Matthias Mullie 099f5ec75d Fix passing array as argument to add
There were some issues with the interplay between an array
being passed, and the method being overloaded. Individually,
both would work, but when they're combined, it would fail.
2016-10-13 13:45:01 +02:00

251 lines
7.1 KiB

use MatthiasMullie\Minify;
use MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Adapters\MemoryStore;
use MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Psr6\Pool;
* Tests common functions of abstract Minify class by using JS implementation.
class CommonTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @test
public function construct()
$path1 = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script1.js';
$path2 = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script2.js';
$content1 = file_get_contents($path1);
$content2 = file_get_contents($path2);
// 1 source in constructor
$minifier = new Minify\JS($content1);
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1, $result);
// multiple sources in constructor
$minifier = new Minify\JS($content1, $content2);
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2, $result);
// file in constructor
$minifier = new Minify\JS($path1);
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1, $result);
// multiple files in constructor
$minifier = new Minify\JS($path1, $path2);
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2, $result);
* @test
public function add()
$path1 = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script1.js';
$path2 = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script2.js';
$content1 = file_get_contents($path1);
$content2 = file_get_contents($path2);
$content3 = 'var test=3';
// 1 source in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1, $result);
// multiple sources in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2, $result);
// file in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1, $result);
// multiple files in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2, $result);
// array of files in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$minifier->add(array($path1, $path2));
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2, $result);
// array of files + overload in add
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$minifier->add(array($path1, $path2), $content3);
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2.';'.$content3, $result);
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$minifier->add($path1, array($path2, $content3));
$result = $minifier->minify();
$this->assertEquals($content1.';'.$content2.';'.$content3, $result);
* @test
public function loadBigString()
// content greater than PHP_MAXPATHLEN
$content = rtrim(str_repeat('var a="b";', 500), ';');
$minifier = new Minify\JS($content);
$this->assertEquals($minifier->minify(), $content);
* @test
public function loadOpenBaseDirRestricted()
if (!function_exists('pcntl_fork') || defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
$this->markTestSkipped("Can't fork, skip open_basedir test");
* Testing open_basedir restrictions is rather annoying, since they can
* not be relaxed at runtime (if we tighten open_basedir for 1 test,
* it'll also apply for all the others)
* I'll run the open_basedir restriction in a separate thread instead.
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid === -1) {
// can't fork, ignore this test...
} elseif ($pid === 0) {
ini_set('open_basedir', __DIR__.'/../..');
// instead of displaying warnings & moving to the next test, just
// quit with the error code; the other thread will pick it up
set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
// only exit if it is an error that is being reported (we don't
// want suppressed errors to register as failures, that happens
// on purpose!)
if (error_reporting() & $errno) {
$minifier = new Minify\JS('/tmp/bogus/path');
// don't keep executing the rest of the tests in this thread!
} else {
$this->assertEquals($status, 0, 'open_basedir restriction caused minifier to fail');
* @test
public function save()
$path = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script1.js';
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$savePath = __DIR__.'/sample/target/script1.js';
$minifier = new Minify\JS($path);
$this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($savePath), $content);
* @test
* @expectedException MatthiasMullie\Minify\Exceptions\IOException
public function checkFileOpenFail()
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$wrongPath = '';
$object = new ReflectionObject($minifier);
$method = $object->getMethod('openFileForWriting');
$method->invokeArgs($minifier, array($wrongPath));
* @test
* @expectedException MatthiasMullie\Minify\Exceptions\IOException
public function checkFileWriteFail()
$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$wrongPath = '';
$object = new ReflectionObject($minifier);
$method = $object->getMethod('writeToFile');
$method->invokeArgs($minifier, array($wrongPath, ''));
* @test
public function gzip()
$path = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script1.js';
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$savePath = __DIR__.'/sample/target/script1.js.gz';
$minifier = new Minify\JS($path);
$minifier->gzip($savePath, 9);
$this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($savePath), gzencode($content, 9, FORCE_GZIP));
* @test
public function cache()
$path = __DIR__.'/sample/source/script1.js';
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$cache = new MemoryStore();
$pool = new Pool($cache);
$item = $pool->getItem('cache-script1');
$minifier = new Minify\JS($path);
$item = $minifier->cache($item);
$this->assertEquals($item->get(), $content);