2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
/// library functions for messaging
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
define ('MESSAGE_SHORTLENGTH', 300);
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
function message_print_contacts() {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
global $USER, $CFG;
$timetoshowusers = 300; //Seconds default
if (isset($CFG->block_online_users_timetosee)) {
$timetoshowusers = $CFG->block_online_users_timetosee * 60;
$timefrom = time()-$timetoshowusers;
/// get lists of contacts and unread messages
$onlinecontacts = get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}message_contacts mc
WHERE mc.userid='$USER->id' AND u.id=mc.contactid AND u.lastaccess>=$timefrom
AND mc.blocked='0'
ORDER BY u.lastaccess DESC");
$offlinecontacts = get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}message_contacts mc
WHERE mc.userid='$USER->id' AND u.id=mc.contactid AND u.lastaccess<$timefrom
AND mc.blocked='0'
ORDER BY u.lastaccess DESC");
$unreadmessages = get_records_sql("SELECT m.id, m.useridfrom, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}message m
WHERE m.useridto='$USER->id' AND u.id=m.useridfrom");
$blockedcontacts = get_records_select('message_contacts', "userid='$USER->id' AND blocked='1'", '', 'contactid, id');
echo '<table id="message_contacts" align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><strong>'.get_string('mycontacts', 'message').'</strong></td></tr>';
/// print out list of online contacts
echo '<tr><td width="20"> </td>';
echo '<td id="message_onlinecontacts">';
$countcontacts = (is_array($onlinecontacts)) ? count($onlinecontacts) : 0;
echo '<table class="message_contacts">';
echo '<tr><td colspan="3">';
echo '<strong>'.get_string('onlinecontacts', 'message', $countcontacts).'</strong>';
echo '</td></tr>';
if (!empty($onlinecontacts)) {
foreach ($onlinecontacts as $contact) {
if ($contact->blocked == 1) continue;
$strcontact = '';
/// are there any unread messages for this contact?
if (($unread = message_count_messages($unreadmessages, 'useridfrom', $contact->id)) > 0) {
$strcontact .= '<strong>( '.get_string('unreadmessages', 'message', $unread).')</strong>';
/// link to remove from contact list
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact .= message_contact_link($contact->id, 'remove', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '<tr><td class="message_pic">';
print_user_picture($contact->id, SITEID, $contact->picture, 20, false, false);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
link_to_popup_window("/message/user.php?id=$contact->id", "message_$contact->id", fullname($contact), 400, 400, get_string('sendmessageto', 'message', fullname($contact)));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strcontact.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr>';
/// print out list of offline contacts
echo '<tr><td width="20"> </td>';
echo '<td id="message_offlinecontacts">';
$countcontacts = (is_array($offlinecontacts)) ? count($offlinecontacts) : 0;
echo '<table class="message_contacts">';
echo '<tr><td colspan="3">';
echo '<strong>'.get_string('offlinecontacts', 'message', $countcontacts).'</strong>';
echo '</td></tr>';
if (!empty($offlinecontacts)) {
foreach ($offlinecontacts as $contact) {
if ($contact->blocked == 1) continue;
$strcontact = '';
/// are there any unread messages for this contact?
