replace static with dynamic

This commit is contained in:
Igor Wiedler 2011-09-30 18:55:43 +02:00
parent eddad9ae52
commit 2319086c2c

View File

@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ namespace JsonSchema;
class Validator {
static $errors = array();
static $formatValidator;
private $errors = array();
private $formatValidator;
public static $checkMode = self::CHECK_MODE_NORMAL;
public $checkMode = self::CHECK_MODE_NORMAL;
* Validates a php object against a schema. Both the php object and the schema
@ -50,34 +50,34 @@ class Validator {
* an error if any format defined on the schema is not supported by the validator.
* @return unknown
static public function validate($instance, $schema = null, $formatValidator = null) {
self::$errors = array();
self::$formatValidator = null;
public function validate($instance, $schema = null, $formatValidator = null) {
$this->errors = array();
$this->formatValidator = null;
if($formatValidator) self::$formatValidator = $formatValidator;
$res = self::_validate($instance,$schema,false);
self::$formatValidator = null;
if($formatValidator) $this->formatValidator = $formatValidator;
$res = $this->_validate($instance,$schema,false);
$this->formatValidator = null;
return $res;
static function _validate($instance,$schema = null,$_changing) {
function _validate($instance,$schema = null,$_changing) {
// verify passed schema
if ($schema) {
// verify "inline" schema
$propName = '$schema';
if (!$_changing && isset($instance->$propName)) {
// show results
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->valid = ! ((boolean)count(self::$errors));
$obj->errors = self::$errors;
$obj->valid = ! ((boolean)count($this->errors));
$obj->errors = $this->errors;
return $obj;
static function incrementPath($path,$i) {
function incrementPath($path,$i) {
if($path !== '') {
if(is_int($i)) {
$path .= '['.$i.']';
@ -95,33 +95,33 @@ class Validator {
return $path;
static function checkArray($value,$schema,$path,$i,$_changing) {
function checkArray($value,$schema,$path,$i,$_changing) {
//verify items
if(isset($schema->items)) {
//tuple typing
if(is_array($schema->items)) {
foreach($value as $k=>$v) {
if(array_key_exists($k,$schema->items)) {
else {
// aditional array properties
if(array_key_exists('additionalProperties',$schema)) {
if($schema->additionalProperties === false) {
'The item '.$i.'['.$k.'] is not defined in the objTypeDef and the objTypeDef does not allow additional properties'
else {
}//foreach($value as $k=>$v) {
// treat when we have more schema definitions than values
for($k = count($value); $k < count($schema->items); $k++) {
new JsonSchemaUndefined(),
$schema->items[$k], $path, $k, $_changing
@ -130,27 +130,27 @@ class Validator {
// just one type definition for the whole array
else {
foreach($value as $k=>$v) {
// verify number of array items
if(isset($schema->minItems) && count($value) < $schema->minItems) {
self::adderror($path,"There must be a minimum of " . $schema->minItems . " in the array");
$this->adderror($path,"There must be a minimum of " . $schema->minItems . " in the array");
if(isset($schema->maxItems) && count($value) > $schema->maxItems) {
self::adderror($path,"There must be a maximum of " . $schema->maxItems . " in the array");
$this->adderror($path,"There must be a maximum of " . $schema->maxItems . " in the array");
static function checkProp($value, $schema, $path, $i = '', $_changing = false) {
function checkProp($value, $schema, $path, $i = '', $_changing = false) {
if (!is_object($schema)) {
$path = self::incrementPath($path,$i);
$path = $this->incrementPath($path,$i);
// verify readonly
if($_changing && $schema.readonly) {
self::adderror($path,'is a readonly field, it can not be changed');
$this->adderror($path,'is a readonly field, it can not be changed');
// I think a schema cant be an array, only the items property
/*if(is_array($schema)) {
@ -158,50 +158,50 @@ class Validator {
return array(array('property'=>$path,'message'=>'An array tuple is required'));
for($a = 0; $a < count($schema); $a++) {
self::$errors = array_merge(
$this->errors = array_merge(
return self::$errors;
return $this->errors;
// if it extends another schema, it must pass that schema as well
if(isset($schema->extends)) {
// verify optional values
if (is_object($value) && $value instanceOf JsonSchemaUndefined) {
if ( isset($schema->optional) ? !$schema->optional : true) {
self::adderror($path,"is missing and it is not optional");
$this->adderror($path,"is missing and it is not optional");
// normal verifications
else {
self::$errors = array_merge(
self::checkType( isset($schema->type) ? $schema->type : null , $value, $path)
$this->errors = array_merge(
$this->checkType( isset($schema->type) ? $schema->type : null , $value, $path)
if(array_key_exists('disallow',$schema)) {
$errorsBeforeDisallowCheck = self::$errors;
$response = self::checkType($schema->disallow, $value, $path);
$errorsBeforeDisallowCheck = $this->errors;
$response = $this->checkType($schema->disallow, $value, $path);
( count($errorsBeforeDisallowCheck) == count(self::$errors) ) &&
( count($errorsBeforeDisallowCheck) == count($this->errors) ) &&
) {
self::adderror($path," disallowed value was matched");
$this->adderror($path," disallowed value was matched");
else {
self::$errors = $errorsBeforeDisallowCheck;
$this->errors = $errorsBeforeDisallowCheck;
//verify the itens on an array and min and max number of items.
if(is_array($value)) {
self::$checkMode == self::CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST &&
$this->checkMode == $this->CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST &&
$schema->type == 'object'
) {
@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ class Validator {
############ verificar!
elseif(isset($schema->properties) && is_object($value)) {
@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ class Validator {
// verify a regex pattern
if( isset($schema->pattern) && is_string($value) && !preg_match('/'.$schema->pattern.'/',$value)) {
