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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace core_communication;
use core_communication\task\add_members_to_room_task;
use core_communication\task\create_and_configure_room_task;
use core_communication\task\delete_room_task;
use core_communication\task\remove_members_from_room;
use core_communication\task\update_room_task;
use stdClass;
* Class api is the public endpoint of the communication api. This class is the point of contact for api usage.
* Communication api allows to add ad-hoc tasks to the queue to perform actions on the communication providers. This api will
* not allow any immediate actions to be performed on the communication providers. It will only add the tasks to the queue. The
* exception has been made for deletion of members in case of deleting the user. This is because the user will not be available.
* The member management api part allows run actions immediately if required.
* Communication api does allow to have form elements related to communication api in the required forms. This is done by using
* the form_definition method. This method will add the form elements to the form.
* @package core_communication
* @copyright 2023 Safat Shahin <safat.shahin@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class api {
* @var null|processor $communication The communication settings object
private ?processor $communication;
* Communication handler constructor to manage and handle all communication related actions.
* This class is the entrypoint for all kinda usages.
* It will be used by the other api to manage the communication providers.
* @param string $component The component of the item for the instance
* @param string $instancetype The type of the item for the instance
* @param int $instanceid The id of the instance
private function __construct(
private string $component,
private string $instancetype,
private int $instanceid
) {
$this->communication = processor::load_by_instance(
* Get the communication processor object.
* @param string $component The component of the item for the instance
* @param string $instancetype The type of the item for the instance
* @param int $instanceid The id of the instance
* @return api
public static function load_by_instance(
string $component,
string $instancetype,
int $instanceid
): self {
return new self($component, $instancetype, $instanceid);
* Check if the communication api is enabled.
public static function is_available(): bool {
return (bool) get_config('core', 'enablecommunicationsubsystem');
* Get the communication room url.
* @return string|null
public function get_communication_room_url(): ?string {
return $this->communication?->get_room_url();
* Get the list of plugins for form selection.
* @return array
public static function get_communication_plugin_list_for_form(): array {
// Add the option to have communication disabled.
$selection[processor::PROVIDER_NONE] = get_string('nocommunicationselected', 'communication');
$communicationplugins = \core\plugininfo\communication::get_enabled_plugins();
foreach ($communicationplugins as $pluginname => $notusing) {
$selection['communication_' . $pluginname] = get_string('pluginname', 'communication_'. $pluginname);
return $selection;
* Get the enabled communication providers and default provider according to the selected provider.
* @param string|null $selecteddefaulprovider
* @return array
public static function get_enabled_providers_and_default(string $selecteddefaulprovider = null): array {
$communicationproviders = self::get_communication_plugin_list_for_form();
$defaulprovider = processor::PROVIDER_NONE;
if (!empty($selecteddefaulprovider) && array_key_exists($selecteddefaulprovider, $communicationproviders)) {
$defaulprovider = $selecteddefaulprovider;
return [$communicationproviders, $defaulprovider];
* Define the form elements for the communication api.
* This method will be called from the form definition method of the instance.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform The form element
* @param string $selectdefaultcommunication The default selected communication provider in the form field
public function form_definition(
\MoodleQuickForm $mform,
string $selectdefaultcommunication = processor::PROVIDER_NONE
): void {
global $PAGE;
list($communicationproviders, $defaulprovider) = self::
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('core_communication/providerchooser', 'init');
$mform->addElement('header', 'communication', get_string('communication', 'communication'));
// List the communication providers.
get_string('seleccommunicationprovider', 'communication'),
['data-communicationchooser-field' => 'selector'],
$mform->addHelpButton('selectedcommunication', 'seleccommunicationprovider', 'communication');
$mform->setDefault('selectedcommunication', $defaulprovider);
'update communication',
['data-communicationchooser-field' => 'updateButton', 'class' => 'd-none',]);
// Just a placeholder for the communication options.
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'addcommunicationoptionshere');
$mform->setType('addcommunicationoptionshere', PARAM_BOOL);
* Set the form definitions for the plugins.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @return void
public function form_definition_for_provider(\MoodleQuickForm $mform): void {
$provider = $mform->getElementValue('selectedcommunication');
if ($provider[0] !== processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// Room name for the communication provider.
get_string('communicationroomname', 'communication'), 'maxlength="100" size="20"'),
$mform->addHelpButton('communicationroomname', 'communicationroomname', 'communication');
$mform->setType('communicationroomname', PARAM_TEXT);
processor::set_proider_form_definition($provider[0], $mform);
* Get the avatar file record for the avatar for filesystem.
* @param string $filename The filename of the avatar
* @return stdClass
public function get_avatar_filerecord(string $filename): stdClass {
return (object) [
'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id,
'component' => 'core_communication',
'filearea' => 'avatar',
'filename' => $filename,
'filepath' => '/',
'itemid' => $this->communication->get_id(),
* Get the avatar file.
* If null is set, then delete the old area file and set the avatarfilename to null.
* This will make sure the plugin api deletes the avatar from the room.
