2005-01-08 20:06:00 +00:00
< ? php // $Id$
include_once ( 'lib.php' );
/// Library of function for module quiz
/// CONSTANTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
define ( " GRADEHIGHEST " , " 1 " );
define ( " GRADEAVERAGE " , " 2 " );
define ( " ATTEMPTFIRST " , " 3 " );
define ( " ATTEMPTLAST " , " 4 " );
$QUIZ_GRADE_METHOD = array ( GRADEHIGHEST => get_string ( " gradehighest " , " quiz " ),
GRADEAVERAGE => get_string ( " gradeaverage " , " quiz " ),
ATTEMPTFIRST => get_string ( " attemptfirst " , " quiz " ),
ATTEMPTLAST => get_string ( " attemptlast " , " quiz " ));
define ( " SHORTANSWER " , " 1 " );
define ( " TRUEFALSE " , " 2 " );
define ( " MULTICHOICE " , " 3 " );
define ( " RANDOM " , " 4 " );
define ( " MATCH " , " 5 " );
define ( " RANDOMSAMATCH " , " 6 " );
define ( " DESCRIPTION " , " 7 " );
define ( " NUMERICAL " , " 8 " );
define ( " MULTIANSWER " , " 9 " );
define ( " CALCULATED " , " 10 " );
2005-01-12 06:30:32 +00:00
// The $QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE array holds the names of all the question types that the user should
// be able to create directly. Some internal question types like random questions are excluded.
// The complete list of question types can be found in $QUIZ_QTYPES.
2005-01-08 20:06:00 +00:00
$QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE = array ( MULTICHOICE => get_string ( " multichoice " , " quiz " ),
TRUEFALSE => get_string ( " truefalse " , " quiz " ),
SHORTANSWER => get_string ( " shortanswer " , " quiz " ),
NUMERICAL => get_string ( " numerical " , " quiz " ),
CALCULATED => get_string ( " calculated " , " quiz " ),
MATCH => get_string ( " match " , " quiz " ),
DESCRIPTION => get_string ( " description " , " quiz " ),
RANDOMSAMATCH => get_string ( " randomsamatch " , " quiz " ),
MULTIANSWER => get_string ( " multianswer " , " quiz " )
define ( " QUIZ_PICTURE_MAX_HEIGHT " , " 600 " ); // Not currently implemented
define ( " QUIZ_PICTURE_MAX_WIDTH " , " 600 " ); // Not currently implemented
define ( " QUIZ_MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS " , " 10 " );
define ( " QUIZ_CATEGORIES_SORTORDER " , " 999 " );
define ( 'QUIZ_REVIEW_AFTER' , 1 );
define ( 'QUIZ_REVIEW_BEFORE' , 2 );
$QUIZ_QTYPES = array ();
/// QUIZ_QTYPES INITIATION //////////////////
class quiz_default_questiontype {
function name () {
return 'default' ;
function uses_quizfile ( $question , $relativefilepath ) {
// The default does only check whether the file is used as image:
return $question -> image == $relativefilepath ;
function save_question_options ( $question ) {
/// Given some question info and some data about the the answers
/// this function parses, organises and saves the question
/// It is used by question.php through ->save_question when
/// saving new data from a form, and also by import.php when
/// importing questions
/// If this is an update, and old answers already exist, then
/// these are overwritten using an update(). To do this, it
/// it is assumed that the IDs in quiz_answers are in the same
/// sort order as the new answers being saved. This should always
/// be true, but it's something to keep in mind if fiddling with
/// question.php
/// Returns $result->error or $result->noticeyesno or $result->notice
/// This default implementation must be overridden:
$result -> error = " Unsupported question type ( $question->qtype )! " ;
return $result ;
function save_question ( $question , $form , $course ) {
// This default implementation is suitable for most
// question types.
// First, save the basic question itself
$question -> name = trim ( $form -> name );
$question -> questiontext = trim ( $form -> questiontext );
$question -> questiontextformat = $form -> questiontextformat ;
if ( empty ( $form -> image )) {
$question -> image = " " ;
} else {
$question -> image = $form -> image ;
if ( empty ( $question -> name )) {
$question -> name = strip_tags ( $question -> questiontext );
if ( empty ( $question -> name )) {
$question -> name = '-' ;
if ( isset ( $form -> defaultgrade )) {
$question -> defaultgrade = $form -> defaultgrade ;
if ( ! empty ( $question -> id )) { // Question already exists
$question -> version ++ ; // Update version number of question
if ( ! update_record ( " quiz_questions " , $question )) {
error ( " Could not update question! " );
} else { // Question is a new one
$question -> stamp = make_unique_id_code (); // Set the unique code (not to be changed)
$question -> version = 1 ;
if ( ! $question -> id = insert_record ( " quiz_questions " , $question )) {
error ( " Could not insert new question! " );
// Now to save all the answers and type-specific options
$form -> id = $question -> id ;
$form -> qtype = $question -> qtype ;
$form -> category = $question -> category ;
$result = $this -> save_question_options ( $form );
if ( ! empty ( $result -> error )) {
error ( $result -> error );
if ( ! empty ( $result -> notice )) {
notice ( $result -> notice , " question.php?id= $question->id " );
if ( ! empty ( $result -> noticeyesno )) {
notice_yesno ( $result -> noticeyesno , " question.php?id= $question->id " , " edit.php " );
print_footer ( $course );
exit ;
redirect ( " edit.php " );
/// Convenience function that is used within the question types only
function extract_response_id ( $responsekey ) {
if ( ereg ( '[0-9]' . $this -> name () . '([0-9]+)' , $responsekey , $regs )) {
return $regs [ 1 ];
} else {
return false ;
function wrapped_questions ( $question ) {
/// Overridden only by question types whose questions can
/// wrap other questions. Two question types that do this
/// If there are wrapped questions, then this method returns
/// comma separated list of them...
return false ;
function convert_to_response_answer_field ( $questionresponse ) {
/// This function is very much the inverse of extract_response
/// This function and extract_response, should be
/// obsolete as soon as we get a better response storage
/// Right now they are a bridge between a consistent
/// response model and the old field answer in quiz_responses
/// This is the default implemention...
