<textarearows="15"cols="60"wrap="virtual">This question consists of some text with an answer embedded right here {1:MULTICHOICE:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~Another wrong answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer} and right after that you will have to deal with this short answer {1:SHORTANSWER:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~=Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer} and finally we have a floating point number {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer 23.8~%50%N/A#Feedback for halfcredit answer in the nearby region of the correct answer}.
</td><tdvalign="top"><p>This question consists of some text with an answer embedded right here <selectname="q4ma1"><optionvalue="4">Wrong answer</option><optionvalue="5">Another wrong answer</option><optionvalue="6">Correct answer</option><optionvalue="7">Answer that gives half the credit</option></select> and right after that you will have to deal with this short answer <inputname="q4ma2"value=""type="text"size="8"/> and finally we have a floating point number <inputname="q4ma3"value=""type="text"size="8"/> .<br/>
Note that addresses like <ahref="http://www.moodle.org"target="newpage">www.moodle.org</a> and smileys <imgaltborder="0"src="pix/s/smiley.gif"width="15"height="15"> all work as normal:<br/>