$string['configallowcategorythemes']='If you enable this, then themes can be set at the category level. This will affect all child categories and courses unless they have specifically set their own theme. WARNING: Enabling category themes may affect performance.';
$string['configallowcoursethemes']='If you enable this, then courses will be allowed to set their own themes. Course themes override all other theme choices (site, user, or session themes)';
$string['configallowemailaddresses']='If you want to restrict all new email addresses to particular domains, then list them here separated by spaces. All other domains will be rejected. eg <strong>ourcollege.edu.au .gov.au</strong>';
$string['configallowobjectembed']='As a default security measure, normal users are not allowed to embed multimedia (like Flash) within texts using explicit EMBED and OBJECT tags in their HTML (although it can still be done safely using the mediaplugins filter). If you wish to allow these tags then enable this option.';
$string['configallowunenroll']='If this is set \'Yes\', then students are allowed to unenroll themselves from courses whenever they like. Otherwise they are not allowed, and this process will be solely controlled by the teachers and administrators.';
$string['configallowuserblockhiding']='Do you want to allow users to hide/show side blocks throughout this site? This feature uses Javascript and cookies to remember the state of each collapsible block, and only affects the user\'s own view.';
$string['configallowusermailcharset']='Enabling this, every user in the site will be able to specify his own charset for email.';
$string['configallowuserthemes']='If you enable this, then users will be allowed to set their own themes. User themes override site themes (but not course themes)';
$string['configallusersaresitestudents']='For activities on the front page of the site, should ALL users be considered as students? If you answer \"Yes\", then any confirmed user account will be allowed to participate as a student in those activities. If you answer \"No\", then only users who are already a participant in at least one course will be able to take part in those front page activities. Only admins and specially assigned teachers can act as teachers for these front page activities.';
$string['configauthenticationplugins']='Please choose the authentication plugins you wish to use and arrange them in order of failthrough. Self registration will be handled by the plugin selected in the \'Registration\' column (usually \'email\').';
$string['configbloglevel']='This setting allows you to restrict the level to which user blogs can be viewed on this site. Note that they specify the maximum context of the VIEWER not the poster or the types of blog posts. Blogs can also be disabled completely if you don\'t want them at all.';
$string['configcachetext']='For larger sites or sites that use text filters, this setting can really speed things up. Copies of texts will be retained in their processed form for the time specified here. Setting this too small may actually slow things down slightly, but setting it too large may mean texts take too long to refresh (with new links, for example).';
$string['configcachetype']='Select a type of cache for Moodle to use. This will only configure the cache, remember to enable rcache so that the cache is used for something. Use <strong>only</strong> if you need to reduce the load on the database system -- otherwise Moodle will actually run slower. Medium-traffic sites may see benefits using \'internal\'. A single webserver with eAccelerator or Turckmmcache installed <em>with the shared memory options enabled</em> should try \'eaccelerator\'. If you have a multiple-server setup, and you have one or more memcached daemons running and the PHP-memcached extension, select \'memcached\' and configure the memached options below. <br /><strong>Note:</strong> make sure you test performance under load and tune accordingly -- the caches can make your site slower. In high-traffic situations, eAccelerator and memcached can yield the most benefits, but have the higher costs in CPU usage on the webserver.';
$string['configclamactlikevirus']='Treat files like viruses';
$string['configclamdonothing']='Treat files as OK';
$string['configclamfailureonupload']='If you have configured clam to scan uploaded files, but it is configured incorrectly or fails to run for some unknown reason, how should it behave? If you choose \'Treat files like viruses\', they\'ll be moved into the quarantine area, or deleted. If you choose \'Treat files as OK\', the files will be moved to the desination directory like normal. Either way, admins will be alerted that clam has failed. If you choose \'Treat files like viruses\' and for some reason clam fails to run (usually because you have entered an invalid pathtoclam), ALL files that are uploaded will be moved to the given quarantine area, or deleted. Be careful with this setting.';
$string['configcountry']='If you set a country here, then this country will be selected by default on new user accounts. To force users to choose a country, just leave this unset.';
$string['configcoursemanager']='This setting allows you to control who appears on the course description. Users need to have at least one of these roles in a course to be shown on the course description for that course.';
