro de inicio de sesión"],"Password":["Contraseña"],"Port":["Puerto"],"User Filer":["Filtro de usuario"],"Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Username Attribute":["Atributo del nombre de usuario"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Permitir acceso limitado para usuarios no autentificados (invitados)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Los usuarios anónimos pueden registrarse"],"Default user group for new users":["Grupo por defecto para nuevos usuarios"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tiempo de inactividad antes de cerrar sesión (en segundos, opcional)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilidad del perfil de usuario por defecto"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Los miembros pueden invitar a usuarios externos por correo electrónico"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Requerir aprobación del administrador del grupo después de registrarse"],"Base URL":["URL Base"],"Default language":["Idioma por defecto"],"Default space":["Espacio por defecto"],"Invalid space":["Espacio no válido"],"Logo upload":["Subir logo"],"Name of the application":["Nombre de la aplicación"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostrar guía de introducción a los nuevos usuarios"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Mostrar el formulario para escribir entradas en Inicio"],"Cache Backend":["Modo de caché"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tiempo de expiración por defecto (en segundos)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["¡Falta la extensión PHP APC - El tipo no está disponible!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["¡Falta la extensión PHP SQLite3 - El tipo no está disponible!"],"Dropdown space order":["Orden de los desplegables"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Tamaño de paginación por defecto (Entradas por página)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Mostrar nombre (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Extensiones de archivos permitidas"],"Convert command not found!":["¡Comando convertir no encontrado!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["¡Respuesta inválida de image magick! - ¿Comando correcto?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Esconder la información (nombre, tamaño) para las imágenes en el muro"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Esconder el widget de la lista de archivos para estos objetos en el muro."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando convertir de Image Magick (opcional)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Altura máxima de previsualización de imagen (en píxeles, opcional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Ancho máximo de previsualización de imagen (en píxeles, opcional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Tamaño máximo de archivo para subir (en MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usar X-Sendfile para las descargas de archivos"],"Administrator users":["Usuarios administradores"],"Description":["Descripción"],"Ldap DN":["DN de LDAP"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["¿Permitir cerfificados autofirmados?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Dirección del remitente del correo electrónico"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nombre del remitente del correo electrónico"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo de transporte de correo"],"Port number":["Número de puerto"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefijo URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Sin Proxy"],"Server":["Servidor"],"User":["Usuario"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Los superadministradores pueden borrar cada objeto contenido"],"Default Join Policy":["Política de unión por defecto"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilidad por defecto"],"HTML tracking code":["Código de seguimiento HTML"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["¡El directorio del módulo para el módulo %moduleId% ya existe!"],"Could not extract module!":["¡No se pudo extraer el módulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["¡No se pudo obtener la lista de módulos en línea! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["¡No se pudo obtener la información del módulo en línea! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["¡Falló la descarga del módulo!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["¡El directorio del módulo %modulePath% no es escribible!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["¡Falló la descarga del módulo! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["¡No se encontró una versión compatible del módulo!","¡No se encontró un versión compatible del módulo!"],"Activated":["Activado"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aún no hay instalados módulos. ¡Añade alguno para extender las funcionalidades!"],"Version:":["Versión:"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"No modules found!":["¡¡No se han encontrado módulos!"],"All modules are up to date!":["¡Todos los módulos están la versión más reciente!"],"About HumHub":["Acerca de HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versión instalada actualmente: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licencias"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["¡Hay una nueva versión disponible! (Última versión: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["¡Esta instalación de HumHub ya está actualizada!"],"Accept":["Aceptar"],"Decline":["No asistir"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aceptar usuario: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Send & save":["Enviar y guardar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Declinar y borrar usuario: {displayName}"],"Email":["Correo electrónico"],"Search for email":["Buscar por correo electrónico"],"Search for username":["Buscar por usuario"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprobaciones de usuario pendientes"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Aquí ves todos los usuarios que se han registrado y están esperando aprobación."],"Delete group":["Borrar grupo"],"Delete group":["Borrar grupo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Para borrar el grupo \"{group}\" tienes que establecer un grupo alternativo activo para los usuarios existentes:"],"Create new group":["Crear nuevo grupo"],"Edit group":["Editar grupo"],"Group name":["Nombre del grupo"],"Search for description":["Buscar por descripción"],"Search for group name":["Buscar por nombre de grupo"],"Manage groups":["Administrar grupos"],"Create new group":["Crear nuevo grupo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Puedes separar usuarios en diferentes grupos (para equipos, departamentos, etc.) y definir espacios estándar y administradores para ellos."],"Flush entries":["Limpiar entradas"],"Error logging":["Registro de errores"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Mostrar {count} entradas por página."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total {count} entradas encontradas."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Los módulos permiten extender las funcionalidades de HumHub. Aquí puedes instalar y configurar módulos de la HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Actualizaciones disponibles"],"Browse online":["Explorar en línea"],"Module details":["Detalles del módulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Este módulo no proporciona información adicional."],"Processing...":["Procesando..."],"Modules directory":["Directorio de módulos "],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo se perderán!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los archivos y datos relacionados con el módulo se perderán!"],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Disable":["Deshabilitar"],"Enable":["Habilitar"],"More info":["Más información"],"Set as default":["Establecer como predeterminado"],"Uninstall":["Desinstalar"],"Install":["Instalar"],"Latest compatible version:":["Última versión compatible:"],"Latest version:":["Última versión:"],"Installed version:":["Versión instalada:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Última versión compatible:"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Establecer como módulo predeterminado"],"Always activated":["Siempre activado"],"Deactivated":["Desactivado"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Aquí puedes elegir si un módulo debería estar activado automática en un espacio o perfil del usuario o no. Si el módulo debería estar activado, elige \"Siempre activado\"."],"Spaces":["Espacios"],"User Profiles":["Perfiles de usuarios"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Hay una nueva versión de HumHub (%version%) disponible."],"Authentication - Basic":["Autenticación - Básica"],"Basic":["Básica"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["El valor mínimo son 20 segundos. Si la casilla está vacía, la sesión se terminará automáticamente después de 1400 segundos (24 minutos) si no hay actividad."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Sólo aplicable cuando hay acceso limitado activado para los usuarios no autentificados. Sólo afecta a los usuarios nuevos."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Autenticación - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["Una conexión TLS/SSL es altamente recomendada en entornos de producción para evitar que las contraseñas se transmitan en texto claro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define el filtro que aplicar cuando se intenta iniciar sesión. %uid reemplaza el nombre de usuario en la acción de iniciar sesión. Ejemplo: quot;(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atributo LDAP para el nombre de usuario. Ejemplo: "uid" o "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limita el acceso a usuarios que cumplan estos criterios. Ejemplo: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" o "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Estado: ¡Error! (Mensaje: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Estado: ¡Correcto! ({userCount} usuarios)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["El DN base por defecto usado para buscar cuentas."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["La contraseña de las credenciales por defecto (usada sólo con el nombre de usuario de arriba)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["El nombre de usuario de las credenciales por defecto. Algunos servidores requieren que este esté en formato DN. Este tiene que estar en formato DN si el servidor LDAP requiere un DN para unirse y la unión debería ser posible con nombres de usuario simples."],"Cache Settings":["Ajustes de la caché"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Guardar y vaciar cachés"],"CronJob settings":["Ajustes de CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab de usuario: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Última ejecución (diaria):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Última ejecución (por horas):"],"Never":["Nunca"],"Or Crontab of root user":["O Crontab de usuario root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Por favor, asegúrate de los siguientes cronjobs están instalados:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabético"],"Last visit":["Última visita"],"Design settings":["Ajustes de diseño"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nombre y Apellido (p.ej. John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Usuario (p.ej. john)"],"File settings":["Ajustes de archivos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista separada por comas. Deja en blanco para permitir todos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista separada por comas. Deja vacío para mostrar una lista de archivos para todos los objetos en el muro."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Librería de imagenes actual: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Si no se ajusta, la altura por defecto será de 200 píxeles."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Si no se ajusta, el ancho por defecto será de 200 píxeles."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP reportó un máximo de {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Ajustes básicos"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación de la imagen"],"Dashboard":["Inicio"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["P.ej. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Los nuevos usuarios serán automáticamente añadidos a estos espacios."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["No estás usando un logo ahora. Sube tu logo ahora."],"Mailing defaults":["Predeterminados de correo"],"Activities":["Actividades"],"Always":["Siempre"],"Daily summary":["Resumen diario"],"Defaults":["Predeterminados"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Define los valores predeterminados para cuando un usuario recibe correos electrónicos sobre notificaciones o nuevas actividades. Estos ajustes pueden ser sobrescritos por los usuarios en los ajustes de la cuenta."],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Server Settings":["Ajustes del servidor"],"When I´m offline":["Cuando estoy fuera de línea"],"Mailing settings":["Ajustes de correo"],"SMTP Options":["Opciones SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Proveedor OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Añadir nuevo proveedor"],"Currently active providers:":["Proveedores activos:"],"Currently no provider active!":["¡No hay ningún proveedor activo!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Añadir proveedor OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Editar proveedor OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefijo URL sin http:// o https:// (p.ej. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Usa %url% como marcador para la URL. El formato necesario es JSON. (p.ej. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json) "],"Proxy settings":["Ajustes del Proxy"],"Security settings and roles":["Roles y ajustes de seguridad"],"Self test":["Auto test"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Comprobando prerequisitos software de HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Re-ejecutar tests"],"Statistic settings":["Ajustes de estadísticas"],"All":["Todos"],"Delete space":["Eliminar espacio"],"Edit space":["Editar espacio"],"Search for space name":["Buscar por nombre de espacio"],"Search for space owner":["Buscar por dueño del espacio"],"Space name":["Nombre del Espacio"],"Space owner":["Dueño del espacio"],"View space":["Ver espacio"],"Manage spaces":["Gestionar espacios"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Define aquí la configuració por defecto para los nuevos espacios."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["En esta vista puedes ver cada espacio y gestionarlo."],"Overview":["Resúmen","Resumen"],"Settings":["Ajustes"],"Space Settings":["Ajustes de Espacio"],"Add user":["Añadir usuario"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["¿Estás seguro de que desea eliminar este usuario? Si este usuario es dueño de algún espacio, tú serás el nuevo dueño de estos espacios."],"Delete user":["Eliminar usuario"],"Delete user: {username}":["Eliminar usuario: {username}"],"Edit user":["Editar usuario"],"Admin":["Administrador"],"Delete user account":["Eliminar cuenta de usuario"],"Edit user account":["Editar cuenta de usuario"],"No":["No"],"View user profile":["Ver perfiles de usuario"],"Yes":["Sí"],"Manage users":["Gestionar usuarios"],"Add new user":["Añadir nuevo usuario"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["En esta vista podrás encontrar cada usuario registrado y gestionarlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crear nueva categoría de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Editar categoría de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Crear nuevo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Editar campo de perfil"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestionar campos del perfil"],"Add new category":["Añadir nueva categoría"],"Add new field":["Añadir nuevo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Seguridad y roles"],"Administration menu":["Menú de administración"],"About":["Acerca de"],"Authentication":["Autenticación"],"Caching":["Caché"],"Cron jobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Diseño"],"Files":["Archivos"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Logging":["Registro"],"Mailing":["Correos"],"Modules":["Módulos"],"OEmbed Provider":["Proveedor OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Auto test y actualización"],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"User approval":["Aprobación de usuarios"],"User profiles":["Perfiles de usuarios"],"Users":["Usuarios"],"Click here to review":["Haz clic aqui para revisar"],"New approval requests":["Nuevas peticiones de aprobación"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o más usuarios necesita tu aprobación como administrador del grupo."],"Could not delete comment!":["¡No se puedo borrar el comentario!"],"Invalid target class given":["Clase de objetivo no válida"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["¡Los parámetros Model e ID son requeridos!"],"Target not found!":["¡Objetivo no encontrado!"],"Access denied!":["¡Acceso denegado!","Acceso denegado!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["¡Permisos insuficientes!"],"Comment":["Comentario"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% escribió un nuevo comentario "],"Comments":["Comentarios"],"Edit your comment...":["Edita tu comentario..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% también comentó tu %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% comentó %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Ver los {total} comentarios."],"Post":["Entrada"],"Write a new comment...":["Escribe un nuevo comentario..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostrar %count% comentarios más"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación del comentario"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["¿Seguro que quieres borrar este comentario?"],"Updated :timeago":["Actualizado :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Número máximo de artículos pegados alcanzados!\n\nUsted puede pegar solamente dos artículos a la vez.\n¡Sin embargo pegar este artículo, despega otros antes!"],"Could not load requested object!":["¡No se pudo cargar el objeto solicitado!"],"Invalid model given!":["¡Modelo inválido!"],"Unknown content class!":["¡Clase de contenido desconocida!"],"Could not find requested content!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el contenido solicitado!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el permalink solicitado!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} creó un nuevo {contentTitle}."],"in":["en"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["¡No se han encontrado resultados con los filtros seleccionados!"],"Nothing here yet!":["¡No hay nada aquí todavía!"],"Move to archive":["Mover a archivo"],"Unarchive":["Desarchivar"],"Add a member to notify":["Añadir un miembro a notificar"],"Make private":["Hacer Privado"],"Make public":["Hacer Público"],"Notify members":["Notificar Miembros"],"Public":["Público"],"What's on your mind?":["¿Qué tienes en mente?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirma el borrado de la entrada"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["¿Realmente deseas borrar esta entrada? ¡Todos los \"Me gusta\" y los comentarios se perderán!"],"Archived":["Archivado"],"Sticked":["Fijado"],"Turn off notifications":["Desactivar notificaciones"],"Turn on notifications":["Activar Notificaciones"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink a esta entrada"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Fijar"],"Unstick":["Desfijar"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nadie ha escrito nada aún.
Marca un comienzo y escribe algo..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["La actividad de este perfil aún está vacia"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["¡Este espacio está aun vacio!
Empieza por escribir algo aqui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["¡Tu Inicio está vacio!
¡Escribe algo en tu perfil o únete a algún espacio!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["La actividad de tu perfil aún está vacia
Comienza escribiendo algo..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se ha encontrado nada que coincida con tu filtro!"],"Show all":["Mostrar todos"],"Back to stream":["Volver a Actividad"],"Content with attached files":["Contenido con adjuntos"],"Created by me":["Creado por mi","Creada por mí"],"Creation time":["Fecha de creación"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Incluir entradas archivadas"],"Last update":["Última actualización"],"Only private posts":["Solo entradas privadas"],"Only public posts":["Solo entradas públicas"],"Posts only":["Solo entradas"],"Posts with links":["Entradas con enlaces"],"Sorting":["Ordenación"],"Where I´m involved":["En los que estoy involucrado"],"No public contents to display found!":["¡No se han encontrado contenidos públicos para mostrar!"],"Directory":["Directorio"],"Member Group Directory":["Directorio de miembros de grupos"],"show all members":["mostrar todos los miembros"],"Directory menu":["Menú del directorio"],"Members":["Miembros"],"User profile posts":["Entradas de perfil de usuario"],"Member directory":["Directorio de miembros"],"Follow":["Seguir"],"No members found!":["¡No se encontraron miembros!"],"Unfollow":["Dejar de seguir"],"search for members":["buscar miembros"],"Space directory":["Directorio de espacios"],"No spaces found!":["¡No se encontraron espacios!"],"You are a member of this space":["Eres miembro de este espacio"],"search for spaces":["buscar espacios"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["¡No hay entradas en el perfil de usuario todavía!"],"Group stats":["Estadísticas de grupos"],"Average members":["Miembros promedio"],"Top Group":["Grupo en cabeza"],"Total groups":["Grupos en total"],"Member stats":["Estadísticas de miembros"],"New people":["Nueva gente"],"Follows somebody":["Siguen a alguien"],"Online right now":["En línea ahora mismo"],"Total users":["Usuarios en total"],"See all":["Ver todos"],"New spaces":["Nuevos espacios"],"Space stats":["Estadísticas de espacios"],"Most members":["Mas miembros"],"Private spaces":["Espacios privados"],"Total spaces":["Espacios en total"],"Could not find requested file!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el archivo solicitado!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["¡Permisos insuficientes!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["¡El límite del tamaño de archivo que es de un valor de {maxFileSize} ha sido alcanzado!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["¡Este tipo de archivo no está permitido!"],"Created By":["Creado por"],"Created at":["Creado el"],"File name":["Nombre de archivo"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Tipo Mime no válido"],"Mime Type":["Tipo Mime"],"Size":["Tamaño"],"Updated at":["Actualizado el"],"Updated by":["Actualizado por"],"Could not upload File:":["No se puede subir el archivo:"],"Upload files":["Subir archivos"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista de archivos ya subidos:"],"Create Admin Account":["Crear cuenta de administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nombre de tu red social"],"Name of Database":["Nombre de la base de datos"],"Admin Account":["Cuenta de administrador"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["¡Ya casi has acabado! En el último paso necesitarás rellenar un formulario para crear una cuenta de administrador. Con esta cuenta podrás administrar la red entera."],"Next":["Siguiente"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Como ya sabrás, tu nueva red social necesita un nombre. Por favor, cambia el nombre por defecto por el que tú quieras. (Por ejemplo, el nombre de tu compañía, organización o club)"],"Social Network Name":["Nombre de la red social"],"Setup Complete":["Instalación completada"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["¡Felicidades!. Ya has acabado."],"Sign in":["Iniciar sesión"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["¡La instalación se ha completado correctamente!. Diviértete con tu nueva red social."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bienvenido a HumHub
"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Este asistente instalará y configurará HumHub.
Para continuar, haz click en Siguiente."],"Yes, database connection works!":["¡Si, la conexión con la base de datos funciona!"],"Database Configuration":["Configuración de la base de datos"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Debajo tendrás que escribir la configuración de la base de datos. Si no estás seguro de ello, por favor, contacta con el administrador del sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Servidor de la base de datos (ej. localhost si MySQL está corriendo en la misma máquina)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["¡Algo fue mal!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["El nombre de la base de datos donde quieres que funcione HumHub."],"Your MySQL password.":["Tu contraseña MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Tu nombre de usuario MySQL"],"System Check":["Comprobar sistema"],"Check again":["Comprobar otra vez"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["¡Felicidades! ¡Todo está correcto y listo para empezar!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Este resumen te mostrará todos los requisitos del sistema para que funcione HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["¡No se pudo encontrar la clase objetivo!"],"Could not find target record!":["¡No se pudo encontrar el registro objetivo!"],"Invalid class given!":["¡Clase no válida!"],"Users who like this":["Usuarios que les gusta esto"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} le gusta {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% también le gusta %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% le gusta %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["le gusta."],"You like this.":["Te gusta."],"You
"],"Like":["Me gusta"],"Unlike":["Ya no me gusta"],"and {count} more like this.":["y a {count} más les gusta esto."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["¡No se pudo determinar la url de redirección para este tipo de objeto fuente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["¡No se pudo cargar el objeto fuente de la notificación para redireccionar a él!"],"New":["Nuevo"],"Mark all as seen":["Marcar todas como vistas"],"There are no notifications yet.":["No hay notificaciones aún."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% creó una nueva entrada."],"Edit your post...":["Edita tu entrada..."],"Read full post...":["Leer más..."],"Send & decline":["Enviar y declinar"],"Visible for all":["Visible para todos"]," Invite and request":["Invitar y enviar una solicitud"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["¡No puedo borrar un usuario que es dueño de un espacio! Nombre del espacio: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Todo el mundo puede entrar"],"Invite and request":["Invitar y enviar una solicitud"],"Only by invite":["Sólo por invitación"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privado (Invisible)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Público (Miembros y visitantes)"],"Public (Members only)":["Público (sólo miembros)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Público (sólo usuarios registrados)"],"Public (Visible)":["Público (Visible)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visible para todos (miembros y visitantes)"],"Space is invisible!":["¡El espacio es invisible!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["¡Necesitas iniciar sesión para ver los contenidos de este espacio!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["¡Como propietario no puedes revocar tu suscripción!"],"Could not request membership!":["¡No se puedo solicitar la suscripción!"],"There is no pending invite!":["¡No hay invitaciones pendientes!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["¡Esta acción solo está disponible para miembros del espacio!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["¡No puedes unirte a este espacio!"],"Space title is already in use!":["¡El Titulo de espacio ya está en uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["Tu contraseña"],"Invites":["Invitaciones"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuevo usuario por correo electrónico (separado por comas)"],"User is already member!":["¡El usuario ya es miembro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["¡{email} ya está registrado!"],"{email} is not valid!":["¡{email} no es válido!"],"Application message":["Mensaje de la aplicación"],"Scope":["Ámbito"],"Strength":["Fuerza"],"Created At":["Creado hace","Creado en"],"Join Policy":["Política de acceso"],"Owner":["Propietario"],"Status":["Estado"],"Tags":["Etiquetas"],"Updated At":["Actualizado hace","Actualizado en"],"Visibility":["Visibilidad"],"Website URL (optional)":["Dirección del sitio web (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["¡No puedes crear espacios privados visibles!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["¡No puedes crear espacios públicos visibles!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Elige el área de tu imagen que quieres guardar como avatar y haz clic en Guardar."],"Modify space image":["Cambiar imagen del espacio"],"Delete space":["Eliminar espacio"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este espacio? ¡Todo el contenido publicado sera borrado!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["¡Por favor, escribe tu contraseña para continuar!"],"General space settings":["Ajustes generales del espacio"],"Archive":["Archivo"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Elige el tipo de suscripción que quieres dar a este espacio."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Elige el nivel de seguridad para este espacio para definir la visibilidad."],"Search members":["Buscar miembros"],"Manage your space members":["Gestiona tus miembros del espacio"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Invitaciones enviadas pendientes"],"Outstanding user requests":["Solicitudes de usuarios pendientes"],"Remove member":["Eliminar usuario"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Permitir a este usuario
invitar a otros usuarios"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Permitir a este usuario
hacer contenidos públicos"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este miembro de este espacio?"],"Can invite":["Puede invitar"],"Can share":["Puede compartir"],"Change space owner":["Cambiar dueño del espacio"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Los usuarios externos invitados por email no serán listados aquí."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["En el área debajo, están todos los miembros activos de este espacio. Puedes editar sus privilegios o borrarlos de este espacio."],"Is admin":["Es administrador"],"Make this user an admin":["Hacer este usuario administrador"],"No, cancel":["No, cancelar"],"Remove":["Borrar"],"Request message":["Mensaje de solicitud"],"Revoke invitation":["Revocar invitación"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Los siguientes usuarios están esperando aprobación para entrar en este espacio. Por favor, haz algo al respecto."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Los siguientes usuarios han sido invitados a este espacio, pero no han seguido la invitación todavia."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["El dueño del espacio es el super administrador de un espacio con todos los privilegios y normalmente es el creador del espacio. Aqui puedes cambiar este rol a otro usuario."],"Yes, remove":["Si, borrar"],"Space Modules":["Módulos del espacio"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo de este espacio seran borrados!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["¡Actualmente no hay módulos disponibles para este espacio!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Mejora este espacio con módulos."],"Create new space":["Crear nuevo espacio"],"Advanced access settings":["Ajustes avanzados de acceso"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Los no miembros pueden ver este
\nespacio, pero no tienen acceso"],"Create":["Crear"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Todos los usuarios pueden entrar en este
\nespacio sin necesitar aprobación"],"For everyone":["Para todo el mundo"],"How you want to name your space?":["¿Cómo quieres llamar a tu espacio?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Por favor, escribe una pequeña descripción para otros usuarios."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Este espacio estará oculto
para los no miembros."],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Los usuarios tambien puede pedir una
solicitud para este espacio"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Los usuarios solo se pueden añadir
por invitación"],"space description":["descripción del espacio"],"space name":["nombre del espacio"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} solicita su suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha aprobado tu suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} denegó tu solicitud de suscripción al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} te ha invitado al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} aceptó tu invitación al espacio {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} declinó tu invitación al espacio {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["¡Este espacio todavía está vacío!"],"Accept Invite":["Aceptar invitación"],"Become member":["Convertirse en miembro"],"Cancel membership":["Cancelar suscripción"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancelar solicitud de suscripcion pendiente"],"Deny Invite":["Rechazar invitación"],"Request membership":["Solicitar suscripción"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Eres el propietario de esta área de trabajo."],"created by":["creado por"],"Invite members":["Invitar miembros"],"Add an user":["Añadir un usuario"],"Email addresses":["Direcciones de correo electrónico"],"Invite by email":["Invitar por correo electrónico"],"New user?":["¿Nuevo usuario?"],"Pick users":["Selecciona usuarios"],"Send":["Enviar"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Para invitar usuarios a este espacio, por favor escribe sus nombres debajo para encontrarlos y escogerlos."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Tambien puedes invitar usuarios externos, que no estén registrados aún. Simplemente añade sus direcciones de correo electrónico separadas por comas."],"Request space membership":["Solicitar suscripción al espacio"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Por favor, preséntate brevemente, para ser un miembro aprobado de este espacio."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Tu solicitud ha sido enviada correctamente a los administradores del espacio."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["El usuario se ha convertido en miembro."],"User has been invited.":["El usuario ha sido invitado."],"User has not been invited.":["El usuario no ha sido invitado."],"Back to workspace":["Volver al espacio"],"Space preferences":["Preferencias del espacio"],"General":["General"],"My Space List":["Mi lista de espacios"],"My space summary":["Mi resumen del espacio"],"Space directory":["Directorio de espacios"],"Space menu":["Menú espacio"],"Stream":["Actividad"],"Change image":["Cambiar imagen"],"Current space image":["Imagen actual del espacio"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar tu imagen de cabecera?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar tu foto de perfil?"],"Invite":["Invitar"],"Something went wrong":["Algo fue mal"],"Followers":["Seguidores"],"Posts":["Entradas"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Por favor, preséntate brevemente, para ser un miembro aprobado de este espacio."],"Request workspace membership":["Solicitar suscripción al espacio","Solicitar suscripción a espacio"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Tu solicitud ha sido enviada con éxito a los administradores del espacio."],"Create new space":["Crear nuevo espacio"],"My spaces":["Mis espacios"],"Space info":["Información del espacio"],"more":["más"],"Accept invite":["Aceptar invitación"],"Deny invite":["Rechazar invitación"],"Leave space":["Dejar espacio"],"New member request":["Nuevas solicitudes de miembros"],"Space members":["Miembros del espacio"],"End guide":["Terminar"],"Next »":["Siguiente >>"],"« Prev":["<< Anterior"],"Administration":["Administración"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["¡Enhorabuena! Esto es todo por ahora."],"Modules":["Módulos"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Como administrador, puedes gestionar la plataforma desde aquí.
Además de los módulos, no vamos a entrar en detalle aquí, ya que cada módulo muestra su propia descripción."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ahora te encuentras en el menú de herramientas. Desde aquí puedes acceder al Marketplace de HumHub, donde puedes instalar una cantidad cada vez mayor de módulos al instante.
Como ya se ha mencionado, los módulos incrementan las características de tu sitio."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Ahora ya has aprendido las características y los ajustes más importantes y ya estñas preparado para utilizar la plataforma.
Esperamos que tú y todos los futuros usuarios disfruten del sitio. Estamos siempre mejorando y siempre puedes enviarnos sugerencias o te podemos ofrecer soporte para tu proyecto. Siéntete libre de contactar con nosotros vía www.humhub.org.
Mantente en contacto :-)"],"Dashboard":["Inicio"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Esta es la pantalla de inicio.
Todas las nuevas actividades o posts que sean de tu interés se mostrarán aquí."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administración (Módulos)"],"Edit account":["Editar cuenta"],"Hurray! The End.":["¡Hurra! El final."],"Hurray! You're done!":["¡Hurra! ¡Lo has terminado!"],"Profile menu":["Menú del perfil","Menú de perfil"],"Profile photo":["Fotos del perfil"],"Profile stream":["Estados del perfil"],"User profile":["Perfil de usuario"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Haz click en este botón para actualizar los ajustes de tu perfil y de tu cuenta. También puedes añadir más información a tu perfil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Cada perfil tiene también sus posts. Tus posts también aparecerán en las pantallas de inicio de aquellos usuarios que te sigan."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Igual que en el espacio, el perfil de usuario también puede ser personalizado con varios módulos.
Puedes ver qué módulos están disponibles para tu perfil en la sección \"Módulos\" en el menú de ajustes de tu cuenta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Este es tu perfil de usuario público, que puede ser visto por cualquier usuario registrado."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Sube una nueva foto de perfil simplemente haciendo click aquí o arrastrándola. Haz lo mismo para actualizar tu foto de portada."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["¡Has completado la guía del perfil de usuario!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["¡Has completado la guía del perfil de usuario!
Para seguir con la guía de administración, haz click aquí:
"],"Most recent activities":["Actividades más recientes"],"Posts":["Mensajes"],"Profile Guide":["Guía de perfil"],"Space":["Espacio"],"Space navigation menu":["Menú de navegación del espacio"],"Writing posts":["Mensajes escritos"],"Yay! You're done.":["¡Bien! ¡Has terminado!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Todos los usuarios que sean miembros de este espacio se mostrarán aquí.
Cualquier persona que tenga accesos por el administrador podrá añadir nuevos miembros."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Da a otros usuarios una breve idea sobre este espacio. Puedes añadir información básica aquí.
El administrador del espacio puede insertar y cambiar la foto de portada haciendo click en ella o arrastrando una nueva."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Los nuevos mensajes se podrán escribir aquí."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una vez que te hayas unido o creado un nuevo espacio puedes trabajar en proyectos, discutir sobre un tema o simplemente compartir información con otros usuarios.
Aquí hay varias herramientas para personalizar un espacio, que hará el trabajo más productivo."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Esto es todo para la guía de los espacios.
Para seguir con la guía de perfiles de usuario, haz click aquí:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Aquí es donde podrás navegar en el espacio - donde encontrarás qué módulos están activos o disponibles para el espacio particular en el que te encuentras. Estos pueden ser preguntas, tareas o notas, por ejemplo.
Sólo el administrador del espacio puede gestionar los módulos del espacio."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Este menú es solo visible para los miembros del espacio. Aquí puedes gestionar los ajustes del espacio, añadir/bloquear miembros y activar/desactivar herramientas para este espacio."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Para estar al día, las actividades recientes de otros usuarios en este espacio se mostrarán aquí."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Tus posts y los de otros usuarios aparecerán aquí.
Éstos pueden ser comentados o les pueden haber dado al \"Me Gusta\"."],"Account Menu":["Menú de la cuenta"],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Space Menu":["Menú del espacio"],"Start space guide":["Empezar la guía de los espacios"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["¡No te pierdas nada!
Este icono te mantendrá informado de actividades y mensajes que te afectan directamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["El menú de la cuenta te proporciona acceso a tus ajustes privados y te permite gestionar tu perfil público."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["¡Este es el menú más importante y que probablemente será el que más utilices!
Accede a los espacios a los que te hayas unido y crea nuevos espacios aquí.
La siguiente guía te mostrará cómo:"]," Remove panel":["Eliminar panel"],"Getting Started":["Empezando"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guía: Administración (Módulos)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guía: Vista general"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guía: Espacios"],"Guide: User profile":["Guía Perfil de usuario"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Entérate de todo lo que puedes hacer en esta red social con las siguientes guías:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["¡Esta cuenta de usuario no está aprobada todavía!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["¡Necesitas iniciar sesión para ver este perfil de usuario!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["¡Tu contraseña no es correcta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["No puedes cambiar tu contraseña aquí."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["¡Enlace no válido! Por favor, asegurate de que has introducir la url completa."],"Save profile":["Guardar perfil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["El correo electrónico introducido ya está en uso por otro usuario."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["No puedes cambiar tu dirección de correo electrónico aquí."],"Account":["Cuenta"],"Create account":["Crear cuenta"],"Current password":["Contraseña actual"],"E-Mail change":["Cambiar correo electrónico"],"New E-Mail address":["Nueva dirección de correo electrónico"],"Send activities?":["¿Enviar actividades?"],"Send notifications?":["¿Enviar notificaciones?"],"New password":["Nueva contraseña"],"New password confirm":["Nueva contraseña (confirmación)"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Usuario/correo electrónico o contraseña incorrectos."],"Remember me next time":["Recordarme la siguiente vez"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Tu cuenta no ha sido activada por nuestro personal aún."],"Your account is suspended.":["Tu cuenta está suspendida."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["¡No es posible recuperar la contraseña con tu tipo de cuenta!"],"E-Mail":["Correo electrónico"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperar contraseña"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["¡{attribute} \"{value}\" no ha sido encontrado!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["¡Este correo electrónico ya está en uso! - Prueba a restablecer tu contraseña. "],"Invalid language!":["¡Idioma no válido!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Esconder panel en Inicio"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilidad del perfil"],"Default Space":["Espacio predeterminado"],"Group Administrators":["Grupo Administradores"],"LDAP DN":["DN de LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Los miembros pueden crear espacios privados"],"Members can create public spaces":["Los miembros pueden crear espacios públicos"],"Birthday":["Cumpleaños"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Female":["Mujer"],"Gender":["Sexo"],"Hide year in profile":["Ocultar el año en el perfil"],"Male":["Hombre"],"City":["Ciudad"],"Country":["País"],"Facebook URL":["Enlace de Facebook "],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Nombre"],"Flickr URL":["Enlace de Flickr"],"Google+ URL":["Enlace de Google+"],"Lastname":["Apellido"],"LinkedIn URL":["Enlace de LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Móvil"],"MySpace URL":["Enlace de MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Teléfono privado"],"Phone Work":["Teléfono del trabajo"],"Skype Nickname":["Nombre de Skype"],"State":["Estado"],"Street":["Calle"],"Twitter URL":["Enlace de Twitter"],"Url":["Web"],"Vimeo URL":["Enlace de Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Direccción Jabber XMPP"],"Xing URL":["Enlace de Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Enlace de Youtube"],"Zip":["Código postal"],"Created by":["Creado por"],"Editable":["Editable"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["¡El tipo de campo no se puede cambiar!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo de campo"],"Internal Name":["Nombre interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["¡El nombre interno ya está en uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["¡El nombre interno no se puede cambiar!"],"Invalid field type!":["¡Tipo de campo no válido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Atributo LDAP"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["¡Solo se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoría del campo de perfil"],"Required":["Requerido"],"Show at registration":["Mostrar en el registro"],"Sort order":["Orden"],"Translation Category ID":["ID de la categoría de traducción"],"Type Config":["Configuración de tipo"],"Visible":["Visible"],"Communication":["Comunicación"],"Social bookmarks":["Marcadores sociales"],"Datetime":["Fecha y hora"],"Number":["Número"],"Select List":["Lista de selección"],"Text":["Texto"],"Text Area":["Área de texto"],"%y Years":["%y Años"],"Birthday field options":["Opciones del campo Cumpleaños"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opciones del campo Fecha (y hora)"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostrar un selector de fecha/hora"],"Maximum value":["Valor máximo"],"Minimum value":["Valor mínimo"],"Number field options":["Opciones del campo Número"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opción por línea. Formato Clave=>Valor (p.ej. si=Sí)"],"Please select:":["Por favor, elige:"],"Possible values":["Valores posibles"],"Select field options":["Opciones del campo Lista de selección"],"Default value":["Valor por defecto"],"Maximum length":["Longitud máxima"],"Minimum length":["Longitud mínima"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expresión regular: Mensaje de error"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expresión regular: Validar"],"Text Field Options":["Opciones del campo Texto"],"Validator":["Validar"],"Text area field options":["Opciones del campo Área de texto"],"Authentication mode":["Modo de autenticación"],"New user needs approval":["Nuevos usuarios necesitan aprobación"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["El nombre de usuario sólo puede contener letras, números, espacios y caracteres especiales (+-._)"],"Wall":["Muro"],"Current E-mail address":["Dirección de correo electrónico actual"],"Change E-mail":["Cambiar correo electrónico"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Tu dirección de correo electrónico ha sido cambiada con éxito a {email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico de confirmación a tu nueva dirección.
Por favor, sigue las instrucciones que contiene."],"Change password":["Cambiar contraseña"],"Password changed":["Contraseña cambiada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["¡Tu contraseña ha sido cambiada con éxito!","¡Tu contraseña se ha cambiado satisfactoriamente!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modificar tu imagen de perfil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Introduce tu contraseña para continuar"],"Delete account":["Eliminar cuenta"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["¿Estas seguro de que quieres eliminar tu cuenta?
¡Todo tu contenido publicado será borrado!"],"Delete account":["Eliminar cuenta"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Lo siento, como dueño de un espacio no puedes borrar tu cuenta.
Por favor, asignale otro dueño o borralo."],"User details":["Detalles del usuario"],"User modules":["Módulos del usuario"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["¿Estás seguro? ¡*TODOS* los datos del módulo en tu perfil serán borrados!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Mejora tu perfil con módulos."],"User settings":["Ajustes del usuario"],"Getting Started":["Empezando"],"Registered users only":["Sólo usuarios registrados"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visible para todos (también usuarios no registrados)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notificaciones de escritorio"],"Email Notifications":["Notificaciones por correo electrónico"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Activar notificaciones de escritorio cuando estás en línea."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Recibe un email por cada actividad de otros usuarios que sigas
o que compartais espacio."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Recibe un email cuando otros usuariso comentan o marcan \"Me gusta\" en tus entradas."],"Account registration":["Registro de cuenta"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["¡Tu cuenta ha sido creada con éxito!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Después de que el administrador active tu cuenta, recibirás una notificación por correo electrónico"],"Go to login page":["Ir a la página de iniciar sesión"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Para iniciar sesión con tu nueva cuenta, haz clic en el botón de abajo."],"back to home":["Volver a Inicio"],"Please sign in":["Por favor, inicia sesión"],"Sign up":["Darse de alta"],"Create a new one.":["Crear una nueva."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["¿No tienes una cuenta? Únete a la red introduciendo tu dirección de correo electrónico"],"Forgot your password?":["¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Si ya eres miembro, por favor, inicia sesión con tu usuario o correo electrónico y tu contraseña."],"Register":["Registrarse"],"email":["correo electrónico"],"password":["contraseña"],"username or email":["Usuario o correo electrónico"],"Password recovery":["Recuperar contraseña"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Escribe tu dirección de correo electrónico. ¡Ahí te enviaremos las instrucciones de recuperación!"],"Reset password":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"enter security code above":["introduce el código de seguridad de arriba"],"your email":["tu correo electrónico"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Te hemos enviado un correo electrónico que contiene un enlace que te permitirá reiniciar tu contraseña."],"Password recovery!":["¡Recuperar contraseña!"],"Registration successful!":["¡Registrado con éxito!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Por favor, comprueba tu correo electrónico y sigue las instrucciones."],"Password reset":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"Change your password":["Cambia tu contraseña"],"Change password":["Cambiar contraseña"],"Password changed!":["¡Contraseña cambiada!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirma tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico"],"Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Hello":["Hola"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Has solicitado cambiar tu dirección de correo electrónico.
Tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico es {newemail}.
Para confirmar tu nueva dirección de correo electrónico, por favor, haz clic en el botón de abajo."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hola {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Este enlace caducará a las 24 horas."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Por favor, utiliza el siguiente enlace en las próximas 24 horas para reiniciar tu contraseña."],"Reset Password":["Reiniciar contraseña"],"Registration Link":["Enlace de registro"],"Sign up":["Registrarse"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bienvenido a %appName%.Por favor, haz clic en el botón de abajo para proceder a registrarte."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un nuevo concepto de red social.
Registrate ahora para unirte a este espacio."],"Space Invite":["Invitaciones de espacio"],"You got a space invite":["Tienes una invitación a un espacio"],"invited you to the space:":["te invitó al espacio: "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} te mencionó en {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} te está siguiendo ahora."],"About this user":["Sobre este usuario"],"Modify your title image":["Modificar tu imagen de cabecera"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["¡La actividad de este perfil está aún vacía!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar el logo?"],"Account settings":["Ajustes de cuenta"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Editar cuenta"],"Following":["Siguiendo"],"Following user":["Siguiendo a usuario"],"User followers":["Seguidores de usuario"],"Member in these spaces":["Miembros en estos espacios"],"User tags":["Etiquetas de usuario"],"No birthday.":["Sin cumpleaños."],"Back to modules":["Volver a módulos"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo Cumpleaños"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Número de días para mostrar los siguientes cumpleaños."],"Tomorrow":["Mañana"],"Upcoming":["Próximo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Debes configurar el número de días para mostrar los cumpleaños."],"becomes":["cumple"],"birthdays":["cumpleaños"],"days":["días"],"today":["hoy"],"years old.":["años"],"Active":["Activa"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marcar como no vista para todos los usuarios"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuración de noticias de última hora"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puedes usar sintaxis markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Fecha y hora de fin"],"Recur":["Recurrente"],"Recur End":["Fin de recurrencia"],"Recur Interval":["Intervalo de recurrencia"],"Recur Type":["Tipo de recurrencia"],"Select participants":["Elige participantes"],"Start Date and Time":["Fecha y hora de inicio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["¡No tienes permiso para acceder a este evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["¡No tienes permiso para crear eventos!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Añade un calendario para eventos privados o publicos a tu perfil y menu principal."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Añade un calendario de eventos a este espacio."],"All Day":["Todo el día"],"Attending users":["Usuarios que asistirán"],"Calendar":["Calendario"],"Declining users":["Usuarios que no asistirán"],"End Date":["Fecha de fin"],"End time must be after start time!":["¡La fecha de fin tiene que ser después de la fecha de inicio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["¡Evento no encontrado!"],"Maybe attending users":["Usuarios que tal vez asistan"],"Participation Mode":["Modo de participación"],"Start Date":["Fecha de inicio"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["¡No tienes permisos para borrar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar este evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creado un nuevo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% asistirá a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% tal vez asista a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% no asistirá a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Fecha/hora de inicio"],"Create event":["Crear evento"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Nota: Este evento se creará en tu perfil. Para crear un evento en un espacio abre el calendario en el espacio deseado."],"End Date/Time":["Fecha/hora de fin"],"Everybody can participate":["Todo el mundo puede participar"],"No participants":["Sin participantes"],"Participants":["Participantes"],"Created by:":["Creado por:"],"Edit this event":["Editar este evento"],"I´m attending":["Asistiré"],"I´m maybe attending":["Tal vez asista"],"I´m not attending":["No asistiré"],"Attend":["Asistir"],"Maybe":["Tal vez"],"Filter events":["Filtrar eventos"],"Select calendars":["Elegir calendario"],"Already responded":["Ya respondido"],"Followed spaces":["Espacios seguidos"],"Followed users":["Usuarios seguidos"],"My events":["Mis eventos"],"Not responded yet":["No respondido aún"],"Upcoming events ":["Eventos próximos"],":count attending":[":count asistirán"],":count declined":[":count no asistirán"],":count maybe":[":count tal vez"],"Participants:":["Participantes: "],"Create new Page":["Crear nueva página"],"Custom Pages":["Páginas personalizadas"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link","Enlace"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navegación"],"No custom pages created yet!":["¡No se han creado páginas personalizadas todavía!"],"Sort Order":["Ordenar por"],"Top Navigation":["Navegación superior"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menú de cuenta de usuario (ajustes)"],"Create page":["Crear página"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Content":["Contenido"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Esquema de organización: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Título de página"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Orden del elemento modificado correctamente"],"Toggle view mode":["Cambiar a modo vista"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["¡No tienes permisos para reordenar categorías!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmar borrado de la categoría"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmar borrado del enlace"],"Delete category":["Borrar categoría"],"Delete link":["Borrar enlace"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la categoría? Todos los enlaces serán eliminados"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar el enlace?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Probar el enlace"],"Linklist":["Lista de enlaces"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo de enlaces"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Categoría no encontrada"],"Requested link could not be found.":["Enlace no encontrado"],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Mostrar enlaces como bloque en la derecha"],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["¡No se encuentra la categoría asociada al enlace!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Aún no existen enlaces o categorias en el espacio."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Puede activar la validación extendida de enlaces para un espacio o usuario."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["¡No tienes permisos para añadir/editar enlaces!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["¡No tienes permisos para eliminar la categoría!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["¡No tienes permisos para eliminar el enlace!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar la categoría!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["¡No tienes permisos para editar el enlace!"],"Messages":["Mensajes"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["¡No te puedes enviar un correo electrónico a tí mismo!"],"Recipient":["Destinatario","Receptor"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nuevo mensaje de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["y otros {counter} usuarios"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nueva respuesta en la conversación de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nuevo mensaje"],"Reply now":["Responder ahora"],"sent you a new message:":["te ha enviado un nuevo mensaje: "],"sent you a new message in":["te ha enviado un nuevo mensaje en"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Añadir mas participantes a tu conversación..."],"Add user...":["Añadir usuario..."],"New message":["Nuevo mensaje"],"Edit message entry":["Editar mensaje"],"Messagebox":["Bandeja de mensajes"],"Inbox":["Bandeja de entrada"],"There are no messages yet.":["No hay mensajes aún."],"Write new message":["Escribir nuevo mensaje"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmar eliminación de la conversación"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmar salida de la conversación"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmar eliminación del mensaje"],"Add user":["Añadir usuario"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta conversación?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este mensaje?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["¿Seguro que quieres abandonar esta conversación?"],"Leave":["Abandonar"],"Leave discussion":["Dejar discusión"],"Write an answer...":["Escribe una respuesta..."],"User Posts":["Entradas de usuario"],"Sign up now":["Registrarse ahora"],"Show all messages":["Mostrar todos los mensajes"],"Send message":["Enviar mensaje"],"No users.":["Sin usuarios."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["El número de usuarios no debe ser mayor a 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["El número de usuarios no debe ser negativo."],"Most active people":["Usuarios más activos"],"Get a list":["Abrir lista"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configuración del módulo Usuarios más activos"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["El número de los usuarios más activos que se mostrará."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Puedes configurar el número de usuarios para mostrar."],"Comments created":["Comentarios creados"],"Likes given":["\"Me gusta\" dados"],"Posts created":["Entradas creadas"],"Notes":["Notas"],"Etherpad API Key":["Clave de API de Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a 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close":["Guardar y cerrar"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} creó una nota y la asignó a ti."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} actualizó la nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Abrir nota"],"Title of your new note":["Título de tu nueva nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se encontraron notas que coincidan con tu filtro actual!"],"There are no notes yet!":["¡No hay notas todavía!"],"Polls":["Votaciones"],"Could not load poll!":["¡No se pudo cargar la votación!"],"Invalid answer!":["¡Respuesta no válida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Los usuarios votaron por: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["¡Votar múltiples respuestas esta deshabilitado!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["¡No tienes suficientes permisos para hacer esa operación!"],"Answers":["Respuestas"],"Multiple answers per user":["Multiples respuestas por usuario"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["¡Por favor, especifica al menos {min} respuestas!"],"Question":["Pregunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} votó {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} creó una nueva {question}."],"User who vote this":["Usuarios que votaron esto"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} creó una nueva votación y la asignó a ti."],"Ask":["Preguntar"],"Reset my vote":["Reiniciar mi voto"],"Vote":["Votar"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["y {count} mas votaron por esto."],"votes":["votos"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["¿Permitir multiples respuestas por usuario?"],"Ask something...":["Pregunta algo..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Posibles respuestas (una por línea)"],"Display all":["Mostrar todas"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se han encontrado votaciones que coincidan con tu filtro actual!"],"There are no polls yet!":["¡No hay votaciones todavía!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["¡No hay votaciones todavía!
Sé el primero y crea una..."],"Asked by me":["Preguntado por mí"],"No answered yet":["No respondida aún"],"Only private polls":["Sólo votaciones privadas"],"Only public polls":["Sólo votaciones públicas"],"Manage reported posts":["Administrar entradas reportadas"],"Reported posts":["Entradas reportadas"],"by :displayName":["por :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["No pertenece a este espacio"],"Offensive":["Ofensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Aquí puedes administrar las entradas de usuario reportadas."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada como ofensiva."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada como spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un usuario ha reportado tu entrada por no pertenecer al espacio."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% como ofensiva."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% como spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% ha reportado %contentTitle% por no pertenecer al espacio."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Aquí puedes administrar las entradas reportadas para este espacio."],"Appropriate":["Apropiado"],"Delete post":["Eliminar entrada"],"Reason":["Razón"],"Reporter":["Reportador"],"Tasks":["Tareas"],"Could not access task!":["¡No se pudo acceder a la tarea!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} asignado a tarea {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} creó la tarea {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} completó la tarea {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} te asignó a la tarea {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} creó una nueva tarea {task}."],"This task is already done":["Esta tarea ya está completada"],"You're not assigned to this task":["No estas asignado a esta tarea"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clic para completar esta tarea"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Esta tarea ya está completada. Clic para reabrir."],"My tasks":["Mis tareas"],"From space: ":["Del espacio:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["¡No se han encontrado tareas que coincidan con tu filtro!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["¡No hay tareas todavía!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["¡No hay tareas todavía!
Se el primero en crear una..."],"Assigned to me":["Asignadas a mí"],"Nobody assigned":["Nadie asignado"],"State is finished":["El estado es completada"],"State is open":["El estado es abierta"],"Assign users to this task":["Asignar usuarios a esta tarea"],"Deadline for this task?":["¿La fecha límite para esta tarea?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Asignar usuario(s) a esta tarea"],"What to do?":["¿Que hacer?"],"Translation Manager":["Gestor de traducciones"],"Translations":["Traducciones"],"Translation Editor":["Editor de traducciones"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirmar la eliminación de la página"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirmar reversión de la página"],"Overview of all pages":["Resumen de todas las páginas"],"Page history":["Historial de la página"],"Wiki Module":["Módulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Añade una wiki a este espacio."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Añade una wiki a tu perfil."],"Back to page":["Volver a la página"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["¿Seguro que quieres eliminar esta página?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["¿Seguro que quieres revertir los cambios de esta página?"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Edited at":["Editado a"],"Go back":["Ir atrás"],"Invalid character in page title!":["¡Caracter inválido en el título de la página!"],"Let's go!":["¡Vamos allá!"],"Main page":["Página principal"],"New page":["Nueva página"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["No hay páginas creadas todavía.
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Anónimos?"],"Display answers in random order?":["¿Mostrar respuestas en orden aleatorio?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Editar respuesta (las respuestas vacías se eliminarán) ..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Editar la pregunta de la encuesta ..."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Número máximo de artículos pegados alcanzados!\r\n\r\nUsted puede pegar solamente dos artículos a la vez.\r\n¡Sin embargo pegar este artículo, despega otros antes!"],"Confirm post deletion":["Confirma el borrado de la entrada"],"Pinned":["Fijado","Fijar"],"Unpinned":["Desfijar"]}
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\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام '{displayname}'
\n\nحساب کاربری شما فعالشدهاست.
\n\nبرای ورود اینجا کلیک کنید:
\n {loginURL}
\n\nبا سپاس
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام '{displayname}'
\n\nحساب کاربری شما ردشدهاست.
\n\nبرای ورود اینجا کلیک کنید:
\n {loginURL}
\n\nبا سپاس
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["درخواست حساب کاربری برای '{displayname}' تاییدشدهاست."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["درخواست حساب کاربری برای '{displayname}' ردشدهاست."],"Group not found!":["گروه یافت نشد!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["امکان انصراف از نصب ماژول وجود ندارد! ماژول محافظتشده است."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["مسیر ماژول %path% قابل نوشته شدن نیست!"],"Saved":["ذخیره شد"],"Database":["ديتابيس"],"No theme":["بدون ظاهر"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP بارگذاری نشد. 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(%error%)":[" لیست ماژول به ضورت آنلاین گرفته نشد! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":[" اطلاعات ماژول به ضورت آنلاین گرفته نشد! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["دانلود ماژول ناموفق بود!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["آدرس ماژول %modulePath% قابل نوشتهشدن نیست!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["دانلود ماژول ناموفق بود! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["نسخهی کامل سازگار یافت نشد!","هیچ نسخهی ماژول سازگاری یافت نشد!"],"Activated":["فعال شد"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["هنوز ماژولی نصب نشدهاست. برای بالا بردن قابلیت ماژول نصب کنید!"],"Version:":["نسخه:"],"Installed":["نصب شد"],"No modules found!":["ماژولی یافت نشد!"],"All modules are up to date!":["همهی ماژولها بهروز هستند!"],"About HumHub":["دربارهی هامهاب"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["ورژن نصبشدهی کنونی: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["گواهینامهها"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["یک آپدیت موجود است! (آخرین ورژن: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["مهیای نصب شده به روز است"],"Accept":["پذیرش"],"Decline":["انصراف"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["پذیرش کاربر: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["لغو","انصراف"],"Send & save":["ارسال و ذخیره"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["انصراف و حذف کاربر: {displayName}"],"Email":["ايميل"],"Search for email":["جستجوی ایمیل"],"Search for username":["جستجوی نام کاربری"],"Pending user approvals":["تاییدیههای در انتظار کاربر"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["اینجا همهی کاربرانی را که ثبت نام کردهاند و منتظر تایید هستند مشاهده میکنید. "],"Delete group":["حذف گروه"],"Delete group":["حذف گروه"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["برای حذف گروه \"{group}\" باید یک گروه جایگزین برای کاربران موجود مشخص کنید:"],"Create new group":["ساختن گروه جدید"],"Edit group":["ویرایش گروه"],"Description":["توضیحات"],"Group name":["نام گروه"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["جستجوی توضیحات"],"Search for group name":["جستجوی نام گروه"],"Manage groups":["مدیریت گروهها"],"Create new group":["ایجاد گروه جدید"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["شما میتوانید کاربران را به گروههای گوناگون تقسیم کنید (برای تیمها، بخشها و غیره) و برای آنها مدیران و انجمنهای استاندارد تعریف کنید."],"Error logging":["خطای ورود"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["نمایش {count} مطالب برای هر صفحه"],"Flush entries":["تخلیهی مطالب"],"Total {count} entries found.":["کلا {count} مطلب یافت شد."],"Available updates":["بهروزرسانیهای موجود"],"Browse online":["دسترسی آنلاین"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["ماژولها قابلیتهای مهیا را افزایش میدهند. اینجا میتوانید ماژولها را از فورشگاه هامهاب نصب و مدیریت کنید."],"Module details":["جزئیات ماژول"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["این ماژول اطلاعات بیشتری در اختیار نمیگذارد."],"Processing...":["در حال بررسی. . ."],"Modules directory":["آدرس ماژول"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادههای ماژول از بینخواهد رفت!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادهها و فایلهای مرتبط با ماژول از بینخواهد رفت!"],"Configure":["تنظیم"],"Disable":["غیرفعال"],"Enable":["فعال"],"More info":["اطلاعات بیشتر"],"Set as default":["قرار دادن به عنوان پیشفرض"],"Uninstall":["حذف"],"Install":["نصب"],"Latest compatible version:":["آخرین نسخهی سازگار:"],"Latest version:":["آخرین نسخه:"],"Installed version:":["نسخهی نصبشده:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["آخرین نسخهی سازگار:"],"Update":["بهروزرسانی"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - به عنوان ماژول پیشفرض قرار بده"],"Always activated":["فعالسازی دائمی"],"Deactivated":["غیرفعالشد"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["اینجا میتوانید انتخاب کنید که آیا لازم است یک ماژول به صورت خودکار در یک انجمن یا پروفایل فعال شود یا خیر. اگر لازم است ماژول فعال شود گزینهی فعالسازی دائمی را انتخاب کنید."],"Spaces":["انجمنها"],"User Profiles":["پروفایلهای کاربران"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["یک ورژن هامهاب جدید (%version%) موجود است."],"Authentication - Basic":["احراز هویت - پایهای"],"Basic":["پايه"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["کمترین مقدار ۲۰ ثانیه است. اگر مشخص نشدهباشد نشست کاری پس از ۱۴۰۰ ثانیه (۲۴ دقیقه) بدون در نظر گرفتن فعالیت بستهخواهد شد (مدت زمان پیشفرض نشست کاری)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["فقط زمانی قابل اجراست که برای کاربران ثبتنشده دسترسی محدود وجود دارد. تنها روی کاربران جدید اثر میگذارد."],"Authentication - LDAP":[" احراز هویت - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL/TSL به شدت در تولید محیطها مورد توجه است تا از جابجایی گذرواژهها در متن واضح جلوگیری شود."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["صفت LDAP برای نام کاربری. مثال: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["دسترسی کاربرانی را که دارای این شرط هستند محدود کن. مثال: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["وضعیت: خطا! (پیغام: {message} )"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["وضعیت: بدون مشکل! ({userCount} کاربر)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["DN پیشفرض استفادهشده برای جستجوی حسابهای کاربری"],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["گذرواژهی پیشفرض اسناد(استفادهشده تنها با نام کاربری بالا) "],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["نام کاربری پیشفرض اسناد. برخی سرور ها این را با فرم DN نیاز دارند. در صورتی که سرور LDAP نیاز به bind کردن داشتهباشد باید با فرم DN دادهشود تا bind کردن برای نامهای کاربری ساده امکانپذیر باشد."],"Cache Settings":["تنظیمات حافظهی موقت"],"Save & Flush Caches":["ذخیره و تخلیهی حافظهی موقت"],"CronJob settings":["تنظیمات Crontab"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab کاربر: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["آخرین اجرا (روزانه):"],"Last run (hourly):":["آخرین اجرا (ساعت):"],"Never":["هرگز"],"Or Crontab of root user":["یا Crontab کاربر روت"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["لطفا مطمئن شوید cronjob های زیر نصبشدهاند:"],"Design settings":["تنظیمات طراحی"],"Alphabetical":["الفبایی"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["نام نامخانوادگی (مانند John Doe)"],"Last visit":["آخرین مشاهده"],"Username (e.g. john)":["نام کاربری (مانند John)"],"File settings":["تنظیمات فایل"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["لیست جداشده با کاما. برای اجازهی همه خالی بگذارید."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["لیست جداشده با کاما. برای نشان دادن لیست فایل برای همهی موارد روی صفحهی اعلانات، خالی بگذارید."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["کتابخانهی عکس کنونی: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["در صورت مشخص نکردن، ارتفاع مقدار پیشفرض ۲۰۰ پیکسل خواهد بود."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["در صورت مشخص نکردن، عرض مقدار پیشفرض ۲۰۰ پیکسل خواهد بود."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP ماکزیمم را {maxUploadSize} مگابایت گزارش کرد."],"Basic settings":["تنظیمات پایهای"],"Confirm image deleting":["تایید حذف عکس"],"Dashboard":["خانه"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["برای مثال http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["کاربران جدید به صورت خودکار به این انجمن(ها) اضافه خواهندشد."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["شما در حال حاضر از هیچ لوگویی استفادهنمیکنید. لوگوی خود را بارگذاری کنید."],"Mailing defaults":["مقادیر پیشفرض پست"],"Activities":["فعالیتها"],"Always":["همیشه"],"Daily summary":["خلاصهی روزانه"],"Defaults":["مقادیر پیشفرض"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["مقادیر پیشفرض را برای زمانی که یک کاربر ایمیل در مورد اعلانها و یا فعالیتهای جدید دریافت میکند تعریف کنید. این تنظیمات میتوانند توسط کاربر در تنظیمات حساب کاربری ویرایش شوند."],"Notifications":["اعلانها"],"Server Settings":["تنظیمات سرور"],"When I´m offline":["زمانی که من آفلاین هستم"],"Mailing settings":["تنظیمات پست"],"SMTP Options":["اختیارات SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["اضافه کردن تامیکنندهی جدید"],"Currently active providers:":["تامینکنندگان فعال کنونی:"],"Currently no provider active!":["در حال حاضر هیچ تامینکنندهای فعال نیست!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["اضافه کردن تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["ویرایش تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["پیشوند آدرس بدون http:// یا https:// (مانند youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["%url% را به عنوان مقدار پیشنهادی برای \nآدرس قرار بده. فرمت باید JSON باشد. (برای مثال http://youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%format=json)","%url% را به عنوان مقدار پیشنهادی برای \r\nآدرس قرار بده. فرمت باید JSON باشد. 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"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["در این بررسی اجمالی شما میتوانید هر انجمن را پیدا و مدیریت کنید."],"Overview":["بررسی اجمالی"],"Settings":["تنطیمات"],"Space Settings":["تنظیمات انجمن"],"Add user":["اضافه کردن کاربر"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? 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Start by posting something here...":["این انجمن هنوز خالیست!
با پست کردن یک مطلب شروع کنید . . ."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":[" خانهی شما خالی است!
یک پست اضافه کنید و یا به یک انجمن ملحق شوید!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["جریان پروفایل شما هنوز خالی است!
برای شروع یک مطلب پست کنید . . ."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["هیچ موردی که با فیلتر(های) کنونی شما سازگار باشد یافتنشد!"],"Show all":["نشان دادن همه"],"Back to stream":["بازگشت به جریان"],"Content with attached files":["محتوا با فایلهای پیوستشده"],"Created by me":["ایجادشده توسط من"],"Creation time":["زمان ایجاد"],"Filter":["فیلتر"],"Include archived posts":["شامل پستهای آرشیوشده"],"Last update":["آخرین بهروزرسانی"],"Only private posts":["فقط پستهای خصوصی"],"Only public posts":["فقط پستهای عمومی"],"Posts only":["فقط پستها"],"Posts with links":["پستهای حاوی لینک"],"Sorting":["مرتبسازی"],"Where I´m involved":["جایی که من درگیر هستم"],"No public contents to display found!":["هیچ محتوای عمومیای برای نمایش یافت نشد!"],"Directory":["لیستها"],"Member Group Directory":["آدرس گروه اعضا"],"show all members":["نمایش تمامی اعضا"],"Directory menu":["منوی لیستها"],"Members":["اعضا"],"User profile posts":["پستهای پروفایل کاربران"],"Member directory":["لیست اعضا"],"Follow":["دنبالکردن"],"No members found!":["هیچ عضوی یافت نشد!"],"Unfollow":["انصراف از دنبالکردن"],"search for members":["جستجوی اعضا"],"Space directory":["لیست انجمنها"],"No spaces found!":["هیچ انجمنی یافت نشد!"],"You are a member of this space":["شما عضوی از این انجمن هستید"],"search for spaces":["جستحوی انجمنها"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["هنوز هیچ پست پروفایلی موجود نیست!"],"Group stats":["آمار گروهها"],"Average members":["کاربران متوسط"],"Top Group":["گروه برتر"],"Total groups":["کلیهی گروهها"],"Member stats":["آمار اعضا"],"New people":["افراد جدید"],"Follows somebody":["کسی را دنبال میکند"],"Online right now":["هماکنون آنلاین"],"Total users":["کلیهی کاربران"],"See all":["مشاهدهی همه"],"New spaces":["انجمنهای جدید"],"Space stats":["آمار انجمن"],"Most members":["اکثریت کاربران"],"Private spaces":["انجمنهای خصوصی"],"Total spaces":["کلیهی انجمنها"],"Could not find requested file!":["فایل درخواستشده یافت نشد!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["غیر مجاز!"],"Created By":["ایجادشده توسط"],"Created at":["ایجادشده در"],"File name":["نام فایل"],"Guid":["راهنما"],"ID":["شناسه"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type نامعتبر"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["حداکثر مجاز سایز فایل ({maxFileSize}) رعایت نشدهاست."],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["اندازه"],"This file type is not allowed!":["این نوع فایل مجاز نیست!"],"Updated at":["بهروزرسانیشده در"],"Updated by":["بهروزرسانیشده توسط"],"Upload error":["خطلای بارگذاری"],"Could not upload File:":["فایل بارگذاری نشد:"],"Upload files":["بارگذاری فایلها"],"Create Admin Account":["ایجاد حساب کاربری مدیر"],"Name of your network":["نام شبکهی شما"],"Name of Database":["نام پایگاهداده"],"Admin Account":["حساب ادمين"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["کار شما تقریبا به پایان رسیدهاست. در آخرین قدم باید فرم ایجاد حساب کاربری مدیر را پر کنید. با این حساب کاربری میتوانید همهی شبکه را مدیریت کنید."],"Next":["بعدی"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["شبکهی اجتماعی جدید شما به یک نام نیاز دارد. لطفا نام پیشفرض را به نامی که خود دوست دارید تغییر دهید. (برای مثال نام شرکت، سازمان و یا کلوب خود)"],"Social Network Name":["نام شبکهی اجتماعی"],"Setup Complete":["تکمیل ساخت"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["تبریک! کار شما به پایان رسیدهاست."],"Sign in":["ورود"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["نصب با موفقیت به پایان رسید! اوقات خوشی در شبکه اجتماعی جدید خود داشتهباشید."],"Setup Wizard":["تکمیل ساخت"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["به هام هاب خوشآمدید
ابزارهای شبکهی اجتماعی شما"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["این پنجره نمونهی هامهاب شما را نصب و تنطیم خواهدکرد"],"Yes, database connection works!":["اتصال پایگاه داده بدون مشکل برقرار است!"],"Database Configuration":["تنظیمات پایگاه داده"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["شما باید در قسمت زیر جزئیات اتصال پایگاه دادهی خود را وارد کنید. اگر از این اطلاعات اطمینان ندارید با مدیر سیستم خود تماس بگیرید."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["نام میزبانی سرور پایگاه دادهی MySQL شما (مثال: اگر MySQL روی دستگاه مشترک در حال اجرا است: localhost)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["یک مشکل به وجود آمد!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["نام پایگاهدادهای که میخواهید هامهاب را در آن اجرا کنید."],"Your MySQL password.":["گذرواژهی MySQL شما."],"Your MySQL username":["نام کاربری MySQL شما."],"System Check":["بررسی سیستم"],"Check again":["بررسی مجدد"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["تبریک! همه چیز مناسب و آمادهی شروع است!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["این بررسی اجمالی نمایانگر تمامی نیازهای سیستم هامهاب است."],"Could not find target class!":["کلاس مورد نظر یافت نشد!"],"Could not find target record!":["رکورد مورد نظر یافت نشد!"],"Invalid class given!":["کلاس نامعتبر!"],"Users who like this":["کاربران علاقمند"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} {contentTitle} را دوست دارد"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را دوست دارد."]," likes this.":["این را دوست دارد."],"You like this.":["شما این را دوست دارید."],"You
"],"Like":["دوست دارم"],"Unlike":["دوست ندارم"],"and {count} more like this.":["و {count} نفر دیگر این را دوست دارند."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["آدرسی برای این نوع منبع مشخص نشد! "],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["منبع اعلان یافت نشد!"],"New":["جدید"],"Mark all as seen":["علامتگذاری همه به عنوان دیدهشده"],"There are no notifications yet.":["هنوز هیچ اعلانی وجود ندارد."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% یک پست جدید ایجاد کرد."],"Edit your post...":["پست خود را ویرایش کنید . . ."],"Read full post...":["مطالعهی همهی پست. . ."],"Send & decline":["ارسال و انصراف"],"Visible for all":["قابل مشاهده برای همه"]," Invite and request":["دعوت و درخواست"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["امکان حذف کاربری که دارندهی انجمن است وجود ندارد! نام انجمن: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["همه میتوانند وارد شوند"],"Invite and request":["دعوت و درخواست"],"Only by invite":["فقط با دعوت"],"Private (Invisible)":["خصوصی (پنهان)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["عمومی (اعضا و مهمانان)"],"Public (Members only)":["عمومی (فقط اعضا)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["عمومی (فقط کاربران ثبتنامشده)"],"Public (Visible)":["عمومی (قابل مشاهده)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["قابل نمایش برای همه (اعضا و مهمانان)"],"Space is invisible!":["انجمن پنهان است!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["شما باید وارد شوید تا محتوای این انجمن نمایش دادهشود!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["به عنوان دارنده نمیتوانید عضویت خود را باطل کنید!"],"Could not request membership!":["درخواست عضویت دادهنشد!"],"There is no pending invite!":["هیچ دعوتی در حال انتظار نیست!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["این عمل تنها برای اعضای انجمن امکان دارد!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["شما اجازهی پیوستن به این انجمن را ندارید!"],"Your password":["گذرواژهی شما"],"Invites":["دعوتها"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["کاربر جدید با ایمیل (جداشده با کاما)"],"User is already member!":["کاربر قبلا عضو شدهاست!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} قبلا ثبت نام کردهاست!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} معتبر نیست!"],"Application message":["پیغام برنامهی کاربردی"],"Scope":["حوزه"],"Strength":["قدرت"],"Created At":["ایجادشده در"],"Join Policy":["سیاست پیوستن"],"Name":["نام"],"Owner":["دارنده"],"Status":["وضعیت"],"Tags":["تگها"],"Updated At":["بهروزرسانیشده در"],"Visibility":["قابلیت مشاهده"],"Website URL (optional)":["آدرس وبسایت (اختیاری)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["شما نمیتوانید انجمنهای خصوصی قابل مشاهده ایجاد کنید!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["شما نمیتوانید انجمنهای عمومی قابل مشاهده ایجاد کنید!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["قسمتی از عکس خود را که میخواهید به عنوان آواتار کاربر ذخیره کنید انتخاب و روی ذخیره کلیک کنید."],"Modify space image":["تغییر عکس انجمن"],"Delete space":["حذف انجمن"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این انجمن را حذف کنید؟ تمامی مطالب منتشرشده برداشتهخواهندشد!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["لطفا برای ادامه گذرواژهی خود را وارد کنید!"],"General space settings":["تنظیمات کلی انجمن"],"Archive":["آرشیو"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["نوع عضویتی را که میخواهید برای این محیط کار قراردهید انتخاب کنید."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["سطح امنیتی را که میخواهید به منظور تعریف قابلیت مشاهده برای این محیط کار قراردهید انتخاب کنید."],"Manage your space members":["اعضای انجمن خود را مدیریت کنید"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["دعوتنامههای فرستادهشدهی برجسته"],"Outstanding user requests":[" درخواستهای کاربر برجسته"],"Remove member":["حذف عضو"],"Allow this user to
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کاربران دیگر را دعوت کند"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["به این کاربر اجازه بده
محتوا را عمومی کند"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این کاربر را از این انجمن حذف کنید؟"],"Can invite":["میتواند دعوت کند"],"Can share":["میتواند به اشتراک بگذارد"],"Change space owner":["تغییر دارندهی انجمن"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["کاربران خارجی که توسط ایمیل دعوتشدهاند اینجا لیست نخواهندشد."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["در فضای زیر میتوانید تمامی کاربران فعال این انجمن را ببینید. شما میتوانید دسترسیهای آنها را تغییر دهید و یا از انجمن حذف کنید."],"Is admin":["مدیر است"],"Make this user an admin":["این کاربر را مدیر کن"],"No, cancel":["خیر، انصراف"],"Remove":["حذف"],"Request message":["پیغام درخواست"],"Revoke invitation":["ابطال دعوتنامه"],"Search members":["جستجوی اعضا"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["کاربران زیر منتظر تاییدیه برای ورود به این انجمن هستند. لطفا اقدام کنید."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["کاربران زیر قبلا به این انجمن دعوتشدهاند اما هنوز دعوتنامه را نپذیرفتهاند."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["دارندهی انجمن مدیر ارشد انجمن، با تمامی دسترسیها و معمولا ایجادکنندهی انجمن است. اینجا میتوانید این نقش را به کاربر دیگری تغییر دهید. "],"Yes, remove":["بلی، حذف"],"Space Modules":["ماژولهای انجمن"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادههای ماژول برای این انجمن حذف خواهندشد!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["در حال حاضر ماژولی برای این انجمن موجود نیست!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["ماژولها را به این انجمن اضافه کنید."],"Create new space":["انجمن جدید ایجاد کنید"],"Advanced access settings":["تنظیمات پیشرفتهی دسترسی"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["کاربرانی که عضو نیستند هم این
انجمن را ببینند، اما دسترسی نداشتهباشند"],"Create":["ایجاد"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["هر کاربری میتواند
بدون تایید شما به انجمن شما وارد شود"],"For everyone":["برای همه"],"How you want to name your space?":["میخواهید نام انجمنتان چگونه باشد؟"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["لطفا توضیحات مختصری برای کاربران دیگر بنویسید."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["این انجمن برای تمامی کاربرانی که عضو نیستند
پنهان خواهدبود"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["کاربران همچنین میتوانند
برای عضویت در این انجمن درخواست کنند"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["کاربران فقط میتوانند
با دعوتنامه اضافهشوند"],"space description":["توضیحات انجمن"],"space name":["نام انجمن"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت در انجمن {spaceName} را دارد"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت شما را در {spaceName}تایید کرد"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت شما را در {spaceName}رد کرد"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} شما را به انجمن {spaceName}دعوت کرد"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} دعوت شما را برای انجمن {spaceName}قبول کرد"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} دعوت شما را برای انجمن {spaceName}رد کرد"],"This space is still empty!":["این انجمن هنوز خالیست!"],"Accept Invite":["پذیرفتن دعوت"],"Become member":["عضو شدن"],"Cancel membership":["انظراف از عضویت"],"Cancel pending membership application":["انصراف از برنامهی کاربردی عضویت در انتظار"],"Deny Invite":["رد دعوت"],"Request membership":["درخواست عضویت"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["شما دارندهی این محیط کاری هستید."],"created by":["ایجادشده توسط"],"Invite members":["دعوت اعضا"],"Add an user":["اضافه کردن کاربر"],"Email addresses":["آدرسهای ایمیل"],"Invite by email":["دعوت با ایمیل"],"New user?":["کاربر جدید؟"],"Pick users":["انتخاب کاربران"],"Send":["ارسال"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["برای دعوت کاربران به این انجمن لطفا نام آنها را برای یافتن و انتخاب تایپ کنید."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["شما همچنین میتوانید کاربران خارجی را که هنوز ثبتنام نشدهاند دعوت کنید. تنها آدرس ایمیل آنها را با کاما جدا کنید و بنویسید."],"Request space membership":["درخواست عضویت در انجمن"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["لطفا برای تبدیل شده به عضو تاییدشدهی این انجمن، خود را به صورت خلاصه معرفی کنید."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["درخواست شما با موفقیت به مدیران انجمن ارسال شد."],"Ok":["Ok","باشه"],"User has become a member.":["کاربر تبدیل به بک عضو شدهاست."],"User has been invited.":["کاربر دعوتشدهاست."],"User has not been invited.":["کاربر دعوتنشدهاست."],"Back to workspace":["بازگشت به محیط کار"],"Space preferences":["تنظیمات انجمن"],"General":["کلی"],"My Space List":["لیست انجمن من"],"My space summary":["خلاصهی انجمن من"],"Space directory":["فهرست انجمن"],"Space menu":["منوی انجمن"],"Stream":["جریان"],"Change image":["تغییر عکس"],"Current space image":["عکس کنونی انجمن"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس عنوان خود را حذف کنید؟"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس پروفایل خود را حذف کنید؟","آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس عنوان خود را حذف کنید؟"],"Invite":["دعوت"],"Something went wrong":["یک قسمت ایراد دارد","یک مورد مشکل دارد"],"Followers":["دنبالکنندهها"],"Posts":["پستها"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["لطفا برای تبدیل شدن به عضو تاییدشدهی این محیط کار، به صورت خلاصه خود را معرفی کنید."],"Request workspace membership":["درخواست عضویت در محیط کار"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["درخواست شما با موفقیت به مدیران محیط کار ارسال شد."],"Create new space":["ایجاد انجمن جدید"],"My spaces":["انجمنهای من"],"Space info":["اطلاعات انجمن"],"more":["بیشتر"],"Accept invite":["پذیرفتن دعوت"],"Deny invite":["رد دعوت"],"Leave space":["ترک انجمن"],"New member request":["درخواست عضویت جدید"],"Space members":["اعضای انجمن"],"End guide":["پایان راهنما"],"Next »":["بعدی »"],"« Prev":["« قبلی"],"Administration":["مدیریت"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["هورا! برای الان کافی است."],"Modules":["ماژولها"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["به عنوان مدیر میتوانید همهی پلتفرم را از اینجا مدیریت کنید.
جدا از ماژولها ما در این قسمت به جزئیات همهی موارد نمیپردازیم زیرا هر مورد توضیحی کوتاه در قسمتهای دیگر دارد."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["شما هماکنون در منوی ابزارها هستید. میتوانید از این قسمت به بازار آنلاین هامهاب دسترسی داشتهباشید که توسط آن قادر به نصب سریع تعداد افزایشپذیری از ابزارها خواهیدبود.
همانطور که قبلا اشارهشد ابزارها قابلیتهای بیشتری در اختیار شما قرارخواهندداد."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["شما هماکنون همهی قابلیتها و تنظیمات مهم را آموختهاید و آمادهی استفاده از پلتفرم هستید.
امیدواریم شما و دیگر کاربران آینده از این سایت لذت ببرید. پیشنهادات و پشتیبانی شما را در مورد این پروژه پذیرا هستیم. میتوانید از طریق آدرس www.humhub.org با ما تماس بگیرید.
شاد باشید! :)"],"Dashboard":["خانه"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["این پنل خانهی شما است.
همهی پستها و فعالیتهای که میتوانند مورد علاقهی شما باشند در این قسمت نمایشدادهمیشوند."],"Administration (Modules)":["مدیریت (ماژولها)"],"Edit account":["حساب حساب کاربری"],"Hurray! The End.":["هورا! پایان."],"Hurray! You're done!":["هورا! کار شما تمامشدهاست."],"Profile menu":["پروفایل منوی","منوی پروفایل"],"Profile photo":["پروفایل عکس"],"Profile stream":["پروفایل جریان"],"User profile":["پروفایل کاربر"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["برای بهروزرسانی پروفایل خود و نتظیمات \nآن روی این دکمه کلیک کنید. همچنین میتوانید اطلاعات بیشتری به پروفایل خود اضافهکنید.","برای بهروزرسانی پروفایل خود و نتظیمات \r\nآن روی این دکمه کلیک کنید. همچنین میتوانید اطلاعات بیشتری به پروفایل خود اضافهکنید."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["هر پروفایل تابلوی متعلق به خود را دارد. پست شما در پنل خانهی کاربران دنبالکنندهی شما نیز نمایشدادهخواهدشد."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["همانند انجمن، پروفایل کاربر میتواند با ماژولهای متنوع شخصیسازی شود.
میتوانید ماژولهای موجود برای پروفایل خود را با جستجو در قسمت \"ماژولها\" در منوی تنظیمات مشاهدهکنید."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["این پروفایل عمومی شماست که توسط همهی کاربران ثبتنامشده دیدهخواهدشد."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["عکس پروفایل خود را به سادگی با کلیک روی این قسمت و یا کشیدن آن به اینجا آپلود کنید. برای عکس کاور خود نیز همین عملیات را انجام دهید."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["شما راهنمای کاربر را به پایان رساندهاید."],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["شما راهنمای کاربر را به پایان رساندهاید.
برای ادامهدادن با راهنمای مدیریت اینجا کلیک کنید:
"],"Most recent activities":["آخرین فعالیتها"],"Posts":["پستها"],"Profile Guide":["راهنمای پروفایل"],"Space":["انجمن"],"Space navigation menu":["منوی راهبری انجمن"],"Writing posts":["نوشتن پست"],"Yay! You're done.":["هورا! کار شما به پایان رسید."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["تمامی کاربرانی که عضو این انجمن هستند اینجا نمایش دادهمیشوند.
کاربران جدید میتوانند توسط هر کسی که دسترسی لازم را توسط مدیر دریافت کردهاست اضافهشوند."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["به کاربران دیگر خلاصهای از موضوع انجمن ارائهدهید. میتوانید اطلاعات پایهای را اینجا اضافهکنید.
مدیر انجمن میتواند عکس پوشش انجمن را با کلیک کردن و یا کشیدن عکس وارد کند و یا تغییر دهد."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["پستهای جدید میتوانند اینجا نوشته و ثبت شوند."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["بعد از ملحق شدن به یک انجمن و یا ایجاد یک انجمن جدید میتوانید در انجام پروژهها، صحبتها و اشتراک اطلاعات سهیم باشید.
ابزارهای متنوعی برای شخصیسازی یک انجمن در راستای بهبود روند اجرای فرآیندها وجود دارد."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["راهنمای انجمن به پایان رسید.
برای ادامه دادن با راهنمای پروفایل اینجا کلیک کنید."],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["اینجا قسمتی است که میتوانید انجمن را راهبری کنید - قسمتی که در آن مشخص میشود برای انجمن خاصی که در آن هستید چه ماژولهایی فعال و یا غیرفعال هستند. برای مثال میتوان نظرسنجی، کارها و یادداشتها را نام برد.
تنها مدیر انجمن میتواند ماژولهای انجمن را مدیریت کند."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["این منو تنها برای مدیران انجمن قابل مشاهده است. میتوانید در این قسمت تنظیمات انجمن خود، اضافه و یا مسدود کردن اعضا و فعال و غیرفعال کردن ابزارهای انجمن را مدیریت کنید."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["در این قسمت فعالیتهای اخیر کاربران دیگر برای بهروز بودن اطلاعات شما نمایش دادهمیشود."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["پستهای شما و کاربران دیگر در اینجا نمایش ددهخواهدشد.
اینها میتوانند بعدا مورد علاقهی کاربران قرار گیرند و یا در مورد آنها نظر دادهشود."],"Account Menu":["منوی حساب کاربری"],"Notifications":["اعلانها"],"Space Menu":["منوی انجمن"],"Start space guide":["شروع راهنمای انجمن"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["رد چیزی را گم نکنید! این آیکن به شما دربارهی فعالیتها و پستهایی که مربوط به شماست اطلاعات میدهد."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["منوی حساب کاربری شما به شما توانایی دسترسی به تنظیمات خصوصی و مدیریت پروفایل عمومیتان را میدهد."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["این مهمترین منو است و احتمالا بیشترین استفاده را از آن خواهید داشت!
از اینجا میتوانید به همهی انجمنهایی که در آنها حضور دارید دسترسی داشتهباشید و انجمنهای جدید بسازید.
راهنمای بعدی چگونگی آن را برایتان توضیح خواهدداد:"]," Remove panel":["حذف پنل"],"Getting Started":["شروع"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["راهنما: مدیریت (ماژولها)"],"Guide: Overview":["راهنما: مرور"],"Guide: Spaces":["راهنما: انجمنها"],"Guide: User profile":["راهنما: پروفایل کاربر"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["توسط راهنماهای زیر با مهمترین ویژگیهای سایت آشنا شوید:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["این حساب کاربری هنوز تایید نشدهاست!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["برای نمایش این پروفایل باید وارد شوید!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["گذرواژهی شما صحیح نیست!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["شما نمیتوانید گذرواژهی خود را اینجا تغییر دهید."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["لینک نامعتبر است! لطفا اطمینان حاصلکنید که آدرس به طور کامل وارد شود. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["یک ایمیل برای تایید به آدرس ایمیل جدید شما فرستادهایم.
لطفا دستورالعمل داخل آن را دنبال کنید."],"Change password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Password changed":["گذرواژه تغییر یافت"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["گذرواژهی شما با موفقیت تغییر یافت!"],"Modify your profile image":["تغییر عکس پروفایل شما"],"Delete account":["حذف حساب کاربری"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید حساب کاربری خود را حذف کنید؟
تمامی مطالب منتشرشدهی شما حذف خواهدشد!"],"Delete account":["حذف حساب کاربری"],"Enter your password to continue":["برای ادامه گذرواژهی خود را وارد کنید"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["متاسفانه به عنوان دارندهی محیط کار نمیتوانید حساب کاربری خود را حذف کنید.
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together in workspaces.":["برای هر فعالیت کاربرانی که دنبال میکنید و یا با آنها در یک محیط کار همکاری میکنید یک ایمیل دریافت کنید."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["زمانی که کاربران دیگر پستهای شما را دوست دارند و یا در مورد آنها نظر میدهند، یک ایمیل دریافتکنید."],"Account registration":["ثبتنام حساب کاربری"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["حساب کاربری شما با موفقیت ایجادشد!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["پس از فعالسازی حساب کاربری شما توسط مدیر، یک اعلان با ایمیل دریافتخواهیدکرد."],"Go to login page":["رفتن به صفحهی ورود"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["برای ورود با حساب کاربری جدید خود روی دکمهی زیر کلیک کنید."],"back to home":["بازگشت به صفحهی اصلی"],"Please sign in":["لطقا واردشوید"],"Sign up":["عضو شوید"],"Create a new one.":["ایجاد یک مورد جدید."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["حساب کاربری ندارید؟ با وارد کردن آدرس ایمیل خود به شبکه ملحق شوید."],"Forgot your password?":["رمز خود را فراموشکردهاید؟"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["اگر عضو هستید لطفا با نام کاربری/ایمیل و گذرواژهی خود واردشوید."],"Register":["ثبتنام"],"email":["ایمیل"],"password":["گذرواژه"],"username or email":["نام كاربري"],"Password recovery":["بازیابی گذرواژه"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["تنها آدرس ایمیل خود را وارد کنید. دستورالعمل بازیابی را برایتان ارسالخواهیمکرد!"],"Reset password":["تنظیم مجدد گذرواژه"],"enter security code above":["کد امنیتی بالا را وارد کنید"],"your email":["ایمیل شما"],"Password recovery!":["بازیابی گذرواژه!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["ما یک ایمیل برای شما ارسال کردیم که حاوی لینکی است که میتوانید از طریق آن گذرواژهی خود را مجددا تنطیمکنید."],"Registration successful!":["ثبتنام موفق!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["لطفا ایمیل خود را چک و دستورالعمل را دنبال کنید!"],"Password reset":["تنظیم مجددا گذرواژه"],"Change your password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Change password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Password changed!":["گذرواژه تغییر یافت!"],"Confirm your new email address":["آدرس ایمیل خود را تایید کنید"],"Confirm":["تایید"],"Hello":["سلام"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
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To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["شما درخواست تغییر ایمیل خود را دادهاید.
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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
یک شبکهی اجتماعی برای افزایش ارتباطات و فعالیتهای گروهی شما.
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"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["هنوز پیوند یا گروهی به این انجمن اضافه نشدهاست."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["شما میتوانید اعتبار تمدیدشدهی لینکها را برای یک انجمن یا کاربر فعال کنید."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["شما حق اضافه/ویرایش کردن پیوندها را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["شما حق پاک کردن این گروه را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["شما حق پاک کردن این پیوند را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["شما حق ویرایش این گروه را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["شما حق ویرایش این پیوند را ندارید!"],"Messages":["پیامها","پیغامها"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["شما نمیتوانید به خودتان ایمیل بفرستید!"],"Recipient":["گیرنده","گيرنده"],"New message from {senderName}":["پیغام جدید از {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["و {counter} نفر دیگر"],"New message in discussion from 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کنید؟"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این مکالمه را ترک کنید؟"],"Leave":["ترک"],"Leave discussion":["ترک گفتوگو"],"Write an answer...":["نوشتن پاسخ . . ."],"User Posts":["پستهای کاربران"],"Sign up now":["الان ثبت نام کنید"],"Show all messages":["نمایش همهی پیغامها"],"Send message":["ارسال پیغام"],"No users.":["کاربری یافت نشد."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["تعداد کاربران نباید بیشتر از ۷ نفر باشد."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["تعداد کاربران نباید منفی باشد."],"Most active people":["فعالترین کاربرها","کاربران با بیشترین فعالیت"],"Get a list":["یک لیست تهیه کنید"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["تنظیمات ماژول فعالترین کاربرها"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["تعداد فعالترین کاربرانی که نمایش دادهمیشود."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["شما میتوانید تعداد کاربران نمایشدادهشده را تنظیم کنید."],"Comments created":["نظرهای ایجادشده"],"Likes 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no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":[" هنوز هیچ نظرسنجیای وجود ندارد!
به عنوان اولین نفر ایجاد کنید . . ."],"Asked by me":["پرسیدهشده توسط من"],"No answered yet":["هنوز پاسخی وجود ندارد"],"Only private polls":["فقط نظرسنجیهای خصوصی"],"Only public polls":["فقط نظرسنجیهای عمومی"],"Manage reported posts":["مدیریت پستهای گزارششده"],"Reported posts":["پستهای گزارششده"],"by :displayName":["توسط: displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["متعلق به انجمن نیست"],"Offensive":["توهینآمیز"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["شما میتوانید در این قسمت پستهای گزارششدهي کاربران را مدیریت کنید."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["یک کاربر پست شما را توهینآمیز اعلام کردهاست."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["یک کاربر پست شما را اسپم اعلام کردهاست."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["یک کاربر اعلام کردهاست که پست شما مربوط به این انجمن نیست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را توهینآمیز گزارش کردهاست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را اسپم گزارش کردهاست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% گزارش کردهاست که %contentTitle% متعلق به انجمن نیست."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["شما میتوانید در این قسمت پستهای گزارششده برای این انجمن را مدیریت کنید."],"Appropriate":["مناسب"],"Delete post":["حذف پست"],"Reason":["علت"],"Reporter":["گزارشکننده"],"Tasks":["کارها"],"Could not access task!":["دسترسی به کار مورد نظر امکانپذیر نیست!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} موظف به انجام کار {task} شد."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} {task} را ایجاد کرد."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} {task} را به پایان رساند.","{userName} کار {task} را به پایان رساند."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["کار {task} به {userName} سپردهشد."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} کار جدید {task} را ایجاد کرد."],"This task is already done":["این کار به پایان رسیدهاست."],"You're not assigned to this task":["این کار به شما سپردهنشدهاست"],"Click, to finish this task":["برای اتمام کار کلیک کنید."],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["این کار به پایان رسیدهاست. برای باز کردن مجدد، کلیک کنید."],"My tasks":["کارهای من"],"From space: ":["از انجمن:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["هیچ کاری پیدا نشد که با فیلتر(های) کنونی شما همخوانی داشتهباشد!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["هنوز هیچ کاری موجود نیست!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["هنوز هیچ کاری موجود نیست!
اولین نفر باشید و یک کار را شروع کنید . . ."],"Assigned to me":["سپردهشده به من"],"Nobody assigned":["به هیچکس سپردهنشده"],"State is finished":["مرحله به پایان رسیدهاست"],"State is open":["مرحله باز است"],"Assign users to this task":["کاربرانی که این کار به آنها سپردهشدهاست"],"Deadline for this task?":["فرصت نهایی برای انجام این کار؟"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["کاربران مسئول برای این کار را از پیش تعیین کنید."],"What to do?":["چه عملی انجام شود؟"],"Translation Manager":["مدیریت ترجمه"],"Translations":["ترجمهها"],"Translation Editor":["ویرایش ترجمه"],"Confirm page deleting":["تایید حذف صفحه"],"Confirm page reverting":["تایید برگرداندن صفحه"],"Overview of all pages":["مرور همهی صفحهها"],"Page history":["تاریخچهی صفحه "],"Wiki Module":["ماژول ویکی"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["یک ویکی به این صفحه اضافهمیکند."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["یک ویکی به این پروفایل اضافهمیکند."],"Back to page":["بازگشت به صفحه"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این صفحه را حذف کنید؟"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این صفحه را برگردانید؟"],"Edit page":["ویرایش صفحه"],"Edited at":["ویرایش شده در"],"Go back":["بازگشت"],"Invalid character in page title!":["کاراکتر نامعتبر در عنوان صفحه!"],"Let's go!":["برویم!"],"Main page":["صفحهی اصلی"],"New page":["صفحهی جدید"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["هنوز هیچ صفحهای ساختهنشدهاست. بنابراین بر عهدهی شماست.
اولین صفحه را الان بسازید."],"Page History":["تاریخچهی صفحه"],"Page title already in use!":["عنوان صفحه در حال استفادهشدن است!"],"Revert":["برگرداندن"],"Revert this":["برگرداندن این"],"View":["نمایش"],"Wiki":["ویکی"],"by":["توسط"],"Wiki page":["صفحهی ویکی"],"Create new page":["ایجاد صفحهی جدید"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["نام یا آدرس یک صفحهی ویکی را وارد کنید (برای مثال http://example.com)"],"New page title":["عنوان صفحهی جدید"],"Page content":["محتوای صفحه"],"Allow":["اجازه بده"],"Default":["پيش فرض"],"Deny":["انكار كردن"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["حداقل 3 كاراكتر را تايپ كنيد"],"An internal server error occurred.":["يك مشكل در سرور به وجود آمده است"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["شما قادر به انجام اين عمل نيستيد"],"Add purchased module by licence key":[" اضافه كردن ماژول خريداري شده را بوسيله لايسنس"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\n\n حساب كاربري شما فعال شده است.
\n\n براي ورود اينجا را كليك كنيد:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n با احترام
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\n\n درخواست عضويت شما پذيرفته نشده است.
\n\n با احترام
\n {AdminName}
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Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?"],"Welcome Space":["انجمن خوشامدگويي"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["بالاخره مهيا نصب شد! هورا"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["اولين انجمني كه شما عضويد"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["اطلاعات پيشفرض بازگرداني شوند"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["اجازه دادن به افراد عضو نشده به مطالب عمومي"],"Allow friendships between members":["اجازه دادن به امكان دوستي بين اعضا"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["اعضاي خارج از شبكه هم بتوانند عضو شوند"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["اعضاي جديد بايد توسط مدير تاييد شوند"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["اعضاي حاضر مي توانند با ايميل ديگران را به سايت دعوت كنند"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["چرا مي خواهم از مهيا استفاده كنم؟"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. 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You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["مهيا بسيار نرم و انعطاف پذير است. شما مي توانيد هر لحظه با توجه به نياز خود آن را تغيير دهيد يا مژولي نصب كنيد"],"Recommended Modules":["\nماژول هاي پيشنهادي","\r\nماژول هاي پيشنهادي"],"Example contents":["مطالب پيشفرض"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. 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You can adjust them during the next step.":["براي سادگي نصب مراحلي چند گانه با توجه به استفاده هاي معمول طراحي شده است"],"Initializing database...":["در حال مقدار دهي به ديتابيس"],"New Like":["لايك جديد"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["را دوست دارند {contentTitle}{displayNames}"],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["را دوست دارد {contentTitle}{displayNames}"],"You":["شما"],"You like this.":["دوس داشتيد"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} و {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["ديگر {number} و {displayName}"],"Other":["ديگر"],"Module Filter":["فيلتر ماژول ها"],"No notifications found!":["هيچ نوتيفيكيشني يافت نشد"],"Notification Overview":["ديد كلي نوتيفيكيشن ها"],"Search results":["نتايج جستجو"],"Advanced search settings":["جستجوي پيشرفته"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["به دنبال كاربر، انجمن و مطلب گشتن"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["تنها در انجمن خاصي بگرد"],"Your search returned no matches.":["جستجوي شما هيچ نتيجه اي به دنبال نداشت"],"Space followers":["دنبال كنندگان"],"No spaces found.":["هيچ انجمني يافت نشد"],"Private":["خصوصي"],"Space":["انجمن"],"Stream (Default)":["استريم پيشفرض"],"Members":["اعضا"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["متسفيم، شما امكان خروج از اين انجمن را نداريد"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["بعنوان مدير اين انجمن شما مي توانيد اين نقش را به كس ديگري محول كنيد"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["آدرس يو آر ال حاوي كاراكتر هاي غير قانوني است"],"Transfer ownership":["انتقال مديريت"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["{baseUrl}/s/example مثال براي"],"Last Visit":["آخرين بازديد"],"Originator User ID":["كاربر موسس"],"Request Message":["پيام درخواست"],"Updated By":["بروزرساني توسط"],"Color":["رنگ"],"Homepage":["صفحه خانه"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["پذيرفت {spaceName} براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["را تاييد كرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["را رد كرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["را تاييد نكرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":[" درخواست كرد{spaceName} از شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":[" درخواست كرد{spaceName} براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"Allows the user to create public content":["به كاربران اجازه بده مطالب عمومي ايجاد كنند"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["به كاربران اجازه بده كاربران جديد به انجمن اضافه كنند"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["مي تواند انجمن هاي مخفي و خصوصي ايجاد كند"],"Can create public visible spaces. 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Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions."],"Your firstname":["نام شما"],"Your lastname":["نام خانوادگي شما"],"Your mobild phone number":["شماره تلفن همراه"],"Your phone number at work":["شماره منزل"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["توانايي ها و آموزش هاي گذرانده"],"Your title or position":["عنوان شغلي"],"Your profile":["نمايه كاربري"],"Basic Settings":["تنظيمات پايه"],"Change Email":["تغيير ايميل"],"Change Password":["تغيير پسورد"],"Confirm new password":["تاييد پسورد جديد"],"Connect account":["اتصال حساب"],"Connected Accounts":["حساب هااي متصل"],"Connected accounts":["حساب هااي متصل"],"Currently in use":["در حال استفاده"],"Delete Account":["حذف اكانت"],"Disconnect account":["قطع اتصال اكانت"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["اينجا تنظيمات اتصال به سرويس دهندگان خارجي مهيا مي شود."],"My Account":["حساب من"],"No users found.":["هيچ كاربري يافت نشد"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. 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You can change your current E-mail address here.":["ايميل كنوني شما : {email}\nبراي تغيير آن از اينجا اقدام كنيد","ايميل كنوني شما : {email}\r\nبراي تغيير آن از اينجا اقدام كنيد"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["پسورد كنوني شما از اينجا قابل تغيير است"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["در اينجا اطلاعات موجود در نمايه كاربري خود را مي توانيد تغيير دهيد"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["يك ايميل بگيريد زماني كه هر كدام از افرادي كه فالوشان كرده ايد فعاليتي انجام مي دهند"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["دريافت نوتيفيكيشن آنلاين هنگامي كه آنلاين هستيد"],"Create Account":["ايجاد حساب"],"Remember me":["مرا به خواطر داشته باش!"],"Password recovery":["بازيابي رمز عبور"],"Registration successful":["ثبت نام با موفقيت انجام شد"],"Password reset":["بازيابي كلمه عبور"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["{space} دعوتنامه براي عضويت در "],"Register now and participate!":["همين الان عضو شويد"],"You got an invite":["شما يك دعوتنامه دريافت كرديد"],"invited you to join {name}.":["شما را دعوت كرد {name}"],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["invited you to join {space} on {name}"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["روز آینده{days}تولد های موجود در"],"In {days} days":["آینده {days} در"],"becomes {years} years old.":["ساله می شود {years}"],"End Time":["پایان زمان"],"Start Time":["آغاز زمان"],"Edit event":["ویرایش رویداد"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["ذخيره نشد %filename% فلدر"],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["داراي ساختار مناسبي بود و كنار گذاشته شد %filename% "],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["توسط ورژن جديد جايگذاري شد %title%"],"/ (root)":["/ (ريشه اصلي)"],"Confirm delete file":["حذف فايل را تاييد كنيد"],"Create folder":["پوشه اي بسازيد"],"Edit folder":["ويرايش پوشه"],"Files module configuration":["ويرايش ماژول فايل ها"],"Move files":["انتقال و حركت دادن فايل ها"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["پوشه اي با همين اسم موجود است"],"Add directory":["اضافه كردن فهرست راهنما"],"Add file(s)":["اضافه كردن فايل (ها)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["اضافه كردن ماژول فايل ها به اين انجمن"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["اضافه كردن ماژول فايل ها به پروفايل"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["نتوانست استخراج شود %filename% فايل"],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["پشتيباني آرشيو كردن فايل غيرفعال است"],"Could not save file %title%. 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Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["حركت دادن فايل به همان پوشه امكان پذير نيست"],"No valid items were selected to move.":["هيچ آيتم معتبري براي حركت دادن انتخاب نشده است"],"Open":["بازكردن"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["باز كردن فايل فشره انجام نشد . كد اراور : %code%"],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["وارد كنيد %title% لطفا مقصدي معتبر براي انتقال فايل"],"Selected items...":["آيتم هاي انتخاب شده"],"Show":["نمايش"],"Show Post":["نمايش پست"],"The archive could not be created.":["فايل فشرده ايجاد نشد"],"The folder %filename% already exists. 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\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\r\n\r\n حساب كاربري شما فعال شده است.
\r\n\r\n براي ورود اينجا را كليك كنيد:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n با احترام
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\r\n\r\n درخواست عضويت شما پذيرفته نشده است.
\r\n\r\n با احترام
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["حداكثر ميزان آيتم هاي چسبيده پايان يافته است"],"Pinned":["چسبیده","چسباندن"],"Unpinned":["رها کردن"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["اعضاي خارج از شبكه هم بتوانند عضو شوند"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["ماژول درخواستشده یافت نشد!"],"Invalid request.":["درخواست نامعتبر."],"Keyword:":["کلیدواژه:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["نتیجهای با ورودی شما یافت نشد."],"Results":["نتایج"],"Show more results":["نمایش نتایج بیشتر"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["متأسفانه موردی یافت نشد!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["به %appName% خوشآمدید"],"Latest updates":["آخرین بهروزرسانیها"],"Account settings":["تنظیمات حساب کاربری"],"Administration":["مدیریت"],"Back":["بازگشت"],"Back to dashboard":["بازگشت به خانه"],"Choose language:":["زبان را انتخاب کنید:"],"Collapse":["جمع شدن","جمع کردن"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["نگهدارندهی محتوا قابل شناسایی نیست!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["محتوای افزونه پیدانشد!"],"Error":["خطا"],"Expand":["بازکردن"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["دسترسی مورد نیاز برای تولید محتوا وجود ندارد!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["به نظر میرسد مسیر اشتباه را طی کردهاید."],"Language":["زبان"],"Latest news":["آخرین اخبار"],"Login":["ورود"],"Logout":["خروج"],"Menu":["منو"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["ماژول در این نگهدارندهی محتوا فعال نیست!"],"My profile":["پروفایل من"],"New profile image":["عکس پروفایل جدید"],"Oooops...":["اوه اوه..."],"Search":["جستجو"],"Search for users and spaces":["جستجوی کاربران و انجمنها"],"Space not found!":["انجمن پیدا نشد!"],"User Approvals":["تأیید کاربران"],"User not found!":["کاربر یافت نشد!","کاربر پیدا نشد!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["شما نمیتوانید محتوای عمومی قابل دید تولید کنید!"],"Your daily summary":["خلاصهی روزانهی شما"],"Login required":["ورود لازم است"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method."],"Add image/file":["اضافه کردن عکس/فایل"],"Add link":["اضافه کردن لینک"],"Bold":["پررنگ"],"Close":["بستن"],"Code":["کد"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["یک آدرس وارد کنید (مثلا: http://example.com)"],"Heading":["تیتر"],"Image":["عکس"],"Image/File":["عکس/فایل"],"Insert Hyperlink":["هایپر لینک را وارد کنید"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["هایپر لینک عکس را وارد کنید"],"Italic":["Italic"],"List":["لیست"],"Please wait while uploading...":["لطفا تا بارگذاری صبر کنید"],"Preview":["پیشنمایش"],"Quote":["نقل قول"],"Target":["هدف"],"Title":["عنوان"],"Title of your link":["عنوان لینک شما"],"URL/Link":["آدرس/لینک"],"code text here":["متن را اینجا کد کنید"],"emphasized text":["متن تاکیدشده"],"enter image description here":["توضیحات عکی را اینجا وارد کنید"],"enter image title here":["عنوان عکس را اینجا وارد کنید"],"enter link description here":["توضیحات لینک را اینجا وارد کنید"],"heading text":["متن تیتر"],"list text here":["متن را اینجا لیست کنید"],"quote here":["اینجا بیان کنید"],"strong text":["متن پررنگ"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["برای این قسمت فعالیت تولید نشد!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% انجمن جدید %spaceName% را تولیدکرد."],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% این انجمن را تولیدکردهاست."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% به انجمن%spaceName% پیوست."],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% به این انجمن پیوست."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% انجمن%spaceName% را ترک کرد."],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% این انجمن را ترک کرد."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} اکنون {user2} را دنبال میکند."],"see online":["مشاهدهی آنلاین"],"via":["توسط"],"Latest activities":[" آخرین فعالیتها"],"There are no activities yet.":["هنوز فعالیتی وجود ندارد."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام '{displayname}'
\n\nحساب کاربری شما فعالشدهاست.
\n\nبرای ورود اینجا کلیک کنید:
\n {loginURL}
\n\nبا سپاس
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام '{displayname}'
\n\nحساب کاربری شما ردشدهاست.
\n\nبرای ورود اینجا کلیک کنید:
\n {loginURL}
\n\nبا سپاس
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["درخواست حساب کاربری برای '{displayname}' تاییدشدهاست."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["درخواست حساب کاربری برای '{displayname}' ردشدهاست."],"Group not found!":["گروه یافت نشد!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["امکان انصراف از نصب ماژول وجود ندارد! ماژول محافظتشده است."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["مسیر ماژول %path% قابل نوشته شدن نیست!"],"Saved":["ذخیره شد."],"Database":["ديتابيس"],"No theme":["بدون ظاهر"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP بارگذاری نشد. 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(%error%)":[" لیست ماژول به ضورت آنلاین گرفته نشد! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":[" اطلاعات ماژول به ضورت آنلاین گرفته نشد! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["دانلود ماژول ناموفق بود!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["آدرس ماژول %modulePath% قابل نوشتهشدن نیست!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["دانلود ماژول ناموفق بود! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["نسخهی کامل سازگار یافت نشد!","هیچ نسخهی ماژول سازگاری یافت نشد!"],"Activated":["فعال شد"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["هنوز ماژولی نصب نشدهاست. برای بالا بردن قابلیت ماژول نصب کنید!"],"Version:":["نسخه:"],"Installed":["نصب شد"],"No modules found!":["ماژولی یافت نشد!"],"All modules are up to date!":["همهی ماژولها بهروز هستند!"],"About HumHub":["دربارهی هامهاب"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["ورژن نصبشدهی کنونی: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["گواهینامهها"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["یک آپدیت موجود است! (آخرین ورژن: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["مهیای نصب شده به روز است"],"Accept":["پذیرش"],"Decline":["انصراف"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["پذیرش کاربر: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["لغو","انصراف"],"Send & save":["ارسال و ذخیره"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["انصراف و حذف کاربر: {displayName}"],"Email":["ايميل"],"Search for email":["جستجوی ایمیل"],"Search for username":["جستجوی نام کاربری"],"Pending user approvals":["تاییدیههای در انتظار کاربر"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["اینجا همهی کاربرانی را که ثبت نام کردهاند و منتظر تایید هستند مشاهده میکنید. "],"Delete group":["حذف گروه"],"Delete group":["حذف گروه"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["برای حذف گروه \"{group}\" باید یک گروه جایگزین برای کاربران موجود مشخص کنید:"],"Create new group":["ساختن گروه جدید"],"Edit group":["ویرایش گروه"],"Description":["توضیحات"],"Group name":["نام گروه"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["جستجوی توضیحات"],"Search for group name":["جستجوی نام گروه"],"Manage groups":["مدیریت گروهها"],"Create new group":["ایجاد گروه جدید"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["شما میتوانید کاربران را به گروههای گوناگون تقسیم کنید (برای تیمها، بخشها و غیره) و برای آنها مدیران و انجمنهای استاندارد تعریف کنید."],"Error logging":["خطای ورود"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["نمایش {count} مطالب برای هر صفحه"],"Flush entries":["تخلیهی مطالب"],"Total {count} entries found.":["کلا {count} مطلب یافت شد."],"Available updates":["بهروزرسانیهای موجود"],"Browse online":["دسترسی آنلاین"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["ماژولها قابلیتهای مهیا را افزایش میدهند. اینجا میتوانید ماژولها را از فورشگاه هامهاب نصب و مدیریت کنید."],"Module details":["جزئیات ماژول"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["این ماژول اطلاعات بیشتری در اختیار نمیگذارد."],"Processing...":["در حال بررسی. . ."],"Modules directory":["آدرس ماژول"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادههای ماژول از بینخواهد رفت!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادهها و فایلهای مرتبط با ماژول از بینخواهد رفت!"],"Configure":["تنظیم"],"Disable":["غیرفعال"],"Enable":["فعال"],"More info":["اطلاعات بیشتر"],"Set as default":["قرار دادن به عنوان پیشفرض"],"Uninstall":["حذف"],"Install":["نصب"],"Latest compatible version:":["آخرین نسخهی سازگار:"],"Latest version:":["آخرین نسخه:"],"Installed version:":["نسخهی نصبشده:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["آخرین نسخهی سازگار:"],"Update":["بهروزرسانی"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - به عنوان ماژول پیشفرض قرار بده"],"Always activated":["فعالسازی دائمی"],"Deactivated":["غیرفعالشد"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["اینجا میتوانید انتخاب کنید که آیا لازم است یک ماژول به صورت خودکار در یک انجمن یا پروفایل فعال شود یا خیر. اگر لازم است ماژول فعال شود گزینهی فعالسازی دائمی را انتخاب کنید."],"Spaces":["انجمنها"],"User Profiles":["پروفایلهای کاربران"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["یک ورژن هامهاب جدید (%version%) موجود است."],"Authentication - Basic":["احراز هویت - پایهای"],"Basic":["پايه"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["کمترین مقدار ۲۰ ثانیه است. اگر مشخص نشدهباشد نشست کاری پس از ۱۴۰۰ ثانیه (۲۴ دقیقه) بدون در نظر گرفتن فعالیت بستهخواهد شد (مدت زمان پیشفرض نشست کاری)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["فقط زمانی قابل اجراست که برای کاربران ثبتنشده دسترسی محدود وجود دارد. تنها روی کاربران جدید اثر میگذارد."],"Authentication - LDAP":[" احراز هویت - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL/TSL به شدت در تولید محیطها مورد توجه است تا از جابجایی گذرواژهها در متن واضح جلوگیری شود."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["صفت LDAP برای نام کاربری. مثال: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["دسترسی کاربرانی را که دارای این شرط هستند محدود کن. مثال: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["وضعیت: خطا! (پیغام: {message} )"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["وضعیت: بدون مشکل! ({userCount} کاربر)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["DN پیشفرض استفادهشده برای جستجوی حسابهای کاربری"],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["گذرواژهی پیشفرض اسناد(استفادهشده تنها با نام کاربری بالا) "],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["نام کاربری پیشفرض اسناد. برخی سرور ها این را با فرم DN نیاز دارند. در صورتی که سرور LDAP نیاز به bind کردن داشتهباشد باید با فرم DN دادهشود تا bind کردن برای نامهای کاربری ساده امکانپذیر باشد."],"Cache Settings":["تنظیمات حافظهی موقت"],"Save & Flush Caches":["ذخیره و تخلیهی حافظهی موقت"],"CronJob settings":["تنظیمات Crontab"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab کاربر: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["آخرین اجرا (روزانه):"],"Last run (hourly):":["آخرین اجرا (ساعت):"],"Never":["هرگز"],"Or Crontab of root user":["یا Crontab کاربر روت"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["لطفا مطمئن شوید cronjob های زیر نصبشدهاند:"],"Design settings":["تنظیمات طراحی"],"Alphabetical":["الفبایی"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["نام نامخانوادگی (مانند John Doe)"],"Last visit":["آخرین مشاهده"],"Username (e.g. john)":["نام کاربری (مانند John)"],"File settings":["تنظیمات فایل"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["لیست جداشده با کاما. برای اجازهی همه خالی بگذارید."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["لیست جداشده با کاما. برای نشان دادن لیست فایل برای همهی موارد روی صفحهی اعلانات، خالی بگذارید."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["کتابخانهی عکس کنونی: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["در صورت مشخص نکردن، ارتفاع مقدار پیشفرض ۲۰۰ پیکسل خواهد بود."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["در صورت مشخص نکردن، عرض مقدار پیشفرض ۲۰۰ پیکسل خواهد بود."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP ماکزیمم را {maxUploadSize} مگابایت گزارش کرد."],"Basic settings":["تنظیمات پایهای"],"Confirm image deleting":["تایید حذف عکس"],"Dashboard":["خانه"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["برای مثال http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["کاربران جدید به صورت خودکار به این انجمن(ها) اضافه خواهندشد."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["شما در حال حاضر از هیچ لوگویی استفادهنمیکنید. لوگوی خود را بارگذاری کنید."],"Mailing defaults":["مقادیر پیشفرض پست"],"Activities":["فعالیتها"],"Always":["همیشه"],"Daily summary":["خلاصهی روزانه"],"Defaults":["مقادیر پیشفرض"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["مقادیر پیشفرض را برای زمانی که یک کاربر ایمیل در مورد اعلانها و یا فعالیتهای جدید دریافت میکند تعریف کنید. این تنظیمات میتوانند توسط کاربر در تنظیمات حساب کاربری ویرایش شوند."],"Notifications":["اعلانها"],"Server Settings":["تنظیمات سرور"],"When I´m offline":["زمانی که من آفلاین هستم"],"Mailing settings":["تنظیمات پست"],"SMTP Options":["اختیارات SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["اضافه کردن تامیکنندهی جدید"],"Currently active providers:":["تامینکنندگان فعال کنونی:"],"Currently no provider active!":["در حال حاضر هیچ تامینکنندهای فعال نیست!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["اضافه کردن تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["ویرایش تامینکنندهی OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["پیشوند آدرس بدون http:// یا https:// (مانند youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. 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"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["در این بررسی اجمالی شما میتوانید هر انجمن را پیدا و مدیریت کنید."],"Overview":["بررسی اجمالی"],"Settings":["تنطیمات"],"Space Settings":["تنظیمات انجمن"],"Add user":["اضافه کردن کاربر"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? 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Start by posting something here...":["این انجمن هنوز خالیست!
با پست کردن یک مطلب شروع کنید . . ."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":[" خانهی شما خالی است!
یک پست اضافه کنید و یا به یک انجمن ملحق شوید!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["جریان پروفایل شما هنوز خالی است!
برای شروع یک مطلب پست کنید . . ."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["هیچ موردی که با فیلتر(های) کنونی شما سازگار باشد یافتنشد!"],"Show all":["نشان دادن همه"],"Back to stream":["بازگشت به جریان"],"Content with attached files":["محتوا با فایلهای پیوستشده"],"Created by me":["ایجادشده توسط من"],"Creation time":["زمان ایجاد"],"Filter":["فیلتر"],"Include archived posts":["شامل پستهای آرشیوشده"],"Last update":["آخرین بهروزرسانی"],"Only private posts":["فقط پستهای خصوصی"],"Only public posts":["فقط پستهای عمومی"],"Posts only":["فقط پستها"],"Posts with links":["پستهای حاوی لینک"],"Sorting":["مرتبسازی"],"Where I´m involved":["جایی که من درگیر هستم"],"No public contents to display found!":["هیچ محتوای عمومیای برای نمایش یافت نشد!"],"Directory":["لیستها"],"Member Group Directory":["آدرس گروه اعضا"],"show all members":["نمایش تمامی اعضا"],"Directory menu":["منوی لیستها"],"Members":["اعضا"],"User profile posts":["پستهای پروفایل کاربران"],"Member directory":["لیست اعضا"],"Follow":["دنبالکردن"],"No members found!":["هیچ عضوی یافت نشد!"],"Unfollow":["انصراف از دنبالکردن"],"search for members":["جستجوی اعضا"],"Space directory":["لیست انجمنها"],"No spaces found!":["هیچ انجمنی یافت نشد!"],"You are a member of this space":["شما عضوی از این انجمن هستید"],"search for spaces":["جستحوی انجمنها"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["هنوز هیچ پست پروفایلی موجود نیست!"],"Group stats":["آمار گروهها"],"Average members":["کاربران متوسط"],"Top Group":["گروه برتر"],"Total groups":["کلیهی گروهها"],"Member stats":["آمار اعضا"],"New people":["افراد جدید"],"Follows somebody":["کسی را دنبال میکند"],"Online right now":["هماکنون آنلاین"],"Total users":["کلیهی کاربران"],"See all":["مشاهدهی همه"],"New spaces":["انجمنهای جدید"],"Space stats":["آمار انجمن"],"Most members":["اکثریت کاربران"],"Private spaces":["انجمنهای خصوصی"],"Total spaces":["کلیهی انجمنها"],"Could not find requested file!":["فایل درخواستشده یافت نشد!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["غیر مجاز!"],"Created By":["ایجادشده توسط"],"Created at":["ایجادشده در"],"File name":["نام فایل"],"Guid":["راهنما"],"ID":["شناسه"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type نامعتبر"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["حداکثر مجاز سایز فایل ({maxFileSize}) رعایت نشدهاست."],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["اندازه"],"This file type is not allowed!":["این نوع فایل مجاز نیست!"],"Updated at":["بهروزرسانیشده در"],"Updated by":["بهروزرسانیشده توسط"],"Upload error":["خطلای بارگذاری"],"Could not upload File:":["فایل بارگذاری نشد:"],"Upload files":["بارگذاری فایلها"],"Create Admin Account":["ایجاد حساب کاربری مدیر"],"Name of your network":["نام شبکهی شما"],"Name of Database":["نام پایگاهداده"],"Admin Account":["حساب ادمين"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["کار شما تقریبا به پایان رسیدهاست. در آخرین قدم باید فرم ایجاد حساب کاربری مدیر را پر کنید. با این حساب کاربری میتوانید همهی شبکه را مدیریت کنید."],"Next":["بعدی"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["شبکهی اجتماعی جدید شما به یک نام نیاز دارد. لطفا نام پیشفرض را به نامی که خود دوست دارید تغییر دهید. (برای مثال نام شرکت، سازمان و یا کلوب خود)"],"Social Network Name":["نام شبکهی اجتماعی"],"Setup Complete":["تکمیل ساخت"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["تبریک! کار شما به پایان رسیدهاست."],"Sign in":["ورود"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["نصب با موفقیت به پایان رسید! اوقات خوشی در شبکه اجتماعی جدید خود داشتهباشید."],"Setup Wizard":["تکمیل ساخت"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["به هام هاب خوشآمدید
ابزارهای شبکهی اجتماعی شما"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["این پنجره نمونهی هامهاب شما را نصب و تنطیم خواهدکرد"],"Yes, database connection works!":["اتصال پایگاه داده بدون مشکل برقرار است!"],"Database Configuration":["تنظیمات پایگاه داده"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["شما باید در قسمت زیر جزئیات اتصال پایگاه دادهی خود را وارد کنید. اگر از این اطلاعات اطمینان ندارید با مدیر سیستم خود تماس بگیرید."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["نام میزبانی سرور پایگاه دادهی MySQL شما (مثال: اگر MySQL روی دستگاه مشترک در حال اجرا است: localhost)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["یک مشکل به وجود آمد!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["نام پایگاهدادهای که میخواهید هامهاب را در آن اجرا کنید."],"Your MySQL password.":["گذرواژهی MySQL شما."],"Your MySQL username":["نام کاربری MySQL شما."],"System Check":["بررسی سیستم"],"Check again":["بررسی مجدد"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["تبریک! همه چیز مناسب و آمادهی شروع است!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["این بررسی اجمالی نمایانگر تمامی نیازهای سیستم هامهاب است."],"Could not find target class!":["کلاس مورد نظر یافت نشد!"],"Could not find target record!":["رکورد مورد نظر یافت نشد!"],"Invalid class given!":["کلاس نامعتبر!"],"Users who like this":["کاربران علاقمند"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} {contentTitle} را دوست دارد"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را دوست دارد."]," likes this.":["این را دوست دارد."],"You like this.":["شما این را دوست دارید."],"You
"],"Like":["دوست دارم"],"Unlike":["دوست ندارم"],"and {count} more like this.":["و {count} نفر دیگر این را دوست دارند."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["آدرسی برای این نوع منبع مشخص نشد! "],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["منبع اعلان یافت نشد!"],"New":["جدید"],"Mark all as seen":["علامتگذاری همه به عنوان دیدهشده"],"There are no notifications yet.":["هنوز هیچ اعلانی وجود ندارد."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% یک پست جدید ایجاد کرد."],"Edit your post...":["پست خود را ویرایش کنید . . ."],"Read full post...":["مطالعهی همهی پست. . ."],"Send & decline":["ارسال و انصراف"],"Visible for all":["قابل مشاهده برای همه"]," Invite and request":["دعوت و درخواست"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["امکان حذف کاربری که دارندهی انجمن است وجود ندارد! نام انجمن: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["همه میتوانند وارد شوند"],"Invite and request":["دعوت و درخواست"],"Only by invite":["فقط با دعوت"],"Private (Invisible)":["خصوصی (پنهان)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["عمومی (اعضا و مهمانان)"],"Public (Members only)":["عمومی (فقط اعضا)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["عمومی (فقط کاربران ثبتنامشده)"],"Public (Visible)":["عمومی (قابل مشاهده)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["قابل نمایش برای همه (اعضا و مهمانان)"],"Space is invisible!":["انجمن پنهان است!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["شما باید وارد شوید تا محتوای این انجمن نمایش دادهشود!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["به عنوان دارنده نمیتوانید عضویت خود را باطل کنید!"],"Could not request membership!":["درخواست عضویت دادهنشد!"],"There is no pending invite!":["هیچ دعوتی در حال انتظار نیست!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["این عمل تنها برای اعضای انجمن امکان دارد!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["شما اجازهی پیوستن به این انجمن را ندارید!"],"Your password":["گذرواژهی شما"],"Invites":["دعوتها"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["کاربر جدید با ایمیل (جداشده با کاما)"],"User is already member!":["کاربر قبلا عضو شدهاست!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} قبلا ثبت نام کردهاست!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} معتبر نیست!"],"Application message":["پیغام برنامهی کاربردی"],"Scope":["حوزه"],"Strength":["قدرت"],"Created At":["ایجادشده در"],"Join Policy":["سیاست پیوستن"],"Name":["نام"],"Owner":["دارنده"],"Status":["وضعیت"],"Tags":["تگها"],"Updated At":["بهروزرسانیشده در"],"Visibility":["قابلیت مشاهده"],"Website URL (optional)":["آدرس وبسایت (اختیاری)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["شما نمیتوانید انجمنهای خصوصی قابل مشاهده ایجاد کنید!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["شما نمیتوانید انجمنهای عمومی قابل مشاهده ایجاد کنید!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["قسمتی از عکس خود را که میخواهید به عنوان آواتار کاربر ذخیره کنید انتخاب و روی ذخیره کلیک کنید."],"Modify space image":["تغییر عکس انجمن"],"Delete space":["حذف انجمن"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این انجمن را حذف کنید؟ تمامی مطالب منتشرشده برداشتهخواهندشد!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["لطفا برای ادامه گذرواژهی خود را وارد کنید!"],"General space settings":["تنظیمات کلی انجمن"],"Archive":["آرشیو"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["نوع عضویتی را که میخواهید برای این محیط کار قراردهید انتخاب کنید."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["سطح امنیتی را که میخواهید به منظور تعریف قابلیت مشاهده برای این محیط کار قراردهید انتخاب کنید."],"Manage your space members":["اعضای انجمن خود را مدیریت کنید"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["دعوتنامههای فرستادهشدهی برجسته"],"Outstanding user requests":[" درخواستهای کاربر برجسته"],"Remove member":["حذف عضو"],"Allow this user to
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کاربران دیگر را دعوت کند"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["به این کاربر اجازه بده
محتوا را عمومی کند"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این کاربر را از این انجمن حذف کنید؟"],"Can invite":["میتواند دعوت کند"],"Can share":["میتواند به اشتراک بگذارد"],"Change space owner":["تغییر دارندهی انجمن"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["کاربران خارجی که توسط ایمیل دعوتشدهاند اینجا لیست نخواهندشد."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["در فضای زیر میتوانید تمامی کاربران فعال این انجمن را ببینید. شما میتوانید دسترسیهای آنها را تغییر دهید و یا از انجمن حذف کنید."],"Is admin":["مدیر است"],"Make this user an admin":["این کاربر را مدیر کن"],"No, cancel":["خیر، انصراف"],"Remove":["حذف"],"Request message":["پیغام درخواست"],"Revoke invitation":["ابطال دعوتنامه"],"Search members":["جستجوی اعضا"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["کاربران زیر منتظر تاییدیه برای ورود به این انجمن هستند. لطفا اقدام کنید."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["کاربران زیر قبلا به این انجمن دعوتشدهاند اما هنوز دعوتنامه را نپذیرفتهاند."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["دارندهی انجمن مدیر ارشد انجمن، با تمامی دسترسیها و معمولا ایجادکنندهی انجمن است. اینجا میتوانید این نقش را به کاربر دیگری تغییر دهید. "],"Yes, remove":["بلی، حذف"],"Space Modules":["ماژولهای انجمن"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* دادههای ماژول برای این انجمن حذف خواهندشد!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["در حال حاضر ماژولی برای این انجمن موجود نیست!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["ماژولها را به این انجمن اضافه کنید."],"Create new space":["انجمن جدید ایجاد کنید"],"Advanced access settings":["تنظیمات پیشرفتهی دسترسی"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["کاربرانی که عضو نیستند هم این
انجمن را ببینند، اما دسترسی نداشتهباشند"],"Create":["ایجاد"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["هر کاربری میتواند
بدون تایید شما به انجمن شما وارد شود"],"For everyone":["برای همه"],"How you want to name your space?":["میخواهید نام انجمنتان چگونه باشد؟"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["لطفا توضیحات مختصری برای کاربران دیگر بنویسید."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["این انجمن برای تمامی کاربرانی که عضو نیستند
پنهان خواهدبود"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["کاربران همچنین میتوانند
برای عضویت در این انجمن درخواست کنند"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["کاربران فقط میتوانند
با دعوتنامه اضافهشوند"],"space description":["توضیحات انجمن"],"space name":["نام انجمن"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت در انجمن {spaceName} را دارد"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت شما را در {spaceName}تایید کرد"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} درخواست عضویت شما را در {spaceName}رد کرد"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} شما را به انجمن {spaceName}دعوت کرد"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} دعوت شما را برای انجمن {spaceName}قبول کرد"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} دعوت شما را برای انجمن {spaceName}رد کرد"],"This space is still empty!":["این انجمن هنوز خالیست!"],"Accept Invite":["پذیرفتن دعوت"],"Become member":["عضو شدن"],"Cancel membership":["انظراف از عضویت"],"Cancel pending membership application":["انصراف از برنامهی کاربردی عضویت در انتظار"],"Deny Invite":["رد دعوت"],"Request membership":["درخواست عضویت"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["شما دارندهی این محیط کاری هستید."],"created by":["ایجادشده توسط"],"Invite members":["دعوت اعضا"],"Add an user":["اضافه کردن کاربر"],"Email addresses":["آدرسهای ایمیل"],"Invite by email":["دعوت با ایمیل"],"New user?":["کاربر جدید؟"],"Pick users":["انتخاب کاربران"],"Send":["ارسال"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["برای دعوت کاربران به این انجمن لطفا نام آنها را برای یافتن و انتخاب تایپ کنید."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["شما همچنین میتوانید کاربران خارجی را که هنوز ثبتنام نشدهاند دعوت کنید. تنها آدرس ایمیل آنها را با کاما جدا کنید و بنویسید."],"Request space membership":["درخواست عضویت در انجمن"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["لطفا برای تبدیل شده به عضو تاییدشدهی این انجمن، خود را به صورت خلاصه معرفی کنید."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["درخواست شما با موفقیت به مدیران انجمن ارسال شد."],"Ok":["باشه"],"User has become a member.":["کاربر تبدیل به بک عضو شدهاست."],"User has been invited.":["کاربر دعوتشدهاست."],"User has not been invited.":["کاربر دعوتنشدهاست."],"Back to workspace":["بازگشت به محیط کار"],"Space preferences":["تنظیمات انجمن"],"General":["کلی"],"My Space List":["لیست انجمن من"],"My space summary":["خلاصهی انجمن من"],"Space directory":["فهرست انجمن"],"Space menu":["منوی انجمن"],"Stream":["جریان"],"Change image":["تغییر عکس"],"Current space image":["عکس کنونی انجمن"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس عنوان خود را حذف کنید؟"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس پروفایل خود را حذف کنید؟","آیا واقعا میخواهید عکس عنوان خود را حذف کنید؟"],"Invite":["دعوت"],"Something went wrong":["یک قسمت ایراد دارد","یک مورد مشکل دارد"],"Followers":["دنبالکنندهها"],"Posts":["پستها"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["لطفا برای تبدیل شدن به عضو تاییدشدهی این محیط کار، به صورت خلاصه خود را معرفی کنید."],"Request workspace membership":["درخواست عضویت در محیط کار"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["درخواست شما با موفقیت به مدیران محیط کار ارسال شد."],"Create new space":["ایجاد انجمن جدید"],"My spaces":["انجمنهای من"],"Space info":["اطلاعات انجمن"],"more":["بیشتر"],"Accept invite":["پذیرفتن دعوت"],"Deny invite":["رد دعوت"],"Leave space":["ترک انجمن"],"New member request":["درخواست عضویت جدید"],"Space members":["اعضای انجمن"],"End guide":["پایان راهنما"],"Next »":["بعدی »"],"« Prev":["« قبلی"],"Administration":["مدیریت"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["هورا! برای الان کافی است."],"Modules":["ماژولها"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["به عنوان مدیر میتوانید همهی پلتفرم را از اینجا مدیریت کنید.
جدا از ماژولها ما در این قسمت به جزئیات همهی موارد نمیپردازیم زیرا هر مورد توضیحی کوتاه در قسمتهای دیگر دارد."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["شما هماکنون در منوی ابزارها هستید. میتوانید از این قسمت به بازار آنلاین هامهاب دسترسی داشتهباشید که توسط آن قادر به نصب سریع تعداد افزایشپذیری از ابزارها خواهیدبود.
همانطور که قبلا اشارهشد ابزارها قابلیتهای بیشتری در اختیار شما قرارخواهندداد."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["شما هماکنون همهی قابلیتها و تنظیمات مهم را آموختهاید و آمادهی استفاده از پلتفرم هستید.
امیدواریم شما و دیگر کاربران آینده از این سایت لذت ببرید. پیشنهادات و پشتیبانی شما را در مورد این پروژه پذیرا هستیم. میتوانید از طریق آدرس www.humhub.org با ما تماس بگیرید.
شاد باشید! :)"],"Dashboard":["خانه"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["این پنل خانهی شما است.
همهی پستها و فعالیتهای که میتوانند مورد علاقهی شما باشند در این قسمت نمایشدادهمیشوند."],"Administration (Modules)":["مدیریت (ماژولها)"],"Edit account":["حساب حساب کاربری"],"Hurray! The End.":["هورا! پایان."],"Hurray! You're done!":["هورا! کار شما تمامشدهاست."],"Profile menu":["پروفایل منوی","منوی پروفایل"],"Profile photo":["پروفایل عکس"],"Profile stream":["پروفایل جریان"],"User profile":["پروفایل کاربر"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["برای بهروزرسانی پروفایل خود و نتظیمات \nآن روی این دکمه کلیک کنید. همچنین میتوانید اطلاعات بیشتری به پروفایل خود اضافهکنید."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["هر پروفایل تابلوی متعلق به خود را دارد. پست شما در پنل خانهی کاربران دنبالکنندهی شما نیز نمایشدادهخواهدشد."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["همانند انجمن، پروفایل کاربر میتواند با ماژولهای متنوع شخصیسازی شود.
میتوانید ماژولهای موجود برای پروفایل خود را با جستجو در قسمت \"ماژولها\" در منوی تنظیمات مشاهدهکنید."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["این پروفایل عمومی شماست که توسط همهی کاربران ثبتنامشده دیدهخواهدشد."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["عکس پروفایل خود را به سادگی با کلیک روی این قسمت و یا کشیدن آن به اینجا آپلود کنید. برای عکس کاور خود نیز همین عملیات را انجام دهید."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["شما راهنمای کاربر را به پایان رساندهاید."],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["شما راهنمای کاربر را به پایان رساندهاید.
برای ادامهدادن با راهنمای مدیریت اینجا کلیک کنید:
"],"Most recent activities":["آخرین فعالیتها"],"Posts":["پستها"],"Profile Guide":["راهنمای پروفایل"],"Space":["انجمن"],"Space navigation menu":["منوی راهبری انجمن"],"Writing posts":["نوشتن پست"],"Yay! You're done.":["هورا! کار شما به پایان رسید."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["تمامی کاربرانی که عضو این انجمن هستند اینجا نمایش دادهمیشوند.
کاربران جدید میتوانند توسط هر کسی که دسترسی لازم را توسط مدیر دریافت کردهاست اضافهشوند."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["به کاربران دیگر خلاصهای از موضوع انجمن ارائهدهید. میتوانید اطلاعات پایهای را اینجا اضافهکنید.
مدیر انجمن میتواند عکس پوشش انجمن را با کلیک کردن و یا کشیدن عکس وارد کند و یا تغییر دهد."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["پستهای جدید میتوانند اینجا نوشته و ثبت شوند."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["بعد از ملحق شدن به یک انجمن و یا ایجاد یک انجمن جدید میتوانید در انجام پروژهها، صحبتها و اشتراک اطلاعات سهیم باشید.
ابزارهای متنوعی برای شخصیسازی یک انجمن در راستای بهبود روند اجرای فرآیندها وجود دارد."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["راهنمای انجمن به پایان رسید.
برای ادامه دادن با راهنمای پروفایل اینجا کلیک کنید."],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["اینجا قسمتی است که میتوانید انجمن را راهبری کنید - قسمتی که در آن مشخص میشود برای انجمن خاصی که در آن هستید چه ماژولهایی فعال و یا غیرفعال هستند. برای مثال میتوان نظرسنجی، کارها و یادداشتها را نام برد.
تنها مدیر انجمن میتواند ماژولهای انجمن را مدیریت کند."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["این منو تنها برای مدیران انجمن قابل مشاهده است. میتوانید در این قسمت تنظیمات انجمن خود، اضافه و یا مسدود کردن اعضا و فعال و غیرفعال کردن ابزارهای انجمن را مدیریت کنید."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["در این قسمت فعالیتهای اخیر کاربران دیگر برای بهروز بودن اطلاعات شما نمایش دادهمیشود."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["پستهای شما و کاربران دیگر در اینجا نمایش ددهخواهدشد.
اینها میتوانند بعدا مورد علاقهی کاربران قرار گیرند و یا در مورد آنها نظر دادهشود."],"Account Menu":["منوی حساب کاربری"],"Notifications":["اعلانها"],"Space Menu":["منوی انجمن"],"Start space guide":["شروع راهنمای انجمن"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["رد چیزی را گم نکنید! این آیکن به شما دربارهی فعالیتها و پستهایی که مربوط به شماست اطلاعات میدهد."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["منوی حساب کاربری شما به شما توانایی دسترسی به تنظیمات خصوصی و مدیریت پروفایل عمومیتان را میدهد."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["این مهمترین منو است و احتمالا بیشترین استفاده را از آن خواهید داشت!
از اینجا میتوانید به همهی انجمنهایی که در آنها حضور دارید دسترسی داشتهباشید و انجمنهای جدید بسازید.
راهنمای بعدی چگونگی آن را برایتان توضیح خواهدداد:"]," Remove panel":["حذف پنل"],"Getting Started":["شروع"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["راهنما: مدیریت (ماژولها)"],"Guide: Overview":["راهنما: مرور"],"Guide: Spaces":["راهنما: انجمنها"],"Guide: User profile":["راهنما: پروفایل کاربر"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["توسط راهنماهای زیر با مهمترین ویژگیهای سایت آشنا شوید:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["این حساب کاربری هنوز تایید نشدهاست!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["برای نمایش این پروفایل باید وارد شوید!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["گذرواژهی شما صحیح نیست!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["شما نمیتوانید گذرواژهی خود را اینجا تغییر دهید."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["لینک نامعتبر است! لطفا اطمینان حاصلکنید که آدرس به طور کامل وارد شود. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["یک ایمیل برای تایید به آدرس ایمیل جدید شما فرستادهایم.
لطفا دستورالعمل داخل آن را دنبال کنید."],"Change password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Password changed":["گذرواژه تغییر یافت"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["گذرواژهی شما با موفقیت تغییر یافت!"],"Modify your profile image":["تغییر عکس پروفایل شما"],"Delete account":["حذف حساب کاربری"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید حساب کاربری خود را حذف کنید؟
تمامی مطالب منتشرشدهی شما حذف خواهدشد!"],"Delete account":["حذف حساب کاربری"],"Enter your password to continue":["برای ادامه گذرواژهی خود را وارد کنید"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["متاسفانه به عنوان دارندهی محیط کار نمیتوانید حساب کاربری خود را حذف کنید.
لطفا کاربر دیگری را مسئول حذف کردن قرار دهید."],"User details":["جزئیات کاربر"],"User modules":["ماژولهای کاربر"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["آیا مطمئن هستید؟ *تمامی* اطلاعات ماژولهای پروفایل شما حذف خواهدشد."],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["پروفایل خود را با ماژولها تکمیل کنید."],"User settings":["تنظيمات كاربري"],"Getting Started":["شروع"],"Registered users only":["تنها کاربران ثبتنامشده"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["قابل مشاهده برای همه (همچنین کاربران ثبتنامنشده)"],"Desktop Notifications":["اعلانهای دسکتاپ"],"Email Notifications":["اعلانهای ایمیل"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["زمانی که آنلاین هستید یک اعلان دسکتاپ دریافت کنید."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["برای هر فعالیت کاربرانی که دنبال میکنید و یا با آنها در یک محیط کار همکاری میکنید یک ایمیل دریافت کنید."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["زمانی که کاربران دیگر پستهای شما را دوست دارند و یا در مورد آنها نظر میدهند، یک ایمیل دریافتکنید."],"Account registration":["ثبتنام حساب کاربری"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["حساب کاربری شما با موفقیت ایجادشد!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["پس از فعالسازی حساب کاربری شما توسط مدیر، یک اعلان با ایمیل دریافتخواهیدکرد."],"Go to login page":["رفتن به صفحهی ورود"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["برای ورود با حساب کاربری جدید خود روی دکمهی زیر کلیک کنید."],"back to home":["بازگشت به صفحهی اصلی"],"Please sign in":["لطقا واردشوید"],"Sign up":["عضو شوید"],"Create a new one.":["ایجاد یک مورد جدید."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["حساب کاربری ندارید؟ با وارد کردن آدرس ایمیل خود به شبکه ملحق شوید."],"Forgot your password?":["رمز خود را فراموشکردهاید؟"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["اگر عضو هستید لطفا با نام کاربری/ایمیل و گذرواژهی خود واردشوید."],"Register":["ثبتنام"],"email":["ایمیل"],"password":["گذرواژه"],"username or email":["نام كاربري"],"Password recovery":["بازیابی گذرواژه"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["تنها آدرس ایمیل خود را وارد کنید. دستورالعمل بازیابی را برایتان ارسالخواهیمکرد!"],"Reset password":["تنظیم مجدد گذرواژه"],"enter security code above":["کد امنیتی بالا را وارد کنید"],"your email":["ایمیل شما"],"Password recovery!":["بازیابی گذرواژه!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["ما یک ایمیل برای شما ارسال کردیم که حاوی لینکی است که میتوانید از طریق آن گذرواژهی خود را مجددا تنطیمکنید."],"Registration successful!":["ثبتنام موفق!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["لطفا ایمیل خود را چک و دستورالعمل را دنبال کنید!"],"Password reset":["تنظیم مجددا گذرواژه"],"Change your password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Change password":["تغییر گذرواژه"],"Password changed!":["گذرواژه تغییر یافت!"],"Confirm your new email address":["آدرس ایمیل خود را تایید کنید"],"Confirm":["تایید"],"Hello":["سلام"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
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To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["شما درخواست تغییر ایمیل خود را دادهاید.
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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
یک شبکهی اجتماعی برای افزایش ارتباطات و فعالیتهای گروهی شما.
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"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["هنوز پیوند یا گروهی به این انجمن اضافه نشدهاست."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["شما میتوانید اعتبار تمدیدشدهی لینکها را برای یک انجمن یا کاربر فعال کنید."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["شما حق اضافه/ویرایش کردن پیوندها را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["شما حق پاک کردن این گروه را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["شما حق پاک کردن این پیوند را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["شما حق ویرایش این گروه را ندارید!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["شما حق ویرایش این پیوند را ندارید!"],"Messages":["پیامها","پیغامها"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["شما نمیتوانید به خودتان ایمیل بفرستید!"],"Recipient":["گیرنده","گيرنده"],"New message from {senderName}":["پیغام جدید از {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["و {counter} نفر دیگر"],"New message in discussion from 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کنید؟"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این مکالمه را ترک کنید؟"],"Leave":["ترک"],"Leave discussion":["ترک گفتوگو"],"Write an answer...":["نوشتن پاسخ . . ."],"User Posts":["پستهای کاربران"],"Sign up now":["الان ثبت نام کنید"],"Show all messages":["نمایش همهی پیغامها"],"Send message":["ارسال پیغام"],"No users.":["کاربری یافت نشد."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["تعداد کاربران نباید بیشتر از ۷ نفر باشد."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["تعداد کاربران نباید منفی باشد."],"Most active people":["فعالترین کاربرها","کاربران با بیشترین فعالیت"],"Get a list":["یک لیست تهیه کنید"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["تنظیمات ماژول فعالترین کاربرها"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["تعداد فعالترین کاربرانی که نمایش دادهمیشود."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["شما میتوانید تعداد کاربران نمایشدادهشده را تنظیم کنید."],"Comments created":["نظرهای ایجادشده"],"Likes 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no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":[" هنوز هیچ نظرسنجیای وجود ندارد!
به عنوان اولین نفر ایجاد کنید . . ."],"Asked by me":["پرسیدهشده توسط من"],"No answered yet":["هنوز پاسخی وجود ندارد"],"Only private polls":["فقط نظرسنجیهای خصوصی"],"Only public polls":["فقط نظرسنجیهای عمومی"],"Manage reported posts":["مدیریت پستهای گزارششده"],"Reported posts":["پستهای گزارششده"],"by :displayName":["توسط: displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["متعلق به انجمن نیست"],"Offensive":["توهینآمیز"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["شما میتوانید در این قسمت پستهای گزارششدهي کاربران را مدیریت کنید."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["یک کاربر پست شما را توهینآمیز اعلام کردهاست."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["یک کاربر پست شما را اسپم اعلام کردهاست."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["یک کاربر اعلام کردهاست که پست شما مربوط به این انجمن نیست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را توهینآمیز گزارش کردهاست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% را اسپم گزارش کردهاست."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% گزارش کردهاست که %contentTitle% متعلق به انجمن نیست."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["شما میتوانید در این قسمت پستهای گزارششده برای این انجمن را مدیریت کنید."],"Appropriate":["مناسب"],"Delete post":["حذف پست"],"Reason":["علت"],"Reporter":["گزارشکننده"],"Tasks":["کارها"],"Could not access task!":["دسترسی به کار مورد نظر امکانپذیر نیست!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} موظف به انجام کار {task} شد."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} {task} را ایجاد کرد."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} {task} را به پایان رساند.","{userName} کار {task} را به پایان رساند."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["کار {task} به {userName} سپردهشد."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} کار جدید {task} را ایجاد کرد."],"This task is already done":["این کار به پایان رسیدهاست."],"You're not assigned to this task":["این کار به شما سپردهنشدهاست"],"Click, to finish this task":["برای اتمام کار کلیک کنید."],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["این کار به پایان رسیدهاست. برای باز کردن مجدد، کلیک کنید."],"My tasks":["کارهای من"],"From space: ":["از انجمن:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["هیچ کاری پیدا نشد که با فیلتر(های) کنونی شما همخوانی داشتهباشد!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["هنوز هیچ کاری موجود نیست!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["هنوز هیچ کاری موجود نیست!
اولین نفر باشید و یک کار را شروع کنید . . ."],"Assigned to me":["سپردهشده به من"],"Nobody assigned":["به هیچکس سپردهنشده"],"State is finished":["مرحله به پایان رسیدهاست"],"State is open":["مرحله باز است"],"Assign users to this task":["کاربرانی که این کار به آنها سپردهشدهاست"],"Deadline for this task?":["فرصت نهایی برای انجام این کار؟"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["کاربران مسئول برای این کار را از پیش تعیین کنید."],"What to do?":["چه عملی انجام شود؟"],"Translation Manager":["مدیریت ترجمه"],"Translations":["ترجمهها"],"Translation Editor":["ویرایش ترجمه"],"Confirm page deleting":["تایید حذف صفحه"],"Confirm page reverting":["تایید برگرداندن صفحه"],"Overview of all pages":["مرور همهی صفحهها"],"Page history":["تاریخچهی صفحه "],"Wiki Module":["ماژول ویکی"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["یک ویکی به این صفحه اضافهمیکند."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["یک ویکی به این پروفایل اضافهمیکند."],"Back to page":["بازگشت به صفحه"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این صفحه را حذف کنید؟"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["آیا واقعا میخواهید این صفحه را برگردانید؟"],"Edit page":["ویرایش صفحه"],"Edited at":["ویرایش شده در"],"Go back":["بازگشت"],"Invalid character in page title!":["کاراکتر نامعتبر در عنوان صفحه!"],"Let's go!":["برویم!"],"Main page":["صفحهی اصلی"],"New page":["صفحهی جدید"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["هنوز هیچ صفحهای ساختهنشدهاست. بنابراین بر عهدهی شماست.
اولین صفحه را الان بسازید."],"Page History":["تاریخچهی صفحه"],"Page title already in use!":["عنوان صفحه در حال استفادهشدن است!"],"Revert":["برگرداندن"],"Revert this":["برگرداندن این"],"View":["نمایش"],"Wiki":["ویکی"],"by":["توسط"],"Wiki page":["صفحهی ویکی"],"Create new page":["ایجاد صفحهی جدید"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["نام یا آدرس یک صفحهی ویکی را وارد کنید (برای مثال http://example.com)"],"New page title":["عنوان صفحهی جدید"],"Page content":["محتوای صفحه"],"Allow":["اجازه بده"],"Default":["پيش فرض"],"Deny":["انكار كردن"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["حداقل 3 كاراكتر را تايپ كنيد"],"An internal server error occurred.":["يك مشكل در سرور به وجود آمده است"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["شما قادر به انجام اين عمل نيستيد"],"Add purchased module by licence key":[" اضافه كردن ماژول خريداري شده را بوسيله لايسنس"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\n\n حساب كاربري شما فعال شده است.
\n\n براي ورود اينجا را كليك كنيد:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n با احترام
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\n\n درخواست عضويت شما پذيرفته نشده است.
\n\n با احترام
\n {AdminName}
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Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?"],"Welcome Space":["انجمن خوشامدگويي"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["بالاخره مهيا نصب شد! هورا"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["اولين انجمني كه شما عضويد"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["اطلاعات پيشفرض بازگرداني شوند"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["اجازه دادن به افراد عضو نشده به مطالب عمومي"],"Allow friendships between members":["اجازه دادن به امكان دوستي بين اعضا"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["اعضاي خارج از شبكه هم بتوانند عضو شوند"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["اعضاي جديد بايد توسط مدير تاييد شوند"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["اعضاي حاضر مي توانند با ايميل ديگران را به سايت دعوت كنند"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["چرا مي خواهم از مهيا استفاده كنم؟"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. 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You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["مهيا بسيار نرم و انعطاف پذير است. شما مي توانيد هر لحظه با توجه به نياز خود آن را تغيير دهيد يا مژولي نصب كنيد"],"Recommended Modules":["\nماژول هاي پيشنهادي"],"Example contents":["مطالب پيشفرض"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. 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You can adjust them during the next step.":["براي سادگي نصب مراحلي چند گانه با توجه به استفاده هاي معمول طراحي شده است"],"Initializing database...":["در حال مقدار دهي به ديتابيس"],"New Like":["لايك جديد"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["را دوست دارند {contentTitle}{displayNames}"],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["را دوست دارد {contentTitle}{displayNames}"],"You":["شما"],"You like this.":["دوس داشتيد"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} و {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["ديگر {number} و {displayName}"],"Other":["ديگر"],"Module Filter":["فيلتر ماژول ها"],"No notifications found!":["هيچ نوتيفيكيشني يافت نشد"],"Notification Overview":["ديد كلي نوتيفيكيشن ها"],"Search results":["نتايج جستجو"],"Advanced search settings":["جستجوي پيشرفته"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["به دنبال كاربر، انجمن و مطلب گشتن"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["تنها در انجمن خاصي بگرد"],"Your search returned no matches.":["جستجوي شما هيچ نتيجه اي به دنبال نداشت"],"Space followers":["دنبال كنندگان"],"No spaces found.":["هيچ انجمني يافت نشد"],"Private":["خصوصي"],"Space":["انجمن"],"Stream (Default)":["استريم پيشفرض"],"Members":["اعضا"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["متسفيم، شما امكان خروج از اين انجمن را نداريد"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["بعنوان مدير اين انجمن شما مي توانيد اين نقش را به كس ديگري محول كنيد"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["آدرس يو آر ال حاوي كاراكتر هاي غير قانوني است"],"Transfer ownership":["انتقال مديريت"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["{baseUrl}/s/example مثال براي"],"Last Visit":["آخرين بازديد"],"Originator User ID":["كاربر موسس"],"Request Message":["پيام درخواست"],"Updated By":["بروزرساني توسط"],"Color":["رنگ"],"Homepage":["صفحه خانه"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["پذيرفت {spaceName} براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["را تاييد كرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["را رد كرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["را تاييد نكرد {spaceName} تقاضاي شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":[" درخواست كرد{spaceName} از شما براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":[" درخواست كرد{spaceName} براي عضويت در انجمن {displayName} كاربر"],"Allows the user to create public content":["به كاربران اجازه بده مطالب عمومي ايجاد كنند"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["به كاربران اجازه بده كاربران جديد به انجمن اضافه كنند"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["مي تواند انجمن هاي مخفي و خصوصي ايجاد كند"],"Can create public visible spaces. 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Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions."],"Your firstname":["نام شما"],"Your lastname":["نام خانوادگي شما"],"Your mobild phone number":["شماره تلفن همراه"],"Your phone number at work":["شماره منزل"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["توانايي ها و آموزش هاي گذرانده"],"Your title or position":["عنوان شغلي"],"Your profile":["نمايه كاربري"],"Basic Settings":["تنظيمات پايه"],"Change Email":["تغيير ايميل"],"Change Password":["تغيير پسورد"],"Confirm new password":["تاييد پسورد جديد"],"Connect account":["اتصال حساب"],"Connected Accounts":["حساب هااي متصل"],"Connected accounts":["حساب هااي متصل"],"Currently in use":["در حال استفاده"],"Delete Account":["حذف اكانت"],"Disconnect account":["قطع اتصال اكانت"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["اينجا تنظيمات اتصال به سرويس دهندگان خارجي مهيا مي شود."],"My Account":["حساب من"],"No users found.":["هيچ كاربري يافت نشد"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. 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Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["حركت دادن فايل به همان پوشه امكان پذير نيست"],"No valid items were selected to move.":["هيچ آيتم معتبري براي حركت دادن انتخاب نشده است"],"Open":["بازكردن"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["باز كردن فايل فشره انجام نشد . كد اراور : %code%"],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["وارد كنيد %title% لطفا مقصدي معتبر براي انتقال فايل"],"Selected items...":["آيتم هاي انتخاب شده"],"Show":["نمايش"],"Show Post":["نمايش پست"],"The archive could not be created.":["فايل فشرده ايجاد نشد"],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["هم اكنون موجود است، مطالب درون دوباره نويسي شدند %filename% پوشه"],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["موجود نيست %id% پوشه اي با اي دي"],"This folder is empty.":["اين پوشه خالي است"],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["متاسفانه شما اجازه آپلود يا ويرايش فايل ها را نداريد"],"Updated":["بروز رساني شده"],"Upload":["آپلود"],"Upload ZIP":["آپلود فايل فشرده زيپ"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["آپلود فايل يا ايجاد يك زير شاخه با دكمه هاي بالا"],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["استريم كردن فايل ها تا اين پوشه پر شود"],"ZIP all":["همه را فشرده كن"],"ZIP selected":["فايل انتخاب شده را زيپ كن"],"changed:":["تغيير :"],"created:":["ايجاد :"],"root":["ريشه فايل"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["بدون اضافه كردن دايركت لينك"],"Add Dropbox files":["اضافه كردن فايل از دراپباكس"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":[" اضافه شد \"%category%\"به دسته بندي %link%لينك جديد"],"No description available.":["هيچي توضيحي موجود نيست"],"list":["ليست"],"Choose a thumbnail":["انتخاب تصوير"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["شما نمي توانيد پيامي براي خودتان ارسال كنيد","شما نمي توانيد به خودتان پيام بفرستيد"],"Add recipients":["اضافه كردن گيرنده"],"Delete conversation":["حذف گفتگو"],"Leave conversation":["ترك گفتگو"],"Could not get note users! ":["نتوانستيم نوشته هاي كاربر را نمايش دهيم"],"Anonymous poll!":["راي دهي ناشناس"],"Anonymous":["ناشناس"],"Closed":["بسته"],"Add answer...":["ضافه كردن پاسخ...."],"Anonymous Votes?":["راي دهي ناشناس؟"],"Display answers in random order?":["نشان دادن پاسخ ها بصورت اتفاقي"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["ويرايش پاسخ ها"],"Edit your poll question...":["ويرايش سوال نظرخواهي"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["چرا مي خواهيد اين مطلب را گزارش دهيد؟"],"created by :displayName":["displayName : ساخته شده توسط"],"Confirm post deletion":["تاييد حذف پست"],"Confirm report deletion":["تاييد گزارش حذف پست"],"Delete report":["حذف گزارش"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["واقعا مي خواهيد اين گزارش را حذف كنيد؟"],"There are no reported posts.":["هيچ مطلب گزارش شده اي موجود نيست"],"Does not belong to this space":["به اين انجمن تعلق ندارد"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["به ما در فهميدن اوضاع كمك كنيد"],"It's offensive":["توهين آميز است"],"It's spam":["تبليغ است"],"Report post":["گزارش"],"Assigned user(s)":["كاربران اختصاص داده شده"],"Deadline":["آخرين مهلت","مهلت"],"Task":["وظيفه"],"Create new task":["ايجاد مظيفه جديد"],"Edit task":["ويرايش وظيفه"],"Assign users":["اختصاص كاربر"],"What is to do?":["ملزم به انجام چه چيزي است؟"],"Confirm deleting":["تاييد حذف"],"Add Task":["ايجاد وظيفه"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["وظيفه حذف شود؟"],"No open tasks...":["هيچ وظيف بازي نيست"],"completed tasks":["وظايف به اتمام رسيده"],"Update HumHub":["بروز رساني مهيا"],"Update HumHub BETA":["روز رساني مهيا BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["از تمامي فايل ها و ديتابيس خود بكاپ كامل بگيريد"],"Check for next update":["بررسي براي جديدترين بروز رسان"],"Could not extract update package!":["فايل بروزرساني نصب نشد"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["بروزرساني آنلاين انجام نشد.....كد ارور (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["نتايج انتقال ديتابيس:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!"],"Downloading update package...":["در حال دانلود فايل آپديت"],"Error!":["خطا!"],"Installing update package...":["در حال نصب فايل آپديت"],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["مطمئن شويد تمامي فايل ها قابل نوشتن هستند"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["مطمئن شويد قالب و تمامي ماژول ها با نسخه جديد سازگارند .... نسخه %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["مطمئن شويد فايل هاي زير قابل نوشتن توسط نرم افزارن :"],"Please note:":["يادداشت كنيد :"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update"],"Proceed Installation":["ادامه"],"Release Notes:":["Release Notes:"],"Show database migration results":["نمايش نتايج انتقال ديتابيس"],"Start Installation":["آغاز نصب"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["فايل هاي زير به نظر اصلي نمي رسند پس در حين بروزرساني دوبارهنويسي خواهند شد......نسخه (%version%)"],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["آپديت جديدي در دسترس است....نسخه (%version%)"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["آپديت جديدي براي مهيا موجود نيست"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update Mahya BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["مجموعه نصب غير معقول"],"Warning!":["هشدار!"],"Warnings:":["هشدار :"],"successfully installed!":["با موفقيت نصب شد"],"version update":["نسخه بروزرساني"],"Update download failed! 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\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\r\n\r\n حساب كاربري شما فعال شده است.
\r\n\r\n براي ورود اينجا را كليك كنيد:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n با احترام
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["سلام {displayName},
\r\n\r\n درخواست عضويت شما پذيرفته نشده است.
\r\n\r\n با احترام
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["حداكثر ميزان آيتم هاي چسبيده پايان يافته است"],"Pinned":["چسبیده","چسباندن"],"Unpinned":["رها کردن"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["اعضاي خارج از شبكه هم بتوانند عضو شوند"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/fr/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/fr/archive.json
index 46f44dd122..2031a6510c 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/fr/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/fr/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Dernières mises à jour"],"Search":["Recherche"],"Account settings":["Paramètres du compte"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Retour"],"Back to dashboard":["Retour au tableau de bord"],"Choose language:":["Choisir la langue :"],"Collapse":["Réduire"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Le contenu d'un add-on doit être une instance de HActiveRecordContent ou HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Le contenu du conteneur ne peut être déterminé"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Le contenu du add-on ne peut être trouvé"],"Could not find requested module!":["Impossible de trouver le module demandé !"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Expand":["Agrandir"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Vos droits d'accès sont insuffisants pour créer du contenu !"],"Invalid request.":["Requête invalide"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Il semble que vous n'êtes pas au bon endroit."],"Keyword:":["Mot-clé:"],"Language":["Langue"],"Latest news":["Dernières nouvelles"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Se déconnecter"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Le module n'est pas activé pour ce conteneur"],"My profile":["Mon profil"],"New profile image":["Nouvelle image de profil"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Aucun élément trouvé à partir de votre saisie"],"Oooops...":["Oups..."],"Results":["Résultats"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Search for users and spaces":["Rechercher des utilisateurs ou des espaces"],"Show more results":["Afficher plus de résultats"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Désolé, aucun élément trouvé !"],"Space not found!":["Espace introuvable"],"User Approvals":["Approbations utilisateur"],"User not found!":["Utilisateur non trouvé !"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bienvenue sur %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Vous ne pouvez créer un contenu public visible !"],"Your daily summary":["Votre rapport quotidien"],"Login required":["Login requis"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Une erreur interne est survenue."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette action."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Global {global} tableau vidé utilisant la méthode {method}."],"Upload error":["Erreur de chargement"],"Close":["Fermer","Fermé"],"Add image/file":["Ajouter une image/fichier"],"Add link":["Ajouter un lien"],"Bold":["Gras"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Entrez une url (par exemple http://exemple.com)"],"Heading":["Entête"],"Image":["Image"],"Image/File":["Image/fichier"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Insérer un lien"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Insérer un lien vers une image"],"Italic":["Italique"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement..."],"Preview":["Prévisualiser"],"Quote":["Citation"],"Target":["Destination"],"Title":["Titre"],"Title of your link":["Titre de votre lien"],"URL/Link":["URL/lien"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Impossible de créer une activité pour ce type d'objet !"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a créé un nouvel espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["Espace créé par %displayName%"],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a rejoint l'espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% a rejoint cet espace."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a quitté l'espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% a quitté cet espace."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} suit maintenant {user2}."],"see online":["voir en ligne"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Activités récentes"],"There are no activities yet.":["Il n'y a aucune activité récente."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\nVotre compte est activé.
\nCliquez sur le lien suivant pour vous connecter :
\n \nCordialement,
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\nVotre demande a été rejetée.
\n \nCordialement,
"],"Group not found!":["Groupe non trouvé !"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Désinstallation du module impossible ! Module Protégé."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Le dossier %path% du module n'est pas accessible en écriture"],"Saved":["Enregistré"],"Database":["Base de données"],"No theme":["Aucun Thème"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Changement LDAP impossible ! - Vérifier l'extension PHP"],"File":["Fichier"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Aucune cache (Test seulement)","Pas de cache"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Aucun - Combo déroulante lors de l'enregistrement."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Sauvegardé et cache purgée"],"Become this user":["Devenir cet utilisateur"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Unapproved":["Non Approuvé"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer vous-même !"],"Could not load category.":["Impossible de charger la catégorie."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Vous pouvez uniquement supprimer les catégories vides !"],"Group":["Groupe"],"Message":["Message"],"Subject":["Objet"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Activer le LDAP"],"Encryption":["Chiffrement","Cryptage"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"Login Filter":["Filtre Login"],"Password":["Mot de passe"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Filtre Utilisateur"],"Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Username Attribute":["Attribut Utilisateur"],"Anonymous users can register":["Les utilisateurs anonymes peuvent s'enregistrer"],"Default user group for new users":["Groupe par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Les membres peuvent inviter des utilisateurs externes par e-mail"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["L'approbation de l'administrateur du groupe est requis après l'enregistrement"],"Base URL":["Base de l'url"],"Default language":["Langage par défaut"],"Default space":["Espace par défaut"],"Invalid space":["Espace invalide"],"Logo upload":["Charger un logo"],"Name of the application":["Nom de l'application"],"Server Timezone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Afficher les \"premiers pas\" pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Cache Backend":["Type de mémoire cache"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Temps d'expiration par défaut (en secondes)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extension PHP APC non trouvée - Service non disponible !"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extension PHP SQLite3 non trouvée - Service non disponible !"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Taille de pagination par défaut (entrées par page)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Nom affiché (format)"],"Theme":["Thème"],"Convert command not found!":["Commande de conversion non trouvée !"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Réponse de \"Image Magick\" incorrecte - Votre commande est-elle juste ?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Commande de conversion \"Image Magick\" (optionnel)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Taille de fichier en Upload maximum (en Mo)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Utiliser X-Sendfile pour le téléchargement ?"],"Administrator users":["Administrateurs"],"Description":["Description"],"Ldap DN":["DN LDAP"],"Name":["Nom"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Autoriser les certificats auto-signés ?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Adresse expéditeur du Mail"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nom de l'expéditeur du Mail"],"Mail Transport Type":["Type de transport du Mail"],"Port number":["Port (ex : 25)"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Les super administrateurs peuvent supprimer chaque objet contenu"],"HTML tracking code":["Code HTML de suivi de statistiques"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Le dossier du module (%modulePath%) existe déjà !"],"Could not extract module!":["Impossible d'extraire le module"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Impossible d'afficher la liste des modules en ligne ! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Informations du module non disponible ! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Erreur de téléchargement du module !"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Le dossier du module (%modulePath%) est en lecture seule !"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Erreur de téléchargement de module ! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Version du module non compatible !","Aucun module compatible n'a été trouvé !"],"Activated":["Activé"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aucun module installé actuellement. Installez-en pour améliorer les fonctionnalités de HumHub."],"Version:":["Version :"],"Installed":["Installé"],"No modules found!":["Aucun module trouvé !"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tous les modules sont à jour !"],"About HumHub":["A propos de HumHub"],"Accept":["Accepter"],"Decline":["Refuse"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Utilisateur autorisé : {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Send & save":["Enregistrer & Envoyer"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Refuser et supprimer l'utilisateur : {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Rechercher un Email","Rechercher par Email"],"Search for username":["Rechercher un Nom d'utilisateur","Rechercher par Nom d'Utilisateur"],"Pending user approvals":["Utilisateurs en attente d'acceptation"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Ici, voici la liste de tous les utilisateurs enregistrés mais en attente d'une acceptation."],"Delete group":["Supprimer le groupe"],"Delete group":["Supprimer le groupe"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Pour supprimer le groupe \"{group}\" vous devez sélectionner un groupe alternatif pour les utilisateurs existant :"],"Create new group":["Nouveau groupe"],"Edit group":["Editer le groupe"],"Group name":["Nom du Groupe","Nom du groupe"],"Search for description":["Rechercher dans la description"],"Search for group name":["Rechercher un groupe par nom"],"Manage groups":["Gérer les groupes"],"Create new group":["Créer un nouveau groupe"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Vous pouvez séparer les utilisateurs en différents groupes (par équipe, département, ...) ainsi que définir leurs Espaces par défaut et leurs Administrateurs."],"Error logging":["Erreur de Journalisation"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Afficher {count} entrées par page."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total de {count} entrées trouvées."],"Available updates":["Mises à jour disponible"],"Browse online":["Voir en ligne"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Ce module ne fournit pas d'autres informations."],"Modules directory":["Répertoire des modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Êtes-vous sûr ? *TOUTES* les données du module seront perdues !"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Êtes-vous sûr ? *TOUTES* les données et *TOUS* les fichiers du module seront perdus !"],"Configure":["Configurer"],"Disable":["Désactiver"],"Enable":["Activer"],"More info":["Plus d'info"],"Set as default":["Définir par défaut"],"Uninstall":["Désinstaller"],"Install":["Installer"],"Latest compatible version:":["Dernière version compatible :"],"Latest version:":["Dernière version : "],"Installed version:":["Version installée :"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Dernière version compatible :"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% est définit comme module par défaut"],"Always activated":["Toujours activé"],"Deactivated":["Désactivé"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Ici, vous pouvez choisir ou non si un module devrait être automatiquement activé dans un espace ou un profil d'utilisateur. Si le module devrait être activé, choisissez \"toujours activé\"."],"Spaces":["Espaces"],"User Profiles":["Profils utilisateurs"],"Authentication - Basic":["Authentication - Basique"],"Basic":["Général"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authentication - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["L'utilisation du protocole TLS/SSL est fortement recommandé dans les environnements de production pour prévenir de la transmission des mots de passe en clair."],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Attribut LDAP pour Nom d'utilisateur. Exemple: "uid" ou "sAMAccountName""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status : Erreur! (Message: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status : OK! ({userCount} Utilisateurs)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["La base par défaut DN utilisé pour la recherche de comptes."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Le mot de passe par défaut des informations d'identification (utilisé uniquement avec identifiant ci-dessus)."],"Cache Settings":["Paramètres de la mémoire cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Enregistrer & Purger le cache"],"CronJob settings":["Paramètres des tâches planifiées"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Tâche planifiée de l'utilisateur : {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Dernière exécution (journalières) :"],"Last run (hourly):":["Dernière exécution (horaires) :"],"Never":["Jamais","jamais"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ou tâche du SuperUtilisateur (root)"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Merci de bien vouloir vérifier que les tâches planifiées sont installées :"],"Design settings":["Préférences de mise en page"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Prénom Nom (ex. : John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nom d'utilisateur (ex. : john)"],"File settings":["Paramètres de fichier"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Liste séparée par des virgules. Laissez vide pour tout autoriser."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Librairie d'image courante : {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP informe un maximum d'Upload de {maxUploadSize} Mo"],"Basic settings":["Paramètres de Base"],"Dashboard":["Fil d'actualité"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Ex. http://exemple.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs seront automatiquement ajoutés à ces espaces."],"Mailing defaults":["Paramètres de Mailing par défaut"],"Activities":["Activités"],"Always":["Toujours","toujours"],"Daily summary":["Résumé quotidien","résumé quotidien"],"Defaults":["Par Défaut","Par défaut"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Définir les valeurs par défaut lorsque l'utilisateur reçoit des e-mails sur les notifications ou de nouvelles activités. Ces paramètres peuvent être réécrits par les utilisateurs dans les paramètres de compte."],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Server Settings":["Paramètres du serveur"],"When I´m offline":["Quand je suis Hors Ligne","quand je suis déconnecté"],"Mailing settings":["Paramètres de Mailing par défaut"],"SMTP Options":["Options SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Rôles et Paramètres de Sécurité"],"Self test":["Auto tests"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Vérifier les pré-requis de HumHub"],"Re-Run tests":["Executer la vérification"],"Statistic settings":["Paramètres de statistiques"],"All":["Tous"],"Delete space":["Supprimer l'Espace"],"Edit space":["Éditer l'Espace"],"Search for space name":["Rechercher un Espace (par nom)"],"Search for space owner":["Rechercher un Espace (par Propriétaire)"],"Space name":["Nom de l'espace"],"Space owner":["Propriétaire de l'espace"],"View space":["Voir"],"Manage spaces":["Gérer les espaces"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Dans cette vue d'ensemble, vous pouvez trouver tous les espaces et les gérer."],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet utilisateur ? Si celui-ci est le propriétaire d'un Espace, VOUS deviendrez le propriétaire de celui-ci."],"Delete user":["Supprimer l'Utilisateur"],"Delete user: {username}":["Supprimer l'Utilisateur : {username}"],"Edit user":["Éditer l'Utilisateur"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Supprimer le compte utilisateur"],"Edit user account":["Éditer le compte utilisateur"],"No":["Non"],"View user profile":["Voir le profil"],"Yes":["Oui"],"Manage users":["Gérer les utilisateurs"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Dans cette vision d'ensemble, vous pouvez trouver chaque utilisateur enregistré et le gérer"],"Create new profile category":["Créer une nouvelle catégorie de Profil"],"Edit profile category":["Éditer la catégorie"],"Create new profile field":["Créer un champ de profil"],"Edit profile field":["Éditer un champ de profil"],"Security & Roles":["Rôles et Sécurité"],"Administration menu":["Menu d'Administration"],"About":["À propos"],"Authentication":["Authentification"],"Caching":["Cache"],"Cron jobs":["Tâches planifiées"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Fichiers"],"Groups":["Groupes"],"Logging":["Connexion"],"Mailing":["Envoi de mail"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Self test & update":["Auto-Tests et Mise à Jour"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"User approval":["Approbation d'utilisateur"],"User profiles":["Profil utilisateur"],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"Click here to review":["Cliquez ici pour réviser"],"New approval requests":["Nouvelles requêtes d'approbation"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Un utilisateur ou plus nécessite l'approbation en tant qu'administrateur de groupe."],"Could not delete comment!":["Impossible d'effacer le commentaire !"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe cible invalide"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["le modèle et le paramètre ID sont requis !"],"Target not found!":["Cible non trouvée !"],"Access denied!":["Accès refusé !"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Droits insuffisants !"],"Comment":["Commenter"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% a écrit un commentaire"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Edit your comment...":["Éditer le commentaire..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a également commenté %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a commenté %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Voir les {total} commentaires."],"Write a new comment...":["Écrire un nouveau commentaire..."],"Post":["la publication"],"Show %count% more comments":["Afficher %count% autres commentaires"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmation de la suppression du commentaire"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer ce commentaire ?"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Updated :timeago":["mis à jour :timeago","actualisé il y a :timeago","Mis à jour :timeago","Actualisé il y a :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} a publié {contentTitle}."],"Back to stream":["Retour au fil d'actualités","Retour au flux"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Sorting":["Trier"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Nombre maximum d'éléments épinglés atteint !\n\nVous ne pouvez épingler que deux éléments en même temps au maximum.\nPour épingler cet élément malgré tout, retirez l'épingle d'un autre élément auparavant !"],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossible de charger l'objet demandé !"],"Unknown content class!":["Contenu de classe inconnu"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossible de trouver le contenu demandé"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossible de trouver le lien permanent demandé"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} a publié : {contentTitle}."],"in":["dans"],"Submit":["Envoyer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Aucun résultat."],"Nothing here yet!":["Rien à afficher actuellement."],"Move to archive":["Archiver"],"Unarchive":["Désarchiver"],"Add a member to notify":["Indiquez le nom du membre à avertir"],"Make private":["Rendre privé"],"Make public":["Rendre public"],"Notify members":["Avertir les membres"],"Public":["Public"],"What's on your mind?":["Publiez quelque chose..."],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la publication"],"Do you really want to delete this post? 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Personne n'a rien écrit pour le moment.
Soyez le premier et écrivez quelque chose..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Ce flux de profil est vide"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Cet espace est vide
Commencez par écrire quelque chose ici..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Votre fil d'actualité est vide !
Écrivez quelque chose sur votre profil ou rejoignez des espaces !"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Votre profil est vide.
