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555 lines
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namespace Cerbero\JsonParser;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Decoders\DecodedValue;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Sources;
use Cerbero\JsonParser\Tokens\Parser;
use DirectoryIterator;
use Generator;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request as Psr7Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response as Psr7Response;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Response;
use Mockery;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* The dataset provider.
final class Dataset
* Retrieve the dataset to test parsing
* @return Generator
public static function forParsing(): Generator
foreach (self::fixtures() as $fixture) {
$name = $fixture->getBasename('.json');
yield [
require fixture("parsing/{$name}.php"),
* Retrieve the fixtures
* @return Generator<int, DirectoryIterator>
protected static function fixtures(): Generator
foreach (new DirectoryIterator(fixture('json')) as $file) {
if (!$file->isDot()) {
yield $file;
* Retrieve the dataset to test invalid pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forInvalidPointers(): Generator
yield from ['abc', '/foo~2', '/~', ' '];
* Retrieve the dataset to test single pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forSinglePointers(): Generator
yield from self::forSinglePointersWithFixture('pointers/single_pointer.php');
* Retrieve the dataset to test single pointers with the given fixture
* @param string $path
* @return Generator
private static function forSinglePointersWithFixture(string $path): Generator
$singlePointers = require fixture($path);
foreach ($singlePointers as $fixture => $pointers) {
$json = file_get_contents(fixture("json/{$fixture}.json"));
foreach ($pointers as $pointer => $value) {
yield [$json, $pointer, $value];
* Retrieve the dataset to test single pointers eager loading
* @return Generator
public static function forSinglePointersToArray(): Generator
yield from self::forSinglePointersWithFixture('pointers/single_pointer_to_array.php');
* Retrieve the dataset to test the key update
* @return Generator
public static function forKeyUpdate(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$pointers = [
'/type' => function ($value, &$key) {
$key = 'foo';
yield [$json, $pointers, ['foo' => 'donut']];
* Retrieve the dataset to test multiple pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forMultiplePointers(): Generator
yield from self::forMultiplePointersWithFixture('pointers/multiple_pointers.php');
* Retrieve the dataset to test multiple pointers with the given fixture
* @param string $path
* @return Generator
private static function forMultiplePointersWithFixture(string $path): Generator
$multiplePointers = require fixture($path);
foreach ($multiplePointers as $fixture => $valueByPointers) {
$json = file_get_contents(fixture("json/{$fixture}.json"));
foreach ($valueByPointers as $pointers => $value) {
yield [$json, explode(',', $pointers), $value];
* Retrieve the dataset to test multiple pointers eager loading
* @return Generator
public static function forMultiplePointersToArray(): Generator
yield from self::forMultiplePointersWithFixture('pointers/multiple_pointers_to_array.php');
* Retrieve the dataset to test intersecting pointers with wildcards
* @return Generator
public static function forIntersectingPointersWithWildcards(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$pointers = [
'/topping/6/type' => fn (string $value) => "$value @ /topping/6/type",
'/topping/-/type' => fn (string $value) => "$value @ /topping/-/type",
'/topping/0/type' => fn (string $value) => "$value @ /topping/0/type",
'/topping/2/type' => fn (string $value) => "$value @ /topping/2/type",
$parsed = [
'type' => [
'None @ /topping/0/type',
'Glazed @ /topping/-/type',
'Sugar @ /topping/2/type',
'Powdered Sugar @ /topping/-/type',
'Chocolate with Sprinkles @ /topping/-/type',
'Chocolate @ /topping/-/type',
'Maple @ /topping/6/type',
yield [$json, $pointers, $parsed];
* Retrieve the dataset to test intersecting pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forIntersectingPointers(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$message = 'The pointers [%s] and [%s] are intersecting';
$pointersByIntersection = [
'/topping,/topping/0' => [
'/topping/0,/topping' => [
'/topping,/topping/-' => [
'/topping/-,/topping' => [
'/topping/0/type,/topping' => [
'/topping,/topping/-/type' => [
'/topping/-/type,/topping/-/type/baz' => [
'/topping/-/type/baz,/topping/-/type' => [
foreach ($pointersByIntersection as $intersection => $pointers) {
yield [$json, $pointers, vsprintf($message, explode(',', $intersection))];
* Retrieve the dataset to test single lazy pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forSingleLazyPointers(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$sequenceByPointer = [
'' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('id')->and($value)->toBe('0001'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('type')->and($value)->toBe('donut'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('name')->and($value)->toBe('Cake'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('ppu')->and($value)->toBe(0.55),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('batters')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('topping')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
'/batters/batter/-' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(0)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(1)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(2)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(3)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
'/topping/-' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(0)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(1)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(2)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(3)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(4)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(5)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(6)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
foreach ($sequenceByPointer as $pointer => $sequence) {
yield [$json, $pointer, $sequence];
