2004-09-12 01:34:24 +00:00
<?php //$Id$
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
//This page prints the backup form to select everything
2003-05-18 17:15:05 +00:00
//Check login
2003-08-01 14:42:14 +00:00
if (!empty($course->id)) {
2003-08-16 06:37:06 +00:00
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
if (empty($to)) {
error("You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");
} else {
if (!isteacheredit($to)) {
error("You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");
2003-08-01 14:42:14 +00:00
} else {
if (!isadmin()) {
error("You need to be an admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php");
2003-05-18 17:15:05 +00:00
//Check site
if (!$site = get_site()) {
error("Site not found!");
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
//Checks for the required files/functions to backup every mod
//And check if there is data about it
$count = 0;
if ($allmods = get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
2003-08-01 14:34:11 +00:00
$modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/backuplib.php";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
$modbackup = $modname."_backup_mods";
$modcheckbackup = $modname."_check_backup_mods";
if (file_exists($modfile)) {
if (function_exists($modbackup) and function_exists($modcheckbackup)) {
$var = "exists_".$modname;
$$var = true;
//Check data
//Check module info
$var = "backup_".$modname;
if (!isset($$var)) {
$$var = 1;
//Check include user info
$var = "backup_user_info_".$modname;
if (!isset($$var)) {
$$var = 1;
//Check other parameters
2005-02-04 14:33:51 +00:00
if (!isset($backup_metacourse)) {
$backup_metacourse = 1;
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
if (!isset($backup_users)) {
$backup_users = 1;
if (!isset($backup_logs)) {
2003-07-15 18:12:41 +00:00
$backup_logs = 0;
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
if (!isset($backup_user_files)) {
$backup_user_files = 1;
if (!isset($backup_course_files)) {
$backup_course_files = 1;
2005-02-13 02:59:04 +00:00
if (!isset($backup_messages)) {
$backup_messages = 1;
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
if ($count == 0) {
notice("No backupable modules are installed!");
2005-02-27 02:13:18 +00:00
<form name="form" method="post" action="backup.php">
2004-09-12 01:34:24 +00:00
<table cellpadding="5">
2003-09-11 13:21:56 +00:00
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
if ($allmods = get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modbackup = $modname."_backup_mods";
//If exists the lib & function
$var = "exists_".$modname;
2003-10-14 17:26:37 +00:00
if (isset($$var) && $$var) {
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
//Print the full tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
echo get_string("include")." ". get_string("modulenameplural",$modname).":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
$backup_options[0] = get_string("no");
$backup_options[1] = get_string("yes");
$var = "backup_".$modname;
choose_from_menu($backup_options, $var, $$var, "");
$var = "backup_user_info_".$modname;
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
if (empty($to)) {
$backup_user_options[0] = get_string("withoutuserdata");
$backup_user_options[1] = get_string("withuserdata");
choose_from_menu($backup_user_options, $var, $$var, "");
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$var.'" value="0" />';
echo "</td></tr>";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr /></td></tr>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
2005-02-04 14:33:51 +00:00
if (empty($to)) {
//Now print the Metacourse tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2005-02-04 14:33:51 +00:00
echo get_string ("metacourse").":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2005-02-04 14:33:51 +00:00
$meta_options[0] = get_string("no");
$meta_options[1] = get_string("yes");
choose_from_menu($meta_options, "backup_metacourse", $backup_metacourse, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backup_metacourse" value="0" />';
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
if (empty($to)) {
//Now print the Users tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
echo get_string("users").":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
$user_options[0] = get_string("all");
$user_options[1] = get_string("course");
$user_options[2] = get_string("none");
choose_from_menu($user_options, "backup_users", $backup_users, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backup_users" value="0" />';
if (empty($to)) {
//Now print the Logs tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
echo get_string("logs").":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
$log_options[0] = get_string("no");
$log_options[1] = get_string("yes");
choose_from_menu($log_options, "backup_logs", $backup_logs, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backup_logs" value="0" />';
if (empty($to)) {
//Now print the User Files tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
echo get_string ("userfiles").":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
$user_file_options[0] = get_string("no");
$user_file_options[1] = get_string("yes");
choose_from_menu($user_file_options, "backup_user_files", $backup_user_files, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backup_user_files" value="0" />';
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
//Now print the Course Files tr
echo "<tr>";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
echo get_string ("coursefiles").":";
2005-02-05 01:00:33 +00:00
echo "</b></td><td>";
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
$course_file_options[0] = get_string("no");
$course_file_options[1] = get_string("yes");
choose_from_menu($course_file_options, "backup_course_files", $backup_course_files, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
2005-02-13 02:59:04 +00:00
if (empty($to) && $course->id == SITEID) {
//If we are in a SITEID backup print the Messages tr
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><b>";
echo get_string ('messages','message').":";
echo "</b></td><td>";
$mess_options[0] = get_string("no");
$mess_options[1] = get_string("yes");
choose_from_menu($mess_options, "backup_messages", $backup_messages, "");
echo "</td></tr>";
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="backup_messages" value="0" />';
2003-05-04 21:29:27 +00:00
2004-09-12 01:34:24 +00:00
<br />
2005-01-27 02:35:10 +00:00
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php p($id) ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="to" value="<?php p($to) ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="launch" value="check" />
<input type="submit" value="<?php print_string("continue") ?>" />
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php print_string("cancel") ?>" />
2004-09-12 01:34:24 +00:00