2009-11-01 10:32:02 +00:00
< ? php
2006-08-18 07:23:02 +00:00
// This file defines settingpages and externalpages under the "courses" category
2007-10-28 22:35:00 +00:00
if ( $hassiteconfig
2010-02-19 17:50:14 +00:00
or has_capability ( 'moodle/backup:backupcourse' , $systemcontext )
course categories: Fix many bugs with category editing and permissions. Clean up code.
Bugs: MDL-17479, MDL-16426, MDL-16063, MDL-16013, MDL-15658, MDL-15556, MDL-15161, MDL-14925, MDL-13742, MDL-11557.
* Simplify category editing permissions to just moodle/category:manage and moodle/category:seehiddencategories.
* Enforce those correctly. (Note MDL 17502 is still outstanding.)
* Don't screw up category sort order when you just edit name or description.
* Niceties like where redirects go when you cancel or submit forms.
* Make sure a global course creator can see the site admin block.
* Don't allow a category to be made the child of one of its children!
* General code cleanup to bring key files more in line with best pracitice.
Apologies for the fact it is one big patch, rather than a series of smaller patches. However, categoryedit.php, category.php and index.php where in pretty bad shape and needed significant cleaning up. categoryedit.php, in particular, was almost completely rewritten.
Merged from MOODLE_19_STABLE.
2008-12-04 08:53:10 +00:00
or has_capability ( 'moodle/category:manage' , $systemcontext )
2008-12-05 08:56:54 +00:00
or has_capability ( 'moodle/course:create' , $systemcontext )
or has_capability ( 'moodle/site:approvecourse' , $systemcontext )) { // speedup for non-admins, add all caps used on this page
2007-10-28 22:35:00 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'courses' , new admin_externalpage ( 'coursemgmt' , new lang_string ( 'coursemgmt' , 'admin' ), $CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/index.php?categoryedit=on' ,
course categories: Fix many bugs with category editing and permissions. Clean up code.
Bugs: MDL-17479, MDL-16426, MDL-16063, MDL-16013, MDL-15658, MDL-15556, MDL-15161, MDL-14925, MDL-13742, MDL-11557.
* Simplify category editing permissions to just moodle/category:manage and moodle/category:seehiddencategories.
* Enforce those correctly. (Note MDL 17502 is still outstanding.)
* Don't screw up category sort order when you just edit name or description.
* Niceties like where redirects go when you cancel or submit forms.
* Make sure a global course creator can see the site admin block.
* Don't allow a category to be made the child of one of its children!
* General code cleanup to bring key files more in line with best pracitice.
Apologies for the fact it is one big patch, rather than a series of smaller patches. However, categoryedit.php, category.php and index.php where in pretty bad shape and needed significant cleaning up. categoryedit.php, in particular, was almost completely rewritten.
Merged from MOODLE_19_STABLE.
2008-12-04 08:53:10 +00:00
array ( 'moodle/category:manage' , 'moodle/course:create' )));
2007-12-19 17:35:20 +00:00
2008-09-25 02:31:26 +00:00
/// Course Default Settings Page
2008-11-28 18:24:47 +00:00
/// NOTE: these settings must be applied after all other settings because they depend on them
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
///main course settings
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp = new admin_settingpage ( 'coursesettings' , new lang_string ( 'coursesettings' ));
2009-06-19 14:25:56 +00:00
$courseformats = get_plugin_list ( 'format' );
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$formcourseformats = array ();
2009-06-19 14:25:56 +00:00
foreach ( $courseformats as $courseformat => $courseformatdir ) {
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$formcourseformats [ $courseformat ] = new lang_string ( 'pluginname' , " format_ $courseformat " );
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/format' , new lang_string ( 'format' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpformat' ), 'weeks' , $formcourseformats ));
2011-03-07 18:08:04 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configtext ( 'moodlecourse/maxsections' , new lang_string ( 'maxnumberweeks' ), new lang_string ( 'maxnumberweeks_desc' ), 52 ));
2011-03-07 18:08:04 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_settings_num_course_sections ( 'moodlecourse/numsections' , new lang_string ( 'numberweeks' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpnumberweeks' ), 10 ));
2011-03-07 18:08:04 +00:00
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$choices = array ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$choices [ '0' ] = new lang_string ( 'hiddensectionscollapsed' );
$choices [ '1' ] = new lang_string ( 'hiddensectionsinvisible' );
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/hiddensections' , new lang_string ( 'hiddensections' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelphiddensections' ), 0 , $choices ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$options = range ( 0 , 10 );
