2019-09-06 16:52:32 +08:00
< ? php
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
2019-09-06 16:52:32 +08:00
* Strings for component 'h5p' , language 'en' , branch 'master'
* @ package core_h5p
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
* @ copyright 2019 Moodle
* @ author Sara Arjona < sara @ moodle . com >
2019-09-06 16:52:32 +08:00
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / copyleft / gpl . html GNU GPL v3 or later
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
2020-02-03 12:37:09 +01:00
$string [ 'actions' ] = 'Actions' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'addedandupdatedpp' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries and updated {$a->%old} old ones.' ;
$string [ 'addedandupdatedps' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries and updated {$a->%old} old one.' ;
$string [ 'addedandupdatedsp' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a->%old} old ones.' ;
$string [ 'addedandupdatedss' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a->%old} old one.' ;
$string [ 'addednewlibraries' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries.' ;
$string [ 'addednewlibrary' ] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library.' ;
2020-06-09 20:56:34 +02:00
$string [ 'additionallicenseinfo' ] = 'Any additional information about the licence' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'atto_h5p' ] = 'Insert H5P button' ;
$string [ 'atto_h5p_description' ] = 'The Insert H5P button in the Atto editor enables users to insert H5P content by either entering a URL or embed code, or by uploading an H5P file.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'author' ] = 'Author' ;
$string [ 'authorcomments' ] = 'Author comments' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'authorcommentsdescription' ] = 'Comments for the editor of the content. (This text will not be published as a part of the copyright info.)' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'authorname' ] = 'Author\'s name' ;
$string [ 'authorrole' ] = 'Author\'s role' ;
$string [ 'by' ] = 'by' ;
$string [ 'cancellabel' ] = 'Cancel' ;
$string [ 'ccattribution' ] = 'Attribution (CC BY)' ;
$string [ 'ccattributionnc' ] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)' ;
$string [ 'ccattributionncnd' ] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)' ;
$string [ 'ccattributionncsa' ] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)' ;
$string [ 'ccattributionnd' ] = 'Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)' ;
$string [ 'ccattributionsa' ] = 'Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)' ;
$string [ 'ccpdd' ] = 'Public Domain Dedication (CC0)' ;
$string [ 'changedby' ] = 'Changed by' ;
$string [ 'changedescription' ] = 'Description of change' ;
$string [ 'changelog' ] = 'Changelog' ;
$string [ 'changeplaceholder' ] = 'Photo cropped, text changed, etc.' ;
$string [ 'close' ] = 'Close' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'confirmdialogbody' ] = 'Please confirm that you wish to proceed. This action cannot be undone.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'confirmdialogheader' ] = 'Confirm action' ;
$string [ 'confirmlabel' ] = 'Confirm' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'connectionLost' ] = 'Connection lost. Results will be stored and sent when the connection is reestablished.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'connectionReestablished' ] = 'Connection reestablished.' ;
$string [ 'contentCopied' ] = 'Content is copied to the clipboard' ;
$string [ 'contentchanged' ] = 'This content has changed since you last used it.' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'contenttype' ] = 'Content type' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'copyright' ] = 'Rights of use' ;
$string [ 'copyrightinfo' ] = 'Copyright information' ;
$string [ 'copyrightstring' ] = 'Copyright' ;
$string [ 'copyrighttitle' ] = 'View copyright information for this content.' ;
$string [ 'couldNotParseJSONFromZip' ] = 'Unable to parse JSON from the package: {$a->%fileName}' ;
$string [ 'couldNotReadFileFromZip' ] = 'Unable to read file from the package: {$a->%fileName}' ;
$string [ 'creativecommons' ] = 'Creative Commons' ;
