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Make copying on the web as easy as:

clipboard.writeText("This text is plain.");

As of October 2017, this library is a polyfill for the modern Promise-based asynchronous clipboard API.


Get the source using one of the following:

Write / Copy

Copy text:

clipboard.writeText("hello world");

Copy other data types:

var dt = new clipboard.DT();
dt.setData("text/plain", "Fallback markup text.");
dt.setData("text/html", "<i>Markup</i> <b>text</b>.");

Since copying only works in a user gesture, you should attempt it from inside an event listener, e.g. a button click listener.

Read / Paste

Read text:

// The success callback receives a string.
// Fails if the clipboard does not contain `text/plain` data.
clipboard.readText().then(console.log, console.error);

Read all data types:

// The success callback receives a clipboard.DT object.
clipboard.read().then(console.log, console.error);

Note that reading currently only works in Internet Explorer.


clipboard {
  static write:     (data: clipboard.DT)  => Promise<void>
  static writeText: (s: string) => Promise<void>
  static read:      () => Promise<clipboard.DT>
  static readText:  () => Promise<string>
  static suppressWarnings: () => void

clipboard.DT {
  setData: (type: string, value: string): void
  getData: (type: string): string | undefined

A note on clipboard.DT

The asynchronous clipboard API works like this:

var dt = new DataTransfer();
dt.setData("text/plain", "plain text");

Ideally, clipboard-polyfill would take a DataTransfer, so that the code above works verbatim when you replace navigator.clipboard with clipboard. However, the DataTransfer constructor cannot be called in most browsers. Thus, this library uses a light-weight alternative to DataTransfer, exposed as clipboard.DT:

var dt = new clipboard.DT();
dt.setData("text/plain", "plain text");

This is way too complicated!

Try this gist for a simpler solution.

Can I use it?

  • Chrome 42+
  • Firefox 41+
  • Opera 29+
  • Internet Explorer 9+ (text only)
  • Edge
  • Desktop Safari 10+
  • iOS Safari 10+ (text only)

clipboard-polyfill uses a variety of heuristics to get around compatibility bugs. Please let us know if you are running into compatibility issues with any of the browsers listed above.


  • In Microsoft Edge, it seems to be impossible to detect whether the copy action actually succeeded (Edge Bug #14110451, Edge Bug #14080262). clipboard-polyfill will always call resolve() in Edge.
  • In Microsoft Edge, only the first data type you specify is copied to the clipboard (Edge Bug #14080506).
    • DataTransfer and clipbard.DT keep track of the order in which you set items. If you care which data type Edge copies, call setData() with that data type first.
  • On iOS Safari (WebKit Bug #177715) and Internet Explorer, only text copying works.
    • In other browsers, writing copy data that does not include the text/plain data type will succeed, but also show a console warning:

clipboard.write() was called without a text/plain data type. On some platforms, this may result in an empty clipboard. Call clipboard.suppressWarnings() to suppress this warning.

  • clipboard-polyfill attemps to avoid changing the document selection or modifying the DOM. However, clipboard-polyfill will automatically fall back to using them if needed:
    • On iOS Safari, the user's current selection will be cleared. This should not happen on other platforms unless there are unanticipated bugs. (Please file an issue if you observe this!)
    • On iOS Safari and under certain conditions on desktop Safari (WebKit Bug #177715), clipbard-polyfill needs to add a temporary element to the DOM. This will trigger a mutation observer if you have attached one to document.body. Please file an issue if you'd like to discuss how to detect temporary elements added by clipboard-polyfill.
  • read() currently only works in Internet Explorer.
    • Internet Explorer can only read text/plain values from the clipboard.
  • Internet Explorer does not have a native Promise implementation, so the standalone build file for clipboard-polyfill also includes stefanpenner's es6-promise polyfill. This adds significant size to the build. Please file an issue if you're interested in a minimal build without Internet Explorer support.