return implode ( ',' , $questionresponse );
function get_answers ( $question ) {
// Returns the answers for the specified question
// The default behaviour that signals that something is wrong
return false ;
function create_response ( $question , $nameprefix , $questionsinuse ) {
/// This rather smart solution works for most cases:
$rawresponse -> question = $question -> id ;
$rawresponse -> answer = '' ;
return $this -> extract_response ( $rawresponse , $nameprefix );
function extract_response ( $rawresponse , $nameprefix ) {
/// This function is very much the inverse of convert_to_response_answer_field
/// This function and convert_to_response_answer_field, should be
/// obsolete as soon as we get a better response storage
/// Right now they are a bridge between a consistent
/// response model and the old field answer in quiz_responses
/// Default behaviour that works for singlton response question types
return array ( $nameprefix => $rawresponse -> answer );
function print_question_number_and_grading_details
( $number , $grade , $actualgrade = false , $recentlyadded = false , $questionid = 0 , $courseid = 0 ) {
/// Print question number and grade:
global $CFG ;
static $streditquestions , $strmarks , $strrecentlyaddedquestion ;
if ( ! isset ( $streditquestions )) {
$streditquestions = get_string ( 'editquestions' , 'quiz' );
$strmarks = get_string ( 'marks' , 'quiz' );
$strrecentlyaddedquestion = get_string ( 'recentlyaddedquestion' , 'quiz' );
echo '<center><b>' . $number . '</b>' ;
if ( $questionid and isteacher ( $courseid )) {
echo '<br /><font size="1">( ' ;
link_to_popup_window ( $CFG -> wwwroot . '//mod/quiz/question.php?id=' . $questionid ,
'editquestion' , '#' . $questionid , 450 , 550 , $streditquestions );
echo ')</font>' ;
echo '</center>' ;
if ( false !== $grade ) {
//echo '<p align="center"><font size="1">';
echo '<br /><center><font size="1">' ;
if ( false !== $actualgrade ) {
echo " $strmarks : $actualgrade / $grade </font></center> " ;
} else {
echo " $grade $strmarks </font></center> " ;
print_spacer ( 1 , 100 );
/// Print possible recently-added information:
if ( $recentlyadded ) {
echo '</td><td valign="top" align="right">' ;
// Notify the user of this recently added question
echo '<font color="red">' . $strrecentlyaddedquestion . '</font>' ;
echo '</td></tr><tr><td></td><td valign="top">' ;
} else { // The normal case
echo '</td><td valign="top">' ;
function print_question ( $currentnumber , $quiz , $question ,
$readonly , $resultdetails ) {
/// Note that this method must return the number of the next
/// question, making it possible not to increase the number when
/// overriding this method (as for qtype=DESCRIPTION).
echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="10">' ;
echo '<tr><td nowrap="nowrap" width="100" valign="top">' ;
$this -> print_question_number_and_grading_details
( $currentnumber ,
$quiz -> grade ? $question -> maxgrade : false ,
empty ( $resultdetails ) ? false : $resultdetails -> grade ,
isset ( $question -> recentlyadded ) ? $question -> recentlyadded : false ,
$question -> id , $quiz -> course );
$this -> print_question_formulation_and_controls (
$question , $quiz , $readonly ,
empty ( $resultdetails ) ? false : $resultdetails -> answers ,
empty ( $resultdetails ) ? false : $resultdetails -> correctanswers ,
quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ));
echo " </td></tr></table> " ;
return $currentnumber + 1 ;
function print_question_formulation_and_controls ( $question ,
$quiz , $readonly , $answers , $correctanswers , $nameprefix ) {
/// This default implementation must be overridden by all
/// question type implemenations, unless the default
/// implementation of print_question has been overridden...
notify ( 'Error: Question formulation and input controls has not'
. ' been implemented for question type ' . $this -> name ());
function actual_number_of_questions ( $question ) {
/// Used for the feature number-of-questions-per-page
/// to determine the actual number of questions wrapped
/// by this question. The default is ONE!
return 1 ;
function grade_response ( $question , $nameprefix ) {
// Analyzes $question->response[] and determines the result
// The result is to be returned in this structure:
// ->grade (The fraction of maxgrade awarded on the question)
// ->answers (result answer records)
// ->correctanswers (potential answer records for best ->response[])
error ( 'grade_response has not been implemented for question type '
. $this -> name ());
quiz_load_questiontypes ();
function quiz_load_questiontypes () {
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
global $CFG ;
$qtypenames = get_list_of_plugins ( 'mod/quiz/questiontypes' );
foreach ( $qtypenames as $qtypename ) {
// Instanciates all plug-in question types
$qtypefilepath = " $CFG->dirroot /mod/quiz/questiontypes/ $qtypename /questiontype.php " ;
// echo "Loading $qtypename<br/>"; // Uncomment for debugging
if ( is_readable ( $qtypefilepath )) {
require_once ( $qtypefilepath );
/// SQL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function quiz_move_questions ( $category1 , $category2 ) {
global $CFG ;
return execute_sql ( " UPDATE { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_questions
SET category = '$category2'
WHERE category = '$category1' " ,
false );
function quiz_get_question_grades ( $quizid , $questionlist ) {
global $CFG ;
return get_records_sql ( " SELECT question,grade
FROM { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_question_grades
WHERE quiz = '$quizid'
AND question IN ( $questionlist ) " );
function quiz_get_grade_records ( $quiz ) {
/// Gets all info required to display the table of quiz results
/// for report.php
global $CFG ;
return get_records_sql ( " SELECT qg.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_grades qg ,
{ $CFG -> prefix } user u
WHERE qg . quiz = '$quiz->id'
AND qg . userid = u . id " );
function quiz_get_answers ( $question ) {
// Given a question, returns the correct answers for a given question
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
return $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> get_answers ( $question );
function quiz_get_attempt_questions ( $quiz , $attempt , $attempting = false ) {
/// Returns the questions of the quiz attempt in a format used for
/// grading and printing them...
/// $attempting should be set to true if this function is called in
/// order to create an attempt page and false if it is called to create
/// a review page.
/// On top of the ordinary persistent question fields,
/// this function also set these properties:
/// ->response - contains names (as keys) and values (as values)
/// for all question html-form inputs
/// ->recentlyadded - true only if the question has been added to the quiz
/// after the responses for the attempt were saved;
/// false otherwise
/// ->maxgrade - the max grade the question has on the quiz if grades
/// are used on the quiz; false otherwise
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
global $CFG ;
/// Get the questions:
if ( ! ( $questions =
get_records_list ( 'quiz_questions' , 'id' , $quiz -> questions ))) {
notify ( 'Error when reading questions from the database!' );
return false ;
/// Determine ->maxgrade for all questions
If ( ! ( $grades = quiz_get_question_grades ( $quiz -> id , $quiz -> questions ))) {
$grades = array ();
foreach ( $questions as $qid => $question ) {
if ( isset ( $grades [ $qid ])) {
$questions [ $qid ] -> maxgrade = $grades [ $qid ] -> grade ;
} else {
$questions [ $qid ] -> maxgrade = 0.0 ;
/// Determine attributes ->response and ->recentlyadded (hard)
/// Get all existing responses on this attempt
$rawresponses = get_records_sql ( "
SELECT question , answer , attempt
FROM { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_responses
WHERE attempt = '$attempt->id' " );
/// The setting for ->recentlyadded depends on whether this is
/// a test attempt or just a review
if ( $attempting ) {
/// This is a test attempt so there is a need to create responses
/// in case there are none existing.
/// Further - the attribute recentlyadded is determined from
/// whether the question has a response in the previous attempt,
/// which might be used in case the attemptonlast quiz option
/// is true.
$prevattempt = $attempt -> attempt ;
$prevresponses = array ();
while ( -- $prevattempt ) {
$prevresponses = get_records_sql ( "
SELECT r . question , r . answer , r . attempt , r . grade
FROM { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_responses r , { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_attempts a
WHERE a . quiz = '$quiz->id' AND a . userid = '$attempt->userid'
AND a . attempt = '$prevattempt' AND r . attempt = a . id " );
if ( ! empty ( $prevresponses )) {
break ;
$questionsinuse = $quiz -> questions ; // used if responses must be created
foreach ( $questions as $qid => $question ) {
if ( $questions [ $qid ] -> recentlyadded =
$prevattempt && empty ( $prevresponses [ $qid ])) {
/* No action */
} else if ( $prevattempt && $quiz -> attemptonlast
&& empty ( $rawresponses [ $qid ])) {
/// Store the previous response on this attempt!