Commencez par écrire quelque chose..."],"Content with attached files":["Contenu avec pièces jointes"],"Created by me":["Créé par moi","Créées par moi"],"Creation time":["Date de création"],"Include archived posts":["Inclure les archives"],"Last update":["Dernière mise à jour"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Rien ne correspond à vos critères actuels !"],"Only private posts":["Uniquement les publications privées"],"Only public posts":["Uniquement les publications publiques"],"Posts only":["Uniquement les publications"],"Posts with links":["Publications avec liens"],"Show all":["Afficher tout"],"Where I´m involved":["Où je suis impliqué"],"No public contents to display found!":["Aucun contenu public à afficher actuellement."],"Directory":["Annuaire"],"Member Group Directory":["Annuaire des membres de groupes"],"show all members":["Voir tous les membres"],"Directory menu":["Menu annuaire"],"Members":["Membres"],"User profile posts":["Publications des membres"],"Member directory":["Annuaire des membres"],"Follow":["Suivre"],"No members found!":["Aucun membre."],"Unfollow":["Ne plus suivre"],"search for members":["chercher des membres"],"Space directory":["Annuaire des espaces"],"No spaces found!":["Aucun espace trouvé."],"You are a member of this space":["Vous êtes membre de cet espace"],"search for spaces":["chercher des espaces"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Il n'y a aucune publication actuellement"],"Group stats":["Statistiques des groupe"],"Average members":["Moyenne des membres"],"Top Group":["Groupe le plus actif"],"Total groups":["Nombre de groupes"],"Member stats":["Statistiques des membres"],"New people":["Nouveaux membres"],"Follows somebody":["Abonnés à quelqu'un "],"Online right now":["En ligne en ce moment"],"Total users":["Nombre de membres"],"See all":["Voir tous"],"New spaces":["Nouveaux espaces"],"Space stats":["Statistiques des espaces"],"Most members":["Plus de membres "],"Private spaces":["Espaces privés"],"Total spaces":["Nombre d'espaces"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossible de trouver le fichier demandé !"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Vous n'avez pas les permissions !"],"Created By":["Créé par"],"Created at":["Créé à","Créé le"],"File name":["Nom du fichier"],"Guid":["GUID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Type Mine invalide"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La taille maximale autorisée ({maxFileSize}) est dépassée."],"Mime Type":["Type Mime"],"Size":["Taille"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Ce type de fichier n'est pas autorisé"],"Updated at":["Mis à jour à","Mis à jour le"],"Updated by":["Mis à jour par"],"Could not upload File:":["Impossible d'envoyer le fichier :"],"Upload files":["Envoyer des fichiers"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Liste des fichiers déjà envoyés :"],"Create Admin Account":["Créer un compte administrateur"],"Name of your network":["Nom de votre réseau"],"Name of Database":["Nom de la base de données"],"Admin Account":["Compte Administrateur"],"Next":["Suivant"],"Social Network Name":["Nom du réseau social"],"Setup Complete":["Configuration terminée"],"Sign in":["Se connecter"],"Setup Wizard":["Setup Wizard"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bienvenue sur HumHub
Votre réseau social"],"Initializing database...":["Initialisation de la base de données..."],"Your MySQL password.":["Votre mot de passe MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Votre nom d'utilisateur MySQL"],"System Check":["Vérification du système"],"Check again":["Vérifier à nouveau"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossible de trouver la cible !"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossible de trouver la cible !"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe invalide !"],"Users who like this":["Membres qui aiment ça"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} aime {contentTitle}"],"User who vote this":["Utilisateurs qui vont répondre à ça"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% aime aussi %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% aime %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" aime ça."],"You like this.":["Vous aimez ça."],"You
"],"Like":["Aime"],"Unlike":["N'aime plus"],"and {count} more like this.":["et {count} autres aiment ça."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossible de déterminer l'url de redirection pour ce type d'objet source"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Impossible de charger l'objet source de notification vers cette redirection!"],"New":["Nouveau"],"Mark all as seen":["Tout marquer comme lu"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Il n'y a aucune notification."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% a créé une nouvelle publication."],"Edit your post...":["Éditer la publication..."],"Read full post...":["Lire tout..."],"Search results":["Résultats de la recherche"],"Content":["Contenu"],"Send & decline":["Envoyer et refuser"],"Visible for all":["Visible de tous"]," Invite and request":[" Sur invitation et demande"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Impossible de supprimer un utilisateur s'il est propriétaire d'un espace ! Espace concerné : {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Tout le monde peut entrer"],"Invite and request":["Sur invitation et demande"],"Only by invite":["Sur invitation uniquement"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privé (invisible)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Public (membres et visiteurs)"],"Public (Members only)":["Public (membres uniquement)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Public (utilisateurs enregistrés uniquement)"],"Public (Visible)":["Public (visible)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visible par tous (membres et visiteurs)"],"Space is invisible!":["Espace invisible"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Vous devez être connecté pour voir ce contenu"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["En tant que propriétaire, vous ne pouvez pas révoquer votre participation !"],"Could not request membership!":["Demande de participation impossible !"],"There is no pending invite!":["Aucune invitation en attente !"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Cette action n'est disponible que pour les membres de cet espace !"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à rejoindre cet espace !"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ce nom d'espace est déjà utilisé."],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Indiquez votre mot de passe"],"Invites":["Invitations"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nouveaux utilisateurs par e-mail (séparés par une virgule)"],"User is already member!":["Cet utilisateur est déjà membre."],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} est déjà inscrit."],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} n'est pas valide."],"Application message":["Message"],"Scope":["Etendue"],"Strength":["Contrainte"],"Created At":["Créé le"],"Join Policy":["Conditions d'adhésion"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Status":["Statut"],"Tags":["Mots-clés"],"Updated At":["Mis à jour le"],"Visibility":["Visibilité"],"Website URL (optional)":["Lien vers site Web (option)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Vous ne pouvez pas créer un espace privé visible !"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Vous ne pouvez pas créer un espace public visible !"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Choisissez la portion de l'image que vous désirez utiliser comme avatar et cliquez sur Enregistrer."],"Modify space image":["Modifier l'image de l'espace"],"Delete space":["Effacer l'espace"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimé cet espace ? Tout le contenu publié sera définitivement supprimé également !"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Veuillez indiquez votre mot de passe pour continuer !"],"General space settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"Archive":["Archive"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Choisissez le type de participation à cet espace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Choisissez le niveau de sécurité de cet espace pour en définir la visibilité."],"Search members":["Rechercher des membres"],"Manage your space members":["Gérez les membres de votre espace"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Invitations envoyées"],"Outstanding user requests":["Demandes d'utilisateurs en attente"],"Remove member":["Retirer le membre"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Autoriser cet utilisateur
à inviter d'autres utilisateurs"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Autoriser cet utilisateur
à rendre public du contenu"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir retirer ce membre de cet espace ?"],"Can invite":["Autorisé à inviter"],"Can share":["Autorisé à partager"],"Change space owner":["Changer le propriétaire"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Les utilisateurs externes, invités par e-mail ne sont pas visibles ici."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Tous les membres actifs de cet espace sont visibles ci-dessous. Vous pouvez modifier leurs privilèges ou les retirer de ce espace."],"Is admin":["Est administrateur"],"Make this user an admin":["Donner les droits administrateur."],"No, cancel":["Non, annuler"],"Remove":["Enlever"],"Request message":["Message de demande"],"Revoke invitation":["Révoquer l'invitation"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Les utilisateurs suivant attendent une approbation pour participer à cet espace. Merci de faire le nécessaire."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Les utilisateurs suivants ont été invités dans cet espace, mais n'ont pas encore répondus à cette demande."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Le propriétaire de l'espace est le super-administrateur et normalement le créateur de cet espace. Ici vous pouvez transmettre cette fonction à un autre utilisateur."],"Yes, remove":["Oui, effacer"],"Space Modules":["Modules des espaces"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Êtes-vous certain ? *TOUTES* les données des modules de cet espace seront définitivement supprimées !"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Aucun module n'est disponible actuellement pour cet espace !"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Améliorez cet espace avec des modules."],"Create new space":["Créer un nouvel espace"],"Advanced access settings":["Paramètres d'accès avancés"],"Advanced search settings":["Paramètres avancés de la recherche"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Les non-membres peuvent voir cet espace
mais n'y ont pas accès"],"Create":["Créer"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tout le monde peut entrer dans votre
espace sans votre approbation."],"For everyone":["Pour tout le monde"],"How you want to name your space?":["Indiquez le nom de votre espace"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Indiquez une description courte pour les autres utilisateurs."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Cet espace sera caché
pour les non membres"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Les utilisateurs peuvent demander
un accès à cet espace"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Les utilisateurs ne peuvent être
ajoutés que par invitation"],"space description":["description de l'espace"],"space name":["nom de l'espace"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} souhaite s'affilier à l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} à accepté votre demande d'affiliation à {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} à refusé votre demande d'affiliation à {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vous invite à rejoindre l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} a accepté votre invitation dans l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} a refusé votre invitation dans l'espace {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Cet espace est vide !"],"Accept Invite":["Accepter l'invitation"],"Become member":["Devenir membre"],"Cancel membership":["Annuler l'affiliation"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annuler la demande d'affiliation"],"Deny Invite":["Interdire l'invitation"],"Request membership":["Demander à devenir membre"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Vous être propriétaire de cet espace"],"created by":["créé par"],"Invite members":["Inviter des membres"],"Add an user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Email addresses":["Adresse e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Inviter par e-mail"],"New user?":["Nouvel utilisateur ?"],"Pick users":["Sélectionnez les utilisateurs"],"Send":["Envoyer"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Pour inviter des membres dans cet espace, saisissez leurs noms ci-dessous et cochez les."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Vous pouvez également inviter des utilisateurs qui ne sont pas encore inscrits. Indiquez simplement leurs adresses e-mails séparées par une virgule."],"Request space membership":["Demande d'adhésion"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Merci de vous présenter en quelques mots afin de devenir un membre de cet espace."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Votre demande a été transmise à l'administrateur de cet espace."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utilisateur est membre."],"User has been invited.":["L'utilisateur a été invité."],"User has not been invited.":["L'utilisateur n'a pas encore été invité."],"Back to workspace":["Retour à l'espace de travail"],"Space preferences":["Espace préférences"],"General":["Général"],"My Space List":["Ma liste d'espaces"],"My space summary":["Résumé de l'espace"],"Space directory":["Annuaire des espaces"],"Space menu":["Menu Espace"],"Stream":["Flux"],"Change image":["Changer d'image"],"Current space image":["Image d'espace actuelle"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de l'image","Confirmr la suppression","Confirmer la suppression"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette image ?","Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image ?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image de votre profil ?","Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image du profil ?"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Something went wrong":["Quelque chose n'a pas fonctionné"],"Followers":["Abonnés"],"Posts":["Publications"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Merci de vous présenter en quelques mots afin de devenir un membre de cet espace."],"Request workspace membership":["Demander de participation à l'espace","Demande de participation"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Votre demande de participation a été envoyée aux administrateurs."],"Create new space":["Créer un espace"],"My spaces":["Mes espaces"],"Space info":["Espace info"],"more":["plus"],"Accept invite":["Accepter l'invitation"],"Deny invite":["Décliner l'invitation"],"Leave space":["Se désabonner"],"New member request":["Nouvelles demandes d'affiliation"],"Space members":["Membres de l'espace","Espace membres"],"End guide":["Fin de la visite guidée"],"Next »":["Suivant »"],"« Prev":["« Précédent"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hourra! C'est tout pour maintenant."],"Modules":["Modules"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["En tant qu'admin, vou spouvez gérer la plateforme entière depuis ici.
Outre les modules, nous n'allons pas rentrer dans le détail ici, chacun a sa propre courte description ailleurs ."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Vous êtes actuellement dans le menu Outils. De là, vous pouvez accéder au marché en ligne HumHub, où vous pouvez installer un nombre toujours croissant d'outils à la volée.
Comme déjà mentionné, les outils augmentent les fonctions disponibles dans votre espace."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["\nVous avez maintenant appris à propos de tous les aspects les plus importants et êtes tous prêt pour commencer à utiliser la plate-forme.
Nous espérons que vous et tous les futurs utilisateurs serez satisfait d'utiliser ce site. Nous nous réjouissons de vos suggestions ou support que vous souhaitez offrir à notre projet. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via www.humhub.org.
Restez à l'écoute. :-)","\r\nVous avez maintenant appris à propos de tous les aspects les plus importants et êtes tous prêt pour commencer à utiliser la plate-forme.
Nous espérons que vous et tous les futurs utilisateurs serez satisfait d'utiliser ce site. Nous nous réjouissons de vos suggestions ou support que vous souhaitez offrir à notre projet. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via www.humhub.org.
Restez à l'écoute. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["ceci est votre tableau de bord.
Toute nouvelle activité ou commentaire qui peut vous intéresser sera affiché ici."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Modules)"],"Edit account":["Modifier le compte"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hourra! Fin."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hourra ! Vous avez terminé !"],"Profile menu":["Profil menu","Menu profil"],"Profile photo":["Profil photo"],"Profile stream":["Profile flux"],"User profile":["Profil utilisateur"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Cliquez sur ce bouton pour mettre à jour votre profil et vos paramètres de compte. Vous pouvez également ajouter plus d'informations à votre profil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Chaque profil possède sa propre tableau d'affichage. Vos messages seront également diffusés sur les tableaux de bord des utilisateurs qui vous suivent."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Tout comme dans l'espace, le profil de l'utilisateur peut être personnalisé avec différents modules.
Vous pouvez découvrir quels sont les modules disponibles pour votre profil en regardant dans \"Modules\" dans le menu des paramètres de compte."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Ceci est votre profil d'utilisateur public, qui peut être vu par tout utilisateur enregistré."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Ajouter une photo de profil en cliquant ici ou par glisser-déposer. Faites la même chose pour mettre à jour votre photo de couverture."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Vous avez terminé le guide de profil de l'utilisateur!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Vous avez terminé le guide de profil utilisateur!
Pour poursuivre avec le guide d'administration, cliquez ici:
"],"Most recent activities":["Plus récentes activités"],"Posts":["Commentaires"],"Profile Guide":["Guide de profile"],"Space":["Espace"],"Space navigation menu":["Espace menu navigation"],"Writing posts":["Écrire une publication"],"Yay! You're done.":["Bravo ! Vous avez terminé."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Tous les utilisateurs qui sont membres de cet espace seront affichés ici.
Les nouveaux membres peuvent être ajoutés par quiconque ayant obtenu les droits d'accès de l'administrateur."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Donner aux autres utilisateurs une description rapide du thème de l'espace. Vous pouvez ajouter des informations sommaires ici.
L'administrateur de l'espace peut insérer et changer l'image de couverture de l'espace en cliquant dessus ou en faisant glisser l'image."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Les nouveaux messages peuvent être rédigés et publiés ici."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Une fois que vous avez rejoint ou créé un nouvel espace, vous pouvez travailler sur des projets, discuter de sujets ou tout simplement partager des informations avec d'autres utilisateurs.
Il existe différents outils pour personnaliser un espace, rendant ainsi le processus de collaboration plus agréable."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["C'est tout pour le guide de l'espace
Pour poursuivre avec le guide de profil utilisateur, cliquez ici :"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["C'est là que vous pouvez naviguer dans l'espace - Où vous y trouverez les modules qui sont actifs ou disponibles pour l'espace particulier où vous êtes actuellement. Ceux-ci pourraient être des sondages, des tâches ou des notes par exemple
Seul l'administrateur de l'espace peut gérer les modules de l'espace."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Ce menu n'est visible que pour les administrateurs de l'espace. Ici vous pouvez gérer vos paramètres d'espace, ajouter des membres / blocs et activer / désactiver les outils pour cet espace."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Pour vous tenir au courant, les activités les plus récentes des autres utilisateurs dans cet espace seront affichées ici."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Vos messages ainsi que ceux des autres utilisateurs apparaissent ici.
Ceux-ci peuvent ensuite être aimés ou commentés."],"Account Menu":["Menu Compte"],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Space Menu":["Menu Espace"],"Start space guide":["Démarrer la visite guidée d'un espace"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ne perdez pas la trace des choses !
Cette icône vous tiendra au courant des activités et des messages qui vous concerne directement."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Le menu compte vous donne accès à vos paramètres privés et vous permet de gérer votre profil public."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["C'est le menu le plus important et sera probablement celui que vous utilisez le plus souvent !
Accédez à tous les espaces que vous avez rejoint et créer de nouveaux espaces ici
Le prochain guide vous montrera comment :"]," Remove panel":["Supprimer le panneau"],"Getting Started":["Commencer"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guide: Administration (Modules)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guide: Vue d'ensemble"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guide: Espaces"],"Guide: User profile":["Guide: Profile utilisateur"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Apprenez à utiliser les fonctionnalités les plus importantes du site à travers les guides suivants :"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Ce compte utilisateur n'a pas encore été approuvé"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Vous devrez être connecté pour voir ce profil"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Mot de passe incorrect !"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Impossible de changer votre mot de passe ici."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Lien invalide ! Vérifiez que vous avez indiqué l'URL complète !"],"Save profile":["Enregistrer le profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["L'adresse e-mail indiquée est déjà utilisée par un autre utilisateur."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Impossible de changer votre adresse e-mail ici."],"Account":["Compte"],"Create account":["Créer un compte"],"Current password":["Mot de passe actuel"],"E-Mail change":["Changement d'adresse e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nouvelle adresse e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Envoyer les activités ?"],"Send notifications?":["Envoyer les notifications ?"],"New password":["Nouveau mot de passe"],"New password confirm":["Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nom d'utilisateur, e-mail ou mot de passe incorrects."],"Remember me next time":["Se souvenir de moi"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Votre compte n'a pas encore été activé par un administrateur."],"Your account is suspended.":["Désolé, votre compte est suspendu."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["La récupération de mot de passe n'est pas disponible pour votre type de compte !"],"E-Mail":["e-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Récupération de mot de passe"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" introuvable !"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Cet e-mail est déjà utilisé."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Cacher le panneau sur le tableau de bord"],"Invalid language!":["Langage invalide","Langue invalide !"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilité du profil"],"TimeZone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Default Space":["Espace par défaut"],"Group Administrators":["Administrateur(s) du groupe"],"LDAP DN":["DN LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Les membres peuvent créer des espaces privés"],"Members can create public spaces":["Les membres peuvent créer des espaces public"],"Birthday":["Date de naissance"],"City":["Ville"],"Country":["Pays"],"Custom":["Personnalisé"],"Facebook URL":["Lien Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Femme"],"Firstname":["Prénom"],"Flickr URL":["Lien Flickr"],"Gender":["Genre"],"Google+ URL":["Lien Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Masquer l'année dans votre profil"],"Lastname":["Nom"],"LinkedIn URL":["Lien LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Homme"],"Mobile":["Tel. portable"],"MySpace URL":["Lien MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Tel. privé"],"Phone Work":["Tel. travail"],"Skype Nickname":["ID Skype"],"State":["Région"],"Street":["Rue"],"Twitter URL":["Lien Twitter"],"Url":["Lien"],"Vimeo URL":["Lien Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Adresse XMPP/Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Lien Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Lien YouTube"],"Zip":["Code postal"],"Created by":["Créé par"],"Editable":["Modifiable"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Le type du champ ne peut être modifié !"],"Fieldtype":["Type de champ"],"Internal Name":["Nom interne"],"Internal name already in use!":["Ce nom interne est déjà utilisé !"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Le nom interne ne peut être modifié !"],"Invalid field type!":["Type de champ invalide !"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributs LDAP"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Seuls les caractères alphanumériques sont acceptés !"],"Profile Field Category":["Catégorie de champs"],"Required":["Requis"],"Show at registration":["Voir à l'enregistrement"],"Sort order":["Ordre de tri"],"Translation Category ID":["Identifiant de traduction de la catégorie","Identifiant de la catégorie de traduction"],"Type Config":["Configuration de type"],"Visible":["Visible"],"Communication":["Communication"],"Social bookmarks":["Favoris sociaux"],"Datetime":["Date et heure"],"Number":["Nombre"],"Select List":["Liste de choix"],"Text":["Texte"],"Text Area":["Texte long"],"%y Years":["%y ans"],"Birthday field options":["Options de date de naissance"],"Date(-time) field options":["Option de date et heure"],"Show date/time picker":["Afficher le calendrier"],"Maximum value":["Valeur maximale"],"Minimum value":["Valeur minimale"],"Number field options":["Option de nombre"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Une valeur par ligne. Clé=>Valeur (exemple oui=>Oui)"],"Please select:":["Sélectionnez :"],"Possible values":["Valeurs possibles"],"Select field options":["Option de listes"],"Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"Maximum length":["Longueur maximale"],"Minimum length":["Longueur minimale"],"Text Field Options":["Option de texte"],"Text area field options":["Option de texte long"],"Authentication mode":["Méthode d'authentification"],"New user needs approval":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs doivent être approuvés"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Le nom d'utilisateur ne peut contenir que des lettres, chiffres, espaces et les caractères spéciaux (+ - . _)"],"Wall":["Mur"],"Change E-mail":["Changer d'adresse e-mail","Changer d'adresses e-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Adresse e-mail actuelle"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Votre adresse e-mail a été modifiée vers : {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Nous venons juste de vous envoyer un message vers votre nouvelle adresse e-mail.
Merci de suivre les instructions qu'il contient."],"Change password":["Changer de mot de passe"],"Password changed":["Mot de passe modifié"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Votre mot de passe a été modifié !","Votre mot de passe a correctement été changé !"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifier votre image de profil"],"Delete account":["Supprimer votre compte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?
L'intégralité de votre contenu sera supprimé définitivement !"],"Delete account":["Supprimer définitivement le compte"],"Enter your password to continue":["Indiquez votre mot de passe pour continuer"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Désolé, en tant que propriétaire d'un espace, vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte !
Choisissez un autre propriétaire pour votre espace ou supprimez-le."],"User details":["Détails de votre compte utilisateur"],"User modules":["Modules utilisateur"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Êtes-vous vraiment certain ? *TOUTES* les données des modules de votre profil seront supprimées définitivement !"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Améliorez votre profil avec des modules."],"User settings":["Paramètres utilisateur"],"Getting Started":["Pour commencer"],"Registered users only":["Utilisateurs enregistrés uniquement"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visible par tous (visiteurs également)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifications sur le bureau"],"Email Notifications":["Notifications par e-mail"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Recevoir les notifications sur votre bureau lorsque vous êtes en ligne."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Recevoir un e-mail pour chaque activité des utilisateurs que vous suivez
ou qui partagent un espace avec vous."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Recevoir un e-mail quand un utilisateur commente ou aime vos sujets."],"Account registration":["Enregistrement de compte"],"Create Account":["Créer un compte"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Votre compte à été créé !"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Vous recevrez une notification par e-mail après activation de celui-ci par un administrateur."],"Go to login page":["Aller à la page de connexion"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Pour vous connecter avec votre compte, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous."],"back to home":["Retour à l'accueil"],"Please sign in":["Connexion"],"Sign up":["Inscription"],"Create a new one.":["Créer un nouveau."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Vous n'avez pas de compte ? Rejoignez-nous en indiquant votre adresse e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Mot de passe perdu ?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Si vous êtes déjà inscrit, identifiez-vous à l'aide de votre nom d'utilisateur ou adresse e-mail ainsi que votre mot de passe."],"Register":["Enregistrez-vous"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["mot de passe"],"username or email":["nom d'utilisateur ou e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Récupération de votre mot de passe","Récupération de mot de passe"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Indiquez votre adresse e-mail. Nous vous enverrons les instructions de récupération de votre mot de passe."],"Password recovery":["Récupérer votre mot de passe"],"Reset password":["Envoyer"],"enter security code above":["entrez le code de sécurité"],"your email":["votre adresse e-mail"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Nous venons de vous envoyer un e-mail contenant le lien qui vous permettra de réinitialiser votre mot de passe."],"Password recovery!":["Mot de passe récupéré !"],"Registration successful!":["Enregistrement terminé !"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Vérifiez vos e-mails et suivez les instructions indiquées."],"Registration successful":["Enregistrement effectué"],"Change your password":["Changer votre mot de passe"],"Password reset":["Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"],"Change password":["Changer le mot de passe"],"Password reset":["Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"],"Password changed!":["Votre mot de passe a été changé !"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirmez votre nouvelle adresse e-mail"],"Confirm":["Confirmer"],"Hello":["Bonjour"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Vous avez demandé un changement d'adresse e-mail.
Votre nouvelle adresse est {newemail}.
Pour confirmer cette nouvelle adresse, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous."],"Hello {displayName}":["Bonjour {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Veuillez utiliser ce lien endéans les 24 heures. Passé ce délai, il expirera automatiquement."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Merci d'utiliser le lien suivant endéans les 24 heures pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe."],"Reset Password":["Réinitialiser le mot de passe"],"Registration Link":["Lien d'enregistrement"],"Sign up":["Enregistrement"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bienvenue sur %appName%. Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour vous enregistrer."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["Enregistrez-vous dès maintenant pour rejoindre cet espace."],"Sign up now":["Inscrivez-vous maintenant","Enregistrez-vous maintenant"],"Space Invite":["Invitation à un espace"],"You got a space invite":["Vous avez reçu une invitation à rejoindre un espace"],"invited you to the space:":["vous à invité à rejoindre l'espace :"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} vous a mentionné dans {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} vous suit."],"About this user":["À propos de cet utilisateur"],"Modify your title image":["Modifier votre image titre"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Ce profil est vide."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Souhaitez-vous supprimer votre logo ?"],"Account settings":["Réglages de votre compte"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Modifier votre compte"],"Following":["Abonnements"],"Following user":["Abonnements"],"User followers":["Abonnés"],"Member in these spaces":["Membre de ces espaces"],"User tags":["Mots-clé de l'utilisateur"],"No birthday.":["Aucun anniversaire."],"Back to modules":["Retour aux modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Anniversaire"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Le nombre de jours avant qu'un anniversaire soit affiché."],"Tomorrow":["Demain"],"Upcoming":["Prochainement"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Vous pouvez spécifier le nombre de jours avant qu'un anniversaire soit affiché."],"becomes":["aura"],"birthdays":["anniversaires"],"days":["jours"],"today":["aujourd'hui"],"years old.":["ans."],"Active":["Actif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marquer comme non lu pour tous les utilisateurs"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuration de Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Note : vous pouvez utiliser la syntaxe Markdown"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Ajoute un calendrier pour les événements privés ou publics à votre profil et au menu principal"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Ajoute un calendrier à cet espace."],"All Day":["Toute la journée"],"Attending users":["Utilisateurs participants"],"Calendar":["Calendrier"],"Declining users":["Participants ayant décliné l'invitation"],"End Date":["Date de fin"],"End Date and Time":["Date et heure de fin"],"End Time":["Heure de fin"],"End time must be after start time!":["L'heure de fin doit être après l'heure de début !"],"Event":["Événement"],"Event not found!":["Événement introuvable !"],"Maybe attending users":["Probablement en attente de participants"],"Participation Mode":["Mode de participation"],"Recur":["Récurrence"],"Recur End":["Fin de la récurrence"],"Recur Interval":["Fréquence de répétition"],"Recur Type":["Type de récurrence"],"Select participants":["Choisir les participants"],"Start Date":["Date de début"],"Start Date and Time":["Date et heure de début"],"Start Time":["Heure de début"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit d'accéder à cet événement !"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit de créer un événement !"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effacer cet événement !"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit de modifier cet événement !"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a créé un nouveau %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participe à %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participe peut-être à %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ne participe pas à %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Heure et date de début"],"Create event":["Créer un événement"],"Edit event":["Editer un événement"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Note : Cet événement sera créé dans votre profil. Pour créer un événement dans un espace, ouvrez le calendrier de l'espace concerné."],"End Date/Time":["Heure et date de fin"],"Everybody can participate":["Tout le monde peut participer"],"No participants":["Pas de participant"],"Participants":["Participants"],"Attend":["Participe"],"Created by:":["Créé par :"],"Edit event":["Modifier l'événement"],"Edit this event":["Modifier cet événement"],"I´m attending":["Je participe"],"I´m maybe attending":["Je participe peut-être"],"I´m not attending":["Je ne participe pas"],"Maybe":["Peut-être"],"Filter events":["Filtrer les événements"],"Select calendars":["Choisir les calendriers"],"Already responded":["Déjà répondu"],"Followed spaces":["Espaces suivis"],"Followed users":["Utilisateurs suivis"],"My events":["Mes événements"],"Not responded yet":["Pas encore répondu"],"Loading...":["Chargement..."],"Upcoming events ":["Prochains événements "],":count attending":[":count oui"],":count declined":[":count non"],":count maybe":[":count peut être"],"Participants:":["Participants :"],"Create new Page":["Créer une nouvelle page"],"Custom Pages":["Pages personnalisées"],"Link":["Lien"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Aucune page personnalisée n'a été créée !"],"Sort Order":["Ordre de tri"],"Delete category":["Supprimer la catégorie"],"Delete link":["Supprimer le lien"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Souhaitez-vous supprimer ce lien ?"],"Linklist":["Liste des liens"],"Messages":["Messages"],"Recipient":["Destinataire"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un e-mail à vous-même."],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un e-mail à vous-même."],"New message from {senderName}":["Nouveau message de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["et de {counter} autres utilisateurs"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nouveau message dans la conversation de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nouveau message"],"Reply now":["Répondre maintenant"],"sent you a new message:":["vous a envoyé un nouveau message :"],"sent you a new message in":["vous a envoyé un nouveau message dans"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Ajouter plus de participants à votre conversation..."],"Add user...":["Ajouter un utilisateur..."],"New message":["Nouveau message"],"Edit message entry":["Modifier le message"],"Messagebox":["Courrier"],"Inbox":["Boîte de réception"],"There are no messages yet.":["Il n'y a aucun message.","Il n'y a encore aucun message."],"Write new message":["Écrire un nouveau message"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmer la suppression de la conversation"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmer le départ de la conversation"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmer la suppression du message"],"Add user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette conversation ?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer ce message ?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment quitter cette conversation ?"],"Leave":["Quitter"],"Leave discussion":["Quitter la discussion"],"Write an answer...":["Écrire une réponse..."],"User Posts":["Publications de l'utilisateur"],"Show all messages":["Montrer tous les messages"],"Send message":["Envoyer un message"],"No users.":["Aucun membre."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Le nombre doit être inférieur à 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Le nombre ne peut pas être négatif."],"Most active people":["Les membres les plus actifs"],"Get a list":["Liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configuration du module \"Most Active Users\""],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Le nombre de membres devant être affiché."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Vous devez spécifier le nombre de membres qui doivent être affichés."],"Comments created":["Commentaire(s)"],"Likes given":["Mention(s) \"J'aime\""],"Posts created":["Publication(s)"],"Notes":["Notes"],"Etherpad API Key":["Clé de l'API Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossible d'obtenir le contenu de la note !"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossible d'obtenir les notes d'utilisateurs!"],"Note":["Note"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} a créé une nouvelle note {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} a travaillé sur la note {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connexion à l'API avec succès!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Impossible de se connecter à l'API!"],"Current Status:":["Status courant:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Notes"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Veuillez lire la documentation du module sous /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt pour plus de détails"],"Save & Test":["Enregistrer & Tester"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Le module de notes requiert un serveur etherpad actif!"],"Save and close":["Enregistrer et Fermer"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} a créé une nouvelle note et vous l'a assignée."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} a travaillé sur la note {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Note ouverte"],"Title of your new note":["Titre de votre nouvelle note"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucun note n'a été trouvée à partir de votre filtre courant!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Il n'y a pas encore de note!"],"Polls":["Sondages"],"Could not load poll!":["Impossible de charger le sondage !"],"Invalid answer!":["Réponse invalide !"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Les utilisateurs ont choisi : {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Réponse multiple impossible."],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Vous n'avez pas la permission pour effectuer cette opération."],"Answers":["Réponses"],"Multiple answers per user":["Réponses multiples par utilisateur"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Merci de spécifier au moins {min} réponses."],"Question":["Question"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} a répondu à {question}."],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} a répondu à {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} a créé un sondage : {question}."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} a créé un nouveau sondage et vous l'a affecté."],"Ask":["Demander"],"Reset my vote":["Annuler mon vote"],"Vote":["Voter"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["et {count} réponses en plus."],"votes":["réponses"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Autoriser les réponses multiples ?"],"Ask something...":["Posez une question..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Réponses possibles (1 par ligne)"],"Display all":["Tout afficher"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucun sondage trouvé (avec ces filtres)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Il n'y a aucun sondage actuellement"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Il n'y a aucun sondage actuellement
Soyez le premier à en créer un..."],"Asked by me":["Mes demandes"],"No answered yet":["Pas de réponse"],"Only private polls":["Sondages privés seulement"],"Only public polls":["Sondage public seulement"],"by :displayName":["par :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["créé par :displayName"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme offensive."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme indésirable."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme inappropriée à cet espace."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% comme offensive."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% comme indésirable."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% inappropriée à cet espace."],"Appropriate":["Approprié"],"Tasks":["Tâches"],"Could not access task!":["Impossible d'accéder aux tâches !"],"Task":["Tâche"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} a été affecté à la tâche {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} a créé la tâche {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} a terminé la tâche {task}.","{userName} a fini la tâche {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} vous a affecté à la tâche {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} a créé la nouvelle tâche {task}."],"Add Task":["Ajouter une tâche"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vouhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette tâche ?"],"This task is already done":["Cette tâche est déjà faite"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Vous n'êtes pas assigné à cette tâche."],"Click, to finish this task":["Cliquer, pour finir cette tâche"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Cette tâche est déjà terminée. Cliquer pour réouvrir."],"My tasks":["Mes tâches"],"From space: ":["De l'espace :"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucune tâche trouvée avec ces critères"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Il n'y a pas encore de tâche !"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Il n'y a pas encore de tâche !
Soyez le premier à en créer une..."],"Assigned to me":["Me l'affecter"],"Nobody assigned":["Personne n'est affecté"],"State is finished":["État est terminé"],"State is open":["État est ouvert"],"Assign users to this task":["Affecter des utilisateurs à cette tâche"],"What to do?":["Qu'y a t-il à faire ?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Voulez-vous traiter cette tâche ?"],"I do it!":["Je m'en occupe !"],"Translation Manager":["Responsable de traduction"],"Translations":["Traductions"],"Translation Editor":["Éditeur de traductions"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la page"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirmer le retour à une version précédente"],"Overview of all pages":["Aperçu des pages"],"Page history":["Historique de la page"],"Wiki Module":["Module Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Ajouter un Wiki à cet espace."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Ajouter un Wiki à votre profil."],"Back to page":["Revenir à la page"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette page ?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment restaurer cette page ?"],"Edit page":["Modifier la page"],"Edited at":["Modifié le"],"Go back":["Retour"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Caractère invalide dans le titre de la page !"],"Let's go!":["Allons-y !"],"Main page":["Page principale"],"New page":["Nouvelle page"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Aucune page pour l'instant.
Créez la première page maintenant."],"Overview":["Vue d'ensemble"],"Page History":["Historique"],"Page title already in use!":["Ce titre est déjà utilisé !"],"Revert":["Restaurer"],"Revert this":["Restaurer ceci"],"View":["Voir"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["par"],"Wiki page":["Page Wiki"],"Create new page":["Créer une nouvelle page"],"Edit page":["Editer la page"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Entrez le nom de la page ou une URL (par ex. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Titre de la page"],"Page content":["Contenu de la page"],"Allowed file extensions":["Extensions autorisées"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Security":["Sécurité"],"Flush entries":["Supprimer le journal"],"Purchases":["Achats"],"Alphabetical":["Alphabétique"],"Last visit":["Dernière visite"],"Add user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Add new user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Last login":["Dernière connexion"],"never":["jamais"],"Add new category":["Ajouter une catégorie"],"Add new field":["Ajouter un champ"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Serveur Proxy"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Chercher des utilisateurs, des espaces et des contenus"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Chercher seulement dans certains espaces :"],"Default":["Défaut"],"Private":["Privé"],"Members":["Membres"],"Change Owner":["Modifier le propriétaire"],"General settings":["Paramètres généraux"],"Security settings":["Paramètres de sécurité"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["En tant que propriétaire de cet espace, vous pouvez transférer ce rôle à un autre administrateur dans l'espace"],"Color":["Couleur"],"Transfer ownership":["Transférer la propriété"],"Last Visit":["Dernière visite"],"Request Message":["Message de la demande"],"Updated By":["Mis à jour par"],"Value":["Valeur"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Ajouter {n,plural,=1{espace} other{espaces}}"],"Current Group:":["Groupe sélectionné :"],"Manage members":["Gérer les membres"],"Manage permissions":["Gérer les permissions"],"Pending approvals":["Demandes en attente"],"Pending invitations":["Invitations en attente"],"Cancel Membership":["Annuler la participation"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Cacher les messages sur le fil d'actualité"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Afficher les messages sur le fil d'actualité"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Cette option va cacher les nouveaux contenus de cet espace sur votre fil d'actualité"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Cette option va afficher les nouveaux contenus de cet espace sur votre fil d'actualité"],"Pending Approvals":["Demandes en attente"],"Pending Invites":["Invitations en attente"],"Permissions":["Permissions"],"Allow":["Autoriser"],"Deny":["Interdire"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Merci de taper au moins 3 caractères"],"code text here":["texte code ici"],"emphasized text":["texte mis en valeur"],"enter image description here":["saisissez la description de l'image ici"],"enter image title here":["saisissez le titre de l'image ici"],"enter link description here":["saisissez la description du lien ici"],"heading text":["texte d'entête"],"list text here":["texte de la liste ici"],"quote here":["citation ici"],"strong text":["texte gras"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Ajouter un module acheté par sa clé de licence"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La demande de compte pour \"{displayName}\" a été acceptée."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La demande de compte pour \"{displayName}\" a été refusée."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\n votre compte a été activé.
\n\n Cliquez ici pour vous connecter :
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Cordialement,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\n votre demande de compte a été refusée.
\n\n Cordialement,
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Attribut d'adresse e-mail"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Récupérer/mettre à jour les utilisateurs automatiquement"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Autoriser un accès limité pour les utilisateurs non authentifiés (invités)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Temporisation d'inactivité par défaut, déconnexion automatique (en secondes, optionnel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilité par défaut des profils utilisateurs"],"Date input format":["Format de saisie de date"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Afficher le panneau de partage sur le fil d'actualité"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Montrer les contenus du profil utilisateur sur le fil d'actualité"],"Dropdown space order":["Ordre des espaces dans la liste déroulante"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Cacher les informations de fichier (nom, taille) pour les images sur le flux"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Cacher le widget de liste de fichiers à l'affichage des fichiers pour ces objets sur le flux."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Hauteur maximum de l'aperçu d'image (en pixels, optionnel)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Largeur maximum de l'aperçu d'image (en pixels, optionnel)"],"Endpoint Url":["Url de point de terminaison"],"Url Prefix":["Préfixe d'url"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Pas d'hôtes de proxy"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Visibilité par défaut des contenus"],"Default Join Policy":["Politique d'adhésion par défaut"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilité par défaut"],"No purchased modules found!":["Aucun module acheté trouvé !"],"search for available modules online":["chercher des modules disponibles en ligne"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Version installée actuelle : %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["Humhub est actuellement en mode débogage. Désactivez cette option quand le site est en production !"],"Licences":["Licences"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Voir le manuel d'installation pour plus de détails."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Il y a une nouvelle version disponible (dernière version : %version%) !"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Cette installation de Humhub est à jour !"],"Actions":["Actions"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Les modules étendent les fonctionnalités de HumHub. C'est ici que vous pouvez installer et gérer les modules de la marketplace de HumHub."],"Module details":["Détails du module"],"Enable module...":["Activer le module..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Acheter (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installation du module..."],"Licence Key:":["Clé de licence :"],"Updating module...":["Mise à jour du module..."],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Il y a une nouvelle version de HumHub disponible (%version%)."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["La valeur minimum est 20 secondes. Si non définie, la session expirera après 1400 secondes (24 minutes), quelle que soit l'activité (expiration de session par défaut)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Applicable uniquement quand l'accès limité pour les utilisateurs non authentifiés est activé. N'affecte que les nouveaux utilisateurs."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Définit le filtre à appliquer, lors d'une tentative de connexion. %uid remplace le nom d'utilisateur lors de la connexion. Exemple : "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Attribut LDAP pour l'adresse e-mail. Par défaut : "mail""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limite l'accès des utilisateurs qui remplissent ce critère. Par exemple : "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Le nom d'utilisateur par défaut de l'identification. Certains serveurs exigent cette information dans le formulaire DN. Celle-ci doit être précisée dans le formulaire DN si le serveur LDAP exige un lien vers un DN, et ce lien doit être possible avec de simples noms d'utilisateur."],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Format automatique basé sur la langue de l'utilisateur - Exemple : {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Format fixe (mm/dd/yyyy) - Exemple : {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Liste séparée par des virgules. Laisser vide pour afficher la liste des fichiers pour tous les objects du flux."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Si non définie, la hauteur sera par défaut de 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Si non définie, la largeur sera par défaut de 200px."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Vous n'utilisez pas de logo pour le moment. Chargez votre logo maintenant."],"OEmbed Provider":["Fournisseur OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Ajouter un nouveau fournisseur"],"Currently active providers:":["Fournisseur actifs actuels :"],"Currently no provider active!":["Aucun fournisseur actif actuellement !"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Ajouter un fournisseur OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Modifier un fournisseur OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Préfixe d'url sans http:// or https:// (par exemple : youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Utiliser %url% comme espace réservé pour l'url. Le format doit être JSON. (Par exemple : http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Paramètres de Proxy"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Définit ici les paramètres par défaut des nouveaux espaces."],"Space Settings":["Paramètres des espaces"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestion des champs de profil"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à ajouter des commentaires"],"Create comment":["Créer un commentaire"],"Share your opinion with others":["Partagez votre opinion"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Poster un message sur Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Partager sur Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Partager sur LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweeter à propos de HumHub"],"Group members - {group}":["Membres du groupe - {group}"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Téléchargement et installation des modules..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Entre l'amour et la folie, il y a l'obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike - Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Nous cherchons des slogans formidables de marques connues. Peut-être pouvez-vous apporter des exemples ?"],"Welcome Space":["Espace de bienvenue"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay ! Je viens d'installer HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Votre premier espace de test pour découvrir la plateforme."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Installer des exemples de contenu (recommandé)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Autoriser l'accès aux contenus publics pour les utilisateurs non inscrits (accès invité)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Les utilisateurs externes peuvent s'inscrire (le formulaire d'inscription sera affiché lors de la connexion)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs inscrits doivent être préalablement activés par un administrateur"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Les membres inscrits peuvent inviter de nouveaux utilisateurs par e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Je veux utiliser HumHub pour :"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Vous avez presque fini. Lors de cette étape, vous devez remplir le formulaire pour créer le compte administrateur. Avec ce compte, vous pouvez gérer la totalité du réseau."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Bien sûr, votre nouveau réseau social a besoin d'un nom. Merci de modifier le nom par défaut avec celui que vous voulez (par exemple le nom de votre société, de votre organisation ou de votre club)."],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Félicitations. Vous avez terminé."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["L'installation s'est terminée avec succès ! Amusez-vous bien avec votre nouveau réseau social."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub est très souple et peut être adapté et/ou étendu à des usages variés, grâce à ses différents modules. Les modules suivants ne sont que quelques exemples et ceux que nous pensons importants pour votre usage.
Vous pouvez toujours installer ou supprimer des modules plus tard. Vous pourrez trouver plus de modules disponibles après l'installation, dans l'espace d'administration."],"Recommended Modules":["Modules recommandés"],"Example contents":["Exemples de contenu"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Pour éviter d'avoir un fil d'actualité vide après votre première connexion, HumHub peut créer pour vous quelques exemples de contenu. Ceux-ci vous donneront un aperçu sympathique du fonctionnement de HumHub. Vous pouvez à tout moment supprimer chacun des contenus."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Vous pouvez décider ici de la façon dont les nouveaux utilisateurs non inscrits peuvent accéder à HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Paramètres de sécurité"],"Configuration":["Configuration"],"My club":["Mon club"],"My community":["Ma communauté"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Ma société (intranet social / gestion de projet)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Mon établissement scolaire (école, université)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Passer cette étape, je veux tout paramétrer moi-même"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Pour simplifier la configuration, nous avons créé des installations prédéfinies pour les utilisations les plus répandues, avec des options différentes de modules et de paramètres. Vous pouvez modifier celles-ci lors de la prochaine étape."],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Cet assistant va installer et configurer votre propre instance de HumHub.
Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant."],"Database Configuration":["Configuration de la base de données"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Vous devez préciser ci-dessous les détails de votre connexion à la base de données. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de ceux-ci, merci de contacter votre administrateur système."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Nom du serveur de base de données MySQL (ex : localhost si MySQL fonctionne sur la même machine)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oh, quelque chose n'a pas fonctionné !"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Le nom de la base de données dans laquelle HumHub va fonctionner."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Félicitations ! Tout fonctionne et est prêt à démarrer !"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Cet aperçu affiche tous les prérequis système de HumHub."],"You":["Vous"],"You like this.":["Vous aimez."],"Space followers":["Abonnés à l'espace"],"No spaces found.":["Aucun espace trouvé."],"Originator User ID":["ID de l'utilisateur d'origine"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à créer des contenus publics"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à inviter de nouveaux membres dans l'espace"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Peuvent créer des espaces cachés (privés)."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Peuvent créer des espaces publics visibles (listés dans l'annuaire)."],"Create private space":["Créer un espace privé"],"Create public content":["Créer un contenu public"],"Create public space":["Créer un espace public"],"Invite users":["Inviter des utilisateurs"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Choisir si les nouveaux contenus doivent être publics ou privés par défaut"],"Add Modules":["Ajouter des modules"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Vous n'êtes pas membre de cet espace et il n'y a aucun contenu public, pour l'instant !"],"Done":["Terminé","Fait"],"":[""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Faites glisser une photo ici ou cliquez pour parcourir vos fichiers"],"Hide my year of birth":["Cacher mon année de naissance"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Salut %firstname%, merci d'utiliser HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Vous être le premier utilisateur ici... Youpi ! Soyez un exemple resplendissant et complétez votre profil,
pour que les prochains utilisateurs qui est le patron ici et vers qui ils peuvent se tourner s'ils ont des questions."],"Your firstname":["Votre prénom"],"Your lastname":["Votre nom de famille"],"Your mobild phone number":["Votre téléphone portable"],"Your phone number at work":["Votre téléphone de bureau"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Vos compétences, savoir-faire et expériences (séparés par des virgules)"],"Your title or position":["Votre titre ou poste"],"Confirm new password":["Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe"],"No users found.":["Aucun utilisateur trouvé."],"Date":["Date"],"Hide age per default":["Cacher l'âge par défaut"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expression régulière : message d'erreur"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expression régulière : validateur"],"Validator":["Validateur"],"Remember me":["Se souvenir de moi"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Un réseau social pour améliorer la communication et le travail d'équipe.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour rejoindre cet espace."],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Anniversaires dans les {days} prochains jours"],"In {days} days":["Dans {days} jours"],"becomes {years} years old.":["va avoir {years} ans."]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":[" Le dossier %filename% n'a pu être enregistré."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% n'a pas une extension valide et a été ignoré."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% a été remplacé par une nouvelle version."],"/ (root)":["/ (racine)"],"Confirm delete file":["Confirmer la suppression du fichier"],"Create folder":["Créer un dossier"],"Edit folder":["Modifier le dossier"],"Files module configuration":["Configuration du module fichier"],"Move files":["Déplacer les fichiers"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Un dossier portant ce nom existe déjà"],"Add directory":["Ajouter un répertoire"],"Add file(s)":["Ajouter des fichiers"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Ajoute le module fichier à cet espace."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Ajoute le module fichiers à votre profil."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["L'archive %filename% n'a pas pu être extraite."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Le support de l'archive (zip) n'est pas activé."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier %title%. "],"Creator":["Créateur"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Désactiver le support d'archive (zip)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet(ces) %number% élément(s) avec tout leur contenu ?"],"Download":["Télécharger"],"Download ZIP":["Télécharger zip"],"Edit directory":["Modifier le répertoire"],"Files from the stream":["Fichiers du flux"],"Folder":["Dossier"],"Folder options":["Options des dossiers"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Le nom du dossier ne doit pas commencer ou se terminer par un espace."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Droits insuffisants pour effectuer cette action."],"Invalid parameter.":["Paramètre invalide."],"Move":["Déplacer"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Le déplacement vers le même dossier n'est pas possible. Choisir un dossier de destination pour %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Aucun élément valide n'a été sélectionné pour le déplacement."],"Open":["Ouvrir"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["L'ouverture de l'archive a échoué avec le code erreur %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Merci de choisir un dossier de destination valide pour %title%."],"Selected items...":["Elément(s) sélectionné(s)..."],"Show":["Montrer"],"Show Post":["Montrer le contenu"],"The archive could not be created.":["L'archive n'a pas pu être créée."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Le dossier %filename% existe déjà. Les contenus ont été écrasés."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Le dossier avec l'id %id% n'existe pas."],"This folder is empty.":["Ce dossier est vide."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Malheureusement, vous n'avez pas la permission pour ajouter/modifier des fichiers."],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Upload":["Ajouter"],"Upload ZIP":["Ajouter zip"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Ajouter des fichiers ou créer un sous-dossier avec les boutons du dessus."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Ajouter des fichiers au flux pour remplir ce dossier."],"ZIP all":["Tout zipper"],"ZIP selected":["Zip sélectionné"],"changed:":["Modifié :"],"created:":["Créé :"],"root":["racine"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Menu de navigation"],"Top Navigation":["Menu de navigation"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu du compte utilisateur (paramètres)"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Sans l'ajouter au menu de navigation (lien direct)"],"Create page":["Créer une page"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Ordre de tri par défaut: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Titre de la page"],"URL":["Url"],"Add Dropbox files":["Ajouter des fichiers Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Fichier invalide"],"Dropbox API Key":["Clé API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Afficher un avertissement lors d'une contribution"],"Dropbox post":["Contribution Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Le module dropbox nécessite la création d'une application dropbox active ! Merci de se rendre sur ce site, choisir \"Drop-ins app\" et fournir un nom d'application pour obtenir votre clé API."],"Dropbox settings":["Paramètres dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Décrivez vos fichiers"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Désolé, le module Dropbox n'est pas encore configuré ! Merci de contacter l'administrateur."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Le module Dropbox n'est pas encore configuré ! Merci de le configurer ici."],"Select files from dropbox":["Sélectionnez des fichiers depuis dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Attention ! Vous partager des fichiers privés"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Ne plus afficher cet avertissement à l'avenir"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Les fichiers que vous souhaitez partager sont privés. Pour pouvoir partager des fichiers dans votre espace, nous avons généré un lien de partage. Toute personne qui connait ce lien peut accéder au fichier.
Vous êtes sûr de vouloir partager ?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Oui, je suis sûr"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Désolé ! Limite d'utilisateurs atteinte"],"Administrative Contact":["Contact administratif"],"Advanced Options":["Options avancées"],"Custom Domain":["Domaine personnalisé"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Supprimer l'instance"],"Export data":["Exporter les données"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Support / Obtenir de l'aide"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Il n'est pas possible pour l'instant d'accepter de nouvelles inscriptions, le nombre maximum d'utilisateurs autorisé est atteint sur cet hébergement !"],"Your plan":["Votre plan"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la catégorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmer la suppression du lien"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Nouveau lien %link% ajouté à la catégorie \"%category%\"."],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette catégorie ? Tous les liens attachés seront perdus !"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Etendre la validation du lien par un test de connexion."],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Configuration du Module Linklist"],"No description available.":["Pas de description disponible."],"Requested category could not be found.":["La catégorie demandée n'a pu être trouvée."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Le lien demandé n'a pu être trouvé."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Montrer les liens dans un widget à droite de la page."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["La catégorie dans laquelle vous voulez créer votre lien n'a pu être trouvée !"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Il n'y a encore aucun lien ou aucune catégorie dans cet espace."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Vous pouvez activer la validation étendue des liens pour un espace ou un utilisateur."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour ajouter/modifier des liens !"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour supprimer cette catégorie !"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour supprimer ce lien !"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour modifier cette catégorie !"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour modifier ce lien !"],"list":["liste"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Choisir une vignette"],"Add recipients":["Ajouter des destinataires"],"Delete conversation":["Supprimer la conversation"],"Leave conversation":["Quitter la conversation"],"Could not get note users! ":["Impossible d'obtenir les utilisateurs de la note !"],"Anonymous poll!":["Sondage anonyme !"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Encore ? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Hippopotamus"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Panini chez Pisillo"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Nous sommes en train de préparer notre prochaine rencontre, et nous voudrions savoir où vous aimeriez aller ?"],"To Daniel":["Chez Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Pourquoi on n'irait pas au bar Bemelmans ?"],"Anonymous":["Anonyme"],"Closed":["Fermé"],"Add answer...":["Ajouter une réponse..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Votes anonymes ?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Afficher les réponses dans un ordre aléatoire ?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Modifier la réponse (les réponses vides seront supprimées)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Modifier la question de votre sondage..."],"Assigned user(s)":["Utilisateur(s) affecté(s)"],"Deadline":["Date limite"],"Create new task":["Créer une nouvelle tâche"],"Edit task":["Modifier une tâche"],"Assign users":["Affecter des utilisateurs"],"What is to do?":["Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire ?"],"Confirm deleting":["Confirmer la suppression"],"No open tasks...":["Pas de tâche ouverte..."],"completed tasks":["tâche(s) terminée(s)"],"Deadline for this task?":["Date limite pour cette tâche ?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Préaffecter des utilisateurs pour cette tâche."],"Update HumHub":["Mettre à jour HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Mettre à jour HumHub BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Sauvegarder tous vos fichiers et votre base de données avant de continuer"],"Check for next update":["Vérifier la mise à jour suivante"],"Could not extract update package!":["Impossible d'extraire le paquet de mise à jour !"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Impossible d'obtenir des informations de mise à jour (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Résultats de la migration de la base de données :"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Ne pas utiliser cet outil de mise à jour avec des installations réalisées avec Git ou Composer !"],"Downloading update package...":["Téléchargement du paquet de mise à jour..."],"Error!":["Erreur !"],"Installing update package...":["Installation du paquet de mise à jour..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Assurez-vous que tous les fichiers sont inscriptibles par l'application"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Assurez-vous que vos modules sur mesure ou thèmes sont compatibles avec la version %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Assurez-vous que les fichiers suivants sont inscriptibles par l'application :"],"Please note:":["Merci de noter :"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Merci de mettre à jour les modules installés depuis la marketplace avant et après la mise à jour"],"Proceed Installation":["Lancer l'installation"],"Release Notes:":["Notes de version :"],"Show database migration results":["Montrer les résultats de la migration de la base de données"],"Start Installation":["Démarrer l'installation"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Les fichiers suivants semblent ne pas être les fichiers originaux (%version%) et seront écrasés ou supprimés pendant le processus d'installation."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Il y a une nouvelle mise à jour vers la version %version% disponible !"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Il n'y a pas de mise à jour de HumHub disponible !"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Mise à jour de HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Paquet de mise à jour invalide !"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Warnings:":["Attention :"],"successfully installed!":["Installé avec succès !"],"version update":["mise à jour de version"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Le téléchargement de la mise à jour a échoué ! (%error%)"],"Open wiki page...":["Ouvir la page wiki..."],"Conversations":["Conversations"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Ajoute un responsable de réunion à cet espace."],"Agenda Entry":["Événement"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Le format doit être HEURE : MINUTE"],"Meeting":["Réunion"],"Meetings":["Réunions"],"Begin":["Début"],"End":["Fin"],"Location":["Lieu"],"Room":["Salle"],"Minutes":["Minutes"],"End must be after begin":["La fin doit être après le début"],"No valid time":["Heure non valide"],"Back to overview":["Retour à la vue d'ensemble","Retour à l'aperçu"],"Task description":["Description de la tâche"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la réunion"],"Create new meeting":["Créer une nouvelle réunion"],"Edit meeting":["Modifier la réunion"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Ajouter des participants externes (texte libre)"],"Add participant":["Ajouter un participant"],"Add participants":["Ajouter des participants"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette réunion ?"],"External participants":["Participants externes"],"Title of your meeting":["Titre de votre réunion"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de l'activité"],"Create new entry":["Créer une nouvelle activité"],"Edit entry":["Modifier l'activité"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Ajouter des modérateurs externes (texte libre)"],"Add moderator":["Ajouter modérateur"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette activité ?"],"External moderators":["Modérateurs externes"],"Title of this entry":["Titre de cette activité"],"Edit Note":["Modifier la note"],"Note content":["Contenu de la note"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Détails de la réunion : %link%"],"Next meetings":["Prochaines réunions"],"Past meetings":["Réunions précédentes"],"Add a protocol":["Ajouter un protocole"],"Add a task":["Ajouter une tâche"],"Create your first agenda entry by 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meeting.":["Ajouter des alertes internes à tous les participants de la réunion."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Ceci va créer un fichier ICS, qui ajoute cette réunion uniquement à votre agenda privé."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Ceci va créer un fichier ICS, qui ajoute cette réunion à votre agenda privé, invite tous les autres participants par e-mail et attend leur réponse."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} vous a invité à {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Cette tâche est liée à %link%"],"Get details...":["Obtenir des détails..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gérer les contenus signalés"],"Reported posts":["Contenus signalés"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Pourquoi voulez-vous signaler ce contenu ?"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Ne concerne pas 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If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Merci de saisir ci-dessous votre clé de licence HumHub - Edition Enterprise. Si vous n'avez pas encore de clé de licence, vous pouvez en obtenir une sur %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Merci d'enregistrer votre version de HumHub - Enterprise Edition !"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Merci de mettre à jour cette licence de HumHub - Enterprise Edition !"],"Registration successful!":["Enregistrement réussi !"],"Validating...":["En cours de validation"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Vous avez encore {daysLeft} jours de période d'essai."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licence Edition Enterprise"],"Licence Serial Code":["Code série de la licence"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Précisez ci-dessous le code de votre licence Edition Entreprise. Vous pouvez également laisser cette information en blanc pour démarrer votre période d'essai de 14 jours."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Créer un nouveau mapping LDAP"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Modifier le mapping LDAP"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapping de membre LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Créer un nouveau mapping"],"Space ID":["ID de l'Espace"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Modifier le type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Créer un nouveau %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Créer un nouveau type d'espace"],"Delete space type":["Supprimer le type d'espace"],"Edit space type":["Modifier le type d'espace"],"Manage space types":["Gérer les types d'espace"],"Create new type":["Créer un nouveau type"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Pour supprimer le type d'espace \"{type}\", vous devez définir un type alternatif pour les espaces existants :"],"Types":["Types"],"e.g. Project":["par ex. 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des virgules. Par ex : DE,EN,AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Codes pays ISO3166 autorisés"],"Mentioned":["Mentionné"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} vous suit désormais."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vous a mentionné dans {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Votre adresse e-mail actuelle est {email}. Vous pouvez modifier votre adresse e-mail ici."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Votre mot de passe peut être modifié ici."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Invitation à rejoindre : {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Inscrivez-vous maintenant et participez !"],"You got an invite":["Vous avez reçu une invitation"],"invited you to join {name}.":["vous a invité à rejoindre {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["vous a invité à rejoindre {space} sur {name}."],"Pending user approvals":["Approbations d'utilisateur en attente"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["La liste suivante contient tous les utilisateurs inscrits qui attendent d'être approuvés."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Les utilisateurs peuvent être affectés à différents groupes (par exemple équipes, départements, etc.) avec des espaces standards, des gestionnaires de groupe et des permissions spécifiques."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Le module n'est pas activé pour ce conteneur"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Autorise l'utilisateur à créer des contenus"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Peut gérer arbitrairement un contenu (par ex. archiver, mettre en avant ou supprimer)"],"Create post":["Créer un contenu"],"Manage content":["Gérer les contenus"],"Load more":["Afficher plus"],"File dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Les dimensions du fichier sont trop importantes pour que celui-ci puisse être traité avec les limites actuelles du serveur !"],"Notification Overview":["Tableau de bord des Notifications Overview"],"Show all notifications":["Afficher toutes les notifications"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["L'utilisateur \"{username}\" est déjà membre de cet espace !"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["L'utilisateur \"{username}\" a déjà fait une demande de participation pour cet espace !"],"Administrators":["Administrateurs"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilité par défaut des contenus"],"Space settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Un utilisateur avec le même e-mail existe déjà, mais ne vous est pas rattaché. Se connecter d'abord en utilisant cet e-mail pour effectuer ce rattachement."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Votre nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de votre mot de passe actuel !"],"Last Activity Email":["Dernier e-mail utilisé"],"Last Login":["Dernière connexion"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Montrer dans l'annuaire"],"Show At Registration":["Montrer lors de l'inscription"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Vous pouvez modifier ici les données de votre profil, qui sont visibles dans la page \"A propos\" de votre profil."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Recevez un e-mail, pour chaque nouvelle activité d'un utilisateur auquel vous êtes abonné, ou avec lequel vous collaborez dans un espace."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Recevoir des notifications sur le bureau quand vous êtes en ligne."],"Folder ID":["ID dossier"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID dossier parent"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Autorise à ajouter des pages (markdown, iframe ou liens) dans le menu des espaces"],"Custom pages":["Pages personnalisées"],"Category":["Catégorie"],"Is Originator":["Est à l'origine"],"Last Viewed":["Dernière lecture"],"Allows to start polls.":["Autorise à lancer des sondages."],"Is homepage":["Page de garde"],"Protected":["Protégée"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Définit le filtre à appliquer, lors d'une tentative de connexion. %s remplace le nom d'utilisateur lors de la connexion. Exemple : "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Third-party disclaimer":["Avertissement externe"],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Vous pouvez configurer ici les paramètres basiques de votre réseau social."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Ces paramètres concernent les sujets avancés de votre réseau social."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Ces paramètres concernent l'apparence de votre réseau social."],"Visible for members only":["Visible seulement par les membres"],"Visible for members+guests":["Visible par les membres+invités"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Cet écran affiche la liste de tous les utilisateurs enregistrés et les commandes pour voir, modifier et supprimer des utilisateurs."],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Vous pouvez créer ou modifier ici les catégories et les champs de profil."],"Auth Mode":["Auth Mode"],"Add new page":["Ajouter une nouvelle page"],"Open page...":["Ouvrir la page..."],"Whitelist":["Liste blanche"],"Does not belong here":["Ne concerne pas cet espace."],"Show more":["Montrer plus ","Montrer plus"],"The date has to be in the past.":["La date doit être révolue"],"Unsubscribe":["désinscrition"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["défilement horizontal pour les mobiles"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Les developpeurs de Humhub ne fournis aucun support pour les module tiers et ne garantis pas nonplus leur fonctionnement et sécurité. "],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["cIci vous pouvez configurer les paramètres de votre compte mail et serveur mail de votre réseau social."],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Les limites de mémoire du serveur interdises de continuer avec de telles dimentions pour l'image"],"the default start page of this space for members":["la page par défaut de cet espace pour les membres"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["la page par défaut de cet espace pour les visiteurs"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Accueil (Invités)"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Ici, vous pouvez vous connecter à l'aide d'un fournisseur de service externe pour vous en servir de système d'authentification unique (Single Sign On)."],"You're not registered.":["Vous n'êtes pas enregistré."],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Edit file":["Modifier le fichier"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de trouver le dossier avec l'id : %id%"],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de charger le dossier par défaut qui contient tous les fichiers postés, la base de données n'est pas initialisée correctement."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de charger le dossier racine, la base de données n'est pas initialisée correctement."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Impossible de modifier un fichier qui n'existe pas."],"Created at:":["Créé le :"],"Edit the file description...":["Modifier la description du fichier..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Modifier la description du dossier..."],"Filesize:":["Taille du fichier :"],"Last edited at:":["Dernière modification le :"],"Last edited by:":["Dernière modification par :"],"Likes/Comments":["Aime/Commentaires"],"Open directory!":["Ouvrir le répertoire !"],"Open parent directory!":["Ouvrir le répertoire parent !"],"Schließen":["Fermer"],"Show Image":["Montrer l'image"],"Show all files":["Montrer tous les filchiers"],"Show complete file preview":["Montrer un aperçut complète du fichier"],"Show on Wall":["Montrer sur le mur"],"This folder is still empty.":["Ce dossier est toujours vide"],"Description for the wall entry.":["Description pour l'affichage sur le mur."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Merci de fournir une raison, pourquoi vous souhaitez signaler ce contenu."],"Approve":["Approuver"],"Approve post":["Approuver le contenu"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Voulez-vous vraiment approuver ce contenu ?"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Mise à jour de Humhub {version}"],"Abort":["Abandon"],"Downloading update package":["Téléchargement du paquet Mise à jour"],"New updater version available!":["Nouvelle version disponible pour \"updater\""],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Aucun message d'erreur n'est disponible, veulliez vérifier les logs"],"Preparing system":["Préparation du système"],"Start":["Démarrage"],"Start update":["Démarrage de la mise à jour "],"Switch to default theme after update":["Retour au thème par défaut après mise à jour"],"The update was successfully installed!":["La mise à jour est installée avec succè"],"Page creation disabled!":["Création de page désactivée !"],"Page not editable!":["Page non modifiable !"],"Page not found.":["Page non trouvée."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Permission refusée. Vous n'avez pas les droits d'administration."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Permission refusée. Vous n'avez pas les droits pour voir l'historique."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Revenir à la dernière version impossible. C'est déjà la dernière révision !"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Vous devez être membre de l'espace \"%space_name%\" pour ouvrir cette page wiki !"],"Unordered List":["Liste désordonnée"],"Ordered List":["Liste ordonnée"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\r\n\r\n votre compte a été activé.
\r\n\r\n Cliquez ici pour vous connecter :
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Cordialement,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\r\n\r\n votre demande de compte a été refusée.
\r\n\r\n Cordialement,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Space Settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Nombre maximum d'éléments épinglés atteint !\r\n\r\nVous ne pouvez épingler que deux éléments en même temps au maximum.\r\nPour épingler cet élément malgré tout, retirez l'épingle d'un autre élément auparavant !"],"Pinned":["Mis en avant","Coller"],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter":["Copier dans le presse-papier: Ctrl+C, Enter"],"Unpinned":["Décoller"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Les utilisateurs externes peuvent s'inscrire (le formulaire d'inscription sera affiché lors de la connexion)"],"Guests":["Invités"],"About page":["Page À propos"],"Allows access to your about page":["Autoriser l'accès à votre page À propos"],"Join the network":["Rejoindre le réseau"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Latest updates":["Dernières mises à jour"],"Search":["Recherche"],"Account settings":["Paramètres du compte"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Back":["Retour"],"Back to dashboard":["Retour au tableau de bord"],"Choose language:":["Choisir la langue :"],"Collapse":["Réduire"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Le contenu d'un add-on doit être une instance de HActiveRecordContent ou HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Le contenu du conteneur ne peut être déterminé"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Le contenu du add-on ne peut être trouvé"],"Could not find requested module!":["Impossible de trouver le module demandé !"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Expand":["Agrandir"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Vos droits d'accès sont insuffisants pour créer du contenu !"],"Invalid request.":["Requête invalide"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Il semble que vous n'êtes pas au bon endroit."],"Keyword:":["Mot-clé:"],"Language":["Langue"],"Latest news":["Dernières nouvelles"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Se déconnecter"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Le module n'est pas activé pour ce conteneur"],"My profile":["Mon profil"],"New profile image":["Nouvelle image de profil"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Aucun élément trouvé à partir de votre saisie"],"Oooops...":["Oups..."],"Results":["Résultats"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Search for users and spaces":["Rechercher des utilisateurs ou des espaces"],"Show more results":["Afficher plus de résultats"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Désolé, aucun élément trouvé !"],"Space not found!":["Espace introuvable"],"User Approvals":["Approbations utilisateur"],"User not found!":["Utilisateur non trouvé !"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bienvenue sur %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Vous ne pouvez créer un contenu public visible !"],"Your daily summary":["Votre rapport quotidien"],"Login required":["Login requis"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Une erreur interne est survenue."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette action."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Global {global} tableau vidé utilisant la méthode {method}."],"Upload error":["Erreur de chargement"],"Close":["Fermer","Fermé"],"Add image/file":["Ajouter une image/fichier"],"Add link":["Ajouter un lien"],"Bold":["Gras"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Entrez une url (par exemple http://exemple.com)"],"Heading":["Entête"],"Image":["Image"],"Image/File":["Image/fichier"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Insérer un lien"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Insérer un lien vers une image"],"Italic":["Italique"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement..."],"Preview":["Prévisualiser"],"Quote":["Citation"],"Target":["Destination"],"Title":["Titre"],"Title of your link":["Titre de votre lien"],"URL/Link":["URL/lien"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Impossible de créer une activité pour ce type d'objet !"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a créé un nouvel espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["Espace créé par %displayName%"],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a rejoint l'espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% a rejoint cet espace."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% a quitté l'espace %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% a quitté cet espace."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} suit maintenant {user2}."],"see online":["voir en ligne"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Activités récentes"],"There are no activities yet.":["Il n'y a aucune activité récente."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\nVotre compte est activé.
\nCliquez sur le lien suivant pour vous connecter :
\n \nCordialement,
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\nVotre demande a été rejetée.
\n \nCordialement,
"],"Group not found!":["Groupe non trouvé !"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Désinstallation du module impossible ! Module Protégé."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Le dossier %path% du module n'est pas accessible en écriture"],"Saved":["Enregistré"],"Database":["Base de données"],"No theme":["Aucun Thème"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Changement LDAP impossible ! - Vérifier l'extension PHP"],"File":["Fichier"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Aucune cache (Test seulement)","Pas de cache"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Aucun - Combo déroulante lors de l'enregistrement."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Sauvegardé et cache purgée"],"Become this user":["Devenir cet utilisateur"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Save":["Enregistrer"],"Unapproved":["Non Approuvé"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer vous-même !"],"Could not load category.":["Impossible de charger la catégorie."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Vous pouvez uniquement supprimer les catégories vides !"],"Group":["Groupe"],"Message":["Message"],"Subject":["Objet"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Activer le LDAP"],"Encryption":["Chiffrement","Cryptage"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"Login Filter":["Filtre Login"],"Password":["Mot de passe"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Filtre Utilisateur"],"Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Username Attribute":["Attribut Utilisateur"],"Anonymous users can register":["Les utilisateurs anonymes peuvent s'enregistrer"],"Default user group for new users":["Groupe par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Les membres peuvent inviter des utilisateurs externes par e-mail"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["L'approbation de l'administrateur du groupe est requis après l'enregistrement"],"Base URL":["Base de l'url"],"Default language":["Langage par défaut"],"Default space":["Espace par défaut"],"Invalid space":["Espace invalide"],"Logo upload":["Charger un logo"],"Name of the application":["Nom de l'application"],"Server Timezone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Afficher les \"premiers pas\" pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Cache Backend":["Type de mémoire cache"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Temps d'expiration par défaut (en secondes)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extension PHP APC non trouvée - Service non disponible !"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extension PHP SQLite3 non trouvée - Service non disponible !"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Taille de pagination par défaut (entrées par page)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Nom affiché (format)"],"Theme":["Thème"],"Convert command not found!":["Commande de conversion non trouvée !"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Réponse de \"Image Magick\" incorrecte - Votre commande est-elle juste ?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Commande de conversion \"Image Magick\" (optionnel)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Taille de fichier en Upload maximum (en Mo)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Utiliser X-Sendfile pour le téléchargement ?"],"Administrator users":["Administrateurs"],"Description":["Description"],"Ldap DN":["DN LDAP"],"Name":["Nom"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Autoriser les certificats auto-signés ?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Adresse expéditeur du Mail"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nom de l'expéditeur du Mail"],"Mail Transport Type":["Type de transport du Mail"],"Port number":["Port (ex : 25)"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Les super administrateurs peuvent supprimer chaque objet contenu"],"HTML tracking code":["Code HTML de suivi de statistiques"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Le dossier du module (%modulePath%) existe déjà !"],"Could not extract module!":["Impossible d'extraire le module"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Impossible d'afficher la liste des modules en ligne ! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Informations du module non disponible ! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Erreur de téléchargement du module !"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Le dossier du module (%modulePath%) est en lecture seule !"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Erreur de téléchargement de module ! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Version du module non compatible !","Aucun module compatible n'a été trouvé !"],"Activated":["Activé"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Aucun module installé actuellement. Installez-en pour améliorer les fonctionnalités de HumHub."],"Version:":["Version :"],"Installed":["Installé"],"No modules found!":["Aucun module trouvé !"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tous les modules sont à jour !"],"About HumHub":["A propos de HumHub"],"Accept":["Accepter"],"Decline":["Refuse"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Utilisateur autorisé : {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Send & save":["Enregistrer & Envoyer"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Refuser et supprimer l'utilisateur : {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Rechercher un Email","Rechercher par Email"],"Search for username":["Rechercher un Nom d'utilisateur","Rechercher par Nom d'Utilisateur"],"Pending user approvals":["Utilisateurs en attente d'acceptation"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Ici, voici la liste de tous les utilisateurs enregistrés mais en attente d'une acceptation."],"Delete group":["Supprimer le groupe"],"Delete group":["Supprimer le groupe"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Pour supprimer le groupe \"{group}\" vous devez sélectionner un groupe alternatif pour les utilisateurs existant :"],"Create new group":["Nouveau groupe"],"Edit group":["Editer le groupe"],"Group name":["Nom du Groupe","Nom du groupe"],"Search for description":["Rechercher dans la description"],"Search for group name":["Rechercher un groupe par nom"],"Manage groups":["Gérer les groupes"],"Create new group":["Créer un nouveau groupe"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Vous pouvez séparer les utilisateurs en différents groupes (par équipe, département, ...) ainsi que définir leurs Espaces par défaut et leurs Administrateurs."],"Error logging":["Erreur de Journalisation"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Afficher {count} entrées par page."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total de {count} entrées trouvées."],"Available updates":["Mises à jour disponible"],"Browse online":["Voir en ligne"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Ce module ne fournit pas d'autres informations."],"Modules directory":["Répertoire des modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Êtes-vous sûr ? *TOUTES* les données du module seront perdues !"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Êtes-vous sûr ? *TOUTES* les données et *TOUS* les fichiers du module seront perdus !"],"Configure":["Configurer"],"Disable":["Désactiver"],"Enable":["Activer"],"More info":["Plus d'info"],"Set as default":["Définir par défaut"],"Uninstall":["Désinstaller"],"Install":["Installer"],"Latest compatible version:":["Dernière version compatible :"],"Latest version:":["Dernière version : "],"Installed version:":["Version installée :"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Dernière version compatible :"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% est définit comme module par défaut"],"Always activated":["Toujours activé"],"Deactivated":["Désactivé"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Ici, vous pouvez choisir ou non si un module devrait être automatiquement activé dans un espace ou un profil d'utilisateur. Si le module devrait être activé, choisissez \"toujours activé\"."],"Spaces":["Espaces"],"User Profiles":["Profils utilisateurs"],"Authentication - Basic":["Authentication - Basique"],"Basic":["Général"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authentication - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["L'utilisation du protocole TLS/SSL est fortement recommandé dans les environnements de production pour prévenir de la transmission des mots de passe en clair."],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Attribut LDAP pour Nom d'utilisateur. Exemple: "uid" ou "sAMAccountName""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status : Erreur! (Message: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status : OK! ({userCount} Utilisateurs)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["La base par défaut DN utilisé pour la recherche de comptes."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Le mot de passe par défaut des informations d'identification (utilisé uniquement avec identifiant ci-dessus)."],"Cache Settings":["Paramètres de la mémoire cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Enregistrer & Purger le cache"],"CronJob settings":["Paramètres des tâches planifiées"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Tâche planifiée de l'utilisateur : {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Dernière exécution (journalières) :"],"Last run (hourly):":["Dernière exécution (horaires) :"],"Never":["jamais"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ou tâche du SuperUtilisateur (root)"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Merci de bien vouloir vérifier que les tâches planifiées sont installées :"],"Design settings":["Préférences de mise en page"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Prénom Nom (ex. : John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nom d'utilisateur (ex. : john)"],"File settings":["Paramètres de fichier"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Liste séparée par des virgules. Laissez vide pour tout autoriser."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Librairie d'image courante : {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP informe un maximum d'Upload de {maxUploadSize} Mo"],"Basic settings":["Paramètres de Base"],"Dashboard":["Fil d'actualité"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Ex. http://exemple.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs seront automatiquement ajoutés à ces espaces."],"Mailing defaults":["Paramètres de Mailing par défaut"],"Activities":["Activités"],"Always":["toujours"],"Daily summary":["résumé quotidien"],"Defaults":["Par Défaut","Par défaut"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Définir les valeurs par défaut lorsque l'utilisateur reçoit des e-mails sur les notifications ou de nouvelles activités. Ces paramètres peuvent être réécrits par les utilisateurs dans les paramètres de compte."],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Server Settings":["Paramètres du serveur"],"When I´m offline":["quand je suis déconnecté"],"Mailing settings":["Paramètres de Mailing par défaut"],"SMTP Options":["Options SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Rôles et Paramètres de Sécurité"],"Self test":["Auto tests"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Vérifier les pré-requis de HumHub"],"Re-Run tests":["Executer la vérification"],"Statistic settings":["Paramètres de statistiques"],"All":["Tous"],"Delete space":["Supprimer l'Espace"],"Edit space":["Éditer l'Espace"],"Search for space name":["Rechercher un Espace (par nom)"],"Search for space owner":["Rechercher un Espace (par Propriétaire)"],"Space name":["Nom de l'espace"],"Space owner":["Propriétaire de l'espace"],"View space":["Voir"],"Manage spaces":["Gérer les espaces"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Dans cette vue d'ensemble, vous pouvez trouver tous les espaces et les gérer."],"Settings":["Réglages"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet utilisateur ? Si celui-ci est le propriétaire d'un Espace, VOUS deviendrez le propriétaire de celui-ci."],"Delete user":["Supprimer l'Utilisateur"],"Delete user: {username}":["Supprimer l'Utilisateur : {username}"],"Edit user":["Éditer l'Utilisateur"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Supprimer le compte utilisateur"],"Edit user account":["Éditer le compte utilisateur"],"No":["Non"],"View user profile":["Voir le profil"],"Yes":["Oui"],"Manage users":["Gérer les utilisateurs"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Dans cette vision d'ensemble, vous pouvez trouver chaque utilisateur enregistré et le gérer"],"Create new profile category":["Créer une nouvelle catégorie de Profil"],"Edit profile category":["Éditer la catégorie"],"Create new profile field":["Créer un champ de profil"],"Edit profile field":["Éditer un champ de profil"],"Security & Roles":["Rôles et Sécurité"],"Administration menu":["Menu d'Administration"],"About":["À propos"],"Authentication":["Authentification"],"Caching":["Cache"],"Cron jobs":["Tâches planifiées"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Fichiers"],"Groups":["Groupes"],"Logging":["Connexion"],"Mailing":["Envoi de mail"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Self test & update":["Auto-Tests et Mise à Jour"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"User approval":["Approbation d'utilisateur"],"User profiles":["Profil utilisateur"],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"Click here to review":["Cliquez ici pour réviser"],"New approval requests":["Nouvelles requêtes d'approbation"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Un utilisateur ou plus nécessite l'approbation en tant qu'administrateur de groupe."],"Could not delete comment!":["Impossible d'effacer le commentaire !"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe cible invalide"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["le modèle et le paramètre ID sont requis !"],"Target not found!":["Cible non trouvée !"],"Access denied!":["Accès refusé !"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Droits insuffisants !"],"Comment":["Commenter"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% a écrit un commentaire"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Edit your comment...":["Éditer le commentaire..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a également commenté %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a commenté %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Voir les {total} commentaires."],"Write a new comment...":["Écrire un nouveau commentaire..."],"Post":["la publication"],"Show %count% more comments":["Afficher %count% autres commentaires"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmation de la suppression du commentaire"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer ce commentaire ?"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Updated :timeago":["Mis à jour :timeago","Actualisé il y a :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} a publié {contentTitle}."],"Back to stream":["Retour au fil d'actualités","Retour au flux"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Sorting":["Trier"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Nombre maximum d'éléments épinglés atteint !\n\nVous ne pouvez épingler que deux éléments en même temps au maximum.\nPour épingler cet élément malgré tout, retirez l'épingle d'un autre élément auparavant !"],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossible de charger l'objet demandé !"],"Unknown content class!":["Contenu de classe inconnu"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossible de trouver le contenu demandé"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossible de trouver le lien permanent demandé"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} a publié : {contentTitle}."],"in":["dans"],"Submit":["Envoyer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Aucun résultat."],"Nothing here yet!":["Rien à afficher actuellement."],"Move to archive":["Archiver"],"Unarchive":["Désarchiver"],"Add a member to notify":["Indiquez le nom du membre à avertir"],"Make private":["Rendre privé"],"Make public":["Rendre public"],"Notify members":["Avertir les membres"],"Public":["Public"],"What's on your mind?":["Publiez quelque chose..."],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la publication"],"Do you really want to delete this post? 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Personne n'a rien écrit pour le moment.
Soyez le premier et écrivez quelque chose..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Ce flux de profil est vide"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Cet espace est vide
Commencez par écrire quelque chose ici..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Votre fil d'actualité est vide !
Écrivez quelque chose sur votre profil ou rejoignez des espaces !"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Votre profil est vide.
Commencez par écrire quelque chose..."],"Content with attached files":["Contenu avec pièces jointes"],"Created by me":["Créé par moi","Créées par moi"],"Creation time":["Date de création"],"Include archived posts":["Inclure les archives"],"Last update":["Dernière mise à jour"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Rien ne correspond à vos critères actuels !"],"Only private posts":["Uniquement les publications privées"],"Only public posts":["Uniquement les publications publiques"],"Posts only":["Uniquement les publications"],"Posts with links":["Publications avec liens"],"Show all":["Afficher tout"],"Where I´m involved":["Où je suis impliqué"],"No public contents to display found!":["Aucun contenu public à afficher actuellement."],"Directory":["Annuaire"],"Member Group Directory":["Annuaire des membres de groupes"],"show all members":["Voir tous les membres"],"Directory menu":["Menu annuaire"],"Members":["Membres"],"User profile posts":["Publications des membres"],"Member directory":["Annuaire des membres"],"Follow":["Suivre"],"No members found!":["Aucun membre."],"Unfollow":["Ne plus suivre"],"search for members":["chercher des membres"],"Space directory":["Annuaire des espaces"],"No spaces found!":["Aucun espace trouvé."],"You are a member of this space":["Vous êtes membre de cet espace"],"search for spaces":["chercher des espaces"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Il n'y a aucune publication actuellement"],"Group stats":["Statistiques des groupe"],"Average members":["Moyenne des membres"],"Top Group":["Groupe le plus actif"],"Total groups":["Nombre de groupes"],"Member stats":["Statistiques des membres"],"New people":["Nouveaux membres"],"Follows somebody":["Abonnés à quelqu'un "],"Online right now":["En ligne en ce moment"],"Total users":["Nombre de membres"],"See all":["Voir tous"],"New spaces":["Nouveaux espaces"],"Space stats":["Statistiques des espaces"],"Most members":["Plus de membres "],"Private spaces":["Espaces privés"],"Total spaces":["Nombre d'espaces"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossible de trouver le fichier demandé !"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Vous n'avez pas les permissions !"],"Created By":["Créé par"],"Created at":["Créé à","Créé le"],"File name":["Nom du fichier"],"Guid":["GUID"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Type Mine invalide"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La taille maximale autorisée ({maxFileSize}) est dépassée."],"Mime Type":["Type Mime"],"Size":["Taille"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Ce type de fichier n'est pas autorisé"],"Updated at":["Mis à jour à","Mis à jour le"],"Updated by":["Mis à jour par"],"Could not upload File:":["Impossible d'envoyer le fichier :"],"Upload files":["Envoyer des fichiers"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Liste des fichiers déjà envoyés :"],"Create Admin Account":["Créer un compte administrateur"],"Name of your network":["Nom de votre réseau"],"Name of Database":["Nom de la base de données"],"Admin Account":["Compte Administrateur"],"Next":["Suivant"],"Social Network Name":["Nom du réseau social"],"Setup Complete":["Configuration terminée"],"Sign in":["Se connecter"],"Setup Wizard":["Setup Wizard"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bienvenue sur HumHub
Votre réseau social"],"Initializing database...":["Initialisation de la base de données..."],"Your MySQL password.":["Votre mot de passe MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Votre nom d'utilisateur MySQL"],"System Check":["Vérification du système"],"Check again":["Vérifier à nouveau"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossible de trouver la cible !"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossible de trouver la cible !"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe invalide !"],"Users who like this":["Membres qui aiment ça"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} aime {contentTitle}"],"User who vote this":["Utilisateurs qui vont répondre à ça"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% aime aussi %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% aime %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" aime ça."],"You like this.":["Vous aimez ça."],"You
"],"Like":["Aime"],"Unlike":["N'aime plus"],"and {count} more like this.":["et {count} autres aiment ça."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossible de déterminer l'url de redirection pour ce type d'objet source"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Impossible de charger l'objet source de notification vers cette redirection!"],"New":["Nouveau"],"Mark all as seen":["Tout marquer comme lu"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Il n'y a aucune notification."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% a créé une nouvelle publication."],"Edit your post...":["Éditer la publication..."],"Read full post...":["Lire tout..."],"Search results":["Résultats de la recherche"],"Content":["Contenu"],"Send & decline":["Envoyer et refuser"],"Visible for all":["Visible de tous"]," Invite and request":[" Sur invitation et demande"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Impossible de supprimer un utilisateur s'il est propriétaire d'un espace ! Espace concerné : {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Tout le monde peut entrer"],"Invite and request":["Sur invitation et demande"],"Only by invite":["Sur invitation uniquement"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privé (invisible)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Public (membres et visiteurs)"],"Public (Members only)":["Public (membres uniquement)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Public (utilisateurs enregistrés uniquement)"],"Public (Visible)":["Public (visible)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visible par tous (membres et visiteurs)"],"Space is invisible!":["Espace invisible"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Vous devez être connecté pour voir ce contenu"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["En tant que propriétaire, vous ne pouvez pas révoquer votre participation !"],"Could not request membership!":["Demande de participation impossible !"],"There is no pending invite!":["Aucune invitation en attente !"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Cette action n'est disponible que pour les membres de cet espace !"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à rejoindre cet espace !"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ce nom d'espace est déjà utilisé."],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Indiquez votre mot de passe","Votre mot de passe"],"Invites":["Invitations"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nouveaux utilisateurs par e-mail (séparés par une virgule)"],"User is already member!":["Cet utilisateur est déjà membre."],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} est déjà inscrit."],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} n'est pas valide."],"Application message":["Message"],"Scope":["Etendue"],"Strength":["Contrainte"],"Created At":["Créé le"],"Join Policy":["Conditions d'adhésion"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Status":["Statut"],"Tags":["Mots-clés"],"Updated At":["Mis à jour le"],"Visibility":["Visibilité"],"Website URL (optional)":["Lien vers site Web (option)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Vous ne pouvez pas créer un espace privé visible !"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Vous ne pouvez pas créer un espace public visible !"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Choisissez la portion de l'image que vous désirez utiliser comme avatar et cliquez sur Enregistrer."],"Modify space image":["Modifier l'image de l'espace"],"Delete space":["Effacer l'espace"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimé cet espace ? Tout le contenu publié sera définitivement supprimé également !"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Veuillez indiquez votre mot de passe pour continuer !"],"General space settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"Archive":["Archive"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Choisissez le type de participation à cet espace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Choisissez le niveau de sécurité de cet espace pour en définir la visibilité."],"Search members":["Rechercher des membres"],"Manage your space members":["Gérez les membres de votre espace"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Invitations envoyées"],"Outstanding user requests":["Demandes d'utilisateurs en attente"],"Remove member":["Retirer le membre"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Autoriser cet utilisateur
à inviter d'autres utilisateurs"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Autoriser cet utilisateur
à rendre public du contenu"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir retirer ce membre de cet espace ?"],"Can invite":["Autorisé à inviter"],"Can share":["Autorisé à partager"],"Change space owner":["Changer le propriétaire"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Les utilisateurs externes, invités par e-mail ne sont pas visibles ici."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Tous les membres actifs de cet espace sont visibles ci-dessous. Vous pouvez modifier leurs privilèges ou les retirer de ce espace."],"Is admin":["Est administrateur"],"Make this user an admin":["Donner les droits administrateur."],"No, cancel":["Non, annuler"],"Remove":["Enlever"],"Request message":["Message de demande"],"Revoke invitation":["Révoquer l'invitation"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Les utilisateurs suivant attendent une approbation pour participer à cet espace. Merci de faire le nécessaire."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Les utilisateurs suivants ont été invités dans cet espace, mais n'ont pas encore répondus à cette demande."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Le propriétaire de l'espace est le super-administrateur et normalement le créateur de cet espace. Ici vous pouvez transmettre cette fonction à un autre utilisateur."],"Yes, remove":["Oui, effacer"],"Space Modules":["Modules des espaces"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Êtes-vous certain ? *TOUTES* les données des modules de cet espace seront définitivement supprimées !"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Aucun module n'est disponible actuellement pour cet espace !"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Améliorez cet espace avec des modules."],"Create new space":["Créer un nouvel espace"],"Advanced access settings":["Paramètres d'accès avancés"],"Advanced search settings":["Paramètres avancés de la recherche"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Les non-membres peuvent voir cet espace
mais n'y ont pas accès"],"Create":["Créer"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tout le monde peut entrer dans votre
espace sans votre approbation."],"For everyone":["Pour tout le monde"],"How you want to name your space?":["Indiquez le nom de votre espace"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Indiquez une description courte pour les autres utilisateurs."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Cet espace sera caché
pour les non membres"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Les utilisateurs peuvent demander
un accès à cet espace"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Les utilisateurs ne peuvent être
ajoutés que par invitation"],"space description":["description de l'espace"],"space name":["nom de l'espace"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} souhaite s'affilier à l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} à accepté votre demande d'affiliation à {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} à refusé votre demande d'affiliation à {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vous invite à rejoindre l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} a accepté votre invitation dans l'espace {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} a refusé votre invitation dans l'espace {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Cet espace est vide !"],"Accept Invite":["Accepter l'invitation"],"Become member":["Devenir membre"],"Cancel membership":["Annuler l'affiliation"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annuler la demande d'affiliation"],"Deny Invite":["Interdire l'invitation"],"Request membership":["Demander à devenir membre"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Vous être propriétaire de cet espace"],"created by":["créé par"],"Invite members":["Inviter des membres"],"Add an user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Email addresses":["Adresse e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Inviter par e-mail"],"New user?":["Nouvel utilisateur ?"],"Pick users":["Sélectionnez les utilisateurs"],"Send":["Envoyer"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Pour inviter des membres dans cet espace, saisissez leurs noms ci-dessous et cochez les."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Vous pouvez également inviter des utilisateurs qui ne sont pas encore inscrits. Indiquez simplement leurs adresses e-mails séparées par une virgule."],"Request space membership":["Demande d'adhésion"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Merci de vous présenter en quelques mots afin de devenir un membre de cet espace."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Votre demande a été transmise à l'administrateur de cet espace."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utilisateur est membre."],"User has been invited.":["L'utilisateur a été invité."],"User has not been invited.":["L'utilisateur n'a pas encore été invité."],"Back to workspace":["Retour à l'espace de travail"],"Space preferences":["Espace préférences"],"General":["Général"],"My Space List":["Ma liste d'espaces"],"My space summary":["Résumé de l'espace"],"Space directory":["Annuaire des espaces"],"Space menu":["Menu Espace"],"Stream":["Flux"],"Change image":["Changer d'image"],"Current space image":["Image d'espace actuelle"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de l'image","Confirmr la suppression","Confirmer la suppression"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette image ?","Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image ?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image de votre profil ?","Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer l'image du profil ?"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Something went wrong":["Quelque chose n'a pas fonctionné"],"Followers":["Abonnés"],"Posts":["Publications"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Merci de vous présenter en quelques mots afin de devenir un membre de cet espace."],"Request workspace membership":["Demander de participation à l'espace","Demande de participation"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Votre demande de participation a été envoyée aux administrateurs."],"Create new space":["Créer un espace"],"My spaces":["Mes espaces"],"Space info":["Espace info"],"more":["plus"],"Accept invite":["Accepter l'invitation"],"Deny invite":["Décliner l'invitation"],"Leave space":["Se désabonner"],"New member request":["Nouvelles demandes d'affiliation"],"Space members":["Membres de l'espace","Espace membres"],"End guide":["Fin de la visite guidée"],"Next »":["Suivant »"],"« Prev":["« Précédent"],"Administration":["Administration"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hourra! C'est tout pour maintenant."],"Modules":["Modules"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["En tant qu'admin, vou spouvez gérer la plateforme entière depuis ici.
Outre les modules, nous n'allons pas rentrer dans le détail ici, chacun a sa propre courte description ailleurs ."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Vous êtes actuellement dans le menu Outils. De là, vous pouvez accéder au marché en ligne HumHub, où vous pouvez installer un nombre toujours croissant d'outils à la volée.
Comme déjà mentionné, les outils augmentent les fonctions disponibles dans votre espace."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["\nVous avez maintenant appris à propos de tous les aspects les plus importants et êtes tous prêt pour commencer à utiliser la plate-forme.
Nous espérons que vous et tous les futurs utilisateurs serez satisfait d'utiliser ce site. Nous nous réjouissons de vos suggestions ou support que vous souhaitez offrir à notre projet. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via www.humhub.org.
Restez à l'écoute. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["ceci est votre tableau de bord.
Toute nouvelle activité ou commentaire qui peut vous intéresser sera affiché ici."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administration (Modules)"],"Edit account":["Modifier le compte"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hourra! Fin."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hourra ! Vous avez terminé !"],"Profile menu":["Profil menu","Menu profil"],"Profile photo":["Profil photo"],"Profile stream":["Profile flux"],"User profile":["Profil utilisateur"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Cliquez sur ce bouton pour mettre à jour votre profil et vos paramètres de compte. Vous pouvez également ajouter plus d'informations à votre profil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Chaque profil possède sa propre tableau d'affichage. Vos messages seront également diffusés sur les tableaux de bord des utilisateurs qui vous suivent."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Tout comme dans l'espace, le profil de l'utilisateur peut être personnalisé avec différents modules.
Vous pouvez découvrir quels sont les modules disponibles pour votre profil en regardant dans \"Modules\" dans le menu des paramètres de compte."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Ceci est votre profil d'utilisateur public, qui peut être vu par tout utilisateur enregistré."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Ajouter une photo de profil en cliquant ici ou par glisser-déposer. Faites la même chose pour mettre à jour votre photo de couverture."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Vous avez terminé le guide de profil de l'utilisateur!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Vous avez terminé le guide de profil utilisateur!
Pour poursuivre avec le guide d'administration, cliquez ici:
"],"Most recent activities":["Plus récentes activités"],"Posts":["Commentaires"],"Profile Guide":["Guide de profile"],"Space":["Espace"],"Space navigation menu":["Espace menu navigation"],"Writing posts":["Écrire une publication"],"Yay! You're done.":["Bravo ! Vous avez terminé."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Tous les utilisateurs qui sont membres de cet espace seront affichés ici.
Les nouveaux membres peuvent être ajoutés par quiconque ayant obtenu les droits d'accès de l'administrateur."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Donner aux autres utilisateurs une description rapide du thème de l'espace. Vous pouvez ajouter des informations sommaires ici.
L'administrateur de l'espace peut insérer et changer l'image de couverture de l'espace en cliquant dessus ou en faisant glisser l'image."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Les nouveaux messages peuvent être rédigés et publiés ici."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Une fois que vous avez rejoint ou créé un nouvel espace, vous pouvez travailler sur des projets, discuter de sujets ou tout simplement partager des informations avec d'autres utilisateurs.
Il existe différents outils pour personnaliser un espace, rendant ainsi le processus de collaboration plus agréable."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["C'est tout pour le guide de l'espace
Pour poursuivre avec le guide de profil utilisateur, cliquez ici :"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["C'est là que vous pouvez naviguer dans l'espace - Où vous y trouverez les modules qui sont actifs ou disponibles pour l'espace particulier où vous êtes actuellement. Ceux-ci pourraient être des sondages, des tâches ou des notes par exemple
Seul l'administrateur de l'espace peut gérer les modules de l'espace."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Ce menu n'est visible que pour les administrateurs de l'espace. Ici vous pouvez gérer vos paramètres d'espace, ajouter des membres / blocs et activer / désactiver les outils pour cet espace."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Pour vous tenir au courant, les activités les plus récentes des autres utilisateurs dans cet espace seront affichées ici."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Vos messages ainsi que ceux des autres utilisateurs apparaissent ici.
Ceux-ci peuvent ensuite être aimés ou commentés."],"Account Menu":["Menu Compte"],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Space Menu":["Menu Espace"],"Start space guide":["Démarrer la visite guidée d'un espace"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Ne perdez pas la trace des choses !
Cette icône vous tiendra au courant des activités et des messages qui vous concerne directement."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Le menu compte vous donne accès à vos paramètres privés et vous permet de gérer votre profil public."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["C'est le menu le plus important et sera probablement celui que vous utilisez le plus souvent !
Accédez à tous les espaces que vous avez rejoint et créer de nouveaux espaces ici
Le prochain guide vous montrera comment :"]," Remove panel":["Supprimer le panneau"],"Getting Started":["Commencer"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guide: Administration (Modules)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guide: Vue d'ensemble"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guide: Espaces"],"Guide: User profile":["Guide: Profile utilisateur"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Apprenez à utiliser les fonctionnalités les plus importantes du site à travers les guides suivants :"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Ce compte utilisateur n'a pas encore été approuvé"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Vous devrez être connecté pour voir ce profil"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Mot de passe incorrect !"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Impossible de changer votre mot de passe ici."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Lien invalide ! Vérifiez que vous avez indiqué l'URL complète !"],"Save profile":["Enregistrer le profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["L'adresse e-mail indiquée est déjà utilisée par un autre utilisateur."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Impossible de changer votre adresse e-mail ici."],"Account":["Compte"],"Create account":["Créer un compte"],"Current password":["Mot de passe actuel"],"E-Mail change":["Changement d'adresse e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nouvelle adresse e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Envoyer les activités ?"],"Send notifications?":["Envoyer les notifications ?"],"New password":["Nouveau mot de passe"],"New password confirm":["Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nom d'utilisateur, e-mail ou mot de passe incorrects."],"Remember me next time":["Se souvenir de moi"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Votre compte n'a pas encore été activé par un administrateur."],"Your account is suspended.":["Désolé, votre compte est suspendu."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["La récupération de mot de passe n'est pas disponible pour votre type de compte !"],"E-Mail":["e-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Récupération de mot de passe"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" introuvable !"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Cet e-mail est déjà utilisé."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Cacher le panneau sur le tableau de bord"],"Invalid language!":["Langage invalide","Langue invalide !"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilité du profil"],"TimeZone":["Fuseau horaire"],"Default Space":["Espace par défaut"],"Group Administrators":["Administrateur(s) du groupe"],"LDAP DN":["DN LDAP"],"Members can create private spaces":["Les membres peuvent créer des espaces privés"],"Members can create public spaces":["Les membres peuvent créer des espaces public"],"Birthday":["Date de naissance"],"City":["Ville"],"Country":["Pays"],"Custom":["Personnalisé"],"Facebook URL":["Lien Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Femme"],"Firstname":["Prénom"],"Flickr URL":["Lien Flickr"],"Gender":["Genre"],"Google+ URL":["Lien Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Masquer l'année dans votre profil"],"Lastname":["Nom"],"LinkedIn URL":["Lien LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Homme"],"Mobile":["Tel. portable"],"MySpace URL":["Lien MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Tel. privé"],"Phone Work":["Tel. travail"],"Skype Nickname":["ID Skype"],"State":["Région"],"Street":["Rue"],"Twitter URL":["Lien Twitter"],"Url":["Lien"],"Vimeo URL":["Lien Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Adresse XMPP/Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Lien Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Lien YouTube"],"Zip":["Code postal"],"Created by":["Créé par"],"Editable":["Modifiable"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Le type du champ ne peut être modifié !"],"Fieldtype":["Type de champ"],"Internal Name":["Nom interne"],"Internal name already in use!":["Ce nom interne est déjà utilisé !"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Le nom interne ne peut être modifié !"],"Invalid field type!":["Type de champ invalide !"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributs LDAP"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Seuls les caractères alphanumériques sont acceptés !"],"Profile Field Category":["Catégorie de champs"],"Required":["Requis"],"Show at registration":["Voir à l'enregistrement"],"Sort order":["Ordre de tri"],"Translation Category ID":["Identifiant de traduction de la catégorie"],"Type Config":["Configuration de type"],"Visible":["Visible"],"Communication":["Communication"],"Social bookmarks":["Favoris sociaux"],"Datetime":["Date et heure"],"Number":["Nombre"],"Select List":["Liste de choix"],"Text":["Texte"],"Text Area":["Texte long"],"%y Years":["%y ans"],"Birthday field options":["Options de date de naissance"],"Date(-time) field options":["Option de date et heure"],"Show date/time picker":["Afficher le calendrier"],"Maximum value":["Valeur maximale"],"Minimum value":["Valeur minimale"],"Number field options":["Option de nombre"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Une valeur par ligne. Clé=>Valeur (exemple oui=>Oui)"],"Please select:":["Sélectionnez :"],"Possible values":["Valeurs possibles"],"Select field options":["Option de listes"],"Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"Maximum length":["Longueur maximale"],"Minimum length":["Longueur minimale"],"Text Field Options":["Option de texte"],"Text area field options":["Option de texte long"],"Authentication mode":["Méthode d'authentification"],"New user needs approval":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs doivent être approuvés"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Le nom d'utilisateur ne peut contenir que des lettres, chiffres, espaces et les caractères spéciaux (+ - . _)"],"Wall":["Mur"],"Change E-mail":["Changer d'adresse e-mail","Changer d'adresses e-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Adresse e-mail actuelle"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Votre adresse e-mail a été modifiée vers : {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Nous venons juste de vous envoyer un message vers votre nouvelle adresse e-mail.
Merci de suivre les instructions qu'il contient."],"Change password":["Changer de mot de passe"],"Password changed":["Mot de passe modifié"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Votre mot de passe a été modifié !","Votre mot de passe a correctement été changé !"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifier votre image de profil"],"Delete account":["Supprimer votre compte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?
L'intégralité de votre contenu sera supprimé définitivement !"],"Delete account":["Supprimer définitivement le compte"],"Enter your password to continue":["Indiquez votre mot de passe pour continuer"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Désolé, en tant que propriétaire d'un espace, vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte !
Choisissez un autre propriétaire pour votre espace ou supprimez-le."],"User details":["Détails de votre compte utilisateur"],"User modules":["Modules utilisateur"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Êtes-vous vraiment certain ? *TOUTES* les données des modules de votre profil seront supprimées définitivement !"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Améliorez votre profil avec des modules."],"User settings":["Paramètres utilisateur"],"Getting Started":["Pour commencer"],"Registered users only":["Utilisateurs enregistrés uniquement"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visible par tous (visiteurs également)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifications sur le bureau"],"Email Notifications":["Notifications par e-mail"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Recevoir les notifications sur votre bureau lorsque vous êtes en ligne."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Recevoir un e-mail pour chaque activité des utilisateurs que vous suivez
ou qui partagent un espace avec vous."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Recevoir un e-mail quand un utilisateur commente ou aime vos sujets."],"Account registration":["Enregistrement de compte"],"Create Account":["Créer un compte"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Votre compte à été créé !"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Vous recevrez une notification par e-mail après activation de celui-ci par un administrateur."],"Go to login page":["Aller à la page de connexion"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Pour vous connecter avec votre compte, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous."],"back to home":["Retour à l'accueil"],"Please sign in":["Connexion"],"Sign up":["Inscription"],"Create a new one.":["Créer un nouveau."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Vous n'avez pas de compte ? Rejoignez-nous en indiquant votre adresse e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Mot de passe perdu ?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Si vous êtes déjà inscrit, identifiez-vous à l'aide de votre nom d'utilisateur ou adresse e-mail ainsi que votre mot de passe."],"Register":["Enregistrez-vous"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["mot de passe"],"username or email":["nom d'utilisateur ou e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Récupération de votre mot de passe","Récupération de mot de passe"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Indiquez votre adresse e-mail. Nous vous enverrons les instructions de récupération de votre mot de passe."],"Password recovery":["Récupérer votre mot de passe"],"Reset password":["Envoyer"],"enter security code above":["entrez le code de sécurité"],"your email":["votre adresse e-mail"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Nous venons de vous envoyer un e-mail contenant le lien qui vous permettra de réinitialiser votre mot de passe."],"Password recovery!":["Mot de passe récupéré !"],"Registration successful!":["Enregistrement terminé !"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Vérifiez vos e-mails et suivez les instructions indiquées."],"Registration successful":["Enregistrement effectué"],"Change your password":["Changer votre mot de passe"],"Password reset":["Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"],"Change password":["Changer le mot de passe"],"Password reset":["Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"],"Password changed!":["Votre mot de passe a été changé !"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirmez votre nouvelle adresse e-mail"],"Confirm":["Confirmer"],"Hello":["Bonjour"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Vous avez demandé un changement d'adresse e-mail.
Votre nouvelle adresse est {newemail}.
Pour confirmer cette nouvelle adresse, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous."],"Hello {displayName}":["Bonjour {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Veuillez utiliser ce lien endéans les 24 heures. Passé ce délai, il expirera automatiquement."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Merci d'utiliser le lien suivant endéans les 24 heures pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe."],"Reset Password":["Réinitialiser le mot de passe"],"Registration Link":["Lien d'enregistrement"],"Sign up":["Enregistrement"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bienvenue sur %appName%. Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour vous enregistrer."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["Enregistrez-vous dès maintenant pour rejoindre cet espace."],"Sign up now":["Inscrivez-vous maintenant","Enregistrez-vous maintenant"],"Space Invite":["Invitation à un espace"],"You got a space invite":["Vous avez reçu une invitation à rejoindre un espace"],"invited you to the space:":["vous à invité à rejoindre l'espace :"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} vous a mentionné dans {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} vous suit."],"About this user":["À propos de cet utilisateur"],"Modify your title image":["Modifier votre image titre"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Ce profil est vide."],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Souhaitez-vous supprimer votre logo ?"],"Account settings":["Réglages de votre compte"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Modifier votre compte"],"Following":["Abonnements"],"Following user":["Abonnements"],"User followers":["Abonnés"],"Member in these spaces":["Membre de ces espaces"],"User tags":["Mots-clé de l'utilisateur"],"No birthday.":["Aucun anniversaire."],"Back to modules":["Retour aux modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Anniversaire"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Le nombre de jours avant qu'un anniversaire soit affiché."],"Tomorrow":["Demain"],"Upcoming":["Prochainement"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Vous pouvez spécifier le nombre de jours avant qu'un anniversaire soit affiché."],"becomes":["aura"],"birthdays":["anniversaires"],"days":["jours"],"today":["aujourd'hui"],"years old.":["ans."],"Active":["Actif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marquer comme non lu pour tous les utilisateurs"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuration de Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Note : vous pouvez utiliser la syntaxe Markdown"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Ajoute un calendrier pour les événements privés ou publics à votre profil et au menu principal"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Ajoute un calendrier à cet espace."],"All Day":["Toute la journée"],"Attending users":["Utilisateurs participants"],"Calendar":["Calendrier"],"Declining users":["Participants ayant décliné l'invitation"],"End Date":["Date de fin"],"End Date and Time":["Date et heure de fin"],"End Time":["Heure de fin"],"End time must be after start time!":["L'heure de fin doit être après l'heure de début !"],"Event":["Événement"],"Event not found!":["Événement introuvable !"],"Maybe attending users":["Probablement en attente de participants"],"Participation Mode":["Mode de participation"],"Recur":["Récurrence"],"Recur End":["Fin de la récurrence"],"Recur Interval":["Fréquence de répétition"],"Recur Type":["Type de récurrence"],"Select participants":["Choisir les participants"],"Start Date":["Date de début"],"Start Date and Time":["Date et heure de début"],"Start Time":["Heure de début"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit d'accéder à cet événement !"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit de créer un événement !"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effacer cet événement !"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Vous n'avez pas le droit de modifier cet événement !"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% a créé un nouveau %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participe à %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participe peut-être à %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ne participe pas à %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Heure et date de début"],"Create event":["Créer un événement"],"Edit event":["Editer un événement"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Note : Cet événement sera créé dans votre profil. Pour créer un événement dans un espace, ouvrez le calendrier de l'espace concerné."],"End Date/Time":["Heure et date de fin"],"Everybody can participate":["Tout le monde peut participer"],"No participants":["Pas de participant"],"Participants":["Participants"],"Attend":["Participe"],"Created by:":["Créé par :"],"Edit event":["Modifier l'événement"],"Edit this event":["Modifier cet événement"],"I´m attending":["Je participe"],"I´m maybe attending":["Je participe peut-être"],"I´m not attending":["Je ne participe pas"],"Maybe":["Peut-être"],"Filter events":["Filtrer les événements"],"Select calendars":["Choisir les calendriers"],"Already responded":["Déjà répondu"],"Followed spaces":["Espaces suivis"],"Followed users":["Utilisateurs suivis"],"My events":["Mes événements"],"Not responded yet":["Pas encore répondu"],"Loading...":["Chargement..."],"Upcoming events ":["Prochains événements "],":count attending":[":count oui"],":count declined":[":count non"],":count maybe":[":count peut être"],"Participants:":["Participants :"],"Create new Page":["Créer une nouvelle page"],"Custom Pages":["Pages personnalisées"],"Link":["Lien"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Aucune page personnalisée n'a été créée !"],"Sort Order":["Ordre de tri"],"Delete category":["Supprimer la catégorie"],"Delete link":["Supprimer le lien"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Souhaitez-vous supprimer ce lien ?"],"Linklist":["Liste des liens"],"Messages":["Messages"],"Recipient":["Destinataire"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un e-mail à vous-même."],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un e-mail à vous-même."],"New message from {senderName}":["Nouveau message de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["et de {counter} autres utilisateurs"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nouveau message dans la conversation de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nouveau message"],"Reply now":["Répondre maintenant"],"sent you a new message:":["vous a envoyé un nouveau message :"],"sent you a new message in":["vous a envoyé un nouveau message dans"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Ajouter plus de participants à votre conversation..."],"Add user...":["Ajouter un utilisateur..."],"New message":["Nouveau message"],"Edit message entry":["Modifier le message"],"Messagebox":["Courrier"],"Inbox":["Boîte de réception"],"There are no messages yet.":["Il n'y a aucun message.","Il n'y a encore aucun message."],"Write new message":["Écrire un nouveau message"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmer la suppression de la conversation"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmer le départ de la conversation"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmer la suppression du message"],"Add user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette conversation ?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer ce message ?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment quitter cette conversation ?"],"Leave":["Quitter"],"Leave discussion":["Quitter la discussion"],"Write an answer...":["Écrire une réponse..."],"User Posts":["Publications de l'utilisateur"],"Show all messages":["Montrer tous les messages"],"Send message":["Envoyer un message"],"No users.":["Aucun membre."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Le nombre doit être inférieur à 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Le nombre ne peut pas être négatif."],"Most active people":["Les membres les plus actifs"],"Get a list":["Liste"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Configuration du module \"Most Active Users\""],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Le nombre de membres devant être affiché."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Vous devez spécifier le nombre de membres qui doivent être affichés."],"Comments created":["Commentaire(s)"],"Likes given":["Mention(s) \"J'aime\""],"Posts created":["Publication(s)"],"Notes":["Notes"],"Etherpad API Key":["Clé de l'API Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossible d'obtenir le contenu de la note !"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossible d'obtenir les notes d'utilisateurs!"],"Note":["Note"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} a créé une nouvelle note {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} a travaillé sur la note {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connexion à l'API avec succès!","Connexion à l'API avec succès !"],"Could not connect to API!":["Impossible de se connecter à l'API!","Impossible de se connecter à l'API !"],"Current Status:":["Status courant:","Status courant :"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Notes"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Veuillez lire la documentation du module sous /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt pour plus de détails"],"Save & Test":["Enregistrer & Tester"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Le module de notes requiert un serveur etherpad actif!","Le module de notes requiert un serveur etherpad actif !"],"Save and close":["Enregistrer et Fermer"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} a créé une nouvelle note et vous l'a assignée."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} a travaillé sur la note {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Note ouverte"],"Title of your new note":["Titre de votre nouvelle note"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucun note n'a été trouvée à partir de votre filtre courant!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Il n'y a pas encore de note!","Il n'y a pas encore de note !"],"Polls":["Sondages"],"Could not load poll!":["Impossible de charger le sondage !"],"Invalid answer!":["Réponse invalide !"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Les utilisateurs ont choisi : {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Réponse multiple impossible."],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Vous n'avez pas la permission pour effectuer cette opération."],"Answers":["Réponses"],"Multiple answers per user":["Réponses multiples par utilisateur"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Merci de spécifier au moins {min} réponses."],"Question":["Question"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} a répondu à {question}."],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} a répondu à {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} a créé un sondage : {question}."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} a créé un nouveau sondage et vous l'a affecté."],"Ask":["Demander"],"Reset my vote":["Annuler mon vote"],"Vote":["Voter"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["et {count} réponses en plus."],"votes":["réponses"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Autoriser les réponses multiples ?"],"Ask something...":["Posez une question..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Réponses possibles (1 par ligne)"],"Display all":["Tout afficher"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucun sondage trouvé (avec ces filtres)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Il n'y a aucun sondage actuellement"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Il n'y a aucun sondage actuellement
Soyez le premier à en créer un..."],"Asked by me":["Mes demandes"],"No answered yet":["Pas de réponse"],"Only private polls":["Sondages privés seulement"],"Only public polls":["Sondage public seulement"],"by :displayName":["par :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["créé par :displayName"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme offensive."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme indésirable."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Un utilisateur a reporté votre publication comme inappropriée à cet espace."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% comme offensive."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% comme indésirable."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% a reporté la publication %contentTitle% inappropriée à cet espace."],"Appropriate":["Approprié"],"Tasks":["Tâches"],"Could not access task!":["Impossible d'accéder aux tâches !"],"Task":["Tâche"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} a été affecté à la tâche {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} a créé la tâche {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} a terminé la tâche {task}.","{userName} a fini la tâche {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} vous a affecté à la tâche {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} a créé la nouvelle tâche {task}."],"Add Task":["Ajouter une tâche"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vouhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette tâche ?"],"This task is already done":["Cette tâche est déjà faite"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Vous n'êtes pas assigné à cette tâche."],"Click, to finish this task":["Cliquer, pour finir cette tâche"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Cette tâche est déjà terminée. Cliquer pour réouvrir."],"My tasks":["Mes tâches"],"From space: ":["De l'espace :"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Aucune tâche trouvée avec ces critères"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Il n'y a pas encore de tâche !"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Il n'y a pas encore de tâche !
Soyez le premier à en créer une..."],"Assigned to me":["Me l'affecter"],"Nobody assigned":["Personne n'est affecté"],"State is finished":["État est terminé"],"State is open":["État est ouvert"],"Assign users to this task":["Affecter des utilisateurs à cette tâche"],"What to do?":["Qu'y a t-il à faire ?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Voulez-vous traiter cette tâche ?"],"I do it!":["Je m'en occupe !"],"Translation Manager":["Responsable de traduction"],"Translations":["Traductions"],"Translation Editor":["Éditeur de traductions"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la page"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirmer le retour à une version précédente"],"Overview of all pages":["Aperçu des pages"],"Page history":["Historique de la page"],"Wiki Module":["Module Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Ajouter un Wiki à cet espace."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Ajouter un Wiki à votre profil."],"Back to page":["Revenir à la page"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer cette page ?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Souhaitez-vous vraiment restaurer cette page ?"],"Edit page":["Modifier la page"],"Edited at":["Modifié le"],"Go back":["Retour"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Caractère invalide dans le titre de la page !"],"Let's go!":["Allons-y !"],"Main page":["Page principale"],"New page":["Nouvelle page"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Aucune page pour l'instant.
Créez la première page maintenant."],"Overview":["Vue d'ensemble"],"Page History":["Historique"],"Page title already in use!":["Ce titre est déjà utilisé !"],"Revert":["Restaurer"],"Revert this":["Restaurer ceci"],"View":["Voir"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["par"],"Wiki page":["Page Wiki"],"Create new page":["Créer une nouvelle page"],"Edit page":["Editer la page"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Entrez le nom de la page ou une URL (par ex. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Titre de la page"],"Page content":["Contenu de la page"],"Allowed file extensions":["Extensions autorisées"],"Server":["Serveur"],"Security":["Sécurité"],"Flush entries":["Supprimer le journal"],"Purchases":["Achats"],"Alphabetical":["Alphabétique"],"Last visit":["Dernière visite"],"Add user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Add new user":["Ajouter un utilisateur"],"Last login":["Dernière connexion"],"never":["jamais"],"Add new category":["Ajouter une catégorie"],"Add new field":["Ajouter un champ"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Serveur Proxy"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Chercher des utilisateurs, des espaces et des contenus"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Chercher seulement dans certains espaces :"],"Default":["Défaut"],"Private":["Privé"],"Members":["Membres"],"Change Owner":["Modifier le propriétaire"],"General settings":["Paramètres généraux"],"Security settings":["Paramètres de Sécurité"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["En tant que propriétaire de cet espace, vous pouvez transférer ce rôle à un autre administrateur dans l'espace"],"Color":["Couleur"],"Transfer ownership":["Transférer la propriété"],"Last Visit":["Dernière visite"],"Request Message":["Message de la demande"],"Updated By":["Mis à jour par"],"Value":["Valeur"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Ajouter {n,plural,=1{espace} other{espaces}}"],"Current Group:":["Groupe sélectionné :"],"Manage members":["Gérer les membres"],"Manage permissions":["Gérer les permissions"],"Pending approvals":["Demandes en attente"],"Pending invitations":["Invitations en attente"],"Cancel Membership":["Annuler la participation"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Cacher les messages sur le fil d'actualité"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Afficher les messages sur le fil d'actualité"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Cette option va cacher les nouveaux contenus de cet espace sur votre fil d'actualité"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Cette option va afficher les nouveaux contenus de cet espace sur votre fil d'actualité"],"Pending Approvals":["Demandes en attente"],"Pending Invites":["Invitations en attente"],"Permissions":["Permissions"],"Allow":["Autoriser"],"Deny":["Interdire"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Merci de taper au moins 3 caractères"],"code text here":["texte code ici"],"emphasized text":["texte mis en valeur"],"enter image description here":["saisissez la description de l'image ici"],"enter image title here":["saisissez le titre de l'image ici"],"enter link description here":["saisissez la description du lien ici"],"heading text":["texte d'entête"],"list text here":["texte de la liste ici"],"quote here":["citation ici"],"strong text":["texte gras"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Ajouter un module acheté par sa clé de licence"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["La demande de compte pour \"{displayName}\" a été acceptée."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["La demande de compte pour \"{displayName}\" a été refusée."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\n votre compte a été activé.
\n\n Cliquez ici pour vous connecter :
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Cordialement,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\n\n votre demande de compte a été refusée.
\n\n Cordialement,
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Attribut d'adresse e-mail"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Récupérer/mettre à jour les utilisateurs automatiquement"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Autoriser un accès limité pour les utilisateurs non authentifiés (invités)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Temporisation d'inactivité par défaut, déconnexion automatique (en secondes, optionnel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilité par défaut des profils utilisateurs"],"Date input format":["Format de saisie de date"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Afficher le panneau de partage sur le fil d'actualité"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Montrer les contenus du profil utilisateur sur le fil d'actualité"],"Dropdown space order":["Ordre des espaces dans la liste déroulante"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Cacher les informations de fichier (nom, taille) pour les images sur le flux"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Cacher le widget de liste de fichiers à l'affichage des fichiers pour ces objets sur le flux."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Hauteur maximum de l'aperçu d'image (en pixels, optionnel)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Largeur maximum de l'aperçu d'image (en pixels, optionnel)"],"Endpoint Url":["Url de point de terminaison"],"Url Prefix":["Préfixe d'url"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Pas d'hôtes de proxy"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Visibilité par défaut des contenus"],"Default Join Policy":["Politique d'adhésion par défaut"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilité par défaut"],"No purchased modules found!":["Aucun module acheté trouvé !"],"search for available modules online":["chercher des modules disponibles en ligne"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Version installée actuelle : %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["Humhub est actuellement en mode débogage. Désactivez cette option quand le site est en production !"],"Licences":["Licences"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Voir le manuel d'installation pour plus de détails."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Il y a une nouvelle version disponible (dernière version : %version%) !"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Cette installation de Humhub est à jour !"],"Actions":["Actions"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Les modules étendent les fonctionnalités de HumHub. C'est ici que vous pouvez installer et gérer les modules de la marketplace de HumHub."],"Module details":["Détails du module"],"Enable module...":["Activer le module..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Acheter (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Installation du module..."],"Licence Key:":["Clé de licence :"],"Updating module...":["Mise à jour du module..."],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Il y a une nouvelle version de HumHub disponible (%version%)."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["La valeur minimum est 20 secondes. Si non définie, la session expirera après 1400 secondes (24 minutes), quelle que soit l'activité (expiration de session par défaut)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Applicable uniquement quand l'accès limité pour les utilisateurs non authentifiés est activé. N'affecte que les nouveaux utilisateurs."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Définit le filtre à appliquer, lors d'une tentative de connexion. %uid remplace le nom d'utilisateur lors de la connexion. Exemple : "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Attribut LDAP pour l'adresse e-mail. Par défaut : "mail""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limite l'accès des utilisateurs qui remplissent ce critère. Par exemple : "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Le nom d'utilisateur par défaut de l'identification. Certains serveurs exigent cette information dans le formulaire DN. Celle-ci doit être précisée dans le formulaire DN si le serveur LDAP exige un lien vers un DN, et ce lien doit être possible avec de simples noms d'utilisateur."],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Format automatique basé sur la langue de l'utilisateur - Exemple : {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Format fixe (mm/dd/yyyy) - Exemple : {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Liste séparée par des virgules. Laisser vide pour afficher la liste des fichiers pour tous les objects du flux."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Si non définie, la hauteur sera par défaut de 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Si non définie, la largeur sera par défaut de 200px."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Vous n'utilisez pas de logo pour le moment. Chargez votre logo maintenant."],"OEmbed Provider":["Fournisseur OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Ajouter un nouveau fournisseur"],"Currently active providers:":["Fournisseur actifs actuels :"],"Currently no provider active!":["Aucun fournisseur actif actuellement !"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Ajouter un fournisseur OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Modifier un fournisseur OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Préfixe d'url sans http:// or https:// (par exemple : youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Utiliser %url% comme espace réservé pour l'url. Le format doit être JSON. (Par exemple : http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Paramètres de Proxy"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Définit ici les paramètres par défaut des nouveaux espaces."],"Space Settings":["Paramètres des espaces"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestion des champs de profil"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à ajouter des commentaires"],"Create comment":["Créer un commentaire"],"Share your opinion with others":["Partagez votre opinion"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Poster un message sur Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Partager sur Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Partager sur LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweeter à propos de HumHub"],"Group members - {group}":["Membres du groupe - {group}"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Téléchargement et installation des modules..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Entre l'amour et la folie, il y a l'obsession."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike - Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Nous cherchons des slogans formidables de marques connues. Peut-être pouvez-vous apporter des exemples ?"],"Welcome Space":["Espace de bienvenue"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay ! Je viens d'installer HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Votre premier espace de test pour découvrir la plateforme."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Installer des exemples de contenu (recommandé)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Autoriser l'accès aux contenus publics pour les utilisateurs non inscrits (accès invité)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Les utilisateurs externes peuvent s'inscrire (le formulaire d'inscription sera affiché lors de la connexion)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Les nouveaux utilisateurs inscrits doivent être préalablement activés par un administrateur"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Les membres inscrits peuvent inviter de nouveaux utilisateurs par e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Je veux utiliser HumHub pour :"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Vous avez presque fini. Lors de cette étape, vous devez remplir le formulaire pour créer le compte administrateur. Avec ce compte, vous pouvez gérer la totalité du réseau."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Bien sûr, votre nouveau réseau social a besoin d'un nom. Merci de modifier le nom par défaut avec celui que vous voulez (par exemple le nom de votre société, de votre organisation ou de votre club)."],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Félicitations. Vous avez terminé."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["L'installation s'est terminée avec succès ! Amusez-vous bien avec votre nouveau réseau social."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub est très souple et peut être adapté et/ou étendu à des usages variés, grâce à ses différents modules. Les modules suivants ne sont que quelques exemples et ceux que nous pensons importants pour votre usage.
Vous pouvez toujours installer ou supprimer des modules plus tard. Vous pourrez trouver plus de modules disponibles après l'installation, dans l'espace d'administration."],"Recommended Modules":["Modules recommandés"],"Example contents":["Exemples de contenu"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Pour éviter d'avoir un fil d'actualité vide après votre première connexion, HumHub peut créer pour vous quelques exemples de contenu. Ceux-ci vous donneront un aperçu sympathique du fonctionnement de HumHub. Vous pouvez à tout moment supprimer chacun des contenus."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Vous pouvez décider ici de la façon dont les nouveaux utilisateurs non inscrits peuvent accéder à HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Paramètres de sécurité"],"Configuration":["Configuration"],"My club":["Mon club"],"My community":["Ma communauté"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Ma société (intranet social / gestion de projet)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Mon établissement scolaire (école, université)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Passer cette étape, je veux tout paramétrer moi-même"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Pour simplifier la configuration, nous avons créé des installations prédéfinies pour les utilisations les plus répandues, avec des options différentes de modules et de paramètres. Vous pouvez modifier celles-ci lors de la prochaine étape."],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Cet assistant va installer et configurer votre propre instance de HumHub.
Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant."],"Database Configuration":["Configuration de la base de données"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Vous devez préciser ci-dessous les détails de votre connexion à la base de données. Si vous n'êtes pas certain de ceux-ci, merci de contacter votre administrateur système."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Nom du serveur de base de données MySQL (ex : localhost si MySQL fonctionne sur la même machine)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oh, quelque chose n'a pas fonctionné !"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Le nom de la base de données dans laquelle HumHub va fonctionner."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Félicitations ! Tout fonctionne et est prêt à démarrer !"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Cet aperçu affiche tous les prérequis système de HumHub."],"You":["Vous"],"You like this.":["Vous aimez."],"Space followers":["Abonnés à l'espace"],"No spaces found.":["Aucun espace trouvé."],"Originator User ID":["ID de l'utilisateur d'origine"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à créer des contenus publics"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Autoriser les utilisateurs à inviter de nouveaux membres dans l'espace"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Peuvent créer des espaces cachés (privés)."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Peuvent créer des espaces publics visibles (listés dans l'annuaire)."],"Create private space":["Créer un espace privé"],"Create public content":["Créer un contenu public"],"Create public space":["Créer un espace public"],"Invite users":["Inviter des utilisateurs"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Choisir si les nouveaux contenus doivent être publics ou privés par défaut"],"Add Modules":["Ajouter des modules"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Vous n'êtes pas membre de cet espace et il n'y a aucun contenu public, pour l'instant !"],"Done":["Terminé","Fait"],"":[""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Faites glisser une photo ici ou cliquez pour parcourir vos fichiers"],"Hide my year of birth":["Cacher mon année de naissance"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Salut %firstname%, merci d'utiliser HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Vous être le premier utilisateur ici... Youpi ! Soyez un exemple resplendissant et complétez votre profil,
pour que les prochains utilisateurs qui est le patron ici et vers qui ils peuvent se tourner s'ils ont des questions."],"Your firstname":["Votre prénom"],"Your lastname":["Votre nom de famille"],"Your mobild phone number":["Votre téléphone portable"],"Your phone number at work":["Votre téléphone de bureau"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Vos compétences, savoir-faire et expériences (séparés par des virgules)"],"Your title or position":["Votre titre ou poste"],"Confirm new password":["Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe"],"No users found.":["Aucun utilisateur trouvé."],"Date":["Date"],"Hide age per default":["Cacher l'âge par défaut"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expression régulière : message d'erreur"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expression régulière : validateur"],"Validator":["Validateur"],"Remember me":["Se souvenir de moi"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Un réseau social pour améliorer la communication et le travail d'équipe.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour rejoindre cet espace."],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Anniversaires dans les {days} prochains jours"],"In {days} days":["Dans {days} jours"],"becomes {years} years old.":["va avoir {years} ans."]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":[" Le dossier %filename% n'a pu être enregistré."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% n'a pas une extension valide et a été ignoré."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% a été remplacé par une nouvelle version."],"/ (root)":["/ (racine)"],"Confirm delete file":["Confirmer la suppression du fichier"],"Create folder":["Créer un dossier"],"Edit folder":["Modifier le dossier"],"Files module configuration":["Configuration du module fichier"],"Move files":["Déplacer les fichiers"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Un dossier portant ce nom existe déjà"],"Add directory":["Ajouter un répertoire"],"Add file(s)":["Ajouter des fichiers"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Ajoute le module fichier à cet espace."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Ajoute le module fichiers à votre profil."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["L'archive %filename% n'a pas pu être extraite."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Le support de l'archive (zip) n'est pas activé."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier %title%. "],"Creator":["Créateur"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Désactiver le support d'archive (zip)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet(ces) %number% élément(s) avec tout leur contenu ?"],"Download":["Télécharger"],"Download ZIP":["Télécharger zip"],"Edit directory":["Modifier le répertoire"],"Files from the stream":["Fichiers du flux"],"Folder":["Dossier"],"Folder options":["Options des dossiers"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Le nom du dossier ne doit pas commencer ou se terminer par un espace."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Droits insuffisants pour effectuer cette action."],"Invalid parameter.":["Paramètre invalide."],"Move":["Déplacer"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Le déplacement vers le même dossier n'est pas possible. Choisir un dossier de destination pour %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Aucun élément valide n'a été sélectionné pour le déplacement."],"Open":["Ouvrir"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["L'ouverture de l'archive a échoué avec le code erreur %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Merci de choisir un dossier de destination valide pour %title%."],"Selected items...":["Elément(s) sélectionné(s)..."],"Show":["Montrer"],"Show Post":["Montrer le contenu"],"The archive could not be created.":["L'archive n'a pas pu être créée."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Le dossier %filename% existe déjà. Les contenus ont été écrasés."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Le dossier avec l'id %id% n'existe pas."],"This folder is empty.":["Ce dossier est vide."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Malheureusement, vous n'avez pas la permission pour ajouter/modifier des fichiers."],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Upload":["Ajouter"],"Upload ZIP":["Ajouter zip"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Ajouter des fichiers ou créer un sous-dossier avec les boutons du dessus."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Ajouter des fichiers au flux pour remplir ce dossier."],"ZIP all":["Tout zipper"],"ZIP selected":["Zip sélectionné"],"changed:":["Modifié :"],"created:":["Créé :"],"root":["racine"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Menu de navigation"],"Top Navigation":["Menu de navigation"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu du compte utilisateur (paramètres)"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Sans l'ajouter au menu de navigation (lien direct)"],"Create page":["Créer une page"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Ordre de tri par défaut: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Titre de la page"],"URL":["Url"],"Add Dropbox files":["Ajouter des fichiers Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Fichier invalide"],"Dropbox API Key":["Clé API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Afficher un avertissement lors d'une contribution"],"Dropbox post":["Contribution Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configuration du module Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Le module dropbox nécessite la création d'une application dropbox active ! Merci de se rendre sur ce site, choisir \"Drop-ins app\" et fournir un nom d'application pour obtenir votre clé API."],"Dropbox settings":["Paramètres dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Décrivez vos fichiers"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Désolé, le module Dropbox n'est pas encore configuré ! Merci de contacter l'administrateur."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Le module Dropbox n'est pas encore configuré ! Merci de le configurer ici."],"Select files from dropbox":["Sélectionnez des fichiers depuis dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Attention ! Vous partager des fichiers privés"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Ne plus afficher cet avertissement à l'avenir"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Les fichiers que vous souhaitez partager sont privés. Pour pouvoir partager des fichiers dans votre espace, nous avons généré un lien de partage. Toute personne qui connait ce lien peut accéder au fichier.
Vous êtes sûr de vouloir partager ?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Oui, je suis sûr"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Désolé ! Limite d'utilisateurs atteinte"],"Administrative Contact":["Contact administratif"],"Advanced Options":["Options avancées"],"Custom Domain":["Domaine personnalisé"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Supprimer l'instance"],"Export data":["Exporter les données"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Support / Obtenir de l'aide"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Il n'est pas possible pour l'instant d'accepter de nouvelles inscriptions, le nombre maximum d'utilisateurs autorisé est atteint sur cet hébergement !"],"Your plan":["Votre plan"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la catégorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmer la suppression du lien"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Nouveau lien %link% ajouté à la catégorie \"%category%\"."],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette catégorie ? Tous les liens attachés seront perdus !"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Etendre la validation du lien par un test de connexion."],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Configuration du Module Linklist"],"No description available.":["Pas de description disponible."],"Requested category could not be found.":["La catégorie demandée n'a pu être trouvée."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Le lien demandé n'a pu être trouvé."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Montrer les liens dans un widget à droite de la page."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["La catégorie dans laquelle vous voulez créer votre lien n'a pu être trouvée !"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Il n'y a encore aucun lien ou aucune catégorie dans cet espace."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Vous pouvez activer la validation étendue des liens pour un espace ou un utilisateur."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour ajouter/modifier des liens !"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour supprimer cette catégorie !"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour supprimer ce lien !"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour modifier cette catégorie !"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Vous n'avez pas les droits pour modifier ce lien !"],"list":["liste"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Choisir une vignette"],"Add recipients":["Ajouter des destinataires"],"Delete conversation":["Supprimer la conversation"],"Leave conversation":["Quitter la conversation"],"Could not get note users! ":["Impossible d'obtenir les utilisateurs de la note !"],"Anonymous poll!":["Sondage anonyme !"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Encore ? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Hippopotamus"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Panini chez Pisillo"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Nous sommes en train de préparer notre prochaine rencontre, et nous voudrions savoir où vous aimeriez aller ?"],"To Daniel":["Chez Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Pourquoi on n'irait pas au bar Bemelmans ?"],"Anonymous":["Anonyme"],"Closed":["Fermé"],"Add answer...":["Ajouter une réponse..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Votes anonymes ?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Afficher les réponses dans un ordre aléatoire ?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Modifier la réponse (les réponses vides seront supprimées)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Modifier la question de votre sondage..."],"Assigned user(s)":["Utilisateur(s) affecté(s)"],"Deadline":["Date limite"],"Create new task":["Créer une nouvelle tâche"],"Edit task":["Modifier une tâche"],"Assign users":["Affecter des utilisateurs"],"What is to do?":["Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire ?"],"Confirm deleting":["Confirmer la suppression"],"No open tasks...":["Pas de tâche ouverte..."],"completed tasks":["tâche(s) terminée(s)"],"Deadline for this task?":["Date limite pour cette tâche ?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Préaffecter des utilisateurs pour cette tâche."],"Update HumHub":["Mettre à jour HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Mettre à jour HumHub BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Sauvegarder tous vos fichiers et votre base de données avant de continuer"],"Check for next update":["Vérifier la mise à jour suivante"],"Could not extract update package!":["Impossible d'extraire le paquet de mise à jour !"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Impossible d'obtenir des informations de mise à jour (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Résultats de la migration de la base de données :"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Ne pas utiliser cet outil de mise à jour avec des installations réalisées avec Git ou Composer !"],"Downloading update package...":["Téléchargement du paquet de mise à jour..."],"Error!":["Erreur !"],"Installing update package...":["Installation du paquet de mise à jour..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Assurez-vous que tous les fichiers sont inscriptibles par l'application"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Assurez-vous que vos modules sur mesure ou thèmes sont compatibles avec la version %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Assurez-vous que les fichiers suivants sont inscriptibles par l'application :"],"Please note:":["Merci de noter :"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Merci de mettre à jour les modules installés depuis la marketplace avant et après la mise à jour"],"Proceed Installation":["Lancer l'installation"],"Release Notes:":["Notes de version :"],"Show database migration results":["Montrer les résultats de la migration de la base de données"],"Start Installation":["Démarrer l'installation"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Les fichiers suivants semblent ne pas être les fichiers originaux (%version%) et seront écrasés ou supprimés pendant le processus d'installation."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Il y a une nouvelle mise à jour vers la version %version% disponible !"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Il n'y a pas de mise à jour de HumHub disponible !"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Mise à jour de HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Paquet de mise à jour invalide !"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Warnings:":["Attention :"],"successfully installed!":["Installé avec succès !"],"version update":["mise à jour de version"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Le téléchargement de la mise à jour a échoué ! (%error%)"],"Open wiki page...":["Ouvir la page wiki..."],"Conversations":["Conversations"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Ajoute un responsable de réunion à cet espace."],"Agenda Entry":["Événement"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Le format doit être HEURE : MINUTE"],"Meeting":["Réunion"],"Meetings":["Réunions"],"Begin":["Début"],"End":["Fin"],"Location":["Lieu"],"Room":["Salle"],"Minutes":["Minutes"],"End must be after begin":["La fin doit être après le début"],"No valid time":["Heure non valide"],"Back to overview":["Retour à l'aperçu"],"Task description":["Description de la tâche"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de la réunion"],"Create new meeting":["Créer une nouvelle réunion"],"Edit meeting":["Modifier la réunion"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Ajouter des participants externes (texte libre)"],"Add participant":["Ajouter un participant"],"Add participants":["Ajouter des participants"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette réunion ?"],"External participants":["Participants externes"],"Title of your meeting":["Titre de votre réunion"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Confirmer la suppression de l'activité"],"Create new entry":["Créer une nouvelle activité"],"Edit entry":["Modifier l'activité"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Ajouter des modérateurs externes (texte libre)"],"Add moderator":["Ajouter modérateur"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette activité ?"],"External moderators":["Modérateurs externes"],"Title of this entry":["Titre de cette activité"],"Edit Note":["Modifier la note"],"Note content":["Contenu de la note"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Détails de la réunion : %link%"],"Next meetings":["Prochaines réunions"],"Past meetings":["Réunions précédentes"],"Add a protocol":["Ajouter un protocole"],"Add a task":["Ajouter une tâche"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Créer votre première activité en cliquant sur le bouton suivant."],"Moderators":["Modérateurs"],"New agenda entry":["Nouvelle activité"],"New meeting":["Nouvelle réunion"],"Print agenda":["Imprimer l'ordre du jour"],"Protocol":["Protocole"],"Share meeting":["Partager la réunion"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Commencez maintenant, en créant une nouvelle réunion !"],"Today":["Aujourd'hui"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Malheureusement, il n'y a pas encore d'activité pour le moment."],"Share meeting":["Partager la réunion"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Ajouter à votre agenda et inviter des les participants"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Ajouter à votre agenda personnel"],"Export ICS":["Exporter ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Envoyer une alerte à tous les participants"],"Send now":["Envoyer maintenant"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Ajouter des alertes internes à tous les participants de la réunion."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Ceci va créer un fichier ICS, qui ajoute cette réunion uniquement à votre agenda privé."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Ceci va créer un fichier ICS, qui ajoute cette réunion à votre agenda privé, invite tous les autres participants par e-mail et attend leur réponse."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} vous a invité à {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Cette tâche est liée à %link%"],"Get details...":["Obtenir des détails..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gérer les contenus signalés"],"Reported posts":["Contenus signalés"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Pourquoi voulez-vous signaler ce contenu ?"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Ne concerne pas l'espace"],"Offensive":["Choquant"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Vous pouvez gérer ici les contenus signalés des utilisateurs."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Vous pouvez gérer ici les contenus signalés dans cet espace."],"Confirm post deletion":["Confirmer la suppression de ce contenu"],"Confirm report deletion":["Confirmer le signalement de ce contenu"],"Delete post":["Supprimer le contenu"],"Delete report":["Supprimer le signalement"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce signalement ?"],"Reason":["Raison"],"Reporter":["Signaler"],"There are no reported posts.":["Il n'y a pas de contenus signalés."],"Does not belong to this space":["Ne concerne pas cet espace."],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Aidez-nous à comprendre ce qui se passe"],"It's offensive":["C'est choquant"],"It's spam":["C'est du spam"],"Report post":["Signaler le contenu"],"Enterprise Edition Trial 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If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Merci de saisir ci-dessous votre clé de licence HumHub - Edition Enterprise. Si vous n'avez pas encore de clé de licence, vous pouvez en obtenir une sur %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Merci d'enregistrer votre version de HumHub - Enterprise Edition !"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Merci de mettre à jour cette licence de HumHub - Enterprise Edition !"],"Registration successful!":["Enregistrement réussi !"],"Validating...":["En cours de validation"],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Vous avez encore {daysLeft} jours de période d'essai."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licence Edition Enterprise"],"Licence Serial Code":["Code série de la licence"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Précisez ci-dessous le code de votre licence Edition Entreprise. Vous pouvez également laisser cette information en blanc pour démarrer votre période d'essai de 14 jours."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Créer un nouveau mapping LDAP"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Modifier le mapping LDAP"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapping de membre LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Créer un nouveau mapping"],"Space ID":["ID de l'Espace"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Modifier le type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Créer un nouveau %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Créer un nouveau type d'espace"],"Delete space type":["Supprimer le type d'espace"],"Edit space type":["Modifier le type d'espace"],"Manage space types":["Gérer les types d'espace"],"Create new type":["Créer un nouveau type"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Pour supprimer le type d'espace \"{type}\", vous devez définir un type alternatif pour les espaces existants :"],"Types":["Types"],"e.g. Project":["par ex. 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Vous pouvez modifier votre adresse e-mail ici."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Votre mot de passe peut être modifié ici."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Invitation à rejoindre : {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Inscrivez-vous maintenant et participez !"],"You got an invite":["Vous avez reçu une invitation"],"invited you to join {name}.":["vous a invité à rejoindre {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["vous a invité à rejoindre {space} sur {name}."],"Pending user approvals":["Approbations d'utilisateur en attente"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["La liste suivante contient tous les utilisateurs inscrits qui attendent d'être approuvés."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Les utilisateurs peuvent être affectés à différents groupes (par exemple équipes, départements, etc.) avec des espaces standards, des gestionnaires de groupe et des permissions spécifiques."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Le module n'est pas activé pour ce conteneur"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Autorise l'utilisateur à créer des contenus"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Peut gérer arbitrairement un contenu (par ex. archiver, mettre en avant ou supprimer)"],"Create post":["Créer un contenu"],"Manage content":["Gérer les contenus"],"Load more":["Afficher plus"],"File dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Les dimensions du fichier sont trop importantes pour que celui-ci puisse être traité avec les limites actuelles du serveur !"],"Notification Overview":["Tableau de bord des Notifications Overview"],"Show all notifications":["Afficher toutes les notifications"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["L'utilisateur \"{username}\" est déjà membre de cet espace !"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["L'utilisateur \"{username}\" a déjà fait une demande de participation pour cet espace !"],"Administrators":["Administrateurs"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilité par défaut des contenus"],"Space settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Un utilisateur avec le même e-mail existe déjà, mais ne vous est pas rattaché. Se connecter d'abord en utilisant cet e-mail pour effectuer ce rattachement."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Votre nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de votre mot de passe actuel !"],"Last Activity Email":["Dernier e-mail utilisé"],"Last Login":["Dernière connexion"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Montrer dans l'annuaire"],"Show At Registration":["Montrer lors de l'inscription"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Vous pouvez modifier ici les données de votre profil, qui sont visibles dans la page \"A propos\" de votre profil."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Recevez un e-mail, pour chaque nouvelle activité d'un utilisateur auquel vous êtes abonné, ou avec lequel vous collaborez dans un espace."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Recevoir des notifications sur le bureau quand vous êtes en ligne."],"Folder ID":["ID dossier"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID dossier parent"],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Autorise à ajouter des pages (markdown, iframe ou liens) dans le menu des espaces"],"Custom pages":["Pages personnalisées"],"Category":["Catégorie"],"Is Originator":["Est à l'origine"],"Last Viewed":["Dernière lecture"],"Allows to start polls.":["Autorise à lancer des sondages."],"Is homepage":["Page de garde"],"Protected":["Protégée"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Définit le filtre à appliquer, lors d'une tentative de connexion. %s remplace le nom d'utilisateur lors de la connexion. Exemple : "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Third-party disclaimer":["Avertissement externe"],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Vous pouvez configurer ici les paramètres basiques de votre réseau social."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Ces paramètres concernent les sujets avancés de votre réseau social."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Ces paramètres concernent l'apparence de votre réseau social."],"Visible for members only":["Visible seulement par les membres"],"Visible for members+guests":["Visible par les membres+invités"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Cet écran affiche la liste de tous les utilisateurs enregistrés et les commandes pour voir, modifier et supprimer des utilisateurs."],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Vous pouvez créer ou modifier ici les catégories et les champs de profil."],"Auth Mode":["Auth Mode"],"Add new page":["Ajouter une nouvelle page"],"Open page...":["Ouvrir la page..."],"Whitelist":["Liste blanche"],"Does not belong here":["Ne concerne pas cet espace."],"Show more":["Montrer plus"],"The date has to be in the past.":["La date doit être révolue"],"Unsubscribe":["désinscrition"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["défilement horizontal pour les mobiles"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Les developpeurs de Humhub ne fournis aucun support pour les module tiers et ne garantis pas nonplus leur fonctionnement et sécurité. "],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["cIci vous pouvez configurer les paramètres de votre compte mail et serveur mail de votre réseau social."],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["Les limites de mémoire du serveur interdises de continuer avec de telles dimentions pour l'image"],"the default start page of this space for members":["la page par défaut de cet espace pour les membres"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["la page par défaut de cet espace pour les visiteurs"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Accueil (Invités)"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Ici, vous pouvez vous connecter à l'aide d'un fournisseur de service externe pour vous en servir de système d'authentification unique (Single Sign On)."],"You're not registered.":["Vous n'êtes pas enregistré."],"Markdown":["Markdown"],"Edit file":["Modifier le fichier"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de trouver le dossier avec l'id : %id%"],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de charger le dossier par défaut qui contient tous les fichiers postés, la base de données n'est pas initialisée correctement."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Une erreur interne s'est produite. Impossible de charger le dossier racine, la base de données n'est pas initialisée correctement."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Impossible de modifier un fichier qui n'existe pas."],"Created at:":["Créé le :"],"Edit the file description...":["Modifier la description du fichier..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Modifier la description du dossier..."],"Filesize:":["Taille du fichier :"],"Last edited at:":["Dernière modification le :"],"Last edited by:":["Dernière modification par :"],"Likes/Comments":["Aime/Commentaires"],"Open directory!":["Ouvrir le répertoire !"],"Open parent directory!":["Ouvrir le répertoire parent !"],"Schließen":["Fermer"],"Show Image":["Montrer l'image"],"Show all files":["Montrer tous les filchiers"],"Show complete file preview":["Montrer un aperçut complète du fichier"],"Show on Wall":["Montrer sur le mur"],"This folder is still empty.":["Ce dossier est toujours vide"],"Description for the wall entry.":["Description pour l'affichage sur le mur."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/"],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Merci de fournir une raison, pourquoi vous souhaitez signaler ce contenu."],"Approve":["Approuver"],"Approve post":["Approuver le contenu"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Voulez-vous vraiment approuver ce contenu ?"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Mise à jour de Humhub {version}"],"Abort":["Abandon"],"Downloading update package":["Téléchargement du paquet Mise à jour"],"New updater version available!":["Nouvelle version disponible pour \"updater\""],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Aucun message d'erreur n'est disponible, veulliez vérifier les logs"],"Preparing system":["Préparation du système"],"Start":["Démarrage"],"Start update":["Démarrage de la mise à jour "],"Switch to default theme after update":["Retour au thème par défaut après mise à jour"],"The update was successfully installed!":["La mise à jour est installée avec succè"],"Page creation disabled!":["Création de page désactivée !"],"Page not editable!":["Page non modifiable !"],"Page not found.":["Page non trouvée."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Permission refusée. Vous n'avez pas les droits d'administration."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Permission refusée. Vous n'avez pas les droits pour voir l'historique."],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Revenir à la dernière version impossible. C'est déjà la dernière révision !"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Vous devez être membre de l'espace \"%space_name%\" pour ouvrir cette page wiki !"],"Unordered List":["Liste désordonnée"],"Ordered List":["Liste ordonnée"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\r\n\r\n votre compte a été activé.
\r\n\r\n Cliquez ici pour vous connecter :
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Cordialement,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Bonjour {displayName},
\r\n\r\n votre demande de compte a été refusée.
\r\n\r\n Cordialement,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Space Settings":["Paramètres de l'espace"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Nombre maximum d'éléments épinglés atteint !\r\n\r\nVous ne pouvez épingler que deux éléments en même temps au maximum.\r\nPour épingler cet élément malgré tout, retirez l'épingle d'un autre élément auparavant !"],"Pinned":["Mis en avant","Coller"],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter":["Copier dans le presse-papier: Ctrl+C, Enter"],"Unpinned":["Décoller"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Les utilisateurs externes peuvent s'inscrire (le formulaire d'inscription sera affiché lors de la connexion)"],"Guests":["Invités"],"About page":["Page À propos"],"Allows access to your about page":["Autoriser l'accès à votre page À propos"],"Join the network":["Rejoindre le réseau"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/it/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/it/archive.json
index 96f32ed196..83e190fae1 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/it/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/it/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Ultimi aggiornamenti"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Back":["Indietro"],"Back to dashboard":["Torna al pannello di controllo"],"Choose language:":["Scegli lingua:"],"Collapse":["Chiudi"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Il contenuto sorgente dell'Addon deve essere un'istanza di HActiveRecordContent o di HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Non posso determinare il contenuto del container!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Impossibile trovare l'addon richiesto!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Non posso trovare il modulo richiesto!"],"Error":["Errore"],"Expand":["Espandi"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permessi non sufficienti per creare il contenuto!"],"Invalid request.":["Richiesta non valida."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Sembrerebbe che tu abbia preso una strada sbagliata."],"Keyword:":["Parola chiave:"],"Language":["Lingua"],"Latest news":["Ultime notizie"],"Logout":["Esci"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Il modulo non è abilitato in questo contenitore!"],"My profile":["Il mio profilo","il mio profilo"],"New profile image":["Nuova immagine profilo"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nessun risultato con questa parola chiave."],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Results":["Risultati"],"Search":["Cerca"],"Search for users and spaces":["Cerca per utenti e space"],"Show more results":["Visualizza più risultati"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Ops, nessun risultato trovato!"],"Space not found!":["Space non trovato!"],"User Approvals":["Utenti approvati"],"User not found!":["Utente non trovato!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Benvenuto in %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Non puoi creare contenuti visibili al pubblico!"],"Your daily summary":["Il tuo riepilogo giornaliero"],"Login required":["Login obbligatorio"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Non sei abilitato ad effettuare questa operazione."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["L'array globale {global} è stato cancellato usando il metodo {method}."],"Upload error":["Errore durante il Caricamento"],"Close":["Chiudi"],"Add image/file":["Aggiungi immagine/file"],"Add link":["Aggiungi link"],"Bold":["Grassetto"],"Code":["Codice"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Inserisci un URL (es. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Intestazione"],"Image":["Immagine"],"Image/File":["Immagine/File"],"Italic":["Corsivo"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Attendere il caricamento..."],"Preview":["Anteprima"],"Quote":["Quota"],"Target":["Destinazione"],"Title":["Titolo"],"Title of your link":["Titolo del tuo link"],"code text here":["testo codice"],"emphasized text":["testo corsivo"],"enter image description here":["scrivi la descrizione dell'immagine qui"],"enter image title here":["scrivi il titolo dell'immagine qui"],"enter link description here":["scrivi la descrizione del link qui"],"heading text":["testo d'intestazione"],"list text here":["elemento lista"],"quote here":["testo quotato"],"strong text":["testo in grassetto"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Non è possibile creare un'attività per questo tipo di oggetto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha creato il nuovo space %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% ha creato questo space."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% si è aggiunto allo space %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% si è aggiunto a questo space."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ha lasciato lo space %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% ha lasciato questo space."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} ora segue {user2}."],"see online":["vedi online"],"via":["via","attraverso"],"Latest activities":["Ultime attività"],"There are no activities yet.":["Non ci sono ancora attività."],"Group not found!":["Gruppo non trovato!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Non posso disinstallare il modulo! Il modulo è protetto."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Il module con il path %path% non è scrivibile!"],"Saved":["Salvato"],"Database":["Database"],"No theme":["Nessun tema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Non posso caricare LDAP! - Verifica l'estensione PHP"],"File":["File"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["No caching (Solo per test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Nessuno - mostra discesa nella registrazione dell'utente"],"Saved and flushed cache":["Cache salvata e attivata"],"Become this user":["Diventa questo utente"],"Delete":["Elimina","Cancella"],"Disabled":["Disabilitato"],"Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Save":["Salva"],"Unapproved":["Non approvato"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Non puoi eliminare te stesso!"],"Could not load category.":["Non posso caricare la categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Puoi cancellare solo categorie vuote!"],"Group":["Gruppo"],"Message":["Messaggio"],"Subject":["Soggetto"],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Abilita supporto LDAP"],"Encryption":["Crittografia"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Filtro login"],"Password":["Password"],"Port":["Porta"],"User Filer":["Filtro utente"],"Username":["Username"],"Username Attribute":["Attributo Username"],"Anonymous users can register":["Gli utenti anonimi possono registrarsi"],"Default user group for new users":["Gruppo predefinito per i nuovi utenti"],"Members can invite external users by email":["I membri possono invitare utenti esterni via email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Richiede l'approvazione dell'amministratore del gruppo dopo la registrazione"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Lingua predefinita"],"Default space":["Space predefinito"],"Invalid space":["Space non valido"],"Name of the application":["Nome dell'applicazione"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostra il tour di introduzione ai nuovi utenti"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tempo di scadenza predefinito (in secondi)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP APC mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensione PHP SQLite3 mancante - Tipo non disponibile!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Misura predefinita della pagina (Elementi per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Mostra nome (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Convert command not found!":["Comando Converti non trovato"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Risposta non valida di Image Magick! - Comando corretto?"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando Converti di Image Magick (opzionale)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Misura massima del file in upload (in MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usa X-Sendfile per scaricare i file"],"Administrator users":["Utenti amministratori"],"Description":["Descrizione"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Name":["Nome"],"E-Mail sender address":["Indirizzo del mittente dell'e-mail"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nome del mittente dell'e-mail"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo di Mail Transport"],"Port number":["Numero porta"],"User":["Utente"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["I Super Admins possono cancellare ogni oggetto di contenuto"],"HTML tracking code":["Codice HTML per il tracciamento"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["La directory del modulo %moduleId% già esiste!"],"Could not extract module!":["Non posso estrarre il modulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Non posso recuperare la lista dei moduli online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Non posso prendere le informazioni sul modulo online! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["La directory del modulo %modulePath% non è scrivibile!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Scaricamento del modulo fallito! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Non è stata trovata nessuna versione compatibile del modulo!","Nessuna versione compatibile del modulo trovata!"],"Activated":["Attivato"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nessun modulo ancora installato. Installane qualcuno per migliorare le funzionalità!"],"Version:":["Versione:"],"Installed":["Installato","Installati"],"No modules found!":["Nessun modulo trovato!"],"search for available modules online":["cerca moduli disponibili online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tutti i moduli sono aggiornati!"],"About HumHub":["Riguardo HumHub"],"Accept":["Accetta"],"Decline":["Rifiuta"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accetta utente: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annulla"],"Send & save":["Invia e salva"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Rifiuta e cancella l'utente: {displayName}"],"Email":["Email"],"Search for email":["Cerca per email"],"Search for username":["Cerca per username"],"Pending user approvals":["Approvazioni utente In sospeso"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Qui vedi tutti gli utenti che si sono registrati e che sono in attesa di approvazione."],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"Delete group":["Elimina gruppo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Per eliminare il gruppo \"{group}\" devi impostare un gruppo alternativo per gli utenti esistenti:"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"Edit group":["Modifica gruppo"],"Group name":["Nome gruppo"],"Search for description":["Cerca per descrizione"],"Search for group name":["Cerca per nome gruppo"],"Manage groups":["Gestisci gruppi"],"Create new group":["Crea nuovo gruppo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Puoi dividere gli utenti in gruppi differenti (per team, dipartimenti, ecc.) e definire per loro space standard e amminstratori."],"Error logging":["Log degliErrori"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Mostra {count} elementi per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Pulisci log"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} elementi trovati in totale."],"Available updates":["Aggiornamenti disponibili"],"Browse online":["Sfoglia online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["I moduli estendono le funzionalità di HumHub. Qui puoi installare e gestire i moduli tramite il Marketplace di HumHub."],"Module details":["Dettagli Modulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Questo modulo non fornisce ulteriori informazioni."],"Modules directory":["Elenco Moduli"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli saranno perduti!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati e i file relativi ai moduli saranno perduti!"],"Configure":["Configura"],"Disable":["Disabilita"],"Enable":["Abilita"],"More info":["Più informazioni"],"Set as default":["Imposta come predefinito"],"Uninstall":["Disinstalla"],"Install":["Installa"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Latest version:":["Ultima versione:"],"Installed version:":["Versione installata:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Imposta come modulo predefinito"],"Always activated":["Sempre attivato"],"Deactivated":["Disattivato"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Qui puoi scegliere se il modulo sarà automaticamente attivato o meno in uno space o nel profilo utente. "],"Spaces":["Space"],"User Profiles":["Profili utente"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL è fortemente richiesto in ambienti di produzione per prevenire la trasmissione di password con testo in chiaro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definisce il filtro da applicare quando si tenta di accedere. Sostituisce %uid al nome utente nell'azione di accesso. Esempio: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" o "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Attributo LDAP per lo username. Esempio: "uid" o "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limita l'accesso agli utenti che soddisfano questo criterio. Esempio: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" o "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Stato: Errore! (Messaggio: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Stato: OK! ({userCount} Utenti)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["La base DN predefinita usata per cercare gli account."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Password credenziale predefinita (usata solo con lo username qui sopra)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Username credenziale predefinito. Alcuni server richiedono che questo sia nella forma DN. Questo deve essere fornito nella forma DN se il server LDAP richiede un DN per vincolare e il vincolamento dovrebbe essere possible con semplici nomi utente."],"Cache Settings":["Impostazioni Cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salva e svuota Cache"],"CronJob settings":["Impostazioni CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab dell'utente: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ultimo lanciato: (giornaliero):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ultimo lanciato (orario):"],"Never":["Mai"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oppure Crontab dell'utente root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ti preghiamo di assicurarti che i seguenti cronjobs siano installati:"],"Design settings":["Impostazioni Design"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nome Cognome (esempio: John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Username (esempio: john)"],"File settings":["Impostazioni File"],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Image Libary corrente: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP impostato ad un massimo di {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Impostazioni Basic"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Esempio: http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questi space."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing predefiniti"],"Activities":["Attività"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Sommario giornaliero"],"Defaults":["Predefiniti","Predefinite"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Scegli le impostazioni predefinite quanto un utente riceve le e-mail di notifica o riguardo alle nuove attività. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte dagli utenti nelle impostazioni dell'account."],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Server Settings":["Impostazioni server"],"When I´m offline":["Quando sono offline"],"Mailing settings":["Impostazioni Mailing"],"SMTP Options":["Opzioni SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Impostazioni e ruoli realtivi alla Sicurezza"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verifica i prerequisiti del software Humhub."],"Re-Run tests":["Rilancia il test"],"Statistic settings":["Impostazioni Statistiche"],"Manage spaces":["Gestisci space"],"All":["Tutti"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definisci qui le impostazioni di default per i nuovi space."],"Delete space":["Cancella space"],"Edit space":["Modifica space"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In questa panoramica puoi trovare tutti gli space e gestirli."],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Search for space name":["Cerca per nome space"],"Search for space owner":["Cerca per proprietario space"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Space name":["Nome space"],"Space owner":["Proprietario dello Space"],"View space":["Vedi space"],"Space Settings":["Impostazioni Space"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo utente? Se questo utente è proprietario di qualche space, tu ne diventerai il proprietario."],"Delete user":["Elimina utente"],"Delete user: {username}":["Elimina utente: {username}"],"Edit user":["Modifica utente"],"Admin":["Amministrazione"],"Delete user account":["Cancella l'account dellutente"],"Edit user account":["Modifica l'account dell'utente"],"View user profile":["Vedi profilo utente"],"Yes":["Sì"],"Manage users":["Gestisci utenti"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In questa panoramica puoi cercare ogni utente registrato e gestirlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria di profili"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria dei profili"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo per il profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo del profilo"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestisci campi dei profili"],"Add new category":["Aggiungi nuova categoria"],"Add new field":["Aggiungi nuovo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Sicurezza & Ruoli"],"Administration menu":["Amministrazione menù"],"Authentication":["Autenticazione"],"Cron jobs":["Cron job"],"Files":["File"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduli"],"Self test & update":["Self test & aggiornamento"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"User approval":["Approvazione utenti"],"User profiles":["Profili utente"],"Users":["Persone"],"Click here to review":["Clicca qui per analizzare"],"New approval requests":["Nuove richieste da approvare"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o più utenti hanno bisogno della tua approvazione come amministratore del gruppo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Non puoi cancellare il commento!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe di destinazione non valida fornita"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Necessari Modello e parametro ID"],"Target not found!":["Destinazione non trovata!"],"Access denied!":["Accesso negato!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permessi insufficienti!"],"Comment":["Commenta"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo commento"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Edit your comment...":["Modifica il tuo commento..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato anche il tuo %displayName%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostra tutti i {total} commenti."],"Post":["Articolo"],"Write a new comment...":["Scrivi un nuovo commento..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostra altri %count% commenti"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione del commento"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo commento?"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Updated :timeago":["Aggiornato :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossibile caricare l'oggetto richiesto"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Hai raggiunto il limite dei contenuti evidenziati!\n\nPuoi evidenziare solo due contenuti alla volta.\nPer evidenziare questo, devi rimuoverne un altro!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossibile trovare il contenuto richiesto!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossibile trovare il link permanente richiesto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Invalid model given!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unknown content class!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Invia"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Niente soddisfa i filtri che hai selezionato!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Non c'è ancora niente qui!"],"Move to archive":["Archivia"],"Unarchive":["Disarchivia"],"Add a member to notify":["Aggiungi i partecipanti che riceveranno notifica"],"Make private":["Rendi privato"],"Make public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Notify members":["Notifica partecipanti"],"Public":["Pubblico"],"What's on your mind?":["A cosa stai pensando?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione dell'articolo"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vuoi veramente cancellare quest'articolo? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!"],"Archived":["Archiviato"],"Sticked":["In evidenza"],"Turn off notifications":["Disattiva notifiche"],"Turn on notifications":["Attiva notifiche"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente a questa pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente a questo articolo"],"Permalink":["Link permanente"],"Stick":["In evidenza"],"Unstick":["Disevidenzia"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nessuno ha ancora scritto qualcosa.
Inizia tu e scrivi qualcosa..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Lo stream di questo profilo è ancora vuoto"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["La tua dashboard è vuota!
Scrivi qualcosa sul tuo profilo o unisciti a qualche space!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
Inizia postando qualcosa..."],"Back to stream":["Torna allo stream"],"Content with attached files":["Contenuti con allegati"],"Created by me":["Creato da me","Create da me"],"Creation time":["Data di creazione"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Last update":["Ultimo aggiornamento"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niente soddisfa i tuoi filtri!"],"Only private posts":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public posts":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"Posts only":["Solo articoli"],"Posts with links":["Articoli con link"],"Show all":["Mostra tutti"],"Sorting":["Ordinamento"],"Where I´m involved":["Dove sono coinvolto"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nessun contenuto pubblico da visualizzare trovato!"],"Directory":["Elenchi"],"Member Group Directory":["Elenco dei gruppi di Utenti"],"show all members":["mostra tutti gli utenti"],"Directory menu":["Menù Elenchi"],"Members":["Membri"],"User profile posts":["Articoli dei profili utente"],"Member directory":["Elenco degli Utenti"],"Follow":["Segui"],"No members found!":["Nessun utente trovato!"],"Unfollow":["Non seguire più"],"search for members":["cerca utenti"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli Space"],"No spaces found!":["Nessuno space trovato!"],"You are a member of this space":["Fai parte di questo space"],"search for spaces":["cerca space"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Non ci sono ancora articoli dei profili utente!"],"Group stats":["Statistiche dei Gruppi"],"Average members":["Media utenti"],"Top Group":["Gruppo più grande"],"Total groups":["Gruppi totali"],"Member stats":["Statistiche degli Utenti"],"New people":["Nuove persone"],"Follows somebody":["Che segue qualcuno"],"Online right now":["Online ora"],"Total users":["Totale utenti"],"See all":["Vedi tutti"],"New spaces":["Nuovi space"],"Space stats":["Statistiche degli Space"],"Most members":["Con più partecipanti"],"Private spaces":["Space privati"],"Total spaces":["Totale space"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossibile trovare il file richiesto!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permessi non sufficienti!"],"Created By":["Creato da"],"Created at":["Creato il"],"File name":["Nome file"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type non valido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La grandezza massima del file ({maxFileSize}) è stata raggiunta!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Dimensione"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Questo tipo di file non è consentito!"],"Updated at":["Aggiornato il"],"Updated by":["Aggiornato da"],"Could not upload File:":["Non posso caricare il File:"],"Upload files":["Carica file"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista dei file caricati:"],"Sign in":["Accedi"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossibile trovare la classe di destinazione!"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossibile trovare il record di destinazione!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe non valida!"],"Users who like this":["Utenti ai quali piace"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} piace {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["Anche a %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" piace questo."],"You like this.":["Ti piace."],"You
"],"Like":["Mi piace"],"Unlike":["Non mi piace più"],"and {count} more like this.":["e ad altri {count} piace questo."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossibile determinare l'url di reindirizzamento per questo tipo di oggetto sorgente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Non posso caricare l'oggetto sorgente della notifica per effettuare il reindirizzamento!"],"New":["Nuovo"],"Mark all as seen":["Segna tutte come lette"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Non ci sono notifiche."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo articolo."],"Edit your post...":["Modifica il tuo articolo..."],"Read full post...":["Leggi tutto l'articolo..."],"Search results":["Risultati di Ricerca"],"Content":["Contenuti"],"Send & decline":["Invia e rifiuta"]," Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Non posso cancellare l'utente che è proprietario di uno space! Nome dello Space: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Ognuno può entrare"],"Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Only by invite":["Solo per invito"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privato (Invisibile)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Pubblico (Membri e ospiti)"],"Public (Members only)":["Pubblico (Solo membri)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Pubblico (Solo utenti registrati)"],"Public (Visible)":["Pubblico (Visibile)"],"Visible for all":["Visibile a tutti"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visibile a tutti (membri e ospiti)"],"Space is invisible!":["Lo space è invisibile!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Devi autenticarti per vedere il contenuto di questo space!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Come proprietario non puoi revocare la tua membership!"],"Could not request membership!":["Non puoi richiedere la membership!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Non ci sono inviti pendenti!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Questa azione è disponibile solo per i membri del workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Non puoi aggiungerti a questo space!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Il titolo dello space è già in uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["La tua password"],"Invites":["Inviti"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuovi utenti tramite e-mail (separati da virgola)"],"User is already member!":["L'utente è già membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} è già registrato!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} non è valida!"],"Application message":["Messaggio dell'applicazikone"],"Scope":["Ambito"],"Strength":["Robustezza"],"Created At":["Creato il"],"Join Policy":["Policy di aggiunta"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Status":["Stato"],"Tags":["Tag"],"Updated At":["Aggiornato il"],"Visibility":["Visibilità"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL del sito (opzionale)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare space privati invisibili!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare space pubblici visibili!"],"Modify space image":["Modifica l'immagine dello space"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Seleziona l'area della tua immagine che vuoi salvare come avatar utente e clicca Salva."],"Delete space":["Elimina space"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo space? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!"],"General space settings":["Impostazioni Generali dello space"],"Archive":["Archivia"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Scegli il tipo di membership che vuoi fornire per questo workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Scegli il livello di sicurezza di questo workspace per definirne la visibilità."],"Manage your space members":["Gestisci i membri del tuo space"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Inviti inviati In sospeso"],"Outstanding user requests":["Richieste In sospeso"],"Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Consenti a questo utente di
invitare altri utenti"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Consenti a questo utente di
creare contenuti pubblici"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo membro da questo space?"],"Can invite":["Può invitare"],"Can share":["Può condividere"],"Change space owner":["Cambia il proprietario dello space"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Gli utenti esterni invitati tramite email non saranno elencati qui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Nello spazio qui sotto vedi tutti i membri attivi di questo space. Puoi modificare i loro privilegi o rimuoverli da questo space."],"Is admin":["E' amministratore"],"Make this user an admin":["Rendi questo utente un amministratore"],"No, cancel":["No, annulla"],"Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Request message":["Messaggio di richiesta"],"Revoke invitation":["Revoca invito"],"Search members":["Cerca membri"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono in attesa di approvazione per entrare in questo space. Per favore fai qualcosa ora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono stati già invitati in questo space, ma non hanno finora accettato l'invito."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Il proprietario dello space è il super amministratore di uno space con tutti i privilegi e normalmente è il creatore dello space. Qui puoi cambiare questo ruolo a favore di un altro utente."],"Yes, remove":["Sì, rimuovi"],"Space Modules":["Moduli dello Space"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo space saranno cancellati!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo space!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Potenzia questo space con i moduli"],"Create new space":["Crea nuovo space"],"Advanced access settings":["Impostazioni avanzate di accesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Impostazioni di ricerca avanzate"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Anche i non membri possono vedere questo
space, ma non hanno accesso"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Ogni utente può entrare nel tuo space
senza la tua approvazione"],"For everyone":["Per tutti"],"How you want to name your space?":["Come vuoi chiamare il tuo space?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Per favore scrivi qui sotto una piccola descrizione per gli altri utenti."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Questo space sarà nascosto
per tutti i non membri"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gli utenti possono anche richiedere la
membership per questo space"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gli utenti possono essere aggiunti
solo tramite invito"],"space description":["descrizione space"],"space name":["nome space"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha richiesto la membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha approvato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ti invitato nello space {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!"],"Accept Invite":["Accetta invito"],"Become member":["Unisciti allo space"],"Cancel membership":["Abbandona lo space"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annulla richiesta di membership"],"Deny Invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Request membership":["Chiedi di farne parte"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Sei il proprietario di questo workspace."],"created by":["creato da"],"Invite members":["Invita membri"],"Add an user":["Aggiungi un utente"],"Email addresses":["Indirizzo email"],"Invite by email":["Invita via email"],"New user?":["Nuovo utente?"],"Pick users":["Scegli gli utenti"],"Send":["Invia"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Per invitare utenti a questo space per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Puoi anche invitare utenti esterni che non sono ancora registrati. Puoi aggiungere il loro indirizzo e-mail separato da virgola."],"Request space membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro accettato in questo space."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello space."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utente è diventato membro."],"User has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato"],"User has not been invited.":["L'utente non è stato invitato."],"Space preferences":["Preferenze Space"],"Back to workspace":["Torna al workspace"],"General":["Generale"],"My Space List":["La lista dei miei space"],"My space summary":["Il sommario dei miei space"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli space"],"Space menu":["Menù Space"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Cambia immagine"],"Current space image":["Immagine dello space corrente"],"Confirm image deleting":["Conferma eliminazione immagine"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine principale?","Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine di testa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine profilo?","Vuoi eliminare la tua immagine profilo?"],"Invite":["Invita"],"Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto","Qualcosa è andato male"],"Followers":["Lo seguono","Mi seguono"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro approvato di questo workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space","Richiesta di memebership per lo space"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori del workspace."],"Create new space":["Crea un nuovo space"],"My spaces":["I miei space"],"Space info":["Informazioni Space"],"more":["altro"],"Accept invite":["Accetta invito"],"Deny invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Leave space":["Abbandona space"],"New member request":["Nuova richiesta membro"],"Space members":["Membri dello Space","Membri Space"],"End guide":["Fine guida"],"Next »":["Successivo »"],"« Prev":["« Precedente"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurray! Questo è tutto per ora."],"Modules":["Moduli"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Come amministratore puoi gestire l'intera piattaforma da qui.
Riguardo ai moduli, non andremo nel dettaglio qui, in quanto ognuno ha la sua descrizione breve altrove."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ora sei nel menù strumenti. Da qui puoi accedere all'online market di HumHub, da dove puoi installare un numero sempre crescente di tool on-the-fly.
Come già accennato, i tool aumentano le funzionalità disponibili per il tuo space."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Ora hai imparato a conoscere tutte le funzionalità e le impostazioni più importanti e sono state tutte impostate per iniziare a utilizzare la piattaforma. Auguriamo a te e a tutti i futuri utenti di poter godere dell'utilizzo di questo sito. Non vediamo l'ora di avere qualsiasi suggerimento o supporto che desideri offrire per il nostro progetto. Non esitare a contattarci via www.humhub.org. Resta sintonizzato. :-)"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Questa è la tua dashboard.
Tutte le nuove attività o i nuovi messaggi che possono interessarti saranno mostrati qui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrazione (Moduli)"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurray! Fine."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurray! Fatto!"],"Profile menu":["Menù Profilo"],"Profile photo":["Photo Profilo"],"Profile stream":["Stream Profilo"],"User profile":["Profilo utente"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clicca su questo pulsante per aggiornare le impostazioni del tuo profilo e del tuo account. Puoi anche aggiungere più informazioni al tuo profilo."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Ogni profilo ha una sua propria pin board. I tuoi messaggi appariranno anche sulla dashboard di quegli utenti che ti stanno seguendo."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Proprio come nello space, il profilo utente può essere personalizzato con vari moduli.
Puoi vedere quali moduli sono disponibili per il tuo profilo cercandoli in \"Moduli\" nel menù delle impostazioni dell'account."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Questo è il tuo profilo utente pubblico, che può essere visto da ogni utente registrato."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Carica una nuova foto per il profilo semplicemente cliccando qui o trascinandola. Fai lo stesso per aggiornare la tua foto di copertina."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!
Per andare alla guida di ammnistrazione, clicca qui:
"],"Most recent activities":["Attività più recenti"],"Posts":["Messaggi"],"Profile Guide":["Guida Profilo"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Menù di navigazione Space"],"Writing posts":["Scrittura articoli"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Fatto."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["A tutti gli utenti che sono membri di questo space sarà mostrato questo.
I nuovi membri possono essere aggiunti da coloro ai quali sono stati dati i diritti d'accesso dall'amministratore."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dai agli altri utenti un piccola idea su cosa riguarda lo space. Puoi aggiungere le informazioni base qui.
L'amministratore dello space può inserire e cambiare la foto di copertina dello space sia cliccando su di essa sia trascinando."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["I nuovi articoli possono essere scritti e inviati qui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una volta che ti sei aggiunto o hai creato un nuovo space puoi lavorare sui progetti, discutere degli argomenti o condividere informazioni con gli altri utenti.
Ci sono vari tool per personalizzare uno space, per rendere il processo di lavoro più produttivo."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Questo è tutto riguardo alla guida dello space.
Per andare alla alla guida del profilo, clicca qui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Qui è dove puoi navigare tra gli space – dove puoi trovare i moduli attivi o disponibili per il particolare space corrente. Essi possono essere sondaggi, task o note per esempio.
Solo l'amministratore dello sapce può gestire i moduli dello space."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Questo menù è visibile solo per gli ammnistratori dello space. Qui puoi gestire le impostazioni del tuo space, aggiungere/bloccare i membri e attivare/disattivare tool per questo space."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Per tenerti aggiornato, saranno visualizzate qui le più recenti attività di questo space."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Gli articoli tuoi e degli altri utenti appariranno qui.
Questi poi possono essere etichettati con \"Mi piace\" o commentati."],"Account Menu":["Menù Account"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Space Menu":["Menù Space"],"Start space guide":["Inizia guida space"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Non perdere di vista le cose!
Questa icona ti terrà informato sulle attività e sugli articoli che ti riguardano direttamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Il menuùdi dell'account ti consente di accedere alle impostazioni private e ti permette di gestire il tuo profilo pubblico."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Questo è il menù più importante e sarà probabilmente quello che userai più spesso! Accedi a tutti gli space a cui ti sei aggiunto e crea nuovi space qui.
La prossima guida ti mostrerà come:"]," Remove panel":["Rimuovi pannello"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guida: Amministrazione (Moduli)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guida: Panoramica"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guida: Spazi"],"Guide: User profile":["Guida: Profilo utente"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Scopri come usare le funzionalità più importanti del sito con le seguenti guide:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["L'account utente non è ancora approvato!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Devi effettuare l'accesso per vedere questo profilo!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Password non corretta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Non puoi cambiare la tua password qui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link non valido! Assicurati di aver inserito l'intero URL."],"Save profile":["Salva il profilo"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["La mail inserita è già stata utilizzata da un altro utente."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Non puoi cambiare il tuo indirizzo email qui."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Crea un account"],"Current password":["Password attuale"],"E-Mail change":["Cambia e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nuovo indirizzo e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Invio attività?"],"Send notifications?":["Invio notifiche?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Username/email o password errata"],"New password":["Nuova password"],"New password confirm":["Conferma nuova password"],"Remember me next time":["Ricordami per la porssima volta"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora attivato dallo staff."],"Your account is suspended.":["Il tuo account è sospeso."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Il recupero password non è possibile per il tuo tipo di account!"],"Password Recovery":["Recupera password"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" non è stato trovato!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Email già registrata! - Hai dimenticato la password?"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Nascondi pannello sulla dashboard"],"Invalid language!":["Lingua non valida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilità profilo"],"TimeZone":["Fuso orario"],"Default Space":["Space predefinito"],"Group Administrators":["Amministratori dei gruppi"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membri possono creare space privati"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membri possono creare space pubblici"],"Birthday":["Compleanno"],"City":["Città"],"Country":["Paese"],"Firstname":["Nome"],"Lastname":["Cognome"],"Mobile":["Cellulare"],"Phone Private":["Telefono privato"],"Phone Work":["Telefono lavoro"],"State":["Stato"],"Street":["Strada"],"Zip":["CAP"],"Created by":["Creato da"],"Editable":["Modificabile"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Il tipo di campo non può essere cambiato!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo di campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Il nome interno è già in uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Il nome interno non può essere cambiato!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo di campo non valido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributo LDAP"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sono permessi solo caratteri alfanumerici!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoria del campo del profilo"],"Required":["Richiesto"],"Show at registration":["Mostra in fase di registrazione"],"Sort order":["Ordina"],"Translation Category ID":["ID della categoria della traduzione"],"Type Config":["Configurazione dei tipi"],"Visible":["Visibile"],"Communication":["Comunicazione"],"Datetime":["Data/ora"],"Number":["Numero"],"Select List":["Seleziona lista"],"Text":["Testo"],"Text Area":["Area di testo"],"%y Years":["%y anni"],"Birthday field options":["Opzioni del campo compleanno"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opzioni del campo data(-time)"],"Number field options":["Opzioni del campo numero"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opzione per linea. Chiave=>Formato del valore (es. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Per favore seleziona:"],"Select field options":["Seleziona le opzioni del campo"],"Text Field Options":["Opzioni del campo di testo"],"Text area field options":["Opzioni del campo area di testo"],"Authentication mode":["Modoalità di autenticazione"],"New user needs approval":["Il nuovo utente ha bisogno di essere approvato"],"Wall":["Bacheca"],"Change E-mail":["Cambia E-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Il tuo indirizzo e-mail è stato cambiato con successo a {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Abbiamo inviato una conferma via e-mail al tuo nuovo indirizzo.
