
237 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

$userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$username = optional_param('username', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$authtoken = required_param('authtoken', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$generateurl = optional_param('generateurl', '', PARAM_TEXT);
if (empty($CFG->enablecalendarexport)) {
die('no export');
//Fetch user information
$checkuserid = !empty($userid) && $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), 'id,password');
//allowing for fallback check of old url - MDL-27542
$checkusername = !empty($username) && $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $username), 'id,password');
if (!$checkuserid && !$checkusername) {
//No such user
die('Invalid authentication');
//Check authentication token
$authuserid = !empty($userid) && $authtoken == sha1($userid . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
//allowing for fallback check of old url - MDL-27542
$authusername = !empty($username) && $authtoken == sha1($username . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
if (!$authuserid && !$authusername) {
die('Invalid authentication');
// Get the calendar type we are using.
$calendartype = \core_calendar\type_factory::get_calendar_instance();
$what = optional_param('preset_what', 'all', PARAM_ALPHA);
$time = optional_param('preset_time', 'weeknow', PARAM_ALPHA);
$now = $calendartype->timestamp_to_date_array(time());
// Let's see if we have sufficient and correct data
$allowed_what = array('all', 'user', 'groups', 'courses');
$allowed_time = array('weeknow', 'weeknext', 'monthnow', 'monthnext', 'recentupcoming', 'custom');
if (!empty($generateurl)) {
$authtoken = sha1($user->id . $user->password . $CFG->calendar_exportsalt);
$params = array();
$params['preset_what'] = $what;
$params['preset_time'] = $time;
$params['userid'] = $userid;
$params['authtoken'] = $authtoken;
$params['generateurl'] = true;
$link = new moodle_url('/calendar/export.php', $params);
if(!empty($what) && !empty($time)) {
if(in_array($what, $allowed_what) && in_array($time, $allowed_time)) {
$courses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, true, 'id, visible, shortname');
// Array of courses that we will pass to calendar_get_events() which is initially set to the list of the user's courses.
$paramcourses = $courses;
if ($what == 'all' || $what == 'groups') {
$groups = array();
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$course_groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id);
$groups = array_merge($groups, array_keys($course_groups));
if (empty($groups)) {
$groups = false;
if ($what == 'all') {
$users = $user->id;
$courses[SITEID] = new stdClass;
$courses[SITEID]->shortname = get_string('globalevents', 'calendar');
$paramcourses[SITEID] = $courses[SITEID];
} else if ($what == 'groups') {
$users = false;
$paramcourses = array();
} else if ($what == 'user') {
$users = $user->id;
$groups = false;
$paramcourses = array();
} else {
$users = false;
$groups = false;
// Store the number of days in the week.
$numberofdaysinweek = $calendartype->get_num_weekdays();
switch($time) {
case 'weeknow':
$startweekday = calendar_get_starting_weekday();
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month($now['mday'] - ($numberofdaysinweek - 1), $startweekday, $now['mon'], $now['year']);
$startmonth = $now['mon'];
$startyear = $now['year'];
if($startmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($startmonth, $startyear)) {
list($startmonth, $startyear) = calendar_add_month($startmonth, $startyear);
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $startmonth, $startyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($startyear, $startmonth, $startmonthday);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$endmonthday = $startmonthday + $numberofdaysinweek;
$endmonth = $startmonth;
$endyear = $startyear;
if($endmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($endmonth, $endyear)) {
list($endmonth, $endyear) = calendar_add_month($endmonth, $endyear);
$endmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $endmonth, $endyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($endyear, $endmonth, $endmonthday);
$timeend = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
case 'weeknext':
$startweekday = calendar_get_starting_weekday();
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month($now['mday'] + 1, $startweekday, $now['mon'], $now['year']);
$startmonth = $now['mon'];
$startyear = $now['year'];
if($startmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($startmonth, $startyear)) {
list($startmonth, $startyear) = calendar_add_month($startmonth, $startyear);
$startmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $startmonth, $startyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($startyear, $startmonth, $startmonthday);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$endmonthday = $startmonthday + $numberofdaysinweek;
$endmonth = $startmonth;
$endyear = $startyear;
if($endmonthday > calendar_days_in_month($endmonth, $endyear)) {
list($endmonth, $endyear) = calendar_add_month($endmonth, $endyear);
$endmonthday = find_day_in_month(1, $startweekday, $endmonth, $endyear);
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($endyear, $endmonth, $endmonthday);
$timeend = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
case 'monthnow':
// Convert to gregorian.
