
118 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = "Forum";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Forums";
$string['addanewdiscussion'] = "Voeg nog 'n bespreking onderwerp by";
$string['allowchoice'] = "Laat almal toe om te kies";
$string['allowdiscussions'] = "Kan \$a na die forum pos?";
$string['allowratings'] = "Moet die pos geevalueer word?";
$string['allowsdiscussions'] = "Die forum laat elke persoon toe om een besprekings onderwerp by te voeg";
$string['anyfile'] = "Enige l<>er";
$string['attachment'] = "Aanhegting";
$string['bynameondate'] = "op \$a->name - \$a->date";
$string['couldnotadd'] = "Kon nie jou pos byvoeg nie weens 'n onbekende fout";
$string['couldnotdeleteratings'] = "Jammer, dit kan nie uitgewis word nie, dit is reeds deur iemand geevalueer";
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = "Jammer, dit kan nie uitgewis word nie, iemand het reeds hierop geantwoord";
$string['couldnotupdate'] = "Kon nie opdateer nie weens 'n onbekende fout";
$string['delete'] = "Uitwis";
$string['deleteddiscussion'] = "Die besprekings onderwerp is uitgewis";
$string['deletedpost'] = "Die pos is uitgewis";
$string['deletesure'] = "Is jy seker jy wil die pos uitvee?";
$string['discussion'] = "Bespreking";
$string['discussionmoved'] = "Die bespreking is geskuif na '\$a'.";
$string['discussions'] = "Besprekings";
$string['discussionsstartedby'] = "Bespreking begin deur \$a";
$string['discussthistopic'] = "Bespreek die onderwerp";
$string['eachuserforum'] = "Elke persoon pos een bespreking";
$string['edit'] = "Redigeer";
$string['editing'] = "Redigering";
$string['emptymessage'] = "Iets was verkeerd met jou pos. Jy het dit leeg gelos of die aanhegting was te groot. Jou veranderinge was nie gestoor nie.";
$string['everyonecanchoose'] = "Almal kan kies om in te skryf";
$string['everyoneissubscribed'] = "Almal is in geskryf by die forum";
$string['forcesubscribe'] = "Forseer almal om in te skryf";
$string['forcesubscribeq'] = "Forseer almal om in te skryf?";
$string['forum'] = "Forum";
$string['forumintro'] = "Forum introduksie";
$string['forumname'] = "Forum naam";
$string['forums'] = "Forums";
$string['forumtype'] = "Forum tipe";
$string['generalforum'] = "Standaard forum vir algemene gebruik";
$string['generalforums'] = "Algemene forums";
$string['generalforums'] = "Algemene forums";
$string['inforum'] = "in \$a";
$string['intronews'] = "Algemene nuus en afkondigings";
$string['introsocial'] = "'n Oop forum om oor enige onderwerp te gesels";
$string['introteacher'] = "'n Forum alleenlik vir onderwyser besprekings";
$string['lastpost'] = "Laaste pos";
$string['learningforums'] = "Leer forums";
$string['maxtimehaspassed'] = "Jammer, die maksimum tydperk om die pos (\$a) te redigeer is verby!";
$string['message'] = "Boodskap";
$string['modeflatoldestfirst'] = "Wys terugvoer oudste eerste";
$string['modeflatnewestfirst'] = "Wys terugvoer nuutste eerste";
$string['modenested'] = "Wys terugvoer in geneste formaat";
$string['modethreaded'] = "Wys terugvoer in 'threaded' formaat";
$string['more'] = "nog";
$string['movethisdiscussionto'] = "Skuif die bespreking na ... ";
$string['namenews'] = "Nuus forum";
$string['namesocial'] = "Sosiaale forum";
$string['nameteacher'] = "Onderwys forum";
$string['newforumposts'] = "Nuwe forum pos";
$string['nodiscussions'] = "Daar is nog nie besprekings onderwerpe in die forum nie";
$string['noguestpost'] = "Jammer, gaste mag nie aan die bespreking deelneem nie";
$string['noposts'] = "Geen pos";
$string['nopostscontaining'] = "Geen pos met '\$a' was gevind nie";
$string['nosubscribers'] = "Daar is nog nie inskrywers by die forum nie";
$string['nownotsubscribed'] = "\$a->name sal NIE kopie<69> van '\$a->forum' ontvang via email nie.";
$string['nowsubscribed'] = "\$a->name sal kopie<69> van '\$a->forum' ontvang via email.";
$string['numposts'] = "\$a pos";
$string['olderdiscussions'] = "Ouer besprekings";
$string['openmode0'] = "Geen besprekings, geen terugvoer";
$string['openmode1'] = "Geen besprekings, maar terugvoer word toegelaat";
$string['openmode2'] = "Besprekings en terugvoer word toegelaat";
$string['parentofthispost'] = "Ouer van die pos";
$string['postadded'] = "Jou pos was suksesvol bygevoeg.<P>Jy het \$a om die pos te redigeer as jy wil veranderinge wil aanbring.";
$string['postincontext'] = "Wys die pos in konteks";
$string['postmailinfo'] = "Hierdie is 'n kopie van 'n boodskap wat gepos is op die \$a webblad.
Om terugvoer te lewer via die webblad klik op die skakel:";
$string['postrating1'] = "Wys meestal AFSONDERLIKE kennis";
$string['postrating2'] = "Ewe veel AFSONDERLIKE en VERBONDE kennis";
$string['postrating3'] = "Wys meestal VERBONDE kennis";
$string['posts'] = "Pos";
$string['postupdated'] = "Jou veranderinge is gedoen";
$string['processingpost'] = "\$a word verwerk";
$string['rate'] = "Evalueer";
$string['ratings'] = "Evaluasie";
$string['ratingssaved'] = "Evaluasie gestoor";
$string['re'] = "Re:"; // Put in front of subjects that are replies to another post
$string['readtherest'] = "Lees die res van die onderwerp";
$string['replies'] = "Terugvoer";
$string['repliesmany'] = "\$a terugvoer ontvang";
$string['repliesone'] = "\$a terugvoer ontvang";
$string['reply'] = "Antwoord";
$string['search'] = "Soek";
$string['searchresults'] = "Soektog resultate";
$string['searchforums'] = "Deursoek forums";
$string['sendinratings'] = "Stuur my nuutste evaluerings in";
$string['showsubscribers'] = "Wys inskrywers";
$string['singleforum'] = "'n Enkele bespreking";
$string['startedby'] = "Begin deur";
$string['subject'] = "Onderwerp";
$string['subscribe'] = "Skryf in by die forum";
$string['subscribed'] = "Ingeskryf";
$string['subscribers'] = "Inskrywers";
$string['subscribersto'] = "Inskrywers tot '\$a'";
$string['subscribestart'] = "Stuur vir my email kopie<69> van hierdie bespreking";
$string['subscribestop'] = "Moenie vir my email kopie<69> stuur van die bespreking nie";
$string['subscription'] = "Inskrywing";
$string['subscriptions'] = "Inskrywings";
$string['unsubscribe'] = "Kanselleer inskrywing tot hierdie forum";
$string['unsubscribed'] = "Kanselleer inskrywing";
$string['youratedthis'] = "Jy het dit geevalueer as";
$string['yournewtopic'] = "Jou nuwe besprekings onderwerp";
$string['yourreply'] = "Jou terugvoer";