$rawresponses [ $qid ] = $prevresponses [ $qid ];
$rawresponses [ $qid ] -> attempt = $attempt -> id ;
$rawresponses [ $qid ] -> id =
insert_record ( " quiz_responses " , $rawresponses [ $qid ])
or error ( " Unable to create attemptonlast response for question $qid " );
/* Extract possible response and its wrapped questions */
if ( ! empty ( $rawresponses [ $qid ])) {
$questions [ $qid ] -> response = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> extract_response ( $rawresponses [ $qid ],
quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ));
/// Catch any additional wrapped questions:
if ( $wrapped = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> wrapped_questions ( $questions [ $question -> id ],
quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ))) {
$questionsinuse .= " , $wrapped " ;
/// Make sure all the questions will have responses:
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
if ( empty ( $question -> response )) {
/// No response on this question
$nameprefix = quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question );
$questions [ $question -> id ] -> response =
$QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> create_response
( $question , $nameprefix , $questionsinuse );
// Saving the newly created response before
// continuing with the quiz...
$responserecord -> attempt = $attempt -> id ;
$responserecord -> question = $question -> id ;
$responserecord -> answer = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> convert_to_response_answer_field
( $questions [ $question -> id ] -> response );
insert_record ( " quiz_responses " , $responserecord )
or error ( " Unable to create initial response for question $question->id " );
/// Catch any additional wrapped questions:
if ( $wrapped = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> wrapped_questions ( $questions [ $question -> id ],
quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ))) {
$questionsinuse .= " , $wrapped " ;
} else {
/// In the case of review, the recentlyadded flag is set true
/// when the question has been added after the attempt and new
/// responses are never created
foreach ( $questions as $qid => $question ) {
if ( $questions [ $qid ] -> recentlyadded = empty ( $rawresponses [ $qid ])) {
/* No action */
} else {
$questions [ $qid ] -> response = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> extract_response ( $rawresponses [ $qid ],
quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ));
return $questions ;
function get_list_of_questions ( $questionlist ) {
/// Returns an ordered list of questions, including course for each
global $CFG ;
return get_records_sql ( " SELECT q.*,c.course
FROM { $CFG -> prefix } quiz_questions q ,
{ $CFG -> prefix } quiz_categories c
WHERE q . id in ( $questionlist )
AND q . category = c . id " );
/// Any other quiz functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with quiz_
function quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question , $prefixstart = 'question' ) {
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
return $prefixstart . $question -> id . $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> name ();
function quiz_extract_posted_id ( $name , $nameprefix = 'question' ) {
if ( ereg ( " ^ $nameprefix ([0-9]+) " , $name , $regs )) {
return $regs [ 1 ];
} else {
return false ;
function quiz_print_comment ( $text ) {
global $THEME ;
echo " <span class= \" feedbacktext \" > " . format_text ( $text , true , false ) . " </span> " ;
function quiz_print_correctanswer ( $text ) {
global $THEME ;
echo " <p align= \" right \" ><span class= \" highlight \" > $text </span></p> " ;
function quiz_print_question_icon ( $question , $editlink = true ) {
// Prints a question icon
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
if ( $editlink ) {
echo " <a href= \" question.php?id= $question->id\ " title = \ " "
. $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> name () . " \" > " ;
echo '<img border="0" height="16" width="16" src="questiontypes/' ;
echo $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> name () . '/icon.gif" alt="' ;
echo get_string ( $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> name (), 'quiz' ) . '" />' ;
if ( $editlink ) {
echo " </a> \n " ;
function quiz_print_possible_question_image ( $quizid , $question ) {
// Includes the question image if there is one
global $CFG ;
if ( $quizid == '' ) {
$quizid = '0' ;
if ( $question -> image ) {
echo '<img border="0" src="' ;
if ( substr ( strtolower ( $question -> image ), 0 , 7 ) == 'http://' ) {
echo $question -> image ;
} else if ( $CFG -> slasharguments ) { // Use this method if possible for better caching
echo " $CFG->wwwroot /mod/quiz/quizfile.php/ $quizid / $question->id / $question->image " ;
} else {
echo " $CFG->wwwroot /mod/quiz/quizfile.php?file=/ $quizid / $question->id / $question->image " ;
echo '" alt="" />' ;
function quiz_navigation_javascript ( $link ) {
return " javascript:navigate( $link ); " ;
function quiz_print_navigation_panel ( $questions , $questionsperpage , $navigation ) {
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
$numberinglayout = array ();
$nextqnumber = 1 ;
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
if ( $qnumberinc = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> actual_number_of_questions ( $question )) {
$numberinglayout [] = $nextqnumber ;
$nextqnumber += $qnumberinc ;
if ( $nextqnumber - $qnumberinc <= $questionsperpage ) {
/// The total number of questions does not exceed the maximum
/// number of allowed questions per page so...
return 0 ;
/// else - Navigation menu will be printed!
/// Determine the layout of the navigation menu
if ( 1 == $questionsperpage ) {
/// The simple case:
$pagelinkagelayout = $pagenavigationlayout = $numberinglayout ;
} else {
/// More complicated:
$pagenavigationlayout = array ();
$pagelinkagelayout = array ( $currentpagestart = 1 );
foreach ( $numberinglayout as $questionnumber ) {
if ( $questionnumber - $currentpagestart >= $questionsperpage ) {
$pagenavigationlayout [] = $currentpagestart
. '-' . ( $questionnumber - 1 );
if ( $currentpagestart < $navigation
&& $navigation < $questionnumber ) {
// $navigation is out of sync so adjust for robustness
$navigation = $currentpagestart ;
$pagelinkagelayout [] = $currentpagestart = $questionnumber ;
$pagenavigationlayout [] = $currentpagestart . '-' . ( $nextqnumber - 1 );
if ( $currentpagestart < $navigation ) {
// $firsquestion is out of sync so adjust it for robustness...
$navigation = $currentpagestart ;
foreach ( $pagelinkagelayout as $key => $link ) {
if ( $link < $navigation ) {
$previouspagelink = $link ;
} else if ( $link == $navigation ) {
$currentnavigationtitle = $pagenavigationlayout [ $key ];
} else {
$endpagelink = $link ;
if ( false == isset ( $nextpagelink )) {
$nextpagelink = $link ;
/// Print the navigation meny
print_simple_box_start ( 'center' , '*' );
echo '<table><tr><td colspan="5" align="center"><table><tr>' ;
foreach ( $pagelinkagelayout as $key => $link ) {
echo '<td align="center"> ' ;
if ( $link != $navigation ) {
echo '<a href="' . quiz_navigation_javascript ( $link ) . '">' ;
echo $pagenavigationlayout [ $key ];
if ( $link != $navigation ) {
echo '</a>' ;
echo ' </td>' ;
echo '</tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left">' ;
if ( isset ( $previouspagelink )) {
echo '<a href="' . quiz_navigation_javascript ( '1' ) . '">|<<<</a></td><td width="20%" align="center" cellpadding="2">' ;
echo '<a href="' . quiz_navigation_javascript ( $previouspagelink ) . '"><<<</a></td>' ;
} else {
echo '</td><td width="20%"></td>' ;
echo '<td width="20%" align="center"><b>' ;
echo $currentnavigationtitle ;
echo '</b></td><td width="20%" align="center" cellpadding="2">' ;
if ( isset ( $nextpagelink )) {
echo '<a href="' ;
echo quiz_navigation_javascript ( $nextpagelink );
echo '">>>></a></td><td width="20%" align="right"><a href="' ;
echo quiz_navigation_javascript ( $endpagelink );
echo '">>>>|</a>' ;
} else {
echo '</td><td width="20%">' ;
echo '</td></tr></table>' ;
print_simple_box_end ();
/// Return the potentially adjusted $navigation
return $navigation ;
function quiz_print_quiz_questions ( $quiz , $questions , $results = NULL ,
$shuffleorder = NULL , $navigation = 0 ) {
// Prints a whole quiz on one page.