if (($unread = message_count_messages($unreadmessages, 'useridfrom', $contact->id)) > 0) {
$strcontact .= '<strong>( '.get_string('unreadmessages', 'message', $unread).')</strong>';
/// link to remove from contact list
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact .= message_contact_link($contact->id, 'remove', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '<tr><td class="message_pic">';
print_user_picture($contact->id, SITEID, $contact->picture, 20, false, false);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
link_to_popup_window("/message/user.php?id=$contact->id", "message_$contact->id", fullname($contact), 400, 400, get_string('sendmessageto', 'message', fullname($contact)));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strcontact.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr>';
/// Cycle through messages and extract those that are from unknown contacts
/// We can take advantage of the keys for $onlinecontacts and $offlinecontacts
/// which are set to the userid and therefore we just need to see if the key
/// exists in either of those arrays
/// We can also discard any messages from users in our blocked contact list
$unknownmessages = array();
if (!empty($unreadmessages)) {
/// make sure we have valid arrays to test against - they may be boolean false
if (empty($onlinecontacts)) $onlinecontacts = array();
if (empty($offlinecontacts)) $offlinecontacts = array();
if (empty($blockedcontacts)) $blockedcontacts = array();
foreach ($unreadmessages as $unreadmessage) {
if (array_key_exists($unreadmessage->useridfrom, $onlinecontacts) or
array_key_exists($unreadmessage->useridfrom, $offlinecontacts) or
array_key_exists($unreadmessage->useridfrom, $blockedcontacts) ) {
if (!isset($unknownmessages[$unreadmessage->useridfrom])) {
$message = $unreadmessage;
$message->count = 1;
$unknownmessages[$unreadmessage->useridfrom] = $message;
} else {
/// print out list of incoming contacts
if (!empty($unknownmessages)) {
echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
echo '<strong>'.get_string('incomingcontacts', 'message', count($unknownmessages)).'</strong>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td width="20"> </td>';
echo '<td id="message_unknowncontacts">';
echo '<table class="message_contacts">';
foreach ($unknownmessages as $messageuser) {
$strcontact = '<strong>( '.get_string('unreadmessages', 'message', $messageuser->count).')</strong>';
/// link to add to contact list
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact .= message_contact_link($messageuser->useridfrom, 'add', true);
$strblock .= message_contact_link($messageuser->useridfrom, 'block', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '<tr><td class="message_pic">';
print_user_picture($messageuser->useridfrom, SITEID, $messageuser->picture, 20, false, false);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
link_to_popup_window("/message/user.php?id=$messageuser->useridfrom", "message_$messageuser->useridfrom", fullname($messageuser), 400, 400, get_string('sendmessageto', 'message', fullname($messageuser)));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strcontact.'</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strblock.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
/// $messagearray is an array of objects
/// $field is a valid property of object
/// $value is the value $field should equal to be counted
/// if $field is empty then return count of the whole array
/// if $field is non-existent then return 0;
function message_count_messages($messagearray, $field='', $value='') {
if (!is_array($messagearray)) return 0;
if ($field == '' or empty($messagearray)) return count($messagearray);
$count = 0;
foreach ($messagearray as $message) {
$count += ($message->$field == $value) ? 1 : 0;
return $count;
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
function message_print_search() {
global $USER;
if ($frm = data_submitted()) {
} else {
if ($teachers = get_records('user_teachers', 'userid', $USER->id, '', 'id, course')) {
$courses = get_courses('all', 'c.sortorder ASC', 'c.id, c.shortname');
$cs = '<select name="courseselect">';
foreach ($teachers as $tcourse) {
$cs .= "<option value=\"$tcourse->course\">".$courses[$tcourse->course]->shortname."</option>\n";
$cs .= '</select>';
function message_print_settings() {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
global $ME, $USER;
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
if ($frm = data_submitted()) {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
$pref = array();
$pref['message_showmessagewindow'] = (isset($frm->showmessagewindow)) ? '1' : '0';
$pref['message_beepnewmessage'] = (isset($frm->beepnewmessage)) ? '1' : '0';
$pref['message_maxmessages'] = ((int)$frm->maxmessages > 0) ? (int)$frm->maxmessages : '20';
$pref['message_deletemessagesdays'] = ((int)($frm->deletemessagesdays) > 0) ? (int)$frm->deletemessagesdays : '30';
$pref['message_emailmessages'] = (isset($frm->emailmessages)) ? '1' : '0';
$pref['message_emailaddress'] = (!empty($frm->emailaddress)) ? $frm->emailaddress : $USER->email;
$pref['message_emailformat'] = (isset($frm->emailformat)) ? $frm->emailformat : FORMAT_PLAIN;
$pref['message_emailtimenosee'] = ((int)$frm->emailtimenosee > 0) ? (int)$frm->emailtimenosee : '10';
redirect($ME, get_string('settingssaved', 'message'), 3);