Per favore segui le istruzioni all'interno."],"Change password":["Cambia password"],"Password changed":["Password cambiata"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La tua password è stata cambiata con successo!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica l'immagine del tuo profilo"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?
Tutti i contenuti che hai pubblicato saranno rimossi!"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Inserisci la tua password per continuare"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Spiacenti, come proprietario di uno space non puoi cancellare il tuo account!
Per favore assegnalo a qualcun'altro o cancellalo."],"User details":["Dettagli Utente"],"User modules":["Moduli utente"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Sei veramente sicuro? *Tutti* i dati dei moduli del tuo profilo saranno eliminati!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Potenzia il tuo profilo con i moduli."],"User settings":["Impostazioni utente"],"Getting Started":["Per iniziare"],"Registered users only":["Solo utenti registrati"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visibile a tutti (anche utenti non registrati)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifiche Desktop"],"Email Notifications":["Notifiche email"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ricevi una notifica desktop quando sei online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ricevi email, per le attività degli utenti che segui o
con cui lavori negli space."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ricevi email, quando altri utenti commentano o mettono \"Mi piace\" ai tuoi articoli."],"Account registration":["Registrazione account"],"Create Account":["Crea account"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Il tuo account è stato creato con successo!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Dopo l'attivazione del tuo account dall'amministratore, riceverai una notifica via email."],"Go to login page":["Vai alla pagina di accesso"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Per accedere con il tuo nuovo account, clicca il pulsante qui sotto."],"back to home":["indietro alla home"],"Please sign in":["Per favore accedi"],"Sign up":["Registrati"],"Create a new one.":["Creane una nuova."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Non hai un account? Aggiungiti al network inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Hai dimenticato la password?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se sei già un membro, per favore accedi con il tuo username/email e password."],"Register":["Registrati"],"username or email":["username o email"],"Password recovery":["Recupera password","recupero password"],"enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"your email":["la tua email"],"Password recovery!":["Recupero password!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione avvenuta con successo!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Per favore controlla la tua email e segui le istruzioni!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email"],"Confirm":["Conferma"],"Hello":["Ciao"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Hai richiesto il cambiamento del tuo indirizzo email.
Il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail è {newemail}.
Per confermare il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto."],"Sign up":["Accedi"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Benvenuto in %appName%. Per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto per procedere con la registrazione."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un social network per aumentare la tua comunicazione e il tuo gruppo di lavoro.
Registrati ora per aggiungerti a questo space."],"You got a space invite":["Hai ricevuto l'invito ad uno space"],"invited you to the space:":["sei stato invitato allo space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ti ha menzionato in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} ha iniziato a seguirti."],"About this user":["Informazioni su questo utente"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica il titolo della tua immagine"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine?"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Profile":["Profilo"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Following":["Seguo io"],"Following user":["Persone che seguo io"],"User followers":["Persone che mi seguono"],"Member in these spaces":["Partecipa in questi space"],"User tags":["Tag dell'utente"],"Back to modules":["Indietro ai moduli"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configurazioni Modulo Compleanno"],"No birthday.":["Nessun compleanno."],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Quanti giorni prima del compleanno visualizzare la notifica"],"Tomorrow":["Domani"],"Upcoming":["In arrivo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di giorni entro il quale mostrare i prossimi compleanni in arrivo."],"becomes":["diventa"],"birthdays":["compleanni"],"days":["giorni"],"today":["oggi"],"years old.":["anni."],"Active":["Attivo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca come non visto per tutti gli utenti"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Blocca nuove configurazioni"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puoi usare la sintassi marcata."],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Aggiunge un evento al calendario per questo space."],"All Day":["Tutto il giorno"],"Attending users":["Utenti che partecipano"],"Calendar":["Calendario"],"Declining users":["Utenti che hanno rifiutato"],"End Date":["Data fine"],"End Date and Time":["Data e ora fine"],"End Time":["Ora fine"],"End time must be after start time!":["La data fine deve essere successiva alla data inizio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento non trovato!"],"Maybe attending users":["Utenti che forse parteciperanno"],"Participation Mode":["Modalità di partecipazione"],"Recur":["Ripetizione"],"Recur End":["Fine della ripetizione"],"Recur Interval":["Intervallo della ripetizione"],"Recur Type":["Tipo di ripetizione"],"Select participants":["Seleziona i partecipanti"],"Start Date":["Data inizio"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e ora inizio"],"Start Time":["Ora inizio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Non hai il permesso di accedere a questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Non hai il permesso di creare eventi!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Non hai il permesso di modificare questo evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creato un nuovo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% forse partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% non partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Innizio Data/Tempo"],"Create event":["Crea evento"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Nota: Questo evento sarà creato sul tuo profilo. Per creare un evento in uno space apri il calendario dello space desiderato."],"End Date/Time":["Fine Data/Tempo"],"Everybody can participate":["Ognuno può partecipare"],"No participants":["Nessun partecipante"],"Participants":["Partecipanti"],"Attend":["Partecipa"],"Created by:":["Creato da:"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Edit this event":["Modifica questo evento"],"I´m attending":["Partecipo"],"I´m maybe attending":["Forse partecipo"],"I´m not attending":["Non partecipo"],"Maybe":["Forse"],"Filter events":["Filtro eventi"],"Select calendars":["Seleziona calendari"],"Already responded":["Già risposto"],"Followed spaces":["Space che seguo"],"Followed users":["Utenti che seguo"],"My events":["I miei eventi"],"Not responded yet":["Non risposto"],"Upcoming events ":["Eventi imminenti"],":count attending":[":numero partecipanti"],":count declined":[":numero rifiuti"],":count maybe":[":numero in forse"],"Participants:":["Partecipanti:"],"Create new Page":["Crea nuova pagina"],"Custom Pages":["Pagine personalizzate"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Menu"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Nessun pagina ancora creata!"],"Sort Order":["Ordinamento"],"Top Navigation":["Top Menu"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu impostazione per utenti"],"Confirm category deleting":["Conferma cancellazione categorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Conferma cancellazione link"],"Delete category":["Cancella categoria"],"Delete link":["Cancella link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Vuoi cancellare veramente questa categoria? Tutti i link legati verranno cancellati."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo link?"],"Linklist":["Lista Link"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Module Configurazione Lista Link"],"Requested category could not be found.":["La categoria richiesta non può essere trovata."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Il link richiesto non può essere trovato."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Visualizza i link come widget sulla colonna di destra."],"Messages":["Messaggi"],"Recipient":["Destinatario"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Non puoi inviare un'email a te stesso!"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Non puoi inviare un'email a te stesso!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nuovo messaggio da {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["e {counter} altri utenti"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nuovo messaggio nella discussione da %displayName%"],"New message":["Nuovo messaggio"],"Reply now":["Rispondi ora"],"sent you a new message:":["invia un nuovo messaggio:"],"sent you a new message in":["invia un nuovo messaggio a"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Aggiungi più partecipanti alla tua conversazione..."],"Add user...":["Aggiungi utente..."],"New message":["Nuovo messaggio"],"Edit message entry":["Modifica messaggio"],"Inbox":["Posta in arrivo"],"There are no messages yet.":["Non ci sono messaggi."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confermi l'eliminazione della conversazione?"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confermi di lasciare la conversazione?"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confermi l'eliminazione del messaggio?"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Vuoi eliminare questa conversazione?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Vuoi eliminare questo messaggio?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Vuoi abbandonare questa conversazione?"],"Leave":["Lascia"],"Leave discussion":["Abbandona la discussione"],"Write an answer...":["Rispondi..."],"Write new message":["Scrivi un nuovo messaggio"],"User Posts":["Messaggi utente"],"Sign up now":["Accedi ora"],"Show all messages":["Mostra tutti i messaggi"],"Send message":["Invia messaggio"],"Notes":["Note"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossibile ottenere il contenuto delle note!"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossibile ottenere gli utenti delle note!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connessione API avvenuta con successo!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Non posso effettuare la connessione API"],"Current Status:":["Stato corrente:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configurazione del modulo delle note"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Per favore leggi il modulo della documentazione in /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt per maggiori dettagli!"],"Save & Test":["Salva e testa"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Il modulo delle note ha bisogno di un serve su cui è attivo etherpad!"],"Save and close":["Salva e chiudi"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota e l'ha assegnata a te."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Apri nota"],"Title of your new note":["Titolo della tua nuova nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non c'è alcuna nota che rispetta il tuo filtro corrente!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Non c'è ancora nessuna nota!"],"Polls":["Sondaggi"],"Could not load poll!":["Non posso caricare il sondaggio!"],"Invalid answer!":["Risposta non valida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Gli utenti hanno votato per: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Il voto per risposte multiple è disabilitato!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Non hai i permessi sufficienti per eseguire questa operazione!"],"Answers":["Risposte"],"Multiple answers per user":["Risposte multiple per utente"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Per favore dai almeno {min} risposte!"],"Question":["Domanda"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votato la domanda {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova domanda {question}."],"User who vote this":["Utente che ha votato"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo sondaggio e l'ha assegnato a te."],"Ask":["Chiedi"],"Reset my vote":["Resetta il mio voto"],"Vote":["Vota"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["più {count} voti per questo."],"votes":["voti"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Consenti risposte multiple all'utente?"],"Ask something...":["Chiedi qualcosa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Possibili risposte (una per linea)"],"Display all":["Mostra tutto"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non ci sono sondaggi che rispettano il tuo filtro corrente!"],"Asked by me":["Chiesto da me"],"No answered yet":["Ancora nessuna risposta"],"Only private polls":["Solo sondaggi privati"],"Only public polls":["Solo sondaggi pubblici"],"Tasks":["Attività"],"Could not access task!":["Non posso accedere all'attività!"],"Task":["Attività"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} assegnato all'attività {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} ha creato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} ti ha assegnato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova attività {task}."],"Create new task":["Crea nuova attività"],"Edit task":["Modifica atività"],"Assign users":["Assegna utenti"],"Assign users to this task":["Assegna utenti a quest'attività"],"Deadline":["Scadenza"],"Deadline for this task?":["La scadenza per quest'attività?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Preassegna utenti a quest'attività."],"Task description":["Descrizione attività"],"What is to do?":["Cosa c'è da fare?"],"Confirm deleting":["Conferma eliminazione"],"Add Task":["Aggiungi attività"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare quest'attività?"],"No open tasks...":["Nessun'attività aperta..."],"completed tasks":["Attività completate"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clicca per completare quest'attività"],"This task is already done":["Quest'attività è già stata completata"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Quest'attività è già stata completata. Clicca per riaprila."],"You're not assigned to this task":["Non sei assegnato a quest'attività"],"My tasks":["Le Mie attività"],"From space: ":["Dallo space:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Non ci sono altre attività per ora!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora attività!
Creane una per primo..."],"Assigned to me":["Assegnate a me"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nessun'attività trovata che rispetti i tuoi filtri!"],"Nobody assigned":["Non assegnate"],"State is finished":["Lo stato è completato"],"State is open":["Lo stato è aperto"],"What to do?":["Cosa c'è da fare?"],"Translation Manager":["Gestionnaire de traduction"],"Translations":["Traduzioni"],"Translation Editor":["Editor per le traduzioni"],"Confirm page deleting":["Conferma l'eliminazione della pagina"],"Confirm page reverting":["Conferma il ripristino della pagina"],"Overview of all pages":["Panoramica di tutte le pagine"],"Page history":["Cronologia della pagina"],"Wiki Module":["Modulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Aggiungi una wiki a questo space."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Aggiungi una wiki al tuo profilo."],"Back to page":["Torna alla pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare questa pagina?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Vuoi veramente ripristinare questa pagina?"],"Edit page":["Modifica pagina"],"Edited at":["Modificata il"],"Go back":["Indietro"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Carattere invalido nel titolo della pagina!"],"Let's go!":["Andiamo!"],"Main page":["Pagina principale"],"New page":["Nuova pagina"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Non è stata creata ancora nessuna pagina. Tocca a te.
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Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["I moduli estendono le funzionalità di HumHub. Qui puoi installare e gestire i moduli tramite il Marketplace di HumHub."],"Module details":["Dettagli Modulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Questo modulo non fornisce ulteriori informazioni."],"Modules directory":["Elenco Moduli"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli saranno perduti!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati e i file relativi ai moduli saranno perduti!"],"Configure":["Configura"],"Disable":["Disabilita"],"Enable":["Abilita"],"More info":["Più informazioni"],"Set as default":["Imposta come predefinito"],"Uninstall":["Disinstalla"],"Install":["Installa"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Latest version:":["Ultima versione:"],"Installed version:":["Versione installata:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ultima versione compatibile:"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Imposta come modulo predefinito"],"Always activated":["Sempre attivato"],"Deactivated":["Disattivato"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. 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Alcuni server richiedono che questo sia nella forma DN. Questo deve essere fornito nella forma DN se il server LDAP richiede un DN per vincolare e il vincolamento dovrebbe essere possible con semplici nomi utente."],"Cache Settings":["Impostazioni Cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salva e svuota Cache"],"CronJob settings":["Impostazioni CronJob"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab dell'utente: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ultimo lanciato: (giornaliero):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ultimo lanciato (orario):"],"Never":["Mai"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Oppure Crontab dell'utente root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Ti preghiamo di assicurarti che i seguenti cronjobs siano installati:"],"Design settings":["Impostazioni Design"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Nome Cognome (esempio: John Doe)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Username (esempio: john)"],"File settings":["Impostazioni File"],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Image Libary corrente: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP impostato ad un massimo di {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Impostazioni Basic"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Esempio: http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["I nuovi utenti saranno automaticamente aggiunti a questi space."],"Mailing defaults":["Mailing predefiniti"],"Activities":["Attività"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Sommario giornaliero"],"Defaults":["Predefiniti","Predefinite"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Scegli le impostazioni predefinite quanto un utente riceve le e-mail di notifica o riguardo alle nuove attività. Queste impostazioni possono essere sovrascritte dagli utenti nelle impostazioni dell'account."],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Server Settings":["Impostazioni server"],"When I´m offline":["Quando sono offline"],"Mailing settings":["Impostazioni Mailing"],"SMTP Options":["Opzioni SMTP"],"Security settings and roles":["Impostazioni e ruoli realtivi alla Sicurezza"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verifica i prerequisiti del software Humhub."],"Re-Run tests":["Rilancia il test"],"Statistic settings":["Impostazioni Statistiche"],"Manage spaces":["Gestisci space"],"All":["Tutti"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Definisci qui le impostazioni di default per i nuovi space."],"Delete space":["Cancella space"],"Edit space":["Modifica space"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["In questa panoramica puoi trovare tutti gli space e gestirli."],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Search for space name":["Cerca per nome space"],"Search for space owner":["Cerca per proprietario space"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Space name":["Nome space"],"Space owner":["Proprietario dello Space"],"View space":["Vedi space"],"Space Settings":["Impostazioni Space"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo utente? Se questo utente è proprietario di qualche space, tu ne diventerai il proprietario."],"Delete user":["Elimina utente"],"Delete user: {username}":["Elimina utente: {username}"],"Edit user":["Modifica utente"],"Admin":["Amministrazione"],"Delete user account":["Cancella l'account dellutente"],"Edit user account":["Modifica l'account dell'utente"],"View user profile":["Vedi profilo utente"],"Yes":["Sì"],"Manage users":["Gestisci utenti"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["In questa panoramica puoi cercare ogni utente registrato e gestirlo."],"Create new profile category":["Crea nuova categoria di profili"],"Edit profile category":["Modifica categoria dei profili"],"Create new profile field":["Crea nuovo campo per il profilo"],"Edit profile field":["Modifica campo del profilo"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gestisci campi dei profili"],"Add new category":["Aggiungi nuova categoria"],"Add new field":["Aggiungi nuovo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Sicurezza & Ruoli"],"Administration menu":["Amministrazione menù"],"Authentication":["Autenticazione"],"Cron jobs":["Cron job"],"Files":["File"],"Groups":["Gruppi"],"Logging":["Logging"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduli"],"Self test & update":["Self test & aggiornamento"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"User approval":["Approvazione utenti"],"User profiles":["Profili utente"],"Users":["Persone"],"Click here to review":["Clicca qui per analizzare"],"New approval requests":["Nuove richieste da approvare"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Uno o più utenti hanno bisogno della tua approvazione come amministratore del gruppo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Non puoi cancellare il commento!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe di destinazione non valida fornita"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Necessari Modello e parametro ID"],"Target not found!":["Destinazione non trovata!"],"Access denied!":["Accesso negato!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permessi insufficienti!"],"Comment":["Commenta"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo commento"],"Comments":["Commenti"],"Edit your comment...":["Modifica il tuo commento..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato anche il tuo %displayName%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha commentato %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostra tutti i {total} commenti."],"Post":["Articolo"],"Write a new comment...":["Scrivi un nuovo commento..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostra altri %count% commenti"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione del commento"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo commento?"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Updated :timeago":["Aggiornato :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"Could not load requested object!":["Impossibile caricare l'oggetto richiesto"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Hai raggiunto il limite dei contenuti evidenziati!\n\nPuoi evidenziare solo due contenuti alla volta.\nPer evidenziare questo, devi rimuoverne un altro!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Impossibile trovare il contenuto richiesto!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Impossibile trovare il link permanente richiesto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Invalid model given!"],"Unknown content class!":["Unknown content class!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo {contentTitle}."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Invia"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Niente soddisfa i filtri che hai selezionato!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Non c'è ancora niente qui!"],"Move to archive":["Archivia"],"Unarchive":["Disarchivia"],"Add a member to notify":["Aggiungi i partecipanti che riceveranno notifica"],"Make private":["Rendi privato"],"Make public":["Rendi pubblico"],"Notify members":["Notifica partecipanti"],"Public":["Pubblico"],"What's on your mind?":["A cosa stai pensando?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Conferma la cancellazione dell'articolo"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Vuoi veramente cancellare quest'articolo? Tutti i commenti e i like andranno persi!"],"Archived":["Archiviato"],"Sticked":["In evidenza"],"Turn off notifications":["Disattiva notifiche"],"Turn on notifications":["Attiva notifiche"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente a questa pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente a questo articolo"],"Permalink":["Link permanente"],"Stick":["In evidenza"],"Unstick":["Disevidenzia"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nessuno ha ancora scritto qualcosa.
Inizia tu e scrivi qualcosa..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Lo stream di questo profilo è ancora vuoto"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!
Inizia scrivendo qualcosa qui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["La tua dashboard è vuota!
Scrivi qualcosa sul tuo profilo o unisciti a qualche space!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto
Inizia postando qualcosa..."],"Back to stream":["Torna allo stream"],"Content with attached files":["Contenuti con allegati"],"Created by me":["Creato da me","Create da me"],"Creation time":["Data di creazione"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Includi contenuti archiviati"],"Last update":["Ultimo aggiornamento"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niente soddisfa i tuoi filtri!"],"Only private posts":["Solo contenuti privati"],"Only public posts":["Solo contenuti pubblici"],"Posts only":["Solo articoli"],"Posts with links":["Articoli con link"],"Show all":["Mostra tutti"],"Sorting":["Ordinamento"],"Where I´m involved":["Dove sono coinvolto"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nessun contenuto pubblico da visualizzare trovato!"],"Directory":["Elenchi"],"Member Group Directory":["Elenco dei gruppi di Utenti"],"show all members":["mostra tutti gli utenti"],"Directory menu":["Menù Elenchi"],"Members":["Membri"],"User profile posts":["Articoli dei profili utente"],"Member directory":["Elenco degli Utenti"],"Follow":["Segui"],"No members found!":["Nessun utente trovato!"],"Unfollow":["Non seguire più"],"search for members":["cerca utenti"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli Space"],"No spaces found!":["Nessuno space trovato!"],"You are a member of this space":["Fai parte di questo space"],"search for spaces":["cerca space"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Non ci sono ancora articoli dei profili utente!"],"Group stats":["Statistiche dei Gruppi"],"Average members":["Media utenti"],"Top Group":["Gruppo più grande"],"Total groups":["Gruppi totali"],"Member stats":["Statistiche degli Utenti"],"New people":["Nuove persone"],"Follows somebody":["Che segue qualcuno"],"Online right now":["Online ora"],"Total users":["Totale utenti"],"See all":["Vedi tutti"],"New spaces":["Nuovi space"],"Space stats":["Statistiche degli Space"],"Most members":["Con più partecipanti"],"Private spaces":["Space privati"],"Total spaces":["Totale space"],"Could not find requested file!":["Impossibile trovare il file richiesto!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permessi non sufficienti!"],"Created By":["Creato da"],"Created at":["Creato il"],"File name":["Nome file"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type non valido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["La grandezza massima del file ({maxFileSize}) è stata raggiunta!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Dimensione"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Questo tipo di file non è consentito!"],"Updated at":["Aggiornato il"],"Updated by":["Aggiornato da"],"Could not upload File:":["Non posso caricare il File:"],"Upload files":["Carica file"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista dei file caricati:"],"Sign in":["Accedi"],"Could not find target class!":["Impossibile trovare la classe di destinazione!"],"Could not find target record!":["Impossibile trovare il record di destinazione!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe non valida!"],"Users who like this":["Utenti ai quali piace"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["A {userDisplayName} piace {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["Anche a %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["A %displayName% piace %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" piace questo."],"You like this.":["Ti piace."],"You
"],"Like":["Mi piace"],"Unlike":["Non mi piace più"],"and {count} more like this.":["e ad altri {count} piace questo."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Impossibile determinare l'url di reindirizzamento per questo tipo di oggetto sorgente!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Non posso caricare l'oggetto sorgente della notifica per effettuare il reindirizzamento!"],"New":["Nuovo"],"Mark all as seen":["Segna tutte come lette"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Non ci sono notifiche."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% ha scritto un nuovo articolo."],"Edit your post...":["Modifica il tuo articolo..."],"Read full post...":["Leggi tutto l'articolo..."],"Search results":["Risultati di Ricerca"],"Content":["Contenuti"],"Send & decline":["Invia e rifiuta"]," Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Non posso cancellare l'utente che è proprietario di uno space! Nome dello Space: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Ognuno può entrare"],"Invite and request":["Inviti e richieste"],"Only by invite":["Solo per invito"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privato (Invisibile)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Pubblico (Membri e ospiti)"],"Public (Members only)":["Pubblico (Solo membri)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Pubblico (Solo utenti registrati)"],"Public (Visible)":["Pubblico (Visibile)"],"Visible for all":["Visibile a tutti"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visibile a tutti (membri e ospiti)"],"Space is invisible!":["Lo space è invisibile!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Devi autenticarti per vedere il contenuto di questo space!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Come proprietario non puoi revocare la tua membership!"],"Could not request membership!":["Non puoi richiedere la membership!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Non ci sono inviti pendenti!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Questa azione è disponibile solo per i membri del workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Non puoi aggiungerti a questo space!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Il titolo dello space è già in uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["La tua password"],"Invites":["Inviti"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nuovi utenti tramite e-mail (separati da virgola)"],"User is already member!":["L'utente è già membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} è già registrato!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} non è valida!"],"Application message":["Messaggio dell'applicazikone"],"Scope":["Ambito"],"Strength":["Robustezza"],"Created At":["Creato il"],"Join Policy":["Policy di aggiunta"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Status":["Stato"],"Tags":["Tag"],"Updated At":["Aggiornato il"],"Visibility":["Visibilità"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL del sito (opzionale)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare space privati invisibili!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Non puoi creare space pubblici visibili!"],"Modify space image":["Modifica l'immagine dello space"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Seleziona l'area della tua immagine che vuoi salvare come avatar utente e clicca Salva."],"Delete space":["Elimina space"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo space? Tutto il contenuto pubblicato sarà rimosso!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Per favore fornisci la tua password per continuare!"],"General space settings":["Impostazioni Generali dello space"],"Archive":["Archivia"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Scegli il tipo di membership che vuoi fornire per questo workspace."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Scegli il livello di sicurezza di questo workspace per definirne la visibilità."],"Manage your space members":["Gestisci i membri del tuo space"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Inviti inviati In sospeso"],"Outstanding user requests":["Richieste In sospeso"],"Remove member":["Rimuovi membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Consenti a questo utente di
invitare altri utenti"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Consenti a questo utente di
creare contenuti pubblici"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo membro da questo space?"],"Can invite":["Può invitare"],"Can share":["Può condividere"],"Change space owner":["Cambia il proprietario dello space"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Gli utenti esterni invitati tramite email non saranno elencati qui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Nello spazio qui sotto vedi tutti i membri attivi di questo space. Puoi modificare i loro privilegi o rimuoverli da questo space."],"Is admin":["E' amministratore"],"Make this user an admin":["Rendi questo utente un amministratore"],"No, cancel":["No, annulla"],"Remove":["Rimuovi"],"Request message":["Messaggio di richiesta"],"Revoke invitation":["Revoca invito"],"Search members":["Cerca membri"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono in attesa di approvazione per entrare in questo space. Per favore fai qualcosa ora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Gli utenti seguenti sono stati già invitati in questo space, ma non hanno finora accettato l'invito."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Il proprietario dello space è il super amministratore di uno space con tutti i privilegi e normalmente è il creatore dello space. Qui puoi cambiare questo ruolo a favore di un altro utente."],"Yes, remove":["Sì, rimuovi"],"Space Modules":["Moduli dello Space"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Sei sicuro? *TUTTI* i dati dei moduli di questo space saranno cancellati!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Al momento non ci sono moduli disponibili per questo space!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Potenzia questo space con i moduli"],"Create new space":["Crea nuovo space"],"Advanced access settings":["Impostazioni avanzate di accesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Impostazioni di ricerca avanzate"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Anche i non membri possono vedere questo
space, ma non hanno accesso"],"Create":["Crea"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Ogni utente può entrare nel tuo space
senza la tua approvazione"],"For everyone":["Per tutti"],"How you want to name your space?":["Come vuoi chiamare il tuo space?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Per favore scrivi qui sotto una piccola descrizione per gli altri utenti."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Questo space sarà nascosto
per tutti i non membri"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gli utenti possono anche richiedere la
membership per questo space"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gli utenti possono essere aggiunti
solo tramite invito"],"space description":["descrizione space"],"space name":["nome space"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha richiesto la membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha approvato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di membership per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ti invitato nello space {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha accettato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} ha rifiutato il tuo invito per lo space {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Questo space è ancora vuoto!"],"Accept Invite":["Accetta invito"],"Become member":["Unisciti allo space"],"Cancel membership":["Abbandona lo space"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Annulla richiesta di membership"],"Deny Invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Request membership":["Chiedi di farne parte"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Sei il proprietario di questo workspace."],"created by":["creato da"],"Invite members":["Invita membri"],"Add an user":["Aggiungi un utente"],"Email addresses":["Indirizzo email"],"Invite by email":["Invita via email"],"New user?":["Nuovo utente?"],"Pick users":["Scegli gli utenti"],"Send":["Invia"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Per invitare utenti a questo space per favore scrivi i loro nomi qui sotto per trovarli e sceglierli."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Puoi anche invitare utenti esterni che non sono ancora registrati. Puoi aggiungere il loro indirizzo e-mail separato da virgola."],"Request space membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro accettato in questo space."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori dello space."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["L'utente è diventato membro."],"User has been invited.":["L'utente è stato invitato"],"User has not been invited.":["L'utente non è stato invitato."],"Space preferences":["Preferenze Space"],"Back to workspace":["Torna al workspace"],"General":["Generale"],"My Space List":["La lista dei miei space"],"My space summary":["Il sommario dei miei space"],"Space directory":["Elenco degli space"],"Space menu":["Menù Space"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Cambia immagine"],"Current space image":["Immagine dello space corrente"],"Confirm image deleting":["Conferma eliminazione immagine"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine principale?","Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine di testa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine profilo?","Vuoi eliminare la tua immagine profilo?"],"Invite":["Invita"],"Something went wrong":["Qualcosa è andato storto","Qualcosa è andato male"],"Followers":["Lo seguono","Mi seguono"],"Posts":["Articoli"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Per favore presentati velocemente per diventare un membro approvato di questo workspace."],"Request workspace membership":["Richiesta di membership per lo space","Richiesta di memebership per lo space"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["La tua richiesta è stata inviata con successo agli amministratori del workspace."],"Create new space":["Crea un nuovo space"],"My spaces":["I miei space"],"Space info":["Informazioni Space"],"more":["altro"],"Accept invite":["Accetta invito"],"Deny invite":["Rifiuta invito"],"Leave space":["Abbandona space"],"New member request":["Nuova richiesta membro"],"Space members":["Membri dello Space","Membri Space"],"End guide":["Fine guida"],"Next »":["Successivo »"],"« Prev":["« Precedente"],"Administration":["Amministrazione"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hurray! Questo è tutto per ora."],"Modules":["Moduli"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Come amministratore puoi gestire l'intera piattaforma da qui.
Riguardo ai moduli, non andremo nel dettaglio qui, in quanto ognuno ha la sua descrizione breve altrove."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Ora sei nel menù strumenti. Da qui puoi accedere all'online market di HumHub, da dove puoi installare un numero sempre crescente di tool on-the-fly.
Come già accennato, i tool aumentano le funzionalità disponibili per il tuo space."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Ora hai imparato a conoscere tutte le funzionalità e le impostazioni più importanti e sono state tutte impostate per iniziare a utilizzare la piattaforma. Auguriamo a te e a tutti i futuri utenti di poter godere dell'utilizzo di questo sito. Non vediamo l'ora di avere qualsiasi suggerimento o supporto che desideri offrire per il nostro progetto. Non esitare a contattarci via www.humhub.org. Resta sintonizzato. :-)"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Questa è la tua dashboard.
Tutte le nuove attività o i nuovi messaggi che possono interessarti saranno mostrati qui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administrazione (Moduli)"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hurray! Fine."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hurray! Fatto!"],"Profile menu":["Menù Profilo"],"Profile photo":["Photo Profilo"],"Profile stream":["Stream Profilo"],"User profile":["Profilo utente"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clicca su questo pulsante per aggiornare le impostazioni del tuo profilo e del tuo account. Puoi anche aggiungere più informazioni al tuo profilo."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Ogni profilo ha una sua propria pin board. I tuoi messaggi appariranno anche sulla dashboard di quegli utenti che ti stanno seguendo."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Proprio come nello space, il profilo utente può essere personalizzato con vari moduli.
Puoi vedere quali moduli sono disponibili per il tuo profilo cercandoli in \"Moduli\" nel menù delle impostazioni dell'account."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Questo è il tuo profilo utente pubblico, che può essere visto da ogni utente registrato."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Carica una nuova foto per il profilo semplicemente cliccando qui o trascinandola. Fai lo stesso per aggiornare la tua foto di copertina."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Hai completato la guida relativa al tuo profilo utente!
Per andare alla guida di ammnistrazione, clicca qui:
"],"Most recent activities":["Attività più recenti"],"Posts":["Messaggi"],"Profile Guide":["Guida Profilo"],"Space":["Space"],"Space navigation menu":["Menù di navigazione Space"],"Writing posts":["Scrittura articoli"],"Yay! You're done.":["Yay! Fatto."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["A tutti gli utenti che sono membri di questo space sarà mostrato questo.
I nuovi membri possono essere aggiunti da coloro ai quali sono stati dati i diritti d'accesso dall'amministratore."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dai agli altri utenti un piccola idea su cosa riguarda lo space. Puoi aggiungere le informazioni base qui.
L'amministratore dello space può inserire e cambiare la foto di copertina dello space sia cliccando su di essa sia trascinando."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["I nuovi articoli possono essere scritti e inviati qui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Una volta che ti sei aggiunto o hai creato un nuovo space puoi lavorare sui progetti, discutere degli argomenti o condividere informazioni con gli altri utenti.
Ci sono vari tool per personalizzare uno space, per rendere il processo di lavoro più produttivo."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Questo è tutto riguardo alla guida dello space.
Per andare alla alla guida del profilo, clicca qui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Qui è dove puoi navigare tra gli space – dove puoi trovare i moduli attivi o disponibili per il particolare space corrente. Essi possono essere sondaggi, task o note per esempio.
Solo l'amministratore dello sapce può gestire i moduli dello space."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Questo menù è visibile solo per gli ammnistratori dello space. Qui puoi gestire le impostazioni del tuo space, aggiungere/bloccare i membri e attivare/disattivare tool per questo space."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Per tenerti aggiornato, saranno visualizzate qui le più recenti attività di questo space."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Gli articoli tuoi e degli altri utenti appariranno qui.
Questi poi possono essere etichettati con \"Mi piace\" o commentati."],"Account Menu":["Menù Account"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Space Menu":["Menù Space"],"Start space guide":["Inizia guida space"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Non perdere di vista le cose!
Questa icona ti terrà informato sulle attività e sugli articoli che ti riguardano direttamente."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Il menuùdi dell'account ti consente di accedere alle impostazioni private e ti permette di gestire il tuo profilo pubblico."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Questo è il menù più importante e sarà probabilmente quello che userai più spesso! Accedi a tutti gli space a cui ti sei aggiunto e crea nuovi space qui.
La prossima guida ti mostrerà come:"]," Remove panel":["Rimuovi pannello"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guida: Amministrazione (Moduli)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guida: Panoramica"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guida: Spazi"],"Guide: User profile":["Guida: Profilo utente"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Scopri come usare le funzionalità più importanti del sito con le seguenti guide:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["L'account utente non è ancora approvato!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Devi effettuare l'accesso per vedere questo profilo!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Password non corretta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Non puoi cambiare la tua password qui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link non valido! Assicurati di aver inserito l'intero URL."],"Save profile":["Salva il profilo"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["La mail inserita è già stata utilizzata da un altro utente."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Non puoi cambiare il tuo indirizzo email qui."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Crea un account"],"Current password":["Password attuale"],"E-Mail change":["Cambia e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nuovo indirizzo e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Invio attività?"],"Send notifications?":["Invio notifiche?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Username/email o password errata"],"New password":["Nuova password"],"New password confirm":["Conferma nuova password"],"Remember me next time":["Ricordami per la porssima volta"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Il tuo account non è stato ancora attivato dallo staff."],"Your account is suspended.":["Il tuo account è sospeso."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Il recupero password non è possibile per il tuo tipo di account!"],"Password Recovery":["Recupera password"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" non è stato trovato!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Email già registrata! - Hai dimenticato la password?"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Nascondi pannello sulla dashboard"],"Invalid language!":["Lingua non valida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilità profilo"],"TimeZone":["Fuso orario"],"Default Space":["Space predefinito"],"Group Administrators":["Amministratori dei gruppi"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membri possono creare space privati"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membri possono creare space pubblici"],"Birthday":["Compleanno"],"City":["Città"],"Country":["Paese"],"Firstname":["Nome"],"Lastname":["Cognome"],"Mobile":["Cellulare"],"Phone Private":["Telefono privato"],"Phone Work":["Telefono lavoro"],"State":["Stato"],"Street":["Strada"],"Zip":["CAP"],"Created by":["Creato da"],"Editable":["Modificabile"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Il tipo di campo non può essere cambiato!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo di campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Il nome interno è già in uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Il nome interno non può essere cambiato!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo di campo non valido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Attributo LDAP"],"Module":["Modulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sono permessi solo caratteri alfanumerici!"],"Profile Field Category":["Categoria del campo del profilo"],"Required":["Richiesto"],"Show at registration":["Mostra in fase di registrazione"],"Sort order":["Ordina"],"Translation Category ID":["ID della categoria della traduzione"],"Type Config":["Configurazione dei tipi"],"Visible":["Visibile"],"Communication":["Comunicazione"],"Datetime":["Data/ora"],"Number":["Numero"],"Select List":["Seleziona lista"],"Text":["Testo"],"Text Area":["Area di testo"],"%y Years":["%y anni"],"Birthday field options":["Opzioni del campo compleanno"],"Date(-time) field options":["Opzioni del campo data(-time)"],"Number field options":["Opzioni del campo numero"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Una opzione per linea. Chiave=>Formato del valore (es. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Per favore seleziona:"],"Select field options":["Seleziona le opzioni del campo"],"Text Field Options":["Opzioni del campo di testo"],"Text area field options":["Opzioni del campo area di testo"],"Authentication mode":["Modoalità di autenticazione"],"New user needs approval":["Il nuovo utente ha bisogno di essere approvato"],"Wall":["Bacheca"],"Change E-mail":["Cambia E-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Il tuo indirizzo e-mail è stato cambiato con successo a {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Abbiamo inviato una conferma via e-mail al tuo nuovo indirizzo.
Per favore segui le istruzioni all'interno."],"Change password":["Cambia password"],"Password changed":["Password cambiata"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["La tua password è stata cambiata con successo!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modifica l'immagine del tuo profilo"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account?
Tutti i contenuti che hai pubblicato saranno rimossi!"],"Delete account":["Elimina account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Inserisci la tua password per continuare"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Spiacenti, come proprietario di uno space non puoi cancellare il tuo account!
Per favore assegnalo a qualcun'altro o cancellalo."],"User details":["Dettagli Utente"],"User modules":["Moduli utente"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Sei veramente sicuro? *Tutti* i dati dei moduli del tuo profilo saranno eliminati!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Potenzia il tuo profilo con i moduli."],"User settings":["Impostazioni utente"],"Getting Started":["Per iniziare"],"Registered users only":["Solo utenti registrati"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visibile a tutti (anche utenti non registrati)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notifiche Desktop"],"Email Notifications":["Notifiche email"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ricevi una notifica desktop quando sei online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ricevi email, per le attività degli utenti che segui o
con cui lavori negli space."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ricevi email, quando altri utenti commentano o mettono \"Mi piace\" ai tuoi articoli."],"Account registration":["Registrazione account"],"Create Account":["Crea account"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Il tuo account è stato creato con successo!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Dopo l'attivazione del tuo account dall'amministratore, riceverai una notifica via email."],"Go to login page":["Vai alla pagina di accesso"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Per accedere con il tuo nuovo account, clicca il pulsante qui sotto."],"back to home":["indietro alla home"],"Please sign in":["Per favore accedi"],"Sign up":["Registrati"],"Create a new one.":["Creane una nuova."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Non hai un account? Aggiungiti al network inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Hai dimenticato la password?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se sei già un membro, per favore accedi con il tuo username/email e password."],"Register":["Registrati"],"username or email":["username o email"],"Password recovery":["Recupera password","recupero password"],"enter security code above":["inserisci il codice di sicurezza qui sotto"],"your email":["la tua email"],"Password recovery!":["Recupero password!"],"Registration successful!":["Registrazione avvenuta con successo!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Per favore controlla la tua email e segui le istruzioni!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Conferma il tuo nuovo indirizzo email"],"Confirm":["Conferma"],"Hello":["Ciao"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Hai richiesto il cambiamento del tuo indirizzo email.
Il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail è {newemail}.
Per confermare il tuo nuovo indirizzo e-mail per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto."],"Sign up":["Accedi"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Benvenuto in %appName%. Per favore clicca sul pulsante qui sotto per procedere con la registrazione."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Un social network per aumentare la tua comunicazione e il tuo gruppo di lavoro.
Registrati ora per aggiungerti a questo space."],"You got a space invite":["Hai ricevuto l'invito ad uno space"],"invited you to the space:":["sei stato invitato allo space:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} ti ha menzionato in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} ha iniziato a seguirti."],"About this user":["Informazioni su questo utente"],"Modify your title image":["Modifica il titolo della tua immagine"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Questo profilo è ancora vuoto!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare la tua immagine?"],"Account settings":["Impostazioni account"],"Profile":["Profilo"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Edit account":["Modifica account"],"Following":["Seguo io"],"Following user":["Persone che seguo io"],"User followers":["Persone che mi seguono"],"Member in these spaces":["Partecipa in questi space"],"User tags":["Tag dell'utente"],"Back to modules":["Indietro ai moduli"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configurazioni Modulo Compleanno"],"No birthday.":["Nessun compleanno."],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Quanti giorni prima del compleanno visualizzare la notifica"],"Tomorrow":["Domani"],"Upcoming":["In arrivo"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Puoi configurare il numero di giorni entro il quale mostrare i prossimi compleanni in arrivo."],"becomes":["diventa"],"birthdays":["compleanni"],"days":["giorni"],"today":["oggi"],"years old.":["anni."],"Active":["Attivo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marca come non visto per tutti gli utenti"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Blocca nuove configurazioni"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Puoi usare la sintassi marcata."],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Aggiunge un calendario per eventi privati e pubblici sul tuo profilo e sul tuo menù principale"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Aggiunge un evento al calendario per questo space."],"All Day":["Tutto il giorno"],"Attending users":["Utenti che partecipano"],"Calendar":["Calendario"],"Declining users":["Utenti che hanno rifiutato"],"End Date":["Data fine"],"End Date and Time":["Data e ora fine"],"End Time":["Ora fine"],"End time must be after start time!":["La data fine deve essere successiva alla data inizio!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento non trovato!"],"Maybe attending users":["Utenti che forse parteciperanno"],"Participation Mode":["Modalità di partecipazione"],"Recur":["Ripetizione"],"Recur End":["Fine della ripetizione"],"Recur Interval":["Intervallo della ripetizione"],"Recur Type":["Tipo di ripetizione"],"Select participants":["Seleziona i partecipanti"],"Start Date":["Data inizio"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e ora inizio"],"Start Time":["Ora inizio"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Non hai il permesso di accedere a questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Non hai il permesso di creare eventi!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Non hai il permesso di modificare questo evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% ha creato un nuovo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% forse partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% non partecipa a %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Innizio Data/Tempo"],"Create event":["Crea evento"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Nota: Questo evento sarà creato sul tuo profilo. Per creare un evento in uno space apri il calendario dello space desiderato."],"End Date/Time":["Fine Data/Tempo"],"Everybody can participate":["Ognuno può partecipare"],"No participants":["Nessun partecipante"],"Participants":["Partecipanti"],"Attend":["Partecipa"],"Created by:":["Creato da:"],"Edit event":["Modifica evento"],"Edit this event":["Modifica questo evento"],"I´m attending":["Partecipo"],"I´m maybe attending":["Forse partecipo"],"I´m not attending":["Non partecipo"],"Maybe":["Forse"],"Filter events":["Filtro eventi"],"Select calendars":["Seleziona calendari"],"Already responded":["Già risposto"],"Followed spaces":["Space che seguo"],"Followed users":["Utenti che seguo"],"My events":["I miei eventi"],"Not responded yet":["Non risposto"],"Upcoming events ":["Eventi imminenti"],":count attending":[":numero partecipanti"],":count declined":[":numero rifiuti"],":count maybe":[":numero in forse"],"Participants:":["Partecipanti:"],"Create new Page":["Crea nuova pagina"],"Custom Pages":["Pagine personalizzate"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Menu"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Nessun pagina ancora creata!"],"Sort Order":["Ordinamento"],"Top Navigation":["Top Menu"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu impostazione per utenti"],"Confirm category deleting":["Conferma cancellazione categorie"],"Confirm link deleting":["Conferma cancellazione link"],"Delete category":["Cancella categoria"],"Delete link":["Cancella link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Vuoi cancellare veramente questa categoria? Tutti i link legati verranno cancellati."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Vuoi veramente cancellare questo link?"],"Linklist":["Lista Link"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Module Configurazione Lista Link"],"Requested category could not be found.":["La categoria richiesta non può essere trovata."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Il link richiesto non può essere trovato."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Visualizza i link come widget sulla colonna di destra."],"Messages":["Messaggi"],"Recipient":["Destinatario"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Non puoi inviare un'email a te stesso!"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Non puoi inviare un'email a te stesso!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nuovo messaggio da {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["e {counter} altri utenti"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nuovo messaggio nella discussione da %displayName%"],"New message":["Nuovo messaggio"],"Reply now":["Rispondi ora"],"sent you a new message:":["invia un nuovo messaggio:"],"sent you a new message in":["invia un nuovo messaggio a"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Aggiungi più partecipanti alla tua conversazione..."],"Add user...":["Aggiungi utente..."],"New message":["Nuovo messaggio"],"Edit message entry":["Modifica messaggio"],"Inbox":["Posta in arrivo"],"There are no messages yet.":["Non ci sono messaggi."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confermi l'eliminazione della conversazione?"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confermi di lasciare la conversazione?"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confermi l'eliminazione del messaggio?"],"Add user":["Aggiungi utente"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Vuoi eliminare questa conversazione?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Vuoi eliminare questo messaggio?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Vuoi abbandonare questa conversazione?"],"Leave":["Lascia"],"Leave discussion":["Abbandona la discussione"],"Write an answer...":["Rispondi..."],"Write new message":["Scrivi un nuovo messaggio"],"User Posts":["Messaggi utente"],"Sign up now":["Accedi ora"],"Show all messages":["Mostra tutti i messaggi"],"Send message":["Invia messaggio"],"Notes":["Note"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL a Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Impossibile ottenere il contenuto delle note!"],"Could not get note users!":["Impossibile ottenere gli utenti delle note!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Connessione API avvenuta con successo!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Non posso effettuare la connessione API"],"Current Status:":["Stato corrente:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configurazione del modulo delle note"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Per favore leggi il modulo della documentazione in /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt per maggiori dettagli!"],"Save & Test":["Salva e testa"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Il modulo delle note ha bisogno di un serve su cui è attivo etherpad!"],"Save and close":["Salva e chiudi"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato una nuova nota e l'ha assegnata a te."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} ha lavorato sulla nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Apri nota"],"Title of your new note":["Titolo della tua nuova nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non c'è alcuna nota che rispetta il tuo filtro corrente!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Non c'è ancora nessuna nota!"],"Polls":["Sondaggi"],"Could not load poll!":["Non posso caricare il sondaggio!"],"Invalid answer!":["Risposta non valida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Gli utenti hanno votato per: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Il voto per risposte multiple è disabilitato!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Non hai i permessi sufficienti per eseguire questa operazione!"],"Answers":["Risposte"],"Multiple answers per user":["Risposte multiple per utente"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Per favore dai almeno {min} risposte!"],"Question":["Domanda"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} ha votato la domanda {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova domanda {question}."],"User who vote this":["Utente che ha votato"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} ha creato un nuovo sondaggio e l'ha assegnato a te."],"Ask":["Chiedi"],"Reset my vote":["Resetta il mio voto"],"Vote":["Vota"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["più {count} voti per questo."],"votes":["voti"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Consenti risposte multiple all'utente?"],"Ask something...":["Chiedi qualcosa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Possibili risposte (una per linea)"],"Display all":["Mostra tutto"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Non ci sono sondaggi che rispettano il tuo filtro corrente!"],"Asked by me":["Chiesto da me"],"No answered yet":["Ancora nessuna risposta"],"Only private polls":["Solo sondaggi privati"],"Only public polls":["Solo sondaggi pubblici"],"Tasks":["Attività"],"Could not access task!":["Non posso accedere all'attività!"],"Task":["Attività"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} assegnato all'attività {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} ha creato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} ha completato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} ti ha assegnato l'attività {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} ha creato la nuova attività {task}."],"Create new task":["Crea nuova attività"],"Edit task":["Modifica atività"],"Assign users":["Assegna utenti"],"Assign users to this task":["Assegna utenti a quest'attività"],"Deadline":["Scadenza"],"Deadline for this task?":["La scadenza per quest'attività?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Preassegna utenti a quest'attività."],"Task description":["Descrizione attività"],"What is to do?":["Cosa c'è da fare?"],"Confirm deleting":["Conferma eliminazione"],"Add Task":["Aggiungi attività"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Vuoi veramente eliminare quest'attività?"],"No open tasks...":["Nessun'attività aperta..."],"completed tasks":["Attività completate"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clicca per completare quest'attività"],"This task is already done":["Quest'attività è già stata completata"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Quest'attività è già stata completata. Clicca per riaprila."],"You're not assigned to this task":["Non sei assegnato a quest'attività"],"My tasks":["Le Mie attività"],"From space: ":["Dallo space:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Non ci sono altre attività per ora!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Non ci sono ancora attività!
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Create the first page now.":["Non è stata creata ancora nessuna pagina. Tocca a te.
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\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
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\n \n Jūsu paskyra aktyvuota.
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\n {AdminName}
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\n \n Kind Regards
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\n {AdminName}
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Instaliuokite, norint sustiprinti funkcionalumą!"],"Version:":["Versija:"],"Installed":["Instaliuota"],"No modules found!":["Modulių nerasta!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Visi moduliai yra atnaujinti!"],"About HumHub":["Apie HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Šiuo metu instaliuota versija: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licencijos"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yra galima atnaujinimas! (Naujausia versija: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Šis HumHub įdiegimas yra naujausios versijos!"],"Accept":["Priimti"],"Decline":["Atmesti"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Priimti vartotoją: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Atšaukti"],"Send & save":["Išsiųsti ir išsaugoti"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Atmesti ir ištrinti vartotoją: {displayName}"],"Email":["Elektroninis paštas","Siųsti elektroniniu paštu"],"Search for email":["Ieškoti elektroninio pašto adreso"],"Search for username":["Ieškoti vartotojo vardo"],"Pending user approvals":["Laukiantys eilėje vartotojų patvirtinimai"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Čia Jūs galite matyti visus prisiregistravusius ir vis dar laukiančius patvirtinimo vartotojus."],"Delete group":["Ištrinti grupę"],"Delete group":["Ištrinti grupę"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Norint ištrinti grupę \"{group}\", Jūs turite nustatyti alternatyvią grupę jau esantiems vartotojams: "],"Create new group":["Sukurti naują grupę"],"Edit group":["Redaguoti grupę"],"Description":["Apibūdinimas"],"Group name":["Grupės pavadinimas"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Ieškoti apibūdinimo"],"Search for group name":["Ieškoti grupės pavadinimo"],"Manage groups":["Tvarkyti grupes"],"Create new group":["Sukurti naują grupę"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Jūs galite išskirstyti vartotojus į atskiras grupes (į komandas, skyrius ir t.t.) ir skirti standartines erdves ir administratorius joms."],"Error logging":["Klaida jungiantis"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Rodoma {count} prisijungimų viename puslapyje."],"Flush entries":["Prisijungimų antplūdis"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Iš viso rasta {count} prisijungimų."],"Available updates":["Galimi atnaujinimai"],"Browse online":["Naršyti prisijungus"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduliai išplečia HumHub funkcionalumą. Čia Jūs galite įdiegti ir tvarkyti modulius iš HumHuc Marketplace."],"Module details":["Modulio savybės"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Šis modulis nesuteikia daugiau informacijos."],"Processing...":["Apdorojimas..."],"Modules directory":["Modulių katalogas"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* visa modulio informacija bus prarasta!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* visa su moduliu susijusi informacija ir failai bus prarasti!"],"Configure":["Konfigūruoti"],"Disable":["Išjungti"],"Enable":["Įgalinti"],"More info":["Daugiau informacijos"],"Set as default":["Nustatyti, kaip numatytajį"],"Uninstall":["Pašalinti"],"Install":["Įdiegti"],"Latest compatible version:":["Naujausia suderinta versija:"],"Latest version:":["Naujausia versija:"],"Installed version:":["Įdiegtos versijos:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Naujausia suderinta versija:"],"Update":["Atnaujinimai"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Nustatyti kaip numatytąjį modulį"],"Always activated":["Visada aktyvuota"],"Deactivated":["Išjungta"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Čia Jūs galite pasirinkti ar bus modulis automatiškai aktyvuotas erdvės ar vartotojo profilyje. Jei modulis turėtų būti aktyvuotas, pasirinkite \"visada aktyvuotas\"."],"Spaces":["Erdvės"],"User Profiles":["Vartotojų profiliai"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Jau yra galima nauja HumHub versija (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Atpažinimas - Pagrindinis"],"Basic":["Pagrindinis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimali vertė yra 20 sekundžių. Jei nenustatyta, sesija baigsis po 1400 sekundžių (24 minučių) nepaisant veiksmo (numatytoji sesijos laiko baigtis)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Taikomas tik tada, kai limituotas priėjimas neatpažintiems vartotojams yra įjungtas. Tai liečia tik naujus vartotojus."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Atpažinimas - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL "],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nurodo filtrą, kai bandoma prisijungti. %uid pakeičia vartotojo vardą į prisijungimo veiksmą. Pavyzdys "(sAMAccountName=%s)" ar "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP savybė vartotojui. Pavyzdys: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Apriboti prieigą vartotojams, atitinkantiems šį kriterijų. Pavyzdys: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" ar "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Statusas: Klaida! (žinutė: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Statusas: Gerai! ({userCount} Vartotojai)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Numatytoji bazė DN, naudojama paskyrų paieškai."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Numatytasis įgaliojimų slaptažodis (naudojamas tik su vartotojo vardu)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Numatytasis įgaliojimų vardas. Kai kurie serveriai reikalauja, kad tai būtų DN formoje. Tai turi būti DN formoje, jei LDAP serveris reikalauja DN įpareigoti ir įpareigojimas turi būti galimas su paprastais vartotojų vardais."],"Cache Settings":["Slėptuvės nustatymai"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Išsaugoti ir perkelti į slėptuvę"],"CronJob settings":["Darbo laiko planavimo nustatymai"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Darbo laiko planavimo kortelė vartotojo: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Paskutinė veikla (dienos):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Paskutinė veikla (valandinė):"],"Never":["Niekada"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Arba pagrindinio vartotojo darbo laiko planavimas"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Prašome patikrinti, ar žemiau esančios darbo laiko planavimo sistemos yra įdiegtos:"],"Design settings":["Dizaino nustatymai"],"Alphabetical":["Pagal abėcėlę"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Vardas Pavardė (pvz., John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Paskutinis apsilankymas"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Vartotojo vardas (e.g. john)"],"File settings":["Failo nustatymai"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Kableliu atskirtas sąrašas. Norint leisti visiems - palikite tuščią."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Kableliu atskirtas sąrašas. Norint leisti rodyti failų sąrašą visiems objektams, esantiems ant sienos - palikite tuščią."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Dabartinė paveikslėlių biblioteka: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Jei nėra nustatyta, aukštis bus numatytasis iki 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Jei nėra nustatyta, plotis bus numatytasis iki 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP pranešė maksimumą {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Pagrindiniai nustatymai"],"Confirm image deleting":["Patvirtinti paveikslėlio pašalinimą"],"Dashboard":["Prietaisų skydas","Valdymo skydelis"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Pvz., http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nauji vartotojai bus automatiškai pridėti prie erdvės (-ių)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Šiuo metu Jūs nenaudojate logotipo. Įkelkite savo logotipą dabar."],"Mailing defaults":["Pašto numatytieji nustatymai"],"Activities":["Veiklos"],"Always":["Visada"],"Daily summary":["Dienos apžvalga"],"Defaults":["Numatytieji"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Apibrėžti numatytuosius nustatymus, kai vartotojas gauną elektroninį laišką apie pranešimus ar naujas veiklas. Šie nustatymai gali būti perrašyti vartotojo paskyros nustatymuose."],"Notifications":["Pranešimai"],"Server Settings":["Serverio nustatymai"],"When I´m offline":["Kai aš neprisijungęs"],"Mailing settings":["Pašto nustatymai"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP galimybės"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed tiekėjas"],"Add new provider":["Pridėti naują tiekėją"],"Currently active providers:":["Šiuo metu aktyvūs tiekėjai:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Šiuo metu nėra aktyvių tiekėjų!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Pridėti OEmbed tiekėjų"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Redaguoti OEmbed tiekėjus"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url prefiksas be http:// ar https:// (pvz., youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Naudokite %url% kaip vietos rezervą URL. Formatas turi būti JSON. (pvz., http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Įgaliojimų nustatymai"],"Security settings and roles":["Apsaugos nustatymai ir funkcijos"],"Self test":["Savitikros testas"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub programinės įrangos būtinų sąlygų tikrinimas."],"Re-Run tests":["Atlikti pakartotinius testus"],"Statistic settings":["Statistikos nustatymai"],"All":["Visi"],"Delete space":["Ištrinti erdvę"],"Edit space":["Redaguoti erdvę"],"Search for space name":["Ieškoti erdvės pavadinimo"],"Search for space owner":["Ieškoti erdvės savininko"],"Space name":["Erdvės pavadinimas"],"Space owner":["Erdvės savininkas"],"View space":["Peržiūrėti erdvę"],"Manage spaces":["Tvarkyti erdves"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Apibrėžti numatytuosius nustatymus visoms erdvėms."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Šioje apžvalgoje Jūs galite rasti visas erdves ir tvarkyti jas."],"Overview":["Apžvalga","Peržiūra"],"Settings":["Nustatymai"],"Space Settings":["Erdvės nustatymai"],"Add user":["Pridėti vartotoją"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį vartotoją? Jei šis vartotojas yra erdvių savininkas, Jūs tapsite šių erdvių savininku."],"Delete user":["Ištrinti vartotoją"],"Delete user: {username}":["Ištrinti vartotoją: {username}"],"Edit user":["Redaguoti vartotoją"],"Admin":["Administratorius"],"Delete user account":["Ištrinti vartotojo paskyrą"],"Edit user account":["Redaguoti vartotojo paskyrą"],"No":["Ne"],"View user profile":["Peržiūrėti vartotojo profilį"],"Yes":["Taip"],"Manage users":["Redaguoti profilio kategoriją"],"Add new user":["Pridėti naują vartotoją"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Šioje apžvalgoje Jūs galite rasti visus registruotus vartotojus ir valdyti juos."],"Create new profile category":["Sukurti naują profilio kategoriją"],"Edit profile category":["Redaguoti profilio kategoriją"],"Create new profile field":["Sukurti naują profilio lauką"],"Edit profile field":["Redaguoti profilio lauką"],"Manage profiles fields":["Tvarkyti profilio laukus"],"Add new category":["Pridėti naują kategoriją"],"Add new field":["Pridėti naują lauką"],"Security & Roles":["Apsauga ir funkcijos"],"Administration menu":["Administravimo meniu"],"About":["Apie"],"Authentication":["Atpažinimas"],"Caching":["Kaupimas talpykloje"],"Cron jobs":["Darbo laiko planavimas"],"Design":["Dizainas"],"Files":["Failai"],"Groups":["Grupės"],"Logging":["Prisijungimas"],"Mailing":["Paštas"],"Modules":["Moduliai"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed duomenų tiekėjas"],"Proxy":["Įgaliojimas"],"Self test & update":["Savitikra ir atnaujinimas"],"Statistics":["Statistika"],"User approval":["Vartotojo patvirtinimai"],"User profiles":["Vartotojo profiliai"],"Users":["Vartotojai"],"Click here to review":["Norint peržiūrėti, spauskite čia"],"New approval requests":["Nauji prašymai, reikalaujantys patvirtinimo"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Vienam ar keliems vartotojams reikalingas Jūsų, kaip grupės administratoriaus, patvirtinimas."],"Access denied!":["Prieiga negalima!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Neturite reikalingų leidimų!"],"Comment":["Komentuoti"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% parašykite naują komentarą"],"Comments":["Komentarai"],"Edit your comment...":["Redaguokite komentarą..."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% pakomentavo %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Rodyti visus {total} komentarus."],"Post":["Skelbimas"],"Write a new comment...":["Parašykite naują komentarą..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Rodyti %count% daugiau komentarų"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Patvirtinti komentaro pašalinimą"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį komentarą?"],"Edit":["Redaguoti","Taisyti"],"Updated :timeago":["Atnaujinta :prieš","Atnaujintas :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Pasiektas maksimalus prisegtų elementų kiekis!\n\nGalite prisegti ne daugiau dviejų elementų.\nJei norite prisegti šį elementą, ištrinkite prieš tai naudotą elementą!"],"Could not load requested object!":["Negalime paleisti norimo objekto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Pateiktas negalimas modelis!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Ieškomas turinys nerastas!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Nerandama norima nuoroda!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} sukurtas naujas {contentTitle}."],"in":["į"],"Submit":["Pateikti"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nerasta atitikimų su pasirinktais filtrais!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nieko nerasta!"],"Move to archive":["Perkelti į archyvą"],"Unarchive":["Išarchyvuoti","Nearchyvuoti"],"Add a member to notify":["Pridėti narį prie pranešimų"],"Make private":["Padaryti privačiu"],"Make public":["Padaryti viešą"],"Notify members":["Pranešti nariams"],"Public":["Višas"],"What's on your mind?":["Ką norite pasakyti?","Ką turime omenyje?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Patvirtinti įrašo ištrynimą"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį įrašą? Visi komentarai bus ištrinti!"],"Archived":["Archyvuotas"],"Sticked":["Prisegtas"],"Turn off notifications":["Išjunkti pranešimus"],"Turn on notifications":["Įjungti pranešimus"],"Permalink to this post":["Priskirti nuorodą šiam įrašui"],"Permalink":["Nuoroda"],"Stick":["Prisegti"],"Unstick":["Atsegti"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Kol kas niekas neparaše.
Būkite pirmas ir ką nors parašykite..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Šio profilio siena vis dar tuščias"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Ši erdvė kol kas tuščia!
Būkite pirmas ką nors paskelbdamas..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Jūsu valdymo skydelis yra tuščias!
Pridėkite ka nors į savo profilį arba prisijunkite prie kitu erdviu!\n","Jūsu valdymo skydelis yra tuščias!
Pridėkite ka nors į savo profilį arba prisijunkite prie kitu erdviu!\r\n"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Jūsų profilio srautas kol kas tuščias
Pradėkite ir ką nors paskelbkite..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Pagal Jūsų filtrus nerasta jokios informacijos!"],"Back to stream":["Grįžti į sieną"],"Content with attached files":["Turinys su prisegtais failais"],"Created by me":["Sukurta mano","Mano sukurtas"],"Creation time":["Sukūrimo laikas"],"Filter":["Filtras"],"Include archived posts":["Įtraukti archyvo įrašus"],"Last update":["Paskutinis atnaujinimas"],"Only private posts":["Tik privatūs įrašai"],"Only public posts":["Tik vieši įrašai"],"Posts only":["Tik įrašai"],"Posts with links":["Įrašai su nuorodomis"],"Sorting":["Rūšiavimas"],"Where I´m involved":["Aš dalyvauju"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nerasta viešojo turinio!\n","Nerasta viešojo turinio!\r\n"],"Directory":["Adresų knyga"],"Member Group Directory":["Grupės narių adresų knyga"],"show all members":["Rodyti visus narius"],"Directory menu":["Adresų knygos meniu"],"Members":["Nariai"],"User profile posts":["Vartotojo profilio skelbimai"],"Member directory":["Nario adresų knyga"],"Follow":["Sekti"],"No members found!":["Narių nerasta!"],"Unfollow":["Nebesekti"],"search for members":["Ieškoti narių"],"Space directory":["Erdvės adresų knyga"],"No spaces found!":["Erdvių nerasta!"],"You are a member of this space":["Jūs esate šios erdvės narys"],"search for spaces":["Ieškoti erdvių"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Kol kas nėra profilio skelbimų!"],"Group stats":["Grupės statistika"],"Average members":["Narių vidurkis"],"Top Group":["Top Grupė"],"Total groups":["Iš viso grupių"],"Member stats":["Narių statistika"],"New people":["Nauji žmonės"],"Follows somebody":["Ką nors seka"],"Online right now":["Šiuo metu prisijungęs"],"Total users":["Iš viso vartotojų"],"See all":["Matyti visus"],"New spaces":["Naujos erdvės"],"Space stats":["Erdvės statistika"],"Most members":["Daugiausia narių"],"Private spaces":["Privačios erdvės"],"Total spaces":["Iš viso erdvių"],"Could not find requested file!":["Prašomas failas nerastas!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Nepakankamos teisės!"],"Created By":["Sukurta (kieno)"],"Created at":["Sukurtas","Sukurta"],"File name":["Failo pavadinimas"],"ID":["ID"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Pasiektas maksimalus failo dydis ({maxFileSize})!"],"Size":["Dydis"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Šio tipo failas neleidžiamas!"],"Updated at":["Atnaujinta"],"Updated by":["Atnaujinta"],"Upload error":["Įkėlimo klaida"],"Could not upload File:":["Nepavyko įkelti failo:"],"Upload files":["Įkelti failus"],"Create Admin Account":["Sukurti Administratoriaus paskyrą"],"Name of your network":["Jūsų tinklo pavadinimas"],"Name of Database":["Duomenų bazės pavadinimas"],"Admin Account":["Administratoriaus Paskyra"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Jūs beveik baigėte. Paskutiniame žingsnyje Jūs turite užpildyti formą, norint sukurti administratoriaus paskyrą. Su šia paskyra Jūs galėsite valdyti visą tinklą."],"Next":["Kitas"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Be abejo, Jūsų naujam socialiniam tinklui reikia pavadinimo. Prašome pakeisti numatytąjį pavadinimą Jums patinkančiu. (Pavyzdžiui, Jūsų įmonės, organizacijos ar klubo pavadinimas)"],"Social Network Name":["Socialinio tinklo strong>Pavadinimas"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Sveikiname. Jūs baigėte."],"Sign in":["Prisiregistruokite","Prisijungti"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Diegimas pavyko sėkmingai! Mėgaukitės savo naujuoju socialiniu tinklu."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Sveiki atvykę į HumHub
Jūsų socialinio tinklo valdymo lauką"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Šis pagalbininkas įdiegs ir nustatys Jūsų asmeninį HumHub.
Norint tęsti, spauskite čia."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Taip, duomenų bazės prisijungimas veikia!"],"Database Configuration":["Duomenų bazės Konfigūracija"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Žemiau Jūs turite atidaryti savo duomenų bazės prisijungimo informaciją. Jei nesate tikri dėl to, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Jūsų MySQL duomenų bazės pagrindinis serveris. (pvz., vietinis kompiuteris, jei MySQL veikia tame pačiame įrenginyje)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oi, kažkas ne taip!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Duomenų bazės, kurią norite paleisti HumHub, pavadinimas."],"Your MySQL password.":["Jūsų MySQL slaptažodis."],"Your MySQL username":["Jūsų MySQ vartotojo vardas"],"System Check":["Sistemos patikra"],"Check again":["Patikrinkite dar kartą"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Sveikiname! Galite pradėti!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Ši apžvalga rodo visus HumHub sistemos reikalavimus."],"Users who like this":["Vartotojai, kuriems tai patinka"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} mėgsta {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% mėgsta %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["Mėgsta"],"You like this.":["Jums tai patinka."],"You
"],"Like":["Patinka"],"Unlike":["Nepatinka"],"and {count} more like this.":["ir {count} daugiau tokių, kaip šis."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nepavyko nustatyti nukreipimų URL šios rūšies šaltinio objektui!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nepavyko įkelti šaltinio objekto nukreipimo pranešimų!"],"New":["Naujas"],"Mark all as seen":["Pažymėti visus, kaip matytus"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Kol kas nėra pranešimų."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% sukūrė naują skelbimą."],"Edit your post...":["Redaguokite savo skelbimą..."],"Read full post...":["Perskaitykite visą skelbimą..."],"Send & decline":["Išsiųsti ir atsisakyti"],"Visible for all":["Matomas visiems"]," Invite and request":["Pakviesti"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Negalima ištrinti vartotojo, kuriam priklauso erdvė! Erdvės pavadinimas: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Dalyvauti gali visi"],"Invite and request":["Pakviesti"],"Only by invite":["Tik su pakvietimu"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privatus (Nematomas)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Viešas (Nariai ir svečiai)"],"Public (Members only)":["Viešas (Tik nariai)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Viešas (Tik registruoti nariai)"],"Public (Visible)":["Viešas (Matomas)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Matomas visiems (nariams ir svečiams)"],"Space is invisible!":["Erdvė matoma!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Turite prisiregistruoti, norint matyti erdvės turinį!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Būdamas savininku Jūs negalite atšaukti savo narystės!"],"Could not request membership!":["Negalima prašyti narystės!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Nėra laukiančių pakvietimų!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Šis veiksmas leistinas tik darbo aplinkos nariams!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Jums neleidžiama prisijungti prie šios erdvės!"],"Your password":["Jūsų slaptažodis"],"Invites":["Pakvietimas"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nauji vartotojai elektroniniu paštu (atskirti kableliu)"],"User is already member!":["Vartotojas jau yra narys!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} jau yra užregistruotas!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} negalioja!"],"Application message":["Užklausos žinutė"],"Scope":["Apimtis"],"Strength":["Koncentracija"],"Created At":["Sukurta (kada)"],"Join Policy":["Prisijungimo politika"],"Name":["Vardas"],"Owner":["Savininkas"],"Status":["Būsena"],"Tags":["Žymės","Žymos"],"Updated At":["Atnaujinta (kada)"],"Visibility":["Matomumas"],"Website URL (optional)":["Interneto svetainės URL (neprivalomas)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Jūs negalite sukurti privačių erdvių!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Jūs negalite sukurti viešai matomų erdvių!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Pasirinkite paveikslėlio lauką, kurį norite išsaugoti kaip vartotojo avatarą, ir paspauskite Save."],"Modify space image":["Pakeisti erdvės paveikslėlį"],"Delete space":["Ištrinti erdvę"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią erdvę? Visas patalpintas turinys bus pašalintas!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Norint tęsti, prašome pateikti savo slaptažodį!"],"General space settings":["Bendrieji erdvės nustatymai"],"Archive":["Archyvas"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Pasirinkite narystės rūšį."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Pasirinkite apsaugos lygį šios darbo erdvės matomumui nustatyti."],"Manage your space members":["Tvarkyti Jūsų erdvės narius"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Neatsakyti išsiųsti pakvietimai"],"Outstanding user requests":["Neatsakyti vartotojų pakvietimai"],"Remove member":["Pašalinti narį"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Leisti šiam vartotojui
pakviesti kitus narius\n"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Leisti šiam vartotojui
padaryti turinį viešu"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šį narį iš erdvės?"],"Can invite":["Gali pakviesti"],"Can share":["Gali dalintis"],"Change space owner":["Pakeisti erdvės savininką"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Išoriniai nariai, pakviesti elektroniniu paštu, čia nebus matomi."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Lauke, esančiame žemiau, Jūs galite matyti visus šios erdvės aktyvius narius. Jūs galite redaguoti jų privilegijas arba pašalinti iš erdvės."],"Is admin":["Yra administratorius"],"Make this user an admin":["Padaryti šį vartotoją administratoriumi"],"No, cancel":["Ne, atšaukti"],"Remove":["Pašalinti"],"Request message":["Prašymo žinutė"],"Revoke invitation":["Panaikinti kvietimą"],"Search members":["Ieškoti narių"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Šie nariai laukia patvirtinimo prisijungti prie erdvės. Prašome imtis veiksmų."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Šie nariai jau buvo pakviesti į erdvę, tačiau kol kas dar nepriėmė pakvietimo."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Erdvės savininkas yra erdvės administratorius su visomis privilegijomis ir dažniausiai yra erdvės sukūrėjas. Čia jūs galite pakeisti šią funkciją kitam vartotojui."],"Yes, remove":["Taip, pašalinti"],"Space Modules":["Erdvės Moduliai"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* modulio duomenys bus ištrinti!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Šiuo metu erdvėje nėra modulių!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Sustiprinti šią erdvę pridedant modulių."],"Create new space":["Sukurti naują erdvę"],"Advanced access settings":["Išplėstiniai prieigos nustatymai"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Šią
erdvę gali matyti ir nesantys nariais, tačiau neturi prieigos"],"Create":["Sukurti"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Kiekvienas narys gali prisijungti prie Jūsų erdvės
be Jūsų patvirtinimo"],"For everyone":["Visiems"],"How you want to name your space?":["Kaip norite pavadinti savo erdvę?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Prašome parašyti trumpą apibūdinimą."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Ši erdvė bus paslėpta
nuo visų nesančių nariais"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Vartotojai taip pat gali prašyti
tapti šios erdvės nariais"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Vartotojai gali būti pridėti
tik su kvietimu"],"space description":["erdvės apibūdinimas"],"space name":["erdvės pavadinimas"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} prašo narystės šioje erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} patvirtinimo Jūsų narystę erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} atmetė Jūsų narystę erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} pakvietė Jus į erdvę {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} priėmė Jūsų kvietimą į erdvę {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} atmetė Jūsų prašymą į erdvę {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Ši erdvė kol kas tuščia!"],"Invite members":["Pakviesti narius"],"Add an user":["Pridėti vartotoją"],"Email addresses":["Elektroninio pašto adresai"],"Invite by email":["Pakviesti elektroniniu paštu"],"New user?":["Naujas vartotojas?"],"Pick users":["Išsirinkti vartotojus"],"Send":["Išsiųsti","Siųsti"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Norint pakviesti vartotojus į šią erdvę, prašome žemiau rašyti jų vardus, norint rasti ir pasirinkti."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Jūs taip pat galite pakviesti išorinius vartotojus, kurie kol kas dar nėra prisiregistravę. Tiesiog pridėkite jų elektroninio pašto adresus, atskirtus kableliu."],"Request space membership":["Prašo erdvės narystės","Prašo narystės į erdvę"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Norint tapti patvirtintu erdvės nariu, prašome trumpai prisistatyti."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Jūsų prašymas buvo sėkmingai perduotas erdvės administratoriams."],"Ok":["Gerai"],"User has become a member.":["Vartotojas tapo nariu."],"User has been invited.":["Vartotojas pakviestas."],"User has not been invited.":["Vartotojas nebuvo pakviestas."],"Space preferences":["Erdvės nustatymai"],"General":["Pagrindinis"],"My Space List":["Mano erdvės sąrašas"],"My space summary":["Mano erdvės apžvalga"],"Space directory":["Erdvės adresatų knyga"],"Space menu":["Erdvės meniu"],"Stream":["Srautas"],"Change image":["Pakeisti paveikslėlį"],"Current space image":["Dabartinis erdvės paveikslėlis"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti pavadinimo paveikslėlį?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo profilio paveikslėlį?"],"Invite":["Pakviesti"],"Accept Invite":["Priimti pakvietimą"],"Become member":["Tapti nariu"],"Cancel membership":["Atšaukti narystę"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Atšaukti laukiantį narystės prašymą"],"Deny Invite":["Atsisakyti pakvietimo"],"Request membership":["Narystės prašymas"],"Something went wrong":["Kažkas ne taip ","Kažkas ne taip"],"Followers":["Sekėjai"],"Posts":["Skelbimai"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Norint tapti patvirtintu šios darbo erdvės nariu, prašome trumpai prisistatyti."],"Request workspace membership":["Pateikti prašymą darbo erdvės narystei","Prašyti narystės į darbo erdvę"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Jūsų prašymas sėkmingai perduotas darbo erdvės administratoriams."],"Create new space":["Sukurti naują erdvę"],"My spaces":["Mano erdvės"],"New member request":["Naujo nario užklausa"],"Space members":["Lauko nariai","Erdvės nariai"],"End guide":["Baigti instrukciją"],"Next »":["Kitas »"],"« Prev":["« Ankstesnis"],"Administration":["Administravimas"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Valio! Šiam kartui tiek."],"Modules":["Moduliai"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Kaip administratorius, Jūs galite valdyti visą platformą iš čia.
Išskyrus modulius, kurių mes nenaudosim detaliai, todėl, kad kiekvienas turi savo trumpą aprašymą kažkur kitur."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Šiuo metu Jūs esate įrankių meniu. Iš čia Jūs galite naudotis HumHub internetine prekyviete, kur Jūs galite įsidiegti vis didėjantį įrankių skaičių tiesiog dabar.
Kaip jau buvo minėta, įrankiai išplečia funkcijų galimybes Jūsų erdvėje."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Jūs jau sužinojote viską apie svarbiausias funkcijas ir nustatymus ir viskas paruošta naudotis platforma.
Mes tikimės, kad Jūs ir visi tolesni vartotojai mėgausis šiuo tinklapiu. Mes esame atviri Jūsų pasiūlymams ar pagalbai projektams. Susisiekite su mumis www.humhub.org.
Sekite naujienas. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Prietaisų skydas"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Tai Jūsų prietaisų skydas. .
Nauji Jus dominantys skelbimai ar veiksmai bus patalpinti čia."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administravimas (Moduliai)"],"Edit account":["Redaguoti paskyrą"],"Hurray! The End.":["Valio! Pabaiga."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Valio! Pagaigėte!"],"Profile menu":["Profilio meniu"],"Profile photo":["Profilio nuotrauka"],"Profile stream":["Profilio peržiūros srautas"],"User profile":["Vartotojo profilis"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Paspauskite šį mygtuką norint atnaujinti Jūsų profilio ir paskyros nustatymus. Jūs taip pat galite pridėti papildomos informacijos."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Kiekviename profilyje yra skelbimų lenta. Jūsų skelbimai taip pat atsiras prietaisų skyde tų vartotojų, kurie Jus seka."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Kaip ir erdvėje, vartotojo profilis gali būti individualizuojamas su skirtingais moduliais.
Savo profiliui galimus modulius galite pažiūrėti skyriuje \"Moduliai\", esančiame paskyros nustatymų meniu."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Tai Jūsų viešas vartotojo profilis, kuris gali matomas visų prisiregistravusių vartotojų."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Įkelkite profilio nuotrauką paspausdami čia arba drag&drop. Lygiai taip pat atnaujinkite ir viršelio nuotrauką."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Jūs perskaitėte vartotojo profilio vadovą!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Jūs perskaitėte vartotojo profilio vadovą!
Norint pereiti prie administravimo vadovo, spauskite čia:
"],"Most recent activities":["Naujausi veiksmai"],"Posts":["Skelbimai"],"Profile Guide":["Profilio vadovas"],"Space":["Erdvė"],"Space info":["Erdvės informacija"],"Space navigation menu":["Erdvės valdymo meniu"],"Writing posts":["Skelbimų/strong> rašymas"],"Yay! You're done.":["Valio! Jūs baigėte."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Visi šios erdvės nariai bus rodomi čia.
Nauji nariai gali būti pridėti bet ko, kuriam administratorius suteikė teises."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Trumpai papasakokite kitiems vartotojams, apie ką ši erdvė. Pagrindinę informaciją galite pridėti čia.
. Erdvės administratorius gali pridėti ir keisti erdvės viršelio nuotrauką paspausdamas ant jos arba naudojant drag&drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nauji skelbimai gali būti rašomi ir talpinami čia."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Kai sukuriate ar prisijungiate prie naujos erdvės, Jūs galite dirbti su projektais, dalyvauti pokalbiuose arba tiesiog dalintis informacija su kitais.
Yra daugybė įrankių, kaip individualizuoti erdvę, tuo būdu darbo procesą padarant produktyvesniu."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Tai tiek su erdvės instrukcija.
Norint pradėti vartotojo profilio instrukciją, spauskite čia:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Čia galite valdyti savo erdvę - galite matyti, kurie moduliai yra aktyvūs ar galimi konkrečiai erdvei, kurioje jūs šiuo metu esate. Tai gali būti apklausos, užduotys ar pastabos.
Tik erdvės administratorius gali valdyti erdvės modulius."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Šis meniu matomas tik erdvės administratoriui. Čia jūs galite valdyti savo erdvės nustatymus, pridėti/blokuoti narius ir aktyvuoti/išjungti erdvės įrankius."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Siekiant jus informuoti apie atnaujinimus, kitų vartotojų naujausia veikla šioje erdvėje bus matoma čia:"],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Jūsų ir kitų vartotojų skelbimai bus rodomi čia.
Tuomet kiti vartotojai galės tai mėgti ar komentuoti."],"Account Menu":["Paskyros Meniu"],"Notifications":["Pranešimai"],"Space Menu":["Erdvės Meniu"],"Start space guide":["Pradėti erdvės vadovą"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Nenukrypkite!
Ši piktograma informuos Jus apie veiksmus ir skelbimus, kurie Jus domina."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Paskyros meniu suteikia Jums prieigą prie Jūsų asmeninių nustatymų ir leidžia tvarkyti Jūsų viešąjį profilį."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Tai pats svarbiausias ir tikriausiai dažniausiai Jūsų naudojamas meniu!
Pasirinkite visas erdves, kurias lankote, ir sukurkite naujas sritis čia.
Kitas vadovas parodys Jums kaip:"]," Remove panel":["Panaikinti skydą"],"Getting Started":["Pradedate "],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Instrukcija: Administravimas (Moduliai)"],"Guide: Overview":["Instrukcija: Apžvalga"],"Guide: Spaces":["Instrukcija: Erdvės"],"Guide: User profile":["Instrukcija: Vartotojo profilis"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Geriau susipažinti su svetainės svarbiausiomis ypatybėmis, padės šios instrukcijos:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Šio vartotojo paskyra dar nėra patvirtinta!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Turite prisijungti, kad galėtumėte pamatyti šio vartotojo profilį!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Jūsų slaptažodis yra neteisingas!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Jūs negalite pakeisti slaptažodžio čia."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Neteisinga nuoroda! Patikrinkite ar įvedėte pilną adresą (URL)."],"Save profile":["Išsaugoti profilį"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Šis elektroninis paštaus jau yra naudojamas."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Jūs negalite pakeisti savo elektroninio pašto adreso čia."],"Account":["Paskyra"],"Create account":["Sukurti paskyrą"],"Current password":["Dabartinis slaptažodis"],"E-Mail change":["Elektroninio pašto keitimas"],"New E-Mail address":["Naujas elektronio pašto adresas"],"Send activities?":["Išsiųsti aktyvumo ataskaitas?"],"Send notifications?":["Išsiųsti pranešimus?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Neteisingas vartotojo vardas, elektroninio pašto adresas arba slaptažodis."],"New password":["Naujas slaptažodis"],"New password confirm":["Naujo slaptažodžio tvirtinimas"],"Remember me next time":["Prisiminti mane"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Jūsų paskyra dar neaktyvuota."],"Your account is suspended.":["Jūsų paskyra sustabdyta."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Slaptažodžio atkūrimas Jūsų paskyrai negalimas!"],"E-Mail":["Elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password Recovery":["Atkurti slaptažodį"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nerastas!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Nurodytas elektronio pašto adresas jau naudojamas! - bandykite spausti \"pamiršau slaptažodį\"."],"Invalid language!":["Netinkama kalba!","Negalima kalba!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Slėpti sąrašą"],"Profile visibility":["Profilio matomumas"],"Default Space":["Paskirta erdvė"],"Group Administrators":["Grupės administratoriai"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Nariai gali sukurti privačias erdves"],"Members can create public spaces":["Nariai gali sukurti viešas erdves"],"Birthday":["Gimimo data"],"City":["Miestas"],"Country":["Šalis"],"Custom":["Pirkėjas"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook adresas"],"Fax":["Faksas"],"Female":["Moteris"],"Firstname":["Vardas"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr adresas"],"Gender":["Lytis"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ adresas"],"Hide year in profile":["Slėpti amžių profilyje"],"Lastname":["Pavardė"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn adresas"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Vyras"],"Mobile":["Mobilaus telefono numeris"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace adresas"],"Phone Private":["Telefono numeris"],"Phone Work":["Telefono numeris 2"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype slapyvardis"],"State":["Valstybė"],"Street":["Gatvė"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter adresas"],"Url":["Adresas"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeio adresas"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresas"],"Xing URL":["Xing adresas"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube adresas"],"Zip":["Indeksas"],"Created by":["Sukurtas","Sukurta"],"Editable":["Taisomas"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Negali būti keičiamas!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipas"],"Internal Name":["Slapyvardis"],"Internal name already in use!":["Slapyvardis užimtas!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Slapyvardis negali būti keičiamas!"],"Invalid field type!":["Netinkamas tipas!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP"],"Module":["Modulis"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Leidžiami tik raidiniai ir skaitmeniniai simboliai!"],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorija"],"Required":["Reikalinga"],"Show at registration":["Rodyti registracijos metu"],"Sort order":["Rūšiavimo tvarka"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertimo kategorija ID"],"Type Config":["Tipas Confing"],"Visible":["Matomas"],"Communication":["Bendravimas"],"Social bookmarks":["Social bookmarks"],"Datetime":["Laikas"],"Number":["Numeris"],"Select List":["Pažymėtas sąrašas"],"Text":["Tekstas"],"Text Area":["Vieta tekstui"],"%y Years":["%y Metai"],"Birthday field options":["Gimimo dieno parinktys"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datos (-laiko) lauko nustatymai"],"Show date/time picker":["Rodyti datos/laiko pasirinkima"],"Maximum value":["Maksimali vertė"],"Minimum value":["Minimali vertė"],"Number field options":["Skaičiaus lauko nustatymai"],"One option per line. 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Rakto=>reikšmės formatas (pvz., taip=>taip)"],"Please select:":["Prašome pažymėti:"],"Possible values":["Galimos reikšmės"],"Select field options":["Pasirinkite "],"Default value":["Numatytoji reikšmė"],"Maximum length":["Maksimali trukmė"],"Minimum length":["Minimali trukmė"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Įprastoji išraiška: klaidingas pranešimas"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Įprastoji išraiška : vertintojas"],"Text Field Options":["Teksto lauko pasirinkimas"],"Validator":["Vertintojas"],"Text area field options":["Teksto lauko parinktys"],"Authentication mode":["Atpažinimo būsena"],"Guid":["Unikalus kodas"],"New user needs approval":["Naujam vartotojui reikia patvirtinimo"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Vartotojo vardas gali susidėti tik iš raidžių, skaičių, tarpų ir specialių simbolių (+-._)"],"Wall":["Siena"],"Change E-mail":["Pakeisti elektroninio pašto adresą","Pakeisti elektroninio pašto adresą"],"Current E-mail address":["Dabartinis elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas sėkmingai pakeistas į {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Mes kątik atsiuntėme patvirtinimą Jūsų naujuoju elektroninio pašto adresu.
Prašome sekti laiške nurodytas instrukcijas."],"Change password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Password changed":["Slaptažodis pakeistas"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Jūsų slaptažodis sėkmingai pakeistas!","Jūsų slaptažodis pakeistas sėkmingai!"],"Modify your profile image":["Pakeiskite savo profilio paveikslėlį"],"Delete account":["Ištrinti paskyrą\n"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo paskyrą?
Visi Jūsu patalpinti komentarai bus ištrinti!"],"Delete account":["Ištrinti paskyrą"],"Enter your password to continue":["Įveskite slaptažodį, norint tęsti"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Atsiprašome, būdamas darbo erdvės savininku Jūs negalite ištrinti savo paskyros!
Priskirkite kitą savininką arba juos ištrinkite."],"User details":["\nDetalės apie Vartotoja\n"],"User modules":["Vartotojo moduliai"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* modulio duomenys bus ištrinti!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Sustiprinti savo profilį moduliais."],"User settings":["Vartotojo nustatymai"],"Getting Started":["Galite pradėti"],"Registered users only":["Tik registruoti vartotojai"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visiems matomas (ir neregistruotiems vartotojams)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Darbastalio Pranešimai\n"],"Email Notifications":["Elektroninio pašto Pranešimai\n"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Gauti darbastalio pranešimus, kai esate prisijunges."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Gauti elektroninį laišką apie visus veiksmus iš vartotojų, kuriuos sekate ar su kuriais dirbate
kartu darbo erdvėse."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gauti elektroninį laišką, kai kiti vartotojai pamėgsta Jūsų skelbimą ar jį pakomentuoja."],"Account registration":["Paskyros registracija"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Jūsų paskyra sėkmingai sukurta!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Kai administratorius aktyvuos Jūsų anketą, elektroniniu paštu Jums bus atsiųstas pranešimas."],"Go to login page":["Eikite į registracijos puslapį"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Norint prisiregistruoti naująja paskyra, paspauskite žemiau esantį mygtuką."],"back to home":["atgal į pradinį puslapį"],"Please sign in":["Prašome prisijungti"],"Sign up":["Užsiregistruokite "],"Create a new one.":["Sukurti naują."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Neturite paskyros? Prisijunkite prie tinklo įvesdami savo elektroninio pašto adresą."],"Forgot your password?":["Pamiršote slaptažodį?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Jei Jūs jau esate nariu, prašome prisijungti su savo vartotojo vardu/elektroninio pašto adresu ir slaptažodžiu."],"Register":["Registruotis"],"email":["elektroninio pašto adresas"],"password":["slaptažodis"],"username or email":["vartotojo vardas arba elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password recovery":["Slaptažodžio atnaujinimas"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Tiesiog įveskite savo elektroninio pašto adresą. Mes Jums atsiųsime atnaujinimo instrukcijas!"],"Reset password":["Iš naujo nustatyti slaptažodį"],"enter security code above":["žemiau įveskite apsaugos kodą"],"your email":["Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password recovery!":["Slaptažodžio atnaujinimas!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Mes Jums išsiuntėme elektroninį laišką su nuoroda, kuri leis atnaujinti slaptažodį."],"Registration successful!":["RegistracijaPassword reset":["Slaptažodis nustatytas iš naujo"],"Change your password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Change password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Password changed!":["Slaptažodis pakeistas!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Patvirtinkite savo naująjį elektroninio pašto adresą"],"Confirm":["Patvirtinti"],"Hello":["Sveiki"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Jūs prašėte pakeisti jūsų elektroninio pašto adresą.
Jūsų naujasis elektroninio pašto adresas yra {newemail}.
Norint patvirtinti naująjį elektroninio pašto adresą, prašome paspausti mygtuką žemiau."],"Hello {displayName}":["Sveiki {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Jei nepasinaudosite šia nuoroda per 24 valandas, ji baigs galioti."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Norint atnaujinti savo slaptažodį, prašome iki kitos dienos pasinaudoti šia nuoroda."],"Reset Password":["Atnaujinti slaptažodį"],"Registration Link":["Registracijos nuoroda"],"Sign up":["Registruotis"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Sveiki atvykę į %appName%. Norint pradėti registraciją, prašome paspausti žemiau esantį mygtuką."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Socialinis tinklas, skirtas pagerinti Jūsų komunikaciją komandinį darbą.
Registruokitės dabar,\n norint prisijungti prie šios erdvės."],"Sign up now":["Registruokitės dabar"],"Space Invite":["Pakvietimas prisijungti prie erdvės"],"You got a space invite":["Jūs gavote space pakvietimą"],"invited you to the space:":["pakvietė Jus prisijungti prie erdvės:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} paminėjo Jus {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} nuo šiol Jus seka."],"About this user":["Apie šį vartotoją"],"Modify your title image":["Pakeiskite pavadinimo paveikslėlį"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Šio profilio srautas kol kas tuščias!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo logotipo paveikslėlį?"],"Account settings":["Paskyros nustatymai"],"Profile":["Profilis"],"Edit account":["Redaguoti paskyrą"],"Following":["Sekami"],"Following user":["Sekamas vartotojas"],"User followers":["Vartotojo sekėjai"],"Member in these spaces":["Narys šiose erdvėse"],"User tags":["Vartotojo žymės"],"No birthday.":["Nėra gimimo dienos."],"Back to modules":["Atgal į modulius"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Gimimo dienos modulio konfigūracija"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Dienų skaičius, per kurias bus rodomi artėjantys gimtadieniai"],"Tomorrow":["Rytoj"],"Upcoming":["Artėjantis"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Per rodomus artėjančius gimtadienius Jūs galite konfigūruoti dienų skaičių."],"becomes":["artėja"],"birthdays":["gimimo dienos"],"days":["Dienos"],"today":["šiandien"],"years old.":["Amžiaus."],"Active":["Aktyvus"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Pažymėti kaip neperskaitytus visiems vartotojams"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Karščiausiu naujienu konfigūracija"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Jūs galite naudoti formatuoti su 'markdown' "],"End Date and Time":["Pabaigos data ir laikas"],"Recur":["Pasikartojimas"],"Recur End":["Pasikartojimo pabaiga"],"Recur Interval":["Pasikartojimo intervalas"],"Recur Type":["Pasikartojimo rūšis"],"Select participants":["Pasirinkti dalyvius"],"Start Date and Time":["Pradžios data ir laikas"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Jūs neturite prieigos prie šio renginio!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Jūs neturite leidimo sukurti įvykiu !"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Į Jūsu profilį prideda viešu ir privačiu renginiu kalendoriu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Šiai erdvei prideda renginiu kalendoriu."],"All Day":["Visa diena"],"Attending users":["Dalyvaujantys vartotojai"],"Calendar":["Kalendorius"],"Declining users":["Nedalyvaujantys vartotojai"],"End Date":["Pabaigos data"],"End time must be after start time!":["Pabaigos laikas turi būti po pradžios laiko!"],"Event":["Įvykis"],"Event not found!":["Renginys nerastas!"],"Maybe attending users":["Galbūt dalyvausiantys vartotojai"],"Participation Mode":["Dalyvavimo būsena"],"Start Date":["Pradžios data"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Jūs neturite leidimo ištrinti šį įvykį ! "],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Jūs neturite leidimo redaguoti šį įvykį ! "],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% sukūrė nauja %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n","%displayName% dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\r\n"],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% galbūt dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n","%displayName% galbūt dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\r\n"],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nedalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n","%displayName% nedalyvaus %contentTitle%.\r\n"],"Start Date/Time":["Pradžios data/laikas"],"Create event":["Sukurti įvykį"],"Edit event":["Redaguoti įvykį"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Note: Šis renginys bus sukurtas Jūsų profilyje. Norint sukurti erdvės renginį, atidarykite kalendorių norimoje erdvėje."],"End Date/Time":["Pabaigos data/laikas"],"Everybody can participate":["Dalyvauti gali visi"],"No participants":["Nėra dalyvių"],"Participants":["Dalyviai"],"Created by:":["Sukurta:"],"Edit this event":["Redaguoti šį įvykį"],"I´m attending":["Dalyvauju"],"I´m maybe attending":["Galbūt dalyvauju"],"I´m not attending":["Nedalyvauju"],"Attend":["Dalyvauti"],"Maybe":["Galbūt"],"Filter events":["Filtruoti renginius"],"Select calendars":["Pasirinkti kalendorių"],"Already responded":["Jau atsakyta"],"Followed spaces":["Sekamos erdvės"],"Followed users":["Sekami vartotojai"],"My events":["Mano įvykiai"],"Not responded yet":["Kol kas neatsakyta"],"Upcoming events ":["Artėjantys renginiai"],":count attending":[": suskaičiuota dalyvaujančiu"],":count declined":[": suskaičiuota atsisakiusiu dalyvauti"],":count maybe":[": suskaičiuota galbūt dalyvausiančiu"],"Participants:":["Dalyviai:"],"Create new Page":["Sukurti naują puslapį"],"Custom Pages":["Įprasti puslapiai"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Nuoroda"],"Navigation":["Navigacija"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Įprasti puslapiai kol kas nesukurti!"],"Sort Order":["Rūšiavimo tvarka"],"Top Navigation":["Top navigacija"],"Type":["Tipas"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Vartotojo paskyros meniu (nustatymai)"],"Create page":["Sukurti puslapį"],"Edit page":["Redaguoti puslapį","Taisyti puslapį"],"Content":["Turinys"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Numatytoji rūšiavimo tvarkos schema: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Puslapio pavadinimas"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Įrašų tvarka sėkmninai pakeista."],"Toggle view mode":["Perjungti peržiūros būseną"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Jūs neturite teisių pertvarkyti kategorijoms.!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Patvirtinti kategorijos pašalinimą"],"Confirm link deleting":["Patvirtinti nuorodos pašalinimą"],"Delete category":["Ištrinti kategoriją"],"Delete link":["Ištrinti nuorodą"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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Visos susijusios nuorodos bus prarastos."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią nuorodą?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Prisijungimo testu išplėsti nuorodų tinkamumo patvirtinimą."],"Linklist":["Nuorodų sąrašas"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Nuorodų sąrašo modulio konfigūracija"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Nepavyko rasti prašomos kategorijos."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Nepavyko rasti prašomos nuorodos."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Nuorodas rodyti valdymo juostoje dešinėje."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Nepavyko rasti kategorijos, kurią norite sukurti savo nuorodoje!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Kol kas į šią erdvę nepridėta nuorodų ar kategorijų."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Jūs galite leisti išplėstinį nuorodų tinkamumo patvirtinimą erdvei ar vartotojui."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Jūs neturite teisių pridėti/redaguoti nuorodas!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Jūs neturite teisių ištrinti šią kategoriją!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Jūs neturite teisių ištrinti šią nuorodą!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Jūs neturite teisių redaguoti šią kategoriją!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Jūs neturite teisių redaguoti šią nuorodą!"],"Messages":["Žinutės"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Jūs negalite išsiųsti elektroninio laiško sau!"],"Recipient":["Gavėjas"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nauja žinutė nuo {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["ir {counter} kitų vartotojų"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Pokalbyje nauja žinutė nuo %displayName%"],"New message":["Nauja žinutė"],"Reply now":["Atsakyti dabar"],"sent you a new message:":["Jums atsiuntė naują žinutę:"],"sent you a new message in":["atsiuntė Jums 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not be greater than a 7.":["Vartotojų skaičius neturi būti didesnis nei 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Vartotojų skaičius neturi būti neigiamas."],"Most active people":["Aktyviausi žmonės"],"Get a list":["Gauti sąrašą"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Aktyviausių vartotojų modulio konfigūracija"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Aktyviausių vartotojų skaičius, kuris bus rodomas."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Galite konfigūruoti vartotojų skaičių, kuris bus rodomas."],"Comments created":["Sukurti komentarai"],"Likes given":["Pamėgti"],"Posts created":["Sukurti skelbimai"],"Notes":["Pastabos"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API raktas"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Nerastas pastabos turinys!"],"Could not get note users!":["Nerasti pastabos vartotojai!"],"Note":["Pastaba"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} sukūrė naują pastabą {noteName}."],"{userName} 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you.":["{userName} sukurė naują apklausą ir priskyrė Jus."],"Ask":["Paklausti"],"Reset my vote":["Iš naujo nustatyti mano balsavimą"],"Vote":["Balsuoti"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["ir dar {count} balsavimo už tai."],"votes":["balsai"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Ar leisti vienam vartotojui pasirinkti daugiau nei vieną atsakymo variantą?"],"Ask something...":["Paklausk ko nors..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Galimi atsakymai (po vieną)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Kol kas nėra apklausų!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Kol kas nėra apklausš!
Būkite pirmas..."],"Asked by me":["Paklausiau aš"],"No answered yet":["Dar neatsakyta"],"Only private polls":["Tik privačios apklausos"],"Only public polls":["Tik viešos apklausos"],"Manage reported posts":["Tvarkyti skelbimus, apie kuriuos pranešė"],"Reported posts":["Skelbimai, apie kuriuos pranešė"],"by :displayName":["(kieno) :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Nepriklauso erdvei"],"Offensive":["Įžeidžiantis"],"Spam":["Šiukšlės"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Čia Jūs galite tvarkyti skelbimus, apie kuriuos pranešė vartotojai."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas yra įžeidžiantis."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas yra šiukšlė."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas nepriklauso erdvei."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip įžeidimą."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip šiukšlę."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip nepriklausantį erdvei."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Čia Jūs galite valdyti šios erdvės pranešimus apie skelbimus."],"Appropriate":["Tinkamas"],"Delete post":["Ištrinti skelbimą"],"Reason":["Priežastis"],"Reporter":["Pranešėjas"],"Tasks":["Užduotys"],"Could not access task!":["Negalima užduoties prieiga!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} priskirtas užduočiai {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} sukūrė užduotį {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} įvykdė užduotį {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} priskyrė Jus užduočiai {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} sukūrė naują užduotį {task}."],"This task is already done":["Ši užduotis jau atlikta"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Jūs esate priskirtas šiai užduočiai"],"Click, to finish this task":["Paspauskite, norint įvykdyti užduotį"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Ši užduotis jau atlikta. Paspauskite, norint atidaryti iš naujo."],"My tasks":["Mano užduotys"],"From space: ":["Iš erdvės:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Kol kas nėra užduočių!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Kol kas nėra užduočių!
Būkite pirmas..."],"Assigned to me":["Priskirtas man"],"Nobody assigned":["Niekam nepriskirtas"],"State is finished":["Būsena baigta"],"State is open":["Atvira būsena"],"Assign users to this task":["Priskirkite vartotojus šiai užduočiai"],"Deadline for this task?":["Šios užduoties atlikimo terminas?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Iš naujo priskirkite vartotoją (-us) šiai užduočiai."],"What to do?":["Ką daryti?"],"Translation Manager":["Vertimų įrankis"],"Translations":["Vertimai"],"Translation Editor":["Vertimų įrankis"],"Confirm page deleting":["Patvirtinti puslapio ištrinimą"],"Confirm page reverting":["Patvirtinti ankstesnį puslapio nustatymą"],"Overview of all pages":["Visų puslapių apžvalga"],"Page history":["Puslapio istorija"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki modulis"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Pridėti Wiki šiam puslapiui"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Pridėti Wiki į profilį"],"Back to page":["Atgal į puslapį"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį puslapį?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Ar tikrai norite atstatyti ankstesnę šio puslapio versiją?"],"Edit page":["Taisyti puslapį"],"Edited at":["Taisytas "],"Go back":["Grįžti atgal"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Neteisingas simbolis puslapio pavadinime"],"Let's go!":["Pirmyn!"],"Main page":["Pagrindinis puslapis"],"New page":["Naujas puslapis"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Nėra sukurta nė vieno puslapio.
Sukurkite pirmą puslapį dabar."],"Page History":["Puslapio istorija"],"Page title already in use!":["Puslapio pavadinimas jau naudojamas!"],"Revert":["Atstatyti"],"Revert this":["Atstatyti šį"],"View":["Peržiūrėti"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["autorius"],"Wiki page":["Wiki puslapis"],"Create new page":["Sukurti naują puslapį"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Įrašykite Wiki puslapį arba adresą (pvz. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Naujo puslapio pavadinimas"],"Page content":["Puslapio turinys"],"comment":["Komentaras"],"post":["Skelbimas"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulis šioje turinio talpykloje negalimas!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nurodo filtrą, kai bandoma prisijungti. %s pakeičia vartotojo vardą į prisijungimo veiksmą. Pavyzdys "(sAMAccountName=%s)" ar "(uid=%s)""],"Confirm post deletion":["Patvirtinti įrašo ištrynimą"],"Pinned":["Prisegtas","Prisegti"],"Unpinned":["Atsegti"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["Prašomas modulis nerastas!"],"Invalid request.":["Negalimas veiksmas."],"Keyword:":["Raktinis žodis:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nieko nerasta."],"Results":["Rezultatai"],"Show more results":["Rodyti daugiau rezultatų"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Atsiprašome, nieko nerasta !"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Sveiki atvykę į %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Naujausi atnaujinimai"],"Account settings":["Paskyros nustatymai"],"Administration":["Administravimas"],"Back":["Atgal"],"Back to dashboard":["Atgal į pradžios langa"],"Choose language:":["Pasirinkti kalbą:"],"Collapse":["Sutraukti","Žlugimas"],"Could not determine content container!":["Nepavyko nustatyti turinio!"],"Error":["Klaida"],"Expand":["Išplėsti"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Nepakankamos teisės kurti turinį!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Atrodo, einate ne ta linkme."],"Language":["Kalba"],"Latest news":["Naujienos"],"Login":["Prisijungti"],"Logout":["Atsijungti"],"Menu":["Meniu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulis šioje turinio talpykloje negalimas!"],"My profile":["Mano profilis"],"New profile image":["Nauja profilio nuotrauka"],"Oooops...":["Oi..."],"Search":["Ieškoti"],"Search for users and spaces":["Ieškoti vartotojų ir "],"Space not found!":["Erdvė nerasta!"],"User Approvals":["Vartotojo patvirtinimas"],"User not found!":["Vartotojas nerastas!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Jūs negalite sukurti viešai matomo turinio"],"Your daily summary":["Jūsu dienos suvestinė"],"Login required":["Reikalingas prisijungimas"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Pasaulinis {global} masyvas išvalytas naudojant {method} metodą."],"Add image/file":["Pridėti nuotrauką / failą"],"Add link":["įterpti nuorodą"],"Bold":["Paryškinti"],"Close":["Uždaryti"],"Code":["Kodas"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Pridėti internetinio puslapio adresą (pvz., http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Pavadinimas"],"Image":["Nuotrauka"],"Image/File":["Nuotrauka / failas"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Pridėti nuorodą"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Pridėkite nuorodos nuotrauką"],"Italic":["Kursyvas"],"List":["Sarašas"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Palaukite, kol keliami duomenys"],"Preview":["Peržiūra"],"Quote":["Citata"],"Target":["Objektas"],"Title":["Pavadinimas"],"Title of your link":["Jūsu nuorodos pavadinimas"],"URL/Link":["URL/nuoroda"],"code text here":["Koduoti teksta"],"emphasized text":["Pabrėžti tekstą"],"enter image description here":["Įrašyti paveikslėlio apibūdinimą čia"],"enter image title here":["Įrašyti paveikslėlio pavadinimą čia"],"enter link description here":["Įrašyti nuorodos apibūdinimą čia"],"heading text":["Pavadinimas"],"list text here":["Įrašyti tekstą čia"],"quote here":["Cituoti čia"],"strong text":["Paryškintas tekstas"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Nepavyko sukurti veiklos šiam objekto tipui!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% sukūrė naują paskyrą %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% sukūrė šią paskyrą"],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% prisijungė prie paskyros %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% prisijungė prie šios paskyros"],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% paliko paskyrą %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% paliko šią paskyrą."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} pradėjo sekti {user2}."],"see online":["prisijungęs","Matyti internete"],"via":["per"],"Latest activities":["Naujausi pasikeitimai"],"There are no activities yet.":["Kol kas nėra jokių pasikeitimų"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Sveiki {displayName},
\n \n Jūsu paskyra aktyvuota.
\n \n Spauskite čia prisiregistruoti:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Linkėjimai
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Sveiki {displayName},
\n \n Jūsu paskyros prašymas buvo atmestas.
\n \n Linkėjimai
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["'{displayName}' paskyros prašymas patvirtintas.\n"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["'{displayName}' paskyros prašymas atmestas."],"Group not found!":["Grupė nerasta!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Pašalinti modulio nepavyko! Modulis yra apsaugotas."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modulio trajektorija %path% nėra įrašoma!"],"Saved":["Išsaugota"],"Database":["Duomenu bazė"],"No theme":["Be temos"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Nepavyko įkelti LDAP! - Patikrinkite PHP versiją"],"File":["Failas"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Nėra kaupimo talpykloje (tik testavimas!)"],"Saved and flushed cache":["išsaugoti ir kaupti talpykloje"],"Become this user":["Tapti šiuo vartotoju"],"Delete":["Ištrinti"],"Disabled":["Išjungtas"],"Enabled":["Leidžiamas","Negalimas"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Vietinis"],"Save":["Išsaugoti"],"Unapproved":["Nepatvirtintas"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Jūs negalite ištrinti saves!"],"Could not load category.":["Nepavyko įkelti kategorijos."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Galite tik ištrinti tuščias kategorijas!"],"Group":["Grupė"],"Message":["Žinutė"],"Subject":["Tema"],"Base DN":["DN bazė"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Leisti LDAP palaikymą"],"Encryption":["Kodavimas","kodavimas"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Atnaujinti vartotojus automatiškai"],"Hostname":["Pagrindinio kompiuterio pavadinimas","Pagrindinis kompiuteris"],"Login Filter":["Prisijungimo filtras"],"Password":["Slaptažodis"],"Port":["Langas"],"User Filer":["Vartotojo filtras"],"Username":["Vartotojo vardas"],"Username Attribute":["Vartotojo savybė"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Leisti ribotą prieigą neidentifikuotiems vartotojams (svečiams)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Gali registruotis anoniminiai vartotojai"],"Default user group for new users":["Numatytoji grupė naujiems vartotojams"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Numatytasis vartotojo veiklos laiko pasibaigimas, automatinis atsijungimas (sekundėmis, kitoks)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Numatytasis vartotojo profilio matymas"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Nariai elektroniniu paštu gali kviesti išorinius vartotojus"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Reikalingas grupės administratoriaus patvirtinimas po registracijos"],"Base URL":["Pagrindinis URL"],"Default language":["Numatytoji kalba"],"Default space":["Numatytoji erdvė"],"Invalid space":["Negalima erdvė"],"Logo upload":["Įkelti logo"],"Name of the application":["Paraiškos pavadinimas"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Rodyti instrukciją naujiems vartotojams"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Rodyti vartotojo profilio skelbimų formą prietaisų skyde"],"Cache Backend":["Posistemės kaupimas talpykloje"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Numatytasis veikimo laikas (sekundėmis)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Trūksta PHP APC išplėtimo - įrašas negalimas!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Trūksta PHP SQLite3 išplėtimo - įrašas negalimas!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Numatytasis numeracijos dydis (įrašų puslapyje)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Rodomas pavadinimas (Formatas)"],"Dropdown space order":["Išskleidžiama erdvės tvarka"],"Theme":["tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Leisti failų išplėtimą"],"Convert command not found!":["Konvertavimo komanda nerasta!"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Paslėpti failo informaciją (pavadinimą, dydį) paveikslėliams ant sienos"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Slėpti failų sąrašo valdiklį nuo šių objektų failų rodymo ant sienos."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimalus peržiūrimų paveikslėlių aukštis (pikseliais, neprivalomas)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimalus peržiūrimų paveikslėlių plotis (pikseliais, neprivalomas)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimalus įkeliamų failų dydis (MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Naudokite X-Sendfile failų atsisiuntimui"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Leisti savarankiško pasirašymo sertifikatus?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Elektroninio laiško siuntėjo adresas"],"E-Mail sender name":["Elektroninio laiško siuntėjo vardas"],"Mail Transport Type":["Korespondencijos pristatymo būdas"],"Port number":["Lango numeris"],"Endpoint Url":["URL vertinamoji baigtis"],"Url Prefix":["URL prefiksas"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Nėra įgaliojo serverio šeimininko"],"Server":["Serveris"],"User":["Vartotojas"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Aukščiausios klasės administratoriai gali ištrinti kiekvieną turinio objektą"],"Default Join Policy":["Numatytoji prisijungimo politika"],"Default Visibility":["Numatytasis matomumas"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML stebėjimo kodas"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulio katalogas moduliui %moduleId% jau sukurtas!"],"Could not extract module!":["Nepavyko išgauti modulio!"],"Could not fetch module list online! 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Instaliuokite, norint sustiprinti funkcionalumą!"],"Version:":["Versija:"],"Installed":["Instaliuota"],"No modules found!":["Modulių nerasta!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Visi moduliai yra atnaujinti!"],"About HumHub":["Apie HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Šiuo metu instaliuota versija: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licencijos"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yra galima atnaujinimas! (Naujausia versija: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Šis HumHub įdiegimas yra naujausios versijos!"],"Accept":["Priimti"],"Decline":["Atmesti"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Priimti vartotoją: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Atšaukti"],"Send & save":["Išsiųsti ir išsaugoti"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Atmesti ir ištrinti vartotoją: {displayName}"],"Email":["Elektroninis paštas"],"Search for email":["Ieškoti elektroninio pašto adreso"],"Search for username":["Ieškoti vartotojo vardo"],"Pending user approvals":["Laukiantys eilėje vartotojų patvirtinimai"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Čia Jūs galite matyti visus prisiregistravusius ir vis dar laukiančius patvirtinimo vartotojus."],"Delete group":["Ištrinti grupę"],"Delete group":["Ištrinti grupę"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Norint ištrinti grupę \"{group}\", Jūs turite nustatyti alternatyvią grupę jau esantiems vartotojams: "],"Create new group":["Sukurti naują grupę"],"Edit group":["Redaguoti grupę"],"Description":["Apibūdinimas"],"Group name":["Grupės pavadinimas"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Ieškoti apibūdinimo"],"Search for group name":["Ieškoti grupės pavadinimo"],"Manage groups":["Tvarkyti grupes"],"Create new group":["Sukurti naują grupę"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Jūs galite išskirstyti vartotojus į atskiras grupes (į komandas, skyrius ir t.t.) ir skirti standartines erdves ir administratorius joms."],"Error logging":["Klaida jungiantis"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Rodoma {count} prisijungimų viename puslapyje."],"Flush entries":["Prisijungimų antplūdis"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Iš viso rasta {count} prisijungimų."],"Available updates":["Galimi atnaujinimai"],"Browse online":["Naršyti prisijungus"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduliai išplečia HumHub funkcionalumą. Čia Jūs galite įdiegti ir tvarkyti modulius iš HumHuc Marketplace."],"Module details":["Modulio savybės"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Šis modulis nesuteikia daugiau informacijos."],"Processing...":["Apdorojimas..."],"Modules directory":["Modulių katalogas"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* visa modulio informacija bus prarasta!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* visa su moduliu susijusi informacija ir failai bus prarasti!"],"Configure":["Konfigūruoti"],"Disable":["Išjungti"],"Enable":["Įgalinti"],"More info":["Daugiau informacijos"],"Set as default":["Nustatyti, kaip numatytajį"],"Uninstall":["Pašalinti"],"Install":["Įdiegti"],"Latest compatible version:":["Naujausia suderinta versija:"],"Latest version:":["Naujausia versija:"],"Installed version:":["Įdiegtos versijos:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Naujausia suderinta versija:"],"Update":["Atnaujinimai"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Nustatyti kaip numatytąjį modulį"],"Always activated":["Visada aktyvuota"],"Deactivated":["Išjungta"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Čia Jūs galite pasirinkti ar bus modulis automatiškai aktyvuotas erdvės ar vartotojo profilyje. Jei modulis turėtų būti aktyvuotas, pasirinkite \"visada aktyvuotas\"."],"Spaces":["Erdvės"],"User Profiles":["Vartotojų profiliai"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Jau yra galima nauja HumHub versija (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Atpažinimas - Pagrindinis"],"Basic":["Pagrindinis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimali vertė yra 20 sekundžių. Jei nenustatyta, sesija baigsis po 1400 sekundžių (24 minučių) nepaisant veiksmo (numatytoji sesijos laiko baigtis)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Taikomas tik tada, kai limituotas priėjimas neatpažintiems vartotojams yra įjungtas. Tai liečia tik naujus vartotojus."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Atpažinimas - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL "],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nurodo filtrą, kai bandoma prisijungti. %uid pakeičia vartotojo vardą į prisijungimo veiksmą. Pavyzdys "(sAMAccountName=%s)" ar "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP savybė vartotojui. Pavyzdys: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Apriboti prieigą vartotojams, atitinkantiems šį kriterijų. Pavyzdys: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" ar "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Statusas: Klaida! (žinutė: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Statusas: Gerai! ({userCount} Vartotojai)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Numatytoji bazė DN, naudojama paskyrų paieškai."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Numatytasis įgaliojimų slaptažodis (naudojamas tik su vartotojo vardu)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Numatytasis įgaliojimų vardas. Kai kurie serveriai reikalauja, kad tai būtų DN formoje. Tai turi būti DN formoje, jei LDAP serveris reikalauja DN įpareigoti ir įpareigojimas turi būti galimas su paprastais vartotojų vardais."],"Cache Settings":["Slėptuvės nustatymai"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Išsaugoti ir perkelti į slėptuvę"],"CronJob settings":["Darbo laiko planavimo nustatymai"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Darbo laiko planavimo kortelė vartotojo: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Paskutinė veikla (dienos):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Paskutinė veikla (valandinė):"],"Never":["Niekada"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Arba pagrindinio vartotojo darbo laiko planavimas"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Prašome patikrinti, ar žemiau esančios darbo laiko planavimo sistemos yra įdiegtos:"],"Design settings":["Dizaino nustatymai"],"Alphabetical":["Pagal abėcėlę"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Vardas Pavardė (pvz., John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Paskutinis apsilankymas"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Vartotojo vardas (e.g. john)"],"File settings":["Failo nustatymai"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Kableliu atskirtas sąrašas. Norint leisti visiems - palikite tuščią."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Kableliu atskirtas sąrašas. Norint leisti rodyti failų sąrašą visiems objektams, esantiems ant sienos - palikite tuščią."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Dabartinė paveikslėlių biblioteka: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Jei nėra nustatyta, aukštis bus numatytasis iki 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Jei nėra nustatyta, plotis bus numatytasis iki 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP pranešė maksimumą {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Pagrindiniai nustatymai"],"Confirm image deleting":["Patvirtinti paveikslėlio pašalinimą"],"Dashboard":["Prietaisų skydas","Valdymo skydelis"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Pvz., http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nauji vartotojai bus automatiškai pridėti prie erdvės (-ių)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Šiuo metu Jūs nenaudojate logotipo. Įkelkite savo logotipą dabar."],"Mailing defaults":["Pašto numatytieji nustatymai"],"Activities":["Veiklos"],"Always":["Visada"],"Daily summary":["Dienos apžvalga"],"Defaults":["Numatytieji"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Apibrėžti numatytuosius nustatymus, kai vartotojas gauną elektroninį laišką apie pranešimus ar naujas veiklas. Šie nustatymai gali būti perrašyti vartotojo paskyros nustatymuose."],"Notifications":["Pranešimai"],"Server Settings":["Serverio nustatymai"],"When I´m offline":["Kai aš neprisijungęs"],"Mailing settings":["Pašto nustatymai"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP galimybės"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed tiekėjas"],"Add new provider":["Pridėti naują tiekėją"],"Currently active providers:":["Šiuo metu aktyvūs tiekėjai:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Šiuo metu nėra aktyvių tiekėjų!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Pridėti OEmbed tiekėjų"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Redaguoti OEmbed tiekėjus"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url prefiksas be http:// ar https:// (pvz., youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Naudokite %url% kaip vietos rezervą URL. Formatas turi būti JSON. (pvz., http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Įgaliojimų nustatymai"],"Security settings and roles":["Apsaugos nustatymai ir funkcijos"],"Self test":["Savitikros testas"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub programinės įrangos būtinų sąlygų tikrinimas."],"Re-Run tests":["Atlikti pakartotinius testus"],"Statistic settings":["Statistikos nustatymai"],"All":["Visi"],"Delete space":["Ištrinti erdvę"],"Edit space":["Redaguoti erdvę"],"Search for space name":["Ieškoti erdvės pavadinimo"],"Search for space owner":["Ieškoti erdvės savininko"],"Space name":["Erdvės pavadinimas"],"Space owner":["Erdvės savininkas"],"View space":["Peržiūrėti erdvę"],"Manage spaces":["Tvarkyti erdves"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Apibrėžti numatytuosius nustatymus visoms erdvėms."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Šioje apžvalgoje Jūs galite rasti visas erdves ir tvarkyti jas."],"Overview":["Apžvalga","Peržiūra"],"Settings":["Nustatymai"],"Space Settings":["Erdvės nustatymai"],"Add user":["Pridėti vartotoją"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį vartotoją? Jei šis vartotojas yra erdvių savininkas, Jūs tapsite šių erdvių savininku."],"Delete user":["Ištrinti vartotoją"],"Delete user: {username}":["Ištrinti vartotoją: {username}"],"Edit user":["Redaguoti vartotoją"],"Admin":["Administratorius"],"Delete user account":["Ištrinti vartotojo paskyrą"],"Edit user account":["Redaguoti vartotojo paskyrą"],"No":["Ne"],"View user profile":["Peržiūrėti vartotojo profilį"],"Yes":["Taip"],"Manage users":["Redaguoti profilio kategoriją"],"Add new user":["Pridėti naują vartotoją"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Šioje apžvalgoje Jūs galite rasti visus registruotus vartotojus ir valdyti juos."],"Create new profile category":["Sukurti naują profilio kategoriją"],"Edit profile category":["Redaguoti profilio kategoriją"],"Create new profile field":["Sukurti naują profilio lauką"],"Edit profile field":["Redaguoti profilio lauką"],"Manage profiles fields":["Tvarkyti profilio laukus"],"Add new category":["Pridėti naują kategoriją"],"Add new field":["Pridėti naują lauką"],"Security & Roles":["Apsauga ir funkcijos"],"Administration menu":["Administravimo meniu"],"About":["Apie"],"Authentication":["Atpažinimas"],"Caching":["Kaupimas talpykloje"],"Cron jobs":["Darbo laiko planavimas"],"Design":["Dizainas"],"Files":["Failai"],"Groups":["Grupės"],"Logging":["Prisijungimas"],"Mailing":["Paštas"],"Modules":["Moduliai"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed duomenų tiekėjas"],"Proxy":["Įgaliojimas"],"Self test & update":["Savitikra ir atnaujinimas"],"Statistics":["Statistika"],"User approval":["Vartotojo patvirtinimai"],"User profiles":["Vartotojo profiliai"],"Users":["Vartotojai"],"Click here to review":["Norint peržiūrėti, spauskite čia"],"New approval requests":["Nauji prašymai, reikalaujantys patvirtinimo"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Vienam ar keliems vartotojams reikalingas Jūsų, kaip grupės administratoriaus, patvirtinimas."],"Access denied!":["Prieiga negalima!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Neturite reikalingų leidimų!"],"Comment":["Komentuoti"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% parašykite naują komentarą"],"Comments":["Komentarai"],"Edit your comment...":["Redaguokite komentarą..."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% pakomentavo %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Rodyti visus {total} komentarus."],"Post":["Skelbimas"],"Write a new comment...":["Parašykite naują komentarą..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Rodyti %count% daugiau komentarų"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Patvirtinti komentaro pašalinimą"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį komentarą?"],"Edit":["Redaguoti","Taisyti"],"Updated :timeago":["Atnaujinta :prieš","Atnaujintas :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Pasiektas maksimalus prisegtų elementų kiekis!\n\nGalite prisegti ne daugiau dviejų elementų.\nJei norite prisegti šį elementą, ištrinkite prieš tai naudotą elementą!"],"Could not load requested object!":["Negalime paleisti norimo objekto!"],"Invalid model given!":["Pateiktas negalimas modelis!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Ieškomas turinys nerastas!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Nerandama norima nuoroda!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} sukurtas naujas {contentTitle}."],"in":["į"],"Submit":["Pateikti"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nerasta atitikimų su pasirinktais filtrais!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nieko nerasta!"],"Move to archive":["Perkelti į archyvą"],"Unarchive":["Išarchyvuoti","Nearchyvuoti"],"Add a member to notify":["Pridėti narį prie pranešimų"],"Make private":["Padaryti privačiu"],"Make public":["Padaryti viešą"],"Notify members":["Pranešti nariams"],"Public":["Višas"],"What's on your mind?":["Ką turime omenyje?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Patvirtinti įrašo ištrynimą"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį įrašą? Visi komentarai bus ištrinti!"],"Archived":["Archyvuotas"],"Sticked":["Prisegtas"],"Turn off notifications":["Išjunkti pranešimus"],"Turn on notifications":["Įjungti pranešimus"],"Permalink to this post":["Priskirti nuorodą šiam įrašui"],"Permalink":["Nuoroda"],"Stick":["Prisegti"],"Unstick":["Atsegti"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Kol kas niekas neparaše.
Būkite pirmas ir ką nors parašykite..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Šio profilio siena vis dar tuščias"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Ši erdvė kol kas tuščia!
Būkite pirmas ką nors paskelbdamas..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Jūsu valdymo skydelis yra tuščias!
Pridėkite ka nors į savo profilį arba prisijunkite prie kitu erdviu!\n"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Jūsų profilio srautas kol kas tuščias
Pradėkite ir ką nors paskelbkite..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Pagal Jūsų filtrus nerasta jokios informacijos!"],"Back to stream":["Grįžti į sieną"],"Content with attached files":["Turinys su prisegtais failais"],"Created by me":["Sukurta mano","Mano sukurtas"],"Creation time":["Sukūrimo laikas"],"Filter":["Filtras"],"Include archived posts":["Įtraukti archyvo įrašus"],"Last update":["Paskutinis atnaujinimas"],"Only private posts":["Tik privatūs įrašai"],"Only public posts":["Tik vieši įrašai"],"Posts only":["Tik įrašai"],"Posts with links":["Įrašai su nuorodomis"],"Sorting":["Rūšiavimas"],"Where I´m involved":["Aš dalyvauju"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nerasta viešojo turinio!\n"],"Directory":["Adresų knyga"],"Member Group Directory":["Grupės narių adresų knyga"],"show all members":["Rodyti visus narius"],"Directory menu":["Adresų knygos meniu"],"Members":["Nariai"],"User profile posts":["Vartotojo profilio skelbimai"],"Member directory":["Nario adresų knyga"],"Follow":["Sekti"],"No members found!":["Narių nerasta!"],"Unfollow":["Nebesekti"],"search for members":["Ieškoti narių"],"Space directory":["Erdvės adresų knyga"],"No spaces found!":["Erdvių nerasta!"],"You are a member of this space":["Jūs esate šios erdvės narys"],"search for spaces":["Ieškoti erdvių"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Kol kas nėra profilio skelbimų!"],"Group stats":["Grupės statistika"],"Average members":["Narių vidurkis"],"Top Group":["Top Grupė"],"Total groups":["Iš viso grupių"],"Member stats":["Narių statistika"],"New people":["Nauji žmonės"],"Follows somebody":["Ką nors seka"],"Online right now":["Šiuo metu prisijungęs"],"Total users":["Iš viso vartotojų"],"See all":["Matyti visus"],"New spaces":["Naujos erdvės"],"Space stats":["Erdvės statistika"],"Most members":["Daugiausia narių"],"Private spaces":["Privačios erdvės"],"Total spaces":["Iš viso erdvių"],"Could not find requested file!":["Prašomas failas nerastas!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Nepakankamos teisės!"],"Created By":["Sukurta (kieno)"],"Created at":["Sukurtas"],"File name":["Failo pavadinimas"],"ID":["ID"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Pasiektas maksimalus failo dydis ({maxFileSize})!"],"Size":["Dydis"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Šio tipo failas neleidžiamas!"],"Updated at":["Atnaujinta"],"Updated by":["Atnaujinta"],"Upload error":["Įkėlimo klaida"],"Could not upload File:":["Nepavyko įkelti failo:"],"Upload files":["Įkelti failus"],"Create Admin Account":["Sukurti Administratoriaus paskyrą"],"Name of your network":["Jūsų tinklo pavadinimas"],"Name of Database":["Duomenų bazės pavadinimas"],"Admin Account":["Administratoriaus Paskyra"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Jūs beveik baigėte. Paskutiniame žingsnyje Jūs turite užpildyti formą, norint sukurti administratoriaus paskyrą. Su šia paskyra Jūs galėsite valdyti visą tinklą."],"Next":["Kitas"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Be abejo, Jūsų naujam socialiniam tinklui reikia pavadinimo. Prašome pakeisti numatytąjį pavadinimą Jums patinkančiu. (Pavyzdžiui, Jūsų įmonės, organizacijos ar klubo pavadinimas)"],"Social Network Name":["Socialinio tinklo strong>Pavadinimas"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Sveikiname. Jūs baigėte."],"Sign in":["Prisiregistruokite","Prisijungti"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Diegimas pavyko sėkmingai! Mėgaukitės savo naujuoju socialiniu tinklu."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Sveiki atvykę į HumHub
Jūsų socialinio tinklo valdymo lauką"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Šis pagalbininkas įdiegs ir nustatys Jūsų asmeninį HumHub.
Norint tęsti, spauskite čia."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Taip, duomenų bazės prisijungimas veikia!"],"Database Configuration":["Duomenų bazės Konfigūracija"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Žemiau Jūs turite atidaryti savo duomenų bazės prisijungimo informaciją. Jei nesate tikri dėl to, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Jūsų MySQL duomenų bazės pagrindinis serveris. (pvz., vietinis kompiuteris, jei MySQL veikia tame pačiame įrenginyje)"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oi, kažkas ne taip!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Duomenų bazės, kurią norite paleisti HumHub, pavadinimas."],"Your MySQL password.":["Jūsų MySQL slaptažodis."],"Your MySQL username":["Jūsų MySQ vartotojo vardas"],"System Check":["Sistemos patikra"],"Check again":["Patikrinkite dar kartą"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Sveikiname! Galite pradėti!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Ši apžvalga rodo visus HumHub sistemos reikalavimus."],"Users who like this":["Vartotojai, kuriems tai patinka"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} mėgsta {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% mėgsta %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["Mėgsta"],"You like this.":["Jums tai patinka."],"You
"],"Like":["Patinka"],"Unlike":["Nepatinka"],"and {count} more like this.":["ir {count} daugiau tokių, kaip šis."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nepavyko nustatyti nukreipimų URL šios rūšies šaltinio objektui!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nepavyko įkelti šaltinio objekto nukreipimo pranešimų!"],"New":["Naujas"],"Mark all as seen":["Pažymėti visus, kaip matytus"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Kol kas nėra pranešimų."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% sukūrė naują skelbimą."],"Edit your post...":["Redaguokite savo skelbimą..."],"Read full post...":["Perskaitykite visą skelbimą..."],"Send & decline":["Išsiųsti ir atsisakyti"],"Visible for all":["Matomas visiems"]," Invite and request":["Pakviesti"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Negalima ištrinti vartotojo, kuriam priklauso erdvė! Erdvės pavadinimas: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Dalyvauti gali visi"],"Invite and request":["Pakviesti"],"Only by invite":["Tik su pakvietimu"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privatus (Nematomas)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Viešas (Nariai ir svečiai)"],"Public (Members only)":["Viešas (Tik nariai)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Viešas (Tik registruoti nariai)"],"Public (Visible)":["Viešas (Matomas)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Matomas visiems (nariams ir svečiams)"],"Space is invisible!":["Erdvė matoma!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Turite prisiregistruoti, norint matyti erdvės turinį!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Būdamas savininku Jūs negalite atšaukti savo narystės!"],"Could not request membership!":["Negalima prašyti narystės!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Nėra laukiančių pakvietimų!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Šis veiksmas leistinas tik darbo aplinkos nariams!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Jums neleidžiama prisijungti prie šios erdvės!"],"Your password":["Jūsų slaptažodis"],"Invites":["Pakvietimas"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nauji vartotojai elektroniniu paštu (atskirti kableliu)"],"User is already member!":["Vartotojas jau yra narys!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} jau yra užregistruotas!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} negalioja!"],"Application message":["Užklausos žinutė"],"Scope":["Apimtis"],"Strength":["Koncentracija"],"Created At":["Sukurta (kada)"],"Join Policy":["Prisijungimo politika"],"Name":["Vardas"],"Owner":["Savininkas"],"Status":["Būsena"],"Tags":["Žymos"],"Updated At":["Atnaujinta (kada)"],"Visibility":["Matomumas"],"Website URL (optional)":["Interneto svetainės URL (neprivalomas)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Jūs negalite sukurti privačių erdvių!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Jūs negalite sukurti viešai matomų erdvių!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Pasirinkite paveikslėlio lauką, kurį norite išsaugoti kaip vartotojo avatarą, ir paspauskite Save."],"Modify space image":["Pakeisti erdvės paveikslėlį"],"Delete space":["Ištrinti erdvę"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią erdvę? Visas patalpintas turinys bus pašalintas!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Norint tęsti, prašome pateikti savo slaptažodį!"],"General space settings":["Bendrieji erdvės nustatymai"],"Archive":["Archyvas"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Pasirinkite narystės rūšį."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Pasirinkite apsaugos lygį šios darbo erdvės matomumui nustatyti."],"Manage your space members":["Tvarkyti Jūsų erdvės narius"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Neatsakyti išsiųsti pakvietimai"],"Outstanding user requests":["Neatsakyti vartotojų pakvietimai"],"Remove member":["Pašalinti narį"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Leisti šiam vartotojui
pakviesti kitus narius\n"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Leisti šiam vartotojui
padaryti turinį viešu"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ar tikrai norite pašalinti šį narį iš erdvės?"],"Can invite":["Gali pakviesti"],"Can share":["Gali dalintis"],"Change space owner":["Pakeisti erdvės savininką"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Išoriniai nariai, pakviesti elektroniniu paštu, čia nebus matomi."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Lauke, esančiame žemiau, Jūs galite matyti visus šios erdvės aktyvius narius. Jūs galite redaguoti jų privilegijas arba pašalinti iš erdvės."],"Is admin":["Yra administratorius"],"Make this user an admin":["Padaryti šį vartotoją administratoriumi"],"No, cancel":["Ne, atšaukti"],"Remove":["Pašalinti"],"Request message":["Prašymo žinutė"],"Revoke invitation":["Panaikinti kvietimą"],"Search members":["Ieškoti narių"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Šie nariai laukia patvirtinimo prisijungti prie erdvės. Prašome imtis veiksmų."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Šie nariai jau buvo pakviesti į erdvę, tačiau kol kas dar nepriėmė pakvietimo."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Erdvės savininkas yra erdvės administratorius su visomis privilegijomis ir dažniausiai yra erdvės sukūrėjas. Čia jūs galite pakeisti šią funkciją kitam vartotojui."],"Yes, remove":["Taip, pašalinti"],"Space Modules":["Erdvės Moduliai"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* modulio duomenys bus ištrinti!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Šiuo metu erdvėje nėra modulių!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Sustiprinti šią erdvę pridedant modulių."],"Create new space":["Sukurti naują erdvę"],"Advanced access settings":["Išplėstiniai prieigos nustatymai"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Šią
erdvę gali matyti ir nesantys nariais, tačiau neturi prieigos"],"Create":["Sukurti"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Kiekvienas narys gali prisijungti prie Jūsų erdvės
be Jūsų patvirtinimo"],"For everyone":["Visiems"],"How you want to name your space?":["Kaip norite pavadinti savo erdvę?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Prašome parašyti trumpą apibūdinimą."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Ši erdvė bus paslėpta
nuo visų nesančių nariais"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Vartotojai taip pat gali prašyti
tapti šios erdvės nariais"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Vartotojai gali būti pridėti
tik su kvietimu"],"space description":["erdvės apibūdinimas"],"space name":["erdvės pavadinimas"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} prašo narystės šioje erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} patvirtinimo Jūsų narystę erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} atmetė Jūsų narystę erdvėje {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} pakvietė Jus į erdvę {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} priėmė Jūsų kvietimą į erdvę {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} atmetė Jūsų prašymą į erdvę {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Ši erdvė kol kas tuščia!"],"Invite members":["Pakviesti narius"],"Add an user":["Pridėti vartotoją"],"Email addresses":["Elektroninio pašto adresai"],"Invite by email":["Pakviesti elektroniniu paštu"],"New user?":["Naujas vartotojas?"],"Pick users":["Išsirinkti vartotojus"],"Send":["Išsiųsti","Siųsti"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Norint pakviesti vartotojus į šią erdvę, prašome žemiau rašyti jų vardus, norint rasti ir pasirinkti."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Jūs taip pat galite pakviesti išorinius vartotojus, kurie kol kas dar nėra prisiregistravę. Tiesiog pridėkite jų elektroninio pašto adresus, atskirtus kableliu."],"Request space membership":["Prašo erdvės narystės","Prašo narystės į erdvę"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Norint tapti patvirtintu erdvės nariu, prašome trumpai prisistatyti."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Jūsų prašymas buvo sėkmingai perduotas erdvės administratoriams."],"Ok":["Gerai"],"User has become a member.":["Vartotojas tapo nariu."],"User has been invited.":["Vartotojas pakviestas."],"User has not been invited.":["Vartotojas nebuvo pakviestas."],"Space preferences":["Erdvės nustatymai"],"General":["Pagrindinis"],"My Space List":["Mano erdvės sąrašas"],"My space summary":["Mano erdvės apžvalga"],"Space directory":["Erdvės adresatų knyga"],"Space menu":["Erdvės meniu"],"Stream":["Srautas"],"Change image":["Pakeisti paveikslėlį"],"Current space image":["Dabartinis erdvės paveikslėlis"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti pavadinimo paveikslėlį?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo profilio paveikslėlį?"],"Invite":["Pakviesti"],"Accept Invite":["Priimti pakvietimą"],"Become member":["Tapti nariu"],"Cancel membership":["Atšaukti narystę"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Atšaukti laukiantį narystės prašymą"],"Deny Invite":["Atsisakyti pakvietimo"],"Request membership":["Narystės prašymas"],"Something went wrong":["Kažkas ne taip ","Kažkas ne taip"],"Followers":["Sekėjai"],"Posts":["Skelbimai"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Norint tapti patvirtintu šios darbo erdvės nariu, prašome trumpai prisistatyti."],"Request workspace membership":["Pateikti prašymą darbo erdvės narystei","Prašyti narystės į darbo erdvę"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Jūsų prašymas sėkmingai perduotas darbo erdvės administratoriams."],"Create new space":["Sukurti naują erdvę"],"My spaces":["Mano erdvės"],"New member request":["Naujo nario užklausa"],"Space members":["Lauko nariai","Erdvės nariai"],"End guide":["Baigti instrukciją"],"Next »":["Kitas »"],"« Prev":["« Ankstesnis"],"Administration":["Administravimas"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Valio! Šiam kartui tiek."],"Modules":["Moduliai"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Kaip administratorius, Jūs galite valdyti visą platformą iš čia.
Išskyrus modulius, kurių mes nenaudosim detaliai, todėl, kad kiekvienas turi savo trumpą aprašymą kažkur kitur."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Šiuo metu Jūs esate įrankių meniu. Iš čia Jūs galite naudotis HumHub internetine prekyviete, kur Jūs galite įsidiegti vis didėjantį įrankių skaičių tiesiog dabar.
Kaip jau buvo minėta, įrankiai išplečia funkcijų galimybes Jūsų erdvėje."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Jūs jau sužinojote viską apie svarbiausias funkcijas ir nustatymus ir viskas paruošta naudotis platforma.
Mes tikimės, kad Jūs ir visi tolesni vartotojai mėgausis šiuo tinklapiu. Mes esame atviri Jūsų pasiūlymams ar pagalbai projektams. Susisiekite su mumis www.humhub.org.
Sekite naujienas. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Prietaisų skydas"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Tai Jūsų prietaisų skydas. .
Nauji Jus dominantys skelbimai ar veiksmai bus patalpinti čia."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administravimas (Moduliai)"],"Edit account":["Redaguoti paskyrą"],"Hurray! The End.":["Valio! Pabaiga."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Valio! Pagaigėte!"],"Profile menu":["Profilio meniu"],"Profile photo":["Profilio nuotrauka"],"Profile stream":["Profilio peržiūros srautas"],"User profile":["Vartotojo profilis"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Paspauskite šį mygtuką norint atnaujinti Jūsų profilio ir paskyros nustatymus. Jūs taip pat galite pridėti papildomos informacijos."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Kiekviename profilyje yra skelbimų lenta. Jūsų skelbimai taip pat atsiras prietaisų skyde tų vartotojų, kurie Jus seka."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Kaip ir erdvėje, vartotojo profilis gali būti individualizuojamas su skirtingais moduliais.
Savo profiliui galimus modulius galite pažiūrėti skyriuje \"Moduliai\", esančiame paskyros nustatymų meniu."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Tai Jūsų viešas vartotojo profilis, kuris gali matomas visų prisiregistravusių vartotojų."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Įkelkite profilio nuotrauką paspausdami čia arba drag&drop. Lygiai taip pat atnaujinkite ir viršelio nuotrauką."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Jūs perskaitėte vartotojo profilio vadovą!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Jūs perskaitėte vartotojo profilio vadovą!
Norint pereiti prie administravimo vadovo, spauskite čia:
"],"Most recent activities":["Naujausi veiksmai"],"Posts":["Skelbimai"],"Profile Guide":["Profilio vadovas"],"Space":["Erdvė"],"Space info":["Erdvės informacija"],"Space navigation menu":["Erdvės valdymo meniu"],"Writing posts":["Skelbimų/strong> rašymas"],"Yay! You're done.":["Valio! Jūs baigėte."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Visi šios erdvės nariai bus rodomi čia.
Nauji nariai gali būti pridėti bet ko, kuriam administratorius suteikė teises."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Trumpai papasakokite kitiems vartotojams, apie ką ši erdvė. Pagrindinę informaciją galite pridėti čia.
. Erdvės administratorius gali pridėti ir keisti erdvės viršelio nuotrauką paspausdamas ant jos arba naudojant drag&drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nauji skelbimai gali būti rašomi ir talpinami čia."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Kai sukuriate ar prisijungiate prie naujos erdvės, Jūs galite dirbti su projektais, dalyvauti pokalbiuose arba tiesiog dalintis informacija su kitais.
Yra daugybė įrankių, kaip individualizuoti erdvę, tuo būdu darbo procesą padarant produktyvesniu."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Tai tiek su erdvės instrukcija.
Norint pradėti vartotojo profilio instrukciją, spauskite čia:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Čia galite valdyti savo erdvę - galite matyti, kurie moduliai yra aktyvūs ar galimi konkrečiai erdvei, kurioje jūs šiuo metu esate. Tai gali būti apklausos, užduotys ar pastabos.
Tik erdvės administratorius gali valdyti erdvės modulius."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Šis meniu matomas tik erdvės administratoriui. Čia jūs galite valdyti savo erdvės nustatymus, pridėti/blokuoti narius ir aktyvuoti/išjungti erdvės įrankius."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Siekiant jus informuoti apie atnaujinimus, kitų vartotojų naujausia veikla šioje erdvėje bus matoma čia:"],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Jūsų ir kitų vartotojų skelbimai bus rodomi čia.
Tuomet kiti vartotojai galės tai mėgti ar komentuoti."],"Account Menu":["Paskyros Meniu"],"Notifications":["Pranešimai"],"Space Menu":["Erdvės Meniu"],"Start space guide":["Pradėti erdvės vadovą"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Nenukrypkite!
Ši piktograma informuos Jus apie veiksmus ir skelbimus, kurie Jus domina."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Paskyros meniu suteikia Jums prieigą prie Jūsų asmeninių nustatymų ir leidžia tvarkyti Jūsų viešąjį profilį."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Tai pats svarbiausias ir tikriausiai dažniausiai Jūsų naudojamas meniu!
Pasirinkite visas erdves, kurias lankote, ir sukurkite naujas sritis čia.
Kitas vadovas parodys Jums kaip:"]," Remove panel":["Panaikinti skydą"],"Getting Started":["Pradedate "],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Instrukcija: Administravimas (Moduliai)"],"Guide: Overview":["Instrukcija: Apžvalga"],"Guide: Spaces":["Instrukcija: Erdvės"],"Guide: User profile":["Instrukcija: Vartotojo profilis"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Geriau susipažinti su svetainės svarbiausiomis ypatybėmis, padės šios instrukcijos:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Šio vartotojo paskyra dar nėra patvirtinta!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Turite prisijungti, kad galėtumėte pamatyti šio vartotojo profilį!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Jūsų slaptažodis yra neteisingas!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Jūs negalite pakeisti slaptažodžio čia."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Neteisinga nuoroda! Patikrinkite ar įvedėte pilną adresą (URL)."],"Save profile":["Išsaugoti profilį"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Šis elektroninis paštaus jau yra naudojamas."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Jūs negalite pakeisti savo elektroninio pašto adreso čia."],"Account":["Paskyra"],"Create account":["Sukurti paskyrą"],"Current password":["Dabartinis slaptažodis"],"E-Mail change":["Elektroninio pašto keitimas"],"New E-Mail address":["Naujas elektronio pašto adresas"],"Send activities?":["Išsiųsti aktyvumo ataskaitas?"],"Send notifications?":["Išsiųsti pranešimus?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Neteisingas vartotojo vardas, elektroninio pašto adresas arba slaptažodis."],"New password":["Naujas slaptažodis"],"New password confirm":["Naujo slaptažodžio tvirtinimas"],"Remember me next time":["Prisiminti mane"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Jūsų paskyra dar neaktyvuota."],"Your account is suspended.":["Jūsų paskyra sustabdyta."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Slaptažodžio atkūrimas Jūsų paskyrai negalimas!"],"E-Mail":["Elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password Recovery":["Atkurti slaptažodį"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nerastas!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Nurodytas elektronio pašto adresas jau naudojamas! - bandykite spausti \"pamiršau slaptažodį\"."],"Invalid language!":["Netinkama kalba!","Negalima kalba!"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Slėpti sąrašą"],"Profile visibility":["Profilio matomumas"],"Default Space":["Paskirta erdvė"],"Group Administrators":["Grupės administratoriai"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Nariai gali sukurti privačias erdves"],"Members can create public spaces":["Nariai gali sukurti viešas erdves"],"Birthday":["Gimimo data"],"City":["Miestas"],"Country":["Šalis"],"Custom":["Pirkėjas"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook adresas"],"Fax":["Faksas"],"Female":["Moteris"],"Firstname":["Vardas"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr adresas"],"Gender":["Lytis"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ adresas"],"Hide year in profile":["Slėpti amžių profilyje"],"Lastname":["Pavardė"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn adresas"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Vyras"],"Mobile":["Mobilaus telefono numeris"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace adresas"],"Phone Private":["Telefono numeris"],"Phone Work":["Telefono numeris 2"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype slapyvardis"],"State":["Valstybė"],"Street":["Gatvė"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter adresas"],"Url":["Adresas"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeio adresas"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber adresas"],"Xing URL":["Xing adresas"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube adresas"],"Zip":["Indeksas"],"Created by":["Sukurtas"],"Editable":["Taisomas"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Negali būti keičiamas!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipas"],"Internal Name":["Slapyvardis"],"Internal name already in use!":["Slapyvardis užimtas!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Slapyvardis negali būti keičiamas!"],"Invalid field type!":["Netinkamas tipas!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP"],"Module":["Modulis"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Leidžiami tik raidiniai ir skaitmeniniai simboliai!"],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorija"],"Required":["Reikalinga"],"Show at registration":["Rodyti registracijos metu"],"Sort order":["Rūšiavimo tvarka"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertimo kategorija ID"],"Type Config":["Tipas Confing"],"Visible":["Matomas"],"Communication":["Bendravimas"],"Social bookmarks":["Social bookmarks"],"Datetime":["Laikas"],"Number":["Numeris"],"Select List":["Pažymėtas sąrašas"],"Text":["Tekstas"],"Text Area":["Vieta tekstui"],"%y Years":["%y Metai"],"Birthday field options":["Gimimo dieno parinktys"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datos (-laiko) lauko nustatymai"],"Show date/time picker":["Rodyti datos/laiko pasirinkima"],"Maximum value":["Maksimali vertė"],"Minimum value":["Minimali vertė"],"Number field options":["Skaičiaus lauko nustatymai"],"One option per line. 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Rakto=>reikšmės formatas (pvz., taip=>taip)"],"Please select:":["Prašome pažymėti:"],"Possible values":["Galimos reikšmės"],"Select field options":["Pasirinkite "],"Default value":["Numatytoji reikšmė"],"Maximum length":["Maksimali trukmė"],"Minimum length":["Minimali trukmė"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Įprastoji išraiška: klaidingas pranešimas"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Įprastoji išraiška : vertintojas"],"Text Field Options":["Teksto lauko pasirinkimas"],"Validator":["Vertintojas"],"Text area field options":["Teksto lauko parinktys"],"Authentication mode":["Atpažinimo būsena"],"Guid":["Unikalus kodas"],"New user needs approval":["Naujam vartotojui reikia patvirtinimo"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Vartotojo vardas gali susidėti tik iš raidžių, skaičių, tarpų ir specialių simbolių (+-._)"],"Wall":["Siena"],"Change E-mail":["Pakeisti elektroninio pašto adresą","Pakeisti elektroninio pašto adresą"],"Current E-mail address":["Dabartinis elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas sėkmingai pakeistas į {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Mes kątik atsiuntėme patvirtinimą Jūsų naujuoju elektroninio pašto adresu.
Prašome sekti laiške nurodytas instrukcijas."],"Change password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Password changed":["Slaptažodis pakeistas"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Jūsų slaptažodis sėkmingai pakeistas!","Jūsų slaptažodis pakeistas sėkmingai!"],"Modify your profile image":["Pakeiskite savo profilio paveikslėlį"],"Delete account":["Ištrinti paskyrą\n"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo paskyrą?
Visi Jūsu patalpinti komentarai bus ištrinti!"],"Delete account":["Ištrinti paskyrą"],"Enter your password to continue":["Įveskite slaptažodį, norint tęsti"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Atsiprašome, būdamas darbo erdvės savininku Jūs negalite ištrinti savo paskyros!
Priskirkite kitą savininką arba juos ištrinkite."],"User details":["\nDetalės apie Vartotoja\n"],"User modules":["Vartotojo moduliai"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Ar Jūs tikras? *ALL* modulio duomenys bus ištrinti!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Sustiprinti savo profilį moduliais."],"User settings":["Vartotojo nustatymai"],"Getting Started":["Galite pradėti"],"Registered users only":["Tik registruoti vartotojai"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visiems matomas (ir neregistruotiems vartotojams)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Darbastalio Pranešimai\n"],"Email Notifications":["Elektroninio pašto Pranešimai\n"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Gauti darbastalio pranešimus, kai esate prisijunges."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Gauti elektroninį laišką apie visus veiksmus iš vartotojų, kuriuos sekate ar su kuriais dirbate
kartu darbo erdvėse."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gauti elektroninį laišką, kai kiti vartotojai pamėgsta Jūsų skelbimą ar jį pakomentuoja."],"Account registration":["Paskyros registracija"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Jūsų paskyra sėkmingai sukurta!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Kai administratorius aktyvuos Jūsų anketą, elektroniniu paštu Jums bus atsiųstas pranešimas."],"Go to login page":["Eikite į registracijos puslapį"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Norint prisiregistruoti naująja paskyra, paspauskite žemiau esantį mygtuką."],"back to home":["atgal į pradinį puslapį"],"Please sign in":["Prašome prisijungti"],"Sign up":["Užsiregistruokite "],"Create a new one.":["Sukurti naują."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Neturite paskyros? Prisijunkite prie tinklo įvesdami savo elektroninio pašto adresą."],"Forgot your password?":["Pamiršote slaptažodį?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Jei Jūs jau esate nariu, prašome prisijungti su savo vartotojo vardu/elektroninio pašto adresu ir slaptažodžiu."],"Register":["Registruotis"],"email":["elektroninio pašto adresas"],"password":["slaptažodis"],"username or email":["vartotojo vardas arba elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password recovery":["Slaptažodžio atnaujinimas"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Tiesiog įveskite savo elektroninio pašto adresą. Mes Jums atsiųsime atnaujinimo instrukcijas!"],"Reset password":["Iš naujo nustatyti slaptažodį"],"enter security code above":["žemiau įveskite apsaugos kodą"],"your email":["Jūsų elektroninio pašto adresas"],"Password recovery!":["Slaptažodžio atnaujinimas!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Mes Jums išsiuntėme elektroninį laišką su nuoroda, kuri leis atnaujinti slaptažodį."],"Registration successful!":["RegistracijaPassword reset":["Slaptažodis nustatytas iš naujo"],"Change your password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Change password":["Pakeisti slaptažodį"],"Password changed!":["Slaptažodis pakeistas!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Patvirtinkite savo naująjį elektroninio pašto adresą"],"Confirm":["Patvirtinti"],"Hello":["Sveiki"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Jūs prašėte pakeisti jūsų elektroninio pašto adresą.
Jūsų naujasis elektroninio pašto adresas yra {newemail}.
Norint patvirtinti naująjį elektroninio pašto adresą, prašome paspausti mygtuką žemiau."],"Hello {displayName}":["Sveiki {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Jei nepasinaudosite šia nuoroda per 24 valandas, ji baigs galioti."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Norint atnaujinti savo slaptažodį, prašome iki kitos dienos pasinaudoti šia nuoroda."],"Reset Password":["Atnaujinti slaptažodį"],"Registration Link":["Registracijos nuoroda"],"Sign up":["Registruotis"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Sveiki atvykę į %appName%. Norint pradėti registraciją, prašome paspausti žemiau esantį mygtuką."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Socialinis tinklas, skirtas pagerinti Jūsų komunikaciją komandinį darbą.
Registruokitės dabar,\n norint prisijungti prie šios erdvės."],"Sign up now":["Registruokitės dabar"],"Space Invite":["Pakvietimas prisijungti prie erdvės"],"You got a space invite":["Jūs gavote space pakvietimą"],"invited you to the space:":["pakvietė Jus prisijungti prie erdvės:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} paminėjo Jus {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} nuo šiol Jus seka."],"About this user":["Apie šį vartotoją"],"Modify your title image":["Pakeiskite pavadinimo paveikslėlį"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Šio profilio srautas kol kas tuščias!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo logotipo paveikslėlį?"],"Account settings":["Paskyros nustatymai"],"Profile":["Profilis"],"Edit account":["Redaguoti paskyrą"],"Following":["Sekami"],"Following user":["Sekamas vartotojas"],"User followers":["Vartotojo sekėjai"],"Member in these spaces":["Narys šiose erdvėse"],"User tags":["Vartotojo žymės"],"No birthday.":["Nėra gimimo dienos."],"Back to modules":["Atgal į modulius"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Gimimo dienos modulio konfigūracija"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Dienų skaičius, per kurias bus rodomi artėjantys gimtadieniai"],"Tomorrow":["Rytoj"],"Upcoming":["Artėjantis"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Per rodomus artėjančius gimtadienius Jūs galite konfigūruoti dienų skaičių."],"becomes":["artėja"],"birthdays":["gimimo dienos"],"days":["Dienos"],"today":["šiandien"],"years old.":["Amžiaus."],"Active":["Aktyvus"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Pažymėti kaip neperskaitytus visiems vartotojams"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Karščiausiu naujienu konfigūracija"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Jūs galite naudoti formatuoti su 'markdown' "],"End Date and Time":["Pabaigos data ir laikas"],"Recur":["Pasikartojimas"],"Recur End":["Pasikartojimo pabaiga"],"Recur Interval":["Pasikartojimo intervalas"],"Recur Type":["Pasikartojimo rūšis"],"Select participants":["Pasirinkti dalyvius"],"Start Date and Time":["Pradžios data ir laikas"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Jūs neturite prieigos prie šio renginio!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Jūs neturite leidimo sukurti įvykiu !"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Į Jūsu profilį prideda viešu ir privačiu renginiu kalendoriu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Šiai erdvei prideda renginiu kalendoriu."],"All Day":["Visa diena"],"Attending users":["Dalyvaujantys vartotojai"],"Calendar":["Kalendorius"],"Declining users":["Nedalyvaujantys vartotojai"],"End Date":["Pabaigos data"],"End time must be after start time!":["Pabaigos laikas turi būti po pradžios laiko!"],"Event":["Įvykis"],"Event not found!":["Renginys nerastas!"],"Maybe attending users":["Galbūt dalyvausiantys vartotojai"],"Participation Mode":["Dalyvavimo būsena"],"Start Date":["Pradžios data"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Jūs neturite leidimo ištrinti šį įvykį ! "],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Jūs neturite leidimo redaguoti šį įvykį ! "],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% sukūrė nauja %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n"],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% galbūt dalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n"],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nedalyvaus %contentTitle%.\n"],"Start Date/Time":["Pradžios data/laikas"],"Create event":["Sukurti įvykį"],"Edit event":["Redaguoti įvykį"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Note: Šis renginys bus sukurtas Jūsų profilyje. Norint sukurti erdvės renginį, atidarykite kalendorių norimoje erdvėje."],"End Date/Time":["Pabaigos data/laikas"],"Everybody can participate":["Dalyvauti gali visi"],"No participants":["Nėra dalyvių"],"Participants":["Dalyviai"],"Created by:":["Sukurta:"],"Edit this event":["Redaguoti šį įvykį"],"I´m attending":["Dalyvauju"],"I´m maybe attending":["Galbūt dalyvauju"],"I´m not attending":["Nedalyvauju"],"Attend":["Dalyvauti"],"Maybe":["Galbūt"],"Filter events":["Filtruoti renginius"],"Select calendars":["Pasirinkti kalendorių"],"Already responded":["Jau atsakyta"],"Followed spaces":["Sekamos erdvės"],"Followed users":["Sekami vartotojai"],"My events":["Mano įvykiai"],"Not responded yet":["Kol kas neatsakyta"],"Upcoming events ":["Artėjantys renginiai"],":count attending":[": suskaičiuota dalyvaujančiu"],":count declined":[": suskaičiuota atsisakiusiu dalyvauti"],":count maybe":[": suskaičiuota galbūt dalyvausiančiu"],"Participants:":["Dalyviai:"],"Create new Page":["Sukurti naują puslapį"],"Custom Pages":["Įprasti puslapiai"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Nuoroda"],"Navigation":["Navigacija"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Įprasti puslapiai kol kas nesukurti!"],"Sort Order":["Rūšiavimo tvarka"],"Top Navigation":["Top navigacija"],"Type":["Tipas"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Vartotojo paskyros meniu (nustatymai)"],"Create page":["Sukurti puslapį"],"Edit page":["Taisyti puslapį"],"Content":["Turinys"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Numatytoji rūšiavimo tvarkos schema: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Puslapio pavadinimas"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Įrašų tvarka sėkmninai pakeista."],"Toggle view mode":["Perjungti peržiūros būseną"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Jūs neturite teisių pertvarkyti kategorijoms.!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Patvirtinti kategorijos pašalinimą"],"Confirm link deleting":["Patvirtinti nuorodos pašalinimą"],"Delete category":["Ištrinti kategoriją"],"Delete link":["Ištrinti nuorodą"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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Visos susijusios nuorodos bus prarastos."],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią nuorodą?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Prisijungimo testu išplėsti nuorodų tinkamumo patvirtinimą."],"Linklist":["Nuorodų sąrašas"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Nuorodų sąrašo modulio konfigūracija"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Nepavyko rasti prašomos kategorijos."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Nepavyko rasti prašomos nuorodos."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Nuorodas rodyti valdymo juostoje dešinėje."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Nepavyko rasti kategorijos, kurią norite sukurti savo nuorodoje!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Kol kas į šią erdvę nepridėta nuorodų ar kategorijų."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Jūs galite leisti išplėstinį nuorodų tinkamumo patvirtinimą erdvei ar vartotojui."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Jūs neturite teisių pridėti/redaguoti nuorodas!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Jūs neturite teisių ištrinti šią kategoriją!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Jūs neturite teisių ištrinti šią nuorodą!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Jūs neturite teisių redaguoti šią kategoriją!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Jūs neturite teisių redaguoti šią nuorodą!"],"Messages":["Žinutės"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Jūs negalite išsiųsti elektroninio laiško sau!"],"Recipient":["Gavėjas"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nauja žinutė nuo {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["ir {counter} kitų vartotojų"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Pokalbyje nauja žinutė nuo %displayName%"],"New message":["Nauja žinutė"],"Reply now":["Atsakyti dabar"],"sent you a new message:":["Jums atsiuntė naują žinutę:"],"sent you a new message in":["atsiuntė Jums 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not be greater than a 7.":["Vartotojų skaičius neturi būti didesnis nei 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Vartotojų skaičius neturi būti neigiamas."],"Most active people":["Aktyviausi žmonės"],"Get a list":["Gauti sąrašą"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Aktyviausių vartotojų modulio konfigūracija"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Aktyviausių vartotojų skaičius, kuris bus rodomas."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Galite konfigūruoti vartotojų skaičių, kuris bus rodomas."],"Comments created":["Sukurti komentarai"],"Likes given":["Pamėgti"],"Posts created":["Sukurti skelbimai"],"Notes":["Pastabos"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API raktas"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Nerastas pastabos turinys!"],"Could not get note users!":["Nerasti pastabos vartotojai!"],"Note":["Pastaba"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} sukūrė naują pastabą {noteName}."],"{userName} 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note":["Naujos pastabos pavadinimas"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nerasta pastabų, kurios atitiktų Jūsų pasirinktą filtrą (-us)!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Kol kas nėra pastabų!"],"Polls":["Apklausos"],"Could not load poll!":["Nepavyko įkelti apklausos!"],"Invalid answer!":["Negalimas atsakymas!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Vartotojai balsavo už: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Negalima pasirinkti kelių atsakymų!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Jūs neturite teisių atlikti šį veiksmą!"],"Answers":["Atsakymai"],"Multiple answers per user":["Vieno vartotojo kelių atsakymo variantų pasirinkimas"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Prašome pasirinkti bent {min} atsakymą!"],"Question":["Klausimas"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} balsavo už {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} sukūrė naują {question}."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} sukurė naują apklausą ir priskyrė Jus."],"Ask":["Paklausti"],"Reset my vote":["Iš naujo nustatyti mano balsavimą"],"Vote":["Balsuoti"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["ir dar {count} balsavimo už tai."],"votes":["balsai"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Ar leisti vienam vartotojui pasirinkti daugiau nei vieną atsakymo variantą?"],"Ask something...":["Paklausk ko nors..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Galimi atsakymai (po vieną)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Kol kas nėra apklausų!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Kol kas nėra apklausš!
Būkite pirmas..."],"Asked by me":["Paklausiau aš"],"No answered yet":["Dar neatsakyta"],"Only private polls":["Tik privačios apklausos"],"Only public polls":["Tik viešos apklausos"],"Manage reported posts":["Tvarkyti skelbimus, apie kuriuos pranešė"],"Reported posts":["Skelbimai, apie kuriuos pranešė"],"by :displayName":["(kieno) :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Nepriklauso erdvei"],"Offensive":["Įžeidžiantis"],"Spam":["Šiukšlės"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Čia Jūs galite tvarkyti skelbimus, apie kuriuos pranešė vartotojai."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas yra įžeidžiantis."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas yra šiukšlė."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Vartotojas pranešė, kad Jūsų skelbimas nepriklauso erdvei."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip įžeidimą."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip šiukšlę."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% pranešė %contentTitle% kaip nepriklausantį erdvei."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Čia Jūs galite valdyti šios erdvės pranešimus apie skelbimus."],"Appropriate":["Tinkamas"],"Delete post":["Ištrinti skelbimą"],"Reason":["Priežastis"],"Reporter":["Pranešėjas"],"Tasks":["Užduotys"],"Could not access task!":["Negalima užduoties prieiga!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} priskirtas užduočiai {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} sukūrė užduotį {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} įvykdė užduotį {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} priskyrė Jus užduočiai {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} sukūrė naują užduotį {task}."],"This task is already done":["Ši užduotis jau atlikta"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Jūs esate priskirtas šiai užduočiai"],"Click, to finish this task":["Paspauskite, norint įvykdyti užduotį"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Ši užduotis jau atlikta. Paspauskite, norint atidaryti iš naujo."],"My tasks":["Mano užduotys"],"From space: ":["Iš erdvės:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Kol kas nėra užduočių!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Kol kas nėra užduočių!
Būkite pirmas..."],"Assigned to me":["Priskirtas man"],"Nobody assigned":["Niekam nepriskirtas"],"State is finished":["Būsena baigta"],"State is open":["Atvira būsena"],"Assign users to this task":["Priskirkite vartotojus šiai užduočiai"],"Deadline for this task?":["Šios užduoties atlikimo terminas?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Iš naujo priskirkite vartotoją (-us) šiai užduočiai."],"What to do?":["Ką daryti?"],"Translation Manager":["Vertimų įrankis"],"Translations":["Vertimai"],"Translation Editor":["Vertimų įrankis"],"Confirm page deleting":["Patvirtinti puslapio ištrinimą"],"Confirm page reverting":["Patvirtinti ankstesnį puslapio nustatymą"],"Overview of all pages":["Visų puslapių apžvalga"],"Page history":["Puslapio istorija"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki modulis"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Pridėti Wiki šiam puslapiui"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Pridėti Wiki į profilį"],"Back to page":["Atgal į puslapį"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį puslapį?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Ar tikrai norite atstatyti ankstesnę šio puslapio versiją?"],"Edit page":["Taisyti puslapį"],"Edited at":["Taisytas "],"Go back":["Grįžti atgal"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Neteisingas simbolis puslapio pavadinime"],"Let's go!":["Pirmyn!"],"Main page":["Pagrindinis puslapis"],"New page":["Naujas puslapis"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Nėra sukurta nė vieno puslapio.
Sukurkite pirmą puslapį dabar."],"Page History":["Puslapio istorija"],"Page title already in use!":["Puslapio pavadinimas jau naudojamas!"],"Revert":["Atstatyti"],"Revert this":["Atstatyti šį"],"View":["Peržiūrėti"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["autorius"],"Wiki page":["Wiki puslapis"],"Create new page":["Sukurti naują puslapį"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Įrašykite Wiki puslapį arba adresą (pvz. http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Naujo puslapio pavadinimas"],"Page content":["Puslapio turinys"],"comment":["Komentaras"],"post":["Skelbimas"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulis šioje turinio talpykloje negalimas!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Nurodo filtrą, kai bandoma prisijungti. %s pakeičia vartotojo vardą į prisijungimo veiksmą. Pavyzdys "(sAMAccountName=%s)" ar "(uid=%s)""],"Confirm post deletion":["Patvirtinti įrašo ištrynimą"],"Pinned":["Prisegtas","Prisegti"],"Unpinned":["Atsegti"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/nb_no/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/nb_no/archive.json
index 119736258e..2f5833faad 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/nb_no/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/nb_no/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["Fant ikke forespurt modul!"],"Invalid request.":["Ugyldig forespørsel."],"Keyword:":["Nøkkelord:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Fant ingenting"],"Results":["Resultater"],"Show more results":["Vis flere resultater"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Beklager, fant ingenting."],"Welcome to %appName%":["Velkommen til %appName%"],"Account settings":["Innstillinger"],"Administration":["Administrasjon"],"Back to dashboard":["Tilbake til oversikten"],"Collapse":["Trekk sammen"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kunne ikke finne innhold i tillegg!"],"Error":["Feil"],"Expand":["Utvid"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Ikke tilgang til å lage innhold!"],"Latest news":["Siste nytt"],"Logout":["Logg ut"],"Menu":["Meny"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nytt profilbilde"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Søk"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søk etter brukere eller områder"],"Space not found!":["Fant ikke område.","Fant ikke gruppe!"],"User Approvals":["Godkjenninger"],"User not found!":["Fant ikke bruker!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke opprette offentlig synlig innhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Login required":["Logg inn이 påkrevd"],"Close":["Lukk"],"Title":["Tittel"],"Save":["Lagre"],"Message":["Melding"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["인증되지 않은 사용자들에게 제한된 접근을 허용 (게스트)"],"Anonymous users can register":["익명 사용자가 등록할 수 있음"],"Default user group for new users":["새 사용자들이 소속될 기본 그룹"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["사용자의 기본 타임아웃, 자동 로그아웃 시간 (초 단위 입력, 옵션)"],"Default user profile visibility":["사용자 프로필의 기본 가시성"],"Members can invite external users by email":["회원들이 이메일로 외부 사람을 초대 가능"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["가입 후 그룹 관리자의 승인이 필요하게 하기"],"Base URL":["Nettsidens adresse"],"Default language":["Standard språk"],"Default space":["Standard gruppe"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig gruppe"],"Logo upload":["Last opp logo"],"Name of the application":["Nettsidens navn"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduksjonen for nye brukere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis bruker innlegg i oversikten"],"Back to modules":["Tilbake til moduler"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marker som usett for alle brukere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Innstillinger for siste nytt"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Merk: Du kan bruker Markdown-syntaks."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"Latest updates":["Siste Oppdateringer"],"Allow":["Tillat"],"Back":["Tilbake"],"Choose language:":["Velg Språk"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Innhold Addon kilden må være forekomst av HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kan ikke finne innhold container!"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Avvis"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ut til at du har gått feil vei"],"Language":["Språk"],"Login":["Logg inn"],"Next":["Neste"],"Ok":["Ok"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Tast inn minimum 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["En intern Server Feil"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke lov til og gjøre denne handlingen."],"Add image/file":["Legg til bilde/fil"],"Add link":["Legg til link"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Legg til en link(f.eks. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Tittel"],"Image":["Bilde"],"Image/File":["Bilde/Fil"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vennligst vent mens filen lastes opp..."],"Preview":["Overse"],"Title of your link":["Link tittel"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Kode tekst her"],"enter image description here":["legg til en bilde beskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["legg til bilde tittel her"],"enter link description here":["legg til link beskrivelse her"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opprettet gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% opprettet denne gruppen."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ble medlem av %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ble medlem av denne gruppen."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% forlot gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% forlot denne gruppen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nå {user2}."],"see online":["se online","Se online"],"via":["gjennom"],"Latest activities":["Siste aktiviteter"],"There are no activities yet.":["Det er ingen aktivitet her enda."],"About":["Om"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Legg til en kjøpt lisens nøkkel"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Approval":["Godkjenn"],"Authentication":["Autentisering"],"Basic":["Basic"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logger"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Security":["Sikkerhet"],"Self test":["Selv test"],"Spaces":["Grupper"],"Statistics":["Statistikk"],"User posts":["Bruker innlegg"],"Userprofiles":["Bruker profiler"],"Users":["Brukere"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt godkjent."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt avvist."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.
\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.
\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Gruppen ble ikke funnet!"],"Group user not found!":["Gruppe bruker ble ikke funnet!"],"No value found!":["Inget resultat!"],"Become this user":["Logg inn som denne brukeren"],"Delete":["Slett"],"Disabled":["Deaktiver"],"Enabled":["Aktiver"],"Unapproved":["Avvis!"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette deg selv!"],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke laste kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Subject":["Emne","Tittel"],"Date input format":["Dato format"],"Default stream content order":["Standard nyhetsstrøm sorterings orden"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktiver vennskaps system"],"Server Timezone":["Server tidssone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorter etter dato laget"],"Sort by update date":["Sorter etter oppdaterings dato"],"About HumHub":["Om Humhub"],"CronJobs":["CronJober"],"Database":["Database"],"Prerequisites":["Forutsetninger"],"Installed":["Installert"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler funnet"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen kjøpte moduler funnet!"],"Register":["Registrer"],"Third-party":["Tredjepart"],"search for available modules online":["søk etter tilgjengelige moduler"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"Settings and Configuration":["innstillinger og konfigurasjon"],"User administration":["Bruker administrasjon"],"Add new group":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"Back to overview":["Tilbake til oversikt"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Administrer gruppe: {groupName}"],"Overview":["Oversikt"],"Pending approvals":["Ventende godkjenninger"],"Profiles":["Profiler"],"Visibility":["Synlighet"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Angi som standard modul"],"Activated":["Aktivert"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiver"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivert"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Her kan du velge hvorvidt en modul skal aktiveres automatisk i en gruppe eller brukerprofil . Hvis modulen skal aktiveres, velger du \"alltid aktiver\"."],"User Profiles":["Bruker profiler"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minste verdi er 20 sekunder. Hvis ikke satt, vil en session timeout etter 1400 sekunder (24 minutter), uavhengig av aktivitet (standard timeout sesjon)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Gjelder bare når begrenset tilgang for ikke-godkjente brukere er aktivert. Bare påvirker nye brukere."],"Visible for members only":["\nSynlig kun for medlemmer","\r\nSynlig kun for medlemmer"],"Visible for members+guests":["Synlig for medlemmer + gjester"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab for bruker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Sist kjørt (daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Sist kjørt (time):"],"Never":["Aldri"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab for root bruker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg for og ha installert følgende cronjobs:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formater basert på bruker språk - Eksempel: {example}"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Førstenavn Etternavn (f.eks John Doe)"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Låst format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Last visit":["Siste besøk"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brukernavn (f.eks. john)"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["F.eks http://example.com/humhub"],"Friendship":["Vennskap"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Nye bruker vil automatisk få tilgang til disse gruppen(e)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruker ingen logo for øyeblikket. Last opp en logo nå."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Innstillinger "],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Kontrollerer HumHub software krav"],"Re-Run tests":["Test på nytt"],"Manage spaces":["Behandle grupper"],"Actions":["Handlinger"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Her kan du definere standardinnstillinger for nye grupper. Disse innstillingene kan overskrives for hver enkelt gruppe."],"Settings":["Instillinger"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver gruppe med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette grupper."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren? Hvis denne brukeren er eier av noen grupper, du vil bli eier av disse rommene."],"Delete user":["Slett bruker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Rediger bruker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Legg til ny bruker"],"Group Manager":["Gruppe ansvalig"],"Last login":["Sist innlogget"],"Send invite":["Send invitasjon"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over alle registrerte brukere med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette brukere."],"never":["aldri"],"Create new profile category":["Lag en ny bruker kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger bruker kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Lag ett nytt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Add new category":["Legg til en ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Legg til ett nytt felt"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Her kan du legge til eller redigere kategorier og profil felt."],"Manage profile attributes":["Behandle profil rettigheter"],"Administration menu":["Administrasjons meny"],"Advanced":["Avansert"],"Appearance":["Utseende "],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"General":["Generelt ","Gennerelt"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"User":["Bruker"],"Click here to review":["Trykk her for kontroll"],"New approval requests":["Nye godkjenninger"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere brukere trenger din godkjenning som gruppe admin."],"Access denied!":["Ingen Adgang!","Ingen adgang!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende tillatelse!"],"comment":["kommentar"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Ny kommentar"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Tillat bruker og kommentere"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Tillat bruker og lage poster"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan redigere (f.eks. arkivere, låse eller slette) innlegg"],"Create comment":["Lag ny kommentar"],"Create post":["Lag nytt innlegg"],"Manage content":["Redigere innhold"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Send":["Send"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Comment":["Kommenter"],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% flere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kommentar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vill du virkelig slette denne kommentaren?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Oppdatert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} lagde en ny {contentTitle}."],"Content":["Innhold"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke laste ønsket innhold!"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\n\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket innhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finne valgt link!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} opprettet {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Send"],"Move to archive":["Flytt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["Ta ut fra arkiv"],"Add a member to notify":["Legg til en følger"],"Make private":["Gjør privat"],"Make public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Varsle medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hva tenker du på?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne posten? Alle likes og kommentarer vil bli tapt!"],"Archived":["Arkivert"],"Sticked":["Låst"],"Turn off notifications":["Skru av varsler"],"Turn on notifications":["Skru på varsler"],"Stick":["Lås"],"Unstick":["Lås opp"],"Back to stream":["Tilbake til nyhetsstrøm","Tilbake til Nyhetsstrøm"],"Content with attached files":["Innlegg med tilknyttede filer"],"Created by me":["Opprettet av meg","Laget av meg"],"Creation time":["Opprettet","Laget dato"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverte innlegg"],"Last update":["Siste oppdatering"],"Load more":["Last inn mer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen treff med dine valgte filtere!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingen ting her enda!"],"Only private posts":["Kun private innlegg"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige poster"],"Posts only":["Kun innlegg"],"Posts with links":["Innlegg med linker"],"Sorting":["Sorter"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involvert"],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Din oversikt er tom!