if ( $navigation < 0 ) {
$navigation = 0 ; // For robustness
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
/// Check arguments
if ( empty ( $questions )) {
notify ( " No questions have been defined! " );
return false ;
if ( ! $shuffleorder ) {
if ( ! empty ( $quiz -> shufflequestions )) { // Mix everything up
$questions = swapshuffle_assoc ( $questions );
} else {
$shuffleorder = explode ( " , " , $quiz -> questions ); // Use originally defined order
if ( $shuffleorder ) { // Order has been defined, so reorder questions
$oldquestions = $questions ;
$questions = array ();
foreach ( $shuffleorder as $key ) {
$questions [] = $oldquestions [ $key ]; // This loses the index key, but doesn't matter
$strconfirmattempt = addslashes ( get_string ( " readytosend " , " quiz " ));
if ( empty ( $quiz -> grade )) {
$onsubmit = " " ;
} else {
$onsubmit = " onsubmit= \" return confirm(' $strconfirmattempt '); \" " ;
if ( $quiz -> timelimit > 0 ) {
< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
document . write ( " <form name= \" responseform \" method= \" post \" action= \" attempt.php \" <?php print(addslashes( $onsubmit ));?>> \n " );
// -->
</ script >
< noscript >
< center >< p >< strong >< ? php print_string ( " noscript " , " quiz " ); ?> </strong></p></center>
</ noscript >
< ? php
} else {
echo " <form name= \" responseform \" method= \" post \" action= \" attempt.php \" $onsubmit > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" q \" value= \" $quiz->id\ " /> \n " ;
if ( $navigation && $quiz -> questionsperpage ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" id="navigation" name="navigation" value="0" />' ;
$navigation = quiz_print_navigation_panel ( $questions ,
$quiz -> questionsperpage , $navigation );
} else {
$navigation = 0 ;
$nextquestionnumber = 1 ;
$questionorder = array ();
// $readonly determines if it is an attempt or an review,
// The condition used here is unfortunatelly somewhat confusing...
$readonly = ! empty ( $results ) && ! isset ( $results -> attemptbuildsonthelast )
? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '' ;
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
if ( empty ( $question -> qtype )) { // Just for robustness
continue ;
$questionorder [] = $question -> id ;
if ( 0 == $navigation
|| $navigation <= $nextquestionnumber
&& $nextquestionnumber - $navigation < $quiz -> questionsperpage ) {
if ( $results && isset ( $results -> details [ $question -> id ])) {
$details = $results -> details [ $question -> id ];
} else {
$details = false ;
echo " <br /> " ;
print_simple_box_start ( " center " , " 90% " );
$nextquestionnumber = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> print_question
( $nextquestionnumber , $quiz , $question , $readonly , $details );
print_simple_box_end ();
} else {
$nextquestionnumber += $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> actual_number_of_questions ( $question );
if ( $navigation ) {
quiz_print_navigation_panel ( $questions , $quiz -> questionsperpage ,
$navigation );
echo " <br /> " ;
if ( empty ( $readonly )) {
if ( ! empty ( $quiz -> shufflequestions )) { // Things have been mixed up, so pass the question order
$shuffleorder = implode ( ',' , $questionorder );
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" shuffleorder \" value= \" $shuffleorder\ " /> \n " ;
if ( $quiz -> timelimit > 0 ) {
echo " <script language= \" javascript \" type= \" text/javascript \" > \n " ;
echo " <!-- \n " ;
echo " document.write('<center><input type= \" button \" value= \" " . get_string ( " savemyanswers " , " quiz " ) . " \" onclick= \" return send_data(); \" /></center>'); \n " ;
echo " // --> \n " ;
echo " </script> \n " ;
echo " <noscript> \n " ;
echo " <center><strong> " . get_string ( " noscript " , " quiz " ) . " </strong></center> \n " ;
echo " </noscript> \n " ;
} else {
echo " <center> \n <input type= \" submit \" value= \" " . get_string ( " savemyanswers " , " quiz " ) . " \" /> \n </center> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
if ( $navigation && $quiz -> questionsperpage ) {
echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">' ;
echo " function navigate(link) {
document . responseform . navigation . value = link ;
document . responseform . submit ();
</ script > " ;
return true ;
function quiz_get_default_category ( $courseid ) {
/// Returns the current category
if ( $categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , " course = ' $courseid ' AND parent = '0' " , " id " )) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
return $category ; // Return the first one (lowest id)
// Otherwise, we need to make one
$category -> name = get_string ( " default " , " quiz " );
$category -> info = get_string ( " defaultinfo " , " quiz " );
$category -> course = $courseid ;
$category -> parent = 0 ;
$category -> sortorder = QUIZ_CATEGORIES_SORTORDER ;
$category -> publish = 0 ;
$category -> stamp = make_unique_id_code ();
if ( ! $category -> id = insert_record ( " quiz_categories " , $category )) {
notify ( " Error creating a default category! " );
return false ;
return $category ;
function quiz_get_category_menu ( $courseid , $published = false ) {
/// Returns the list of categories
$publish = " " ;
if ( $published ) {
$publish = " OR publish = '1' " ;
if ( ! isadmin ()) {
$categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , " course = ' $courseid ' $publish " , 'parent, sortorder, name ASC' );
} else {
$categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , '' , 'parent, sortorder, name ASC' );
if ( ! $categories ) {
return false ;
$categories = add_indented_names ( $categories );
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( $catcourse = get_record ( " course " , " id " , $category -> course )) {
if ( $category -> publish && ( $category -> course != $courseid )) {
$category -> indentedname .= " ( $catcourse->shortname ) " ;
$catmenu [ $category -> id ] = $category -> indentedname ;
return $catmenu ;
function quiz_print_category_form ( $course , $current , $recurse = 1 ) {
/// Prints a form to choose categories
/// Make sure the default category exists for this course
if ( ! $categories = get_records ( " quiz_categories " , " course " , $course -> id , " id ASC " )) {
if ( ! $category = quiz_get_default_category ( $course -> id )) {
notify ( " Error creating a default category! " );
/// Get all the existing categories now
if ( ! $categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , " course = ' { $course -> id } ' OR publish = '1' " , " parent, sortorder, name ASC " )) {
notify ( " Could not find any question categories! " );
return false ; // Something is really wrong
$categories = add_indented_names ( $categories );
foreach ( $categories as $key => $category ) {
if ( $catcourse = get_record ( " course " , " id " , $category -> course )) {
if ( $category -> publish && $category -> course != $course -> id ) {
$category -> indentedname .= " ( $catcourse->shortname ) " ;
$catmenu [ $category -> id ] = $category -> indentedname ;
$strcategory = get_string ( " category " , " quiz " );
$strshow = get_string ( " show " , " quiz " );
$streditcats = get_string ( " editcategories " , " quiz " );
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td width= \" 20 \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > " ;
echo " <b> $strcategory :</b> " ;
echo " </td><td> " ;
popup_form ( " edit.php?cat= " , $catmenu , " catmenu " , $current , " " , " " , " " , false , " self " );
echo " </td><td align= \" right \" > " ;
echo " <form method= \" get \" action= \" category.php \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" id \" value= \" $course->id\ " /> " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" value= \" $streditcats\ " /> " ;