$cbshowmessagewindow = (get_user_preferences('message_showmessagewindow', 1) == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$cbbeepnewmessage = (get_user_preferences('message_beepnewmessage', 1) == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$txmaxmessages = get_user_preferences('message_maxmessages', 20);
$txdeletemessagesdays = get_user_preferences('message_deletemessagesdays', 30);
$cbemailmessages = (get_user_preferences('message_emailmessages', 1) == '1') ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$txemailaddress = get_user_preferences('message_emailaddress', $USER->email);
$txemailtimenosee = get_user_preferences('message_emailtimenosee', 10);
$format_select = choose_from_menu( array(FORMAT_PLAIN => get_string('formatplain'),
FORMAT_HTML => get_string('formathtml')),
get_user_preferences('message_emailformat', FORMAT_PLAIN),
false, '', '0', true );
function message_add_contact($contactid, $blocked=0) {
global $USER;
if (!record_exists('user', 'id', $contactid)) { // invalid userid
return false;
if (($contact = get_record('message_contacts', 'userid', $USER->id, 'contactid', $contactid)) !== false) {
/// record already exists - we may be changing blocking status
if ($contact->blocked !== $blocked) {
/// change to blocking status
$contact->blocked = $blocked;
return update_record('message_contacts', $contact);
} else {
/// no changes to blocking status
return true;
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
} else {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
/// new contact record
$contact->userid = $USER->id;
$contact->contactid = $contactid;
$contact->blocked = $blocked;
return insert_record('message_contacts', $contact, false);
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
function message_remove_contact($contactid) {
global $USER;
return delete_records('message_contacts', 'userid', $USER->id, 'contactid', $contactid);
function message_unblock_contact($contactid) {
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
global $USER;
return delete_records('message_contacts', 'userid', $USER->id, 'contactid', $contactid);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
function message_block_contact($contactid) {
return message_add_contact($contactid, 1);
function message_get_contact($contactid) {
global $USER;
return get_record('message_contacts', 'userid', $USER->id, 'contactid', $contactid);
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
function message_print_search_results($frm) {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
global $USER;
echo '<div align="center">';
/// search for person
if (!empty($frm->personsubmit) and !empty($frm->name)) {
if ($frm->mycourses) {
$users = array();
$mycourses = get_my_courses($USER->id);
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
if (is_array($susers = message_search_users($mycourse->id, $frm->name))) {
foreach ($susers as $suser) $users[$suser->id] = $suser;
} else {
$users = message_search_users(SITEID, $frm->name);
if (!empty($users)) {
echo '<strong>'.get_string('userssearchresults', 'message', count($users)).'</strong>';
echo '<table class="message_users">';
foreach ($users as $user) {
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
if (($contact = message_get_contact($user->id)) !== false) {
if ($contact->blocked == 0) { /// not blocked
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact = message_contact_link($user->id, 'remove', true);
$strblock = message_contact_link($user->id, 'block', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
} else { // blocked
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact = message_contact_link($user->id, 'add', true);
$strblock = message_contact_link($user->id, 'unblock', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
} else {
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
$strcontact = message_contact_link($user->id, 'add', true);
$strblock = message_contact_link($user->id, 'block', true);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '<tr><td class="message_pic">';
print_user_picture($user->id, SITEID, $user->picture, 20, false, false);
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
link_to_popup_window("/message/user.php?id=$user->id", "message_$user->id", fullname($user), 400, 400, get_string('sendmessageto', 'message', fullname($user)));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strcontact.'</td>';
echo '<td class="message_link">'.$strblock.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
} else {
notify(get_string('nosearchresults', 'message'));
/// search messages for keywords
} else if (!empty($frm->keywordssubmit) and !empty($frm->keywords)) {
$keywords = explode(' ', $frm->keywords);
$tome = false;
$fromme = false;
$courseid = 'none';
switch ($frm->keywordsoption) {
case 'tome':
$tome = true;
case 'fromme':
$fromme = true;
case 'allmine':
$tome = true;
$fromme = true;
case 'allusers':
$courseid = SITEID;
case 'courseusers':
$courseid = $frm->courseid;
$tome = true;
$fromme = true;
if (($messages = message_search($keywords, $fromme, $tome, $courseid)) !== false) {
/// get a list of contacts
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
if (($contacts = get_records('message_contacts', 'userid', $USER->id, '', 'contactid, blocked') ) === false) {
$contacts = array();
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// print heading with number of results
echo '<strong>'.get_string('keywordssearchresults', 'message', count($messages)).'</strong>';
/// print table headings