Post noe på din profil eller meld deg inn i noen grupper!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Ingen åpne innlegg funnet!"],"Directory":["Innhold"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlemmer Gruppe innhold"],"show all members":["Vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Innholds meny"],"User profile posts":["Bruker innlegg"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppe brukere - {group}"],"Member directory":["Bruker område"],"No members found!":["Ingen brukere funnet!"],"search for members":["Søk etter brukere"],"Space directory":["Område oversikt"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem av dette område"],"search for spaces":["Søk etter område"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg..."],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Det er ingen profil poster enda!"],"Group stats":["Gruppe statistikk"],"Average members":["Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede"],"Top Group":["Mest besøkte"],"Total groups":["Totalt antall grupper"],"Member stats":["Bruker Statistikk"],"New people":["Nye Brukere"],"Follows somebody":["Noen som følger andre"],"Online right now":["Online akkurat nå"],"Total users":["Brukere totalt "],"See all":["Se alt"],"New spaces":["Nye Grupper"],"Space stats":["Gruppe statistikk"],"Most members":["Flest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private grupper"],"Total spaces":["Antall grupper totalt"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} og {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} og {number} andre\n","{displayName} og {number} andre\r\n"],"Other":["Andre"],"New":["Ny"],"Notification Overview":["Oppdaterings Oversikt"],"Mark all as seen":["Marker alle som sett"],"Module Filter":["Modul Filter"],"No notifications found!":["Ingen oppdateringer funnet!"],"Notifications":["Oppdateringer","Varsler"],"Show all notifications":["Vis alle oppdateringer"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Det er ingen oppdateringer enda."],"post":["Innlegg"],"Edit your post...":["Rediger ditt innlegg"],"Read full post...":["Les hele innlegget..."],"Search results":["Søke resultat"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanserte søke innstillinger"],"All":["Alt"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søk etter bruker, grupper eller innhold"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Søk kun i valgte grupper:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Dit søk ga ingen treff."],"Send & decline":["Send & avvis"],"Space followers":["Gruppe medlemmer"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! 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Gruppens navn: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan entre"],"Invite and request":["Invitasjon og forespørsel"],"No spaces found.":["Ingen grupper funnet."],"Only by invite":["Kun etter invitasjon"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Skjult)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gjester)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerte brukere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gjester)"],"Space is invisible!":["Gruppen er synlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du må logge inn for og se innhold i denne gruppen!"],"Saved":["Lagret"],"Stream (Default)":["Nyhets strøm (Standard)"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som eier kan du ikke trekke ditt medlemskap!"],"Could not request membership!":["Du kan ikke forespørre medlemskap!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Beklager, du får ikke forlate denne gruppen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Det er ingen ventende invitasjoner!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handlingen er kun tilgjengelig for administrasjons brukere!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilgang til og bli medlem av denne gruppen!"],"Your password":["Ditt passord"],"Invites":["Invitasjoner"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruker etter mail (skilles med komma)"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' er allerede medlem av denne gruppen!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' har allerede søkt om og få bli medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registrert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ikke gyldig!"],"Application message":["Søknads melding"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som eier av denne gruppen kan du overføre din rolle til en annen administrator i gruppen."],"Space owner":["Gruppe eier"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Linken inneholder ugyldige tegn!"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør eierskap"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["f.eks. eksempel for{baseUrl}/s/eksempel"],"Created At":["Laget","Postet"],"Created By":["Laget av","Skrevet av"],"Last Visit":["Siste besøk"],"Originator User ID":["Hoved Bruker ID"],"Request Message":["Forespør melding"],"Status":["Status"],"Updated At":["Oppdatert"],"Updated By":["Oppdatert Av","Oppdatert av"],"Administrators":["Administratorer"],"Color":["Farge"],"Default content visibility":["Standard innholds synlighet"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Homepage":["Hjemmeside"],"Join Policy":["Bruker Betingelser"],"Moderators":["Moderatorer"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Eier"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated by":["Oppdatert av"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige private grupper!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige offentlige grupper!"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aksepterte din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} godkjente ditt medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste ditt medlemskap forespørsel til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} inviterte deg til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ønsker medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["legg til {n,plural,=1{space} andre{spaces}}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!
Start med og poste noe her..."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem av denne gruppen og det er ingen offentlige innlegg her!"],"Invite members":["Inviter brukere"],"Add an user":["Legg til en bruker"],"Done":["Klart"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter med en e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruker?"],"Pick users":["Velg brukere"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Hvis du vil invitere brukere til denne gruppen, kan du skrive inn navn under for å finne og hente dem."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brukere, som ikke er registrert nå. Bare legge til deres e-postadresser , skilt med komma."],"Request space membership":["Be om gruppe medlemskap","Søk om gruppe medlemskap"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne gruppen."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Du har send en forespørsel til sidens administrator."],"User has become a member.":["Bruker har blitt medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruker har blitt invitert."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruker har ikke blitt invitert."],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Avbryt Medlemskap"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul innlegg i oversikten"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis innlegg i oversikten"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill skjule nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill vise nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"My Space List":["Min Gruppe Liste"],"My space summary":["Mitt gruppe sammendrag"],"Space directory":["Gruppe oversikt"],"Pending Approvals":["Ventende Godkjenninger"],"Pending Invites":["Ventende Invitasjoner"],"Space menu":["Gruppe meny"],"Stream":["Nyhetsstrøm"],"Change image":["Endre bilde"],"Current space image":["Nåværende gruppe bilde"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt titel bilde?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt profil bilde?"],"Follow":["Følg"],"Unfollow":["Slutt og følge"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Accept Invite":["Aksepter Invitasjon"],"Become member":["Bli medlem"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Avbryt avventende medlemskap invitasjon "],"Deny Invite":["Avvis Invitasjon"],"Request membership":["Be om medlemskap"],"Something went wrong":["Noe gikk galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne arbeids gruppen."],"Request workspace membership":["Be om medlemskap i denne arbeids gruppen ","Be om medlemskap i denne arbeids gruppen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Du har send din forespørsel til arbeids gruppens administrator."],"Create new space":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"My spaces":["Mine grupper"],"New member request":["Nye medlems søknader"],"Space members":["Gruppe medlemer"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"User settings":["Bruker instillinger"],"Your profile":["Din profil"],"Security settings":["Sikkerhets instillinger"],"Basic Settings":["Standard instillinger"],"Change Email":["Endre e-mail"],"Change Password":["Bytt passord"],"Confirm new password":["Bekreft nytt passord"],"Connect account":["Koble til konto"],"Connected Accounts":["Tilknyttede Kontoer"],"Connected accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Currently in use":["I bruk nå"],"Delete Account":["Slett Konto"],"Disconnect account":["Frakoble Konto"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mail er allerede i bruk! - Prøv glemt passord."],"Email":["E-mail"],"My Account":["Min konto"],"New password":["Nytt passord"],"No users found.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Password":["Passord"],"Profile":["Profil"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["En bruker med den samme e-mail eksisterer allerede og er ikke linket til deg. Logg inn med din e-mail og tilknytt konto først"],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Ditt nye passord kan ikke være ditt samme som nåværende!"],"or":["eller"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Denne brukeren er enda ikke godkjent!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Du må logge inn for og se denne bruker profilen!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Ditt passord er feil!"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link feil! Sørg for at du har skrevet adressen korrekt!"],"Save profile":["Lagre profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["E-mail adressen du har skrevet benyttes av en annen bruker."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Lag en konto"],"Current password":["Nåværende passord"],"E-Mail change":["Endre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send varsler?"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Gjenopprett Passord"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" ble ikke funnet!"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Skjul veiviser panelet"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighet"],"TimeZone":["Tids sone"],"Invite new people":["Inviter nye mennesker"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adresse(r)"],"Invitation to join":["Invitasjon"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vennligst legg til E-mail adresser til de du vil invitere under."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separer flere e-mail adresser med komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Trykk er for og lage en konto:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til \"{space}\" i {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til {name}."],"Created at":["Opprettet"],"Created by":["Skrevet av"],"Editable":["Redigerbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Feltet kunne ikke bli redigert!"],"Fieldtype":["Felt type"],"ID":["ID"],"Internal Name":["Internt Navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i bruk!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internt navn kunne ikke bli endret!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felt type!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribute"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun nummere kan benyttes!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil Felt Kategori"],"Required":["Påkrevd"],"Searchable":["Søkbar"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sortering"],"Updated at":["Oppdatert"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Birthday":["Bursdag"],"Country":["Land"],"Date":["Dato"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekst Område"],"%y Years":["%y År"],"Create new Page":["Lag en ny Side"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Link"],"Navigation":["Navigasjon"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen egen definerte sider laget enda!"],"Sort Order":["Sorterings rekkefølge","Sorterings Rekkefølge","Sorterings rekkefølge "],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigering"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruker konto meny (Innstillinger)"],"Add new page":["Legg til ny side"],"Create page":["Opprett side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorterings måte: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"Open page...":["Åpne side..."],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kategori"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekreft sletting av link"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["La til en ny link %link% i kategori\"%category%\"."],"Delete category":["Slett kategori"],"Delete link":["Slett link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne kategorien? Alle linker vil forsvinne!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne linken?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Forleng linkens gyldighet med en tilkoblings test."],"Linklist":["Link liste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Link liste modul konfigurasjon "],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgjengelig."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Forespurt kategori ble ikke funnet."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Forespurt link ble ikke funnet."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis Link listen som en widget på høyre side."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien du ønsker og lagre linken i ble ikke funnet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Det har ikke blitt lagt til noen linker og kategorier for denne gruppen enda."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere link validering for en gruppe eller bruker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere/legge til linker!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne linken!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne linken!"],"list":["liste"],"Category":["Kategori"],"Is Originator":["Er forfatter"],"Last Viewed":["Sist sett"],"Messages":["Meldinger"],"Recipient":["Avsender","Mottaker"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en e-mai til deg selv!l","Du kan ikke sende en e-mail til deg selv!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny melding fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brukere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny melding i samtalen fra %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Reply now":["Svar nå"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte deg en ny melding:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte deg en ny melding i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Legg til flere deltagere i denne samtalen..."],"Add recipients":["Legg til mottakere"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger melding"],"Conversations":["Samtaler"],"There are no messages yet.":["Det er ingen meldinger her enda."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekreft sletting av samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekreft utmelding av samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekreft sletting av melding"],"Add user":["Legg til bruker"],"Delete conversation":["Slett samtale"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne samtalen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne meldingen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og forlate denne samtalen?"],"Leave":["Forlat"],"Leave conversation":["Forlat samtale"],"Leave discussion":["Forlat diskusjon"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv ett svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruker Innlegg"],"Sign up now":["Registrer deg nå"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle meldinger"],"Send message":["Send melding"],"Most active people":["Flest aktive brukere"],"Get a list":["Se listen"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Flest aktive brukere modul konfigurasjon"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Det høyeste nummer av aktive brukere som vil vises"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du kan konfigurere antall brukere som vises"],"Comments created":["Kommentarer laget"],"Likes given":["Likes gitt"],"Posts created":["Poster laget"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tilknyttede bruker (e)"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Tasks":["Oppgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke åpne oppgave!"],"Task":["Oppgave"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilknyttet oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} laget oppgave {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} fullførte oppgave {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tildelte deg en oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} lagde en ny oppgave {task}.\n","{userName} lagde en ny oppgave {task}.\r\n"],"Create new task":["Lag ny oppgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger oppgave"],"Assign users":["Tilknytt brukere"],"What is to do?":["Hva er det og gjøre?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekreft sletting"],"Add Task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne oppgaven?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åpne oppgaver..."],"completed tasks":["fullførte oppgaver"],"Create":["Lag"],"Click, to finish this task":["Trykk for og fullføre oppgaven"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Denne oppgaven er allerede fullført. Trykk for og gjenåpne."],"My tasks":["Mine oppgaver"],"From space: ":["Fra gruppe: "],"There are no tasks yet!":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!
Vær den første til og lage noen..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildel meg"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen oppgaver er funnet som matcher ditt filter (e) !"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilknyttet"],"State is finished":["Status er fullført"],"State is open":["Status er åpen"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilknytt brukere denne oppgaven"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist for fullføring?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Legg til bruker(e) på forhånd."],"What to do?":["Hva skal gjøres?"],"Update HumHub":["Oppdater HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Oppdater HumHub BETA"],"Show more":["Vis mer"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datoen må være i fortid."],"Unsubscribe":["Avslutte abonnementet"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Her kan du koble til eksterne tjenesteleverandører for bruk av eksterne tjenester som en single sign-on-godkjenning."],"You're not registered.":["Du er ikke registrert"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekreft sletting av side\n","Bekreft sletting av side\r\n"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.
\r\n\r\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\r\n\r\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.
\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\r\n\r\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\r\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Pinned":["Låst","Lås"],"Unpinned":["Lås opp"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["Fant ikke forespurt modul!"],"Invalid request.":["Ugyldig forespørsel."],"Keyword:":["Nøkkelord:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Fant ingenting"],"Results":["Resultater"],"Show more results":["Vis flere resultater"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Beklager, fant ingenting."],"Welcome to %appName%":["Velkommen til %appName%"],"Account settings":["Innstillinger"],"Administration":["Administrasjon"],"Back to dashboard":["Tilbake til oversikten"],"Collapse":["Trekk sammen"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Kunne ikke finne innhold i tillegg!"],"Error":["Feil"],"Expand":["Utvid"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Ikke tilgang til å lage innhold!"],"Latest news":["Siste nytt"],"Logout":["Logg ut"],"Menu":["Meny"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"My profile":["Min profil"],"New profile image":["Nytt profilbilde"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Søk"],"Search for users and spaces":["Søk etter brukere eller områder"],"Space not found!":["Fant ikke område.","Fant ikke gruppe!"],"User Approvals":["Godkjenninger"],"User not found!":["Fant ikke bruker!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Du kan ikke opprette offentlig synlig innhold!"],"Your daily summary":["Daglig sammendrag"],"Login required":["Logg inn이 påkrevd"],"Close":["Lukk"],"Title":["Tittel"],"Save":["Lagre"],"Message":["Melding"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["인증되지 않은 사용자들에게 제한된 접근을 허용 (게스트)"],"Anonymous users can register":["익명 사용자가 등록할 수 있음"],"Default user group for new users":["새 사용자들이 소속될 기본 그룹"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["사용자의 기본 타임아웃, 자동 로그아웃 시간 (초 단위 입력, 옵션)"],"Default user profile visibility":["사용자 프로필의 기본 가시성"],"Members can invite external users by email":["회원들이 이메일로 외부 사람을 초대 가능"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["가입 후 그룹 관리자의 승인이 필요하게 하기"],"Base URL":["Nettsidens adresse"],"Default language":["Standard språk"],"Default space":["Standard gruppe"],"Invalid space":["Ugyldig gruppe"],"Logo upload":["Last opp logo"],"Name of the application":["Nettsidens navn"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Vis introduksjonen for nye brukere"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Vis bruker innlegg i oversikten"],"Back to modules":["Tilbake til moduler"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marker som usett for alle brukere"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Innstillinger for siste nytt"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Merk: Du kan bruker Markdown-syntaks."],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Modulen er ikke aktivert for dette innholdet"],"Latest updates":["Siste Oppdateringer"],"Allow":["Tillat"],"Back":["Tilbake"],"Choose language:":["Velg Språk"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Innhold Addon kilden må være forekomst av HActiveRecordContent eller HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Kan ikke finne innhold container!"],"Default":["Standard"],"Deny":["Avvis"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Det ser ut til at du har gått feil vei"],"Language":["Språk"],"Login":["Logg inn"],"Next":["Neste"],"Ok":["Ok"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Tast inn minimum 3 tegn"],"An internal server error occurred.":["En intern Server Feil"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Du har ikke lov til og gjøre denne handlingen."],"Add image/file":["Legg til bilde/fil"],"Add link":["Legg til link"],"Code":["Kode"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Legg til en link(f.eks. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Tittel"],"Image":["Bilde"],"Image/File":["Bilde/Fil"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Vennligst vent mens filen lastes opp..."],"Preview":["Overse"],"Title of your link":["Link tittel"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Kode tekst her"],"enter image description here":["legg til en bilde beskrivelse her"],"enter image title here":["legg til bilde tittel her"],"enter link description here":["legg til link beskrivelse her"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opprettet gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% opprettet denne gruppen."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% ble medlem av %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% ble medlem av denne gruppen."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% forlot gruppen %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% forlot denne gruppen."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} følger nå {user2}."],"see online":["se online","Se online"],"via":["gjennom"],"Latest activities":["Siste aktiviteter"],"There are no activities yet.":["Det er ingen aktivitet her enda."],"About":["Om"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Legg til en kjøpt lisens nøkkel"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Approval":["Godkjenn"],"Authentication":["Autentisering"],"Basic":["Basic"],"Caching":["Caching"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Filer"],"Groups":["Grupper"],"Logging":["Logger"],"Mailing":["Mail"],"Modules":["Moduler"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Security":["Sikkerhet"],"Self test":["Selv test"],"Spaces":["Grupper"],"Statistics":["Statistikk"],"User posts":["Bruker innlegg"],"Userprofiles":["Bruker profiler"],"Users":["Brukere"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt godkjent."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto forespørsel for '{displayName}' har blitt avvist."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\n\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.
\n\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\n\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.
\n\n Hilsen
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Gruppen ble ikke funnet!"],"Group user not found!":["Gruppe bruker ble ikke funnet!"],"No value found!":["Inget resultat!"],"Become this user":["Logg inn som denne brukeren"],"Delete":["Slett"],"Disabled":["Deaktiver"],"Enabled":["Aktiver"],"Unapproved":["Avvis!"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Du kan ikke slette deg selv!"],"Could not load category.":["Kunne ikke laste kategori."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Du kan kun slette tomme kategorier!"],"Subject":["Emne","Tittel"],"Date input format":["Dato format"],"Default stream content order":["Standard nyhetsstrøm sorterings orden"],"Enable user friendship system":["Aktiver vennskaps system"],"Server Timezone":["Server tidssone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorter etter dato laget"],"Sort by update date":["Sorter etter oppdaterings dato"],"About HumHub":["Om Humhub"],"CronJobs":["CronJober"],"Database":["Database"],"Prerequisites":["Forutsetninger"],"Installed":["Installert"],"No modules found!":["Ingen moduler funnet"],"No purchased modules found!":["Ingen kjøpte moduler funnet!"],"Register":["Registrer"],"Third-party":["Tredjepart"],"search for available modules online":["søk etter tilgjengelige moduler"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"Settings and Configuration":["innstillinger og konfigurasjon"],"User administration":["Bruker administrasjon"],"Add new group":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"Back to overview":["Tilbake til oversikt"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Administrer gruppe: {groupName}"],"Overview":["Oversikt"],"Pending approvals":["Ventende godkjenninger"],"Profiles":["Profiler"],"Visibility":["Synlighet"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Angi som standard modul"],"Activated":["Aktivert"],"Always activated":["Altid aktiver"],"Deactivated":["Deaktivert"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Her kan du velge hvorvidt en modul skal aktiveres automatisk i en gruppe eller brukerprofil . Hvis modulen skal aktiveres, velger du \"alltid aktiver\"."],"User Profiles":["Bruker profiler"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minste verdi er 20 sekunder. Hvis ikke satt, vil en session timeout etter 1400 sekunder (24 minutter), uavhengig av aktivitet (standard timeout sesjon)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Gjelder bare når begrenset tilgang for ikke-godkjente brukere er aktivert. Bare påvirker nye brukere."],"Visible for members only":["\nSynlig kun for medlemmer"],"Visible for members+guests":["Synlig for medlemmer + gjester"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab for bruker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Sist kjørt (daglig):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Sist kjørt (time):"],"Never":["Aldri"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Eller Crontab for root bruker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Sørg for og ha installert følgende cronjobs:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisk"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formater basert på bruker språk - Eksempel: {example}"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Førstenavn Etternavn (f.eks John Doe)"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Låst format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Eksempel: {example}"],"Last visit":["Siste besøk"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Brukernavn (f.eks. john)"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bekreft sletting av bilde"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"Dashboard":["Oversikt"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["F.eks http://example.com/humhub"],"Friendship":["Vennskap"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Nye bruker vil automatisk få tilgang til disse gruppen(e)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Du bruker ingen logo for øyeblikket. Last opp en logo nå."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Innstillinger "],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Kontrollerer HumHub software krav"],"Re-Run tests":["Test på nytt"],"Manage spaces":["Behandle grupper"],"Actions":["Handlinger"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Her kan du definere standardinnstillinger for nye grupper. Disse innstillingene kan overskrives for hver enkelt gruppe."],"Settings":["Instillinger"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over hver gruppe med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette grupper."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne brukeren? Hvis denne brukeren er eier av noen grupper, du vil bli eier av disse rommene."],"Delete user":["Slett bruker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Rediger bruker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Legg til ny bruker"],"Group Manager":["Gruppe ansvalig"],"Last login":["Sist innlogget"],"Send invite":["Send invitasjon"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Denne oversikten inneholder en liste over alle registrerte brukere med mulighet for å vise, redigere og slette brukere."],"never":["aldri"],"Create new profile category":["Lag en ny bruker kategori"],"Edit profile category":["Rediger bruker kategori"],"Create new profile field":["Lag ett nytt profil felt"],"Edit profile field":["Rediger profil felt"],"Add new category":["Legg til en ny kategori"],"Add new field":["Legg til ett nytt felt"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Her kan du legge til eller redigere kategorier og profil felt."],"Manage profile attributes":["Behandle profil rettigheter"],"Administration menu":["Administrasjons meny"],"Advanced":["Avansert"],"Appearance":["Utseende "],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"General":["Gennerelt"],"Information":["Informasjon"],"User":["Bruker"],"Click here to review":["Trykk her for kontroll"],"New approval requests":["Nye godkjenninger"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["En eller flere brukere trenger din godkjenning som gruppe admin."],"Access denied!":["Ingen Adgang!","Ingen adgang!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Manglende tillatelse!"],"comment":["kommentar"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} kommenterte {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Ny kommentar"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Tillat bruker og kommentere"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Tillat bruker og lage poster"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan redigere (f.eks. arkivere, låse eller slette) innlegg"],"Create comment":["Lag ny kommentar"],"Create post":["Lag nytt innlegg"],"Manage content":["Redigere innhold"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% skrev en ny kommentar"],"Comments":["Kommentarer"],"Edit your comment...":["Rediger din kommentar..."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Vis alle {total} kommentarer."],"Send":["Send"],"Write a new comment...":["Skriv en ny kommentar..."],"Comment":["Kommenter"],"Show %count% more comments":["Vis %count% flere kommentarer"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kommentar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Vill du virkelig slette denne kommentaren?"],"Edit":["Rediger"],"Updated :timeago":["Oppdatert :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} lagde en ny {contentTitle}."],"Content":["Innhold"],"Could not load requested object!":["Kunne ikke laste ønsket innhold!"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\n\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kunne ikke finne ønsket innhold!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kunne ikke finne valgt link!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} opprettet {contentTitle}."],"in":["i"],"Submit":["Send"],"Move to archive":["Flytt til arkiv"],"Unarchive":["Ta ut fra arkiv"],"Add a member to notify":["Legg til en følger"],"Make private":["Gjør privat"],"Make public":["Gjør offentlig"],"Notify members":["Varsle medlemmer"],"Public":["Offentlig"],"What's on your mind?":["Hva tenker du på?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bekreft sletting av innlegg"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne posten? Alle likes og kommentarer vil bli tapt!"],"Archived":["Arkivert"],"Sticked":["Låst"],"Turn off notifications":["Skru av varsler"],"Turn on notifications":["Skru på varsler"],"Stick":["Lås"],"Unstick":["Lås opp"],"Back to stream":["Tilbake til nyhetsstrøm","Tilbake til Nyhetsstrøm"],"Content with attached files":["Innlegg med tilknyttede filer"],"Created by me":["Opprettet av meg","Laget av meg"],"Creation time":["Opprettet","Laget dato"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Include archived posts":["Inkluder arkiverte innlegg"],"Last update":["Siste oppdatering"],"Load more":["Last inn mer"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ingen treff med dine valgte filtere!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Ingen ting her enda!"],"Only private posts":["Kun private innlegg"],"Only public posts":["Kun offentlige poster"],"Posts only":["Kun innlegg"],"Posts with links":["Innlegg med linker"],"Sorting":["Sorter"],"Where I´m involved":["Hvor jeg er involvert"],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Din oversikt er tom!
Post noe på din profil eller meld deg inn i noen grupper!"],"No public contents to display found!":["Ingen åpne innlegg funnet!"],"Directory":["Innhold"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"Member Group Directory":["Medlemmer Gruppe innhold"],"show all members":["Vis alle medlemmer"],"Directory menu":["Innholds meny"],"User profile posts":["Bruker innlegg"],"Group members - {group}":["Gruppe brukere - {group}"],"Member directory":["Bruker område"],"No members found!":["Ingen brukere funnet!"],"search for members":["Søk etter brukere"],"Space directory":["Område oversikt"],"No spaces found!":["Ingen grupper funnet"],"You are a member of this space":["Du er medlem av dette område"],"search for spaces":["Søk etter område"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ingen har skrevet noe enda.
Start ved og poste ett innlegg..."],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Det er ingen profil poster enda!"],"Group stats":["Gruppe statistikk"],"Average members":["Gjennomsnittlig antall påloggede"],"Top Group":["Mest besøkte"],"Total groups":["Totalt antall grupper"],"Member stats":["Bruker Statistikk"],"New people":["Nye Brukere"],"Follows somebody":["Noen som følger andre"],"Online right now":["Online akkurat nå"],"Total users":["Brukere totalt "],"See all":["Se alt"],"New spaces":["Nye Grupper"],"Space stats":["Gruppe statistikk"],"Most members":["Flest medlemmer"],"Private spaces":["Private grupper"],"Total spaces":["Antall grupper totalt"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} og {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} og {number} andre\n"],"Other":["Andre"],"New":["Ny"],"Notification Overview":["Oppdaterings Oversikt"],"Mark all as seen":["Marker alle som sett"],"Module Filter":["Modul Filter"],"No notifications found!":["Ingen oppdateringer funnet!"],"Notifications":["Varsler"],"Show all notifications":["Vis alle oppdateringer"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Det er ingen oppdateringer enda."],"post":["Innlegg"],"Edit your post...":["Rediger ditt innlegg"],"Read full post...":["Les hele innlegget..."],"Search results":["Søke resultat"],"Advanced search settings":["Avanserte søke innstillinger"],"All":["Alt"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Søk etter bruker, grupper eller innhold"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Søk kun i valgte grupper:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Dit søk ga ingen treff."],"Send & decline":["Send & avvis"],"Space followers":["Gruppe medlemmer"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! 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Gruppens navn: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Alle kan entre"],"Invite and request":["Invitasjon og forespørsel"],"No spaces found.":["Ingen grupper funnet."],"Only by invite":["Kun etter invitasjon"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privat (Skjult)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Offentlig (Medlemmer & Gjester)"],"Public (Members only)":["Offentlig (Kun medlemmer)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Offentlig (Kun registrerte brukere)"],"Public (Visible)":["Offentlig (Synlig)"],"Space":["Gruppe"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Synlig for alle (Medlemmer og gjester)"],"Space is invisible!":["Gruppen er synlig!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Du må logge inn for og se innhold i denne gruppen!"],"Saved":["Lagret"],"Stream (Default)":["Nyhets strøm (Standard)"],"Members":["Medlemmer"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Som eier kan du ikke trekke ditt medlemskap!"],"Could not request membership!":["Du kan ikke forespørre medlemskap!"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Beklager, du får ikke forlate denne gruppen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Det er ingen ventende invitasjoner!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Denne handlingen er kun tilgjengelig for administrasjons brukere!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Du har ikke tilgang til og bli medlem av denne gruppen!"],"Your password":["Ditt passord"],"Invites":["Invitasjoner"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Ny bruker etter mail (skilles med komma)"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' er allerede medlem av denne gruppen!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Bruker '{username}' har allerede søkt om og få bli medlem!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} er allerede registrert!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} er ikke gyldig!"],"Application message":["Søknads melding"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Som eier av denne gruppen kan du overføre din rolle til en annen administrator i gruppen."],"Space owner":["Gruppe eier"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Linken inneholder ugyldige tegn!"],"Transfer ownership":["Overfør eierskap"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["f.eks. eksempel for{baseUrl}/s/eksempel"],"Created At":["Laget","Postet"],"Created By":["Laget av","Skrevet av"],"Last Visit":["Siste besøk"],"Originator User ID":["Hoved Bruker ID"],"Request Message":["Forespør melding"],"Status":["Status"],"Updated At":["Oppdatert"],"Updated By":["Oppdatert Av","Oppdatert av"],"Administrators":["Administratorer"],"Color":["Farge"],"Default content visibility":["Standard innholds synlighet"],"Description":["Beskrivelse"],"Homepage":["Hjemmeside"],"Join Policy":["Bruker Betingelser"],"Moderators":["Moderatorer"],"Name":["Navn"],"Owner":["Eier"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated by":["Oppdatert av"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige private grupper!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Du kan ikke lage synlige offentlige grupper!"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aksepterte din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} godkjente ditt medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste din invitasjon til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} avviste ditt medlemskap forespørsel til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} inviterte deg til {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} ønsker medlemskap til {spaceName}"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["legg til {n,plural,=1{space} andre{spaces}}"],"This space is still empty!":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Denne gruppen er fremdeles tom!
Start med og poste noe her..."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Du er ikke medlem av denne gruppen og det er ingen offentlige innlegg her!"],"Invite members":["Inviter brukere"],"Add an user":["Legg til en bruker"],"Done":["Klart"],"Email addresses":["E-mail adresser"],"Invite by email":["Inviter med en e-mail"],"New user?":["Ny bruker?"],"Pick users":["Velg brukere"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Hvis du vil invitere brukere til denne gruppen, kan du skrive inn navn under for å finne og hente dem."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Du kan også invitere eksterne brukere, som ikke er registrert nå. Bare legge til deres e-postadresser , skilt med komma."],"Request space membership":["Be om gruppe medlemskap","Søk om gruppe medlemskap"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne gruppen."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Du har send en forespørsel til sidens administrator."],"User has become a member.":["Bruker har blitt medlem."],"User has been invited.":["Bruker har blitt invitert."],"User has not been invited.":["Bruker har ikke blitt invitert."],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Avbryt Medlemskap"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Skjul innlegg i oversikten"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Vis innlegg i oversikten"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill skjule nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Dette valget vill vise nye innlegg fra denne gruppen i din oversikt"],"My Space List":["Min Gruppe Liste"],"My space summary":["Mitt gruppe sammendrag"],"Space directory":["Gruppe oversikt"],"Pending Approvals":["Ventende Godkjenninger"],"Pending Invites":["Ventende Invitasjoner"],"Space menu":["Gruppe meny"],"Stream":["Nyhetsstrøm"],"Change image":["Endre bilde"],"Current space image":["Nåværende gruppe bilde"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt titel bilde?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette ditt profil bilde?"],"Follow":["Følg"],"Unfollow":["Slutt og følge"],"Invite":["Inviter"],"Accept Invite":["Aksepter Invitasjon"],"Become member":["Bli medlem"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Avbryt avventende medlemskap invitasjon "],"Deny Invite":["Avvis Invitasjon"],"Request membership":["Be om medlemskap"],"Something went wrong":["Noe gikk galt"],"Followers":["Følgere"],"Posts":["Innlegg"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Vennligst kort introduser deg selv, for å bli et godkjent medlem av denne arbeids gruppen."],"Request workspace membership":["Be om medlemskap i denne arbeids gruppen ","Be om medlemskap i denne arbeids gruppen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Du har send din forespørsel til arbeids gruppens administrator."],"Create new space":["Lag en ny gruppe"],"My spaces":["Mine grupper"],"New member request":["Nye medlems søknader"],"Space members":["Gruppe medlemer"],"Show all":["Vis alle"],"User settings":["Bruker instillinger"],"Your profile":["Din profil"],"Security settings":["Sikkerhets instillinger"],"Basic Settings":["Standard instillinger"],"Change Email":["Endre e-mail"],"Change Password":["Bytt passord"],"Confirm new password":["Bekreft nytt passord"],"Connect account":["Koble til konto"],"Connected Accounts":["Tilknyttede Kontoer"],"Connected accounts":["Tilknyttede kontoer"],"Currently in use":["I bruk nå"],"Delete Account":["Slett Konto"],"Disconnect account":["Frakoble Konto"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mail er allerede i bruk! - Prøv glemt passord."],"Email":["E-mail"],"My Account":["Min konto"],"New password":["Nytt passord"],"No users found.":["Ingen brukere funnet."],"Password":["Passord"],"Profile":["Profil"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. 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Sørg for at du har skrevet adressen korrekt!"],"Save profile":["Lagre profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["E-mail adressen du har skrevet benyttes av en annen bruker."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Lag en konto"],"Current password":["Nåværende passord"],"E-Mail change":["Endre E-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Ny E-mail adresse"],"Send activities?":["Send aktiviteter?"],"Send notifications?":["Send varsler?"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Gjenopprett Passord"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" ble ikke funnet!"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Skjul veiviser panelet"],"Profile visibility":["Profil synlighet"],"TimeZone":["Tids sone"],"Invite new people":["Inviter nye mennesker"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail adresse(r)"],"Invitation to join":["Invitasjon"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vennligst legg til E-mail adresser til de du vil invitere under."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separer flere e-mail adresser med komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Trykk er for og lage en konto:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til \"{space}\" i {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} inviterte deg til {name}."],"Created at":["Opprettet"],"Created by":["Skrevet av"],"Editable":["Redigerbar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Feltet kunne ikke bli redigert!"],"Fieldtype":["Felt type"],"ID":["ID"],"Internal Name":["Internt Navn"],"Internal name already in use!":["Internt navn er allerede i bruk!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Internt navn kunne ikke bli endret!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ugyldig felt type!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribute"],"Module":["Modul"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Kun nummere kan benyttes!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil Felt Kategori"],"Required":["Påkrevd"],"Searchable":["Søkbar"],"Show at registration":["Vis ved registrering"],"Sort order":["Sortering"],"Updated at":["Oppdatert"],"Visible":["Synlig"],"Birthday":["Bursdag"],"Country":["Land"],"Date":["Dato"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekst Område"],"%y Years":["%y År"],"Create new Page":["Lag en ny Side"],"HTML":["HTML"],"Link":["Link"],"Navigation":["Navigasjon"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Ingen egen definerte sider laget enda!"],"Sort Order":["Sorterings rekkefølge"],"Top Navigation":["Top Navigering"],"Type":["Type"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Bruker konto meny (Innstillinger)"],"Add new page":["Legg til ny side"],"Create page":["Opprett side"],"Edit page":["Rediger side"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standard sorterings måte: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Side titel"],"URL":["URL"],"Open page...":["Åpne side..."],"Confirm category deleting":["Bekreft sletting av kategori"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bekreft sletting av link"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["La til en ny link %link% i kategori\"%category%\"."],"Delete category":["Slett kategori"],"Delete link":["Slett link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne kategorien? Alle linker vil forsvinne!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne linken?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Forleng linkens gyldighet med en tilkoblings test."],"Linklist":["Link liste"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Link liste modul konfigurasjon "],"No description available.":["Ingen beskrivelse tilgjengelig."],"Requested category could not be found.":["Forespurt kategori ble ikke funnet."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Forespurt link ble ikke funnet."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Vis Link listen som en widget på høyre side."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Kategorien du ønsker og lagre linken i ble ikke funnet!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Det har ikke blitt lagt til noen linker og kategorier for denne gruppen enda."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Du kan aktivere link validering for en gruppe eller bruker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere/legge til linker!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og slette denne linken!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne kategorien!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Du mangler rettighetene til og redigere denne linken!"],"list":["liste"],"Category":["Kategori"],"Is Originator":["Er forfatter"],"Last Viewed":["Sist sett"],"Messages":["Meldinger"],"Recipient":["Avsender","Mottaker"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Du kan ikke sende en e-mai til deg selv!l","Du kan ikke sende en e-mail til deg selv!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Ny melding fra {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["og {counter} andre brukere"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Ny melding i samtalen fra %displayName%"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Reply now":["Svar nå"],"sent you a new message:":["sendte deg en ny melding:"],"sent you a new message in":["sendte deg en ny melding i"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Legg til flere deltagere i denne samtalen..."],"Add recipients":["Legg til mottakere"],"New message":["Ny melding"],"Edit message entry":["Rediger melding"],"Conversations":["Samtaler"],"There are no messages yet.":["Det er ingen meldinger her enda."],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Bekreft sletting av samtale"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Bekreft utmelding av samtale"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bekreft sletting av melding"],"Add user":["Legg til bruker"],"Delete conversation":["Slett samtale"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne samtalen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne meldingen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Ønsker du virkelig og forlate denne samtalen?"],"Leave":["Forlat"],"Leave conversation":["Forlat samtale"],"Leave discussion":["Forlat diskusjon"],"Write an answer...":["Skriv ett svar..."],"User Posts":["Bruker Innlegg"],"Sign up now":["Registrer deg nå"],"Show all messages":["Vis alle meldinger"],"Send message":["Send melding"],"Most active people":["Flest aktive brukere"],"Get a list":["Se listen"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Flest aktive brukere modul konfigurasjon"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Det høyeste nummer av aktive brukere som vil vises"],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Du kan konfigurere antall brukere som vises"],"Comments created":["Kommentarer laget"],"Likes given":["Likes gitt"],"Posts created":["Poster laget"],"Assigned user(s)":["Tilknyttede bruker (e)"],"Deadline":["Frist"],"Tasks":["Oppgaver"],"Could not access task!":["Kunne ikke åpne oppgave!"],"Task":["Oppgave"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} tilknyttet oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} laget oppgave {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} fullførte oppgave {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} tildelte deg en oppgave {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} lagde en ny oppgave {task}.\n"],"Create new task":["Lag ny oppgave"],"Edit task":["Rediger oppgave"],"Assign users":["Tilknytt brukere"],"What is to do?":["Hva er det og gjøre?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bekreft sletting"],"Add Task":["Legg til oppgave"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Ønsker du virkelig og slette denne oppgaven?"],"No open tasks...":["Ingen åpne oppgaver..."],"completed tasks":["fullførte oppgaver"],"Create":["Lag"],"Click, to finish this task":["Trykk for og fullføre oppgaven"],"This task is already done. 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Be the first and create one...":["Det er ingen oppgaver enda!
Vær den første til og lage noen..."],"Assigned to me":["Tildel meg"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ingen oppgaver er funnet som matcher ditt filter (e) !"],"Nobody assigned":["Ingen tilknyttet"],"State is finished":["Status er fullført"],"State is open":["Status er åpen"],"Assign users to this task":["Tilknytt brukere denne oppgaven"],"Deadline for this task?":["Frist for fullføring?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Legg til bruker(e) på forhånd."],"What to do?":["Hva skal gjøres?"],"Update HumHub":["Oppdater HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Oppdater HumHub BETA"],"Show more":["Vis mer"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Datoen må være i fortid."],"Unsubscribe":["Avslutte abonnementet"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Her kan du koble til eksterne tjenesteleverandører for bruk av eksterne tjenester som en single sign-on-godkjenning."],"You're not registered.":["Du er ikke registrert"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bekreft sletting av side\n"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Din konto har blitt aktivert.
\r\n\r\n Klikk her for og logge inn:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hei {displayName},
\r\n\r\n ditt medlemskap har blitt avvist.
\r\n\r\n Hilsen
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maks antall låste objekter nådd!\r\n\r\nDu kan kun låse to innlegg samtidig.\r\nFor og feste dette innlegget, må du først låse opp ett annet innlegg!"],"Pinned":["Låst","Lås"],"Unpinned":["Lås opp"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/nl/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/nl/archive.json
index 4fbdb63a6d..89c83d83f3 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/nl/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/nl/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Laatste updates"],"Search":["Zoeken"],"Account settings":["Accountinstellingen"],"Administration":["Administratie"],"Back":["Terug"],"Back to dashboard":["Terug naar dashboard"],"Choose language:":["Kies een taal:"],"Collapse":["Inklappen"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon bron moet een instantie van HActiveRecordContent of HActiveRecordContentAddon zijn!"],"Could not determine content container!":["De content container kon niet bepaald worden!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["De inhoud van deze addon kon niet gevonden worden!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Kon de gevraagde module niet vinden!"],"Error":["Fout"],"Expand":["Uitklappen"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Niet voldoende rechten om inhoud te plaatsen!"],"Invalid request.":["Ongeldig verzoek."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Je hebt misschien de verkeerde afslag genomen."],"Keyword:":["Trefwoord:"],"Language":["Taal"],"Latest news":["Laatste nieuws"],"Login":["Log in","Inloggen","Login"],"Logout":["Uitloggen"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"My profile":["Mijn profiel"],"New profile image":["Nieuwe profielfoto"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Niets gevonden met deze input."],"Oooops...":["Oeps..."],"Results":["Resultaten"],"Search":["Zoek"],"Search for users and spaces":["Zoeken naar gebruikers en ruimtes"],"Show more results":["Laat meer resultaten zien"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Sorry, niets gevonden!"],"Space not found!":["Ruimte niet gevonden!"],"User Approvals":["Goedkeuren gebruikers"],"User not found!":["Gebruiker niet gevonden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Welkom bij %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare content plaatsen!"],"Your daily summary":["Je dagelijkse samenvatting"],"Login required":["Inloggen vereist"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Er is een interne serverfout opgetreden."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Je hebt niet de nodige rechten om deze actie uit te voeren."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globale {global} array opgeruimd met de {method} methode."],"Upload error":["Upload fout"],"Close":["Sluiten"],"Add image/file":["Voeg afbeelding/bestand toe"],"Add link":["Voeg link toe"],"Bold":["Vet"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een URL in (bijvoobeeld http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Kop"],"Image":["Afbeelding"],"Image/File":["Afbeelding/Bestand"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Link invoegen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Afbeelding link invoegen"],"Italic":["Cursief"],"List":["Lijst"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Even geduld aub..."],"Preview":["Voorbeeld"],"Quote":["Quote"],"Target":["Doel"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Titel van de link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Code tekst hier"],"emphasized text":["benadrukte tekst"],"enter image description here":["Afbeelding omschrijving"],"enter image title here":["Afbeelding titel"],"enter link description here":["Link omschrijving"],"heading text":["Koptekst"],"list text here":["Lijsttekst"],"quote here":["quote hier plaatsen"],"strong text":["belangrijke tekst"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Kon geen activiteit voor dit object type maken!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de nieuwe ruimte %spaceName% aangemaakt"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte aangemaakt."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% is lid geworden van ruimte %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% is van deze ruimte lid geworden."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de ruimte %spaceName% verlaten"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte verlaten."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} volgt nu {user2}."],"see online":["zie online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Laatste activiteiten"],"There are no activities yet.":["Er zijn nog geen activiteiten."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\n \n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n Je account aanvraag is afgewezen.
\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is goedgekeurd."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is afgewezen."],"Group not found!":["Groep niet gevonden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kon de module niet deïnstalleren! Module is beveiligd."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Module pad %path% is niet schrijfbaar"],"Saved":["Opgeslagen"],"Database":["Database"],"No theme":["Geen thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kon LDAP niet laden! - Controleer PHP Extensie"],"File":["Bestand"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Geen caching (Alleen om te testen!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Geen - toont keuzelijst in gebruikersregistratie."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Opgeslagen en cache geflusht"],"Become this user":["Word deze gebruiker"],"Delete":["Verwijder"],"Disabled":["Uitgeschakeld"],"Enabled":["Ingeschakeld"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokaal"],"Save":["Bewaar"],"Unapproved":["Niet goedgekeurd"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Je kan jezelf niet verwijderen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kon categorie niet laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Je kan alleen lege categorieën verwijderen!"],"Group":["Groep"],"Message":["Bericht"],"Subject":["Onderwerp"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP ondersteuning inschakelen"],"Encryption":["Encryptie"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Haal Gebruikers Automatisch op"],"Hostname":["Hostnaam"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Wachtwoord"],"Port":["Poort"],"User Filer":["Gebruikersfilter"],"Username":["Gebruikersnaam"],"Username Attribute":["Gebruikersnaam Attribuut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Sta beperkte toegang voor niet-ingelogde gebruikers toe (gasten)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonieme gebruikers kunnen registreren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standaard gebruikersgroep voor nieuwe gebruikers"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standaard gebruiker idle timeout - auto-uitloggen (in seconden, optioneel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid gebruikersprofiel"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Leden kunnen externe gebruikers uitnodigen per email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Goedkeuring door groep admin benodigd na registratie"],"Base URL":["Basis URL"],"Default language":["Standaard taal"],"Default space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Invalid space":["Ongeldige ruimte"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Naam van de applicatie"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Toon introductie aan nieuwe gebruikers"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Toon bericht verzenden van gebruikersprofiel op het dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standaard vervaltijd (in seconden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standaard paginering grootte (Berichten per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Weergavenaam (Formaat)"],"Dropdown space order":["Keuzelijst ruimte volgorde"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Toegestane bestandsextensies"],"Convert command not found!":["Conversie commando niet gevonden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Kreeg ongeldig image magic response! - Juiste commando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Verberg bestandsinformatie (naam, grootte) voor afbeeldingen op muur"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Verberg bestandslijstwidget voor deze objecten op muur"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick conversie commando (optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum hoogte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum breedte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maximale bestandsgrootte (in MB's)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Gebruik X-Sendfile voor bestand downloads"],"Administrator users":["Administrators"],"Description":["Beschrijving"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Name":["Naam"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Laat zelfondertekende certificaten toe?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-mailadres afzender"],"E-Mail sender name":["Naam van afzender"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail transporttype"],"Port number":["Poortnummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Eindpunt URL"],"Url Prefix":["URL Voorvoegsel"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Geen Proxy Hosts"],"Server":["Server"],"User":["Gebruiker"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins kunnen alle objecten verwijderen"],"Default Join Policy":["Standaard Policy om Lid te Worden"],"Default Visibility":["Standaard Zichtbaarheid"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML tracking code"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulemap voor module %moduleId% bestaat reeds!"],"Could not extract module!":["Kon module niet uitpakken!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Kon lijst van modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Kon info over modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Download van module mislukt!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modulemap %modulePath% is niet schrijfbaar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Download van module mislukt! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Geen compatibele moduleversie gevonden!"],"Activated":["Geactiveerd"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nog geen modules geïnstalleerd."],"Version:":["Versie:"],"Installed":["Geïnstalleerd"],"No modules found!":["Geen modules gevonden!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle modules zijn up-to-date!"],"About HumHub":["Over HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Huidige versie: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licenties"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Er is een nieuwe update beschikbaar! (Laatste versie: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Deze installatie is up-to-date!"],"Accept":["Accepteren"],"Decline":["Afwijzen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepteer gebruiker: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annuleren"],"Send & save":["Verzend & bewaar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afwijzen & verwijderen gebruiker: {displayName}"],"Email":["Email"],"Search for email":["Zoek naar e-mail"],"Search for username":["Zoek naar gebruikersnaam"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier zie je alle gebruikers die zich geregistreerd hebben en momenteel nog wachten op een goedkeuring."],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Om de groep \"{group}\" te verwijderen, dien je een alternatieve groep in te stellen voor volgende gebruikers:"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"Edit group":["Bewerk groep"],"Group name":["Naam van de groep"],"Search for description":["Zoek naar beschrijving"],"Search for group name":["Zoek naar groepsnaam"],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Je kan gebruikers in verschillende groepen opsplitsen (voor teams, departementen, enz.) en standaard ruimtes en administrators toekennen een hun."],"Error logging":["Error loggen"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Er worden {count} berichten getoond per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Flush berichten"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} berichten gevonden."],"Available updates":["Beschikbare updates"],"Browse online":["Blader online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modules breiden de functionaliteit van HumHub uit. Hier kan je de modules van de HumHub marktplaats installeren en beheren."],"Module details":["Module details"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Deze module heeft geen verdere informatie."],"Processing...":["Verwerken..."],"Modules directory":["Modules overzicht"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data zal verloren gaan!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* data en bestanden gerelateerd aan de module zullen verloren gaan!"],"Configure":["Configureren","Configureer"],"Disable":["Uitschakelen"],"Enable":["Inschakelen"],"More info":["Meer info"],"Set as default":["Instellen als standaard"],"Uninstall":["Deïnstalleren"],"Install":["Installeren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Latest version:":["Nieuwste versie:"],"Installed version:":["Geïnstalleerde versie:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Update":["Update"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Stel in als standaard module"],"Always activated":["Altijd geactiveerd"],"Deactivated":["Gedeactiveerd"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kan je kiezen of een module automatisch geactiveerd moet worden voor een ruimte of gebruikersprofiel. Als de module moet worden geactiveerd, kies dan \"altijd geactiveerd\"."],"Spaces":["Ruimtes","Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Gebruikersprofielen"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie van HumHub beschikbaar (versie %version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authenticatie - Basis"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimum waarde is 20 seconden. Indien niet ingesteld, zal de sessie na 1400 seconden (24 minuten) verlopen, ongeacht activiteit."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Alleen van toepassing als beperkte toegang voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers ingeschakeld is. Heeft alleen invloed op nieuwe gebruikers."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authenticatie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL is aan te raden in productie omgevingen om te vermijden dat wachtwoorden in leesbare tekst verzonden worden."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definieert de filter om toe te passen wanneer er ingelogd wordt. %uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam in de login actie. Voorbeeld: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" of "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribuut voor gebruikersnaam. Voorbeeld: "uid" of "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Beperk toegang voor gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria. Voorbeeld: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" of "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Error! (Melding: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} gebruikers)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["De standaard Base DN die gebruikt wordt voor het zoeken naar accounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Het standaard wachtwoord (wordt enkel gebruikt in combinatie met bovenstaande gebruikersnaam)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["De standaards gebruikersnaam. Sommige servers eisen dat dit in DN formaat staat. Dit moet in DN formaat staan als de LDAP server een DN vereist voor de bind actie en de bind actie zou mogelijk moeten zijn met simpele gebruikersnamen."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Instellingen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Bewaar & Flush Caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob instellingen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab van gebruiker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Laatste uitvoering (dagelijks):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Laatste uitvoering (om het uur):"],"Never":["Nooit"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Of Crontab van root gebruiker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Zorg er aub voor dat de volgende bronjobs geïnstalleerd zijn:"],"Design settings":["Design instellingen"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisch"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Voornaam Achternaam (bijvoorbeeld John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Gebruikersnaam (bijvoorbeeld john)"],"File settings":["Bestand instellingen"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om alles toe te staan."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om de bestandslijst voor alle objecten te laten zien op de muur."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de hoogte standaard 200px zijn."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de breedte standaard 200px zijn."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meld een maximum van {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bevestig afbeelding verwijderen"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Voorbeeld http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nieuwe gebruikers zullen standaard aan deze ruimte(s) worden toegevoegd."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Je gebruikt momenteel geen logo."],"Activities":["Activiteiten"],"Always":["Altijd"],"Daily summary":["Dagelijks","Dagelijks overzicht"],"Defaults":["Standaard"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Standaard instellingen voor e-mails als een gebruiker een notificatie ontvangt. Dit kan door gebruikers zelf worden aangepast naar eigen wens."],"Notifications":["Notificaties"],"Server Settings":["Server Instellingen"],"When I´m offline":["Als ik offline bent","Wanneer ik offline ben"],"About":["Over"],"Groups":["Groepen"],"Could not delete comment!":["Reactie kan niet worden verwijderd! "],"Target not found!":["Doel niet gevonden!"],"Access denied!":["Toegang geweigerd!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Niet genoeg rechten!"],"Comment":["Reactie"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schreef een nieuwe reactie"],"Comments":["Reacties"],"Edit your comment...":["Bewerk je reactie..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op je %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Toon alle {total} reacties."],"Post":["Bericht"],"Write a new comment...":["Geef een nieuwe reactie..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Toon nog %count% reacties"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bevestig reactie verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Wil je deze reactie echt verwijderen?"],"Edit":["Bewerk"],"Updated :timeago":["Bijgewerkt :timeago"],"Back to stream":["Terug naar berichten"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\n\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Could not load requested object!":["Kon het gevraagde object niet laden"],"Invalid model given!":["Ongeldig model opgegeven!"],"Unknown content class!":["Onbekende inhoud klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kon de gevraagde inhoud niet vinden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kon gevraagde permalink niet vinden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuw {contentTitle} aangemaakt."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Verzenden"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Geen resultaten met de geselecteerde filters!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nog niets om weer te geven!"],"Unarchive":["Dearchiveer"],"Move to archive":["Verplaats naar archief"],"Add a member to notify":["Hou een lid op de hoogte"],"Make private":["Maak privé"],"Make public":["Maak publiek"],"Notify members":["Breng leden op de hoogte"],"Public":["Publiek"],"What's on your mind?":["Plaats een bericht"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ben je zeker dat je dit bericht wilt verwijderen? Alle likes en reacties zullen verloren gaan!","Wil je deze post echt verwijderen? Alle likes en comments gaan ook verloren!"],"Archived":["Gearchiveerd"],"Sticked":["Vastgekleefd"],"Turn off notifications":["Notificaties uitzetten"],"Turn on notifications":["Notificaties aanzetten"],"Permalink to this page":["Permalink naar deze pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink naar dit bericht"],"Permalink":["Permalink","Permalink\r\n"],"Stick":["Vastkleven"],"Unstick":["Losmaken"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Er heeft nog niemand een bericht geschreven.
Wees de eerste en laat een bericht achter..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Je dashboard is leeg!
Plaats een bericht op je profiel of word lid van een aantal ruimtes!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Je profiel is momenteel nog leeg
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Content with attached files":["Berichten met bestanden"],"Created by me":["Aangemaakt door mij","Geaakt door mij"],"Creation time":["Aanmaak datum"],"Include archived posts":["Inclusief gearchiveerde berichten"],"Last update":["Laatste update"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niets gevonden dat overeenkomt met de huidige filter(s)!"],"Only private posts":["Alleen privé berichten"],"Only public posts":["Alleen publieke berichten"],"Posts only":["Alleen berichten"],"Posts with links":["Berichten met links"],"Show all":["Alles weegeven"],"Where I´m involved":["Waar ik bij betrokken ben"],"No public contents to display found!":["Geen openbare inhoud om te tonen gevonden!"],"Directory":["Overzicht"],"Member Group Directory":["Leden groep overzicht"],"show all members":["Toon alle leden"],"Directory menu":["Overzicht menu"],"Members":["Leden"],"User profile posts":["Profiel berichten"],"Member directory":["Leden overzicht"],"Follow":["Volgen","Volg"],"No members found!":["Geen leden gevonden!"],"Unfollow":["Stop volgen"],"search for members":["Zoek naar leden"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"No spaces found!":["Geen ruimtes gevonden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Je bent lid van deze ruimte"],"search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"Group stats":["Groep statistieken"],"Average members":["Gemiddeld aantal leden"],"Top Group":["Top Groep"],"Total groups":["Totaal aantal groepen"],"Member stats":["Leden statistieken"],"New people":["Nieuwe personen"],"Follows somebody":["Volgt iemand"],"Online right now":["Momenteel online"],"Total users":["Totaal aantal leden"],"See all":["Toon alle"],"New spaces":["Nieuwe ruimtes"],"Space stats":["Ruimte statistieken"],"Most members":["Meeste leden"],"Private spaces":["Private ruimtes"],"Total spaces":["Totaal aantal ruimtes"],"Could not find requested file!":["Gevraagd bestand niet gevonden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Onvoldoende rechten!"],"Created By":["Gemaakt door"],"Created at":["Aangemaakt op","Gemaakt op"],"File name":["Bestandsnaam"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ongeldige Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum bestandsgrootte ({maxFileSize}) overschreden!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Grootte"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dit bestandstype is niet toegelaten!"],"Updated at":["Aangepast op","Geüpdatet"],"Updated by":["Aangepast door","Geüpdatet door"],"Could not upload File:":["Kon bestand niet uploaden:"],"Upload files":["Upload bestanden"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lijst van geüploade bestanden:"],"Create Admin Account":["Maak Admin Account"],"Name of your network":["Naam van je netwerk"],"Name of Database":["Databasenaam"],"Admin Account":["Admin Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Bijna klaar. In de laatste stap dien je een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met die account kan je het hele netwerk beheren."],"Next":["Volgende"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Wijzig de naam van je nieuwe sociale netwerk. Je kan bijvoorbeeld de naam van je bedrijf, organisatie of club gebruiken."],"Social Network Name":["Sociale Netwerk Naam"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gefeliciteerd. Je bent klaar."],"Sign in":["Log in","Inloggen"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["De installatie is succesvol voltooid! Veel plezier met je nieuwe sociale netwerk."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Welkom bij HumHub
Je Sociale Netwerk Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Deze wizard zal je eigen HumHub installeren en configureren.
Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."],"Database Configuration":["Database Configuratie"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hieronder dien je informatie in te vullen voor de database connectie. Als je niet zeker weet wat je moet invullen, neem dan contact op met je systeemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnaam van je MySQL database server (Bijvoorbeeld localhost als MySQL op dezelfde server staat als HumHub)"],"Initializing database...":["Databank initialiseren..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oei, er is iets misgelopen!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["De naam van de database waar je HumHub in wil plaatsen."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Verbinding met database gelukt!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Je MySQL wachtwoord."],"Your MySQL username":["Je MySQL gebruikersnaam."],"System Check":["Systeem Controle"],"Check again":["Controleer opnieuw"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gefeliciteerd! Alles ziet er goed uit en klaar om opnieuw te beginnen!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Dit overzicht toont alle systeemvereisten voor HumHub."],"Users who like this":["Gebruikers die dit leuk vonden"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} vindt {contentTitle} leuk"],"User who vote this":["Gebruiker die dit stemde"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% ook leuk."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% leuk."]," likes this.":[" vindt dit leuk."],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"You
"],"Like":["Vind ik leuk"],"Unlike":["Vind ik niet meer leuk"],"and {count} more like this.":["en nog {count} andere."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kon doorverwijzing niet bepalen voor dit soort bronobject!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kon notificatie bronobject voor doorverwijzing niet laden!"],"New":["Nieuw"],"Mark all as seen":["Markeer alles als gezien"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Er zijn nog geen notificaties."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% heeft een nieuw bericht geplaatst."],"Edit your post...":["Bewerk je bericht..."],"Read full post...":["Lees volledig bericht..."],"Send & decline":["Verzend & afwijzen"],"Visible for all":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen"]," Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["De eigenaar van ruimte {spaceName} kan niet verwijderd worden!"],"Everyone can enter":["Iedereen kan lid worden"],"Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Only by invite":["Alleen door uitnodiging"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privaat (Onzichtbaar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiek (Leden & Gasten)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiek (Alleen leden)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiek (Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Public (Visible)":["Publiek (Zichtbaar)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (leden en gasten)"],"Space is invisible!":["Ruimte is onzichtbaar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Je moet inloggen om de inhoud van deze ruimte te zien!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als eigenaar kan je je lidmaatschap niet intrekken!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kon lidmaatschap niet aanvragen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Er zijn geen wachten aanvragen!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Deze actie is enkel beschikbaar voor leden van de ruimte!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Je mag geen lid worden van deze ruimte!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ruimtetitel is reeds in gebruik!"],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Je wachtwoord"],"Invites":["Uitnodigingen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nieuwe gebruiker per e-mail (gescheiden met komma)"],"User is already member!":["Gebruiker is reeds lid!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} is reeds geregistreerd!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} is niet geldig!"],"Application message":["Applicatie melding"],"Scope":["Omvang"],"Strength":["Kracht"],"Created At":["Gemaakt op"],"Join Policy":["Policy om lid te worden"],"Owner":["Eigenaar"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Labels","Tags"],"Updated At":["Aangepast op","Geüpdate op"],"Visibility":["Zichtbaarheid"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optioneel)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Je kan geen privaat zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecteer het gebied van je foto dat je wilt gebruiken als avatar en klik op Bewaar."],"Modify space image":["Wijzig ruimte afbeelding"],"Delete space":["Verwijder ruimte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ben je zeker dat je deze ruimte wilt verwijderen? Alle gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Geef je wachtwoord om verder te gaan!"],"General space settings":["Algemene ruimte instellingen"],"Archive":["Archiveren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Kies het soort lidmaatschap dat je wilt voorzien voor deze ruimte."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Kies het beveiligingsniveau voor deze ruimte om de zichtbaarheid te bepalen."],"Manage your space members":["Beheer je ruimte leden"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Openstaande uitnodigingen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Openstaande gebruikersaanvragen"],"Remove member":["Verwijder lid"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Deze gebruiker kan andere gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Deze gebruiker kan berichten publiek maken"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze gebruiker uit deze ruimte wilt verwijderen?"],"Can invite":["Kan uitnodigen"],"Can share":["Kan delen"],"Change space owner":["Verander ruimte eigenaar"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe gebruikers uitgenodigd via e-mail worden hier niet getoond."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Hieronder kan je alle actieve gebruikers van deze ruimte zien. Je kan hun rechten aanpassen of hun verwijderen uit deze ruimte."],"Is admin":["Is admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Maak deze gebruiker een administrator"],"No, cancel":["Nee, annuleer"],"Remove":["Verwijderen"],"Request message":["Aanvraag bericht"],"Revoke invitation":["Uitnodiging intrekken"],"Search members":["Zoek leden"],"Space owner":["Space eigenaar"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De volgende gebruikers wachten op een goedkeuring om deze ruimte te betreden."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De volgende gebruikers zijn reeds uitgenodigd voor deze ruimte, maar hebben de uitnodiging nog niet geaccepteerd."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["De ruimte eigenaar is de super admin van een ruimte met alle rechten en meestal de maker van de ruimte. Hier kan je een andere eigenaar kiezen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, verwijder"],"Space Modules":["Ruimte Modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor deze ruimte zal verwijderd worden!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Er zijn momenteel geen modules beschikbaar voor deze ruimte!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Breid deze ruimte uit met modules."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte"],"Advanced access settings":["Geavanceerde instellingen voor toegang"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Ook niet-leden kunnen deze ruimte zien, maar hebben geen toegang"],"Create":["Maak"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Alle gebruikers kunnen lid worden van je ruimte, zonder je toestemming"],"For everyone":["Voor iedereen"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hoe wil je je ruimte noemen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Geef een korte beschrijving voor andere gebruikers."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Deze ruimte zal verborgen zijn voor alle niet-leden"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gebruikers kunnen ook vragen om lid te worden van deze ruimte"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gebruikers kunnen alleen toegevoegd worden door uitnodiging"],"space description":["Ruimte beschrijving"],"space name":["Ruimte naam"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vraagt lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} goedgekeurd"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je gevraagd om lid te worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} aanvaard"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"This space is still empty!":["Deze space is nog leeg!"],"Accept Invite":["Uitnodiging accepteren"],"Become member":["Lid worden"],"Cancel membership":["Lidmaatschap Annuleren"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Lidmaatschapsaanvraag annuleren"],"Deny Invite":["Uitnodiging afwijzen"],"Request membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Je bent de eigenaar van deze ruimte."],"created by":["aangemaakt door"],"Invite members":["Leden uitnodigen"],"Add an user":["Voeg een gebruiker toe"],"Email addresses":["E-mailadres"],"Invite by email":["Uitnodigen per e-mail"],"New user?":["Nieuwe gebruiker?"],"Pick users":["Selecteer gebruikers"],"Send":["Versturen"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Om gebruikers uit te nodigen, vul je hun naam hieronder in om ze te zoeken en selecteren."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Je kan ook personen zonder account uitnodigen. Vul hun e-mailadressen in gescheiden door een komma."],"Request space membership":["Vraag ruimte lidmaatschap aan"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol naar de ruimte administrator verstuurd."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Gebruiker is lid geworden."],"User has been invited.":["Gebruiker is uitgenodigd."],"User has not been invited.":["Gebruiker is niet uitgenodigd."],"Space preferences":["Ruimte voorkeuren"],"General":["Algemeen"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Admin":["Admin"],"My Space List":["Mijn Ruimte Lijst"],"My space summary":["Mijn ruimte overzicht"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"Space menu":["Ruimte menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Afbeelding wijzigen"],"Current space image":["Huidige ruimte afbeelding"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ben je zeker dat je de titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?","Ben je zeker dat je je titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je profielafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Invite":["Uitnodigen"],"Something went wrong":["Er is iets fout gegaan"],"Followers":["Volgers"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Request workspace membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol verstuurd naar de ruimte administrator."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte aan"],"My spaces":["Mijn ruimtes"],"Space info":["Ruimte info"],"more":["meer"],"New member request":["Nieuwe lidaanvraag"],"Space members":["Ruimte leden"],"Next »":["Volgende »"],"« Prev":["« Vorige"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Deze account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Je moet ingelogd zijn om dit profiel te bekijken!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Je wachtwoord is onjuist!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Je kan je wachtwoord hier niet aanpassen."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ongeldige link! Zorg dat je de volledige URL invoerd."],"Save profile":["Bewaar profiel"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Dit e-mailadres is al in gebruik door een andere gebruiker."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Je kan je e-mailadres hier niet aanpassen."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Maak een account aan"],"Current password":["Huidig wachtwoord"],"E-Mail change":["E-mail aanpassen"],"New E-Mail address":["Nieuw e-mailadres"],"Send activities?":["Stuur activiteiten?"],"Send notifications?":["Stuur notificaties?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres of wachtwoord."],"New password":["Nieuw wachtwoord"],"New password confirm":["Nieuw wachtwoord bevestigen"],"Remember me next time":["Onthouden"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Je account is nog niet door onze medewerkers geactiveerd."],"Your account is suspended.":["Je account is geschorst."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Wachtwoordherstel is niet mogelijk voor dit accounttype!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Wachtwoordherstel"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" niet gevonden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailadres is reeds in gebruik - Probeer wachtwoord vergeten."],"Invalid language!":["Ongeldige taal"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Verberg paneel op het dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profiel zichtbaarheid"],"Default Space":["Standaard Space"],"Group Administrators":["Groep Beheerders"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Leden kunnen private ruimtes aanmaken"],"Members can create public spaces":["Leden kunnen publieke ruimtes aanmaken"],"Birthday":["Geboortedatum"],"City":["Stad"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Extra"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Vrouw"],"Firstname":["Voornaam"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Geslacht"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Verberg jaar in profiel"],"Lastname":["Achternaam"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Man"],"Mobile":["Mobiel"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefoon (privé)"],"Phone Work":["Telefoon (werk)"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Staat"],"Street":["Straat"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Address"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postcode"],"Created by":["Aangemaakt door","Gemaakt door"],"Editable":["Bewerkbaar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Veldtype kan niet aangepast worden!"],"Fieldtype":["Veldtype"],"Internal Name":["Interne naam"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interne naam reeds in gebruik"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interne naam kon niet aangepast worden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ongeldig veldtype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribuut"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Alleen alfanumerieke karakters zijn toegestaan!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profiel Veld Categorie"],"Required":["Verplicht"],"Show at registration":["Toon bij registratie"],"Sort order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertaling Categorie ID"],"Type Config":["Soort configuratie"],"Visible":["Zichtbaar"],"Communication":["Communicatie"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bookmarks"],"Datetime":["Datumtijd"],"Number":["Getal"],"Select List":["Keuzelijst"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstvlak"],"%y Years":["%y jaar"],"Birthday field options":["Geboortedatum veld opties"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datum (en tijd) veld opties"],"Show date/time picker":["Toon datum/tijd picker"],"Maximum value":["Maximum waarde"],"Minimum value":["Minimun waarde"],"Number field options":["Getalveld opties"],"One option per line. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["Er is een bevestiging verstuurd naar je e-mailadres."],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Je paswoord is succesvol aangepast!","Je wachtwoord is succesvol aangepast!"],"Modify your profile image":["Wijzig je profiel afbeelding"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Ben je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?
Al je gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Vul je wachtwoord in om door te gaan"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Sorry, als eigenaar van een ruimte kan je je account niet verwijderen!
Selecteer eerst een nieuwe eigenaar of verwijder de ruimte."],"User details":["Gebruiker details"],"User modules":["Gebruiker modules"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor je profiel zal verwijderd worden!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Breid je profiel uit met modules."],"User settings":["Gebruiker instellingen"],"Getting Started":["Aan de slag"],"Registered users only":["Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (ook niet-geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Bureaublad Notificaties"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notificaties"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ontvang een bureaublad notificatie als je online bent."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ontvang een e-mail voor elke activiteit van alle gebruikers die je volgt of waarmee je samen werkt in ruimtes."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ontvang een e-mail wanneer iemand je bericht leuk vindt of een reactie achterlaat."],"Account registration":["Account registratie"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Je account is succesvol aangemaakt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nadat je account geactiveerd is door de administrator, zal je een notificatie per e-mail ontvangen."],"Go to login page":["Ga naar login pagina"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Om in te loggen met je nieuwe account, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"back to home":["terug naar begin"],"Please sign in":["Gelieve in te loggen"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Create a new one.":["Maak een nieuw aan."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Heb je geen account? Word lid van het netwerk door je e-mailadres in te vullen."],"Forgot your password?":["Wachtwoord vergeten?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Als je reeds lid bent, log dan in met je gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres en paswoord."],"Register":["Registreren"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["wachtwoord"],"username or email":["gebruikersnaam of e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul je e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om je wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Reset password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"your email":["je e-mailadres"],"Password recovery!":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["We hebben je een e-mail gestuurd met een link waarmee je je wachtwoord opnieuw kan instellen."],"Registration successful!":["Registratie succesvol!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Controleer je e-mail en volg de instructies!"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"Change your password":["Wijzig je wachtwoord"],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed!":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres"],"Confirm":["Bevestig"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Je hebt gevraagd om je e-mailadres te wijzigen.
Je nieuwe e-mailadres is {newemail}.
Om je nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Deze link zal binnen 24 uur verlopen."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Gebruik volgende link binnen 24 uur om je wachtwoord te resetten."],"Reset Password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"Registration Link":["Registratielink"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Welkom bij %appName%. Gelieve op onderstaande knop te klikken om verder te gaan met je registratie."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Space Invite":["Ruimte Uitnodiging"],"You got a space invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging voor een ruimte ontvangen"],"invited you to the space:":["uitgenodigd door:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft je vermeld in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} volgt je vanaf nu."],"About this user":["Over deze gebruiker"],"Modify your title image":["Wijzig je titel afbeelding"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dit profiel is momenteel nog leeg!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je logo wilt verwijderen?"],"Account settings":["Account instellingen"],"Profile":["Profiel"],"Settings":["Instellingen"],"Profile menu":["Profiel menu"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Following":["Volgend"],"Following user":["Volgende gebruikers"],"User followers":["Gebruiker volgers"],"Member in these spaces":["Leden in deze ruimtes"],"User tags":["Gebruiker labels"],"No birthday.":["Geen verjaardagen."],"Back to modules":["Terug naar modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Verjaardagen module configuratie"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Aankomende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["U kunt het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden instellen."],"becomes":["wordt"],"birthdays":["verjaardagen"],"days":["dagen"],"today":["vandaag"],"years old.":["jaar oud."],"Active":["Actief"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markeren als ongelezen voor alle gebruikers"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Voegt een kalender voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Voegt een kalender toe aan deze ruimte."],"All Day":["Volledige dag"],"Attending users":["Deelnemers"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Afgewezen"],"End Date":["Einddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Einddatum en uur"],"End Time":["Eindtijd"],"End time must be after start time!":["Einde moet na begin zijn!"],"Event":["Evenement"],"Event not found!":["Evenement niet gevonden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Misschien"],"Participation Mode":["Deelname"],"Recur":["Herhaal"],"Recur End":["Herhaal einde"],"Recur Interval":["Herhaal interval"],"Recur Type":["Herhaaltype"],"Select participants":["Selecteer deelnemers"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum en uur"],"Start Time":["Starttijd"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Je hebt geen toegang tot dit evenement!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om een evenement te maken!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te verwijderen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te bewerken!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% aangemaakt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt misschien deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt niet deel aan %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Startdatum/uur"],"Create event":["Maak evenement aan"],"Edit event":["Bewerk evenement"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Om een evenement aan te maken in een ruimte, dien je de kalender op de gewenste ruimte te openen."],"End Date/Time":["Einddatum/uur"],"Everybody can participate":["Iedereen kan deelnemen"],"No participants":["Geen deelnemers"],"Participants":["Deelnemers"],"Attend":["Deelnemen"],"Created by:":["Aangemaakt door:"],"Edit event":["Evenement bewerken"],"Edit this event":["Evenement bewerken"],"I´m attending":["Waar ik aan deelneem"],"I´m maybe attending":["Misschien"],"I´m not attending":["Afgewezen"],"Maybe":["Misschien"],"Filter events":["Filter evenementen"],"Select calendars":["Selecteer kalenders"],"Already responded":["Reeds gereageerd"],"Followed spaces":["Gevolgde ruimtes"],"Followed users":["Gevolgde gebruikers"],"My events":["Mijn evenementen"],"Not responded yet":["Nog niet gereageerd"],"Loading...":["Laden..."],"Upcoming events ":["Aankomende evenementen "],":count attending":[":count geaccepteerd"],":count declined":[":count afgewezen"],":count maybe":[":count misschien"],"Participants:":["Deelnemers:"],"Create new Page":["Nieuwe pagina"],"Custom Pages":["Aangepaste pagina's"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["Markdown"],"Navigation":["Navigatie"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Geen aangepaste pagina's tot nu toe!"],"Sort Order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Top Navigation":["Hoofd navigatie"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Gebruikers account menu (Opties) "],"Create page":["Maak pagina"],"Edit page":["Bewerk pagina"],"Content":["Inhoud","Content"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Standaard sorteervolgorde: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Paginatitel"],"URL":["URL"],"Confirm category deleting":["Bevestig categorie verwijderen"],"Confirm link deleting":["Bevestig link verwijderen"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Nieuwe link %link% aan categorie \"%category%\" toegevoegd."],"Delete category":["Verwijder categorie"],"Delete link":["Verwijder link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? 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categorieën aan deze ruimte toegevoegd."],"Toggle view mode":["Toggle weergavemodus"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Je kan de uitgebreide validatie van links inschakelen voor een ruimte of een gebruiker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om links toe te voegen of aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om de volgorde van categorieën aan te passen!"],"list":["lijst"],"Messages":["Berichten"],"You could not send an email to 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alle berichten"],"No users.":["Geen gebruikers."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet meer dan 7 zijn."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet negatief zijn."],"Most active people":["Meest actieve personen"],"Get a list":["Lijst"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Meest Actieve Gebruikers Module Configuratie"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Het aantal van de meest actieve gebruikers die getoond zullen worden."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Je kan het aantal gebruikers dat getoond zal worden configureren."],"Comments created":["Reacties aangemaakt"],"Likes given":["Aantal \"Vind ik leuk\""],"Posts created":["Berichten aangemaakt"],"Notes":["Notities"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API sleutel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL naar Etherpad"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft nieuwe notitie {noteName} gemaakt."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft notitie {noteName} aangepast."],"Current Status:":["Huidige status:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Notitie module configuratie"],"Save & Test":["Bewaar & Test"],"Save and close":["Bewaar en sluiten"],"Polls":["Polls"],"Could not load poll!":["Kon poll niet laden!"],"Invalid answer!":["Ongeldig antwoord!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Gebruikers stemden voor: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Stemmen voor meerdere antwoorden is uitgeschakeld!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Je hebt niet de nodige rechten om deze actie uit te voeren!"],"Answers":["Antwoorden"],"Multiple answers per user":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Gelieve minstens {min} antwoorden te geven!"],"Question":["Vraag"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} beantwoorde de {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe {question} aangemaakt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe poll aangemaakt en jou aangewezen."],"Ask":["Vragen"],"Reset my vote":["Reset mijn antwoord"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["en {count} anderen hebben voor dit gestemd."],"votes":["stemmen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker toelaten?"],"Ask something...":["Stel je vraag..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mogelijke antwoorden (1 per lijn)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Er zijn nog geen polls!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen polls!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Asked by me":["Gevraagd door mij"],"No answered yet":["Nog geen antwoord"],"Only private polls":["Alleen private polls"],"Only public polls":["Alleen publieke polls"],"Tasks":["Taken"],"Translation Manager":["Vertaalmanager"],"Translations":["Vertalingen"],"Translation Editor":["Vertaal Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bevestig pagina verwijderen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bevestig pagina terugzetten"],"Overview of all pages":["Overzicht van alle pagina's"],"Page history":["Pagina geschiedenis"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Module"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan deze ruimte."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan je profiel."],"Back to page":["Terug naar pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt terugzetten?"],"Edit page":["Bewerk"],"Edited at":["Bewerkt op"],"Go back":["Ga terug"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ongeldig teken in paginatitel!"],"Let's go!":["Nieuwe pagina"],"Main page":["Hoofdpagina"],"New page":["Nieuw"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Sign up now":["Nu aanmelden!","Nu registreren!"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Verjaardagen in de komende {days} dagen"],"In {days} days":["Over {days} dagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wordt {years} jaar oud."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking News Configuratie"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Let op: Je kunt markdown syntax gebruiken"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["De map %filename% kon niet opgeslagen worden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% heeft een ongeldige extensie en is overgeslagen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% is vervangen door een nieuwere versie."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Verwijder bestand"],"Create folder":["Maak map"],"Edit folder":["Bewerk map"],"Files module configuration":["Bestanden module instellingen"],"Move files":["Verplaats bestanden"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Een map met deze naam bestaat al."],"Add directory":["Map toevoegen"],"Add file(s)":["Bestand(en) toevoegen"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Bestanden module toevoegen aan deze space."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Voegt de bestanden module toe aan je profiel."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Verander type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Maak een nieuwe %typeTitle% Space"],"Create new space type":["Maak nieuw space type"],"Delete space type":["Verwijder space type"],"Edit space type":["bewerk space type"],"Manage space types":["Beheer space types"],"Create new type":["Nieuw type maken"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Om het space type \"{type}\"te verwijderen, moet je een alternatief instellen voor Spaces in dit type:"],"Types":["Types"],"e.g. Project":["bijvoorbeeld Project"],"e.g. Projects":["bijvoorbeeld Projecten"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Kies een afbeelding"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Je kunt jezelf geen mail sturen!"],"Add recipients":["Ontvangers toevoegen"],"Edit message entry":["Bericht bewerken"],"Conversations":["Gesprekken"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Gesprek verwijderen"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Gesprek verlaten"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bericht verwijderen"],"Delete conversation":["Verwijder gesprek"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Wil je dit gesprek echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Wil je dit bericht echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Wil je dit gesprek echt verlaten?"],"Leave":["Verlaat"],"Leave conversation":["Verlaat gesprek"],"Send message":["Verstuur bericht"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonieme poll!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Opnieuw? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Op dit moment zijn we een nieuwe meeting aan het plannen en we willen graag van je weten waar je heen zou willen gaan."],"To Daniel":["Aan Daan"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Waarom gaan we niet naar de Bemelman Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anoniem"],"Closed":["Gesloten"],"Add answer...":["Antwoord toevoegen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anoniem stemmen?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antwoorden in willekeurige volgorde weergeven?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwoorden veranderen (Lege antwoorden worden verwijderd)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Verander de vraag..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Waarom wil je dit bericht rapporteren?"],"by :displayName":["door :displayname"],"created by :displayName":["gemaakt door :displayname"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Offensive":["Beledigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als: Hoort niet thuis in space."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd voor niet horen in de space."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"Open wiki page...":["Open wiki pagina..."],"comment":["Reactie"],"post":["Bericht"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. 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\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Met vriendelijk groet
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.
\n\n Met vriendelijke groet
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group user not found!":["Groep gebruiker niet gevonden"],"No value found!":["Geen waarde gevonden!"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-mail Adres attribuut"],"Date input format":["Datum input formaat"],"Default stream content order":["Standaard inhoud volgorde"],"Enable user friendship system":["Vriendschap systeem inschakelen"],"Server Timezone":["Server tijdzone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorteren op aanmaak datum"],"Sort by update date":["Sorteren op update datum"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standaard inhoud zichtbaarheid"],"Administrative group":["Administratieve groep"],"About HumHub":["Over"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Vereisten"],"Advanced":["Geadvanceerd"],"Permissions":["Permissies"],"No purchased modules found!":["Geen aangeschafte modules gevonden!"],"Third-party":["Derde-partij"],"search for available modules online":["zoek online naar beschikbare modules"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["De ontwikkelaars geven geen ondersteuning op modules van derde partijen en geven ook geen garantie op de werking en veiligheid van deze module."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Derde partij disclamer"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar! 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Disable it when running on production!":["Je site is op dit moment in de debug mode. Schakel het uit als je site in productie gebruikt wordt!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Bekijk de installatie handleiding voor meer info."],"Actions":["Acties"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende gebruiker goedkeuringen"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle geregistreerde mensen die wachtten op goedkeuring."],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Add":["Toevoegen"],"Add new members...":["Nieuwe leden toevoegen..."],"No":["Nee"],"Remove from group":["Verwijder uit groep"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gebruikers kunnen aan verschillende groepen (Zoals teams, afdelingen etc.) met specifieke standaard spaces, groep managers en permissies."],"Purchases":["Aankopen"],"Enable module...":["Module inschakelen..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koop (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"Installing module...":["Module installeren..."],"Licence Key:":["Licentie code:"],"Updating module...":["Module updaten..."],"Visible for members only":["Alleen zichtbaar voor leden"],"Visible for members+guests":["Zichtbaar voor leden+bezoekers"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. 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Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen zelf veranderen."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Notificaties is gebruiker geralateerde informatie (bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe post of volger). Notificaties worden ook aangemaakt als er een interactie verseist is (bijvoorbeeld bij een vriendschapsverzoek)."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP opties"],"Add new provider":["Nieuwe provider toevoegen"],"Currently no provider active!":["Er is geen provider actief op dit moment!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers inschakelden."],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider toevoegen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider aanpassen"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["URL prefix zonder http:// of https:// (bijv. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. 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Deze instellingen kunnen door gebruikers zelf per space veranderd worden."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle spaces met acties om de space te bekijken, veranderen en verwijderen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen? Als deze gebruiker eigenaar van spaces is, wordt jij de nieuwe eigenaar van deze spaces!"],"Delete user":["Verwijder gebruiker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Bewerk gebruiker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Nieuwe gebruiker toevoegen"],"Group Manager":["Groep beheerder"],"Last login":["Laatste login"],"Send invite":["Stuur uitnodiging","Uitnodiging versturen","Verstuur uitnodiging"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle gebruikers met acties om te bekijken, bewerken en verwijderen."],"never":["nooit"],"Create new profile category":["Nieuwe profiel categorie toevoegen"],"Edit profile category":["Profiel categorie bewerken"],"Create new profile field":["Nieuw profiel veld toevoegen"],"Edit profile field":["Profielveld aanpassen"],"Add new category":["Nieuwe categorie toevoegen"],"Add new field":["Nieuw veld toevoegen"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Hier kun je profiel categorieën en velden aanpassen "],"Manage profile attributes":["Profiel attributen aanpassen"],"Administration menu":["Administratie menu"],"Appearance":["Weergave"],"E-Mails":["E-mails"],"Information":["Informatie"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Click here to review":["Klik hier om te beoordelen"],"New approval requests":["Nieuwe goedkeuring verzoeken"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Een of meerdere gebruikers hebben je goedkeuring nodig als groep admin."],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Nieuwe reactie"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Gebruikers toestaan posts te maken"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige content beheren (bijv. vastmaken, archiveren, verwijderen)"],"Create post":["Post maken"],"Manage content":["Content beheren"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Load more":["Meer laden"],"My friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Pending friend requests":["Wachtende vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Sent friend requests":["verstuurde vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Accept Friend Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek accepteren"],"Add Friend":["Vriend toevoegen"],"Cancel friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek annuleren"],"Deny friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek weigeren"],"Friends":["Vrienden"],"Requests":["Verzoeken"],"Sent requests":["Verstuurde verzoeken"],"Show all friends":["Alle vrienden weergeven"],"Unfriend":["Ontvrienden"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek goedgekeurd."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek geweigerd."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je een vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd."],"Friendship Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek"],"Friendship Approved":["Vriendschap goedgekeurd"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Modules downloaden en installeren..."],"Welcome Space":["Welkom Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Je eerste voorbeeld space om het platform te ontdekken."],"New Like":["Nieuwe like"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vinden {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vind {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} en {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} en {number} andere"],"Other":["Ander"],"Notification Overview":["Notificatie Overzicht"],"Module Filter":["Module filter"],"No notifications found!":["Geen notificaties gevonden!"],"Show all notifications":["Alle notificaties weergeven"],"Search results":["Zoek resultaten"],"Advanced search settings":["Geavanceerde zoekopties"],"All":["Alle"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Zoek naar gebruikers, spaces en inhoud"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Zoek alleen in specifieke spaces:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Je zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd."],"Space followers":["Space volgers"],"No spaces found.":["Geen spaces gevonden"],"Private":["Privé"],"Space":["Space"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standaard)"],"Members":["Leden"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, je kunt deze space niet verlaten!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al lid van deze space!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al een aanvrager van deze space!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Als eigenaar van de space kun je deze rol overdragen naar een andere administrator in de space."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["De URL bevat niet toegestane karakters,"],"Transfer ownership":["Eigenaarschap overdragen"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["Bijvoorbeeld voorbeeld voor {baseUrl}/s/voorbeeld"],"Last Visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Originator User ID":["Oprichter gebruiker ID"],"Request Message":["Verzoek bericht"],"Updated By":["Geüpdatet door","Geüpdate door"],"Administrators":["Administartors"],"Color":["Kleur"],"Default content visibility":["Standaard content zichtbaarheid"],"Homepage":["Startpagina"],"Moderators":["Moderators"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de space {spaceName} geaccepteerd"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je verzoek voor de space {spaceName} goed gekeurd"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de space {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je verzoek voor de space {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitgenodigd voor de space {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} wil lid worden van de space {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Sta de gebruiker toe openbare content te maken"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Sta de gebruiker toe nieuwe leden uit te nodigen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan verborgen (privé) spaces maken"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan openbare spaces maken (Te zien in overzicht)"],"Create private space":["Maak privé space"],"Create public content":["Maak openbare content"],"Create public space":["Maak openbare space"],"Invite users":["Gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Toevoegen {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Kies of nieuwe content standaard openbaar of privé is"],"Manage members":["Beheer leden"],"Role":["Rol"],"Space name":["Space naam"],"Add Modules":["Modules toevoegen"],"Security settings":["Veiligheids instellingen"],"Space settings":["Space instellingen"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Permissies zijn toegewezen aan verschillende groepen gebruikers. Om een permissie aan te passen, klik je op de groep die je wilt bewerken en selecteer je in het drop-down menu de gewenste permissie."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Je bent geen lid van deze space en er is nog geen openbare inhoud beschikbaar!"],"Done":["Klaar"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Lidmaatschap stoppen"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Posts verbergen op dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Posts weergeven op dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe content van deze space verbergen in je dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe content van deze space weergeven in je dashboard"],"Pending Approvals":["Wachtende verzoeken"],"Pending Invites":["Wachtende uitnodigingen"],"End guide":["Beëindig tour"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Sleep hier een foto heen of klik er op om een bestand te kiezen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verberg mijn geboortejaar"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Oh, hoi daar %firstname, leuk dat je onze website gebruikt!"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Je bent de allereerste hier... Joepie! Wees een uitstekend voobeeld en vul je profiel in,
zodat toekomstige gebruikers weten wie hier de baas is en bij wie ze terecht kunnen als ze vragen hebben."],"Your firstname":["Je voornaam"],"Your lastname":["Je achternaam"],"Your mobild phone number":["Je mobiele telefoon nummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Je telefoonnummer op het werk"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Je skills, ervaring etc (gescheiden met komma's)"],"Your title or position":["Je titel of positie"],"Your profile":["Je profiel"],"Basic Settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Change Email":["Verander Email"],"Change Password":["Verander Wachtwoord"],"Connect account":["Verbind account"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Connected accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Currently in use":["Momenteel in gebruik"],"Delete Account":["Verwijder account"],"Disconnect account":["Ontkoppel account"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier kun je verbinding maken met andere websites om daarmee snel in te loggen."],"My Account":["Mijn account"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Er bestaat al een gebruiker met hetzelfde mailadres, maar dit account is daar niet mee verbonden. Log in met je email adres en wachtwoord en koppel je accounts."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Je nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan je huidige wachtwoord"],"or":["of"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Introductie verbergen van je dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Nieuwe mensen uitnodigen"],"Email address(es)":["Email adres(sen)"],"Invitation to join":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vul hieronder de email adressen in van de mensen die je wilt uitnodigen."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Meerdere email adressen gescheiden door een komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Klik hier om een account te maken:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van \"{space}\" op {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} heeft je uitgenodigd voor {name}."],"Searchable":["Doorzoekbaar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma gescheiden land codes, bijv. DE,EN,NL"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Ondersteunde ISO3166 land codes"],"Auth Mode":["Authenticatie mode"],"Last Activity Email":["Laatste activiteit mail"],"Last Login":["Laatste login"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Weergeven in overzicht"],"Show At Registration":["Weergeven bij registratie"],"Space ID":["Space ID"],"Mentioned":["Genoemd"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} volgt je nu."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft je genoemd in {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Je huidige email adres is {email}. Je kunt je huidige email adres hier wijzigen.\n","Je huidige email adres is {email}. Je kunt je huidige email adres hier wijzigen.\r\n"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Je huidige wachtwoord kan hier veranderd worden"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kun je je algemene profieldata aanpassen, die zichtbaar is op de 'over mij' pagina op je profiel."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Krijg een email voor elke activiteit van gebruikers die je volgt of spaces."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ontvang desktop notificaties wanner je online bent"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden van de space: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registreer nu en doe mee!"],"You got an invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging ontvangen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {space} op {name}."],"Is Originator":["Is beginner"],"Last Viewed":["Laatst weergegeven"],"Allows to start polls.":["Starten van polls toestaan."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van post"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van rapportage"],"Delete post":["Verwijder post"],"Delete report":["Verwijder rapportage"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Wil je deze rapportage echt verwijderen?"],"Reason":["Reden"],"Reporter":["Rapporteerder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Er zijn geen gerapporteerde posts. Jeej :D"],"Does not belong to this space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Help ons te begrijpen wat er gebeurd"],"It's offensive":["Het is beledigend"],"It's spam":["Het is spam"],"Report post":["Post rapporteren"],"Assigned user(s)":["Gekoppelde gebruiker(s)"],"Deadline":["Deadline"],"Could not access task!":["Kon taak niet bereiken!"],"Task":["Taak"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} gekoppeld aan taak {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} gemaakt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} voltooid."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} heeft je aan de taak {task} gekoppeld."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe taak gemaakt: {task}."],"Create new task":["Maak nieuwe taak"],"Edit task":["Bewerk taak"],"Assign users":["Gebruikers koppelen"],"What is to do?":["Wat moet er gedaan worden?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bevestig verwijderen taak"],"Add Task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Wil je deze taak echt verwijderen?"],"No open tasks...":["Geen open taken..."],"completed tasks":["voltooide taken"],"Click, to finish this task":["Click om deze taak te voltooien"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Deze taak is al voltooid. Klik om als onvoltooid te markeren."],"My tasks":["Mijn taken"],"From space: ":["Van space:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Er zijn nog geen taken!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen taken!
Wees de eerste en maak er een"],"Assigned to me":["Gekoppeld aan mij"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand gekoppeld"],"State is finished":["Status is voltooid"],"State is open":["Status is open"],"Assign users to this task":["Koppel gebruikers aan deze taak"],"Deadline for this task?":["Deadline voor de taak?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Preassign user(s) for this task."],"What to do?":["Wat is er te doen?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Wil jij deze taak behandelen?"],"I do it!":["Ik doe het!"],"Update HumHub":["Update"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update HumHub "],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Maak een backup van je bestanden en database voordat je verder gaat!"],"Check for next update":["Controleer op een volgende update"],"Could not extract update package!":["Kon het update pakket niet uitpakken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Kon geen update informatie ophalen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Database migratie resultaten:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Gebruik deze updater niet in combinatie met Fit of Composer installaties!"],"Downloading update package...":["Update downloaden..."],"Error!":["Fout!"],"Installing update package...":["Nieuwe update installeren..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn door de applicatie."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Zorg er voor dat je modules en thema's compatibel zijn met versie %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Zorg ervoor dat de volgende bestanden schrijfbaar zijn voor de applicatie:"],"Please note:":["Let op:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Update je modules voor EN na de update"],"Proceed Installation":["Installatie voortzetten"],"Release Notes:":["Notities van deze versie:"],"Show database migration results":["Database migratie resultaten weergeven"],"Start Installation":["Installatie starten"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["De volgende bestanden lijken niet origineel (%version%) en zullen overschreven of verwijderd worden tijdens het updaten."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Er is een nieuwe update naar versie %version% beschikbaar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Er is geen nieuwe update beschikbaar."],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Update pakket ongeldig!"],"Warning!":["Waarschuwing!"],"Warnings:":["Waarschuwingen:"],"successfully installed!":["succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"version update":["versie update"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Update download mislukt! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["Is startpagina"],"Protected":["Beschermd"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\r\n\r\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijk groet
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.
\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijke groet
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\r\n\r\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\r\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Pinned":["Vastgekleefd","Vastkleven"],"Unpinned":["Losmaken"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Latest updates":["Laatste updates"],"Search":["Zoeken"],"Account settings":["Accountinstellingen"],"Administration":["Administratie"],"Back":["Terug"],"Back to dashboard":["Terug naar dashboard"],"Choose language:":["Kies een taal:"],"Collapse":["Inklappen"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Content Addon bron moet een instantie van HActiveRecordContent of HActiveRecordContentAddon zijn!"],"Could not determine content container!":["De content container kon niet bepaald worden!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["De inhoud van deze addon kon niet gevonden worden!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Kon de gevraagde module niet vinden!"],"Error":["Fout"],"Expand":["Uitklappen"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Niet voldoende rechten om inhoud te plaatsen!"],"Invalid request.":["Ongeldig verzoek."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Je hebt misschien de verkeerde afslag genomen."],"Keyword:":["Trefwoord:"],"Language":["Taal"],"Latest news":["Laatste nieuws"],"Login":["Log in","Inloggen","Login"],"Logout":["Uitloggen"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"My profile":["Mijn profiel"],"New profile image":["Nieuwe profielfoto"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Niets gevonden met deze input."],"Oooops...":["Oeps..."],"Results":["Resultaten"],"Search":["Zoek"],"Search for users and spaces":["Zoeken naar gebruikers en ruimtes"],"Show more results":["Laat meer resultaten zien"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Sorry, niets gevonden!"],"Space not found!":["Ruimte niet gevonden!"],"User Approvals":["Goedkeuren gebruikers"],"User not found!":["Gebruiker niet gevonden!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Welkom bij %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare content plaatsen!"],"Your daily summary":["Je dagelijkse samenvatting"],"Login required":["Inloggen vereist"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Er is een interne serverfout opgetreden."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Je hebt niet de nodige rechten om deze actie uit te voeren."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globale {global} array opgeruimd met de {method} methode."],"Upload error":["Upload fout"],"Close":["Sluiten"],"Add image/file":["Voeg afbeelding/bestand toe"],"Add link":["Voeg link toe"],"Bold":["Vet"],"Code":["Code"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een URL in (bijvoobeeld http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Kop"],"Image":["Afbeelding"],"Image/File":["Afbeelding/Bestand"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Link invoegen"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Afbeelding link invoegen"],"Italic":["Cursief"],"List":["Lijst"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Even geduld aub..."],"Preview":["Voorbeeld"],"Quote":["Quote"],"Target":["Doel"],"Title":["Titel"],"Title of your link":["Titel van de link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Code tekst hier"],"emphasized text":["benadrukte tekst"],"enter image description here":["Afbeelding omschrijving"],"enter image title here":["Afbeelding titel"],"enter link description here":["Link omschrijving"],"heading text":["Koptekst"],"list text here":["Lijsttekst"],"quote here":["quote hier plaatsen"],"strong text":["belangrijke tekst"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Kon geen activiteit voor dit object type maken!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de nieuwe ruimte %spaceName% aangemaakt"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte aangemaakt."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% is lid geworden van ruimte %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% is van deze ruimte lid geworden."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% heeft de ruimte %spaceName% verlaten"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% heeft deze ruimte verlaten."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} volgt nu {user2}."],"see online":["zie online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Laatste activiteiten"],"There are no activities yet.":["Er zijn nog geen activiteiten."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\n \n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n \n Je account aanvraag is afgewezen.
\n \n Vriendelijke groeten
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is goedgekeurd."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Account Aanvraag voor '{displayName}' is afgewezen."],"Group not found!":["Groep niet gevonden!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Kon de module niet deïnstalleren! Module is beveiligd."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Module pad %path% is niet schrijfbaar"],"Saved":["Opgeslagen"],"Database":["Database"],"No theme":["Geen thema"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Kon LDAP niet laden! - Controleer PHP Extensie"],"File":["Bestand"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Geen caching (Alleen om te testen!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Geen - toont keuzelijst in gebruikersregistratie."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Opgeslagen en cache geflusht"],"Become this user":["Word deze gebruiker"],"Delete":["Verwijder"],"Disabled":["Uitgeschakeld"],"Enabled":["Ingeschakeld"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokaal"],"Save":["Bewaar"],"Unapproved":["Niet goedgekeurd"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Je kan jezelf niet verwijderen!"],"Could not load category.":["Kon categorie niet laden."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Je kan alleen lege categorieën verwijderen!"],"Group":["Groep"],"Message":["Bericht"],"Subject":["Onderwerp"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP ondersteuning inschakelen"],"Encryption":["Encryptie"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Haal Gebruikers Automatisch op"],"Hostname":["Hostnaam"],"Login Filter":["Login Filter"],"Password":["Wachtwoord"],"Port":["Poort"],"User Filer":["Gebruikersfilter"],"Username":["Gebruikersnaam"],"Username Attribute":["Gebruikersnaam Attribuut"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Sta beperkte toegang voor niet-ingelogde gebruikers toe (gasten)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonieme gebruikers kunnen registreren"],"Default user group for new users":["Standaard gebruikersgroep voor nieuwe gebruikers"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Standaard gebruiker idle timeout - auto-uitloggen (in seconden, optioneel)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Standaard zichtbaarheid gebruikersprofiel"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Leden kunnen externe gebruikers uitnodigen per email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Goedkeuring door groep admin benodigd na registratie"],"Base URL":["Basis URL"],"Default language":["Standaard taal"],"Default space":["Standaard ruimte"],"Invalid space":["Ongeldige ruimte"],"Logo upload":["Logo upload"],"Name of the application":["Naam van de applicatie"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Toon introductie aan nieuwe gebruikers"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Toon bericht verzenden van gebruikersprofiel op het dashboard"],"Cache Backend":["Cache Backend"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Standaard vervaltijd (in seconden)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 Extensie niet gevonden - Type niet beschikbaar!"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standaard paginering grootte (Berichten per pagina)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Weergavenaam (Formaat)"],"Dropdown space order":["Keuzelijst ruimte volgorde"],"Theme":["Thema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Toegestane bestandsextensies"],"Convert command not found!":["Conversie commando niet gevonden!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Kreeg ongeldig image magic response! - Juiste commando?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Verberg bestandsinformatie (naam, grootte) voor afbeeldingen op muur"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Verberg bestandslijstwidget voor deze objecten op muur"],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick conversie commando (optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum hoogte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maximum breedte voor voorvertoning van afbeeldingen (in pixel, optioneel)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maximale bestandsgrootte (in MB's)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Gebruik X-Sendfile voor bestand downloads"],"Administrator users":["Administrators"],"Description":["Beschrijving"],"Ldap DN":["LDAP DN"],"Name":["Naam"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Laat zelfondertekende certificaten toe?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-mailadres afzender"],"E-Mail sender name":["Naam van afzender"],"Mail Transport Type":["Mail transporttype"],"Port number":["Poortnummer"],"Endpoint Url":["Eindpunt URL"],"Url Prefix":["URL Voorvoegsel"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Geen Proxy Hosts"],"Server":["Server"],"User":["Gebruiker"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins kunnen alle objecten verwijderen"],"Default Join Policy":["Standaard Policy om Lid te Worden"],"Default Visibility":["Standaard Zichtbaarheid"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML tracking code"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modulemap voor module %moduleId% bestaat reeds!"],"Could not extract module!":["Kon module niet uitpakken!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Kon lijst van modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Kon info over modules niet ophalen! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Download van module mislukt!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modulemap %modulePath% is niet schrijfbaar!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Download van module mislukt! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Geen compatibele moduleversie gevonden!"],"Activated":["Geactiveerd"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nog geen modules geïnstalleerd."],"Version:":["Versie:"],"Installed":["Geïnstalleerd"],"No modules found!":["Geen modules gevonden!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Alle modules zijn up-to-date!"],"About HumHub":["Over HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Huidige versie: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Licenties"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Er is een nieuwe update beschikbaar! (Laatste versie: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Deze installatie is up-to-date!"],"Accept":["Accepteren"],"Decline":["Afwijzen"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Accepteer gebruiker: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Annuleren"],"Send & save":["Verzend & bewaar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Afwijzen & verwijderen gebruiker: {displayName}"],"Email":["Email"],"Search for email":["Zoek naar e-mail"],"Search for username":["Zoek naar gebruikersnaam"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Hier zie je alle gebruikers die zich geregistreerd hebben en momenteel nog wachten op een goedkeuring."],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"Delete group":["Verwijder groep"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Om de groep \"{group}\" te verwijderen, dien je een alternatieve groep in te stellen voor volgende gebruikers:"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"Edit group":["Bewerk groep"],"Group name":["Naam van de groep"],"Search for description":["Zoek naar beschrijving"],"Search for group name":["Zoek naar groepsnaam"],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Create new group":["Maak nieuwe groep"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Je kan gebruikers in verschillende groepen opsplitsen (voor teams, departementen, enz.) en standaard ruimtes en administrators toekennen een hun."],"Error logging":["Error loggen"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Er worden {count} berichten getoond per pagina."],"Flush entries":["Flush berichten"],"Total {count} entries found.":["{count} berichten gevonden."],"Available updates":["Beschikbare updates"],"Browse online":["Blader online"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modules breiden de functionaliteit van HumHub uit. Hier kan je de modules van de HumHub marktplaats installeren en beheren."],"Module details":["Module details"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Deze module heeft geen verdere informatie."],"Processing...":["Verwerken..."],"Modules directory":["Modules overzicht"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data zal verloren gaan!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* data en bestanden gerelateerd aan de module zullen verloren gaan!"],"Configure":["Configureren","Configureer"],"Disable":["Uitschakelen"],"Enable":["Inschakelen"],"More info":["Meer info"],"Set as default":["Instellen als standaard"],"Uninstall":["Deïnstalleren"],"Install":["Installeren"],"Latest compatible version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Latest version:":["Nieuwste versie:"],"Installed version:":["Geïnstalleerde versie:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Nieuwste compatibele versie:"],"Update":["Update"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Stel in als standaard module"],"Always activated":["Altijd geactiveerd"],"Deactivated":["Gedeactiveerd"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Hier kan je kiezen of een module automatisch geactiveerd moet worden voor een ruimte of gebruikersprofiel. Als de module moet worden geactiveerd, kies dan \"altijd geactiveerd\"."],"Spaces":["Ruimtes","Spaces"],"User Profiles":["Gebruikersprofielen"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie van HumHub beschikbaar (versie %version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Authenticatie - Basis"],"Basic":["Basis"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimum waarde is 20 seconden. Indien niet ingesteld, zal de sessie na 1400 seconden (24 minuten) verlopen, ongeacht activiteit."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Alleen van toepassing als beperkte toegang voor niet-geregistreerde gebruikers ingeschakeld is. Heeft alleen invloed op nieuwe gebruikers."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Authenticatie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL is aan te raden in productie omgevingen om te vermijden dat wachtwoorden in leesbare tekst verzonden worden."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definieert de filter om toe te passen wanneer er ingelogd wordt. %uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam in de login actie. Voorbeeld: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" of "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Attribuut voor gebruikersnaam. Voorbeeld: "uid" of "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Beperk toegang voor gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria. Voorbeeld: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" of "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Error! (Melding: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} gebruikers)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["De standaard Base DN die gebruikt wordt voor het zoeken naar accounts."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Het standaard wachtwoord (wordt enkel gebruikt in combinatie met bovenstaande gebruikersnaam)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["De standaards gebruikersnaam. Sommige servers eisen dat dit in DN formaat staat. Dit moet in DN formaat staan als de LDAP server een DN vereist voor de bind actie en de bind actie zou mogelijk moeten zijn met simpele gebruikersnamen."],"Cache Settings":["Cache Instellingen"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Bewaar & Flush Caches"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob instellingen"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab van gebruiker: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Laatste uitvoering (dagelijks):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Laatste uitvoering (om het uur):"],"Never":["Nooit"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Of Crontab van root gebruiker"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Zorg er aub voor dat de volgende bronjobs geïnstalleerd zijn:"],"Design settings":["Design instellingen"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetisch"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Voornaam Achternaam (bijvoorbeeld John Doe)"],"Last visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Gebruikersnaam (bijvoorbeeld john)"],"File settings":["Bestand instellingen"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om alles toe te staan."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lijst gescheiden door komma's. Laat leeg om de bestandslijst voor alle objecten te laten zien op de muur."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Huidige Afbeelding Bibliotheek: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de hoogte standaard 200px zijn."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Indien niet ingesteld, zal de breedte standaard 200px zijn."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP meld een maximum van {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Confirm image deleting":["Bevestig afbeelding verwijderen"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Voorbeeld http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nieuwe gebruikers zullen standaard aan deze ruimte(s) worden toegevoegd."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Je gebruikt momenteel geen logo."],"Activities":["Activiteiten"],"Always":["Altijd"],"Daily summary":["Dagelijks overzicht"],"Defaults":["Standaard"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Standaard instellingen voor e-mails als een gebruiker een notificatie ontvangt. Dit kan door gebruikers zelf worden aangepast naar eigen wens."],"Notifications":["Notificaties"],"Server Settings":["Server Instellingen"],"When I´m offline":["Wanneer ik offline ben"],"About":["Over"],"Groups":["Groepen"],"Could not delete comment!":["Reactie kan niet worden verwijderd! "],"Target not found!":["Doel niet gevonden!"],"Access denied!":["Toegang geweigerd!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Niet genoeg rechten!"],"Comment":["Reactie"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% schreef een nieuwe reactie"],"Comments":["Reacties"],"Edit your comment...":["Bewerk je reactie..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op je %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft gereageerd op %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Toon alle {total} reacties."],"Post":["Bericht"],"Write a new comment...":["Geef een nieuwe reactie..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Toon nog %count% reacties"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Bevestig reactie verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Wil je deze reactie echt verwijderen?"],"Edit":["Bewerk"],"Updated :timeago":["Bijgewerkt :timeago"],"Back to stream":["Terug naar berichten"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Sorting":["Sortering"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\n\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Could not load requested object!":["Kon het gevraagde object niet laden"],"Invalid model given!":["Ongeldig model opgegeven!"],"Unknown content class!":["Onbekende inhoud klasse"],"Could not find requested content!":["Kon de gevraagde inhoud niet vinden!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Kon gevraagde permalink niet vinden!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuw {contentTitle} aangemaakt."],"in":["in"],"Submit":["Verzenden"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Geen resultaten met de geselecteerde filters!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nog niets om weer te geven!"],"Unarchive":["Dearchiveer"],"Move to archive":["Verplaats naar archief"],"Add a member to notify":["Hou een lid op de hoogte"],"Make private":["Maak privé"],"Make public":["Maak publiek"],"Notify members":["Breng leden op de hoogte"],"Public":["Publiek"],"What's on your mind?":["Plaats een bericht"],"Confirm post deleting":["Bevestig bericht verwijderen"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Ben je zeker dat je dit bericht wilt verwijderen? Alle likes en reacties zullen verloren gaan!","Wil je deze post echt verwijderen? Alle likes en comments gaan ook verloren!"],"Archived":["Gearchiveerd"],"Sticked":["Vastgekleefd"],"Turn off notifications":["Notificaties uitzetten"],"Turn on notifications":["Notificaties aanzetten"],"Permalink to this page":["Permalink naar deze pagina"],"Permalink to this post":["Permalink naar dit bericht"],"Permalink":["Permalink","Permalink\n"],"Stick":["Vastkleven"],"Unstick":["Losmaken"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Er heeft nog niemand een bericht geschreven.
Wees de eerste en laat een bericht achter..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Deze ruimte is nog leeg!
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Je dashboard is leeg!
Plaats een bericht op je profiel of word lid van een aantal ruimtes!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Je profiel is momenteel nog leeg
Begin met het schrijven van een bericht..."],"Content with attached files":["Berichten met bestanden"],"Created by me":["Aangemaakt door mij","Geaakt door mij"],"Creation time":["Aanmaak datum"],"Include archived posts":["Inclusief gearchiveerde berichten"],"Last update":["Laatste update"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Niets gevonden dat overeenkomt met de huidige filter(s)!"],"Only private posts":["Alleen privé berichten"],"Only public posts":["Alleen publieke berichten"],"Posts only":["Alleen berichten"],"Posts with links":["Berichten met links"],"Show all":["Alles weegeven"],"Where I´m involved":["Waar ik bij betrokken ben"],"No public contents to display found!":["Geen openbare inhoud om te tonen gevonden!"],"Directory":["Overzicht"],"Member Group Directory":["Leden groep overzicht"],"show all members":["Toon alle leden"],"Directory menu":["Overzicht menu"],"Members":["Leden"],"User profile posts":["Profiel berichten"],"Member directory":["Leden overzicht"],"Follow":["Volgen","Volg"],"No members found!":["Geen leden gevonden!"],"Unfollow":["Stop volgen"],"search for members":["Zoek naar leden"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"No spaces found!":["Geen ruimtes gevonden!"],"You are a member of this space":["Je bent lid van deze ruimte"],"search for spaces":["Zoek naar ruimtes"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Er zijn nog geen profiel berichten!"],"Group stats":["Groep statistieken"],"Average members":["Gemiddeld aantal leden"],"Top Group":["Top Groep"],"Total groups":["Totaal aantal groepen"],"Member stats":["Leden statistieken"],"New people":["Nieuwe personen"],"Follows somebody":["Volgt iemand"],"Online right now":["Momenteel online"],"Total users":["Totaal aantal leden"],"See all":["Toon alle"],"New spaces":["Nieuwe ruimtes"],"Space stats":["Ruimte statistieken"],"Most members":["Meeste leden"],"Private spaces":["Private ruimtes"],"Total spaces":["Totaal aantal ruimtes"],"Could not find requested file!":["Gevraagd bestand niet gevonden!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Onvoldoende rechten!"],"Created By":["Gemaakt door"],"Created at":["Aangemaakt op","Gemaakt op"],"File name":["Bestandsnaam"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Ongeldige Mime-Type"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maximum bestandsgrootte ({maxFileSize}) overschreden!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Grootte"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Dit bestandstype is niet toegelaten!"],"Updated at":["Aangepast op","Geüpdatet"],"Updated by":["Aangepast door","Geüpdatet door"],"Could not upload File:":["Kon bestand niet uploaden:"],"Upload files":["Upload bestanden"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lijst van geüploade bestanden:"],"Create Admin Account":["Maak Admin Account"],"Name of your network":["Naam van je netwerk"],"Name of Database":["Databasenaam"],"Admin Account":["Admin Account"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Bijna klaar. In de laatste stap dien je een beheerdersaccount aan te maken. Met die account kan je het hele netwerk beheren."],"Next":["Volgende"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Wijzig de naam van je nieuwe sociale netwerk. Je kan bijvoorbeeld de naam van je bedrijf, organisatie of club gebruiken."],"Social Network Name":["Sociale Netwerk Naam"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gefeliciteerd. Je bent klaar."],"Sign in":["Log in","Inloggen"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["De installatie is succesvol voltooid! Veel plezier met je nieuwe sociale netwerk."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Welkom bij HumHub
Je Sociale Netwerk Toolbox"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Deze wizard zal je eigen HumHub installeren en configureren.
Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."],"Database Configuration":["Database Configuratie"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Hieronder dien je informatie in te vullen voor de database connectie. Als je niet zeker weet wat je moet invullen, neem dan contact op met je systeemadministrator."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostnaam van je MySQL database server (Bijvoorbeeld localhost als MySQL op dezelfde server staat als HumHub)"],"Initializing database...":["Databank initialiseren..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Oei, er is iets misgelopen!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["De naam van de database waar je HumHub in wil plaatsen."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Verbinding met database gelukt!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Je MySQL wachtwoord."],"Your MySQL username":["Je MySQL gebruikersnaam."],"System Check":["Systeem Controle"],"Check again":["Controleer opnieuw"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gefeliciteerd! Alles ziet er goed uit en klaar om opnieuw te beginnen!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Dit overzicht toont alle systeemvereisten voor HumHub."],"Users who like this":["Gebruikers die dit leuk vonden"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} vindt {contentTitle} leuk"],"User who vote this":["Gebruiker die dit stemde"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% ook leuk."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% vindt %contentTitle% leuk."]," likes this.":[" vindt dit leuk."],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"You
"],"Like":["Vind ik leuk"],"Unlike":["Vind ik niet meer leuk"],"and {count} more like this.":["en nog {count} andere."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kon doorverwijzing niet bepalen voor dit soort bronobject!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kon notificatie bronobject voor doorverwijzing niet laden!"],"New":["Nieuw"],"Mark all as seen":["Markeer alles als gezien"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Er zijn nog geen notificaties."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% heeft een nieuw bericht geplaatst."],"Edit your post...":["Bewerk je bericht..."],"Read full post...":["Lees volledig bericht..."],"Send & decline":["Verzend & afwijzen"],"Visible for all":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen"]," Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["De eigenaar van ruimte {spaceName} kan niet verwijderd worden!"],"Everyone can enter":["Iedereen kan lid worden"],"Invite and request":["Uitnodigen en aanvragen"],"Only by invite":["Alleen door uitnodiging"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privaat (Onzichtbaar)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiek (Leden & Gasten)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiek (Alleen leden)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiek (Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Public (Visible)":["Publiek (Zichtbaar)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (leden en gasten)"],"Space is invisible!":["Ruimte is onzichtbaar!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Je moet inloggen om de inhoud van deze ruimte te zien!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Als eigenaar kan je je lidmaatschap niet intrekken!"],"Could not request membership!":["Kon lidmaatschap niet aanvragen!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Er zijn geen wachten aanvragen!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Deze actie is enkel beschikbaar voor leden van de ruimte!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Je mag geen lid worden van deze ruimte!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Ruimtetitel is reeds in gebruik!"],"Type":["Type"],"Your password":["Je wachtwoord"],"Invites":["Uitnodigingen"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nieuwe gebruiker per e-mail (gescheiden met komma)"],"User is already member!":["Gebruiker is reeds lid!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} is reeds geregistreerd!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} is niet geldig!"],"Application message":["Applicatie melding"],"Scope":["Omvang"],"Strength":["Kracht"],"Created At":["Gemaakt op"],"Join Policy":["Policy om lid te worden"],"Owner":["Eigenaar"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Labels","Tags"],"Updated At":["Aangepast op","Geüpdate op"],"Visibility":["Zichtbaarheid"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website URL (optioneel)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Je kan geen privaat zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Je kan geen publiek zichtbare ruimtes aanmaken!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecteer het gebied van je foto dat je wilt gebruiken als avatar en klik op Bewaar."],"Modify space image":["Wijzig ruimte afbeelding"],"Delete space":["Verwijder ruimte"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Ben je zeker dat je deze ruimte wilt verwijderen? Alle gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Geef je wachtwoord om verder te gaan!"],"General space settings":["Algemene ruimte instellingen"],"Archive":["Archiveren"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Kies het soort lidmaatschap dat je wilt voorzien voor deze ruimte."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Kies het beveiligingsniveau voor deze ruimte om de zichtbaarheid te bepalen."],"Manage your space members":["Beheer je ruimte leden"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Openstaande uitnodigingen"],"Outstanding user requests":["Openstaande gebruikersaanvragen"],"Remove member":["Verwijder lid"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Deze gebruiker kan andere gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Deze gebruiker kan berichten publiek maken"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze gebruiker uit deze ruimte wilt verwijderen?"],"Can invite":["Kan uitnodigen"],"Can share":["Kan delen"],"Change space owner":["Verander ruimte eigenaar"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Externe gebruikers uitgenodigd via e-mail worden hier niet getoond."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Hieronder kan je alle actieve gebruikers van deze ruimte zien. Je kan hun rechten aanpassen of hun verwijderen uit deze ruimte."],"Is admin":["Is admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Maak deze gebruiker een administrator"],"No, cancel":["Nee, annuleer"],"Remove":["Verwijderen"],"Request message":["Aanvraag bericht"],"Revoke invitation":["Uitnodiging intrekken"],"Search members":["Zoek leden"],"Space owner":["Space eigenaar"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["De volgende gebruikers wachten op een goedkeuring om deze ruimte te betreden."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["De volgende gebruikers zijn reeds uitgenodigd voor deze ruimte, maar hebben de uitnodiging nog niet geaccepteerd."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["De ruimte eigenaar is de super admin van een ruimte met alle rechten en meestal de maker van de ruimte. Hier kan je een andere eigenaar kiezen."],"Yes, remove":["Ja, verwijder"],"Space Modules":["Ruimte Modules"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor deze ruimte zal verwijderd worden!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Er zijn momenteel geen modules beschikbaar voor deze ruimte!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Breid deze ruimte uit met modules."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte"],"Advanced access settings":["Geavanceerde instellingen voor toegang"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Ook niet-leden kunnen deze ruimte zien, maar hebben geen toegang"],"Create":["Maak"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Alle gebruikers kunnen lid worden van je ruimte, zonder je toestemming"],"For everyone":["Voor iedereen"],"How you want to name your space?":["Hoe wil je je ruimte noemen?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Geef een korte beschrijving voor andere gebruikers."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Deze ruimte zal verborgen zijn voor alle niet-leden"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Gebruikers kunnen ook vragen om lid te worden van deze ruimte"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Gebruikers kunnen alleen toegevoegd worden door uitnodiging"],"space description":["Ruimte beschrijving"],"space name":["Ruimte naam"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} vraagt lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} goedgekeurd"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je lidmaatschap voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je gevraagd om lid te worden van de ruimte {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} aanvaard"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de ruimte {spaceName} geweigerd"],"This space is still empty!":["Deze space is nog leeg!"],"Accept Invite":["Uitnodiging accepteren"],"Become member":["Lid worden"],"Cancel membership":["Lidmaatschap Annuleren"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Lidmaatschapsaanvraag annuleren"],"Deny Invite":["Uitnodiging afwijzen"],"Request membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Je bent de eigenaar van deze ruimte."],"created by":["aangemaakt door"],"Invite members":["Leden uitnodigen"],"Add an user":["Voeg een gebruiker toe"],"Email addresses":["E-mailadres"],"Invite by email":["Uitnodigen per e-mail"],"New user?":["Nieuwe gebruiker?"],"Pick users":["Selecteer gebruikers"],"Send":["Versturen"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Om gebruikers uit te nodigen, vul je hun naam hieronder in om ze te zoeken en selecteren."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Je kan ook personen zonder account uitnodigen. Vul hun e-mailadressen in gescheiden door een komma."],"Request space membership":["Vraag ruimte lidmaatschap aan"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol naar de ruimte administrator verstuurd."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["Gebruiker is lid geworden."],"User has been invited.":["Gebruiker is uitgenodigd."],"User has not been invited.":["Gebruiker is niet uitgenodigd."],"Space preferences":["Ruimte voorkeuren"],"General":["Algemeen"],"Modules":["Modules"],"Admin":["Admin"],"My Space List":["Mijn Ruimte Lijst"],"My space summary":["Mijn ruimte overzicht"],"Space directory":["Ruimte overzicht"],"Space menu":["Ruimte menu"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Afbeelding wijzigen"],"Current space image":["Huidige ruimte afbeelding"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Ben je zeker dat je de titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?","Ben je zeker dat je je titelafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je profielafbeelding wilt verwijderen?"],"Invite":["Uitnodigen"],"Something went wrong":["Er is iets fout gegaan"],"Followers":["Volgers"],"Posts":["Berichten"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Gelieve je kort voor te stellen om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Request workspace membership":["Lidmaatschap aanvragen"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Je aanvraag werd succesvol verstuurd naar de ruimte administrator."],"Create new space":["Maak nieuwe ruimte aan"],"My spaces":["Mijn ruimtes"],"Space info":["Ruimte info"],"more":["meer"],"New member request":["Nieuwe lidaanvraag"],"Space members":["Ruimte leden"],"Next »":["Volgende »"],"« Prev":["« Vorige"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Deze account is nog niet goedgekeurd!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Je moet ingelogd zijn om dit profiel te bekijken!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Je wachtwoord is onjuist!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Je kan je wachtwoord hier niet aanpassen."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Ongeldige link! Zorg dat je de volledige URL invoerd."],"Save profile":["Bewaar profiel"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Dit e-mailadres is al in gebruik door een andere gebruiker."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Je kan je e-mailadres hier niet aanpassen."],"Account":["Account"],"Create account":["Maak een account aan"],"Current password":["Huidig wachtwoord"],"E-Mail change":["E-mail aanpassen"],"New E-Mail address":["Nieuw e-mailadres"],"Send activities?":["Stuur activiteiten?"],"Send notifications?":["Stuur notificaties?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Ongeldige gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres of wachtwoord."],"New password":["Nieuw wachtwoord"],"New password confirm":["Nieuw wachtwoord bevestigen"],"Remember me next time":["Onthouden"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Je account is nog niet door onze medewerkers geactiveerd."],"Your account is suspended.":["Je account is geschorst."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Wachtwoordherstel is niet mogelijk voor dit accounttype!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Wachtwoordherstel"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" niet gevonden!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mailadres is reeds in gebruik - Probeer wachtwoord vergeten."],"Invalid language!":["Ongeldige taal"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Verberg paneel op het dashboard"],"Profile visibility":["Profiel zichtbaarheid"],"Default Space":["Standaard Space"],"Group Administrators":["Groep Beheerders"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Leden kunnen private ruimtes aanmaken"],"Members can create public spaces":["Leden kunnen publieke ruimtes aanmaken"],"Birthday":["Geboortedatum"],"City":["Stad"],"Country":["Land"],"Custom":["Extra"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook URL"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Vrouw"],"Firstname":["Voornaam"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr URL"],"Gender":["Geslacht"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ URL"],"Hide year in profile":["Verberg jaar in profiel"],"Lastname":["Achternaam"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn URL"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Man"],"Mobile":["Mobiel"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace URL"],"Phone Private":["Telefoon (privé)"],"Phone Work":["Telefoon (werk)"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Nickname"],"State":["Staat"],"Street":["Straat"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter URL"],"Url":["URL"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo URL"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Address"],"Xing URL":["Xing URL"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube URL"],"Zip":["Postcode"],"Created by":["Aangemaakt door","Gemaakt door"],"Editable":["Bewerkbaar"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Veldtype kan niet aangepast worden!"],"Fieldtype":["Veldtype"],"Internal Name":["Interne naam"],"Internal name already in use!":["Interne naam reeds in gebruik"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Interne naam kon niet aangepast worden!"],"Invalid field type!":["Ongeldig veldtype!"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP Attribuut"],"Module":["Module"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Alleen alfanumerieke karakters zijn toegestaan!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profiel Veld Categorie"],"Required":["Verplicht"],"Show at registration":["Toon bij registratie"],"Sort order":["Sorteervolgorde"],"Translation Category ID":["Vertaling Categorie ID"],"Type Config":["Soort configuratie"],"Visible":["Zichtbaar"],"Communication":["Communicatie"],"Social bookmarks":["Sociale bookmarks"],"Datetime":["Datumtijd"],"Number":["Getal"],"Select List":["Keuzelijst"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Tekstvlak"],"%y Years":["%y jaar"],"Birthday field options":["Geboortedatum veld opties"],"Date(-time) field options":["Datum (en tijd) veld opties"],"Show date/time picker":["Toon datum/tijd picker"],"Maximum value":["Maximum waarde"],"Minimum value":["Minimun waarde"],"Number field options":["Getalveld opties"],"One option per line. 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["Er is een bevestiging verstuurd naar je e-mailadres."],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Je paswoord is succesvol aangepast!","Je wachtwoord is succesvol aangepast!"],"Modify your profile image":["Wijzig je profiel afbeelding"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Ben je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?
Al je gepubliceerde berichten zullen verwijderd worden!"],"Delete account":["Verwijder account"],"Enter your password to continue":["Vul je wachtwoord in om door te gaan"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Sorry, als eigenaar van een ruimte kan je je account niet verwijderen!
Selecteer eerst een nieuwe eigenaar of verwijder de ruimte."],"User details":["Gebruiker details"],"User modules":["Gebruiker modules"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Ben je zeker? *ALLE* module data voor je profiel zal verwijderd worden!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Breid je profiel uit met modules."],"User settings":["Gebruiker instellingen"],"Getting Started":["Aan de slag"],"Registered users only":["Alleen geregistreerde gebruikers"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Zichtbaar voor iedereen (ook niet-geregistreerde gebruikers)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Bureaublad Notificaties"],"Email Notifications":["E-mail Notificaties"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Ontvang een bureaublad notificatie als je online bent."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Ontvang een e-mail voor elke activiteit van alle gebruikers die je volgt of waarmee je samen werkt in ruimtes."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Ontvang een e-mail wanneer iemand je bericht leuk vindt of een reactie achterlaat."],"Account registration":["Account registratie"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Je account is succesvol aangemaakt!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Nadat je account geactiveerd is door de administrator, zal je een notificatie per e-mail ontvangen."],"Go to login page":["Ga naar login pagina"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Om in te loggen met je nieuwe account, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"back to home":["terug naar begin"],"Please sign in":["Gelieve in te loggen"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Create a new one.":["Maak een nieuw aan."],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Heb je geen account? Word lid van het netwerk door je e-mailadres in te vullen."],"Forgot your password?":["Wachtwoord vergeten?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Als je reeds lid bent, log dan in met je gebruikersnaam/e-mailadres en paswoord."],"Register":["Registreren"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["wachtwoord"],"username or email":["gebruikersnaam of e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Vul je e-mailadres is, wij sturen dan instructies om je wachtwoord te herstellen!"],"Reset password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"enter security code above":["voer beveiligingscode in"],"your email":["je e-mailadres"],"Password recovery!":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["We hebben je een e-mail gestuurd met een link waarmee je je wachtwoord opnieuw kan instellen."],"Registration successful!":["Registratie succesvol!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Controleer je e-mail en volg de instructies!"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"Change your password":["Wijzig je wachtwoord"],"Change password":["Wijzig wachtwoord"],"Password changed!":["Wachtwoord aangepast"],"Confirm your new email address":["Bevestig je nieuwe e-mailadres"],"Confirm":["Bevestig"],"Hello":["Hallo"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Je hebt gevraagd om je e-mailadres te wijzigen.
Je nieuwe e-mailadres is {newemail}.
Om je nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen, klik je op onderstaande knop."],"Hello {displayName}":["Hallo {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Deze link zal binnen 24 uur verlopen."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Gebruik volgende link binnen 24 uur om je wachtwoord te resetten."],"Reset Password":["Reset wachtwoord"],"Registration Link":["Registratielink"],"Sign up":["Registreren"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Welkom bij %appName%. Gelieve op onderstaande knop te klikken om verder te gaan met je registratie."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Space Invite":["Ruimte Uitnodiging"],"You got a space invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging voor een ruimte ontvangen"],"invited you to the space:":["uitgenodigd door:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} heeft je vermeld in {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} volgt je vanaf nu."],"About this user":["Over deze gebruiker"],"Modify your title image":["Wijzig je titel afbeelding"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Dit profiel is momenteel nog leeg!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Ben je zeker dat je je logo wilt verwijderen?"],"Account settings":["Account instellingen"],"Profile":["Profiel"],"Settings":["Instellingen"],"Profile menu":["Profiel menu"],"Edit account":["Bewerk account"],"Following":["Volgend"],"Following user":["Volgende gebruikers"],"User followers":["Gebruiker volgers"],"Member in these spaces":["Leden in deze ruimtes"],"User tags":["Gebruiker labels"],"No birthday.":["Geen verjaardagen."],"Back to modules":["Terug naar modules"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Verjaardagen module configuratie"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden."],"Tomorrow":["Morgen"],"Upcoming":["Aankomende"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["U kunt het aantal dagen waarin toekomstige verjaardagen getoond worden instellen."],"becomes":["wordt"],"birthdays":["verjaardagen"],"days":["dagen"],"today":["vandaag"],"years old.":["jaar oud."],"Active":["Actief"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Markeren als ongelezen voor alle gebruikers"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Voegt een kalender voor private of publieke evenementen toe aan uw profiel en hoofdmenu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Voegt een kalender toe aan deze ruimte."],"All Day":["Volledige dag"],"Attending users":["Deelnemers"],"Calendar":["Kalender"],"Declining users":["Afgewezen"],"End Date":["Einddatum"],"End Date and Time":["Einddatum en uur"],"End Time":["Eindtijd"],"End time must be after start time!":["Einde moet na begin zijn!"],"Event":["Evenement"],"Event not found!":["Evenement niet gevonden!"],"Maybe attending users":["Misschien"],"Participation Mode":["Deelname"],"Recur":["Herhaal"],"Recur End":["Herhaal einde"],"Recur Interval":["Herhaal interval"],"Recur Type":["Herhaaltype"],"Select participants":["Selecteer deelnemers"],"Start Date":["Startdatum"],"Start Date and Time":["Startdatum en uur"],"Start Time":["Starttijd"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Je hebt geen toegang tot dit evenement!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om een evenement te maken!"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te verwijderen!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Je hebt geen toestemming om dit evenement te bewerken!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% aangemaakt."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt misschien deel aan %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% neemt niet deel aan %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Startdatum/uur"],"Create event":["Maak evenement aan"],"Edit event":["Bewerk evenement"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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categorieën aan deze ruimte toegevoegd."],"Toggle view mode":["Toggle weergavemodus"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Je kan de uitgebreide validatie van links inschakelen voor een ruimte of een gebruiker."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om links toe te voegen of aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link te verwijderen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze categorie aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om deze link aan te passen!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Je hebt niet genoeg rechten om de volgorde van categorieën aan te passen!"],"list":["lijst"],"Messages":["Berichten"],"You could not send an email to 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alle berichten"],"No users.":["Geen gebruikers."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet meer dan 7 zijn."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["Het aantal gebruikers mag niet negatief zijn."],"Most active people":["Meest actieve personen"],"Get a list":["Lijst"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Meest Actieve Gebruikers Module Configuratie"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Het aantal van de meest actieve gebruikers die getoond zullen worden."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Je kan het aantal gebruikers dat getoond zal worden configureren."],"Comments created":["Reacties aangemaakt"],"Likes given":["Aantal \"Vind ik leuk\""],"Posts created":["Berichten aangemaakt"],"Notes":["Notities"],"Etherpad API Key":["Etherpad API sleutel"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL naar Etherpad"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} heeft nieuwe notitie {noteName} gemaakt."],"{userName} 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nieuwe {question} aangemaakt."],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe poll aangemaakt en jou aangewezen."],"Ask":["Vragen"],"Reset my vote":["Reset mijn antwoord"],"Vote":["Stem"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["en {count} anderen hebben voor dit gestemd."],"votes":["stemmen"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Meerdere antwoorden per gebruiker toelaten?"],"Ask something...":["Stel je vraag..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Mogelijke antwoorden (1 per lijn)"],"There are no polls yet!":["Er zijn nog geen polls!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen polls!
Wees de eerste en maak er een..."],"Asked by me":["Gevraagd door mij"],"No answered yet":["Nog geen antwoord"],"Only private polls":["Alleen private polls"],"Only public polls":["Alleen publieke polls"],"Tasks":["Taken"],"Translation Manager":["Vertaalmanager"],"Translations":["Vertalingen"],"Translation Editor":["Vertaal Editor"],"Confirm page deleting":["Bevestig pagina verwijderen"],"Confirm page reverting":["Bevestig pagina terugzetten"],"Overview of all pages":["Overzicht van alle pagina's"],"Page history":["Pagina geschiedenis"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Module"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan deze ruimte."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Voegt een wiki toe aan je profiel."],"Back to page":["Terug naar pagina"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Ben je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt terugzetten?"],"Edit page":["Bewerk"],"Edited at":["Bewerkt op"],"Go back":["Ga terug"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Ongeldig teken in paginatitel!"],"Let's go!":["Nieuwe pagina"],"Main page":["Hoofdpagina"],"New page":["Nieuw"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Er zijn momenteel nog geen pagina's."],"Overview":["Overzicht"],"Page History":["Historie"],"Page title already in use!":["Paginatitel reeds in gebruik"],"Revert":["Terugzetten"],"Revert this":["Terugzetten"],"View":["Toon"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["door"],"Wiki page":["Wikipagina"],"Create new page":["Maak nieuwe pagina"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Voer een paginanaam of URL in"],"New page title":["Nieuwe paginatitel"],"Page content":["Pagina inhoud"],"Allow":["Toestaan"],"Default":["Standaard"],"Deny":["Weigeren"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Typ tenminste 3 tekens"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Sta gebruikers toe om reacties achter te laten"],"Create comment":["Maak reactie"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft een nieuwe {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Share your opinion with others":["Deel je mening met anderen"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Plaats een bericht op Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Plaats een bericht op Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Deel met mensen op LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweet over deze site"],"Group members - {group}":["Groep leden - {group}"],"You":["Jij"],"You like this.":["Jij vindt dit leuk."],"Confirm new password":["Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord"],"No users found.":["Geen gebruikers gevonden."],"TimeZone":["Tijdzone"],"Date":["Datum"],"Hide age per default":["Verberg leeftijd standaard"],"Create Account":["Maak account"],"Remember me":["Onthoud me"],"Password recovery":["Wachtwoord herstellen"],"Registration successful":["Registratie succesvol"],"Password reset":["Wachtwoord reset"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Een sociaal netwerk om je communicatie en teamwork te verbeteren.
Registreer nu om lid te worden van deze ruimte."],"Sign up now":["Nu aanmelden!","Nu registreren!"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Verjaardagen in de komende {days} dagen"],"In {days} days":["Over {days} dagen"],"becomes {years} years old.":["wordt {years} jaar oud."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Breaking News Configuratie"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Let op: Je kunt markdown syntax gebruiken"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["De map %filename% kon niet opgeslagen worden."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% heeft een ongeldige extensie en is overgeslagen."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% is vervangen door een nieuwere versie."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Verwijder bestand"],"Create folder":["Maak map"],"Edit folder":["Bewerk map"],"Files module configuration":["Bestanden module instellingen"],"Move files":["Verplaats bestanden"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Een map met deze naam bestaat al."],"Add directory":["Map toevoegen"],"Add file(s)":["Bestand(en) toevoegen"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Bestanden module toevoegen aan deze space."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Voegt de bestanden module toe aan je profiel."]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Verander type"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Maak een nieuwe %typeTitle% Space"],"Create new space type":["Maak nieuw space type"],"Delete space type":["Verwijder space type"],"Edit space type":["bewerk space type"],"Manage space types":["Beheer space types"],"Create new type":["Nieuw type maken"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Om het space type \"{type}\"te verwijderen, moet je een alternatief instellen voor Spaces in dit type:"],"Types":["Types"],"e.g. Project":["bijvoorbeeld Project"],"e.g. Projects":["bijvoorbeeld Projecten"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Kies een afbeelding"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Je kunt jezelf geen mail sturen!"],"Add recipients":["Ontvangers toevoegen"],"Edit message entry":["Bericht bewerken"],"Conversations":["Gesprekken"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Gesprek verwijderen"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Gesprek verlaten"],"Confirm message deletion":["Bericht verwijderen"],"Delete conversation":["Verwijder gesprek"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Wil je dit gesprek echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Wil je dit bericht echt verwijderen?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Wil je dit gesprek echt verlaten?"],"Leave":["Verlaat"],"Leave conversation":["Verlaat gesprek"],"Send message":["Verstuur bericht"],"Anonymous poll!":["Anonieme poll!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Opnieuw? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Op dit moment zijn we een nieuwe meeting aan het plannen en we willen graag van je weten waar je heen zou willen gaan."],"To Daniel":["Aan Daan"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Waarom gaan we niet naar de Bemelman Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anoniem"],"Closed":["Gesloten"],"Add answer...":["Antwoord toevoegen..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Anoniem stemmen?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Antwoorden in willekeurige volgorde weergeven?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Antwoorden veranderen (Lege antwoorden worden verwijderd)"],"Edit your poll question...":["Verander de vraag..."],"Manage reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Reported posts":["Gerapporteerde berichten"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Waarom wil je dit bericht rapporteren?"],"by :displayName":["door :displayname"],"created by :displayName":["gemaakt door :displayname"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Offensive":["Beledigend"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Een gebruiker heeft je post gemarkeerd als: Hoort niet thuis in space."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als beledigend."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd als spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% heeft %contentTitle% gemarkeerd voor niet horen in de space."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Hier kun je gerapporteerde posts beheren."],"Open wiki page...":["Open wiki pagina..."],"comment":["Reactie"],"post":["Bericht"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Module is niet op deze inhoud container ingeschakeld!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. 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\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\n\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Met vriendelijk groet
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\n\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.
\n\n Met vriendelijke groet
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group user not found!":["Groep gebruiker niet gevonden"],"No value found!":["Geen waarde gevonden!"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["E-mail Adres attribuut"],"Date input format":["Datum input formaat"],"Default stream content order":["Standaard inhoud volgorde"],"Enable user friendship system":["Vriendschap systeem inschakelen"],"Server Timezone":["Server tijdzone"],"Sort by creation date":["Sorteren op aanmaak datum"],"Sort by update date":["Sorteren op update datum"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Standaard inhoud zichtbaarheid"],"Administrative group":["Administratieve groep"],"About HumHub":["Over"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Vereisten"],"Advanced":["Geadvanceerd"],"Permissions":["Permissies"],"No purchased modules found!":["Geen aangeschafte modules gevonden!"],"Third-party":["Derde-partij"],"search for available modules online":["zoek online naar beschikbare modules"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["De ontwikkelaars geven geen ondersteuning op modules van derde partijen en geven ook geen garantie op de werking en veiligheid van deze module."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Derde partij disclamer"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar! ({version})"],"Advanced Settings":["Geavanceerde Instellingen"],"Appearance Settings":["Weergave instellingen"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-mail Instellingen"],"General Settings":["Algemene instellingen"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Hier kun je de e-mail instellingen van je site veranderen."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Hier kun je de registratie en aanvullende gebruiker instellingen van je site aanpassen."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Hier kun je de basis instellingen van je site veranderen."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Deze instellingen verwijzen naar geavanceerde topics van je site."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Deze instellingen verwijzen naar het uiterlijk van je site."],"User Settings":["Gebruikers instellingen."],"Add new space":["Nieuwe space toevoegen."],"Information":["Informatie"],"Settings and Configuration":["Instellingen en configuratie"],"User administration":["Gebruiker administratie"],"Add new group":["Nieuwe groep toevoegen"],"Back to overview":["Terug naar overzicht"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Beheer groep: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Wachtende goedkeuringen"],"Profiles":["Profielen"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["Je site is op dit moment in de debug mode. Schakel het uit als je site in productie gebruikt wordt!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Bekijk de installatie handleiding voor meer info."],"Actions":["Acties"],"Pending user approvals":["Wachtende gebruiker goedkeuringen"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["De volgende lijst bevat alle geregistreerde mensen die wachtten op goedkeuring."],"Manage groups":["Beheer groepen"],"Add":["Toevoegen"],"Add new members...":["Nieuwe leden toevoegen..."],"No":["Nee"],"Remove from group":["Verwijder uit groep"],"Yes":["Ja"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Gebruikers kunnen aan verschillende groepen (Zoals teams, afdelingen etc.) met specifieke standaard spaces, groep managers en permissies."],"Purchases":["Aankopen"],"Enable module...":["Module inschakelen..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Koop (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Disclaimer"],"Installing module...":["Module installeren..."],"Licence Key:":["Licentie code:"],"Updating module...":["Module updaten..."],"Visible for members only":["Alleen zichtbaar voor leden"],"Visible for members+guests":["Zichtbaar voor leden+bezoekers"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. 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Gebruikers kunnen deze instellingen zelf veranderen."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Notificaties is gebruiker geralateerde informatie (bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe post of volger). Notificaties worden ook aangemaakt als er een interactie verseist is (bijvoorbeeld bij een vriendschapsverzoek)."],"SMTP Options":["SMTP opties"],"Add new provider":["Nieuwe provider toevoegen"],"Currently no provider active!":["Er is geen provider actief op dit moment!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["OEmbed providers inschakelden."],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider toevoegen"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed provider aanpassen"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["URL prefix zonder http:// of https:// (bijv. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Gebruik %url% als plaatshouder voor een URL. Het formaat dient JSON te zijn (bijv. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Software vereisten controleren."],"Re-Run tests":["Test opnieuw uitvoeren"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Je kunt een statistieken HTML code toevoegen die aan alle pagina's toegevoegd zal worden."],"Manage spaces":["Beheer spaces"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Hier kun je de standaard instellingen van spaces veranderen. Deze instellingen kunnen door gebruikers zelf per space veranderd worden."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle spaces met acties om de space te bekijken, veranderen en verwijderen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen? Als deze gebruiker eigenaar van spaces is, wordt jij de nieuwe eigenaar van deze spaces!"],"Delete user":["Verwijder gebruiker"],"Edit user: {name}":["Bewerk gebruiker: {name}"],"Add new user":["Nieuwe gebruiker toevoegen"],"Group Manager":["Groep beheerder"],"Last login":["Laatste login"],"Send invite":["Verstuur uitnodiging"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Deze lijst geeft een overzicht van alle gebruikers met acties om te bekijken, bewerken en verwijderen."],"never":["nooit"],"Create new profile category":["Nieuwe profiel categorie toevoegen"],"Edit profile category":["Profiel categorie bewerken"],"Create new profile field":["Nieuw profiel veld toevoegen"],"Edit profile field":["Profielveld aanpassen"],"Add new category":["Nieuwe categorie toevoegen"],"Add new field":["Nieuw veld toevoegen"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Hier kun je profiel categorieën en velden aanpassen "],"Manage profile attributes":["Profiel attributen aanpassen"],"Administration menu":["Administratie menu"],"Appearance":["Weergave"],"E-Mails":["E-mails"],"Information":["Informatie"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Click here to review":["Klik hier om te beoordelen"],"New approval requests":["Nieuwe goedkeuring verzoeken"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Een of meerdere gebruikers hebben je goedkeuring nodig als groep admin."],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} heeft gereageerd: {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Nieuwe reactie"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Gebruikers toestaan posts te maken"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Kan willekeurige content beheren (bijv. vastmaken, archiveren, verwijderen)"],"Create post":["Post maken"],"Manage content":["Content beheren"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft {contentTitle} gemaakt."],"Load more":["Meer laden"],"My friends":["Mijn vrienden"],"Pending friend requests":["Wachtende vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Sent friend requests":["verstuurde vriendschapsverzoeken"],"Accept Friend Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek accepteren"],"Add Friend":["Vriend toevoegen"],"Cancel friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek annuleren"],"Deny friend request":["Vriendschapsverzoek weigeren"],"Friends":["Vrienden"],"Requests":["Verzoeken"],"Sent requests":["Verstuurde verzoeken"],"Show all friends":["Alle vrienden weergeven"],"Unfriend":["Ontvrienden"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek goedgekeurd."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je vriendschapsverzoek geweigerd."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} heeft je een vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd."],"Friendship Request":["Vriendschapsverzoek"],"Friendship Approved":["Vriendschap goedgekeurd"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Modules downloaden en installeren..."],"Welcome Space":["Welkom Space"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["JEEJ! Ik heb net HumHub geïnstalleerd ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Je eerste voorbeeld space om het platform te ontdekken."],"New Like":["Nieuwe like"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} vinden {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} vind {contentTitle} leuk."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} en {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} en {number} andere"],"Other":["Ander"],"Notification Overview":["Notificatie Overzicht"],"Module Filter":["Module filter"],"No notifications found!":["Geen notificaties gevonden!"],"Show all notifications":["Alle notificaties weergeven"],"Search results":["Zoek resultaten"],"Advanced search settings":["Geavanceerde zoekopties"],"All":["Alle"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Zoek naar gebruikers, spaces en inhoud"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Zoek alleen in specifieke spaces:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Je zoekopdracht heeft geen overeenkomsten opgeleverd."],"Space followers":["Space volgers"],"No spaces found.":["Geen spaces gevonden"],"Private":["Privé"],"Space":["Space"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Standaard)"],"Members":["Leden"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Sorry, je kunt deze space niet verlaten!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al lid van deze space!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Gebruiker '{username}' is al een aanvrager van deze space!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Als eigenaar van de space kun je deze rol overdragen naar een andere administrator in de space."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["De URL bevat niet toegestane karakters,"],"Transfer ownership":["Eigenaarschap overdragen"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["Bijvoorbeeld voorbeeld voor {baseUrl}/s/voorbeeld"],"Last Visit":["Laatste bezoek"],"Originator User ID":["Oprichter gebruiker ID"],"Request Message":["Verzoek bericht"],"Updated By":["Geüpdatet door","Geüpdate door"],"Administrators":["Administartors"],"Color":["Kleur"],"Default content visibility":["Standaard content zichtbaarheid"],"Homepage":["Startpagina"],"Moderators":["Moderators"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de space {spaceName} geaccepteerd"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je verzoek voor de space {spaceName} goed gekeurd"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitnodiging voor de space {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je verzoek voor de space {spaceName} afgewezen"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} heeft je uitgenodigd voor de space {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} wil lid worden van de space {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Sta de gebruiker toe openbare content te maken"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Sta de gebruiker toe nieuwe leden uit te nodigen"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Kan verborgen (privé) spaces maken"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Kan openbare spaces maken (Te zien in overzicht)"],"Create private space":["Maak privé space"],"Create public content":["Maak openbare content"],"Create public space":["Maak openbare space"],"Invite users":["Gebruikers uitnodigen"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Toevoegen {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Kies of nieuwe content standaard openbaar of privé is"],"Manage members":["Beheer leden"],"Role":["Rol"],"Space name":["Space naam"],"Add Modules":["Modules toevoegen"],"Security settings":["Veiligheids instellingen"],"Space settings":["Space instellingen"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Permissies zijn toegewezen aan verschillende groepen gebruikers. Om een permissie aan te passen, klik je op de groep die je wilt bewerken en selecteer je in het drop-down menu de gewenste permissie."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Je bent geen lid van deze space en er is nog geen openbare inhoud beschikbaar!"],"Done":["Klaar"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Lidmaatschap stoppen"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Posts verbergen op dashboard"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Posts weergeven op dashboard"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe content van deze space verbergen in je dashboard"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Deze optie zal nieuwe content van deze space weergeven in je dashboard"],"Pending Approvals":["Wachtende verzoeken"],"Pending Invites":["Wachtende uitnodigingen"],"End guide":["Beëindig tour"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Sleep hier een foto heen of klik er op om een bestand te kiezen"],"Hide my year of birth":["Verberg mijn geboortejaar"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Oh, hoi daar %firstname, leuk dat je onze website gebruikt!"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Je bent de allereerste hier... Joepie! Wees een uitstekend voobeeld en vul je profiel in,
zodat toekomstige gebruikers weten wie hier de baas is en bij wie ze terecht kunnen als ze vragen hebben."],"Your firstname":["Je voornaam"],"Your lastname":["Je achternaam"],"Your mobild phone number":["Je mobiele telefoon nummer"],"Your phone number at work":["Je telefoonnummer op het werk"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Je skills, ervaring etc (gescheiden met komma's)"],"Your title or position":["Je titel of positie"],"Your profile":["Je profiel"],"Basic Settings":["Basis instellingen"],"Change Email":["Verander Email"],"Change Password":["Verander Wachtwoord"],"Connect account":["Verbind account"],"Connected Accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Connected accounts":["Verbonden accounts"],"Currently in use":["Momenteel in gebruik"],"Delete Account":["Verwijder account"],"Disconnect account":["Ontkoppel account"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Hier kun je verbinding maken met andere websites om daarmee snel in te loggen."],"My Account":["Mijn account"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Er bestaat al een gebruiker met hetzelfde mailadres, maar dit account is daar niet mee verbonden. Log in met je email adres en wachtwoord en koppel je accounts."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Je nieuwe wachtwoord mag niet gelijk zijn aan je huidige wachtwoord"],"or":["of"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Introductie verbergen van je dashboard"],"Invite new people":["Nieuwe mensen uitnodigen"],"Email address(es)":["Email adres(sen)"],"Invitation to join":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Vul hieronder de email adressen in van de mensen die je wilt uitnodigen."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Meerdere email adressen gescheiden door een komma."],"Click here to create an account:":["Klik hier om een account te maken:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van \"{space}\" op {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} heeft je uitgenodigd voor {name}."],"Searchable":["Doorzoekbaar"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Komma gescheiden land codes, bijv. DE,EN,NL"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Ondersteunde ISO3166 land codes"],"Auth Mode":["Authenticatie mode"],"Last Activity Email":["Laatste activiteit mail"],"Last Login":["Laatste login"],"Manager":["Manager"],"Show At Directory":["Weergeven in overzicht"],"Show At Registration":["Weergeven bij registratie"],"Space ID":["Space ID"],"Mentioned":["Genoemd"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} volgt je nu."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} heeft je genoemd in {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Je huidige email adres is {email}. Je kunt je huidige email adres hier wijzigen.\n"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Je huidige wachtwoord kan hier veranderd worden"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Hier kun je je algemene profieldata aanpassen, die zichtbaar is op de 'over mij' pagina op je profiel."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Krijg een email voor elke activiteit van gebruikers die je volgt of spaces."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Ontvang desktop notificaties wanner je online bent"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Uitnodiging om lid te worden van de space: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registreer nu en doe mee!"],"You got an invite":["Je hebt een uitnodiging ontvangen"],"invited you to join {name}.":["heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["heeft je uitgenodigd om lid te worden van {space} op {name}."],"Is Originator":["Is beginner"],"Last Viewed":["Laatst weergegeven"],"Allows to start polls.":["Starten van polls toestaan."],"Confirm post deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van post"],"Confirm report deletion":["Bevestig verwijderen van rapportage"],"Delete post":["Verwijder post"],"Delete report":["Verwijder rapportage"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Wil je deze rapportage echt verwijderen?"],"Reason":["Reden"],"Reporter":["Rapporteerder"],"There are no reported posts.":["Er zijn geen gerapporteerde posts. Jeej :D"],"Does not belong to this space":["Hoort niet thuis in deze space"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Help ons te begrijpen wat er gebeurd"],"It's offensive":["Het is beledigend"],"It's spam":["Het is spam"],"Report post":["Post rapporteren"],"Assigned user(s)":["Gekoppelde gebruiker(s)"],"Deadline":["Deadline"],"Could not access task!":["Kon taak niet bereiken!"],"Task":["Taak"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} gekoppeld aan taak {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} gemaakt."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} heeft de taak {task} voltooid."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} heeft je aan de taak {task} gekoppeld."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} heeft een nieuwe taak gemaakt: {task}."],"Create new task":["Maak nieuwe taak"],"Edit task":["Bewerk taak"],"Assign users":["Gebruikers koppelen"],"What is to do?":["Wat moet er gedaan worden?"],"Confirm deleting":["Bevestig verwijderen taak"],"Add Task":["Taak toevoegen"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Wil je deze taak echt verwijderen?"],"No open tasks...":["Geen open taken..."],"completed tasks":["voltooide taken"],"Click, to finish this task":["Click om deze taak te voltooien"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Deze taak is al voltooid. Klik om als onvoltooid te markeren."],"My tasks":["Mijn taken"],"From space: ":["Van space:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Er zijn nog geen taken!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Er zijn nog geen taken!
Wees de eerste en maak er een"],"Assigned to me":["Gekoppeld aan mij"],"Nobody assigned":["Niemand gekoppeld"],"State is finished":["Status is voltooid"],"State is open":["Status is open"],"Assign users to this task":["Koppel gebruikers aan deze taak"],"Deadline for this task?":["Deadline voor de taak?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Preassign user(s) for this task."],"What to do?":["Wat is er te doen?"],"Do you want to handle this task?":["Wil jij deze taak behandelen?"],"I do it!":["Ik doe het!"],"Update HumHub":["Update"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update HumHub "],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Maak een backup van je bestanden en database voordat je verder gaat!"],"Check for next update":["Controleer op een volgende update"],"Could not extract update package!":["Kon het update pakket niet uitpakken!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Kon geen update informatie ophalen! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Database migratie resultaten:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Gebruik deze updater niet in combinatie met Fit of Composer installaties!"],"Downloading update package...":["Update downloaden..."],"Error!":["Fout!"],"Installing update package...":["Nieuwe update installeren..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Zorg ervoor dat alle bestanden schrijfbaar zijn door de applicatie."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Zorg er voor dat je modules en thema's compatibel zijn met versie %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Zorg ervoor dat de volgende bestanden schrijfbaar zijn voor de applicatie:"],"Please note:":["Let op:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Update je modules voor EN na de update"],"Proceed Installation":["Installatie voortzetten"],"Release Notes:":["Notities van deze versie:"],"Show database migration results":["Database migratie resultaten weergeven"],"Start Installation":["Installatie starten"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["De volgende bestanden lijken niet origineel (%version%) en zullen overschreven of verwijderd worden tijdens het updaten."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Er is een nieuwe update naar versie %version% beschikbaar!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Er is geen nieuwe update beschikbaar."],"Update HumHub BETA":["Update BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Update pakket ongeldig!"],"Warning!":["Waarschuwing!"],"Warnings:":["Waarschuwingen:"],"successfully installed!":["succesvol geïnstalleerd!"],"version update":["versie update"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Update download mislukt! (%error%)"],"Is homepage":["Is startpagina"],"Protected":["Beschermd"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Je account is geactiveerd.
\r\n\r\n Klik hier om in te loggen:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijk groet
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Hallo {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Je account verzoek is afgewezen.
\r\n\r\n Met vriendelijke groet
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maximaal aantal vastgemaakte items bereikt!\r\n\r\nJe kunt maar 2 items tegelijk vastmaken.\r\nOm dit vast te maken moet je er eerst een losmaken."],"Pinned":["Vastgekleefd","Vastkleven"],"Unpinned":["Losmaken"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/pl/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/pl/archive.json
index 749bab6911..f5721a070f 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/pl/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/pl/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego modułu. "],"Invalid request.":["Błędne żądanie."],"Keyword:":["Słowo kluczowe:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nic nie znaleziono."],"Results":["Wyniki"],"Show more results":["Pokaż więcej wyników"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Przepraszam, nic nie znaleziono!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Witaj w %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Najnowsze aktualizacje"],"Account settings":["Ustawienia konta"],"Administration":["Administracja"],"Back":["Wstecz"],"Back to dashboard":["Powrót do pulpitu"],"Collapse":["Zwiń"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Źródło zawartości dodatku musi być instancją HActiveRecordContent lub HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Nie można określić kontenera!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Nie znaleziono zawartości dodatku!"],"Error":["Błąd"],"Expand":["Rozwiń"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Brak wystarczających uprawnień by utworzyć element!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Chyba zabłądziłeś."],"Language":["Język"],"Latest news":["Najnowsze wiadomości"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Wyloguj"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Moduł w tym kontenerze nie jest uruchomiony!"],"My profile":["Mój profil"],"New profile image":["Nowe zdjęcie profilowe"],"Oooops...":["Upsss..."],"Search":["Szukaj "],"Search for users and spaces":["Szukaj użytkowników i stref"],"Space not found!":["Nie znaleziono strefy! "],"User Approvals":["Akceptacja nowych użytkowników"],"User not found!":["Użytkownik nie znaleziony! ","Nie znaleziono użytkownika! "],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Nie można utworzyć zawartości publicznej!"],"Your daily summary":["Podsumowanie dzienne","Twoje dzienne podsumowanie"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globalna tablica {global} została wyczyszczona używając metody {method}."],"Upload error":["Błąd wczytywania "],"Close":["Zamknij ","Zamknij"],"Title":["Nazwa","Tytuł"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Nie można utworzyć aktywności dla tego typu obiektu!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% utworzył nową strefę %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% utworzył tę strefę."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% dołączył do strefy %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% dołączył do tej strefy. "],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opuścił strefę %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% opuścił tę strefę. "],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["Od teraz {user1} obserwuje {user2}."],"see online":["zobacz zalogowanych","pokaż online "],"via":["przez","przez "],"Latest activities":["Najnowsza aktywność"],"There are no activities yet.":["Brak aktywności."],"Group not found!":["Grupa nie znaleziona!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Nie można najpierw odinstalować modułu! Moduł jest chroniony. "],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Ścieżka %path% modułu jest niezapisywalna. "],"Saved":["Zapisano ","Zapisano"],"Database":["Baza danych "],"No theme":["Brak motywu "],"APC":["APC ","APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Nie można wczytać LDAP! - Sprawdź rozszerzenie PHP "],"File":["Plik"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Brak cache (tylko cele testowe) ","Bez cache'u (funkcja testowa!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Żadne - pokazuje rozwijaną listę podczas rejestracji użytkownika "],"Saved and flushed cache":["Zapisano i opróżniono cache "],"Become this user":["Zostań tym użytkownikiem"],"Delete":["Usuń"],"Disabled":["Zablokowany "],"Enabled":["Włączony "],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokalny "],"Save":["Zapisz "],"Unapproved":["Niezatwierdzony "],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Nie możesz usunąć samego siebie! "],"Could not load category.":["Nie można wczytać kategorii. "],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Możesz usunąć tylko pustą kategorię! "],"Group":["Grupa"],"Message":["Wiadomość "],"Subject":["Temat ","Temat"],"Base DN":["Bazowy DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Włącz wsparcie LDAP"],"Encryption":["Szyfrowanie","Szyfrowanie "],"Hostname":["Nazwa hosta"],"Login Filter":["Filtr loginów"],"Password":["Hasło"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Filtr użytkowników"],"Username":["Nazwa użytkownika"],"Username Attribute":["Atrybut nazwy użytkownika "],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonimowi użytkownicy mogą rejestrować się "],"Default user group for new users":["Domyślna grupa użytkowników dla nowych użytkowników "],"Members can invite external users by email":["Członkowie mogą zapraszać zewnętrznych użytkowników za pomocą emalia "],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Wymagaj zatwierdzenia po rejestracji przez administratora grupy "],"Base URL":["Główny URL "],"Default language":["Domyślny język "],"Default space":["Domyślna strefa "],"Invalid space":["Nieprawidłowa strefa"],"Name of the application":["Nazwa aplikacji "],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Pokazuj wycieczkę wprowadzającą nowym użytkownikom "],"Cache Backend":["Zaplecze cache "],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Domyślny czas wygasania (w sekundach) "],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Brakuje rozszerzenia PHP APC - typ niedostępny! "],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Brakuje rozszerzenia SQLite3 - typ niedostępny! "],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Domyślna paginacja (wpisy na stronę) "],"Display Name (Format)":["Nazwa wyświetlana (format) "],"Dropdown space order":["Kolejność listy rozwijanej stref "],"Theme":["Motyw "],"Allowed file extensions":["Dozwolone rozszerzenia "],"Convert command not found!":["Polecenie konwertujące nie znalezione! "],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź image magick! - Czy prawidłowe polecenie? "],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Polecenie konwersji Image Magick (opcjonalne) "],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksymalny rozmiar wgrywanego pliku (w MB) "],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Użyj X-Sendfile przy pobieraniu plików "],"Administrator users":["Administratorzy "],"Description":["Opis"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN "],"Name":["Nazwa"],"E-Mail sender address":["Adres wysyłającego E-mail "],"E-Mail sender name":["Nazwa wysyłającego E-mail "],"Mail Transport Type":["Typ przesyłania maili"],"Port number":["Numer portu "],"Endpoint Url":["Punkt docelowy URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefiks URL"],"User":["Użytkownik"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super administratorzy mogą usunąć każdy zliczony obiekt "],"Default Join Policy":["Domyślna polityka dołączania "],"Default Visibility":["Domyślna widoczność "],"HTML tracking code":["Kod śledzący HTML "],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Katalog modułu dla modułu %moduleId% już istnieje!"],"Could not extract module!":["Nie można wypakować modułu!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Nie można pobrać listy modułów będących online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Nie można pobrać informacji na temat modułów modułów będących online! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Pobieranie modułu nie powiodło się!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Katalog modułu %modulePath% nie jest zapisywalny!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Nie powiodło się pobieranie modułu! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Nie znaleziono kompatybilnej wersji modułu! "],"Activated":["Aktywowane"],"Installed":["Zainstalowane"],"About HumHub":["O HumHubie"],"Accept":["Akceptuj"],"Decline":["Odrzuć"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Akceptuj użytkownika: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Anuluj"],"Send & save":["Wyślij i zapisz"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Odrzuć i usuń użytkownika: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Szukaj e-maila","Szukaj e-maili"],"Search for username":["Szukaj nazwy użytkownika ","Szukaj nazw użytkownika"],"Pending user approvals":["Oczekujący użytkownicy do zatwierdzenia"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Tutaj widzisz użytkowników którzy zarejestrowali się i wciąż czekają na zatwierdzenie. "],"Delete group":["Usuń grupę"],"Delete group":["Usuń grupę"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Aby usunąć grupę \"{group}\" potrzebujesz ustawić alternatywną grupę dla istniejących użytkowników: "],"Create new group":["Utwórz nową grupę"],"Edit group":["Edytuj grupę"],"Group name":["Nazwa grupy"],"Search for description":["Szukaj opisu"],"Search for group name":["Szukaj nazwy grupy "],"Manage groups":["Zarządzaj grupami"],"Create new group":["Utwórz nową grupę"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Możesz podzielić użytkowników do różnych grup (dla zespołów, wydziałów, itp.) i zdefiniować dla nich standardowe strefy i administratorów."],"Flush entries":["Wyczyść wpisy"],"Error logging":["Logi błędów"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Pokazano {count} wpisów na stronę."],"Total {count} entries found.":["W sumie znaleziono {count} wpisów."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduły rozszerzają funkcjonalność HumHuba. Tutaj możesz zainstalować i zarządzać modułami z HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Dostępne aktualizacje"],"Browse online":["Przeglądaj online"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Ten moduł nie dostarcza dalszych informacji. "],"Modules directory":["Katalog modułów"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu zostaną utracone!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane i pliki związane z modułem zostaną utracone!"],"Configure":["Konfiguruj"],"Disable":["Zablokuj"],"Enable":["Włącz"],"More info":["Więcej informacji"],"Set as default":["Ustaw jako domyślny"],"Uninstall":["Odinstaluj"],"Install":["Zainstaluj"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ostatnia kompatybilna wersja:"],"Latest version:":["Ostatnia wersja:"],"Installed version:":["Zainstalowana wersja:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ostatnia kompatybilna wersja:"],"Update":["Aktualizuj "],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Ustaw jako moduł domyślny"],"Always activated":["Zawsze aktywny"],"Deactivated":["Wyłączony"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Tutaj możesz wybrać czy moduł powinien być automatycznie aktywowany w strefie lub profilu użytkownika. Jeżeli moduł powinien być aktywny, wybierz \"zawsze aktywny\"."],"Spaces":["Strefy","Strefy "],"User Profiles":["Profile użytkownika"],"Authentication - Basic":["Uwierzytelnianie - Podstawowe"],"Basic":["Podstawowe"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Uwierzytelnianie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL jest silnie faworyzowany w środowiskach produkcyjnych w celu zapobiegania przesyłaniu haseł jako czysty tekst."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definiuje filtr do zatwierdzenia w czasie próby logowania. %uid zastępuje nazwę użytkownika w czasie akcji logowania. Przykład: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" lub "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atrybuty LDAP dla nazwy użytkownika. Przykład: "uid" lub "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Ogranicza dostęp do użytkowników spełniających te kryteria. Przykład: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" lub "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Błąd! (Wiadomość: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} użytkowników)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Domyślny bazowy DN używany do celów poszukiwania kont."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Domyślne hasło listy uwierzytelniającej (używane tylko z powyższą nazwą użytkownika)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Domyślna nazwa użytkownika listy uwierzytelniającej. Niektóre serwery wymagają tego aby było w formularzu DN. Musi być dane w formularzu DN jeżeli serwer LDAP wymaga wiązania i wiązanie powinno być możliwe z prostymi nazwami użytkownika. "],"Cache Settings":["Ustawienia cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Zapisz i opróżnij cache"],"CronJob settings":["Ustawienia zadań cron"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab użytkownika: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ostatnie wykonanie (dzienne):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ostatnie wykonanie (godzinne):"],"Never":["Nigdy"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Lub Crontab użytkownika root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Proszę upewnij się że następujące zadania cron są zainstalowane: "],"Design settings":["Ustawienia projektu"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetycznie"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Imię Nazwisko (np. Jan Kowalski)"],"Last visit":["Ostatnia wizyta"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nazwa użytkownika (np. jan)"],"File settings":["Ustawienia plików"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista elementów oddzielonych przecinkiem (csv). Pozostaw pustą aby dopuścić wszystkie."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Obecna biblioteka graficzna: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP zgłasza maksimum {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Ustawienia podstawowe"],"Dashboard":["Kokpit"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Np. http://przyklad.pl/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nowi użytkownicy zostaną automatycznie dodani do tych stref."],"Mailing defaults":["Domyślny mailing"],"Activities":["Aktywności"],"Always":["Zawsze"],"Daily summary":["Dzienne podsumowanie","Podsumowanie dzienne"],"Defaults":["Domyślne"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definiuje ustawienia domyślne kiedy użytkownik odbiera e-maile z powiadomieniami lub nowymi aktywnościami. To ustawienie może być nadpisane przez użytkowników w ustawieniach konta."],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia "],"Server Settings":["Ustawienia serwera"],"When I´m offline":["Kiedy jestem offline","Kiedy jestem offline "],"Mailing settings":["Ustawienia mailingu"],"SMTP Options":["Opcje SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Dostawca OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Dodaj nowego dostawcę"],"Currently active providers:":["Obecnie aktywni dostawcy:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Obecnie nie ma aktywnych dostawców!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Dodaj dostawcę OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Edytuj dostawcę OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefiks URL bez http:// lub https:// (np. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Użyj zastępczego %url% dla URL. Formatem musi być JSON. (np. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Security settings and roles":["Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa i role"],"Self test":["Autotest"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Sprawdzanie wstępnych wymagań oprogramowania HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Uruchom ponownie testy "],"Statistic settings":["Ustawienia statystyk"],"All":["Wszystko"],"Delete space":["Usuń strefę"],"Edit space":["Edytuj strefę"],"Search for space name":["Szukaj nazwy strefy"],"Search for space owner":["Szukaj właściciela strefy"],"Space name":["Nazwa strefy"],"Space owner":["Właściciel strefy"],"View space":["Pokaż strefę "],"Manage spaces":["Zarządzaj strefami"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Zdefiniuj tutaj domyślne ustawienia dla nowych stref"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["W tym przeglądzie możesz znaleźć każdą strefę i zarządzać nią."],"Overview":["Przegląd"],"Settings":["Ustawienia"],"Space Settings":["Ustawienia strefy"],"Add user":["Dodaj użytkownika"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? 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"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie komentarza "],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć ten komentarz? "],"Edit":["Edytuj ","Edycja"],"Updated :timeago":["Zaktualizowano :timeago ","Zaktualizowano :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Została osiągnięta maksymalna liczba podpiętych załączników! \n\nMożesz na raz podpiąć tylko dwa załączniki.\nJednakże aby podpiąć ten załącznik, odepnij najpierw inny! "],"Could not load requested object!":["Nie można wczytać żądanego obiektu! "],"Unknown content class!":["Nieznana klasa zawartości! "],"Could not find requested content!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanej zawartości!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego linku! 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Nikt jeszcze nic nie napisał.
Bądź pierwszy i napisz coś..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Ten strumień profilu jest wciąż pusty"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Ta strefa jest wciąż pusta!
Zacznij pisząc tutaj coś..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Twój kokpit jest pusty!
Napisz coś na swoim profilu i dołącz do stref!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Twój strumień profilu jest wciąż pusty
Napisz coś!"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono niczego pasującego do obecnego filtru(ów)!"],"Show all":["Pokaż wszystko"],"Back to stream":["Powrót do strumienia"],"Content with attached files":["Zawartość z załączonymi plikami"],"Created by me":["Utworzone przez mnie","Utworzone przeze mnie "],"Creation time":["Czas utworzenia"],"Filter":["Filtr"],"Include archived posts":["Zawieraj zarchiwizowane posty"],"Last update":["Ostatnia aktualizacja"],"Only private posts":["Tylko prywatne posty"],"Only public posts":["Tylko publiczne posty"],"Posts only":["Tylko posty"],"Posts with links":["Posty z linkami"],"Sorting":["Sortowanie"],"Where I´m involved":["Gdzie jestem zaangażowany "],"Directory":["Książka adresowa "],"Member Group Directory":["Książka adresowa członków grup"],"show all members":["pokaż wszystkich członków "],"Directory menu":["Menu książki adresowej"],"Members":["Członkowie","Członkowie "],"User profile posts":["Posty użytkowników w profilach "],"Member directory":["Lista użytkowników"],"Follow":["Obserwuj"],"No members found!":["Nie znaleziono członków!"],"Unfollow":["Nie obserwuj "],"search for members":["szukaj członków"],"Space directory":["Książka adresowa stref"],"No spaces found!":["Nie znaleziono stref! "],"You are a member of this space":["Jesteś członkiem tej strefy "],"search for spaces":["szukaj stref"],"Group stats":["Statystyki grupy"],"Average members":["Średnio członków"],"Top Group":["Największa grupa"],"Total groups":["Łącznie grup "],"Member stats":["Statystyki członków"],"New people":["Nowi ludzie"],"Follows somebody":["Obserwujący "],"Online right now":["Teraz online"],"Total users":["Łącznie użytkowników "],"New spaces":["Nowe strefy"],"Space stats":["Statystyki stref"],"Most members":["Najwięcej użytkowników"],"Private spaces":["Prywatne strefy"],"Total spaces":["Łącznie stref "],"Could not find requested file!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego pliku! "],"Insufficient permissions!":["Niedostateczne uprawnienia "],"Created By":["Utworzona przez","Utworzone przez"],"Created at":["Utworzone o","Utworzona o"],"File name":["Nazwa pliku "],"Guid":["Guid "],"ID":["Identyfikator","ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Nieprawidłowy typ mime "],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksymalny rozmiar pliku {maxFileSize} został osiągnięty! "],"Mime Type":["Typ mime "],"Size":["Rozmiar"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Takie rozszerzenie pliku jest niedozwolone! "],"Updated at":["Zaktualizowane o ","Zaktualizowana o"],"Updated by":["Zaktualizowana przez"],"Could not upload File:":["Nie można wczytać pliku: "],"Upload files":["Wczytaj plik "],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista już wczytanych plików: "],"Sign in":["Zaloguj się "],"Could not find target class!":["Nie można znaleźć docelowej klasy! "],"Could not find target record!":["Nie można znaleźć docelowego zapisu! "],"Invalid class given!":["Nieprawidłowa klasa! "],"Users who like this":["Użytkownicy którzy lubią to "],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} lubi {contentTitle} "],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% lubi także %contentTitle% "],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% lubi %contentTitle% "]," likes this.":[" lubi to. "],"You like this.":["Lubisz to. "],"You
"],"Like":["Lubię "],"Unlike":["Nie lubię "],"and {count} more like this.":["i {count} więcej lubi to. "],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nie można określić url przekierowania obiektu źródłowego! "],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nie można wczytać obiektu źródłowego powiadomienia aby przekierować do niego! "],"New":["Nowe ","Nowa "],"Mark all as seen":["Oznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane "],"There are no notifications yet.":["Nie ma jeszcze powiadomień. "],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% utworzył nowy post. "],"Edit your post...":["Edytuj swój post... "],"Read full post...":["Przeczytaj cały post... "],"Send & decline":["Wyślij i odrzuć "],"Visible for all":["Widoczna dla wszystkich "]," Invite and request":["Zaproś i złóż podanie "],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Nie można usunąć użytkownika który jest właścicielem strefy! Nazwa strefy: {spaceName} "],"Everyone can enter":["Każdy może dołączyć "],"Invite and request":["Zaproś i złóż podanie "],"Only by invite":["Tylko przez zaproszenie "],"Private (Invisible)":["Prywatna (nie widoczna) "],"Public (Visible)":["Publiczna (widoczna) "],"Space is invisible!":["Strefa jest niewidoczna !"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Jako właściciel nie możesz odrzucić członkostwa! "],"Could not request membership!":["Nie możesz poprosić o członkostwo! "],"There is no pending invite!":["Nie ma oczekujących zaproszeń! "],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Działanie dostępne tylko dla członków grupy roboczej! "],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Nie masz zezwolenia na dołączenie do tej strefy! "],"Space title is already in use!":["Tytuł strefy jest już w użyciu!"],"Type":["Rodzaj","Typ"],"Your password":["Twoje hasło","Twoje hasło "],"Invites":["Zaproszenia"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nowi użytkownicy przez e-mail (oddzielone przecinkiem)"],"User is already member!":["Użytkownik jest już członkiem! "],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} jest już zarejestrowany! "],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} nie jest prawidłowy! "],"Application message":["Wiadomość o podanie"],"Scope":["Zasięg"],"Strength":["Siła "],"Created At":["Utworzona o","Utworzono"],"Join Policy":["Polityka dołączania"],"Owner":["Właściciel"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tagi","Tagi "],"Updated At":["Zaktualizowana o "],"Visibility":["Widzialna"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL strony internetowej (opcjonalny)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Nie możesz tworzyć prywatnych i widzialnych stref!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Nie możesz tworzyć publicznych i widzialnych stref! "],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Zaznacz obszar twojego obrazka który chcesz zapisać jako awatar użytkownika i kliknij Zapisz."],"Modify space image":["Modyfikuj obrazek strefy"],"Delete space":["Usuń strefę"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tę strefę? Cała opublikowana zawartość zostanie usunięta! "],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Proszę wprowadź swoje hasło aby kontynuować! "],"General space settings":["Ustawienia ogólne strefy"],"Archive":["Archiwizuj"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Wybierz rodzaj członkostwa który chcesz zapewnić tej grupie roboczej."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Wybierz poziom bezpieczeństwa dla tej grupy roboczej aby zdefiniować widoczność. "],"Manage your space members":["Zarządzaj użytkownikami strefy"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Oczekujące wysłane zaproszenia"],"Outstanding user requests":["Oczekujące podania użytkowników "],"Remove member":["Usuń członka"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Pozwól temu użytkownikowi
zapraszać innych użytkowników"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Pozwól temu użytkownikowi
upubliczniać zawartość"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika ze strefy?"],"Can invite":["Może zapraszać"],"Can share":["Może udostępniać"],"Change space owner":["Zmień właściciela strefy"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Zewnętrzni użytkownicy którzy zostali zaproszeni mailowo, nie są tutaj wymienieni."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["W obszarze poniżej, możesz zobaczyć wszystkich aktywnych użytkowników tej strefy. Możesz edytować ich uprawnienia i usuwać ich z tej strefy."],"Is admin":["Jest administratorem"],"Make this user an admin":["Przyznaj administratora temu użytkownikowi"],"No, cancel":["Nie, anuluj"],"Remove":["Usuń"],"Request message":["Wiadomość o podanie "],"Revoke invitation":["Odwołaj zaproszenie"],"Search members":["Szukaj członków"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Następujący użytkownicy oczekują na zatwierdzenie możliwości dołączenia do strefy. Proszę zajmij stanowisko w tej sprawie."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Następujący użytkownicy zostali dotychczas zaproszeni do tej strefy, ale nie obserwowali aż do teraz zaproszenia."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Właścicielem strefy jest super administrator z wszystkimi uprawnieniami i zwykle jest twórcą tej strefy. Tutaj możesz przyznać tę rolę innemu użytkownikowi."],"Yes, remove":["Tak, usuń "],"Space Modules":["Moduły strefy"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Czy jesteś pewien? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu tej strefy zostaną usunięte! "],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Obecnie nie ma modułów dostępnych dla tej strefy! "],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Rozszerz możliwości tej strefy za pomocą modułów "],"Create new space":["Utwórz nową strefę"],"Advanced access settings":["Zaawansowanie ustawienia dostępu"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Także nie członkowie tej strefy
mogą ją zobaczyć, ale bez dostępu"],"Create":["Utwórz "],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Każdy użytkownik może dołączyć do twojej strefy
bez twojej zgody"],"For everyone":["Dla wszystkich"],"How you want to name your space?":["Jak zamierzasz nazwać swoją strefę?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Proszę napisz poniżej krótki opis dla innych użytkowników."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Ta strefa będzie ukryta
dla nie członków"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Użytkownicy mogą aplikować o
członkostwo w tej strefie"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Użytkownicy mogą być dodawani
tylko przez zaproszenie"],"space description":["opis strefy"],"space name":["nazwa strefy"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} złożył podanie o członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaakceptował twoje członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odrzucił twoje podanie o członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaprosił cię do strefy {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaakceptował twoje zaproszenie do strefy {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odrzucił twoje zaproszenie do strefy {spaceName}"],"Accept Invite":["Zaakceptuj zaproszenie"],"Become member":["Zostań członkiem"],"Cancel membership":["Anuluj członkostwo"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Anuluj oczekujące podania o członkostwo"],"Deny Invite":["Zablokuj zaproszenie"],"Request membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Jesteś właścicielem tej grupy roboczej."],"created by":["utworzone przez "],"Invite members":["Zaproś członków"],"Add an user":["Dodaj użytkownika"],"Email addresses":["Adres e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Zaproś przez e-mail"],"Pick users":["Wybierz użytkowników"],"Send":["Wyślij ","Wyślij"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Aby zaprosić użytkowników do tej strefy, proszę podaj ich imiona poniżej aby ich znaleźć i wybrać."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Możesz także zapraszać zewnętrznych użytkowników, którzy nie są obecnie zarejestrowani. Po prostu dodaj ich adresy e-mail oddzielone przecinkiem. "],"Request space membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo w strefie"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Proszę krótko się przedstaw, aby zostać zatwierdzonym członkiem tej strefy."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Twoje podanie z powodzeniem zostało dodane i przesłane administratorom strefy."],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["Powróć do grupy roboczej"],"Space preferences":["Ustawienia stref"],"General":["Ogólne"],"My Space List":["Lista moich stref"],"My space summary":["Podsumowanie moich stref"],"Space directory":["Katalog stref"],"Space menu":["Menu stref"],"Stream":["Strumień ","Strumień"],"Change image":["Zamień obrazek"],"Current space image":["Obecny obrazek strefy "],"Invite":["Zaproś"],"Something went wrong":["Coś poszło źle"],"Followers":["Obserwujący"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Proszę krótko się przedstaw, aby zostać zatwierdzonym członkiem tej grupy roboczej."],"Request workspace membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Twoje podanie z powodzeniem zostało dodane i przesłane administratorom strefy."],"Create new space":["Utwórz nową strefę"],"My spaces":["Moje strefy"],"Space info":["Informacja o strefie"],"Accept invite":["Zaakceptuj zaproszenie"],"Deny invite":["Zablokuj zaproszenie"],"Leave space":["Opuść strefę"],"New member request":["Nowe podanie o członkostwo"],"Space members":["Członkowie strefy","Członkowie stref"],"End guide":["Zakończ przewodnik"],"Next »":["Następne »"],"« Prev":["« Poprzednie "],"Administration":["Administracja"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hura! To wszystko na teraz."],"Modules":["Moduły"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Jako administrator, możesz zarządzać całą platformą z tego miejsca.