echo " </form> " ;
echo '</td></tr></table>' ;
echo '<form method="get" action="edit.php" name="recurse">' ;
print_string ( 'recurse' , 'quiz' );
echo '<input type="hidden" name="recurse" value="0">' ;
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="recurse" value="1"' ;
if ( $recurse ) {
echo ' checked="checked"' ;
echo ' onclick="document.recurse.submit(); return true;">' ;
echo '</form>' ;
function add_indented_names ( & $categories , $id = 0 , $indent = 0 ) {
// returns the categories with their names indented to show parent-child relationships
$fillstr = ' ' ;
$fill = str_repeat ( $fillstr , $indent );
$children = array ();
$keys = array_keys ( $categories );
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( ! isset ( $categories [ $key ] -> processed ) && $categories [ $key ] -> parent == $id ) {
$children [ $key ] = $categories [ $key ];
$children [ $key ] -> indentedname = $fill . $children [ $key ] -> name ;
$categories [ $key ] -> processed = true ;
$children = $children + add_indented_names ( $categories , $children [ $key ] -> id , $indent + 1 );
return $children ;
function quiz_category_select_menu ( $courseid , $published = false , $only_editable = false , $selected = " " ) {
/// displays a select menu of categories with appended coursenames
/// optionaly non editable categories may be excluded
/// added Howard Miller June '04
// get sql fragment for published
$publishsql = " " ;
if ( $published ) {
$publishsql = " or publish=1 " ;
if ( ! isadmin ()) {
$categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , " course= $courseid $publishsql " , 'parent, sortorder, name ASC' );
} else {
$categories = get_records_select ( " quiz_categories " , '' , 'parent, sortorder, name ASC' );
$categories = add_indented_names ( $categories );
echo " <select name= \" category \" > \n " ;
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$cid = $category -> id ;
$cname = quiz_get_category_coursename ( $category , $courseid );
$seltxt = " " ;
if ( $cid == $selected ) {
$seltxt = " selected= \" selected \" " ;
if (( ! $only_editable ) || isteacheredit ( $category -> course )) {
echo " <option value= \" $cid\ " $seltxt > $cname </ option > \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
function quiz_get_category_coursename ( $category , $courseid = 0 ) {
/// if the category is not from this course and is published , adds on the course
/// name
$cname = ( isset ( $category -> indentedname )) ? $category -> indentedname : $category -> name ;
if ( $category -> course != $courseid && $category -> publish ) {
if ( $catcourse = get_record ( " course " , " id " , $category -> course )) {
$cname .= " ( $catcourse->shortname ) " ;
return $cname ;
function quiz_get_all_question_grades ( $questionlist , $quizid ) {
// Given a list of question IDs, finds grades or invents them to
// create an array of matching grades
if ( empty ( $questionlist )) {
return array ();
$questions = quiz_get_question_grades ( $quizid , $questionlist );
$list = explode ( " , " , $questionlist );
$grades = array ();
foreach ( $list as $qid ) {
if ( isset ( $questions [ $qid ])) {
$grades [ $qid ] = $questions [ $qid ] -> grade ;
} else {
$grades [ $qid ] = 1 ;
return $grades ;
function quiz_gradesmenu_options ( $defaultgrade ) {
// Especially for multianswer questions it is often
// desirable to have the grade of the question in a quiz
// larger than the earlier maximum of 10 points.
// This function makes quiz question list grade selector drop-down
// have the maximum grade option set to the highest value between 10
// and the defaultgrade of the question.
if ( $defaultgrade && $defaultgrade > 10 ) {
$maxgrade = $defaultgrade ;
} else {
$maxgrade = 10 ;
unset ( $gradesmenu );
for ( $i = $maxgrade ; $i >= 0 ; -- $i ) {
$gradesmenu [ $i ] = $i ;
return $gradesmenu ;
function quiz_print_question_list ( $questionlist , $grades ) {
// Prints a list of quiz questions in a small layout form with knobs
// returns sum of maximum grades
// $questionlist is comma-separated list
// $grades is an array of corresponding grades
global $THEME ;
if ( ! $questionlist ) {
echo " <p align= \" center \" > " ;
print_string ( " noquestions " , " quiz " );
echo " </p> " ;
return ;
$order = explode ( " , " , $questionlist );
if ( ! $questions = get_list_of_questions ( $questionlist )) {
echo " <p align= \" center \" > " ;
print_string ( " noquestions " , " quiz " );
echo " </p> " ;
return ;
$strorder = get_string ( " order " );
$strquestionname = get_string ( " questionname " , " quiz " );
$strgrade = get_string ( " grade " );
$strdelete = get_string ( " delete " );
$stredit = get_string ( " edit " );
$strmoveup = get_string ( " moveup " );
$strmovedown = get_string ( " movedown " );
$strsavegrades = get_string ( " savegrades " , " quiz " );
$strtype = get_string ( " type " , " quiz " );
$strpreview = get_string ( " preview " , " quiz " );
$count = 0 ;
$sumgrade = 0 ;
$total = count ( $order );
echo " <form method= \" post \" action= \" edit.php \" > " ;
echo " <table border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 5 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" width= \" 100% \" > \n " ;
echo " <tr><th width= \" * \" colspan= \" 3 \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strorder </th><th align= \" left \" width= \" 100% \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strquestionname </th><th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strtype </th><th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strgrade </th><th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $stredit </th></tr> \n " ;
foreach ( $order as $qnum ) {
if ( empty ( $questions [ $qnum ])) {
continue ;
$question = $questions [ $qnum ];
$canedit = isteacheredit ( $question -> course );
$count ++ ;
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" $THEME->cellcontent\ " > " ;
echo " <td> $count </td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
if ( $count != 1 ) {
echo " <a title= \" $strmoveup\ " href = \ " edit.php?up= $qnum\ " >< img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/up.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strmoveup\ " /></ a > " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
if ( $count != $total ) {
echo " <a title= \" $strmovedown\ " href = \ " edit.php?down= $qnum\ " >< img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/down.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strmovedown\ " /></ a > " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td> $question->name </td> " ;
echo " <td align= \" center \" > " ;
quiz_print_question_icon ( $question , $canedit );
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " ;
if ( $question -> qtype == DESCRIPTION ) {
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" q $qnum\ " value = \ " 0 \" /> \n " ;
} else {
choose_from_menu ( quiz_gradesmenu_options ( $question -> defaultgrade ),
" q $qnum " , ( string ) $grades [ $qnum ], " " );
echo " <td> " ;
echo " <a title= \" $strdelete\ " href = \ " edit.php?delete= $qnum\ " >< img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/delete.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strdelete\ " /></ a >& nbsp ; " ;
echo " <a title= \" $strpreview\ " href = \ " # \" onClick= \" openpopup('/mod/quiz/preview.php?id= $qnum ',' $strpreview ','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=700,height=480', false) \" ><img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/preview.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strpreview\ " /></ a >& nbsp ; " ;
if ( $canedit ) {
