2005-11-10 08:06:07 +00:00
< ? php
2006-08-30 08:12:11 +00:00
V4 . 92 a 29 Aug 2006 ( c ) 2000 - 2006 John Lim ( jlim #natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
2005-11-10 08:06:07 +00:00
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license .
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses ,
the BSD license will take precedence .
Set tabs to 4 for best viewing .
Latest version is available at http :// adodb . sourceforge . net
MSSQL support via ODBC . Requires ODBC . Works on Windows and Unix .
For Unix configuration , see http :// phpbuilder . com / columns / alberto20000919 . php3
// security - hide paths
if ( ! defined ( 'ADODB_DIR' )) die ();
if ( ! defined ( '_ADODB_ODBC_LAYER' )) {
include ( ADODB_DIR . " /drivers/adodb-odbc.inc.php " );
class ADODB_odbc_mssql extends ADODB_odbc {
var $databaseType = 'odbc_mssql' ;
var $fmtDate = " 'Y-m-d' " ;
var $fmtTimeStamp = " 'Y-m-d H:i:s' " ;
var $_bindInputArray = true ;
var $metaTablesSQL = " select name,case when type='U' then 'T' else 'V' end from sysobjects where (type='U' or type='V') and (name not in ('sysallocations','syscolumns','syscomments','sysdepends','sysfilegroups','sysfiles','sysfiles1','sysforeignkeys','sysfulltextcatalogs','sysindexes','sysindexkeys','sysmembers','sysobjects','syspermissions','sysprotects','sysreferences','systypes','sysusers','sysalternates','sysconstraints','syssegments','REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS','CHECK_CONSTRAINTS','CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE','CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE','VIEWS','VIEW_TABLE_USAGE','VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE','SCHEMATA','TABLES','TABLE_CONSTRAINTS','TABLE_PRIVILEGES','COLUMNS','COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE','COLUMN_PRIVILEGES','DOMAINS','DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS','KEY_COLUMN_USAGE')) " ;
var $metaColumnsSQL = " select c.name,t.name,c.length from syscolumns c join systypes t on t.xusertype=c.xusertype join sysobjects o on o.id=c.id where o.name='%s' " ;
var $hasTop = 'top' ; // support mssql/interbase SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE
var $sysDate = 'GetDate()' ;
var $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()' ;
var $leftOuter = '*=' ;
var $rightOuter = '=*' ;
var $substr = 'substring' ;
var $length = 'len' ;
var $ansiOuter = true ; // for mssql7 or later
var $identitySQL = 'select @@IDENTITY' ; // 'select SCOPE_IDENTITY'; # for mssql 2000
var $hasInsertID = true ;
# concatenating a null value with a string yields a NULL result
function ADODB_odbc_mssql ()
$this -> ADODB_odbc ();
//$this->curmode = SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC;
// crashes php...
function ServerInfo ()
$row = $this -> GetRow ( " execute sp_server_info 2 " );
if ( ! is_array ( $row )) return false ;
$arr [ 'description' ] = $row [ 2 ];
$arr [ 'version' ] = ADOConnection :: _findvers ( $arr [ 'description' ]);
return $arr ;
function IfNull ( $field , $ifNull )
return " ISNULL( $field , $ifNull ) " ; // if MS SQL Server
function _insertid ()
// Returns the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in
// the same scope. A scope is a module -- a stored procedure, trigger,
// function, or batch. Thus, two statements are in the same scope if
// they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch.
