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* HumHub
* Copyright © 2014 The HumHub Project
* The texts of the GNU Affero General Public License with an additional
* permission and of our proprietary license can be found at and
* in the LICENSE file you have received along with this program.
* According to our dual licensing model, this program can be used either
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* or under a proprietary license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* This is the model class for table "settings" and is responsible for system
* wide settings of modules.
* Only use this for settings and not for general value storage proposes.
* Also modules can use this to store e.g. configuration options.
* Settings in configuration file at "params -> HSettingsFixed" are not
* changeable.
* The followings are the available columns in table 'registry':
* @property int $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $value
* @property string $value_text
* @property string $module_id
* @package humhub.models
* @since 0.5
class HSetting extends HActiveRecord {
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* @param string $className active record class name.
* @return HSetting the static model class
public static function model($className = __CLASS__) {
return parent::model($className);
* @return string the associated database table name
public function tableName() {
return 'setting';
* @return array validation rules for model attributes.
public function rules() {
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('name', 'required'),
array('value', 'length', 'max' => 100),
array('value_text', 'safe'),
array('name, module_id', 'length', 'max' => 100),
* Returns a registry record by Name and Module Id
* The result is cached.
* @param type $name
* @param type $moduleId
* @return \HSetting
private static function GetRecord($name, $moduleId = "") {
$cacheId = 'HSetting_' . $name . '_' . $moduleId;
// Check if stored in Runtime Cache
if (RuntimeCache::Get($cacheId) !== false) {
return RuntimeCache::Get($cacheId);
// Check if stored in Cache
$cacheValue = Yii::app()->cache->get($cacheId);
if ($cacheValue !== false) {
return $cacheValue;
$condition = "";
$params = array('name' => $name);
if ($moduleId != "") {
$params['module_id'] = $moduleId;
} else {
$condition = "module_id IS NULL";
$record = HSetting::model()->findByAttributes($params, $condition);
if ($record == null) {
$record = new HSetting;
} else {
$expireTime = 3600;
if ($record->name != 'expireTime' && $record->module_id != "cache")
$expireTime = HSetting::Get('expireTime', 'cache');
Yii::app()->cache->set($cacheId, $record, $expireTime);
RuntimeCache::Set($cacheId, $record);
return $record;
* Returns a standard registry entry (max. 255 characters) from database
* @param type $name
* @param type $moduleId
* @return type
public static function Get($name, $moduleId = "") {
if (self::IsFixed($name, $moduleId)) {
if ($moduleId == "") {
return Yii::app()->params['HSettingFixed'][$name];
} else {
return Yii::app()->params['HSettingFixed'][$moduleId][$name];
$record = self::GetRecord($name, $moduleId);
return $record->value;
* Returns a rext entry from the registry table
* @param type $name
* @param type $moduleId
* @return type
public static function GetText($name, $moduleId = "") {
$record = self::GetRecord($name, $moduleId);
return $record->value_text;
* Sets a standard Text (max. 255 Characters) entry to the registry
* @param type $name
* @param type $value
* @param type $moduleId
public static function Set($name, $value, $moduleId = "") {
$record = self::GetRecord($name, $moduleId);
if (self::IsFixed($name, $moduleId)) {
$value = self::Get($name, $moduleId);
$record->name = $name;
$record->value = $value;
if ($moduleId != "")
$record->module_id = $moduleId;
if ($value == "") {
if (!$record->isNewRecord)
} else {
* Sets a Text (more than 255 Characters) into the HSetting
* @param type $name
* @param type $value
* @param type $moduleId
public static function SetText($name, $value, $moduleId = "") {
$record = self::GetRecord($name, $moduleId);
$record->name = $name;
$record->value_text = $value;
if ($moduleId != "")
$record->module_id = $moduleId;
* Determines whether the setting value is fixed in the configuration
* file or can be changed at runtime.
* @param type $name
* @return boolean
public static function IsFixed($name, $moduleId = "") {
if ($moduleId == "") {
if (isset(Yii::app()->params['HSettingFixed'][$name])) {
return true;
} else {
if (isset(Yii::app()->params['HSettingFixed'][$moduleId][$name])) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the Cache ID for this HSetting Entry
* @return String
public function getCacheId() {
return "HSetting_" . $this->name . "_" . $this->module_id;
* Saving the registry object
* Also deletes cache Entry
* @param type $runValidation
* @param type $attributes
* @return type
public function save($runValidation = true, $attributes = null) {
return parent::save($runValidation, $attributes);
* After delete check if its required to rewrite configuration file
public function afterDelete() {
$cacheId = $this->getCacheId();
// Only rewrite static configuration file when necessary
if ($this->module_id != 'mailing' &&
$this->module_id != 'cache' &&
$this->name != 'name' &&
$this->name != 'theme'
) {
* After saving check if its required to rewrite the configuration file.
public function afterSave() {
// Only rewrite static configuration file when necessary
if ($this->module_id != 'mailing' &&
$this->module_id != 'cache' &&
$this->name != 'name' &&
$this->name != 'theme'
) {
* Rewrites the configuration file
public static function rewriteConfiguration() {
// Get Current Configuration
$config = HSetting::getConfiguration();
// Add Application Name to Configuration
$config['name'] = HSetting::Get('name');
// Add Caching
$cacheClass = HSetting::Get('type', 'cache');
if (!$cacheClass) {
$cacheClass = "CDummyCache";
$config['components']['cache'] = array(
'class' => $cacheClass,
// Install Mail Component
$mail = array(
'class' => 'ext.yii-mail.YiiMail',
'transportType' => HSetting::Get('transportType', 'mailing'),
'viewPath' => 'application.views.mail',
'logging' => true,
'dryRun' => false,
if (HSetting::Get('transportType', 'mailing') == 'smtp') {
$mail['transportOptions'] = array();
if (HSetting::Get('hostname', 'mailing'))
$mail['transportOptions']['host'] = HSetting::Get('hostname', 'mailing');
if (HSetting::Get('username', 'mailing'))
$mail['transportOptions']['username'] = HSetting::Get('username', 'mailing');
if (HSetting::Get('password', 'mailing'))
$mail['transportOptions']['password'] = HSetting::Get('password', 'mailing');
if (HSetting::Get('encryption', 'mailing'))
$mail['transportOptions']['encryption'] = HSetting::Get('encryption', 'mailing');
if (HSetting::Get('port', 'mailing'))
$mail['transportOptions']['port'] = HSetting::Get('port', 'mailing');
$config['components']['mail'] = $mail;
// Add Theme
$theme = HSetting::Get('theme');
if ($theme && $theme != "") {
$config['theme'] = $theme;
} else {
* Returns the dynamic configuration file as array
* @return Array Configuration file
public static function getConfiguration() {
$configFile = Yii::app()->params['dynamicConfigFile'];
$config = require($configFile);
if (!is_array($config))
return array();
return $config;
* Writes a new configuration file array
* @param type $config
public static function setConfiguration($config = array()) {
$configFile = Yii::app()->params['dynamicConfigFile'];
$content = "<" . "?php return ";
$content .= var_export($config, true);
$content .= "; ?" . ">";
file_put_contents($configFile, $content);