echo " <a title= \" $stredit\ " href = \ " question.php?id= $qnum\ " >< img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/edit.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $stredit\ " /></ a > \n " ;
echo " </td> " ;
$sumgrade += $grades [ $qnum ];
echo " <tr><td colspan= \" 5 \" align= \" right \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" value= \" $strsavegrades : \" /> \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" setgrades \" value= \" save \" /> \n " ;
echo " <td align= \" left \" bgcolor= \" $THEME->cellcontent\ " > \n " ;
echo " <b> $sumgrade </b> " ;
echo " </td><td> \n </td></tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
return $sumgrade ;
function quiz_print_cat_question_list ( $categoryid , $quizselected = true , $recurse = 1 , $page , $perpage ) {
// Prints the table of questions in a category with interactions
$strcategory = get_string ( " category " , " quiz " );
$strquestion = get_string ( " question " , " quiz " );
$straddquestions = get_string ( " addquestions " , " quiz " );
$strimportquestions = get_string ( " importquestions " , " quiz " );
$strexportquestions = get_string ( " exportquestions " , " quiz " );
$strnoquestions = get_string ( " noquestions " , " quiz " );
$strselect = get_string ( " select " , " quiz " );
$strselectall = get_string ( " selectall " , " quiz " );
$strcreatenewquestion = get_string ( " createnewquestion " , " quiz " );
$strquestionname = get_string ( " questionname " , " quiz " );
$strdelete = get_string ( " delete " );
$stredit = get_string ( " edit " );
2005-01-19 09:50:33 +00:00
$strcopy = get_string ( " copy " );
2005-01-08 20:06:00 +00:00
$straddselectedtoquiz = get_string ( " addselectedtoquiz " , " quiz " );
$strtype = get_string ( " type " , " quiz " );
$strcreatemultiple = get_string ( " createmultiple " , " quiz " );
$strpreview = get_string ( " preview " , " quiz " );
if ( ! $categoryid ) {
echo " <p align= \" center \" ><b> " ;
print_string ( " selectcategoryabove " , " quiz " );
echo " </b></p> " ;
if ( $quizselected ) {
echo " <p> " ;
print_string ( " addingquestions " , " quiz " );
echo " </p> " ;
return ;
if ( ! $category = get_record ( " quiz_categories " , " id " , " $categoryid " )) {
notify ( " Category not found! " );
return ;
echo " <center> " ;
echo format_text ( $category -> info , FORMAT_MOODLE );
echo '<table><tr>' ;
// check if editing of this category is allowed
if ( isteacheredit ( $category -> course )) {
echo " <td valign= \" top \" ><b> $strcreatenewquestion :</b></td> " ;
echo '<td valign="top" align="right">' ;
popup_form ( " question.php?category= $category->id &qtype= " , $QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE , " addquestion " ,
" " , " choose " , " " , " " , false , " self " );
echo '<td width="10" valign="top" align="right">' ;
helpbutton ( " questiontypes " , $strcreatenewquestion , " quiz " );
echo '</td></tr>' ;
else {
echo '<tr><td>' ;
print_string ( " publishedit " , " quiz " );
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td colspan="3" align="right"><font size="2">' ;
if ( isteacheredit ( $category -> course )) {
echo '<a href="import.php?category=' . $category -> id . '">' . $strimportquestions . '</a>' ;
helpbutton ( " import " , $strimportquestions , " quiz " );
echo ' | ' ;
echo '<a href="export.php?category=' . $category -> id . '">' . $strexportquestions . '</a>' ;
helpbutton ( " export " , $strexportquestions , " quiz " );
echo '</font></td></tr>' ;
echo '</table>' ;
echo '</center>' ;
$categorylist = ( $recurse ) ? quiz_categorylist ( $category -> id ) : $category -> id ;
if ( ! $questions = get_records_select ( 'quiz_questions' , " category IN ( $categorylist ) AND qtype != ' " . RANDOM . " ' " , 'qtype, name ASC' , '*' , $page * $perpage , $perpage )) {
echo " <p align= \" center \" > " ;
print_string ( " noquestions " , " quiz " );
echo " </p> " ;
return ;
$canedit = isteacheredit ( $category -> course );
echo " <form method= \" post \" action= \" edit.php \" > " ;
echo " <table border= \" 0 \" cellpadding= \" 5 \" cellspacing= \" 2 \" width= \" 100% \" > " ;
echo " <tr> " ;
if ( $quizselected ) {
echo " <th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strselect </th> " ;
echo " <th width= \" 100% \" align= \" left \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strquestionname </th><th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $strtype </th> " ;
if ( $canedit ) {
echo " <th width= \" * \" nowrap= \" nowrap \" > $stredit </th> " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
if ( $question -> qtype == RANDOM ) {
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" $THEME->cellcontent\ " > \n " ;
if ( $quizselected ) {
echo " <td align= \" center \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" checkbox \" name= \" q $question->id\ " value = \ " 1 \" /> \n " ;
echo " </td> " ;
echo " <td> " . $question -> name . " </td> \n " ;
echo " <td align= \" center \" > \n " ;
quiz_print_question_icon ( $question , $canedit );
echo " </td> \n " ;
if ( $canedit ) {
echo " <td> \n " ;
echo " <a title= \" $strdelete\ " href = \ " question.php?id= $question->id &delete= $question->id\ " > \n < img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/delete.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strdelete\ " /></ a >& nbsp ; " ;
echo " <a title= \" $strpreview\ " href = \ " # \" onClick= \" openpopup('/mod/quiz/preview.php?id= $question->id ',' $strpreview ','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=700,height=480', false) \" ><img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/preview.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strpreview\ " /></ a >& nbsp ; " ;
echo " <a title= \" $stredit\ " href = \ " question.php?id= $question->id\ " >< img
2005-01-19 09:50:33 +00:00
src = \ " ../../pix/t/edit.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $stredit\ " /></ a >& nbsp ; " ;
echo " <a title= \" $strcopy\ " href = \ " question.php?id= $question->id &copy=true \" ><img
src = \ " ../../pix/t/copy.gif \" border= \" 0 \" alt= \" $strcopy\ " /></ a > " ;
2005-01-08 20:06:00 +00:00
echo " </td> \n " ;
echo " </tr> \n " ;
$numquestions = count_records_select ( 'quiz_questions' , " category IN ( $categorylist ) AND qtype != ' " . RANDOM . " ' " );
echo '<tr><td colspan="3">' ;
print_paging_bar ( $numquestions , $page , $perpage ,
" edit.php?perpage= $perpage & " );
echo '</td></tr>' ;
if ( $quizselected ) {
echo " <tr> \n <td colspan= \" 3 \" > " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" add \" value= \" << $straddselectedtoquiz\ " /> \n " ;
//echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\" value=\"XX Delete selected\">";
echo " <input type= \" button \" onclick= \" checkall() \" value= \" $strselectall\ " /> \n " ;
echo " </td></tr> " ;
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
if ( $quizselected and isteacheredit ( $category -> course )) {
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 10 ; $i ++ ) {
$randomcount [ $i ] = $i ;
echo '<form method="post" action="multiple.php">' ;
print_string ( 'addrandom1' , 'quiz' );
choose_from_menu ( $randomcount , 'randomcreate' , '10' , '' );
print_string ( 'addrandom2' , 'quiz' );
// Don't offer the option to change the grade
//choose_from_menu($randomcount, 'randomgrade', '1', '');
echo '<input type="hidden" name="randomgrade" value="1" />' ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="recurse" value="' . $recurse . '" />' ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" category \" value= \" $category->id\ " /> " ;
echo ' <input type="submit" name="save" value="' . get_string ( 'add' ) . '" />' ;