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/newsitems' , new lang_string ( 'newsitemsnumber' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpnewsitemsnumber' ), 5 , $options ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/showgrades' , new lang_string ( 'showgrades' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpshowgrades' ), 1 , array ( 0 => new lang_string ( 'no' ), 1 => new lang_string ( 'yes' ))));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/showreports' , new lang_string ( 'showreports' ), '' , 0 , array ( 0 => new lang_string ( 'no' ), 1 => new lang_string ( 'yes' ))));
2011-03-07 18:08:04 +00:00
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
if ( isset ( $CFG -> maxbytes )) {
2008-11-28 18:24:47 +00:00
$choices = get_max_upload_sizes ( $CFG -> maxbytes );
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
} else {
$choices = get_max_upload_sizes ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/maxbytes' , new lang_string ( 'maximumupload' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpmaximumupload' ), key ( $choices ), $choices ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
2010-09-22 08:18:18 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $CFG -> legacyfilesinnewcourses )) {
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$choices = array ( '0' => new lang_string ( 'no' ), '2' => new lang_string ( 'yes' ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/legacyfiles' , new lang_string ( 'courselegacyfiles' ), new lang_string ( 'courselegacyfiles_help' ), key ( $choices ), $choices ));
2010-09-22 08:18:18 +00:00
2010-09-10 03:58:54 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'groups' , new lang_string ( 'groups' , 'group' ), '' ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$choices = array ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$choices [ NOGROUPS ] = new lang_string ( 'groupsnone' , 'group' );
$choices [ SEPARATEGROUPS ] = new lang_string ( 'groupsseparate' , 'group' );
$choices [ VISIBLEGROUPS ] = new lang_string ( 'groupsvisible' , 'group' );
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/groupmode' , new lang_string ( 'groupmode' ), '' , key ( $choices ), $choices ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/groupmodeforce' , new lang_string ( 'force' ), new lang_string ( 'coursehelpforce' ), 0 , array ( 0 => new lang_string ( 'no' ), 1 => new lang_string ( 'yes' ))));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'availability' , new lang_string ( 'availability' ), '' ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$choices = array ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$choices [ '0' ] = new lang_string ( 'courseavailablenot' );
$choices [ '1' ] = new lang_string ( 'courseavailable' );
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/visible' , new lang_string ( 'visible' ), '' , 1 , $choices ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'language' , new lang_string ( 'language' ), '' ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$languages = array ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$languages [ '' ] = new lang_string ( 'forceno' );
2010-04-14 09:45:49 +00:00
$languages += get_string_manager () -> get_list_of_translations ();
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/lang' , new lang_string ( 'forcelanguage' ), '' , key ( $languages ), $languages ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'progress' , new lang_string ( 'progress' , 'completion' ), '' ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'moodlecourse/enablecompletion' , new lang_string ( 'completion' , 'completion' ), '' ,
0 , array ( 0 => new lang_string ( 'completiondisabled' , 'completion' ), 1 => new lang_string ( 'completionenabled' , 'completion' ))));
2010-04-30 03:06:22 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'moodlecourse/completionstartonenrol' , new lang_string ( 'completionstartonenrol' , 'completion' ), new lang_string ( 'completionstartonenrolhelp' , 'completion' ), 0 ));
2009-01-11 09:41:48 +00:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'courses' , $temp );
2008-09-25 02:31:26 +00:00
/// "courserequests" settingpage
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp = new admin_settingpage ( 'courserequest' , new lang_string ( 'courserequest' ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'enablecourserequests' , new lang_string ( 'enablecourserequests' , 'admin' ), new lang_string ( 'configenablecourserequests' , 'admin' ), 0 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_settings_coursecat_select ( 'defaultrequestcategory' , new lang_string ( 'defaultrequestcategory' , 'admin' ), new lang_string ( 'configdefaultrequestcategory' , 'admin' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_users_with_capability ( 'courserequestnotify' , new lang_string ( 'courserequestnotify' , 'admin' ), new lang_string ( 'configcourserequestnotify2' , 'admin' ), array (), 'moodle/site:approvecourse' ));
2007-12-19 17:35:20 +00:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'courses' , $temp );
2008-12-05 08:56:54 +00:00
/// Pending course requests.
