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452 lines
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namespace JsonMachineTest;
use JsonMachine\Exception\JsonMachineException;
use JsonMachine\Exception\PathNotFoundException;
use JsonMachine\Exception\SyntaxError;
use JsonMachine\Exception\UnexpectedEndSyntaxErrorException;
use JsonMachine\JsonDecoder\ExtJsonDecoder;
use JsonMachine\Lexer;
use JsonMachine\Parser;
use JsonMachine\StringChunks;
* @covers \JsonMachine\Parser
class ParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @dataProvider data_testSyntax
* @param string $jsonPointer
* @param string $json
* @param array $expectedResult
public function testSyntax($jsonPointer, $json, $expectedResult)
$result = [];
foreach ($this->createParser($json, $jsonPointer) as $key => $value) {
$result[] = [$key => $value];
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $result);
public function data_testSyntax()
return [
['', '{}', []],
['', '{"a": "b"}', [['a' => 'b']]],
['', '{"a":{"b":{"c":1}}}', [['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 1]]]]],
['', '[]', []],
['', '[null,true,false,"a",0,1,42.5]', [[0 => null], [1 => true], [2 => false], [3 => 'a'], [4 => 0], [5 => 1], [6 => 42.5]]],
['', '[{"c":1}]', [[['c' => 1]]]],
['', '[{"c":1},"string",{"d":2},false]', [[0 => ['c' => 1]], [1 => 'string'], [2 => ['d' => 2]], [3 => false]]],
['', '[false,{"c":1},"string",{"d":2}]', [[0 => false], [1 => ['c' => 1]], [2 => 'string'], [3 => ['d' => 2]]]],
['', '[{"c":1,"d":2}]', [[['c' => 1, 'd' => 2]]]],
['/', '{"":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/~0', '{"~":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/~1', '{"/":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/~01', '{"~1":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/~00', '{"~0":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path', '{"path":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path', '{"no":[null], "path":{"c":1,"d":2}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/0', '[{"c":1,"d":2}, [null]]', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/0/path', '[{"path":{"c":1,"d":2}}]', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/1/path', '[[null], {"path":{"c":1,"d":2}}]', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/0', '{"path":[{"c":1,"d":2}, [null]]}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/1', '{"path":[null,{"c":1,"d":2}, [null]]}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/to', '{"path":{"to":{"c":1,"d":2}}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/after-vector', '{"path":{"array":[],"after-vector":{"c":1,"d":2}}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/after-vector', '{"path":{"array":["item"],"after-vector":{"c":1,"d":2}}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/after-vector', '{"path":{"object":{"item":null},"after-vector":{"c":1,"d":2}}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/path/after-vectors', '{"path":{"array":[],"object":{},"after-vectors":{"c":1,"d":2}}}', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/0/0', '[{"0":{"c":1,"d":2}}]', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
['/1/1', '[0,{"1":{"c":1,"d":2}}]', [['c' => 1], ['d' => 2]]],
'PR-19-FIX' => ['/datafeed/programs/1', file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/PR-19-FIX.json'), [['program_info' => ['id' => 'X1']]]],
'ISSUE-41-FIX' => ['/path', '{"path":[{"empty":{}},{"value":1}]}', [[['empty' => []]], [1 => ['value' => 1]]]],
['/-', '[{"one": 1,"two": 2},{"three": 3,"four": 4}]', [['one' => 1], ['two' => 2], ['three' => 3], ['four' => 4]]],
['/zero/-', '{"zero":[{"one": 1,"two": 2},{"three": 3,"four": 4}]}', [['one' => 1], ['two' => 2], ['three' => 3], ['four' => 4]]],
['/zero/-/three', '{"zero":[{"one": 1,"two": 2},{"three": 3,"four": 4}]}', [['three' => 3]]],