$string [ 'date' ] = 'Date' ;
2020-02-03 12:37:09 +01:00
$string [ 'deletelibraryconfirm' ] = '<p>Are you sure you want to delete version <em>\'{$a->version}\'</em> from library <em>\'{$a->name}\'</em>? It will remove the library and all its uses.</p><p>This operation can not be undone.</p>' ;
$string [ 'deletelibraryversion' ] = 'Delete version' ;
$string [ 'deleting' ] = 'Deleting a library' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'description' ] = 'Description' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'disablefullscreen' ] = 'Disable fullscreen' ;
$string [ 'download' ] = 'Download' ;
$string [ 'downloadtitle' ] = 'Download this content as a H5P file.' ;
$string [ 'editor' ] = 'Editor' ;
$string [ 'embed' ] = 'Embed' ;
$string [ 'embedtitle' ] = 'View the embed code for this content.' ;
2019-12-18 08:51:26 +01:00
$string [ 'eventh5pviewed' ] = 'H5P content viewed' ;
2019-11-05 22:46:22 +01:00
$string [ 'eventh5pdeleted' ] = 'H5P deleted' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'feature' ] = 'Feature' ;
2019-11-06 18:17:34 +00:00
$string [ 'fetchtypesfailure' ] = 'No information could be obtained on the H5P content types available. H5P repository connection failure' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'fileExceedsMaxSize' ] = 'One of the files inside the package exceeds the maximum file size allowed. ({$a->%file} {$a->%used} > {$a->%max})' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'filter_displayh5p' ] = 'Display H5P filter' ;
$string [ 'filter_displayh5p_description' ] = 'The Display H5P filter converts URLs into embedded H5P content.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'fullscreen' ] = 'Fullscreen' ;
$string [ 'gpl' ] = 'General Public License v3' ;
$string [ 'h5p' ] = 'H5P' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'h5ptitle' ] = 'Visit h5p.org to check out more content.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'h5pfilenotfound' ] = 'H5P file not found' ;
$string [ 'h5pinvalidurl' ] = 'Invalid H5P content URL.' ;
2020-01-21 13:45:10 +01:00
$string [ 'h5plibraryhandler' ] = 'H5P framework handler' ;
2020-06-25 14:25:19 +02:00
$string [ 'h5plibraryhandler_help' ] = 'The H5P framework used to display H5P content. The latest version is recommended.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'h5pprivatefile' ] = 'This H5P content can\'t be displayed because you don\'t have access to the .h5p file.' ;
2019-11-05 00:35:51 +01:00
$string [ 'h5pmanage' ] = 'Manage H5P content types' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'h5poverview' ] = 'H5P overview' ;
2019-11-05 00:35:51 +01:00
$string [ 'h5ppackage' ] = 'H5P content type' ;
$string [ 'h5ppackage_help' ] = 'An H5P content type is a file with an H5P or ZIP extension containing all libraries required to display the content.' ;
2020-01-21 13:45:10 +01:00
$string [ 'h5psettings' ] = 'H5P settings' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'hideadvanced' ] = 'Hide advanced' ;
2019-11-06 10:58:35 +01:00
$string [ 'installedcontentlibraries' ] = 'Installed H5P libraries' ;
$string [ 'installedcontenttypes' ] = 'Installed H5P content types' ;
$string [ 'installedh5p' ] = 'Installed H5P' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'invalidcontextid' ] = 'H5P file not found (invalid contextid)' ;
$string [ 'invalidfile' ] = 'File "{$a->%filename}" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: {$a->%files-allowed}.' ;
$string [ 'invalidlanguagefile' ] = 'Invalid language file {$a->%file} in library {$a->%library}' ;
$string [ 'invalidlanguagefile2' ] = 'Invalid language file {$a->%languageFile} has been included in the library {$a->%name}' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibrarydata' ] = 'Invalid data provided for {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibrarydataboolean' ] = 'Invalid data provided for {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}. Boolean expected.' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibraryname' ] = 'Invalid library name: {$a->%name}' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibrarynamed' ] = 'The H5P library {$a->%library} used in the content is not valid' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibraryoption' ] = 'Illegal option {$a->%option} in {$a->%library}' ;
