diff --git a/protected/modules_core/user/widgets/views/userPicker.php b/protected/modules_core/user/widgets/views/userPicker.php
index f963edde75..c052730cf0 100644
--- a/protected/modules_core/user/widgets/views/userPicker.php
+++ b/protected/modules_core/user/widgets/views/userPicker.php
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
  * @property String $inputId is the ID of the input HTML Element
  * @property Int $maxUsers the maximum of users for this input
  * @property String $userSearchUrl the url of the search, to find the users
- * @property String $jsonTermKey the parameter of the search
  * @property String $currentValue is the current value of the parent field.
  * @package humhub.modules_core.user