$string['customcssdesc']='Whatever CSS rules you add to this textarea will be reflected in every page, making for easier customization of this theme.';
$string['footnotedesc']='Whatever you add to this textarea will be displayed in the footer throughout your Moodle site.';
$string['invert']='Invert navbar';
$string['invertdesc']='Swaps text and background for the navbar at the top of the page between black and white.';
$string['logodesc']='The logo is only displayed in the header of the front page and login page.<br /> If the height of your logo is more than 75px add div.logo {height: 100px;} to the Custom CSS box below, amending accordingly if the height is other than 100px. If a logo is not added here, the logo in Appearance > Logos will be used.';
$string['sitenamedesc']='If there is no small logo, the site name is always displayed in the navigation bar. If a small logo is set, it may be displayed with or without the site name.';
$string['smalllogodesc']='The small logo is displayed in the navigation bar. If there is a header logo for the front page and login page, the small logo is not displayed on these pages. If a logo is not added here, the compact logo in Appearance > Logos will be used.';