🧩 JSON Parser
Zero-dependencies pull parser to read large JSON from any source in a memory-efficient way.
📦 Install
Via Composer:
composer require cerbero/json-parser
🔮 Usage
JSON Parser provides a minimal API to read large JSON from any source:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\JsonParser;
// the JSON source in this example is an API endpoint
$source = 'https://randomuser.me/api/1.4?seed=json-parser&results=5';
foreach (new JsonParser($source) as $key => $value) {
// instead of loading the whole JSON, we keep in memory only one key and value at a time
Depending on our taste, we can instantiate the parser in 3 different ways:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\JsonParser;
// classic object instantiation
new JsonParser($source);
// static instantiation, facilitates methods chaining
// namespaced function
use function Cerbero\JsonParser\parseJson;
A wide range of JSON sources is supported, here is the full list:
- strings, e.g.
- iterables, i.e. arrays or instances of
- files, e.g.
- resources, e.g. streams
- API endpoint URLs, e.g.
or any instance ofPsr\Http\Message\UriInterface
- PSR-7 requests, i.e. any instance of
- PSR-7 messages, i.e. any instance of
- PSR-7 streams, i.e. any instance of
- Laravel HTTP client responses, i.e. any instance of
- user-defined sources, i.e. any instance of
If the source we need to parse is not supported by default, we can implement our own custom source.
Click here to see how to implement a custom source.
To implement a custom source, we need to extend Source
and implement 3 methods:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Sources\Source;
use Traversable;
class CustomSource extends Source
public function getIterator(): Traversable
// return a Traversable holding the JSON source, e.g. a Generator yielding chunks of JSON
public function matches(): bool
// return TRUE if this class can handle the JSON source
protected function calculateSize(): ?int
// return the size of the JSON in bytes or NULL if it can't be calculated
The parent class Source
gives us access to 2 properties:
: the JSON source we pass to the parser, i.e.:new JsonParser($source)
: the configuration we set by chaining methods, e.g.:$parser->pointer('/foo')
The method getIterator()
defines the logic to read the JSON source in a memory-efficient way. It feeds the parser with small pieces of JSON. Please refer to the already existing sources to see some implementations.
The method matches()
determines whether the JSON source passed to the parser can be handled by our custom implementation. In other words, we are telling the parser if it should use our class for the JSON to parse.
Finally, calculateSize()
computes the whole size of the JSON source. It's used to track the parsing progress, however it's not always possible to know the size of a JSON source. In this case, or if we don't need to track the progress, we can return null
A JSON pointer is a standard used to point to nodes within a JSON. This package leverages JSON pointers to extract only some sub-trees from large JSONs.
Consider this JSON for example. To extract only the first gender and avoid parsing the rest of the JSON, we can set the /0/gender
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointer('/0/gender');
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
// 1st and only iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
JSON Parser takes advantage of the -
character to point to any array index, so we can extract all the genders with the /-/gender
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointer('/-/gender');
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
// 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
// 2nd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
// 3rd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'male'
// and so on for all the objects in the array...
If we want to extract more sub-trees, we can set multiple pointers. Let's extract all genders and countries:
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointers(['/-/gender', '/-/location/country']);
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
// 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
// 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value === 'Germany'
// 3rd iteration: $key === 'gender', $value === 'female'
// 4th iteration: $key === 'country', $value === 'Mexico'
// and so on for all the objects in the array...
⚠️ Please avoid intersecting pointers (e.g. setting both
) as the deeper pointer won't be found and will force the parser to parse the whole JSON.
We can also specify a callback to execute when JSON pointers are found. This is handy when we have different pointers and we need to run custom logic for each of them:
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)->pointers([
'/-/gender' => fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender),
'/-/location/country' => fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country),
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
// 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
// 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
// and so on for all the objects in the array...
⚠️ Please note the parameters order of the callbacks: the value is passed before the key.
The same can also be achieved by chaining the method pointer()
multiple times:
$json = JsonParser::parse($source)
->pointer('/-/gender', fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender))
->pointer('/-/location/country', fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country));
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
// 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
// 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
// and so on for all the objects in the array...
If the callbacks are enough to handle the pointers and we don't need to run any common logic for all pointers, we can avoid to manually call foreach()
by chaining the method traverse()
->pointer('/-/gender', $this->handleGender(...))
->pointer('/-/location/country', $this->handleCountry(...))
// no foreach needed
Otherwise if some common logic for all pointers is needed but we prefer methods chaining to manual loops, we can pass a callback to the traverse()
->pointer('/-/gender', fn (string $gender, string $key) => new Gender($gender))
->pointer('/-/location/country', fn (string $country, string $key) => new Country($country))
->traverse(function (Gender|Country $value, string $key, JsonParser $parser) {
// 1st iteration: $key === 'gender', $value instanceof Gender
// 2nd iteration: $key === 'country', $value instanceof Country
// and so on for all the objects in the array...
// no foreach needed
⚠️ Please note the parameters order of the callbacks: the value is passed before the key.
By default JSON Parser uses the built-in PHP function json_decode()
to decode one key and value at a time.
Normally it decodes values to associative arrays but, if we prefer to decode values to objects, we can set a custom decoder:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\JsonDecoder;
JsonParser::parse($source)->decoder(new JsonDecoder(decodesToArray: false));
JSON Parser also provides a convenient method to set the simdjson decoder:
JsonParser::parse($source)->simdjson(); // decode JSON to associative arrays using simdjson
JsonParser::parse($source)->simdjson(decodesToArray: false); // decode JSON to objects using simdjson
Simdjson is faster than json_decode()
and can be installed via pecl install simdjson
if your server satisfies the requirements.
If we need a decoder that is not supported by default, we can implement our custom one.
Click here to see how to implement a custom decoder.
To create a custom decoder, we need to implement the Decoder
interface and implement 1 method:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\Decoder;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\DecodedValue;
class CustomDecoder implements Decoder
public function decode(string $json): DecodedValue
// return an instance of DecodedValue both in case of success or failure
The method decode()
defines the logic to decode the given JSON value and it needs to return an instance of DecodedValue
both in case of success or failure.
To make custom decoder implementations even easier, JSON Parser provides an abstract decoder that hydrates DecodedValue
for us so that we just need to define how a JSON value should be decoded:
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\AbstractDecoder;
class CustomDecoder extends AbstractDecoder
protected function decodeJson(string $json): mixed
// decode the given JSON or throw an exception on failure
return json_decode($json, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
⚠️ Please make sure to throw an exception in
if the decoding process fails.
To see some implementation examples, please refer to the already existing decoders.
📆 Change log
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
🧪 Testing
composer test
💞 Contributing
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
🧯 Security
If you discover any security related issues, please email andrea.marco.sartori@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
🏅 Credits
⚖️ License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.