Inaczej niż w modułach, nie będziemy tutaj przechodzić z punktu do punktu, jako że każdy ma swój własny krótki opis gdzie indziej."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Jesteś właśnie w menu narzędzi. Stąd możesz mieć dostęp do marketu HumHub dostępnego online, gdzie możesz instalować w locie rosnącą liczbę narzędzi.
Jak już wspomnieliśmy, narzędzia zwiększają liczbę cech dostępnych w twojej strefie."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Nauczyłeś się już wszystkich najważniejszych cech i ustawień, wszystko jest już ustawione w celu używania platformy.
Mamy nadzieję że ty i wszyscy przyszli użytkownicy będą cieszyli się z użytkowania strony. Patrzymy naprzód na każdą sugestię i wsparcie którą możesz zaoferować naszemu projektowi. Możesz skontaktować się z nami przez www.humhub.org.
Pozostań z nami. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kokpit"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["To jest twój kokpit.
Każda nowa aktywność lub post który może ciebie interesować pojawi się tutaj. "],"Administration (Modules)":["Administracja (moduły)"],"Edit account":["Edytuj konto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hura! Koniec."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hura Zakończyłeś!"],"Profile menu":["Menu profil","Menu profilu"],"Profile photo":["Zdjęcie profilowe"],"Profile stream":["Strumień profilu"],"User profile":["Profil użytkownika"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Kliknij na ten przycisk aby zaktualizować ustawienia profilu i konta. Możesz także dodać więcej informacji do swojego profilu."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Każdy profil ma swoją tablicę. Twoje posty będą pojawiały się także u użytkowników którzy obserwują cię."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Po prostu polub w strefie, profil użytkownika może być spersonalizowany z użyciem różnych modułów.
Możesz zobaczyć które moduły są dostępne dla twojego profilu zaglądając w \"Moduły\" w menu ustawieniach konta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["To jest twój publiczny profil użytkownika, który może być oglądany przez zarejestrowanych użytkowników. "],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Wczytaj nową fotografię profilową, przez proste kliknięcie tutaj lub przez przeciągnięcie. Zrób to samo podczas aktualizacji fotografii okładki."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Zakończyłeś przewodnik po profilu użytkownika! "],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Zakończyłeś przewodnik po profilu użytkownika!
Aby zapoznać się z przewodnikiem administratora, kliknij tutaj:
"],"Most recent activities":["Najnowsze aktywności"],"Posts":["Posty"],"Profile Guide":["Przewodnik po profilu"],"Space":["Strefy"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu nawigacji stref"],"Writing posts":["Pisanie postów"],"Yay! You're done.":["Super! Zakończyłeś."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Wszyscy użytkownicy będący członkami strefy tutaj są wyświetlani.
Nowi członkowie mogą zostać dodani przez każdego kto ma przyznane uprawnienia przez administratora."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Daje innym użytkownikom krótki pomysł na to o czym jest ta strefa. Możesz tutaj dodać podstawowe informacje.
Administrator strefy może wstawić i zmienić fotografię okładki strefy przez kliknięcie na nim lub przeciągnięcie."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nowe posty są tutaj pisane i publikowane."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Kiedy już dołączysz i utworzysz nową strefę możesz pracować nad projektami, dyskutować nad tematami lub tylko dzielić się informacjami z innymi użytkownikami.
Są dostępne różne narzędzie do spersonalizowania strefy, w ten sposób uczynisz pracę bardziej produktywną. "],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["To wszystko w przewodniku po strefach.
Aby zapoznać się z przewodnikiem profilu użytkownika, kliknij tutaj:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Jesteś tutaj gdzie możesz nawigować po strefie - gdzie możesz znaleźć czy moduły są aktywne lub dostępne dla jednostkowej strefy. Mogą to być na przykład głosowania, zadania lub notatki.
Tylko administrator strefy może zarządzać modułami strefy."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["To menu jest widoczne tylko dla administratorów strefy. Tutaj możesz zarządzać ustawieniami strefy, dodawać/blokować członków i aktywować/wyłączać narzędzia dla tej strefy."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Aby być na bieżąco aktywności innych użytkowników tej strefy są tutaj wyświetlane."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Posty twoje i innych użytkowników będą się tutaj pojawiały.
Mogą być polubione lub skomentowane. "],"Account Menu":["Menu konta"],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia"],"Space Menu":["Menu stref"],"Start space guide":["Przewodnik strefy początkowej"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Nie trać tropu!
Ta ikona pozwoli ci być informowanym o aktywnościach i postach które bezpośrednio ciebie dotyczą."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Menu konta daje ci dostęp do twoich ustawień prywatnych i pozwala ci zarządzać twoim profilem publicznym."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Najważniejsze menu i prawdopodobnie najczęściej używane!
Daje dostęp do wszystkich stref do których dołączyłeś i możesz w nim tworzyć nowe strefy.
Następny przewodnik pokaże ci jak: "]," Remove panel":["Usuń panel"],"Getting Started":["Rozpocznij"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Przewodnik: Administracja (Moduły)"],"Guide: Overview":["Przewodnik: Przegląd"],"Guide: Spaces":["Przewodnik: Strefy"],"Guide: User profile":["Przewodnik: Profil użytkownika"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Bądź poinformowany na temat najważniejszych cech za sprawą następujących przewodników: "],"Your password is incorrect!":["Twoje hasło jest nieprawidłowe! "],"You cannot change your password here.":["Nie można tutaj zmienić twojego hasła. "],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Nieprawidłowy link! Proszę upewnij się czy wprowadziłeś cały adres URL."],"Save profile":["Zapisz profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Wprowadzony adres e-mail jest już w użyciu przez innego użytkownika. "],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Nie można tutaj zmienić twojego adresu e-mail."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Utwórz konto"],"Current password":["Obecne hasło"],"E-Mail change":["Zmień e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nowy adres e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Wysyłać aktywności?"],"Send notifications?":["Wysyłać powiadomienia? "],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika/e-mail lub hasło."],"New password":["Nowe Hasło"],"New password confirm":["Potwierdź nowe hasło"],"Remember me next time":["Zapamiętaj mnie następnym razem"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Twoje konto jeszcze nie zostało aktywowane przez obsługę. "],"Your account is suspended.":["Twoje konto jest zawieszone. "],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Odzyskiwanie hasła nie jest możliwe przy twoim typie konta! "],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nie zostało znalezione! "],"Invalid language!":["Nieprawidłowy język! "],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Ukryj panel w kokpicie"],"Default Space":["Domyślna strefa"],"Group Administrators":["Administratorzy grup"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Członkowie mogą tworzyć prywatne strefy"],"Members can create public spaces":["Członkowie mogą tworzyć publiczne strefy"],"Birthday":["Dzień urodzenia"],"City":["Miasto"],"Country":["Państwo"],"Custom":["Niestandardowa"],"Facebook URL":["URL Facebooka"],"Fax":["Faks"],"Female":["Kobieta"],"Firstname":["Imię"],"Flickr URL":["URL Flickr"],"Gender":["Płeć"],"Google+ URL":["URL Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Ukryj rok w profilu"],"Lastname":["Nazwisko"],"LinkedIn URL":["URL LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mężczyzna"],"Mobile":["Telefon komórkowy"],"MySpace URL":["URL MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Telefon prywatny"],"Phone Work":["Telefon do pracy"],"Skype Nickname":["Nick Skype"],"State":["Województwo "],"Street":["Ulica"],"Twitter URL":["URL Twittera"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["URL Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Adres XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["URL Xing"],"Youtube URL":["URL YouTube"],"Zip":["Kod pocztowy "],"Created by":["Utworzone przez","Utworzona przez"],"Editable":["Możliwe do edycji"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Typ pola nie może być zmieniany! "],"Fieldtype":["Typ pola"],"Internal Name":["Wewnętrzna nazwa"],"Internal name already in use!":["Wewnętrzna nazwa jest już w użyciu! "],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Wewnętrzna nazwa nie może być zmieniana! "],"Invalid field type!":["Nieprawidłowy typ pola! "],"LDAP Attribute":["Atrybut LDAP"],"Module":["Moduł"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Dozwolone są tylko znaki alfanumeryczne! "],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorie pola profilu"],"Required":["Wymagane"],"Show at registration":["Pokaż w czasie rejestracji"],"Sort order":["Kolejność sortowania"],"Translation Category ID":["Identyfikator kategorii tłumaczenia"],"Type Config":["Konfiguracja typu"],"Visible":["Widzialne "],"Communication":["Komunikacja"],"Social bookmarks":["Zakładki społecznościowe"],"Datetime":["Data"],"Number":["Numer"],"Select List":["Lista wyboru"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Obszar tekstowy"],"%y Years":["%y lat"],"Birthday field options":["Ustawienia pola daty urodzenia "],"Date(-time) field options":["Ustawienia pola daty(-czasu)"],"Number field options":["Ustawienia pola numeru "],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Jeden na linię. Format Klucz=>Wartość (np. tak=>Tak)"],"Please select:":["Proszę wybierz: "],"Select field options":["Opcje pola wyboru "],"Text Field Options":["Opcje pola tekstowego "],"Text area field options":["Opcje pola obszaru tekstu "],"Authentication mode":["Tryb uwierzytelniania "],"New user needs approval":["Nowi użytkownicy wymagają zatwierdzenia"],"Wall":["Tablica "],"Change E-mail":["Zmień e-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Twój adres e-mail został z powodzeniem zmieniony na {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Właśnie wysłaliśmy e-mail z potwierdzeniem na twój nowy adres.
Proszę podążaj za instrukcjami które zawiera. "],"Change password":["Zmień hasło"],"Password changed":["Zamień hasło"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Twoje hasła zostało z powodzeniem zmienione! ","Twoje hasło z powodzeniem zostało zmienione!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modyfikuj swój obrazek profilowy"],"Delete account":["Usuń konto"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć swoje konto?
Cała opublikowana treść zostanie usunięta! "],"Delete account":["Usuń konto"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Przepraszamy, jesteś właścicielem grupy roboczej i nie można usunąć twojego konta!
Proszę przydziel innego właściciela lub usuń ją. "],"User details":["Szczegóły użytkownika "],"User modules":["Moduły użytkownika"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu na twoim profilu zostaną usunięte! "],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Rozszerz możliwości swojego profilu przy pomocy modułów. "],"User settings":["Ustawienia użytkownika"],"Getting Started":["Rozpocznij"],"Email Notifications":["Powiadomienia e-mailem"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Otrzymuj e-maila za każdym razem kiedy inni użytkownicy obserwują się lub pracują
razem w grupach roboczych."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Otrzymuj e-maila, kiedy użytkownicy komentują lub lubią twoje posty."],"Account registration":["Rejestracja konta "],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Twoje konto zostało z powodzeniem utworzone! "],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Po aktywacji twojego konta przez administratora, otrzymasz powiadomienie na skrzynkę e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Przejdź do strony logowania"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Aby zalogować się na twoje nowe konto, kliknij poniższy przycisk. "],"back to home":["powróć do strony domowej "],"Please sign in":["Proszę zaloguj się "],"Sign up":["Zarejestruj się"],"Create a new one.":["Stwórz nowe. "],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Czy nie masz konta? Dołącz do sieci poprzez wprowadzenie Twojego adresu e-mail. "],"Forgot your password?":["Zapomniałeś swojego hasła? "],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Jeżeli już jesteś członkiem, proszę zaloguj się używając swojej nazwy użytkownika/e-maila i hasła. "],"Register":["Zarejestruj się "],"email":["e-mail "],"password":["hasło "],"username or email":["nazwa użytkownika lub e-mail "],"Password recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Wprowadź swój adres e-mail. Wyślemy do ciebie instrukcje odzyskiwania hasła."],"Reset password":["Resetuj hasło"],"enter security code above":["wprowadź powyższy kod bezpieczeństwa "],"your email":["twój e-mail "],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Wysłaliśmy do ciebie e-mail zawierający link który pozwala zresetować twoje hasło. "],"Password recovery!":["Odzyskiwanie hasła!"],"Registration successful!":["Rejestracja przebiegła pomyślnie! "],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Proszę sprawdź twój e-mail i podążaj za instrukcjami! "],"Password reset":["Reset hasła"],"Change your password":["Zmień swoje hasło"],"Change password":["Zmień hasło"],"Password changed!":["Hasło zmienione!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Potwierdź twój nowy adres e-mail"],"Confirm":["Potwierdź"],"Hello":["Cześć"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Wysłałeś prośbę o zmianę twojego adresu e-mail.
Twoim nowym adresem e-mail jest {newemail}.
Aby potwierdzić nowy adres e-mail proszę kliknij poniższy przycisk. "],"Hello {displayName}":["Cześć {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Ten link wygaśnie jeżeli nie użyjesz go w ciągu 24 godzin."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Proszę użyj podanego linku w czasie doby aby zresetować swoje hasło."],"Reset Password":["Resetuj hasło"],"Sign up":["Zarejestruj się "],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Witaj w %appName%. Proszę kliknij poniższy przycisk aby rozpocząć proces rejestracji. "],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Sieć społecznościowa zwiększy twoją komunikację i pracę zespołową.
Zarejestruj się teraz aby dołączyć do tej strefy."],"You got a space invite":["Otrzymałeś zaproszenie do strefy"],"invited you to the space:":["zaprosił cię do strefy: "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} wspomniał o tobie w {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["O tym użytkowniku "],"Modify your title image":["Modyfikuj swój obrazek tytułowy"],"Account settings":["Ustawienia konta"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Edytuj konto"],"Following":["Obserwowani"],"Following user":["Obserwujący użytkownika"],"User followers":["Obserwowani przez użytkownika "],"Member in these spaces":["Członek stref"],"User tags":["Tagi użytkownika "],"No birthday.":["Nie ma urodzin."],"Back to modules":["Powrót do modułów"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Birthday"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Liczba dni naprzód kiedy dzień urodzin będzie się wyświetlał. "],"Tomorrow":["Jutro"],"Upcoming":["Nadchodzące "],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Możesz skonfigurować liczbę dni kiedy będą pokazywane nadchodzące urodziny."],"becomes":["będzie miał"],"birthdays":["urodziny"],"days":["dni"],"today":["dzisiaj"],"years old.":["lat."],"Active":["Aktywuj"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Oznacz jako nieprzeczytaną dla wszystkich użytkowników."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Konfiguracja Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Przypis: Możesz użyć składni markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data i czas zakończenia"],"Recur":["Powtarza się"],"Recur End":["Zakończenie powtarzania się "],"Recur Interval":["Przedział powtarzania się "],"Recur Type":["Typ powtarzania się "],"Select participants":["Wybierz uczestników"],"Start Date and Time":["Data i czas początku"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby mieć dostęp do tego wydarzenia! "],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby tworzyć wydarzenia! "],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Dodaje kalendarz dla wydarzeń prywatnych lub publicznych do twojego profilu i głównego menu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Dodaje kalendarz wydarzeń do tej strefy."],"All Day":["Wszystkie dni"],"Attending users":["Użytkownicy biorący udział"],"Calendar":["Kalendarz "],"Declining users":["Użytkownicy nie biorący udziału"],"End Date":["Data zakończenia"],"End time must be after start time!":["Data zakończenia musi być po dacie początku! "],"Event":["Wydarzenie"],"Event not found!":["Nie znaleziono wydarzenia! "],"Maybe attending users":["Możliwi użytkownicy biorący udział"],"Participation Mode":["Tryb uczestnictwa"],"Start Date":["Data początku"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby usunąć to wydarzenie!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby edytować to wydarzenie! "],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% utworzył nowe %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% chce wziąć udział w %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% może chce wziąć udział w %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nie chce wziąć udziału w %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Data/czas początku"],"Create event":["Utwórz wydarzenie"],"Edit event":["Edytuj wydarzenie"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Zauważ: To wydarzenie zostanie utworzone na twoim profilu. Aby utworzyć wydarzenie dla strefy otwórz kalendarz w wybranej strefie."],"End Date/Time":["Data/czas zakończenia"],"Everybody can participate":["Każdy może wziąć udział"],"No participants":["Brak biorących udział"],"Participants":["Uczestnicy"],"Created by:":["Utworzone przez:"],"Edit this event":["Edytuj to wydarzenie "],"I´m attending":["Biorę udział"],"I´m maybe attending":["Może biorę udział"],"I´m not attending":["Nie biorę udziału"],"Attend":["Wezmę udział"],"Maybe":["Może"],"Filter events":["Filtruj wydarzenia"],"Select calendars":["Wybierz kalendarze"],"Already responded":["Już odpowiedzieli"],"Followed spaces":["Obserwowane strefy"],"Followed users":["Obserwowani użytkownicy"],"My events":["Moje wydarzenia"],"Not responded yet":["Nie odpowiedzieli jeszcze "],"Upcoming events ":["Nadchodzące wydarzenia"],":count attending":[":count biorący udział"],":count declined":[":count nie biorący udziału"],":count maybe":[":count może biorący udział"],"Participants:":["Uczestnicy: "],"Create new Page":["Dodaj stronę"],"Custom Pages":["Własne strony"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Odnośnik"],"MarkDown":["Znaczniki MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Nawigacja"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Nie stworzono jeszcze własnych stron!"],"Sort Order":["Sortuj"],"Top Navigation":["Górna nawigacja"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Konto użytkownika (Ustawienia)"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Z powodzeniem zmieniono kolejność elementów. "],"Toggle view mode":["Tryb widoku przełącznika "],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Utraciłeś prawa do zmiany kolejności kategorii! "],"Confirm category deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie kategorii"],"Confirm link deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie linku"],"Delete category":["Usuń kategorię "],"Delete link":["Usuń link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć tę kategorię? Wszystkie powiązane linki zostaną usunięte. "],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć ten link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Rozszerz walidację linku przez test połączenia. "],"Linklist":["Lista linków"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Linklist"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Nie można znaleźć żądanej kategorii. "],"Requested link could not be found.":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego linku. "],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Po prawej stronie pokaż linki jako widget. "],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Nie można znaleźć kategorii do której chcesz utworzyć link! "],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Do tej strefy nie ma jeszcze dodanych linków lub kategorii."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Możesz włączyć rozszerzoną walidację linków dla strefy lub użytkownika. "],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Utraciłeś prawa do dodania lub edycji linków! "],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Utraciłeś prawa do usunięcia tej kategorii! "],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Utraciłeś prawa do usunięcia tego linku! "],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Utraciłeś prawa do edycji tej kategorii! "],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Utraciłeś prawa do edycji tego linku! "],"Messages":["Wiadomości "],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Nie można wysłać e-maila do samego siebie! "],"Recipient":["Odbiorca "],"New message from {senderName}":["Nowa wiadomość od {senderName} "],"and {counter} other users":["i {counter} innych użytkowników "],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nowa wiadomość w dyskusji od %displayName% "],"New message":["Nowa wiadomość "],"Reply now":["Odpowiedz teraz "],"sent you a new message:":["wysłał(a) do ciebie nową wiadomość: "],"sent you a new message in":["wysłał(a) do ciebie nową wiadomość w "],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Dodaj więcej odbiorców do twojej konwersacji "],"Add user...":["Dodaj użytkownika... "],"New message":["Nowa wiadomość "],"Messagebox":["Skrzynka wiadomości "],"Inbox":["Skrzynka odbiorcza "],"There are no messages yet.":["Nie ma jeszcze wiadomości. "],"Write new message":["Napisz nową wiadomość "],"Add user":["Dodaj użytkownika "],"Leave discussion":["Opuść dyskusję "],"Write an answer...":["Napisz odpowiedź... "],"User Posts":["Posty użytkownika "],"Sign up now":["Zarejestruj się teraz "],"Show all messages":["Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości "],"Notes":["Notatki "],"Etherpad API Key":["Klucz API Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL do Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Nie można wczytać zawartości notatki! "],"Could not get note users!":["Nie można wczytać użytkowników notatki! "],"Note":["Notatka "],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} utworzył nową notatkę {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} pracował nad notatką {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Z powodzeniem połączono z API!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Nie można połączyć się z API!"],"Current Status:":["Obecny status: "],"Notes Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu notatek"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Proszę przeczytaj dokumentację modułu pod adresem /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów!"],"Save & Test":["Zapisz i testuj"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Moduł notatek wymaga pracującego serwera etherpad! "],"Save and close":["Zapisz i zamknij"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} utworzył nową notatkę i przydzielił ciebie. "],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} pracował nad notatką {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Otwórz notatkę "],"Title of your new note":["Tytuł nowej notatki "],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono notatek pasujących do obecnego filtru(-ów)!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze notatek! "],"Polls":["Głosowania "],"Could not load poll!":["Nie można wczytać głosowania! "],"Invalid answer!":["Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź! "],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Użytkownicy głosowali na: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Głosowanie na wielokrotne odpowiedzi jest zabronione! "],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Masz niewystarczające uprawnienia aby przeprowadzić tę operację! "],"Answers":["Odpowiedzi"],"Multiple answers per user":["Wielokrotne odpowiedzi na użytkownika"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Proszę określ przynajmniej {min} odpowiedzi! "],"Question":["Pytanie "],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} zagłosował {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} utworzył nowe {question}."],"User who vote this":["Użytkownicy którzy głosowali na to "],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} utworzył nowe głosowanie i przydzielił ciebie. "],"Ask":["Zapytaj"],"Reset my vote":["Resetuj mój głos"],"Vote":["Głos"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["i {count} więcej głosów."],"votes":["głosy "],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Zezwól na wielokrotne odpowiedzi na użytkownika? "],"Ask something...":["Zapytaj o coś..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Możliwe odpowiedzi (jedna na linię)"],"Display all":["Pokaż wszystkie"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono głosowania według kryteriów obecnego filtru(-ów)! "],"Asked by me":["Moje zapytanie"],"No answered yet":["Jeszcze nie odpowiedziano"],"Only private polls":["Tylko prywatne głosowania"],"Only public polls":["Tylko publiczne głosowania"],"Tasks":["Zadania "],"Could not access task!":["Nie można uzyskać dostępu do zadań! "],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} dołączył do zadania {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} utworzył zadanie {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} zakończył zadanie {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} dołączył ciebie do zadania {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} utworzył nowe zadanie {task}."],"This task is already done":["To zadanie już jest wykonane"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Nie zostałeś dołączony do zadania "],"Click, to finish this task":["Kliknij, aby zakończyć zadanie"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["To zadanie jest już wykonane. Kliknij w celu ponowienia. "],"My tasks":["Moje zadania"],"From space: ":["Ze strefy: "],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono zadań pasujących do obecnego filtru(-ów)!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Jeszcze nie ma żadnych zadań!
Bądź pierwszym który je utworzy..."],"Assigned to me":["Przypisane do mnie"],"Nobody assigned":["Nikogo nie przypisano"],"State is finished":["Stan zakończony"],"State is open":["Stan otwarty "],"What to do?":["Co jest do zrobienia? "],"Translation Manager":["Menadżer tłumaczeń "],"Translations":["Tłumaczenia "],"Translation Editor":["Edytor tłumaczeń "],"Allow":["Zezwól"],"Choose language:":["Wybierz język:"],"Default":["Domyślny","Domyślna"],"Deny":["Blokuj"],"Next":["Dalej"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Wpisz przynajmniej 3 znaki"],"Login required":["Pole Login jest wymagane"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Wystąpił wewnętrzny błąd serwera"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Nie masz uprawnień do przeprowadzenia tej operacji.","Brak uprawnień do przeprowadzenia tej operacji."],"Add image/file":["Dodaj obrazek/plik"],"Add link":["Dodaj odnośnik"],"Bold":["Pogrubienie"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wpisz url (n.p. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Nagłówek"],"Image":["Obrazek"],"Image/File":["Obrazek/Plik"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Wstaw łącze"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Wstaw łącze obrazka"],"Italic":["Kursywa"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Przesyłanie pliku..."],"Preview":["Podgląd"],"Quote":["Cytat"],"Target":["Cel"],"Title of your link":["Tytuł odnośnika"],"URL/Link":["URL/Odnośnik"],"code text here":["tutaj wpisz kod"],"emphasized text":["wyróżniony tekst"],"enter image description here":["wpisz opis obrazka"],"enter image title here":["wpisz tytuł obrazka"],"enter link description here":["wpisz opis odnośnika"],"heading text":["tekst nagłówka"],"list text here":["tutaj wpisz listę"],"quote here":["tutaj wpisz cytat"],"strong text":["pogrubiony tekst"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Dodaj zakupiony moduł wprowadzając klucz licencyjny"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto dla '{displayName}' zostało zaakceptowane."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto dla '{displayName}' nie zostało zaakceptowane."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\n\n Twoje konto zostało aktywowane.
\n\n Aby się zalogować, otwórz poniższy adres:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Pozdrowienia,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\n\n Twoja prośba o założenie konta została odrzucona.
\n\n Pozdrowienia,
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Atrybut adresu email"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Pobierz/Uaktualnij użytkowników automatycznie"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Zezwól na ograniczony dostęp dla niezalogowanych użytkowników (gości)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Domyślny czas bezczynności użytkownika, po którym zostanie wylogowany ( w sekundach, opcjonalnie)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Domyślna widoczność profilu użytkownika"],"Date input format":["Format daty"],"Logo upload":["Załaduj logo"],"Server Timezone":["Strefa czasowa serwera"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Pokaż panel udostępniania na kokpicie"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Pokaż formularz profilu użytkownika na kokpicie"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Ukryj informacje o pliku (nazwa, rozmiar) dla obrazków na ścianie"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Ukryj widget listy plików dla tych obiektów."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksymalna wysokość podglądu obrazka (w pikselach, opcjonalnie)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksymalna szerokość podglądu obrazka (w pikselach, opcjonalnie)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Zezwalać na samo-podpisane certyfikaty?"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Brak Hostów Proxy"],"Server":["Serwer"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Domyślna widoczność treści"],"Security":["Bezpieczeństwo"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Brak zainstalowanych modułów. Zainstaluj jakieś aby mieć nowe funkcje!"],"Version:":["Wersja:"],"No modules found!":["Nie znaleziono modułów!"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nie znaleziono zakupionych modułów!"],"search for available modules online":["szukaj dostępnych modułów online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Wszystkie moduły są aktualne!"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Obecnie zainstalowana wersja: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub jest w trybie debugowania. Wyłącz go gdy udostępnisz stronę użytkownikom!"],"Licences":["Licencje"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Więcej informacji znajdziesz w instrukcji instalacji."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Dostępna jest aktualizacja! (Najnowsza wersja: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Ta instalacja HumHuba jest aktualna!"],"Purchases":["Zakupy"],"Module details":["Szczegóły modułu"],"Enable module...":["Włącz moduł..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Kup (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Instaluję moduł..."],"Licence Key:":["Klucz licencyjny:"],"Updating module...":["Aktualizuję moduł..."],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Dostępna jest nowa wersja HumHub - (%version%)."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimalna wartość to 20 sekund. Jeśli puste, sesja zakończy się po 1400 sekundach (24 minuty) bez względu na aktywność."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Właściwe tylko dla ograniczonego dostępu dla niezarejestrowanych użytkowników. Dotyczy jedynie nowych użytkowników."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Atrybut LDAP dla adresu email. Domyślnie: "mail""],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto-formatuj w oparciu o język użytkownika - przykład: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Stały format (mm/dd/rrrr) - przykład: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista elementów oddzielonych przecinkiem (csv). Zostaw puste aby pokazać listę plików dla wszystkich obiektów na ścianie."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Jeśli puste to domyślna wysokość wyniesie 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Jeśli puste to domyślna szerokość wyniesie 200px."],"Confirm image deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie obrazka"],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Nie używasz logo. Prześlij teraz własne logo."],"Proxy settings":["Ustawienia Proxy"],"Last login":["Ostatnie logowanie"],"never":["nigdy"],"Proxy":["Serwer Proxy"],"Show %count% more comments":["Pokaż %count% kolejnych komentarzy"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["Nowy {contentTitle} został utworzony przez {displayName}."],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Brak dopasowań dla wybranych filtrów!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nic tu nie ma!"],"Add a member to notify":["Dodaj członka do powiadomienia"],"Make private":["Ustaw na prywatny"],"Make public":["Ustaw na publiczny"],"Notify members":["Powiadom członków"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nie znaleziono publicznie dostępnych treści!"],"Share your opinion with others":["Podziel się swoją opinią z innymi"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Dodaj wiadomość na Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Podziel się na Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Podziel się z ludźmi na LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweetuj o HumHub"],"Group members - {group}":["Użytkownicy grupy - {group}"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Nie ma postów profilowych!"],"See all":["Zobacz całość"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Pobieranie i instalowanie modułów..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Pomiędzy miłością a obłędem znajduje się obsesja."],"Create Admin Account":["Utwórz konto Administratora"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Poszukujemy wspaniałych sloganów znanych marek. Może Ty coś wymyślisz?"],"Welcome Space":["Strefa Powitalna"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Hurra! Właśnie zainstalowałem HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Twoja pierwsza, przykładowa strefa do odkrywania platformy."],"Name of your network":["Nazwa Twojej sieci"],"Name of Database":["Nazwa bazy danych"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Wstaw przykładowe treści (rekomendowane)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Zezwalaj na dostęp niezarejestrowanych użytkowników do treści publicznych (dostęp dla gości)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Zewnętrzny użytkownik może się zarejestrować (Formularz rejestracyjny będzie wyświetlany przy logowaniu)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nowo zarejestrowani użytkownicy muszą zostać aktywowani przez administratora"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą zapraszać nowych poprzez email"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Chcę używać HumHub do:"],"Admin Account":["Konto Administratora"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Prawie gotowe. Wypełnij formularz dla utworzenia konta Administratora. Tym kontem można zarządzać całą siecią."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Oczywiście Twoja nowa sieć potrzebuje nazwy. Zamień domyślną nazwę na własną. (na przykład nazwę firmy, organizacji czy klubu)"],"Social Network Name":["Nazwa sieci społecznościowej"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gratulacje. Wszystko zrobione."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Instalacja zakończona sukcesem! Dobrej zabawy z nową siecią społecznościową."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub jest bardzo elastyczny. Możesz dostosowywać lub/i poszerzać jego funkcje za sprawą różnych modułów. Następujące moduły to tylko kilka przykładów najciekawszych według nas aplikacji.
Zawsze możesz dodać lub odinstalować moduły później. Więcej modułów znajdziesz w strefie administracyjnej zaraz po instalacji."],"Recommended Modules":["Rekomendowane ModułyM/strong>"],"Example contents":["Przykładowe treści."],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Aby uniknąć pustego kokpitu zaraz po pierwszym zalogowaniu, HumHub może zainstalować przykładowe treści. Przybliży Ci to ogólną zasadę działania HumHub. W każdym momencie możesz usunąć poszczególne treści."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Zadecyduj jak nowi, niezarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą korzystać z HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Ustawienia Bezpieczeństwa"],"Configuration":["Konfiguracja"],"My club":["Mój klub"],"My community":["Moja społeczność"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Moja firma (Intranet / Zarządzanie projektami)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Moja instytucja edukacyjna (szkoła, uniwersytet)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Pomiń ten krok aby skonfigurować wszystko manualnie"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Aby ułatwić konfigurację, zdefiniowaliśmy wstępnie ustawienia dla najbardziej popularnych zastosowań, wraz z oddzielnymi ustawieniami dla modułów i konfiguracji. Możesz je poprawić w następnym kroku."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Witaj w HumHub
Szwajcarskim scyzoryku Twojej Sieci Społecznościowej"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Ten kreator pomoże Ci skonfigurować własną instalację HumHub.
Aby kontynuować naciśnij \"Dalej\"."],"Database Configuration":["Konfiguracja Bazy danych"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Wprowadź szczegóły połączenia z bazą danych. Jeśli nie masz co do nich pewności, skontaktuj się z administratorem Twojego serwera."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Nazwa hosta dla twojego serwera MySQL. (np. localhost jeśli MySQL działa na tej samej maszynie)"],"Initializing database...":["Inicjalizuję bazę danych..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Upss, coś poszło nie tak!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Nazwa bazy danych dla HumHub"],"Your MySQL password.":["Hasło MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["użytkownik MySQL"],"System Check":["Zbadaj System"],"Check again":["Zbadaj ponownie"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gratulacje! Wszystko jest w porządku i gotowe do startu!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["To podsumowanie prezentuje wszystkie wymagania systemowe HumHub."],"You":["Ty"],"You like this.":["Ty to lubisz."],"Search results":["Wyniki wyszukiwania"],"Advanced search settings":["Zaawansowane ustawienia wyszukiwania"],"Content":["Treść"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Szukaj użytkownika, strefy i treści"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Wyszukaj tylko w wybranych strefach:"],"Private":["Prywatna"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiczna (Członkowie i Goście)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiczna (Tylko członkowie)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiczna (Tylko zarejestrowani)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Widoczne dla wszystkich (użytkownicy i goście)"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Aby oglądać treści w tej strefie, musisz się zalogować!"],"Members":["Członkowie"],"Change Owner":["Zmień Właściciela"],"General settings":["Ustawienia główne"],"Security settings":["Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Jako właściciel tej strefy możesz przenieść tę funkcję na innego administratora w strefie."],"Color":["Kolor"],"Transfer ownership":["Przenieś właścicielstwo"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Dodaj {n,plural,=1{strefę} other{strefy}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Wybierz czy nowe treści mają być domyślnie publiczne czy prywatne"],"Manage members":["Zarządzaj członkami"],"Manage permissions":["Zarządzaj pozwoleniami"],"Pending approvals":["Akceptacje w toku"],"Pending invitations":["Zaproszenia w toku"],"Add Modules":["Dodaj Moduły"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Nie jesteś członkiem tej strefy i nie ma tutaj jeszcze żadnych publicznych treści!"],"Done":["Zrobione"],"New user?":["Nowy użytkownik?"],"User has become a member.":["Użytkownik został członkiem"],"User has been invited.":["Użytkownik został zaproszony"],"User has not been invited.":["Użytkownik nie został zaproszony"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Anuluj Członkowstwo"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Ukryj wpisy na kokpicie"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Pokaż wpisy na kokpicie"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Ta opcja ukryje nowe treści dla tej strefy na Twoim kokpicie"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Ta opcja pokaże nowe treści dla tej strefy na Twoim kokpicie"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek tytułowy?","Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek tytułowy?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek profilowy?","Czy na pewno usunąć obrazek profilowy?"],"Posts":["Wpisy"],"more":["więcej"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Przeciągnij tu zdjęcie lub kliknij aby przeglądać pliki komputera"],"Hide my year of birth":["Ukryj rok urodzenia"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Uszanowanie %firstname%, dziękujemy za używanie HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Jesteś tu pierwszym użytkownikiem... Taaaak! Daj wzorowy przykład i uzupełnij swój profil,
tak aby kolejni wiedzieli kto tu rządzi i do kogo można się zwrócić w razie pytań."],"Your firstname":["Imię"],"Your lastname":["Nazwisko"],"Your mobild phone number":["Numer telefonu komórkowego"],"Your phone number at work":["Numer telefonu w pracy"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Twoje umiejętności, wiedza i doświadczenie (oddzielone przecinkami)"],"Your title or position":["Stanowisko lub tytuł"],"Confirm new password":["Potwierdź nowe hasło"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Konto tego użytkownika nie jest jeszcze zatwierdzone!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Aby zobaczyć ten profil użytkownika, musisz się zalogować!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Ten e-mail jest już w użyciu! - Spróbuj opcji przywracania hasła. "],"Profile visibility":["Widoczność profilu"],"TimeZone":["Strefa czasowa"],"Show date/time picker":["Pokaż okienko wyboru daty/czasu"],"Maximum value":["Maksymalna wartość"],"Minimum value":["Minimalna wartość"],"Possible values":["Dopuszczalne wartości"],"Default value":["Domyślna wartość"],"Maximum length":["Maksymalna długość"],"Minimum length":["Minimalna długość"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Wyrażenie regularne: komunikat błędu"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Wyrażenie regularne: walidator"],"Validator":["Walidator"],"Current E-mail address":["Aktualny adres e-mail"],"Enter your password to continue":["Aby kontynuować wprowadź hasło"],"Registered users only":["Tylko dla zarejestrowanych"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Widoczne dla wszystkich (również nie zarejestrowanych)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Powiadomienia na Pulpicie"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Otrzymuj powiadomienia na pulpicie, jeśli jesteś online."],"Create Account":["Utwórz konto"],"Remember me":["Zapamiętaj mnie"],"Password recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"Registration successful":["Zarejestrowano pomyślnie!"],"Password reset":["Resetowanie hasła"],"Registration Link":["Odnośnik rejestracyjny"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Sieć społecznościowa wspomaga komunikację i pracę zespołową.
Zarejestruj się teraz aby dołączyć do strefy."],"Space Invite":["Zaproszenie do strefy"],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} zaczął Cię obserwować."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Ten profil nie ma jeszcze treści!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Czy na pewno usunąć logo?"],"End Time":["Koniec"],"Start Time":["Początek"],"Edit event":["Edytuj wydarzenie"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Nie można zapisać katalogu %filename%."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% ma nieprawidłowe rozszerzenie i został pominięty."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% zastąpiono nowszą wersją."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Potwierdź usunięcie pliku"],"Create folder":["Utwórz nowy folder"],"Edit folder":["Edytuj katalog"],"Move files":["Przenieś pliki"],"A folder with this name already exists":["Katalog o takiej nazwie już istnieje"],"Add directory":["Dodaj katalog"],"Add file(s)":["Dodaj Plik(i)"],"Adds an file module to this space.":["Dodaje moduł plików do tej strefy"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Dodaje moduł plików do twojego profilu"],"All posted files":["Wszystkie opublikowane pliki"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Nie można rozpakować %filename%."],"Archive folder":["Archiwizuj katalog"],"Archive selected":["Archiwizuj zaznaczone"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Nie można zapisać %title%.","Nie można zapisać pliku %title%."],"Creator":["Właściciel"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) wit all subcontent?":["Czy na pewno usunąć %number% elementów wraz z zawartością?"],"Download":["Pobierz"],"Download .zip":["Pobierz .zip"],"Download zip":["Pobierz ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Edytuj katalog"],"Enable Zip Support":["Włącz obsługę Zip"],"Files Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja Modułu Plików"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Folder options":["Opcje katalogu"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Brak wystarczających uprawnień do wykonania tej operacji."],"Invalid parameter.":["Błędny parametr."],"Move":["Przenieś"],"Move file":["Przenieś plik"],"Move folder":["Przenieś katalog"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Przenoszenie do tego samego katalogu jest niemożliwe. Wybierz poprawny katalog nadrzędny dla %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Nie zaznaczono poprawnych elementów do przeniesienia."],"Open":["Otwórz"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Otwarcie archiwum spowodowało błąd. Kod błędu: %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Wybierz poprawne miejsce docelowe dla %title%."],"Selected items...":["Zaznaczone obiekty..."],"Should not start or end with blank space.":["Bez białych znaków na początku i końcu."],"Show":["Pokaż"],"Show Image":["Pokaż Obrazek"],"Show Post":["Pokaż Post"],"The archive could not be created.":["Nie można było utworzyć archiwum."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Katalog %filename% jest już utworzony. Zawartość została nadpisana."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Katalog o ID %id% nie istnieje."],"This folder is empty.":["Katalog jest pusty."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Niestety nie masz uprawnień do przesyłania/edycji plików."],"Updated":["Zaktualizowane"],"Upload":["Prześlij"],"Upload .zip":["Prześlij .zip"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Prześlij pliku lub utwórz podkatalog za pomocą przycisków na górze."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Prześlij pliki na strumień aby wypełnić katalog zawartością."],"Zip support is not enabled.":["Wsparcie Zip nie jest włączone."],"root":["root"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Bez dodawania do nawigacji (odnośnik bezpośredni)"],"Create page":["Utwórz stronę"],"Edit page":["Edytuj stronę"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Domyślna kolejność sortowania: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Tytuł strony"],"URL":["URL"],"Add Dropbox files":["Dodaj pliki z Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Nieprawidłowy plik"],"Dropbox API Key":["Klucz API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Pokaż ostrzeżenie przy publikacji"],"Dropbox post":["Wpis typu Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Moduł Dropbox wymaga utworzenia aktywnej aplikacji dropbox-owej! Przejdź na tę stronę. Wybierz \"Drop-ins app\" a następnie wpisz nazwę aplikacji aby uzyskać klucz do API."],"Dropbox settings":["Ustawienia Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Opis dla Twoich plików"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Przepraszamy, moduł Dropbox nie jest jeszcze skonfigurowany! Skontaktuj się z Administratorem."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Moduł Dropbox nie jest jeszcze skonfigurowany! Zmień ustawienia tutaj."],"Select files from dropbox":["Wybierz pliki z Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Uwaga! Udostępniasz prywatne pliki"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Nie pokazuj tego komunikatu w przyszłości"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Pliki, którymi chcesz się podzielić są prywatne. Aby się nimi podzielić w strefach, wygenerowaliśmy odnośnik udostępniania. Każda osoba z odnośnikiem może zobaczyć plik.
Czy na pewno chcesz udostępnić? "],"Yes, I'm sure":["Tak, jestem pewien."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Edycja Enterprise Okres Testowy"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Niepoprawna Licencja Edycji Enterprise"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Zarejestruj Edycję Enterprise"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Niezarejestrowana Edycja Enterprise"],"Enterprise Edition":["Edycja Enterprise"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Wprowadź proszę poniżej Twój klucz licencyjny dla HumHub - Edycja Enterprise. Jeśli nie masz klucza licencyjnego, możesz go uzyskać pod adresem %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Proszę, zarejestruj HumHub - Edycja Enterprise!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Proszę, uaktualnij licencję dla HumHub - Edycja Enterprise!"],"Registration successful!":["Rejstracja zakończona powodzeniem!"],"Validating...":["Waliduję..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Pozostało {daysLeft} dni do końca okresu testowego."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licencja Edycji Enterprise"],"Licence Serial Code":["Numer Seryjny Licencji"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Wprowadź proszę Twój klucz licencyjny Edycji Enterprise, możesz także zostawić to pole puste aby rozpocząć 14-dniowy okres próbny."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Utwórz nowe mapowanie ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Edytuj mapowanie ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapowanie użytkowników LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Utwórz nowe mapowanie"],"Space ID":["ID Strefy"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Zmień typ"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Utwórz nowy %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Utwórz nowy typ strefy"],"Delete space type":["Usuń ten typ strefy"],"Edit space type":["Edytuj ten typ strefy"],"Manage space types":["Zarządzaj typami stref"],"Create new type":["Utwórz nowy typ"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Aby usunąć typ strefy \"{type}\" musisz ustawić alternatywny typ dla istniejących stref:"],"Types":["Typy"],"e.g. Project":["np. Projekt"],"e.g. Projects":["np. Projekty"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["g>Przepraszamy! limit użytkowników został osiągnięty"],"Administrative Contact":["Kontakt Administracyjny"],"Advanced Options":["Zaawansowane Opcje"],"Custom Domain":["Niestandardowa doemna"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Usuń instancję"],"Export data":["Eksportuj dane"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Wsparcie / Pomoc"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Nie możliwości rejestracji nowych użytkowników z uwagi na przekroczony ich limit w tej instancji hostingu."],"Your plan":["Twój plan"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Dodano nowy odnośnik %link% do kategorii \"%category%\"."],"No description available.":["Brak opisu."],"list":["lista"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Wybierz miniaturkę"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Nie możesz wysłać wiadomości do samego siebie!"],"Add recipients":["Dodaj odbiorców"],"Edit message entry":["Edytuj treść wiadomości"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Potwierdź usunięcie rozmowy"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Potwierdź opuszczenie rozmowy"],"Confirm message deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie wiadomości"],"Delete conversation":["Usuń rozmowę"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć rozmowę?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć wiadomość?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Na pewno chcesz opuścić rozmowę?"],"Leave":["Opuść"],"Leave conversation":["Opuść rozmowę"],"Send message":["Wyślij wiadomość"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Dodaje menadżera spotkań do tej strefy."],"Agenda Entry":["Plan spotkania"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Musi być w formacie GODZINA : MINUTA"],"Meeting":["Spotkanie"],"Meetings":["Spotkania"],"Begin":["Początek"],"Date":["Data"],"End":["Koniec"],"Location":["Miejsce"],"Room":["Pokój"],"Minutes":["Minut"],"End must be after begin":["Koniec musi nastąpić po początku"],"No valid time":["Brak poprawnego czasu"],"Back to overview":["Wróć do omówienia"],"Create new task":["Utwórz nowe zadanie","Utwórz zadanie"],"Assign users":["Przypisz uczestników","Przypisz użytkowników"],"Assign users to this task":["Przypisz uczestników do tego zadania","Przypisz użytkowników do tego zadania"],"Deadline":["Termin końcowy"],"Deadline for this task?":["Termin końcowy dla tego zadania?","Termin końcowy zadania?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Przypisz wstępnie uczestnika(ów) do tego zadania","Przypisz wstępnie użytkowników do tego zadania."],"Task description":["Opis zadania"],"What is to do?":["Co jest do zrobienia?"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie spotkania"],"Create new meeting":["Utwórz nowe spotkanie"],"Edit meeting":["Edytuj spotkanie"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Dodaj zewnętrznych uczestników (otwarty tekst)"],"Add participant":["Dodaj uczestnika"],"Add participants":["Dodaj uczestników"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Na pewno usunąć to spotkanie?"],"External participants":["Zewnętrzni uczestnicy"],"Title of your meeting":["Tytuł twojego spotkania"],"hh:mm":["gg:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie wpisu"],"Create new entry":["Utwórz nowy wpis"],"Edit entry":["Edytuj wpis"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Dodaj zewnętrznych moderatorów (otwarty tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Dodaj moderatora"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Na pewno usunąć ten wpis?"],"External moderators":["Zewnętrzni moderatorzy"],"Title of this entry":["Tytuł tego wpisu"],"Edit Note":["Edytuj notatkę"],"Note content":["Treść notatki"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Szczegóły spotkania: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Przyszłe spotkania"],"Past meetings":["Przeszłe meetings"],"Add a protocol":["Dodaj protokół"],"Add a task":["Dodaj zadanie"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Utwórz swój pierwszy plan spotkania klikając ten przycisk."],"Moderators":["Moderatorzy"],"New agenda entry":["Nowy plan spotkania"],"New meeting":["Nowe spotkanie"],"Print agenda":["Drukuj plan"],"Protocol":["Protokół"],"Share meeting":["Podziel się spotkaniem"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Zacznij już teraz, tworząc nowe spotkanie!"],"Today":["Dzisiaj"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Niestety, nie było wpisu aż do teraz."],"Share meeting":["Podziel się spotkaniem"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Dodaj do kalendarza i zaproś członków"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Dodaj do osobistego kalendarza"],"Export ICS":["Wyeksportuj ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Wyślij powiadomienia do wszystkich uczestników"],"Send now":["Wyślij teraz"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Wyślij wewnętrzne powiadomienia do wszystkich uczestników spotkania."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Ta opcja wygeneruje plik ICS, który doda to spotkanie do Twojego prywatnego kalendarza."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Ta opcja wygeneruje plik ICS, który doda to spotkanie do Twojego prywatnego kalendarza, zaprosi wszystkich uczestników poprzez email i poczeka na ich odpowiedź."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} zaprosił Cię do wzięcia udziału w {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["To zadanie jest powiązane z %link%"],"Get details...":["Zobacz szczegóły..."],"Most active people":["Najbardziej aktywni ludzie"],"Get a list":["Pobierz listę"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Najbardziej Aktywnych Użytkowników"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Liczba najbardziej aktywnych użytkowników."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Możesz ustawić liczbę użytkowników do wyświetlenia."],"Comments created":["Utworzone komentarze"],"Likes given":["Ilość polubień"],"Posts created":["Wpisy utworzone"],"Could not get note users! ":["Nie można wczytać notatki użytkowników! "],"Anonymous poll!":["Głosowanie anonimowe!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Znowu? ;Weary;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Planujemy właśnie etapy naszego kolejnego spotkania, chcemy się dowiedzieć gdzie chcesz się spotkać?"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Dlaczego nie skoczymy do Baru Mlecznego?"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} odpowiedział(a) na {question}."],"Anonymous":["Anonimowo"],"Closed":["Zamknięte"],"Add answer...":["Dodaj odpowiedź..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Głosy anonimowe?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Wyświetlaj odpowiedzi w losowej kolejności?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Edytuj odpowiedź (puste odpowiedzi zostaną usunięte)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Edytuj pytanie głosowania..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze sondy!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Nie ma jeszcze sondy!
Bądź pierwszy i utwórz jedną..."],"Manage reported posts":["Zarządzaj zgłoszonymi treściami"],"Reported posts":["Zgłoszone treści"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Dlaczego chcesz zgłosić tę treść?"],"by :displayName":["przez :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["utworzone przez :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Nie należy do strefy"],"Offensive":["Obraźliwe"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["W tym miejscu możesz zarządzać zgłoszonymi treściami."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako obraźliwą."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako nie należącą do strefy."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako obraźliwe."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako nie pasujące do strefy."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["W tym miejscu możesz zarządzać zgłoszonymi treściami dla tej strefy."],"Confirm post deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie treści"],"Confirm report deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie zgłoszenie"],"Delete post":["Usuń treść"],"Delete report":["Usuń zgłoszenie"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Czy na pewno usunąć to zgłoszenie?"],"Reason":["Powód"],"Reporter":["Zgłaszający"],"There are no reported posts.":["Brak zgłoszonych treści."],"Does not belong to this space":["To nie należy do tej strefy"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Pomóż nam zrozumieć co się dzieje"],"It's offensive":["To jest obraźliwe"],"It's spam":["To jest spam"],"Report post":["Zgłoś treść"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Zezwalaj na wiadomości > 160 znaków (domyślnie: niedozwolone -> obecnie nie wspierane, gdyż znaki są limitowane przez widok)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Wystąpił nieznany błąd"],"Body too long.":["Treść zbyt długa"],"Body too too short.":["Treść zbyt krótka"],"Characters left:":["Zostało znaków:"],"Choose Provider":["Wybierz dostawcę"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Nie można było nawiązać połączenia z dostawcą SMS. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"Gateway Number":["Numer bramki"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Bramka nie dostępna dla tej sieci."],"Insufficent credits.":["Brak środków."],"Invalid IP address.":["Nieprawidłowy adres IP"],"Invalid destination.":["Nieprawidłowe przeznaczenie"],"Invalid sender.":["Nieprawidłowy nadawca"],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Nieprawidłowy użytkownik i/lub hasło. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Brak wystarczających środków na koncie głównym."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Brak wystarczających środków na subkoncie."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Dostawca nie jest zainicjowany. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Nieprawidłowy odbiorca"],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Odbiorca nie jest poprawnie sformatowany, numer musi być w formacie międzynarodowym, np. 00[,,.] lub +[...]"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Tag referencyjny dla filtra statystyk"],"Route access violation.":["Pogwałcenie dostępu do trasy."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu SMS."],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS został odrzucony/nie mógł być dostarczony."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS wysłano pomyślnie."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS nie ma wskazania ceny (reklamy numeru premium)"],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS o identycznej treści został wysłany zbyt często w ostatnich 180 sekundach."],"Save Configuration":["Zapisz ustawienia"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Błąd bezpieczeństwa. Skontaktuj się z administratorem aby ten sprawdził konfigurację modułu."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Wybierz trasę Spryng (domyślnie: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Wyślij SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Wyślij SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Wyślij SMS do"],"Sender is invalid.":["Nadawca jest nieprawidłowy"],"Technical error.":["Błąd techniczny."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opcja testowa. Sms-y nie są dostarczane, ale serwer odpowiada jak by były."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Aby wysyłać SMS do konkretnego konta, upewnij się że pole \"tel. komórkowy\" istnieje w informacjach o koncie."],"Unknown route.":["Nieznana trasa."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Dzięki tym ustawieniom możesz wybrać pomiędzy różnymi dostawcami sms oraz zmienić ich konfigurację. Musisz edytować informacje o koncie dla danego dostawcy, aby usługa sms działała poprawnie."],"Assigned user(s)":["Przypisani użytkownicy"],"Task":["Zadanie"],"Edit task":["Edytuj zadanie"],"Confirm deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie"],"Add Task":["Dodaj Zadanie"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Na pewno usunąć to zadanie?"],"No open tasks...":["Brak otwartych zadań..."],"completed tasks":["wykonane zadania"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze zadań!"],"Update HumHub":["Zaktualizuj HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Zaktualizuj HumHub BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Przed rozpoczęciem wykonaj kopię zapasową wszystkich plików i bazy danych."],"Check for next update":["Sprawdź kolejną aktualizację"],"Could not extract update package!":["Nie można rozpakować paczki z aktualizacją!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Nie można pobrać informacji o aktualizacjach! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Rezultat migracji bazy danych:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Nie używaj tego instalatora w połączeniu z instalacjami Git lub Composer!"],"Downloading update package...":["Pobieranie aktualizacji..."],"Error!":["Błąd!"],"Installing update package...":["Instalowanie aktualizacji..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Upewnij się, czy wszystkie pliki mogą być zapisywane przez aplikację."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Upewnij się, czy niestandardowe moduły i skórki są kompatybilne z wersją %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Upewnij się, czy następujące pliki mogą być zapisywane przez aplikację:"],"Please note:":["Zauważ, że:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Zaktualizuj instalowane wcześniej moduły ze sklepu - przed i po procesie aktualizacji."],"Proceed Installation":["Przejdź do instalacji"],"Release Notes:":["Informacje o wersji:"],"Show database migration results":["Wyświetl rezultat migracji bazy danych"],"Start Installation":["Rozpocznij Instalację"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Następujące pliki nie przypominają oryginalnych plików wersji %version%. Zostaną one nadpisane lub usunięte podczas procesu aktualizacji."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Dostępna jest aktualizacja dla wersji %version%!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Brak nowych aktualizacji HumHub!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Zaktualizuj HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Nieprawidłowa paczka aktualizacji!"],"Warning!":["Ostrzeżenie!"],"Warnings:":["Ostrzeżenia:"],"successfully installed!":["zainstalowane pomyślnie!"],"version update":["aktualizacja wersji"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Błąd pobierania aktualizacji! (%error%)"],"Confirm page deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie strony"],"Confirm page reverting":["Potwierdź przywrócenie strony"],"Overview of all pages":["Podsumowanie wszystkich stron"],"Page history":["Historia strony"],"Wiki Module":["Moduł Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Dodaje wiki do tej strefy."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Dodaje wiki do Twojego profilu."],"Back to page":["Powrót do strony"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Czy na pewno usunąć stronę?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Czy na pewno przywrócić stronę?"],"Edit page":["Edytuj stronę"],"Edited at":["Edytowano"],"Go back":["Powrót"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Nieprawidłowy znak w tytule strony!"],"Let's go!":["Jedziemy!"],"Main page":["Strona główna"],"New page":["Nowa strona"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Brak utworzonych stron. Wszystko zależy od Ciebie.
Utwórz nową stronę teraz."],"Page History":["Historia strony"],"Page title already in use!":["Tytuł strony jest już zajęty!"],"Revert":["Przywróć"],"Revert this":["Przywróć to"],"View":["Widok"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["przez"],"Wiki page":["Strona Wiki"],"Create new page":["Utwórz nową stronę"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wprowadź tytuł wiki lub jej url (np. http://przykład.pl)"],"New page title":["Nowy tytuł strony"],"Page content":["Zawartość strony"],"Open wiki page...":["Otwórz stronę wiki..."],"comment":["Komentarz "],"post":["Post "],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Moduł w tym kontenerze nie jest uruchomiony!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definiuje filtr do zatwierdzenia w czasie próby logowania. %s zastępuje nazwę użytkownika w czasie akcji logowania. Przykład: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" lub "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["To nie należy do tej strefy"],"Show more":["Pokaż więcej"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Wpisana data musi być wcześniejsza."],"Unsubscribe":["Anuluj subskrybcję"],"Approval":["Zatwierdzanie"],"Cronjobs":["Zadania cron"],"OEmbed providers":["Dostawcy OEmbed"],"Self test":["Auto test"],"User posts":["Wpisy użytkowników"],"Userprofiles":["Profile użytkowników"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} oraz {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} i {number} innych"],"Last Viewed":["Ostatnio oglądane"],"Allows to start polls.":["Pozwala dodawać głosowania."],"Zaloguj Się required":["Pole Zaloguj Się jest wymagane"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Twoje konto zostało aktywowane.
\r\n\r\n Aby się zalogować, otwórz poniższy adres:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Pozdrowienia,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Twoja prośba o założenie konta została odrzucona.
\r\n\r\n Pozdrowienia,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Pinned":["Przypięty ","Przypnij"],"Unpinned":["Odepnij "],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Zewnętrzny użytkownik może się zarejestrować (Formularz rejestracyjny będzie wyświetlany przy logowaniu)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego modułu. "],"Invalid request.":["Błędne żądanie."],"Keyword:":["Słowo kluczowe:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nic nie znaleziono."],"Results":["Wyniki"],"Show more results":["Pokaż więcej wyników"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Przepraszam, nic nie znaleziono!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Witaj w %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Najnowsze aktualizacje"],"Account settings":["Ustawienia konta"],"Administration":["Administracja"],"Back":["Wstecz"],"Back to dashboard":["Powrót do pulpitu"],"Collapse":["Zwiń"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Źródło zawartości dodatku musi być instancją HActiveRecordContent lub HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Nie można określić kontenera!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Nie znaleziono zawartości dodatku!"],"Error":["Błąd"],"Expand":["Rozwiń"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Brak wystarczających uprawnień by utworzyć element!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Chyba zabłądziłeś."],"Language":["Język"],"Latest news":["Najnowsze wiadomości"],"Login":["Login"],"Logout":["Wyloguj"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Moduł w tym kontenerze nie jest uruchomiony!"],"My profile":["Mój profil"],"New profile image":["Nowe zdjęcie profilowe"],"Oooops...":["Upsss..."],"Search":["Szukaj "],"Search for users and spaces":["Szukaj użytkowników i stref"],"Space not found!":["Nie znaleziono strefy! "],"User Approvals":["Akceptacja nowych użytkowników"],"User not found!":["Użytkownik nie znaleziony! ","Nie znaleziono użytkownika! "],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Nie można utworzyć zawartości publicznej!"],"Your daily summary":["Podsumowanie dzienne"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Globalna tablica {global} została wyczyszczona używając metody {method}."],"Upload error":["Błąd wczytywania "],"Close":["Zamknij ","Zamknij"],"Title":["Nazwa","Tytuł"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Nie można utworzyć aktywności dla tego typu obiektu!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% utworzył nową strefę %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% utworzył tę strefę."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% dołączył do strefy %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% dołączył do tej strefy. "],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% opuścił strefę %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% opuścił tę strefę. "],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["Od teraz {user1} obserwuje {user2}."],"see online":["zobacz zalogowanych","pokaż online "],"via":["przez","przez "],"Latest activities":["Najnowsza aktywność"],"There are no activities yet.":["Brak aktywności."],"Group not found!":["Grupa nie znaleziona!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Nie można najpierw odinstalować modułu! Moduł jest chroniony. "],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Ścieżka %path% modułu jest niezapisywalna. "],"Saved":["Zapisano "],"Database":["Baza danych "],"No theme":["Brak motywu "],"APC":["APC ","APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Nie można wczytać LDAP! - Sprawdź rozszerzenie PHP "],"File":["Plik"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Brak cache (tylko cele testowe) ","Bez cache'u (funkcja testowa!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Żadne - pokazuje rozwijaną listę podczas rejestracji użytkownika "],"Saved and flushed cache":["Zapisano i opróżniono cache "],"Become this user":["Zostań tym użytkownikiem"],"Delete":["Usuń"],"Disabled":["Zablokowany "],"Enabled":["Włączony "],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Lokalny "],"Save":["Zapisz "],"Unapproved":["Niezatwierdzony "],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Nie możesz usunąć samego siebie! "],"Could not load category.":["Nie można wczytać kategorii. "],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Możesz usunąć tylko pustą kategorię! "],"Group":["Grupa"],"Message":["Wiadomość "],"Subject":["Temat ","Temat"],"Base DN":["Bazowy DN"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Włącz wsparcie LDAP"],"Encryption":["Szyfrowanie","Szyfrowanie "],"Hostname":["Nazwa hosta"],"Login Filter":["Filtr loginów"],"Password":["Hasło"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Filtr użytkowników"],"Username":["Nazwa użytkownika"],"Username Attribute":["Atrybut nazwy użytkownika "],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonimowi użytkownicy mogą rejestrować się "],"Default user group for new users":["Domyślna grupa użytkowników dla nowych użytkowników "],"Members can invite external users by email":["Członkowie mogą zapraszać zewnętrznych użytkowników za pomocą emalia "],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Wymagaj zatwierdzenia po rejestracji przez administratora grupy "],"Base URL":["Główny URL "],"Default language":["Domyślny język "],"Default space":["Domyślna strefa "],"Invalid space":["Nieprawidłowa strefa"],"Name of the application":["Nazwa aplikacji "],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Pokazuj wycieczkę wprowadzającą nowym użytkownikom "],"Cache Backend":["Zaplecze cache "],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Domyślny czas wygasania (w sekundach) "],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Brakuje rozszerzenia PHP APC - typ niedostępny! "],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Brakuje rozszerzenia SQLite3 - typ niedostępny! "],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Domyślna paginacja (wpisy na stronę) "],"Display Name (Format)":["Nazwa wyświetlana (format) "],"Dropdown space order":["Kolejność listy rozwijanej stref "],"Theme":["Motyw "],"Allowed file extensions":["Dozwolone rozszerzenia "],"Convert command not found!":["Polecenie konwertujące nie znalezione! "],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Otrzymano nieprawidłową odpowiedź image magick! - Czy prawidłowe polecenie? "],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Polecenie konwersji Image Magick (opcjonalne) "],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksymalny rozmiar wgrywanego pliku (w MB) "],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Użyj X-Sendfile przy pobieraniu plików "],"Administrator users":["Administratorzy "],"Description":["Opis"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN "],"Name":["Nazwa"],"E-Mail sender address":["Adres wysyłającego E-mail "],"E-Mail sender name":["Nazwa wysyłającego E-mail "],"Mail Transport Type":["Typ przesyłania maili"],"Port number":["Numer portu "],"Endpoint Url":["Punkt docelowy URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefiks URL"],"User":["Użytkownik"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super administratorzy mogą usunąć każdy zliczony obiekt "],"Default Join Policy":["Domyślna polityka dołączania "],"Default Visibility":["Domyślna widoczność "],"HTML tracking code":["Kod śledzący HTML "],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Katalog modułu dla modułu %moduleId% już istnieje!"],"Could not extract module!":["Nie można wypakować modułu!"],"Could not fetch module list online! 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"],"Activated":["Aktywowane"],"Installed":["Zainstalowane"],"About HumHub":["O HumHubie"],"Accept":["Akceptuj"],"Decline":["Odrzuć"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Akceptuj użytkownika: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["Anuluj"],"Send & save":["Wyślij i zapisz"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Odrzuć i usuń użytkownika: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Szukaj e-maila","Szukaj e-maili"],"Search for username":["Szukaj nazwy użytkownika ","Szukaj nazw użytkownika"],"Pending user approvals":["Oczekujący użytkownicy do zatwierdzenia"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Tutaj widzisz użytkowników którzy zarejestrowali się i wciąż czekają na zatwierdzenie. "],"Delete group":["Usuń grupę"],"Delete group":["Usuń grupę"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Aby usunąć grupę \"{group}\" potrzebujesz ustawić alternatywną grupę dla istniejących użytkowników: "],"Create new group":["Utwórz nową grupę"],"Edit group":["Edytuj grupę"],"Group name":["Nazwa grupy"],"Search for description":["Szukaj opisu"],"Search for group name":["Szukaj nazwy grupy "],"Manage groups":["Zarządzaj grupami"],"Create new group":["Utwórz nową grupę"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Możesz podzielić użytkowników do różnych grup (dla zespołów, wydziałów, itp.) i zdefiniować dla nich standardowe strefy i administratorów."],"Flush entries":["Wyczyść wpisy"],"Error logging":["Logi błędów"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Pokazano {count} wpisów na stronę."],"Total {count} entries found.":["W sumie znaleziono {count} wpisów."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Moduły rozszerzają funkcjonalność HumHuba. Tutaj możesz zainstalować i zarządzać modułami z HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Dostępne aktualizacje"],"Browse online":["Przeglądaj online"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Ten moduł nie dostarcza dalszych informacji. "],"Modules directory":["Katalog modułów"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu zostaną utracone!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane i pliki związane z modułem zostaną utracone!"],"Configure":["Konfiguruj"],"Disable":["Zablokuj"],"Enable":["Włącz"],"More info":["Więcej informacji"],"Set as default":["Ustaw jako domyślny"],"Uninstall":["Odinstaluj"],"Install":["Zainstaluj"],"Latest compatible version:":["Ostatnia kompatybilna wersja:"],"Latest version:":["Ostatnia wersja:"],"Installed version:":["Zainstalowana wersja:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Ostatnia kompatybilna wersja:"],"Update":["Aktualizuj "],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Ustaw jako moduł domyślny"],"Always activated":["Zawsze aktywny"],"Deactivated":["Wyłączony"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Tutaj możesz wybrać czy moduł powinien być automatycznie aktywowany w strefie lub profilu użytkownika. Jeżeli moduł powinien być aktywny, wybierz \"zawsze aktywny\"."],"Spaces":["Strefy","Strefy "],"User Profiles":["Profile użytkownika"],"Authentication - Basic":["Uwierzytelnianie - Podstawowe"],"Basic":["Podstawowe"],"Authentication - LDAP":["Uwierzytelnianie - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["TLS/SSL jest silnie faworyzowany w środowiskach produkcyjnych w celu zapobiegania przesyłaniu haseł jako czysty tekst."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definiuje filtr do zatwierdzenia w czasie próby logowania. %uid zastępuje nazwę użytkownika w czasie akcji logowania. Przykład: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" lub "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atrybuty LDAP dla nazwy użytkownika. Przykład: "uid" lub "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Ogranicza dostęp do użytkowników spełniających te kryteria. Przykład: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" lub "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Błąd! (Wiadomość: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} użytkowników)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Domyślny bazowy DN używany do celów poszukiwania kont."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Domyślne hasło listy uwierzytelniającej (używane tylko z powyższą nazwą użytkownika)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Domyślna nazwa użytkownika listy uwierzytelniającej. Niektóre serwery wymagają tego aby było w formularzu DN. Musi być dane w formularzu DN jeżeli serwer LDAP wymaga wiązania i wiązanie powinno być możliwe z prostymi nazwami użytkownika. "],"Cache Settings":["Ustawienia cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Zapisz i opróżnij cache"],"CronJob settings":["Ustawienia zadań cron"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab użytkownika: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Ostatnie wykonanie (dzienne):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Ostatnie wykonanie (godzinne):"],"Never":["Nigdy"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Lub Crontab użytkownika root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Proszę upewnij się że następujące zadania cron są zainstalowane: "],"Design settings":["Ustawienia projektu"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetycznie"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Imię Nazwisko (np. Jan Kowalski)"],"Last visit":["Ostatnia wizyta"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nazwa użytkownika (np. jan)"],"File settings":["Ustawienia plików"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista elementów oddzielonych przecinkiem (csv). Pozostaw pustą aby dopuścić wszystkie."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Obecna biblioteka graficzna: {currentImageLibary}"],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP zgłasza maksimum {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Ustawienia podstawowe"],"Dashboard":["Kokpit"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Np. http://przyklad.pl/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Nowi użytkownicy zostaną automatycznie dodani do tych stref."],"Mailing defaults":["Domyślny mailing"],"Activities":["Aktywności"],"Always":["Zawsze"],"Daily summary":["Podsumowanie dzienne"],"Defaults":["Domyślne"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definiuje ustawienia domyślne kiedy użytkownik odbiera e-maile z powiadomieniami lub nowymi aktywnościami. To ustawienie może być nadpisane przez użytkowników w ustawieniach konta."],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia "],"Server Settings":["Ustawienia serwera"],"When I´m offline":["Kiedy jestem offline "],"Mailing settings":["Ustawienia mailingu"],"SMTP Options":["Opcje SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Dostawca OEmbed"],"Add new provider":["Dodaj nowego dostawcę"],"Currently active providers:":["Obecnie aktywni dostawcy:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Obecnie nie ma aktywnych dostawców!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Dodaj dostawcę OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Edytuj dostawcę OEmbed"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Prefiks URL bez http:// lub https:// (np. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Użyj zastępczego %url% dla URL. Formatem musi być JSON. (np. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Security settings and roles":["Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa i role"],"Self test":["Autotest"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Sprawdzanie wstępnych wymagań oprogramowania HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Uruchom ponownie testy "],"Statistic settings":["Ustawienia statystyk"],"All":["Wszystko"],"Delete space":["Usuń strefę"],"Edit space":["Edytuj strefę"],"Search for space name":["Szukaj nazwy strefy"],"Search for space owner":["Szukaj właściciela strefy"],"Space name":["Nazwa strefy"],"Space owner":["Właściciel strefy"],"View space":["Pokaż strefę "],"Manage spaces":["Zarządzaj strefami"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Zdefiniuj tutaj domyślne ustawienia dla nowych stref"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["W tym przeglądzie możesz znaleźć każdą strefę i zarządzać nią."],"Overview":["Przegląd"],"Settings":["Ustawienia"],"Space Settings":["Ustawienia strefy"],"Add user":["Dodaj użytkownika"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika? Jeżeli ten użytkownik jest właścicielem stref ty staniesz się ich właścicielem."],"Delete user":["Usuń użytkownika"],"Delete user: {username}":["Usuń użytkownika: {username}"],"Edit user":["Edytuj użytkownika"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Usuń konto użytkownika"],"Edit user account":["Edytuj konto użytkownika"],"No":["Nie"],"View user profile":["Pokaż profil użytkownika"],"Yes":["Tak"],"Manage users":["Zarządzaj użytkownikami"],"Add new user":["Dodaj nowego użytkownika"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["W tym przeglądzie możesz znaleźć każdego zarejestrowanego użytkownika i zarządzać nim."],"Create new profile category":["Utwórz kategorię w profilu"],"Edit profile category":["Edytuj kategorię w profilu"],"Create new profile field":["Utwórz nowe pole w profilu"],"Edit profile field":["Edytuj nowe pole w profilu"],"Manage profiles fields":["Zarządzaj polami profilu"],"Add new category":["Dodaj nową kategorię"],"Add new field":["Dodaj nowe pole "],"Security & Roles":["Bezpieczeństwo i role"],"Administration menu":["Menu administracji"],"About":["O mnie"],"Authentication":["Uwieżytelnianie"],"Caching":["Cache"],"Cron jobs":["Zadania cron"],"Design":["Wygląd"],"Files":["Pliki"],"Groups":["Grupy "],"Logging":["Logowanie"],"Mailing":["Mailing"],"Modules":["Moduły"],"OEmbed Provider":["Dostawcy OEmbed"],"Self test & update":["Autotest i aktualizacje"],"Statistics":["Statystyki"],"User approval":["Zatwierdzenie użytkowników"],"User profiles":["Profile użytkowników"],"Users":["Użytkownicy"],"Click here to review":["Kliknij tutaj aby przejrzeć"],"New approval requests":["Nowe żądania zatwierdzenia"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Jeden lub więcej użytkowników wymaga zatwierdzenia przez grupę administratorów. "],"Could not delete comment!":["Nie można usunąć komentarza! "],"Invalid target class given":["Nieprawidłowa klasa docelowa "],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Wymagane parametry model i identyfikator! "],"Target not found!":["Nie znaleziono celu! "],"Access denied!":["Brak dostępu!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Uprawnienia niedostateczne! "],"Comment":["Komentuj "],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% napisał(a) nowy komentarz "],"Comments":["Komentarze "],"Edit your comment...":["Edytuj swój komentarz... "],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% także skomentował twój %contentTitle%. "],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% skomentował(a) %contentTitle% "],"Show all {total} comments.":["Pokaż wszystkie {total} komentarze. "],"Post":["Post "],"Write a new comment...":["Napisz nowy komentarz... "],"Confirm comment deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie komentarza "],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć ten komentarz? "],"Edit":["Edytuj ","Edycja"],"Updated :timeago":["Zaktualizowano :timeago ","Zaktualizowano :timeago"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Została osiągnięta maksymalna liczba podpiętych załączników! \n\nMożesz na raz podpiąć tylko dwa załączniki.\nJednakże aby podpiąć ten załącznik, odepnij najpierw inny! "],"Could not load requested object!":["Nie można wczytać żądanego obiektu! "],"Unknown content class!":["Nieznana klasa zawartości! "],"Could not find requested content!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanej zawartości!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego linku! "],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} utworzył nowy {contentTitle}."],"in":["w"],"Submit":["Prześlij","Wyślij"],"Move to archive":["Przenieś do archiwum"],"Unarchive":["Cofnij archiwizację ","Przywróć z archiwum"],"Public":["Publiczny","Publiczna"],"What's on your mind?":["Co ci chodzi po głowie? "],"Confirm post deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie postu"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć ten post? Wszystkie polubienia i komentarze zostaną utracone! ","Czy na pewno usunąć tę treść? Wszystkie komentarze i polubienia zostaną usunięte."],"Archived":["Zarchiwizowany"],"Sticked":["Przypięty "],"Turn off notifications":["Wyłącz powiadomienia"],"Turn on notifications":["Włącz powiadomienia "],"Permalink to this post":["Link do tego postu"],"Permalink":["Link ","Odnośnik"],"Stick":["Przypnij"],"Unstick":["Odepnij "],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Nikt jeszcze nic nie napisał.
Bądź pierwszy i napisz coś..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Ten strumień profilu jest wciąż pusty"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Ta strefa jest wciąż pusta!
Zacznij pisząc tutaj coś..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Twój kokpit jest pusty!
Napisz coś na swoim profilu i dołącz do stref!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Twój strumień profilu jest wciąż pusty
Napisz coś!"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono niczego pasującego do obecnego filtru(ów)!"],"Show all":["Pokaż wszystko"],"Back to stream":["Powrót do strumienia"],"Content with attached files":["Zawartość z załączonymi plikami"],"Created by me":["Utworzone przez mnie","Utworzone przeze mnie "],"Creation time":["Czas utworzenia"],"Filter":["Filtr"],"Include archived posts":["Zawieraj zarchiwizowane posty"],"Last update":["Ostatnia aktualizacja"],"Only private posts":["Tylko prywatne posty"],"Only public posts":["Tylko publiczne posty"],"Posts only":["Tylko posty"],"Posts with links":["Posty z linkami"],"Sorting":["Sortowanie"],"Where I´m involved":["Gdzie jestem zaangażowany "],"Directory":["Książka adresowa "],"Member Group Directory":["Książka adresowa członków grup"],"show all members":["pokaż wszystkich członków "],"Directory menu":["Menu książki adresowej"],"Members":["Członkowie","Członkowie "],"User profile posts":["Posty użytkowników w profilach "],"Member directory":["Lista użytkowników"],"Follow":["Obserwuj"],"No members found!":["Nie znaleziono członków!"],"Unfollow":["Nie obserwuj "],"search for members":["szukaj członków"],"Space directory":["Książka adresowa stref"],"No spaces found!":["Nie znaleziono stref! "],"You are a member of this space":["Jesteś członkiem tej strefy "],"search for spaces":["szukaj stref"],"Group stats":["Statystyki grupy"],"Average members":["Średnio członków"],"Top Group":["Największa grupa"],"Total groups":["Łącznie grup "],"Member stats":["Statystyki członków"],"New people":["Nowi ludzie"],"Follows somebody":["Obserwujący "],"Online right now":["Teraz online"],"Total users":["Łącznie użytkowników "],"New spaces":["Nowe strefy"],"Space stats":["Statystyki stref"],"Most members":["Najwięcej użytkowników"],"Private spaces":["Prywatne strefy"],"Total spaces":["Łącznie stref "],"Could not find requested file!":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego pliku! "],"Insufficient permissions!":["Niedostateczne uprawnienia "],"Created By":["Utworzona przez","Utworzone przez"],"Created at":["Utworzone o"],"File name":["Nazwa pliku "],"Guid":["Guid "],"ID":["Identyfikator","ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Nieprawidłowy typ mime "],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksymalny rozmiar pliku {maxFileSize} został osiągnięty! "],"Mime Type":["Typ mime "],"Size":["Rozmiar"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Takie rozszerzenie pliku jest niedozwolone! "],"Updated at":["Zaktualizowane o "],"Updated by":["Zaktualizowane przez"],"Could not upload File:":["Nie można wczytać pliku: "],"Upload files":["Wczytaj plik "],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista już wczytanych plików: "],"Sign in":["Zaloguj się "],"Could not find target class!":["Nie można znaleźć docelowej klasy! "],"Could not find target record!":["Nie można znaleźć docelowego zapisu! "],"Invalid class given!":["Nieprawidłowa klasa! "],"Users who like this":["Użytkownicy którzy lubią to "],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} lubi {contentTitle} "],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% lubi także %contentTitle% "],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% lubi %contentTitle% "]," likes this.":[" lubi to. "],"You like this.":["Lubisz to. "],"You
"],"Like":["Lubię "],"Unlike":["Nie lubię "],"and {count} more like this.":["i {count} więcej lubi to. "],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Nie można określić url przekierowania obiektu źródłowego! "],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Nie można wczytać obiektu źródłowego powiadomienia aby przekierować do niego! "],"New":["Nowe ","Nowa "],"Mark all as seen":["Oznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane "],"There are no notifications yet.":["Nie ma jeszcze powiadomień. "],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% utworzył nowy post. "],"Edit your post...":["Edytuj swój post... "],"Read full post...":["Przeczytaj cały post... "],"Send & decline":["Wyślij i odrzuć "],"Visible for all":["Widoczna dla wszystkich "]," Invite and request":["Zaproś i złóż podanie "],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Nie można usunąć użytkownika który jest właścicielem strefy! Nazwa strefy: {spaceName} "],"Everyone can enter":["Każdy może dołączyć "],"Invite and request":["Zaproś i złóż podanie "],"Only by invite":["Tylko przez zaproszenie "],"Private (Invisible)":["Prywatna (nie widoczna) "],"Public (Visible)":["Publiczna (widoczna) "],"Space is invisible!":["Strefa jest niewidoczna !"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Jako właściciel nie możesz odrzucić członkostwa! "],"Could not request membership!":["Nie możesz poprosić o członkostwo! "],"There is no pending invite!":["Nie ma oczekujących zaproszeń! "],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Działanie dostępne tylko dla członków grupy roboczej! "],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Nie masz zezwolenia na dołączenie do tej strefy! "],"Space title is already in use!":["Tytuł strefy jest już w użyciu!"],"Type":["Typ"],"Your password":["Twoje hasło"],"Invites":["Zaproszenia"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Nowi użytkownicy przez e-mail (oddzielone przecinkiem)"],"User is already member!":["Użytkownik jest już członkiem! "],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} jest już zarejestrowany! "],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} nie jest prawidłowy! "],"Application message":["Wiadomość o podanie"],"Scope":["Zasięg"],"Strength":["Siła "],"Created At":["Utworzona o","Utworzono"],"Join Policy":["Polityka dołączania"],"Owner":["Właściciel"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tagi "],"Updated At":["Zaktualizowana o "],"Visibility":["Widzialność"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL strony internetowej (opcjonalny)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Nie możesz tworzyć prywatnych i widzialnych stref!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Nie możesz tworzyć publicznych i widzialnych stref! "],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Zaznacz obszar twojego obrazka który chcesz zapisać jako awatar użytkownika i kliknij Zapisz."],"Modify space image":["Modyfikuj obrazek strefy"],"Delete space":["Usuń strefę"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tę strefę? Cała opublikowana zawartość zostanie usunięta! "],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Proszę wprowadź swoje hasło aby kontynuować! "],"General space settings":["Ustawienia ogólne strefy"],"Archive":["Archiwizuj"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Wybierz rodzaj członkostwa który chcesz zapewnić tej grupie roboczej."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Wybierz poziom bezpieczeństwa dla tej grupy roboczej aby zdefiniować widoczność. "],"Manage your space members":["Zarządzaj użytkownikami strefy"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Oczekujące wysłane zaproszenia"],"Outstanding user requests":["Oczekujące podania użytkowników "],"Remove member":["Usuń członka"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Pozwól temu użytkownikowi
zapraszać innych użytkowników"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Pozwól temu użytkownikowi
upubliczniać zawartość"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika ze strefy?"],"Can invite":["Może zapraszać"],"Can share":["Może udostępniać"],"Change space owner":["Zmień właściciela strefy"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Zewnętrzni użytkownicy którzy zostali zaproszeni mailowo, nie są tutaj wymienieni."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["W obszarze poniżej, możesz zobaczyć wszystkich aktywnych użytkowników tej strefy. Możesz edytować ich uprawnienia i usuwać ich z tej strefy."],"Is admin":["Jest administratorem"],"Make this user an admin":["Przyznaj administratora temu użytkownikowi"],"No, cancel":["Nie, anuluj"],"Remove":["Usuń"],"Request message":["Wiadomość o podanie "],"Revoke invitation":["Odwołaj zaproszenie"],"Search members":["Szukaj członków"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Następujący użytkownicy oczekują na zatwierdzenie możliwości dołączenia do strefy. Proszę zajmij stanowisko w tej sprawie."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Następujący użytkownicy zostali dotychczas zaproszeni do tej strefy, ale nie obserwowali aż do teraz zaproszenia."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Właścicielem strefy jest super administrator z wszystkimi uprawnieniami i zwykle jest twórcą tej strefy. Tutaj możesz przyznać tę rolę innemu użytkownikowi."],"Yes, remove":["Tak, usuń "],"Space Modules":["Moduły strefy"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Czy jesteś pewien? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu tej strefy zostaną usunięte! "],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Obecnie nie ma modułów dostępnych dla tej strefy! "],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Rozszerz możliwości tej strefy za pomocą modułów "],"Create new space":["Utwórz nową strefę"],"Advanced access settings":["Zaawansowanie ustawienia dostępu"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Także nie członkowie tej strefy
mogą ją zobaczyć, ale bez dostępu"],"Create":["Utwórz "],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Każdy użytkownik może dołączyć do twojej strefy
bez twojej zgody"],"For everyone":["Dla wszystkich"],"How you want to name your space?":["Jak zamierzasz nazwać swoją strefę?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Proszę napisz poniżej krótki opis dla innych użytkowników."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Ta strefa będzie ukryta
dla nie członków"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Użytkownicy mogą aplikować o
członkostwo w tej strefie"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Użytkownicy mogą być dodawani
tylko przez zaproszenie"],"space description":["opis strefy"],"space name":["nazwa strefy"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} złożył podanie o członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaakceptował twoje członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odrzucił twoje podanie o członkostwo w strefie {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaprosił cię do strefy {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} zaakceptował twoje zaproszenie do strefy {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} odrzucił twoje zaproszenie do strefy {spaceName}"],"Accept Invite":["Zaakceptuj zaproszenie"],"Become member":["Zostań członkiem"],"Cancel membership":["Anuluj członkostwo"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Anuluj oczekujące podania o członkostwo"],"Deny Invite":["Zablokuj zaproszenie"],"Request membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Jesteś właścicielem tej grupy roboczej."],"created by":["utworzone przez "],"Invite members":["Zaproś członków"],"Add an user":["Dodaj użytkownika"],"Email addresses":["Adres e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Zaproś przez e-mail"],"Pick users":["Wybierz użytkowników"],"Send":["Wyślij ","Wyślij"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Aby zaprosić użytkowników do tej strefy, proszę podaj ich imiona poniżej aby ich znaleźć i wybrać."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Możesz także zapraszać zewnętrznych użytkowników, którzy nie są obecnie zarejestrowani. Po prostu dodaj ich adresy e-mail oddzielone przecinkiem. "],"Request space membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo w strefie"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Proszę krótko się przedstaw, aby zostać zatwierdzonym członkiem tej strefy."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Twoje podanie z powodzeniem zostało dodane i przesłane administratorom strefy."],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["Powróć do grupy roboczej"],"Space preferences":["Ustawienia stref"],"General":["Ogólne"],"My Space List":["Lista moich stref"],"My space summary":["Podsumowanie moich stref"],"Space directory":["Katalog stref"],"Space menu":["Menu stref"],"Stream":["Strumień ","Strumień"],"Change image":["Zamień obrazek"],"Current space image":["Obecny obrazek strefy "],"Invite":["Zaproś"],"Something went wrong":["Coś poszło źle"],"Followers":["Obserwujący"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Proszę krótko się przedstaw, aby zostać zatwierdzonym członkiem tej grupy roboczej."],"Request workspace membership":["Złóż podanie o członkostwo"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Twoje podanie z powodzeniem zostało dodane i przesłane administratorom strefy."],"Create new space":["Utwórz nową strefę"],"My spaces":["Moje strefy"],"Space info":["Informacja o strefie"],"Accept invite":["Zaakceptuj zaproszenie"],"Deny invite":["Zablokuj zaproszenie"],"Leave space":["Opuść strefę"],"New member request":["Nowe podanie o członkostwo"],"Space members":["Członkowie strefy","Członkowie stref"],"End guide":["Zakończ przewodnik"],"Next »":["Następne »"],"« Prev":["« Poprzednie "],"Administration":["Administracja"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Hura! To wszystko na teraz."],"Modules":["Moduły"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Jako administrator, możesz zarządzać całą platformą z tego miejsca.
Inaczej niż w modułach, nie będziemy tutaj przechodzić z punktu do punktu, jako że każdy ma swój własny krótki opis gdzie indziej."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Jesteś właśnie w menu narzędzi. Stąd możesz mieć dostęp do marketu HumHub dostępnego online, gdzie możesz instalować w locie rosnącą liczbę narzędzi.
Jak już wspomnieliśmy, narzędzia zwiększają liczbę cech dostępnych w twojej strefie."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Nauczyłeś się już wszystkich najważniejszych cech i ustawień, wszystko jest już ustawione w celu używania platformy.
Mamy nadzieję że ty i wszyscy przyszli użytkownicy będą cieszyli się z użytkowania strony. Patrzymy naprzód na każdą sugestię i wsparcie którą możesz zaoferować naszemu projektowi. Możesz skontaktować się z nami przez www.humhub.org.
Pozostań z nami. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kokpit"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["To jest twój kokpit.
Każda nowa aktywność lub post który może ciebie interesować pojawi się tutaj. "],"Administration (Modules)":["Administracja (moduły)"],"Edit account":["Edytuj konto"],"Hurray! The End.":["Hura! Koniec."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Hura Zakończyłeś!"],"Profile menu":["Menu profil","Menu profilu"],"Profile photo":["Zdjęcie profilowe"],"Profile stream":["Strumień profilu"],"User profile":["Profil użytkownika"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Kliknij na ten przycisk aby zaktualizować ustawienia profilu i konta. Możesz także dodać więcej informacji do swojego profilu."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Każdy profil ma swoją tablicę. Twoje posty będą pojawiały się także u użytkowników którzy obserwują cię."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Po prostu polub w strefie, profil użytkownika może być spersonalizowany z użyciem różnych modułów.
Możesz zobaczyć które moduły są dostępne dla twojego profilu zaglądając w \"Moduły\" w menu ustawieniach konta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["To jest twój publiczny profil użytkownika, który może być oglądany przez zarejestrowanych użytkowników. "],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Wczytaj nową fotografię profilową, przez proste kliknięcie tutaj lub przez przeciągnięcie. Zrób to samo podczas aktualizacji fotografii okładki."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Zakończyłeś przewodnik po profilu użytkownika! "],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Zakończyłeś przewodnik po profilu użytkownika!
Aby zapoznać się z przewodnikiem administratora, kliknij tutaj:
"],"Most recent activities":["Najnowsze aktywności"],"Posts":["Posty"],"Profile Guide":["Przewodnik po profilu"],"Space":["Strefy"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu nawigacji stref"],"Writing posts":["Pisanie postów"],"Yay! You're done.":["Super! Zakończyłeś."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Wszyscy użytkownicy będący członkami strefy tutaj są wyświetlani.
Nowi członkowie mogą zostać dodani przez każdego kto ma przyznane uprawnienia przez administratora."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Daje innym użytkownikom krótki pomysł na to o czym jest ta strefa. Możesz tutaj dodać podstawowe informacje.
Administrator strefy może wstawić i zmienić fotografię okładki strefy przez kliknięcie na nim lub przeciągnięcie."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Nowe posty są tutaj pisane i publikowane."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Kiedy już dołączysz i utworzysz nową strefę możesz pracować nad projektami, dyskutować nad tematami lub tylko dzielić się informacjami z innymi użytkownikami.
Są dostępne różne narzędzie do spersonalizowania strefy, w ten sposób uczynisz pracę bardziej produktywną. "],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["To wszystko w przewodniku po strefach.
Aby zapoznać się z przewodnikiem profilu użytkownika, kliknij tutaj:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Jesteś tutaj gdzie możesz nawigować po strefie - gdzie możesz znaleźć czy moduły są aktywne lub dostępne dla jednostkowej strefy. Mogą to być na przykład głosowania, zadania lub notatki.
Tylko administrator strefy może zarządzać modułami strefy."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["To menu jest widoczne tylko dla administratorów strefy. Tutaj możesz zarządzać ustawieniami strefy, dodawać/blokować członków i aktywować/wyłączać narzędzia dla tej strefy."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Aby być na bieżąco aktywności innych użytkowników tej strefy są tutaj wyświetlane."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Posty twoje i innych użytkowników będą się tutaj pojawiały.
Mogą być polubione lub skomentowane. "],"Account Menu":["Menu konta"],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia"],"Space Menu":["Menu stref"],"Start space guide":["Przewodnik strefy początkowej"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Nie trać tropu!
Ta ikona pozwoli ci być informowanym o aktywnościach i postach które bezpośrednio ciebie dotyczą."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Menu konta daje ci dostęp do twoich ustawień prywatnych i pozwala ci zarządzać twoim profilem publicznym."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Najważniejsze menu i prawdopodobnie najczęściej używane!
Daje dostęp do wszystkich stref do których dołączyłeś i możesz w nim tworzyć nowe strefy.
Następny przewodnik pokaże ci jak: "]," Remove panel":["Usuń panel"],"Getting Started":["Rozpocznij"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Przewodnik: Administracja (Moduły)"],"Guide: Overview":["Przewodnik: Przegląd"],"Guide: Spaces":["Przewodnik: Strefy"],"Guide: User profile":["Przewodnik: Profil użytkownika"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Bądź poinformowany na temat najważniejszych cech za sprawą następujących przewodników: "],"Your password is incorrect!":["Twoje hasło jest nieprawidłowe! "],"You cannot change your password here.":["Nie można tutaj zmienić twojego hasła. "],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Nieprawidłowy link! Proszę upewnij się czy wprowadziłeś cały adres URL."],"Save profile":["Zapisz profil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Wprowadzony adres e-mail jest już w użyciu przez innego użytkownika. "],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Nie można tutaj zmienić twojego adresu e-mail."],"Account":["Konto"],"Create account":["Utwórz konto"],"Current password":["Obecne hasło"],"E-Mail change":["Zmień e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Nowy adres e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Wysyłać aktywności?"],"Send notifications?":["Wysyłać powiadomienia? "],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika/e-mail lub hasło."],"New password":["Nowe Hasło"],"New password confirm":["Potwierdź nowe hasło"],"Remember me next time":["Zapamiętaj mnie następnym razem"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Twoje konto jeszcze nie zostało aktywowane przez obsługę. "],"Your account is suspended.":["Twoje konto jest zawieszone. "],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Odzyskiwanie hasła nie jest możliwe przy twoim typie konta! "],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" nie zostało znalezione! "],"Invalid language!":["Nieprawidłowy język! "],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Ukryj panel w kokpicie"],"Default Space":["Domyślna strefa"],"Group Administrators":["Administratorzy grup"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Członkowie mogą tworzyć prywatne strefy"],"Members can create public spaces":["Członkowie mogą tworzyć publiczne strefy"],"Birthday":["Dzień urodzenia"],"City":["Miasto"],"Country":["Państwo"],"Custom":["Niestandardowa"],"Facebook URL":["URL Facebooka"],"Fax":["Faks"],"Female":["Kobieta"],"Firstname":["Imię"],"Flickr URL":["URL Flickr"],"Gender":["Płeć"],"Google+ URL":["URL Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Ukryj rok w profilu"],"Lastname":["Nazwisko"],"LinkedIn URL":["URL LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Mężczyzna"],"Mobile":["Telefon komórkowy"],"MySpace URL":["URL MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Telefon prywatny"],"Phone Work":["Telefon do pracy"],"Skype Nickname":["Nick Skype"],"State":["Województwo "],"Street":["Ulica"],"Twitter URL":["URL Twittera"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["URL Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Adres XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["URL Xing"],"Youtube URL":["URL YouTube"],"Zip":["Kod pocztowy "],"Created by":["Utworzone przez"],"Editable":["Możliwe do edycji"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Typ pola nie może być zmieniany! "],"Fieldtype":["Typ pola"],"Internal Name":["Wewnętrzna nazwa"],"Internal name already in use!":["Wewnętrzna nazwa jest już w użyciu! "],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Wewnętrzna nazwa nie może być zmieniana! "],"Invalid field type!":["Nieprawidłowy typ pola! "],"LDAP Attribute":["Atrybut LDAP"],"Module":["Moduł"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Dozwolone są tylko znaki alfanumeryczne! "],"Profile Field Category":["Kategorie pola profilu"],"Required":["Wymagane"],"Show at registration":["Pokaż w czasie rejestracji"],"Sort order":["Kolejność sortowania"],"Translation Category ID":["Identyfikator kategorii tłumaczenia"],"Type Config":["Konfiguracja typu"],"Visible":["Widzialne "],"Communication":["Komunikacja"],"Social bookmarks":["Zakładki społecznościowe"],"Datetime":["Data"],"Number":["Numer"],"Select List":["Lista wyboru"],"Text":["Tekst"],"Text Area":["Obszar tekstowy"],"%y Years":["%y lat"],"Birthday field options":["Ustawienia pola daty urodzenia "],"Date(-time) field options":["Ustawienia pola daty(-czasu)"],"Number field options":["Ustawienia pola numeru "],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Jeden na linię. Format Klucz=>Wartość (np. tak=>Tak)"],"Please select:":["Proszę wybierz: "],"Select field options":["Opcje pola wyboru "],"Text Field Options":["Opcje pola tekstowego "],"Text area field options":["Opcje pola obszaru tekstu "],"Authentication mode":["Tryb uwierzytelniania "],"New user needs approval":["Nowi użytkownicy wymagają zatwierdzenia"],"Wall":["Tablica "],"Change E-mail":["Zmień e-mail"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Twój adres e-mail został z powodzeniem zmieniony na {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Właśnie wysłaliśmy e-mail z potwierdzeniem na twój nowy adres.
Proszę podążaj za instrukcjami które zawiera. "],"Change password":["Zmień hasło"],"Password changed":["Zamień hasło"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Twoje hasła zostało z powodzeniem zmienione! ","Twoje hasło z powodzeniem zostało zmienione!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modyfikuj swój obrazek profilowy"],"Delete account":["Usuń konto"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć swoje konto?
Cała opublikowana treść zostanie usunięta! "],"Delete account":["Usuń konto"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Przepraszamy, jesteś właścicielem grupy roboczej i nie można usunąć twojego konta!
Proszę przydziel innego właściciela lub usuń ją. "],"User details":["Szczegóły użytkownika "],"User modules":["Moduły użytkownika"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Czy jesteś pewny? *WSZYSTKIE* dane modułu na twoim profilu zostaną usunięte! "],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Rozszerz możliwości swojego profilu przy pomocy modułów. "],"User settings":["Ustawienia użytkownika"],"Getting Started":["Rozpocznij"],"Email Notifications":["Powiadomienia e-mailem"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Otrzymuj e-maila za każdym razem kiedy inni użytkownicy obserwują się lub pracują
razem w grupach roboczych."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Otrzymuj e-maila, kiedy użytkownicy komentują lub lubią twoje posty."],"Account registration":["Rejestracja konta "],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Twoje konto zostało z powodzeniem utworzone! "],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Po aktywacji twojego konta przez administratora, otrzymasz powiadomienie na skrzynkę e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Przejdź do strony logowania"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Aby zalogować się na twoje nowe konto, kliknij poniższy przycisk. "],"back to home":["powróć do strony domowej "],"Please sign in":["Proszę zaloguj się "],"Sign up":["Zarejestruj się"],"Create a new one.":["Stwórz nowe. "],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Czy nie masz konta? Dołącz do sieci poprzez wprowadzenie Twojego adresu e-mail. "],"Forgot your password?":["Zapomniałeś swojego hasła? "],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Jeżeli już jesteś członkiem, proszę zaloguj się używając swojej nazwy użytkownika/e-maila i hasła. "],"Register":["Zarejestruj się "],"email":["e-mail "],"password":["hasło "],"username or email":["nazwa użytkownika lub e-mail "],"Password recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Wprowadź swój adres e-mail. Wyślemy do ciebie instrukcje odzyskiwania hasła."],"Reset password":["Resetuj hasło"],"enter security code above":["wprowadź powyższy kod bezpieczeństwa "],"your email":["twój e-mail "],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Wysłaliśmy do ciebie e-mail zawierający link który pozwala zresetować twoje hasło. "],"Password recovery!":["Odzyskiwanie hasła!"],"Registration successful!":["Rejestracja przebiegła pomyślnie! "],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Proszę sprawdź twój e-mail i podążaj za instrukcjami! "],"Password reset":["Reset hasła"],"Change your password":["Zmień swoje hasło"],"Change password":["Zmień hasło"],"Password changed!":["Hasło zmienione!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Potwierdź twój nowy adres e-mail"],"Confirm":["Potwierdź"],"Hello":["Cześć"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Wysłałeś prośbę o zmianę twojego adresu e-mail.
Twoim nowym adresem e-mail jest {newemail}.
Aby potwierdzić nowy adres e-mail proszę kliknij poniższy przycisk. "],"Hello {displayName}":["Cześć {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Ten link wygaśnie jeżeli nie użyjesz go w ciągu 24 godzin."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Proszę użyj podanego linku w czasie doby aby zresetować swoje hasło."],"Reset Password":["Resetuj hasło"],"Sign up":["Zarejestruj się "],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Witaj w %appName%. Proszę kliknij poniższy przycisk aby rozpocząć proces rejestracji. "],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Sieć społecznościowa zwiększy twoją komunikację i pracę zespołową.
Zarejestruj się teraz aby dołączyć do tej strefy."],"You got a space invite":["Otrzymałeś zaproszenie do strefy"],"invited you to the space:":["zaprosił cię do strefy: "],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} wspomniał o tobie w {contentTitle}."],"About this user":["O tym użytkowniku "],"Modify your title image":["Modyfikuj swój obrazek tytułowy"],"Account settings":["Ustawienia konta"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Edytuj konto"],"Following":["Obserwowani"],"Following user":["Obserwujący użytkownika"],"User followers":["Obserwowani przez użytkownika "],"Member in these spaces":["Członek stref"],"User tags":["Tagi użytkownika "],"No birthday.":["Nie ma urodzin."],"Back to modules":["Powrót do modułów"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Birthday"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Liczba dni naprzód kiedy dzień urodzin będzie się wyświetlał. "],"Tomorrow":["Jutro"],"Upcoming":["Nadchodzące "],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Możesz skonfigurować liczbę dni kiedy będą pokazywane nadchodzące urodziny."],"becomes":["będzie miał"],"birthdays":["urodziny"],"days":["dni"],"today":["dzisiaj"],"years old.":["lat."],"Active":["Aktywuj"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Oznacz jako nieprzeczytaną dla wszystkich użytkowników."],"Breaking News Configuration":["Konfiguracja Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Przypis: Możesz użyć składni markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data i czas zakończenia"],"Recur":["Powtarza się"],"Recur End":["Zakończenie powtarzania się "],"Recur Interval":["Przedział powtarzania się "],"Recur Type":["Typ powtarzania się "],"Select participants":["Wybierz uczestników"],"Start Date and Time":["Data i czas początku"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby mieć dostęp do tego wydarzenia! "],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby tworzyć wydarzenia! "],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Dodaje kalendarz dla wydarzeń prywatnych lub publicznych do twojego profilu i głównego menu."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Dodaje kalendarz wydarzeń do tej strefy."],"All Day":["Wszystkie dni"],"Attending users":["Użytkownicy biorący udział"],"Calendar":["Kalendarz "],"Declining users":["Użytkownicy nie biorący udziału"],"End Date":["Data zakończenia"],"End time must be after start time!":["Data zakończenia musi być po dacie początku! "],"Event":["Wydarzenie"],"Event not found!":["Nie znaleziono wydarzenia! "],"Maybe attending users":["Możliwi użytkownicy biorący udział"],"Participation Mode":["Tryb uczestnictwa"],"Start Date":["Data początku"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby usunąć to wydarzenie!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Nie masz uprawnień aby edytować to wydarzenie! "],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% utworzył nowe %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% chce wziąć udział w %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% może chce wziąć udział w %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% nie chce wziąć udziału w %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Data/czas początku"],"Create event":["Utwórz wydarzenie"],"Edit event":["Edytuj wydarzenie"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Zauważ: To wydarzenie zostanie utworzone na twoim profilu. Aby utworzyć wydarzenie dla strefy otwórz kalendarz w wybranej strefie."],"End Date/Time":["Data/czas zakończenia"],"Everybody can participate":["Każdy może wziąć udział"],"No participants":["Brak biorących udział"],"Participants":["Uczestnicy"],"Created by:":["Utworzone przez:"],"Edit this event":["Edytuj to wydarzenie "],"I´m attending":["Biorę udział"],"I´m maybe attending":["Może biorę udział"],"I´m not attending":["Nie biorę udziału"],"Attend":["Wezmę udział"],"Maybe":["Może"],"Filter events":["Filtruj wydarzenia"],"Select calendars":["Wybierz kalendarze"],"Already responded":["Już odpowiedzieli"],"Followed spaces":["Obserwowane strefy"],"Followed users":["Obserwowani użytkownicy"],"My events":["Moje wydarzenia"],"Not responded yet":["Nie odpowiedzieli jeszcze "],"Upcoming events ":["Nadchodzące wydarzenia"],":count attending":[":count biorący udział"],":count declined":[":count nie biorący udziału"],":count maybe":[":count może biorący udział"],"Participants:":["Uczestnicy: "],"Create new Page":["Dodaj stronę"],"Custom Pages":["Własne strony"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Odnośnik","Link"],"MarkDown":["Znaczniki MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Nawigacja"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Nie stworzono jeszcze własnych stron!"],"Sort Order":["Sortuj"],"Top Navigation":["Górna nawigacja"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Konto użytkownika (Ustawienia)"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["Z powodzeniem zmieniono kolejność elementów. "],"Toggle view mode":["Tryb widoku przełącznika "],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Utraciłeś prawa do zmiany kolejności kategorii! "],"Confirm category deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie kategorii"],"Confirm link deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie linku"],"Delete category":["Usuń kategorię "],"Delete link":["Usuń link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć tę kategorię? Wszystkie powiązane linki zostaną usunięte. "],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć ten link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Rozszerz walidację linku przez test połączenia. "],"Linklist":["Lista linków"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Linklist"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Nie można znaleźć żądanej kategorii. "],"Requested link could not be found.":["Nie można znaleźć żądanego linku. "],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Po prawej stronie pokaż linki jako widget. "],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["Nie można znaleźć kategorii do której chcesz utworzyć link! "],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Do tej strefy nie ma jeszcze dodanych linków lub kategorii."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Możesz włączyć rozszerzoną walidację linków dla strefy lub użytkownika. "],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Utraciłeś prawa do dodania lub edycji linków! "],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Utraciłeś prawa do usunięcia tej kategorii! "],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Utraciłeś prawa do usunięcia tego linku! "],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Utraciłeś prawa do edycji tej kategorii! "],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Utraciłeś prawa do edycji tego linku! "],"Messages":["Wiadomości "],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Nie można wysłać e-maila do samego siebie! "],"Recipient":["Odbiorca "],"New message from {senderName}":["Nowa wiadomość od {senderName} "],"and {counter} other users":["i {counter} innych użytkowników "],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nowa wiadomość w dyskusji od %displayName% "],"New message":["Nowa wiadomość "],"Reply now":["Odpowiedz teraz "],"sent you a new message:":["wysłał(a) do ciebie nową wiadomość: "],"sent you a new message in":["wysłał(a) do ciebie nową wiadomość w "],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Dodaj więcej odbiorców do twojej konwersacji "],"Add user...":["Dodaj użytkownika... "],"New message":["Nowa wiadomość "],"Messagebox":["Skrzynka wiadomości "],"Inbox":["Skrzynka odbiorcza "],"There are no messages yet.":["Nie ma jeszcze wiadomości. "],"Write new message":["Napisz nową wiadomość "],"Add user":["Dodaj użytkownika "],"Leave discussion":["Opuść dyskusję "],"Write an answer...":["Napisz odpowiedź... "],"User Posts":["Posty użytkownika "],"Sign up now":["Zarejestruj się teraz "],"Show all messages":["Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości "],"Notes":["Notatki "],"Etherpad API Key":["Klucz API Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL do Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Nie można wczytać zawartości notatki! "],"Could not get note users!":["Nie można wczytać użytkowników notatki! "],"Note":["Notatka "],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} utworzył nową notatkę {noteName}."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} pracował nad notatką {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["Z powodzeniem połączono z API!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Nie można połączyć się z API!"],"Current Status:":["Obecny status: "],"Notes Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu notatek"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Proszę przeczytaj dokumentację modułu pod adresem /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów!"],"Save & Test":["Zapisz i testuj"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Moduł notatek wymaga pracującego serwera etherpad! "],"Save and close":["Zapisz i zamknij"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} utworzył nową notatkę i przydzielił ciebie. "],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} pracował nad notatką {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Otwórz notatkę "],"Title of your new note":["Tytuł nowej notatki "],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono notatek pasujących do obecnego filtru(-ów)!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze notatek! "],"Polls":["Głosowania "],"Could not load poll!":["Nie można wczytać głosowania! "],"Invalid answer!":["Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź! "],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Użytkownicy głosowali na: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Głosowanie na wielokrotne odpowiedzi jest zabronione! "],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Masz niewystarczające uprawnienia aby przeprowadzić tę operację! "],"Answers":["Odpowiedzi"],"Multiple answers per user":["Wielokrotne odpowiedzi na użytkownika"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Proszę określ przynajmniej {min} odpowiedzi! "],"Question":["Pytanie "],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} zagłosował {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} utworzył nowe {question}."],"User who vote this":["Użytkownicy którzy głosowali na to "],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} utworzył nowe głosowanie i przydzielił ciebie. "],"Ask":["Zapytaj"],"Reset my vote":["Resetuj mój głos"],"Vote":["Głos"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["i {count} więcej głosów."],"votes":["głosy "],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Zezwól na wielokrotne odpowiedzi na użytkownika? "],"Ask something...":["Zapytaj o coś..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Możliwe odpowiedzi (jedna na linię)"],"Display all":["Pokaż wszystkie"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono głosowania według kryteriów obecnego filtru(-ów)! "],"Asked by me":["Moje zapytanie"],"No answered yet":["Jeszcze nie odpowiedziano"],"Only private polls":["Tylko prywatne głosowania"],"Only public polls":["Tylko publiczne głosowania"],"Tasks":["Zadania "],"Could not access task!":["Nie można uzyskać dostępu do zadań! "],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} dołączył do zadania {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} utworzył zadanie {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} zakończył zadanie {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} dołączył ciebie do zadania {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} utworzył nowe zadanie {task}."],"This task is already done":["To zadanie już jest wykonane"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Nie zostałeś dołączony do zadania "],"Click, to finish this task":["Kliknij, aby zakończyć zadanie"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["To zadanie jest już wykonane. Kliknij w celu ponowienia. "],"My tasks":["Moje zadania"],"From space: ":["Ze strefy: "],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nie znaleziono zadań pasujących do obecnego filtru(-ów)!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Jeszcze nie ma żadnych zadań!
Bądź pierwszym który je utworzy..."],"Assigned to me":["Przypisane do mnie"],"Nobody assigned":["Nikogo nie przypisano"],"State is finished":["Stan zakończony"],"State is open":["Stan otwarty "],"What to do?":["Co jest do zrobienia? "],"Translation Manager":["Menadżer tłumaczeń "],"Translations":["Tłumaczenia "],"Translation Editor":["Edytor tłumaczeń "],"Allow":["Zezwól"],"Choose language:":["Wybierz język:"],"Default":["Domyślny","Domyślna"],"Deny":["Blokuj"],"Next":["Dalej"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Wpisz przynajmniej 3 znaki"],"Login required":["Pole Login jest wymagane"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Wystąpił wewnętrzny błąd serwera"],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Brak uprawnień do przeprowadzenia tej operacji."],"Add image/file":["Dodaj obrazek/plik"],"Add link":["Dodaj odnośnik"],"Bold":["Pogrubienie"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wpisz url (n.p. http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Nagłówek"],"Image":["Obrazek"],"Image/File":["Obrazek/Plik"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Wstaw łącze"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Wstaw łącze obrazka"],"Italic":["Kursywa"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Przesyłanie pliku..."],"Preview":["Podgląd"],"Quote":["Cytat"],"Target":["Cel"],"Title of your link":["Tytuł odnośnika"],"URL/Link":["URL/Odnośnik"],"code text here":["tutaj wpisz kod"],"emphasized text":["wyróżniony tekst"],"enter image description here":["wpisz opis obrazka"],"enter image title here":["wpisz tytuł obrazka"],"enter link description here":["wpisz opis odnośnika"],"heading text":["tekst nagłówka"],"list text here":["tutaj wpisz listę"],"quote here":["tutaj wpisz cytat"],"strong text":["pogrubiony tekst"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Dodaj zakupiony moduł wprowadzając klucz licencyjny"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Konto dla '{displayName}' zostało zaakceptowane."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Konto dla '{displayName}' nie zostało zaakceptowane."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\n\n Twoje konto zostało aktywowane.
\n\n Aby się zalogować, otwórz poniższy adres:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Pozdrowienia,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\n\n Twoja prośba o założenie konta została odrzucona.
\n\n Pozdrowienia,
\n {AdminName}
"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Atrybut adresu email"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Pobierz/Uaktualnij użytkowników automatycznie"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Zezwól na ograniczony dostęp dla niezalogowanych użytkowników (gości)"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Domyślny czas bezczynności użytkownika, po którym zostanie wylogowany ( w sekundach, opcjonalnie)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Domyślna widoczność profilu użytkownika"],"Date input format":["Format daty"],"Logo upload":["Załaduj logo"],"Server Timezone":["Strefa czasowa serwera"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Pokaż panel udostępniania na kokpicie"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Pokaż formularz profilu użytkownika na kokpicie"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Ukryj informacje o pliku (nazwa, rozmiar) dla obrazków na ścianie"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Ukryj widget listy plików dla tych obiektów."],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksymalna wysokość podglądu obrazka (w pikselach, opcjonalnie)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksymalna szerokość podglądu obrazka (w pikselach, opcjonalnie)"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Zezwalać na samo-podpisane certyfikaty?"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Brak Hostów Proxy"],"Server":["Serwer"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Domyślna widoczność treści"],"Security":["Bezpieczeństwo"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Brak zainstalowanych modułów. Zainstaluj jakieś aby mieć nowe funkcje!"],"Version:":["Wersja:"],"No modules found!":["Nie znaleziono modułów!"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nie znaleziono zakupionych modułów!"],"search for available modules online":["szukaj dostępnych modułów online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Wszystkie moduły są aktualne!"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Obecnie zainstalowana wersja: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub jest w trybie debugowania. Wyłącz go gdy udostępnisz stronę użytkownikom!"],"Licences":["Licencje"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Więcej informacji znajdziesz w instrukcji instalacji."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Dostępna jest aktualizacja! (Najnowsza wersja: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Ta instalacja HumHuba jest aktualna!"],"Purchases":["Zakupy"],"Module details":["Szczegóły modułu"],"Enable module...":["Włącz moduł..."],"Buy (%price%)":["Kup (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Instaluję moduł..."],"Licence Key:":["Klucz licencyjny:"],"Updating module...":["Aktualizuję moduł..."],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Dostępna jest nowa wersja HumHub - (%version%)."],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minimalna wartość to 20 sekund. Jeśli puste, sesja zakończy się po 1400 sekundach (24 minuty) bez względu na aktywność."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Właściwe tylko dla ograniczonego dostępu dla niezarejestrowanych użytkowników. Dotyczy jedynie nowych użytkowników."],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Atrybut LDAP dla adresu email. Domyślnie: "mail""],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto-formatuj w oparciu o język użytkownika - przykład: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Stały format (mm/dd/rrrr) - przykład: {example}"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista elementów oddzielonych przecinkiem (csv). Zostaw puste aby pokazać listę plików dla wszystkich obiektów na ścianie."],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Jeśli puste to domyślna wysokość wyniesie 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Jeśli puste to domyślna szerokość wyniesie 200px."],"Confirm image deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie obrazka"],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Nie używasz logo. Prześlij teraz własne logo."],"Proxy settings":["Ustawienia Proxy"],"Last login":["Ostatnie logowanie"],"never":["nigdy"],"Proxy":["Serwer Proxy"],"Show %count% more comments":["Pokaż %count% kolejnych komentarzy"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["Nowy {contentTitle} został utworzony przez {displayName}."],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Brak dopasowań dla wybranych filtrów!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nic tu nie ma!"],"Add a member to notify":["Dodaj członka do powiadomienia"],"Make private":["Ustaw na prywatny"],"Make public":["Ustaw na publiczny"],"Notify members":["Powiadom członków"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nie znaleziono publicznie dostępnych treści!"],"Share your opinion with others":["Podziel się swoją opinią z innymi"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Dodaj wiadomość na Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Podziel się na Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Podziel się z ludźmi na LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Tweetuj o HumHub"],"Group members - {group}":["Użytkownicy grupy - {group}"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Nie ma postów profilowych!"],"See all":["Zobacz całość"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Pobieranie i instalowanie modułów..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein – Pomiędzy miłością a obłędem znajduje się obsesja."],"Create Admin Account":["Utwórz konto Administratora"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Poszukujemy wspaniałych sloganów znanych marek. Może Ty coś wymyślisz?"],"Welcome Space":["Strefa Powitalna"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Hurra! Właśnie zainstalowałem HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Twoja pierwsza, przykładowa strefa do odkrywania platformy."],"Name of your network":["Nazwa Twojej sieci"],"Name of Database":["Nazwa bazy danych"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Wstaw przykładowe treści (rekomendowane)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Zezwalaj na dostęp niezarejestrowanych użytkowników do treści publicznych (dostęp dla gości)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Zewnętrzny użytkownik może się zarejestrować (Formularz rejestracyjny będzie wyświetlany przy logowaniu)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Nowo zarejestrowani użytkownicy muszą zostać aktywowani przez administratora"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą zapraszać nowych poprzez email"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Chcę używać HumHub do:"],"Admin Account":["Konto Administratora"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Prawie gotowe. Wypełnij formularz dla utworzenia konta Administratora. Tym kontem można zarządzać całą siecią."],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Oczywiście Twoja nowa sieć potrzebuje nazwy. Zamień domyślną nazwę na własną. (na przykład nazwę firmy, organizacji czy klubu)"],"Social Network Name":["Nazwa sieci społecznościowej"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Gratulacje. Wszystko zrobione."],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Instalacja zakończona sukcesem! Dobrej zabawy z nową siecią społecznościową."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub jest bardzo elastyczny. Możesz dostosowywać lub/i poszerzać jego funkcje za sprawą różnych modułów. Następujące moduły to tylko kilka przykładów najciekawszych według nas aplikacji.
Zawsze możesz dodać lub odinstalować moduły później. Więcej modułów znajdziesz w strefie administracyjnej zaraz po instalacji."],"Recommended Modules":["Rekomendowane ModułyM/strong>"],"Example contents":["Przykładowe treści."],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Aby uniknąć pustego kokpitu zaraz po pierwszym zalogowaniu, HumHub może zainstalować przykładowe treści. Przybliży Ci to ogólną zasadę działania HumHub. W każdym momencie możesz usunąć poszczególne treści."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Zadecyduj jak nowi, niezarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą korzystać z HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Ustawienia Bezpieczeństwa"],"Configuration":["Konfiguracja"],"My club":["Mój klub"],"My community":["Moja społeczność"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Moja firma (Intranet / Zarządzanie projektami)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Moja instytucja edukacyjna (szkoła, uniwersytet)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Pomiń ten krok aby skonfigurować wszystko manualnie"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Aby ułatwić konfigurację, zdefiniowaliśmy wstępnie ustawienia dla najbardziej popularnych zastosowań, wraz z oddzielnymi ustawieniami dla modułów i konfiguracji. Możesz je poprawić w następnym kroku."],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Witaj w HumHub
Szwajcarskim scyzoryku Twojej Sieci Społecznościowej"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Ten kreator pomoże Ci skonfigurować własną instalację HumHub.
Aby kontynuować naciśnij \"Dalej\"."],"Database Configuration":["Konfiguracja Bazy danych"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Wprowadź szczegóły połączenia z bazą danych. Jeśli nie masz co do nich pewności, skontaktuj się z administratorem Twojego serwera."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Nazwa hosta dla twojego serwera MySQL. (np. localhost jeśli MySQL działa na tej samej maszynie)"],"Initializing database...":["Inicjalizuję bazę danych..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Upss, coś poszło nie tak!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Nazwa bazy danych dla HumHub"],"Your MySQL password.":["Hasło MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["użytkownik MySQL"],"System Check":["Zbadaj System"],"Check again":["Zbadaj ponownie"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Gratulacje! Wszystko jest w porządku i gotowe do startu!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["To podsumowanie prezentuje wszystkie wymagania systemowe HumHub."],"You":["Ty"],"You like this.":["Ty to lubisz."],"Search results":["Wyniki wyszukiwania"],"Advanced search settings":["Zaawansowane ustawienia wyszukiwania"],"Content":["Treść"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Szukaj użytkownika, strefy i treści"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Wyszukaj tylko w wybranych strefach:"],"Private":["Prywatna"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Publiczna (Członkowie i Goście)"],"Public (Members only)":["Publiczna (Tylko członkowie)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Publiczna (Tylko zarejestrowani)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Widoczne dla wszystkich (użytkownicy i goście)"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Aby oglądać treści w tej strefie, musisz się zalogować!"],"Members":["Członkowie"],"Change Owner":["Zmień Właściciela"],"General settings":["Ustawienia główne"],"Security settings":["Ustawienia bezpieczeństwa"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Jako właściciel tej strefy możesz przenieść tę funkcję na innego administratora w strefie."],"Color":["Kolor"],"Transfer ownership":["Przenieś właścicielstwo"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Dodaj {n,plural,=1{strefę} other{strefy}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Wybierz czy nowe treści mają być domyślnie publiczne czy prywatne"],"Manage members":["Zarządzaj członkami"],"Manage permissions":["Zarządzaj pozwoleniami"],"Pending approvals":["Akceptacje w toku"],"Pending invitations":["Zaproszenia w toku"],"Add Modules":["Dodaj Moduły"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Nie jesteś członkiem tej strefy i nie ma tutaj jeszcze żadnych publicznych treści!"],"Done":["Zrobione"],"New user?":["Nowy użytkownik?"],"User has become a member.":["Użytkownik został członkiem"],"User has been invited.":["Użytkownik został zaproszony"],"User has not been invited.":["Użytkownik nie został zaproszony"],"":[""],"Cancel Membership":["Anuluj Członkowstwo"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Ukryj wpisy na kokpicie"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Pokaż wpisy na kokpicie"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Ta opcja ukryje nowe treści dla tej strefy na Twoim kokpicie"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Ta opcja pokaże nowe treści dla tej strefy na Twoim kokpicie"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek tytułowy?","Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek tytułowy?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć obrazek profilowy?","Czy na pewno usunąć obrazek profilowy?"],"Posts":["Wpisy"],"more":["więcej"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Przeciągnij tu zdjęcie lub kliknij aby przeglądać pliki komputera"],"Hide my year of birth":["Ukryj rok urodzenia"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Uszanowanie %firstname%, dziękujemy za używanie HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Jesteś tu pierwszym użytkownikiem... Taaaak! Daj wzorowy przykład i uzupełnij swój profil,
tak aby kolejni wiedzieli kto tu rządzi i do kogo można się zwrócić w razie pytań."],"Your firstname":["Imię"],"Your lastname":["Nazwisko"],"Your mobild phone number":["Numer telefonu komórkowego"],"Your phone number at work":["Numer telefonu w pracy"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Twoje umiejętności, wiedza i doświadczenie (oddzielone przecinkami)"],"Your title or position":["Stanowisko lub tytuł"],"Confirm new password":["Potwierdź nowe hasło"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Konto tego użytkownika nie jest jeszcze zatwierdzone!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Aby zobaczyć ten profil użytkownika, musisz się zalogować!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["Ten e-mail jest już w użyciu! - Spróbuj opcji przywracania hasła. "],"Profile visibility":["Widoczność profilu"],"TimeZone":["Strefa czasowa"],"Show date/time picker":["Pokaż okienko wyboru daty/czasu"],"Maximum value":["Maksymalna wartość"],"Minimum value":["Minimalna wartość"],"Possible values":["Dopuszczalne wartości"],"Default value":["Domyślna wartość"],"Maximum length":["Maksymalna długość"],"Minimum length":["Minimalna długość"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Wyrażenie regularne: komunikat błędu"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Wyrażenie regularne: walidator"],"Validator":["Walidator"],"Current E-mail address":["Aktualny adres e-mail"],"Enter your password to continue":["Aby kontynuować wprowadź hasło"],"Registered users only":["Tylko dla zarejestrowanych"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Widoczne dla wszystkich (również nie zarejestrowanych)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Powiadomienia na Pulpicie"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Otrzymuj powiadomienia na pulpicie, jeśli jesteś online."],"Create Account":["Utwórz konto"],"Remember me":["Zapamiętaj mnie"],"Password recovery":["Odzyskiwanie hasła"],"Registration successful":["Zarejestrowano pomyślnie!"],"Password reset":["Resetowanie hasła"],"Registration Link":["Odnośnik rejestracyjny"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Sieć społecznościowa wspomaga komunikację i pracę zespołową.
Zarejestruj się teraz aby dołączyć do strefy."],"Space Invite":["Zaproszenie do strefy"],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} zaczął Cię obserwować."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Ten profil nie ma jeszcze treści!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Czy na pewno usunąć logo?"],"End Time":["Koniec"],"Start Time":["Początek"],"Edit event":["Edytuj wydarzenie"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Nie można zapisać katalogu %filename%."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% ma nieprawidłowe rozszerzenie i został pominięty."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% zastąpiono nowszą wersją."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Confirm delete file":["Potwierdź usunięcie pliku"],"Create folder":["Utwórz nowy folder"],"Edit folder":["Edytuj katalog"],"Move files":["Przenieś pliki"],"A folder with this name already exists":["Katalog o takiej nazwie już istnieje"],"Add directory":["Dodaj katalog"],"Add file(s)":["Dodaj Plik(i)"],"Adds an file module to this space.":["Dodaje moduł plików do tej strefy"],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Dodaje moduł plików do twojego profilu"],"All posted files":["Wszystkie opublikowane pliki"],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Nie można rozpakować %filename%."],"Archive folder":["Archiwizuj katalog"],"Archive selected":["Archiwizuj zaznaczone"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Nie można zapisać %title%.","Nie można zapisać pliku %title%."],"Creator":["Właściciel"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) wit all subcontent?":["Czy na pewno usunąć %number% elementów wraz z zawartością?"],"Download":["Pobierz"],"Download .zip":["Pobierz .zip"],"Download zip":["Pobierz ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Edytuj katalog"],"Enable Zip Support":["Włącz obsługę Zip"],"Files Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja Modułu Plików"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Folder options":["Opcje katalogu"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Brak wystarczających uprawnień do wykonania tej operacji."],"Invalid parameter.":["Błędny parametr."],"Move":["Przenieś"],"Move file":["Przenieś plik"],"Move folder":["Przenieś katalog"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Przenoszenie do tego samego katalogu jest niemożliwe. Wybierz poprawny katalog nadrzędny dla %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Nie zaznaczono poprawnych elementów do przeniesienia."],"Open":["Otwórz"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Otwarcie archiwum spowodowało błąd. Kod błędu: %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Wybierz poprawne miejsce docelowe dla %title%."],"Selected items...":["Zaznaczone obiekty..."],"Should not start or end with blank space.":["Bez białych znaków na początku i końcu."],"Show":["Pokaż"],"Show Image":["Pokaż Obrazek"],"Show Post":["Pokaż Post"],"The archive could not be created.":["Nie można było utworzyć archiwum."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Katalog %filename% jest już utworzony. Zawartość została nadpisana."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Katalog o ID %id% nie istnieje."],"This folder is empty.":["Katalog jest pusty."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Niestety nie masz uprawnień do przesyłania/edycji plików."],"Updated":["Zaktualizowane"],"Upload":["Prześlij"],"Upload .zip":["Prześlij .zip"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Prześlij pliku lub utwórz podkatalog za pomocą przycisków na górze."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Prześlij pliki na strumień aby wypełnić katalog zawartością."],"Zip support is not enabled.":["Wsparcie Zip nie jest włączone."],"root":["root"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Bez dodawania do nawigacji (odnośnik bezpośredni)"],"Create page":["Utwórz stronę"],"Edit page":["Edytuj stronę"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Domyślna kolejność sortowania: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Tytuł strony"],"URL":["URL"],"Add Dropbox files":["Dodaj pliki z Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Nieprawidłowy plik"],"Dropbox API Key":["Klucz API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Pokaż ostrzeżenie przy publikacji"],"Dropbox post":["Wpis typu Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Moduł Dropbox wymaga utworzenia aktywnej aplikacji dropbox-owej! Przejdź na tę stronę. Wybierz \"Drop-ins app\" a następnie wpisz nazwę aplikacji aby uzyskać klucz do API."],"Dropbox settings":["Ustawienia Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Opis dla Twoich plików"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Przepraszamy, moduł Dropbox nie jest jeszcze skonfigurowany! Skontaktuj się z Administratorem."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Moduł Dropbox nie jest jeszcze skonfigurowany! Zmień ustawienia tutaj."],"Select files from dropbox":["Wybierz pliki z Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Uwaga! Udostępniasz prywatne pliki"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Nie pokazuj tego komunikatu w przyszłości"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Pliki, którymi chcesz się podzielić są prywatne. Aby się nimi podzielić w strefach, wygenerowaliśmy odnośnik udostępniania. Każda osoba z odnośnikiem może zobaczyć plik.
Czy na pewno chcesz udostępnić? "],"Yes, I'm sure":["Tak, jestem pewien."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Edycja Enterprise Okres Testowy"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Niepoprawna Licencja Edycji Enterprise"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Zarejestruj Edycję Enterprise"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Niezarejestrowana Edycja Enterprise"],"Enterprise Edition":["Edycja Enterprise"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Wprowadź proszę poniżej Twój klucz licencyjny dla HumHub - Edycja Enterprise. Jeśli nie masz klucza licencyjnego, możesz go uzyskać pod adresem %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Proszę, zarejestruj HumHub - Edycja Enterprise!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Proszę, uaktualnij licencję dla HumHub - Edycja Enterprise!"],"Registration successful!":["Rejstracja zakończona powodzeniem!"],"Validating...":["Waliduję..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Pozostało {daysLeft} dni do końca okresu testowego."],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licencja Edycji Enterprise"],"Licence Serial Code":["Numer Seryjny Licencji"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Wprowadź proszę Twój klucz licencyjny Edycji Enterprise, możesz także zostawić to pole puste aby rozpocząć 14-dniowy okres próbny."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Utwórz nowe mapowanie ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Edytuj mapowanie ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapowanie użytkowników LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Utwórz nowe mapowanie"],"Space ID":["ID Strefy"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Zmień typ"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Utwórz nowy %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Utwórz nowy typ strefy"],"Delete space type":["Usuń ten typ strefy"],"Edit space type":["Edytuj ten typ strefy"],"Manage space types":["Zarządzaj typami stref"],"Create new type":["Utwórz nowy typ"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Aby usunąć typ strefy \"{type}\" musisz ustawić alternatywny typ dla istniejących stref:"],"Types":["Typy"],"e.g. Project":["np. Projekt"],"e.g. Projects":["np. Projekty"],"Sorry! 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entry":["Edytuj treść wiadomości"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Potwierdź usunięcie rozmowy"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Potwierdź opuszczenie rozmowy"],"Confirm message deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie wiadomości"],"Delete conversation":["Usuń rozmowę"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć rozmowę?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Na pewno chcesz usunąć wiadomość?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Na pewno chcesz opuścić rozmowę?"],"Leave":["Opuść"],"Leave conversation":["Opuść rozmowę"],"Send message":["Wyślij wiadomość"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Dodaje menadżera spotkań do tej strefy."],"Agenda Entry":["Plan spotkania"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Musi być w formacie GODZINA : MINUTA"],"Meeting":["Spotkanie"],"Meetings":["Spotkania"],"Begin":["Początek"],"Date":["Data"],"End":["Koniec"],"Location":["Miejsce"],"Room":["Pokój"],"Minutes":["Minut"],"End must be after begin":["Koniec musi nastąpić po początku"],"No valid time":["Brak poprawnego czasu"],"Back to overview":["Wróć do omówienia"],"Create new task":["Utwórz nowe zadanie","Utwórz zadanie"],"Assign users":["Przypisz uczestników","Przypisz użytkowników"],"Assign users to this task":["Przypisz uczestników do tego zadania","Przypisz użytkowników do tego zadania"],"Deadline":["Termin końcowy"],"Deadline for this task?":["Termin końcowy dla tego zadania?","Termin końcowy zadania?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Przypisz wstępnie uczestnika(ów) do tego zadania","Przypisz wstępnie użytkowników do tego zadania."],"Task description":["Opis zadania"],"What is to do?":["Co jest do zrobienia?"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie spotkania"],"Create new meeting":["Utwórz nowe spotkanie"],"Edit meeting":["Edytuj spotkanie"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Dodaj zewnętrznych uczestników (otwarty tekst)"],"Add participant":["Dodaj uczestnika"],"Add participants":["Dodaj uczestników"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Na pewno usunąć to spotkanie?"],"External participants":["Zewnętrzni uczestnicy"],"Title of your meeting":["Tytuł twojego spotkania"],"hh:mm":["gg:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie wpisu"],"Create new entry":["Utwórz nowy wpis"],"Edit entry":["Edytuj wpis"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Dodaj zewnętrznych moderatorów (otwarty tekst)"],"Add moderator":["Dodaj moderatora"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Na pewno usunąć ten wpis?"],"External moderators":["Zewnętrzni moderatorzy"],"Title of this entry":["Tytuł tego wpisu"],"Edit Note":["Edytuj notatkę"],"Note content":["Treść notatki"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Szczegóły spotkania: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Przyszłe spotkania"],"Past meetings":["Przeszłe meetings"],"Add a protocol":["Dodaj protokół"],"Add a task":["Dodaj zadanie"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Utwórz swój pierwszy plan spotkania klikając ten przycisk."],"Moderators":["Moderatorzy"],"New agenda entry":["Nowy plan spotkania"],"New meeting":["Nowe spotkanie"],"Print agenda":["Drukuj plan"],"Protocol":["Protokół"],"Share meeting":["Podziel się spotkaniem"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Zacznij już teraz, tworząc nowe spotkanie!"],"Today":["Dzisiaj"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Niestety, nie było wpisu aż do teraz."],"Share meeting":["Podziel się spotkaniem"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Dodaj do kalendarza i zaproś członków"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Dodaj do osobistego kalendarza"],"Export ICS":["Wyeksportuj ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Wyślij powiadomienia do wszystkich uczestników"],"Send now":["Wyślij teraz"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Wyślij wewnętrzne powiadomienia do wszystkich uczestników spotkania."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Ta opcja wygeneruje plik ICS, który doda to spotkanie do Twojego prywatnego kalendarza."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Ta opcja wygeneruje plik ICS, który doda to spotkanie do Twojego prywatnego kalendarza, zaprosi wszystkich uczestników poprzez email i poczeka na ich odpowiedź."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{userName} zaprosił Cię do wzięcia udziału w {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["To zadanie jest powiązane z %link%"],"Get details...":["Zobacz szczegóły..."],"Most active people":["Najbardziej aktywni ludzie"],"Get a list":["Pobierz listę"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu Najbardziej Aktywnych Użytkowników"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Liczba najbardziej aktywnych użytkowników."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Możesz ustawić liczbę użytkowników do wyświetlenia."],"Comments created":["Utworzone komentarze"],"Likes given":["Ilość polubień"],"Posts created":["Wpisy utworzone"],"Could not get note users! ":["Nie można wczytać notatki użytkowników! "],"Anonymous poll!":["Głosowanie anonimowe!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Znowu? ;Weary;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Planujemy właśnie etapy naszego kolejnego spotkania, chcemy się dowiedzieć gdzie chcesz się spotkać?"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Dlaczego nie skoczymy do Baru Mlecznego?"],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} odpowiedział(a) na {question}."],"Anonymous":["Anonimowo"],"Closed":["Zamknięte"],"Add answer...":["Dodaj odpowiedź..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Głosy anonimowe?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Wyświetlaj odpowiedzi w losowej kolejności?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Edytuj odpowiedź (puste odpowiedzi zostaną usunięte)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Edytuj pytanie głosowania..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze sondy!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Nie ma jeszcze sondy!
Bądź pierwszy i utwórz jedną..."],"Manage reported posts":["Zarządzaj zgłoszonymi treściami"],"Reported posts":["Zgłoszone treści"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Dlaczego chcesz zgłosić tę treść?"],"by :displayName":["przez :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["utworzone przez :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Nie należy do strefy"],"Offensive":["Obraźliwe"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["W tym miejscu możesz zarządzać zgłoszonymi treściami."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako obraźliwą."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Użytkownik zgłosił Twoją treść jako nie należącą do strefy."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako obraźliwe."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% zgłosił %contentTitle% jako nie pasujące do strefy."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["W tym miejscu możesz zarządzać zgłoszonymi treściami dla tej strefy."],"Confirm post deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie treści"],"Confirm report deletion":["Potwierdź usunięcie zgłoszenie"],"Delete post":["Usuń treść"],"Delete report":["Usuń zgłoszenie"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Czy na pewno usunąć to zgłoszenie?"],"Reason":["Powód"],"Reporter":["Zgłaszający"],"There are no reported posts.":["Brak zgłoszonych treści."],"Does not belong to this space":["To nie należy do tej strefy"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Pomóż nam zrozumieć co się dzieje"],"It's offensive":["To jest obraźliwe"],"It's spam":["To jest spam"],"Report post":["Zgłoś treść"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Zezwalaj na wiadomości > 160 znaków (domyślnie: niedozwolone -> obecnie nie wspierane, gdyż znaki są limitowane przez widok)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Wystąpił nieznany błąd"],"Body too long.":["Treść zbyt długa"],"Body too too short.":["Treść zbyt krótka"],"Characters left:":["Zostało znaków:"],"Choose Provider":["Wybierz dostawcę"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Nie można było nawiązać połączenia z dostawcą SMS. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"Gateway Number":["Numer bramki"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Bramka nie dostępna dla tej sieci."],"Insufficent credits.":["Brak środków."],"Invalid IP address.":["Nieprawidłowy adres IP"],"Invalid destination.":["Nieprawidłowe przeznaczenie"],"Invalid sender.":["Nieprawidłowy nadawca"],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Nieprawidłowy użytkownik i/lub hasło. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Brak wystarczających środków na koncie głównym."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Brak wystarczających środków na subkoncie."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Dostawca nie jest zainicjowany. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Nieprawidłowy odbiorca"],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Odbiorca nie jest poprawnie sformatowany, numer musi być w formacie międzynarodowym, np. 00[,,.] lub +[...]"],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Tag referencyjny dla filtra statystyk"],"Route access violation.":["Pogwałcenie dostępu do trasy."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Konfiguracja modułu SMS."],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS został odrzucony/nie mógł być dostarczony."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS wysłano pomyślnie."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["SMS nie ma wskazania ceny (reklamy numeru premium)"],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS o identycznej treści został wysłany zbyt często w ostatnich 180 sekundach."],"Save Configuration":["Zapisz ustawienia"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Błąd bezpieczeństwa. Skontaktuj się z administratorem aby ten sprawdził konfigurację modułu."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Wybierz trasę Spryng (domyślnie: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Wyślij SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Wyślij SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Wyślij SMS do"],"Sender is invalid.":["Nadawca jest nieprawidłowy"],"Technical error.":["Błąd techniczny."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opcja testowa. Sms-y nie są dostarczane, ale serwer odpowiada jak by były."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Aby wysyłać SMS do konkretnego konta, upewnij się że pole \"tel. komórkowy\" istnieje w informacjach o koncie."],"Unknown route.":["Nieznana trasa."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Dzięki tym ustawieniom możesz wybrać pomiędzy różnymi dostawcami sms oraz zmienić ich konfigurację. Musisz edytować informacje o koncie dla danego dostawcy, aby usługa sms działała poprawnie."],"Assigned user(s)":["Przypisani użytkownicy"],"Task":["Zadanie"],"Edit task":["Edytuj zadanie"],"Confirm deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie"],"Add Task":["Dodaj Zadanie"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Na pewno usunąć to zadanie?"],"No open tasks...":["Brak otwartych zadań..."],"completed tasks":["wykonane zadania"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Nie ma jeszcze zadań!"],"Update HumHub":["Zaktualizuj HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Zaktualizuj HumHub BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Przed rozpoczęciem wykonaj kopię zapasową wszystkich plików i bazy danych."],"Check for next update":["Sprawdź kolejną aktualizację"],"Could not extract update package!":["Nie można rozpakować paczki z aktualizacją!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Nie można pobrać informacji o aktualizacjach! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Rezultat migracji bazy danych:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Nie używaj tego instalatora w połączeniu z instalacjami Git lub Composer!"],"Downloading update package...":["Pobieranie aktualizacji..."],"Error!":["Błąd!"],"Installing update package...":["Instalowanie aktualizacji..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Upewnij się, czy wszystkie pliki mogą być zapisywane przez aplikację."],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Upewnij się, czy niestandardowe moduły i skórki są kompatybilne z wersją %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Upewnij się, czy następujące pliki mogą być zapisywane przez aplikację:"],"Please note:":["Zauważ, że:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Zaktualizuj instalowane wcześniej moduły ze sklepu - przed i po procesie aktualizacji."],"Proceed Installation":["Przejdź do instalacji"],"Release Notes:":["Informacje o wersji:"],"Show database migration results":["Wyświetl rezultat migracji bazy danych"],"Start Installation":["Rozpocznij Instalację"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Następujące pliki nie przypominają oryginalnych plików wersji %version%. Zostaną one nadpisane lub usunięte podczas procesu aktualizacji."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Dostępna jest aktualizacja dla wersji %version%!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Brak nowych aktualizacji HumHub!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Zaktualizuj HumHub BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Nieprawidłowa paczka aktualizacji!"],"Warning!":["Ostrzeżenie!"],"Warnings:":["Ostrzeżenia:"],"successfully installed!":["zainstalowane pomyślnie!"],"version update":["aktualizacja wersji"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Błąd pobierania aktualizacji! (%error%)"],"Confirm page deleting":["Potwierdź usunięcie strony"],"Confirm page reverting":["Potwierdź przywrócenie strony"],"Overview of all pages":["Podsumowanie wszystkich stron"],"Page history":["Historia strony"],"Wiki Module":["Moduł Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Dodaje wiki do tej strefy."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Dodaje wiki do Twojego profilu."],"Back to page":["Powrót do strony"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Czy na pewno usunąć stronę?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Czy na pewno przywrócić stronę?"],"Edit page":["Edytuj stronę"],"Edited at":["Edytowano"],"Go back":["Powrót"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Nieprawidłowy znak w tytule strony!"],"Let's go!":["Jedziemy!"],"Main page":["Strona główna"],"New page":["Nowa strona"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Brak utworzonych stron. Wszystko zależy od Ciebie.
Utwórz nową stronę teraz."],"Page History":["Historia strony"],"Page title already in use!":["Tytuł strony jest już zajęty!"],"Revert":["Przywróć"],"Revert this":["Przywróć to"],"View":["Widok"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["przez"],"Wiki page":["Strona Wiki"],"Create new page":["Utwórz nową stronę"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wprowadź tytuł wiki lub jej url (np. http://przykład.pl)"],"New page title":["Nowy tytuł strony"],"Page content":["Zawartość strony"],"Open wiki page...":["Otwórz stronę wiki..."],"comment":["Komentarz "],"post":["Post "],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Moduł w tym kontenerze nie jest uruchomiony!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Definiuje filtr do zatwierdzenia w czasie próby logowania. %s zastępuje nazwę użytkownika w czasie akcji logowania. Przykład: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" lub "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["To nie należy do tej strefy"],"Show more":["Pokaż więcej"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Wpisana data musi być wcześniejsza."],"Unsubscribe":["Anuluj subskrybcję"],"Approval":["Zatwierdzanie"],"Cronjobs":["Zadania cron"],"OEmbed providers":["Dostawcy OEmbed"],"Self test":["Auto test"],"User posts":["Wpisy użytkowników"],"Userprofiles":["Profile użytkowników"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} oraz {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} i {number} innych"],"Last Viewed":["Ostatnio oglądane"],"Allows to start polls.":["Pozwala dodawać głosowania."],"Zaloguj Się required":["Pole Zaloguj Się jest wymagane"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Twoje konto zostało aktywowane.
\r\n\r\n Aby się zalogować, otwórz poniższy adres:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Pozdrowienia,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Dzień dobry {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Twoja prośba o założenie konta została odrzucona.
\r\n\r\n Pozdrowienia,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Pinned":["Przypięty ","Przypnij"],"Unpinned":["Odepnij "],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Zewnętrzny użytkownik może się zarejestrować (Formularz rejestracyjny będzie wyświetlany przy logowaniu)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 6d73d37260..57a0875b93 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/pt/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/pt/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["Não foi possível encontrar os módulos solicitados!"],"Invalid request.":["Requisição Inválida"],"Keyword:":["Palavra-chave:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nada foi encontrado para estes dados."],"Results":["Resultados"],"Show more results":["Mostre-me mais resultados"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Desculpe, nada foi encontrado"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bem vindo ao %appName%"],"Latest updates":["Últimas actualizações"],"Account settings":["Configurações da Conta"],"Administration":["Administração"],"Back to dashboard":["Voltar para dashboard"],"Collapse":["Recolher"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Fonte de conteúdo de addon deve ser exemplo de HActiveRecordContent ou HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Não é possivel determinar o conteúdo do container (recipiente)!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Não é possivel encontrar conteúdo para este addon!"],"Error":["Erro"],"Expand":["Expandir"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permissões insuficientes para criar o conteúdo!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Parece que você pode ter tomado o caminho errado."],"Latest news":["Últimas notícias"],"Logout":["Sair"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["O modulo não está neste recipiente e o seu conteúdo não está activo!"],"My profile":["Meu perfil"],"New profile image":["Nova imagem de perfil"],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Search":["Pesquisar"],"Search for users and spaces":["Buscar por usuários e espaços"],"Space not found!":["Espaço não encontrado!"],"User Approvals":["Aprovações de usuário"],"User not found!":["Usuário não encontrado!"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Você não pode criar um conteúdo visível para o público!"],"Your daily summary":["Seu resumo diário"],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Array global {global} limpa usando este método {method}"],"Upload error":["Erro ao Actualizar"],"Close":["Fechar"],"Title":["Título"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Não é possível criar atividade para esse tipo de objeto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% criou um novo espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% criou este espaço."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% entrou no espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% entrou neste espaço."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% saiu do espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% saiu deste espaço."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} agora segue {user2}."],"see online":["ver online"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Últimas atividades"],"There are no activities yet.":["Ainda não existem actividades."],"Group not found!":["Grupo não encontrado!"],"Could not uninstall module first! 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Seja o primeiro e escreva alguma coisa..."],"This space is still empty!
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/pt_br/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Atualizações"],"Search":["Busca"],"Account settings":["Configurações da conta"],"Administration":["Administração"],"Back":["Voltar"],"Back to dashboard":["Voltar para o painel"],"Choose language:":["Escolha o idioma:"],"Collapse":["Minimizar"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Conteúdo fonte Addon deve ser instância de HActiveRecordContent ou HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Não foi possível determinar o conteúdo!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Não foi possível encontrar o conteúdo !"],"Could not find requested module!":["Não foi possível encontrar o módulo requisitado!"],"Error":["Erro"],"Expand":["Expandir"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permissões insuficientes para criar conteúdo!"],"Invalid request.":["Requisição inválida."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Parece que você pode ter tomado o caminho errado."],"Keyword:":["Palavra-chave:"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Latest news":["Últimas notícias"],"Login":["Login","Entrar"],"Logout":["Sair"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["O módulo não está habilitado para este container!"],"My profile":["Meu perfil"],"New profile image":["Nova imagem de perfil"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nada foi encontrado."],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Results":["Resultados"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Search for users and spaces":["Busca por usuários e espaços"],"Show more results":["Mostre mais resultados"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Desculpe, nada foi encontrado!"],"Space not found!":["Espaço não encontrado!"],"User Approvals":["Aprovações de Usuários"],"User not found!":["Usuário não encontrado!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bem vindo a %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Você não pode criar conteúdo com visibilidade pública!"],"Your daily summary":["Seu resumo diário"],"Login required":["Login Requerido"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Você não tem permissão para executar esta ação."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["O array global {global} foi limpo utilizando o método {method}."],"Upload error":["Upload erro"],"Close":["Fechar"],"Add image/file":["Adicionar imagem / arquivo"],"Add link":["Adicionar Link"],"Bold":["Negrito"],"Code":["Código"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Digite uma URL"],"Heading":["Título"],"Image":["Imagem"],"Image/File":["Imagem/Arquivo"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Inserir Hyperlink"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Inserir imagem com Hyperlink"],"Italic":["Itálico"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Por favor aguarde enquanto o arquivo é carregado"],"Preview":["Pré-visualizar"],"Quote":["Cota"],"Target":["Alvo"],"Title":["Título"],"Title of your link":["Título do seu link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Código aqui"],"emphasized text":["Texto enfatizado"],"enter image description here":["Insira a descrição da imagem aqui"],"enter image title here":["Insira o título da imagem aqui"],"enter link description here":["Insira a descrição do link aqui"],"heading text":["Texto do cabeçalho "],"list text here":["Listar texto aqui"],"quote here":["Citação aqui"],"strong text":["Negrito"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Não foi possível criar a atividade para este tipo de objeto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% criou o novo espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% criou este espaço."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% entrou no espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% entrou neste espaço."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% deixou o espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% deixou este espaço."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} agora segue {user2}."],"see online":["ver online","ver on-line"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Últimas atividades"],"There are no activities yet.":["Não há atividades ainda."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n \n sua conta foi ativada.
\n \n Clique aqui para acessar:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Atenciosamente
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n \n Seu cadastro foi recusado.
\n \n Atenciosamente
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Pedido de cadastro de '{displayName}' foi recusado."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Pedido de cadastro de '{displayName}' foi recusado."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n\n Sua conta foi ativada.
\n\n Clique aqui para acessar:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Atenciosamente,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá, {displayName},
\n\n Seu pedido de acesso foi recusado.
\n\n Atenciosamente,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Grupo não encontrado!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Não pode instalar o primeiro módulo! O módulo está protegido."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["O caminho do módulo %path% não tem permissão de escrita!"],"Saved":["Salvo"],"Database":["Banco de dados"],"No theme":["Sem tema"],"APC":["APC","Cache Alternativo PHP (APC)"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Não pode carregar o LDAP! - Verifique a extensão PHP"],"File":["Arquivo"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Sem cache (Somente teste!)","Sem cache(Apenas testando!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Nenhum - mostra uma lista no registro de usuário."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Salvo e cache descarregado."],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Become this user":["Torne-se este usuário"],"Delete":["Excluir","Apagar"],"Disabled":["Desabilitado"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Save":["Salvar"],"Unapproved":["Não aprovado"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Você não pode se excluir!"],"Could not load category.":["Não foi possível carregar a categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Você só pode apagar categorias vazias!"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Message":["Mensagem"],"Subject":["Assunto"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Atributo de e-mail"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Habilitar suporte LDAP"],"Encryption":["Criptografia","Encriptação"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Fetch/Update usuários automaticamente"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Filtro de login"],"Password":["Senha"],"Port":["Porta"],"User Filer":["Usuário arquivado"],"Username":["Nome de usuário","Nome do usuário"],"Username Attribute":["Atributo do nome do usuário"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Permitir acesso limitado para usuários não autenticados (convidados)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Usuários anônimos podem se registrar"],"Default user group for new users":["Grupo de usuário padrão para novos usuários"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tempo máximo de espera antes de sair (em segundos, opcional)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilidade padrão do perfil do usuário"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Membros podem convidar usuários externos por email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Exigir aprovação do grupo de administração após o registro"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Idioma padrão"],"Default space":["Espaço padrão"],"Invalid space":["Espaço inválido"],"Logo upload":["Enviar logomarca"],"Name of the application":["Nome da aplicação"],"Server Timezone":["Fuso horário do servidor"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostrar tour de introdução para novos usuários"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Possibilitar ao usuário postar no painel"],"Cache Backend":["Backend de cache"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tempo para expirar (em segundos)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensão PHP APC faltando - Tipo não disponível!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extensão PHP SQLite3 faltando - Tipo não disponível!"],"Dropdown space order":["Ordem da lista de espaços"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Tamanho padrão da paginação (Resultados por página)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Exibir Nome (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Permitir extensões de arquivo"],"Convert command not found!":["Comando de conversão não encontrado!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Recebeu uma resposta inválida do Image Magick! - Comando correto?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Ocultar informações do arquivo (nome, tamanho) para imagens no muro"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Ocultar widget de lista de arquivos ao exibir arquivos para estes objetos no muro."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando de conversão do Image Magick (opcional)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Altura máxima de pré-visualização da imagem (em pixels, opcional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Largura máxima de pré-visualização da imagem (em pixels, opcional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Tamanho máximo de arquivo (em MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usar X-Sendfile para baixar arquivos"],"Administrator users":["Administrador dos usuários"],"Description":["Descrição"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Name":["Nome"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Permitir certificados auto assinados?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Email que irá enviar"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nome que irá enviar"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo de Transporte de Email"],"Port number":["Número da porta"],"Endpoint Url":["Final da URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefixo da URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Nenhum servidor proxy"],"Server":["Servidor"],"User":["Usuário"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins podem apagar cada conteúdo de objeto"],"Default Join Policy":["Política Padrão de Adesão"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilidade Padrão"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML Rastreamento de código"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["O directório para o módulo %moduleId% já existe!"],"Could not extract module!":["Não foi possível extrair módulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível obter lista de módulos online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível obter informações do módulo online! (erro%%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Download do módulo falhou!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["O diretório do módulo %modulePath% não é gravável!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Módulo de download falhou! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Nenhuma versão compatível do módulo foi encontrada!","Nenhuma versão compatível do módulo encontrado!"],"Activated":["Ativado"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nenhum módulo instalado ainda. Instale alguns para melhorar a funcionalidade!"],"Version:":["Versão:"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"No modules found!":["Nenhum módulo encontrado!"],"search for available modules online":["procurar por módulos disponíveis online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Todos os módulos estão atualizados!"],"About HumHub":["Sobre HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versão instalada: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub está em modo debug. Desabilite isso quando no mode de produção!"],"Licences":["Licenças"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Veja o manual de instalação para maiores detalhes(rá!)."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Uma nova atualização está disponível! (Versão mais recente: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Esta instalação do HumHum está atualizada!"],"Accept":["Aceitar"],"Decline":["Recusar"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aceitar usuário: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Send & save":["Enviar e salvar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Recusar e apagar o usuário: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Busca por e-mail","Buscar por e-mail"],"Search for username":["Busca por nome de usuário","Buscar por nome de usuário"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprovações de usuários pendentes "],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Aqui você pode ver todos os usuários que se cadastraram e ainda estão aguardando por aprovação."],"Delete group":["Apagar grupo"],"Delete group":["Apagar grupo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Para apagar o grupo \"{group}\" você precisa definir um grupo alternativo para os usuários existentes:"],"Create new group":["Criar novo grupo"],"Edit group":["Modificar grupo"],"Group name":["Nome do Grupo"],"Search for description":["Buscar pela descrição"],"Search for group name":["Buscar pelo nome do grupo"],"Manage groups":["Gerenciar grupos"],"Create new group":["Criar novo grupo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Você pode dividir os usuários em diferentes grupos (por equipes, departamentos, etc.) e definir espaços padrões e administradores para eles."],"Error logging":["Erro logging"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Exibindo {count} entradas por página."],"Flush entries":["Flush entradas"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total de {count} entradas encontradas."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Módulos de extensão de funcionalidade do HumHub. Aqui você pode instalar e gerenciar módulos do HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Atualizações disponíveis"],"Browse online":["Encontrar online"],"Module details":["Detalhes do módulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Este módulo não fornece maiores informações."],"Processing...":["Processando..."],"Modules directory":["Diretório dos Módulos"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo serão perdidos!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* dados e arquivos de módulo relacionados serão perdidos!"],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Disable":["Desabilitar"],"Enable":["Habilitar"],"Enable module...":["Habilitar módulo..."],"More info":["Mais informações"],"Set as default":["Marcar como padrão"],"Uninstall":["Desinstalar"],"Install":["Instalar"],"Installing module...":["Instalando módulo..."],"Latest compatible version:":["Última versão compatível"],"Latest version:":["Última versão"],"Installed version:":["Versão instalada:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Última versão compatível:"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Updating module...":["Atualizando módulo..."],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Definir como módulo padrão"],"Always activated":["Sempre ativado"],"Deactivated":["Desativado"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Aqui você pode escolher se quer ou não que um módulo seja ativado automaticamente em um perfil do espaço ou usuário. Se o módulo deve ser ativado, escolha \"sempre ativo\"."],"Spaces":["Espaços"],"User Profiles":["Perfis de Usuário"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Está disponível uma nova versão do HumHub: (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Autenticação - Básica"],"Basic":["Básico"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Valor mínimo é de 20 segundos. Se não for definido, a sessão será interrompida após 1400 segundo (24 minutos), independentemente da atividade (tempo limite de sessão padrão)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Apenas aplicável quando o acesso limitado para usuários não-autenticados está habilitado. Afeta apenas novos usuários."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Autenticação - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["A TLS/SSL é fortemente favorecido em ambientes de produção para evitar senhas de ser transmitida em texto puro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define o filtro a ser aplicado, quando o login é feito. %uid substitui o nome de usuário no processo de login. Exemplo: "sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Atributo LDAP para e-mail. Padrão: "mail""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atributo LDAP para usuário. Exemplo: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limitar o acesso aos utilizadores que cumpram esse critério. Exemplo: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Erro! (Mensagem: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Usuários)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["A base padrão DN utilizado para a busca de contas."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["A senha padrão (usada apenas com nome de usuário acima)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["O Username padrão. Alguns servidores exigem que este seja em forma DN. Isso deve ser dada de forma DN se o servidor LDAP requer uma DN para ligar e deve ser possível com usernames simples."],"Cache Settings":["Configurações de cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salvar & Flush Caches"],"CronJob settings":["Configurações de tarefas Agendadas"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab do usuário: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Última execução (daily):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Última execução (hourly):"],"Never":["Nunca"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ou Crontab de usuário root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Por favor, certifique-se os seguintes cronjobs estão instalados:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabética"],"Last visit":["Última visita"],"Design settings":["Configurações de aparência"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Primeiro e último nome (p. ex. João Silva)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nome de usuário (p. ex. João)"],"File settings":["Configurações de arquivos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para exibir a lista de arquivos para todos os objetos no muro."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Biblioteca de Imagem Atual: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Caso não esteja marcado, a altura padrão se tornará 200 pixels."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Caso não esteja marcado, a largura padrão se tornará 200 pixels."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["O PHP permite um máximo de {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Configurações básicas"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirme apagar imagem","Confirme apagar a imagem"],"Dashboard":["Painel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["P. ex. http://exemplo.com.br/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Novos usuários serão automaticamente adicionados a estes espaço(s)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Você não está usando uma logomarca atualmente. Envie sua logomarca agora."],"Mailing defaults":["Emails padrões"],"Activities":["Atividades"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Resumo diário","Resumo do dia"],"Defaults":["Padrões"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definir padrões quando um usuário receber e-mails sobre as notificações ou novas atividades. Esta configuração pode ser substituída pelos usuários em nas configurações de conta."],"Notifications":["Notificações"],"Server Settings":["Configurações do Servidor"],"When I´m offline":["Quando eu estiver offline","Quando estiver offline"],"Mailing settings":["Configurações de Email"],"SMTP Options":["Opções de SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Provedor OEmbed "],"Add new provider":["Adicionar novo provedor"],"Currently active providers:":["Provedores atualmente ativos:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Atualmente nenhum provedor está ativo!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Adicionar Provedor OEmbed "],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Editar Provedot OEmbed "],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefixo sem http: // ou https: // (p. ex. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Use %url% como placeholder para URL. Formato precisa ser JSON. (por exemplo http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Configurações de Proxy "],"Security settings and roles":["Configurações e regras de Segurança "],"Self test":["Auto teste"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verificando os pré-requisitos de software HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Re-executar testes"],"Statistic settings":["Configurações de Estatísticas "],"All":["Todos"],"Delete space":["Apagar espaço"],"Edit space":["Modificar espaço"],"Search for space name":["Buscar pelo nome do espaço"],"Search for space owner":["Buscar pelo dono do espaço"],"Space name":["Nome do espaço"],"Space owner":["Proprietário do espaço"],"View space":["Visualizar espaço"],"Manage spaces":["Gerenciar espaços"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Defina aqui configurações padrão para novos espaços."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Nesta visão geral você pode encontrar todos os espaços e gerenciá-los."],"Overview":["Visão global"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Space Settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"Add user":["Adicionar usuário"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Tem certeza de que deseja apagar este usuário? Se este usuário for dono de um ou mais espaços, você se tornará dono destes espaços."],"Delete user":["Apagar usuário"],"Delete user: {username}":["Apagar usuário: {username}"],"Edit user":["Editar usuário"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Apagar conta do usuário"],"Edit user account":["Modificar conta do usuário"],"No":["Não"],"View user profile":["Visualizar perfil de usuário"],"Yes":["Sim"],"Manage users":["Gerenciando usuários"],"Add new user":["Adicionar novo usuário"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Nesta visão geral você pode encontrar todos os utilizadores registados e controlá-los."],"Create new profile category":["Criar nova categoria de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Modificar categoria de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Criar novo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Modificar campo de perfil"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gerenciar campos dos perfis"],"Add new category":["Adicionar nova categoria"],"Add new field":["Adicionar novo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Segurança e Regras"],"Administration menu":["Menu de administração"],"About":["Sobre"],"Authentication":["Autenticação"],"Caching":["Fazer cache"],"Cron jobs":["Tarefas agendadas"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Arquivos"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Logging":["Registros de Log","Registro de log"],"Mailing":["Correspondência"],"Modules":["Módulos"],"OEmbed Provider":["Provedor OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Auto-teste e atualização"],"Statistics":["Estatísticas"],"User approval":["Aprovação de Usuários"],"User profiles":["Perfis de usuário"],"Users":["Usuários"],"Click here to review":["Clique aqui para rever"],"New approval requests":["Novas solicitações de aprovação"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Um ou mais usuários necessitam da sua aprovação como administrador de grupo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Não foi possível excluir o comentário!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe de destino inválida"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id são obrigatórios!"],"Target not found!":["Alvo não encontrado!"],"Access denied!":["Acesso negado!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permissões insuficientes!"],"Comment":["Comentar"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% escreveu um novo comentário"],"Comments":["Comentários"],"Edit your comment...":["Editar seu comentário..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% também comentou o %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% comentou %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostrar todos {total} comentários."],"Post":["Post"],"Write a new comment...":["Escreva um novo comentário..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostrar mais %count% comentários"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de comentário"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Você realmente deseja apagar este comentário?"],"Updated :timeago":["Atualizado :timeago","atualizado :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} criou um(a) novo(a) {contentTitle}."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["O número máximo de itens fixados foi atingido!\n\nVocê só pode fixar dois itens no máximo. \nPara fixar este item, desafixe outro item."],"Could not load requested object!":["Não foi possível carregar o objeto solicitado!"],"Invalid model given!":["Modelo inválido fornecido!"],"Unknown content class!":["Classe de conteúdo desconhecida!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Não foi possível encontrar o conteúdo solicitado!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Não foi possível encontrar o link solicitado!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} criou um novo {contentTitle}."],"in":["em"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nada foi encontrado com os filtros utilizados!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nada aqui ainda!"],"Move to archive":["Mover para arquivar"],"Unarchive":["Desarquivar"],"Add a member to notify":["Adicionar um membro para notificar"],"Make private":["Tornar privado"],"Make public":["Tornar público"],"Notify members":["Notificar membros"],"Public":["Público"],"What's on your mind?":["O que se passa em sua mente?","O que se passa na sua mente?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirma exclusão do post"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Você realmente deseja excluir este post? Todos os comentários e curtidas serão perdidos!","Você realmente quer excluir esta postagem? Todas as curtidas e comentários serão perdidos!"],"Archived":["Arquivado"],"Sticked":["Fixado"],"Turn off notifications":["Desativar notificações"],"Turn on notifications":["Ativar notificações"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente para este post"],"Permalink":["Link permanente","Link perene"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente para esta página"],"Stick":["Fixar"],"Unstick":["Desafixar"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ninguém escreveu algo ainda.
Seja o primeiro a postar algo..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["O stream desse perfil ainda está vazio b>"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Este espaço ainda está vazio! b>
Poste algo aqui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":[" O seu painel está vazio! b>
poste algo em seu perfil e inscreva-se em alguns espaços!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["O seu fluxo de perfil ainda está vazio b>
Comece e postar alguma coisa..."],"Back to stream":["Voltar ao stream","Voltar para o stream"],"Content with attached files":["Conteúdo com arquivos anexados"],"Created by me":["Criado por mim"],"Creation time":["Hora de criação"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Incluir posts arquivados"],"Last update":["Última atualização"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nada que corresponda ao seu filtro atual foi encontrado!"],"Only private posts":["Somente posts privados"],"Only public posts":["Somente post públicos"],"Posts only":["Somente posts"],"Posts with links":["Posts com links"],"Show all":["Exibir todos"],"Sorting":["Ordenar","Ordenando"],"Where I´m involved":["Onde estou envolvido"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nenhum conteúdo foi encontrado!"],"Directory":["Diretório"],"Member Group Directory":["Membro - Diretório de Grupos"],"show all members":["exibir todos os membros"],"Directory menu":["Menu"],"Members":["Membros","Usuários"],"User profile posts":["Posts dos usuários"],"Member directory":["Usuários"],"Follow":["Seguir"],"No members found!":["Nenhum usuário foi encontrado!"],"Unfollow":["Deixar de seguir"],"search for members":["procurar usuários"],"Space directory":["Espaço"],"No spaces found!":["Nenhum espaço encontrado!"],"You are a member of this space":["Você é um membro deste espaço"],"search for spaces":["busca por espaços"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Não há posts em seu perfil ainda!"],"Group stats":["Estatística de Grupo"],"Average members":["Média de membros"],"Top Group":["Top Grupo"],"Total groups":["Total de grupos"],"Member stats":["Estatística de Usuário"],"New people":["Novos usuários"],"Follows somebody":["Segue alguém"],"Online right now":["online agora"],"Total users":["Total de usuários"],"See all":["Ver todos"],"New spaces":["Novos espaços"],"Space stats":["Estatística de Espaços"],"Most members":["Possui mais usuários"],"Private spaces":["Espaços privados"],"Total spaces":["Total de espaços"],"Could not find requested file!":["Não foi possível encontrar o arquivo solicitado!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permissões insuficientes!"],"Created By":["Criado por"],"Created at":["Criado em"],"File name":["Nome do arquivo"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type inválido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Tamanho máximo do arquivo ({maxFileSize}) foi ultrapassado!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Tamanho"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Este tipo de arquivo não é permitido!"],"Updated at":["Atualizado em"],"Updated by":["Atualizado por"],"Could not upload File:":["Não foi possível fazer o upload do arquivo:"],"Upload files":["Fazer upload de arquivos"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista de arquivos já enviados:"],"Create Admin Account":["Criar conta de Administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nome de sua rede"],"Name of Database":["Nome do banco de dados"],"Admin Account":["Conta de Administrador"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Está quase pronto. Na última etapa, você tem que preencher o formulário para criar uma conta de administrador. Com esta conta você pode gerenciar toda a rede."],"Next":["Avançar"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Naturalmente, a sua nova rede social precisa de um nome. Por favor, altere o nome padrão por um que você gosta. (Por exemplo, o nome da sua empresa, organização ou clube)"],"Social Network Name":["Nome da Rede Social"],"Setup Complete":["Configuração Completa"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Parabéns. Você terminou."],"Sign in":["Entrar"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["A instalação foi concluída com sucesso! Divirta-se com sua nova rede social."],"Setup Wizard":["Assistente de Configurações"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bem-vindo ao HumHub
Sua ferramenta de Rede Social"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Este assistente irá instalar e configurar sua própria instância HumHub.