if ( ! empty ( $CFG -> enablecourserequests )) {
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'courses' , new admin_externalpage ( 'coursespending' , new lang_string ( 'pendingrequests' ),
2008-12-05 08:56:54 +00:00
$CFG -> wwwroot . '/course/pending.php' , array ( 'moodle/site:approvecourse' )));
2010-06-17 08:57:00 +00:00
// Add a category for backups
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'courses' , new admin_category ( 'backups' , new lang_string ( 'backups' , 'admin' )));
2010-06-17 08:57:00 +00:00
2012-04-22 21:16:54 +02:00
// Create a page for general backups configuration and defaults.
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp = new admin_settingpage ( 'backupgeneralsettings' , new lang_string ( 'generalbackdefaults' , 'backup' ), 'moodle/backup:backupcourse' );
2012-04-22 21:16:54 +02:00
// General configuration section.
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'backup/loglifetime' , new lang_string ( 'loglifetime' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configloglifetime' , 'backup' ), 30 , array (
1 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 1 ),
2 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 2 ),
3 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 3 ),
5 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 5 ),
7 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 7 ),
10 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 10 ),
14 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 14 ),
20 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 20 ),
30 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 30 ),
60 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 60 ),
90 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 90 ),
120 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 120 ),
180 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 180 ),
365 => new lang_string ( 'numdays' , '' , 365 )
// General defaults section.
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'generalsettings' , new lang_string ( 'generalsettings' , 'backup' ), '' ));
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_users' , new lang_string ( 'generalusers' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralusers' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_anonymize' , new lang_string ( 'generalanonymize' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralanonymize' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 0 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_role_assignments' , new lang_string ( 'generalroleassignments' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralroleassignments' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_activities' , new lang_string ( 'generalactivities' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralactivities' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_blocks' , new lang_string ( 'generalblocks' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralblocks' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_filters' , new lang_string ( 'generalfilters' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralfilters' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_comments' , new lang_string ( 'generalcomments' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralcomments' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_userscompletion' , new lang_string ( 'generaluserscompletion' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneraluserscompletion' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 1 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_logs' , new lang_string ( 'generallogs' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgenerallogs' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 0 , 'locked' => 0 )));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock ( 'backup/backup_general_histories' , new lang_string ( 'generalhistories' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralhistories' , 'backup' ), array ( 'value' => 0 , 'locked' => 0 )));
2010-06-17 08:57:00 +00:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'backups' , $temp );
2012-04-22 21:16:54 +02:00
// Create a page for automated backups configuration and defaults.
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp = new admin_settingpage ( 'automated' , new lang_string ( 'automatedsetup' , 'backup' ), 'moodle/backup:backupcourse' );
2012-04-22 21:16:54 +02:00
// Automated configuration section.
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'backup/backup_auto_active' , new lang_string ( 'active' ), new lang_string ( 'autoactivedescription' , 'backup' ), 0 , array (
0 => new lang_string ( 'autoactivedisabled' , 'backup' ),
1 => new lang_string ( 'autoactiveenabled' , 'backup' ),
2 => new lang_string ( 'autoactivemanual' , 'backup' )
2010-11-12 07:05:18 +00:00
backup MDL-22184 Scheduled backups are now possible again through cron.
MOV [move scheduledsetup,core_backup],[automatedsetup,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledsettings,core_backup],[automatedsettings,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstorage,core_backup],[automatedstorage,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstoragehelp,core_backup],[automatedstoragehelp,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupsinactive,core],[automatedbackupsinactive,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupstatus,core],[automatedbackupstatus,core_backup]
CPY [schedule,core],[automatedbackupschedule,core_backup]
MOV [backupschedulehelp,core],[automatedbackupschedulehelp,core_backup]
2010-11-10 06:07:43 +00:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_special_backupdays ());
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configtime ( 'backup/backup_auto_hour' , 'backup_auto_minute' , new lang_string ( 'executeat' ),
new lang_string ( 'backupexecuteathelp' ), array ( 'h' => 0 , 'm' => 0 )));
backup MDL-22184 Scheduled backups are now possible again through cron.