return $this -> GetOne ( $this -> identitySQL );
function MetaForeignKeys ( $table , $owner = false , $upper = false )
$table = $this -> qstr ( strtoupper ( $table ));
$sql =
" select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
col_name ( fkeyid , fkey ) as column_name ,
object_name ( rkeyid ) as referenced_table_name ,
col_name ( rkeyid , rkey ) as referenced_column_name
from sysforeignkeys
where upper ( object_name ( fkeyid )) = $table
order by constraint_name , referenced_table_name , keyno " ;
$constraints =& $this -> GetArray ( $sql );
$arr = false ;
foreach ( $constraints as $constr ) {
$arr [ $constr [ 0 ]][ $constr [ 2 ]][] = $constr [ 1 ] . '=' . $constr [ 3 ];
if ( ! $arr ) return false ;
$arr2 = false ;
foreach ( $arr as $k => $v ) {
foreach ( $v as $a => $b ) {
if ( $upper ) $a = strtoupper ( $a );
$arr2 [ $a ] = $b ;
return $arr2 ;
function & MetaTables ( $ttype = false , $showSchema = false , $mask = false )
if ( $mask ) { $this -> debug = 1 ;
$save = $this -> metaTablesSQL ;
$mask = $this -> qstr ( $mask );
$this -> metaTablesSQL .= " AND name like $mask " ;
$ret =& ADOConnection :: MetaTables ( $ttype , $showSchema );
if ( $mask ) {
$this -> metaTablesSQL = $save ;
return $ret ;
function & MetaColumns ( $table )
$arr = ADOConnection :: MetaColumns ( $table );
return $arr ;
function _query ( $sql , $inputarr )
if ( is_string ( $sql )) $sql = str_replace ( '||' , '+' , $sql );
return ADODB_odbc :: _query ( $sql , $inputarr );
2006-08-21 06:54:00 +00:00
function SetTransactionMode ( $transaction_mode )
$this -> _transmode = $transaction_mode ;
if ( empty ( $transaction_mode )) {
return ;
if ( ! stristr ( $transaction_mode , 'isolation' )) $transaction_mode = 'ISOLATION LEVEL ' . $transaction_mode ;
$this -> Execute ( " SET TRANSACTION " . $transaction_mode );
2005-11-10 08:06:07 +00:00
// "Stein-Aksel Basma" <basma@accelero.no>
// tested with MSSQL 2000
function & MetaPrimaryKeys ( $table )
$schema = '' ;
$this -> _findschema ( $table , $schema );
//if (!$schema) $schema = $this->database;
if ( $schema ) $schema = " and k.table_catalog like ' $schema %' " ;
$sql = " select distinct k.column_name,ordinal_position from information_schema.key_column_usage k,
information_schema . table_constraints tc
where tc . constraint_name = k . constraint_name and tc . constraint_type =
'PRIMARY KEY' and k . table_name = '$table' $schema order by ordinal_position " ;
$savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE ;
$a = $this -> GetCol ( $sql );
$ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem ;
if ( $a && sizeof ( $a ) > 0 ) return $a ;
$false = false ;
return $false ;
function & SelectLimit ( $sql , $nrows =- 1 , $offset =- 1 , $inputarr = false , $secs2cache = 0 )
if ( $nrows > 0 && $offset <= 0 ) {
$sql = preg_replace (
'/(^\s*select\s+(distinctrow|distinct)?)/i' , '\\1 ' . $this -> hasTop . " $nrows " , $sql );
$rs =& $this -> Execute ( $sql , $inputarr );
} else
$rs =& ADOConnection :: SelectLimit ( $sql , $nrows , $offset , $inputarr , $secs2cache );
return $rs ;
// Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
function SQLDate ( $fmt , $col = false )
if ( ! $col ) $col = $this -> sysTimeStamp ;
$s = '' ;
$len = strlen ( $fmt );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $s ) $s .= '+' ;
$ch = $fmt [ $i ];
switch ( $ch ) {
case 'Y' :
case 'y' :
$s .= " datename(yyyy, $col ) " ;
break ;
case 'M' :
$s .= " convert(char(3), $col ,0) " ;
break ;
case 'm' :
$s .= " replace(str(month( $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'Q' :
case 'q' :
$s .= " datename(quarter, $col ) " ;
break ;
case 'D' :
case 'd' :
$s .= " replace(str(day( $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'h' :
$s .= " substring(convert(char(14), $col ,0),13,2) " ;
break ;
case 'H' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(hh, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'i' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(mi, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 's' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(ss, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'a' :
case 'A' :
$s .= " substring(convert(char(19), $col ,0),18,2) " ;
break ;
default :
if ( $ch == '\\' ) {
$i ++ ;
$ch = substr ( $fmt , $i , 1 );
$s .= $this -> qstr ( $ch );
break ;
return $s ;
class ADORecordSet_odbc_mssql extends ADORecordSet_odbc {
var $databaseType = 'odbc_mssql' ;
function ADORecordSet_odbc_mssql ( $id , $mode = false )
return $this -> ADORecordSet_odbc ( $id , $mode );
2002-05-17 13:19:23 +00:00