Available methods, for both CSS & JS minifier, are:
### __construct(/* overload paths */)
The object constructor accepts 0, 1 or multiple paths of files, or even complete CSS content, that should be minified.
All CSS passed along, will be combined into 1 minified file.
$minifier = new MinifyCSS($path1, $path2)
### add($path, /* overload paths */)
This is roughly equivalent to the constructor.
### minify($path, $options)
This will minify the files' content, save the result to $path and return the resulting content.
If the $path parameter is false, the result will not be written anywhere. CAUTION: Only use this for "simple" CSS: if no target directory ($path) is known, relative uris to e.g. images can not be fixed!
The $options parameter allow you to define the exact minifying actions that should be performed.
Shortens hexadecimal color codes where applicable (e.g. #000000 -> #000)
Will include @import'ed files into the original document, saving connections to fetch the imported files.
This will make sure that relative paths (to e.g. images, other @imports, ..) in @import'ed files are adjusted to the correct location relative to the original file.
This will import (small) referenced images & woff's as data-uri into the CSS, thus saving connections to fetch the images.
### JS
* **MinifyJS::ALL**
Applies all below options
Strips /* JS */ // comments
Strips redundant whitespace
## Example usage
$file1 = '/path/to/file1.css';
$file2 = '/yet/another/path/to/file2.css';
$file3 = '/and/another/path/to/file3.css';
$css = 'body { color: #000000; }';
// constructor can be overloaded with multiple files