2009-07-07 02:26:36 +00:00
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2009-11-01 12:11:29 +00:00
// Exports selected outcomes in CSV format.
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
require_once '../../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/lib.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php';
$courseid = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
/// Make sure they can even access this course
if ($courseid) {
2008-06-02 16:06:33 +00:00
if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
require_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context);
if (empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) {
} else {
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php';
2010-09-17 18:47:04 +00:00
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
// $outcome = grade_outcome::fetch(array('id'=>$outcomeid));
$systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8");
2008-06-02 16:06:33 +00:00
// TODO: make the filename more useful, include a date, a specific name, something...
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=outcomes.csv');
// sending header with clear names, to make 'what is what' as easy as possible to understand
$header = array('outcome_name', 'outcome_shortname', 'outcome_description', 'scale_name', 'scale_items', 'scale_description');
echo format_csv($header, ';', '"');
2008-02-26 07:30:34 +00:00
$outcomes = array();
if ( $courseid ) {
$outcomes = array_merge(grade_outcome::fetch_all_global(), grade_outcome::fetch_all_local($courseid));
2008-06-02 16:06:33 +00:00
} else {
2008-02-26 07:30:34 +00:00
$outcomes = grade_outcome::fetch_all_global();
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
2008-02-26 07:30:34 +00:00
foreach($outcomes as $outcome) {
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
$line = array();
$line[] = $outcome->get_name();
$line[] = $outcome->get_shortname();
2009-11-04 06:14:06 +00:00
$line[] = $outcome->get_description();
2008-06-02 16:06:33 +00:00
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
$scale = $outcome->load_scale();
$line[] = $scale->get_name();
$line[] = $scale->compact_items();
2009-11-04 06:14:06 +00:00
$line[] = $scale->get_description();
2008-06-02 16:06:33 +00:00
2008-02-05 08:42:34 +00:00
echo format_csv($line, ';', '"');
* Formats and returns a line of data, in CSV format. This code
* is from http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.fputcsv.php#77866
* @params array-of-string $fields data to be exported
* @params char $delimiter char to be used to separate fields
* @params char $enclosure char used to enclose strings that contains newlines, spaces, tabs or the delimiter char itself
* @returns string one line of csv data
function format_csv($fields = array(), $delimiter = ';', $enclosure = '"') {
$str = '';
$escape_char = '\\';
foreach ($fields as $value) {
if (strpos($value, $delimiter) !== false ||
strpos($value, $enclosure) !== false ||
strpos($value, "\n") !== false ||
strpos($value, "\r") !== false ||
strpos($value, "\t") !== false ||
strpos($value, ' ') !== false) {
$str2 = $enclosure;
$escaped = 0;
$len = strlen($value);
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {
if ($value[$i] == $escape_char) {
$escaped = 1;
} else if (!$escaped && $value[$i] == $enclosure) {
$str2 .= $enclosure;
} else {
$escaped = 0;
$str2 .= $value[$i];
$str2 .= $enclosure;
$str .= $str2.$delimiter;
} else {
$str .= $value.$delimiter;
$str = substr($str,0,-1);
$str .= "\n";
return $str;