echo '<table class="message_users" cellpadding="5" border="1">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="center"><strong>'.get_string('to').'</strong></td>';
echo '<td align="center"><strong>'.get_string('from').'</strong></td>';
echo '<td align="center"><strong>'.get_string('message', 'message').'</strong></td>';
echo '<td align="center"><strong>'.get_string('timesent', 'message').'</strong></td>';
echo "</tr>\n";
$blockedcount = 0;
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
foreach ($messages as $message) {
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// ignore messages to and from blocked users unless $frm->includeblocked is set
if ((!$frm->includeblocked) and (
( isset($contacts[$message->useridfrom]) and ($contacts[$message->useridfrom]->blocked == 1)) or
( isset($contacts[$message->useridto] ) and ($contacts[$message->useridto]->blocked == 1))
) {
$blockedcount ++;
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// load up user to record
if ($message->useridto !== $USER->id) {
$userto = get_record('user', 'id', $message->useridto);
$tocontact = (array_key_exists($message->useridto, $contacts) and
($contacts[$message->useridto]->blocked == 0) );
$toblocked = (array_key_exists($message->useridto, $contacts) and
($contacts[$message->useridto]->blocked == 1) );
} else {
$userto = false;
$tocontact = false;
$toblocked = false;
/// load up user from record
if ($message->useridfrom !== $USER->id) {
$userfrom = get_record('user', 'id', $message->useridfrom);
$fromcontact = (array_key_exists($message->useridfrom, $contacts) and
($contacts[$message->useridfrom]->blocked == 0) );
$fromblocked = (array_key_exists($message->useridfrom, $contacts) and
($contacts[$message->useridfrom]->blocked == 1) );
} else {
$userfrom = false;
$fromcontact = false;
$fromblocked = false;
/// print out message row
echo '<tr valign="top">';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
message_print_user($userto, $tocontact, $toblocked);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="message_contact">';
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
message_print_user($userfrom, $fromcontact, $fromblocked);
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '</td>';
echo '<td>'.message_shorten_message($message->message, 20).'</td>';
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
echo '<td>'.userdate($message->timecreated, get_string('strftimedatetime')).'</td>';
echo "</tr>\n";
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
if ($blockedcount > 0) echo '<tr><td colspan="4" align="center">'.get_string('blockedmessages', 'message', $blockedcount).'</td></tr>';
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
echo '</table>';
} else {
notify(get_string('nosearchresults', 'message'));
/// what the ????, probably an empty search string, duh!
} else {
notify(get_string('emptysearchstring', 'message'));
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
echo '<br />';
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
print_single_button($ME, array( 'tab' => 'search'), get_string('newsearch', 'message') );
echo '</div>';
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
function message_print_user ($user=false, $iscontact=false, $isblocked=false) {
global $USER;
if ($user === false) {
print_user_picture($USER->id, SITEID, $USER->picture, 20, false, false);
} else {
print_user_picture($user->id, SITEID, $user->picture, 20, false, false);
link_to_popup_window("/message/user.php?id=$user->id", "message_$user->id", fullname($user), 400, 400, get_string('sendmessageto', 'message', fullname($user)));
echo '<br />';
if ($iscontact) {
message_contact_link($user->id, 'remove');
} else {
message_contact_link($user->id, 'add');
echo ' ';
if ($isblocked) {
message_contact_link($user->id, 'unblock');
} else {
message_contact_link($user->id, 'block');
/// linktype can be: add, remove, block, unblock
function message_contact_link ($userid, $linktype='add', $returnstr=false) {
global $USER;
switch ($linktype) {
case 'block':
$str = '[<a href="index.php?tab=contacts&blockcontact='.$userid.
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'" title="'.
get_string('blockcontact', 'message').'">'.
get_string('blockcontact', 'message').'</a>]';
case 'unblock':
$str = '[<a href="index.php?tab=contacts&unblockcontact='.$userid.
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'" title="'.
get_string('unblockcontact', 'message').'">'.
get_string('unblockcontact', 'message').'</a>]';
case 'remove':
$str = '[<a href="index.php?tab=contacts&removecontact='.$userid.
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'" title="'.
get_string('removecontact', 'message').'">'.
get_string('removecontact', 'message').'</a>]';
case 'add':
$str = '[<a href="index.php?tab=contacts&addcontact='.$userid.
'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'" title="'.
get_string('addcontact', 'message').'">'.
get_string('addcontact', 'message').'</a>]';
if ($returnstr) {
return $str;
} else {
echo $str;
return true;
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
* Search through course users
* If $coursid specifies the site course then this function searches
* through all undeleted and confirmed users
* @uses $CFG
* @uses SITEID
* @param int $courseid The course in question.
* @param string $searchtext ?
* @param string $sort ?
* @param string $exceptions ?
* @return array An array of {@link $USER} records.