$string [ 'invalidlibraryproperty' ] = 'Can\'t read the property {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}' ;
$string [ 'invalidmainjson' ] = 'A valid main h5p.json file is missing' ;
$string [ 'invalidmultiselectoption' ] = 'Invalid selected option in multi-select.' ;
2019-11-05 00:35:51 +01:00
$string [ 'invalidpackage' ] = 'Invalid H5P content type' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'invalidselectoption' ] = 'Invalid selected option in select.' ;
$string [ 'invalidsemanticsjson' ] = 'Invalid semantics.json file has been included in the library {$a->%name}' ;
$string [ 'invalidsemanticstype' ] = 'H5P internal error: unknown content type "{$a->@type}" in semantics. Removing content!' ;
$string [ 'invalidstring' ] = 'Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics. (value: "{$a->%value}", regexp: "{$a->%regexp}")' ;
$string [ 'librarydirectoryerror' ] = 'Library directory name must match machineName or machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion (from library.json). (Directory: {$a->%directoryName} , machineName: {$a->%machineName}, majorVersion: {$a->%majorVersion}, minorVersion: {$a->%minorVersion})' ;
2019-12-18 08:51:26 +01:00
$string [ 'librariesmanagerdescription' ] = '<p>H5P enables users to create interactive content by providing a range of content types.</p><p>To ensure that only trusted H5P content types are used on your site, you need to <i>either</i></p><ul><li>Upload H5P content types from h5p.org <i>or</i></li><li>Enable the scheduled task \'Download available H5P content types from h5p.org\'</li></ul><p>Note that users will only be able to use the H5P content types which are installed on your site.</p>' ;
2020-06-09 20:56:34 +02:00
$string [ 'license' ] = 'Licence' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'licenseCC010' ] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC010U' ] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC10' ] = '1.0 Generic' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC20' ] = '2.0 Generic' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC25' ] = '2.5 Generic' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC30' ] = '3.0 Unported' ;
$string [ 'licenseCC40' ] = '4.0 International' ;
$string [ 'licenseGPL' ] = 'General Public License' ;
$string [ 'licenseV1' ] = 'Version 1' ;
$string [ 'licenseV2' ] = 'Version 2' ;
$string [ 'licenseV3' ] = 'Version 3' ;
$string [ 'licensee' ] = 'Licensee' ;
2020-06-09 20:56:34 +02:00
$string [ 'licenseextras' ] = 'Licence extras' ;
$string [ 'licenseversion' ] = 'Licence version' ;
2020-04-02 16:18:12 +02:00
$string [ 'lockh5pdeploy' ] = 'This H5P content cannot be accessed because it is being deployed. Please try again later.' ;
2021-05-04 10:33:15 +02:00
$string [ 'mainlibrarydisabled' ] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because its content type is disabled. Please contact your administrator to ask for the content type to be enabled.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'missingcontentfolder' ] = 'A valid content folder is missing' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'missingcoreversion' ] = 'The system was unable to install the {$a->%component} component from the package, as it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version {$a->%current}, whereas the required version is {$a->%required} or higher. Please upgrade and then try again.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'missingdependency' ] = 'Missing dependency {$a->@dep} required by {$a->@lib}.' ;
$string [ 'missinglibrary' ] = 'Missing required library {$a->@library}' ;
$string [ 'missinglibraryfile' ] = 'The file "{$a->%file}" is missing from library: "{$a->%name}"' ;
$string [ 'missinglibraryjson' ] = 'Could not find library.json file with valid json format for library {$a->%name}' ;
$string [ 'missinglibraryproperty' ] = 'The required property {$a->%property} is missing from {$a->%library}' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'missingmbstring' ] = 'The mbstring PHP extension is not loaded. It is required for H5P to function properly.' ;