$string['configcreatornewroleid']='This role is automatically assigned to creators in new courses they created. This role is not assigned if creator already has needed capabilitites in parent context.';
$string['configdbsessions']='If enabled, this setting will use the database to store information about current sessions. This is especially useful for large/busy sites or sites built on cluster of servers. For most sites this should probably be left disabled so that the server disk is used instead. Note that changing this setting now will log out all current users (including you). If you are using MySQL please make sure that \'max_allowed_packet\' in my.cnf (or my.ini) is at least 4M.';
$string['configdebug']='If you turn this on, then PHP\'s error_reporting will be increased so that more warnings are printed. This is only useful for developers.';
$string['configdebugdisplay']='Set to on, the error reporting will go to the HTML page. This is practical, but breaks XHTML, JS, cookies and HTTP headers in general. Set to off, it will send the output to your server logs, allowing better debugging. The PHP setting error_log controls which log this goes to.';
$string['configdefaultallowedmodules']='For the courses which fall into the above category, which modules do you want to allow by default <b>when the course is created</b>?';
$string['configdefaultuserroleid']='All logged in users will be given the capabilities of the role you specify here, at the site level, in ADDITION to any other roles they may have been given. The default is the Authenticated user role (or Guest role in older versions). Note that this will not conflict with other roles they have, it just ensures that all users have capabilities that are not assignable at the course level (eg post blog entries, manage own calendar, etc).';
$string['configdeleteunconfirmed']='If you are using email authentication, this is the period within which a response will be accepted from users. After this period, old unconfirmed accounts are deleted.';
$string['configdenyemailaddresses']='To deny email addresses from particular domains list them here in the same way. All other domains will be accepted. eg <strong>hotmail.com yahoo.co.uk</strong>';
$string['configdigestmailtime']='People who choose to have emails sent to them in digest form will be emailed the digest daily. This setting controls which time of day the daily mail will be sent (the next cron that runs after this hour will send it).';
$string['configdocroot']='Defines the path to the Moodle Docs. You can change this if you wish to have your own custom online documentation. However, if you do that make sure that the paths in your documentation follow the same format as http://docs.moodle.org.';
$string['configenableajax']='This setting allows you to control the use of AJAX (advanced client/server interfaces using Javascript) across the whole site. With this setting enabled users can still make a choice in their profile, otherwise AJAX is disabled for everybody.';
$string['configenablehtmlpurifier']='Use HTML Purifier instead of KSES for cleaning of untrusted text. HTML Purifier is actively developed and is believed to be more secure, but it is more resource intensive. Expect minor visual differences in the resulting html code. Please note that embed and object tags can not be enabled, MathML tags and old lang tags are not supported. ';
$string['configenablerssfeeds']='This switch will enable RSS feeds from across the site. To actually see any change you will need to enable RSS feeds in the individual modules too - go to the Modules settings under Admin Configuration.';
$string['configenablerssfeedsdisabled']='It is not available because RSS feeds are disabled in all the Site. To enable them, go to the Variables settings under Admin Configuration.';
$string['configenablestats']='If you choose \'yes\' here, Moodle\'s cronjob will process the logs and gather some statistics. Depending on the amount of traffic on your site, this can take awhile. If you enable this, you will be able to see some interesting graphs and statistics about each of your courses, or on a sitewide basis.';
$string['configenabletrusttext']='By default Moodle will always thoroughly clean text that comes from users to remove any possible bad scripts, media etc that could be a security risk. The Trusted Content system is a way of giving partcular users that you trust the ability to include these advanced features in their content without interference. To enable this system, you need to first enable this setting, and then grant the Trusted Content permission to a specific Moodle role. Texts created or uploaded by such users will be marked as trusted and will not be cleaned before display.';
$string['configenrolmentplugins']='Please choose the enrolment plugins you wish to use. Don\'t forget to configure the settings properly.<br /><br />You have to indicate which plugins are enabled, and <strong>one</strong> plugin can be set as the default plugin for <em>interactive</em> enrolment. To disable interactive enrolment, set \"enrollable\" to \"No\" in required courses.';
$string['configerrorlevel']='Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.';
$string['configextendedusernamechars']='Enable this setting to allow students to use any characters in their usernames (note this does not affect their actual names). The default is \"false\" which restricts usernames to be alphanumeric characters only';