* @param string|null $datauri The datauri of the avatar
* @return bool
public function set_avatar_from_datauri_or_filepath(?string $datauri): bool {
$currentfilename = $this->communication->get_avatar_filename();
if (empty($datauri) && empty($currentfilename)) {
return false;
$currentfilerecord = $this->communication->get_avatar();
if (!empty($datauri) && !empty($currentfilerecord)) {
$currentfilehash = $currentfilerecord->get_contenthash();
$updatedfilehash = \file_storage::hash_from_string(file_get_contents($datauri));
// No update required.
if ($currentfilehash === $updatedfilehash) {
return false;
$context = \context_system::instance();
$filename = null;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!empty($datauri)) {
$filename = "avatar.svg";
$fs->create_file_from_string($this->get_avatar_filerecord($filename), file_get_contents($datauri));
// Indicate that we need to sync the avatar when the update task is run.
return true;
* Set the form data if the data is already available.
* @param \stdClass $instance The instance object
public function set_data(\stdClass $instance): void {
if (!empty($instance->id) && $this->communication) {
$instance->selectedcommunication = $this->communication->get_provider();
$instance->communicationroomname = $this->communication->get_room_name();
* Get the communication provider.
* @return string
public function get_provider(): string {
if (!$this->communication) {
return '';
return $this->communication->get_provider();
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for create operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to create the room.
* @param string $selectedcommunication The selected communication provider
* @param string $communicationroomname The communication room name
* @param \stdClass|null $instance The actual instance object
* @param string|null $avatarurl The avatar url
public function create_and_configure_room(
string $selectedcommunication,
string $communicationroomname,
?string $avatarurl = null,
?\stdClass $instance = null,
): void {
if ($selectedcommunication !== processor::PROVIDER_NONE && $selectedcommunication !== '') {
// Create communication record.
$this->communication = processor::create_instance(
// Update provider record from form data.
if ($instance !== null) {
// Set the avatar.
if (!empty($avatarurl)) {
// Add ad-hoc task to create the provider room.
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for update operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to update the room.
* @param string $selectedprovider The selected communication provider
* @param string $communicationroomname The communication room name
* @param \stdClass|null $instance The actual instance object
* @param string|null $avatarurl The avatar url
public function update_room(
string $selectedprovider,
string $communicationroomname,
?string $avatarurl = null,
?\stdClass $instance = null,
): void {
// Existing object found, let's update the communication record and associated actions.
if ($this->communication !== null) {
// Get the previous data to compare for update.
$previousroomname = $this->communication->get_room_name();
$previousprovider = $this->communication->get_provider();
// Update communication record.
$this->communication->update_instance($selectedprovider, $communicationroomname);
// Update provider record from form data.
if ($instance !== null) {
// Update the avatar.
$imageupdaterequired = $this->set_avatar_from_datauri_or_filepath($avatarurl);
// If the provider is none, we don't need to do anything from room point of view.
if ($this->communication->get_provider() === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// Add ad-hoc task to update the provider room if the room name changed.
// TODO add efficiency considering dynamic fields.
if (
$previousprovider === $selectedprovider
) {
} else if (
$previousprovider !== $selectedprovider
) {
// Add ad-hoc task to create the provider room.
} else {
// The instance didn't have any communication record, so create one.
$this->create_and_configure_room($selectedprovider, $communicationroomname, $avatarurl, $instance);
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for delete operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to delete the room.
public function delete_room(): void {
if ($this->communication !== null) {
// Add the ad-hoc task to remove the room data from the communication table and associated provider actions.
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for add members operation and add the user mapping.
* This method will add a task to the queue to add the room users.
* @param array $userids The user ids to add to the room
* @param bool $queue Whether to queue the task or not
public function add_members_to_room(array $userids, bool $queue = true): void {
// No communication object? something not done right.
if (!$this->communication) {
// No userids? don't bother doing anything.
if (empty($userids)) {
if ($queue) {
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for remove members operation or action immediately.
* This method will add a task to the queue to remove the room users.
* @param array $userids The user ids to remove from the room
* @param bool $queue Whether to queue the task or not
public function remove_members_from_room(array $userids, bool $queue = true): void {
// No communication object? something not done right.
if (!$this->communication) {
if ($this->communication->get_provider() === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// No user ids? don't bother doing anything.
if (empty($userids)) {
if ($queue) {
* Display the communication room status notification.
public function show_communication_room_status_notification(): void {
// No communication, no room.
if (!$this->communication) {
if ($this->communication->get_provider() === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
$roomstatus = $this->get_communication_room_url() ? 'ready' : 'pending';
$pluginname = get_string('pluginname', $this->get_provider());
$message = get_string('communicationroom' . $roomstatus, 'communication', $pluginname);
switch ($roomstatus) {
case 'pending':
\core\notification::add($message, \core\notification::INFO);
case 'ready':
// We only show the ready notification once per user.
// We check this with a custom user preference.
$roomreadypreference = "{$this->component}_{$this->instancetype}_{$this->instanceid}_room_ready";
if (empty(get_user_preferences($roomreadypreference))) {
\core\notification::add($message, \core\notification::SUCCESS);
set_user_preference($roomreadypreference, true);