helpbutton ( 'random' , get_string ( 'random' , 'quiz' ), 'quiz' );
echo '</form>' ;
function quiz_start_attempt ( $quizid , $userid , $numattempt ) {
$attempt -> quiz = $quizid ;
$attempt -> userid = $userid ;
$attempt -> attempt = $numattempt ;
$attempt -> timestart = time ();
$attempt -> timefinish = 0 ;
$attempt -> timemodified = time ();
$attempt -> id = insert_record ( " quiz_attempts " , $attempt );
return $attempt ;
function quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished ( $quizid , $userid ) {
// Returns an object containing an unfinished attempt (if there is one)
return get_record ( " quiz_attempts " , " quiz " , $quizid , " userid " , $userid , " timefinish " , 0 );
function quiz_get_user_attempts ( $quizid , $userid ) {
// Returns a list of all attempts by a user
return get_records_select ( " quiz_attempts " , " quiz = ' $quizid ' AND userid = ' $userid ' AND timefinish > 0 " ,
" attempt ASC " );
function quiz_get_user_attempts_string ( $quiz , $attempts , $bestgrade ) {
/// Returns a simple little comma-separated list of all attempts,
/// with each grade linked to the feedback report and with the best grade highlighted
$bestgrade = format_float ( $bestgrade );
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
$attemptgrade = format_float (( $attempt -> sumgrades / $quiz -> sumgrades ) * $quiz -> grade );
if ( $attemptgrade == $bestgrade ) {
$userattempts [] = " <span class= \" highlight \" ><a href= \" review.php?q= $quiz->id &attempt= $attempt->id\ " > $attemptgrade </ a ></ span > " ;
} else {
$userattempts [] = " <a href= \" review.php?q= $quiz->id &attempt= $attempt->id\ " > $attemptgrade </ a > " ;
return implode ( " , " , $userattempts );
function quiz_get_best_grade ( $quizid , $userid ) {
/// Get the best current grade for a particular user in a quiz
if ( ! $grade = get_record ( " quiz_grades " , " quiz " , $quizid , " userid " , $userid )) {
return " " ;
return ( round ( $grade -> grade , 0 ));
function quiz_save_best_grade ( $quiz , $userid ) {
/// Calculates the best grade out of all attempts at a quiz for a user,
/// and then saves that grade in the quiz_grades table.
if ( ! $attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts ( $quiz -> id , $userid )) {
notify ( " Could not find any user attempts " );
return false ;
$bestgrade = quiz_calculate_best_grade ( $quiz , $attempts );
$bestgrade = (( $bestgrade / $quiz -> sumgrades ) * $quiz -> grade );
if ( $grade = get_record ( " quiz_grades " , " quiz " , $quiz -> id , " userid " , $userid )) {
$grade -> grade = round ( $bestgrade , 2 );
$grade -> timemodified = time ();
if ( ! update_record ( " quiz_grades " , $grade )) {
notify ( " Could not update best grade " );
return false ;
} else {
$grade -> quiz = $quiz -> id ;
$grade -> userid = $userid ;
$grade -> grade = round ( $bestgrade , 2 );
$grade -> timemodified = time ();
if ( ! insert_record ( " quiz_grades " , $grade )) {
notify ( " Could not insert new best grade " );
return false ;
return true ;
function quiz_calculate_best_grade ( $quiz , $attempts ) {
/// Calculate the best grade for a quiz given a number of attempts by a particular user.
switch ( $quiz -> grademethod ) {
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
return $attempt -> sumgrades ;
break ;
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
$final = $attempt -> sumgrades ;
return $final ;
$sum = 0 ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
$sum += $attempt -> sumgrades ;
$count ++ ;
return ( float ) $sum / $count ;
default :
$max = 0 ;
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
if ( $attempt -> sumgrades > $max ) {
$max = $attempt -> sumgrades ;
return $max ;
function quiz_calculate_best_attempt ( $quiz , $attempts ) {
/// Return the attempt with the best grade for a quiz
switch ( $quiz -> grademethod ) {
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
return $attempt ;
break ;
case GRADEAVERAGE : // need to do something with it :-)
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
$final = $attempt ;
return $final ;
default :
$max = - 1 ;
foreach ( $attempts as $attempt ) {
if ( $attempt -> sumgrades > $max ) {
$max = $attempt -> sumgrades ;
$maxattempt = $attempt ;
return $maxattempt ;
function quiz_save_attempt ( $quiz , $questions , $result ,
$attemptnum , $finished = true ) {
/// Given a quiz, a list of attempted questions and a total grade
/// this function saves EVERYTHING so it can be reconstructed later
/// if necessary.
global $USER ;
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
// First find the attempt in the database (start of attempt)
if ( ! $attempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished ( $quiz -> id , $USER -> id )) {
notify ( " Trying to save an attempt that was not started! " );
return false ;
// Not usually necessary, but there's some sort of very rare glitch
// I've seen where the number wasn't already the same. In these cases
// We upgrade the database to match the attemptnum we calculated
$attempt -> attempt = $attemptnum ;
// Now let's complete this record and save it
$attempt -> sumgrades = $result -> sumgrades ;
if ( $finished ) {
$attempt -> timefinish = time ();
$attempt -> timemodified = time ();
if ( ! update_record ( " quiz_attempts " , $attempt )) {
notify ( " Error while saving attempt " );
return false ;
// Now let's save all the questions for this attempt
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
// Fetch the response record for this question...
$response = get_record ( 'quiz_responses' ,
'attempt' , $attempt -> id , 'question' , $question -> id );
$response -> grade = $result -> details [ $question -> id ] -> grade ;
if ( ! empty ( $question -> response )) {
$responseanswerfield = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ]
-> convert_to_response_answer_field ( $question -> response );
$response -> answer = $responseanswerfield ;
} else if ( ! isset ( $response -> answer )) {
$response -> answer = '' ;
if ( ! update_record ( " quiz_responses " , $response )) {
notify ( " Error while saving response " );
return false ;
return $attempt ;
function quiz_extract_correctanswers ( $answers , $nameprefix ) {
/// Convinience function that is used by some single-response
/// question-types for determining correct answers.
$bestanswerfraction = 0.0 ;
$correctanswers = array ();
foreach ( $answers as $answer ) {
if ( $answer -> fraction > $bestanswerfraction ) {
$correctanswers = array ( $nameprefix . $answer -> id => $answer );
$bestanswerfraction = $answer -> fraction ;
} else if ( $answer -> fraction == $bestanswerfraction ) {
$correctanswers [ $nameprefix . $answer -> id ] = $answer ;
return $correctanswers ;
function quiz_grade_responses ( $quiz , $questions , $attemptid = 0 ) {
/// Given a list of questions (including ->response[] and ->maxgrade
/// on each question) this function does all the hard work of calculating the
/// score for each question, as well as a total grade for
/// the whole quiz. It returns everything in a structure
/// that lookas like this
/// ->sumgrades (sum of all grades for all questions)
/// ->grade (final grade result for the whole quiz)
/// ->percentage (Percentage of the max grade achieved)
/// ->details[]
/// The array ->details[] is indexed like the $questions argument
/// and contains scoring information per question. Each element has
/// this structure:
/// []->grade (Grade awarded on the specific question)
/// []->answers[] (result answer records for the question response(s))
/// []->correctanswers[] (answer records if question response(s) had been correct)
/// - HOWEVER, ->answers[] and ->correctanswers[] are supplied only
/// if there is a response on the question...