$string['configfilterall']='Filter all strings, including headings, titles, navigation bar and so on. This is mostly useful when using the multilang filter, otherwise it will just create extra load on your site for little gain.';
$string['configfiltermatchoneperpage']='Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found on the complete page. All others are ignored.';
$string['configfiltermatchonepertext']='Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found in each item of text (e.g., resource, block) on the page. All others are ignored. This setting is ignored if the one per page setting is <i>yes</i>.';
$string['configfilteruploadedfiles']='Process all uploaded HTML and text files with the filters before displaying them, only uploaded HTML files or none at all.';
$string['configforcelogin']='Normally, the front page of the site and the course listings (but not courses) can be read by people without logging in to the site. If you want to force people to log in before they do ANYTHING on the site, then you should enable this setting.';
$string['configforceloginforprofiles']='Enable this setting to force people to login as a real (non-guest) account before being allowed to see the user profile pages. By default this is enabled (\"true\")';
$string['configframename']='If you are embedding Moodle within a web frame, then put the name of this frame here. Otherwise this value should remain as \'_top\'';
$string['configfullnamedisplay']='This defines how names are shown when they are displayed in full. For most mono-lingual sites the most efficient setting is the default \"Given names + Surname\", but you may choose to hide surnames altogether, or to leave it up to the current language pack to decide (some languages have different conventions).';
$string['configgdversion']='Indicate the version of GD that is installed. The version shown by default is the one that has been auto-detected. Don\'t change this unless you really know what you\'re doing.';
$string['configgradebookroles']='This setting allows you to control who appears on the gradebook. Users need to have at least one of these roles in a course to be shown in the gradebook for that course.';
$string['configguestroleid']='This role is automatically assigned to the guest user. It is also temporarily assigned to not enrolled users when they enter course that allows guests without password. Please verify that the role has moodle/legacy:guest and moodle/course:view capability.';
$string['confighiddenuserfields']='Select which user infomation fields you wish to hide from other users other than course teachers/admins. This will increase student privacy. Hold CTRL key to select multiple fields.';
$string['confighideactivitytypecrumb']='Select from whom to hide the activity type (e.g. Quizzes) crumb in the breadcrumb trail displayed for activity modules.';
$string['confightmleditor']='Choose whether or not to allow use of the embedded HTML text editor. Even if you choose allow, this editor will only appear when the user is using a compatible web browser. Users can also choose not to use it.';
$string['configidnumber']='This option specifies whether (a) Users are not be asked for an ID number at all, (b) Users are asked for an ID number but can leave it blank or (c) Users are asked for an ID Number and cannot leave it blank. If given the User\'s ID number is displayed in their Profile.';
$string['configintcachemax']='For internal cache only. Maximum number of records to keep in the cache. Recommended value: 50. Use lower values to reduce memory usage.';
$string['configintro']='On this page you can specify a number of configuration variables that help make Moodle work properly on your server. Don\'t worry too much about it - the defaults will usually work fine and you can always come back to this page later and change these settings.';
$string['configintroadmin']='On this page you should configure your main administrator account which will have complete control over the site. Make sure you give it a secure username and password as well as a valid email address. You can create more admin accounts later on.';
$string['configintrosite']='This page allows you to configure the front page and name of this new site. You can come back here later to change these settings any time using the Administration menus.';
$string['configintrotimezones']='This page will search for new information about world timezones (including daylight savings time rules) and update your local database with this information. These locations will be checked, in order: $a This procedure is generally very safe and can not break normal installations. Do you wish to update your timezones now?';
$string['configiplookup']='When you click on an IP address (such as, such as in the logs, you are shown a map with a best guess of where that IP is located. There are different plugins for this that you can choose from, each has benefits and disadvantages.';
$string['configlang']='Choose a default language for the whole site. Users can override this setting later.';
$string['configlangcache']='Cache the language menu. Saves a lot of memory and processing power. If you enable this, the menu takes a few minutes to update after you have added or removed languages.';
$string['configlangdir']='Most languages are printed left-to-right, but some, like Arabic and Hebrew, are printed right-to-left.';
$string['configlanglist']='Leave this blank to allow users to choose from any language you have in this installation of Moodle. However, you can shorten the language menu by entering a comma-separated list of language codes that you want. For example: en,es_es,fr,it';