Para continuar, clique em Avançar."],"Database Configuration":["Banco de Dados Configuração"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Abaixo, você terá que digitar os detalhes da conexão de banco de dados. Se você não tem certeza sobre isso, por favor, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname do seu Servidor de Banco de Dados MySQL (ex. localhost se o MySQL está sendo executado na mesma máquina)"],"Initializing database...":["Preparando o banco de dados..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, algo deu errado!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["O nome do banco de dados que você deseja executar o HumHub."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Yes, a conexão com o banco de dados funcionou!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Sua senha MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Seu usuário MySQL"],"System Check":["Verificação do Sistema"],"Check again":["Verificar novamente"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Parabéns! Está tudo ok e pronto para recomeçar!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Esta visão geral mostra todos os requisitos do sistema de HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Não foi possível localizar a classe alvo!"],"Could not find target record!":["Não foi possível localizar o alvo record!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe inválida!"],"Users who like this":["Usuários que curtiram isso"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} curtiu {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% também curtiu %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% curtiu %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" curtiu isso."],"You like this.":["Vocêcurtiu isso."],"You
"],"Like":["Curtir"],"Unlike":["Descurtir"],"and {count} more like this.":["e mais {count} curtiram isso."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Não foi possível determinar redirecionamento de url para este tipo de objeto de origem!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Não foi possível carregar notificação do objeto de origem para redirecionar para!"],"New":["Novo","Nova"],"Mark all as seen":["Marcar tudo como visto"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Ainda não há notificações."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% criou um novo post.."],"Edit your post...":["Edite seu post..."],"Read full post...":["Ler post completo..."],"Search results":["Resultados da pesquisa"],"Content":["Conteúdo"],"Send & decline":["Enviar & recusar"],"Visible for all":["Visível para todos"]," Invite and request":["Convite"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Não foi possível excluir o usuário que é dono de um espaço! Nome do espaço: {spacename}"],"Everyone can enter":["Todo mundo pode entrar"],"Invite and request":["Convite"],"Only by invite":["Só por convite"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privado (invisível)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Público (Membros e Convidados)"],"Public (Members only)":["Público (Apenas membros)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Público (Apenas usuários registrados)"],"Public (Visible)":["Público (Visível)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visível para todos (membros e convidados)"],"Space is invisible!":["Espaço está invisível!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Você precisa logar para ver o conteúdo deste espaço!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Como proprietário, você não pode revogar a sua inscrição!"],"Could not request membership!":["Não foi possível solicitar a inscrição!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Não existe convite pendente!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Esta ação está disponível apenas para os membros do workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Você não tem permissão para se entrar neste espaço!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Título para o espaço já está em uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["Sua senha"],"Invites":["Convites"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Novo usuário por e-mail (separados por vírgula)"],"User is already member!":["Usuário já é membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} já está registrado!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} não é válido!"],"Application message":["Mensagem da aplicação"],"Scope":["Escopo"],"Strength":["Título"],"Created At":["Criado em"],"Join Policy":["Política de acesso"],"Owner":["Dono","Proprietário"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Modificado em"],"Visibility":["Visibilidade"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Você não pode criar espaços visíveis privados!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Você não pode criar espaços públicos visíveis!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecione a área da imagem que você deseja salvar como avatar do usuário e clique em Salvar."],"Modify space image":["Mudar imagem do espaço"],"Delete space":["Excluir espaço"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tem a certeza que quer deletar este espaço? Todo o conteúdo publicado será removido!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Por favor, forneça sua senha para continuar!"],"General space settings":["Configurações gerais do espaço"],"Archive":["Arquivar"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Escolha o tipo de associação que você deseja fornecer para este espaço."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Escolha o nível de segurança para este espaço para definir a visibilidade."],"Manage your space members":["Gerenciar os membros do seu espaço"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Convites Pendentes"],"Outstanding user requests":["Solicitações de usuários pendentes"],"Remove member":["Remover membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Permitir que este usuário
convide outros usuários"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Permitir que este usuário
crie conteúdo público"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Tem certeza que deseja remover este membro deste espaço?"],"Can invite":["Pode convidar"],"Can share":["Pode compartilhar"],"Change space owner":["Alterar a proprietário do espaço"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Os usuários externos convidados por e-mail, não serão listadas aqui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Na área abaixo, você vê todos os membros ativos deste espaço. Você pode editar os seus privilégios ou removê-lo."],"Is admin":["É admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Fazer este usuário um administrador"],"No, cancel":["Não, cancelar"],"Remove":["Remover"],"Request message":["Mensagem de solicitação"],"Revoke invitation":["Revogar convite"],"Search members":["Procurar membros"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Os seguintes usuários estão à espera de uma aprovação para entrar neste espaço. Por favor, tome alguma ação agora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Os seguintes usuários já foram convidados para este espaço, mas ainda não aceitaram o convite."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["O proprietário do espaço é o super administrador de um espaço com todos os privilégios e, normalmente, o criador do espaço. Aqui você pode alterar esse papel para outro usuário."],"Yes, remove":["Sim, excluir"],"Space Modules":["Módulo de Espaço"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo para este espaço vai ser apagado!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Atualmente não há módulos disponíveis para este espaço!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Melhorar este espaço com módulos."],"Create new space":["Criar novo espaço"],"Advanced access settings":["Configurações avançadas de acesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Configurações de pesquisa avançada"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Os não-membros também poderão visualizar este
espaço, mas não terão acesso"],"Create":["Criar"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Qualquer usuário pode entrar no seu espaço
sem a sua aprovação"],"For everyone":["Para todos"],"How you want to name your space?":["Como você quer chamar o seu espaço?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Por favor, escreva uma pequena descrição para os usuários."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Este espaço será escondido
para todos os não-membros"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Os usuários também podem se inscrever
para ser membro deste espaço"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Os usuários podem ser adicionados apenas
por convite"],"space description":["descrição do espaço"],"space name":["nome do espaço"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} solicitou adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName}, a sua inscrição para o espaço {spaceName} foi aprovada"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName}, o seu pedido de adesão para o espaço {spaceName} foi recusado"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} convidou-o para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} aceitou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} recusou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Este espaço ainda está vazio!"],"Accept Invite":["Aceitar Convite"],"Become member":["Seja membro"],"Cancel membership":["Cancelar assinatura como membro"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancelar pedido pendente de adesão"],"Deny Invite":["Recusar Convite"],"Request membership":["Pedido de adesão"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Você é o proprietário deste espaço."],"created by":["criado por"],"Invite members":["Convidar membros"],"Add an user":["Adicionar um usuário"],"Email addresses":["Endereço de e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Convidar por e-mail"],"New user?":["Novo usuário?"],"Pick users":["Escolher usuários"],"Send":["Enviar"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Para convidar usuários para este espaço, por favor digite os nomes abaixo para encontrá-los e adicioná-los."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Você também pode convidar usuários externos, que não estão cadastrados na rede. Basta adicionar os seus endereços de e-mail separados por vírgula."],"Request space membership":["Solicitar adesão ao espaço"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Por favor, apresente-se em breve, para se tornar um membro aprovado deste espaço."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["O seu pedido foi enviado com sucesso para os administradores do espaço."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["O usuário se tornou um membro."],"User has been invited.":["O usuário foi convidado."],"User has not been invited.":["O usuário não foi convidado."],"Back to workspace":["Voltar para o espaço"],"Space preferences":["Preferências do Espaço"],"General":["Geral"],"My Space List":["Minha lista de espaços"],"My space summary":["Meu resumo do espaço"],"Space directory":["Espaço"],"Space menu":["Menu do Espaço"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Mudar imagem"],"Current space image":["Imagem atual do espaço"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem da capa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem de perfil?"],"Invite":["Convite"],"Something went wrong":["Algo deu errado"],"Followers":["Seguidores"],"Posts":["Postagens"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Por favor, apresente-se em breve para tornar-se um membro aprovado deste espaço."],"Request workspace membership":["Pedido de adesão ao espaço"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["O seu pedido foi enviado com sucesso para os administradores do espaço."],"Create new space":["Criar novo espaço"],"My spaces":["Meus espaços"],"Space info":["Informações do espaço"],"more":["mais"],"Accept invite":["Aceitar convite"],"Deny invite":["Recusar convite"],"Leave space":["Deixar espaço"],"New member request":["Novo pedido de membro"],"Space members":["Membros do espaço","Membros do Espaço"],"End guide":["Fim do guia"],"Next »":["Próximo »"],"« Prev":["« Anterior"],"Administration":["Administração"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Uhuuu! Isso é tudo por agora."],"Modules":["Módulos"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Como administrador, você pode gerenciar toda a plataforma a partir daqui.
Além dos módulos, nós não estamos indo para cada ponto em detalhes, pois cada um tem a sua própria descrição em outro lugar."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Você está atualmente no menu de ferramentas. A partir daqui você pode acessar o mercado online HumHub, onde você pode instalar um número cada vez maior de ferramentas on-the-fly.
Como já mencionado, as ferramentas para aumentar os recursos disponíveis para o seu espaço."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Você já aprendeu sobre todas as características e configurações mais importantes e está tudo pronto para começar a utilizar a plataforma.
Esperamos que você e todos os futuros usuários gostem de usar este site. Nós estamos olhando para a frente e quaisquer sugestões ou apoio que desejam oferecer para o nosso projeto. Não hesite em contactar-nos através do www.humhub.org.
Fique atento. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Painel"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Este é o seu painel.
Quaisquer novas atividades ou mensagens que possam lhe interessar serão exibidos aqui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administração(Módulos)"],"Edit account":["Editar conta"],"Hurray! The End.":["Uhuu! The End."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Uhuuu! Você concluiu!"],"Profile menu":["Menu do perfil","Menu do Perfil"],"Profile photo":["Foto do perfil"],"Profile stream":["Stream do perfil"],"User profile":["Perfil do usuário"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clique neste botão para atualizar suas configurações de perfil e de conta. Você também pode adicionar mais informações ao seu perfil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Cada perfil tem a sua própria pin board. Seus posts também aparecerão nos painéis dos usuários que estão seguindo você."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Assim como no espaço, o perfil do usuário pode ser personalizado com vários módulos.
Você pode ver quais módulos estão disponíveis para o seu perfil, olhando-os em \"Módulos\" no menu de configurações da conta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Este é o seu perfil de usuário público, que pode ser visto por qualquer usuário registrado."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Para carregar uma nova foto de perfil, basta clicar aqui ou por drag&drop. Faça a mesma coisa para atualizar sua foto da capa."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Você completou o guia de perfil do usuário!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Você completou o guia perfil de usuário!
Para continuar com o guia de administração, clique aqui:
"],"Most recent activities":["Atividades mais recentes"],"Posts":["Posts"],"Profile Guide":["Guia do Perfil"],"Space":["Espaço"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu de navegação do Espaço"],"Writing posts":["Escrevendo posts"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Você acabou."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Todos os usuários que são um membro deste espaço serão exibidos aqui.
Os novos membros podem ser adicionados por qualquer pessoa que tenha sido dado direitos de acesso pelo administrador."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dê a outros usuários uma breve ideia do que trata o espaço. Você pode adicionar as informações básicas aqui.
O administrador do espaço pode inserir e alterar foto da capa do espaço clicando sobre ele ou por drag & drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Novos posts podem ser escritos e publicados aqui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Assim que você entrar ou criar um novo espaço, pode discutir temas ou apenas compartilhar informações com outros usuários.
Existem várias ferramentas para personalizar um espaço, tornando assim o processo de comunicação mais fluido."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Isso é tudo para o guia espaço
Para continuar com o guia de perfil de usuário, clique aqui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["É aqui que você pode navegar no espaço - Onde você encontra os módulos que estão ativos ou disponíveis para o espaço está acessando atualmente. Estes poderiam ser enquetes, tarefas ou notas por exemplo
Só o administrador pode gerenciar os módulos do espaço."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Este menu só é visível para os administradores do espaço. Aqui você pode gerenciar suas configurações, adicionar/bloquear membros e ativar/desativar ferramentas para este espaço."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Para mantê-lo atualizado, as atividades mais recentes de outros usuários deste espaço serão exibidas aqui."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["As suas, e posts de outros usuários aparecerão aqui.
estas podem ser curtidas e/ou comentadas."],"Account Menu":["Menu da Conta"],"Notifications":["Notificações"],"Space Menu":["Menu do Espaço"],"Start space guide":["Iniciar guia do espaço"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Não perder a noção das coisas!
Este ícone irá mantê-lo informado sobre as atividades e os posts que dizem respeito diretamente a você."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["O menu conta dá acesso às suas configurações privadas e permite-lhe gerenciar o seu perfil público."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Este é o menu mais importante e, provavelmente, vai ser o que você usará com mais frequência.
Permite acessar todos os espaços que você faz parte e criar novos espaços.
O próximo guia vai te mostrar como fazer:"]," Remove panel":["Remover o painel"],"Getting Started":["Primeiros Passos"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guia: Administração(Módulos)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guia: visão geral"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guia: Espaços"],"Guide: User profile":["Guia:Perfil do usuário"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Conheça este ambiente em torno das características mais importantes com os seguintes guias:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Esta conta de usuário não foi aprovada ainda!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Você precisa fazer o login para visualizar este perfil do usuário!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Sua senha está incorreta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Você não pode mudar sua senha aqui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link inválido! Certifique-se de que você digitou a URL inteira."],"Save profile":["Salvar perfil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["O endereço de e-mail inserido já está em uso por outro usuário."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Você não pode mudar seu endereço de e-mail aqui."],"Account":["Conta"],"Create account":["Criar uma conta"],"Current password":["Senha atual"],"E-Mail change":["Mudança de e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Novo endereço de e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Enviar atividades ?"],"Send notifications?":["Enviar notificações ?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Usuário/email ou senha incorreto."],"New password":["Nova senha"],"New password confirm":["Confirmação de nova senha"],"Remember me next time":["Lembre-se de mim na próxima vez"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["A sua conta não foi ativada pela nossa equipe ainda."],"Your account is suspended.":["Sua conta está suspensa."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Não é possível recuperar a senha no seu tipo de conta!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperação de senha"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" não foi encontrado!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mail já cadastrado! - Tente Esqueceu a senha."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Ocultar o painel no painel de controle"],"Invalid language!":["Idioma inválido!","Língua inválida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilidade do perfil"],"TimeZone":["Fuso horário"],"Default Space":["Espaço padrão"],"Group Administrators":["Administradores do grupo"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membros podem criar espaços privados"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membros podem criar espaços públicos"],"Birthday":["Aniversário"],"Custom":["Personalizar"],"Female":["Feminino"],"Gender":["Gênero"],"Hide year in profile":["Esconder idade no perfil"],"Male":["Masculino"],"City":["Cidade"],"Country":["País"],"Facebook URL":["URL Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Primeiro nome"],"Flickr URL":["URL Flickr"],"Google+ URL":["URL Google+"],"Lastname":["Sobrenome"],"LinkedIn URL":["URL LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Celular"],"MySpace URL":["URL MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Telefone particular"],"Phone Work":["Telefone empresarial"],"Skype Nickname":["Apelido no Skype"],"State":["Estado"],"Street":["Endereço"],"Twitter URL":["URL Twitter"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["URL Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Endereço XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["URL Xing"],"Youtube URL":["URL Youtube"],"Zip":["CEP"],"Created by":["Criado por"],"Editable":["Editável"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Campo Tipo não pode ser mudado!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo de campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome Interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Nome interno está em uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Nome interno não pode ser mudado!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo de campo inválido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Atributo LDAP"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Somente caracteres alfanuméricos são permitidos!"],"Profile Field Category":["Campo da categoria perfil"],"Required":["Obrigatório"],"Show at registration":["Mostrar na inscrição"],"Sort order":["Ordem de classificação","Ordenar"],"Translation Category ID":["ID da categoria tradução"],"Type Config":["Tipo de configuração"],"Visible":["Visível"],"Communication":["Comunicação"],"Social bookmarks":["Bookmarks sociais"],"Datetime":["Data e hora"],"Number":["Número"],"Select List":["Selecione a lista"],"Text":["Texto"],"Text Area":["Área de Texto"],"%y Years":["%y Anos"],"Birthday field options":["Opções do campo aniversário"],"Date(-time) field options":["Date(-time) opções de campo"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostrar data/hora"],"Maximum value":["Valor máximo"],"Minimum value":["Valor mínimo"],"Number field options":["Opções do campo Número"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Uma opção por linha. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Selecione"],"Possible values":["Valores possíveis"],"Select field options":["Opções do campo de seleção"],"Default value":["Valor padrão"],"Maximum length":["Comprimento máximo"],"Minimum length":["Comprimento mínimo"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expressão regular: Mensagem de erro"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expressão regular: Vlidador"],"Text Field Options":["Opções do campo texto"],"Validator":["Validador"],"Text area field options":["Opções do campo text area"],"Authentication mode":["Modo de autenticação"],"New user needs approval":["Novo usuário precisa de aprovação"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Nome de usuário pode conter somente letras, números, espaços e caracteres especiais (+-._)"],"Wall":["Parede"],"Change E-mail":["Mudança de E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["E-mail atual"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Seu e-mail foi alterado com sucesso para {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabamos de enviar um email de confirmação para o novo endereço.
Por favor, siga as instruções contidas nele."],"Change password":["Mudança de senha"],"Password changed":["Senha alterada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modificar a imagem do seu perfil"],"Delete account":["Excluir conta"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Tem a certeza que quer deletar a sua conta?
Todo o seu conteúdo publicado será removido!"],"Delete account":["Excluir conta"],"Enter your password to continue":["Insira sua senha para continuar"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Desculpe, como um proprietário de um espaço, você não pode apagar a sua conta!
Por favor atribua outro proprietário para o(s) espaço(s) ou exclua-os."],"User details":["Detalhes do usuário"],"User modules":["Módulos do Usuário"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo para o seu perfil será excluído!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Melhore o seu perfil com módulos."],"User settings":["Configurações de usuário"],"Getting Started":["Primeiros passos"],"Registered users only":["Somente usuários registrados"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visível para todos (usuários não registrados também)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notificações de Área de Trabalho"],"Email Notifications":["Notificações por E-mail"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Receba notificações de Área de Trabalho quando estiver online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Receba um e-mail, por todas as atividades de outros usuários que você segue ou trabalham
juntos em espaços de trabalho."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Receba um e-mail, quando outros usuários comentarem ou gostarem de suas respostas."],"Account registration":["Conta registro"],"Create Account":["Criar conta"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["A sua conta foi criada com sucesso!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Depois da sua conta ser ativada pelo administrador, você receberá uma notificação por e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Ir para a página de login"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Para efetuar o login com a sua nova conta, clique no botão abaixo."],"back to home":["Voltar ao início"],"Please sign in":["Por favor faça o login"],"Sign up":["Crie sua conta"],"Create a new one.":["Criar uma nova"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Não tem uma conta? Junte-se à rede, digitando o seu endereço de e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Esqueceu sua senha?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se você já é membro, por favor, faça o login com seu nome de usuário ou e-mail e senha."],"Register":["Cadastrar"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["senha"],"username or email":["nome do usuário ou e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Recuperação de Senha","Recuperar Senha"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Basta digitar o seu endereço de e-mail que te enviaremos instruções de recuperação!"],"Password recovery":["Recuperação de senha"],"Reset password":["Resetar senha"],"enter security code above":["Digite o código de segurança acima"],"your email":["seu e-mail"],"Password recovery!":["Recuperação de senha!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Enviamos um e-mail contendo um link que lhe permitirá redefinir sua senha."],"Registration successful!":["Cadastrado com sucesso!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Por favor, verifique seu e-mail e siga as instruções!"],"Registration successful":["Cadastro efetuado com sucesso"],"Change your password":["Alterar sua senha"],"Password reset":["Redefinir Senha"],"Change password":["Alterar senha"],"Password reset":["Reconfigurar senha"],"Password changed!":["Senha alterada!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirme seu novo endereço de e-mail"],"Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Hello":["Olá"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Você solicitou a mudança do seu endereço de e-mail.
Seu novo endereço de e-mail é {newemail}.
Para confirmar, por favor clique no botão abaixo."],"Hello {displayName}":["Olá {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Se você não usar este link no prazo de 24 horas, ele irá expirar."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Por favor use o seguinte link no dia seguinte para redefinir sua senha."],"Reset Password":["Resetar Senha"],"Registration Link":["Link para Registro"],"Sign up":["Inscrever-se"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bem vindo a %appName%, Por favor, clique no botão abaixo para prosseguir com o seu registo."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Uma rede social para aumentar a sua rede de comunicação.
Cadastre-se agora\n para aderir a este espaço."],"Sign up now":["Entre agora","Registe-se agora"],"Space Invite":["Convite de espaço"],"You got a space invite":["Você tem convite para um espaço"],"invited you to the space:":["convidou você para o espaço:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} mencionou você em {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} agora está seguindo você."],"About this user":["Sobre esse usuário"],"Modify your title image":["Modificar o título da sua imagem"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Este fluxo de perfil ainda está vazio b>"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem do logotipo?"],"Account settings":["Configurações da Conta"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Editar conta"],"Following":["Seguindo"],"Following user":["Seguindo usuários"],"User followers":["Usuários seguidores"],"Member in these spaces":["Membro nesses espaços"],"User tags":["Tags do Usuário"],"No birthday.":["Nenhum aniversariante."],"Back to modules":["Voltar aos módulos"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo de Aniversário"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["O número de dias para exibição dos próximos aniversários no calendário."],"Tomorrow":["Amanhã"],"Upcoming":["Próximos"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Você pode configurar o número de dias antes dos próximos aniversários para que sejam mostrados no calendário."],"becomes":["tornar-se"],"birthdays":["aniversários"],"days":["dias"],"today":["hoje"],"years old.":["anos de idade."],"Active":["Ativo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marcar como não-visto para todos usuários"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuração Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Você pode usar a sintaxe markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data e hora final"],"Recur":["Lembrete"],"Recur End":["Final do lembrete"],"Recur Interval":["Intervalo do lembrete"],"Recur Type":["Tipo de lembrete"],"Select participants":["Selecionar participantes"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e hora inicial"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Você não tem permissão para acessar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Você não tem permissão para criar eventos!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Adicione um calendário para eventos privados ou públicos em seu perfil e menu principal."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Adicione um evento para este espaço."],"All Day":["Todo dia"],"Attending users":["Confirmaram presença"],"Calendar":["Calendário "],"Declining users":["Não Confirmaram presença"],"End Date":["Data Final"],"End Time":["Hora de término"],"End time must be after start time!":["A hora de término precisa ser depois da hora de início!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento não encontrado!"],"Maybe attending users":["Talvez marcarão presença"],"Participation Mode":["Modo de Participação"],"Start Date":["Data de Inicio"],"Start Time":["Hora de início"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Você não tem permissão para apagar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Você não tem permissão para editar este evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% criou um novo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participou %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% talvez tenha participado %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% não participou %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Data/Hora de Início"],"Create event":["Criar evento"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Obs:Este evento será criado no seu perfil. Para criar um evento em um espaço, abra o calendário do espaço desejado."],"End Date/Time":["Data/Hora Final"],"Everybody can participate":["Todos podem participar"],"No participants":["Sem participantes"],"Participants":["Participantes"],"Created by:":["Criado por:"],"Edit this event":["Editar esse evento"],"I´m attending":["Estou participando"],"I´m maybe attending":["Talvez participarei"],"I´m not attending":["Não vou participar"],"Attend":["Participar"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Maybe":["Talvez"],"Filter events":["Filtrar eventos"],"Select calendars":["Selecionar calendários"],"Already responded":["Já respondeu"],"Followed spaces":["Espaços seguidos"],"Followed users":["Usuários seguidos"],"My events":["Meus eventos"],"Not responded yet":["Ainda não respondeu"],"Upcoming events ":["Próximos eventos"],":count attending":[":count participando"],":count declined":[":count recusado"],":count maybe":[":count talvez"],"Participants:":["Participantes:"],"Create new Page":["Criar nova página"],"Custom Pages":["Personalizar Páginas"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navegação"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Não há páginas personalizadas criadas ainda!"],"Sort Order":["Ordem de Classificação"],"Top Navigation":["Menu Superior"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu da Conta de Usuário (Configurações)"],"Create page":["Criar página"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Ordenação padrão: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Título da página"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["A ordem do item foi alterada com sucesso."],"Toggle view mode":["Alternar modo de visualização"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Você não tem permissão para reordenar categorias!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de categoria"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de link"],"Delete category":["Excluir categoria"],"Delete link":["Excluir link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Você realmente quer apagar esta categoria? Todos os links relacionados serão perdidos!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Você realmente quer apagar este link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Estender validação de link por um teste de conexão."],"Linklist":["Links úteis"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Linklist Módulo de Configuração"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Categoria solicitada não pôde ser encontrada."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Link solicitado não pôde ser encontrado."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Mostrar os links como um widget na direita."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["A categoria que você deseja criar o seu link não foi encontrada!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Ainda não há links ou categorias adicionadas a este espaço."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Você pode ativar a validação estendida de links para um espaço ou usuário."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Você não tem permissão para adicionar/editar links!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Você não tem permissão para apagar esta categoria!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Você não tem permissão para eliminar este link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Você não tem permissão para editar esta categoria!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Você não tem permissão para editar esse link!"],"Messages":["Mensagens"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Você não deveria enviar um e-mail para si! Ora bolas!","Você não pode enviar um e-mail para si!"],"Recipient":["Destinatário"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Você não pode enviar um e-mail para você mesmo! Ora!","Você NÃO PODE enviar um e-mail para si mesmo!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nova mensagem de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["e {counter} outros usuários"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nova mensagem em discussão de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nova mensagem"],"Reply now":["Responder agora"],"sent you a new message:":["enviar uma nova mensagem:"],"sent you a new message in":["enviar uma nova mensagem em"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Adicionar mais participantes na sua conversa ..."],"Add user...":["Adicionar usuário..."],"New message":["Nova mensagem"],"Edit message entry":["Editar mensagem"],"Messagebox":["Caixa de mensagem"],"Inbox":["Caixa de entrada"],"There are no messages yet.":["Não há mensagens ainda."],"Write new message":["Escrever nova mensagem"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmar apagar conversa"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmar deixar conversa"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmar apagar mensagem"],"Add user":["Adicionar usuário"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Você quer realmente apagar esta conversa?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Você realmente quer apagar esta mensagem?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Você quer realmente sair desta conversa?"],"Leave":["Sair"],"Leave discussion":["Deixar discussão"],"Write an answer...":["Escreva uma resposta ..."],"User Posts":["Posts do Usuário"],"Show all messages":["Mostrar todas as mensagens"],"Send message":["Enviar mensagem"],"No users.":["Nenhum usuário."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["O número de usuários não pode ser maior que 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["O número de usuários não pode ser negativo."],"Most active people":["Pessoa mais ativa","Pessoa mais ativa"],"Get a list":["Listar"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Modulo de configuração de usuários mais ativos"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Número máximo de usuários mais ativos que será apresentado."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Você pode configurar o número de usuários para ser apresentado."],"Comments created":["Comentários criados"],"Likes given":["Curtidas dadas"],"Posts created":["Posts criados"],"Notes":["Notas"],"Etherpad API Key":["Chave da API do Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL para Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Não foi possível obter o conteúdo da nota!"],"Could not get note users!":["Não foi possível obter os usuários de nota!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} criou uma nova nota ({noteName})."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} trabalhou na nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["API - Conexão bem sucedida!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Não foi possível conectar-se a API!"],"Current Status:":["Status atual:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo de Notas"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Por favor, leia a documentação do módulo em protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt para mais detalhes!"],"Save & Test":["Salvar & Testar"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["O módulo de notas precisa de um servidor EtherPad Up e executando!"],"Save and close":["Salvar e fechar"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} criou uma nova nota e atribuiu a você."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} trabalhou na nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Abrir nota"],"Title of your new note":["Título da sua nova nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma anotação foi encontrada que coincide com o seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)"],"There are no notes yet!":["Ainda não existem notas!"],"Polls":["Enquete"],"Could not load poll!":["Não foi possível carregar enquete!"],"Invalid answer!":["Resposta inválida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Usuários votaram em: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["A votação para múltiplas respostas está desabilitada!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Você não tem permissões suficientes para executar essa operação!"],"Answers":["Respostas"],"Multiple answers per user":["Múltiplas respostas por usuário"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Especifique pelo menos {min} respostas!"],"Question":["Pergunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} eleito o {question}."],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} respondeu a {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} criou uma nova enquete: {question}."],"User who vote this":["Usuário que vota nesta"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} criou uma nova enquete e atribuiu a você."],"Ask":["Perguntar"],"Reset my vote":["Resetar meu voto"],"Vote":["Votar"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["e mais {count} votos para este."],"votes":["votos"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Permitir várias respostas por usuário?"],"Ask something...":["Pergunte alguma coisa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Possíveis respostas (um por linha)"],"Display all":["Mostrar tudo"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma enquete encontrada que corresponda(m) ao(s) seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Não existem enquetes ainda!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Ainda não existem enquetes!
Seja o primeiro e criar uma..."],"Asked by me":["Enviadas por mim"],"No answered yet":["Ainda não há resposta"],"Only private polls":["Somente pesquisas particulares"],"Only public polls":["Somente sondagens públicas"],"Manage reported posts":["Gerenciar posts reportados"],"Reported posts":["Posts reportados"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Por que você quer denunciar essa postagem?"],"by :displayName":["por :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["criado por :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Não está relacionado ao espaço"],"Offensive":["Ofensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar posts de usuários reportados."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como ofensivo."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como não relacionado a este espaço."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como ofensivo."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como não relacioinado ao espaço."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar posts reportados deste espaço."],"Appropriate":["Apropriado"],"Confirm post deletion":["Confirme exclusão da postagem"],"Confirm report deletion":["Confirme exclusão da denúncia"],"Delete post":["Excluir postagem"],"Delete report":["Excluir denúncia"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Você realmente quer excluir esta denúncia?"],"Reason":["Motivo"],"Reporter":["Relator"],"There are no reported posts.":["Não há postagens denunciadas."],"Does not belong to this space":["Não pertence a este espaço"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ajude-nos a entender o que está acontecendo"],"It's offensive":["É ofensivo"],"It's spam":["É SPAM"],"Report post":["Denunciar postagem"],"API ID":["ID da API"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Permitir mensagens maiores que 160 caracteres (padrão: não permitido -> atualmente não há suporte, uma vez que os caracteres são limitados pela view)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Um erro desconhecido ocorreu."],"Body too long.":["Texto muito longo."],"Body too too short.":["Texto muito curto."],"Characters left:":["Caracteres restantes: "],"Choose Provider":["Escolha o provedor"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Não foi possível estabelecer conexão com o servidor de SMS, gentileza entrar em contato com um administrador."],"Gateway Number":["Número do gateway"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["O Gateway não está disponível para esta rede."],"Insufficent credits.":["Créditos insuficientes."],"Invalid IP address.":["Endereço IP inválido."],"Invalid destination.":["Destino inválido."],"Invalid sender.":["Remetente inválido."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Usuário ou senha inválido. Gentileza contactar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Não há créditos suficientes para a contra principal."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Não há créditos suficientes para uma sub-conta."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Provedor não iniciado. Gentileza contatar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Destinatário é inválido."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Destinatário não está propriamente formatado, deve estar no formato internacional, ou 00[...], ou +[...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Marcação de referência para criar filtro nas estatísticas."],"Route access violation.":["Violação de acesso de rota."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo SMS"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["O SMS foi rejeitado/não pôde ser entregue."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["O SMS foi enviado com sucesso."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Não há indicação de preço para o SMS (premium number ads)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS com mensagens de texto idênticas foram enviadas com muita frequencia nos últimos 180 segundos. "],"Save Configuration":["Salvar Configurações"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Erro de segurança. Gentileza contatar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Selecione a tora Spryng(?) (Padrão: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Enviar SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Envie um SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Envie um SMS para"],"Sender is invalid.":["Remetente é inválido."],"Technical error.":["Erro técnico."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opção de teste. SMS não são entregues, mas o servidor responde como se tivessem sido."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Para ser possível enviar um SMS para uma conta específica, certifique-se de que o campo \"mobile\" exista na conta do usuário."],"Unknown route.":["Rota desconhecida."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Nesta configuração você pode escolher entre diferentes provedores de SMS e configurá-los. Você deve fornecer suas informações de conta de forma adequada para o provedor escolhido para que a funcionalidade SMS funcione corretamente."],"Tasks":["Tarefas"],"Could not access task!":["Não foi possível acessar a tarefa!"],"Task":["Tarefa"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} atribuído à tarefa {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} criou a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} finalizou a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} atribuiu a você a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} criou a nova tarefa {task}."],"Create new task":["Criar nova tarefa"],"Edit task":["Editar tarefa"],"Assign users":["Designar usuários"],"Assign users to this task":["Atribuir usuários para esta tarefa"],"Deadline":["Prazo"],"Deadline for this task?":["Prazo para esta tarefa?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Pré-atribuir usuários para esta tarefa."],"Task description":["Descrição da tarefa"],"What is to do?":["O que é para fazer?"],"Confirm deleting":["Confirmar exclusão"],"Add Task":["Adicionar tarefa"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Você realmente quer excluir esta tarefa?"],"No open tasks...":["Não há tarefas abertas..."],"completed tasks":["Tarefas finalizadas"],"This task is already done":["Esta tarefa já está feita"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Você não está designado para esta tarefa"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clique, para finalizar esta tarefa"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Esta tarefa já está feita. Clique para reabrir."],"My tasks":["Minhas tarefas"],"From space: ":["Do espaço:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma tarefa encontrada que corresponda ao seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Não há tarefas ainda!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Não há tarefas ainda!
Seja o primeiro e criar uma..."],"Assigned to me":["Designado para mim"],"Nobody assigned":["Ninguém atribuído"],"State is finished":["Estado está finalizado"],"State is open":["Estado está aberto"],"What to do?":["O que fazer?"],"Translation Manager":["Gerenciador de traduções"],"Translations":["Traduções"],"Translation Editor":["Editor de traduções"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirme apagar a página"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirme reverter a página"],"Overview of all pages":["Visão geral de todas as páginas"],"Page history":["Histórico da Página"],"Wiki Module":["Módulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Adicionar uma wiki para este espaço"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Adicionar uma wiki para este perfil."],"Back to page":["Voltar para a página"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Você realmente quer apagar esta página?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Você realmente quer reverter esta página?"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Edited at":["Editado em"],"Go back":["Voltar"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Caractere inválido no título da página!"],"Let's go!":["Vamos lá!"],"Main page":["Página principal"],"New page":["Nova página"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Não existem páginas criadas ainda. Então é com você.
Crie a primeira página agora."],"Page History":["Histórico da página"],"Page title already in use!":["Título da página já está em uso!"],"Revert":["Reverter"],"Revert this":["Reverter este"],"View":["Visualizar"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["por"],"Wiki page":["Página Wiki"],"Create new page":["Criar nova página"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Insira o nome ou url da página Wiki (ex. http://exemplo.com)"],"New page title":["Título da nova página"],"Page content":["Conteúdo da página"],"Open wiki page...":["Abrir página wiki..."],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Baixando e instalando módulos..."],"comment":["Comentário"],"post":["Post"],"Allow":["Permitir"],"Default":["Padrão"],"Deny":["Recusar"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Por favor digite pelo menos 3 caracteres"],"Approval":["Aprovação"],"OEmbed providers":["Provedores Oembed"],"Security":["Segurança"],"Self test":["Auto teste"],"User posts":["Mensagens de usuários"],"Userprofiles":["Perfis de usuário"],"Group user not found!":["Grupo de usuário não encontrado!"],"No value found!":["Valor não encontrado!"],"Date input format":["Formato de data"],"Default stream content order":["Ordem padrão do stream"],"Sort by creation date":["Classificar por data de criação"],"Sort by update date":["Classificar por data de atualização"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Visibilidade Padrão do Conteúdo"],"Administrative group":["Grupo administrativo"],"About HumHub":["Sobre HumHub"],"CronJobs":["Cronjobs"],"Prerequisites":["Pré-requisitos"],"Advanced":["Avançado"],"Permissions":["Permissões"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nenhum módulo comprados encontrado!"],"Third-party":["Terceiro"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Os desenvolvedores HumHub não fornecem suporte para módulos de terceiros ou qualquer garantia sobre a adequação, funcionalidade ou segurança deste módulo."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Aviso de Terceiro"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Há uma nova versão do Humhub ({version}) disponível."],"Advanced Settings":["Configurações Avançadas"],"Appearance Settings":["Configurações de Aparência"],"E-Mail Settings":["Configurações de E-Mail"],"General Settings":["Configurações Gerais"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar o comportamento de e-mail e o servidor de sua rede social."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar o comportamento de registro e configurações adicionais de usuário de sua rede social."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar as definições básicas de sua rede social."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Estas definições referem-se a tópicos avançados de sua rede social."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Estas definições referem-se a aparência de sua rede social."],"User Settings":["Configurações de Usuário"],"Add new space":["Adicionar novo espaço"],"Information":["Informação"],"Settings and Configuration":["Definições e Configuração"],"User administration":["Administração de Usuário"],"Add new group":["Adicionar novo grupo"],"Back to overview":["Voltar à Visão Global","Voltar para Visão Global"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gerenciar grupo: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Aprovações pendentes"],"Profiles":["Perfis"],"Actions":["Ações"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprovação de Usuário pendentes"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["A seguinte lista contém todos os usuários registrados que aguardam uma aprovação."],"Manage groups":["Gerenciar grupos"],"Add":["Adicionar"],"Add new members...":["Adicionar novos membros..."],"Remove from group":["Remover do grupo"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Os usuários podem pertencer a diferentes grupos (p. ex. equipes, departamentos etc.) com normas específicas de espaço, gerentes de grupo e permissões."],"Purchases":["Compras"],"Buy (%price%)":["Comprar (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Aviso Legal"],"Licence Key:":["Chave de Licença:"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formato baseado na linguagem do usuário - Exemplo: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fixo (mm/dd/yyyy) - Exemplo: {example}"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Novos usuário serão adicionados automaticamente a este(s) espaço(s)."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Atividades fornece uma visão geral das ações realizadas no contexto de um espaço ou de outros usuários. (P. ex. um novo post foi escrito ou um novo membro se juntou ao espaço)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["\nDefinir o comportamento padrão para o envio de e-mails do usuário. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas pelos usuários em suas configurações de conta.","\r\nDefinir o comportamento padrão para o envio de e-mails do usuário. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas pelos usuários em suas configurações de conta."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["As notificações são informações relacionadas aos usuários (p. ex. novos comentários em seu post ou um novo seguidor). As notificações também serão criadas quando uma ação do usuário é necessária (p. ex. pedido de amizade)."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Ativar provedores OEmbed"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Adicionar provedor OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Editar provedor OEmbed"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Aqui você pode definir as configurações padrão para novos espaços. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas individualmente para cada espaço."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Esta Visão Global contém uma lista de ações para cada espaço como visualizar, editar e excluir espaços."],"Edit user: {name}":["Editar usuário: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Gerenciar Grupo"],"Last login":["Último login"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Esta Visão Global contém uma lista de ações para cada usuário registado como visualizar, editar e excluir usuários."],"never":["nunca"],"Create new profile category":["Criar nova categoria de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Editar categoria de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Criar novo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Editar campo de perfil"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Aqui você pode criar ou editar categorias e campo de perfil."],"Manage profile attributes":["Gerenciar atributos de perfil"],"Appearance":["Aparência"],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"Information":["Informação"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Space followers":["Seguidores do Espaço"],"No spaces found.":["Nenhum espaço encontrado."],"Private":["Privado"],"Space":["Espaço"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Padrão)"],"Members":["Membros"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Desculpe, você não tem permissão para deixar este espaço!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Como proprietário deste espaço você pode transferir esse papel para outro administrador."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["O URL contém caracteres inválidos!"],"Transfer ownership":["Transferir a propriedade"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["p. ex. exemplo para {baseUrl]/s/exemplo"],"Last Visit":["Última Visita"],"Originator User ID":["ID do Usuário Criador"],"Request Message":["Mensagem de Solicitação"],"Updated By":["Atualizado por"],"Color":["Cor"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aceitou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aprovou sua adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} recusou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} recusou sua adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} convidou você para o espaço {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Permitir o usuário criar conteúdos públicos"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Permitir o usuário convidar novos membros para o espaço"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Pode criar espaços ocultos (privados)."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Pode criar espaços públicos visíveis. (Listado no diretório)"],"Create private space":["Criar espaço privado"],"Create public content":["Criar conteúdo público"],"Create public space":["Criar espaço público"],"Invite users":["Convidar usuários"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Adicionar {n,plural,=1{espaço} other{espaços}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Escolha se novos conteúdos devem ser públicos ou privados por padrão"],"Manage members":["Gerenciar membros"],"Role":["Função"],"Add Modules":["Adicionar Módulos"],"Security settings":["Configurações de Segurança"],"Space settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["As permissões atribuem diferentes funções aos usuários. Para editar uma permissão, selecione função do usuário que deseja editar e altere o valor para conceder a permissão."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Você não é membro deste espaço e não há conteúdo público, ainda!"],"Cancel Membership":["Cancelar Adesão"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Ocultar posts no painel"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Exibir posts no painel"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opção ocultará novos conteúdos deste espaço em seu painel"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opção exibirá novos conteúdos deste espaço em seu painel"],"Pending Approvals":["Aprovações Pendentes"],"Pending Invites":["Convites Pendentes"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["A pasta %filename% não pôde ser salva."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% possui extensão inválida e foi ignorada."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% foi substituído por uma nova versão."],"Confirm delete file":["Confirme excluir arquivo"],"Create folder":["Criar pasta"],"Edit folder":["Editar pasta"],"Files module configuration":["Configuração do módulo de Arquivos"],"Move files":["Mover arquivos"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Já existe uma pasta com esse nome."],"Add directory":["Adicionar pasta"],"Add file(s)":["Adicionar arquivo(s)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Adicionar o módulo de arquivos para este espaço."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Adicionar o módulo de arquivos para o seu perfil."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Arquivo %filename% não pôde ser extraído."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Suporte a Arquivo (ZIP) não está ativado."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Arquivo %title% não pôde ser salvo.","Não é possível salvar o arquivo %title%. "],"Creator":["Criador"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Desabilitar suporte a Arquivo (ZIP)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Você realmente quer apagar este(s) %número% item(s) com todo seu conteúdo?"],"Edit directory":["Editar pasta"],"Files from the stream":["Arquivos do stream"],"Folder":["Pasta"],"Folder options":["Opções da Pasta"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Pasta não pode iniciar ou terminar com espaço em branco."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Permissões insuficientes para executar esta ação."],"Invalid parameter.":["Parâmetro inválido."],"Move":["Mover."],"Open":["Abrir"],"Selected items...":["Itens selecionados..."],"Show":["Exibir"],"Show Post":["Exibir Post"],"The archive could not be created.":["O arquivo não pôde ser criado."],"This folder is empty.":["Esta pasta está vazia."],"Updated":["Atualizado"],"ZIP all":["ZIP todos"],"ZIP selected":["ZIP selecionado"],"changed:":["alterado:"],"created:":["criado:"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["O módulo não está habilitado para este container!"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} e {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} e {number} outros"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Usuário '{username}' atualmente já é um membro deste espaço!"],"Administrators":["Administradores"],"Moderators":["Moderadores"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} pediu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"Done":["Pronto"],"Your profile":["Seu perfil"],"Basic Settings":["Configurações basicas"],"Change Email":["Mudar e-mail"],"Change Password":["Mudar senha"],"Confirm new password":["Confirme nova senha"],"Connected Accounts":["Contas Conectadas"],"Connected accounts":["Contas conectadas"],"Currently in use":["Atualmente em uso"],"Delete Account":["Apagar conta"],"Disconnect account":["Desconectar conta"],"My Account":["Minha conta"],"No users found.":["Nenhum usuário encontrado."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Sua nova senha não pode ser igual a sua senha atual!"],"or":["ou"],"Auth Mode":["Modo de autenticação"],"Last Login":["Último login"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} está te seguindo agora."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} mencionou você em {contentTitle}."],"Could not extract update package!":["Não foi possível extrair o pacote de atualização!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível verificar informações de atualização online! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Resultado de migração de banco de dados:"],"Downloading update package...":["Baixando pacote de atualização..."],"Error!":["Erro!"],"Installing update package...":["Instalando pacote de atualização..."],"Please note:":["Por favor note que:"],"Release Notes:":["Notas de lançamento:"],"Start Installation":["Iniciar Instalação"],"Warning!":["Aviso!"],"Warnings:":["Avisos:"],"successfully installed!":["Instado com sucesso!"],"version update":["versão da atualização"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define o filtro a ser aplicado, quando o login é feito. %s substitui o nome de usuário no processo de login. Exemplo: "sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Adicionar módulo através de chave de licença"],"Cronjobs":["Tarefas agendadas"],"Enable user friendship system":["Habilitar interface simplificada para o usuário."],"Friendship":["Amizades","Amizade"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Você pode incluir um código HTML de Rastreamento que será adiconado à todas as páginas."],"Send invite":["Enviar convite"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} comentou {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} comentou {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Novo comentário"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Permitir que o usuário adicione comentários"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Permite que o usuário crie posts"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Pode gerenciar (gravar, colar ou excluir) conteúdo arbitrário"],"Create comment":["Criar comentário"],"Create post":["Criar posts"],"Manage content":["Gerenciar conteúdo"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Aniversariantes durantes os próximos {days} dias."],"In {days} days":["Em {days} dias."],"becomes {years} years old.":["completando {years} anos."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Download":["Baixar"],"Download ZIP":["Baixar ZIP"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Não é possível mover para o mesmo diretório. Por favor localize outro diretório para %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Não há itens válidos selecionados para mover."],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Falha ao abrir o arquivo. Código %code%"],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Por favor, selecione um diretório de destino válido para %title%."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["A pasta %filename% já existe. Seu conteúdo será sobrescrito."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["A pasta com o id %id% não existe."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Infelizmente, você não tem permissão para transferir/editar arquivos."],"Upload":["Transferir"],"Upload ZIP":["Transferir ZIP"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Transfira arquivos ou crie uma subpasta usando os botões na parte superior."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Transfira arquivos ao stream para preencher esta pasta."],"root":["root"],"Folder ID":["ID da Pasta"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID da Pasta Pai"],"Does not belong here":["Não pertence a este espaço"],"Show more":["Mostrar mais"],"The date has to be in the past.":["A data tem de ser no passado."],"Unsubscribe":["Desinscrever"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Imagens de rolagem horizontal em um dispositivo móvel"],"Visible for members only":["Visível apenas para membros"],"Visible for members+guests":["Vísivel para membros e visitantes"],"Space Settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} criou {contentTitle}."],"Load more":["Carregar mais"],"Edit file":["Editar arquivo"],"An internal error occurred. Could not find folder with id: %id%":["Ocorreu um erro interno. Não foi possível localizar a pasta com id: %id%"],"An internal error occurred. Could not load default folder containing all posted files, database not properly initialized.":["Ocorreu um erro interno. Não foi possível carregar pasta padrão contendo todos os arquivos postados, banco de dados não inicializado corretamente."],"An internal error occurred. Could not load root folder, database not properly initialized.":["Ocorreu um erro interno. Não foi possível carregar a pasta raiz, banco de dados não inicializado corretamente."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Não é possível editar um arquivo inexistente."],"Created at:":["Criado em:"],"Edit the file description...":["Editar a descrição do arquivo..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Editar a descrição da pasta..."],"Filesize:":["Tamanho do arquivo:"],"Last edited at:":["Última edição em:"],"Last edited by:":["Última edição por:"],"Likes/Comments":["Curtidas/Comentários"],"Show Image":["Mostrar Imagem"],"Show all files":["Mostrar todos os arquivos"],"Show complete file preview":["Mostrar a prévia do arquivo completo"],"This folder is still empty.":["Esta pasta continua vazia."],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Permite adicionar páginas (markdown, iframe ou links) à navegação de espaço"],"Custom pages":["Páginas personalizadas"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Sem adicionar à navegação (Link Direto)"],"Add new page":["Adicionar nova página"],"Open page...":["Abrir página..."],"Wall entry layout":["Layout de entrada no mural"],"Group members - {group}":["Membros do Grupo - {group}"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["As dimensões da imagem são muito grandes para serem processadas com o limite de memória do servidor atual!"],"My friends":["Meus amigos"],"Pending friend requests":["Solicitações de amizade pendentes"],"Sent friend requests":["Solicitações de amizade enviadas"],"Accept Friend Request":["Aceitar Solicitação de Amizade"],"Add Friend":["Adicionar Amigo"],"Cancel friend request":["Cancelar solicitação de amizade"],"Deny friend request":["Negar solicitação de amizade"],"Friends":["Amigos"],"Requests":["Solicitações"],"Sent requests":["Enviar solicitações"],"Show all friends":["Exibir amigos"],"Unfriend":["Cancelar amizade"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} aceitou sua solicitação de amizade."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} rejeitou sua solicitação de amizade."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} enviou para você uma solicitação de amizade."],"Friendship Request":["Solicitação de Amizade"],"Friendship Approved":["Amizade Aprovada"],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Entre o amor e a loucura reside a obsessão."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Estamos à procura de grandes slogans de marcas famosas. Talvez você possa apresentar algumas amostras?"],"Welcome Space":["Espaço de Boas Vindas"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Acabei de instalar o HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Seu primeiro espaço de exemplo para descobrir a plataforma."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Configurar o conteúdo de exemplo (recomendado)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Permitir o acesso de usuários não registrados ao conteúdo público (acesso de convidado)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Permitir amizades entre membros"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["O usuário externo pode se inscrever (O formulário de registro será exibido no Login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Usuários recém-registrados precisam ser ativados por um administrador primeiro"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Os membros registrados podem convidar novos usuários por e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Quero usar o HumHub para:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Você está quase pronto. Nesta etapa, você deve preencher o formulário para criar uma conta de administrador. Com esta conta você pode gerenciar toda a rede."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub é muito flexível e pode ser ajustado e/ou expandido para várias aplicações diferentes graças aos seus diferentes módulos. Os seguintes módulos são apenas alguns exemplos e aqueles que consideramos mais importantes para o aplicativo escolhido.
Você pode sempre instalar ou remover módulos posteriormente. Você pode encontrar mais módulos disponíveis após a instalação na área de administração."],"Recommended Modules":["Módulos Recomendados"],"Example contents":["Conteúdos de Examplo"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Para evitar um painel em branco após o login inicial, o HumHub pode instalar conteúdo de exemplo para você. Aqueles que te darão uma vista geral agradável de como HumHub trabalha. Você sempre pode excluir o conteúdo individual."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Aqui você pode decidir como novos usuários não registrados podem acessar o HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Configurações de Segurança"],"Configuration":["Configuração"],"My club":["Meu clube"],"My community":["Minha Comunidade"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Minha empresa (Intranet Social / Gerenciamento de Projetos)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Minha instituição educacional (escola, universidade)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Ignorar esta etapa, eu quero configurar tudo manualmente"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Para simplificar a configuração, temos configurações predefinidas para os casos de uso mais comuns, com diferentes opções de módulos e configurações. Você pode ajustá-los durante a próxima etapa."],"New Like":["Nova Curtida"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} curtiram {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} curtiu {contentTitle}."],"You":["Você"],"You like this.":["Você curtiu isso."],"Other":["Outro"],"Notification Overview":["Visão geral de Notificação"],"Module Filter":["Filtro de Módulo"],"No notifications found!":["Nenhuma notificação encontrada!"],"Show all notifications":["Exibir todas as notificações"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Procurar usuário, espaços e conteúdo"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Pesquisar somente em determinados espaços:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["A sua pesquisa não encontrou correspondências."],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Usuário '{username}' atualmente já é um candidato deste espaço!"],"the default start page of this space for members":["A página de início padrão deste espaço para membros"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["A página de início padrão deste espaço para os visitantes"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilidade de conteúdo padrão"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Convidados)"],"":[""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Arraste uma foto aqui ou clique para procurar seus arquivos"],"Hide my year of birth":["Esconder meu ano de nascimento"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Olá %firstname%, obrigado por usar o HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Você é o primeiro usuário aqui ... Yehaaa! Seja um exemplo brilhante e complete o seu perfil,
para que os futuros usuários saibam quem é o superior aqui e para quem eles possam recorrer se tiverem dúvidas."],"Your firstname":["Seu primeiro nome"],"Your lastname":["Your lastname"],"Your mobild phone number":["Seu telefone móvel"],"Your phone number at work":["Seu número de telefone no trabalho"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Suas habilidades, conhecimentos e experiência (separados por vírgula)"],"Your title or position":["Seu título ou posição"],"Connect account":["Conectar conta"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Aqui você pode se conectar ao provedor de serviço externo para usar serviços externos como uma autenticação única."],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Um usuário com o mesmo e-mail já existe, mas não está vinculado a você. Faça login usando seu e-mail primeiro para vinculá-lo."],"You're not registered.":["Você não está registrado."],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Ocultar painel de turismo de introdução no painel"],"Invite new people":["Convidar strong> novas pessoas"],"Email address(es)":["Endereço(s) de e-mail"],"Invitation to join":["Convite para participar"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Adicione os endereços de e-mail das pessoas que você deseja convidar abaixo."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separe vários endereços de e-mail por vírgula."],"Click here to create an account:":["Clique aqui para criar uma conta:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{Username} convidou você para participar de \"{space}\" em {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{Username} convidou você para {name}."],"Searchable":["Pesquisável"],"Date":["Data"],"Markdown":["Anotar"],"Hide age per default":["Ocultar idade por padrão"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Códigos de país separados por vírgulas, ex. DE,EN,AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Códigos de país ISO3166 suportados"],"Last Activity Email":["E-mail de última atividade"],"Manager":["Gerente"],"Show At Directory":["Mostrar no Diretório"],"Show At Registration":["Mostrar no Registo"],"Space ID":["ID do Espaço","ID do espaço"],"Mentioned":["Mencionado"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Seu endereço de e-mail atual é {email}. Você pode alterar seu endereço de e-mail atual aqui."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Sua senha atual pode ser alterada aqui."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Aqui você pode editar seus dados gerais de perfil, que estão visíveis na página sobre do seu perfil."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Receba um e-mail, para cada atividade de outros usuários que você seguir ou trabalhar juntos em um espaço de trabalho."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Receba notificações da área de trabalho quando estiver on-line."],"Remember me":["Lembrar de mim"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Convite para participar: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registre-se agora e participe!"],"You got an invite":["Você tem um convite"],"invited you to join {name}.":["Convidou você para participar de {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["Convidou você para participar de {space} em {name}."],"Open directory!":["Abrir diretório!"],"Open parent directory!":["Abrir diretório pai!"],"Schließen":["Fechar"],"Show on Wall":["Exibir no Mural"],"Description for the wall entry.":["Descrição para entrada no mural."],"Add Dropbox files":["Adicionar arquivo do Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Arquivo inválido"],"Dropbox API Key":["Chave API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Mostrar aviso na postagem"],"Dropbox post":["Postagem Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configuração de Módulo Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["O módulo dropbox precisa de um aplicativo dropbox ativo criado! Acesse este site, escolha \"Aplicativo drop-ins\" e forneça um nome de aplicativo para obter sua chave API."],"Dropbox settings":["Configurações Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Descreva seus arquivos"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Desculpe, o módulo Dropbox ainda não está configurado! Entre em contato com o administrador."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["O módulo Dropbox ainda não está configurado! Configure-o aqui."],"Select files from dropbox":["Selecione arquivos para o Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Atenção! Você está compartilhando arquivos particulares"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Não mostrar este aviso no futuro"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Os arquivos que você deseja compartilhar são privados. Para compartilhar arquivos em seu espaço, geramos um link compartilhado. Todos com o link podem ver o arquivo.
Tem certeza de que deseja compartilhar?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Sim. Eu tenho certeza."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Período de avaliação Enterprise Edition"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licença Enterprise Edition inválida"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registro de Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Não Registrada"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Introduza a sua chave de licença HumHub - Enterprise Edition abaixo. Se ainda não tem uma chave de licença, obtenha uma em %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Por favor, registre esta versão HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Por favor, atualize esta licença HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Registration successful!":["Registo bem sucedido!"],"Validating...":["Validando..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Você tem {daysLeft} dias restantes em seu período de avaliação."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Uma regra pode estar na forma @example.com para permitir cada e-mail do host especificado ou um endereço completo como user@example.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["Mapeamento de E-mail"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["O mapeamento de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para usuários que serão automaticamente atribuídos a este grupo após o registro."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["A lista de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para restringir endereços de e-mail permitidos para o registro de usuários e convites."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["A lista de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para usuários que não precisam ser aprovados após o registro."],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Os seguintes emails não correspondem às configurações da lista de permissões: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["O endereço de e-mail fornecido não é permitido para o registro!"],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Quando o recurso Lista Brance de E-Mail estiver ativado (pelo menos uma regra) - as regras fornecidas também serão adicionadas à lista de permissões."],"Whitelist":["Lista Branca"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licença Enterprise Edition"],"Licence Serial Code":["Código Serial da Licença"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Especifique o seu código de licença Enterprise Edition abaixo, você também pode deixá-lo em branco para iniciar uma avaliação de 14 dias."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Criar novo mapeamento ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Editar mapeamento ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapeamento de usuário LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Criar novo mapeamento"],"LDAP Mapping":["Mapeamento LDAP"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Alterar tipo"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Criar novo %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Criar novo tipo de espaço"],"Delete space type":["Excluir tipo de espaço"],"Edit space type":["Editar tipo de espaço"],"Create new type":["Criar novo tipo"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar seus tipos de espaço, que podem ser usados para categorizar seus espaços."],"Space Types":["Tipos de Espaços"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Para excluir o tipo de espaço \"{type}\" você precisa definir um tipo alternativo para espaços existentes:"],"Types":["Tipos"],"e.g. Project":["ex. Projeto"],"e.g. Projects":["ex. Projetos"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Uma regra de lista brancs pode estar no formato @example.com para permitir que cada e-mail do host especificado ou um endereço completo como user@example.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Separe várias regras por uma nova linha."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Separe várias regras da lista de permissões por uma nova linha."],"Sorry! User Limit reached":[" Desculpe! Limite de usuário atingido"],"Administrative Contact":["Contato Administrativo"],"Advanced Options":["Opções Avançadas"],"Custom Domain":["Domínio Personalizado"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Apagar instância"],"Export data":["Exportar dados"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Suporte / Obter Ajuda"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Não existem mais registos de usuários possíveis devido às limitações máximas de usuários nesta instância hospedada!"],"Your plan":["Seu plano"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Adicionado um novo link %link% à categoria \"%category%\""],"No description available.":["Nenhuma descrição disponível."],"list":["lista"],"Category":["Categoria"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Escolha uma miniatura"],"Is Originator":["É Originador"],"Last Viewed":["Última Visualização"],"Add recipients":["Adicionar destinatários"],"Conversations":["Conversas"],"Delete conversation":["Apagar conversa"],"Leave conversation":["Deixar conversa"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Adiciona um gerente de reunião a este espaço."],"Agenda Entry":["Entrada de Agenda"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Formato tem que ser HORA : MINUTO"],"Meeting":["Reunião"],"Meetings":["Reuniões"],"Begin":["Início"],"End":["Fim"],"Location":["Localização"],"Room":["Sala"],"Minutes":["Minutos"],"End must be after begin":["O fim deve ser depois do início"],"No valid time":["Nenhuma hora válida"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Confirmar eliminação de reunião"],"Create new meeting":["Criar nova reunião"],"Edit meeting":["Editar reunião"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Adicionar participantes externos (texto livre)"],"Add participant":["Adicionar participante"],"Add participants":["Adicionar participantes"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Deseja mesmo excluir esta reunião?"],"External participants":["Participantes externos"],"Title of your meeting":["Título da sua reunião"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Confirmar eliminação de entrada"],"Create new entry":["Criar nova entrada"],"Edit entry":["Editar entrada"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Adicionar moderadores externos (texto livre)"],"Add moderator":["Adicionar moderador"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Deseja realmente excluir esta entrada?"],"External moderators":["Moderadores externos"],"Title of this entry":["Título desta entrada"],"Edit Note":["Editar Nota"],"Note content":["Conteúdo da nota"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Detalhes da reunião: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Próximas reuniões"],"Past meetings":["Reuniões passadas"],"Add a protocol":["Adicionar um protocolo"],"Add a task":["Adicionar uma tarefa"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Crie sua primeira entrada na agenda clicando no seguinte botão."],"New agenda entry":["Nova entrada da agenda"],"New meeting":["Nova reunião"],"Print agenda":["Imprimir agenda"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Share meeting":["Compartilhar reunião"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Comece agora, criando uma nova reunião!"],"Today":["Hoje"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Infelizmente, não houve nenhuma entrada até o momento."],"Share meeting":["Compartilhar reunião"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Adicione ao seu calendário e convidar os participantes"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Adicionar ao seu calendário pessoal"],"Export ICS":["Exportar ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Enviar notificações a todos os participantes"],"Send now":["Enviar agora"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Envia notificações internas a todos os participantes da reunião."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Isso criará um arquivo ICS, que adicionará esta reunião somente ao seu calendário particular."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Isto criará um arquivo ICS, que adicionará esta reunião ao seu calendário pessoal, convidará todos os outros participantes por e-mail e aguardará suas respostas."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{UserName} convidou você para {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Esta tarefa está relacionada com %link%"],"Get details...":["Obter detalhes ..."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["ex. http://seudominio/pad/"],"Allows to start polls.":["Permite iniciar enquetes."],"Anonymous poll!":["Enquete anônima!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Mais uma vez? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Agora, estamos nos estágios de planejamento para nossa próxima reunião e gostaríamos de saber de você, onde você gostaria de ir?"],"To Daniel":["Para Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Por que não vamos ao Bemelmans Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anônimo"],"Closed":["Fechada"],"Add answer...":["Adicionar resposta..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Votos Anônimos?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Mostrar respostas em ordem aleatória?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Editar resposta (as respostas vazias serão removidas)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Editar a pergunta da sua enquete ..."],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Por favor, forneça uma razão pela qual você deseja denunciar esse conteúdo."],"Approve":["Aprovar"],"Approve post":["Aprovar postagem"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Você realmente quer aprovar esta postagem?"],"Assigned user(s)":["Usuário(s) atribuído(s)"],"Update HumHub":["Atualizar HumHub"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Atualizar para HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Abortar"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Faça o backup de todos os seus arquivos e banco de dados antes de prosseguir"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Alterações nos arquivos do núcleo do HumHub podem ser substituídas durante a atualização!"],"Cleanup update files":["Limpar arquivos de atualização"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Não utilize este atualizador em combinação com as instalações do Git ou do Composer!"],"Downloading update package":["Fazendo download do pacote de atualização"],"Extracting package files":["Extraindo arquivos de pacote"],"Installing files":["Instalando arquivos"],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Verifique se todos os arquivos são graváveis pelo aplicativo"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Certifique-se de que todos os arquivos são graváveis! ("],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Verifique se os módulos ou temas personalizados são compatíveis com a versão %version%"],"Migrating database":["Migrando banco de dados"],"New updater version available!":["Nova versão do atualizador disponível!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Nenhuma mensagem de erro disponível. Verifique os arquivos de log!"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Atualize os módulos de mercado instalados antes e depois da atualização"],"Preparing system":["Preparando sistema"],"Start":["Iniciar"],"Start update":["Iniciar atualização"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Alternar para o tema padrão após a atualização"],"The update was successfully installed!":["A atualização foi instalada com sucesso!"],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Há uma nova atualização disponível para %version%!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Existe uma nova versão do módulo de atualização disponível. Atualize antes de prosseguir."],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Não há nenhuma atualização HumHub disponível!"],"Update HumHub":["Atualizar Humhub"],"Update package invalid!":["Pacote de atualização inválido!"],"Update successful":["Atualização bem sucedida"],"Validating package":["Validando pacote"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Falha no download da atualização! (%erro%)"],"Is homepage":["É homepage"],"Page creation disabled!":["Criação de página desabilitada!"],"Page not editable!":["Página não editável!"],"Page not found.":["Página não encontrada."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Permissão negada. Você não tem direitos administrativos."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Permissão negada. Você não tem direitos para ver histórico."],"Protected":["Protegido"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Não é possível reverter. Já está na última revisão!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Você necessita ser membro do espaço \"%space_name%\" para acessar esta página wiki!"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Sua conta foi ativada.
\r\n\r\n Clique aqui para acessar:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Atenciosamente,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Olá, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Seu pedido de acesso foi recusado.
\r\n\r\n Atenciosamente,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["O número máximo de itens fixados foi atingido!\r\n\r\nVocê só pode fixar dois itens no máximo. \r\nPara fixar este item, desafixe outro item."],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["O usuário externo pode se inscrever (O formulário de registro será exibido no Login)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Latest updates":["Atualizações"],"Search":["Busca"],"Account settings":["Configurações da conta"],"Administration":["Administração"],"Back":["Voltar"],"Back to dashboard":["Voltar para o painel"],"Choose language:":["Escolha o idioma:"],"Collapse":["Minimizar"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Conteúdo fonte Addon deve ser instância de HActiveRecordContent ou HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Não foi possível determinar o conteúdo!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Não foi possível encontrar o conteúdo !"],"Could not find requested module!":["Não foi possível encontrar o módulo requisitado!"],"Error":["Erro"],"Expand":["Expandir"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Permissões insuficientes para criar conteúdo!"],"Invalid request.":["Requisição inválida."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Parece que você pode ter tomado o caminho errado."],"Keyword:":["Palavra-chave:"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Latest news":["Últimas notícias"],"Login":["Login","Entrar"],"Logout":["Sair"],"Menu":["Menu"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["O módulo não está habilitado para este container!"],"My profile":["Meu perfil"],"New profile image":["Nova imagem de perfil"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Nada foi encontrado."],"Oooops...":["Oooops..."],"Results":["Resultados"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Search for users and spaces":["Busca por usuários e espaços"],"Show more results":["Mostre mais resultados"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Desculpe, nada foi encontrado!"],"Space not found!":["Espaço não encontrado!"],"User Approvals":["Aprovações de Usuários"],"User not found!":["Usuário não encontrado!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Bem vindo a %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Você não pode criar conteúdo com visibilidade pública!"],"Your daily summary":["Seu resumo diário"],"Login required":["Login Requerido"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Você não tem permissão para executar esta ação."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["O array global {global} foi limpo utilizando o método {method}."],"Upload error":["Upload erro"],"Close":["Fechar"],"Add image/file":["Adicionar imagem / arquivo"],"Add link":["Adicionar Link"],"Bold":["Negrito"],"Code":["Código"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Digite uma URL"],"Heading":["Título"],"Image":["Imagem"],"Image/File":["Imagem/Arquivo"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Inserir Hyperlink"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Inserir imagem com Hyperlink"],"Italic":["Itálico"],"List":["Lista"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Por favor aguarde enquanto o arquivo é carregado"],"Preview":["Pré-visualizar"],"Quote":["Cota"],"Target":["Alvo"],"Title":["Título"],"Title of your link":["Título do seu link"],"URL/Link":["URL/Link"],"code text here":["Código aqui"],"emphasized text":["Texto enfatizado"],"enter image description here":["Insira a descrição da imagem aqui"],"enter image title here":["Insira o título da imagem aqui"],"enter link description here":["Insira a descrição do link aqui"],"heading text":["Texto do cabeçalho "],"list text here":["Listar texto aqui"],"quote here":["Citação aqui"],"strong text":["Negrito"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Não foi possível criar a atividade para este tipo de objeto!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% criou o novo espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% criou este espaço."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% entrou no espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% entrou neste espaço."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% deixou o espaço %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% deixou este espaço."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} agora segue {user2}."],"see online":["ver online","ver on-line"],"via":["via"],"Latest activities":["Últimas atividades"],"There are no activities yet.":["Não há atividades ainda."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n \n sua conta foi ativada.
\n \n Clique aqui para acessar:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Atenciosamente
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n \n Seu cadastro foi recusado.
\n \n Atenciosamente
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Pedido de cadastro de '{displayName}' foi recusado."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Pedido de cadastro de '{displayName}' foi recusado."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\n\n Sua conta foi ativada.
\n\n Clique aqui para acessar:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Atenciosamente,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Olá, {displayName},
\n\n Seu pedido de acesso foi recusado.
\n\n Atenciosamente,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Grupo não encontrado!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Não pode instalar o primeiro módulo! O módulo está protegido."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["O caminho do módulo %path% não tem permissão de escrita!"],"Saved":["Salvo"],"Database":["Banco de dados"],"No theme":["Sem tema"],"APC":["APC","Cache Alternativo PHP (APC)"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Não pode carregar o LDAP! - Verifique a extensão PHP"],"File":["Arquivo"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Sem cache (Somente teste!)","Sem cache(Apenas testando!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Nenhum - mostra uma lista no registro de usuário."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Salvo e cache descarregado."],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Local"],"Become this user":["Torne-se este usuário"],"Delete":["Excluir","Apagar"],"Disabled":["Desabilitado"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Save":["Salvar"],"Unapproved":["Não aprovado"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Você não pode se excluir!"],"Could not load category.":["Não foi possível carregar a categoria."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Você só pode apagar categorias vazias!"],"Group":["Grupo"],"Message":["Mensagem"],"Subject":["Assunto"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Atributo de e-mail"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Habilitar suporte LDAP"],"Encryption":["Criptografia","Encriptação"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Fetch/Update usuários automaticamente"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Login Filter":["Filtro de login"],"Password":["Senha"],"Port":["Porta"],"User Filer":["Usuário arquivado"],"Username":["Nome de usuário","Nome do usuário"],"Username Attribute":["Atributo do nome do usuário"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Permitir acesso limitado para usuários não autenticados (convidados)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Usuários anônimos podem se registrar"],"Default user group for new users":["Grupo de usuário padrão para novos usuários"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Tempo máximo de espera antes de sair (em segundos, opcional)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Visibilidade padrão do perfil do usuário"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Membros podem convidar usuários externos por email"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Exigir aprovação do grupo de administração após o registro"],"Base URL":["URL base"],"Default language":["Idioma padrão"],"Default space":["Espaço padrão"],"Invalid space":["Espaço inválido"],"Logo upload":["Enviar logomarca"],"Name of the application":["Nome da aplicação"],"Server Timezone":["Fuso horário do servidor"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Mostrar tour de introdução para novos usuários"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Possibilitar ao usuário postar no painel"],"Cache Backend":["Backend de cache"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Tempo para expirar (em segundos)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Estensão PHP APC faltando - Tipo não disponível!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Extensão PHP SQLite3 faltando - Tipo não disponível!"],"Dropdown space order":["Ordem da lista de espaços"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Tamanho padrão da paginação (Resultados por página)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Exibir Nome (Formato)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["Permitir extensões de arquivo"],"Convert command not found!":["Comando de conversão não encontrado!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Recebeu uma resposta inválida do Image Magick! - Comando correto?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Ocultar informações do arquivo (nome, tamanho) para imagens no muro"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Ocultar widget de lista de arquivos ao exibir arquivos para estes objetos no muro."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Comando de conversão do Image Magick (opcional)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Altura máxima de pré-visualização da imagem (em pixels, opcional)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Largura máxima de pré-visualização da imagem (em pixels, opcional)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Tamanho máximo de arquivo (em MB)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Usar X-Sendfile para baixar arquivos"],"Administrator users":["Administrador dos usuários"],"Description":["Descrição"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Name":["Nome"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Permitir certificados auto assinados?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Email que irá enviar"],"E-Mail sender name":["Nome que irá enviar"],"Mail Transport Type":["Tipo de Transporte de Email"],"Port number":["Número da porta"],"Endpoint Url":["Final da URL"],"Url Prefix":["Prefixo da URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Nenhum servidor proxy"],"Server":["Servidor"],"User":["Usuário"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Super Admins podem apagar cada conteúdo de objeto"],"Default Join Policy":["Política Padrão de Adesão"],"Default Visibility":["Visibilidade Padrão"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML Rastreamento de código"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["O directório para o módulo %moduleId% já existe!"],"Could not extract module!":["Não foi possível extrair módulo!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível obter lista de módulos online! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível obter informações do módulo online! (erro%%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Download do módulo falhou!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["O diretório do módulo %modulePath% não é gravável!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Módulo de download falhou! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Nenhuma versão compatível do módulo foi encontrada!","Nenhuma versão compatível do módulo encontrado!"],"Activated":["Ativado"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Nenhum módulo instalado ainda. Instale alguns para melhorar a funcionalidade!"],"Version:":["Versão:"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"No modules found!":["Nenhum módulo encontrado!"],"search for available modules online":["procurar por módulos disponíveis online"],"All modules are up to date!":["Todos os módulos estão atualizados!"],"About HumHub":["Sobre HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Versão instalada: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub está em modo debug. Desabilite isso quando no mode de produção!"],"Licences":["Licenças"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Veja o manual de instalação para maiores detalhes(rá!)."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Uma nova atualização está disponível! (Versão mais recente: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Esta instalação do HumHum está atualizada!"],"Accept":["Aceitar"],"Decline":["Recusar"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Aceitar usuário: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Send & save":["Enviar e salvar"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Recusar e apagar o usuário: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-mail"],"Search for email":["Busca por e-mail","Buscar por e-mail"],"Search for username":["Busca por nome de usuário","Buscar por nome de usuário"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprovações de usuários pendentes "],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Aqui você pode ver todos os usuários que se cadastraram e ainda estão aguardando por aprovação."],"Delete group":["Apagar grupo"],"Delete group":["Apagar grupo"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Para apagar o grupo \"{group}\" você precisa definir um grupo alternativo para os usuários existentes:"],"Create new group":["Criar novo grupo"],"Edit group":["Modificar grupo"],"Group name":["Nome do Grupo"],"Search for description":["Buscar pela descrição"],"Search for group name":["Buscar pelo nome do grupo"],"Manage groups":["Gerenciar grupos"],"Create new group":["Criar novo grupo"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Você pode dividir os usuários em diferentes grupos (por equipes, departamentos, etc.) e definir espaços padrões e administradores para eles."],"Error logging":["Erro logging"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Exibindo {count} entradas por página."],"Flush entries":["Flush entradas"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Total de {count} entradas encontradas."],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Módulos de extensão de funcionalidade do HumHub. Aqui você pode instalar e gerenciar módulos do HumHub Marketplace."],"Available updates":["Atualizações disponíveis"],"Browse online":["Encontrar online"],"Module details":["Detalhes do módulo"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Este módulo não fornece maiores informações."],"Processing...":["Processando..."],"Modules directory":["Diretório dos Módulos"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo serão perdidos!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* dados e arquivos de módulo relacionados serão perdidos!"],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Disable":["Desabilitar"],"Enable":["Habilitar"],"Enable module...":["Habilitar módulo..."],"More info":["Mais informações"],"Set as default":["Marcar como padrão"],"Uninstall":["Desinstalar"],"Install":["Instalar"],"Installing module...":["Instalando módulo..."],"Latest compatible version:":["Última versão compatível"],"Latest version:":["Última versão"],"Installed version:":["Versão instalada:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Última versão compatível:"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Updating module...":["Atualizando módulo..."],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Definir como módulo padrão"],"Always activated":["Sempre ativado"],"Deactivated":["Desativado"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Aqui você pode escolher se quer ou não que um módulo seja ativado automaticamente em um perfil do espaço ou usuário. Se o módulo deve ser ativado, escolha \"sempre ativo\"."],"Spaces":["Espaços"],"User Profiles":["Perfis de Usuário"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Está disponível uma nova versão do HumHub: (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Autenticação - Básica"],"Basic":["Básico"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Valor mínimo é de 20 segundos. Se não for definido, a sessão será interrompida após 1400 segundo (24 minutos), independentemente da atividade (tempo limite de sessão padrão)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Apenas aplicável quando o acesso limitado para usuários não-autenticados está habilitado. Afeta apenas novos usuários."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Autenticação - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["A TLS/SSL é fortemente favorecido em ambientes de produção para evitar senhas de ser transmitida em texto puro."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define o filtro a ser aplicado, quando o login é feito. %uid substitui o nome de usuário no processo de login. Exemplo: "sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["Atributo LDAP para e-mail. Padrão: "mail""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Atributo LDAP para usuário. Exemplo: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Limitar o acesso aos utilizadores que cumpram esse critério. Exemplo: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Status: Erro! (Mensagem: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Status: OK! ({userCount} Usuários)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["A base padrão DN utilizado para a busca de contas."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["A senha padrão (usada apenas com nome de usuário acima)."],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["O Username padrão. Alguns servidores exigem que este seja em forma DN. Isso deve ser dada de forma DN se o servidor LDAP requer uma DN para ligar e deve ser possível com usernames simples."],"Cache Settings":["Configurações de cache"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Salvar & Flush Caches"],"CronJob settings":["Configurações de tarefas Agendadas"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Crontab do usuário: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Última execução (daily):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Última execução (hourly):"],"Never":["Nunca"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ou Crontab de usuário root"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Por favor, certifique-se os seguintes cronjobs estão instalados:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabética"],"Last visit":["Última visita"],"Design settings":["Configurações de aparência"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Primeiro e último nome (p. ex. João Silva)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Nome de usuário (p. ex. João)"],"File settings":["Configurações de arquivos"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para permitir todos."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Lista separada por vírgulas. Deixe em branco para exibir a lista de arquivos para todos os objetos no muro."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Biblioteca de Imagem Atual: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Caso não esteja marcado, a altura padrão se tornará 200 pixels."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Caso não esteja marcado, a largura padrão se tornará 200 pixels."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["O PHP permite um máximo de {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Configurações básicas"],"Confirm image deleting":["Confirme apagar imagem","Confirme apagar a imagem"],"Dashboard":["Painel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["P. ex. http://exemplo.com.br/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Novos usuários serão automaticamente adicionados a estes espaço(s)."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Você não está usando uma logomarca atualmente. Envie sua logomarca agora."],"Mailing defaults":["Emails padrões"],"Activities":["Atividades"],"Always":["Sempre"],"Daily summary":["Resumo do dia"],"Defaults":["Padrões"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Definir padrões quando um usuário receber e-mails sobre as notificações ou novas atividades. Esta configuração pode ser substituída pelos usuários em nas configurações de conta."],"Notifications":["Notificações"],"Server Settings":["Configurações do Servidor"],"When I´m offline":["Quando estiver offline"],"Mailing settings":["Configurações de Email"],"SMTP Options":["Opções de SMTP"],"OEmbed Provider":["Provedor OEmbed "],"Add new provider":["Adicionar novo provedor"],"Currently active providers:":["Provedores atualmente ativos:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Atualmente nenhum provedor está ativo!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["Adicionar Provedor OEmbed "],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["Editar Provedot OEmbed "],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Prefixo sem http: // ou https: // (p. ex. youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Use %url% como placeholder para URL. Formato precisa ser JSON. (por exemplo http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Configurações de Proxy "],"Security settings and roles":["Configurações e regras de Segurança "],"Self test":["Auto teste"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Verificando os pré-requisitos de software HumHub."],"Re-Run tests":["Re-executar testes"],"Statistic settings":["Configurações de Estatísticas "],"All":["Todos"],"Delete space":["Apagar espaço"],"Edit space":["Modificar espaço"],"Search for space name":["Buscar pelo nome do espaço"],"Search for space owner":["Buscar pelo dono do espaço"],"Space name":["Nome do espaço"],"Space owner":["Proprietário do espaço"],"View space":["Visualizar espaço"],"Manage spaces":["Gerenciar espaços"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Defina aqui configurações padrão para novos espaços."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Nesta visão geral você pode encontrar todos os espaços e gerenciá-los."],"Overview":["Visão global"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Space Settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"Add user":["Adicionar usuário"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Tem certeza de que deseja apagar este usuário? Se este usuário for dono de um ou mais espaços, você se tornará dono destes espaços."],"Delete user":["Apagar usuário"],"Delete user: {username}":["Apagar usuário: {username}"],"Edit user":["Editar usuário"],"Admin":["Admin"],"Delete user account":["Apagar conta do usuário"],"Edit user account":["Modificar conta do usuário"],"No":["Não"],"View user profile":["Visualizar perfil de usuário"],"Yes":["Sim"],"Manage users":["Gerenciando usuários"],"Add new user":["Adicionar novo usuário"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Nesta visão geral você pode encontrar todos os utilizadores registados e controlá-los."],"Create new profile category":["Criar nova categoria de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Modificar categoria de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Criar novo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Modificar campo de perfil"],"Manage profiles fields":["Gerenciar campos dos perfis"],"Add new category":["Adicionar nova categoria"],"Add new field":["Adicionar novo campo"],"Security & Roles":["Segurança e Regras"],"Administration menu":["Menu de administração"],"About":["Sobre"],"Authentication":["Autenticação"],"Caching":["Fazer cache"],"Cron jobs":["Tarefas agendadas"],"Design":["Design"],"Files":["Arquivos"],"Groups":["Grupos"],"Logging":["Registros de Log","Registro de log"],"Mailing":["Correspondência"],"Modules":["Módulos"],"OEmbed Provider":["Provedor OEmbed"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Auto-teste e atualização"],"Statistics":["Estatísticas"],"User approval":["Aprovação de Usuários"],"User profiles":["Perfis de usuário"],"Users":["Usuários"],"Click here to review":["Clique aqui para rever"],"New approval requests":["Novas solicitações de aprovação"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Um ou mais usuários necessitam da sua aprovação como administrador de grupo."],"Could not delete comment!":["Não foi possível excluir o comentário!"],"Invalid target class given":["Classe de destino inválida"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id são obrigatórios!"],"Target not found!":["Alvo não encontrado!"],"Access denied!":["Acesso negado!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Permissões insuficientes!"],"Comment":["Comentar"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% escreveu um novo comentário"],"Comments":["Comentários"],"Edit your comment...":["Editar seu comentário..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% também comentou o %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% comentou %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Mostrar todos {total} comentários."],"Post":["Post"],"Write a new comment...":["Escreva um novo comentário..."],"Show %count% more comments":["Mostrar mais %count% comentários"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de comentário"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Você realmente deseja apagar este comentário?"],"Updated :timeago":["Atualizado :timeago","atualizado :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} criou um(a) novo(a) {contentTitle}."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["O número máximo de itens fixados foi atingido!\n\nVocê só pode fixar dois itens no máximo. \nPara fixar este item, desafixe outro item."],"Could not load requested object!":["Não foi possível carregar o objeto solicitado!"],"Invalid model given!":["Modelo inválido fornecido!"],"Unknown content class!":["Classe de conteúdo desconhecida!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Não foi possível encontrar o conteúdo solicitado!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Não foi possível encontrar o link solicitado!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} criou um novo {contentTitle}."],"in":["em"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Nada foi encontrado com os filtros utilizados!"],"Nothing here yet!":["Nada aqui ainda!"],"Move to archive":["Mover para arquivar"],"Unarchive":["Desarquivar"],"Add a member to notify":["Adicionar um membro para notificar"],"Make private":["Tornar privado"],"Make public":["Tornar público"],"Notify members":["Notificar membros"],"Public":["Público"],"What's on your mind?":["O que se passa na sua mente?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Confirma exclusão do post"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Você realmente deseja excluir este post? Todos os comentários e curtidas serão perdidos!","Você realmente quer excluir esta postagem? Todas as curtidas e comentários serão perdidos!"],"Archived":["Arquivado"],"Sticked":["Fixado"],"Turn off notifications":["Desativar notificações"],"Turn on notifications":["Ativar notificações"],"Permalink to this post":["Link permanente para este post"],"Permalink":["Link permanente","Link perene"],"Permalink to this page":["Link permanente para esta página"],"Stick":["Fixar"],"Unstick":["Desafixar"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Ninguém escreveu algo ainda.
Seja o primeiro a postar algo..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["O stream desse perfil ainda está vazio b>"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Este espaço ainda está vazio! b>
Poste algo aqui..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":[" O seu painel está vazio! b>
poste algo em seu perfil e inscreva-se em alguns espaços!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["O seu fluxo de perfil ainda está vazio b>
Comece e postar alguma coisa..."],"Back to stream":["Voltar ao stream","Voltar para o stream"],"Content with attached files":["Conteúdo com arquivos anexados"],"Created by me":["Criado por mim"],"Creation time":["Hora de criação"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Include archived posts":["Incluir posts arquivados"],"Last update":["Última atualização"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nada que corresponda ao seu filtro atual foi encontrado!"],"Only private posts":["Somente posts privados"],"Only public posts":["Somente post públicos"],"Posts only":["Somente posts"],"Posts with links":["Posts com links"],"Show all":["Exibir todos"],"Sorting":["Ordenar","Ordenando"],"Where I´m involved":["Onde estou envolvido"],"No public contents to display found!":["Nenhum conteúdo foi encontrado!"],"Directory":["Diretório"],"Member Group Directory":["Membro - Diretório de Grupos"],"show all members":["exibir todos os membros"],"Directory menu":["Menu"],"Members":["Membros","Usuários"],"User profile posts":["Posts dos usuários"],"Member directory":["Usuários"],"Follow":["Seguir"],"No members found!":["Nenhum usuário foi encontrado!"],"Unfollow":["Deixar de seguir"],"search for members":["procurar usuários"],"Space directory":["Espaço"],"No spaces found!":["Nenhum espaço encontrado!"],"You are a member of this space":["Você é um membro deste espaço"],"search for spaces":["busca por espaços"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Não há posts em seu perfil ainda!"],"Group stats":["Estatística de Grupo"],"Average members":["Média de membros"],"Top Group":["Top Grupo"],"Total groups":["Total de grupos"],"Member stats":["Estatística de Usuário"],"New people":["Novos usuários"],"Follows somebody":["Segue alguém"],"Online right now":["online agora"],"Total users":["Total de usuários"],"See all":["Ver todos"],"New spaces":["Novos espaços"],"Space stats":["Estatística de Espaços"],"Most members":["Possui mais usuários"],"Private spaces":["Espaços privados"],"Total spaces":["Total de espaços"],"Could not find requested file!":["Não foi possível encontrar o arquivo solicitado!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Permissões insuficientes!"],"Created By":["Criado por","Criado Por"],"Created at":["Criado em"],"File name":["Nome do arquivo"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Mime-Type inválido"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Tamanho máximo do arquivo ({maxFileSize}) foi ultrapassado!"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Tamanho"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Este tipo de arquivo não é permitido!"],"Updated at":["Atualizado em"],"Updated by":["Atualizado por"],"Could not upload File:":["Não foi possível fazer o upload do arquivo:"],"Upload files":["Fazer upload de arquivos"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Lista de arquivos já enviados:"],"Create Admin Account":["Criar conta de Administrador"],"Name of your network":["Nome de sua rede"],"Name of Database":["Nome do banco de dados"],"Admin Account":["Conta de Administrador"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Está quase pronto. Na última etapa, você tem que preencher o formulário para criar uma conta de administrador. Com esta conta você pode gerenciar toda a rede."],"Next":["Avançar"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Naturalmente, a sua nova rede social precisa de um nome. Por favor, altere o nome padrão por um que você gosta. (Por exemplo, o nome da sua empresa, organização ou clube)"],"Social Network Name":["Nome da Rede Social"],"Setup Complete":["Configuração Completa"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Parabéns. Você terminou."],"Sign in":["Entrar"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["A instalação foi concluída com sucesso! Divirta-se com sua nova rede social."],"Setup Wizard":["Assistente de Configurações"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Bem-vindo ao HumHub
Sua ferramenta de Rede Social"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Este assistente irá instalar e configurar sua própria instância HumHub.
Para continuar, clique em Avançar."],"Database Configuration":["Banco de Dados Configuração"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Abaixo, você terá que digitar os detalhes da conexão de banco de dados. Se você não tem certeza sobre isso, por favor, entre em contato com o administrador do sistema."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Hostname do seu Servidor de Banco de Dados MySQL (ex. localhost se o MySQL está sendo executado na mesma máquina)"],"Initializing database...":["Preparando o banco de dados..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, algo deu errado!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["O nome do banco de dados que você deseja executar o HumHub."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Yes, a conexão com o banco de dados funcionou!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Sua senha MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Seu usuário MySQL"],"System Check":["Verificação do Sistema"],"Check again":["Verificar novamente"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Parabéns! Está tudo ok e pronto para recomeçar!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Esta visão geral mostra todos os requisitos do sistema de HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Não foi possível localizar a classe alvo!"],"Could not find target record!":["Não foi possível localizar o alvo record!"],"Invalid class given!":["Classe inválida!"],"Users who like this":["Usuários que curtiram isso"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} curtiu {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% também curtiu %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% curtiu %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":[" curtiu isso."],"You like this.":["Vocêcurtiu isso."],"You
"],"Like":["Curtir"],"Unlike":["Descurtir"],"and {count} more like this.":["e mais {count} curtiram isso."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Não foi possível determinar redirecionamento de url para este tipo de objeto de origem!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Não foi possível carregar notificação do objeto de origem para redirecionar para!"],"New":["Novo","Nova"],"Mark all as seen":["Marcar tudo como visto"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Ainda não há notificações."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% criou um novo post.."],"Edit your post...":["Edite seu post..."],"Read full post...":["Ler post completo..."],"Search results":["Resultados da pesquisa"],"Content":["Conteúdo"],"Send & decline":["Enviar & recusar"],"Visible for all":["Visível para todos"]," Invite and request":["Convite"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Não foi possível excluir o usuário que é dono de um espaço! Nome do espaço: {spacename}"],"Everyone can enter":["Todo mundo pode entrar"],"Invite and request":["Convite"],"Only by invite":["Só por convite"],"Private (Invisible)":["Privado (invisível)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Público (Membros e Convidados)"],"Public (Members only)":["Público (Apenas membros)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Público (Apenas usuários registrados)"],"Public (Visible)":["Público (Visível)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Visível para todos (membros e convidados)"],"Space is invisible!":["Espaço está invisível!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Você precisa logar para ver o conteúdo deste espaço!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Como proprietário, você não pode revogar a sua inscrição!"],"Could not request membership!":["Não foi possível solicitar a inscrição!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Não existe convite pendente!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Esta ação está disponível apenas para os membros do workspace!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Você não tem permissão para se entrar neste espaço!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Título para o espaço já está em uso!"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Your password":["Sua senha"],"Invites":["Convites"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Novo usuário por e-mail (separados por vírgula)"],"User is already member!":["Usuário já é membro!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} já está registrado!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} não é válido!"],"Application message":["Mensagem da aplicação"],"Scope":["Escopo"],"Strength":["Título"],"Created At":["Criado em","Criado Em"],"Join Policy":["Política de acesso"],"Owner":["Dono","Proprietário"],"Status":["Status"],"Tags":["Tags"],"Updated At":["Modificado em","Atualizado Em"],"Visibility":["Visibilidade"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website (opcional)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Você não pode criar espaços visíveis privados!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Você não pode criar espaços públicos visíveis!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Selecione a área da imagem que você deseja salvar como avatar do usuário e clique em Salvar."],"Modify space image":["Mudar imagem do espaço"],"Delete space":["Excluir espaço"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tem a certeza que quer deletar este espaço? Todo o conteúdo publicado será removido!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Por favor, forneça sua senha para continuar!"],"General space settings":["Configurações gerais do espaço"],"Archive":["Arquivar"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Escolha o tipo de associação que você deseja fornecer para este espaço."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Escolha o nível de segurança para este espaço para definir a visibilidade."],"Manage your space members":["Gerenciar os membros do seu espaço"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Convites Pendentes"],"Outstanding user requests":["Solicitações de usuários pendentes"],"Remove member":["Remover membro"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Permitir que este usuário
convide outros usuários"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Permitir que este usuário
crie conteúdo público"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Tem certeza que deseja remover este membro deste espaço?"],"Can invite":["Pode convidar"],"Can share":["Pode compartilhar"],"Change space owner":["Alterar a proprietário do espaço"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Os usuários externos convidados por e-mail, não serão listadas aqui."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Na área abaixo, você vê todos os membros ativos deste espaço. Você pode editar os seus privilégios ou removê-lo."],"Is admin":["É admin"],"Make this user an admin":["Fazer este usuário um administrador"],"No, cancel":["Não, cancelar"],"Remove":["Remover"],"Request message":["Mensagem de solicitação"],"Revoke invitation":["Revogar convite"],"Search members":["Procurar membros"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Os seguintes usuários estão à espera de uma aprovação para entrar neste espaço. Por favor, tome alguma ação agora."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Os seguintes usuários já foram convidados para este espaço, mas ainda não aceitaram o convite."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["O proprietário do espaço é o super administrador de um espaço com todos os privilégios e, normalmente, o criador do espaço. Aqui você pode alterar esse papel para outro usuário."],"Yes, remove":["Sim, excluir"],"Space Modules":["Módulo de Espaço"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo para este espaço vai ser apagado!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Atualmente não há módulos disponíveis para este espaço!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Melhorar este espaço com módulos."],"Create new space":["Criar novo espaço"],"Advanced access settings":["Configurações avançadas de acesso"],"Advanced search settings":["Configurações de pesquisa avançada"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Os não-membros também poderão visualizar este
espaço, mas não terão acesso"],"Create":["Criar"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Qualquer usuário pode entrar no seu espaço
sem a sua aprovação"],"For everyone":["Para todos"],"How you want to name your space?":["Como você quer chamar o seu espaço?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Por favor, escreva uma pequena descrição para os usuários."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Este espaço será escondido
para todos os não-membros"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Os usuários também podem se inscrever
para ser membro deste espaço"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Os usuários podem ser adicionados apenas
por convite"],"space description":["descrição do espaço"],"space name":["nome do espaço"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} solicitou adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName}, a sua inscrição para o espaço {spaceName} foi aprovada"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName}, o seu pedido de adesão para o espaço {spaceName} foi recusado"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} convidou-o para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} aceitou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} recusou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Este espaço ainda está vazio!"],"Accept Invite":["Aceitar Convite"],"Become member":["Seja membro"],"Cancel membership":["Cancelar assinatura como membro"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Cancelar pedido pendente de adesão"],"Deny Invite":["Recusar Convite"],"Request membership":["Pedido de adesão"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Você é o proprietário deste espaço."],"created by":["criado por"],"Invite members":["Convidar membros"],"Add an user":["Adicionar um usuário"],"Email addresses":["Endereço de e-mail"],"Invite by email":["Convidar por e-mail"],"New user?":["Novo usuário?"],"Pick users":["Escolher usuários"],"Send":["Enviar"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Para convidar usuários para este espaço, por favor digite os nomes abaixo para encontrá-los e adicioná-los."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Você também pode convidar usuários externos, que não estão cadastrados na rede. Basta adicionar os seus endereços de e-mail separados por vírgula."],"Request space membership":["Solicitar adesão ao espaço"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Por favor, apresente-se em breve, para se tornar um membro aprovado deste espaço."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["O seu pedido foi enviado com sucesso para os administradores do espaço."],"Ok":["Ok"],"User has become a member.":["O usuário se tornou um membro."],"User has been invited.":["O usuário foi convidado."],"User has not been invited.":["O usuário não foi convidado."],"Back to workspace":["Voltar para o espaço"],"Space preferences":["Preferências do Espaço"],"General":["Geral"],"My Space List":["Minha lista de espaços"],"My space summary":["Meu resumo do espaço"],"Space directory":["Espaço"],"Space menu":["Menu do Espaço"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Change image":["Mudar imagem"],"Current space image":["Imagem atual do espaço"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem da capa?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem de perfil?"],"Invite":["Convite"],"Something went wrong":["Algo deu errado"],"Followers":["Seguidores"],"Posts":["Postagens"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Por favor, apresente-se em breve para tornar-se um membro aprovado deste espaço."],"Request workspace membership":["Pedido de adesão ao espaço"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["O seu pedido foi enviado com sucesso para os administradores do espaço."],"Create new space":["Criar novo espaço"],"My spaces":["Meus espaços"],"Space info":["Informações do espaço"],"more":["mais"],"Accept invite":["Aceitar convite"],"Deny invite":["Recusar convite"],"Leave space":["Deixar espaço"],"New member request":["Novo pedido de membro"],"Space members":["Membros do espaço","Membros do Espaço"],"End guide":["Fim do guia"],"Next »":["Próximo »"],"« Prev":["« Anterior"],"Administration":["Administração"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Uhuuu! Isso é tudo por agora."],"Modules":["Módulos"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Como administrador, você pode gerenciar toda a plataforma a partir daqui.
Além dos módulos, nós não estamos indo para cada ponto em detalhes, pois cada um tem a sua própria descrição em outro lugar."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Você está atualmente no menu de ferramentas. A partir daqui você pode acessar o mercado online HumHub, onde você pode instalar um número cada vez maior de ferramentas on-the-fly.
Como já mencionado, as ferramentas para aumentar os recursos disponíveis para o seu espaço."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Você já aprendeu sobre todas as características e configurações mais importantes e está tudo pronto para começar a utilizar a plataforma.
Esperamos que você e todos os futuros usuários gostem de usar este site. Nós estamos olhando para a frente e quaisquer sugestões ou apoio que desejam oferecer para o nosso projeto. Não hesite em contactar-nos através do www.humhub.org.
Fique atento. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Painel"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Este é o seu painel.
Quaisquer novas atividades ou mensagens que possam lhe interessar serão exibidos aqui."],"Administration (Modules)":["Administração(Módulos)"],"Edit account":["Editar conta"],"Hurray! The End.":["Uhuu! The End."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Uhuuu! Você concluiu!"],"Profile menu":["Menu do perfil","Menu do Perfil"],"Profile photo":["Foto do perfil"],"Profile stream":["Stream do perfil"],"User profile":["Perfil do usuário"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Clique neste botão para atualizar suas configurações de perfil e de conta. Você também pode adicionar mais informações ao seu perfil."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Cada perfil tem a sua própria pin board. Seus posts também aparecerão nos painéis dos usuários que estão seguindo você."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Assim como no espaço, o perfil do usuário pode ser personalizado com vários módulos.
Você pode ver quais módulos estão disponíveis para o seu perfil, olhando-os em \"Módulos\" no menu de configurações da conta."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Este é o seu perfil de usuário público, que pode ser visto por qualquer usuário registrado."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Para carregar uma nova foto de perfil, basta clicar aqui ou por drag&drop. Faça a mesma coisa para atualizar sua foto da capa."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Você completou o guia de perfil do usuário!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Você completou o guia perfil de usuário!
Para continuar com o guia de administração, clique aqui:
"],"Most recent activities":["Atividades mais recentes"],"Posts":["Posts"],"Profile Guide":["Guia do Perfil"],"Space":["Espaço"],"Space navigation menu":["Menu de navegação do Espaço"],"Writing posts":["Escrevendo posts"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Você acabou."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Todos os usuários que são um membro deste espaço serão exibidos aqui.
Os novos membros podem ser adicionados por qualquer pessoa que tenha sido dado direitos de acesso pelo administrador."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Dê a outros usuários uma breve ideia do que trata o espaço. Você pode adicionar as informações básicas aqui.
O administrador do espaço pode inserir e alterar foto da capa do espaço clicando sobre ele ou por drag & drop."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Novos posts podem ser escritos e publicados aqui."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Assim que você entrar ou criar um novo espaço, pode discutir temas ou apenas compartilhar informações com outros usuários.
Existem várias ferramentas para personalizar um espaço, tornando assim o processo de comunicação mais fluido."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Isso é tudo para o guia espaço
Para continuar com o guia de perfil de usuário, clique aqui:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["É aqui que você pode navegar no espaço - Onde você encontra os módulos que estão ativos ou disponíveis para o espaço está acessando atualmente. Estes poderiam ser enquetes, tarefas ou notas por exemplo
Só o administrador pode gerenciar os módulos do espaço."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Este menu só é visível para os administradores do espaço. Aqui você pode gerenciar suas configurações, adicionar/bloquear membros e ativar/desativar ferramentas para este espaço."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Para mantê-lo atualizado, as atividades mais recentes de outros usuários deste espaço serão exibidas aqui."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["As suas, e posts de outros usuários aparecerão aqui.
estas podem ser curtidas e/ou comentadas."],"Account Menu":["Menu da Conta"],"Notifications":["Notificações"],"Space Menu":["Menu do Espaço"],"Start space guide":["Iniciar guia do espaço"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Não perder a noção das coisas!
Este ícone irá mantê-lo informado sobre as atividades e os posts que dizem respeito diretamente a você."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["O menu conta dá acesso às suas configurações privadas e permite-lhe gerenciar o seu perfil público."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Este é o menu mais importante e, provavelmente, vai ser o que você usará com mais frequência.
Permite acessar todos os espaços que você faz parte e criar novos espaços.
O próximo guia vai te mostrar como fazer:"]," Remove panel":["Remover o painel"],"Getting Started":["Primeiros Passos"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Guia: Administração(Módulos)"],"Guide: Overview":["Guia: visão geral"],"Guide: Spaces":["Guia: Espaços"],"Guide: User profile":["Guia:Perfil do usuário"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Conheça este ambiente em torno das características mais importantes com os seguintes guias:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Esta conta de usuário não foi aprovada ainda!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Você precisa fazer o login para visualizar este perfil do usuário!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Sua senha está incorreta!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Você não pode mudar sua senha aqui."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Link inválido! Certifique-se de que você digitou a URL inteira."],"Save profile":["Salvar perfil"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["O endereço de e-mail inserido já está em uso por outro usuário."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Você não pode mudar seu endereço de e-mail aqui."],"Account":["Conta"],"Create account":["Criar uma conta"],"Current password":["Senha atual"],"E-Mail change":["Mudança de e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Novo endereço de e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Enviar atividades ?"],"Send notifications?":["Enviar notificações ?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Usuário/email ou senha incorreto."],"New password":["Nova senha"],"New password confirm":["Confirmação de nova senha"],"Remember me next time":["Lembre-se de mim na próxima vez"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["A sua conta não foi ativada pela nossa equipe ainda."],"Your account is suspended.":["Sua conta está suspensa."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Não é possível recuperar a senha no seu tipo de conta!"],"E-Mail":["E-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Recuperação de senha"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" não foi encontrado!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-mail já cadastrado! - Tente Esqueceu a senha."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Ocultar o painel no painel de controle"],"Invalid language!":["Idioma inválido!","Língua inválida!"],"Profile visibility":["Visibilidade do perfil"],"TimeZone":["Fuso horário"],"Default Space":["Espaço padrão"],"Group Administrators":["Administradores do grupo"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Membros podem criar espaços privados"],"Members can create public spaces":["Membros podem criar espaços públicos"],"Birthday":["Aniversário"],"Custom":["Personalizar"],"Female":["Feminino"],"Gender":["Gênero"],"Hide year in profile":["Esconder idade no perfil"],"Male":["Masculino"],"City":["Cidade"],"Country":["País"],"Facebook URL":["URL Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Firstname":["Primeiro nome"],"Flickr URL":["URL Flickr"],"Google+ URL":["URL Google+"],"Lastname":["Sobrenome"],"LinkedIn URL":["URL LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Mobile":["Celular"],"MySpace URL":["URL MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Telefone particular"],"Phone Work":["Telefone empresarial"],"Skype Nickname":["Apelido no Skype"],"State":["Estado"],"Street":["Endereço"],"Twitter URL":["URL Twitter"],"Url":["Url"],"Vimeo URL":["URL Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Endereço XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["URL Xing"],"Youtube URL":["URL Youtube"],"Zip":["CEP"],"Created by":["Criado por"],"Editable":["Editável"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Campo Tipo não pode ser mudado!"],"Fieldtype":["Tipo de campo"],"Internal Name":["Nome Interno"],"Internal name already in use!":["Nome interno está em uso!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Nome interno não pode ser mudado!"],"Invalid field type!":["Tipo de campo inválido!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Atributo LDAP"],"Module":["Módulo"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Somente caracteres alfanuméricos são permitidos!"],"Profile Field Category":["Campo da categoria perfil"],"Required":["Obrigatório"],"Show at registration":["Mostrar na inscrição"],"Sort order":["Ordem de classificação"],"Translation Category ID":["ID da categoria tradução"],"Type Config":["Tipo de configuração"],"Visible":["Visível"],"Communication":["Comunicação"],"Social bookmarks":["Bookmarks sociais"],"Datetime":["Data e hora"],"Number":["Número"],"Select List":["Selecione a lista"],"Text":["Texto"],"Text Area":["Área de Texto"],"%y Years":["%y Anos"],"Birthday field options":["Opções do campo aniversário"],"Date(-time) field options":["Date(-time) opções de campo"],"Show date/time picker":["Mostrar data/hora"],"Maximum value":["Valor máximo"],"Minimum value":["Valor mínimo"],"Number field options":["Opções do campo Número"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["Uma opção por linha. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)"],"Please select:":["Selecione"],"Possible values":["Valores possíveis"],"Select field options":["Opções do campo de seleção"],"Default value":["Valor padrão"],"Maximum length":["Comprimento máximo"],"Minimum length":["Comprimento mínimo"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Expressão regular: Mensagem de erro"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Expressão regular: Vlidador"],"Text Field Options":["Opções do campo texto"],"Validator":["Validador"],"Text area field options":["Opções do campo text area"],"Authentication mode":["Modo de autenticação"],"New user needs approval":["Novo usuário precisa de aprovação"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Nome de usuário pode conter somente letras, números, espaços e caracteres especiais (+-._)"],"Wall":["Parede"],"Change E-mail":["Mudança de E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["E-mail atual"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Seu e-mail foi alterado com sucesso para {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Acabamos de enviar um email de confirmação para o novo endereço.
Por favor, siga as instruções contidas nele."],"Change password":["Mudança de senha"],"Password changed":["Senha alterada"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso!"],"Modify your profile image":["Modificar a imagem do seu perfil"],"Delete account":["Excluir conta"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Tem a certeza que quer deletar a sua conta?
Todo o seu conteúdo publicado será removido!"],"Delete account":["Excluir conta"],"Enter your password to continue":["Insira sua senha para continuar"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Desculpe, como um proprietário de um espaço, você não pode apagar a sua conta!
Por favor atribua outro proprietário para o(s) espaço(s) ou exclua-os."],"User details":["Detalhes do usuário"],"User modules":["Módulos do Usuário"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Você tem certeza? *TODOS* os dados do módulo para o seu perfil será excluído!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Melhore o seu perfil com módulos."],"User settings":["Configurações de usuário"],"Getting Started":["Primeiros passos"],"Registered users only":["Somente usuários registrados"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Visível para todos (usuários não registrados também)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Notificações de Área de Trabalho"],"Email Notifications":["Notificações por E-mail"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Receba notificações de Área de Trabalho quando estiver online."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Receba um e-mail, por todas as atividades de outros usuários que você segue ou trabalham
juntos em espaços de trabalho."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Receba um e-mail, quando outros usuários comentarem ou gostarem de suas respostas."],"Account registration":["Conta registro"],"Create Account":["Criar conta"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["A sua conta foi criada com sucesso!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Depois da sua conta ser ativada pelo administrador, você receberá uma notificação por e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Ir para a página de login"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Para efetuar o login com a sua nova conta, clique no botão abaixo."],"back to home":["Voltar ao início"],"Please sign in":["Por favor faça o login"],"Sign up":["Crie sua conta"],"Create a new one.":["Criar uma nova"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Não tem uma conta? Junte-se à rede, digitando o seu endereço de e-mail."],"Forgot your password?":["Esqueceu sua senha?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Se você já é membro, por favor, faça o login com seu nome de usuário ou e-mail e senha."],"Register":["Cadastrar"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["senha"],"username or email":["nome do usuário ou e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Recuperação de Senha","Recuperar Senha"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Basta digitar o seu endereço de e-mail que te enviaremos instruções de recuperação!"],"Password recovery":["Recuperação de senha"],"Reset password":["Resetar senha"],"enter security code above":["Digite o código de segurança acima"],"your email":["seu e-mail"],"Password recovery!":["Recuperação de senha!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Enviamos um e-mail contendo um link que lhe permitirá redefinir sua senha."],"Registration successful!":["Cadastrado com sucesso!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Por favor, verifique seu e-mail e siga as instruções!"],"Registration successful":["Cadastro efetuado com sucesso"],"Change your password":["Alterar sua senha"],"Password reset":["Redefinir Senha"],"Change password":["Alterar senha"],"Password reset":["Reconfigurar senha"],"Password changed!":["Senha alterada!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Confirme seu novo endereço de e-mail"],"Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Hello":["Olá"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Você solicitou a mudança do seu endereço de e-mail.
Seu novo endereço de e-mail é {newemail}.
Para confirmar, por favor clique no botão abaixo."],"Hello {displayName}":["Olá {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Se você não usar este link no prazo de 24 horas, ele irá expirar."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Por favor use o seguinte link no dia seguinte para redefinir sua senha."],"Reset Password":["Resetar Senha"],"Registration Link":["Link para Registro"],"Sign up":["Inscrever-se"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Bem vindo a %appName%, Por favor, clique no botão abaixo para prosseguir com o seu registo."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Uma rede social para aumentar a sua rede de comunicação.
Cadastre-se agora\n para aderir a este espaço."],"Sign up now":["Entre agora","Registe-se agora"],"Space Invite":["Convite de espaço"],"You got a space invite":["Você tem convite para um espaço"],"invited you to the space:":["convidou você para o espaço:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} mencionou você em {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} agora está seguindo você."],"About this user":["Sobre esse usuário"],"Modify your title image":["Modificar o título da sua imagem"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Este fluxo de perfil ainda está vazio b>"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Você realmente quer apagar sua imagem do logotipo?"],"Account settings":["Configurações da Conta"],"Profile":["Perfil"],"Edit account":["Editar conta"],"Following":["Seguindo"],"Following user":["Seguindo usuários"],"User followers":["Usuários seguidores"],"Member in these spaces":["Membro nesses espaços"],"User tags":["Tags do Usuário"],"No birthday.":["Nenhum aniversariante."],"Back to modules":["Voltar aos módulos"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo de Aniversário"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["O número de dias para exibição dos próximos aniversários no calendário."],"Tomorrow":["Amanhã"],"Upcoming":["Próximos"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Você pode configurar o número de dias antes dos próximos aniversários para que sejam mostrados no calendário."],"becomes":["tornar-se"],"birthdays":["aniversários"],"days":["dias"],"today":["hoje"],"years old.":["anos de idade."],"Active":["Ativo"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Marcar como não-visto para todos usuários"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Configuração Breaking News"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Nota: Você pode usar a sintaxe markdown."],"End Date and Time":["Data e hora final"],"Recur":["Lembrete"],"Recur End":["Final do lembrete"],"Recur Interval":["Intervalo do lembrete"],"Recur Type":["Tipo de lembrete"],"Select participants":["Selecionar participantes"],"Start Date and Time":["Data e hora inicial"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Você não tem permissão para acessar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Você não tem permissão para criar eventos!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Adicione um calendário para eventos privados ou públicos em seu perfil e menu principal."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Adicione um evento para este espaço."],"All Day":["Todo dia"],"Attending users":["Confirmaram presença"],"Calendar":["Calendário "],"Declining users":["Não Confirmaram presença"],"End Date":["Data Final"],"End Time":["Hora de término"],"End time must be after start time!":["A hora de término precisa ser depois da hora de início!"],"Event":["Evento"],"Event not found!":["Evento não encontrado!"],"Maybe attending users":["Talvez marcarão presença"],"Participation Mode":["Modo de Participação"],"Start Date":["Data de Inicio"],"Start Time":["Hora de início"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Você não tem permissão para apagar este evento!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Você não tem permissão para editar este evento!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% criou um novo %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% participou %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% talvez tenha participado %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% não participou %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Data/Hora de Início"],"Create event":["Criar evento"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Obs:Este evento será criado no seu perfil. Para criar um evento em um espaço, abra o calendário do espaço desejado."],"End Date/Time":["Data/Hora Final"],"Everybody can participate":["Todos podem participar"],"No participants":["Sem participantes"],"Participants":["Participantes"],"Created by:":["Criado por:"],"Edit this event":["Editar esse evento"],"I´m attending":["Estou participando"],"I´m maybe attending":["Talvez participarei"],"I´m not attending":["Não vou participar"],"Attend":["Participar"],"Edit event":["Editar evento"],"Maybe":["Talvez"],"Filter events":["Filtrar eventos"],"Select calendars":["Selecionar calendários"],"Already responded":["Já respondeu"],"Followed spaces":["Espaços seguidos"],"Followed users":["Usuários seguidos"],"My events":["Meus eventos"],"Not responded yet":["Ainda não respondeu"],"Upcoming events ":["Próximos eventos"],":count attending":[":count participando"],":count declined":[":count recusado"],":count maybe":[":count talvez"],"Participants:":["Participantes:"],"Create new Page":["Criar nova página"],"Custom Pages":["Personalizar Páginas"],"HTML":["HTML"],"IFrame":["IFrame"],"Link":["Link"],"MarkDown":["MarkDown"],"Navigation":["Navegação"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Não há páginas personalizadas criadas ainda!"],"Sort Order":["Ordem de Classificação"],"Top Navigation":["Menu Superior"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Menu da Conta de Usuário (Configurações)"],"Create page":["Criar página"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Ordenação padrão: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Título da página"],"URL":["URL"],"The item order was successfully changed.":["A ordem do item foi alterada com sucesso."],"Toggle view mode":["Alternar modo de visualização"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["Você não tem permissão para reordenar categorias!"],"Confirm category deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de categoria"],"Confirm link deleting":["Confirmar exclusão de link"],"Delete category":["Excluir categoria"],"Delete link":["Excluir link"],"Do you really want to delete this category? All connected links will be lost!":["Você realmente quer apagar esta categoria? Todos os links relacionados serão perdidos!"],"Do you really want to delete this link?":["Você realmente quer apagar este link?"],"Extend link validation by a connection test.":["Estender validação de link por um teste de conexão."],"Linklist":["Links úteis"],"Linklist Module Configuration":["Linklist Módulo de Configuração"],"Requested category could not be found.":["Categoria solicitada não pôde ser encontrada."],"Requested link could not be found.":["Link solicitado não pôde ser encontrado."],"Show the links as a widget on the right.":["Mostrar os links como um widget na direita."],"The category you want to create your link in could not be found!":["A categoria que você deseja criar o seu link não foi encontrada!"],"There have been no links or categories added to this space yet.":["Ainda não há links ou categorias adicionadas a este espaço."],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Você pode ativar a validação estendida de links para um espaço ou usuário."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["Você não tem permissão para adicionar/editar links!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["Você não tem permissão para apagar esta categoria!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["Você não tem permissão para eliminar este link!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["Você não tem permissão para editar esta categoria!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["Você não tem permissão para editar esse link!"],"Messages":["Mensagens"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Você não deveria enviar um e-mail para si! Ora bolas!","Você não pode enviar um e-mail para si!"],"Recipient":["Destinatário"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Você não pode enviar um e-mail para você mesmo! Ora!","Você NÃO PODE enviar um e-mail para si mesmo!"],"New message from {senderName}":["Nova mensagem de {senderName}"],"and {counter} other users":["e {counter} outros usuários"],"New message in discussion from %displayName%":["Nova mensagem em discussão de %displayName%"],"New message":["Nova mensagem"],"Reply now":["Responder agora"],"sent you a new message:":["enviar uma nova mensagem:"],"sent you a new message in":["enviar uma nova mensagem em"],"Add more participants to your conversation...":["Adicionar mais participantes na sua conversa ..."],"Add user...":["Adicionar usuário..."],"New message":["Nova mensagem"],"Edit message entry":["Editar mensagem"],"Messagebox":["Caixa de mensagem"],"Inbox":["Caixa de entrada"],"There are no messages yet.":["Não há mensagens ainda."],"Write new message":["Escrever nova mensagem"],"Confirm deleting conversation":["Confirmar apagar conversa"],"Confirm leaving conversation":["Confirmar deixar conversa"],"Confirm message deletion":["Confirmar apagar mensagem"],"Add user":["Adicionar usuário"],"Do you really want to delete this conversation?":["Você quer realmente apagar esta conversa?"],"Do you really want to delete this message?":["Você realmente quer apagar esta mensagem?"],"Do you really want to leave this conversation?":["Você quer realmente sair desta conversa?"],"Leave":["Sair"],"Leave discussion":["Deixar discussão"],"Write an answer...":["Escreva uma resposta ..."],"User Posts":["Posts do Usuário"],"Show all messages":["Mostrar todas as mensagens"],"Send message":["Enviar mensagem"],"No users.":["Nenhum usuário."],"The number of users must not be greater than a 7.":["O número de usuários não pode ser maior que 7."],"The number of users must not be negative.":["O número de usuários não pode ser negativo."],"Most active people":["Pessoa mais ativa","Pessoa mais ativa"],"Get a list":["Listar"],"Most Active Users Module Configuration":["Modulo de configuração de usuários mais ativos"],"The number of most active users that will be shown.":["Número máximo de usuários mais ativos que será apresentado."],"You may configure the number users to be shown.":["Você pode configurar o número de usuários para ser apresentado."],"Comments created":["Comentários criados"],"Likes given":["Curtidas dadas"],"Posts created":["Posts criados"],"Notes":["Notas"],"Etherpad API Key":["Chave da API do Etherpad"],"URL to Etherpad":["URL para Etherpad"],"Could not get note content!":["Não foi possível obter o conteúdo da nota!"],"Could not get note users!":["Não foi possível obter os usuários de nota!"],"Note":["Nota"],"{userName} created a new note {noteName}.":["{userName} criou uma nova nota ({noteName})."],"{userName} has worked on the note {noteName}.":["{userName} trabalhou na nota {noteName}."],"API Connection successful!":["API - Conexão bem sucedida!"],"Could not connect to API!":["Não foi possível conectar-se a API!"],"Current Status:":["Status atual:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo de Notas"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Por favor, leia a documentação do módulo em protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt para mais detalhes!"],"Save & Test":["Salvar & Testar"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["O módulo de notas precisa de um servidor EtherPad Up e executando!"],"Save and close":["Salvar e fechar"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} criou uma nova nota e atribuiu a você."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} trabalhou na nota {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Abrir nota"],"Title of your new note":["Título da sua nova nota"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma anotação foi encontrada que coincide com o seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)"],"There are no notes yet!":["Ainda não existem notas!"],"Polls":["Enquete"],"Could not load poll!":["Não foi possível carregar enquete!"],"Invalid answer!":["Resposta inválida!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Usuários votaram em: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["A votação para múltiplas respostas está desabilitada!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Você não tem permissões suficientes para executar essa operação!"],"Answers":["Respostas"],"Multiple answers per user":["Múltiplas respostas por usuário"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Especifique pelo menos {min} respostas!"],"Question":["Pergunta"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} eleito o {question}."],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} respondeu a {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} criou uma nova enquete: {question}."],"User who vote this":["Usuário que vota nesta"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} criou uma nova enquete e atribuiu a você."],"Ask":["Perguntar"],"Reset my vote":["Resetar meu voto","Redefinir meu voto"],"Vote":["Votar"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["e mais {count} votos para este."],"votes":["votos"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Permitir várias respostas por usuário?"],"Ask something...":["Pergunte alguma coisa..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Possíveis respostas (um por linha)"],"Display all":["Mostrar tudo"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma enquete encontrada que corresponda(m) ao(s) seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Não existem enquetes ainda!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Ainda não existem enquetes!
Seja o primeiro e criar uma..."],"Asked by me":["Enviadas por mim"],"No answered yet":["Ainda não há resposta"],"Only private polls":["Somente pesquisas particulares"],"Only public polls":["Somente sondagens públicas"],"Manage reported posts":["Gerenciar posts reportados"],"Reported posts":["Posts reportados"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Por que você quer denunciar essa postagem?"],"by :displayName":["por :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["criado por :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Não está relacionado ao espaço"],"Offensive":["Ofensivo"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar posts de usuários reportados."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como ofensivo."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como spam."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Um usuário marcou seu post como não relacionado a este espaço."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como ofensivo."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como spam."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% reportou %contentTitle% como não relacioinado ao espaço."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar posts reportados deste espaço."],"Appropriate":["Apropriado"],"Confirm post deletion":["Confirme exclusão da postagem"],"Confirm report deletion":["Confirme exclusão da denúncia"],"Delete post":["Excluir postagem"],"Delete report":["Excluir denúncia"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Você realmente quer excluir esta denúncia?"],"Reason":["Motivo"],"Reporter":["Relator"],"There are no reported posts.":["Não há postagens denunciadas."],"Does not belong to this space":["Não pertence a este espaço"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ajude-nos a entender o que está acontecendo"],"It's offensive":["É ofensivo"],"It's spam":["É SPAM"],"Report post":["Denunciar postagem"],"API ID":["ID da API"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Permitir mensagens maiores que 160 caracteres (padrão: não permitido -> atualmente não há suporte, uma vez que os caracteres são limitados pela view)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Um erro desconhecido ocorreu."],"Body too long.":["Texto muito longo."],"Body too too short.":["Texto muito curto."],"Characters left:":["Caracteres restantes: "],"Choose Provider":["Escolha o provedor"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Não foi possível estabelecer conexão com o servidor de SMS, gentileza entrar em contato com um administrador."],"Gateway Number":["Número do gateway"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["O Gateway não está disponível para esta rede."],"Insufficent credits.":["Créditos insuficientes."],"Invalid IP address.":["Endereço IP inválido."],"Invalid destination.":["Destino inválido."],"Invalid sender.":["Remetente inválido."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Usuário ou senha inválido. Gentileza contactar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Não há créditos suficientes para a contra principal."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Não há créditos suficientes para uma sub-conta."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Provedor não iniciado. Gentileza contatar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Destinatário é inválido."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Destinatário não está propriamente formatado, deve estar no formato internacional, ou 00[...], ou +[...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Marcação de referência para criar filtro nas estatísticas."],"Route access violation.":["Violação de acesso de rota."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Configuração do Módulo SMS"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["O SMS foi rejeitado/não pôde ser entregue."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["O SMS foi enviado com sucesso."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Não há indicação de preço para o SMS (premium number ads)."],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS com mensagens de texto idênticas foram enviadas com muita frequencia nos últimos 180 segundos. "],"Save Configuration":["Salvar Configurações"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Erro de segurança. Gentileza contatar um administrador para verificar a configuração do módulo."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Selecione a tora Spryng(?) (Padrão: BUSINESS)"],"Send SMS":["Enviar SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Envie um SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Envie um SMS para"],"Sender is invalid.":["Remetente é inválido."],"Technical error.":["Erro técnico."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Opção de teste. SMS não são entregues, mas o servidor responde como se tivessem sido."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Para ser possível enviar um SMS para uma conta específica, certifique-se de que o campo \"mobile\" exista na conta do usuário."],"Unknown route.":["Rota desconhecida."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["Nesta configuração você pode escolher entre diferentes provedores de SMS e configurá-los. Você deve fornecer suas informações de conta de forma adequada para o provedor escolhido para que a funcionalidade SMS funcione corretamente."],"Tasks":["Tarefas"],"Could not access task!":["Não foi possível acessar a tarefa!"],"Task":["Tarefa"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} atribuído à tarefa {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} criou a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} finalizou a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} atribuiu a você a tarefa {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} criou a nova tarefa {task}."],"Create new task":["Criar nova tarefa"],"Edit task":["Editar tarefa"],"Assign users":["Designar usuários"],"Assign users to this task":["Atribuir usuários para esta tarefa"],"Deadline":["Prazo"],"Deadline for this task?":["Prazo para esta tarefa?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Pré-atribuir usuários para esta tarefa."],"Task description":["Descrição da tarefa"],"What is to do?":["O que é para fazer?"],"Confirm deleting":["Confirmar exclusão"],"Add Task":["Adicionar tarefa"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Você realmente quer excluir esta tarefa?"],"No open tasks...":["Não há tarefas abertas..."],"completed tasks":["Tarefas finalizadas"],"This task is already done":["Esta tarefa já está feita"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Você não está designado para esta tarefa"],"Click, to finish this task":["Clique, para finalizar esta tarefa"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Esta tarefa já está feita. Clique para reabrir."],"My tasks":["Minhas tarefas"],"From space: ":["Do espaço:"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Nenhuma tarefa encontrada que corresponda ao seu(s) filtro(s) atual(ais)!"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Não há tarefas ainda!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Não há tarefas ainda!
Seja o primeiro e criar uma..."],"Assigned to me":["Designado para mim"],"Nobody assigned":["Ninguém atribuído"],"State is finished":["Estado está finalizado"],"State is open":["Estado está aberto"],"What to do?":["O que fazer?"],"Translation Manager":["Gerenciador de traduções"],"Translations":["Traduções"],"Translation Editor":["Editor de traduções"],"Confirm page deleting":["Confirme apagar a página"],"Confirm page reverting":["Confirme reverter a página"],"Overview of all pages":["Visão geral de todas as páginas"],"Page history":["Histórico da Página"],"Wiki Module":["Módulo Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Adicionar uma wiki para este espaço"],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Adicionar uma wiki para este perfil."],"Back to page":["Voltar para a página"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Você realmente quer apagar esta página?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Você realmente quer reverter esta página?"],"Edit page":["Editar página"],"Edited at":["Editado em"],"Go back":["Voltar"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Caractere inválido no título da página!"],"Let's go!":["Vamos lá!"],"Main page":["Página principal"],"New page":["Nova página"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Não existem páginas criadas ainda. Então é com você.
Crie a primeira página agora."],"Page History":["Histórico da página"],"Page title already in use!":["Título da página já está em uso!"],"Revert":["Reverter"],"Revert this":["Reverter este"],"View":["Visualizar"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["por"],"Wiki page":["Página Wiki"],"Create new page":["Criar nova página"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Insira o nome ou url da página Wiki (ex. http://exemplo.com)"],"New page title":["Título da nova página"],"Page content":["Conteúdo da página"],"Open wiki page...":["Abrir página wiki..."],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Baixando e instalando módulos..."],"comment":["Comentário"],"post":["Post"],"Allow":["Permitir"],"Default":["Padrão"],"Deny":["Recusar"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Por favor digite pelo menos 3 caracteres"],"Approval":["Aprovação"],"OEmbed providers":["Provedores Oembed"],"Security":["Segurança"],"Self test":["Auto teste"],"User posts":["Mensagens de usuários"],"Userprofiles":["Perfis de usuário"],"Group user not found!":["Grupo de usuário não encontrado!"],"No value found!":["Valor não encontrado!"],"Date input format":["Formato de data"],"Default stream content order":["Ordem padrão do stream"],"Sort by creation date":["Classificar por data de criação"],"Sort by update date":["Classificar por data de atualização"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Visibilidade Padrão do Conteúdo"],"Administrative group":["Grupo administrativo"],"About HumHub":["Sobre HumHub"],"CronJobs":["Cronjobs"],"Prerequisites":["Pré-requisitos"],"Advanced":["Avançado"],"Permissions":["Permissões"],"No purchased modules found!":["Nenhum módulo comprados encontrado!"],"Third-party":["Terceiro"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Os desenvolvedores HumHub não fornecem suporte para módulos de terceiros ou qualquer garantia sobre a adequação, funcionalidade ou segurança deste módulo."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Aviso de Terceiro"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Há uma nova versão do Humhub ({version}) disponível."],"Advanced Settings":["Configurações Avançadas"],"Appearance Settings":["Configurações de Aparência"],"E-Mail Settings":["Configurações de E-Mail"],"General Settings":["Configurações Gerais"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar o comportamento de e-mail e o servidor de sua rede social."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar o comportamento de registro e configurações adicionais de usuário de sua rede social."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Aqui você pode configurar as definições básicas de sua rede social."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Estas definições referem-se a tópicos avançados de sua rede social."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Estas definições referem-se a aparência de sua rede social."],"User Settings":["Configurações de Usuário"],"Add new space":["Adicionar novo espaço"],"Information":["Informação"],"Settings and Configuration":["Definições e Configuração"],"User administration":["Administração de Usuário"],"Add new group":["Adicionar novo grupo"],"Back to overview":["Voltar para Visão Global","Voltar à visão geral"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Gerenciar grupo: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Aprovações pendentes"],"Profiles":["Perfis"],"Actions":["Ações"],"Pending user approvals":["Aprovação de Usuário pendentes"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["A seguinte lista contém todos os usuários registrados que aguardam uma aprovação."],"Manage groups":["Gerenciar grupos"],"Add":["Adicionar"],"Add new members...":["Adicionar novos membros..."],"Remove from group":["Remover do grupo"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Os usuários podem pertencer a diferentes grupos (p. ex. equipes, departamentos etc.) com normas específicas de espaço, gerentes de grupo e permissões."],"Purchases":["Compras"],"Buy (%price%)":["Comprar (%price%)"],"Disclaimer":["Aviso Legal"],"Licence Key:":["Chave de Licença:"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Auto formato baseado na linguagem do usuário - Exemplo: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Formato fixo (mm/dd/yyyy) - Exemplo: {example}"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Novos usuário serão adicionados automaticamente a este(s) espaço(s)."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Atividades fornece uma visão geral das ações realizadas no contexto de um espaço ou de outros usuários. (P. ex. um novo post foi escrito ou um novo membro se juntou ao espaço)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["\nDefinir o comportamento padrão para o envio de e-mails do usuário. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas pelos usuários em suas configurações de conta.","\r\nDefinir o comportamento padrão para o envio de e-mails do usuário. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas pelos usuários em suas configurações de conta."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["As notificações são informações relacionadas aos usuários (p. ex. novos comentários em seu post ou um novo seguidor). As notificações também serão criadas quando uma ação do usuário é necessária (p. ex. pedido de amizade)."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Ativar provedores OEmbed"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Adicionar provedor OEmbed"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Editar provedor OEmbed"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Aqui você pode definir as configurações padrão para novos espaços. Essas configurações podem ser alteradas individualmente para cada espaço."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Esta Visão Global contém uma lista de ações para cada espaço como visualizar, editar e excluir espaços."],"Edit user: {name}":["Editar usuário: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Gerenciar Grupo"],"Last login":["Último login"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Esta Visão Global contém uma lista de ações para cada usuário registado como visualizar, editar e excluir usuários."],"never":["nunca"],"Create new profile category":["Criar nova categoria de perfil"],"Edit profile category":["Editar categoria de perfil"],"Create new profile field":["Criar novo campo de perfil"],"Edit profile field":["Editar campo de perfil"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Aqui você pode criar ou editar categorias e campo de perfil."],"Manage profile attributes":["Gerenciar atributos de perfil"],"Appearance":["Aparência"],"E-Mails":["E-Mails"],"Information":["Informação"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Space followers":["Seguidores do Espaço"],"No spaces found.":["Nenhum espaço encontrado."],"Private":["Privado"],"Space":["Espaço"],"Stream (Default)":["Stream (Padrão)"],"Members":["Membros"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Desculpe, você não tem permissão para deixar este espaço!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Como proprietário deste espaço você pode transferir esse papel para outro administrador."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["O URL contém caracteres inválidos!"],"Transfer ownership":["Transferir a propriedade"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["p. ex. exemplo para {baseUrl]/s/exemplo"],"Last Visit":["Última Visita"],"Originator User ID":["ID do Usuário Criador"],"Request Message":["Mensagem de Solicitação"],"Updated By":["Atualizado por","Atualizado Por"],"Color":["Cor"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aceitou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} aprovou sua adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} recusou seu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} recusou sua adesão ao espaço {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} convidou você para o espaço {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["Permitir o usuário criar conteúdos públicos"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["Permitir o usuário convidar novos membros para o espaço"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["Pode criar espaços ocultos (privados)."],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["Pode criar espaços públicos visíveis. (Listado no diretório)"],"Create private space":["Criar espaço privado"],"Create public content":["Criar conteúdo público"],"Create public space":["Criar espaço público"],"Invite users":["Convidar usuários"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Adicionar {n,plural,=1{espaço} other{espaços}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Escolha se novos conteúdos devem ser públicos ou privados por padrão"],"Manage members":["Gerenciar membros"],"Role":["Função"],"Add Modules":["Adicionar Módulos"],"Security settings":["Configurações de Segurança"],"Space settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["As permissões atribuem diferentes funções aos usuários. Para editar uma permissão, selecione função do usuário que deseja editar e altere o valor para conceder a permissão."],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Você não é membro deste espaço e não há conteúdo público, ainda!"],"Cancel Membership":["Cancelar Adesão"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Ocultar posts no painel"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Exibir posts no painel"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opção ocultará novos conteúdos deste espaço em seu painel"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Esta opção exibirá novos conteúdos deste espaço em seu painel"],"Pending Approvals":["Aprovações Pendentes"],"Pending Invites":["Convites Pendentes"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["A pasta %filename% não pôde ser salva."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% possui extensão inválida e foi ignorada."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% foi substituído por uma nova versão."],"Confirm delete file":["Confirme excluir arquivo"],"Create folder":["Criar pasta"],"Edit folder":["Editar pasta"],"Files module configuration":["Configuração do módulo de Arquivos"],"Move files":["Mover arquivos"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Já existe uma pasta com esse nome."],"Add directory":["Adicionar pasta"],"Add file(s)":["Adicionar arquivo(s)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Adicionar o módulo de arquivos para este espaço."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Adicionar o módulo de arquivos para o seu perfil."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Arquivo %filename% não pôde ser extraído."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Suporte a Arquivo (ZIP) não está ativado."],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Arquivo %title% não pôde ser salvo.","Não é possível salvar o arquivo %title%. "],"Creator":["Criador"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Desabilitar suporte a Arquivo (ZIP)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Você realmente quer apagar este(s) %número% item(s) com todo seu conteúdo?"],"Edit directory":["Editar pasta"],"Files from the stream":["Arquivos do stream"],"Folder":["Pasta"],"Folder options":["Opções da Pasta"],"Folder should not start or end with blank space.":["Pasta não pode iniciar ou terminar com espaço em branco."],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Permissões insuficientes para executar esta ação."],"Invalid parameter.":["Parâmetro inválido."],"Move":["Mover."],"Open":["Abrir"],"Selected items...":["Itens selecionados..."],"Show":["Exibir"],"Show Post":["Exibir Post"],"The archive could not be created.":["O arquivo não pôde ser criado."],"This folder is empty.":["Esta pasta está vazia."],"Updated":["Atualizado"],"ZIP all":["ZIP todos"],"ZIP selected":["ZIP selecionado"],"changed:":["alterado:"],"created:":["criado:"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["O módulo não está habilitado para este container!"],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} e {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} e {number} outros"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["Usuário '{username}' atualmente já é um membro deste espaço!"],"Administrators":["Administradores"],"Moderators":["Moderadores"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} pediu convite para o espaço {spaceName}"],"Done":["Pronto","Feito"],"Your profile":["Seu perfil"],"Basic Settings":["Configurações basicas"],"Change Email":["Mudar e-mail"],"Change Password":["Mudar senha"],"Confirm new password":["Confirme nova senha"],"Connected Accounts":["Contas Conectadas"],"Connected accounts":["Contas conectadas"],"Currently in use":["Atualmente em uso"],"Delete Account":["Apagar conta"],"Disconnect account":["Desconectar conta"],"My Account":["Minha conta"],"No users found.":["Nenhum usuário encontrado."],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["Sua nova senha não pode ser igual a sua senha atual!"],"or":["ou"],"Auth Mode":["Modo de autenticação"],"Last Login":["Último login"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} está te seguindo agora."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} mencionou você em {contentTitle}."],"Could not extract update package!":["Não foi possível extrair o pacote de atualização!"],"Could not get update info online! (%error%)":["Não foi possível verificar informações de atualização online! (%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Resultado de migração de banco de dados:"],"Downloading update package...":["Baixando pacote de atualização..."],"Error!":["Erro!"],"Installing update package...":["Instalando pacote de atualização..."],"Please note:":["Por favor note que:"],"Release Notes:":["Notas de lançamento:"],"Start Installation":["Iniciar Instalação"],"Warning!":["Aviso!"],"Warnings:":["Avisos:"],"successfully installed!":["Instado com sucesso!"],"version update":["versão da atualização"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Define o filtro a ser aplicado, quando o login é feito. %s substitui o nome de usuário no processo de login. Exemplo: "sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Adicionar módulo através de chave de licença"],"Cronjobs":["Tarefas agendadas"],"Enable user friendship system":["Habilitar interface simplificada para o usuário."],"Friendship":["Amizade"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Você pode incluir um código HTML de Rastreamento que será adiconado à todas as páginas."],"Send invite":["Enviar convite"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} comentou {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} comentou {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Novo comentário"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Permitir que o usuário adicione comentários"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Permite que o usuário crie posts"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Pode gerenciar (gravar, colar ou excluir) conteúdo arbitrário"],"Create comment":["Criar comentário"],"Create post":["Criar posts"],"Manage content":["Gerenciar conteúdo"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Aniversariantes durantes os próximos {days} dias."],"In {days} days":["Em {days} dias."],"becomes {years} years old.":["completando {years} anos."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Download":["Baixar"],"Download ZIP":["Baixar ZIP"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Não é possível mover para o mesmo diretório. Por favor localize outro diretório para %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Não há itens válidos selecionados para mover."],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Falha ao abrir o arquivo. Código %code%"],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Por favor, selecione um diretório de destino válido para %title%."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["A pasta %filename% já existe. Seu conteúdo será sobrescrito."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["A pasta com o id %id% não existe."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["Infelizmente, você não tem permissão para transferir/editar arquivos."],"Upload":["Transferir"],"Upload ZIP":["Transferir ZIP"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Transfira arquivos ou crie uma subpasta usando os botões na parte superior."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Transfira arquivos ao stream para preencher esta pasta."],"root":["root"],"Folder ID":["ID da Pasta"],"Parent Folder ID":["ID da Pasta Pai"],"Does not belong here":["Não pertence a este espaço"],"Show more":["Mostrar mais"],"The date has to be in the past.":["A data tem de ser no passado."],"Unsubscribe":["Desinscrever"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Imagens de rolagem horizontal em um dispositivo móvel"],"Visible for members only":["Visível apenas para membros"],"Visible for members+guests":["Vísivel para membros e visitantes"],"Space Settings":["Configurações do Espaço"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} criou {contentTitle}."],"Load more":["Carregar mais"],"Edit file":["Editar arquivo"],"An internal error occurred. 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Não foi possível carregar a pasta raiz, banco de dados não inicializado corretamente."],"Cannot edit non existing file.":["Não é possível editar um arquivo inexistente."],"Created at:":["Criado em:"],"Edit the file description...":["Editar a descrição do arquivo..."],"Edit the folder description...":["Editar a descrição da pasta..."],"Filesize:":["Tamanho do arquivo:"],"Last edited at:":["Última edição em:"],"Last edited by:":["Última edição por:"],"Likes/Comments":["Curtidas/Comentários"],"Show Image":["Mostrar Imagem"],"Show all files":["Mostrar todos os arquivos"],"Show complete file preview":["Mostrar a prévia do arquivo completo"],"This folder is still empty.":["Esta pasta continua vazia."],"Allows to add pages (markdown, iframe or links) to the space navigation":["Permite adicionar páginas (markdown, iframe ou links) à navegação de espaço"],"Custom pages":["Páginas personalizadas"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Sem adicionar à navegação (Link Direto)"],"Add new page":["Adicionar nova página"],"Open page...":["Abrir página..."],"Wall entry layout":["Layout de entrada no mural"],"Group members - {group}":["Membros do Grupo - {group}"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["As dimensões da imagem são muito grandes para serem processadas com o limite de memória do servidor atual!"],"My friends":["Meus amigos"],"Pending friend requests":["Solicitações de amizade pendentes"],"Sent friend requests":["Solicitações de amizade enviadas"],"Accept Friend Request":["Aceitar Solicitação de Amizade"],"Add Friend":["Adicionar Amigo"],"Cancel friend request":["Cancelar solicitação de amizade"],"Deny friend request":["Negar solicitação de amizade"],"Friends":["Amigos"],"Requests":["Solicitações"],"Sent requests":["Enviar solicitações"],"Show all friends":["Exibir amigos"],"Unfriend":["Cancelar amizade"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} aceitou sua solicitação de amizade."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} rejeitou sua solicitação de amizade."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} enviou para você uma solicitação de amizade."],"Friendship Request":["Solicitação de Amizade"],"Friendship Approved":["Amizade Aprovada"],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Entre o amor e a loucura reside a obsessão."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Estamos à procura de grandes slogans de marcas famosas. Talvez você possa apresentar algumas amostras?"],"Welcome Space":["Espaço de Boas Vindas"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Yay! Acabei de instalar o HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Seu primeiro espaço de exemplo para descobrir a plataforma."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Configurar o conteúdo de exemplo (recomendado)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Permitir o acesso de usuários não registrados ao conteúdo público (acesso de convidado)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Permitir amizades entre membros"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["O usuário externo pode se inscrever (O formulário de registro será exibido no Login)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Usuários recém-registrados precisam ser ativados por um administrador primeiro"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Os membros registrados podem convidar novos usuários por e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Quero usar o HumHub para:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Você está quase pronto. Nesta etapa, você deve preencher o formulário para criar uma conta de administrador. Com esta conta você pode gerenciar toda a rede."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub é muito flexível e pode ser ajustado e/ou expandido para várias aplicações diferentes graças aos seus diferentes módulos. Os seguintes módulos são apenas alguns exemplos e aqueles que consideramos mais importantes para o aplicativo escolhido.
Você pode sempre instalar ou remover módulos posteriormente. Você pode encontrar mais módulos disponíveis após a instalação na área de administração."],"Recommended Modules":["Módulos Recomendados"],"Example contents":["Conteúdos de Examplo"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Para evitar um painel em branco após o login inicial, o HumHub pode instalar conteúdo de exemplo para você. Aqueles que te darão uma vista geral agradável de como HumHub trabalha. Você sempre pode excluir o conteúdo individual."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Aqui você pode decidir como novos usuários não registrados podem acessar o HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Configurações de Segurança"],"Configuration":["Configuração"],"My club":["Meu clube"],"My community":["Minha Comunidade"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Minha empresa (Intranet Social / Gerenciamento de Projetos)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Minha instituição educacional (escola, universidade)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Ignorar esta etapa, eu quero configurar tudo manualmente"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Para simplificar a configuração, temos configurações predefinidas para os casos de uso mais comuns, com diferentes opções de módulos e configurações. Você pode ajustá-los durante a próxima etapa."],"New Like":["Nova Curtida"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} curtiram {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} curtiu {contentTitle}."],"You":["Você"],"You like this.":["Você curtiu isso."],"Other":["Outro"],"Notification Overview":["Visão geral de Notificação"],"Module Filter":["Filtro de Módulo"],"No notifications found!":["Nenhuma notificação encontrada!"],"Show all notifications":["Exibir todas as notificações"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Procurar usuário, espaços e conteúdo"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Pesquisar somente em determinados espaços:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["A sua pesquisa não encontrou correspondências."],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["Usuário '{username}' atualmente já é um candidato deste espaço!"],"the default start page of this space for members":["A página de início padrão deste espaço para membros"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["A página de início padrão deste espaço para os visitantes"],"Default content visibility":["Visibilidade de conteúdo padrão"],"Homepage":["Homepage"],"Homepage (Guests)":["Homepage (Convidados)"],"":[""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Arraste uma foto aqui ou clique para procurar seus arquivos"],"Hide my year of birth":["Esconder meu ano de nascimento"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Olá %firstname%, obrigado por usar o HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Você é o primeiro usuário aqui ... Yehaaa! Seja um exemplo brilhante e complete o seu perfil,
para que os futuros usuários saibam quem é o superior aqui e para quem eles possam recorrer se tiverem dúvidas."],"Your firstname":["Seu primeiro nome"],"Your lastname":["Your lastname"],"Your mobild phone number":["Seu telefone móvel"],"Your phone number at work":["Seu número de telefone no trabalho"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Suas habilidades, conhecimentos e experiência (separados por vírgula)"],"Your title or position":["Seu título ou posição"],"Connect account":["Conectar conta"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Aqui você pode se conectar ao provedor de serviço externo para usar serviços externos como uma autenticação única."],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Um usuário com o mesmo e-mail já existe, mas não está vinculado a você. Faça login usando seu e-mail primeiro para vinculá-lo."],"You're not registered.":["Você não está registrado."],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Ocultar painel de turismo de introdução no painel"],"Invite new people":["Convidar strong> novas pessoas"],"Email address(es)":["Endereço(s) de e-mail"],"Invitation to join":["Convite para participar"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Adicione os endereços de e-mail das pessoas que você deseja convidar abaixo."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Separe vários endereços de e-mail por vírgula."],"Click here to create an account:":["Clique aqui para criar uma conta:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{Username} convidou você para participar de \"{space}\" em {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{Username} convidou você para {name}."],"Searchable":["Pesquisável"],"Date":["Data"],"Markdown":["Anotar"],"Hide age per default":["Ocultar idade por padrão"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Códigos de país separados por vírgulas, ex. DE,EN,AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Códigos de país ISO3166 suportados"],"Last Activity Email":["E-mail de última atividade"],"Manager":["Gerente"],"Show At Directory":["Mostrar no Diretório"],"Show At Registration":["Mostrar no Registo"],"Space ID":["ID do Espaço","ID do espaço"],"Mentioned":["Mencionado"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Seu endereço de e-mail atual é {email}. Você pode alterar seu endereço de e-mail atual aqui."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Sua senha atual pode ser alterada aqui."],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Aqui você pode editar seus dados gerais de perfil, que estão visíveis na página sobre do seu perfil."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Receba um e-mail, para cada atividade de outros usuários que você seguir ou trabalhar juntos em um espaço de trabalho."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Receba notificações da área de trabalho quando estiver on-line."],"Remember me":["Lembrar de mim"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Convite para participar: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Registre-se agora e participe!"],"You got an invite":["Você tem um convite"],"invited you to join {name}.":["Convidou você para participar de {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["Convidou você para participar de {space} em {name}."],"Open directory!":["Abrir diretório!"],"Open parent directory!":["Abrir diretório pai!"],"Schließen":["Fechar"],"Show on Wall":["Exibir no Mural"],"Description for the wall entry.":["Descrição para entrada no mural."],"Add Dropbox files":["Adicionar arquivo do Dropbox"],"Invalid file":["Arquivo inválido"],"Dropbox API Key":["Chave API Dropbox"],"Show warning on posting":["Mostrar aviso na postagem"],"Dropbox post":["Postagem Dropbox"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Configuração de Módulo Dropbox"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["O módulo dropbox precisa de um aplicativo dropbox ativo criado! Acesse este site, escolha \"Aplicativo drop-ins\" e forneça um nome de aplicativo para obter sua chave API."],"Dropbox settings":["Configurações Dropbox"],"Describe your files":["Descreva seus arquivos"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["Desculpe, o módulo Dropbox ainda não está configurado! Entre em contato com o administrador."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["O módulo Dropbox ainda não está configurado! Configure-o aqui."],"Select files from dropbox":["Selecione arquivos para o Dropbox"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Atenção! Você está compartilhando arquivos particulares"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Não mostrar este aviso no futuro"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Os arquivos que você deseja compartilhar são privados. Para compartilhar arquivos em seu espaço, geramos um link compartilhado. Todos com o link podem ver o arquivo.
Tem certeza de que deseja compartilhar?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Sim. Eu tenho certeza."],"Enterprise Edition Trial Period":["Período de avaliação Enterprise Edition"],"Invalid Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licença Enterprise Edition inválida"],"Register Enterprise Edition":["Registro de Enterprise Edition"],"Unregistered Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition Não Registrada"],"Enterprise Edition":["Enterprise Edition"],"Please enter your HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence key below. If you don't have a licence key yet, you can obtain one at %link%.":["Introduza a sua chave de licença HumHub - Enterprise Edition abaixo. Se ainda não tem uma chave de licença, obtenha uma em %link%."],"Please register this HumHub - Enterprise Edition!":["Por favor, registre esta versão HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Please update this HumHub - Enterprise Edition licence!":["Por favor, atualize esta licença HumHub - Enterprise Edition!"],"Registration successful!":["Registo bem sucedido!"],"Validating...":["Validando..."],"You have {daysLeft} days left in your trial period.":["Você tem {daysLeft} dias restantes em seu período de avaliação."],"A rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Uma regra pode estar na forma @example.com para permitir cada e-mail do host especificado ou um endereço completo como user@example.com"],"E-Mail Mapping":["Mapeamento de E-mail"],"The email mapping allows you to specify email rules for users which will be automatically assigned to this group after registration.":["O mapeamento de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para usuários que serão automaticamente atribuídos a este grupo após o registro."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for restricting allowed email adresses for user registration and invites.":["A lista de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para restringir endereços de e-mail permitidos para o registro de usuários e convites."],"The email whitelist allows you to specify email rules for users who don't need to be approved after registration.":["A lista de e-mail permite que você especifique regras de e-mail para usuários que não precisam ser aprovados após o registro."],"The follwing emails do not match the whitelist settings: {emails}":["Os seguintes emails não correspondem às configurações da lista de permissões: {emails}"],"The given email address is not allowed for registration!":["O endereço de e-mail fornecido não é permitido para o registro!"],"When the E-Mail Whitelist feature is also enabled (at least one rule) - the given rules will be also added to the whitelist.":["Quando o recurso Lista Brance de E-Mail estiver ativado (pelo menos uma regra) - as regras fornecidas também serão adicionadas à lista de permissões."],"Whitelist":["Lista Branca"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Licença Enterprise Edition"],"Licence Serial Code":["Código Serial da Licença"],"Please specify your Enterprise Edition Licence Code below, you can also leave it blank to start a 14 days trial.":["Especifique o seu código de licença Enterprise Edition abaixo, você também pode deixá-lo em branco para iniciar uma avaliação de 14 dias."],"Create new ldap mapping":["Criar novo mapeamento ldap"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Editar mapeamento ldap"],"LDAP member mapping":["Mapeamento de usuário LDAP"],"Create new mapping":["Criar novo mapeamento"],"LDAP Mapping":["Mapeamento LDAP"]," %itemTitle%":[" %itemTitle%"],"Change type":["Alterar tipo"],"Create new %typeTitle%":["Criar novo %typeTitle%"],"Create new space type":["Criar novo tipo de espaço"],"Delete space type":["Excluir tipo de espaço"],"Edit space type":["Editar tipo de espaço"],"Create new type":["Criar novo tipo"],"Here you can manage your space types, which can be used to categorize your spaces.":["Aqui você pode gerenciar seus tipos de espaço, que podem ser usados para categorizar seus espaços."],"Space Types":["Tipos de Espaços"],"To delete the space type \"{type}\" you need to set an alternative type for existing spaces:":["Para excluir o tipo de espaço \"{type}\" você precisa definir um tipo alternativo para espaços existentes:"],"Types":["Tipos"],"e.g. Project":["ex. Projeto"],"e.g. Projects":["ex. Projetos"],"A whitelist rule can either be in the form @example.com to allow each email of the given host or a complete address as user@example.com":["Uma regra de lista brancs pode estar no formato @example.com para permitir que cada e-mail do host especificado ou um endereço completo como user@example.com"],"Separate multiple rules by a new line.":["Separe várias regras por uma nova linha."],"Separate multiple whitelist rules by a new line.":["Separe várias regras da lista de permissões por uma nova linha."],"Sorry! User Limit reached":[" Desculpe! Limite de usuário atingido"],"Administrative Contact":["Contato Administrativo"],"Advanced Options":["Opções Avançadas"],"Custom Domain":["Domínio Personalizado"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Delete instance":["Apagar instância"],"Export data":["Exportar dados"],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Support / Get Help":["Suporte / Obter Ajuda"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Não existem mais registos de usuários possíveis devido às limitações máximas de usuários nesta instância hospedada!"],"Your plan":["Seu plano"],"Added a new link %link% to category \"%category%\".":["Adicionado um novo link %link% à categoria \"%category%\""],"No description available.":["Nenhuma descrição disponível."],"list":["lista"],"Category":["Categoria"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Escolha uma miniatura"],"Is Originator":["É Originador"],"Last Viewed":["Última Visualização"],"Add recipients":["Adicionar destinatários"],"Conversations":["Conversas"],"Delete conversation":["Apagar conversa"],"Leave conversation":["Deixar conversa"],"Adds a meeting manager to this space.":["Adiciona um gerente de reunião a este espaço."],"Agenda Entry":["Entrada de Agenda"],"Format has to be HOUR : MINUTE":["Formato tem que ser HORA : MINUTO"],"Meeting":["Reunião"],"Meetings":["Reuniões"],"Begin":["Início"],"End":["Fim"],"Location":["Localização"],"Room":["Sala"],"Minutes":["Minutos"],"End must be after begin":["O fim deve ser depois do início"],"No valid time":["Nenhuma hora válida"],"Confirm meeting deleting":["Confirmar eliminação de reunião"],"Create new meeting":["Criar nova reunião"],"Edit meeting":["Editar reunião"],"Add external participants (free text)":["Adicionar participantes externos (texto livre)"],"Add participant":["Adicionar participante"],"Add participants":["Adicionar participantes"],"Do you really want to delete this meeting?":["Deseja mesmo excluir esta reunião?"],"External participants":["Participantes externos"],"Title of your meeting":["Título da sua reunião"],"hh:mm":["hh:mm"],"Confirm entry deleting":["Confirmar eliminação de entrada"],"Create new entry":["Criar nova entrada"],"Edit entry":["Editar entrada"],"Add external moderators (free text)":["Adicionar moderadores externos (texto livre)"],"Add moderator":["Adicionar moderador"],"Do you really want to delete this entry?":["Deseja realmente excluir esta entrada?"],"External moderators":["Moderadores externos"],"Title of this entry":["Título desta entrada"],"Edit Note":["Editar Nota"],"Note content":["Conteúdo da nota"],"Meeting details: %link%":["Detalhes da reunião: %link%"],"Next meetings":["Próximas reuniões"],"Past meetings":["Reuniões passadas"],"Add a protocol":["Adicionar um protocolo"],"Add a task":["Adicionar uma tarefa"],"Create your first agenda entry by clicking the following button.":["Crie sua primeira entrada na agenda clicando no seguinte botão."],"New agenda entry":["Nova entrada da agenda"],"New meeting":["Nova reunião"],"Print agenda":["Imprimir agenda"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Share meeting":["Compartilhar reunião"],"Start now, by creating a new meeting!":["Comece agora, criando uma nova reunião!"],"Today":["Hoje"],"Unfortunately, there was no entry made until now.":["Infelizmente, não houve nenhuma entrada até o momento."],"Share meeting":["Compartilhar reunião"],"Add to your calendar and invite participants":["Adicione ao seu calendário e convidar os participantes"],"Add to your personal calendar":["Adicionar ao seu calendário pessoal"],"Export ICS":["Exportar ICS"],"Send notifications to all participants":["Enviar notificações a todos os participantes"],"Send now":["Enviar agora"],"Sends internal notifications to all participants of the meeting.":["Envia notificações internas a todos os participantes da reunião."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting only to your private calendar.":["Isso criará um arquivo ICS, que adicionará esta reunião somente ao seu calendário particular."],"This will create an ICS file, which adds this meeting to your personal calendar, invite all other participants by email and waits for their response.":["Isto criará um arquivo ICS, que adicionará esta reunião ao seu calendário pessoal, convidará todos os outros participantes por e-mail e aguardará suas respostas."],"{userName} invited you to {meeting}.":["{UserName} convidou você para {meeting}."],"This task is related to %link%":["Esta tarefa está relacionada com %link%"],"Get details...":["Obter detalhes ..."],"e.g. http://yourdomain/pad/":["ex. http://seudominio/pad/"],"Allows to start polls.":["Permite iniciar enquetes."],"Anonymous poll!":["Enquete anônima!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Mais uma vez? ;Weary;"],"Club A Steakhouse":["Club A Steakhouse"],"Pisillo Italian Panini":["Pisillo Italian Panini"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Agora, estamos nos estágios de planejamento para nossa próxima reunião e gostaríamos de saber de você, onde você gostaria de ir?"],"To Daniel":["Para Daniel"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Por que não vamos ao Bemelmans Bar?"],"Anonymous":["Anônimo"],"Closed":["Fechada"],"Add answer...":["Adicionar resposta..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Votos Anônimos?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Mostrar respostas em ordem aleatória?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Editar resposta (as respostas vazias serão removidas)..."],"Edit your poll question...":["Editar a pergunta da sua enquete ..."],"Please provide a reason, why you want to report this content.":["Por favor, forneça uma razão pela qual você deseja denunciar esse conteúdo."],"Approve":["Aprovar"],"Approve post":["Aprovar postagem"],"Do you really want to approve this post?":["Você realmente quer aprovar esta postagem?"],"Assigned user(s)":["Usuário(s) atribuído(s)"],"Update HumHub":["Atualizar HumHub"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["Atualizar para HumHub {version}"],"Abort":["Abortar"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Faça o backup de todos os seus arquivos e banco de dados antes de prosseguir"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Alterações nos arquivos do núcleo do HumHub podem ser substituídas durante a atualização!"],"Cleanup update files":["Limpar arquivos de atualização"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Não utilize este atualizador em combinação com as instalações do Git ou do Composer!"],"Downloading update package":["Fazendo download do pacote de atualização"],"Extracting package files":["Extraindo arquivos de pacote"],"Installing files":["Instalando arquivos"],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Verifique se todos os arquivos são graváveis pelo aplicativo"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Certifique-se de que todos os arquivos são graváveis! ("],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Verifique se os módulos ou temas personalizados são compatíveis com a versão %version%"],"Migrating database":["Migrando banco de dados"],"New updater version available!":["Nova versão do atualizador disponível!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Nenhuma mensagem de erro disponível. Verifique os arquivos de log!"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Atualize os módulos de mercado instalados antes e depois da atualização"],"Preparing system":["Preparando sistema"],"Start":["Iniciar"],"Start update":["Iniciar atualização"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Alternar para o tema padrão após a atualização"],"The update was successfully installed!":["A atualização foi instalada com sucesso!"],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Há uma nova atualização disponível para %version%!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Existe uma nova versão do módulo de atualização disponível. Atualize antes de prosseguir."],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Não há nenhuma atualização HumHub disponível!"],"Update HumHub":["Atualizar Humhub"],"Update package invalid!":["Pacote de atualização inválido!"],"Update successful":["Atualização bem sucedida"],"Validating package":["Validando pacote"],"Update download failed! (%error%)":["Falha no download da atualização! (%erro%)"],"Is homepage":["É homepage"],"Page creation disabled!":["Criação de página desabilitada!"],"Page not editable!":["Página não editável!"],"Page not found.":["Página não encontrada."],"Permission denied. You have no administration rights.":["Permissão negada. Você não tem direitos administrativos."],"Permission denied. You have no rights to view the history.":["Permissão negada. Você não tem direitos para ver histórico."],"Protected":["Protegido"],"Revert not possible. Already latest revision!":["Não é possível reverter. Já está na última revisão!"],"You need to be member of the space \"%space_name%\" to access this wiki page!":["Você necessita ser membro do espaço \"%space_name%\" para acessar esta página wiki!"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Olá {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Sua conta foi ativada.
\r\n\r\n Clique aqui para acessar:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Atenciosamente,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Olá, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Seu pedido de acesso foi recusado.
\r\n\r\n Atenciosamente,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["O número máximo de itens fixados foi atingido!\r\n\r\nVocê só pode fixar dois itens no máximo. \r\nPara fixar este item, desafixe outro item."],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["O usuário externo pode se inscrever (O formulário de registro será exibido no Login)"]}
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+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/ru/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Latest updates":["Последние обновления"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Account settings":["Настройки аккаунта"],"Administration":["Администрирование"],"Back":["Назад"],"Back to dashboard":["Вернуться на главную"],"Choose language:":["Выберите язык:"],"Collapse":["Свернуть"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Источник Content Addon должен быть сущностью HActiveRecordContent либо HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Не удалось определить оболочку контента!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Не удалось найти содержимое дополнения!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Не удалось найти запрошенный модуль!"],"Error":["Ошибка"],"Expand":["Развернуть"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Недостаточно прав чтобы создать контент!"],"Invalid request.":["Некорректный запрос."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Похоже, что вы сделали что-то не так."],"Keyword:":["Ключевое слово:"],"Language":["Язык"],"Latest news":["Последние новости"],"Login":["Войти"],"Logout":["Выйти"],"Menu":["Меню"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Модуль не включён в этой оболочке контента"],"My profile":["Мой профиль"],"New profile image":["Новое изображение профиля"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Ничего не найдено по вашему запросу."],"Oooops...":["Ой..."],"Results":["Результаты"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Search for users and spaces":["Искать людей и пространства"],"Show more results":["Показать больше результатов"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Извините, ничего не найдено!"],"Space not found!":["Пространство не найдено!"],"User Approvals":["Подтверждение пользователей"],"User not found!":["Пользователь не найден!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Добро пожаловать в %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Вы не можете создать публичный контент!"],"Your daily summary":["Ваша статистика за сегодня"],"Login required":["Необходима авторизация"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Произошла внутренняя ошибка сервера."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Вы не можете выполнить это действие."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Глобальный массив {global} очищен с помощью метода {method}."],"Upload error":["Ошибка загрузки"],"Close":["Закрыть"],"Add image/file":["Добавить изображение/файл"],"Add link":["Добавить ссылку"],"Bold":["Жирный"],"Code":["Код"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Введите ссылку (например http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Заголовок"],"Image":["Изображение"],"Image/File":["Изображение/Файл"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Вставить гиперссылку"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Вставить гиперссылку на изображение"],"Italic":["Курсив"],"List":["Список"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Пожалуйста, подождите пока загружается ..."],"Preview":["Предпросмотр"],"Quote":["Цитата"],"Target":["Цель"],"Title":["Наименование"],"Title of your link":["Название вашей ссылки"],"URL/Link":["Адрес/Ссылка"],"code text here":["текст кода здесь"],"emphasized text":["выделенный текст"],"enter image description here":["введите описание изображения здесь"],"enter image title here":["введите название картинки здесь"],"enter link description here":["введите описание ссылки здесь"],"heading text":["заголовок текста"],"list text here":["текстовый список здесь"],"quote here":["процитировать"],"strong text":["выделенный текст"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Не удалось создать событие с этим типом объекта!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% создал новое пространство %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% создал это пространство."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% присоединился к пространству %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% присоединился к этому пространству."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% покинул пространство %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% покинул это пространство."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} теперь читает {user2}."],"see online":["смотреть онлайн"],"via":["через"],"Latest activities":["Лента активности"],"There are no activities yet.":["Пока ничего нет."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте {displayName},
\n \n Ваша учетная запись была активирована.
\n \n Нажмите сюда, чтобы войти:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n С наилучшими пожеланиями
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте {displayName},
\n \n ваша учетная запись была отклонена.
\n \n С наилучшими пожеланиями
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Учетная запись для '{displayName}' была утверждена."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Учетная запись для '{displayName}' была отклонена."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\n\n Ваша учётная запись была активирована.
\n\n Войти на сайт:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\n\n Ваш запрос на регистрацию был отклонён.
\n\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Группа не найдена!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Не удалось удалить модуль! Модуль защищен."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Путь к модулю %path% не доступен для записи!"],"Saved":["Сохранено","Сохранён"],"Database":["База данных"],"No theme":["Нет темы"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Не удалось загрузить LDAP! - Проверьте расширения PHP"],"File":["Файл"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Нет кэширования (только тестирование!)","Без кэширования (только тестирование!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Нет - показывать в выпадающем меню при регистрации пользователя."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Сохранено, кэш сброшен"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Локальный"],"Become this user":["Войти как данный пользователь"],"Delete":["Удалить"],"Disabled":["Отключён"],"Enabled":["Включено"],"Save":["Сохранить"],"Unapproved":["Не подтверждён"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Вы не можете удалить себя!"],"Could not load category.":["Невозможно загрузить категорию."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Вы можете удалять только пустые категории!"],"Group":["Группа"],"Message":["Сообщение"],"Subject":["Тема"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Атрибут E-Mail"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Включить поддержку LDAP"],"Encryption":["Шифрование"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Выбор/Обновление пользователей автоматически"],"Hostname":["Хост"],"Login Filter":["Фильтр логинов"],"Password":["Пароль"],"Port":["Порт"],"User Filer":["Пользовательский файлер"],"Username":["Имя пользователя"],"Username Attribute":["Пользовательские данные"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Возможность ограниченного доступа для не прошедших проверку пользователей (гостей)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Любой пользователь может зарегистрироваться"],"Default user group for new users":["Группа по умолчанию для новых пользователей"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Тайм-аут пользователя по умолчанию, авто-выход (в секундах, опционально)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Кому виден профиль пользователя по умолчанию"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Участники могут приглашать других пользователей через e-mail"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Обязательное подтверждение администратором после регистрации"],"Base URL":["Основной URL"],"Default language":["Язык по умолчанию"],"Default space":["Пространство по умолчанию"],"Invalid space":["Неверное пространство"],"Logo upload":["Загрузить логотип"],"Name of the application":["Название приложения"],"Server Timezone":["Временная зона сервера"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Показывать приветственный тур для новых пользователей"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Показать поле для ввода сообщений на главной странице"],"Cache Backend":["Кэширование бэкенда"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Время ожидания по умолчанию (в секундах)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Отсуствует расширение PHP APC - данные не поддерживаются!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Отсуствует расширение PHP SQLite3 - данные не поддерживаются!"],"Dropdown space order":["Порядок отображения пространств в выпадающем меню"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Пагинация по умолчанию (количество записей на странице)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Отображать название (Формат)"],"Theme":["Тема оформления"],"Allowed file extensions":["Допустимые расширения файлов"],"Convert command not found!":["Команда конвертации не найдена!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Получен неверный ответ от модуля image magick - Команда корректна?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Скрывать информацию о файле (имя, размер) для изображений на стене"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Скрывать виджет списка файлов для этих объектов на стене."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Команда конвертации модуля Image Magic (опционально)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Максимальная высота превью изображения (в пикселях, опционально)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Максимальная ширина превью изображения (в пикселях, опционально)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Максимальный размер файла (МБ)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Использовать X-Sendfile для загрузки файлов"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Разрешить самоподписанные сертификаты?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-mail отправителя"],"E-Mail sender name":["Имя отправителя"],"Mail Transport Type":["Способ отправки письма"],"Port number":["Порт"],"Endpoint Url":["URL конечной точки"],"Url Prefix":["Префикс URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Без прокси сервера"],"Server":["Сервер"],"User":["Пользователь"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Супер Администраторы могут удалять любой контент"],"Default Join Policy":["Доступ по умолчанию"],"Default Visibility":["Видимость по умолчанию"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML код счётчика"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Папка модуля %moduleId% уже существует!"],"Could not extract module!":["Не удалось установить модуль!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Не удалось получить список модулей! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Не удалось получить информацию о модуле! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Не удалось загрузить модуль!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Папка модуля %modulePath% запрещена к записи!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Не удалось загрузить модуль! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Совместимых версий модуля не найдено!"],"Activated":["Активирован"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Ни один из модулей не установлен. Установите необходимые модули для расширения функциональности."],"Version:":["Версия:"],"Installed":["Установленные"],"No modules found!":["Модули не найдены!"],"search for available modules online":["искать доступные модули онлайн"],"All modules are up to date!":["Все модули актуальны!"],"About HumHub":["Версия HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["В настоящее время установлена версия: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["Сайт находится в режиме отладки. Отключите его на production!"],"Licences":["Лицензии"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Для получения более подробной информации смотрите руководство по установке."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Доступно новое обновление! (Последняя версия: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Ваша версия HumHub актуальна!"],"Accept":["Активировать"],"Decline":["Отказать"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Активировать пользователя: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Отменить"],"Send & save":["Отправить & сохранить"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Отменить и удалить пользователя: {displayName}"],"Email":["e-mail"],"Search for email":["Искать по email"],"Search for username":["Искать по логину"],"Pending user approvals":["В ожидании подтверждения регистрации"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Здесь Вы можете видеть пользователей, которые зарегистрировались и ожидают подтверждения."],"Delete group":["Удаление группы"],"Delete group":["Удалить группу"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Чтобы удалить группу \"{group}\" Вы должны задать другую группу для следующих пользователей:"],"Create new group":["Создать новую группу"],"Edit group":["Редактировать группу"],"Description":["Описание"],"Group name":["Название группы"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Искать по описанию"],"Search for group name":["Искать по названию группы"],"Manage groups":["Управление группами"],"Create new group":["Создать новую группу"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Вы можете разделить пользователей по разным группам (команды, отделы и тд.) и определить для них пространства по-умолчанию и администраторов."],"Flush entries":["Очистить журнал"],"Error logging":["Журнал ошибок"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Отображать {count} записей на странице."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Всего найдено {count} записей"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Модули расширения функциональности сайта. Здесь вы можете установить и управлять модулями из каталога расширений HumHub."],"Available updates":["Доступные обновления"],"Browse online":["Поиск онлайн"],"Module details":["Модуль подробно"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Этот модуль не предоставил полной информации"],"Processing...":["Выполняется..."],"Modules directory":["Директория модулей"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Вы уверены? *ALL* данные модуля будут утеряны!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Вы уверены? *ALL* данные и файлы связанные с модулем будут удалены!"],"Configure":["Настроить"],"Disable":["Отключить","Выключить"],"Enable":["Включить"],"Enable module...":["Подключение модуля ..."],"More info":["Подробнее"],"Set as default":["Установить по умолчанию"],"Uninstall":["Удалить"],"Install":["Установить"],"Installing module...":["Установить модуль..."],"Latest compatible version:":["Последняя совместимая версия:"],"Latest version:":["Последняя версия:"],"Installed version:":["Установленная версия:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Последняя совместимая версия:"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Updating module...":["Обновление модуля..."],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Сделать модулем по умолчанию"],"Always activated":["Всегда активирован"],"Deactivated":["Деактивировать"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Здесь вы можете выбрать, хотите ли Вы чтобы модуль был автоматически активирован в пространстве или профиле пользователя. Если модуль должен быть активирован, выберите \"Всегда активирован\"."],"Spaces":["Пространства"],"User Profiles":["Профили пользователей"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Доступна новая версия HumHub (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Идентификация - Основная"],"Basic":["Основной","Основные"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Минимальное значение - 20 секунд. Если не установлено - сессия завершится через 1400 секунд (24 минуты) независимо от активности (таймаут сессии по умолчанию)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Применяется только при ограниченном доступе для не прошедших проверку подлинности пользователей. Влияет только на новых пользователей."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Идентификация - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["Рекомендуется использовать TLS/SSL шифрование на реальных проектах, чтобы защититься от передачи паролей в открытом виде."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Задает фильтр, который должен применяться при попытке входа. %uid заменяет имя пользователя во время логина. Например: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" или "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Атрибут для E-Mail адреса. По умолчанию: "mail""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Атрибут для Логина. Пример: & quotuid & Quot; или & Quot; sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Ограничить доступ к пользователям с указанными критериями. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Статус: Ошибка! (Текст ошибки: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Статус: OK! ({userCount} Пользователей)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["База по умолчанию DN используется для поиска аккаунтов."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Пароль по умолчанию (используется только с именем пользователя, приведенном выше)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Имя пользователя по умолчанию. Некоторые сервера требуют, чтобы имя пользователя было в форме DN, поэтому если LDAP сервер этого требует, имя должно быть приведено в надлежащем формате."],"Cache Settings":["Настройки кеширования"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Сохранить и удалить кеш"],"CronJob settings":["Настройки планировщика задач"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Действия Cron пользователя: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Последний запуск (ежедневный):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Последный запуск (ежечасный):"],"Never":["Никогда"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Или действия Cron root-пользователя"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что все задачи Cron установлены:"],"Alphabetical":["Алфавитный"],"Last visit":["Последний визит"],"Design settings":["Настройки внешнего вида"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Имя Фамилия (например, Василий Иванов)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Имя пользователя"],"File settings":["Настройки вложений"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Список, разделенный запятыми. Оставьте пустым, если хотите разрешить всем."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Список, разделенный запятыми. Оставьте пустым, чтобы показать список файлов для всех объектов на стене."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Используемая библиотека изображений: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Если не установлено, высота по умолчанию будет 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Если не установлено, ширина по умолчанию будет 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP загружает максимум {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Основные настройки"],"Confirm image deleting":["Подтвердите удаление изображения"],"Dashboard":["События"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["например, http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Новые пользователи автоматически добавляются в данн(-ое/-ые) пространств(-о/-а)"],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["На данный момент вы не используете логотип. Загрузить логотип сейчас."],"Mailing defaults":["Настройки рассылок"],"Activities":["Действия"],"Always":["Всегда"],"Daily summary":["Суммарно за день","Ежедневный дайджест"],"Defaults":["По-умолчанию"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Определить по-умолчанию, когда пользователь будет получать письма по email об оповещениях или новых действиях. 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За один раз вы можете отметить только два объекта. Чтобы отметить этот объект, уберите выделение с другого!"],"Could not load requested object!":["Не могу загрузить запрошенный объект!"],"Invalid model given!":["Дана недействительная модель!"],"Unknown content class!":["Неизвестный класс контента!"],"Could not find requested content!":["Не удалось найти запрашиваемый контент!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["Не удалось найти запрашиваемую ссылку!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} создал новый {contentTitle}."],"in":["в"],"Submit":["Принять"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["Ничего не найдено. 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Ещё никто ничего не написал.
Будьте первым..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Поток профиля всё-ещё пуст"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Это пространство ещё пусто!
Начните разместив что-нибудь здесь..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Ваша страница пуста!
Вы можете написать что-то на своей стене или присоединитесь к пространствам!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Ваша лента профиля всё ещё пуста
Отправьте что-нибудь..."],"Back to stream":["Вернуться в поток"],"Content with attached files":["Контент с прикреплёнными файлами"],"Created by me":["Созданные мной","Создано мной"],"Creation time":["Время создания"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Include archived posts":["Включить архивированные сообщения"],"Last update":["Последнее обновление"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ничего соответсвующего вашим фильтрам не найдено!"],"Only private posts":["Только личные сообщения"],"Only public posts":["Только публичные сообщения"],"Posts only":["Только сообщения"],"Posts with links":["Сообщения с ссылками"],"Show all":["Показать все"],"Sorting":["Сортировка"],"Where I´m involved":["В которых я участвую"],"No public contents to display found!":["Открытого контента для отображения не найдено!"],"Directory":["Каталог"],"Member Group Directory":["Группы участников"],"show all members":["показать всех участников"],"Directory menu":["Меню каталога"],"Members":["Участники"],"User profile posts":["Посты пользователей"],"Member directory":["Раздел участников"],"Follow":["Подписаться"],"No members found!":["Участники не найдены!"],"Unfollow":["Отписаться"],"search for members":["поиск участников"],"Space directory":["Пространства"],"No spaces found!":["Пространства не найдены!"],"You are a member of this space":["Вы являетесь участником этого пространства"],"search for spaces":["поиск пространств"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Сообщений в профиле пока нет!"],"Group stats":["Статистика по группам"],"Average members":["Участников в среднем"],"Top Group":["Самая большая группа"],"Total groups":["Всего групп"],"Member stats":["Статистика участников"],"New people":["Новые участники"],"Follows somebody":["Подписчиков"],"Online right now":["Сейчас на сайте"],"Total users":["Всего участников"],"See all":["Посмотреть все"],"New spaces":["Новые пространства"],"Space stats":["Статистика пространств"],"Most members":["Наибольшее число участников"],"Private spaces":["Приватные пространства"],"Total spaces":["Всего пространств"],"Could not find requested file!":["Не удалось найти запрашиваемый файл!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Недостаточно прав!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Максимальный размер файла был {MaxFileSize} достигнут!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Этот тип файла не допустим!"],"Created By":["Создано"],"Created at":["Создано в"],"File name":["Название"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Неверный Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Размер"],"Updated at":["Обновлено"],"Updated by":["Обновлено пользователем"],"Could not upload File:":["Не удалось загрузить файл:"],"Upload files":["Загрузить файлы"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Список загруженных файлов:"],"Create Admin Account":["Создать учетную запись администратора"],"Name of your network":["Название вашей сети"],"Name of Database":["Имя базы данных"],"Admin Account":["Учетная запись администратора"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Вы почти закончили. На последнем этапе вы должны заполнить форму, чтобы создать учетную запись администратора. С этой учетной записи вы сможете управлять всей сетью."],"Next":["Далее"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Конечно, ваша новая социальная сеть нуждается в названии. Пожалуйста, измените название по умолчанию на то, которое вам нравится. (Например название вашей компании, организации или клуба)"],"Social Network Name":["Социальная сеть Название"],"Setup Complete":["Полная настройка"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Поздравляем. Выполнено."],"Sign in":["Войти"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Установка завершена успешно! Удачи в ваших начинаниях."],"Setup Wizard":["Мастер установки"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Добро пожаловать в HumHub
Ваша социальная сеть"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Мастер установки настроит ваш собственный экземпляр HumHub.
