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synced 2025-02-22 18:22:43 +01:00
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405 lines
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* Userpicker
* Version 1.0.0
* Written by: Andreas Strobel
* @property String $inputId is the ID of the input HTML Element
* @property Int $maxUsers the maximum of users in this dropdown
* @property String $userSearchUrl the url of the search, to find the users
* @property String $currentValue is the current value of the parent field.
var userCount = 0;
$.fn.userpicker = function (options) {
// set standard options
options = $.extend({
inputId: "",
maxUsers: 0,
searchUrl: "",
currentValue: "",
renderType: "normal", // possible values are "normal", "partial"
focus: false,
userGuid: "",
data: {},
placeholderText: 'Add an user'
}, options);
var chosen = "";
var uniqueID = "";
function init() {
uniqueID = options.inputId.substr(1);
var _template = '<div class="' + uniqueID + '_user_picker_container"><ul class="tag_input" id="' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags"><li id="' + uniqueID + '_tag_input"><input type="text" id="' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field" class="tag_input_field" value="" autocomplete="off"></li></ul><ul class="dropdown-menu" id="' + uniqueID + '_userpicker" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu"></ul></div>';
// remove picker if existing
if ($('.' + uniqueID + '_user_picker_container').length == 0) {
// insert the new input structure after the original input element
// hide original input element
if (options.currentValue != "") {
// restore data from database
// add placeholder text to input field
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').attr('placeholder', options.placeholderText);
if (options.focus == true) {
// set focus to input
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').focus();
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').addClass('focus');
// simulate focus in
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').focusin(function () {
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').addClass('focus');
// simulate focus out
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').focusout(function () {
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').removeClass('focus');
function restoreUserTags(html) {
// add html structure for input element
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags .userInput').remove();
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').prepend(html);
// create function for every user tag to remove the element
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags .userInput i').each(function () {
$(this).click(function () {
// remove user tag
// reduce the count of added user
// raise the count of added user
// Set focus on the input field, by clicking the <ul> construct
jQuery('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').click(function () {
// set focus
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').focus();
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').keydown(function (event) {
// by pressing the tab key an the input is empty
if ($(this).val() == "" && event.keyCode == 9) {
//do nothing
// by pressing enter, tab, up or down arrow
} else if (event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 9) {
// ... disable the default behavior to hold the cursor at the end of the string
// if there is a user limit and the user didn't press the tab key
if (options.maxUsers != 0 && event.keyCode != 9) {
// if the max user count is reached
if (userCount == options.maxUsers) {
// show hint
// block input events
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').keyup(function (event) {
// start search after a specific count of characters
if ($('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').val().length >= 3) {
// set userpicker position in bottom of the user input
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').css({
position: "absolute",
top: $('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').position().top + 30,
left: $('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').position().left + 0
if (event.keyCode == 40) {
// select next <li> element
if (chosen === "") {
chosen = 1;
} else if ((chosen + 1) < $('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').length) {
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').removeClass('selected');
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li:eq(' + chosen + ')').addClass('selected');
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
// select previous <li> element
if (chosen === "") {
chosen = 1;
} else if (chosen > 0) {
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').removeClass('selected');
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li:eq(' + chosen + ')').addClass('selected');
return false;
} else if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 9) {
var href = $('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker .selected a').attr('href');
// simulate click event when href is not undefined.
