minifier = new Minify\JS(); } /** * Cleans up the environment after running a test. */ protected function tearDown() { $this->minifier = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test JS minifier rules, provided by dataProvider * * @test * @dataProvider dataProvider */ public function minify($input, $expected) { $input = (array) $input; foreach ($input as $js) { $this->minifier->add($js); } $result = $this->minifier->minify(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * @return array [input, expected result] */ public function dataProvider() { $tests = array(); // escaped quotes should not terminate string $tests[] = array( 'alert("Escaped quote which is same as string quotes: \"; should not match")', 'alert("Escaped quote which is same as string quotes: \"; should not match")', ); // backtick string (allow string interpolation) $tests[] = array( 'var str=`Hi, ${name}`', 'var str=`Hi, ${name}`', ); // regex delimiters need to be treated as strings // (two forward slashes could look like a comment) $tests[] = array( '/abc\/def\//.test("abc")', '/abc\/def\//.test("abc")', ); $tests[] = array( 'var a = /abc\/def\//.test("abc")', 'var a=/abc\/def\//.test("abc")', ); // don't confuse multiple slashes for regexes $tests[] = array( 'a = b / c; d = e / f', 'a=b/c;d=e/f', ); // mixture of quotes starting in comment/regex, to make sure strings are // matched correctly, not inside comment/regex. $tests[] = array( '/abc"def/.test("abc")', '/abc"def/.test("abc")', ); $tests[] = array( '/* Bogus " */var test="test";', 'var test="test"', ); // replace comments $tests[] = array( '/* This is a JS comment */', '', ); // make sure no ; is added in places it shouldn't $tests[] = array( 'if(true){}else{}', 'if(!0){}else{}', ); $tests[] = array( 'do{i++}while(i<1)', 'do{i++}while(i<1)', ); $tests[] = array( 'if(true)statement;else statement', 'if(!0)statement;else statement', ); $tests[] = array( 'for (i = 0; (i < 10); i++) statement', 'for(i=0;(i<10);i++)statement', ); $tests[] = array( '-1 +2', '-1+2', ); $tests[] = array( '-1+ 2', '-1+2', ); $tests[] = array( 'alert("this is a test");', 'alert("this is a test")', ); // test where newline should be preserved (for ASI) or semicolon added $tests[] = array( 'function(){console.log("this is a test");}', 'function(){console.log("this is a test")}', ); $tests[] = array( 'alert("this is a test") alert("this is another test")', 'alert("this is a test") alert("this is another test")', ); $tests[] = array( 'a=b+c d=e+f', 'a=b+c d=e+f', ); $tests[] = array( 'a++ ++b', 'a++ ++b', ); $tests[] = array( '!a !b', '!a !b', ); $tests[] = array( // don't confuse with 'if' 'digestif (true) statement', 'digestif(!0) statement', ); $tests[] = array( 'if ( ( true ) && ( true ) ) statement', 'if((!0)&&(!0)) statement', ); $tests[] = array( 'if ( true ) { } else { }', 'if(!0){} else{}', ); $tests[] = array( 'do { i++ } while ( i<1 )', 'do{i++} while(i<1)', ); $tests[] = array( 'if ( true ) statement else statement', 'if(!0) statement else statement', ); // test if whitespace around keywords is properly collapsed $tests[] = array( 'var variable = "value";', 'var variable="value"', ); $tests[] = array( 'var variable = { test: { } }', 'var variable={test:{}}', ); $tests[] = array( 'if ( true ) { } else { }', 'if(!0){}else{}', ); $tests[] = array( '53 instanceof String', '53 instanceof String' ); // remove whitespace around operators $tests[] = array( 'a = 1 + 2', 'a=1+2', ); $tests[] = array( 'object . property', '', ); $tests[] = array( 'object .property', '', ); $tests[] = array( 'alert ( "this is a test" );', 'alert("this is a test")', ); // mix of ++ and +: three consecutive +es will be interpreted as ++ + $tests[] = array( 'a++ +b', 'a++ +b', ); $tests[] = array( 'a+ ++b', 'a+ ++b', // +++ would actually be allowed as well ); // SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal $tests[] = array( '42 .toString()', '42 .toString()', ); // add comment in between whitespace that needs to be stripped $tests[] = array( 'object // haha, some comment, just to make things harder! .property', '', ); // add comment in between whitespace that needs to be stripped $tests[] = array( 'var test=true,test2=false', 'var test=!0,test2=!1', ); $tests[] = array( 'var testtrue="testing if true as part of varname is ignored as it should"', 'var testtrue="testing if true as part of varname is ignored as it should"', ); // random bits of code that tripped errors during development $tests[] = array( ' // check if it isn\'t a text-element if(currentElement.attr(\'type\') != \'text\') { // remove the current one currentElement.remove(); } // already a text element else newElement = currentElement; ', 'if(currentElement.attr(\'type\')!=\'text\'){currentElement.remove()} else newElement=currentElement', ); $tests[] = array( 'var jsBackend = { debug: false, current: {} }', 'var jsBackend={debug:!1,current:{}}', ); $tests[] = array( 'var utils = { debug: false } utils.array = { }', 'var utils={debug:!1} utils.array={}', ); $tests[] = array( 'rescape = /\'|\\\\/g, // blablabla here was some more code but the point was that somewhere // down below, there would be a closing quote which would cause the // regex (confused for escaped closing tag) not to be recognized, // taking the opening single quote & looking for a string. // So here\'s <-- the closing quote runescape = \'blabla\'', 'rescape=/\'|\\\\/g,runescape=\'blabla\'', ); $tests[] = array( 'var rsingleTag = (/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/)', 'var rsingleTag=(/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/)', ); $tests[] = array( 'if (this.sliding) return this.$\'\', function () { }) // yes, "slid" if (activeIndex == pos) return this.pause().cycle()', 'if(this.sliding)return this.$\'\',function(){}) if(activeIndex==pos)return this.pause().cycle()', ); $tests[] = array( 'if (e.which == 38 && index > 0) index-- // up if (e.which == 40 && index < $items.length - 1) index++ // down', 'if(e.which==38&&index>0)index-- if(e.which==40&&index<$items.length-1)index++', ); // replace associative array key references by property notation $tests[] = array( 'array["key"][\'key2\']', 'array.key.key2', ); $tests[] = array( 'array[ "key" ][ \'key2\' ]', 'array.key.key2', ); $tests[] = array( 'array["a","b","c"]', 'array["a","b","c"]', ); // $tests[] = array( "['loader']", "['loader']", ); $tests[] = array( 'array["dont-replace"][\'key2\']', 'array["dont-replace"].key2', ); // $tests[] = array( '// first mutation patch // second mutation patch // third mutation patch // fourth mutation patch', '', ); $tests[] = array( '///////////////////////// // first mutation patch // second mutation patch // third mutation patch // fourth mutation patch /////////////////////////', '', ); // $tests[] = array( 'function foo (a, b) { return a / b; } function foo (a, b) { return a / b; }', 'function foo(a,b){return a/b} function foo(a,b){return a/b}', ); // $tests[] = array( 'if ( !data.success ) deferred.reject(); else deferred.resolve(data);', 'if(!data.success) deferred.reject();else deferred.resolve(data)', ); $tests[] = array( "if ( typeof jQuery === 'undefined' ) throw new Error('.editManager.js: jQuery is required and must be loaded first');", "if(typeof jQuery==='undefined') throw new Error('.editManager.js: jQuery is required and must be loaded first')", ); // $tests[] = array( '$.expr[":"]', '$.expr[":"]', ); // $tests[] = array( "$(_this).attr('src',this.src).trigger('adapt',['loader'])", "$(_this).attr('src',this.src).trigger('adapt',['loader'])", ); // $tests[] = array( '$.fn.alert = Plugin $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert', '$.fn.alert=Plugin $.fn.alert.Constructor=Alert', ); // $tests[] = array( 'a.replace("\\\\","");hi="This is a string"', 'a.replace("\\\\","");hi="This is a string"', ); // $tests[] = array( array( '// script that ends with comment', 'var test=1', ), 'var test=1', ); // $tests[] = array( 'function () { ;;;;;;;; }', 'function(){}', ); return $tests; } }