Чтобы продолжить, нажмите кнопку Далее."],"Database Configuration":["Настройки базы данных"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Ниже вы должны ввести свои данные для подключения к базе данных. Если вы не уверены в них, пожалуйста, обратитесь к системному администратору."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Имя хоста для сервера базы данных MySQL (например, localhost, если MySQL работает на той же машине)"],"Initializing database...":["Инициализация базы данных ..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ох, что-то пошло не так!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Имя базы данных."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Да, соединение с базой данных работает!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Пароль MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Имя пользователя MySQL"],"System Check":["Проверить систему"],"Check again":["Проверьте еще раз"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Поздравляем! Все в порядке и готово чтобы начать все сначала!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Этот обзор показывает все системные требования HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Не удалось найти целевой класс!"],"Could not find target record!":["Не удалось найти целевую запись!"],"Invalid class given!":["Указан некорректный класс!"],"Users who like this":["Пользователи, которым это нравится"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} нравится {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% также нравится the %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% нравится %contentTitle%."],"Like":["Нравится"],"Unlike":["Не нравится"]," likes this.":[" нравится это"],"You like this.":["Вам это нравится."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["и ещё {count} нравится это."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Не удалось определить ссылку для этого типа исходного объекта!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Не удалось загрузить исходный объект уведомлений для перехода!"],"New":["Новое"],"Mark all as seen":["Пометить всё как прочитанное"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Уведомлений пока нет."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% создал новое сообщение."],"Edit your post...":["Отредактируйте свое сообщение..."],"Read full post...":["Читать дальше..."],"Search results":["Поиск результатов"],"Content":["Содержание"],"Send & decline":["Отправить и отказать"]," Invite and request":["Приглашение или запрос"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Нельзя удалить владельца пространства. Пространство: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Каждый может вступить"],"Invite and request":["Приглашение и запрос"],"Only by invite":["Только по приглашению"],"Private (Invisible)":["Приватное (Скрыто)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Открыто (Участники & Гости)"],"Public (Members only)":["Открыто (Только участники)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Открыто (Только для зарегистрированных)"],"Public (Visible)":["Публичное (Видимо)"],"Visible for all":["Отображается для всех"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Видимо для всех (Участники и гости)"],"Space is invisible!":["Пространство скрыто!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Вы должны зарегистрироваться, чтобы посмотреть содержимое этого пространства!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Как владелец, вы не можете покинуть это пространство!"],"Could not request membership!":["Не удалось выполнить запрос на участие в пространстве!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Нет ожидающих приглашений!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Это действие доступно только для пользователей этого пространства!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Вы не можете присоединиться к этому пространству!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Такое название пространства уже используется!"],"Type":["Тип"],"Your password":["Ваш пароль"],"Invites":["Приглашения"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Новые пользователи по e-mail (через запятую)"],"User is already member!":["Пользователь уже является участником!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} уже зарегистрирован!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} некорректный!"],"Application message":["Сообщение"],"Scope":["Сфера"],"Strength":["Сила"],"Created At":["Создано в"],"Join Policy":["Регистрационная политика"],"Name":["Название"],"Owner":["Владелец"],"Status":["Статус"],"Tags":["Теги"],"Updated At":["Обновлено в"],"Visibility":["Видимость","Отображение"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL вебсайта (опционально)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Вы не можете создавать приватные пространства!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Вы не можете создавать публичные пространства!"],"Modify space image":["Изменить изображение пространства"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Выберите область изображения, которую хотите использовать как аватар и нажмите Сохранить."],"Delete space":["Удалить пространство"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это пространство? Все опубликованные материалы будут удалены!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Введите пароль для продолжения!"],"General space settings":["Главные настройки пространства"],"Archive":["Архив"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Политика вступления"],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Могут просматривать"],"Manage your space members":["Управление участниками пространства"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Оставшиеся приглашения"],"Outstanding user requests":["Оставшиеся запросы"],"Remove member":["Удалить пользователя"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Разрешить пользователю
приглашать других"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Разрешить пользователю
добавлять собственные материалы"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Вы уверенны что хотите удалить этого пользователя из текущего пространства?"],"Can invite":["Может приглашать других"],"Can share":["Может делиться"],"Change space owner":["Менять пользователя"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Не зарегистрированные пользователи, приглашенные по электронной почте не будут перечислены здесь."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Список участников пространства. Вы можете отредактировать их привилегии или удалить их."],"Is admin":["Администратор"],"Make this user an admin":["Сделать администратором"],"No, cancel":["Нет, отменить"],"Remove":["Удалить"],"Request message":["Сообщение"],"Revoke invitation":["Отозвать приглашение"],"Search members":["Поиск участников"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Заявки на вступление в пространство. "],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Приглашенные, но не вступившие участники."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Владелец пространства супер админ пространства со всеми привилегиями создателя пространства. Здесь вы можете изменить эту роль другому пользователю."],"Yes, remove":["Да, удалить"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Расширьте возможности этого пространства с помощью модулей."],"Space Modules":["Модули Пространства"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Вы уверены? Вся информация связанная с этим пространством будет удалена!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Модули, доступные для этого пространства отсутствуют"],"Create new space":["Создать новое пространство"],"Advanced access settings":["Расширенные настройки доступа"],"Advanced search settings":["Настройки расширенного поиска"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Пользователи не являющиеся участниками пространства могут видеть его,
но не имеют доступа"],"Create":["Создать"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Каждый может вступить
(разрешение не требуется)"],"For everyone":["Для каждого"],"How you want to name your space?":["Выберите имя для пространства"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Пожалуйста, напишите небольшое описание для других пользователей."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Пространство будет скрыто
от всех пользователей, не являющихся его участниками"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Пользователи могут запросить
разрешение на вступление"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Вступить можно только
по приглашению"],"space description":["описание пространства"],"space name":["название пространства"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} запросил разрешение на вступление в {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} подтвердил ваш запрос на вступление {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} отклонил ваш запрос на вступление в {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} приглашает вступить в {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} принял ваше приглашение в пространство {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} отклонил ваше приглашение в пространство {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Это пространство по прежнему пусто!"],"Accept Invite":["Принять приглашение"],"Become member":["Вступить"],"Cancel membership":["Отменить членство"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Отозвать заявку на участие"],"Deny Invite":["Отменить приглашение"],"Request membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Вы владелец данного пространства"],"created by":["создан"],"Invite members":["Пригласить пользователей"],"Add an user":["Добавить пользователя"],"Email addresses":["Адреса электронной почты"],"Invite by email":["Пригласить по электронной почте"],"New user?":["Новый пользователь?"],"Pick users":["Выберите пользователей"],"Send":["Отправить"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Для приглашения пользователей в это пространство, пожалуйста введите их имена ниже."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Вы также можете выбрать пользоватлей, которые не зарегистрированы в настоящее время. Просто добавьте их адреса электронной почты через запятую."],"Request space membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление","Запрос на вступление"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Представьтесь, чтобы стать участником этого пространства."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Ваша заявка на вступление в это пространство успешно отправлена"],"Ok":["Ок"],"User has become a member.":["Пользователь стал участником."],"User has been invited.":["Пользователь был приглашен."],"User has not been invited.":["Пользователь не был приглашен."],"Space preferences":["Настройки пространств"],"Back to workspace":["Вернуться к рабочей области"],"General":["Общее","Основная информация"],"My Space List":["Мои пространства"],"My space summary":["Сводка пространства"],"Space directory":["Директория пространства"],"Space menu":["Меню пространства"],"Stream":["Активность","Лента"],"Change image":["Сменить иконку"],"Current space image":["Иконка пространства"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить изображения?","Вы действительно хотите удалить фото обложки?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить изображение профиля?","Вы действительно хотите удалить фото профиля?"],"Invite":["Пригласить"],"Something went wrong":["Что-то пошло не так"],"Followers":["Подписчиков","Подписчиков:"],"Posts":["Сообщений"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Представьтесь, чтобы стать участником этого пространства."],"Request workspace membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Ваш запрос отправлен"],"Create new space":["Создать новое пространство"],"My spaces":["Мои пространства"],"more":["развернуть"],"Space info":["Информация о пространстве"],"New member request":["Новые запросы"],"Space members":["Участники","Участники пространства"],"Accept invite":["Принять приглашение"],"Deny invite":["Заблокировать приглашение"],"Leave space":["Покинуть пространство"],"End guide":["Завершить"],"Next »":["Вперед »"],"« Prev":["« Назад"],"Administration":["Администрирование"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Ура! Это все на сегодня."],"Modules":["Модули"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["В роли администратора вы можете управлять всей платформой отсюда.
Кроме модулей мы не будет подробно ни на чем останавливаться, так как у каждого элемента есть свое короткое описание."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Сейчас вы в меню инструментов. Отсюда вы можете получить доступ к каталогу HumHub, откуда можно установить дополнительные модули.
Как уже упоминалось, инструменты увеличивают работоспосбоность ваших Пространств. "],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Вы уже узнали почти о всех основных возможностях и настройках, и готовы к использованию платформы.
Надеемся, вы и все будущие пользователя получат удовольствие от использования сайта. Будем рады любым предложениям и замечаниям, которые помогут улучшить проект. Оставайтесь на связи и пишите нам в любое время. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Главная"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Это ваша главная страница.
Все новые действия, которые могут представлять для вас интерес, будут отображаться здесь."],"Administration (Modules)":["Администрирование (Модули)"],"Edit account":["Редактировать учетную запись"],"Hurray! The End.":["Урра! Конец."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Урра! Вы сделали это!"],"Profile menu":["Меню профиля"],"Profile photo":["Аватар"],"Profile stream":["Лента"],"User profile":["Профиль пользователя"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Нажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы обновить профиль и настройки учетной записи."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["У каждого профиля есть своя стена. Ваши записи будут отображаться также у тех пользователей, которые подписаны на вас."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Так же как и пространства профиль пользователя можно персонализировать с помощью различных модулей.
Вы можете увидеть, какие модули доступны для вашего профиля, открыв \"Модули\" в настройках учетной записи."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Это публичный профиль, который могут видеть остальные пользователи."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Загрузите новый аватар кликнув сюда или просто перетянув картинку. Таким же образом можно обновить и заглавное фото. "],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Вы завершили тур по свойствам учтеной записи!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Вы завершили тур по свойствам учтеной записи!
Чтобы перейти к туру по опциям администрирования, нажмите сюда:
"],"Most recent activities":["Последние действия"],"Posts":["Записи"],"Profile Guide":["Руководство по профилю"],"Space":["Пространство"],"Space navigation menu":["Навигация по пространству"],"Writing posts":["Написание постов"],"Yay! You're done.":["Ура! Вы закончили!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Все пользователи, которые являются участниками этого пространства будут показаны здесь.
Новые участники могут добавляться пользователями, которым были даны соответствующие права."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Расскажите пользователям вкратце для чего создано это Пространство. Вы можете добавить эту информацию здесь.
Администратор Пространства может менять заглавную картинку нажатием на нее либо перетягиванием новой."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Новые записи можно писать и добалять здесь."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Как только вы создали новое пространство, пользователи могут работать над проектами, обсуждать различные темы или просто делиться информацией друг с другом.
"],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Вот и весь обзор.
Чтобы продолжить работать с профилем, нажмите здесь: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Здесь вы можете получить информацию о пространстве - просматривать активные и не активные модули, которые могут включать: голосования, заметки и задачи.
Модулями может управлять только администратор пространства."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Это меню видно только администраторам пространства. Здесь можно управлять настройками, добавлять/удалять пользователей, активировать/деактивировать инструменты."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Последние действия пользователей этого пространства будут показаны здесь."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Ваши записи и записи других пользователей будут показаны здесь.
Их можно лайкать или комментировать."],"Account Menu":["Меню настроек учетной записи"],"Notifications":["Уведомления"],"Space Menu":["Меню пространства"],"Start space guide":["Начать тур по пространству"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Не пропустите ничего!
Эта иконка будет информировать вас о том, что касается лично вас."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Меню настроек учетной записи дает вам доступ к личным настройкам и позволяет редактировать то, что увидят о вас остальные."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Это самое важное меню и, наверное, то место, где вы чаще всего будете!
Переходите в пространства, к которым присоединились и создавайте собственные.
Сейчас вы узнаете как это сделать: "]," Remove panel":["Убрать панель"],"Getting Started":["С чего начать?"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Обзор: Администрирование (Модули)"],"Guide: Overview":["Обзор: Общая информация"],"Guide: Spaces":["Обзор: Пространства"],"Guide: User profile":["Обзор: Учетные записи"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Узнайте о самых важных особенностях сайта с помощью следующих кратких обзоров:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Эта учетная запись еще не утверждена!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Вы должны зарегистрироваться, чтобы посмотреть профиль этого пользователя!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Неверный пароль!"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Некорректная ссылка! Убедитесь, что url по которому вы перешли - правильный."],"Save profile":["Сохранить профиль"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Введённый e-mail уже используется другим пользователем."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Вы не можете изменить ваш e-mail здесь."],"You cannot change your password here.":["Вы не можете изменить свой пароль здесь."],"Account":["Учетная запись"],"Create account":["Создать учетную запись"],"Current password":["Текущий пароль"],"E-Mail change":["Изменение e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Новый e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Отправлять обновления?"],"Send notifications?":["Отправлять уведомления?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Некорректное имя пользователя/email или пароль."],"New password":["Новый пароль"],"New password confirm":["Подтвердить новый пароль"],"Remember me next time":["Запомнить меня"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Наши сотрудники ещё не активировали вашу учётную запись."],"Your account is suspended.":["Ваша учётная запись заблокирована."],"E-Mail":["e-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Восстановление пароля"],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Восстановление пароля недоступно для вашего типа учётной записи!"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" не найден!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-Mail уже используется! - Попробуйте восстановить пароль."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Скрыть панель"],"Invalid language!":["Неверный язык!"],"Profile visibility":["Видимость профиля"],"TimeZone":["Временная зона"],"Default Space":["Пространство по умолчанию"],"Group Administrators":["Администраторы группы"],"Members can create private spaces":["Пользователи могут создавать личные пространства"],"Members can create public spaces":["Пользователи могут создавать общие пространства"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Birthday":["День рождения"],"City":["Город"],"Country":["Страна"],"Custom":["Не указан"],"Facebook URL":["Страница Facebook"],"Fax":["Факс"],"Female":["Женский"],"Firstname":["Имя"],"Flickr URL":["Станица Flickr"],"Gender":["Пол"],"Google+ URL":["Страница Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Скрыть год рождения в профиле"],"Lastname":["Фамилия"],"LinkedIn URL":["Страница LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Мужской"],"Mobile":["Мобильный"],"MySpace URL":["Страница MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Личный телефон"],"Phone Work":["Рабочий телефон"],"Skype Nickname":["Имя в Skype"],"State":["Регион"],"Street":["Улица"],"Twitter URL":["Страница Twitter"],"Url":["Вебсайт"],"Vimeo URL":["Страница Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Адрес XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Страница Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Страница Youtube"],"Zip":["Индекс"],"Created by":["Создано пользователем"],"Editable":["Доступно для редактирования"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Тип поля не может быть изменен!"],"Fieldtype":["Тип поля"],"Internal Name":["Внутренний Id"],"Internal name already in use!":["Такой id уже используется!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Внутренний Id невозможно будет изменить!"],"Invalid field type!":["Некорректный тип поля!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Атрибут LDAP"],"Module":["Модуль"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Допустимы только алфавитно-цифровые символы"],"Profile Field Category":["Категория профиля"],"Required":["Обязательное"],"Show at registration":["Показывать при регистрации"],"Sort order":["Порядок сортировки"],"Translation Category ID":["ID категории перевода"],"Type Config":["Тип конфигурации"],"Visible":["Видимо"],"Communication":["Контакты"],"Social bookmarks":["Социальные сети"],"Datetime":["Дата и время"],"Number":["Номер"],"Select List":["Раскрывающийся список"],"Text":["Текст"],"Text Area":["Текстовое поле"],"%y Years":["%y лет"],"Birthday field options":["Опции поля дня рождения"],"Show date/time picker":["Показать указатель даты/времени"],"Date(-time) field options":["Опции поля даты (времени)"],"Maximum value":["Максимальное значение"],"Minimum value":["Минимальное значение"],"Number field options":["Опции числового поля"],"Possible values":["Допустимые значения"],"One option per line. 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Ключ=>Значение (например да=>Да)"],"Please select:":["Пожалуйста выберите:"],"Select field options":["Опции поля выбора"],"Default value":["Значение по умолчанию"],"Maximum length":["Максимальная длина"],"Minimum length":["Минимальная длина"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Регулярное выражение: Сообщение об ошибке"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Регулярное выражение: Валидатор"],"Validator":["Валидатор"],"Text Field Options":["Опции текстового поля"],"Text area field options":["Опции текстового поля"],"Authentication mode":["Режим проверки"],"New user needs approval":["Новый пользователь ожидает подтверждение"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Имя пользователя может содержать только буквы, цифры, пробелы и специальные символы (+ -._)"],"Wall":["Стена"],"Change E-mail":["Изменить E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Текущий E-mail адрес"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Ваш e-mail успешно изменен на {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Мы только что выслали вам письмо на новый адрес для подтверждения
Пожалуйста следуйте инструкциям"],"Change password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password changed":["Пароль изменен\n\n"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Ваш пароль успешно изменен!","Ваш пароль был успешно изменен!"],"Modify your profile image":["Изменить фото профиля"],"Delete account":["Удалить аккаунт"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить свою учетную запись?
Все опубликованные вами данные будут удалены!"],"Delete account":["Удалить учетную запись"],"Enter your password to continue":["Введите ваш пароль для продолжения"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Извините, администратор пространства не может удалить свою учетную запись! Пожалуйста назначьте другого администратора и повторите попытку."],"User details":["Подробные сведения о пользователе"],"User modules":["Пользовательские модули"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Вы уверены? Все данные модуля вашего профиля будут удалены!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Расширить профиль с помощью модулей."],"User settings":["Пользовательские настройки"],"Getting Started":["Панель ознакомительного тура по сайту"],"Registered users only":["Только для зарегистрированных пользователей"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Видимо для всех (включая незарегистрированных пользователей)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Уведомления рабочего стола"],"Email Notifications":["Уведомления по почте"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Получение уведомлений на рабочем столе, когда вы онлайн."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Получать уведомление по email обо всех активностях пользователей на которых вы подписаны или с которыми работаете вместе в пространствах. "],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Получать уведомление по e-mail, когда другие пользователи комментируют или ставят лайки вашим записям."],"Account registration":["Регистрация учетной записи"],"Create Account":["Создать учетную запись"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Ваша учетная запись успешно создана!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["После активации вашей учетной записи администратором вы получите уведомление по e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Перейти на страницу входа"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Чтобы войти в вашу учетную запись, нажмите кнопку ниже."],"back to home":["вернуться на главную"],"Please sign in":["Войти"],"Sign up":["Зарегистрироваться"],"Create a new one.":["Создать новый"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Нет аккаунта? Присоеденитесь к сети с помощью e-mail"],"Forgot your password?":["Забыли пароль?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Если вы уже являетесь зарегистрированным пользователем, пожалуйста введите свое имя пользователя и пароль."],"Register":["Регистрация"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["Пароль"],"username or email":["Имя пользователя или e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Восстановление пароля","Восстановить пароль"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Dведите ваш e-mail, чтобы получить инструкции по восстановлению!"],"Password recovery":["Восстановление пароля"],"Reset password":["Сброс пароля"],"enter security code above":["введите код"],"your email":["ваш e-mail"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Мы отправили вам письмо с ссылкой на сброс пароля."],"Password recovery!":["Восстановление пароля!"],"Registration successful!":["Регистрация прошла успешно!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Пожалуйста проверьте совй e-mail и следуйте инструкциям!"],"Registration successful":["Регистрация прошла успешно"],"Change your password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password reset":["Сбросить пароль"],"Change password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password reset":["Восстановление пароля"],"Password changed!":["Пароль изменен!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Подтвердите новый e-mail"],"Confirm":["Подтвердить"],"Hello":["Привет"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Вы запросили смену e-mail.
Новый адрес вашей почты {newemail}. Чтобы подтвердить его, пожалуйста нажмите на кнопку ниже."],"Hello {displayName}":["Привет {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Срок действия ссылки - 24 часа."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Воспользуйтесь следующей ссылкой в течение следующего дня, чтобы восстановить свой пароль."],"Reset Password":["Сбросить пароль"],"Registration Link":["Ссылка для регистрации"],"Sign up":["Зарегистрироваться"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Добро пожаловать в %appName%. Пожалуйста нажмите на кнопку ниже, чтобы продолжить регистриацию."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Социальная сеть, созданная чтобы помочь общению и командной работе.
Зарегестрируйтесь сейчас, чтобы присоединится к пространству."],"Sign up now":["Зарегистрироваться сейчас","Зарегистрируйтесь"],"Space Invite":["Приглашения в пространство"],"You got a space invite":["Вы получили приглашение в пространство."],"invited you to the space:":["пригласил вас в пространство:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} упомянул вас в {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} теперь подписан на вас."],"About this user":["Информация о пользователе"],"Modify your title image":["Изменить фото обложки"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Лента профиля пуста!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить логотип?"],"Account settings":["Настройки учетной записи"],"Profile":["Профиль"],"Edit account":["Редактировать учетную запись"],"Following":["Подписан (а)"],"Following user":["Подписан (а) на:"],"User followers":["Подписавшиеся:"],"Member in these spaces":["Участник этих пространств"],"User tags":["Теги пользователя"],"No birthday.":["Сегодня никто не празднует день рождения."],"Back to modules":["Назад к модулям"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Настройки модуля Дни рождения"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Количество отображаемых в блоке дней рождения."],"Tomorrow":["завтра"],"Upcoming":["Предстоящие"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Вы можете настроить количество предстоящих дней рождения для отображения в блоке."],"becomes":["исполняется"],"birthdays":["дни рождения"],"days":["дня"],"today":["сегодня"],"years old.":["лет."],"Active":["Активно"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Пометить как \"Непросмотренное\" для всех пользователей"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Настройки новостей"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["К сведению: Вы можете использовать синтаксис markdown"],"End Date and Time":["Дата и время окончания"],"Recur":["Повторять"],"Recur End":["Конец повторения"],"Recur Interval":["Интервал повторения"],"Recur Type":["Тип повторения"],"Select participants":["Выбрать участников"],"Start Date and Time":["Дата и время начала"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["У вас нет доступа к этому событию!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["У вас нет доступа для создания события!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Добавляет календарь для лчиных или публичных событий в ваш профиль или в главное меню."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Добавляет календарь к этому Пространству"],"All Day":["Весь день"],"Attending users":["Пользователи, которые собираются посетить событие"],"Calendar":["Календарь"],"Declining users":["Пользователи, которые отказались посетить событие"],"End Date":["Дата окончания"],"End Time":["Время окончания"],"End time must be after start time!":["Время окончания должно быть позже начала"],"Event":["Событие"],"Event not found!":["Событие не найдено!"],"Maybe attending users":["Пользователи, которые возможно посетят событие"],"Participation Mode":["Режим участия"],"Start Date":["Дата начала"],"Start Time":["Время начала"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["У вас нет доступа для удаления этого события!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["У вас нет доступа для редактирования этого события!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% создал новое %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% посетит %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% возможно посетит %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% не посетит %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Дата/время начала"],"Create event":["Создать событие"],"Edit event":["Редактировать событие"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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нет."],"Toggle view mode":["Переключить режим просмотра"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Вы можете включить расширенную проверку ссылок для пространства или пользователя."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на добавление/редактирование ссылок!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на удаление этой категории!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на удаление этой ссылки!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на редактирование этой категории!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на редактирование этой ссылки!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на переопределение порядка категорий.!"],"list":["список"],"Messages":["Сообщения"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Вы не можете отправить письмо себе!"],"Recipient":["Получатель"],"You 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not connect to API!":["Не удалось соединение с API!"],"Current Status:":["Текущий статус:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Конфигурация модуля Заметок"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Пожалуйста прочитайте докуметацию к модулю /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt для получения дополнительной информации"],"Save & Test":["Сохранить и протестировать"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Для модуля заметок необходим работающий сервер Etherpad"],"Save and close":["Сохранить и закрыть"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} создал новую заметку и назначил для вас"],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} работал над заметкой {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Открыть заметку"],"Title of your new note":["Заголовок вашей новой заметки"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Не найдено заметок в соответствии с установленными фильтрами!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Еще нет заметок!"],"Polls":["Опросы"],"Could not load poll!":["Не удалось загрузить опрос!"],"Invalid answer!":["Неверный ответ!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Пользователи проголосовали за: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Голосование за несколько вариантов отключено!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Вы должны иметь доступ на выполнение этой операции!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Еще раз? ; Устали;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Сейчас мы находимся в стадии планирования нашей следующей встречи и мы хотели бы знать, куда вы хотели бы пойти?"],"To Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini\n":["Для Даниила\nКлуб стейк-хаус\nPisillo итальянский Панини"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Почему бы нам не пойти в Bemelmans Бар?"],"Answers":["Ответы"],"Multiple answers per user":["Пользователь может выбирать несколько вариантов ответов"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Пожалуйста выберите хотя бы {min} ответ(ов)! "],"Question":["Опрос"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} проголосовал за {question}."],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} ответил на {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} создал новый {question}."],"User who vote this":["Пользователи, которые проголосовали"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} создал новый опрос и назначил его для вас. "],"Ask":["Спросить"],"Reset my vote":["Отозвать мой голос"],"Vote":["Голосование"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["еще {count} человек проголосовало."],"votes":["голосов"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Разрешить несколько варинатов ответов пользователю?"],"Ask something...":["Спросить как нибудь..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Варианты ответов (по одному в каждой строке) "],"Display all":["Показать все"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ответ соответствующий вашему фильтру не найден!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Здесь нет пока опросов!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":[" Опросов пока нет! b> Будьте первым..."],"Asked by me":["Мои опросы"],"No answered yet":["Пока без ответа"],"Only private polls":["Только приватные опросы"],"Only public polls":["Только публичные опросы"],"Manage reported posts":["Управление репортами"],"Reported posts":["Репорты"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Почему вы хотите написать этот репорт?"],"by :displayName":[" :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["создано :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Не принадлежит к пространству"],"Offensive":["Оскорбление"],"Spam":["Спам"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Здесь вы можете управлять репортами пользователей."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Пользователь счел ваш пост оскорбительным."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Пользователь отметил ваш пост как спам."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Пользователь отметил ваш пост несоответствующим данному пространству."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% как оскорбительный."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% как спам."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% несоответствующим данному пространству."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Здесь вы можете управлять репортами для данного пространства."],"Appropriate":["Соответствующий"],"Confirm post deletion":["Подтвердите удаление сообщения"],"Confirm report deletion":["Подтвердите удаление репорта"],"Delete post":["Удалить сообщение"],"Delete report":["Удалить репорт"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот репорт?"],"Reason":["Причина"],"Reporter":["Репорт"],"There are no reported posts.":["Здесь не зарегистрировано ни одного сообщения."],"Does not belong to this space":["Не принадлежит к этому пространству"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Помогите нам понять, что происходит"],"It's offensive":["Это нарушение"],"It's spam":["Это спам"],"Report post":["Жалоба на сообщение"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Разрешить сообщения объемом> 160 символов (по умолчанию: не допускается -> в настоящее время не поддерживается)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Произошла неизвестная ошибка."],"Body too long.":["Сообщение слишком длинное."],"Body too too short.":["Сообщение слишком короткое."],"Characters left:":["Осталось символов:"],"Choose Provider":["Выбор оператора"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Не удалось подключиться к SMS-провайдеру, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором."],"Gateway Number":["Номер шлюза"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Шлюз не доступен для этой сети."],"Insufficent credits.":["Недостаточный уровень кредита."],"Invalid IP address.":["Неверный IP-адрес."],"Invalid destination.":["Неверное место назначения."],"Invalid sender.":["Неправильный отправитель."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Недопустимый идентификатор пользователя и / или пароль. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Недостаточно кредита для основной-счета."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Недостаточно кредита для субсчета."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Оператор не инициализирован. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Получатель является недействительным."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Получатель в ненадлежащем формате , должен быть в международном формате, либо 00 [...], или + [...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Ссылка тег, для создания фильтра в статистике"],"Route access violation.":["Нарушение прав доступа маршрута."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Конфигурация SMS модуля"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS отклонено / не может быть доставлено."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS успешно отправлено."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Отсутствует указание цены SMS"],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS с одинаковым текстом сообщения было отправлено слишком часто в течение последних 180 секунд."],"Save Configuration":["Сохранить настройки"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ошибка безопасности. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Выберите маршрут Spryng (по умолчанию: БИЗНЕС)"],"Send SMS":["Отправить SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Отправить SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Отправить SMS"],"Sender is invalid.":["Отправитель является недействительным."],"Technical error.":["Технические ошибки."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Опция Тест. SMS не доставляются, но сервер откликается, как если бы они доставлялись."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Для того, чтобы отправить SMS на определенный номер, убедитесь, что поле профиля \"мобильный\" заполнено в информации об учетной записи."],"Unknown route.":["Неизвестный маршрут."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["В этой конфигурации вы можете выбрать между различными SMS -операторами и конфигурировать их. Вам необходимо отредактировать информацию об учетной записи для выбранного оператора надлежащим образом, чтобы иметь должную SMS -функциональность в работе."],"Tasks":["Задачи"],"Could not access task!":["Не удалось получить доступ к задаче!"],"Task":["Задача"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} назначен для выполнения задачи {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} создал задачу {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} завершил задачу {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} назначил для вас задачу {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} создал новую задачу {task}."],"Create new task":["Создать новую задача"],"Edit task":["Редактировать задачу"],"Assign users":["Назначить пользователей"],"Assign users to this task":["Связать пользователей с этой задачей"],"Deadline":["Крайний срок"],"Deadline for this task?":["Срок для решения этой задачи?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Предварительный (е) пользователь (и) этой задачи."],"Task description":["Описание задачи"],"What is to do?":["Что делать?"],"Confirm deleting":["Подтвердить удаление"],"Add Task":["Добавить задачу"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить эту задачу?"],"No open tasks...":["Нет открытых задач ..."],"completed tasks":["выполненные задачи"],"This task is already done":["Эта задача уже выполнена"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Эта задача назначена не для вас"],"Click, to finish this task":["Нажмите, чтобы завершить эту задачу"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Эта задача уже выполнена. Нажмите чтобы снова открыть."],"My tasks":["Мои задачи"],"From space: ":["Из пространства:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Здесь нет пока задач!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Задач пока нет!
Будьте первым в создании..."],"Assigned to me":["Назначенное для меня"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Нет задач, соответствующих вашему фильтру!"],"Nobody assigned":["Никто не назначен"],"State is finished":["Статус завершено"],"State is open":["Статус открыто"],"What to do?":["Что сделать?"],"Translation Manager":["Менеджер перевода"],"Translations":["Переводчик"],"Translation Editor":["Редактор перевода"],"Confirm page deleting":["Подтвердите удаление страницы"],"Confirm page reverting":["Подтвердите восстановление страницы"],"Overview of all pages":["Обзор всех страниц"],"Page history":["История страницы"],"Wiki Module":["Модуль Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Добавляет wiki в это пространство."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Добавляет wiki в ваш профиль."],"Back to page":["Назад к странице"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить эту страницу?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Вы действительно хотите восстановить эту страницу?"],"Edit page":["Редактировать страницу"],"Edited at":["Отредактировано"],"Go back":["Вернуться"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Неверный символ в заголовке страницы!"],"Let's go!":["Вперед!"],"Main page":["Главная страница"],"New page":["Новая страница"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Созданных страниц пока нет.
Создайте первую страницу сейчас."],"Page History":["История страницы"],"Page title already in use!":["Название страницы уже используется!"],"Revert":["Восстановить"],"Revert this":["Восстановить это"],"View":["Просмотр"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["от"],"Wiki page":["Страница Wiki"],"Create new page":["Создать новую страницу"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Введите название страницы wiki или ссылку (например http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Название новой страницы"],"Page content":["Содержание страницы"],"Open wiki page...":["Открыть страницу вики..."],"Allow":["Разрешено"],"Default":["По умолчанию"],"Deny":["Отказано"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Пожалуйста, введите не менее 3-х символов"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Добавить ключ для приобретённого модуля"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Показать шаринг панель в разделе События"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Видимость контента по умолчанию"],"Security":["Безопасность"],"No purchased modules found!":["Приобретенных модулей не найдено!"],"Purchases":["Покупки"],"Buy (%price%)":["Купить (% цена%)"],"Licence Key:":["Лицензионный ключ:"],"Last login":["Последний логин"],"never":["никогда"],"Share your opinion with others":["Поделиться вашим мнением с другими"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Опубликовать сообщение на Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Поделиться на Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Поделиться с пользователями на LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Твитнуть о HumHub"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Загрузка и Установка модулей ..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Между любовью и безумием лежит одержимость."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Просто купите это. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Мы ищем слоганы для известных брендов. Может быть, вы можете прийти с некоторыми образцами?"],"Welcome Space":["Добро пожаловать в пространство"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Ура! Я только что установил HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Ваше первое пробное пространство на данной платформе."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Настройте образец контента (рекомендуется)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Разрешить доступ для незарегистрированных пользователей к содержанию сайта (гостевой доступ)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Вошедший пользователь может зарегистрироваться (Регистрационная форма будет отображаться при входе)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Новые пользователи должны быть сначала проверены администратором"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Зарегистрированные участники могут приглашать новых пользователей по e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Я хочу использовать HumHub для:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Вы почти закончили. На этом этапе вы должны заполнить форму, чтобы создать учетную запись администратора. С этого аккаунта вы можете управлять всей сетью."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub является очень гибким и может быть скорректированы и / или расширен различными приложениями, благодаря своим модулям. Следующие модули являются лишь некоторым примером и те, которые мы думали, являются наиболее важными для выбранной заявки.
Вы всегда можете установить или удалить модули позже. Вы можете найти больше доступных модулей после установки в админ панели."],"Recommended Modules":["Рекомендованные Модули"],"Example contents":["Пример содержания"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Чтобы избежать пустой главной страницы после первоначальной регистрации, на HumHub можно установить примерное содержимое для вас. Это даст вам хороший общий вид того, как HumHub работает. Вы всегда можете удалить отдельное содержимое."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Здесь вы можете решить, как новые и незарегистрированные пользователи могут получить доступ к HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Настройки Безопасности"],"Configuration":["Конфигурация"],"My club":["Мой клуб"],"My community":["Мое комьюнити"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Моя компания (Социальная Интранет / Управление проектами)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Мое образовательное учреждение (школа, университет)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Пропустить этот шаг, для того, чтобы настроить все вручную"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Для упрощения настройки, у нас есть предопределенные настройки для наиболее распространенных случаев использования с различными опциями для модулей и настроек. Вы можете настроить их на следующем этапе."],"You":["Вы"],"You like this.":["Вам нравится это"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Поиск пользователей, пространств и контента"],"Private":["Приватно"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Извините Пользователь достиг лимита"],"Delete instance":["Удалить экземпляр"],"Export data":["Экспорт данных"],"Hosting":["Хостинг"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Есть в настоящее время можно не далее регистраций пользователей за счет максимального ограничения пользователя на этом состоялся экземпляр!"],"Your plan":["Ваш план"],"Group members - {group}":["Группа участников - {group}"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Искать только в определенных пространствах:"],"Members":["Участники"],"Change Owner":["Сменить Владельца","Сменить владельца"],"General settings":["Основные настройки"],"Security settings":["Настройки безопасности"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Вы, как владелец этого пространства, можете передать эту роль другому администратору в пространстве."],"Color":["Цвет"],"Transfer ownership":["Передать другому владельцу"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Добавить {n,plural,=1{пространство} other{пространства}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Права доступа (по умолчанию)"],"Manage members":["Управление пользователями"],"Manage permissions":["Управление правами"],"Pending approvals":["В ожидании одобрения"],"Pending invitations":["В ожидании приглашения"],"Add Modules":["Добавить модули"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Вы не участник данного пространства, общедоступных материалов пока нет!"],"Done":["Выполнено"],"Cancel Membership":["Отменить участие"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Скрыть сообщения в панели \"События\""],"Show posts on dashboard":["Показать сообщение в панели \"События\""],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Эта опция будет скрывать новый контент данного пространства в панели \"События\""],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Эта опция будет показывать новый контент данного пространства в панели \"События\""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Перетащите фотографию сюда или нажмите, чтобы загрузить файлы"],"Hide my year of birth":["Скрыть год рождения"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Привет %firstname%, спасибо за использование HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Вы первый пользователь здесь... Урааа! Будьте ярким примером и заполните свой профиль,
чтобы будущие пользователи знали, кто является хозяином положения здесь и кому они могут обратиться, если у них есть вопросы."],"Your firstname":["Ваше имя"],"Your lastname":["Ваша фамилия"],"Your mobild phone number":["Ваш сотовый номер"],"Your phone number at work":["Ваш рабочий номер"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Ваши навыки, знания и опыт (через запятую)"],"Your title or position":["Ваша должность"],"Confirm new password":["Подтвердить пароль"],"Remember me":["Запомнить меня"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Изображения социальной сети для улучшения связи и совместной работы.
Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас чтобы присоединиться к этому пространству."],"Add Dropbox files":["Добавить файлы дропбокс"],"Invalid file":["Неверный формат файла"],"Dropbox API Key":["Дропбокс API Key"],"Show warning on posting":["Показать предупреждение в публикации"],"Dropbox post":["Дропбокс сообщение"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Конфигурация модуля Дропбокс"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Для модуля Дропбокс требуется активация приложения Дропбокс! Пожалуйста перейдите по этой ссылке site, выберите \"Drop-ins app\" введите имя приложения, чтобы получить свой ключ API."],"Dropbox settings":["Настройки дропбокс"],"Describe your files":["Опишите ваши файлы"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["К сожалению, модуль Дропбокс еще не настроен! Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Модуль Dropbox еще не настроен! Пожалуйста настройте его здесь."],"Select files from dropbox":["Выберите файлы из дропбокс"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Внимание! Вы открыли доступ к личным файлам"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Не показывать это предупреждение впредь"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Файлы, которыми вы хотите поделиться являются личными. Для того, чтобы открыть доступ к файлам вашего пространства мы сформировали общую ссылку. Каждый по ссылке может увидеть файл.
Вы уверены, что хотите поделиться?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Да, я уверен"],"Administrative Contact":["Контактная информация администрации"],"Advanced Options":["Дополнительные параметры"],"Custom Domain":["Персональный домен"],"Datacenter":["Датацентр"],"Support / Get Help":["Поддержка / Получить помощь"],"Add recipients":["Добавить получателей"],"Delete conversation":["Удалить диалог"],"Leave conversation":["Создать диалог"],"Could not get note users! ":["Не удалось получить заметки пользователей!"],"Assigned user(s)":["Назначенный пользователь (и)"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Выберите значок"],"Date input format":["Формат ввода даты"],"Actions":["Действия"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Автоформат на основе языка пользователя - Пример: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Установленный формат (mm/dd/yyyy) - Пример: {example}"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Разрешает пользователям комментировать"],"Create comment":["Создание комментариев"],"Space followers":["Участники пространства"],"No spaces found.":["Пространства не найдены."],"Last Visit":["Последний визит"],"Originator User ID":["Первоисточник User ID"],"Request Message":["Запрашиваемое сообщение"],"Updated By":["Обновлено"],"No users found.":["Пользователи не найдены."],"Date":["Дата"],"Hide age per default":["Скрыть возраст по умолчанию"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Дни рождения в ближайшие {days, number} {days, plural, =1{день} =2{дня} =3{дня} =4{дня} other{дней}}"],"In {days} days":["Через {days, number} {days, plural, =1{день} =2{дня} =3{дня} =4{дня} other{дней}}"],"becomes {years} years old.":["исполнится {years, number} {years, plural, one{год} few{года} many{лет} other{лет}}"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Папка %filename% не может быть сохранена."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% имеет недопустимое расширение и был пропущен."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% был заменен на более новую версию."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Folder":["Папка"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Не удалось сохранить файл %title%. "],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Anonymous poll!":["Анонимный опрос!"],"Anonymous":["Анонимный"],"Closed":["Закрыт"],"Add answer...":["Добавить ответ ..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Анонимных голосов?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Отображение ответов в случайном порядке?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Редактировать ответ (пустые ответы будут удалены) ..."],"Update HumHub":["Обновить HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Обновить HumHub BETA"],"Check for next update":["Проверьте следующее обновление"],"Downloading update package...":["Загрузка пакета обновления ..."],"Error!":["Ошибка!"],"Installing update package...":["Установка пакета обновления ..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Убедитесь, что все файлы доступны для записи приложения"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Убедитесь, что пользовательские модули и темы совместимы с версией %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что следующие файлы доступны для записи приложения:"],"Please note:":["Пожалуйста, обратите внимание:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Пожалуйста, обновите установленные модули торговой площадки до и после обновления"],"Proceed Installation":["Продолжить установку"],"Release Notes:":["Примечания к выпуску:"],"Show database migration results":["Показать результаты миграции базы данных"],"Start Installation":["Начать установку"],"Warning!":["Предупреждение!"],"Warnings:":["Предупреждения:"],"successfully installed!":["успешно установлен!"],"version update":["обновление версии"],"Update download failed! 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(Listed in directory)":["Можно создавать публичные пространства."],"Create private space":["Создать приватное пространство"],"Create public content":["Создание публичного контента"],"Create public space":["Создать публичное пространство"],"Invite users":["Приглашение пользователей"],"Current Group:":["Текущая группа:"],"Pending Approvals":["Ожидающие подтверждения"],"Pending Invites":["Ожидающие приглашения"],"Permissions":["Доступ"],"Confirm delete file":["Подтвердить удаление файла"],"Create folder":["Создать папку"],"Edit folder":["Редактировать папку"],"Files module configuration":["Настройка модуля Файлы\n","Настройка модуля Файлы\r\n"],"Move files":["Переместить файлы"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Папка с таким именем уже существует."],"Add directory":["Добавить директорию"],"Add file(s)":["Добавить файл(ы)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Добавить модуль \"Файлы\" в это пространство."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Добавить модуль \"Файлы\" в свой профиль."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Архив %filename% не может быть извлечён."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Поддержка архива (zip) не включена."],"Creator":["Автор"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Отключить поддержка архива (ZIP)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить %number% элемент(ов) со всем под-контентом?"],"Download":["Скачать"],"Download ZIP":["Скачать ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Редактировать директорию"],"Files from the stream":["Файлы из потока"],"Folder options":["Настройки папки"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Недостаточно прав для выполнения этого действия."],"Invalid parameter.":["Некорректный параметр."],"Move":["Переменстить"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Перемещение в ту же папку не является корректным. Выберите корректную родительскую папку для %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Нет выбранных элементов для перемещения."],"Open":["Открыть"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Открытие архива потерпело неудачу с ошибкой %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Пожалуйста, выберите правильную папку назначения для %title%."],"Selected items...":["Выбранные элементы..."],"Show":["Показать"],"Show Post":["Показать сообщение"],"The archive could not be created.":["Архив не может быть создан."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Папка %filename% уже существует. Содержание было перезаписано."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Папка с ID %id% не найдена."],"This folder is empty.":["Эта папка пуста."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["К сожалению, у Вас нет прав на загрузку / редактирование файлов."],"Updated":["Обновлено"],"Upload":["Загрузить"],"Upload ZIP":["Загрузить ZIP"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Загрузите файлы либо создайте под-папку при помощи кнопок выше."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Загрузите файлы в поток для заполнения этот папки."],"ZIP all":["ZIP всё"],"ZIP selected":["ZIP выбранное"],"changed:":["изменено:"],"created:":["создано:"],"root":["root"],"comment":["Комментарий"],"post":["сообщение"],"Approval":["Подтверждение"],"Userprofiles":["Профили пользователей"],"Group user not found!":["Участник группы не найден!"],"No value found!":["Значение не найдено!"],"Default stream content order":["Сортировка ленты по умолчанию"],"Enable user friendship system":["Включить \"систему дружбы\""],"Sort by creation date":["Сортировка по дате создания"],"Sort by update date":["Сортировка по дате обновления"],"Administrative group":["Административная группа"],"About HumHub":["О HumHub"],"Prerequisites":["Проверка требований"],"Advanced":["Расширенные"],"Third-party":["Сторонняя организация "],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Разработчики HumHub не поддерживают модули сторонних разработчиков, а также не дают никакой гарантии совместимости и безопасности."],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Доступна новая версия ({version}) HumHub."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить поведение и способы регистрации пользователей."],"Advanced Settings":["Расширенные настройки"],"Appearance Settings":["Настройки внешнего вида"],"E-Mail Settings":["Настройки E-Mail"],"General Settings":["Общие настройки"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить почтовый сервер вашей социальной сети."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additional user settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить поведение при регистрации и дополнительные настройки пользователя вашей социальной сети."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить базовую конфигурацию вашей социальной сети."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Эти настройки относятся к расширенным разделам вашей социальной сети."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Эти настройки относятся к внешнему виду вашей социальной сети."],"User Settings":["Пользовательские настройки"],"Add new space":["Добавить новое пространство"],"Information":["Информация"],"Settings and Configuration":["Настройки и конфигурация"],"User administration":["Управление пользователями"],"Add new group":["Создать новую группу"],"Back to overview":["Вернуться"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Управление группой: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["В ожидании подтверждения"],"Profiles":["Профили"],"Pending user approvals":["Ожидает подтверждения пользователей"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Список содержит всех зарегистрированных пользователей, ожидающих подверждения."],"Manage groups":["Управление группами"],"Add":["Добавить"],"Add new members...":["Добавить участников..."],"Remove from group":["Удалить из группы"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Пользователи могут быть привязаны к разным группам (например: команды, департаменты и т.д.)."],"Visible for members only":["Видимо только для участников"],"Visible for members+guests":["Видимо только для участников и гостей"],"Friendship":["Дружба"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Новые пользователи будут автоматически добавлены в эти пространства."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Обзор действий. (Например, новый пост, новый элемент, новый пользователь пространства)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Определяет поведение отправки сообщений по умолчанию. Эти параметры могут быть изменены пользователями в настройках аккаунта"],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Пользовательские уведомления (например, новые комментарии на собственные сообщения или новый подписчик). Так же, уведомления создаются, когда требуется действие пользователя (например, запрос о дружбе)."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Включить OEmbed сревисы"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Добавить OEmbed сервис"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Изменить OEmbed сервис"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Вы можете вставить код для сбора статистики, который будет добавлен на все страницы. "],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Здесь вы можете задать настройки по умолчанию для новых пространств. Эти параметры могут быть перезаписаны для каждого отдельного пространства."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Содержит список пространств с возможностью просмотра, редактирования и удаления."],"Edit user: {name}":["Редактировать пользователя: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Менеджер группы"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Содержит список зарегистрированных пользователей с возможностью просмотра, редактирования и удаления."],"Send invite":["Отправить приглашение"],"Create new profile category":["Создать новую категорию профиля"],"Edit profile category":["Изменить категорию профиля"],"Create new profile field":["Добавить новое поле профиля"],"Edit profile field":["Изменить поле профиля"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Здесь вы можете создать или изменить категории и поля профиля"],"Manage profile attributes":["Управление атрибутами профиля"],"Appearance":["Внешний вид"],"E-Mails":["Почта"],"Information":["Информация"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} прокомментировал {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} прокомментировал {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Новый комментарий"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Возможность добавлять в архив, отмечать или удалять посты"],"Manage content":["Управление контентом"],"Create post":["Создание записей"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Позволяет пользователям создавать записи"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} создал {contentTitle}."],"My friends":["Мои друзья"],"Pending friend requests":["Ожидание запроса на добавление в друзья"],"Sent friend requests":["Отправить запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Accept Friend Request":["Принять запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Add Friend":["Добавить в друзья"],"Cancel friend request":["Отменить запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Deny friend request":["Отказать в запросе на добавление в друзья"],"Friends":["Друзья"],"Requests":["Запросы"],"Sent requests":["Посланные запросы"],"Show all friends":["Показать всех друзей"],"Unfriend":["Убрать из друзей"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} принял ваш запрос на добавление в друзья."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} отменил ваш запрос на добавление в друзья."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} отправил вам запрос на добавление в друзья."],"Friendship Request":["Запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Friendship Approved":["Запрос на добавление в друзья принят"],"New Like":["Новый лайк"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} понравилось {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} понравилось {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} и {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} и {number} других"],"Other":["Другое"],"Module Filter":["Фильтр модуля"],"No notifications found!":["Оповещения не найдены!"],"Notification Overview":["Обзор оповещений"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Ничего не найдено."],"Space":["Пространства"],"Stream (Default)":["Лента (по умолчанию)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Извините, вам не разрешено покинуть это пространство"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["URL содержит недопустимые символы!"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["например, для {baseUrl}/s/example"],"Homepage":["Начальная страница"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} принял ваше приглашение на вступление в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} подтвердил ваше участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отменил ваше приглашение на вступление в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отменил ваш запрос на участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} пригласил вас в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отправил запрос на участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"Role":["Роль"],"Space settings":["Настройки пространства"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Права назначены разным ролям. Чтобы изменить их, у роли, которую вы хотите отредактировать и выберите нужное значение из выпадающего списка."],"Your profile":["Ваш профиль"],"Basic Settings":["Основные настройки"],"Change Email":["Сменить e-mail"],"Change Password":["Сменить пароль"],"Connect account":["Подключиться к учетной записи"],"Connected Accounts":["Подключенные учетные записи"],"Connected accounts":["Подключенные учетные записи"],"Currently in use":["В настоящее время используется"],"Delete Account":["Удалить учетную запись"],"Disconnect account":["Отключить учетную запись"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Здесь вы можете подключиться к внешнему поставщику услуг для использования внешних сервисов, таких как единый вход для аутентификации"],"My Account":["Моя учетная запись"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Пользователь с таким e-mail уже существует, но он не привязан к вам. Зайдите с помощью вашего e-mail, чтобы привязать его"],"or":["или "],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Скрыть панель ознакомительного тура на главной странице"],"Invite new people":["Пригласить новых пользователей"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail адрес(а)"],"Invitation to join":["Приглашение присоединиться"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Пожалуйста, добавьте e-mail пользователей, которых вы хотите пригласить."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Разделите e-mail адреса запятыми."],"Click here to create an account:":["Нажмите сюда, чтобы создать учетную запись:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} пригласил вас присоединиться \"{space}\" к {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} пригласил вас в {name}."],"Searchable":["Доступно для поиска"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Коды стран, разделенные запятыми, например: DE, EN, AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Поддерживаемые коды ISO 3166"],"Mentioned":["Упомянут"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} подписан на вас."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} упомянул вас в {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Ваш текущий e-mail - {email}. Вы можете изменить его здесь."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Ваш теккущий пароль может быть изменен здесь"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Здесь вы можете редактировать основные данные своего профиля."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Получать действия подписчиков или пространств по e-mail."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Получать оповещения на рабочем столе."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Приглашение присоединиться к {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас"],"You got an invite":["Вы получили приглашение"],"invited you to join {name}.":["приглашает Вас присоединиться к {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["приглашает Вас присоединиться {space} на {name}"],"Load more":["Показать еще"],"User or Password incorrect.":["Неверное имя пользователя или пароль"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Модуль не включён в этой оболочке контента"],"User posts":["Посты пользователей"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Задает фильтр, который должен применяться при попытке входа. %s заменяет имя пользователя во время логина. Например: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" или "(uid=%s)""],"Space Settings":["Настройки по умолчанию"],"Show all notifications":["Показать все уведомления"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Горизонтальная прокрутка изображений на мобильном устройстве"],"Wall entry layout":["Отображение записи на стене"],"Allow friendships between members":["Разрешить дружбу между пользователями"],"Default content visibility":["Видимость контента по умолчанию"],"Cronjobs":["Задания сron"],"OEmbed providers":["Поставщики oEmbed"],"Self test":["Самопроверка"],"CronJobs":["Задания cron"],"Third-party disclaimer":["Отказ от ответственности за продукты сторонних разработчиков"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Notification Overview":["Просмотр уведомлений"],"Does not belong here":["Не принадлежит к этому пространству"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Ваша учётная запись была активирована.
\r\n\r\n Войти на сайт:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Ваш запрос на регистрацию был отклонён.
\r\n\r\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Confirm image deletion":["Подтвердите удаление изображения"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Достигнуто максимальное количество отмеченных объектов! За один раз вы можете отметить только два объекта. Чтобы отметить этот объект, уберите выделение с другого!"],"Pinned":["Закрепленный","Закрепить"],"Unpinned":["Открепить"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Вошедший пользователь может зарегистрироваться (Регистрационная форма будет отображаться при входе)"],"Checkbox":["Чекбокс"],"Checkbox field options":["Настройки чекбокса"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Latest updates":["Последние обновления"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Account settings":["Настройки аккаунта"],"Administration":["Администрирование"],"Back":["Назад"],"Back to dashboard":["Вернуться на главную"],"Choose language:":["Выберите язык:"],"Collapse":["Свернуть"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["Источник Content Addon должен быть сущностью HActiveRecordContent либо HActiveRecordContentAddon!"],"Could not determine content container!":["Не удалось определить оболочку контента!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Не удалось найти содержимое дополнения!"],"Could not find requested module!":["Не удалось найти запрошенный модуль!"],"Error":["Ошибка"],"Expand":["Развернуть"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["Недостаточно прав чтобы создать контент!"],"Invalid request.":["Некорректный запрос."],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Похоже, что вы сделали что-то не так."],"Keyword:":["Ключевое слово:"],"Language":["Язык"],"Latest news":["Последние новости"],"Login":["Войти"],"Logout":["Выйти"],"Menu":["Меню"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Модуль не включён в этой оболочке контента"],"My profile":["Мой профиль"],"New profile image":["Новое изображение профиля"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Ничего не найдено по вашему запросу."],"Oooops...":["Ой..."],"Results":["Результаты"],"Search":["Поиск"],"Search for users and spaces":["Искать людей и пространства"],"Show more results":["Показать больше результатов"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Извините, ничего не найдено!"],"Space not found!":["Пространство не найдено!"],"User Approvals":["Подтверждение пользователей"],"User not found!":["Пользователь не найден!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["Добро пожаловать в %appName%"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Вы не можете создать публичный контент!"],"Your daily summary":["Ваша статистика за сегодня"],"Login required":["Необходима авторизация"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Произошла внутренняя ошибка сервера."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Вы не можете выполнить это действие."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Глобальный массив {global} очищен с помощью метода {method}."],"Upload error":["Ошибка загрузки"],"Close":["Закрыть"],"Add image/file":["Добавить изображение/файл"],"Add link":["Добавить ссылку"],"Bold":["Жирный"],"Code":["Код"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Введите ссылку (например http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Заголовок"],"Image":["Изображение"],"Image/File":["Изображение/Файл"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Вставить гиперссылку"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Вставить гиперссылку на изображение"],"Italic":["Курсив"],"List":["Список"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Пожалуйста, подождите пока загружается ..."],"Preview":["Предпросмотр"],"Quote":["Цитата"],"Target":["Цель"],"Title":["Наименование"],"Title of your link":["Название вашей ссылки"],"URL/Link":["Адрес/Ссылка"],"code text here":["текст кода здесь"],"emphasized text":["выделенный текст"],"enter image description here":["введите описание изображения здесь"],"enter image title here":["введите название картинки здесь"],"enter link description here":["введите описание ссылки здесь"],"heading text":["заголовок текста"],"list text here":["текстовый список здесь"],"quote here":["процитировать"],"strong text":["выделенный текст"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Не удалось создать событие с этим типом объекта!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% создал новое пространство %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% создал это пространство."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% присоединился к пространству %spaceName%"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% присоединился к этому пространству."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% покинул пространство %spaceName%"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% покинул это пространство."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} теперь читает {user2}."],"see online":["смотреть онлайн"],"via":["через"],"Latest activities":["Лента активности"],"There are no activities yet.":["Пока ничего нет."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте {displayName},
\n \n Ваша учетная запись была активирована.
\n \n Нажмите сюда, чтобы войти:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n С наилучшими пожеланиями
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте {displayName},
\n \n ваша учетная запись была отклонена.
\n \n С наилучшими пожеланиями
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Учетная запись для '{displayName}' была утверждена."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Учетная запись для '{displayName}' была отклонена."],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\n\n Ваша учётная запись была активирована.
\n\n Войти на сайт:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\n\n Ваш запрос на регистрацию был отклонён.
\n\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\n {AdminName}
"],"Group not found!":["Группа не найдена!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Не удалось удалить модуль! Модуль защищен."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Путь к модулю %path% не доступен для записи!"],"Saved":["Сохранено"],"Database":["База данных"],"No theme":["Нет темы"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["Не удалось загрузить LDAP! - Проверьте расширения PHP"],"File":["Файл"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Нет кэширования (только тестирование!)","Без кэширования (только тестирование!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Нет - показывать в выпадающем меню при регистрации пользователя."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Сохранено, кэш сброшен"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Локальный"],"Become this user":["Войти как данный пользователь"],"Delete":["Удалить"],"Disabled":["Отключён"],"Enabled":["Включено"],"Save":["Сохранить"],"Unapproved":["Не подтверждён"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Вы не можете удалить себя!"],"Could not load category.":["Невозможно загрузить категорию."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Вы можете удалять только пустые категории!"],"Group":["Группа"],"Message":["Сообщение"],"Subject":["Тема"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"E-Mail Address Attribute":["Атрибут E-Mail"],"Enable LDAP Support":["Включить поддержку LDAP"],"Encryption":["Шифрование"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Выбор/Обновление пользователей автоматически"],"Hostname":["Хост"],"Login Filter":["Фильтр логинов"],"Password":["Пароль"],"Port":["Порт"],"User Filer":["Пользовательский файлер"],"Username":["Имя пользователя"],"Username Attribute":["Пользовательские данные"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Возможность ограниченного доступа для не прошедших проверку пользователей (гостей)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Любой пользователь может зарегистрироваться"],"Default user group for new users":["Группа по умолчанию для новых пользователей"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Тайм-аут пользователя по умолчанию, авто-выход (в секундах, опционально)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Кому виден профиль пользователя по умолчанию"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Участники могут приглашать других пользователей через e-mail"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Обязательное подтверждение администратором после регистрации"],"Base URL":["Основной URL"],"Default language":["Язык по умолчанию"],"Default space":["Пространство по умолчанию"],"Invalid space":["Неверное пространство"],"Logo upload":["Загрузить логотип"],"Name of the application":["Название приложения"],"Server Timezone":["Временная зона сервера"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Показывать приветственный тур для новых пользователей"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Показать поле для ввода сообщений на главной странице"],"Cache Backend":["Кэширование бэкенда"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Время ожидания по умолчанию (в секундах)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["Отсуствует расширение PHP APC - данные не поддерживаются!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["Отсуствует расширение PHP SQLite3 - данные не поддерживаются!"],"Dropdown space order":["Порядок отображения пространств в выпадающем меню"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Пагинация по умолчанию (количество записей на странице)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Отображать название (Формат)"],"Theme":["Тема оформления"],"Allowed file extensions":["Допустимые расширения файлов"],"Convert command not found!":["Команда конвертации не найдена!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Получен неверный ответ от модуля image magick - Команда корректна?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Скрывать информацию о файле (имя, размер) для изображений на стене"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Скрывать виджет списка файлов для этих объектов на стене."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Команда конвертации модуля Image Magic (опционально)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Максимальная высота превью изображения (в пикселях, опционально)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Максимальная ширина превью изображения (в пикселях, опционально)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Максимальный размер файла (МБ)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Использовать X-Sendfile для загрузки файлов"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Разрешить самоподписанные сертификаты?"],"E-Mail sender address":["E-mail отправителя"],"E-Mail sender name":["Имя отправителя"],"Mail Transport Type":["Способ отправки письма"],"Port number":["Порт"],"Endpoint Url":["URL конечной точки"],"Url Prefix":["Префикс URL"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Без прокси сервера"],"Server":["Сервер"],"User":["Пользователь"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Супер Администраторы могут удалять любой контент"],"Default Join Policy":["Доступ по умолчанию"],"Default Visibility":["Видимость по умолчанию"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML код счётчика"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Папка модуля %moduleId% уже существует!"],"Could not extract module!":["Не удалось установить модуль!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Не удалось получить список модулей! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Не удалось получить информацию о модуле! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Не удалось загрузить модуль!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Папка модуля %modulePath% запрещена к записи!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Не удалось загрузить модуль! (%error%)"],"No compatible module version found!":["Совместимых версий модуля не найдено!"],"Activated":["Активирован"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Ни один из модулей не установлен. Установите необходимые модули для расширения функциональности."],"Version:":["Версия:"],"Installed":["Установленные"],"No modules found!":["Модули не найдены!"],"search for available modules online":["искать доступные модули онлайн"],"All modules are up to date!":["Все модули актуальны!"],"About HumHub":["Версия HumHub"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["В настоящее время установлена версия: %currentVersion%"],"HumHub is currently in debug mode. Disable it when running on production!":["Сайт находится в режиме отладки. Отключите его на production!"],"Licences":["Лицензии"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Для получения более подробной информации смотрите руководство по установке."],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Доступно новое обновление! (Последняя версия: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["Ваша версия HumHub актуальна!"],"Accept":["Активировать"],"Decline":["Отказать"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Активировать пользователя: {displayName} "],"Cancel":["Отменить"],"Send & save":["Отправить & сохранить"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Отменить и удалить пользователя: {displayName}"],"Email":["e-mail"],"Search for email":["Искать по email"],"Search for username":["Искать по логину"],"Pending user approvals":["В ожидании подтверждения регистрации"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Здесь Вы можете видеть пользователей, которые зарегистрировались и ожидают подтверждения."],"Delete group":["Удаление группы"],"Delete group":["Удалить группу"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["Чтобы удалить группу \"{group}\" Вы должны задать другую группу для следующих пользователей:"],"Create new group":["Создать новую группу"],"Edit group":["Редактировать группу"],"Description":["Описание"],"Group name":["Название группы"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Искать по описанию"],"Search for group name":["Искать по названию группы"],"Manage groups":["Управление группами"],"Create new group":["Создать новую группу"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Вы можете разделить пользователей по разным группам (команды, отделы и тд.) и определить для них пространства по-умолчанию и администраторов."],"Flush entries":["Очистить журнал"],"Error logging":["Журнал ошибок"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Отображать {count} записей на странице."],"Total {count} entries found.":["Всего найдено {count} записей"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Модули расширения функциональности сайта. Здесь вы можете установить и управлять модулями из каталога расширений HumHub."],"Available updates":["Доступные обновления"],"Browse online":["Поиск онлайн"],"Module details":["Модуль подробно"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Этот модуль не предоставил полной информации"],"Processing...":["Выполняется..."],"Modules directory":["Директория модулей"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["Вы уверены? *ALL* данные модуля будут утеряны!"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["Вы уверены? *ALL* данные и файлы связанные с модулем будут удалены!"],"Configure":["Настроить"],"Disable":["Отключить","Выключить"],"Enable":["Включить"],"Enable module...":["Подключение модуля ..."],"More info":["Подробнее"],"Set as default":["Установить по умолчанию"],"Uninstall":["Удалить"],"Install":["Установить"],"Installing module...":["Установить модуль..."],"Latest compatible version:":["Последняя совместимая версия:"],"Latest version:":["Последняя версия:"],"Installed version:":["Установленная версия:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["Последняя совместимая версия:"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Updating module...":["Обновление модуля..."],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Сделать модулем по умолчанию"],"Always activated":["Всегда активирован"],"Deactivated":["Деактивировать"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Здесь вы можете выбрать, хотите ли Вы чтобы модуль был автоматически активирован в пространстве или профиле пользователя. Если модуль должен быть активирован, выберите \"Всегда активирован\"."],"Spaces":["Пространства"],"User Profiles":["Профили пользователей"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Доступна новая версия HumHub (%version%)."],"Authentication - Basic":["Идентификация - Основная"],"Basic":["Основной","Основные"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Минимальное значение - 20 секунд. Если не установлено - сессия завершится через 1400 секунд (24 минуты) независимо от активности (таймаут сессии по умолчанию)"],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Применяется только при ограниченном доступе для не прошедших проверку подлинности пользователей. Влияет только на новых пользователей."],"Authentication - LDAP":["Идентификация - LDAP"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["Рекомендуется использовать TLS/SSL шифрование на реальных проектах, чтобы защититься от передачи паролей в открытом виде."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Задает фильтр, который должен применяться при попытке входа. %uid заменяет имя пользователя во время логина. Например: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" или "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["LDAP Атрибут для E-Mail адреса. По умолчанию: "mail""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["LDAP Атрибут для Логина. Пример: & quotuid & Quot; или & Quot; sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Ограничить доступ к пользователям с указанными критериями. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Статус: Ошибка! (Текст ошибки: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Статус: OK! ({userCount} Пользователей)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["База по умолчанию DN используется для поиска аккаунтов."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Пароль по умолчанию (используется только с именем пользователя, приведенном выше)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Имя пользователя по умолчанию. Некоторые сервера требуют, чтобы имя пользователя было в форме DN, поэтому если LDAP сервер этого требует, имя должно быть приведено в надлежащем формате."],"Cache Settings":["Настройки кеширования"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Сохранить и удалить кеш"],"CronJob settings":["Настройки планировщика задач"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Действия Cron пользователя: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Последний запуск (ежедневный):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Последный запуск (ежечасный):"],"Never":["Никогда"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Или действия Cron root-пользователя"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что все задачи Cron установлены:"],"Alphabetical":["Алфавитный"],"Last visit":["Последний визит"],"Design settings":["Настройки внешнего вида"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Имя Фамилия (например, Василий Иванов)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Имя пользователя"],"File settings":["Настройки вложений"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Список, разделенный запятыми. Оставьте пустым, если хотите разрешить всем."],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Список, разделенный запятыми. Оставьте пустым, чтобы показать список файлов для всех объектов на стене."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Используемая библиотека изображений: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Если не установлено, высота по умолчанию будет 200px."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Если не установлено, ширина по умолчанию будет 200px."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP загружает максимум {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Основные настройки"],"Confirm image deleting":["Подтвердите удаление изображения"],"Dashboard":["События"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["например, http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Новые пользователи автоматически добавляются в данн(-ое/-ые) пространств(-о/-а)"],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["На данный момент вы не используете логотип. 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(например http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Настройки прокси"],"Security settings and roles":["Настройки ролей и безопасности"],"Self test":["Тест системы"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["Проверка необходимого програмного обеспечения для сайта."],"Re-Run tests":["Перезапустить тест"],"Statistic settings":["Настройки статистики"],"All":["Все"],"Delete space":["Удалить пространство"],"Edit space":["Редактировать пространство"],"Search for space name":["Поиск по названию пространства"],"Search for space owner":["Поиск по создателю пространства"],"Space name":["Название пространства"],"Space owner":["Владелец пространства"],"View space":["Посмотреть пространство"],"Manage spaces":["Управление пространствами"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Определить настройки по умолчанию для новых пространств."],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Здесь Вы можете найти все пространства и управлять ими."],"Overview":["Обзор"],"Settings":["Настройки"],"Space Settings":["Настройки Пространств"],"Add user":["Добавить пользователя"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? 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Если данный пользователь является создателем каких-нибудь пространств, Вы станете создателем этих пространств."],"Delete user":["Удалить пользователя"],"Delete user: {username}":["Удалить пользователя: {username}"],"Edit user":["Редактирование пользователя"],"Admin":["Администратор"],"Delete user account":["Удалить аккаунт пользователя"],"Edit user account":["Редактировать аккаунт пользователя"],"No":["Нет"],"View user profile":["Просмотреть профиль пользователя"],"Yes":["Да"],"Manage users":["Управление пользователями"],"Add new user":["Добавить нового пользователя"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Здесь Вы можете найти любого зарегистрированного пользователя и управлять им."],"Create new profile category":["Создать новую категорию профилей "],"Edit profile category":["Редактировать категорию профилей "],"Create new profile field":["Создать новое поле профиля"],"Edit profile field":["Редактировать поле профиля"],"Manage profiles fields":["Управление полями профилей"],"Add new category":["Добавить новую категорию"],"Add new field":["Добавить новое поле"],"Security & Roles":["Безопасность и Роли"],"Administration menu":["Панель Администратора"],"About":["Информация"],"Authentication":["Авторизация"],"Caching":["Кэширование"],"Cron jobs":["Планировщик задач"],"Design":["Дизайн"],"Files":["Файлы"],"Groups":["Группы"],"Logging":["Аудит"],"Mailing":["Почта"],"Modules":["Модули"],"OEmbed Provider":["Поставщик службы"],"Proxy":["Прокси"],"Self test & update":["Тестирование и обновление"],"Statistics":["Статистика"],"User approval":["Подтверждение регистрации"],"User profiles":["Профили пользователей"],"Users":["Пользователи"],"Click here to review":["Посмотреть полностью"],"New approval requests":["Новые запросы на подтверждение"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Один или несколько пользователей ждут Вашего подтверждения как администратора группы."],"Access denied!":["Доступ запрещен!","Доступ закрыт!"],"Could not delete comment!":["Не удалось удалить комментарий!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Недостаточно прав!"],"Invalid target class given":["Указан неверный целевой класс!"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Необходимы Model & Id Parameter!"],"Target not found!":["Получатель не найден!"],"Comment":["Комментарий"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% прокомментировал"],"Comments":["Комментарии"],"Edit your comment...":["Редактировать комментарий..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% также прокомментировал ваш %contentTitle%"],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% прокомментировал %contentTitle%."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Показать все {total} комментарии"],"Write a new comment...":["Написать новый комментарий..."],"Post":["Сообщение"],"Show %count% more comments":["Показать %count% комментариев"],"Edit":["Редактировать"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Подтвердите удаление комментария"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот комментарий?"],"Updated :timeago":["Обновлено :timeago"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} создал новый {contentTitle}."],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Достигнуто максимальное количество отмеченных объектов! 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Make the beginning and post something...":["Ещё никто ничего не написал.
Будьте первым..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Поток профиля всё-ещё пуст"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Это пространство ещё пусто!
Начните разместив что-нибудь здесь..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Ваша страница пуста!
Вы можете написать что-то на своей стене или присоединитесь к пространствам!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Ваша лента профиля всё ещё пуста
Отправьте что-нибудь..."],"Back to stream":["Вернуться в поток"],"Content with attached files":["Контент с прикреплёнными файлами"],"Created by me":["Созданные мной","Создано мной"],"Creation time":["Время создания"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Include archived posts":["Включить архивированные сообщения"],"Last update":["Последнее обновление"],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ничего соответсвующего вашим фильтрам не найдено!"],"Only private posts":["Только личные сообщения"],"Only public posts":["Только публичные сообщения"],"Posts only":["Только сообщения"],"Posts with links":["Сообщения с ссылками"],"Show all":["Показать все"],"Sorting":["Сортировка"],"Where I´m involved":["В которых я участвую"],"No public contents to display found!":["Открытого контента для отображения не найдено!"],"Directory":["Каталог"],"Member Group Directory":["Группы участников"],"show all members":["показать всех участников"],"Directory menu":["Меню каталога"],"Members":["Участники"],"User profile posts":["Посты пользователей"],"Member directory":["Раздел участников"],"Follow":["Подписаться"],"No members found!":["Участники не найдены!"],"Unfollow":["Отписаться"],"search for members":["поиск участников"],"Space directory":["Пространства"],"No spaces found!":["Пространства не найдены!"],"You are a member of this space":["Вы являетесь участником этого пространства"],"search for spaces":["поиск пространств"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Сообщений в профиле пока нет!"],"Group stats":["Статистика по группам"],"Average members":["Участников в среднем"],"Top Group":["Самая большая группа"],"Total groups":["Всего групп"],"Member stats":["Статистика участников"],"New people":["Новые участники"],"Follows somebody":["Подписчиков"],"Online right now":["Сейчас на сайте"],"Total users":["Всего участников"],"See all":["Посмотреть все"],"New spaces":["Новые пространства"],"Space stats":["Статистика пространств"],"Most members":["Наибольшее число участников"],"Private spaces":["Приватные пространства"],"Total spaces":["Всего пространств"],"Could not find requested file!":["Не удалось найти запрашиваемый файл!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Недостаточно прав!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Максимальный размер файла был {MaxFileSize} достигнут!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Этот тип файла не допустим!"],"Created By":["Создано"],"Created at":["Создано в"],"File name":["Название"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Неверный Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Размер"],"Updated at":["Обновлено"],"Updated by":["Обновлено пользователем"],"Could not upload File:":["Не удалось загрузить файл:"],"Upload files":["Загрузить файлы"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Список загруженных файлов:"],"Create Admin Account":["Создать учетную запись администратора"],"Name of your network":["Название вашей сети"],"Name of Database":["Имя базы данных"],"Admin Account":["Учетная запись администратора"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Вы почти закончили. На последнем этапе вы должны заполнить форму, чтобы создать учетную запись администратора. С этой учетной записи вы сможете управлять всей сетью."],"Next":["Далее"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Конечно, ваша новая социальная сеть нуждается в названии. Пожалуйста, измените название по умолчанию на то, которое вам нравится. (Например название вашей компании, организации или клуба)"],"Social Network Name":["Социальная сеть Название"],"Setup Complete":["Полная настройка"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Поздравляем. Выполнено."],"Sign in":["Войти"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Установка завершена успешно! Удачи в ваших начинаниях."],"Setup Wizard":["Мастер установки"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Добро пожаловать в HumHub
Ваша социальная сеть"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Мастер установки настроит ваш собственный экземпляр HumHub.
Чтобы продолжить, нажмите кнопку Далее."],"Database Configuration":["Настройки базы данных"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Ниже вы должны ввести свои данные для подключения к базе данных. Если вы не уверены в них, пожалуйста, обратитесь к системному администратору."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["Имя хоста для сервера базы данных MySQL (например, localhost, если MySQL работает на той же машине)"],"Initializing database...":["Инициализация базы данных ..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ох, что-то пошло не так!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Имя базы данных."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Да, соединение с базой данных работает!"],"Your MySQL password.":["Пароль MySQL"],"Your MySQL username":["Имя пользователя MySQL"],"System Check":["Проверить систему"],"Check again":["Проверьте еще раз"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Поздравляем! Все в порядке и готово чтобы начать все сначала!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["Этот обзор показывает все системные требования HumHub."],"Could not find target class!":["Не удалось найти целевой класс!"],"Could not find target record!":["Не удалось найти целевую запись!"],"Invalid class given!":["Указан некорректный класс!"],"Users who like this":["Пользователи, которым это нравится"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} нравится {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% также нравится the %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% нравится %contentTitle%."],"Like":["Нравится"],"Unlike":["Не нравится"]," likes this.":[" нравится это"],"You like this.":["Вам это нравится."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["и ещё {count} нравится это."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Не удалось определить ссылку для этого типа исходного объекта!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Не удалось загрузить исходный объект уведомлений для перехода!"],"New":["Новое"],"Mark all as seen":["Пометить всё как прочитанное"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Уведомлений пока нет."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% создал новое сообщение."],"Edit your post...":["Отредактируйте свое сообщение..."],"Read full post...":["Читать дальше..."],"Search results":["Поиск результатов"],"Content":["Контент","Содержание"],"Send & decline":["Отправить и отказать"]," Invite and request":["Приглашение или запрос"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Нельзя удалить владельца пространства. Пространство: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Каждый может вступить"],"Invite and request":["Приглашение и запрос"],"Only by invite":["Только по приглашению"],"Private (Invisible)":["Приватное (Скрыто)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Открыто (Участники & Гости)"],"Public (Members only)":["Открыто (Только участники)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Открыто (Только для зарегистрированных)"],"Public (Visible)":["Публичное (Видимо)"],"Visible for all":["Отображается для всех"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Видимо для всех (Участники и гости)"],"Space is invisible!":["Пространство скрыто!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Вы должны зарегистрироваться, чтобы посмотреть содержимое этого пространства!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Как владелец, вы не можете покинуть это пространство!"],"Could not request membership!":["Не удалось выполнить запрос на участие в пространстве!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Нет ожидающих приглашений!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Это действие доступно только для пользователей этого пространства!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Вы не можете присоединиться к этому пространству!"],"Space title is already in use!":["Такое название пространства уже используется!"],"Type":["Тип"],"Your password":["Ваш пароль"],"Invites":["Приглашения"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["Новые пользователи по e-mail (через запятую)"],"User is already member!":["Пользователь уже является участником!"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} уже зарегистрирован!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} некорректный!"],"Application message":["Сообщение"],"Scope":["Сфера"],"Strength":["Сила"],"Created At":["Создано в"],"Join Policy":["Регистрационная политика"],"Name":["Имя","Название"],"Owner":["Владелец"],"Status":["Статус"],"Tags":["Теги"],"Updated At":["Обновлено в"],"Visibility":["Отображение"],"Website URL (optional)":["URL вебсайта (опционально)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Вы не можете создавать приватные пространства!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Вы не можете создавать публичные пространства!"],"Modify space image":["Изменить изображение пространства"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Выберите область изображения, которую хотите использовать как аватар и нажмите Сохранить."],"Delete space":["Удалить пространство"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это пространство? Все опубликованные материалы будут удалены!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Введите пароль для продолжения!"],"General space settings":["Главные настройки пространства"],"Archive":["Архив"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Политика вступления"],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Могут просматривать"],"Manage your space members":["Управление участниками пространства"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Оставшиеся приглашения"],"Outstanding user requests":["Оставшиеся запросы"],"Remove member":["Удалить пользователя"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Разрешить пользователю
приглашать других"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Разрешить пользователю
добавлять собственные материалы"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Вы уверенны что хотите удалить этого пользователя из текущего пространства?"],"Can invite":["Может приглашать других"],"Can share":["Может делиться"],"Change space owner":["Менять пользователя"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Не зарегистрированные пользователи, приглашенные по электронной почте не будут перечислены здесь."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Список участников пространства. Вы можете отредактировать их привилегии или удалить их."],"Is admin":["Администратор"],"Make this user an admin":["Сделать администратором"],"No, cancel":["Нет, отменить"],"Remove":["Удалить"],"Request message":["Сообщение"],"Revoke invitation":["Отозвать приглашение"],"Search members":["Поиск участников"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Заявки на вступление в пространство. "],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Приглашенные, но не вступившие участники."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Владелец пространства супер админ пространства со всеми привилегиями создателя пространства. Здесь вы можете изменить эту роль другому пользователю."],"Yes, remove":["Да, удалить"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Расширьте возможности этого пространства с помощью модулей."],"Space Modules":["Модули Пространства"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Вы уверены? Вся информация связанная с этим пространством будет удалена!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Модули, доступные для этого пространства отсутствуют"],"Create new space":["Создать новое пространство"],"Advanced access settings":["Расширенные настройки доступа"],"Advanced search settings":["Настройки расширенного поиска"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Пользователи не являющиеся участниками пространства могут видеть его,
но не имеют доступа"],"Create":["Создать"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Каждый может вступить
(разрешение не требуется)"],"For everyone":["Для каждого"],"How you want to name your space?":["Выберите имя для пространства"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Пожалуйста, напишите небольшое описание для других пользователей."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Пространство будет скрыто
от всех пользователей, не являющихся его участниками"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Пользователи могут запросить
разрешение на вступление"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Вступить можно только
по приглашению"],"space description":["описание пространства"],"space name":["название пространства"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} запросил разрешение на вступление в {spaceName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} подтвердил ваш запрос на вступление {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} отклонил ваш запрос на вступление в {spaceName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} приглашает вступить в {spaceName}"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} принял ваше приглашение в пространство {spaceName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{userName} отклонил ваше приглашение в пространство {spaceName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Это пространство по прежнему пусто!"],"Accept Invite":["Принять приглашение"],"Become member":["Вступить"],"Cancel membership":["Отменить членство"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Отозвать заявку на участие"],"Deny Invite":["Отменить приглашение"],"Request membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Вы владелец данного пространства"],"created by":["создан"],"Invite members":["Пригласить пользователей"],"Add an user":["Добавить пользователя"],"Email addresses":["Адреса электронной почты"],"Invite by email":["Пригласить по электронной почте"],"New user?":["Новый пользователь?"],"Pick users":["Выберите пользователей"],"Send":["Отправить"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Для приглашения пользователей в это пространство, пожалуйста введите их имена ниже."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Вы также можете выбрать пользоватлей, которые не зарегистрированы в настоящее время. Просто добавьте их адреса электронной почты через запятую."],"Request space membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление","Запрос на вступление"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Представьтесь, чтобы стать участником этого пространства."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["Ваша заявка на вступление в это пространство успешно отправлена"],"Ok":["Ок"],"User has become a member.":["Пользователь стал участником."],"User has been invited.":["Пользователь был приглашен."],"User has not been invited.":["Пользователь не был приглашен."],"Space preferences":["Настройки пространств"],"Back to workspace":["Вернуться к рабочей области"],"General":["Общее","Основная информация"],"My Space List":["Мои пространства"],"My space summary":["Сводка пространства"],"Space directory":["Директория пространства"],"Space menu":["Меню пространства"],"Stream":["Активность","Лента"],"Change image":["Сменить иконку"],"Current space image":["Иконка пространства"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить изображения?","Вы действительно хотите удалить фото обложки?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить изображение профиля?","Вы действительно хотите удалить фото профиля?"],"Invite":["Пригласить"],"Something went wrong":["Что-то пошло не так"],"Followers":["Подписчиков","Подписчиков:"],"Posts":["Сообщений"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Представьтесь, чтобы стать участником этого пространства."],"Request workspace membership":["Отправить запрос на вступление"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["Ваш запрос отправлен"],"Create new space":["Создать новое пространство"],"My spaces":["Мои пространства"],"more":["развернуть"],"Space info":["Информация о пространстве"],"New member request":["Новые запросы"],"Space members":["Участники","Участники пространства"],"Accept invite":["Принять приглашение"],"Deny invite":["Заблокировать приглашение"],"Leave space":["Покинуть пространство"],"End guide":["Завершить"],"Next »":["Вперед »"],"« Prev":["« Назад"],"Administration":["Администрирование"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Ура! Это все на сегодня."],"Modules":["Модули"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["В роли администратора вы можете управлять всей платформой отсюда.
Кроме модулей мы не будет подробно ни на чем останавливаться, так как у каждого элемента есть свое короткое описание."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Сейчас вы в меню инструментов. Отсюда вы можете получить доступ к каталогу HumHub, откуда можно установить дополнительные модули.
Как уже упоминалось, инструменты увеличивают работоспосбоность ваших Пространств. "],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["Вы уже узнали почти о всех основных возможностях и настройках, и готовы к использованию платформы.
Надеемся, вы и все будущие пользователя получат удовольствие от использования сайта. Будем рады любым предложениям и замечаниям, которые помогут улучшить проект. Оставайтесь на связи и пишите нам в любое время. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Главная"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Это ваша главная страница.
Все новые действия, которые могут представлять для вас интерес, будут отображаться здесь."],"Administration (Modules)":["Администрирование (Модули)"],"Edit account":["Редактировать учетную запись"],"Hurray! The End.":["Урра! Конец."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Урра! Вы сделали это!"],"Profile menu":["Меню профиля"],"Profile photo":["Аватар"],"Profile stream":["Лента"],"User profile":["Профиль пользователя"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Нажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы обновить профиль и настройки учетной записи."],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["У каждого профиля есть своя стена. Ваши записи будут отображаться также у тех пользователей, которые подписаны на вас."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Так же как и пространства профиль пользователя можно персонализировать с помощью различных модулей.
Вы можете увидеть, какие модули доступны для вашего профиля, открыв \"Модули\" в настройках учетной записи."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Это публичный профиль, который могут видеть остальные пользователи."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Загрузите новый аватар кликнув сюда или просто перетянув картинку. Таким же образом можно обновить и заглавное фото. "],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Вы завершили тур по свойствам учтеной записи!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Вы завершили тур по свойствам учтеной записи!
Чтобы перейти к туру по опциям администрирования, нажмите сюда:
"],"Most recent activities":["Последние действия"],"Posts":["Записи"],"Profile Guide":["Руководство по профилю"],"Space":["Пространство"],"Space navigation menu":["Навигация по пространству"],"Writing posts":["Написание постов"],"Yay! You're done.":["Ура! Вы закончили!"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Все пользователи, которые являются участниками этого пространства будут показаны здесь.
Новые участники могут добавляться пользователями, которым были даны соответствующие права."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Расскажите пользователям вкратце для чего создано это Пространство. Вы можете добавить эту информацию здесь.
Администратор Пространства может менять заглавную картинку нажатием на нее либо перетягиванием новой."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Новые записи можно писать и добалять здесь."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Как только вы создали новое пространство, пользователи могут работать над проектами, обсуждать различные темы или просто делиться информацией друг с другом.
"],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Вот и весь обзор.
Чтобы продолжить работать с профилем, нажмите здесь: "],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Здесь вы можете получить информацию о пространстве - просматривать активные и не активные модули, которые могут включать: голосования, заметки и задачи.
Модулями может управлять только администратор пространства."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Это меню видно только администраторам пространства. Здесь можно управлять настройками, добавлять/удалять пользователей, активировать/деактивировать инструменты."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Последние действия пользователей этого пространства будут показаны здесь."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Ваши записи и записи других пользователей будут показаны здесь.
Их можно лайкать или комментировать."],"Account Menu":["Меню настроек учетной записи"],"Notifications":["Уведомления"],"Space Menu":["Меню пространства"],"Start space guide":["Начать тур по пространству"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Не пропустите ничего!
Эта иконка будет информировать вас о том, что касается лично вас."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Меню настроек учетной записи дает вам доступ к личным настройкам и позволяет редактировать то, что увидят о вас остальные."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Это самое важное меню и, наверное, то место, где вы чаще всего будете!
Переходите в пространства, к которым присоединились и создавайте собственные.
Сейчас вы узнаете как это сделать: "]," Remove panel":["Убрать панель"],"Getting Started":["С чего начать?"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Обзор: Администрирование (Модули)"],"Guide: Overview":["Обзор: Общая информация"],"Guide: Spaces":["Обзор: Пространства"],"Guide: User profile":["Обзор: Учетные записи"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Узнайте о самых важных особенностях сайта с помощью следующих кратких обзоров:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Эта учетная запись еще не утверждена!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Вы должны зарегистрироваться, чтобы посмотреть профиль этого пользователя!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Неверный пароль!"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Некорректная ссылка! Убедитесь, что url по которому вы перешли - правильный."],"Save profile":["Сохранить профиль"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Введённый e-mail уже используется другим пользователем."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Вы не можете изменить ваш e-mail здесь."],"You cannot change your password here.":["Вы не можете изменить свой пароль здесь."],"Account":["Учетная запись"],"Create account":["Создать учетную запись"],"Current password":["Текущий пароль"],"E-Mail change":["Изменение e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Новый e-mail"],"Send activities?":["Отправлять обновления?"],"Send notifications?":["Отправлять уведомления?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Некорректное имя пользователя/email или пароль."],"New password":["Новый пароль"],"New password confirm":["Подтвердить новый пароль"],"Remember me next time":["Запомнить меня"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Наши сотрудники ещё не активировали вашу учётную запись."],"Your account is suspended.":["Ваша учётная запись заблокирована."],"E-Mail":["e-mail"],"Password Recovery":["Восстановление пароля"],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Восстановление пароля недоступно для вашего типа учётной записи!"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" не найден!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-Mail уже используется! - Попробуйте восстановить пароль."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Скрыть панель"],"Invalid language!":["Неверный язык!"],"Profile visibility":["Видимость профиля"],"TimeZone":["Временная зона"],"Default Space":["Пространство по умолчанию"],"Group Administrators":["Администраторы группы"],"Members can create private spaces":["Пользователи могут создавать личные пространства"],"Members can create public spaces":["Пользователи могут создавать общие пространства"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Birthday":["День рождения"],"City":["Город"],"Country":["Страна"],"Custom":["Не указан"],"Facebook URL":["Страница Facebook"],"Fax":["Факс"],"Female":["Женский"],"Firstname":["Имя"],"Flickr URL":["Станица Flickr"],"Gender":["Пол"],"Google+ URL":["Страница Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Скрыть год рождения в профиле"],"Lastname":["Фамилия"],"LinkedIn URL":["Страница LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Мужской"],"Mobile":["Мобильный"],"MySpace URL":["Страница MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Личный телефон"],"Phone Work":["Рабочий телефон"],"Skype Nickname":["Имя в Skype"],"State":["Регион"],"Street":["Улица"],"Twitter URL":["Страница Twitter"],"Url":["Вебсайт"],"Vimeo URL":["Страница Vimeo"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["Адрес XMPP Jabber"],"Xing URL":["Страница Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Страница Youtube"],"Zip":["Индекс"],"Created by":["Создано пользователем"],"Editable":["Доступно для редактирования"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Тип поля не может быть изменен!"],"Fieldtype":["Тип поля"],"Internal Name":["Внутренний Id"],"Internal name already in use!":["Такой id уже используется!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Внутренний Id невозможно будет изменить!"],"Invalid field type!":["Некорректный тип поля!"],"LDAP Attribute":["Атрибут LDAP"],"Module":["Модуль"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Допустимы только алфавитно-цифровые символы"],"Profile Field Category":["Категория профиля"],"Required":["Обязательное"],"Show at registration":["Показывать при регистрации"],"Sort order":["Порядок сортировки"],"Translation Category ID":["ID категории перевода"],"Type Config":["Тип конфигурации"],"Visible":["Видимо"],"Communication":["Контакты"],"Social bookmarks":["Социальные сети"],"Datetime":["Дата и время"],"Number":["Номер"],"Select List":["Раскрывающийся список"],"Text":["Текст"],"Text Area":["Текстовое поле"],"%y Years":["%y лет"],"Birthday field options":["Опции поля дня рождения"],"Show date/time picker":["Показать указатель даты/времени"],"Date(-time) field options":["Опции поля даты (времени)"],"Maximum value":["Максимальное значение"],"Minimum value":["Минимальное значение"],"Number field options":["Опции числового поля"],"Possible values":["Допустимые значения"],"One option per line. 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Ключ=>Значение (например да=>Да)"],"Please select:":["Пожалуйста выберите:"],"Select field options":["Опции поля выбора"],"Default value":["Значение по умолчанию"],"Maximum length":["Максимальная длина"],"Minimum length":["Минимальная длина"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Регулярное выражение: Сообщение об ошибке"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Регулярное выражение: Валидатор"],"Validator":["Валидатор"],"Text Field Options":["Опции текстового поля"],"Text area field options":["Опции текстового поля"],"Authentication mode":["Режим проверки"],"New user needs approval":["Новый пользователь ожидает подтверждение"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Имя пользователя может содержать только буквы, цифры, пробелы и специальные символы (+ -._)"],"Wall":["Стена"],"Change E-mail":["Изменить E-mail"],"Current E-mail address":["Текущий E-mail адрес"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Ваш e-mail успешно изменен на {email}."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Мы только что выслали вам письмо на новый адрес для подтверждения
Пожалуйста следуйте инструкциям"],"Change password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password changed":["Пароль изменен\n\n"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Ваш пароль успешно изменен!","Ваш пароль был успешно изменен!"],"Modify your profile image":["Изменить фото профиля"],"Delete account":["Удалить аккаунт"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Вы уверены, что хотите удалить свою учетную запись?
Все опубликованные вами данные будут удалены!"],"Delete account":["Удалить учетную запись"],"Enter your password to continue":["Введите ваш пароль для продолжения"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Извините, администратор пространства не может удалить свою учетную запись! Пожалуйста назначьте другого администратора и повторите попытку."],"User details":["Подробные сведения о пользователе"],"User modules":["Пользовательские модули"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Вы уверены? Все данные модуля вашего профиля будут удалены!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Расширить профиль с помощью модулей."],"User settings":["Пользовательские настройки"],"Getting Started":["Панель ознакомительного тура по сайту"],"Registered users only":["Только для зарегистрированных пользователей"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Видимо для всех (включая незарегистрированных пользователей)"],"Desktop Notifications":["Уведомления рабочего стола"],"Email Notifications":["Уведомления по почте"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Получение уведомлений на рабочем столе, когда вы онлайн."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["Получать уведомление по email обо всех активностях пользователей на которых вы подписаны или с которыми работаете вместе в пространствах. "],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Получать уведомление по e-mail, когда другие пользователи комментируют или ставят лайки вашим записям."],"Account registration":["Регистрация учетной записи"],"Create Account":["Создать учетную запись"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Ваша учетная запись успешно создана!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["После активации вашей учетной записи администратором вы получите уведомление по e-mail."],"Go to login page":["Перейти на страницу входа"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Чтобы войти в вашу учетную запись, нажмите кнопку ниже."],"back to home":["вернуться на главную"],"Please sign in":["Войти"],"Sign up":["Зарегистрироваться"],"Create a new one.":["Создать новый"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Нет аккаунта? Присоеденитесь к сети с помощью e-mail"],"Forgot your password?":["Забыли пароль?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Если вы уже являетесь зарегистрированным пользователем, пожалуйста введите свое имя пользователя и пароль."],"Register":["Регистрация"],"email":["e-mail"],"password":["Пароль"],"username or email":["Имя пользователя или e-mail"],"Password recovery":["Восстановление пароля","Восстановить пароль"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Dведите ваш e-mail, чтобы получить инструкции по восстановлению!"],"Password recovery":["Восстановление пароля"],"Reset password":["Сброс пароля"],"enter security code above":["введите код"],"your email":["ваш e-mail"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Мы отправили вам письмо с ссылкой на сброс пароля."],"Password recovery!":["Восстановление пароля!"],"Registration successful!":["Регистрация прошла успешно!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Пожалуйста проверьте совй e-mail и следуйте инструкциям!"],"Registration successful":["Регистрация прошла успешно"],"Change your password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password reset":["Сбросить пароль"],"Change password":["Изменить пароль"],"Password reset":["Восстановление пароля"],"Password changed!":["Пароль изменен!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Подтвердите новый e-mail"],"Confirm":["Подтвердить"],"Hello":["Привет"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Вы запросили смену e-mail.
Новый адрес вашей почты {newemail}. Чтобы подтвердить его, пожалуйста нажмите на кнопку ниже."],"Hello {displayName}":["Привет {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Срок действия ссылки - 24 часа."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Воспользуйтесь следующей ссылкой в течение следующего дня, чтобы восстановить свой пароль."],"Reset Password":["Сбросить пароль"],"Registration Link":["Ссылка для регистрации"],"Sign up":["Зарегистрироваться"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["Добро пожаловать в %appName%. Пожалуйста нажмите на кнопку ниже, чтобы продолжить регистриацию."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Социальная сеть, созданная чтобы помочь общению и командной работе.
Зарегестрируйтесь сейчас, чтобы присоединится к пространству."],"Sign up now":["Зарегистрироваться сейчас","Зарегистрируйтесь"],"Space Invite":["Приглашения в пространство"],"You got a space invite":["Вы получили приглашение в пространство."],"invited you to the space:":["пригласил вас в пространство:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} упомянул вас в {contentTitle}."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} теперь подписан на вас."],"About this user":["Информация о пользователе"],"Modify your title image":["Изменить фото обложки"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Лента профиля пуста!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить логотип?"],"Account settings":["Настройки учетной записи"],"Profile":["Профиль"],"Edit account":["Редактировать учетную запись"],"Following":["Подписан (а)"],"Following user":["Подписан (а) на:"],"User followers":["Подписавшиеся:"],"Member in these spaces":["Участник этих пространств"],"User tags":["Теги пользователя"],"No birthday.":["Сегодня никто не празднует день рождения."],"Back to modules":["Назад к модулям"],"Birthday Module Configuration":["Настройки модуля Дни рождения"],"The number of days future bithdays will be shown within.":["Количество отображаемых в блоке дней рождения."],"Tomorrow":["завтра"],"Upcoming":["Предстоящие"],"You may configure the number of days within the upcoming birthdays are shown.":["Вы можете настроить количество предстоящих дней рождения для отображения в блоке."],"becomes":["исполняется"],"birthdays":["дни рождения"],"days":["дня"],"today":["сегодня"],"years old.":["лет."],"Active":["Активно"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Пометить как \"Непросмотренное\" для всех пользователей"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Настройки новостей"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["К сведению: Вы можете использовать синтаксис markdown"],"End Date and Time":["Дата и время окончания"],"Recur":["Повторять"],"Recur End":["Конец повторения"],"Recur Interval":["Интервал повторения"],"Recur Type":["Тип повторения"],"Select participants":["Выбрать участников"],"Start Date and Time":["Дата и время начала"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["У вас нет доступа к этому событию!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["У вас нет доступа для создания события!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Добавляет календарь для лчиных или публичных событий в ваш профиль или в главное меню."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Добавляет календарь к этому Пространству"],"All Day":["Весь день"],"Attending users":["Пользователи, которые собираются посетить событие"],"Calendar":["Календарь"],"Declining users":["Пользователи, которые отказались посетить событие"],"End Date":["Дата окончания"],"End Time":["Время окончания"],"End time must be after start time!":["Время окончания должно быть позже начала"],"Event":["Событие"],"Event not found!":["Событие не найдено!"],"Maybe attending users":["Пользователи, которые возможно посетят событие"],"Participation Mode":["Режим участия"],"Start Date":["Дата начала"],"Start Time":["Время начала"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["У вас нет доступа для удаления этого события!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["У вас нет доступа для редактирования этого события!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% создал новое %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% посетит %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% возможно посетит %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% не посетит %contentTitle%."],"Start Date/Time":["Дата/время начала"],"Create event":["Создать событие"],"Edit event":["Редактировать событие"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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нет."],"Toggle view mode":["Переключить режим просмотра"],"You can enable the extended validation of links for a space or user.":["Вы можете включить расширенную проверку ссылок для пространства или пользователя."],"You miss the rights to add/edit links!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на добавление/редактирование ссылок!"],"You miss the rights to delete this category!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на удаление этой категории!"],"You miss the rights to delete this link!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на удаление этой ссылки!"],"You miss the rights to edit this category!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на редактирование этой категории!"],"You miss the rights to edit this link!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на редактирование этой ссылки!"],"You miss the rights to reorder categories.!":["У Вас отсутствуют права на переопределение порядка категорий.!"],"list":["список"],"Messages":["Сообщения"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Вы не можете отправить письмо себе!"],"Recipient":["Получатель"],"You 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not connect to API!":["Не удалось соединение с API!"],"Current Status:":["Текущий статус:"],"Notes Module Configuration":["Конфигурация модуля Заметок"],"Please read the module documentation under /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt for more details!":["Пожалуйста прочитайте докуметацию к модулю /protected/modules/notes/docs/install.txt для получения дополнительной информации"],"Save & Test":["Сохранить и протестировать"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Для модуля заметок необходим работающий сервер Etherpad"],"Save and close":["Сохранить и закрыть"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} создал новую заметку и назначил для вас"],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} работал над заметкой {spaceName}."],"Open note":["Открыть заметку"],"Title of your new note":["Заголовок вашей новой заметки"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Не найдено заметок в соответствии с установленными фильтрами!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Еще нет заметок!"],"Polls":["Опросы"],"Could not load poll!":["Не удалось загрузить опрос!"],"Invalid answer!":["Неверный ответ!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Пользователи проголосовали за: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Голосование за несколько вариантов отключено!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Вы должны иметь доступ на выполнение этой операции!"],"Again? ;Weary;":["Еще раз? ; Устали;"],"Right now, we are in the planning stages for our next meetup and we would like to know from you, where you would like to go?":["Сейчас мы находимся в стадии планирования нашей следующей встречи и мы хотели бы знать, куда вы хотели бы пойти?"],"To Daniel\nClub A Steakhouse\nPisillo Italian Panini\n":["Для Даниила\nКлуб стейк-хаус\nPisillo итальянский Панини"],"Why don't we go to Bemelmans Bar?":["Почему бы нам не пойти в Bemelmans Бар?"],"Answers":["Ответы"],"Multiple answers per user":["Пользователь может выбирать несколько вариантов ответов"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Пожалуйста выберите хотя бы {min} ответ(ов)! "],"Question":["Опрос"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{userName} проголосовал за {question}."],"{userName} answered the {question}.":["{userName} ответил на {question}."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} создал новый {question}."],"User who vote this":["Пользователи, которые проголосовали"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} создал новый опрос и назначил его для вас. "],"Ask":["Спросить"],"Reset my vote":["Отозвать мой голос"],"Vote":["Голосование"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["еще {count} человек проголосовало."],"votes":["голосов"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Разрешить несколько варинатов ответов пользователю?"],"Ask something...":["Спросить как нибудь..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Варианты ответов (по одному в каждой строке) "],"Display all":["Показать все"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Ответ соответствующий вашему фильтру не найден!"],"There are no polls yet!":["Здесь нет пока опросов!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":[" Опросов пока нет! b> Будьте первым..."],"Asked by me":["Мои опросы"],"No answered yet":["Пока без ответа"],"Only private polls":["Только приватные опросы"],"Only public polls":["Только публичные опросы"],"Manage reported posts":["Управление репортами"],"Reported posts":["Репорты"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Почему вы хотите написать этот репорт?"],"by :displayName":[" :displayName"],"created by :displayName":["создано :displayName"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Не принадлежит к пространству"],"Offensive":["Оскорбление"],"Spam":["Спам"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Здесь вы можете управлять репортами пользователей."],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Пользователь счел ваш пост оскорбительным."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Пользователь отметил ваш пост как спам."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Пользователь отметил ваш пост несоответствующим данному пространству."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% как оскорбительный."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% как спам."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% отметил %contentTitle% несоответствующим данному пространству."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Здесь вы можете управлять репортами для данного пространства."],"Appropriate":["Соответствующий"],"Confirm post deletion":["Подтвердите удаление сообщения"],"Confirm report deletion":["Подтвердите удаление репорта"],"Delete post":["Удалить сообщение"],"Delete report":["Удалить репорт"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот репорт?"],"Reason":["Причина"],"Reporter":["Репорт"],"There are no reported posts.":["Здесь не зарегистрировано ни одного сообщения."],"Does not belong to this space":["Не принадлежит к этому пространству"],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Помогите нам понять, что происходит"],"It's offensive":["Это нарушение"],"It's spam":["Это спам"],"Report post":["Жалоба на сообщение"],"API ID":["API ID"],"Allow Messages > 160 characters (default: not allowed -> currently not supported, as characters are limited by the view)":["Разрешить сообщения объемом> 160 символов (по умолчанию: не допускается -> в настоящее время не поддерживается)"],"An unknown error occurred.":["Произошла неизвестная ошибка."],"Body too long.":["Сообщение слишком длинное."],"Body too too short.":["Сообщение слишком короткое."],"Characters left:":["Осталось символов:"],"Choose Provider":["Выбор оператора"],"Could not open connection to SMS-Provider, please contact an administrator.":["Не удалось подключиться к SMS-провайдеру, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором."],"Gateway Number":["Номер шлюза"],"Gateway isn't available for this network.":["Шлюз не доступен для этой сети."],"Insufficent credits.":["Недостаточный уровень кредита."],"Invalid IP address.":["Неверный IP-адрес."],"Invalid destination.":["Неверное место назначения."],"Invalid sender.":["Неправильный отправитель."],"Invalid user id and/or password. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Недопустимый идентификатор пользователя и / или пароль. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"No sufficient credit available for main-account.":["Недостаточно кредита для основной-счета."],"No sufficient credit available for sub-account.":["Недостаточно кредита для субсчета."],"Provider is not initialized. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Оператор не инициализирован. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"Receiver is invalid.":["Получатель является недействительным."],"Receiver is not properly formatted, has to be in international format, either 00[...], or +[...].":["Получатель в ненадлежащем формате , должен быть в международном формате, либо 00 [...], или + [...]."],"Reference tag to create a filter in statistics":["Ссылка тег, для создания фильтра в статистике"],"Route access violation.":["Нарушение прав доступа маршрута."],"SMS Module Configuration":["Конфигурация SMS модуля"],"SMS has been rejected/couldn't be delivered.":["SMS отклонено / не может быть доставлено."],"SMS has been successfully sent.":["SMS успешно отправлено."],"SMS is lacking indication of price (premium number ads).":["Отсутствует указание цены SMS"],"SMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 secondsSMS with identical message text has been sent too often within the last 180 seconds.":["SMS с одинаковым текстом сообщения было отправлено слишком часто в течение последних 180 секунд."],"Save Configuration":["Сохранить настройки"],"Security error. Please contact an administrator to check the module configuration.":["Ошибка безопасности. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором, чтобы проверить конфигурацию модуля."],"Select the Spryng route (default: BUSINESS)":["Выберите маршрут Spryng (по умолчанию: БИЗНЕС)"],"Send SMS":["Отправить SMS"],"Send a SMS":["Отправить SMS"],"Send a SMS to ":["Отправить SMS"],"Sender is invalid.":["Отправитель является недействительным."],"Technical error.":["Технические ошибки."],"Test option. Sms are not delivered, but server responses as if the were.":["Опция Тест. SMS не доставляются, но сервер откликается, как если бы они доставлялись."],"To be able to send a sms to a specific account, make sure the profile field \"mobile\" exists in the account information.":["Для того, чтобы отправить SMS на определенный номер, убедитесь, что поле профиля \"мобильный\" заполнено в информации об учетной записи."],"Unknown route.":["Неизвестный маршрут."],"Within this configuration you can choose between different sms-providers and configurate these. You need to edit your account information for the chosen provider properly to have the sms-functionality work properly.":["В этой конфигурации вы можете выбрать между различными SMS -операторами и конфигурировать их. Вам необходимо отредактировать информацию об учетной записи для выбранного оператора надлежащим образом, чтобы иметь должную SMS -функциональность в работе."],"Tasks":["Задачи"],"Could not access task!":["Не удалось получить доступ к задаче!"],"Task":["Задача"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} назначен для выполнения задачи {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} создал задачу {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{userName} завершил задачу {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} назначил для вас задачу {task}."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} создал новую задачу {task}."],"Create new task":["Создать новую задача"],"Edit task":["Редактировать задачу"],"Assign users":["Назначить пользователей"],"Assign users to this task":["Связать пользователей с этой задачей"],"Deadline":["Крайний срок"],"Deadline for this task?":["Срок для решения этой задачи?"],"Preassign user(s) for this task.":["Предварительный (е) пользователь (и) этой задачи."],"Task description":["Описание задачи"],"What is to do?":["Что делать?"],"Confirm deleting":["Подтвердить удаление"],"Add Task":["Добавить задачу"],"Do you really want to delete this task?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить эту задачу?"],"No open tasks...":["Нет открытых задач ..."],"completed tasks":["выполненные задачи"],"This task is already done":["Эта задача уже выполнена"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Эта задача назначена не для вас"],"Click, to finish this task":["Нажмите, чтобы завершить эту задачу"],"This task is already done. Click to reopen.":["Эта задача уже выполнена. Нажмите чтобы снова открыть."],"My tasks":["Мои задачи"],"From space: ":["Из пространства:"],"There are no tasks yet!":["Здесь нет пока задач!"],"There are no tasks yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Задач пока нет!
Будьте первым в создании..."],"Assigned to me":["Назначенное для меня"],"No tasks found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Нет задач, соответствующих вашему фильтру!"],"Nobody assigned":["Никто не назначен"],"State is finished":["Статус завершено"],"State is open":["Статус открыто"],"What to do?":["Что сделать?"],"Translation Manager":["Менеджер перевода"],"Translations":["Переводчик"],"Translation Editor":["Редактор перевода"],"Confirm page deleting":["Подтвердите удаление страницы"],"Confirm page reverting":["Подтвердите восстановление страницы"],"Overview of all pages":["Обзор всех страниц"],"Page history":["История страницы"],"Wiki Module":["Модуль Wiki"],"Adds a wiki to this space.":["Добавляет wiki в это пространство."],"Adds a wiki to your profile.":["Добавляет wiki в ваш профиль."],"Back to page":["Назад к странице"],"Do you really want to delete this page?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить эту страницу?"],"Do you really want to revert this page?":["Вы действительно хотите восстановить эту страницу?"],"Edit page":["Редактировать страницу"],"Edited at":["Отредактировано"],"Go back":["Вернуться"],"Invalid character in page title!":["Неверный символ в заголовке страницы!"],"Let's go!":["Вперед!"],"Main page":["Главная страница"],"New page":["Новая страница"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Созданных страниц пока нет.
Создайте первую страницу сейчас."],"Page History":["История страницы"],"Page title already in use!":["Название страницы уже используется!"],"Revert":["Восстановить"],"Revert this":["Восстановить это"],"View":["Просмотр"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"by":["от"],"Wiki page":["Страница Wiki"],"Create new page":["Создать новую страницу"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Введите название страницы wiki или ссылку (например http://example.com)"],"New page title":["Название новой страницы"],"Page content":["Содержание страницы"],"Open wiki page...":["Открыть страницу вики..."],"Allow":["Разрешено"],"Default":["По умолчанию"],"Deny":["Отказано"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Пожалуйста, введите не менее 3-х символов"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Добавить ключ для приобретённого модуля"],"Show sharing panel on dashboard":["Показать шаринг панель в разделе События"],"Default Content Visiblity":["Видимость контента по умолчанию"],"Security":["Безопасность"],"No purchased modules found!":["Приобретенных модулей не найдено!"],"Purchases":["Покупки"],"Buy (%price%)":["Купить (% цена%)"],"Licence Key:":["Лицензионный ключ:"],"Last login":["Последний логин"],"never":["никогда"],"Share your opinion with others":["Поделиться вашим мнением с другими"],"Post a message on Facebook":["Опубликовать сообщение на Facebook"],"Share on Google+":["Поделиться на Google+"],"Share with people on LinkedIn ":["Поделиться с пользователями на LinkedIn"],"Tweet about HumHub":["Твитнуть о HumHub"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["Загрузка и Установка модулей ..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["Calvin Klein - Между любовью и безумием лежит одержимость."],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["Nike – Просто купите это. ;Wink;"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["Мы ищем слоганы для известных брендов. Может быть, вы можете прийти с некоторыми образцами?"],"Welcome Space":["Добро пожаловать в пространство"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["Ура! Я только что установил HumHub ;Cool;"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["Ваше первое пробное пространство на данной платформе."],"Set up example content (recommended)":["Настройте образец контента (рекомендуется)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Разрешить доступ для незарегистрированных пользователей к содержанию сайта (гостевой доступ)"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Вошедший пользователь может зарегистрироваться (Регистрационная форма будет отображаться при входе)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Новые пользователи должны быть сначала проверены администратором"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["Зарегистрированные участники могут приглашать новых пользователей по e-mail"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["Я хочу использовать HumHub для:"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Вы почти закончили. На этом этапе вы должны заполнить форму, чтобы создать учетную запись администратора. С этого аккаунта вы можете управлять всей сетью."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub является очень гибким и может быть скорректированы и / или расширен различными приложениями, благодаря своим модулям. Следующие модули являются лишь некоторым примером и те, которые мы думали, являются наиболее важными для выбранной заявки.
Вы всегда можете установить или удалить модули позже. Вы можете найти больше доступных модулей после установки в админ панели."],"Recommended Modules":["Рекомендованные Модули"],"Example contents":["Пример содержания"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["Чтобы избежать пустой главной страницы после первоначальной регистрации, на HumHub можно установить примерное содержимое для вас. Это даст вам хороший общий вид того, как HumHub работает. Вы всегда можете удалить отдельное содержимое."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Здесь вы можете решить, как новые и незарегистрированные пользователи могут получить доступ к HumHub."],"Security Settings":["Настройки Безопасности"],"Configuration":["Конфигурация"],"My club":["Мой клуб"],"My community":["Мое комьюнити"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Моя компания (Социальная Интранет / Управление проектами)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Мое образовательное учреждение (школа, университет)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Пропустить этот шаг, для того, чтобы настроить все вручную"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Для упрощения настройки, у нас есть предопределенные настройки для наиболее распространенных случаев использования с различными опциями для модулей и настроек. Вы можете настроить их на следующем этапе."],"You":["Вы"],"You like this.":["Вам нравится это"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["Поиск пользователей, пространств и контента"],"Private":["Приватно"],"Sorry! User Limit reached":["Извините Пользователь достиг лимита"],"Delete instance":["Удалить экземпляр"],"Export data":["Экспорт данных"],"Hosting":["Хостинг"],"There are currently no further user registrations possible due to maximum user limitations on this hosted instance!":["Есть в настоящее время можно не далее регистраций пользователей за счет максимального ограничения пользователя на этом состоялся экземпляр!"],"Your plan":["Ваш план"],"Group members - {group}":["Группа участников - {group}"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Искать только в определенных пространствах:"],"Members":["Участники"],"Change Owner":["Сменить Владельца","Сменить владельца"],"General settings":["Основные настройки"],"Security settings":["Настройки безопасности"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Вы, как владелец этого пространства, можете передать эту роль другому администратору в пространстве."],"Color":["Цвет"],"Transfer ownership":["Передать другому владельцу"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["Добавить {n,plural,=1{пространство} other{пространства}}"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["Права доступа (по умолчанию)"],"Manage members":["Управление пользователями"],"Manage permissions":["Управление правами"],"Pending approvals":["В ожидании одобрения"],"Pending invitations":["В ожидании приглашения"],"Add Modules":["Добавить модули"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["Вы не участник данного пространства, общедоступных материалов пока нет!"],"Done":["Выполнено"],"Cancel Membership":["Отменить участие"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Скрыть сообщения в панели \"События\""],"Show posts on dashboard":["Показать сообщение в панели \"События\""],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["Эта опция будет скрывать новый контент данного пространства в панели \"События\""],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["Эта опция будет показывать новый контент данного пространства в панели \"События\""],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["Перетащите фотографию сюда или нажмите, чтобы загрузить файлы"],"Hide my year of birth":["Скрыть год рождения"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["Привет %firstname%, спасибо за использование HumHub."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Вы первый пользователь здесь... Урааа! Будьте ярким примером и заполните свой профиль,
чтобы будущие пользователи знали, кто является хозяином положения здесь и кому они могут обратиться, если у них есть вопросы."],"Your firstname":["Ваше имя"],"Your lastname":["Ваша фамилия"],"Your mobild phone number":["Ваш сотовый номер"],"Your phone number at work":["Ваш рабочий номер"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Ваши навыки, знания и опыт (через запятую)"],"Your title or position":["Ваша должность"],"Confirm new password":["Подтвердить пароль"],"Remember me":["Запомнить меня"],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
Изображения социальной сети для улучшения связи и совместной работы.
Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас чтобы присоединиться к этому пространству."],"Add Dropbox files":["Добавить файлы дропбокс"],"Invalid file":["Неверный формат файла"],"Dropbox API Key":["Дропбокс API Key"],"Show warning on posting":["Показать предупреждение в публикации"],"Dropbox post":["Дропбокс сообщение"],"Dropbox Module Configuration":["Конфигурация модуля Дропбокс"],"The dropbox module needs active dropbox application created! Please go to this site, choose \"Drop-ins app\" and provide an app name to get your API key.":["Для модуля Дропбокс требуется активация приложения Дропбокс! Пожалуйста перейдите по этой ссылке site, выберите \"Drop-ins app\" введите имя приложения, чтобы получить свой ключ API."],"Dropbox settings":["Настройки дропбокс"],"Describe your files":["Опишите ваши файлы"],"Sorry, the Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please get in touch with the administrator.":["К сожалению, модуль Дропбокс еще не настроен! Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором."],"The Dropbox module is not configured yet! Please configure it here.":["Модуль Dropbox еще не настроен! Пожалуйста настройте его здесь."],"Select files from dropbox":["Выберите файлы из дропбокс"],"Attention! You are sharing private files":["Внимание! Вы открыли доступ к личным файлам"],"Do not show this warning in future":["Не показывать это предупреждение впредь"],"The files you want to share are private. In order to share files in your space we have generated a shared link. Everyone with the link can see the file.
Are you sure you want to share?":["Файлы, которыми вы хотите поделиться являются личными. Для того, чтобы открыть доступ к файлам вашего пространства мы сформировали общую ссылку. Каждый по ссылке может увидеть файл.
Вы уверены, что хотите поделиться?"],"Yes, I'm sure":["Да, я уверен"],"Administrative Contact":["Контактная информация администрации"],"Advanced Options":["Дополнительные параметры"],"Custom Domain":["Персональный домен"],"Datacenter":["Датацентр"],"Support / Get Help":["Поддержка / Получить помощь"],"Add recipients":["Добавить получателей"],"Delete conversation":["Удалить диалог"],"Leave conversation":["Создать диалог"],"Could not get note users! ":["Не удалось получить заметки пользователей!"],"Assigned user(s)":["Назначенный пользователь (и)"],"Choose a thumbnail":["Выберите значок"],"Date input format":["Формат ввода даты"],"Actions":["Действия"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Автоформат на основе языка пользователя - Пример: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Установленный формат (mm/dd/yyyy) - Пример: {example}"],"Allows the user to add comments":["Разрешает пользователям комментировать"],"Create comment":["Создание комментариев"],"Space followers":["Участники пространства"],"No spaces found.":["Пространства не найдены."],"Last Visit":["Последний визит"],"Originator User ID":["Первоисточник User ID"],"Request Message":["Запрашиваемое сообщение"],"Updated By":["Обновлено"],"No users found.":["Пользователи не найдены."],"Date":["Дата"],"Hide age per default":["Скрыть возраст по умолчанию"],"Birthdays within the next {days} days":["Дни рождения в ближайшие {days, number} {days, plural, =1{день} =2{дня} =3{дня} =4{дня} other{дней}}"],"In {days} days":["Через {days, number} {days, plural, =1{день} =2{дня} =3{дня} =4{дня} other{дней}}"],"becomes {years} years old.":["исполнится {years, number} {years, plural, one{год} few{года} many{лет} other{лет}}"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["Папка %filename% не может быть сохранена."],"%filename% has invalid extension and was skipped.":["%filename% имеет недопустимое расширение и был пропущен."],"%title% was replaced by a newer version.":["%title% был заменен на более новую версию."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Folder":["Папка"],"Could not save file %title%. ":["Не удалось сохранить файл %title%. "],"SFTP":["SFTP"],"Anonymous poll!":["Анонимный опрос!"],"Anonymous":["Анонимный"],"Closed":["Закрыт"],"Add answer...":["Добавить ответ ..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Анонимных голосов?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Отображение ответов в случайном порядке?"],"Edit answer (empty answers will be removed)...":["Редактировать ответ (пустые ответы будут удалены) ..."],"Update HumHub":["Обновить HumHub"],"Update HumHub BETA":["Обновить HumHub BETA"],"Check for next update":["Проверьте следующее обновление"],"Downloading update package...":["Загрузка пакета обновления ..."],"Error!":["Ошибка!"],"Installing update package...":["Установка пакета обновления ..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Убедитесь, что все файлы доступны для записи приложения"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Убедитесь, что пользовательские модули и темы совместимы с версией %version%"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что следующие файлы доступны для записи приложения:"],"Please note:":["Пожалуйста, обратите внимание:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Пожалуйста, обновите установленные модули торговой площадки до и после обновления"],"Proceed Installation":["Продолжить установку"],"Release Notes:":["Примечания к выпуску:"],"Show database migration results":["Показать результаты миграции базы данных"],"Start Installation":["Начать установку"],"Warning!":["Предупреждение!"],"Warnings:":["Предупреждения:"],"successfully installed!":["успешно установлен!"],"version update":["обновление версии"],"Update download failed! 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(Listed in directory)":["Можно создавать публичные пространства."],"Create private space":["Создать приватное пространство"],"Create public content":["Создание публичного контента"],"Create public space":["Создать публичное пространство"],"Invite users":["Приглашение пользователей"],"Current Group:":["Текущая группа:"],"Pending Approvals":["Ожидающие подтверждения"],"Pending Invites":["Ожидающие приглашения"],"Permissions":["Доступ"],"Confirm delete file":["Подтвердить удаление файла"],"Create folder":["Создать папку"],"Edit folder":["Редактировать папку"],"Files module configuration":["Настройка модуля Файлы\n"],"Move files":["Переместить файлы"],"A folder with this name already exists.":["Папка с таким именем уже существует."],"Add directory":["Добавить директорию"],"Add file(s)":["Добавить файл(ы)"],"Adds files module to this space.":["Добавить модуль \"Файлы\" в это пространство."],"Adds files module to your profile.":["Добавить модуль \"Файлы\" в свой профиль."],"Archive %filename% could not be extracted.":["Архив %filename% не может быть извлечён."],"Archive (zip) support is not enabled.":["Поддержка архива (zip) не включена."],"Creator":["Автор"],"Disable archive (ZIP) support":["Отключить поддержка архива (ZIP)"],"Do you really want to delete this %number% item(s) with all subcontent?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить %number% элемент(ов) со всем под-контентом?"],"Download":["Скачать"],"Download ZIP":["Скачать ZIP"],"Edit directory":["Редактировать директорию"],"Files from the stream":["Файлы из потока"],"Folder options":["Настройки папки"],"Insufficient rights to execute this action.":["Недостаточно прав для выполнения этого действия."],"Invalid parameter.":["Некорректный параметр."],"Move":["Переменстить"],"Moving to the same folder is not valid. Choose a valid parent folder for %title%.":["Перемещение в ту же папку не является корректным. Выберите корректную родительскую папку для %title%."],"No valid items were selected to move.":["Нет выбранных элементов для перемещения."],"Open":["Открыть"],"Opening archive failed with error code %code%.":["Открытие архива потерпело неудачу с ошибкой %code%."],"Please select a valid destination folder for %title%.":["Пожалуйста, выберите правильную папку назначения для %title%."],"Selected items...":["Выбранные элементы..."],"Show":["Показать"],"Show Post":["Показать сообщение"],"The archive could not be created.":["Архив не может быть создан."],"The folder %filename% already exists. Contents have been overwritten.":["Папка %filename% уже существует. Содержание было перезаписано."],"The folder with the id %id% does not exist.":["Папка с ID %id% не найдена."],"This folder is empty.":["Эта папка пуста."],"Unfortunately you have no permission to upload/edit files.":["К сожалению, у Вас нет прав на загрузку / редактирование файлов."],"Updated":["Обновлено"],"Upload":["Загрузить"],"Upload ZIP":["Загрузить ZIP"],"Upload files or create a subfolder with the buttons on the top.":["Загрузите файлы либо создайте под-папку при помощи кнопок выше."],"Upload files to the stream to fill this folder.":["Загрузите файлы в поток для заполнения этот папки."],"ZIP all":["ZIP всё"],"ZIP selected":["ZIP выбранное"],"changed:":["изменено:"],"created:":["создано:"],"root":["root"],"comment":["Комментарий"],"post":["сообщение"],"Approval":["Подтверждение"],"Userprofiles":["Профили пользователей"],"Group user not found!":["Участник группы не найден!"],"No value found!":["Значение не найдено!"],"Default stream content order":["Сортировка ленты по умолчанию"],"Enable user friendship system":["Включить \"систему дружбы\""],"Sort by creation date":["Сортировка по дате создания"],"Sort by update date":["Сортировка по дате обновления"],"Administrative group":["Административная группа"],"About HumHub":["О HumHub"],"Prerequisites":["Проверка требований"],"Advanced":["Расширенные"],"Third-party":["Сторонняя организация "],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["Разработчики HumHub не поддерживают модули сторонних разработчиков, а также не дают никакой гарантии совместимости и безопасности."],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Доступна новая версия ({version}) HumHub."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить поведение и способы регистрации пользователей."],"Advanced Settings":["Расширенные настройки"],"Appearance Settings":["Настройки внешнего вида"],"E-Mail Settings":["Настройки E-Mail"],"General Settings":["Общие настройки"],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить почтовый сервер вашей социальной сети."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additional user settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить поведение при регистрации и дополнительные настройки пользователя вашей социальной сети."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Здесь вы можете настроить базовую конфигурацию вашей социальной сети."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Эти настройки относятся к расширенным разделам вашей социальной сети."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Эти настройки относятся к внешнему виду вашей социальной сети."],"User Settings":["Пользовательские настройки"],"Add new space":["Добавить новое пространство"],"Information":["Информация"],"Settings and Configuration":["Настройки и конфигурация"],"User administration":["Управление пользователями"],"Add new group":["Создать новую группу"],"Back to overview":["Вернуться"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Управление группой: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["В ожидании подтверждения"],"Profiles":["Профили"],"Pending user approvals":["Ожидает подтверждения пользователей"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Список содержит всех зарегистрированных пользователей, ожидающих подверждения."],"Manage groups":["Управление группами"],"Add":["Добавить"],"Add new members...":["Добавить участников..."],"Remove from group":["Удалить из группы"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Пользователи могут быть привязаны к разным группам (например: команды, департаменты и т.д.)."],"Visible for members only":["Видимо только для участников"],"Visible for members+guests":["Видимо только для участников и гостей"],"Friendship":["Дружба"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Новые пользователи будут автоматически добавлены в эти пространства."],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Обзор действий. (Например, новый пост, новый элемент, новый пользователь пространства)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Определяет поведение отправки сообщений по умолчанию. Эти параметры могут быть изменены пользователями в настройках аккаунта"],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Пользовательские уведомления (например, новые комментарии на собственные сообщения или новый подписчик). Так же, уведомления создаются, когда требуется действие пользователя (например, запрос о дружбе)."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Включить OEmbed сревисы"],"Add OEmbed provider":["Добавить OEmbed сервис"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["Изменить OEmbed сервис"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["Вы можете вставить код для сбора статистики, который будет добавлен на все страницы. "],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Здесь вы можете задать настройки по умолчанию для новых пространств. Эти параметры могут быть перезаписаны для каждого отдельного пространства."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Содержит список пространств с возможностью просмотра, редактирования и удаления."],"Edit user: {name}":["Редактировать пользователя: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Менеджер группы"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Содержит список зарегистрированных пользователей с возможностью просмотра, редактирования и удаления."],"Send invite":["Отправить приглашение"],"Create new profile category":["Создать новую категорию профиля"],"Edit profile category":["Изменить категорию профиля"],"Create new profile field":["Добавить новое поле профиля"],"Edit profile field":["Изменить поле профиля"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Здесь вы можете создать или изменить категории и поля профиля"],"Manage profile attributes":["Управление атрибутами профиля"],"Appearance":["Внешний вид"],"E-Mails":["Почта"],"Information":["Информация"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} прокомментировал {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} прокомментировал {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Новый комментарий"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Возможность добавлять в архив, отмечать или удалять посты"],"Manage content":["Управление контентом"],"Create post":["Создание записей"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Позволяет пользователям создавать записи"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} создал {contentTitle}."],"My friends":["Мои друзья"],"Pending friend requests":["Ожидание запроса на добавление в друзья"],"Sent friend requests":["Отправить запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Accept Friend Request":["Принять запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Add Friend":["Добавить в друзья"],"Cancel friend request":["Отменить запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Deny friend request":["Отказать в запросе на добавление в друзья"],"Friends":["Друзья"],"Requests":["Запросы"],"Sent requests":["Посланные запросы"],"Show all friends":["Показать всех друзей"],"Unfriend":["Убрать из друзей"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} принял ваш запрос на добавление в друзья."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} отменил ваш запрос на добавление в друзья."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["Пользователь {displayName} отправил вам запрос на добавление в друзья."],"Friendship Request":["Запрос на добавление в друзья"],"Friendship Approved":["Запрос на добавление в друзья принят"],"New Like":["Новый лайк"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} понравилось {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} понравилось {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} и {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} и {number} других"],"Other":["Другое"],"Module Filter":["Фильтр модуля"],"No notifications found!":["Оповещения не найдены!"],"Notification Overview":["Обзор оповещений"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Ничего не найдено."],"Space":["Пространства"],"Stream (Default)":["Лента (по умолчанию)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Извините, вам не разрешено покинуть это пространство"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["URL содержит недопустимые символы!"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["например, для {baseUrl}/s/example"],"Homepage":["Начальная страница"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} принял ваше приглашение на вступление в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} подтвердил ваше участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отменил ваше приглашение на вступление в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отменил ваш запрос на участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} пригласил вас в пространство {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} отправил запрос на участие в пространстве {spaceName}"],"Role":["Роль"],"Space settings":["Настройки пространства"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["Права назначены разным ролям. Чтобы изменить их, у роли, которую вы хотите отредактировать и выберите нужное значение из выпадающего списка."],"Your profile":["Ваш профиль"],"Basic Settings":["Основные настройки"],"Change Email":["Сменить e-mail"],"Change Password":["Сменить пароль"],"Connect account":["Подключиться к учетной записи"],"Connected Accounts":["Подключенные учетные записи"],"Connected accounts":["Подключенные учетные записи"],"Currently in use":["В настоящее время используется"],"Delete Account":["Удалить учетную запись"],"Disconnect account":["Отключить учетную запись"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["Здесь вы можете подключиться к внешнему поставщику услуг для использования внешних сервисов, таких как единый вход для аутентификации"],"My Account":["Моя учетная запись"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["Пользователь с таким e-mail уже существует, но он не привязан к вам. Зайдите с помощью вашего e-mail, чтобы привязать его"],"or":["или "],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["Скрыть панель ознакомительного тура на главной странице"],"Invite new people":["Пригласить новых пользователей"],"Email address(es)":["E-mail адрес(а)"],"Invitation to join":["Приглашение присоединиться"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["Пожалуйста, добавьте e-mail пользователей, которых вы хотите пригласить."],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["Разделите e-mail адреса запятыми."],"Click here to create an account:":["Нажмите сюда, чтобы создать учетную запись:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} пригласил вас присоединиться \"{space}\" к {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} пригласил вас в {name}."],"Searchable":["Доступно для поиска"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["Коды стран, разделенные запятыми, например: DE, EN, AU"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["Поддерживаемые коды ISO 3166"],"Mentioned":["Упомянут"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} подписан на вас."],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} упомянул вас в {contentTitle}."],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["Ваш текущий e-mail - {email}. Вы можете изменить его здесь."],"Your current password can be changed here.":["Ваш теккущий пароль может быть изменен здесь"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["Здесь вы можете редактировать основные данные своего профиля."],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["Получать действия подписчиков или пространств по e-mail."],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["Получать оповещения на рабочем столе."],"Invitation to join: {space}":["Приглашение присоединиться к {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас"],"You got an invite":["Вы получили приглашение"],"invited you to join {name}.":["приглашает Вас присоединиться к {name}."],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["приглашает Вас присоединиться {space} на {name}"],"Load more":["Показать еще"],"User or Password incorrect.":["Неверное имя пользователя или пароль"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Модуль не включён в этой оболочке контента"],"User posts":["Посты пользователей"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Задает фильтр, который должен применяться при попытке входа. %s заменяет имя пользователя во время логина. Например: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" или "(uid=%s)""],"Space Settings":["Настройки по умолчанию"],"Show all notifications":["Показать все уведомления"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Горизонтальная прокрутка изображений на мобильном устройстве"],"Wall entry layout":["Отображение записи на стене"],"Allow friendships between members":["Разрешить дружбу между пользователями"],"Default content visibility":["Видимость контента по умолчанию"],"Cronjobs":["Задания сron"],"OEmbed providers":["Поставщики oEmbed"],"Self test":["Самопроверка"],"CronJobs":["Задания cron"],"Third-party disclaimer":["Отказ от ответственности за продукты сторонних разработчиков"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Notification Overview":["Просмотр уведомлений"],"Does not belong here":["Не принадлежит к этому пространству"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Ваша учётная запись была активирована.
\r\n\r\n Войти на сайт:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Здравствуйте, {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Ваш запрос на регистрацию был отклонён.
\r\n\r\n С наилучшими пожеланиями,
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Confirm image deletion":["Подтвердите удаление изображения"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Достигнуто максимальное количество отмеченных объектов! За один раз вы можете отметить только два объекта. Чтобы отметить этот объект, уберите выделение с другого!"],"Pinned":["Закрепленный","Закрепить"],"Unpinned":["Открепить"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Вошедший пользователь может зарегистрироваться (Регистрационная форма будет отображаться при входе)"],"Checkbox":["Чекбокс"],"Checkbox field options":["Настройки чекбокса"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json
index 0f5ad0e76e..4113df03bb 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/tr/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"Could not find requested module!":["İstenen modül bulunamadı!"],"Invalid request.":["Geçersiz istek."],"Keyword:":["Anahtar:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Hiç bir girdi bulunamadı."],"Results":["Sonuçlar"],"Show more results":["Daha fazla sonuç göster"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Üzgünüz, sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin"],"Latest updates":["Son güncellemeler"],"Search":["Arama"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Back":["Geri"],"Back to dashboard":["Panele geri dön"],"Choose language:":["Dil Seçin:"],"Collapse":["Başarısız"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["İçerik eklenti kaynağı HActiveRecordContent ya da HActiveRecordAddon şeklinde olmalı!"],"Could not determine content container!":["İçerik kabı saptanamıyor!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Eklenti içeriği bulunamadı!"],"Error":["Hata"],"Expand":["Göster"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["İçerik oluşturmak için izinler yetersiz!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Yanlış bir geridönüş var gibi görünüyor."],"Language":["Dil"],"Latest news":["Güncel haberler"],"Login":["Giriş"],"Logout":["Çıkış"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"My profile":["Profilim"],"New profile image":["Yeni profil resmi"],"Oooops...":["Hata..."],"Search":["Arama"],"Search for users and spaces":["Kullanıcı ve alanlarda ara"],"Space not found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"User Approvals":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User not found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!","Kullanıcı Bulunamadı"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Genel içerik oluşturmazsınız!"],"Your daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Login required":["Giriş Yapınız"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Sunucu hatası oluştu."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için izin gereklidir."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Küresel {global} dizi yöntemi {method} ile temizlenmelidir."],"Upload error":["Yükleme hatası"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Add image/file":["Resim/Dosya Ekle"],"Add link":["Link Ekle"],"Bold":["Kalın"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Url girin (Örnek: http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Başlık"],"Image":["Resim"],"Image/File":["Resim/Dosya"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Bağlantı Ekle"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Resim Bağlantısi Ekle"],"Italic":["İtalik"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin..."],"Preview":["Görüntüle"],"Quote":["Alıntı"],"Target":["Hedef"],"Title":["Başlık"],"Title of your link":["Bağlantı Başlığı"],"URL/Link":["URL/Adres"],"code text here":["kod metni girin"],"emphasized text":["vurgulanan metin"],"enter image description here":["resim açıklaması girin"],"enter image title here":["resim başlığını girin"],"enter link description here":["bağlantı açıklaması girin"],"heading text":["başlık metni"],"list text here":["metin listesi girin"],"quote here":["alıntı girin"],"strong text":["kalın metin"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Bu nesne türü için etkinlik oluşturamazsınız!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% yeni bir alan oluşturdu %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% bu alanı oluşturdu."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanına katıldı"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% alana katıldı."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanından ayrıldı"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% alandan ayrıldı."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} artık {user2} takip ediyor."],"see online":["kimle çevrimiçi","çevrimiçi gör"],"via":["ile"],"Latest activities":["En son aktiviteler"],"There are no activities yet.":["Henüz bir aktivite yok."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n \n Hesabınız aktive edildi
\n \n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n \n Hesab talebiniz reddedildi.
\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' kabul edildi."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' reddedildi."],"Group not found!":["Grup bulunamadı!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Modül direkt kaldırılamaz! Modül korumada."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %path% yazılabilir değil!"],"Saved":["Kaydedildi"],"Database":["Veritabanı"],"No theme":["Tema yok"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP yüklenemedi! - PHP Eklentisini kontrol t"],"File":["Dosya"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Önbellek yok (Sadece test!)","Önbellek yok(Sadece test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Yok - kullanıcı kaydında açılır gösterim."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Kaydedildi ve önbellek düzeltildi"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Yerel"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Kendini silemezsin!"],"Become this user":["Bu kullanıcı ol"],"Delete":["Sil"],"Disabled":["Devre dışı"],"Enabled":["Etkin"],"Save":["Kaydet"],"Unapproved":["Onaylanmamış"],"Could not load category.":["Kategori yüklenemedi."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Sadece boş kategorileri silebilirsiniz!"],"Group":["Grup"],"Message":["Mesaj"],"Subject":["Konu"],"Base DN":["DN Temeli"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP desteği aktif"],"Encryption":["Şifreleme"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Kullanıcıları Otomatik Getir/Güncelle"],"Hostname":["Host adı","Host adı (Örnek: localhost)"],"Login Filter":["Giriş filtresi"],"Password":["Şifre"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Kullanıcı filtresi"],"Username":["Kullanıcı adı"],"Username Attribute":["Kullanıcı niteliği"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Kimliği doğrulanmamış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişime izin ver (misafir)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonim kullanıcılar kayıt olabilir"],"Default user group for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için varsayılan kullanıcı grubu"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Varsayılan kullanıcı boşta kalma (Zaman aşımı), otomatik çıkış (saniye cinsinden, isteğe bağlı)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Varsayılan kullanıcı profili görünürlüğü"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Kullanıcılar eposta ile davet gönderebilirler"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kayıttan sonra grup yöneticisinin onayı gerekir"],"Base URL":["Temel URL"],"Default language":["Varsayılan dil"],"Default space":["Varsayılan alan"],"Invalid space":["Geçersiz alan"],"Logo upload":["Logo Yükle"],"Name of the application":["Uygulama adı"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için tanıtım turu göster"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Panoda kullanıcı profil paylaşım alanı"],"Cache Backend":["Önbellek arkaucu"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Varsayılan bitiş zamanı (saniye)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"Dropdown space order":["Açılır menu arası boşluk"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standart sayfalama boyutu (sayfa başına yazı)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Görünen isim (Biçim)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["İzin verilen dosya Uzantıları"],"Convert command not found!":["Dönüştürme komutu bulunamadı!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Boş image magick karşılığı! - Doğru komut?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Duvara görüntülenen dosyaların (isim, boyut) bilgilerini sakla"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Duvarda gösterilen nesnelerin dosya listesi widget'ı gizle."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick dönüştürme komutu (isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum görüntü önizleme yüksekliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum önizleme görüntü genişliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimum dosya yükleme boyutu (MB türünden)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Dosya indirmek için X-Sendfile kullan"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Sertifikaları kendinden İmzalı izin ver?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Eposta gönderen adresi"],"E-Mail sender name":["Eposta gönderen adı"],"Mail Transport Type":["Posta transfer türü"],"Port number":["Port numarası"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Adres"],"Url Prefix":["Url Önek"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Proxy Sunucu yok"],"Server":["Sunucu"],"User":["Kullanıcı"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Süper yöneticiler tüm içerik ve nesneleri silebilir"],"Default Join Policy":["Varsayılan Politikaya Katıl"],"Default Visibility":["Varsayılan Görünürlük"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML izleme kodu"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modül yolu için modül %moduleId% zaten var!"],"Could not extract module!":["Modül çıkarılamadı!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül listesi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül bilgisi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Modülü indirme başarısız oldu!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %modulePath% yazılabilir değil!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modül indirme başarısız! %error%"],"No compatible module version found!":["Hiçbir uyumlu modül sürümü bulundu!","Uyumlu modül versiyonu bulunamadı!"],"Activated":["Aktif","Aktive edildi"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Daha hiç modül yüklenmedi. Fonksiyonelliği artırmak için modül yükle!"],"Version:":["Sürüm:"],"Installed":["Yüklendi","Yüklü"],"No modules found!":["Modül bulunamadı!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tüm modüller güncel!"],"About HumHub":["HumHub hakkında"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Şu anda yüklü sürüm: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lisanslar"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yeni bir güncelleme mevcut! (Son sürüm: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["HumHub sürümünüz güncel!"],"Accept":["Kabul et"],"Decline":["Katılmıyorum"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Kullanıcıyı kabul et: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["İptal"],"Send & save":["Gönder ve kaydet"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Kullanıcıyı reddet ve sil: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-posta"],"Search for email":["Eposta için arama"],"Search for username":["Kullanıcı adı için arama"],"Pending user approvals":["Onay bekleyen kullanıdılar"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Burda kayıtlı ve halen onay bekleyen kullanıcılar görüntülenir."],"Delete group":["Grup sil"],"Delete group":["Grubu sil"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["\"{group}\" grubunu silmek için mevcut kullanıcılara bir grup seçmeniz gerekli:"],"Create new group":["Yeni grup oluştur"],"Edit group":["Grup düzenle"],"Description":["Açıklama"],"Group name":["Grup adı"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Açıklama için arama"],"Search for group name":["Grup adı için ara"],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Create new group":["Yeni Grup Oluştur"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Kullanıcıları bölebilir ve farklı gruplara atayabilir, (takım, birim benzeri) ve standart alan ya da yöneticiler seçebilirsiniz."],"Flush entries":["Tüm girdileri sil"],"Error logging":["Hata günlüğü"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Sayfabaşına görüntülenen girdiler {count}"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Toplam bulunan girdiler {count}"],"Available updates":["Mevcut güncellemeler"],"Browse online":["Çevrimiçi gözat"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modüller HumHub un fonksiyonelliğini artırır. Burada HumHub Marketten modül yüklüyebilir veya yönetebilirsin."],"Module details":["Modül ayrıntıları"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Bu modül daha fazla bilgi içermez."],"Processing...":["İşleniyor..."],"Modules directory":["Modül dizini"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri ve dosyaları kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Configure":["Yapılandırma","Kurulum"],"Disable":["Pasif","Devre dışı","Deaktif"],"Enable":["Aktif"],"More info":["Daha fazla bilgi"],"Set as default":["Varsayılan yap"],"Uninstall":["Kaldır"],"Install":["Yükle"],"Latest compatible version:":["En son uyumlu sürüm:"],"Latest version:":["Son versiyon:"],"Installed version:":["Yüklenen versiyon:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["En son uyumlu versiyon:"],"Update":["Güncelle"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Varsayılan modül olarak ayarla"],"Always activated":["Daima aktif"],"Deactivated":["Deaktif"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Bir modülün kullanıcının ya da alanlarda otomatik olarak aktif olup olmayacağını seçebilirsiniz. Eğer tüm bölümlerde aktif olmasını istiyorsanız \"Daima aktif\"i seçin."],"Spaces":["Mekanlar"],"User Profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Mevcut yeni (%version%) HumHub sürümü var."],"Authentication - Basic":["Temel - Kimlik"],"Basic":["Temel"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum 20 saniyedir. 1400 saniye (24 dakika) (varsayılan oturum zaman aşımı) sonra zaman aşımına olacaktır."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kimliği doğrulanmış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişim etkin olduğunda geçerli olur. Sadece yeni kullanıcılar etkiler."],"Authentication - LDAP":["LDAP - Kimlik doğrulama"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL / TLS açık metin olarak iletilir şifreleri önlemek için üretim ortamlarında tercih edilir."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Kullanıcı adı için LDAP özelliği. Örnek: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Bu kriterleri karşılayan kullanıcılara erişim sınırlandırma. Örnek: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Durum: Hata! (Mesaj: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Durum: TAMAM! ( {usercount} Kullanıcılar)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Hesaplar için yapılan aramada varsayılan temel DN kullan."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Varsayılan kimlik şifresi (Sadece kullanıcı adı ile kullanılır)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Varsayılan kimlik ismi. Bazı sunucular bu DN formda olmasını gerektirir.LDAP sunucusu bağlamak ve bağlayıcı basit kullanıcı adları ile mümkün olmalıdır DN gerektiriyorsa, bu DN şeklinde verilmelidir."],"Cache Settings":["Ön bellek Ayarları"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Kaydet ve önbelleği göm"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Ayarları"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Kullanıcı crontab: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Son çalışma (günlük):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Son çalışma (saatlik):"],"Never":["Asla"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ya da Crontab root kullanıcı"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Lütfen aşağıdaki cronjobs öğelerinin yüklü olduğundan emin olun:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetik\n","Alfabetik\r\n"],"Last visit":["Son Ziyaret"],"Design settings":["Dizayn Ayarları"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Ad Soyad (Örnek: Mehmet Çifçi)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Kullanıcı adı (Örnek: mehmet)"],"File settings":["Dosya Ayarları"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Virgülle ayrılmış liste. Hepsine izin vermek için boş bırak"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Listeleri virgül ile ayır. Duvara tüm nesneler için dosya listesini göstermek için boş bırakın."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, yükseklik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, genişlik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP maksimum sunulan {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Confirm image deleting":["Görüntü silmeyi onayla"],"Dashboard":["Panel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Örn. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak belirli alana eklenir."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Logo kullanmıyorsun. Şimdi logo yükle."],"Mailing defaults":["Posta varsayılanları"],"Activities":["Aktiviteler"],"Always":["Daima","Herzaman"],"Daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Defaults":["Varsayılan"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Kullanıcı bildirimleri veya yenilikler hakkında eposta alma özelliği varsayılan olarak tanımlıdır. Bu ayarı kullanıcı hesap ayarları bölümünden değiştirebilir."],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Server Settings":["Sunucu Ayarları"],"When I´m offline":["Çevrimdışı olduğum zaman","Ben çevrimdışıyken"],"Mailing settings":["Posta Ayarları"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Ayarları"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Add new provider":["Yeni Sağlayacı Ekle"],"Currently active providers:":["Şuan da etkin sağlayıcılar:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Şuan sağlayıcılar aktif değil!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısı Ekle"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısını Düzenle"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Önek http:// ve https:// (Örnek: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Url için %url% yer tutucusunu kullanın. Url biçimi JSON olmalıdır. (Örnek: http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy ayarları"],"Security settings and roles":["Güvenlik Ayarları ve Roller"],"Self test":["Kendi kendini test et"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub yazılım önkoşulları denetleniyor."],"Re-Run tests":["Yeniden test et"],"Statistic settings":["İstatistik Ayarları"],"All":["Hepsi"],"Delete space":["Mekan sil"],"Edit space":["Mekan düzenle"],"Search for space name":["Mekan adı için arama"],"Search for space owner":["Mekan sahibi için arama"],"Space name":["Mekan adı"],"Space owner":["Mekan sahibi"],"View space":["Mekan görüntüle"],"Manage spaces":["Mekan Yönetimi"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarları tanımla"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Tüm mekanlar bulunabilir ve yönetilebilir."],"Overview":["Genel Bakış"],"Settings":["Ayarlar"],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Add user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Eğer bu kullanıcıya ait bazı mekanlar varsa, sen bu mekanların sahibi olacaksın. Bu kullanıcıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? 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Bir başlangıç yap ve birşeyler yaz..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Bu profilin yayını hala boş"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Bu mekan hala boş!Burada bir şey paylaşarak başla..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Panon bomboş!Profilinde birşeyler paylaş veya birkaç mekana katıl!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Profil yayının hala boş
Başlangıç olarak birşeyler paylaş..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uyan hiçbir şey bulunamadı!"],"Show all":["Tümünü göster"],"Back to stream":["Yayına dön","Akışlara geri dön"],"Content with attached files":["Ekli dosyalarla içerik"],"Created by me":["Benim tarafımdan oluşturuldu","Açtıklarım"],"Creation time":["Oluşturulma zamanı","Oluşturma süresi"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Arşivlenen gönderileri içer"],"Last update":["Son güncelleme"],"Only private posts":["Sadece gizli gönderiler"],"Only public posts":["Sadece açık gönderiler"],"Posts only":["Sadece gönderiler"],"Posts with links":["Linkler gönderilerle birlikte"],"Sorting":["Sıralama"],"Where I´m involved":["Nerede gelişebilirim"],"No public contents to display found!":["Gösterilebilecek içerik bulanamadı!"],"Directory":["Dizin"],"Member Group Directory":["Kullanıcı Grup dizini"],"show all members":["tüm kullanıcıları göster"],"Directory menu":["Dizin menüsü"],"Members":["Üyeler","Kullanıcılar"],"User profile posts":["Kullanıcı gönderileri"],"Member directory":["Kullanıcı dizini"],"Follow":["Takip et"],"No members found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"Unfollow":["Takibi Bırak"],"search for members":["kullanıcılar için ara"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"No spaces found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"You are a member of this space":["Bu mekanın bir üyesisiniz"],"search for spaces":["mekanlarda ara"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Profil mesajı henüz bulunmamaktadır!"],"Group stats":["Grup istatistikleri"],"Average members":["Ortalama üye"],"Top Group":["En iyi grup"],"Total groups":["Toplam gruplar"],"Member stats":["Kullanıcı istatistikleri"],"New people":["Yeni insanlar"],"Follows somebody":["Birilerini takip et"],"Online right now":["Şu anda çevrimiçi"],"Total users":["Toplam kullanıcı"],"See all":["Tümünü gör"],"New spaces":["Yeni mekanlar"],"Space stats":["Mekan istatistikleri"],"Most members":["Çoğu üye"],"Private spaces":["Özel mekanlar"],"Total spaces":["Toplam mekanlar"],"Could not find requested file!":["İstenen dosya bulunamadı!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksimum dosya büyüklüğüne {maxFileSize} ulaşıldı"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Bu dosya türü için izin yok!"],"Created By":["Oluşturan"],"Created at":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"File name":["Dosya adı"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID","Kimlik","İD"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Geçersiz Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Boyut"],"Updated at":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Updated by":["Güncelleyen"],"Could not upload File:":["Dosya yüklenemedi:"],"Upload files":["Dosya yükle"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Yüklenen dosyaların listesi:"],"Create Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı Oluştur"],"Name of your network":["Sosyal Ağınızın Adı"],"Name of Database":["Database Adı"],"Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Neredeyse bitti. Son adımda bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmak için formu doldurmanız gerekli. Bu hesapla sosyal ağı yöneteceksiniz."],"Next":["Devam"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Yeni bir Sosyal Ağ adı gerekiyor. Beğendiğiniz bir isim giriniz."],"Social Network Name":["Sosyal Ağ İsim"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tebrikler tüm adımları tamamladınız."],"Setup Complete":["Kurulum Tamamlandı"],"Sign in":["Giriş Yap"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Kurulum başarıyla tamamlandı!
Yeni sosyal ağınız ile paylaşım yapmaya başlayabilirsiniz."],"Setup Wizard":["Kurulum Sihirbazı"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Humhub Sosyal Ağ Kurulumu"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Kurulum sihirbazı ile kendi Humhub Sosyal Ağınızı oluşturabilirsiniz.
Devam etmek için İleri'yi tıklatın."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Evet, veritabanı bağlantısı çalışıyor!"],"Database Configuration":["Veritabanı Ayarlamaları"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, bir şeyler yanlış gitti!"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQL şifre"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQL kullanıcı adı"],"System Check":["Sistem Kontrol"],"Check again":["Kontrol Et"],"Could not find target class!":["Hedef bölüm bulunamadı!"],"Could not find target record!":["Hedef kayıt bulunamadı!"],"Invalid class given!":["Verilen bölüm geçersiz!"],"Users who like this":["Hangi kullanıcılar beğendi"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} beğendi {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğini %displayName% beğendi."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini beğendi."],"Like":["Beğen"],"Unlike":["Beğenme"]," likes this.":["beğendi."],"You like this.":["Bunu beğendin."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["ve {count} kişi beğendi."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen link saptanamıyor!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen bildirim bulunamıyor!"],"New":["Yeni"],"Mark all as seen":["Hepsini okundu işaretle"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Henüz bildirim bulunmuyor."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% yeni bir gönderi yazdı."],"Edit your post...":["Gönderini düzenle..."],"Read full post...":["Gönderinin tamamını oku..."],"Search results":["Arama sonuçları"],"Content":["İçerik"],"Send & decline":["Gönder ve kabul etme"],"Visible for all":["Tümü görebilir"]," Invite and request":[" Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Mekan sahibi bir kullanıcı silinemedi! Mekanın adı: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Herkes girebilir"],"Invite and request":["Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Only by invite":["Sadece davelliler"],"Private (Invisible)":["Özel (Görünmez)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Genel (Üyeler & Misafir)"],"Public (Members only)":["Genel (Üyeler için)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Genel (Sadece kayıtlı kullanıcılar)"],"Public (Visible)":["Genel (Görünür)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Tümü görebilir (Üye ve Misafir)"],"Space is invisible!":["Mekan görünmez!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Bu alanda içeriğini görüntülemek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Sahibi olarak siz üyeliğinizi iptal edemezsiniz!"],"Could not request membership!":["Üyelik isteği olmadı!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Bekleyen davet bulunmuyor!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Bu eylem sadece mekan üyeleri için kullanabilir!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Bu mekana katılmanıza izin verilmiyor!"],"Your password":["Şifreniz","Şifren"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["e-mail adresi ile yeni kullanıcı (virgülle ayılmış)"],"Invites":["Davetler"],"User is already member!":["Kullanıcı zaten üye"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} zaten kayıtlı!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} adresi geçersiz!"],"Application message":["Uygulama mesajı"],"Scope":["Faaliyet"],"Strength":["Kadro"],"Created At":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"Join Policy":["Politikaya Katıl"],"Name":["Ad"],"Owner":["Sahibi","Yönetici"],"Status":["Durum"],"Tags":["Etiketler"],"Updated At":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Visibility":["Görünüm"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website adresi (isteğe bağlı)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Özel görünür mekanlar oluşturamazsın!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Genel görünür mekanlar oluşturamazsın!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Kullanıcı fotoğrafı olarak kullanmak istediğin alanı seç ve Kaydet e tıkla"],"Modify space image":["Mekan resmi değiştir"],"Delete space":["Mekanı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tüm yayınlanan içerikler silinecektir! Bu mekanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Lütfen devam etmek için şifrenizi girin!"],"General space settings":["Genel mekan ayarları"],"Archive":["Arşiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Bu çalışma alanı için geçerli bir üyelik türü seçin."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Bu çalışma alanının görünürlük düzeyini seçin."],"Search members":["Üyelerde ara"],"Manage your space members":["Mekan üyelerini yönet"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen davetler"],"Outstanding user requests":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen istekler"],"Remove member":["Üyeyi sil"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Bu kullanıcının diğerlerini
davet etmesine izin ver"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Bu kullanıcının içerik
oluşturmasına izin ver"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bu üyeyi mekandan silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"],"Can invite":["Davet edebilir"],"Can share":["Paylaşabilir"],"Change space owner":["Mekan sahibi değiştir"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Kimler eposta ile davet gönderebilir, burada listelenmez."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Aşağıdaki mekanda aktif kullanıcılara bakın. Ayrıcalıklarını düzenleyebilir ya da kaldırabilirsiniz."],"Is admin":["Yönetici"],"Make this user an admin":["Bu kullanıcıyı yönetici yap"],"No, cancel":["Hayır, iptal"],"Remove":["Sil"],"Request message":["İstek mesajı"],"Revoke invitation":["Daveti geri al"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar mekana katılmak için onay bekliyor. Lütfen bir aksiyon seçin."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar zaten bu mekana davet edildi, fakat şimdiye kadar daveti takip etmediler."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Tüm ayrıcalıklara ve süper admin yetkilerine olan mekan sahipleri ve mekan oluşturan normal kullanıcılar. Burda başka bir kullanıcı ile rolleri değiştirebilirsiniz."],"Yes, remove":["Evet, sil"],"Space Modules":["Mekan Modülleri"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Emin misiniz? Bu alan için *TÜM * modül verileri silinecek!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Şu anda bu mekanda hiçbir modül bulunmuyor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Modüller ile bu alanı geliştirin."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan oluştur"],"Advanced access settings":["Gelişmiş erişim ayarları "],"Advanced search settings":["Gelişmiş arama ayarları"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Üye olmayanlar bu mekanı
görebilir, fakat erişemezler."],"Create":["Oluştur"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tüm kullanıcılar onay olmadan
mekana katılabilirler"],"For everyone":["Herkes için"],"How you want to name your space?":["Mekanınıza nasıl bir isim istiyorsunuz?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Diğer kullanıcılar için küçük bir açıklama yazınız."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Bu mekan üye olmayanlar için gizli olacak"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Kullanıcılar bu alana
üyelik için başvurabilir"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Kullanıcılar sadece
davetiye ile eklenebilir"],"space description":["mekan açıklaması"],"space name":["mekan adı"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talepleri {userName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyeliğiniz onaylandı {userName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talebiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} sizi {spaceName} mekanına davet etti"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz kabul edildi {userName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Bu alan halen boş!"],"Accept Invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Become member":["Üye ol"],"Cancel membership":["Mekandan Ayrıl"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Bekleyen üyelik başvurusunu iptal et"],"Deny Invite":["Daveti reddet"],"Request membership":["Üyelik isteği"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Bu mekanın sahibi"],"created by":["oluşturan"],"Invite members":["Üye davet et"],"Add an user":["Kullanıcı ekle"],"Email addresses":["Email adresleri"],"Invite by email":["Email ile davet et"],"New user?":["Yeni kullanıcı?"],"Pick users":["Kullanıcıları seç"],"Send":["Gönder"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Bu mekana kullanıcıları davet etmek, bulmak ve onları almak için aşağıya isimlerini yazınız."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Dışardan kullanıcı davet edebilirsiniz. Sadece virgülle ayırarak e-posta adreslerini ekleyin."],"Request space membership":["Mekan üyeliği isteği","Mekan üyelik isteği"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde mekan sahiplerine iletildi."],"Ok":["Tamam"],"User has become a member.":["Kullanıcı üye yapılmıştır."],"User has been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edildi."],"User has not been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edilmemiştir."],"Back to workspace":["Mekana geri dön"],"Space preferences":["Mekan tercihleri"],"General":["Genel"],"My Space List":["Mekan listesi"],"My space summary":["Mekan özeti"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"Space menu":["Mekan menüsü"],"Stream":["Akış","Yayın"],"Change image":["Resmi değiştir"],"Current space image":["Geçerli mekan resmi"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Kapak resmini silmek istiyor musun?","Başlık görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Profil resmini silmek istiyor musun?"],"Invite":["Davet"],"Something went wrong":["Birşeyler yanlış"],"Followers":["Takipçiler"],"Posts":["Mesajlar"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Request workspace membership":["Mekan üyeliği talebi"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde yöneticilere iletildi."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan aç"],"My spaces":["Mekanlarım","Mekanım"],"Space info":["Mekan bilgisi"],"more":["daha"],"Accept invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Deny invite":["Davet reddet"],"Leave space":["Mekandan ayrıl"],"New member request":["Yeni üye isteği"],"Space members":["Mekan üyeleri"],"End guide":["Klavuz sonu"],"Next »":["İleri »"],"« Prev":["« Geri"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Yaşasın! Şimdilik hepsi bu."],"Modules":["Modüller"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Bir yönetici olarak, buradan tüm platformu yönetebilirsiniz.
Modüllerden ayrı olarak, burada olarak her bir noktaya detay oluşturabilir, kendi kısa açıklamalarını belirtebilirsiniz."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Şu an araçlar menüsündesiniz. Burdan HumHub online pazarına erişebilir, anında yüklemeler yapabilirsiniz.
Araçları mekanları özelleştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["En önemli özellikleri ve ayarları öğrendin ve hepsi platformu kullanmaya başlaman için ayarlandı.
Umarız sen ve gelecekteki tüm kullanıcılar siteyi kullanırken eğlenirsiniz. Projemiz için her türlü istediğin öneri ve desteklerini bekliyor olacağız. Bizle rahatlıkla www.humhub.org adresinden iletişime geçebilirsin.
Bizi izlemeye devam edin. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kontrol paneli"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Bu sizin kontrol paneliniz
Yeni aktiviyelere ve gönderiler bu link altında gösterilir."],"Administration (Modules)":["Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Edit account":["Hesap düzenle"],"Hurray! The End.":["Yaşasın! Bitti."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Yaşasın! Başardın!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menü","Profil menüsü"],"Profile photo":["Profil resmi"],"Profile stream":["Profil akışı"],"User profile":["Kullanıcı profili"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Butona tıklayarak profilini güncelleyebilir veya hesap ayarlarını düzenleyebilirsin. Ayrıca profili daha fazla bilgi ekleyebilirsin. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Her profil kendi panolarına sahiptir. Ayrıca seni takip eden kişiler gönderilerini buradn görebilir."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Mekan gibi, kullanıcı profili de çeşitli modüllerle kişiselleştirilebilir.
Profilin için uygun olan modüllere hesap ayarları menüsündeki \"Modüller\" sekmesinden bakabilirsin."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Bu senin açık kullanıcı profilin, profilin üye olan kullanıcılar tarafından görünürdür."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Buraya tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile kolayca profil fotoğrafı yükleyebilirsin. Aynı şeyi kapak fotoğrafın için de yapabilirsin."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!
Yönetim rehberine devam etmek için, buraya tıkla:
"],"Most recent activities":["Son aktiviteler"],"Posts":["Gönderiler"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Rehberi"],"Space":["Mekan"],"Space navigation menu":["Mekan navigasyon menü"],"Writing posts":["Gönderi oluşturma"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Herşeyi kaptın."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Mekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.
Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebiMekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.
Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebilir."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Diğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.
Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebiDiğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.
Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebilir."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Yeni gönderileri buradan yazıp gönderilirsin."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Mekana katıldığında veya yeni oluşturduğunda projeler üzerinde çalışabilirsin, konular üzerinde tartış veya sadece diğerleri ile bilgi paylaş.
Mekanı kişiselleştirmek için birçok araç mevcut, bu sayede proje sürecini daha üretken hale getirebilirsin."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Bu mekan rehberi için.
Profil rehberine devam etmek için buraya tıkla:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Buradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.
Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebiBuradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.
Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebilir."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Bu menü sadece mekan yöneticileri için görünür. Buradan mekan ayarlarını yönetebilir, üye ekleme/engelleme ve modül aktifleştirme/deaktifleştirme işlemlerini yapabilirsin."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Kendini güncel tutman için, diğer kullanıcıların son aktiviteleri burada görünecek."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Senin ve diğer kullanıcıların gönderileri burada görünecek.
Buradan beğenilebilir veya yorumda bulunulabilir. "],"Account Menu":["Hesap Menüsü"],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Space Menu":["Mekan Menüsü"],"Start space guide":["Mekan rehberine Başla"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Hiçbirşeyi kaçırma!
Bu ikon seni ilgilendiren aktiviteler ve gönderiler hakkında seni doğrudan bilgilendirecek."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Hesap menüsü sana gizli ayarlarına erişim hakkı ve açık profilini yönetmeni sağlar."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Bu en önemli menü muhtemelen en çok kullandığın menü olacak!
Katıldığın mekanlara gözat, yeni mekanlar oluştur.
Sonraki adımda nasıl olacağını göreceksin:"]," Remove panel":[" Paneli kaldır"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Rehber: Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Guide: Overview":["Rehber: Genel bakış"],"Guide: Spaces":["Rehber: Mekanlar"],"Guide: User profile":["Rehber: Kullanıcı profili"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Adımları takip ederek özelliklerini tanıyın:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Bu kullanıcı hesabı henüz onaylanmamış!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Bu kullanıcının profilini görmek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Girdiğin şifre yanlış"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Burada şifreni değiştiremezsin."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Geçersiz link! Lütfen url nin tamamını girdiğinizden emin olun."],"Save profile":["Profili kaydet"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Girdiğin mail adresi zaten başka bir kullanıcı tarafından kullanımda."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Burada mail adresini değiştiremezsin."],"Account":["Hesap"],"Create account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Current password":["Kullandığın şifren"],"E-Mail change":["Mail adresi değiştir"],"New E-Mail address":["Yeni mail adresi"],"Send activities?":["Aktiviteleri gönder?"],"Send notifications?":["Bildirimleri gönder?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Yanlış kullanıcı adı/email veya şifre"],"New password":["Yeni şifre"],"New password confirm":["Yeni şifre doğrula"],"Remember me next time":["Daha sonra hatırla"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Hesabın çalışanlar taradından daha aktive edilmedi."],"Your account is suspended.":["Hesabın banlandı."],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["Hesap türünüz şifre kurtarma için uygun değil!"],"E-Mail":["Email"],"Password Recovery":["Şifre Kurtarma"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" bulunamadı!"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["E-Posta adresi kullanılıyor - Şifremi Unuttum."],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Panoda paneli gizle"],"Invalid language!":["Geçersiz Dil!","Geçersiz dil!"],"Profile visibility":["Profil görünürlük"],"TimeZone":["Zaman Dilimi"],"Default Space":["Varsayılan Mekan"],"Group Administrators":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"LDAP DN":["LDAP DN"],"Members can create private spaces":["Üyeler gizli mekan oluşturabilir"],"Members can create public spaces":["Üyeler açık mekan oluşturabilir"],"Birthday":["Doğumgünü"],"City":["Şehir"],"Country":["Ülke"],"Custom":["Gelenek"],"Facebook URL":["Facebook Adres"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Bayan"],"Firstname":["Ad"],"Flickr URL":["Flickr Adres"],"Gender":["Cinsiyet"],"Google+ URL":["Google+ Adres"],"Hide year in profile":["Yılı profilde gizle"],"Lastname":["Soyad"],"LinkedIn URL":["LinkedIn Adres"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Erkek"],"Mobile":["Mobil"],"MySpace URL":["MySpace Adres"],"Phone Private":["Telefon No"],"Phone Work":["İş Telefonu"],"Skype Nickname":["Skype Adı"],"State":["İlçe"],"Street":["Cadde"],"Twitter URL":["Twitter Adres"],"Url":["Adres"],"Vimeo URL":["Vimeo Adres"],"XMPP Jabber Address":["XMPP Jabber Adres"],"Xing URL":["Xing Adres"],"Youtube URL":["Youtube Adres"],"Zip":["Zip"],"Created by":["Oluşturan"],"Editable":["Düzenlenebilir"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Alan değiştirilemez!"],"Fieldtype":["Alan Tipi"],"Internal Name":["iç Adı"],"Internal name already in use!":["İç ad zaten kullanımda"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["iç ad değiştirilemedi"],"Invalid field type!":["Geçersiz alan tipi"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP özelliği"],"Module":["Modül"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Sadece alfanümerik karakterler izinli!"],"Profile Field Category":["Profil alanı Kategorisi"],"Required":["Gerekli"],"Show at registration":["Kayıtta göster"],"Sort order":["Sırala"],"Translation Category ID":["Çeviri kategori ID si","Çeviri kategori id si"],"Type Config":["Ayar Tipi"],"Visible":["Görünür"],"Communication":["İletişim"],"Social bookmarks":["Sosyal imler"],"Datetime":["Tarih zamanı"],"Number":["Rakam"],"Select List":["Seçim Listesi"],"Text":["Yazı"],"Text Area":["Yazı alanı"],"%y Years":["%y Yıl"],"Birthday field options":["Doğumgünü alanı seçenekleri"],"Date(-time) field options":["Tarih (-zaman) alanı seçenekleri"],"Show date/time picker":["Tarih/zaman seçici göster"],"Maximum value":["Maksimum değer"],"Minimum value":["Minimum değer"],"Number field options":["Rakam alanı seçenekleri"],"One option per line. 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Anahtar=>Değer Formatı (Örn. evet=>evet)"],"Please select:":["Lütfen seç:"],"Possible values":["Uygun değerler"],"Select field options":["Çoktan seçmeli seçenekleri"],"Default value":["Varsayılan değer"],"Maximum length":["Maksimum uzunluk"],"Minimum length":["Minimum uzunluk"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["Düzenli İfade: Hata mesajı"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["Düzenli İfade: Doğrulayıcı"],"Text Field Options":["Yazı Alanı Seçenekleri"],"Validator":["Doğrulayıcı"],"Text area field options":["Yazı alanı seçenekleri"],"Authentication mode":["Kimlik Doğrulama modu"],"New user needs approval":["Yeni kullanıcı onay bekliyor"],"Username can contain only letters, numbers, spaces and special characters (+-._)":["Kullanıcı adı sadece harfler, rakamlar, boşluk ve özel karakter (+-._) içerebilir"],"Wall":["Duvar"],"Change E-mail":["Mail adresiDeğiştir","Email Değiştir","Mail adresini Değiştir"],"Current E-mail address":["Geçerlli E-posta adresi"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["Yeni mail adresin {email} adresi ile başarıyla değiştirildi."],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["Yeni mail adresine bir doğrulama maili gönderdik.
Lütfen içindeki adımları takip et"],"Change password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password changed":["Şifre Değişti"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Şifren başarı ile değiştirildi!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profil fotoğrafını değiştir"],"Delete account":["Hesabı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Hesabını silmek istediğine emin misin?
Tüm yayında olan gönderilerin kaldırılacak! "],"Delete account":["Hesabı sil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Devam için şifrenizi girin"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Özür dileriz, bir mekan sahibi olarak hesabını silemezsin!
Lütfen mekanı başka bir kullanıcıya devret veya hepsini sil!"],"User details":["Kullanıcı detayları"],"User modules":["Kullanıcı modülleri"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Profilindeki *TÜM* modül verileri silinmiş olacak! Emin misin?"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Profilini modüllerle genişlet."],"User settings":["Kullanıcı ayarları"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Registered users only":["Kayıtlı kullanıcılar sadece"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Görünürlük tüm (ayrıca kayıtsız kullanıcılar için) "],"Desktop Notifications":["Masaüstü Bildirimler"],"Email Notifications":["Email Bildirimleri"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda bir masaüstü bildirim alın."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["İş mekanları içerisinde takip ettiğin her kişinin her aktivitesi için."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gönderine kullanıcılar yorum yaptığında veya beğendiğinde mail al."],"Account registration":["Hesap oluştur"],"Create Account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Hesabın başarı ile oluşturuldu!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Hesabın yöneticiler tarafından aktif edildikten sonra, bir mail ile bilgilendirileceksin."],"Go to login page":["Giriş sayfasına git"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Yeni hesabınla giriş yapmak için, aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"back to home":["anasayfaya dön","Anasayfaya dön"],"Please sign in":["Giriş yap"],"Sign up":["Kayıt ol"],"Create a new one.":["Yeni oluştur"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Bir hesabınız yok mu? E-posta adresinizi girerek kayıt olun."],"Forgot your password?":["Şifreni mi unuttun?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Üye iseniz Kullanıcı Adı/ E-posta ve şifreniz ile giriş yapınız."],"Register":["Kayıt Ol"],"email":["E-posta"],"password":["Şifre"],"username or email":["Kullanıcı Adı / E-posta"],"Password recovery":[" Şifre kurtarma","Şifre kurtarma"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Sadece mail adresini gir. Sana şifreni kurtarma adımlarını göndereceğiz."],"Password recovery":["Şifre kurtarma"],"Reset password":["Şifre sıfırla"],"enter security code above":["Yeni Şifre"],"your email":["E-posta Adresin"],"Password recovery!":["Şifre kurtar!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Sana şifreni sıfırlamana yardımcı olacak bir mail gönderdik."],"Registration successful!":["Kayıt başarılı!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Lütfen email adresini kontrol et ve bilgilere uy!"],"Registration successful":["Kayıt başarılı"],"Change your password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Change password":["Şifre değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Password changed!":["Şifre değişti!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Yeni mail adresinizi doğrulayın"],"Confirm":["Doğrula"],"Hello":["Merhaba"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Email adresini değiştirmek için istek yolladın.
Yeni mail adresin {newemail}.
Yeni mail adresini kabul etmek için aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"Hello {displayName}":["Merhaba {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Eğer bu linki 24 saat içinde kullanmazsan, geçerliliği bitecek."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Lütfen 24 saat içerisinde şifrenizi kurtarmak için takip eden linke tıklayın."],"Reset Password":["Şifre Sıfırla"],"Registration Link":["Kayıt Linki"],"Sign up":["Kaydol"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin. Üyelikle devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Bir sosyal ağ iletişi ve takımına katılmak için..
Şimdi kaydol ve mekana katıl."],"Sign up now":["Şimdi kaydolun","Şimdi kayıt ol"],"Space Invite":["Mekan DavMekan Davet"],"You got a space invite":["Bir mekan davetin var"],"invited you to the space:":["Mekana davet eden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} {contentTitle} içeriğinde senden bahsetti."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} şimdi seni takip ediyor."],"About this user":["Bu kullanıcı hakkında"],"Modify your title image":["Başlık fotoğrafını değiştir"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Profil yayını hala boş!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Logo görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musun?"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Hesabı düzenle"],"Following":["Takip edilenler"],"Following user":["Takip edilen kullanıcı"],"User followers":["Kullanıcı takipçileri"],"Member in these spaces":["Üye mekanları"],"User tags":["Kullanıcı etiketler"],"No birthday.":["Hiçbir doğum günü yok."],"Back to modules":["Modüllere dön"],"Tomorrow":["Yarın"],"Upcoming":["Yaklaşan"],"becomes":["olur"],"birthdays":["doğum günü"],"days":["Günler"],"today":["bugün"],"years old.":["yaşında."],"Active":["Aktif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Tüm kullanıcılar için işaretle olarak görünmeyen"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Son Dakika Haberleri Yapılandırma"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Not: Markdown söz dizimini kullanabilirsiniz."],"End Date and Time":["Bitiş tarihi ve saati"],"Recur":["Hatırlatma"],"Recur End":["Son hatırlatma"],"Recur Interval":["Aralıklarla hatırlatma"],"Recur Type":["Hatırlatma şekli"],"Select participants":["Katılımcıları seç"],"Start Date and Time":["Başlangıç tarihi ve saati"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Bu etkinliğe erişmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Etkinlik oluşturmak için izniniz yok!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Bu mekana bir etkinlik takvimi ekler."],"All Day":["Tüm günler"],"Attending users":["Katılanlar"],"Calendar":["Takvim"],"Declining users":["Katılmayanlar"],"End Date":["Bitiş tarihi"],"End time must be after start time!":["Bitiş saati başlangıç zamanından sonra olmalıdır!"],"Event":["Etkinlik"],"Event not found!":["Etkinlik bulunamadı!"],"Maybe attending users":["Belki katılanlar"],"Participation Mode":["Katılım şekli"],"Start Date":["Başlangıç tarihi"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Bu etkinliği silmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Bu etkinliği düzenlemek için izniniz yok!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% yeni bir %contentTitle% içerik oluşturdu."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katıldı."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% belki katılıcak."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katılmıyor."],"Start Date/Time":["Başlangıç tarih/saat"],"Create event":["Etkinlik oluştur"],"Edit event":["Etkinlik düzenle"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. To create a space event open the calendar on the desired space.":["Not: Bu etkinlik profilinizde oluşturulur. Eğer mekanda etkinlik açmak istiyorsanız mekan takvimini kullanın."],"End Date/Time":["Bitiş tarih/saat"],"Everybody can participate":["Herkes katılabilir"],"No participants":["Katılımsız"],"Participants":["Katılımcılar"],"Created by:":["Oluşturan:"],"Edit this event":["Etkinliği düzenle"],"I´m attending":["Katılıyorum"],"I´m maybe attending":["Belki katılırım"],"I´m not attending":["Katılmıyorum"],"Attend":["Katılıyorum"],"Maybe":["Belki"],"Filter events":["Etkinlik filtresi"],"Select calendars":["Takvim seç"],"Already responded":["Cevaplananlar"],"Followed spaces":["Mekan"],"Followed users":["Kullanıcı"],"My events":["Etkinliklerim"],"Not responded yet":["Cevaplanmadı"],"Upcoming events ":["Yakındaki etkinlikler"],":count attending":[":katılan"],":count declined":[":katılmayan"],":count maybe":[":belki katılan"],"Participants:":["Katılımcılar"],"Create new Page":["Yeni Sayfa Oluştur"],"Custom Pages":["Özel Sayfalar"],"HTML":["Html"],"IFrame":["İframe"],"Link":["Bağlantı"],"Navigation":["Navigasyon"],"No custom pages created yet!":["Özel sayfalar henüz oluşturulmadı!"],"Sort Order":["Sıralama","Sıralama Düzeni"],"Top Navigation":["En Navigasyon"],"Type":["Tip","Tür"],"User Account Menu (Settings)":["Kullanıcı Hesap Menüsü (Ayarlar)"],"Create page":["Sayfa oluştur"],"Edit page":["Sayfa düzenle","Sayfayı Düzenle"],"Default sort orders scheme: 100, 200, 300, ...":["Varsayılan sıralama düzeni: 100, 200, 300, ..."],"Page title":["Sayfa Başlık"],"URL":["Url"],"Toggle view mode":["Geçiş görünümü modu"],"Delete category":["Kategoriyi sil"],"Delete link":["Bağlantıyı sil"],"Linklist":["Bağlantılar"],"Requested link could not be found.":["Bağlantı bulunamadı."],"Messages":["Mesajlar"],"You could not send an email to yourself!":["Kendinize eposta gönderemezsiniz!","Kendinize eposta göndermezsiniz!"],"Recipient":["Alıcı"],"New message from {senderName}":["Yeni mesaj var. 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Be the first and create one...":["Henüz görev yok!
İlk görevi oluşturun..."],"Assigned to me":["Bana atanan"],"Nobody assigned":["Hiç kimseye atanan"],"State is finished":["Durum sona erdi"],"State is open":["Durum açık"],"What to do?":["Ne yapalım?"],"Translation Manager":["Çeviri Menejeri"],"Translations":["Çeviriler"],"Translation Editor":["Çeviri Editörü"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modül"],"Edit page":["Sayfa Düzenle"],"Main page":["Anasayfa"],"New page":["Yeni sayfa"],"Revert":["Eski haline dön"],"View":["Görünüm"],"Create new page":["Yeni sayfa oluştur"],"New page title":["Yeni Sayfa Başlığı"],"Allow":["İzin ver"],"Default":["Standart"],"Deny":["Reddet"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Lütfen en az 3 karakter giriniz"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.
