$string['configcleanreadtime']='The hour of the day to clean old posts from the \'read\' table.';
$string['configdisplaymode']='The default display mode for discussions if one isn\'t set.';
$string['configenablerssfeeds']='This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all forums. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each forum.';
$string['configlongpost']='Any post over this length (in characters not including HTML) is considered long. Posts displayed on the site front page, social format course pages, or user profiles are shortened to a natural break somewhere between the forum_shortpost and forum_longpost values.';
$string['configmanydiscussions']='Maximum number of discussions shown in a forum per page';
$string['configmaxbytes']='Default maximum size for all forum attachments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)';
$string['configoldpostdays']='Number of days old any post is considered read.';
$string['configreplytouser']='When a forum post is mailed out, should it contain the user\'s email address so that recipients can reply personally rather than via the forum? Even if set to \'Yes\' users can choose in their profile to keep their email address secret.';
$string['configshortpost']='Any post under this length (in characters not including HTML) is considered short (see below).';
$string['configtrackreadposts']='Set to \'yes\' if you want to track read/unread for each user.';
$string['configusermarksread']='If \'yes\', the user must manually mark a post as read. If \'no\', when the post is viewed it is marked as read.';
$string['couldnotadd']='Could not add your post due to an unknown error';
$string['couldnotdeleteratings']='Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already rated it';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies']='Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['couldnotupdate']='Could not update your post due to an unknown error';
$string['deleteddiscussion']='The discussion topic has been deleted';
$string['deletedpost']='The post has been deleted';
$string['deletedposts']='Those posts have been deleted';
$string['deletesure']='Are you sure you want to delete this post?';
$string['deletesureplural']='Are you sure you want to delete this post and all replies? ($a posts)';
$string['digestmailheader']='This is your daily digest of new posts from the $a->sitename forums. To change your forum email preferences, go to $a->userprefs.';
$string['digestmailprefs']='your user profile';
$string['digestmailsubject']='$a: forum digest';
$string['digestsentusers']='Email digests successfully sent to $a users.';
$string['disallowsubscribe']='Subscriptions not allowed';
$string['disallowsubscribeteacher']='Subscriptions not allowed (except for teachers)';
$string['discussionmoved']='This discussion has been moved to \'$a\'.';
$string['discussionmovedpost']='This discussion has been moved to <a href=\"$a->discusshref\">here</a> in the forum <a href=\"$a->forumhref\">$a->forumname</a>';
$string['emptymessage']='Something was wrong with your post. Perhaps you left it blank, or the attachment was too big. Your changes have NOT been saved.';
$string['everyonecanchoose']='Everyone can choose to be subscribed';
$string['everyoneissubscribed']='Everyone is subscribed to this forum';
$string['forumblockingalmosttoomanyposts']='You are approaching the posting threshold. You have posted $a->numposts times in the last $a->blockperiod and the limit is $a->blockafter posts.';
$string['forumbodyhidden']='This post cannot be viewed by you, probably because you have not posted in the discussion yet.';
$string['seeallposts']='See all posts made by this user';
$string['sendinratings']='Send in my latest ratings';
$string['showsubscribers']='Show/edit current subscribers';
$string['singleforum']='A single simple discussion';
$string['startedby']='Started by';
$string['subscribe']='Subscribe to this forum';
$string['subscribeall']='Subscribe everyone to this forum';
$string['subscribenone']='Unsubscribe everyone from this forum';
$string['subscribersto']='Subscribers to \'$a\'';
$string['subscribestart']='Send me email copies of posts to this forum';
$string['subscribestop']='I don\'t want email copies of posts to this forum';
$string['thisforumisthrottled']='This forum has a limit to the number of forum postings you can make in a given time period - this is currently set at $a->blockafter posting(s) in $a->blockperiod';
$string['timestartenderror']='Display end date cannot be earlier than the start date';