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function message_search_users($courseid, $searchtext, $sort='', $exceptions='') {
global $CFG;
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case 'mysql':
$fullname = ' CONCAT(u.firstname," ",u.lastname) ';
case 'postgres7':
$fullname = " u.firstname||' '||u.lastname ";
$fullname = ' u.firstname||" "||u.lastname ';
if (!empty($exceptions)) {
$except = ' AND u.id NOT IN ('. $exceptions .') ';
} else {
$except = '';
if (!empty($sort)) {
$order = ' ORDER BY '. $sort;
} else {
$order = '';
$select = 'u.deleted = \'0\' AND u.confirmed = \'1\'';
if (!$courseid or $courseid == SITEID) {
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE $select
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order");
} else {
if (!$teachers = get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}user_teachers s
WHERE $select AND s.course = '$courseid' AND s.userid = u.id
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order")) {
$teachers = array();
if (!$students = get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}user_students s
WHERE $select AND s.course = '$courseid' AND s.userid = u.id
AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$searchtext%')
$except $order")) {
$students = array();
return $teachers + $students;
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
function message_search($searchterms, $fromme=true, $tome=true, $courseid='none', $userid=0) {
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
/// Returns a list of posts found using an array of search terms
/// eg word +word -word
global $CFG, $USER;
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// If no userid sent then assume current user
if ($userid == 0) $userid = $USER->id;
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
/// Some differences in syntax for PostgreSQL
if ($CFG->dbtype == "postgres7") {
$LIKE = "ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$NOTLIKE = "NOT ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$REGEXP = "~*";
$NOTREGEXP = "!~*";
} else {
$messagesearch = "";
foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
if (strlen($searchterm) < 2) {
if ($messagesearch) {
$messagesearch .= " AND ";
if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "+") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " m.message $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$messagesearch .= " m.message $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else {
$messagesearch .= " m.message $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
$messagesearch = "($messagesearch) ";
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// There are several possibilities
/// 1. courseid = SITEID : The admin is searching messages by all users
/// 2. courseid = ?? : A teacher is searching messages by users in
/// one of their courses - currently disabled
/// 3. courseid = none : User is searching their own messages;
/// a. Messages from user
/// b. Messages to user
/// c. Messages to and from user
if ($courseid == SITEID) { /// admin is searching all messages
$m_read = get_records_sql("SELECT m.id, m.useridto, m.useridfrom, m.message, m.timecreated
FROM {$CFG->prefix}message_read m
WHERE $messagesearch");
$m_unread = get_records_sql("SELECT m.id, m.useridto, m.useridfrom, m.message, m.timecreated
FROM {$CFG->prefix}message m
WHERE $messagesearch");
if ($m_read === false) $m_read = array();
if ($m_unread === false) $m_unread = array();
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
} elseif ($courseid !== 'none') {
/// This has not been implemented due to security concerns
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
} else {
if ($fromme and $tome) $messagesearch .= "AND (m.useridfrom='$userid' OR m.useridto='$userid') ";
elseif ($fromme) $messagesearch .= "AND m.useridfrom='$userid' ";
elseif ($tome) $messagesearch .= "AND m.useridto='$userid' ";
$m_read = get_records_sql("SELECT m.id, m.useridto, m.useridfrom, m.message, m.timecreated
FROM {$CFG->prefix}message_read m
WHERE $messagesearch");
$m_unread = get_records_sql("SELECT m.id, m.useridto, m.useridfrom, m.message, m.timecreated
FROM {$CFG->prefix}message m
WHERE $messagesearch");
if ($m_read === false) $m_read = array();
if ($m_unread === false) $m_unread = array();
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
2004-12-29 03:54:33 +00:00
/// The keys may be duplicated in $m_read and $m_unread so we can't
/// do a simple concatenation
$message = array();
foreach ($m_read as $m) $messages[] = $m;
foreach ($m_unread as $m) $messages[] = $m;
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
return (empty($messages)) ? false : $messages;
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00
2004-12-28 13:49:15 +00:00
/// Borrowed with changes from mod/forum/lib.php
function message_shorten_message($message, $minlength=0) {
// Given a post object that we already know has a long message
// this function truncates the message nicely to the first
// sane place between $CFG->forum_longpost and $CFG->forum_shortpost
$i = 0;
$tag = false;
$length = strlen($message);
$count = 0;
$stopzone = false;
$truncate = 0;
if ($minlength == 0) $minlength = MESSAGE_SHORTLENGTH;
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$char = $message[$i];
switch ($char) {
case "<":
$tag = true;
case ">":
$tag = false;
if (!$tag) {
if ($stopzone) {
if ($char == '.' or $char == ' ') {
$truncate = $i+1;
break 2;
if (!$stopzone) {
if ($count > $minlength) {
$stopzone = true;
if (!$truncate) {
$truncate = $i;
return substr($message, 0, $truncate);
2004-12-16 12:40:36 +00:00