$string['configlangmenu']='Choose whether or not you want to display the general-purpose language menu on the home page, login page etc. This does not affect the user\'s ability to set the preferred language in their own profile.';
$string['configlocale']='Choose a sitewide locale - this will override the format and language of dates for all language packs (though names of days in calendar are not affected). You need to have this locale data installed on your operating system (eg for linux en_US.UTF-8 or es_ES.UTF-8). In most cases this field should be left blank.';
$string['configloginhttps']='Turning this on will make Moodle use a secure https connection just for the login page (providing a secure login), and then afterwards revert back to the normal http URL for general speed. CAUTION: this setting REQUIRES https to be specifically enabled on the web server - if it is not then YOU COULD LOCK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR SITE.';
$string['configloglifetime']='This specifies the length of time you want to keep logs about user activity. Logs that are older than this age are automatically deleted. It is best to keep logs as long as possible, in case you need them, but if you have a very busy server and are experiencing performance problems, then you may want to lower the log lifetime.';
$string['configlongtimenosee']='If students haven\'t logged in for a very long time, then they are automatically unsubscribed from courses. This parameter specifies that time limit.';
$string['configmaxbytes']='This specifies a maximum size that uploaded files can be throughout the whole site. This setting is limited by the PHP settings post_max_size and upload_max_filesize, as well as the Apache setting LimitRequestBody. In turn, maxbytes limits the range of sizes that can be chosen at course level or module level. If \'Server Limit\' is chosen, the server maxiumum allowed by the server will be used.';
$string['configmaxeditingtime']='This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, glossary comments etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value.';
$string['configmemcachedhosts']='For memcached. Comma-separated list of hosts that are running the memcached daemon. Use IP addresses to avoid DNS latency. memcached does not behave well if you add/remove hosts on a running setup.';
$string['configmemcachedpconn']='For memcached. Use persistent connections. Use carefully -- it can make Apache/PHP crash after a restart of the memcached daemon.';
$string['confignodefaultuserrolelists']='This setting prevents all users from being returned from the database from deprecated calls of get_course_user, etc., for the site course if the default role provides that access. Check this, if you suffer a performance hit.';
$string['confignonmetacoursesyncroleids']='By default all enrolments from child courses are synchronised to metacourses. Roles that are selected here will not be included in the synchronisation process.';
$string['confignoreplyaddress']='Emails are sometimes sent out on behalf of a user (eg forum posts). The email address you specify here will be used as the \"From\" address in those cases when the recipients should not be able to reply directly to the user (eg when a user chooses to keep their address private).';
$string['confignotifyloginfailures']='If login failures have been recorded, email notifications can be sent out. Who should see these notifications?';
$string['confignotifyloginthreshold']='If notifications about failed logins are active, how many failed login attempts by one user or one IP address is it worth notifying about?';
$string['confignotloggedinroleid']='Users who are not logged in to the site will be treated as if they have this role granted to them at the site context. Guest is almost always what you want here, but you might want to create roles that are less or more restrictive. Things like creating posts still require the user to log in properly.';
$string['configpasswordpolicy']='Turning this on will make Moodle check user passwords against a valid password policy. Use the settings below to specify your policy (they will be ignored if you set this to \'No\').';
$string['configopentogoogle']='If you enable this setting, then Google will be allowed to enter your site as a Guest. In addition, people coming in to your site via a Google search will automatically be logged in as a Guest. Note that this only provides transparent access to courses that already allow guest access.';
$string['configpathtoclam']='Path to clam AV. Probably something like /usr/bin/clamscan or /usr/bin/clamdscan. You need this in order for clam AV to run.';
$string['configpathtodu']='Path to du. Probably something like /usr/bin/du. If you enter this, pages that display directory contents will run much faster for directories with a lot of files.';
$string['configperfdebug']='If you turn this on, performance info will be printed in the footer of the standard theme';
$string['configprotectusernames']='By default forget_password.php does not display any hints that would allow guessing of usernames or email addresses.';
$string['configproxyhost']='If this <b>server</b> needs to use a proxy computer (eg a firewall) to access the Internet, then provide the proxy hostname and port here. Otherwise leave it blank.';