if (href !== undefined) {
window.location.href = href;
} else {
// save the search string to variable
var str = $('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').val();
// show userpicker with the results
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').show();
// load users
} else {
// hide userpicker
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').hide();
$('#' + uniqueID + '_tag_input_field').focusout(function () {
// set the plain text including user guids to the original input or textarea element
function loadUser(keyword) {
// remove existings entries
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').remove();
// show loader while loading
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').html('<li><div class="loader"><div class="sk-spinner sk-spinner-three-bounce"><div class="sk-bounce1"></div><div class="sk-bounce2"></div><div class="sk-bounce3"></div></div></div></li>');
// build data object
var data = options['data'] || {};
//This is the preferred way of adding the keyword
if(options['searchUrl'].indexOf('-keywordPlaceholder-') < 0) {
data['keyword'] = keyword;
//Set the user role filter
if(options['userRole']) {
data['userRole'] = options['userRole'];
jQuery.getJSON(options.searchUrl.replace('-keywordPlaceholder-', keyword), data, function (json) {
// remove existings entries
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').remove();
// sort by disabled/enabled and contains keyword
json.sort(function(a,b) {
if(a.disabled !== b.disabled) {
return (a.disabled < b.disabled) ? -1 : 1;
} else if(a.priority !== b.priority) {
return (a.priority > b.priority) ? -1 : 1;
} else if(a.displayName.indexOf(keyword) >= 0 && b.displayName.indexOf(keyword) < 0) {
return -1;
} else if(a.displayName.indexOf(keyword) < 0 && b.displayName.indexOf(keyword) >= 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
if (json.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var _takenStyle = "";
var _takenData = false;
// set options to link, that this entry is already taken or not available
if (json[i].disabled == true || $('#' + uniqueID + '_' + json[i].guid).length || $('#'+json[i].guid).length || json[i].isMember == true || json[i].guid == options.userGuid) {
_takenStyle = "opacity: 0.4;"
_takenData = true;
// build <li> entry
var str = '<li id="user_' + json[i].guid + '"><a style="' + _takenStyle + '" data-taken="' + _takenData + '" tabindex="-1" href="javascript:$.fn.userpicker.addUserTag(\'' + json[i].guid + '\', \'' + json[i].image + '\', \'' + json[i].displayName.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + '\', \'' + uniqueID + '\');"><img class="img-rounded" src="' + json[i].image + '" height="20" width="20" alt=""/> ' + json[i].displayName + '</a></li>';
// append the entry to the <ul> list
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').append(str);
// check if the list is empty
if ($('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').children().length == 0) {
// hide userpicker, if it is
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').hide();
// reset the variable for arrows keys
chosen = "";
} else {
// hide userpicker, if no user was found
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker').hide();
// remove hightlight
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').removeHighlight();
// add new highlight matching strings
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li').highlight(keyword);
// add selection to the first space entry
$('#' + uniqueID + '_userpicker li:eq(0)').addClass('selected');
function showHintUser() {
// remove hint, if exists
// build html structure
var _html = '<div id="maxUsersHint" style="display: none;" class="alert alert-danger"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">x</button><strong>Sorry!</strong> You can add a maximum of ' + options.maxUsers + ' users as admin for this group.</div>';
// add hint to DOM
$('#' + uniqueID + '_invite_tags').after(_html);
// fadein hint
// Add an usertag for invitation
$.fn.userpicker.addUserTag = function (guid, image_url, name, id) {
if ($('#user_' + guid + ' a').attr('data-taken') != "true") {
// Building a new <li> entry
var _tagcode = '<li class="userInput" id="' + id + '_' + guid + '"><img class="img-rounded" alt="24x24" data-src="holder.js/24x24" style="width: 24px; height: 24px;" src="' + image_url + '" alt="' + name + '" width="24" height="24" />' + name + '<i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></li>';
// insert the new created <li> entry into the <ul> construct
$('#' + id + '_tag_input').before(_tagcode);
// remove tag, by clicking the close icon
$('#' + id + '_' + guid + " i").click(function () {
// remove user tag
$('#' + id + '_' + guid).remove();
// reduce the count of added user
// hide user results
$('#' + id + '_userpicker').hide();
// set focus to the input element
$('#' + id + '_tag_input_field').focus();
// Clear the textinput
$('#' + id + '_tag_input_field').val('');
$.fn.userpicker.parseUserInput = function (id) {
// create and insert a dummy <div> element to work with
$('#' + id + '_invite_tags').after('<div id="' + id + '_inputResult"></div>')
// set html form input element to the new <div> element
$('#' + id + '_inputResult').html($('#' + id + '_invite_tags').html());
$('#' + id + '_inputResult .userInput').each(function () {
// get user guid without unique userpicker id
var pureID = this.id.replace(id + '_', '');
// add the user guid as plain text
$(this).after(pureID + ",");
// remove the link
// save the plain text
var result = $('#' + id + '_inputResult').text();
// remove the dummy <div> element
$('#' + id + '_inputResult').remove();
// return the plain text
return result;