/// The array ->answers[] is indexed like ->response[] on its corresponding
/// element in $questions. It is the case for ->correctanswers[] when
/// there can be multiple responses per question but if there can be only one
/// response per question then all possible correctanswers will be
/// represented, indexed like the response index concatenated with the ->id
/// of its answer record.
global $QUIZ_QTYPES ;
if ( ! $questions ) {
error ( " No questions! " );
$result -> sumgrades = 0.0 ;
foreach ( $questions as $qid => $question ) {
if ( ! isset ( $question -> response ) && $attemptid ) {
/// No response on the question
/// This case is common if the quiz shows a limited
/// number of questions per page.
$response = get_record ( 'quiz_responses' , 'attempt' ,
$attemptid , 'question' , $qid );
$resultdetails -> grade = $response -> grade ;
} else if ( empty ( $question -> qtype )) {
continue ;
} else {
$resultdetails = $QUIZ_QTYPES [ $question -> qtype ] -> grade_response
( $question , quiz_qtype_nameprefix ( $question ));
// Negative grades will not do:
if ((( float )( $resultdetails -> grade )) <= 0.0 ) {
$resultdetails -> grade = 0.0 ;
// Neither will extra credit:
} else if ((( float )( $resultdetails -> grade )) >= 1.0 ) {
$resultdetails -> grade = $question -> maxgrade ;
} else {
$resultdetails -> grade *= $question -> maxgrade ;
// if time limit is enabled and exceeded, return zero grades
if ( $quiz -> timelimit > 0 ) {
if (( $quiz -> timelimit + 60 ) <= $quiz -> timesincestart ) {
$resultdetails -> grade = 0 ;
$result -> sumgrades += $resultdetails -> grade ;
$resultdetails -> grade = round ( $resultdetails -> grade , 2 );
$result -> details [ $qid ] = $resultdetails ;
$fraction = ( float )( $result -> sumgrades / $quiz -> sumgrades );
$result -> percentage = format_float ( $fraction * 100.0 );
$result -> grade = format_float ( $fraction * $quiz -> grade );
$result -> sumgrades = round ( $result -> sumgrades , 2 );
return $result ;
// this function creates default export filename
function default_export_filename ( $course , $category ) {
//Take off some characters in the filename !!
$takeoff = array ( " " , " : " , " / " , " \\ " , " | " );
$export_word = str_replace ( $takeoff , " _ " , strtolower ( get_string ( " exportfilename " , " quiz " )));
//If non-translated, use "export"
if ( substr ( $export_word , 0 , 1 ) == " [ " ) {
$export_word = " export " ;
//Calculate the date format string
$export_date_format = str_replace ( " " , " _ " , get_string ( " exportnameformat " , " quiz " ));
//If non-translated, use "%Y%m%d-%H%M"
if ( substr ( $export_date_format , 0 , 1 ) == " [ " ) {
$export_date_format = " %%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M " ;
//Calculate the shortname
$export_shortname = clean_filename ( $course -> shortname );
if ( empty ( $export_shortname ) or $export_shortname == '_' ) {
$export_shortname = $course -> id ;
//Calculate the category name
$export_categoryname = clean_filename ( $category -> name );
//Calculate the final export filename
//The export word
$export_name = $export_word . " - " ;
//The shortname
$export_name .= strtolower ( $export_shortname ) . " - " ;
//The category name
$export_name .= strtolower ( $export_categoryname ) . " - " ;
//The date format
$export_name .= userdate ( time (), $export_date_format , 99 , false );
//The extension - no extension, supplied by format
// $export_name .= ".txt";
return $export_name ;
// function to read all questions for category into big array
// added by Howard Miller June 2004
function get_questions_category ( $category ) {
// questions will be added to an array
$qresults = array ();
// get the list of questions for the category
if ( $questions = get_records ( " quiz_questions " , " category " , $category -> id )) {
// iterate through questions, getting stuff we need
foreach ( $questions as $question ) {
$new_question = get_question_data ( $question );
$qresults [] = $new_question ;
return $qresults ;
// function to read single question, parameter is object view of
// quiz_categories record, results is a combined object
// defined as follows...
// ->id quiz_questions id
// ->category category
// ->name q name
// ->questiontext
// ->image
// ->qtype see defines at the top of this file
// ->stamp not too sure
// ->version not sure
// ->usecase
// ->answers array of answers
// ->trueanswer truefalse answer
// ->falseanswer truefalse answer
// ->layout
// ->single many or just one correct answer
// ->answers array of answer objects
// ----NUMERIC
// ->min minimum answer span
// ->max maximum answer span
// ->answer single answer
// ----MATCH
// ->subquestions array of sub questions
// ---->questiontext
// ---->answertext
function get_question_data ( $question ) {
// what to do next depends of question type (qtype)
switch ( $question -> qtype ) {
$shortanswer = get_record ( " quiz_shortanswer " , " question " , $question -> id );
$question -> usecase = $shortanswer -> usecase ;
$question -> answers = get_exp_answers ( $question -> id );
break ;
if ( ! $truefalse = get_record ( " quiz_truefalse " , " question " , $question -> id )) {
error ( " quiz_truefalse record $question->id not found " );
$question -> trueanswer = get_exp_answer ( $truefalse -> trueanswer );
$question -> falseanswer = get_exp_answer ( $truefalse -> falseanswer );
break ;
if ( ! $multichoice = get_record ( " quiz_multichoice " , " question " , $question -> id )) {
error ( " quiz_multichoice $question->id not found " );
$question -> layout = $multichoice -> layout ;
$question -> single = $multichoice -> single ;
$question -> answers = get_exp_answers ( $multichoice -> question );
break ;
if ( ! $numeric = get_record ( " quiz_numerical " , " question " , $question -> id )) {
error ( " quiz_numerical $question->id not found " );
$question -> min = $numeric -> min ;
$question -> max = $numeric -> max ;
$question -> answer = get_exp_answer ( $numeric -> answer );
break ;
case MATCH :
if ( ! $subquestions = get_records ( " quiz_match_sub " , " question " , $question -> id )) {
error ( " quiz_match_sub $question->id not found " );
$question -> subquestions = $subquestions ;
break ;
// nothing to do
break ;
// nothing to do
break ;
default :
notify ( " No handler for question type $question->qtype in get_question " );
return $question ;
// function to return single answer
// ->id answer id
// ->question question number
// ->answer
// ->fraction
// ->feedback
function get_exp_answer ( $id ) {
if ( ! $answer = get_record ( " quiz_answers " , " id " , $id )) {
error ( " quiz_answers record $id not found " );
return $answer ;
// function to return array of answers for export
function get_exp_answers ( $question_num ) {
if ( ! $answers = get_records ( " quiz_answers " , " question " , $question_num )) {
error ( " quiz_answers question $question_num not found " );
return $answers ;
function quiz_categorylist ( $categoryid ) {
// returns a comma separated list of ids of the category and all subcategories
$categorylist = $categoryid ;
if ( $subcategories = get_records ( 'quiz_categories' , 'parent' , $categoryid , 'sortorder ASC' , 'id, id' )) {
foreach ( $subcategories as $subcategory ) {
$categorylist .= ',' . quiz_categorylist ( $subcategory -> id );
return $categorylist ;