$string['configquarantinedir']='If you want clam AV to move infected files to a quarantine directory, enter it here. It must be writable by the webserver. If you leave this blank, or if you enter a directory that doesn\'t exist or isn\'t writable, infected files will be deleted. Do not include a trailing slash.';
$string['configcronclionly']='If this is set, then the cron script can only be run from the commandline instead of via the web. This overrides the cron password setting below.';
$string['configrestrictmodulesfor']='Which courses should have <b>the setting</b> for disabling some activity modules? Note that this setting only applies to teachers, administrators will still be able to add any activity to a course.';
$string['configrunclamonupload']='Run clam AV on file upload? You will need a correct path in pathtoclam for this to work. (Clam AV is a free virus scanner that you can get from http://www.clamav.net/)';
$string['configsecureforms']='Moodle can use an additional level of security when accepting data from web forms. If this is enabled, then the browser\'s HTTP_REFERER variable is checked against the current form address. In a very few cases this can cause problems if the user is using a firewall (eg Zonealarm) configured to strip HTTP_REFERER from their web traffic. Symptoms are getting \'stuck\' on a form. If your users are having problems with the login page (for example) you might want to disable this setting, although it might leave your site more open to brute-force password attacks. If in doubt, leave this set to \'Yes\'.';
$string['configsessioncookie']='This setting customises the name of the cookie used for Moodle sessions. This is optional, and only useful to avoid cookies being confused when there is more than one copy of Moodle running within the same web site.';
$string['configsessioncookiepath']='If you need to change where browsers send the Moodle cookies, you can change this setting to specify a subdirectory of your web site. Otherwise the default \'/\' should be fine.';
$string['configsessiontimeout']='If people logged in to this site are idle for a long time (without loading pages) then they are automatically logged out (their session is ended). This variable specifies how long this time should be.';
$string['configshowblocksonmodpages']='Some activity modules support blocks on their pages. If you turn this on, then teachers will be able to add side blocks on those pages, otherwise the interface does not show this feature.';
$string['configshowsiteparticipantslist']='All of these site students and site teachers will be listed on the site participants list. Who shall be allowed to see this site participants list?';
$string['configsitemailcharset']='All the emails generated by your site will be sent in the charset specified here. Anyway, every individual user will be able to adjust it if the next setting is enabled.';
$string['configsitepolicy']='If you have a site policy that all users must see and agree to before using this site, then specify the URL to it here, otherwise leave this field blank. The URL can point to anywhere - one convenient place would be a file in the site files. eg http://yoursite/file.php/1/policy.html';
$string['configslasharguments']='Files (images, uploads etc) are provided via a script using \'slash arguments\' (the second option here). This method allows files to be more easily cached in web browsers, proxy servers etc. Unfortunately, some PHP servers don\'t allow this method, so if you have trouble viewing uploaded files or images (eg user pictures), disable this setting.';
$string['configsmartpix']='With this on, icons are served through a PHP script that searches the current theme, then all parent themes, then the Moodle /pix folder. This reduces the need to duplicate image files within themes, but has a slight performance cost.';
$string['configsmtphosts']='Give the full name of one or more local SMTP servers that Moodle should use to send mail (eg \'mail.a.com\' or \'mail.a.com;mail.b.com\'). If you leave it blank, Moodle will use the PHP default method of sending mail.';
$string['configsmtpuser']='If you have specified an SMTP server above, and the server requires authentication, then enter the username and password here.';
$string['configstatsfirstrun']='This specifies how far back the logs should be processed <b>the first time</b> the cronjob wants to process statistics. If you have a lot of traffic and are on shared hosting, it\'s probably not a good idea to go too far back, as it could take a long time to run and be quite resource intensive. (Note that for this setting, 1 month = 28 days. In the graphs and reports generated, 1 month = 1 calendar month.)';
$string['configstatsmaxruntime']='Stats processing can be quite intensive, so use a combination of this field and the next one to specify when it will run and how long for.';
$string['configstatsruntimestart']='What time should the cronjob that does the stats processing <b>start</b>?';
$string['configstatsuserthreshold']='If you enter a non-zero, non numeric value here, for ranking courses, courses with less than this number of enrolled users (all roles) will be ignored';
$string['configteacherassignteachers']='Should ordinary teachers be allowed to assign other teachers within courses they teach? If \'No\', then only course creators and admins can assign teachers.';