self::adderror($path,"does not match the regex pattern " . $schema->pattern);
$this->adderror($path,"does not match the regex pattern " . $schema->pattern);
// verify maxLength, minLength, maximum and minimum values
if( isset($schema->maxLength) && is_string($value) && (strlen($value) > $schema->maxLength)) {
self::adderror($path,"must be at most " . $schema->maxLength . " characters long");
$this->adderror($path,"must be at most " . $schema->maxLength . " characters long");
if( isset($schema->minLength) && is_string($value) && strlen($value) < $schema->minLength) {
self::adderror($path,"must be at least " . $schema->minLength . " characters long");
$this->adderror($path,"must be at least " . $schema->minLength . " characters long");
@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ class Validator {
gettype($value) == gettype($schema->minimum) &&
$value < $schema->minimum
) {
self::adderror($path,"must have a minimum value of " . $schema->minimum);
$this->adderror($path,"must have a minimum value of " . $schema->minimum);
if( isset($schema->maximum) && gettype($value) == gettype($schema->maximum) && $value > $schema->maximum) {
self::adderror($path,"must have a maximum value of " . $schema->maximum);
$this->adderror($path,"must have a maximum value of " . $schema->maximum);
// verify enum values
if(isset($schema->enum)) {
@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ class Validator {
if(!$found) {
self::adderror($path,"does not have a value in the enumeration " . implode(', ',$schema->enum));
$this->adderror($path,"does not have a value in the enumeration " . implode(', ',$schema->enum));
isset($schema->maxDecimal) &&
( ($value * pow(10,$schema->maxDecimal)) != (int)($value * pow(10,$schema->maxDecimal)) )
) {
self::adderror($path,"may only have " . $schema->maxDecimal . " digits of decimal places");
$this->adderror($path,"may only have " . $schema->maxDecimal . " digits of decimal places");
if( isset($schema->format) && isset(self::$formatValidator) ) {
$error = self::$formatValidator->validate($value,$schema->format);
if( isset($schema->format) && isset($this->formatValidator) ) {
$error = $this->formatValidator->validate($value,$schema->format);
if($error) {
static function adderror($path,$message) {
self::$errors[] = array(
function adderror($path,$message) {
$this->errors[] = array(
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class Validator {
* Take Care: Value is being passed by ref to continue validation with proper format.
* @return array
static function checkType($type, &$value, $path) {
function checkType($type, &$value, $path) {
if($type) {
$wrongType = false;
if(is_string($type) && $type !== 'any') {
@ -292,20 +292,20 @@ class Validator {
else {
if($type == 'number') {
if(self::$checkMode == self::CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST) {
$wrongType = !self::checkTypeCast($type,$value);
if($this->checkMode == $this->CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST) {
$wrongType = !$this->checkTypeCast($type,$value);
elseif(!in_array(gettype($value),array('integer','double'))) {
$wrongType = true;
} else{
self::$checkMode == self::CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST
$this->checkMode == $this->CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST
&& $type == 'integer'
) {
$wrongType = !self::checkTypeCast($type,$value);
$wrongType = !$this->checkTypeCast($type,$value);
} elseif (
self::$checkMode == self::CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST
$this->checkMode == $this->CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST
&& $type == 'object' && is_array($value)
) {
$wrongType = false;
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class Validator {
$validatedOneType = false;
$errors = array();
foreach($type as $tp) {
$error = self::checkType($tp,$value,$path);
$error = $this->checkType($tp,$value,$path);
if(!count($error)) {
$validatedOneType = true;
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class Validator {
elseif(is_object($type)) {
return array();
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class Validator {
* Take Care: Value is being passed by ref to continue validation with proper format.
static function checkTypeCast($type,&$value) {
function checkTypeCast($type,&$value) {
switch($type) {
case 'integer':
$castValue = (integer)$value;
@ -374,10 +374,10 @@ class Validator {
return $res;
static function checkObj($instance, $objTypeDef, $path, $additionalProp,$_changing) {
function checkObj($instance, $objTypeDef, $path, $additionalProp,$_changing) {
if($objTypeDef instanceOf StdClass) {
if( ! (($instance instanceOf StdClass) || is_array($instance)) ) {
self::$errors[] = array(
$this->errors[] = array(
'message'=>"an object is required"
@ -388,14 +388,14 @@ class Validator {
(is_array($instance) ? $instance[$i] : $instance->$i) :
new JsonSchemaUndefined();
$propDef = $objTypeDef->$i;
// additional properties and requires
foreach($instance as $i=>$value) {
// verify additional properties, when its not allowed
if( !isset($objTypeDef->$i) && ($additionalProp === false) && $i !== '$schema' ) {
self::$errors[] = array(
$this->errors[] = array(
'message'=>"The property " . $i . " is not defined in the objTypeDef and the objTypeDef does not allow additional properties"
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ class Validator {
if($objTypeDef && isset($objTypeDef->$i) && isset($objTypeDef->$i->requires)) {
$requires = $objTypeDef->$i->requires;
if(!array_key_exists($requires,$instance)) {
self::$errors[] = array(
$this->errors[] = array(
'message'=>"the presence of the property " . $i . " requires that " . $requires . " also be present"
@ -414,18 +414,18 @@ class Validator {
// To verify additional properties types.
if ($objTypeDef && is_object($objTypeDef) && !isset($objTypeDef->$i)) {
// Verify inner schema definitions
$schemaPropName = '$schema';
if (!$_changing && $value && isset($value->$schemaPropName)) {
self::$errors = array_merge(
$this->errors = array_merge(
return self::$errors;
return $this->errors;