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($now['year'], $now['mon'], 1);
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$timeend = $timestart + (calendar_days_in_month($now['mon'], $now['year']) * DAYSECS);
case 'monthnext':
// Get the next month for this calendar.
list($nextmonth, $nextyear) = calendar_add_month($now['mon'], $now['year']);
// Convert to gregorian.
$gregoriandate = $calendartype->convert_to_gregorian($nextyear, $nextmonth, 1);
// Create the timestamps.
$timestart = make_timestamp($gregoriandate['year'], $gregoriandate['month'], $gregoriandate['day'],
$gregoriandate['hour'], $gregoriandate['minute']);
$timeend = $timestart + (calendar_days_in_month($nextmonth, $nextyear) * DAYSECS);
case 'recentupcoming':
//Events in the last 5 or next 60 days
$timestart = time() - 432000;
$timeend = time() + 5184000;
case 'custom':
// Events based on custom date range.
$timestart = time() - $CFG->calendar_exportlookback * DAYSECS;
$timeend = time() + $CFG->calendar_exportlookahead * DAYSECS;
else {
// Parameters given but incorrect, redirect back to export page
$events = calendar_get_events($timestart, $timeend, $users, $groups, array_keys($paramcourses), false);
$ical = new iCalendar;
$ical->add_property('method', 'PUBLISH');
foreach($events as $event) {
2007-08-20 10:52:59 +00:00
if (!empty($event->modulename)) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance);
if (!\core_availability\info_module::is_user_visible($cm, $userid, false)) {
2007-08-20 10:52:59 +00:00
$hostaddress = str_replace('http://', '', $CFG->wwwroot);
$hostaddress = str_replace('https://', '', $hostaddress);
$ev = new iCalendar_event;
$ev->add_property('uid', $event->id.'@'.$hostaddress);
$ev->add_property('summary', $event->name);
$ev->add_property('description', clean_param($event->description, PARAM_NOTAGS));
$ev->add_property('class', 'PUBLIC'); // PUBLIC / PRIVATE / CONFIDENTIAL
$ev->add_property('last-modified', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timemodified));
$ev->add_property('dtstamp', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime()); // now
if ($event->timeduration > 0) {
//dtend is better than duration, because it works in Microsoft Outlook and works better in Korganizer
$ev->add_property('dtstart', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timestart)); // when event starts.
$ev->add_property('dtend', Bennu::timestamp_to_datetime($event->timestart + $event->timeduration));
} else {
// When no duration is present, ie an all day event, VALUE should be date instead of time and dtend = dtstart + 1 day.
$ev->add_property('dtstart', Bennu::timestamp_to_date($event->timestart), array('value' => 'DATE')); // All day event.
$ev->add_property('dtend', Bennu::timestamp_to_date($event->timestart + DAYSECS), array('value' => 'DATE')); // All day event.
if ($event->courseid != 0) {
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($event->courseid);
$ev->add_property('categories', format_string($courses[$event->courseid]->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext)));
$serialized = $ical->serialize();
if(empty($serialized)) {
die('bad serialization');
$filename = 'icalexport.ics';
header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) .' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .'GMT');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Accept-Ranges: none'); // Comment out if PDFs do not work...
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
header('Content-length: '.strlen($serialized));
2011-01-14 09:32:17 +01:00
header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
echo $serialized;