$string['configtimezone']='You can set the default timezone here. This is the only the DEFAULT timezone for displaying dates - each user can override this by setting their own in their profile. \"Server time\" here will make Moodle default to the server\'s operating system setting, but \"Server time\" in the user profile will make the user default to this timezone setting. Cronjobs that depend on a time of day to run will use this timezone.';
$string['configunzip']='Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to unpack zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.';
$string['configwarning']='Be careful modifying these settings - strange values could cause problems.';
$string['configzip']='Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to create zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.';
$string['confirminstall']='You are about to install language pack ($a), are you sure?';
$string['datarootsecuritywarning']='Your site configuration might not be secure. Please make sure that your dataroot directory ($a) is not directly accessible via web.';
$string['dbmigrateconnecerror']='Could not connect to the database specified.';
$string['dbmigrateencodingerror']='The database specified has encoding $a rather than required UNICODE/UTF8.<br />Please specify another.';
$string['dbmigratepostgres']='It seems that you are using PostgreSQL as the database server. To continue the migration process you need to manually create a new database with encoding \"UNICODE\"(PostgreSQL 7) or \"UTF8\" (PostgreSQL 8) to store the migrated data. Please enter your new database connection settings below to continue:';
$string['dbmigratewarning']='Please make sure that you have backed up your moodle database before commencing this procedure. If you are unsure of how to do that, please contact your system admin. Your Moodle site will be put under maintenance mode after you start the migration process';
$string['dbmigratewarning2']='<b>Warning: You are about to start the database migration process. Please be very sure that your entire Moodle database is backed up.</b>';
$string['dbmigrationdeprecateddb']='<font color=\"#ff0000\">This database is migrated to a new UTF8 database and deprecated. Please edit your config.php and use the new database for this moodle.</font>';
$string['dbmigrationdupfailed']='Database duplication failed with possible error:<font color=\"#ff0000\"><pre>$a</pre></font>';
$string['dbsessions']='Use database for session information';
$string['environmenterrortodo']='You must solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to install this Moodle version!';
$string['environmenterrorupgrade']='Warning: you should solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to upgrade this Moodle version! Upgrading without fixing these requirements could cause problems such as data loss. Are you sure you want to continue with the upgrade?';
$string['globalsquoteswarning']='<p><strong>Security Warning</strong>: to operate properly, Moodle requires <br />that you make certain changes to your current PHP settings.<p/><p>You <em>must</em> set <code>register_globals=off</code> and/or <code>magic_quotes_gpc=on</code>. <br />If possible, you should set <code>register_globals=off</code> to improve general <br /> server security, setting <code>magic_quotes_gpc=on</code> is also recommended.<p/><p>These settings are controlled by editing your <code>php.ini</code>, Apache/IIS <br />configuration or <code>.htaccess</code> file.</p>';
$string['iconvrecommended']='Installing the optional ICONV library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['importlangreminder']='The database migration process is commencing. You will need to <b>log in again</b> for the upgrade to take effect. Please install unicode language packs as soon as possible from Admin->Lang->Lang Import Utility <b>after</b> the database migration process is completed.';
$string['lang16notify']='Moodle 1.6 and above allows you to install and update language packs directly from download.moodle.org by following the link below';
$string['maxeditingtime']='Maximum time to edit posts';
$string['mbstringrecommended']='Installing the optional MBSTRING library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['mnetrestore_extusers']='<strong>Note:</strong> This backup file contains remote Moodle Network user accounts which will be restored as part of the process.';
$string['mnetrestore_extusers_mismatch']='<strong>Note:</strong> This backup file apparently originates from a different Moodle installation and contains remote Moodle Network user accounts that may fail to restore. This operation is unsupported. If you are certain that it was created on this Moodle installation, or you can ensure that all the needed Moodle Network Hosts are configured, you may want to still try the restore.';
$string['multilangforceold']='Force old multilang syntax: <span> without the class=\"multilang\" and <lang>';
$string['multilangupgrade']='Multilang upgrade';
$string['multilangupgradeinfo']='The multilang filter syntax was changed in 1.8, <lang> tag is not supported any more. <br /><br />Example: <span lang=\"en\" class=\"multilang\">Hello!</span><span lang=\"es\" class=\"multilang\">Hola!</span><br /><br /><strong>Do you want to upgrade the syntax in all existing texts now?</strong>';
$string['multilangupgradenotice']='Your site is probably using old multilang syntax, <a href=\"multilangupgrade.php\">multilang upgrade</a> is recommended.';
$string['mysql416bypassed']='However, if your site is using iso-8859-1 (latin) languages ONLY, you may continue using your currently installed MySQL 4.1.12 (or higher).';