'ISSUE-62#1' => ['/-/id', '[ {"id":125}, {"id":785}, {"id":459}, {"id":853} ]', [['id' => 125], ['id' => 785], ['id' => 459], ['id' => 853]]],
'ISSUE-62#2' => ['/key/-/id', '{"key": [ {"id":125}, {"id":785}, {"id":459}, {"id":853} ]}', [['id' => 125], ['id' => 785], ['id' => 459], ['id' => 853]]],
['/meta_data', '/data/companies'],
'{"meta_data": {"total_rows": 2},"data": {"type": "companies","companies": [{"id": "1","company": "Company 1"},{"id": "2","company": "Company 2"}]}}',
['total_rows' => 2],
['0' => ['id' => '1', 'company' => 'Company 1']],
['1' => ['id' => '2', 'company' => 'Company 2']],
['/-/id', '/-/company'],
'[{"id": "1","company": "Company 1"},{"id": "2","company": "Company 2"}]',
['id' => '1'],
['company' => 'Company 1'],
['id' => '2'],
['company' => 'Company 2'],
['/-/id', '/0/company'],
'[{"id": "1","company": "Company 1"},{"id": "2","company": "Company 2"}]',
['id' => '1'],
['company' => 'Company 1'],
['id' => '2'],
* @dataProvider data_testThrowsOnNotFoundJsonPointer
* @param string $json
* @param string $jsonPointer
public function testThrowsOnNotFoundJsonPointer($json, $jsonPointer)
$parser = $this->createParser($json, $jsonPointer);
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Paths '".implode(', ', (array) $jsonPointer)."' were not found in json stream.");
public function data_testThrowsOnNotFoundJsonPointer()
return [
'non existing pointer' => ['{}', '/not/found'],
"empty string should not match '0'" => ['{"0":[]}', '/'],
'empty string should not match 0' => ['[[]]', '/'],
'0 should not match empty string' => ['{"":[]}', '/0'],
* @dataProvider data_testGetJsonPointerPath
* @param string $jsonPointer
public function testGetJsonPointerPath($jsonPointer, array $expectedJsonPointerPath)
$parser = $this->createParser('{}', $jsonPointer);
$this->assertEquals($expectedJsonPointerPath, $parser->getJsonPointerPath());
public function data_testGetJsonPointerPath()
return [
['/', ['']],
['////', ['', '', '', '']],
['/apple', ['apple']],
['/apple/pie', ['apple', 'pie']],
['/0/1 ', [0, '1 ']],
* @dataProvider data_testSyntaxError
* @param string $malformedJson
public function testSyntaxError($malformedJson)
public function data_testSyntaxError()
return [
['[null null]'],
['["string" "string"]'],
['{"key\u000Z": "non hex key"}'],
* @dataProvider data_testUnexpectedEndError
* @param string $malformedJson
public function testUnexpectedEndError($malformedJson)
public function data_testUnexpectedEndError()
return [
public function testGeneratorQuitsAfterFirstFoundCollectionHasBeenFinished()
$json = '
"results": [1],
"other": [2],
"results": [3]
$parser = $this->createParser($json, '/results');
$this->assertSame([1], iterator_to_array($parser));
public function testScalarResult()
$result = $this->createParser('{"result":{"items": [1,2,3],"count": 3}}', '/result/count');
$this->assertSame([3], iterator_to_array($result));
public function testScalarResultInArray()
$result = $this->createParser('{"result":[1,2,3]}', '/result/0');
$this->assertSame([1], iterator_to_array($result));
public function testGeneratorQuitsAfterFirstScalarHasBeenFound()
$json = '
"result": "one",
"other": [2],
"result": "three"
$parser = $this->createParser($json, '/result');
$this->assertSame(['result' => 'one'], iterator_to_array($parser));
public function testGeneratorYieldsNestedValues()
$json = '
"zero": [
"one": "ignored",
"two": [
"three": 1
"four": [
"five": "ignored"
"one": 1,
"two": [
"three": 2
"three": 3
"four": [
"five": "ignored"
$parser = $this->createParser($json, '/zero/-/two/-/three');
$i = 0;
$expectedKey = 'three';
$expectedValues = [1, 2, 3];
foreach ($parser as $key => $value) {
$this->assertSame($expectedKey, $key);
$this->assertSame($expectedValues[$i++], $value);
private function createParser($json, $jsonPointer = '')