$string [ 'missinguploadpermissions' ] = 'Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you\'re not allowed to upload new libraries. Please contact your administrator.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'nocopyright' ] = 'No copyright information available for this content.' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'noextension' ] = 'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package. (It doesn\'t have the .h5p file extension.)' ;
2020-01-21 13:45:10 +01:00
$string [ 'noh5plibhandlerdefined' ] = 'There isn\'t any H5P framework handler installed, so H5P content can\'t be displayed.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'nojson' ] = 'The main h5p.json file is not valid' ;
2020-01-21 13:45:10 +01:00
$string [ 'nopermissiontodeploy' ] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because it has been uploaded by a user without the required capability to deploy H5P content.' ;
2020-04-28 14:01:20 +02:00
$string [ 'nopermissiontoedit' ] = 'You do not have permission to edit H5P content.' ;
2019-11-07 09:37:27 +08:00
$string [ 'notrustablefile' ] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because it has been uploaded by a user without the capability to update H5P content types. Please contact your administrator to ask for the content type to be installed.' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'nounzip' ] = 'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package. (It is not possible to unzip it.)' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'offlineDialogBody' ] = 'We were unable to send information about your completion of this task. Please check your internet connection.' ;
$string [ 'offlineDialogHeader' ] = 'Your connection to the server was lost' ;
$string [ 'offlineDialogRetryButtonLabel' ] = 'Retry now' ;
$string [ 'offlineDialogRetryMessage' ] = 'Retrying in :num....' ;
$string [ 'offlineSuccessfulSubmit' ] = 'Successfully submitted results.' ;
$string [ 'originator' ] = 'Originator' ;
$string [ 'pd' ] = 'Public Domain' ;
$string [ 'pddl' ] = 'Public Domain Dedication and Licence' ;
$string [ 'pdm' ] = 'Public Domain Mark (PDM)' ;
2019-11-05 20:47:06 +01:00
$string [ 'pluginname' ] = 'H5P Package' ;
2019-09-06 16:52:32 +08:00
$string [ 'privacy:metadata' ] = 'H5P subsystem does not store any personal data.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'resizescript' ] = 'Include this script on your website if you want dynamic sizing of the embedded content:' ;
$string [ 'resubmitScores' ] = 'Attempting to submit stored results.' ;
$string [ 'reuse' ] = 'Reuse' ;
2019-11-09 06:35:22 +01:00
$string [ 'reuseContent' ] = 'Reuse content' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'reuseDescription' ] = 'Reuse this content.' ;
$string [ 'showadvanced' ] = 'Show advanced' ;
$string [ 'showless' ] = 'Show less' ;
$string [ 'showmore' ] = 'Show more' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'status' ] = 'Status' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'size' ] = 'Size' ;
$string [ 'source' ] = 'Source' ;
$string [ 'startingover' ] = 'You\'ll be starting over.' ;
$string [ 'sublevel' ] = 'Sublevel' ;
2020-01-30 15:47:38 +01:00
$string [ 'task_h5p' ] = 'H5P scheduled task' ;
$string [ 'task_h5p_description' ] = 'The H5P scheduled task downloads available H5P content types from h5p.org.' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'thumbnail' ] = 'Thumbnail' ;
$string [ 'title' ] = 'Title' ;
$string [ 'undisclosed' ] = 'Undisclosed' ;
$string [ 'unpackedFilesExceedsMaxSize' ] = 'The total size of the unpacked files exceeds the maximum size allowed. ({$a->%used} > {$a->%max})' ;
$string [ 'updatedlibraries' ] = 'Updated {$a->%old} H5P libraries.' ;
$string [ 'updatedlibrary' ] = 'Updated {$a->%old} H5P library.' ;
2019-11-05 00:35:51 +01:00
$string [ 'uploadlibraries' ] = 'Upload H5P content types' ;
$string [ 'uploadsuccess' ] = 'H5P content types uploaded successfully' ;
2019-09-25 14:45:50 +02:00
$string [ 'wrongversion' ] = 'The version of the H5P library {$a->%machineName} used in this content is not valid. Content contains {$a->%contentLibrary}, but it should be {$a->%semanticsLibrary}.' ;
$string [ 'year' ] = 'Year' ;
$string [ 'years' ] = 'Year(s)' ;
$string [ 'yearsfrom' ] = 'Years (from)' ;
2019-11-07 09:37:27 +08:00
$string [ 'yearsto' ] = 'Years (to)' ;