2004-02-09 11:40:24 +00:00
< ? PHP // $Id$
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.1.1 (2003091000)
$string [ 'addresource' ] = 'Afegeix un recurs' ;
$string [ 'configframesize' ] = 'Quan es mostra una p<> gina web o un fitxer penjat dins d\'un marc (frame), aquest valor <20> s la mida en pixels del marc top que cont<6E> el navegador.' ;
$string [ 'editingaresource' ] = 'Edita un recurs' ;
$string [ 'example' ] = 'Exemple' ;
$string [ 'examplereference' ] = 'Tobin, K. & Tippins, D (1993) Constructivism as a Referent for Teaching and Learning. In: K. Tobin (Ed) The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education, pp 3-21, Lawrence-Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.' ;
$string [ 'exampleurl' ] = 'http://www.example.com/somedirectory/somefile.html' ;
$string [ 'filename' ] = 'Nom del fitxer' ;
$string [ 'fulltext' ] = 'Text complet' ;
$string [ 'htmlfragment' ] = 'Fragment HTML' ;
$string [ 'modulename' ] = 'Recurs' ;
$string [ 'modulenameplural' ] = 'Recursos' ;
$string [ 'neverseen' ] = 'Mai vist' ;
$string [ 'newdirectories' ] = 'Mostra els enlla<6C> os del directori' ;
$string [ 'newfullscreen' ] = 'Omple la pantalla' ;
$string [ 'newheight' ] = 'Altura de la finestra (en pixels)' ;
$string [ 'newlocation' ] = 'Mostra la barra d\'ubicaci<63> ' ;
$string [ 'newmenubar' ] = 'Mostra la barra de men<65> ' ;
$string [ 'newresizable' ] = 'Permet canviar el tamany de la finestra' ;
$string [ 'newscrollbars' ] = 'Permet el despla<6C> ament en la finestra' ;
$string [ 'newstatus' ] = 'Mostra la barra d\'estat' ;
$string [ 'newtoolbar' ] = 'Mostra la barra d\'eines' ;
$string [ 'newwidth' ] = 'Ample de la finestra (en pixels)' ;
$string [ 'newwindow' ] = 'Nova finestra' ;
$string [ 'newwindowopen' ] = 'Mostra el material en una nova finestra (popup)' ;
$string [ 'note' ] = 'Nota' ;
$string [ 'notefile' ] = ' Per pujar m<EFBFBD> s arxius al curs ( de manera que apareguin en esta llista ) feu servir l\ '
2003-10-02 06:45:27 +00:00
2004-02-09 11:40:24 +00:00
< A HREF = $a > Administrador d\ 'arxius</A>.' ;
$string [ 'notypechosen' ] = 'Heu de triar un tipus. Feu servir el bot<6F> back/enrere per tornar-hi i intentar-ho una altra vegada.' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype' ] = 'Tipus de recurs' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype1' ] = 'Refer<65> ncia' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype2' ] = 'P<> gina web' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype3' ] = 'Fitxer' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype4' ] = 'Text' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype5' ] = 'Enlla<6C> web' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype6' ] = 'Text HTML' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype7' ] = 'Programa' ;
$string [ 'resourcetype8' ] = 'Text wiki' ;