return new Parser(new Lexer(new \ArrayIterator([$json])), $jsonPointer, new ExtJsonDecoder(true));
public function testDefaultDecodingStructureIsObject()
$items = new Parser(new Lexer(new StringChunks('[{"key": "value"}]')));
foreach ($items as $item) {
$this->assertEquals((object) ['key' => 'value'], $item);
* @dataProvider data_testGetCurrentJsonPointer
public function testGetCurrentJsonPointer($jsonPointer, string $json, array $currentJsonPointers)
$parser = $this->createParser($json, $jsonPointer);
$i = 0;
foreach ($parser as $value) {
$this->assertEquals($currentJsonPointers[$i++], $parser->getCurrentJsonPointer());
public function data_testGetCurrentJsonPointer()
return [
['', '{"c":1,"d":2}', ['', '']],
['/', '{"":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/', '/']],
['/~0', '{"~":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~0', '/~0']],
['/~1', '{"/":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~1', '/~1']],
['/~01', '{"~1":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~01', '/~01']],
['/~00', '{"~0":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~00', '/~00']],
['/~1/c', '{"/":{"c":[1,2],"d":2}}', ['/~1/c', '/~1/c']],
['/0', '[{"c":1,"d":2}, [null]]', ['/0', '/0']],
['/-', '[{"one": 1,"two": 2},{"three": 3,"four": 4}]', ['/0', '/0', '/1', '/1']],
['/two', '/four'],
'{"one": [1,11], "two": [2,22], "three": [3,33], "four": [4,44]}',
['/two', '/two', '/four', '/four'],
['/-/two', '/-/one'],
'[{"one": 1, "two": 2}, {"one": 1, "two": 2}]',
['/0/one', '/0/two', '/1/one', '/1/two'],
* @dataProvider data_testGetMatchedJsonPointer
public function testGetMatchedJsonPointer($jsonPointer, string $json, array $matchedJsonPointers)
$parser = $this->createParser($json, $jsonPointer);
$i = 0;
foreach ($parser as $value) {
$this->assertEquals($matchedJsonPointers[$i++], $parser->getMatchedJsonPointer());
public function data_testGetMatchedJsonPointer()
return [
['', '{"c":1,"d":2}', ['', '']],
['/', '{"":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/', '/']],
['/~0', '{"~":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~0', '/~0']],
['/~1', '{"/":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~1', '/~1']],
['/~01', '{"~1":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~01', '/~01']],
['/~00', '{"~0":{"c":1,"d":2}}', ['/~00', '/~00']],
['/~1/c', '{"/":{"c":[1,2],"d":2}}', ['/~1/c', '/~1/c']],
['/0', '[{"c":1,"d":2}, [null]]', ['/0', '/0']],
['/-', '[{"one": 1,"two": 2},{"three": 3,"four": 4}]', ['/-', '/-', '/-', '/-']],
['/two', '/four'],
'{"one": [1,11], "two": [2,22], "three": [3,33], "four": [4,44]}',
['/two', '/two', '/four', '/four'],
['/-/two', '/-/one'],
'[{"one": 1, "two": 2}, {"one": 1, "two": 2}]',
['/-/one', '/-/two', '/-/one', '/-/two'],
public function testGetCurrentJsonPointerThrowsWhenCalledOutsideOfALoop()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('must be called inside a loop');
$parser = $this->createParser('[]');
public function testGetMatchedJsonPointerThrowsWhenCalledOutsideOfALoop()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('must be called inside a loop');
$parser = $this->createParser('[]');
public function testGetJsonPointer()
$parser = $this->createParser('{}', ['/one']);
$this->assertSame('/one', $parser->getJsonPointer());
public function testGetJsonPointerReturnsDefaultJsonPointer()
$parser = $this->createParser('{}');
$this->assertSame('', $parser->getJsonPointer());
public function testGetJsonPointerThrowsOnMultipleJsonPointers()
$parser = $this->createParser('{}', ['/one', '/two']);
public function testGetJsonPointers()
$parser = $this->createParser('{}', ['/one', '/two']);
$this->assertSame(['/one', '/two'], $parser->getJsonPointers());
$parser = $this->createParser('{}');
$this->assertSame([''], $parser->getJsonPointers());