* Retrieve the dataset to test multiple lazy pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forMultipleLazyPointers(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$sequenceByPointer = [
'/topping,/batters' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('batters')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('topping')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
'/topping/-,/batters/batter' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('batter')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(0)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(1)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(2)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(3)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(4)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(5)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(6)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
foreach ($sequenceByPointer as $pointers => $sequence) {
yield [$json, explode(',', $pointers), $sequence];
* Retrieve the dataset to test recursive lazy loading
* @return Generator
public static function forRecursiveLazyLoading(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$expectedByKeys = [
'batters,batter' => [
['id' => '1001', 'type' => 'Regular'],
['id' => '1002', 'type' => 'Chocolate'],
['id' => '1003', 'type' => 'Blueberry'],
['id' => '1004', 'type' => 'Devil\'s Food'],
'topping' => [
['id' => '5001', 'type' => 'None'],
['id' => '5002', 'type' => 'Glazed'],
['id' => '5005', 'type' => 'Sugar'],
['id' => '5007', 'type' => 'Powdered Sugar'],
['id' => '5006', 'type' => 'Chocolate with Sprinkles'],
['id' => '5003', 'type' => 'Chocolate'],
['id' => '5004', 'type' => 'Maple'],
foreach ($expectedByKeys as $keys => $expected) {
$keys = explode(',', $keys);
yield [$json, '/' . $keys[0], $keys, $expected];
* Retrieve the dataset to test mixed pointers
* @return Generator
public static function forMixedPointers(): Generator
$json = fixture('json/complex_object.json');
$pointersList = [
'/name' => fn (string $name) => "name_{$name}",
'/id' => fn (string $id) => "id_{$id}",
'/type' => fn (string $type) => "type_{$type}",
$lazyPointers = [
'/batters/batter' => fn (Parser $batter) => $batter::class,
'/batters' => fn (Parser $batters) => $batters::class,
'/topping' => fn (Parser $topping) => $topping::class,
$expected = [
'name' => 'name_Cake',
'batter' => Parser::class,
'id' => 'id_0001',
'type' => 'type_donut',
'batters' => Parser::class,
'topping' => Parser::class,
foreach ($pointersList as $index => $pointers) {
yield [$json, $pointers, $lazyPointers[$index], $expected[$index]];
* Retrieve the dataset to test a global lazy pointer
* @return Generator
public static function forGlobalLazyPointer(): Generator
$sequenceByFixture = [
'complex_object' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('id')->and($value)->toBe('0001'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('type')->and($value)->toBe('donut'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('name')->and($value)->toBe('Cake'),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('ppu')->and($value)->toBe(0.55),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('batters')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe('topping')->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
'complex_array' => [
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(0)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(1)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
fn ($value, $key) => $key->toBe(2)->and($value)->toBeInstanceOf(Parser::class),
foreach ($sequenceByFixture as $fixture => $sequence) {
yield [fixture("json/{$fixture}.json"), $sequence];
* Retrieve the dataset to test syntax errors
* @return Generator
public static function forSyntaxErrors(): Generator
yield from require fixture('errors/syntax.php');
* Retrieve the dataset to test decoding errors patching
* @return Generator
public static function forDecodingErrorsPatching(): Generator
$patches = [null, 'baz', 123];
$json = '[1a, ""b, "foo", 3.1c4, falsed, null, [1, 2e], {"bar": 1, "baz"f: 2}]';
$patchJson = fn (mixed $patch) => [$patch, $patch, 'foo', $patch, $patch, null, $patch, $patch];
foreach ($patches as $patch) {
yield [$json, $patch, $patchJson($patch)];
$patch = fn (DecodedValue $decoded) => strrev($decoded->json);
$patched = ['a1', 'b""', 'foo', '4c1.3', 'deslaf', null, ']e2,1[', '}2:f"zab",1:"rab"{'];
yield [$json, $patch, $patched];
* Retrieve the dataset to test sources requiring Guzzle
* @return Generator
public static function forSourcesRequiringGuzzle(): Generator
$sources = [Sources\Endpoint::class, Sources\Psr7Request::class];
foreach ($sources as $source) {
yield Mockery::mock($source)
* Retrieve the dataset to test decoders
* @return Generator
public static function forDecoders(): Generator
$json = '{"foo":"bar"}';
$values = [
true => ['foo' => 'bar'],
false => (object) ['foo' => 'bar'],
foreach ([true, false] as $decodesToArray) {
yield [$decodesToArray, $json, $values[$decodesToArray]];
* Retrieve the dataset to test sources
* @return Generator
public static function forSources(): Generator
$parsed = require fixture('parsing/simple_array.php');
$path = fixture('json/simple_array.json');
$json = file_get_contents($path);
$size = strlen($json);
$request = new Psr7Request('GET', 'foo');
$response = Mockery::mock(ResponseInterface::class)
->andReturnUsing(fn () => new Stream(fopen($path, 'rb')))
$client = Mockery::mock(Client::class)
->shouldReceive('get', 'sendRequest')
$endpoint = Mockery::mock(Sources\Endpoint::class, ['https://example.com'])
$laravelClientRequest = Mockery::mock(Sources\LaravelClientRequest::class, [new Request($request)])
$psr7Response = Mockery::mock(Psr7Response::class)
->andReturn(new Stream(fopen($path, 'rb')))
$psr7Request = Mockery::mock(Sources\Psr7Request::class, [$request])
$sources = [
new Sources\AnySource(new Sources\Json($json)),
new Sources\CustomSource(new Sources\Json($json)),
new Sources\Filename($path),
new Sources\IterableSource(str_split($json)),
new Sources\Json($json),
new Sources\JsonResource(fopen($path, 'rb')),
new Sources\LaravelClientResponse(new Response($psr7Response)),
new Sources\Psr7Message($response),
new Sources\Psr7Stream(new Stream(fopen($path, 'rb'))),
foreach ($sources as $source) {
yield [$source, $size, $parsed];