MOV [move scheduledsetup,core_backup],[automatedsetup,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledsettings,core_backup],[automatedsettings,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstorage,core_backup],[automatedstorage,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstoragehelp,core_backup],[automatedstoragehelp,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupsinactive,core],[automatedbackupsinactive,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupstatus,core],[automatedbackupstatus,core_backup]
CPY [schedule,core],[automatedbackupschedule,core_backup]
MOV [backupschedulehelp,core],[automatedbackupschedulehelp,core_backup]
2010-11-10 06:07:43 +00:00
$storageoptions = array (
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
0 => new lang_string ( 'storagecourseonly' , 'backup' ),
1 => new lang_string ( 'storageexternalonly' , 'backup' ),
2 => new lang_string ( 'storagecourseandexternal' , 'backup' )
backup MDL-22184 Scheduled backups are now possible again through cron.
MOV [move scheduledsetup,core_backup],[automatedsetup,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledsettings,core_backup],[automatedsettings,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstorage,core_backup],[automatedstorage,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledstoragehelp,core_backup],[automatedstoragehelp,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupsinactive,core],[automatedbackupsinactive,core_backup]
MOV [scheduledbackupstatus,core],[automatedbackupstatus,core_backup]
CPY [schedule,core],[automatedbackupschedule,core_backup]
MOV [backupschedulehelp,core],[automatedbackupschedulehelp,core_backup]
2010-11-10 06:07:43 +00:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'backup/backup_auto_storage' , new lang_string ( 'automatedstorage' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'automatedstoragehelp' , 'backup' ), 0 , $storageoptions ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configdirectory ( 'backup/backup_auto_destination' , new lang_string ( 'saveto' ), new lang_string ( 'backupsavetohelp' ), '' ));
2009-01-10 20:03:08 +00:00
$keepoptoins = array (
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
0 => new lang_string ( 'all' ), 1 => '1' ,
2009-01-10 20:03:08 +00:00
2 => '2' ,
5 => '5' ,
10 => '10' ,
20 => '20' ,
30 => '30' ,
40 => '40' ,
50 => '50' ,
100 => '100' ,
200 => '200' ,
300 => '300' ,
400 => '400' ,
500 => '500' );
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configselect ( 'backup/backup_auto_keep' , new lang_string ( 'keep' ), new lang_string ( 'backupkeephelp' ), 1 , $keepoptoins ));
2012-04-20 08:42:55 -07:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_shortname' , new lang_string ( 'backup_shortname' , 'admin' ), new lang_string ( 'backup_shortnamehelp' , 'admin' ), 0 ));
2011-06-05 19:34:12 +02:00
2012-04-22 21:16:54 +02:00
// Automated defaults section.
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_heading ( 'automatedsettings' , new lang_string ( 'automatedsettings' , 'backup' ), '' ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_users' , new lang_string ( 'generalusers' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralusers' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_role_assignments' , new lang_string ( 'generalroleassignments' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralroleassignments' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_activities' , new lang_string ( 'generalactivities' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralactivities' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_blocks' , new lang_string ( 'generalblocks' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralblocks' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_filters' , new lang_string ( 'generalfilters' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralfilters' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_comments' , new lang_string ( 'generalcomments' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralcomments' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_userscompletion' , new lang_string ( 'generaluserscompletion' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneraluserscompletion' , 'backup' ), 1 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_logs' , new lang_string ( 'generallogs' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgenerallogs' , 'backup' ), 0 ));
$temp -> add ( new admin_setting_configcheckbox ( 'backup/backup_auto_histories' , new lang_string ( 'generalhistories' , 'backup' ), new lang_string ( 'configgeneralhistories' , 'backup' ), 0 ));
2011-06-05 19:34:12 +02:00
2011-12-06 11:07:55 +13:00
//$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('backup/backup_auto_messages', new lang_string('messages', 'message'), new lang_string('backupmessageshelp','message'), 0));
//$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('backup/backup_auto_blogs', new lang_string('blogs', 'blog'), new lang_string('backupblogshelp','blog'), 0));
2008-09-18 09:55:04 +00:00
2010-06-17 08:57:00 +00:00
$ADMIN -> add ( 'backups' , $temp );
2006-08-18 07:23:02 +00:00
2007-10-28 22:35:00 +00:00
} // end of speedup