$string['mysql416required']='MySQL 4.1.16 is the minimum version required for Moodle 1.6 in order to guarantee that all data can be converted to UTF-8 in the future.';
$string['pathtopgdumpdesc']='This is only necessary to enter if you have more than one pg_dump on your system (for example if you have more than one version of postgresql installed)';
$string['pathtopgdumpinvalid']='Invalid path to pg_dump - either wrong path or not executable';
$string['pathtopsql']='Path to psql';
$string['pathtopsqldesc']='This is only necessary to enter if you have more than one psql on your system (for example if you have more than one version of postgresql installed)';
$string['pathtopsqlinvalid']='Invalid path to psql - either wrong path or not executable';
$string['pgclusterdescription']='PostgreSQL version/cluster parameter for command line operations. If you only have one postgresql on your system or you are not sure what this is, leave this blank.';
$string['profileconfirmcategorydeletion']='There is/are $a field/s in this category which will be moved into the category above (or below if in the top category).<br />Do you still wish to delete this category?';
$string['profileconfirmfielddeletion']='There is/are $a user record/s for this field which will be deleted.<br />Do you still wish to delete this field?';
$string['profilecreatecategory']='Create a new profile category';
$string['remotelangnotavailable']='Because Moodle can not connect to download.moodle.org, we are unable to do language pack installation automatically. Please download the appropriate zip file(s) from the list below, copy them to your $a directory and unzip them manually.';
$string['qtyperqpwillberemoved']='During the upgrade, the RQP question type will be removed. You were not using this question type, so you should not experience any problems.';
$string['qtyperqpwillberemovedanyway']='During the upgrade, the RQP question type will be removed. You have some RQP questions in your database, and these will stop working unless you reinstall the code from http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=797 before continuing with the upgrade.';
$string['sitemaintenanceoff']='Maintenance mode has been disabled and the site is running normally again';
$string['sitemaintenanceon']='Your site is currently in maintenance mode (only admins can log in or use the site).';
$string['sitemaintenancewarning']='Your site is currently in maintenance mode (only admins can log in). To return this site to normal operation, <a href=\"maintenance.php\">disable maintenance mode</a>.';
$string['stickyblocksduplicatenotice']='If any block you add here is already present in a particular page, it will result in a duplicate.<br />Only the pinned block will be non-editable, the duplicate will still be editable.';
$string['unicodeupgradenotice']='In Moodle 1.6 we have migrated all languages to Unicode. To complete the upgrade for this site, you need to convert all the data in your database to Unicode (UTF-8) using our migration script. <a href=\"utfdbmigrate.php\">Click here to run the migration script now</a>!';
$string['unicoderecommended']='Storing all your data in Unicode (UTF-8) is recommended. New installations should be performed into databases that have their default character set as Unicode. If you are upgrading, you should perform the UTF-8 migration process (see the Admin page).';
$string['unicoderequired']='It is required that you store all your data in Unicode format (UTF-8). New installations must be performed into databases that have their default character set as Unicode. If you are upgrading, you should perform the UTF-8 migration process (see the Admin page).';
$string['upgradeforumread']='A new feature has been added in Moodle 1.5 to track read/unread forum posts.<br />To use this functionality you need to <a href=\"$a\">update your tables</a>.';
$string['upgradeforumreadinfo']='A new feature has been added in Moodle 1.5 to track read/unread forum posts. To use this functionality you need to update your tables with all the tracking information for existing posts. Depending on the size of your site this can take a long time (hours) and can be quite taxing on the database, so it\'s best to do it during a quiet period. However, your site will continue functioning during this upgrade and users won\'t be affected. Once you start this process you should let it finish (keep your browser window open). However, if you stop the process by closing the window: don\'t worry, you can start over.<br /><br />Do you want to start the upgrading process now?';
$string['upgradelogs']='For full functionality, your old logs need to be upgraded. <a href=\"$a\">More information</a>';
$string['upgradelogsinfo']='Some changes have recently been made in the way logs are stored. To be able to view all of your old logs on a per-activity basis, your old logs need to be upgraded. Depending on your site this can take a long time (eg several hours) and can be quite taxing on the database for large sites. Once you start this process you should let it finish (by keeping the browser window open). Don\'t worry - your site will work fine for other people while the logs are being upgraded.<br /><br />Do you want to upgrade your logs now?';
$string['upgradesettingsintro']='The settings shown below were added during your last Moodle upgrade. Make any changes necessary to the defaults and then click "Save settings" at the bottom of this page.';