\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.
\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
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Be the first and create one...":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!
İlk anketi oluştur..."],"Send SMS":["SMS Gönder"],"Page history":["Sayfa geçmişi"],"Edited at":["Tarafından"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Henüz sayfa oluşturulmamış.
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Kayıtlı kullanıcı listesi içerir."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni profil kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil kategorisini düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni profil alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil düzenleme alanı"],"comment":["Yorum"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Yeni Yorum"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oluşturdu {contentTitle}."],"Send invite":["Davetiye gönder"],"My friends":["Arkadaşlarım"],"Pending friend requests":["Arkadaş istekleri"],"Sent friend requests":["Gönderilen İstekler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Onayla"],"Add Friend":["Arkadaşı Ekle"],"Cancel friend request":["İsteği Sil"],"Deny friend request":["İsteği Reddet"],"Friends":["Arkadaşlar"],"Requests":["İstekler"],"Sent requests":["Gönderilen istekler"],"Show all friends":["Tüm arkadaşları göster"],"Unfriend":["Arkadaşım Olmayan"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğini kabul etti."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğinizi reddetti."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteği gönderdi."],"Friendship Request":["Arkadaşlık İsteği"],"Friendship Approved":["Arkadaşlık Onaylı"],"New Like":["Yeni Beğeni"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} ve {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} ve {number} diğerleri"],"Other":["Diğer"],"Module Filter":["Modülü Filtrele"],"No notifications found!":["Herhangi bir bildirim bulunamadı!"],"Notification Overview":["Bildirim Genel Bakış"],"post":["Gönderi"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Aranan hiçbir eşleşme yok."],"Space followers":["Mekan takipçileri"],"No spaces found.":["Mekan bulunamadı."],"Space":["Mekan"],"Stream (Default)":["Akış (Varsayılan)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Üzgünüm, bu alanı terk etmenize izin verilmiyor."],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Bu mekanın sahibi olarak mekanda başka bir yönetici ile bu rolü ona aktarabilirsiniz."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Url geçersiz karakterler içeriyor!"],"Transfer ownership":["Mülkiyet transfer"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["örn: örneğin {baseUrl}/s/example"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["%filename% klasörü kaydedilemedi."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Create folder":["Klasör oluştur"],"Edit folder":["Klasör düzenle"],"Move files":["Klasörü taşı"],"Add file(s)":["Dosya Ekle"],"Download ZIP":["ZİP İndir"],"Folder":["Klasör"],"Show":["Göster"],"Show Post":["Gönderiyi göster"],"Updated":["Güncel"],"Upload":["Yükle"],"Upload ZIP":["ZİP Yükle"],"root":["root"],"MarkDown":["Daralt"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)"],"Conversations":["Konuşmalar"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Neden raporlamak istiyorsun?"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Spam mesaj olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Mekana ait olmayan yazı için bildirildi."],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ne Olduğunu Anlamamıza Yardımcı Ol"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Kayıtlı olmayan kullanıcılar için erişim izni. (Misafir erişimi)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Üyeler arasında arkadaşlık"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Yeni kayıt olan kullanıcılar ilk olarak yönetici tarafından aktive edilecek."],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Formu doldurarak yönetici hesabı oluşturmanız gerekir. Bu hesap ile sosyal ağı yönetebilirsiniz."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub çok esnek ve ayarlanabilir yapısı olduğundan farklı modüller ve çeşitli uygulamalar sayesinde genişletilebilir. Aşağıdaki modüller sadece bir kaç örnektir ve seçtiğiniz modüller otomatik kurulacaktır.
İstediğiniz modülü yükleyip sonradan kaldırabilir veya yönetici alanından diğer modüllere göz atabilirsiniz."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Kayıtsız kullanıcıların nasıl erişim sağlayabileceğine karar verebilirsiniz."],"Configuration":["Yapılandırma"],"My club":["Kulübüm"],"My community":["Topluluk"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Şirket (Sosyal Intranet / Proje yönetimi)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Eğitim kurumu (okul, üniversite)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Bu adımı atlayın, ayarlamaları daha sonra yapacağım"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Yapılandırmayı basitleştirmek için bazı modüller ve ayarlamaları farklı seçenekler ile kullanabilirsin. Bir sonraki adım sırasında bunları ayarlayabileceğinizi unutmayın."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Veritabanı bağlantı ayarlarını girmek zorundasınız. Bu konuda emin değilseniz sistem yöneticinize başvurun."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL veritabanı sunucusu ana bilgisayar adı (örneğin, localhost MySQL aynı makinede çalışıyorsa)"],"Initializing database...":["Veritabanı başlatılıyor..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Humhub kurulumu için çalışmak istediğiniz veritabanı adı."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tebrik ederiz! Her şey tamam ve kuruluma başlamak için hazır!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["HumHub sistem gereksinimlerinizin olup olmadığını gösterir."],"Your profile":["Senin profilin"],"Connect account":["Hesabı bağlayın"],"Delete Account":["Hesabı sil"],"Disconnect account":["Hesabın bağlantısını kes"],"My Account":["Hesabım"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"Show more":["Daha fazla göster"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Tarihin geçmişte olması gerekiyor."],"Unsubscribe":["Abonelikten çık"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Mobil cihazda yatay kaydırma görüntüleri"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub geliştiricileri üçüncü taraf modülleri için hiçbir destek sağlamaz ve bu modülün uygunluğu, işlevselliği veya güvenliği konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermez."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Üçüncü taraf reddi"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Yeni bir ({version}) HumHub Sürümü mevcut."],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın e-posta davranışını ve posta sunucusu ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın kayıt davranışını ve ek kullanıcı ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın temel ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar, sosyal ağınızın gelişmiş konularını belirtir."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar sosyal ağınızın görünümüne atıfta bulunmaktadır."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Kullanıcılar belirli standart alanlar, grup yöneticileri ve izinlerle farklı gruplara (ör. Ekipler, bölümler vb.) atanabilir."],"Visible for members only":["Sadece üyelere görünür"],"Visible for members+guests":["Üyeler + misafirler için görünür"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["E-Posta Adresi için LDAP Özniteliği. Varsayılan: "mail""],"Wall entry layout":["Duvar girişi düzeni"],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Faaliyetler bir alan veya diğer kullanıcılar bağlamında alınan eylemlerin bir özetini sağlar. (Örneğin, yeni bir yayın yazılmış veya yeni bir üye alana katıldı)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Kullanıcı e-postalarını göndermek için varsayılan davranışı tanımlayın. Bu ayarlar kullanıcıların hesap ayarlarında üzerine yazılabilir."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Bildirimler, kullanıcı ile ilgili bilgilerdir (örneğin, kendi yayınlarındaki yeni yorumlar veya yeni bir takipçi). Bildirim, bir kullanıcı işlemi gerekli olduğunda da oluşturulur (ör. Arkadaşlık isteği)."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Burada, yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarlarınızı tanımlayabilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, her bir mekan için üzerine yazılabilir."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Bu genel bakış, mekanları görüntülemek, düzenlemek ve silmek için eylemler içeren her alanın bir listesini içerir."],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Burada profil kategorilerini ve alanlarını oluşturabilir veya düzenleyebilirsiniz."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil niteliklerini yönet"],"Appearance":["Görünüm"],"E-Mails":["E-Postalar"],"Information":["Bilgi"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Kullanıcının mesajlar oluşturmasına izin verir"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Rastgele içerikleri yönetebilir (ör. arşivleyebilir, sabitleyebilir veya silebilirsiniz)"],"Create post":["Mesaj oluştur"],"Manage content":["İçeriği yönetin"],"Load more":["Daha fazla yükle"],"Welcome Space":["Karşılama Mekanı"],"Example contents":["Örnek içerik"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["İlk oturum açtıktan sonra boş bir gösterge tablosundan kaçınmak için, HumHub örnek içeriği sizin için kurabilir. HumHub'un nasıl çalıştığına dair size güzel genel bir görünüm verecektir. Her bir içeriği daima silebilirsiniz."],"Notification Overview":["%firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, HumHub'u kullandığınız için teşekkürler."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Burada ilk kullanıcı sensin ... Yehuu! İlk kullanan siz olun ve profilinizi tamamlayın, böylece gelecek kullanıcılar, burada kimlerin en iyi olduğunu ve sorularınız varsa açabilecekleri kim olduğunu biliyorlar."],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Becerileriniz, bilgi ve tecrübeleriniz (virgül ile ayrılmış)"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["HumHub {version} güncelleme"],"Abort":["İptal et"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Güncelleme sırasında HumHub çekirdek dosyalarındaki değişiklikler üzerine yazılabilir!"],"Cleanup update files":["Güncelleme dosyalarını temizle"],"Downloading update package":["Güncelleme paketi indiriliyor"],"Extracting package files":["Paket dosyaları çıkartılıyor"],"Installing files":["Dosyaları yükleme"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Tüm dosyaların yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun! ("],"Migrating database":["Veritabanı taşınıyor"],"New updater version available!":["Yeni güncelleyici sürümü mevcut!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Hata mesajı yok. Lütfen günlük dosyalarını kontrol edin!"],"Preparing system":["Sistem hazırlığı"],"Start":["Başla"],"Start update":["Güncellemeyi Başlat"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Güncellemeden sonra varsayılan temaya geç"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Güncelleme başarıyla yüklendi!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Güncelleyici modülünün yeni bir sürümü mevcut. Lütfen devam etmeden önce güncelleyin."],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelle"],"Update successful":["Güncelleme başarılı"],"Validating package":["Paketi onayla"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.
\r\n\r\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\r\n\r\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.
\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\r\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"Pinned":["Yapışkan","Başa Tuttur"],"Unpinned":["Baştan Kaldır"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"Could not find requested module!":["İstenen modül bulunamadı!"],"Invalid request.":["Geçersiz istek."],"Keyword:":["Anahtar:"],"Nothing found with your input.":["Hiç bir girdi bulunamadı."],"Results":["Sonuçlar"],"Show more results":["Daha fazla sonuç göster"],"Sorry, nothing found!":["Üzgünüz, sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Welcome to %appName%":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin"],"Latest updates":["Son güncellemeler"],"Search":["Arama"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Back":["Geri"],"Back to dashboard":["Panele geri dön"],"Choose language:":["Dil Seçin:"],"Collapse":["Başarısız"],"Content Addon source must be instance of HActiveRecordContent or HActiveRecordContentAddon!":["İçerik eklenti kaynağı HActiveRecordContent ya da HActiveRecordAddon şeklinde olmalı!"],"Could not determine content container!":["İçerik kabı saptanamıyor!"],"Could not find content of addon!":["Eklenti içeriği bulunamadı!"],"Error":["Hata"],"Expand":["Göster"],"Insufficent permissions to create content!":["İçerik oluşturmak için izinler yetersiz!"],"It looks like you may have taken the wrong turn.":["Yanlış bir geridönüş var gibi görünüyor."],"Language":["Dil"],"Latest news":["Güncel haberler"],"Login":["Giriş"],"Logout":["Çıkış"],"Menu":["Menü"],"Module is not on this content container enabled!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"My profile":["Profilim"],"New profile image":["Yeni profil resmi"],"Oooops...":["Hata..."],"Search":["Arama"],"Search for users and spaces":["Kullanıcı ve alanlarda ara"],"Space not found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"User Approvals":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User not found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!","Kullanıcı Bulunamadı"],"You cannot create public visible content!":["Genel içerik oluşturmazsınız!"],"Your daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Login required":["Giriş Yapınız"],"An internal server error occurred.":["Sunucu hatası oluştu."],"You are not allowed to perform this action.":["Bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için izin gereklidir."],"Global {global} array cleaned using {method} method.":["Küresel {global} dizi yöntemi {method} ile temizlenmelidir."],"Upload error":["Yükleme hatası"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Add image/file":["Resim/Dosya Ekle"],"Add link":["Link Ekle"],"Bold":["Kalın"],"Code":["Kod"],"Enter a url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Url girin (Örnek: http://example.com)"],"Heading":["Başlık"],"Image":["Resim"],"Image/File":["Resim/Dosya"],"Insert Hyperlink":["Bağlantı Ekle"],"Insert Image Hyperlink":["Resim Bağlantısi Ekle"],"Italic":["İtalik"],"List":["Liste"],"Please wait while uploading...":["Yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin..."],"Preview":["Görüntüle"],"Quote":["Alıntı"],"Target":["Hedef"],"Title":["Başlık"],"Title of your link":["Bağlantı Başlığı"],"URL/Link":["URL/Adres"],"code text here":["kod metni girin"],"emphasized text":["vurgulanan metin"],"enter image description here":["resim açıklaması girin"],"enter image title here":["resim başlığını girin"],"enter link description here":["bağlantı açıklaması girin"],"heading text":["başlık metni"],"list text here":["metin listesi girin"],"quote here":["alıntı girin"],"strong text":["kalın metin"],"Could not create activity for this object type!":["Bu nesne türü için etkinlik oluşturamazsınız!"],"%displayName% created the new space %spaceName%":["%displayName% yeni bir alan oluşturdu %spaceName%"],"%displayName% created this space.":["%displayName% bu alanı oluşturdu."],"%displayName% joined the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanına katıldı"],"%displayName% joined this space.":["%displayName% alana katıldı."],"%displayName% left the space %spaceName%":["%displayName% - %spaceName% alanından ayrıldı"],"%displayName% left this space.":["%displayName% alandan ayrıldı."],"{user1} now follows {user2}.":["{user1} artık {user2} takip ediyor."],"see online":["kimle çevrimiçi","çevrimiçi gör"],"via":["ile"],"Latest activities":["En son aktiviteler"],"There are no activities yet.":["Henüz bir aktivite yok."],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account has been activated.
\n \n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n \n Hesabınız aktive edildi
\n \n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}
\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n \n your account request has been declined.
\n \n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n \n Hesab talebiniz reddedildi.
\n \n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been approved.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' kabul edildi."],"Account Request for '{displayName}' has been declined.":["Hesap talebi '{displayName}' reddedildi."],"Group not found!":["Grup bulunamadı!"],"Could not uninstall module first! Module is protected.":["Modül direkt kaldırılamaz! Modül korumada."],"Module path %path% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %path% yazılabilir değil!"],"Saved":["Kaydedildi","Kaydet"],"Database":["Veritabanı"],"No theme":["Tema yok"],"APC":["APC"],"Could not load LDAP! - Check PHP Extension":["LDAP yüklenemedi! - PHP Eklentisini kontrol t"],"File":["Dosya"],"No caching (Testing only!)":["Önbellek yok (Sadece test!)","Önbellek yok(Sadece test!)"],"None - shows dropdown in user registration.":["Yok - kullanıcı kaydında açılır gösterim."],"Saved and flushed cache":["Kaydedildi ve önbellek düzeltildi"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"Local":["Yerel"],"You cannot delete yourself!":["Kendini silemezsin!"],"Become this user":["Bu kullanıcı ol"],"Delete":["Sil"],"Disabled":["Devre dışı"],"Enabled":["Etkin"],"Save":["Kaydet"],"Unapproved":["Onaylanmamış"],"Could not load category.":["Kategori yüklenemedi."],"You can only delete empty categories!":["Sadece boş kategorileri silebilirsiniz!"],"Group":["Grup"],"Message":["Mesaj"],"Subject":["Konu"],"Base DN":["DN Temeli"],"Enable LDAP Support":["LDAP desteği aktif"],"Encryption":["Şifreleme"],"Fetch/Update Users Automatically":["Kullanıcıları Otomatik Getir/Güncelle"],"Hostname":["Host adı","Host adı (Örnek: localhost)"],"Login Filter":["Giriş filtresi"],"Password":["Şifre"],"Port":["Port"],"User Filer":["Kullanıcı filtresi"],"Username":["Kullanıcı adı"],"Username Attribute":["Kullanıcı niteliği"],"Allow limited access for non-authenticated users (guests)":["Kimliği doğrulanmamış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişime izin ver (misafir)"],"Anonymous users can register":["Anonim kullanıcılar kayıt olabilir"],"Default user group for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için varsayılan kullanıcı grubu"],"Default user idle timeout, auto-logout (in seconds, optional)":["Varsayılan kullanıcı boşta kalma (Zaman aşımı), otomatik çıkış (saniye cinsinden, isteğe bağlı)"],"Default user profile visibility":["Varsayılan kullanıcı profili görünürlüğü"],"Members can invite external users by email":["Kullanıcılar eposta ile davet gönderebilirler"],"Require group admin approval after registration":["Kayıttan sonra grup yöneticisinin onayı gerekir"],"Base URL":["Temel URL"],"Default language":["Varsayılan dil"],"Default space":["Varsayılan alan"],"Invalid space":["Geçersiz alan"],"Logo upload":["Logo Yükle"],"Name of the application":["Uygulama adı"],"Show introduction tour for new users":["Yeni kullanıcılar için tanıtım turu göster"],"Show user profile post form on dashboard":["Panoda kullanıcı profil paylaşım alanı"],"Cache Backend":["Önbellek arkaucu"],"Default Expire Time (in seconds)":["Varsayılan bitiş zamanı (saniye)"],"PHP APC Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP APC uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"PHP SQLite3 Extension missing - Type not available!":["PHP SQLite3 uzantısı eksik - Tür mevcut değil!"],"Dropdown space order":["Açılır menu arası boşluk"],"Default pagination size (Entries per page)":["Standart sayfalama boyutu (sayfa başına yazı)"],"Display Name (Format)":["Görünen isim (Biçim)"],"Theme":["Tema"],"Allowed file extensions":["İzin verilen dosya Uzantıları"],"Convert command not found!":["Dönüştürme komutu bulunamadı!"],"Got invalid image magick response! - Correct command?":["Boş image magick karşılığı! - Doğru komut?"],"Hide file info (name, size) for images on wall":["Duvara görüntülenen dosyaların (isim, boyut) bilgilerini sakla"],"Hide file list widget from showing files for these objects on wall.":["Duvarda gösterilen nesnelerin dosya listesi widget'ı gizle."],"Image Magick convert command (optional)":["Image Magick dönüştürme komutu (isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image height (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum görüntü önizleme yüksekliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum preview image width (in pixels, optional)":["Maksimum önizleme görüntü genişliği (piksel, isteğe bağlı)"],"Maximum upload file size (in MB)":["Maksimum dosya yükleme boyutu (MB türünden)"],"Use X-Sendfile for File Downloads":["Dosya indirmek için X-Sendfile kullan"],"Allow Self-Signed Certificates?":["Sertifikaları kendinden İmzalı izin ver?"],"E-Mail sender address":["Eposta gönderen adresi"],"E-Mail sender name":["Eposta gönderen adı"],"Mail Transport Type":["Posta transfer türü"],"Port number":["Port numarası"],"Endpoint Url":["Endpoint Adres"],"Url Prefix":["Url Önek"],"No Proxy Hosts":["Proxy Sunucu yok"],"Server":["Sunucu"],"User":["Kullanıcı"],"Super Admins can delete each content object":["Süper yöneticiler tüm içerik ve nesneleri silebilir"],"Default Join Policy":["Varsayılan Politikaya Katıl"],"Default Visibility":["Varsayılan Görünürlük"],"HTML tracking code":["HTML izleme kodu"],"Module directory for module %moduleId% already exists!":["Modül yolu için modül %moduleId% zaten var!"],"Could not extract module!":["Modül çıkarılamadı!"],"Could not fetch module list online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül listesi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Could not get module info online! (%error%)":["Çevrimiçi modül bilgisi alınamadı! (%error%)"],"Download of module failed!":["Modülü indirme başarısız oldu!"],"Module directory %modulePath% is not writeable!":["Modül yolu %modulePath% yazılabilir değil!"],"Module download failed! (%error%)":["Modül indirme başarısız! %error%"],"No compatible module version found!":["Hiçbir uyumlu modül sürümü bulundu!","Uyumlu modül versiyonu bulunamadı!"],"Activated":["Aktif","Aktive edildi"],"No modules installed yet. Install some to enhance the functionality!":["Daha hiç modül yüklenmedi. Fonksiyonelliği artırmak için modül yükle!"],"Version:":["Sürüm:"],"Installed":["Yüklendi","Yüklü"],"No modules found!":["Modül bulunamadı!"],"All modules are up to date!":["Tüm modüller güncel!"],"About HumHub":["HumHub hakkında"],"Currently installed version: %currentVersion%":["Şu anda yüklü sürüm: %currentVersion%"],"Licences":["Lisanslar"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["Yeni bir güncelleme mevcut! (Son sürüm: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["HumHub sürümünüz güncel!"],"Accept":["Kabul et"],"Decline":["Katılmıyorum"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["Kullanıcıyı kabul et: {displayName}"],"Cancel":["İptal"],"Send & save":["Gönder ve kaydet"],"Decline & delete user: {displayName}":["Kullanıcıyı reddet ve sil: {displayName}"],"Email":["E-posta"],"Search for email":["Eposta için arama"],"Search for username":["Kullanıcı adı için arama"],"Pending user approvals":["Onay bekleyen kullanıdılar"],"Here you see all users who have registered and still waiting for a approval.":["Burda kayıtlı ve halen onay bekleyen kullanıcılar görüntülenir."],"Delete group":["Grup sil"],"Delete group":["Grubu sil"],"To delete the group \"{group}\" you need to set an alternative group for existing users:":["\"{group}\" grubunu silmek için mevcut kullanıcılara bir grup seçmeniz gerekli:"],"Create new group":["Yeni grup oluştur"],"Edit group":["Grup düzenle"],"Description":["Açıklama"],"Group name":["Grup adı"],"Ldap DN":["Ldap DN"],"Search for description":["Açıklama için arama"],"Search for group name":["Grup adı için ara"],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Create new group":["Yeni Grup Oluştur"],"You can split users into different groups (for teams, departments etc.) and define standard spaces and admins for them.":["Kullanıcıları bölebilir ve farklı gruplara atayabilir, (takım, birim benzeri) ve standart alan ya da yöneticiler seçebilirsiniz."],"Flush entries":["Tüm girdileri sil"],"Error logging":["Hata günlüğü"],"Displaying {count} entries per page.":["Sayfabaşına görüntülenen girdiler {count}"],"Total {count} entries found.":["Toplam bulunan girdiler {count}"],"Available updates":["Mevcut güncellemeler"],"Browse online":["Çevrimiçi gözat"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. Here you can install and manage modules from the HumHub Marketplace.":["Modüller HumHub un fonksiyonelliğini artırır. Burada HumHub Marketten modül yüklüyebilir veya yönetebilirsin."],"Module details":["Modül ayrıntıları"],"This module doesn't provide further informations.":["Bu modül daha fazla bilgi içermez."],"Processing...":["İşleniyor..."],"Modules directory":["Modül dizini"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module related data and files will be lost!":["*TÜM* modül verileri ve dosyaları kaybedilecek! Emin misiniz?"],"Configure":["Yapılandırma","Kurulum"],"Disable":["Pasif","Devre dışı","Deaktif"],"Enable":["Aktif"],"More info":["Daha fazla bilgi"],"Set as default":["Varsayılan yap"],"Uninstall":["Kaldır"],"Install":["Yükle"],"Latest compatible version:":["En son uyumlu sürüm:"],"Latest version:":["Son versiyon:"],"Installed version:":["Yüklenen versiyon:"],"Latest compatible Version:":["En son uyumlu versiyon:"],"Update":["Güncelle"],"%moduleName% - Set as default module":["%moduleName% - Varsayılan modül olarak ayarla"],"Always activated":["Daima aktif"],"Deactivated":["Deaktif"],"Here you can choose whether or not a module should be automatically activated on a space or user profile. If the module should be activated, choose \"always activated\".":["Bir modülün kullanıcının ya da alanlarda otomatik olarak aktif olup olmayacağını seçebilirsiniz. Eğer tüm bölümlerde aktif olmasını istiyorsanız \"Daima aktif\"i seçin."],"Spaces":["Mekanlar"],"User Profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"There is a new HumHub Version (%version%) available.":["Mevcut yeni (%version%) HumHub sürümü var."],"Authentication - Basic":["Temel - Kimlik"],"Basic":["Temel"],"Min value is 20 seconds. If not set, session will timeout after 1400 seconds (24 minutes) regardless of activity (default session timeout)":["Minumum 20 saniyedir. 1400 saniye (24 dakika) (varsayılan oturum zaman aşımı) sonra zaman aşımına olacaktır."],"Only applicable when limited access for non-authenticated users is enabled. Only affects new users.":["Kimliği doğrulanmış kullanıcılar için sınırlı erişim etkin olduğunda geçerli olur. Sadece yeni kullanıcılar etkiler."],"Authentication - LDAP":["LDAP - Kimlik doğrulama"],"A TLS/SSL is strongly favored in production environments to prevent passwords from be transmitted in clear text.":["SSL / TLS açık metin olarak iletilir şifreleri önlemek için üretim ortamlarında tercih edilir."],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"LDAP Attribute for Username. Example: "uid" or "sAMAccountName"":["Kullanıcı adı için LDAP özelliği. Örnek: "uid" or "sAMAccountName""],"Limit access to users meeting this criteria. Example: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))"":["Bu kriterleri karşılayan kullanıcılara erişim sınırlandırma. Örnek: "(objectClass=posixAccount)" or "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com))""],"Status: Error! (Message: {message})":["Durum: Hata! (Mesaj: {message})"],"Status: OK! ({userCount} Users)":["Durum: TAMAM! ( {usercount} Kullanıcılar)"],"The default base DN used for searching for accounts.":["Hesaplar için yapılan aramada varsayılan temel DN kullan."],"The default credentials password (used only with username above).":["Varsayılan kimlik şifresi (Sadece kullanıcı adı ile kullanılır)"],"The default credentials username. Some servers require that this be in DN form. This must be given in DN form if the LDAP server requires a DN to bind and binding should be possible with simple usernames.":["Varsayılan kimlik ismi. Bazı sunucular bu DN formda olmasını gerektirir.LDAP sunucusu bağlamak ve bağlayıcı basit kullanıcı adları ile mümkün olmalıdır DN gerektiriyorsa, bu DN şeklinde verilmelidir."],"Cache Settings":["Ön bellek Ayarları"],"Save & Flush Caches":["Kaydet ve önbelleği göm"],"CronJob settings":["CronJob Ayarları"],"Crontab of user: {user}":["Kullanıcı crontab: {user}"],"Last run (daily):":["Son çalışma (günlük):"],"Last run (hourly):":["Son çalışma (saatlik):"],"Never":["Asla"],"Or Crontab of root user":["Ya da Crontab root kullanıcı"],"Please make sure following cronjobs are installed:":["Lütfen aşağıdaki cronjobs öğelerinin yüklü olduğundan emin olun:"],"Alphabetical":["Alfabetik\n"],"Last visit":["Son Ziyaret"],"Design settings":["Dizayn Ayarları"],"Firstname Lastname (e.g. John Doe)":["Ad Soyad (Örnek: Mehmet Çifçi)"],"Username (e.g. john)":["Kullanıcı adı (Örnek: mehmet)"],"File settings":["Dosya Ayarları"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to allow all.":["Virgülle ayrılmış liste. Hepsine izin vermek için boş bırak"],"Comma separated list. Leave empty to show file list for all objects on wall.":["Listeleri virgül ile ayır. Duvara tüm nesneler için dosya listesini göstermek için boş bırakın."],"Current Image Libary: {currentImageLibary}":["Geçerli Resim Kütüphanesi: {currentImageLibary}"],"If not set, height will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, yükseklik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"If not set, width will default to 200px.":["Ayarlı değilse, genişlik 200px (varsayılan) olacaktır."],"PHP reported a maximum of {maxUploadSize} MB":["PHP maksimum sunulan {maxUploadSize} MB"],"Basic settings":["Temel Ayarlar"],"Confirm image deleting":["Görüntü silmeyi onayla"],"Dashboard":["Panel"],"E.g. http://example.com/humhub":["Örn. http://example.com/humhub"],"New users will automatically added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak belirli alana eklenir."],"You're using no logo at the moment. Upload your logo now.":["Logo kullanmıyorsun. Şimdi logo yükle."],"Mailing defaults":["Posta varsayılanları"],"Activities":["Aktiviteler"],"Always":["Herzaman"],"Daily summary":["Günlük özet"],"Defaults":["Varsayılan"],"Define defaults when a user receive e-mails about notifications or new activities. This settings can be overwritten by users in account settings.":["Kullanıcı bildirimleri veya yenilikler hakkında eposta alma özelliği varsayılan olarak tanımlıdır. Bu ayarı kullanıcı hesap ayarları bölümünden değiştirebilir."],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Server Settings":["Sunucu Ayarları"],"When I´m offline":["Ben çevrimdışıyken"],"Mailing settings":["Posta Ayarları"],"SMTP Options":["SMTP Ayarları"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Add new provider":["Yeni Sağlayacı Ekle"],"Currently active providers:":["Şuan da etkin sağlayıcılar:"],"Currently no provider active!":["Şuan sağlayıcılar aktif değil!"],"Add OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısı Ekle"],"Edit OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcısını Düzenle"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["Url Önek http:// ve https:// (Örnek: youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["Url için %url% yer tutucusunu kullanın. Url biçimi JSON olmalıdır. (Örnek: http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"Proxy settings":["Proxy ayarları"],"Security settings and roles":["Güvenlik Ayarları ve Roller"],"Self test":["Kendi kendini test et"],"Checking HumHub software prerequisites.":["HumHub yazılım önkoşulları denetleniyor."],"Re-Run tests":["Yeniden test et"],"Statistic settings":["İstatistik Ayarları"],"All":["Hepsi"],"Delete space":["Mekan sil"],"Edit space":["Mekan düzenle"],"Search for space name":["Mekan adı için arama"],"Search for space owner":["Mekan sahibi için arama"],"Space name":["Mekan adı"],"Space owner":["Mekan sahibi"],"View space":["Mekan görüntüle"],"Manage spaces":["Mekan Yönetimi"],"Define here default settings for new spaces.":["Yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarları tanımla"],"In this overview you can find every space and manage it.":["Tüm mekanlar bulunabilir ve yönetilebilir."],"Overview":["Genel Bakış"],"Settings":["Ayarlar"],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Add user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"Are you sure you want to delete this user? If this user is owner of some spaces, you will become owner of these spaces.":["Eğer bu kullanıcıya ait bazı mekanlar varsa, sen bu mekanların sahibi olacaksın. Bu kullanıcıyı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? "],"Delete user":["Kullanıcıyı sil"],"Delete user: {username}":["Kullanıcıyı sil: {username}"],"Edit user":["Kullanıcıyı düzenle"],"Admin":["Yönetici"],"Delete user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını sil"],"Edit user account":["Kullanıcı hesabını düzenle"],"No":["Hayır"],"View user profile":["Kullanıcı profilini görüntüle"],"Yes":["Evet"],"Manage users":["Kullanıcıları yönet"],"Add new user":["Yeni kullanıcı ekle"],"In this overview you can find every registered user and manage him.":["Kayıtlı kullanıcıları bulabilir, görüntüleyebilir ve yönetebilirsiniz."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni Profil Kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil Kategorisi düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni Profil Alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil Alanı düzenle"],"Manage profiles fields":["Profil alanlarını yönet"],"Add new category":["Yeni kategori ekle"],"Add new field":["Yeni alan ekle"],"Security & Roles":["Güvenlik ve roller"],"Administration menu":["Yönetici Menüsü"],"About":["Hakkımda"],"Authentication":["Kimlik doğrulama"],"Caching":["Ön bellekleme"],"Cron jobs":["Cron Jobs"],"Design":["Tasarım"],"Files":["Dosyalar"],"Groups":["Gruplar"],"Logging":["Oturum","Günlük"],"Mailing":["Posta"],"Modules":["Modüller"],"OEmbed Provider":["OEmbed Sağlayıcı"],"Proxy":["Proxy"],"Self test & update":["Test ve güncelleme"],"Statistics":["İstatistikler"],"User approval":["Kullanıcı onayları"],"User profiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Users":["Kullanıcılar"],"Click here to review":["Görüntülemek için tıklayın"],"New approval requests":["Yeni onay istekleri"],"One or more user needs your approval as group admin.":["Bir veya daha fazla kullanıcı grubu yönetici onayı bekliyor."],"Could not delete comment!":["Yorumu silinemedi!"],"Invalid target class given":["Verilen hedef sınıfı geçersiz"],"Model & Id Parameter required!":["Model & Id Parametresi gerekli!"],"Target not found!":["Hedef bulunamadı!"],"Access denied!":["Erişim engellendi!"],"Insufficent permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Comment":["Yorum"],"%displayName% wrote a new comment ":["%displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı"],"Comments":["Yorumlar"],"Edit your comment...":["Yorumunu düzenle..."],"%displayName% also commented your %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğe %displayName% yeni bir yorum yazdı."],"%displayName% commented %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini yorumladı."],"Show all {total} comments.":["Tüm yorumları göster {total}."],"Write a new comment...":["Yeni bir yorum yaz..."],"Post":["Gönderi"],"Show %count% more comments":["Daha %count% fazla yorum göster"],"Confirm comment deleting":["Yorum silme işlemini onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["Bu yorumu silmek istediğine emin misin?"],"Edit":["Düzenle"],"Updated :timeago":["Güncellendi :timeago"],"Could not load requested object!":["İstenen obje yüklenemedi"],"Unknown content class!":["Bilinmeyen içerik sınıfı!"],"Could not find requested content!":["İstenen içerik bulunamadı!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["İstenen permalink bulunamadı!"],"{userName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{userName} kullanıcısı {contentTitle} gönderisini oluşturdu"],"Submit":["Gönder"],"Move to archive":["Arşive taşı"],"Unarchive":["Arşivden taşı","Arşivden çıkar"],"Add a member to notify":["Bilgilendirme için bir kullanıcı ekle"],"Make private":["Gizli yap"],"Make public":["Açık yap"],"Notify members":["Üyeleri bilgilendir"],"Public":["Herkes"],"What's on your mind?":["Aklında neler var?"],"Confirm post deleting":["Gönderi silinmesini Onayla"],"Do you really want to delete this post? All likes and comments will be lost!":["Bu gönderiyi silmek istediğine emin misin? Tüm yorumlar ve beğeniler kaybolacak!","Bu yazıyı silmek istiyor musunuz? Yorumlar ve beğeniler silinecektir!"],"Archived":["Arşiv"],"Sticked":["Yapışkan"],"Turn off notifications":["Bildirimleri kapat"],"Turn on notifications":["Bildirimleri aç"],"Permalink to this post":["Gönderim için Permalink"],"Permalink":["Permalink"],"Stick":["Başa Tuttur"],"Unstick":["Baştan Kaldır"],"Nobody wrote something yet.
Make the beginning and post something...":["Daha hiçkimse birşey yazmamış.
Bir başlangıç yap ve birşeyler yaz..."],"This profile stream is still empty":["Bu profilin yayını hala boş"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Bu mekan hala boş!Burada bir şey paylaşarak başla..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Panon bomboş!Profilinde birşeyler paylaş veya birkaç mekana katıl!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Profil yayının hala boş
Başlangıç olarak birşeyler paylaş..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Filtrenize uyan hiçbir şey bulunamadı!"],"Show all":["Tümünü göster"],"Back to stream":["Yayına dön","Akışlara geri dön"],"Content with attached files":["Ekli dosyalarla içerik"],"Created by me":["Benim tarafımdan oluşturuldu","Açtıklarım"],"Creation time":["Oluşturulma zamanı","Oluşturma süresi"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Include archived posts":["Arşivlenen gönderileri içer"],"Last update":["Son güncelleme"],"Only private posts":["Sadece gizli gönderiler"],"Only public posts":["Sadece açık gönderiler"],"Posts only":["Sadece gönderiler"],"Posts with links":["Linkler gönderilerle birlikte"],"Sorting":["Sıralama"],"Where I´m involved":["Nerede gelişebilirim"],"No public contents to display found!":["Gösterilebilecek içerik bulanamadı!"],"Directory":["Dizin"],"Member Group Directory":["Kullanıcı Grup dizini"],"show all members":["tüm kullanıcıları göster"],"Directory menu":["Dizin menüsü"],"Members":["Üyeler","Kullanıcılar"],"User profile posts":["Kullanıcı gönderileri"],"Member directory":["Kullanıcı dizini"],"Follow":["Takip et"],"No members found!":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"Unfollow":["Takibi Bırak"],"search for members":["kullanıcılar için ara"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"No spaces found!":["Mekan bulunamadı!"],"You are a member of this space":["Bu mekanın bir üyesisiniz"],"search for spaces":["mekanlarda ara"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["Profil mesajı henüz bulunmamaktadır!"],"Group stats":["Grup istatistikleri"],"Average members":["Ortalama üye"],"Top Group":["En iyi grup"],"Total groups":["Toplam gruplar"],"Member stats":["Kullanıcı istatistikleri"],"New people":["Yeni insanlar"],"Follows somebody":["Birilerini takip et"],"Online right now":["Şu anda çevrimiçi"],"Total users":["Toplam kullanıcı"],"See all":["Tümünü gör"],"New spaces":["Yeni mekanlar"],"Space stats":["Mekan istatistikleri"],"Most members":["Çoğu üye"],"Private spaces":["Özel mekanlar"],"Total spaces":["Toplam mekanlar"],"Could not find requested file!":["İstenen dosya bulunamadı!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["Yetersiz izinler!"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["Maksimum dosya büyüklüğüne {maxFileSize} ulaşıldı"],"This file type is not allowed!":["Bu dosya türü için izin yok!"],"Created By":["Oluşturan"],"Created at":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"File name":["Dosya adı"],"Guid":["Guid"],"ID":["ID","Kimlik","İD"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["Geçersiz Mime-Type"],"Mime Type":["Mime Type"],"Size":["Boyut"],"Updated at":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Updated by":["Güncelleyen"],"Could not upload File:":["Dosya yüklenemedi:"],"Upload files":["Dosya yükle"],"List of already uploaded files:":["Yüklenen dosyaların listesi:"],"Create Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı Oluştur"],"Name of your network":["Sosyal Ağınızın Adı"],"Name of Database":["Database Adı"],"Admin Account":["Yönetici Hesabı"],"You're almost done. In the last step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Neredeyse bitti. Son adımda bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmak için formu doldurmanız gerekli. Bu hesapla sosyal ağı yöneteceksiniz."],"Next":["İleri","Devam"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["Yeni bir Sosyal Ağ adı gerekiyor. Beğendiğiniz bir isim giriniz."],"Social Network Name":["Sosyal Ağ İsim"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["Tebrikler tüm adımları tamamladınız."],"Setup Complete":["Kurulum Tamamlandı"],"Sign in":["Giriş Yap"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["Kurulum başarıyla tamamlandı!
Yeni sosyal ağınız ile paylaşım yapmaya başlayabilirsiniz."],"Setup Wizard":["Kurulum Sihirbazı"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["Humhub Sosyal Ağ Kurulumu"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["Kurulum sihirbazı ile kendi Humhub Sosyal Ağınızı oluşturabilirsiniz.
Devam etmek için İleri'yi tıklatın."],"Yes, database connection works!":["Evet, veritabanı bağlantısı çalışıyor!"],"Database Configuration":["Veritabanı Ayarlamaları"],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["Ohh, bir şeyler yanlış gitti!"],"Your MySQL password.":["MySQL şifre"],"Your MySQL username":["MySQL kullanıcı adı"],"System Check":["Sistem Kontrol"],"Check again":["Kontrol Et"],"Could not find target class!":["Hedef bölüm bulunamadı!"],"Could not find target record!":["Hedef kayıt bulunamadı!"],"Invalid class given!":["Verilen bölüm geçersiz!"],"Users who like this":["Hangi kullanıcılar beğendi"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} beğendi {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% içeriğini %displayName% beğendi."],"%displayName% likes %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% %contentTitle% içeriğini beğendi."],"Like":["Beğen"],"Unlike":["Beğenme"]," likes this.":["beğendi."],"You like this.":["Bunu beğendin."],"You
"],"and {count} more like this.":["ve {count} kişi beğendi."],"Could not determine redirect url for this kind of source object!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen link saptanamıyor!"],"Could not load notification source object to redirect to!":["Kaynak nesne için yönlendirilen bildirim bulunamıyor!"],"New":["Yeni"],"Mark all as seen":["Hepsini okundu işaretle"],"There are no notifications yet.":["Henüz bildirim bulunmuyor."],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% yeni bir gönderi yazdı."],"Edit your post...":["Gönderini düzenle..."],"Read full post...":["Gönderinin tamamını oku..."],"Search results":["Arama sonuçları"],"Content":["İçerik"],"Send & decline":["Gönder ve kabul etme"],"Visible for all":["Tümü görebilir"]," Invite and request":[" Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["Mekan sahibi bir kullanıcı silinemedi! Mekanın adı: {spaceName}"],"Everyone can enter":["Herkes girebilir"],"Invite and request":["Davet et ve İstek yolla"],"Only by invite":["Sadece davelliler"],"Private (Invisible)":["Özel (Görünmez)"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["Genel (Üyeler & Misafir)"],"Public (Members only)":["Genel (Üyeler için)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["Genel (Sadece kayıtlı kullanıcılar)"],"Public (Visible)":["Genel (Görünür)"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["Tümü görebilir (Üye ve Misafir)"],"Space is invisible!":["Mekan görünmez!"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["Bu alanda içeriğini görüntülemek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["Sahibi olarak siz üyeliğinizi iptal edemezsiniz!"],"Could not request membership!":["Üyelik isteği olmadı!"],"There is no pending invite!":["Bekleyen davet bulunmuyor!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["Bu eylem sadece mekan üyeleri için kullanabilir!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["Bu mekana katılmanıza izin verilmiyor!"],"Your password":["Şifreniz"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["e-mail adresi ile yeni kullanıcı (virgülle ayılmış)"],"Invites":["Davetler"],"User is already member!":["Kullanıcı zaten üye"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email} zaten kayıtlı!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} adresi geçersiz!"],"Application message":["Uygulama mesajı"],"Scope":["Faaliyet"],"Strength":["Kadro"],"Created At":["Oluşturulma zamanı"],"Join Policy":["Politikaya Katıl"],"Name":["Ad"],"Owner":["Sahibi","Yönetici"],"Status":["Durum"],"Tags":["Etiketler"],"Updated At":["Güncelleme zamanı"],"Visibility":["Görünüm"],"Website URL (optional)":["Website adresi (isteğe bağlı)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["Özel görünür mekanlar oluşturamazsın!"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["Genel görünür mekanlar oluşturamazsın!"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["Kullanıcı fotoğrafı olarak kullanmak istediğin alanı seç ve Kaydet e tıkla"],"Modify space image":["Mekan resmi değiştir"],"Delete space":["Mekanı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["Tüm yayınlanan içerikler silinecektir! Bu mekanı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["Lütfen devam etmek için şifrenizi girin!"],"General space settings":["Genel mekan ayarları"],"Archive":["Arşiv"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["Bu çalışma alanı için geçerli bir üyelik türü seçin."],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["Bu çalışma alanının görünürlük düzeyini seçin."],"Search members":["Üyelerde ara"],"Manage your space members":["Mekan üyelerini yönet"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen davetler"],"Outstanding user requests":["Gönderilmeyi bekleyen istekler"],"Remove member":["Üyeyi sil"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["Bu kullanıcının diğerlerini
davet etmesine izin ver"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["Bu kullanıcının içerik
oluşturmasına izin ver"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["Bu üyeyi mekandan silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"],"Can invite":["Davet edebilir"],"Can share":["Paylaşabilir"],"Change space owner":["Mekan sahibi değiştir"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["Kimler eposta ile davet gönderebilir, burada listelenmez."],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["Aşağıdaki mekanda aktif kullanıcılara bakın. Ayrıcalıklarını düzenleyebilir ya da kaldırabilirsiniz."],"Is admin":["Yönetici"],"Make this user an admin":["Bu kullanıcıyı yönetici yap"],"No, cancel":["Hayır, iptal"],"Remove":["Sil"],"Request message":["İstek mesajı"],"Revoke invitation":["Daveti geri al"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar mekana katılmak için onay bekliyor. Lütfen bir aksiyon seçin."],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["Aşağıdaki kullanıcılar zaten bu mekana davet edildi, fakat şimdiye kadar daveti takip etmediler."],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["Tüm ayrıcalıklara ve süper admin yetkilerine olan mekan sahipleri ve mekan oluşturan normal kullanıcılar. Burda başka bir kullanıcı ile rolleri değiştirebilirsiniz."],"Yes, remove":["Evet, sil"],"Space Modules":["Mekan Modülleri"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["Emin misiniz? Bu alan için *TÜM * modül verileri silinecek!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["Şu anda bu mekanda hiçbir modül bulunmuyor!"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["Modüller ile bu alanı geliştirin."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan oluştur"],"Advanced access settings":["Gelişmiş erişim ayarları "],"Advanced search settings":["Gelişmiş arama ayarları"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["Üye olmayanlar bu mekanı
görebilir, fakat erişemezler."],"Create":["Oluştur"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["Tüm kullanıcılar onay olmadan
mekana katılabilirler"],"For everyone":["Herkes için"],"How you want to name your space?":["Mekanınıza nasıl bir isim istiyorsunuz?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["Diğer kullanıcılar için küçük bir açıklama yazınız."],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["Bu mekan üye olmayanlar için gizli olacak"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["Kullanıcılar bu alana
üyelik için başvurabilir"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["Kullanıcılar sadece
davetiye ile eklenebilir"],"space description":["mekan açıklaması"],"space name":["mekan adı"],"{userName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talepleri {userName}"],"{userName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyeliğiniz onaylandı {userName}"],"{userName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için üyelik talebiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"{userName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{userName} sizi {spaceName} mekanına davet etti"],"{userName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz kabul edildi {userName}"],"{userName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{spaceName} mekanı için davetiniz reddedildi {userName}"],"This space is still empty!":["Bu alan halen boş!"],"Accept Invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Become member":["Üye ol"],"Cancel membership":["Mekandan Ayrıl"],"Cancel pending membership application":["Bekleyen üyelik başvurusunu iptal et"],"Deny Invite":["Daveti reddet"],"Request membership":["Üyelik isteği"],"You are the owner of this workspace.":["Bu mekanın sahibi"],"created by":["oluşturan"],"Invite members":["Üye davet et"],"Add an user":["Kullanıcı ekle"],"Email addresses":["Email adresleri"],"Invite by email":["Email ile davet et"],"New user?":["Yeni kullanıcı?"],"Pick users":["Kullanıcıları seç"],"Send":["Gönder"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["Bu mekana kullanıcıları davet etmek, bulmak ve onları almak için aşağıya isimlerini yazınız."],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["Dışardan kullanıcı davet edebilirsiniz. Sadece virgülle ayırarak e-posta adreslerini ekleyin."],"Request space membership":["Mekan üyeliği isteği","Mekan üyelik isteği"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde mekan sahiplerine iletildi."],"Ok":["Tamam"],"User has become a member.":["Kullanıcı üye yapılmıştır."],"User has been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edildi."],"User has not been invited.":["Kullanıcı davet edilmemiştir."],"Back to workspace":["Mekana geri dön"],"Space preferences":["Mekan tercihleri"],"General":["Genel"],"My Space List":["Mekan listesi"],"My space summary":["Mekan özeti"],"Space directory":["Mekan dizini"],"Space menu":["Mekan menüsü"],"Stream":["Akış","Yayın"],"Change image":["Resmi değiştir"],"Current space image":["Geçerli mekan resmi"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["Kapak resmini silmek istiyor musun?","Başlık görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["Profil resmini silmek istiyor musun?"],"Invite":["Davet"],"Something went wrong":["Birşeyler yanlış"],"Followers":["Takipçiler"],"Posts":["Mesajlar"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["Bu mekana üye olabilmek için lütfen kısaca kendinizi tanıtın."],"Request workspace membership":["Mekan üyeliği talebi"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["İsteğiniz başarılı bir şekilde yöneticilere iletildi."],"Create new space":["Yeni mekan aç"],"My spaces":["Mekanlarım","Mekanım"],"Space info":["Mekan bilgisi"],"more":["daha"],"Accept invite":["Daveti kabul et"],"Deny invite":["Davet reddet"],"Leave space":["Mekandan ayrıl"],"New member request":["Yeni üye isteği"],"Space members":["Mekan üyeleri"],"End guide":["Klavuz sonu"],"Next »":["İleri »"],"« Prev":["« Geri"],"Administration":["Yönetim"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["Yaşasın! Şimdilik hepsi bu."],"Modules":["Modüller"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["Bir yönetici olarak, buradan tüm platformu yönetebilirsiniz.
Modüllerden ayrı olarak, burada olarak her bir noktaya detay oluşturabilir, kendi kısa açıklamalarını belirtebilirsiniz."],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["Şu an araçlar menüsündesiniz. Burdan HumHub online pazarına erişebilir, anında yüklemeler yapabilirsiniz.
Araçları mekanları özelleştirmek için kullanabilirsiniz."],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["En önemli özellikleri ve ayarları öğrendin ve hepsi platformu kullanmaya başlaman için ayarlandı.
Umarız sen ve gelecekteki tüm kullanıcılar siteyi kullanırken eğlenirsiniz. Projemiz için her türlü istediğin öneri ve desteklerini bekliyor olacağız. Bizle rahatlıkla www.humhub.org adresinden iletişime geçebilirsin.
Bizi izlemeye devam edin. :-)"],"Dashboard":["Kontrol paneli"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["Bu sizin kontrol paneliniz
Yeni aktiviyelere ve gönderiler bu link altında gösterilir."],"Administration (Modules)":["Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Edit account":["Hesap düzenle"],"Hurray! The End.":["Yaşasın! Bitti."],"Hurray! You're done!":["Yaşasın! Başardın!"],"Profile menu":["Profil menü","Profil menüsü"],"Profile photo":["Profil resmi"],"Profile stream":["Profil akışı"],"User profile":["Kullanıcı profili"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["Butona tıklayarak profilini güncelleyebilir veya hesap ayarlarını düzenleyebilirsin. Ayrıca profili daha fazla bilgi ekleyebilirsin. "],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["Her profil kendi panolarına sahiptir. Ayrıca seni takip eden kişiler gönderilerini buradn görebilir."],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["Mekan gibi, kullanıcı profili de çeşitli modüllerle kişiselleştirilebilir.
Profilin için uygun olan modüllere hesap ayarları menüsündeki \"Modüller\" sekmesinden bakabilirsin."],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["Bu senin açık kullanıcı profilin, profilin üye olan kullanıcılar tarafından görünürdür."],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["Buraya tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile kolayca profil fotoğrafı yükleyebilirsin. Aynı şeyi kapak fotoğrafın için de yapabilirsin."],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
":["Kullanıcı profil rehberini bitirdin!
Yönetim rehberine devam etmek için, buraya tıkla:
"],"Most recent activities":["Son aktiviteler"],"Posts":["Gönderiler"],"Profile Guide":["Profil Rehberi"],"Space":["Mekan"],"Space navigation menu":["Mekan navigasyon menü"],"Writing posts":["Gönderi oluşturma"],"Yay! You're done.":["Hey! Herşeyi kaptın."],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["Mekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.
Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebiMekanın tüm üyeleri burada görünecek.
Yeni üyeler yöneticinin yetki verdiği herhangi bir üye tarafından eklenebilir."],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["Diğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.
Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebiDiğer üyelere mekan hakkında kısa öz bilgi ver. Buraya basit bilgiler ekleyebilirsin.
Mekan yöneticisi mekanın kapak fotoğrafını tıklayarak veya sürükle&bırak ile değiştirebilir."],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["Yeni gönderileri buradan yazıp gönderilirsin."],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["Mekana katıldığında veya yeni oluşturduğunda projeler üzerinde çalışabilirsin, konular üzerinde tartış veya sadece diğerleri ile bilgi paylaş.
Mekanı kişiselleştirmek için birçok araç mevcut, bu sayede proje sürecini daha üretken hale getirebilirsin."],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["Bu mekan rehberi için.
Profil rehberine devam etmek için buraya tıkla:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["Buradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.
Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebiBuradan mekanını yönetebilirsin - seçtiğin veya bulunduğun mekan için modülleri aktifleştirip inaktifleştirebileceğin araçlar mevcut. Örneğin oylamalar, görevler veya notlar olabilir.
Sadece mekan yöneticisi modülleri yönetebilir."],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["Bu menü sadece mekan yöneticileri için görünür. Buradan mekan ayarlarını yönetebilir, üye ekleme/engelleme ve modül aktifleştirme/deaktifleştirme işlemlerini yapabilirsin."],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["Kendini güncel tutman için, diğer kullanıcıların son aktiviteleri burada görünecek."],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["Senin ve diğer kullanıcıların gönderileri burada görünecek.
Buradan beğenilebilir veya yorumda bulunulabilir. "],"Account Menu":["Hesap Menüsü"],"Notifications":["Bildirimler"],"Space Menu":["Mekan Menüsü"],"Start space guide":["Mekan rehberine Başla"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["Hiçbirşeyi kaçırma!
Bu ikon seni ilgilendiren aktiviteler ve gönderiler hakkında seni doğrudan bilgilendirecek."],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["Hesap menüsü sana gizli ayarlarına erişim hakkı ve açık profilini yönetmeni sağlar."],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["Bu en önemli menü muhtemelen en çok kullandığın menü olacak!
Katıldığın mekanlara gözat, yeni mekanlar oluştur.
Sonraki adımda nasıl olacağını göreceksin:"]," Remove panel":[" Paneli kaldır"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["Rehber: Yönetim (Modüller)"],"Guide: Overview":["Rehber: Genel bakış"],"Guide: Spaces":["Rehber: Mekanlar"],"Guide: User profile":["Rehber: Kullanıcı profili"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["Adımları takip ederek özelliklerini tanıyın:"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["Bu kullanıcı hesabı henüz onaylanmamış!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["Bu kullanıcının profilini görmek için giriş yapmalısınız!"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Girdiğin şifre yanlış"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Burada şifreni değiştiremezsin."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Geçersiz link! 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Please follow the instructions inside.":["Yeni mail adresine bir doğrulama maili gönderdik.
Lütfen içindeki adımları takip et"],"Change password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password changed":["Şifre Değişti"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["Şifren başarı ile değiştirildi!"],"Modify your profile image":["Profil fotoğrafını değiştir"],"Delete account":["Hesabı Sil"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["Hesabını silmek istediğine emin misin?
Tüm yayında olan gönderilerin kaldırılacak! "],"Delete account":["Hesabı sil"],"Enter your password to continue":["Devam için şifrenizi girin"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["Özür dileriz, bir mekan sahibi olarak hesabını silemezsin!
Lütfen mekanı başka bir kullanıcıya devret veya hepsini sil!"],"User details":["Kullanıcı detayları"],"User modules":["Kullanıcı modülleri"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["Profilindeki *TÜM* modül verileri silinmiş olacak! Emin misin?"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["Profilini modüllerle genişlet."],"User settings":["Kullanıcı ayarları"],"Getting Started":["Başlarken"],"Registered users only":["Kayıtlı kullanıcılar sadece"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["Görünürlük tüm (ayrıca kayıtsız kullanıcılar için) "],"Desktop Notifications":["Masaüstü Bildirimler"],"Email Notifications":["Email Bildirimleri"],"Get a desktop notification when you are online.":["Çevrimiçi olduğunuzda bir masaüstü bildirim alın."],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["İş mekanları içerisinde takip ettiğin her kişinin her aktivitesi için."],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["Gönderine kullanıcılar yorum yaptığında veya beğendiğinde mail al."],"Account registration":["Hesap oluştur"],"Create Account":["Hesap Oluştur"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["Hesabın başarı ile oluşturuldu!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["Hesabın yöneticiler tarafından aktif edildikten sonra, bir mail ile bilgilendirileceksin."],"Go to login page":["Giriş sayfasına git"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["Yeni hesabınla giriş yapmak için, aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"back to home":["anasayfaya dön","Anasayfaya dön"],"Please sign in":["Giriş yap"],"Sign up":["Kayıt ol"],"Create a new one.":["Yeni oluştur"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["Bir hesabınız yok mu? E-posta adresinizi girerek kayıt olun."],"Forgot your password?":["Şifreni mi unuttun?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["Üye iseniz Kullanıcı Adı/ E-posta ve şifreniz ile giriş yapınız."],"Register":["Kayıt Ol"],"email":["E-posta"],"password":["Şifre"],"username or email":["Kullanıcı Adı / E-posta"],"Password recovery":[" Şifre kurtarma","Şifre kurtarma"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["Sadece mail adresini gir. Sana şifreni kurtarma adımlarını göndereceğiz."],"Password recovery":["Şifre kurtarma"],"Reset password":["Şifre sıfırla"],"enter security code above":["Yeni Şifre"],"your email":["E-posta Adresin"],"Password recovery!":["Şifre kurtar!"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["Sana şifreni sıfırlamana yardımcı olacak bir mail gönderdik."],"Registration successful!":["Kayıt başarılı!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["Lütfen email adresini kontrol et ve bilgilere uy!"],"Registration successful":["Kayıt başarılı"],"Change your password":["Şifreni Değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Change password":["Şifre değiştir"],"Password reset":["Şifreni sıfırla"],"Password changed!":["Şifre değişti!"],"Confirm your new email address":["Yeni mail adresinizi doğrulayın"],"Confirm":["Doğrula"],"Hello":["Merhaba"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["Email adresini değiştirmek için istek yolladın.
Yeni mail adresin {newemail}.
Yeni mail adresini kabul etmek için aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"Hello {displayName}":["Merhaba {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["Eğer bu linki 24 saat içinde kullanmazsan, geçerliliği bitecek."],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["Lütfen 24 saat içerisinde şifrenizi kurtarmak için takip eden linke tıklayın."],"Reset Password":["Şifre Sıfırla"],"Registration Link":["Kayıt Linki"],"Sign up":["Kaydol"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["%appName% uygulamasına hoşgeldin. Üyelikle devam etmek için lütfen aşağıdaki butona tıkla."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
Bir sosyal ağ iletişi ve takımına katılmak için..
Şimdi kaydol ve mekana katıl."],"Sign up now":["Şimdi kaydolun","Şimdi kayıt ol"],"Space Invite":["Mekan DavMekan Davet"],"You got a space invite":["Bir mekan davetin var"],"invited you to the space:":["Mekana davet eden:"],"{userName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{userName} {contentTitle} içeriğinde senden bahsetti."],"{userName} is now following you.":["{userName} şimdi seni takip ediyor."],"About this user":["Bu kullanıcı hakkında"],"Modify your title image":["Başlık fotoğrafını değiştir"],"This profile stream is still empty!":["Profil yayını hala boş!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["Logo görüntüsünü silmek istiyor musun?"],"Account settings":["Hesap ayarları"],"Profile":["Profil"],"Edit account":["Hesabı düzenle"],"Following":["Takip edilenler"],"Following user":["Takip edilen kullanıcı"],"User followers":["Kullanıcı takipçileri"],"Member in these spaces":["Üye mekanları"],"User tags":["Kullanıcı etiketler"],"No birthday.":["Hiçbir doğum günü yok."],"Back to modules":["Modüllere dön"],"Tomorrow":["Yarın"],"Upcoming":["Yaklaşan"],"becomes":["olur"],"birthdays":["doğum günü"],"days":["Günler"],"today":["bugün"],"years old.":["yaşında."],"Active":["Aktif"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["Tüm kullanıcılar için işaretle olarak görünmeyen"],"Breaking News Configuration":["Son Dakika Haberleri Yapılandırma"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["Not: Markdown söz dizimini kullanabilirsiniz."],"End Date and Time":["Bitiş tarihi ve saati"],"Recur":["Hatırlatma"],"Recur End":["Son hatırlatma"],"Recur Interval":["Aralıklarla hatırlatma"],"Recur Type":["Hatırlatma şekli"],"Select participants":["Katılımcıları seç"],"Start Date and Time":["Başlangıç tarihi ve saati"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["Bu etkinliğe erişmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["Etkinlik oluşturmak için izniniz yok!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["Profilinize ve ana menünüze etkinlikler için bir takvim ekler."],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["Bu mekana bir etkinlik takvimi ekler."],"All Day":["Tüm günler"],"Attending users":["Katılanlar"],"Calendar":["Takvim"],"Declining users":["Katılmayanlar"],"End Date":["Bitiş tarihi"],"End time must be after start time!":["Bitiş saati başlangıç zamanından sonra olmalıdır!"],"Event":["Etkinlik"],"Event not found!":["Etkinlik bulunamadı!"],"Maybe attending users":["Belki katılanlar"],"Participation Mode":["Katılım şekli"],"Start Date":["Başlangıç tarihi"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["Bu etkinliği silmek için izniniz yok!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["Bu etkinliği düzenlemek için izniniz yok!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% yeni bir %contentTitle% içerik oluşturdu."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katıldı."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% belki katılıcak."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%contentTitle% etkinliğe %displayName% katılmıyor."],"Start Date/Time":["Başlangıç tarih/saat"],"Create event":["Etkinlik oluştur"],"Edit event":["Etkinlik düzenle"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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"],"Save & Test":["Kaydet ve test et"],"The notes module needs a etherpad server up and running!":["Not modülü için çalışan bir etherpad sunucusuna ihtiyaç var!"],"Save and close":["Kaydet ve kapat"],"{userName} created a new note and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için yeni bir not oluşturdu."],"{userName} has worked on the note {spaceName}.":["{userName} kullanıcı {spaceName} bulunan not üzerinde çalıştı."],"Open note":["Notu aç"],"Title of your new note":["Yeni not başlığı"],"No notes found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtreyle eşleşen hiç bir not bulunamadı!"],"There are no notes yet!":["Henüz not girilmemiş!"],"Polls":["Anketler"],"Could not load poll!":["Anket yüklenemedi!"],"Invalid answer!":["Geçersiz cevap!"],"Users voted for: {answer}":["Kullanıcılar oyladı: {answer}"],"Voting for multiple answers is disabled!":["Birden fazla cevap için oylama devre dışı bırakıldı!"],"You have insufficient permissions to perform that operation!":["Bu işlemi gerçekleştirmek için yeterli izinlere sahip değilsiniz!"],"Answers":["Cevaplar"],"Multiple answers per user":["Kullanıcılar için çoklu cevap"],"Please specify at least {min} answers!":["Lütfen en az {min} cevap işaretleyin!"],"Question":["Soru"],"{userName} voted the {question}.":["{question} anketi {userName} oyladı."],"{userName} created a new {question}.":["{userName} yeni bir soru sordu {question}."],"User who vote this":["Hangi kullanıcılar oyladı"],"{userName} created a new poll and assigned you.":["{userName} sizin için bir soru sordu."],"Ask":["Sor"],"Reset my vote":["Oyumu sıfırla"],"Vote":["Oyla"],"and {count} more vote for this.":["ve {count} oy verildi."],"votes":["oylar"],"Allow multiple answers per user?":["Birden fazla cevap verilsin mi?"],"Ask something...":["Bir şeyler sor..."],"Possible answers (one per line)":["Olası cevaplar (her satır bir cevap)"],"Display all":["Hepsini görüntüle"],"No poll found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Geçerli filtre ile eşleşen anket yok!"],"Asked by me":["Bana sorulan"],"No answered yet":["Henüz cevap yok"],"Only private polls":["Sadece özel anketler"],"Only public polls":["Sadece genel anketler"],"Manage reported posts":["Raporlanan mesajlar"],"Reported posts":["Raporlar"],"by :displayName":[":displayName tarafından"],"Doesn't belong to space":["Mekana ait değil"],"Offensive":["Saldırgan"],"Spam":["Spam"],"Here you can manage reported users posts.":["Bu alanda kullanıcıların mesaj raporlarını yönetebilirsiniz."],"Here you can manage reported posts for this space.":["Bu alanda bildirilen mesajları yönetebilirsiniz."],"Appropriate":["Uygun"],"Delete post":["Mesajı sil"],"Reason":["Neden"],"Reporter":["Tarafından"],"Tasks":["Görevler"],"Could not access task!":["Göreve erişilemedi!"],"{userName} assigned to task {task}.":["{userName} size bir görev atadı {task}."],"{userName} created task {task}.":["{userName} görev oluşturdu {task}."],"{userName} finished task {task}.":["{task} Görev sona erdi {userName} .","{userName} görev sona erdi {task}."],"{userName} assigned you to the task {task}.":["{userName} size {task} görevini atadı."],"{userName} created a new task {task}.":["{userName} yeni bir görev oluşturdu {task}."],"This task is already done":["Görev zaten yapıldı"],"You're not assigned to this task":["Bu göreve atanmadınız."],"Click, to finish this task":["Görevi tamamlamak için tıklayın"],"This task is already done. 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Be the first and create one...":["Henüz görev yok!
İlk görevi oluşturun..."],"Assigned to me":["Bana atanan"],"Nobody assigned":["Hiç kimseye atanan"],"State is finished":["Durum sona erdi"],"State is open":["Durum açık"],"What to do?":["Ne yapalım?"],"Translation Manager":["Çeviri Menejeri"],"Translations":["Çeviriler"],"Translation Editor":["Çeviri Editörü"],"Wiki Module":["Wiki Modül"],"Edit page":["Sayfa Düzenle"],"Main page":["Anasayfa"],"New page":["Yeni sayfa"],"Revert":["Eski haline dön"],"View":["Görünüm"],"Create new page":["Yeni sayfa oluştur"],"New page title":["Yeni Sayfa Başlığı"],"Allow":["İzin ver"],"Default":["Standart"],"Deny":["Reddet"],"Please type at least 3 characters":["Lütfen en az 3 karakter giriniz"],"Add purchased module by licence key":["Satın alınan lisans anahtarı ile modül ekle"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.
\n\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\n\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.
\n\n Saygılarımızla
\n {AdminName}
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İşlem yaparken devre dışı bırakın!"],"See installation manual for more details.":["Daha fazla bilgi için kurulum kılavuzuna bakınız."],"Buy (%price%)":["Satın Al (%price%)"],"Installing module...":["Modül yükleniyor ..."],"Licence Key:":["Lisans Anahtarı:"],"Auto format based on user language - Example: {example}":["Kullanıcı diline göre otomatik biçim - Örnek: {example}"],"Fixed format (mm/dd/yyyy) - Example: {example}":["Sabit biçim (mm/dd/yyyy) - Örnek: {example}"],"Actions":["Eylemler"],"Last login":["Son giriş"],"never":["asla"],"Error!":["Hata!"],"Purchases":["Satın Alınanlar"],"Enable module...":["Modül etkinleştiriliyor..."],"Updating module...":["Modül güncelleniyor..."],"Allows the user to add comments":["Kullanıcı yorum eklemesi için izin verir"],"Create comment":["Yorum oluşturma"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yeni oluşturulan {contentTitle}."],"in":[", "],"Group members - {group}":["Grup üyeleri - {group}"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["Sadece belirli alanlarda ara:"],"Private":["Gizli"],"Members":["Üyeler"],"Color":["Renk"],"Add Modules":["Modül ekle"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["Mesajları gizle"],"Show posts on dashboard":["Mesajları göster"],"Permissions":["İzinler"],"Confirm new password":["Yeni şifreyi onayla"],"No users found.":["Kullanıcı bulunamadı."],"Date":["Tarih"],"Hide age per default":["Varsayılan olarak yaşı gizle"],"Remember me":["Beni hatırla"],"Confirm delete file":["Dosya silmeyi onayla"],"Add directory":["Dizin ekle"],"Creator":["Yaratıcı"],"Download":["İndir"],"Edit directory":["Düzenleme dizini"],"Move":["Taşı"],"Open":["Aç"],"Enterprise Edition Licence":["Enterprise Paket Lisans"],"Licence Serial Code":["Lisans Seri Kodu"],"Create new ldap mapping":["Yeni ldap eşleme oluştur"],"Edit ldap mapping":["Düzenleme ldap haritalama"],"LDAP member mapping":["LDAP üye haritalama"],"Create new mapping":["Yeni bir eşleme oluştur"],"Space ID":["Alan İD"],"You cannot send a email to yourself!":["Kendinize e-posta gönderemessiniz!"],"Add recipients":["Alıcıları ekle"],"Delete conversation":["Konuşmayı sil"],"Leave conversation":["Konuşmadan ayrıl"],"Title of this entry":["İçeriğin başlığı"],"created by :displayName":["oluşturan :displayName"],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as offensive.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% as spam.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı spam olarak bildirildi."],"%displayName% has reported %contentTitle% for not belonging to the space.":["%displayName% tarafından %contentTitle% mesajı mekana ait değil olarak bildirildi."],"Confirm post deletion":["Mesaj silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm report deletion":["Rapor silmeyi onayla"],"Delete report":["Raporu Sil"],"Do you really want to delete this report?":["Bu raporu silmek istiyor musunuz?"],"There are no reported posts.":["Rapor edilen mesaj bulunamadı."],"Does not belong to this space":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"It's offensive":["Saldırgan içerik"],"It's spam":["Spam mesaj"],"Report post":["Mesajı bildir"],"Deadline":["Son tarih"],"What is to do?":["Ne yapmak istiyorsun?"],"Assign users to this task":["Göreve kullanıcı atama"],"Deadline for this task?":["Görev için son tarih?"],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelleme"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Backup all your files & database before proceed":["Tüm dosyalarınızı ve veritabanını yedekleyin"],"Check for next update":["Güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol edin"],"Could not extract update package!":["Güncelleştirme paketi açılamadı!"],"Could not get update info online! 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(%error%)"],"Database migration results:":["Veritabanı göç sonuçları:"],"Do not use this updater in combination with Git or Composer installations!":["Git ve Besteci kurulumları ile birlikte bu güncelleme modülünü kullanmayın!"],"Downloading update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi indiriliyor..."],"Installing update package...":["Güncelleştirme paketi yükleniyor..."],"Make sure all files are writable by application":["Tüm dosyalar ve uygulamalar yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun"],"Make sure custom modules or themes are compatible with version %version%":["Özel modüller ve tema sürümü ile uyumlu olduğundan emin olun"],"Please make sure following files are writable by application:":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar uygulama tarafından yazılabilir olsun:"],"Please note:":["Lütfen aklınızda bulundurun:"],"Please update installed marketplace modules before and after the update":["Güncellemeden önce ve sonra yüklü olan modülleri güncelleyin"],"Proceed Installation":["Kuruluma Devam"],"Release Notes:":["Sürüm notları:"],"Show database migration results":["Veritabanı göç sonuçlarını göster"],"Start Installation":["Kurulumu Başlat"],"The following files seems to be not original (%version%) and will be overwritten or deleted during update process.":["Aşağıdaki dosyalar (%version%) sürüme ait görünüyor, değişiklikler yapılıp güncelleme işlemi sırasında silinecektir."],"There is a new update to %version% available!":["Yeni bir sürüm %version% mevcut!"],"There is no new HumHub update available!":["Yeni güncelleme mevcut değil!"],"Update HumHub BETA":["HumHub Güncelleme BETA"],"Update package invalid!":["Güncelleştirme paketi geçersiz!"],"Warning!":["Uyarı!"],"Warnings:":["Uyarılar:"],"successfully installed!":["başarıyla yüklendi!"],"version update":["sürüm güncelleme"],"Update download failed! 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A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\nto join this space.":["
İletişim ve takım çalışmasını artırmak için bir sosyal ağ.
Şimdi sosyal ağa katılmak için kayıt olun."],"Dropbox settings":["Dropbox ayarlar"],"Select files from dropbox":["Dropbox dosya seçin"],"Types":["Türler"],"Anonymous poll!":["Misafir anket!"],"Confirm page deleting":["Sayfa silmeyi onayla"],"Confirm page reverting":["Sayfa dönüştürmeyi onayla"],"Overview of all pages":["Sayfalara genel bakış"],"Back to page":["Sayfaya dön"],"Go back":["Geri dön"],"Let's go!":["Kullanmaya Başla!"],"Page History":["Sayfa Geçmişi"],"Wiki page":["Wiki sayfası"],"Enter a wiki page name or url (e.g. http://example.com)":["Wiki sayfası adı veya url girin (örnek: http://example.com)"],"Page content":["Sayfa içeriği"],"Open wiki page...":["Wiki sayfası açık..."],"Most active people":["Aktif kişiler"],"Get a list":["Göster"],"Anonymous":["Misafir"],"Closed":["Kapalı"],"Add answer...":["Cevap ekleyin..."],"Anonymous Votes?":["Misafir oy?"],"Display answers in random order?":["Cevapları rastgele sırala?"],"Edit your poll question...":["Anket sorusunu düzenle..."],"There are no polls yet!":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!"],"There are no polls yet!
Be the first and create one...":["Henüz anket oluşturulmamış!
İlk anketi oluştur..."],"Send SMS":["SMS Gönder"],"Page history":["Sayfa geçmişi"],"Edited at":["Tarafından"],"No pages created yet. So it's on you.
Create the first page now.":["Henüz sayfa oluşturulmamış.
Şimdi ilk sayfayı oluşturun."],"Approval":["Onay"],"Cronjobs":["Cronjobs"],"OEmbed providers":["OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Self test":["Test et"],"User posts":["Kullanıcı mesajlar"],"Userprofiles":["Kullanıcı profilleri"],"Group user not found!":["Gruba ait kullanıcı bulunamadı!"],"No value found!":["Hiçbir sonuç bulunamadı!"],"Default stream content order":["Varsayılan akış içeriği sırası"],"Enable user friendship system":["Arkadaşlık sistemini etkinleştir"],"Sort by creation date":["Oluşturma tarihine göre sırala"],"Sort by update date":["Güncelleme tarihine göre sırala"],"Administrative group":["Yönetim grubu"],"About HumHub":["HumHub Hakkında"],"CronJobs":["CronJobs"],"Prerequisites":["Gereksinim"],"Advanced":["Gelişmiş"],"Third-party":["Üçüncü taraf"],"Advanced Settings":["Gelişmiş Ayarlar"],"Appearance Settings":["Görünüm Ayarları"],"E-Mail Settings":["E-Posta\nAyarları","E-Posta\r\nAyarları"],"General Settings":["Genel Ayarlar"],"User Settings":["Kullanıcı Ayarları"],"Add new space":["Yeni mekan ekle"],"Information":["Bilgilendirme"],"Settings and Configuration":["Ayarlar ve Yapılandırma"],"User administration":["Kullanıcı yönetimi"],"Add new group":["Yeni grup Ekle"],"Back to overview":["Geri dön"],"Manage group: {groupName}":["Grubu yönet: {groupName}"],"Pending approvals":["Bekleyen onaylar"],"Profiles":["Profiller"],"Pending user approvals":["Bekleyen kullanıcı onayları"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["Aşağıdaki liste, onay bekleyen kayıtlı tüm kullanıcıları içerir."],"Manage groups":["Grupları yönet"],"Add":["Ekle"],"Add new members...":["Yeni üye ekle..."],"Remove from group":["Gruptan kaldır"],"Disclaimer":["Vazgeç"],"Friendship":["Dostluk"],"New users will automatically be added to these space(s).":["Yeni kullanıcılar otomatik olarak bu alana eklenecektir."],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["Etkin OEmbed sağlayıcılar"],"Add OEmbed provider":["OEmbed sağlayıcı ekle"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["OEmbed düzen sağlayıcı"],"Edit user: {name}":["Kullanıcı Düzenle: {name}"],"Group Manager":["Grup Yöneticisi"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["Genel bakış görüntülemek için eylemler düzenleyebilir ve silebilirsiniz. Kayıtlı kullanıcı listesi içerir."],"Create new profile category":["Yeni profil kategorisi oluştur"],"Edit profile category":["Profil kategorisini düzenle"],"Create new profile field":["Yeni profil alanı oluştur"],"Edit profile field":["Profil düzenleme alanı"],"comment":["Yorum"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} yorumladı {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["Yeni Yorum"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\n\nYou can stick only two items at once.\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} oluşturdu {contentTitle}."],"Send invite":["Davetiye gönder"],"My friends":["Arkadaşlarım"],"Pending friend requests":["Arkadaş istekleri"],"Sent friend requests":["Gönderilen İstekler"],"Accept Friend Request":["Onayla"],"Add Friend":["Arkadaşı Ekle"],"Cancel friend request":["İsteği Sil"],"Deny friend request":["İsteği Reddet"],"Friends":["Arkadaşlar"],"Requests":["İstekler"],"Sent requests":["Gönderilen istekler"],"Show all friends":["Tüm arkadaşları göster"],"Unfriend":["Arkadaşım Olmayan"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğini kabul etti."],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteğinizi reddetti."],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} arkadaşlık isteği gönderdi."],"Friendship Request":["Arkadaşlık İsteği"],"Friendship Approved":["Arkadaşlık Onaylı"],"New Like":["Yeni Beğeni"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName}, {contentTitle} beğendi."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} ve {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} ve {number} diğerleri"],"Other":["Diğer"],"Module Filter":["Modülü Filtrele"],"No notifications found!":["Herhangi bir bildirim bulunamadı!"],"Notification Overview":["Bildirim Genel Bakış"],"post":["Gönderi"],"Your search returned no matches.":["Aranan hiçbir eşleşme yok."],"Space followers":["Mekan takipçileri"],"No spaces found.":["Mekan bulunamadı."],"Space":["Mekan"],"Stream (Default)":["Akış (Varsayılan)"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["Üzgünüm, bu alanı terk etmenize izin verilmiyor."],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["Bu mekanın sahibi olarak mekanda başka bir yönetici ile bu rolü ona aktarabilirsiniz."],"The url contains illegal characters!":["Url geçersiz karakterler içeriyor!"],"Transfer ownership":["Mülkiyet transfer"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["örn: örneğin {baseUrl}/s/example"]," The folder %filename% could not be saved.":["%filename% klasörü kaydedilemedi."],"/ (root)":["/ (root)"],"Create folder":["Klasör oluştur"],"Edit folder":["Klasör düzenle"],"Move files":["Klasörü taşı"],"Add file(s)":["Dosya Ekle"],"Download ZIP":["ZİP İndir"],"Folder":["Klasör"],"Show":["Göster"],"Show Post":["Gönderiyi göster"],"Updated":["Güncel"],"Upload":["Yükle"],"Upload ZIP":["ZİP Yükle"],"root":["root"],"MarkDown":["Daralt"],"Without adding to navigation (Direct link)":["Navigasyon eklemeden (Doğrudan bağlantı)"],"Conversations":["Konuşmalar"],"Why do you want to report this post?":["Neden raporlamak istiyorsun?"],"An user has reported your post as offensive.":["Saldırgan olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post as spam.":["Spam mesaj olarak bildirildi."],"An user has reported your post for not belonging to the space.":["Mekana ait olmayan yazı için bildirildi."],"Help Us Understand What's Happening":["Ne Olduğunu Anlamamıza Yardımcı Ol"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["Kayıtlı olmayan kullanıcılar için erişim izni. (Misafir erişimi)"],"Allow friendships between members":["Üyeler arasında arkadaşlık"],"External user can register (The registration form will be displayed at Login))":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["Yeni kayıt olan kullanıcılar ilk olarak yönetici tarafından aktive edilecek."],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["Formu doldurarak yönetici hesabı oluşturmanız gerekir. Bu hesap ile sosyal ağı yönetebilirsiniz."],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub çok esnek ve ayarlanabilir yapısı olduğundan farklı modüller ve çeşitli uygulamalar sayesinde genişletilebilir. Aşağıdaki modüller sadece bir kaç örnektir ve seçtiğiniz modüller otomatik kurulacaktır.
İstediğiniz modülü yükleyip sonradan kaldırabilir veya yönetici alanından diğer modüllere göz atabilirsiniz."],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["Kayıtsız kullanıcıların nasıl erişim sağlayabileceğine karar verebilirsiniz."],"Configuration":["Yapılandırma"],"My club":["Kulübüm"],"My community":["Topluluk"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["Şirket (Sosyal Intranet / Proje yönetimi)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["Eğitim kurumu (okul, üniversite)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["Bu adımı atlayın, ayarlamaları daha sonra yapacağım"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["Yapılandırmayı basitleştirmek için bazı modüller ve ayarlamaları farklı seçenekler ile kullanabilirsin. Bir sonraki adım sırasında bunları ayarlayabileceğinizi unutmayın."],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["Veritabanı bağlantı ayarlarını girmek zorundasınız. Bu konuda emin değilseniz sistem yöneticinize başvurun."],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL veritabanı sunucusu ana bilgisayar adı (örneğin, localhost MySQL aynı makinede çalışıyorsa)"],"Initializing database...":["Veritabanı başlatılıyor..."],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["Humhub kurulumu için çalışmak istediğiniz veritabanı adı."],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["Tebrik ederiz! Her şey tamam ve kuruluma başlamak için hazır!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["HumHub sistem gereksinimlerinizin olup olmadığını gösterir."],"Your profile":["Senin profilin"],"Connect account":["Hesabı bağlayın"],"Delete Account":["Hesabı sil"],"Disconnect account":["Hesabın bağlantısını kes"],"My Account":["Hesabım"],"Module is not enabled on this content container!":["Etkin içerik kabı üzerinde modül etkin değil!"],"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %s replaces the username in the login action. Example: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)"":["Giriş denendiğinde, uygulamak için filtreyi tanımlar. % uid giriş eylem adı değiştirir. Örnek: "(sAMAccountName=%s)" or "(uid=%s)""],"Does not belong here":["Bu mekana ait değil"],"Show more":["Daha fazla göster"],"The date has to be in the past.":["Tarihin geçmişte olması gerekiyor."],"Unsubscribe":["Abonelikten çık"],"Horizontal scrolling images on a mobile device":["Mobil cihazda yatay kaydırma görüntüleri"],"The HumHub developers provide no support for third-party modules and neighter give any guarantee about the suitability, functionality or security of this module.":["HumHub geliştiricileri üçüncü taraf modülleri için hiçbir destek sağlamaz ve bu modülün uygunluğu, işlevselliği veya güvenliği konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermez."],"Third-party disclaimer":["Üçüncü taraf reddi"],"There is a new HumHub Version ({version}) available.":["Yeni bir ({version}) HumHub Sürümü mevcut."],"Here you can configurate the e-mail behaviour and mail-server settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın e-posta davranışını ve posta sunucusu ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configurate the registration behaviour and additinal user settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın kayıt davranışını ve ek kullanıcı ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"Here you can configure basic settings of your social network.":["Sosyal ağınızın temel ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz."],"These settings refer to advanced topics of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar, sosyal ağınızın gelişmiş konularını belirtir."],"These settings refer to the appearance of your social network.":["Bu ayarlar sosyal ağınızın görünümüne atıfta bulunmaktadır."],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["Kullanıcılar belirli standart alanlar, grup yöneticileri ve izinlerle farklı gruplara (ör. Ekipler, bölümler vb.) atanabilir."],"Visible for members only":["Sadece üyelere görünür"],"Visible for members+guests":["Üyeler + misafirler için görünür"],"LDAP Attribute for E-Mail Address. Default: "mail"":["E-Posta Adresi için LDAP Özniteliği. Varsayılan: "mail""],"Wall entry layout":["Duvar girişi düzeni"],"Activities provide an overview of taken actions in context of a space or other users. (e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["Faaliyetler bir alan veya diğer kullanıcılar bağlamında alınan eylemlerin bir özetini sağlar. (Örneğin, yeni bir yayın yazılmış veya yeni bir üye alana katıldı)."],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["Kullanıcı e-postalarını göndermek için varsayılan davranışı tanımlayın. Bu ayarlar kullanıcıların hesap ayarlarında üzerine yazılabilir."],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["Bildirimler, kullanıcı ile ilgili bilgilerdir (örneğin, kendi yayınlarındaki yeni yorumlar veya yeni bir takipçi). Bildirim, bir kullanıcı işlemi gerekli olduğunda da oluşturulur (ör. Arkadaşlık isteği)."],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["İşlenmiş tüm sayfalara eklenecek bir istatistik HTML kodu snippet'i ekleyebilirsiniz."],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["Burada, yeni mekanlar için varsayılan ayarlarınızı tanımlayabilirsiniz. Bu ayarlar, her bir mekan için üzerine yazılabilir."],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["Bu genel bakış, mekanları görüntülemek, düzenlemek ve silmek için eylemler içeren her alanın bir listesini içerir."],"Space Settings":["Mekan Ayarları"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["Burada profil kategorilerini ve alanlarını oluşturabilir veya düzenleyebilirsiniz."],"Manage profile attributes":["Profil niteliklerini yönet"],"Appearance":["Görünüm"],"E-Mails":["E-Postalar"],"Information":["Bilgi"],"OEmbed":["OEmbed"],"Allows the user to create posts":["Kullanıcının mesajlar oluşturmasına izin verir"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["Rastgele içerikleri yönetebilir (ör. arşivleyebilir, sabitleyebilir veya silebilirsiniz)"],"Create post":["Mesaj oluştur"],"Manage content":["İçeriği yönetin"],"Load more":["Daha fazla yükle"],"Welcome Space":["Karşılama Mekanı"],"Example contents":["Örnek içerik"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["İlk oturum açtıktan sonra boş bir gösterge tablosundan kaçınmak için, HumHub örnek içeriği sizin için kurabilir. HumHub'un nasıl çalıştığına dair size güzel genel bir görünüm verecektir. Her bir içeriği daima silebilirsiniz."],"Notification Overview":["%firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["%firstname%, HumHub'u kullandığınız için teşekkürler."],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["Burada ilk kullanıcı sensin ... Yehuu! İlk kullanan siz olun ve profilinizi tamamlayın, böylece gelecek kullanıcılar, burada kimlerin en iyi olduğunu ve sorularınız varsa açabilecekleri kim olduğunu biliyorlar."],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["Becerileriniz, bilgi ve tecrübeleriniz (virgül ile ayrılmış)"],"Update to HumHub {version}":["HumHub {version} güncelleme"],"Abort":["İptal et"],"Changes to HumHub core files may overwritten during update!":["Güncelleme sırasında HumHub çekirdek dosyalarındaki değişiklikler üzerine yazılabilir!"],"Cleanup update files":["Güncelleme dosyalarını temizle"],"Downloading update package":["Güncelleme paketi indiriliyor"],"Extracting package files":["Paket dosyaları çıkartılıyor"],"Installing files":["Dosyaları yükleme"],"Make sure all files are writable! (":["Tüm dosyaların yazılabilir olduğundan emin olun! ("],"Migrating database":["Veritabanı taşınıyor"],"New updater version available!":["Yeni güncelleyici sürümü mevcut!"],"No error message available. Please check logfiles!":["Hata mesajı yok. Lütfen günlük dosyalarını kontrol edin!"],"Preparing system":["Sistem hazırlığı"],"Start":["Başla"],"Start update":["Güncellemeyi Başlat"],"Switch to default theme after update":["Güncellemeden sonra varsayılan temaya geç"],"The update was successfully installed!":["Güncelleme başarıyla yüklendi!"],"There is a new version of the updater module available. Please update before proceed.":["Güncelleyici modülünün yeni bir sürümü mevcut. Lütfen devam etmeden önce güncelleyin."],"Update HumHub":["HumHub Güncelle"],"Update successful":["Güncelleme başarılı"],"Validating package":["Paketi onayla"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\r\n\r\n Hesabınız aktive edildi.
\r\n\r\n Giriş yapmak için tıklayın:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["Merhaba {displayName},
\r\n\r\n hesap talebiniz reddedildi.
\r\n\r\n Saygılarımızla
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["Maksimum obje sayısına ulaşıldı!\r\nBir kerede sadece iki obje olabilir."],"Pinned":["Yapışkan","Başa Tuttur"],"Unpinned":["Baştan Kaldır"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["Harici kullanıcı kayıt olabilir. (Girişte kayıt formu gösterilecek)"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/messages/vi/archive.json b/protected/humhub/messages/vi/archive.json
index 5b147a4b78..79011b286c 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/messages/vi/archive.json
+++ b/protected/humhub/messages/vi/archive.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
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Make the beginning and post something...":["Chưa có người cập nhật cảm nghĩ tại đây.
Hãy bắt đầu và viết một vài điều gì đó."],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Nhóm này còn trống!
Hãy bắt đầu viết điều gì đó ở đây ..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Trang chính của bạn còn trống!
Viết một vài điều ở trang cá nhân của bạn hoặc trong nhóm nào đó!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Trang cá nhân của bạn còn trống!
Hãy bắt đầu viết điều gì đó."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["Không tìm thấy gì phù hợp với bộ lọc hiện tại của bạn!"],"Show all":["Hiển thị tất cả"],"Back to stream":["Quay lại nhóm "],"Content with attached files":["Nội dung sẽ được đính kèm một liên kết"],"Created by me":["Tạo bởi tôi"],"Creation time":["Thời gian tạo"],"Filter":["Lọc"],"Include archived posts":["Bao gồm các bài viết lưu trữ"],"Last update":["Cập nhật cuối cùng"],"Only private posts":["Chỉ tin riêng tư"],"Only public posts":["Chỉ tin công cộng"],"Posts only":["Chỉ bài viết"],"Posts with links":["Bài viết với liên kết"],"Sorting":["Sắp xếp"],"Where I´m involved":["Những nhóm tôi tham gia"],"Created at":["Tạo lúc"],"ID":["ID"],"Updated at":["Cập nhật lúc"],"Updated by":["Cập nhật bởi"],"Your password":["Mật khẩu của bạn"],"Name":["Tên"],"Tags":["Thẻ"],"General":["Chung"],"Your password is incorrect!":["Mật khẩu của bạn không chính xác!"],"You cannot change your password here.":["Bạn không thể thay đổi mật khẩu tại đây."],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["Liên kết không hợp lệ ! Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã nhập đúng url ."],"Save profile":["Lưu thông tin"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["Địa chỉ e -mail này đã được sử dụng bởi người dùng khác ."],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["Bạn không thể thay đổi địa chỉ e-mail tại đây."],"Account":["Tài khoản"],"Create account":["Tạo tài khoản"],"Current password":["Mật khẩu hiện tại"],"E-Mail change":["Đã thay đổi e-mail"],"New E-Mail address":["Địa chỉ E-mail mới"],"Send activities?":["Gửi hoạt động?"],"Send notifications?":["Gửi thông báo?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["Không đúng tên người dùng/e-mail hoặc mật khẩu."],"New password":["Mật khẩu mới"],"New password confirm":["Xác nhận mật khẩu mới"],"Remember me next time":["Ghi nhớ cho lần đăng nhập tiếp theo"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["Tài khoản của bạn chưa được kích hoạt bởi các nhân viên của chúng tôi."],"Your account is suspended.":["Tại khoản của bạn đang bị đình chỉ."],"E-Mail":["E-Mail"],"Password Recovery":["Mật khẩu phục hồi"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} không tìm thấy \"{value}\""],"Invalid language!":["Ngôn ngữ bị vô hiệu"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["Ẩn khỏi trang chính"],"Default Space":["Nhóm mặc định"],"Group Administrators":["Nhóm quản trị"],"Members can create private spaces":["Thành viên có thể tạo nhóm riêng tư"],"Members can create public spaces":["Thành viên có thể tạo nhóm công cộng"],"Birthday":["Sinh nhật"],"City":["Thành phố"],"Country":["Quốc gia"],"Custom":["Khác"],"Facebook URL":["Địa chỉ Facebook"],"Fax":["Fax"],"Female":["Nữ"],"Firstname":["Tên"],"Flickr URL":["Địa chỉ Flickr"],"Gender":["Giới tính"],"Google+ URL":["Liên kết Google+"],"Hide year in profile":["Ẩn năm sinh trong hồ sơ"],"Lastname":["Họ và tên lót"],"LinkedIn URL":["Liên kết LinkedIn"],"MSN":["MSN"],"Male":["Nam"],"Mobile":["Số điện thoại"],"MySpace URL":["Liên kết MySpace"],"Phone Private":["Số điện thoại riêng tư"],"Phone Work":["Số điện thoại cơ quan"],"Skype Nickname":["Tên Skype"],"Street":["Địa chỉ"],"Twitter URL":["Liên kết Twitter"],"Url":["Liên kết"],"Vimeo URL":["Liên kết Vimeo"],"Xing URL":["Liên kết Xing"],"Youtube URL":["Liên kết Youtube"],"Zip":["Mã vùng"],"Created by":["Tạo bởi"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["Không thể thay đổi Kiểu Trường"],"Fieldtype":["Kiểu Trường"],"Internal Name":["Tên nội bộ"],"Internal name already in use!":["Tên nội bộ đã được sử dụng!"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["Không thể thay đổi Tên nội bộ"],"Invalid field type!":["Kiểu trường bị vô hiệu!"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["Chỉ cho phép ký tự chữ và số!"],"Required":["Bắt buộc"],"Show at registration":["Hiển thị lúc đăng ký"],"Sort order":["Thứ tự sắp xếp","Xếp theo thứ tự"],"Translation Category ID":["Dịch ID chuyên mục"],"Type Config":["Cấu hình kiểu"],"Visible":["Có thể thấy"],"Datetime":["Ngày giờ"],"Number":["Số"],"Select List":["Danh sách"],"Text":["Chữ"],"Text Area":["Khung chữ"],"%y Years":["%y tuổi"],"Birthday field options":["Tùy chọn trường Sinh nhật"],"Confirm post deletion":["Chấp nhận xóa bài viết"],"Pinned":["Đã ghim","Ghim"],"Unpinned":["Gỡ ghim"]}
\ No newline at end of file
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Make the beginning and post something...":["Chưa có người cập nhật cảm nghĩ tại đây.
Hãy bắt đầu và viết một vài điều gì đó."],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["Nhóm này còn trống!
Hãy bắt đầu viết điều gì đó ở đây ..."],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["Trang chính của bạn còn trống!
Viết một vài điều ở trang cá nhân của bạn hoặc trong nhóm nào đó!"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["Trang cá nhân của bạn còn trống!
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发表一些动态..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["没有发现符合筛选条件的内容!"],"Show all":["展示所有"],"Back to stream":["返回动态"],"Content with attached files":["内容含有附件"],"Created by me":["我创建的"],"Creation time":["创建时间"],"Filter":["筛选"],"Include archived posts":["含有归档内容"],"Last update":["最后更新"],"Only private posts":["仅私有内容"],"Only public posts":["仅公共内容"],"Posts only":["公共内容"],"Posts with links":["含链接的内容"],"Sorting":["排序"],"Where I´m involved":["关系密切"],"Directory":["目 录","目 录"],"Member Group Directory":["成员 组目录"],"show all members":["展示所有成员"],"Directory menu":["目录菜单"],"Members":["成员"],"User profile posts":["用户推送"],"Member directory":["成员 目录"],"Follow":["关注"],"No members found!":["没发现成员"],"Unfollow":["取消关注"],"search for members":["查找成员"],"Space directory":["空间 目录"],"No spaces found!":["没发现空间"],"You are a member of this space":["你是这个空间成员之一"],"search for spaces":["查找空间"],"Group stats":["组状态"],"Average members":["普通成员"],"Top Group":["顶级组"],"Total groups":["所有组"],"Member stats":["组状态"],"New people":["新人"],"Follows somebody":["关注某人"],"Online right now":["上线"],"Total users":["总用户"],"New spaces":["新空间"],"Space stats":["空间状态"],"Most members":["大多数成员"],"Private spaces":["私有空间"],"Total spaces":["所有空间"],"Created By":["创建人"],"Created at":["创建时间"],"Guid":["组用户ID"],"Updated at":["修改时间"],"Updated by":["修改人"],"Upload files":["上传文件"],"Sign in":["登录"],"Could not find target class!":["找不到目标类!"],"Could not find target record!":["找不到目标记录!"],"Invalid class given!":["无效的类"],"Users who like this":["点赞用户"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} 赞了 {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 也赞了 %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["赞这个","赞这个。"],"You like this.":["谁 赞了这个."],"You
"],"Like":["赞"],"Unlike":["取消赞"],"New":["新的"],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% 创建了一篇新文章."],"Read full post...":["阅读全文..."],"Send & decline":["发送并拒绝"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["无法删除用户,用户是空间{spaceName}的主人"],"Invite and request":["邀请和请求"],"Only by invite":["只有通过邀请"],"Private (Invisible)":["私有(不可见)"],"Public (Visible)":["公共(可见)"],"Space is invisible!":["空间不可见"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["作为拥有者,你不能撤消你的会员资格"],"Could not request membership!":["无法请求成为成员"],"There is no pending invite!":["没有请求!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["此操作仅适用于空间成员!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["您不可以参加这个空间!"],"Your password":["你的密码"],"Invites":["邀请"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["通过e-mail邀请新用户(以逗号分隔)"],"User is already member!":["用户已经是会员"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email}已经被注册!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} 无效!"],"Application message":["应用消息"],"Scope":["适用范围"],"Strength":["强度"],"Created At":["创建于"],"Join Policy":["加入政策"],"Name":["名字"],"Owner":["拥有者"],"Status":["状态"],"Tags":["标签"],"Updated At":["修改于"],"Visibility":["可见性"],"Website URL (optional)":["网站URL(可选)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["你不能创建私有的空间"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["你不能创建公共空间"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["选择你想保存用户头的区域,点击保存。"],"Modify space image":["更改 空间图片"],"Delete space":["删除 空间"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["你确定,你要删除这个空间?所有发布的内容将被删除!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["请提供您的密码,以继续!"],"General space settings":["常规 strong>空间设置"],"Archive":["存档"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["选择你想为这个空间的哪种会员。"],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["选择这个空间的安全级别来定义可见性。"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["突出 发送邀请"],"Outstanding user requests":["突出 用户请求"],"Remove member":["删除 成员"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["允许这个用户去
邀请其它用户"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["允许这个用户
创建公共内容"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["你确定从这个空间删除成员?"],"Can invite":["能邀请"],"Can share":["能分享"],"Change space owner":["改变空间拥有者"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["邮件邀请的用户,不会在这里列出"],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["在下面的区域中,你看到这个空间的所有成员。您可以编辑或删除自己的特权。"],"Is admin":["是管理员"],"Make this user an admin":["让这个用户成为管理员"],"No, cancel":["不,取消"],"Remove":["删除","移除"],"Request message":["请求消息"],"Revoke invitation":["撤销邀请"],"Search members":["搜索成员"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["以下用户等待批准进入这个空间。请处理。"],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["以下用户已被邀请进入这个空间,目前为止还没加入"],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["该空间拥有者是所有的特权和一般的空间创作者的空间超级管理员。在这里,你可以改变这个角色给其他用户"],"Yes, remove":["是,删除"],"Create new space":["创建 新空间"],"Advanced access settings":["访问权限设置"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["所有人可见"],"Create":["创建"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["无需批准,每一个用户都能进入你的空间"],"For everyone":["每个用户"],"How you want to name your space?":["你打算怎样给你的空间命名?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["请为你的空间写下小小的描述"],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["这个空间对所有非成员隐藏"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["用户能通过邀请或请求加入"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["用户只能通过邀请加入"],"space description":["空间描述"],"space name":["空间名"],"Become member":["成为成员"],"Cancel pending membership application":["取消成员申请"],"Request membership":["请求成员"],"Send":["发送","发 送"],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["返回空间"],"Space preferences":["空间偏好"],"General":["一般"],"Space menu":["空间 菜单"],"Stream":["动态"],"Change image":["换图片"],"Current space image":["当前空间图片"],"Invite":["邀请"],"Something went wrong":["未知错误"],"Followers":["被关注"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["请简单介绍自己,以便成为成员"],"Request workspace membership":["请求成为成员"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["您的请求已成功提交给了管理员"],"Create new space":["创建新空间"],"My spaces":["我的空间","我的版块"],"Space info":["空间 信息"],"Accept invite":["接受邀请"],"Deny invite":["拒绝邀请"],"Leave space":["离开空间"],"New member request":["新 成员请求"],"Space members":["空间成员","空间 成员"],"End guide":["结束向导"],"Next »":["下一步"],"« Prev":["上一步"],"Administration":["管理"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["恭喜你! 完成了该向导."],"Modules":["模块"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["作为管理员,您可以从这里管理整个平台。
除了模块,我们不会在这里详细一点,每个都有自己的简短描述的地方"],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["你目前在“工具”菜单。从这里你可以访问humhub在线市场,在那里你可以安装不断增加的工具。
正如已经提到的,该工具可以增加您的空间特性。"],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["你现在已经知道了所有最重要的功能和设置,即将开始使用平台。
:-)"],"Dashboard":["主面板"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["这是你的主面板。
任何新的活动或空间,你可能感兴趣的东西都将被显示在这里。"],"Administration (Modules)":["管理 (模块)"],"Edit account":["编辑 帐户"],"Hurray! The End.":["恭喜! 完成了."],"Hurray! You're done!":["恭喜! 完成了!"],"Profile menu":["属性 菜单"],"Profile photo":["属性 照片"],"Profile stream":["属性 动态流"],"User profile":["用户属性"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["点击此按钮来更新您的个人资料和帐户设置。您还可以添加更多的信息到你的档案。"],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["每个事件都会被推送到主面板。你的文章也会出现在那些关注你的用户的主面板里。"],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["就像在模块里一样,用户可以使用模块配置个性化的属性。
你可以在帐户设置的“模块”菜里查看哪些模块适合配置你的个性化属性。"],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["这是你的公众用户属性,任何注册用户都能看到。"],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["通过简单的点击这里或拖放图片上传更新你的封面照片。"],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["你已经完成了用户属性设置的向导"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
"],"Most recent activities":["最近活跃"],"Posts":["文章"],"Profile Guide":["属性向导"],"Space":["空间"],"Space navigation menu":["空间导航菜单"],"Writing posts":["写 文章"],"Yay! You're done.":["不错!你完成了。"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["所有空间成员在这里显示。
新成员可被管理员授权的任何用户添加。"],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["为了让其它成员简单了解空间。你可以在这里添加基本信息。
空间管理员可以通过点击或拖拽插入和改变空间的封面照片。"],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["新的文章可以书写、张贴在这里。"],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["一旦你加入或创建一个新的空间,你可以开始工作,讨论话题,或是与其他用户共享信息。
有各种不同的工具,个性化的空间,从而使工作流程更高效。"],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["这是空间的导向。
查看用户属性设置的指南,请点击这里:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["在这你可以浏览空间的可用或者已激活的模块。比如投票,任务或笔记模块。
只有空间管理员可以管理空间的模块。"],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["此菜单对空间管理员唯一可见。在这里你可以管理你的空间,在这里你可以添加或删除成员,激活或失效模块。"],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["让你到目前为止,在这个空间中其他用户的最近的动态将被显示在这里。"],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["你和其他用户的文章会出现在这里。
这些就可以喜欢或评论。"],"Account Menu":["帐户菜单"],"Notifications":["通知"],"Space Menu":["空间 菜单"],"Start space guide":["开始 空间向导"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["你不该错过!
这个图标会让你了解你所关心的动态。"],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["帐户菜单可让您使用您的个人设置,并允许你管理你的公众形象。"],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["这是最重要的菜单,可能是一个你最经常使用的!
接下来的指南将告诉您如何访问。"]," Remove panel":["移除空间"],"Getting Started":["马上开始"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["指南:管理(模块)"],"Guide: Overview":["指南:概述"],"Guide: Spaces":["指南:空间"],"Guide: User profile":["指南: 用户属性"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["以下指南带你了解网站的主要功能。"],"Your password is incorrect!":["密码不正确"],"You cannot change your password here.":["这里不能改密码"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["无效链接!请确保输入完整的URL"],"Save profile":["保存信息"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["输入的电子邮件地址已被使用"],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["这里不能改变邮件地址"],"Account":["帐号"],"Create account":["创建帐号"],"Current password":["当前密码"],"E-Mail change":["更改邮件地址"],"New E-Mail address":["新邮件地址"],"Send activities?":["发送激活邮件?"],"Send notifications?":["发送通知?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["错误的用户名或密码"],"New password":["新密码"],"New password confirm":["确认新密码"],"Remember me next time":["记住密码"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["您的帐户尚未激活"],"Your account is suspended.":["您的帐户被暂停"],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["您的帐户类型不支持找回密码"],"E-Mail":["电子邮件"],"Password Recovery":["找回密码"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" 找不到!"],"Invalid language!":["无效语言","无效的语言"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["从面板上隐藏"],"Default Space":["缺省空间","默认空间"],"Group Administrators":["小组管理"],"Members can create private spaces":["成员能创建私有空间"],"Members can create public spaces":["成员能创建公共空间"],"Birthday":["生日"],"City":["市"],"Country":["国家"],"Fax":["传真"],"Firstname":["姓"],"Lastname":["名"],"Mobile":["手机"],"MySpace URL":["主页URL"],"Phone Private":["私人电话"],"Phone Work":["工作电话"],"State":["状态"],"Street":["街道"],"Zip":["邮政编码"],"Created by":["创建人"],"Editable":["可编辑"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["类型不能修改"],"Fieldtype":["类型"],"Internal Name":["内部名"],"Internal name already in use!":["内部名已被使用"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["内部名不能改变"],"Invalid field type!":["无效的区域类型"],"Module":["模块"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["只允许字母数字字符!"],"Profile Field Category":["属性区域类别"],"Required":["必填"],"Show at registration":["在注册表显示"],"Sort order":["排序"],"Visible":["可见的"],"Communication":["通信"],"Social bookmarks":["社交标签"],"Datetime":["时间"],"Number":["号码"],"Select List":["选择列表"],"Text":["文本"],"Text Area":["文本域"],"%y Years":["%y 年"],"Birthday field options":["生日区域选项"],"Date(-time) field options":["日期区域选项"],"Number field options":["数字区域选项"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["每行一个选项。关键词=>值格式(例如 是= >是)"],"Please select:":["请选择:"],"Select field options":["选择区域选项"],"Text Field Options":["文本类型选项"],"Text area field options":["文本域区域选项"],"New user needs approval":["新用户需要审核"],"Wall":["墙"],"Change E-mail":["修改 电子邮箱"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["你的电子邮箱已成功修改为{email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["刚刚发送确认邮件到您的新地址。
请按照指示操作"],"Change password":["修改 密码"],"Password changed":["密码 已修改"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["你的密码已被成功修改!"],"Modify your profile image":["修改 属性图片"],"Delete account":["删除 帐户"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["你确定想删除你的账户?
你发表的内容将被删除"],"Delete account":["删除帐户"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["对不起,作为一个空间拥有者,您无法删除帐户!
请为空间指定另一个拥有者再删除"],"User details":["用户 详情"],"User modules":["用户 模块"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["你肯定?*所有*模块配置数据将被删除!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["用模块增强你的属性"],"User settings":["用户 设置"],"Getting Started":["现在开始"],"Email Notifications":["邮件 通知"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["收到一封电子邮件,从你关注的用户的空间的每一次活跃。"],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["收到一封电子邮件,当其他用户的评论或喜欢你的文章。"],"Account registration":["帐户 注册"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["你的帐户 已被成功创建!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["为了激活你的帐户,你将出到一个邮件通知!"],"Go to login page":["去登录页"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["登录您的新帐户,请单击下面的按钮"],"back to home":["返回首页"],"Please sign in":["请 登录"],"Sign up":["注册"],"Create a new one.":["创建一个新的"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["你还没有帐号?通过输入电子邮箱加入我们。"],"Forgot your password?":["忘记你的密码?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["如果你已经是会员,请登录"],"Register":["注册"],"email":["邮件"],"password":["密码"],"username or email":["用户名或邮箱"],"Password recovery":["找回 密码","找回密码"],"enter security code above":["输入上面的安全码"],"your email":["你的邮箱"],"Password recovery!":["找回 密码!"],"Registration successful!":["注册 成功!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["请检查邮件完成激活"],"Confirm your new email address":["确认新邮箱"],"Confirm":["确认"],"Hello":["你好"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["您已经请求更改您的电子邮件地址。
确认你的新的电子邮件地址,请单击下面的按钮。"],"Sign up":["注 册"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["欢迎来到 %appName%. 请点击以下按钮完成注册."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
现在注册\n加入这个空间。"],"You got a space invite":["你收到一个 空间邀请 "],"invited you to the space:":["邀请你加入空间:"],"About this user":["关于该用户"],"Modify your title image":["修改 属性图片"],"Account settings":["帐户 设置"],"Profile":["属性"],"Edit account":["编辑帐户"],"Following":["关注"],"Following user":["关注"],"User followers":["被关注"],"Member in these spaces":["空间列表"],"User tags":["用户 标签"],"Back to modules":["返回模块"],"Active":["激活"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["将所有用户标记为未读"],"Breaking News Configuration":["弹出新闻配置"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["提示:你可以使用标签语法(html标签)。"],"End Date and Time":["结束日期和时间"],"Start Date and Time":["开始日期和时间"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["你无权访问这个事件!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["你无权创建事件!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["在主菜单和个人属性页为你的私有或公共事件增加一个日历。"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["为这个空间增加一个事件日历。","为这个版块增加一个事件日历。"],"All Day":["全天"],"Attending users":["参加用户"],"Calendar":["日历"],"Declining users":["拒绝用户"],"End Date":["结束日期"],"End time must be after start time!":["结束时间必须晚于开始时间!"],"Event":["事件"],"Event not found!":["没找到事件"],"Maybe attending users":["可能参加的用户"],"Participation Mode":["参与模式"],"Start Date":["开始日期"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["你无权删除事件!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["你无权编辑事件!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 创建了一个新事件 %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% hat für %contentTitle% zugesagt."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 参加了 %contentTitle% teil."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 没有参加 %contentTitle% teil."],"Start Date/Time":["开始日期/时间"],"Create event":["创建 事件"],"Edit event":["编辑 事件"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Be the first and create one...":["还没有任务!
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\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["你好 {displayName},
\r\n \r\n 你的帐户已被激活。
\r\n \r\n 点击此链接登录:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n 最诚挚的问候
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["\r\n 你好 {displayName},
\r\n \r\n 你的帐户请求已被拒绝。
\r\n 最诚挚的问候
\r\n {AdminName}
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Disable it when running on production!":["HumHub目前在调试模式。请在生产环境时禁用它!"],"Licences":["许可证"],"See installation manual for more details.":["查看安装手册获取更多细节"],"There is a new update available! (Latest version: %version%)":["有新版本可用! (最新版: %version%)"],"This HumHub installation is up to date!":["HumHub已是最新!"],"Accept user: {displayName} ":["接受用户: {displayName}"],"Actions":["动作"],"Pending user approvals":["待审核用户"],"The following list contains all registered users awaiting an approval.":["下面的列表包含等待审核的所有注册用户。"],"Manage groups":["管理组"],"Add":["增加"],"Add new members...":["增加新的成员..."],"Remove from group":["从分组移除"],"Users can be assigned to different groups (e.g. teams, departments etc.) with specific standard spaces, group managers and permissions.":["用户可以被分配给不同的组(如团队,部门等)与特定的标准空间,组管理人员和权限。"],"Flush entries":["清除条目"],"Modules extend the functionality of HumHub. 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(e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["活动提供了一个在空间或其他用户有关行动的概述。(例如:一个新的职位被写入或一个新成员加入了空间)。"],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["定义发送用户电子邮件的默认行为。这些设置可以通过在用户的帐户设置来覆盖。"],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["通知是用户相关的信息(例如,对自己的职位或一个新的追随者的新评论)。当需要用户的操作(例如友谊请求)时也会创建通知。"],"Add new provider":["增加新的供应商"],"Currently no provider active!":["当前没有可用的供应商!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["可用的 OEmbed 供应商"],"Add OEmbed provider":["增加 OEmbed 供应商"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["修改 OEmbed 供应商"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["不带http://的Url 前缀(例如 youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["使用 %url% 作为 URL 的占位符。 合格应该为JSON。 (例如 http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["你可以添加一个统计HTML代码段,此代码段将添加到所有的渲染页。"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["在这里,您可以定义新的空间的默认设置。这些设置可以在每一单独的空间里覆盖。"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["此概述包含一个每个空间的列表信息,包括查看,编辑和删除 操作。"],"Space Settings":["空间设置"],"Edit user: {name}":["编辑用户:{name}"],"Add new user":["增加新用户"],"Group Manager":["组管理"],"Last login":["最后登录"],"Send invite":["发送邀请"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["此概览包括所有注册用户列表信息,包括查看,编辑,删除操作。"],"never":["从不"],"Create new profile category":["创建新的属性分类"],"Edit profile category":["编辑属性分类"],"Create new profile field":["创建新的属性域"],"Edit profile field":["编辑属性域"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["在这里您可以创建或编辑属性的分类和域(字段)"],"Manage profile attributes":["管理属性的属性值"],"Appearance":["外观"],"E-Mails":["邮箱"],"Information":["信息"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} 评论了 {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 评论了 {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["新评论"],"Allows the user to add comments":["允许用户评论"],"Allows the user to create posts":["允许用户发布文章"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["可以管理(如归档,粘贴或删除)任意内容"],"Create comment":["创建评论"],"Create post":["创建文章"],"Manage content":["管理内容"],"Edit your comment...":["编辑你的评论..."],"Show %count% more comments":["再展示 %count% 条评论"],"Confirm comment deleting":["确认 删除评论"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["你真的想删除这条评论?"],"Edit":["编辑"],"Updated :timeago":["于 :timeago 修改","于 :timeago 修改"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 创建了 {contentTitle}."],"Content":["内容"],"Could not load requested object!":["无法加载请求对象!"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["粘贴项目达到最大数量!\r\n\r\n你可以一次只粘贴两个项目。\r\n任然坚持粘贴这个项目,请先放弃另一个!"],"Could not find requested content!":["找不到请求的内容!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["找不到请求的链接!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 创建了 {contentTitle}."],"in":["在"],"Add a member to notify":["增加一个通知成员"],"Make private":["变成私有"],"Make public":["变成公开"],"Notify members":["通知成员"],"Confirm post deletion":["确认 删除记录"],"Pinned":["已标记","标记"],"Turn off notifications":["关闭通知"],"Turn on notifications":["打开通知"],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter":["使用 Ctrl+C 键复制链接"],"Unpinned":["取消标记"],"Load more":["加载更多"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["没有符合你筛选条件的数据!"],"Nothing here yet!":["空空如也!"],"No public contents to display found!":["没有找到公开展示的内容!"],"Group members - {group}":["分组 成员 - {group}"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["还没有个人文章!"],"See all":["查看所有"],"Could not find requested file!":["找不到请求的文件!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["没有足够的权限!"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["图像尺寸太大,超出了当前服务器内存处理限制!"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["无效的类型"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["已超过最大文件大小({maxFileSize})!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["不允许该文件类型!"],"Upload error":["上传 错误"],"Could not upload File:":["不能上传文件:"],"My friends":["我的 好友"],"Pending friend requests":["待处理 的好友请求"],"Sent friend requests":["发送 好友请求"],"Accept Friend Request":["接收好友请求"],"Add Friend":["增加好友"],"Cancel friend request":["取消好友请求"],"Deny friend request":["拒绝好友请求"],"Friends":["好友"],"Requests":["请求"],"Sent requests":["发送请求"],"Show all friends":["展示所有好友"],"Unfriend":["删除好友"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} 通过了你的好友请求。"],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} 拒绝了你的好友请求。"],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} 给你发送了一个好友请求。"],"Friendship Request":["好友请求"],"Friendship Approved":["好友通过"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["下载安装模块..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["卡尔文 - 痴迷于爱和疯狂之间的谎言。"],"Create Admin Account":["创建管理员账户"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["耐克 - 夹斯特杜伊特。"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["我们正在寻找伟大的口号。你能拿出一些样品吗?"],"Welcome Space":["欢迎空间"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["太棒了,我刚刚安装了HumHub"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["你的第一个样本空间发现平台。"],"Name of your network":["你的网络名称"],"Name of Database":["数据库名"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["设置示例内容(推荐)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["允许非注册用户访问公开内容(访客访问)"],"Allow friendships between members":["允许成员之间"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["外部用户可以注册(注册表单将显示在登录页)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["新注册的用户必须由管理员激活"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["注册会员可以通过电子邮件邀请新用户"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["我想用HumHub来:"],"Admin Account":["管理员 帐户"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["你几乎完成了安装。在这一步中,您必须填写表单,以创建一个管理帐户。有了这个帐户,你可以管理整个平台。"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["当然,你的新的社交平台需要一个名字。请将默认名称更改为您喜欢的。(例如,你的公司,组织或俱乐部的名称)"],"Social Network Name":["社交网络 名字"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["祝贺你, 安装完成。"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["安装成功完成!祝你在新社交平台上玩得开心。"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub是非常灵活的,可以通过安装各种不同的应用模块来调整/或扩大功能。下面推荐几个我们认为重要的模块给你。当然,你也可以稍后在管理区域中安装更多模块。"],"Recommended Modules":["推荐 模块"],"Example contents":["示例 内容"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["为了避免初始登录后空白的仪表板,humhub可以安装一些示例内容。这将给你一个很好humhub概览。您可以随时删除示例内容。"],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["在这里你可以决是否允许定新的,未注册的用户访问HumHub。"],"Security Settings":["安全 设置"],"Configuration":["配置"],"My club":["我的俱乐部"],"My community":["我的社区"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["我的公司(社会网络/项目管理)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["我的教育机构(学校,大学)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["跳过这一步,我想手动设置一切"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["为了简化配置,我们预定义了几个最常见的用例,采用了不同的选项模块和设置。你可以在稍后调整他们。"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["欢迎来到 HumHub
你的社交网络工具箱!"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["该向导将安装和配置你自己的humhub实例.
点击下一步继续。"],"Database Configuration":["数据库 配置"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["下面你必须输入数据库连接的详细信息。如果你不确定,请与系统管理员联系"],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL数据库服务器的主机名(例如:如果MySQL是同一台机器上运行,输入localhost)"],"Initializing database...":["初始化数据库..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["糟糕, 出错了!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["你想要存humhub数据的数据库名"],"Your MySQL password.":["数据库存密码。"],"Your MySQL username":["数据库用户名"],"System Check":["系统 检测"],"Check again":["重新检测"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["祝贺你!一切准备就绪!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["以下展示了humhub的所有系统需求"],"New Like":["新的赞"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} 赞了 {contentTitle}。"],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 赞了 {contentTitle}。"],"You":["你"],"You like this.":["你赞了这个。"],"and {count} more like this.":["和其它{count}人点赞了这个."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} 和 {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} 和 {number} 其它"],"Other":["其它"],"Notification Overview":["通知 概览"],"Mark all as seen":["标记所有为已读"],"Module Filter":["模块筛选"],"No notifications found!":["没有发现通知!"],"Show all notifications":["展示所有的通知"],"There are no notifications yet.":["还没有通知。"],"Edit your post...":["编辑你的文章..."],"Search results":["搜索 结果"],"Advanced search settings":["高级搜索设置"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["搜索用户,空间,内容"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["只搜索指定的空间:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["没有找到匹配的数据。"],"Space followers":["空间 关注者"],"Everyone can enter":["所有人能加入"],"No spaces found.":["没有发现空间。"],"Private":["私有的"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["公开 (成员 和 游客)"],"Public (Members only)":["公开 (仅成员)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["公开 (仅注册用户)"],"Space":["空间"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["所有人可见 (成员 和 游客)"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["你需要登录才能查看这个空间的内容!"],"Stream (Default)":["流 (默认)"],"Members":["成员"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["抱歉,你不允许离开该空间!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["用户 '{username}' 已经是这个空间的成员了!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["用户 '{username}' 已经申请了加入这个空间!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["作为这个空间的所有者,你可以把这个角色转移到另一个空间管理员。"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["url包含非法字符!"],"Transfer ownership":["转让拥有者"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["例如 转给example 用 {baseUrl}/s/example"],"the default start page of this space for members":["这个空间成员默认的开始页"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["这个空间游客默认的开始页"],"Last Visit":["最后一次访问"],"Originator User ID":["原始用户ID"],"Request Message":["请求消息"],"Updated By":["修改人"],"Administrators":["超级管理用户"],"Color":["颜色"],"Default content visibility":["默认内容可见性"],"Homepage":["首页"],"Homepage (Guests)":["首页 (游客)"],"Moderators":["版主"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 接收了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的邀请"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 通过了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的请求"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 拒绝了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的邀请"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 拒绝了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的请求"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 邀请你加入空间 {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 请求加入空间 {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["允许用户创建公共内容"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["允许用户邀请新成员进空间"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["可以创建私有的空间。"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["可以创建公共空间。(展示在目录)"],"Create private space":["创建私有空间"],"Create public content":["创建公共内容"],"Create public space":["创建公共空间"],"Invite users":["邀请用户"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["添加空间"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["选择新的内容默认应该是公开或是私有"],"Manage members":["管理 成员"],"Role":["角色"],"Space Modules":["空间 模块"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["你确定?这个模块的所有的数据将会被删除!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["该空间当前没有生效模块"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["用模块来增强这个空间。"],"Add Modules":["添加 模块"],"Security settings":["安全 设置"],"Space settings":["空间 设置"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["权限分配给不同的用户角色。要编辑权限,选择要编辑的用户角色,并更改给定权限的下拉值。"],"This space is still empty!":["这个空间还是空空如也!"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["你还不是这个空间的成员,这个空间目前还没有公开内容!"],"Invite members":["邀请 成员"],"Add an user":["增加用户"],"Done":["执行"],"Email addresses":["邮件地址"],"Invite by email":["通过邮件邀请"],"New user?":["新用户"],"Pick users":["选择用户"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["邀请用户到这个空间,请键入他们的名字在下面找到并选择他们。"],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["您还可以邀请现在没有注册的外部用户。只需添加他们的电子邮件地址用逗号分隔。"],"Request space membership":["请求 加入空间"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["为了获得空间管理员的通过,请简短介绍一下你自己。"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["你的请求已成功提交给了空间管理。"],"User has become a member.":["用户成为了成员"],"User has been invited.":["用户已被邀请。"],"User has not been invited.":["用户还未被邀请"],"Cancel Membership":["取消成员"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["在控制面板隐藏文章"],"Show posts on dashboard":["在控制面板展示文章"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["此选项将在控制面板上隐藏这个空间的新内容"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["此选项将在控制面板上展示这个空间的新内容"],"My Space List":["我的空间列表"],"My space summary":["我的空间概要"],"Space directory":["空间目录"],"Pending Approvals":["待处理审核"],"Pending Invites":["待处理邀请"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["你真的要删除标题图片吗?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["你真的要删除属性图片吗?","你真的想要删除你的属性图片吗?"],"Accept Invite":["接收邀请"],"Deny Invite":["拒绝邀请"],"Posts":["文章"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["拖拽照片到这或者点击浏览文件"],"Hide my year of birth":["隐藏的生日中的年份"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["你好 %firstname%, 感谢使用 HumHub."],"Save and close":["保存并关闭"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["你是这里的第一个用户…哎哟不错哦!你就是一颗闪亮的星星,请完成你的配置,让后来的用户膜拜你吧。"],"Your firstname":["你的姓"],"Your lastname":["你的名"],"Your mobild phone number":["你的手机号"],"Your phone number at work":["你的工作电话"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["你的技能,知识和经验(逗号分隔)"],"Your title or position":["你的标题位置"],"Your profile":["你的 属性"],"Basic Settings":["基础设置"],"Change Email":["修改邮箱"],"Change Password":["修改密码"],"Confirm new password":["确认新密码"],"Connect account":["连接账户"],"Connected Accounts":["连接的账户"],"Connected accounts":["连接的账户"],"Currently in use":["目前在使用"],"Delete Account":["删除账户"],"Disconnect account":["取消账户连接"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["邮箱已经被使用了! - 尝试找回密码。"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["在这里,您可以连接到外部服务提供商,使用外部服务,如登录验证。"],"My Account":["我的账户"],"No users found.":["没有找到用户。"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["用户具有相同的电子邮件已经存在,但没有链接到你。使用你的电子邮件登录链接它。"],"You're not registered.":["你没有注册。"],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["你的新密码和当前密码不匹配!"],"or":["或者"],"Current Password":["当前密码"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["此帐户还有没通过审核!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["你需要登录才能查看此用户属性!"],"Guests":["游客"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["从控制面板上隐藏介绍向导"],"Profile visibility":["属性的可见性"],"TimeZone":["时区"],"Invite new people":["邀请 新人"],"Email address(es)":["邮箱"],"Invitation to join":["邀请加入"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["请添加你想邀请的人的电子邮件地址。"],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["多个邮箱用逗号隔开"],"Click here to create an account:":["点击这里创建一个新帐户:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} 邀请你加入 \"{space}\" 的 {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} 邀请你加入 {name}"],"ID":["ID"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP 属性"],"Searchable":["可搜索"],"Translation Category ID":["翻译分类 ID"],"Type Config":["类型配置"],"Date":["日期"],"Hide age per default":["从默认中隐藏年龄"],"Show date/time picker":["显示 日期/时间 选择器"],"Maximum value":["最大值"],"Minimum value":["最小值"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["逗号分隔国家代码,例如 DE,EN,AU"],"Possible values":["可能的值"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["支付 ISO3166 国家代码"],"Default value":["默认值"],"Maximum length":["最大长度"],"Minimum length":["最小长度"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["正则表达式:错误消息"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["正则表达式:验证器"],"Validator":["验证器"],"Auth Mode":["认证模式"],"Last Activity Email":["最后激活邮箱"],"Last Login":["最后登录时间"],"Manager":["管理"],"Show At Directory":["在目录展示"],"Show At Registration":["在注册展示"],"Space ID":["空间ID"],"Mentioned":["提到你"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} 现在关注了你。"],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 在 {contentTitle} 中提到了你。"],"About page":["属性页面"],"Allows access to your about page":["允许访问你的属性页面"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["你当前的邮箱地址是{email}。你可以在这里修改当前邮箱。"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["你可以在这里修改当前密码。"],"Enter your password to continue":["输入你密码继续"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["在这里,你可以编辑一般属性数据,这些数据在你的属性页可见。"],"Registered users only":["仅注册用户"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["所有人可见(包括未注册用户)"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["为了能和工作区中的其他用户交流活动或工作,获取一个电子邮件。"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["当你在线时接收桌面通知。"],"Create Account":["创建帐户"],"Remember me":["记住密码"],"Join the network":["加入 社交平台"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["输入你的邮箱。我们会发送找回密码的指令链接给你!"],"Password recovery":["找回密码"],"Reset password":["重置密码"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["我们已经给你发了一封电子邮件,包含一个链接,将允许你重新设置你的密码。"],"Registration successful":["注册成功"],"Change your password":["修改 你的密码"],"Change password":["修改密码"],"Password reset":["重置密码"],"Password changed!":["密码 已修改!"],"Hello {displayName}":["你好 {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["如果你不在24小时内使用这个链接,它会自动过期"],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["请在24小时内使用以下链接来重新设置您的密码。"],"Reset Password":["重置密码"],"Registration Link":["注册链接"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["邀请加入: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["现在注册并参与!"],"You got an invite":["你收到了一个邀请"],"invited you to join {name}.":["邀请你加入 {name}。"],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["邀请你加入 {space} 的 {name}."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["该属性依然是空的!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["你真的想要删除你的LOGO图片吗?"],"Sign in / up":["登录 / 注册"]}
\ No newline at end of file
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Make the beginning and post something...":["没有人写的东西。
开始写点什么"],"This profile stream is still empty":["没有动态"],"This space is still empty!
Start by posting something here...":["这个空间依然是空的
开始写点什么"],"Your dashboard is empty!
Post something on your profile or join some spaces!":["你的版面是空的!
写点什么或者加入一些空间"],"Your profile stream is still empty
Get started and post something...":["您还没有任何动态
发表一些动态..."],"Nothing found which matches your current filter(s)!":["没有发现符合筛选条件的内容!"],"Show all":["展示所有"],"Back to stream":["返回动态"],"Content with attached files":["内容含有附件"],"Created by me":["我创建的"],"Creation time":["创建时间"],"Filter":["筛选"],"Include archived posts":["含有归档内容"],"Last update":["最后更新"],"Only private posts":["仅私有内容"],"Only public posts":["仅公共内容"],"Posts only":["公共内容"],"Posts with links":["含链接的内容"],"Sorting":["排序"],"Where I´m involved":["关系密切"],"Directory":["目 录"],"Member Group Directory":["成员 组目录"],"show all members":["展示所有成员"],"Directory menu":["目录菜单"],"Members":["成员"],"User profile posts":["用户推送"],"Member directory":["成员 目录"],"Follow":["关注"],"No members found!":["没发现成员"],"Unfollow":["取消关注"],"search for members":["查找成员"],"Space directory":["空间 目录"],"No spaces found!":["没发现空间"],"You are a member of this space":["你是这个空间成员之一"],"search for spaces":["查找空间"],"Group stats":["组状态"],"Average members":["普通成员"],"Top Group":["顶级组"],"Total groups":["所有组"],"Member stats":["组状态"],"New people":["新人"],"Follows somebody":["关注某人"],"Online right now":["上线"],"Total users":["总用户"],"New spaces":["新空间"],"Space stats":["空间状态"],"Most members":["大多数成员"],"Private spaces":["私有空间"],"Total spaces":["所有空间"],"Created By":["创建人"],"Created at":["创建时间"],"Guid":["组用户ID"],"Updated at":["修改时间"],"Updated by":["修改人"],"Upload files":["上传文件"],"Sign in":["登录"],"Could not find target class!":["找不到目标类!"],"Could not find target record!":["找不到目标记录!"],"Invalid class given!":["无效的类"],"Users who like this":["点赞用户"],"{userDisplayName} likes {contentTitle}":["{userDisplayName} 赞了 {contentTitle}"],"%displayName% also likes the %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 也赞了 %contentTitle%."]," likes this.":["赞这个。"],"You like this.":["谁 赞了这个."],"You
"],"Like":["赞"],"Unlike":["取消赞"],"New":["新的"],"%displayName% created a new post.":["%displayName% 创建了一篇新文章."],"Read full post...":["阅读全文..."],"Send & decline":["发送并拒绝"],"Could not delete user who is a space owner! Name of Space: {spaceName}":["无法删除用户,用户是空间{spaceName}的主人"],"Invite and request":["邀请和请求"],"Only by invite":["只有通过邀请"],"Private (Invisible)":["私有(不可见)"],"Public (Visible)":["公共(可见)"],"Space is invisible!":["空间不可见"],"As owner you cannot revoke your membership!":["作为拥有者,你不能撤消你的会员资格"],"Could not request membership!":["无法请求成为成员"],"There is no pending invite!":["没有请求!"],"This action is only available for workspace members!":["此操作仅适用于空间成员!"],"You are not allowed to join this space!":["您不可以参加这个空间!"],"Your password":["你的密码"],"Invites":["邀请"],"New user by e-mail (comma separated)":["通过e-mail邀请新用户(以逗号分隔)"],"User is already member!":["用户已经是会员"],"{email} is already registered!":["{email}已经被注册!"],"{email} is not valid!":["{email} 无效!"],"Application message":["应用消息"],"Scope":["适用范围"],"Strength":["强度"],"Created At":["创建于"],"Join Policy":["加入政策"],"Name":["名字"],"Owner":["拥有者"],"Status":["状态"],"Tags":["标签"],"Updated At":["修改于"],"Visibility":["可见性"],"Website URL (optional)":["网站URL(可选)"],"You cannot create private visible spaces!":["你不能创建私有的空间"],"You cannot create public visible spaces!":["你不能创建公共空间"],"Select the area of your image you want to save as user avatar and click Save.":["选择你想保存用户头的区域,点击保存。"],"Modify space image":["更改 空间图片"],"Delete space":["删除 空间"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete this space? All published content will be removed!":["你确定,你要删除这个空间?所有发布的内容将被删除!"],"Please provide your password to continue!":["请提供您的密码,以继续!"],"General space settings":["常规 strong>空间设置"],"Archive":["存档"],"Choose the kind of membership you want to provide for this workspace.":["选择你想为这个空间的哪种会员。"],"Choose the security level for this workspace to define the visibleness.":["选择这个空间的安全级别来定义可见性。"],"Outstanding sent invitations":["突出 发送邀请"],"Outstanding user requests":["突出 用户请求"],"Remove member":["删除 成员"],"Allow this user to
invite other users":["允许这个用户去
邀请其它用户"],"Allow this user to
make content public":["允许这个用户
创建公共内容"],"Are you sure, that you want to remove this member from this space?":["你确定从这个空间删除成员?"],"Can invite":["能邀请"],"Can share":["能分享"],"Change space owner":["改变空间拥有者"],"External users who invited by email, will be not listed here.":["邮件邀请的用户,不会在这里列出"],"In the area below, you see all active members of this space. You can edit their privileges or remove it from this space.":["在下面的区域中,你看到这个空间的所有成员。您可以编辑或删除自己的特权。"],"Is admin":["是管理员"],"Make this user an admin":["让这个用户成为管理员"],"No, cancel":["不,取消"],"Remove":["移除"],"Request message":["请求消息"],"Revoke invitation":["撤销邀请"],"Search members":["搜索成员"],"The following users waiting for an approval to enter this space. Please take some action now.":["以下用户等待批准进入这个空间。请处理。"],"The following users were already invited to this space, but haven't accepted the invitation yet.":["以下用户已被邀请进入这个空间,目前为止还没加入"],"The space owner is the super admin of a space with all privileges and normally the creator of the space. Here you can change this role to another user.":["该空间拥有者是所有的特权和一般的空间创作者的空间超级管理员。在这里,你可以改变这个角色给其他用户"],"Yes, remove":["是,删除"],"Create new space":["创建 新空间"],"Advanced access settings":["访问权限设置"],"Also non-members can see this
space, but have no access":["所有人可见"],"Create":["创建"],"Every user can enter your space
without your approval":["无需批准,每一个用户都能进入你的空间"],"For everyone":["每个用户"],"How you want to name your space?":["你打算怎样给你的空间命名?"],"Please write down a small description for other users.":["请为你的空间写下小小的描述"],"This space will be hidden
for all non-members":["这个空间对所有非成员隐藏"],"Users can also apply for a
membership to this space":["用户能通过邀请或请求加入"],"Users can be only added
by invitation":["用户只能通过邀请加入"],"space description":["空间描述"],"space name":["空间名"],"Become member":["成为成员"],"Cancel pending membership application":["取消成员申请"],"Request membership":["请求成员"],"Send":["发送","发 送"],"Ok":["Ok"],"Back to workspace":["返回空间"],"Space preferences":["空间偏好"],"General":["一般"],"Space menu":["空间 菜单"],"Stream":["动态"],"Change image":["换图片"],"Current space image":["当前空间图片"],"Invite":["邀请"],"Something went wrong":["未知错误"],"Followers":["被关注"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become a approved member of this workspace.":["请简单介绍自己,以便成为成员"],"Request workspace membership":["请求成为成员"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the workspace administrators.":["您的请求已成功提交给了管理员"],"Create new space":["创建新空间"],"My spaces":["我的空间","我的版块"],"Space info":["空间 信息"],"Accept invite":["接受邀请"],"Deny invite":["拒绝邀请"],"Leave space":["离开空间"],"New member request":["新 成员请求"],"Space members":["空间成员","空间 成员"],"End guide":["结束向导"],"Next »":["下一步"],"« Prev":["上一步"],"Administration":["管理"],"Hurray! That's all for now.":["恭喜你! 完成了该向导."],"Modules":["模块"],"As an admin, you can manage the whole platform from here.
Apart from the modules, we are not going to go into each point in detail here, as each has its own short description elsewhere.":["作为管理员,您可以从这里管理整个平台。
除了模块,我们不会在这里详细一点,每个都有自己的简短描述的地方"],"You are currently in the tools menu. From here you can access the HumHub online marketplace, where you can install an ever increasing number of tools on-the-fly.
As already mentioned, the tools increase the features available for your space.":["你目前在“工具”菜单。从这里你可以访问humhub在线市场,在那里你可以安装不断增加的工具。
正如已经提到的,该工具可以增加您的空间特性。"],"You have now learned about all the most important features and settings and are all set to start using the platform.
We hope you and all future users will enjoy using this site. We are looking forward to any suggestions or support you wish to offer for our project. Feel free to contact us via www.humhub.org.
Stay tuned. :-)":["你现在已经知道了所有最重要的功能和设置,即将开始使用平台。
:-)"],"Dashboard":["主面板"],"This is your dashboard.
Any new activities or posts that might interest you will be displayed here.":["这是你的主面板。
任何新的活动或空间,你可能感兴趣的东西都将被显示在这里。"],"Administration (Modules)":["管理 (模块)"],"Edit account":["编辑 帐户"],"Hurray! The End.":["恭喜! 完成了."],"Hurray! You're done!":["恭喜! 完成了!"],"Profile menu":["属性 菜单"],"Profile photo":["属性 照片"],"Profile stream":["属性 动态流"],"User profile":["用户属性"],"Click on this button to update your profile and account settings. You can also add more information to your profile.":["点击此按钮来更新您的个人资料和帐户设置。您还可以添加更多的信息到你的档案。"],"Each profile has its own pin board. Your posts will also appear on the dashboards of those users who are following you.":["每个事件都会被推送到主面板。你的文章也会出现在那些关注你的用户的主面板里。"],"Just like in the space, the user profile can be personalized with various modules.
You can see which modules are available for your profile by looking them in “Modules” in the account settings menu.":["就像在模块里一样,用户可以使用模块配置个性化的属性。
你可以在帐户设置的“模块”菜里查看哪些模块适合配置你的个性化属性。"],"This is your public user profile, which can be seen by any registered user.":["这是你的公众用户属性,任何注册用户都能看到。"],"Upload a new profile photo by simply clicking here or by drag&drop. Do just the same for updating your cover photo.":["通过简单的点击这里或拖放图片上传更新你的封面照片。"],"You've completed the user profile guide!":["你已经完成了用户属性设置的向导"],"You've completed the user profile guide!
To carry on with the administration guide, click here:
"],"Most recent activities":["最近活跃"],"Posts":["文章"],"Profile Guide":["属性向导"],"Space":["空间"],"Space navigation menu":["空间导航菜单"],"Writing posts":["写 文章"],"Yay! You're done.":["不错!你完成了。"],"All users who are a member of this space will be displayed here.
New members can be added by anyone who has been given access rights by the admin.":["所有空间成员在这里显示。
新成员可被管理员授权的任何用户添加。"],"Give other useres a brief idea what the space is about. You can add the basic information here.
The space admin can insert and change the space's cover photo either by clicking on it or by drag&drop.":["为了让其它成员简单了解空间。你可以在这里添加基本信息。
空间管理员可以通过点击或拖拽插入和改变空间的封面照片。"],"New posts can be written and posted here.":["新的文章可以书写、张贴在这里。"],"Once you have joined or created a new space you can work on projects, discuss topics or just share information with other users.
There are various tools to personalize a space, thereby making the work process more productive.":["一旦你加入或创建一个新的空间,你可以开始工作,讨论话题,或是与其他用户共享信息。
有各种不同的工具,个性化的空间,从而使工作流程更高效。"],"That's it for the space guide.
To carry on with the user profile guide, click here: ":["这是空间的导向。
查看用户属性设置的指南,请点击这里:"],"This is where you can navigate the space – where you find which modules are active or available for the particular space you are currently in. These could be polls, tasks or notes for example.
Only the space admin can manage the space's modules.":["在这你可以浏览空间的可用或者已激活的模块。比如投票,任务或笔记模块。
只有空间管理员可以管理空间的模块。"],"This menu is only visible for space admins. Here you can manage your space settings, add/block members and activate/deactivate tools for this space.":["此菜单对空间管理员唯一可见。在这里你可以管理你的空间,在这里你可以添加或删除成员,激活或失效模块。"],"To keep you up to date, other users' most recent activities in this space will be displayed here.":["让你到目前为止,在这个空间中其他用户的最近的动态将被显示在这里。"],"Yours, and other users' posts will appear here.
These can then be liked or commented on.":["你和其他用户的文章会出现在这里。
这些就可以喜欢或评论。"],"Account Menu":["帐户菜单"],"Notifications":["通知"],"Space Menu":["空间 菜单"],"Start space guide":["开始 空间向导"],"Don't lose track of things!
This icon will keep you informed of activities and posts that concern you directly.":["你不该错过!
这个图标会让你了解你所关心的动态。"],"The account menu gives you access to your private settings and allows you to manage your public profile.":["帐户菜单可让您使用您的个人设置,并允许你管理你的公众形象。"],"This is the most important menu and will probably be the one you use most often!
Access all the spaces you have joined and create new spaces here.
The next guide will show you how:":["这是最重要的菜单,可能是一个你最经常使用的!
接下来的指南将告诉您如何访问。"]," Remove panel":["移除空间"],"Getting Started":["马上开始"],"Guide: Administration (Modules)":["指南:管理(模块)"],"Guide: Overview":["指南:概述"],"Guide: Spaces":["指南:空间"],"Guide: User profile":["指南: 用户属性"],"Get to know your way around the site's most important features with the following guides:":["以下指南带你了解网站的主要功能。"],"Your password is incorrect!":["密码不正确"],"You cannot change your password here.":["这里不能改密码"],"Invalid link! Please make sure that you entered the entire url.":["无效链接!请确保输入完整的URL"],"Save profile":["保存信息"],"The entered e-mail address is already in use by another user.":["输入的电子邮件地址已被使用"],"You cannot change your e-mail address here.":["这里不能改变邮件地址"],"Account":["帐号"],"Create account":["创建帐号"],"Current password":["当前密码"],"E-Mail change":["更改邮件地址"],"New E-Mail address":["新邮件地址"],"Send activities?":["发送激活邮件?"],"Send notifications?":["发送通知?"],"Incorrect username/email or password.":["错误的用户名或密码"],"New password":["新密码"],"New password confirm":["确认新密码"],"Remember me next time":["记住密码"],"Your account has not been activated by our staff yet.":["您的帐户尚未激活"],"Your account is suspended.":["您的帐户被暂停"],"Password recovery is not possible on your account type!":["您的帐户类型不支持找回密码"],"E-Mail":["电子邮件"],"Password Recovery":["找回密码"],"{attribute} \"{value}\" was not found!":["{attribute} \"{value}\" 找不到!"],"Invalid language!":["无效语言","无效的语言"],"Hide panel on dashboard":["从面板上隐藏"],"Default Space":["默认空间"],"Group Administrators":["小组管理"],"Members can create private spaces":["成员能创建私有空间"],"Members can create public spaces":["成员能创建公共空间"],"Birthday":["生日"],"City":["市"],"Country":["国家"],"Fax":["传真"],"Firstname":["姓"],"Lastname":["名"],"Mobile":["手机"],"MySpace URL":["主页URL"],"Phone Private":["私人电话"],"Phone Work":["工作电话"],"State":["状态"],"Street":["街道"],"Zip":["邮政编码"],"Created by":["创建人"],"Editable":["可编辑"],"Field Type could not be changed!":["类型不能修改"],"Fieldtype":["类型"],"Internal Name":["内部名"],"Internal name already in use!":["内部名已被使用"],"Internal name could not be changed!":["内部名不能改变"],"Invalid field type!":["无效的区域类型"],"Module":["模块"],"Only alphanumeric characters allowed!":["只允许字母数字字符!"],"Profile Field Category":["属性区域类别"],"Required":["必填"],"Show at registration":["在注册表显示"],"Sort order":["排序"],"Visible":["可见的"],"Communication":["通信"],"Social bookmarks":["社交标签"],"Datetime":["时间"],"Number":["号码"],"Select List":["选择列表"],"Text":["文本"],"Text Area":["文本域"],"%y Years":["%y 年"],"Birthday field options":["生日区域选项"],"Date(-time) field options":["日期区域选项"],"Number field options":["数字区域选项"],"One option per line. Key=>Value Format (e.g. yes=>Yes)":["每行一个选项。关键词=>值格式(例如 是= >是)"],"Please select:":["请选择:"],"Select field options":["选择区域选项"],"Text Field Options":["文本类型选项"],"Text area field options":["文本域区域选项"],"New user needs approval":["新用户需要审核"],"Wall":["墙"],"Change E-mail":["修改 电子邮箱"],"Your e-mail address has been successfully changed to {email}.":["你的电子邮箱已成功修改为{email}"],"We´ve just sent an confirmation e-mail to your new address.
Please follow the instructions inside.":["刚刚发送确认邮件到您的新地址。
请按照指示操作"],"Change password":["修改 密码"],"Password changed":["密码 已修改"],"Your password has been successfully changed!":["你的密码已被成功修改!"],"Modify your profile image":["修改 属性图片"],"Delete account":["删除 帐户"],"Are you sure, that you want to delete your account?
All your published content will be removed! ":["你确定想删除你的账户?
你发表的内容将被删除"],"Delete account":["删除帐户"],"Sorry, as an owner of a workspace you are not able to delete your account!
Please assign another owner or delete them.":["对不起,作为一个空间拥有者,您无法删除帐户!
请为空间指定另一个拥有者再删除"],"User details":["用户 详情"],"User modules":["用户 模块"],"Are you really sure? *ALL* module data for your profile will be deleted!":["你肯定?*所有*模块配置数据将被删除!"],"Enhance your profile with modules.":["用模块增强你的属性"],"User settings":["用户 设置"],"Getting Started":["现在开始"],"Email Notifications":["邮件 通知"],"Get an email, by every activity from other users you follow or work
together in workspaces.":["收到一封电子邮件,从你关注的用户的空间的每一次活跃。"],"Get an email, when other users comment or like your posts.":["收到一封电子邮件,当其他用户的评论或喜欢你的文章。"],"Account registration":["帐户 注册"],"Your account has been successfully created!":["你的帐户 已被成功创建!"],"After activating your account by the administrator, you will receive a notification by email.":["为了激活你的帐户,你将出到一个邮件通知!"],"Go to login page":["去登录页"],"To log in with your new account, click the button below.":["登录您的新帐户,请单击下面的按钮"],"back to home":["返回首页"],"Please sign in":["请 登录"],"Sign up":["注册"],"Create a new one.":["创建一个新的"],"Don't have an account? Join the network by entering your e-mail address.":["你还没有帐号?通过输入电子邮箱加入我们。"],"Forgot your password?":["忘记你的密码?"],"If you're already a member, please login with your username/email and password.":["如果你已经是会员,请登录"],"Register":["注册"],"email":["邮件"],"password":["密码"],"username or email":["用户名或邮箱"],"Password recovery":["找回 密码","找回密码"],"enter security code above":["输入上面的安全码"],"your email":["你的邮箱"],"Password recovery!":["找回 密码!"],"Registration successful!":["注册 成功!"],"Please check your email and follow the instructions!":["请检查邮件完成激活"],"Confirm your new email address":["确认新邮箱"],"Confirm":["确认"],"Hello":["你好"],"You have requested to change your e-mail address.
Your new e-mail address is {newemail}.
To confirm your new e-mail address please click on the button below.":["您已经请求更改您的电子邮件地址。
确认你的新的电子邮件地址,请单击下面的按钮。"],"Sign up":["注 册"],"Welcome to %appName%. Please click on the button below to proceed with your registration.":["欢迎来到 %appName%. 请点击以下按钮完成注册."],"
A social network to increase your communication and teamwork.
Register now\n to join this space.":["
现在注册\n加入这个空间。"],"You got a space invite":["你收到一个 空间邀请 "],"invited you to the space:":["邀请你加入空间:"],"About this user":["关于该用户"],"Modify your title image":["修改 属性图片"],"Account settings":["帐户 设置"],"Profile":["属性"],"Edit account":["编辑帐户"],"Following":["关注"],"Following user":["关注"],"User followers":["被关注"],"Member in these spaces":["空间列表"],"User tags":["用户 标签"],"Back to modules":["返回模块"],"Active":["激活"],"Mark as unseen for all users":["将所有用户标记为未读"],"Breaking News Configuration":["弹出新闻配置"],"Note: You can use markdown syntax.":["提示:你可以使用标签语法(html标签)。"],"End Date and Time":["结束日期和时间"],"Start Date and Time":["开始日期和时间"],"You don't have permission to access this event!":["你无权访问这个事件!"],"You don't have permission to create events!":["你无权创建事件!"],"Adds an calendar for private or public events to your profile and mainmenu.":["在主菜单和个人属性页为你的私有或公共事件增加一个日历。"],"Adds an event calendar to this space.":["为这个版块增加一个事件日历。"],"All Day":["全天"],"Attending users":["参加用户"],"Calendar":["日历"],"Declining users":["拒绝用户"],"End Date":["结束日期"],"End time must be after start time!":["结束时间必须晚于开始时间!"],"Event":["事件"],"Event not found!":["没找到事件"],"Maybe attending users":["可能参加的用户"],"Participation Mode":["参与模式"],"Start Date":["开始日期"],"You don't have permission to delete this event!":["你无权删除事件!"],"You don't have permission to edit this event!":["你无权编辑事件!"],"%displayName% created a new %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 创建了一个新事件 %contentTitle%."],"%displayName% attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% hat für %contentTitle% zugesagt."],"%displayName% maybe attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 参加了 %contentTitle% teil."],"%displayName% not attends to %contentTitle%.":["%displayName% 没有参加 %contentTitle% teil."],"Start Date/Time":["开始日期/时间"],"Create event":["创建 事件"],"Edit event":["编辑 事件"],"Note: This event will be created on your profile. 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Be the first and create one...":["还没有任务!
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\r\n\r\n your account has been activated.
\r\n\r\n Click here to login:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["你好 {displayName},
\r\n \r\n 你的帐户已被激活。
\r\n \r\n 点击此链接登录:
\r\n {loginURL}
\r\n 最诚挚的问候
\r\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\r\n\r\n your account request has been declined.
\r\n\r\n Kind Regards
\r\n {AdminName}
":["\r\n 你好 {displayName},
\r\n \r\n 你的帐户请求已被拒绝。
\r\n 最诚挚的问候
\r\n {AdminName}
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(e.g. a new post was written or a new member joined the space).":["活动提供了一个在空间或其他用户有关行动的概述。(例如:一个新的职位被写入或一个新成员加入了空间)。"],"Define the default behaviour for sending user e-mails. These settings can be overwritten by users in their account settings.":["定义发送用户电子邮件的默认行为。这些设置可以通过在用户的帐户设置来覆盖。"],"Notifications are user related information (e.g. new comments on own posts or a new follower). Notifications will also be created when an user-action is required (e.g. friendship request).":["通知是用户相关的信息(例如,对自己的职位或一个新的追随者的新评论)。当需要用户的操作(例如友谊请求)时也会创建通知。"],"Add new provider":["增加新的供应商"],"Currently no provider active!":["当前没有可用的供应商!"],"Enabled OEmbed providers":["可用的 OEmbed 供应商"],"Add OEmbed provider":["增加 OEmbed 供应商"],"Edit OEmbed provider":["修改 OEmbed 供应商"],"Url Prefix without http:// or https:// (e.g. youtube.com)":["不带http://的Url 前缀(例如 youtube.com)"],"Use %url% as placeholder for URL. Format needs to be JSON. (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)":["使用 %url% 作为 URL 的占位符。 合格应该为JSON。 (例如 http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%url%&format=json)"],"You can add an statistics HTML code snippet - which will added to all rendered pags.":["你可以添加一个统计HTML代码段,此代码段将添加到所有的渲染页。"],"Here you can define your default settings for new spaces. These settings can be overwritten for each individual space.":["在这里,您可以定义新的空间的默认设置。这些设置可以在每一单独的空间里覆盖。"],"This overview contains a list of each space with actions to view, edit and delete spaces.":["此概述包含一个每个空间的列表信息,包括查看,编辑和删除 操作。"],"Space Settings":["空间设置"],"Edit user: {name}":["编辑用户:{name}"],"Add new user":["增加新用户"],"Group Manager":["组管理"],"Last login":["最后登录"],"Send invite":["发送邀请"],"This overview contains a list of each registered user with actions to view, edit and delete users.":["此概览包括所有注册用户列表信息,包括查看,编辑,删除操作。"],"never":["从不"],"Create new profile category":["创建新的属性分类"],"Edit profile category":["编辑属性分类"],"Create new profile field":["创建新的属性域"],"Edit profile field":["编辑属性域"],"Here you can create or edit profile categories and fields.":["在这里您可以创建或编辑属性的分类和域(字段)"],"Manage profile attributes":["管理属性的属性值"],"Appearance":["外观"],"E-Mails":["邮箱"],"Information":["信息"],"{displayNames} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} 评论了 {contentTitle}."],"{displayName} commented {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 评论了 {contentTitle}."],"New Comment":["新评论"],"Allows the user to add comments":["允许用户评论"],"Allows the user to create posts":["允许用户发布文章"],"Can manage (e.g. archive, stick or delete) arbitrary content":["可以管理(如归档,粘贴或删除)任意内容"],"Create comment":["创建评论"],"Create post":["创建文章"],"Manage content":["管理内容"],"Edit your comment...":["编辑你的评论..."],"Show %count% more comments":["再展示 %count% 条评论"],"Confirm comment deleting":["确认 删除评论"],"Do you really want to delete this comment?":["你真的想删除这条评论?"],"Edit":["编辑"],"Updated :timeago":["于 :timeago 修改","于 :timeago 修改"],"{displayName} created a new {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 创建了 {contentTitle}."],"Content":["内容"],"Could not load requested object!":["无法加载请求对象!"],"Maximum number of sticked items reached!\r\n\r\nYou can stick only two items at once.\r\nTo however stick this item, unstick another before!":["粘贴项目达到最大数量!\r\n\r\n你可以一次只粘贴两个项目。\r\n任然坚持粘贴这个项目,请先放弃另一个!"],"Could not find requested content!":["找不到请求的内容!"],"Could not find requested permalink!":["找不到请求的链接!"],"{displayName} created {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 创建了 {contentTitle}."],"in":["在"],"Add a member to notify":["增加一个通知成员"],"Make private":["变成私有"],"Make public":["变成公开"],"Notify members":["通知成员"],"Confirm post deletion":["确认 删除记录"],"Pinned":["已标记","标记"],"Turn off notifications":["关闭通知"],"Turn on notifications":["打开通知"],"Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter":["使用 Ctrl+C 键复制链接"],"Unpinned":["取消标记"],"Load more":["加载更多"],"No matches with your selected filters!":["没有符合你筛选条件的数据!"],"Nothing here yet!":["空空如也!"],"No public contents to display found!":["没有找到公开展示的内容!"],"Group members - {group}":["分组 成员 - {group}"],"There are no profile posts yet!":["还没有个人文章!"],"See all":["查看所有"],"Could not find requested file!":["找不到请求的文件!"],"Insufficient permissions!":["没有足够的权限!"],"Image dimensions are too big to be processed with current server memory limit!":["图像尺寸太大,超出了当前服务器内存处理限制!"],"Invalid Mime-Type":["无效的类型"],"Maximum file size ({maxFileSize}) has been exceeded!":["已超过最大文件大小({maxFileSize})!"],"This file type is not allowed!":["不允许该文件类型!"],"Upload error":["上传 错误"],"Could not upload File:":["不能上传文件:"],"My friends":["我的 好友"],"Pending friend requests":["待处理 的好友请求"],"Sent friend requests":["发送 好友请求"],"Accept Friend Request":["接收好友请求"],"Add Friend":["增加好友"],"Cancel friend request":["取消好友请求"],"Deny friend request":["拒绝好友请求"],"Friends":["好友"],"Requests":["请求"],"Sent requests":["发送请求"],"Show all friends":["展示所有好友"],"Unfriend":["删除好友"],"{displayName} accepted your friend request.":["{displayName} 通过了你的好友请求。"],"{displayName} declined your friend request.":["{displayName} 拒绝了你的好友请求。"],"{displayName} sent you a friend request.":["{displayName} 给你发送了一个好友请求。"],"Friendship Request":["好友请求"],"Friendship Approved":["好友通过"],"Downloading & Installing Modules...":["下载安装模块..."],"Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.":["卡尔文 - 痴迷于爱和疯狂之间的谎言。"],"Create Admin Account":["创建管理员账户"],"Nike – Just buy it. ;Wink;":["耐克 - 夹斯特杜伊特。"],"We're looking for great slogans of famous brands. Maybe you can come up with some samples?":["我们正在寻找伟大的口号。你能拿出一些样品吗?"],"Welcome Space":["欢迎空间"],"Yay! I've just installed HumHub ;Cool;":["太棒了,我刚刚安装了HumHub"],"Your first sample space to discover the platform.":["你的第一个样本空间发现平台。"],"Name of your network":["你的网络名称"],"Name of Database":["数据库名"],"Set up example content (recommended)":["设置示例内容(推荐)"],"Allow access for non-registered users to public content (guest access)":["允许非注册用户访问公开内容(访客访问)"],"Allow friendships between members":["允许成员之间"],"External users can register (show registration form on login)":["外部用户可以注册(注册表单将显示在登录页)"],"Newly registered users have to be activated by an admin first":["新注册的用户必须由管理员激活"],"Registered members can invite new users via email":["注册会员可以通过电子邮件邀请新用户"],"I want to use HumHub for:":["我想用HumHub来:"],"Admin Account":["管理员 帐户"],"You're almost done. In this step you have to fill out the form to create an admin account. With this account you can manage the whole network.":["你几乎完成了安装。在这一步中,您必须填写表单,以创建一个管理帐户。有了这个帐户,你可以管理整个平台。"],"Of course, your new social network needs a name. Please change the default name with one you like. (For example the name of your company, organization or club)":["当然,你的新的社交平台需要一个名字。请将默认名称更改为您喜欢的。(例如,你的公司,组织或俱乐部的名称)"],"Social Network Name":["社交网络 名字"],"Congratulations. You're done.":["祝贺你, 安装完成。"],"The installation completed successfully! Have fun with your new social network.":["安装成功完成!祝你在新社交平台上玩得开心。"],"HumHub is very flexible and can be adjusted and/or expanded for various different applications thanks to its’ different modules. The following modules are just a few examples and the ones we thought are most important for your chosen application.
You can always install or remove modules later. You can find more available modules after installation in the admin area.":["HumHub是非常灵活的,可以通过安装各种不同的应用模块来调整/或扩大功能。下面推荐几个我们认为重要的模块给你。当然,你也可以稍后在管理区域中安装更多模块。"],"Recommended Modules":["推荐 模块"],"Example contents":["示例 内容"],"To avoid a blank dashboard after your initial login, HumHub can install example contents for you. Those will give you a nice general view of how HumHub works. You can always delete the individual contents.":["为了避免初始登录后空白的仪表板,humhub可以安装一些示例内容。这将给你一个很好humhub概览。您可以随时删除示例内容。"],"Here you can decide how new, unregistered users can access HumHub.":["在这里你可以决是否允许定新的,未注册的用户访问HumHub。"],"Security Settings":["安全 设置"],"Configuration":["配置"],"My club":["我的俱乐部"],"My community":["我的社区"],"My company (Social Intranet / Project management)":["我的公司(社会网络/项目管理)"],"My educational institution (school, university)":["我的教育机构(学校,大学)"],"Skip this step, I want to set up everything manually":["跳过这一步,我想手动设置一切"],"To simplify the configuration, we have predefined setups for the most common use cases with different options for modules and settings. You can adjust them during the next step.":["为了简化配置,我们预定义了几个最常见的用例,采用了不同的选项模块和设置。你可以在稍后调整他们。"],"Welcome to HumHub
Your Social Network Toolbox":["欢迎来到 HumHub
你的社交网络工具箱!"],"This wizard will install and configure your own HumHub instance.
To continue, click Next.":["该向导将安装和配置你自己的humhub实例.
点击下一步继续。"],"Database Configuration":["数据库 配置"],"Below you have to enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, please contact your system administrator.":["下面你必须输入数据库连接的详细信息。如果你不确定,请与系统管理员联系"],"Hostname of your MySQL Database Server (e.g. localhost if MySQL is running on the same machine)":["MySQL数据库服务器的主机名(例如:如果MySQL是同一台机器上运行,输入localhost)"],"Initializing database...":["初始化数据库..."],"Ohh, something went wrong!":["糟糕, 出错了!"],"The name of the database you want to run HumHub in.":["你想要存humhub数据的数据库名"],"Your MySQL password.":["数据库存密码。"],"Your MySQL username":["数据库用户名"],"System Check":["系统 检测"],"Check again":["重新检测"],"Congratulations! Everything is ok and ready to start over!":["祝贺你!一切准备就绪!"],"This overview shows all system requirements of HumHub.":["以下展示了humhub的所有系统需求"],"New Like":["新的赞"],"{displayNames} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayNames} 赞了 {contentTitle}。"],"{displayName} likes {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 赞了 {contentTitle}。"],"You":["你"],"You like this.":["你赞了这个。"],"and {count} more like this.":["和其它{count}人点赞了这个."],"{displayName} and {displayName2}":["{displayName} 和 {displayName2}"],"{displayName} and {number} others":["{displayName} 和 {number} 其它"],"Other":["其它"],"Notification Overview":["通知 概览"],"Mark all as seen":["标记所有为已读"],"Module Filter":["模块筛选"],"No notifications found!":["没有发现通知!"],"Show all notifications":["展示所有的通知"],"There are no notifications yet.":["还没有通知。"],"Edit your post...":["编辑你的文章..."],"Search results":["搜索 结果"],"Advanced search settings":["高级搜索设置"],"Search for user, spaces and content":["搜索用户,空间,内容"],"Search only in certain spaces:":["只搜索指定的空间:"],"Your search returned no matches.":["没有找到匹配的数据。"],"Space followers":["空间 关注者"],"Everyone can enter":["所有人能加入"],"No spaces found.":["没有发现空间。"],"Private":["私有的"],"Public (Members & Guests)":["公开 (成员 和 游客)"],"Public (Members only)":["公开 (仅成员)"],"Public (Registered users only)":["公开 (仅注册用户)"],"Space":["空间"],"Visible for all (members and guests)":["所有人可见 (成员 和 游客)"],"You need to login to view contents of this space!":["你需要登录才能查看这个空间的内容!"],"Stream (Default)":["流 (默认)"],"Members":["成员"],"Sorry, you are not allowed to leave this space!":["抱歉,你不允许离开该空间!"],"User '{username}' is already a member of this space!":["用户 '{username}' 已经是这个空间的成员了!"],"User '{username}' is already an applicant of this space!":["用户 '{username}' 已经申请了加入这个空间!"],"As owner of this space you can transfer this role to another administrator in space.":["作为这个空间的所有者,你可以把这个角色转移到另一个空间管理员。"],"The url contains illegal characters!":["url包含非法字符!"],"Transfer ownership":["转让拥有者"],"e.g. example for {baseUrl}/s/example":["例如 转给example 用 {baseUrl}/s/example"],"the default start page of this space for members":["这个空间成员默认的开始页"],"the default start page of this space for visitors":["这个空间游客默认的开始页"],"Last Visit":["最后一次访问"],"Originator User ID":["原始用户ID"],"Request Message":["请求消息"],"Updated By":["修改人"],"Administrators":["超级管理用户"],"Color":["颜色"],"Default content visibility":["默认内容可见性"],"Homepage":["首页"],"Homepage (Guests)":["首页 (游客)"],"Moderators":["版主"],"{displayName} accepted your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 接收了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的邀请"],"{displayName} approved your membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 通过了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的请求"],"{displayName} declined your invite for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 拒绝了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的邀请"],"{displayName} declined your membership request for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 拒绝了你加入空间 {spaceName} 的请求"],"{displayName} invited you to the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 邀请你加入空间 {spaceName}"],"{displayName} requests membership for the space {spaceName}":["{displayName} 请求加入空间 {spaceName}"],"Allows the user to create public content":["允许用户创建公共内容"],"Allows the user to invite new members to the space":["允许用户邀请新成员进空间"],"Can create hidden (private) spaces.":["可以创建私有的空间。"],"Can create public visible spaces. (Listed in directory)":["可以创建公共空间。(展示在目录)"],"Create private space":["创建私有空间"],"Create public content":["创建公共内容"],"Create public space":["创建公共空间"],"Invite users":["邀请用户"],"Add {n,plural,=1{space} other{spaces}}":["添加空间"],"Choose if new content should be public or private by default":["选择新的内容默认应该是公开或是私有"],"Manage members":["管理 成员"],"Role":["角色"],"Space Modules":["空间 模块"],"Are you sure? *ALL* module data for this space will be deleted!":["你确定?这个模块的所有的数据将会被删除!"],"Currently there are no modules available for this space!":["该空间当前没有生效模块"],"Enhance this space with modules.":["用模块来增强这个空间。"],"Add Modules":["添加 模块"],"Security settings":["安全 设置"],"Space settings":["空间 设置"],"Permissions are assigned to different user-roles. To edit a permission, select the user-role you want to edit and change the drop-down value of the given permission.":["权限分配给不同的用户角色。要编辑权限,选择要编辑的用户角色,并更改给定权限的下拉值。"],"This space is still empty!":["这个空间还是空空如也!"],"You are not member of this space and there is no public content, yet!":["你还不是这个空间的成员,这个空间目前还没有公开内容!"],"Invite members":["邀请 成员"],"Add an user":["增加用户"],"Done":["执行"],"Email addresses":["邮件地址"],"Invite by email":["通过邮件邀请"],"New user?":["新用户"],"Pick users":["选择用户"],"To invite users to this space, please type their names below to find and pick them.":["邀请用户到这个空间,请键入他们的名字在下面找到并选择他们。"],"You can also invite external users, which are not registered now. Just add their e-mail addresses separated by comma.":["您还可以邀请现在没有注册的外部用户。只需添加他们的电子邮件地址用逗号分隔。"],"Request space membership":["请求 加入空间"],"Please shortly introduce yourself, to become an approved member of this space.":["为了获得空间管理员的通过,请简短介绍一下你自己。"],"Your request was successfully submitted to the space administrators.":["你的请求已成功提交给了空间管理。"],"User has become a member.":["用户成为了成员"],"User has been invited.":["用户已被邀请。"],"User has not been invited.":["用户还未被邀请"],"Cancel Membership":["取消成员"],"Hide posts on dashboard":["在控制面板隐藏文章"],"Show posts on dashboard":["在控制面板展示文章"],"This option will hide new content from this space at your dashboard":["此选项将在控制面板上隐藏这个空间的新内容"],"This option will show new content from this space at your dashboard":["此选项将在控制面板上展示这个空间的新内容"],"My Space List":["我的空间列表"],"My space summary":["我的空间概要"],"Space directory":["空间目录"],"Pending Approvals":["待处理审核"],"Pending Invites":["待处理邀请"],"Do you really want to delete your title image?":["你真的要删除标题图片吗?"],"Do you really want to delete your profile image?":["你真的要删除属性图片吗?","你真的想要删除你的属性图片吗?"],"Accept Invite":["接收邀请"],"Deny Invite":["拒绝邀请"],"Posts":["文章"],"Drag a photo here or click to browse your files":["拖拽照片到这或者点击浏览文件"],"Hide my year of birth":["隐藏的生日中的年份"],"Howdy %firstname%, thank you for using HumHub.":["你好 %firstname%, 感谢使用 HumHub."],"Save and close":["保存并关闭"],"You are the first user here... Yehaaa! Be a shining example and complete your profile,
so that future users know who is the top dog here and to whom they can turn to if they have questions.":["你是这里的第一个用户…哎哟不错哦!你就是一颗闪亮的星星,请完成你的配置,让后来的用户膜拜你吧。"],"Your firstname":["你的姓"],"Your lastname":["你的名"],"Your mobild phone number":["你的手机号"],"Your phone number at work":["你的工作电话"],"Your skills, knowledge and experience (comma seperated)":["你的技能,知识和经验(逗号分隔)"],"Your title or position":["你的标题位置"],"Your profile":["你的 属性"],"Basic Settings":["基础设置"],"Change Email":["修改邮箱"],"Change Password":["修改密码"],"Confirm new password":["确认新密码"],"Connect account":["连接账户"],"Connected Accounts":["连接的账户"],"Connected accounts":["连接的账户"],"Currently in use":["目前在使用"],"Delete Account":["删除账户"],"Disconnect account":["取消账户连接"],"E-Mail is already in use! - Try forgot password.":["邮箱已经被使用了! - 尝试找回密码。"],"Here you can connect to external service provider for using external services like a single sign on authentication.":["在这里,您可以连接到外部服务提供商,使用外部服务,如登录验证。"],"My Account":["我的账户"],"No users found.":["没有找到用户。"],"User with the same email already exists but isn't linked to you. Login using your email first to link it.":["用户具有相同的电子邮件已经存在,但没有链接到你。使用你的电子邮件登录链接它。"],"You're not registered.":["你没有注册。"],"Your new password must not equal your current password!":["你的新密码和当前密码不匹配!"],"or":["或者"],"Current Password":["当前密码"],"This user account is not approved yet!":["此帐户还有没通过审核!"],"You need to login to view this user profile!":["你需要登录才能查看此用户属性!"],"Guests":["游客"],"Hide introduction tour panel on dashboard":["从控制面板上隐藏介绍向导"],"Profile visibility":["属性的可见性"],"TimeZone":["时区"],"Invite new people":["邀请 新人"],"Email address(es)":["邮箱"],"Invitation to join":["邀请加入"],"Please add the email addresses of people you want to invite below.":["请添加你想邀请的人的电子邮件地址。"],"Separate multiple email addresses by comma.":["多个邮箱用逗号隔开"],"Click here to create an account:":["点击这里创建一个新帐户:"],"{username} invited you to join \"{space}\" on {name}.":["{username} 邀请你加入 \"{space}\" 的 {name}."],"{username} invited you to {name}.":["{username} 邀请你加入 {name}"],"ID":["ID"],"LDAP Attribute":["LDAP 属性"],"Searchable":["可搜索"],"Translation Category ID":["翻译分类 ID"],"Type Config":["类型配置"],"Date":["日期"],"Hide age per default":["从默认中隐藏年龄"],"Show date/time picker":["显示 日期/时间 选择器"],"Maximum value":["最大值"],"Minimum value":["最小值"],"Comma separated country codes, e.g. DE,EN,AU":["逗号分隔国家代码,例如 DE,EN,AU"],"Possible values":["可能的值"],"Supported ISO3166 country codes":["支付 ISO3166 国家代码"],"Default value":["默认值"],"Maximum length":["最大长度"],"Minimum length":["最小长度"],"Regular Expression: Error message":["正则表达式:错误消息"],"Regular Expression: Validator":["正则表达式:验证器"],"Validator":["验证器"],"Auth Mode":["认证模式"],"Last Activity Email":["最后激活邮箱"],"Last Login":["最后登录时间"],"Manager":["管理"],"Show At Directory":["在目录展示"],"Show At Registration":["在注册展示"],"Space ID":["空间ID"],"Mentioned":["提到你"],"{displayName} is now following you.":["{displayName} 现在关注了你。"],"{displayName} mentioned you in {contentTitle}.":["{displayName} 在 {contentTitle} 中提到了你。"],"About page":["属性页面"],"Allows access to your about page":["允许访问你的属性页面"],"Your current E-mail address is {email}. You can change your current E-mail address here.":["你当前的邮箱地址是{email}。你可以在这里修改当前邮箱。"],"Your current password can be changed here.":["你可以在这里修改当前密码。"],"Enter your password to continue":["输入你密码继续"],"Here you can edit your general profile data, which is visible in the about page of your profile.":["在这里,你可以编辑一般属性数据,这些数据在你的属性页可见。"],"Registered users only":["仅注册用户"],"Visible for all (also unregistered users)":["所有人可见(包括未注册用户)"],"Get an email, for every activity of other users you follow or work together in a workspace.":["为了能和工作区中的其他用户交流活动或工作,获取一个电子邮件。"],"Receive desktop notifications when you are online.":["当你在线时接收桌面通知。"],"Create Account":["创建帐户"],"Remember me":["记住密码"],"Join the network":["加入 社交平台"],"Just enter your e-mail address. We´ll send you recovery instructions!":["输入你的邮箱。我们会发送找回密码的指令链接给你!"],"Password recovery":["找回密码"],"Reset password":["重置密码"],"We’ve sent you an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.":["我们已经给你发了一封电子邮件,包含一个链接,将允许你重新设置你的密码。"],"Registration successful":["注册成功"],"Change your password":["修改 你的密码"],"Change password":["修改密码"],"Password reset":["重置密码"],"Password changed!":["密码 已修改!"],"Hello {displayName}":["你好 {displayName}"],"If you don't use this link within 24 hours, it will expire.":["如果你不在24小时内使用这个链接,它会自动过期"],"Please use the following link within the next day to reset your password.":["请在24小时内使用以下链接来重新设置您的密码。"],"Reset Password":["重置密码"],"Registration Link":["注册链接"],"Invitation to join: {space}":["邀请加入: {space}"],"Register now and participate!":["现在注册并参与!"],"You got an invite":["你收到了一个邀请"],"invited you to join {name}.":["邀请你加入 {name}。"],"invited you to join {space} on {name}.":["邀请你加入 {space} 的 {name}."],"This profile stream is still empty!":["该属性依然是空的!"],"Do you really want to delete your logo image?":["你真的想要删除你的LOGO图片吗?"],"Sign in / up":["登录 / 注册"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account has been activated.
\n\n Click here to login:
\n {loginURL}
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["你好 {displayName},
\n \n 你的帐户已被激活。
\n \n 点击此链接登录:
\n {loginURL}
\n 最诚挚的问候
\n {AdminName}
"],"Hello {displayName},
\n\n your account request has been declined.
\n\n Kind Regards
\n {AdminName}
":["\n 你好 {displayName},
\n \n 你的帐户请求已被拒绝。
\n 最诚挚的问候
\n {AdminName}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/humhub/modules/search/messages/de/views_search_index.php b/protected/humhub/modules/search/messages/de/views_search_index.php
index 6bc160edb8..7007db7541 100644
--- a/protected/humhub/modules/search/messages/de/views_search_index.php
+++ b/protected/humhub/modules/search/messages/de/views_search_index.php
@@ -1,30 +1,13 @@
- 'Search results' => 'Suchergebnisse',
- 'Advanced search settings' => 'Erweiterte Sucheinstellungen',
- 'All' => 'Global',
- 'Content' => 'Inhalte',
- 'Search for user, spaces and content' => 'Nach Benutzern, Spaces und Inhalten suchen',
- 'Search only in certain spaces:' => 'Nur in diesen Spaces suchen:',
- 'Spaces' => 'Spaces',
- 'Users' => 'Benutzer',
- 'Your search returned no matches.' => 'Deine Suche ergab keine Treffer.',
+return array (
+ 'Search results' => 'Suchergebnisse',
+ 'Advanced search settings' => 'Erweiterte Sucheinstellungen',
+ 'All' => 'Global',
+ 'Content' => 'Inhalte',
+ 'Search for user, spaces and content' => 'Nach Benutzern, Spaces und Inhalten suchen',
+ 'Search only in certain spaces:' => 'Nur in diesen Spaces suchen:',
+ 'Spaces' => 'Spaces',
+ 'Specify space' => 'Space wählen',
+ 'Users' => 'Benutzer',
+ 'Your search returned no matches.' => 'Deine Suche ergab keine Treffer.',