// // Theme color variables // -------------------------------------------------- @import (reference) "../../protected/vendor/npm-asset/bootstrap/less/mixins.less"; @import (reference) "../../protected/vendor/npm-asset/font-awesome/less/variables.less"; // // Colors for buttons status etc. // -------------------------------------------------- @default: #f3f3f3; @primary: #435f6f; @info: #21A1B3; @success: #97d271; @warning: #FFC107; @danger: #FC4A64; @link: @info; @isFluid: false; // // Text colors // -------------------------------------------------- // Default body text color. @text-color-main: #555; // used for some icons and buttons etc. - former @font2 @text-color-secondary: #7a7a7a; // highlighted text like some active links hovered links etc. - former @font3 @text-color-highlight: #000; // side information like dates, placeholder, some dropdown headers - former @font4 @text-color-soft: #555555; // also side information wall entry links (like/comment), help blocks in forms etc. - former @font5 @text-color-soft2: #aeaeae; // used in gridview summary and installer - former @font1 @text-color-soft3: #bac2c7; // used as contrast color for @primary, @info, @success, @warning, @danger backgrounds for buttons etc. // Note that @default does not use a contrast color @default is normally combined with @text-color-secondary @text-color-contrast: #fff; // // Background colors // -------------------------------------------------- // main content background color should be in contrast with @text-color-main, @text-color-secondary and other text colors @background-color-main: #fff; // used beside others for tabs - former @background1 @background-color-secondary: #f8f8f8; // page background which is also used for other ui components as comment box etc. - former @background2 @background-color-page: #ededed; // Informative highlighting color // (e.g. Comment Permalink, Shared Item, Calendar CurDay, Wiki Active Page Nav, Mail Module Speech Bubble) @background-color-highlight: lighten(desaturate(spin(@info, 2), 17), 49); // Informative highlighting soft color // (e.g. Wiki Active Category) @background-color-highlight-soft: lighten(desaturate(spin(@info, 6), 16), 55); // Additional background colors @background3: #d7d7d7; @background4: #b2b2b2; // // Bootstrap Alert boxes // -------------------------------------------------- // Alert box success (used in forms) @background-color-success: #f7fbf4; @text-color-success: #84be5e; @border-color-success: #97d271; // Alert box warning (used in forms) @background-color-warning: #fffbf7; @text-color-warning: #e9b168; @border-color-warning: #fdd198; // Alert box danger (used in forms) @background-color-danger: #fff6f6; @text-color-danger: #ff8989; @border-color-danger: #ff8989; // // Fonts // -------------------------------------------------- // Mail Fonts @mail-font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; // CSS Variables :root { // Colors for buttons status etc. --default: @default; --primary: @primary; --info: @info; --success: @success; --warning: @warning; --danger: @danger; --link: @link; // Text colors --text-color-main: @text-color-main; --text-color-secondary: @text-color-secondary; --text-color-highlight: @text-color-highlight; --text-color-soft: @text-color-soft; --text-color-soft2: @text-color-soft2; --text-color-soft3: @text-color-soft3; --text-color-contrast: @text-color-contrast; // Background colors --background-color-main: @background-color-main; --background-color-secondary: @background-color-secondary; --background-color-page: @background-color-page; --background-color-highlight: @background-color-highlight; --background-color-highlight-soft: @background-color-highlight-soft; --background3: @background3; --background4: @background4; // Bootstrap Alert boxes // Success --background-color-success: @background-color-success; --text-color-success: @text-color-success; --border-color-success: @border-color-success; // Warning --background-color-warning: @background-color-warning; --text-color-warning: @text-color-warning; --border-color-warning: @border-color-warning; // Danger --background-color-danger: @background-color-danger; --text-color-danger: @text-color-danger; --border-color-danger: @border-color-danger; // Fonts --mail-font-family: @mail-font-family; }